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lesson 2
Asexual reproduction is a way living things make babies without
the need for a partner. In this process, the new offspring is a copy
or very similar to the single parent.
Regeneration is a type of asexual reproduction in which the organism
is capable of regrowing certain body parts
Vegetative reproduction is any form of asexual reproduction occurring
in plants in which a new plant grows from a fragment or cutting of the
parent plant
Budding: In budding, a new organism develops as an outgrowth or bud
on the parent organism. The bud eventually detaches and becomes an
independent individual. This method is observed in organisms like
yeast and hydra.
sexual reproduction, the production of new organisms by the
combination of genetic information of two individuals male and
Advantages of asexual reproduction

Asexual reproduction is fast. Organisms can make babies without

waiting to find a mate, so populations can grow rapidly.
Advantages of sexual reproduction

Mixing It Up: Sexual reproduction

creates babies with a mix of traits
from both parents, leading to a
diverse population

Better Adaptation: This diversity

helps species adapt to different
environments and challenges. It's like
having a toolbox of different skills.

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