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Thermal energy coductivity

Thermal energy transfer and Mass

• Objects with greater mass require more energy to change their

temperature compared to objects with lesser mass.

• The more the mass the more energy required to raise the temperature of
the object and the change in temperature will decrease.

• The change in temperature is inversely proportional to the mass

Thermal energy transfer and materials

Specific Heat Capacity: The specific heat capacity of a substance is the amount of
heat energy required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of that substance
by 1 degree Celsius (or 1 Kelvin). Different materials have different specific heat
capacities, and this property influences how much thermal energy is required to
change their temperature.

According to the specific heat capacity materials were classified into to:

1. Thermal conductor:
Conductors are materials that allow the easy flow heat, the particles in a
thermal conductor move easily so kinetic energy is transferred easily through
➢ Metals are better thermal conductors than nonmetals

2. Thermal insulators:
Insulators are materials that resist the flow of heat, the particles in a thermal
insulator do not move easily so kinetic energy is not transferred easily
between particles.

➢ The pan is made out of iron because it is a thermal conductor while the
handle is made out of wood which is a thermal insulator
➢ Thermal conductors have

Low specific heat capacity

Takes less energy to heat

➢ Thermal insulators have

High specific heat capacity

Takes more energy to heat

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