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1 Adrianna Suazo

Cellular Biology 131-2

Lab #3

DATE: 9/21/2023

TITLE: Making Biological Drawings of Animal and Plant Cells (DRAWING)

OBJECTIVE: To be able to label the structures of the plant and animal cell seen under the

microscope and calculate the magnification of both.


• Typing sheet

• Compass

• Pencil

• Microscope

• Plant Cells Slide

• Animal Cells Slide

• Camera

• Ruler


1. A microscope was obtained and placed on the lab table.

2. The microscope was then cleaned up and set up.

3. A slide of a plant cell was retrieved, cleaned, and placed in between the slide clips.

4. The plant cell was then viewed at the highest power.

5. What was observed was then drawn onto a typing sheet within a 10cm diameter.
2 Adrianna Suazo
Cellular Biology 131-2
6. A slide of animal cell was then retrieved after the plant cell well was being inspected and

drawn out.

7. The animal cell was viewed under the microscope at the highest power.

8. What was observed was then drawn onto a typing sheet within a 10cm diameter.

9. Both the plant and animal cell organelles were then labeled and the magnification for

both drawings were calculated.

3 Adrianna Suazo
Cellular Biology 131-2

The similarities and differences between the plant and animal cell in which the experimenter

discovered are plant and animal cell have a nucleus, a cell membrane, cytoplasm, mitochondria,

cytoskeleton, ribosomes, Endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes, Golgi apparatus and vacuole(s).

The differences between the two cells are the cell wall, shape, chloroplast, centrioles, and the

size difference between the vacuoles. The observed specimens are not the same in types and

shapes. There were more rectangular box-like cells in plant cells while the animal cells were

slightly showing round, spherical shapes. Both cells showed different colors under the

microscope (Orange and Pink). The organelles which were largely viewed under the microscope

were the nucleus, cell wall, cell membrane and cytoplasm. With further research done by the

researcher, the actual size of plant cell (onion root tip) is 75 micrometers and as for the animal

cell (human glandular epithelium) is 25 micrometers. Both actual measurements were then

converted to centimeters and dived by the Image size. Based on the experimenter’s measurement,

the plant cell was measured at 1.5 centimeters with a calculated estimation of 200x

magnification. The animal cell was measured at 1.3 centimeters with a calculated estimation of

520x magnification.

The experimenter had a hard time finding both cells, specifically that animal cell which took up

some time. There were only little spots of pink from the specimen that were visible and no sight

of organelles. Due to the experimenter being absentminded, the plant cell labeling was done in

pen instead of pencil.

4 Adrianna Suazo
Cellular Biology 131-2


The microscope ocular lens (eyepiece designed to look through to see specimens on the slide)

was showing parts of the specimen a bit blurry even though it was properly cleaned with slide

paper and lens cleaning solution.


The plant and animal were inspected under a microscope at the highest power by the

experimenter. The process was a bit difficult, and the duration of the drawings, calculations and

research was long. The experimenter was expecting a smoother process, but it turned out to be

the opposite of what was anticipated. Before doing any labs, the experimenter would advise to

read the rubric and procedures carefully before attempting to carry out the tasks.
5 Adrianna Suazo
Cellular Biology 131-2

REFERENCES: – Google Sites. (n.d).



Brown NA, Bron AJ. An estimate of the human lens epithelial cell size in vivo. Exp Eye Res.

1987 Jun.,cell

6 Adrianna Suazo
Cellular Biology 131-2


Discussion Questions:

• Distinguish the similarities and differences between animal and plant cells.

• Are all the cell types and shapes the same in the observed specimen? Why or why not?

• What organelles were large enough to be viewed within the cell using the microscope.

• What is the actual size of the measured cell from the image given using your

magnification calculations?

Do not belong here
7 Adrianna Suazo
Cellular Biology 131-2


Making Biological Drawings of Drawing Animal and Plant Cells – Mark Scheme (Drawing)

Clarity and Accuracy:

Clear, accurate representation of specimen [2] 1.5
No shading, no unnecessary detail [2] 1
Clean, continuous lines of even thickness [2] 1
Looks like specimen at magnification [1]
Lines drawn with ruler in pencil, no crossing [1] 1
Lines touching labeled structure, no arrowheads [1] 1
Accurate labels and annotations [1] 0.5
Acceptable Title:
Accurate description of specimen, below drawing, in caps, underlined [1] 1
Calculate accurate magnification of the three images [1] 1
-1 for lab format

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