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EDUC 52 - The Teacher and
the Community, School
Culture and Organizational


“Hichki” is a 2018 Hindi comedy-drama film starring a woman named Naina

Mathur, who has Tourette syndrome. Naina Mathur is a part-time animator and an
inspiring teacher who has been looking for teaching job openings for five years. Naina
has been rejected by 18 schools that she applied to, not because of her academic
qualifications but because of her condition. However, she never consider her state as a
hindrance since she believes that Tourette affects her speech but not her intellect.
Thus, after looking for teaching jobs for years, St. Notker's High School finally
offered her the position of being a teacher of 9F class. The class that she will be
handling and would challenge her about what and how it really means to be a teacher.
After being rejected by 18 schools she applied as an inspiring teacher, and was
thrown out by 12 schools as a student because of her syndrome, Naina Mathur still
wish to be a teacher than applying the jobs her father was offering to her. However,
Tourette syndrome that Naina has is a kind of neurological condition in which when
the wires in the brain have a loose connection - it give a shock, and it even got worse
when she's going through intense feeling like nervousness.
Moreover, as Naina Mathur took the opportunity of being a teacher at St. Notker's,
she was then challenged by her advisory class and expected to do anything about it as
their teacher and help them realize their fullest strengths.
After watching the movie Hichki, I realized and learned a lot of things. Each
character plays their role so well that they convey the message of the movie clearly.
To sum it all, the movie Hichki was outstanding, and for 1 hour and 56 mins. I learned
five lessons all in all. Here are the following:
Your flaws don't need any fixing. A lot of times, we consider our flaws as
defects of ourselves. In the movie, Naina showed that her Tourette syndrome is her
"normal" and doesn't need any fixing like how her father thinks. Naina didn't consider
her condition as a hurdle of her wanting to be a teacher, but rather she embraced it and
educate people about it.
Judging people where they came from won't make you higher. 9F class
were children from slums and tried so hard to keep up with St. Notker's students.
However, in the movie Hichki neither the students nor the teachers never accept them.
I realize that judging others and making them feel bad about their situations adds
burdens to them. When you make other people feel bad, it doesn't make you feel
A small change could be everything. When teacher Naina encourages her
students to make a small change in their lives, the students didn't know that it would
change their whole life too. I realize that if we want something to change, we only
have to take a step, a step of small change. Thus, this small change requires time and
effort to be effective and for everything to be worth it until the end.
We are all experts on our own subjects. In the movie, teacher Naina taught
her students that they have all a gift. There's a scene in the movie in which teacher
Naina explain to her students that they are all experts on their own subjects. In this
scene, I learned that often times I also get insecure about others' gifts. It is because I
also want to have those, and it makes me feel bad whenever I realize that they will
never be mine because, of course, I am not them. When this happens, I get blinded
and feel ungrateful on the things I have. Thus, you are all enough when you are
satisfied with who you are and what you have.
Our fears could be our strengths too. I know most of us consider our fears
as our weaknesses. Since fear is an unpleasant feeling about something or someone,
and because we're humans, understandably, we don't like these feelings. However,
this movie taught me the contrary concept of fear - instead of weakness - teacher
Naina explains that it could be our strengths too. Our awareness of having these fears
could get us through the "fear". We can let it go and fly with it.
All in all, as a future teacher, this movie helps me a lot. It gives me ideas on how
I could also handle my students in the future. Like teacher Naina, I also have to get
the teaching job not to quit - under any circumstances - but to teach. Instead of
getting mad about my students' behaviors, I have to look into what's causing that
behavior and in what way I could help to solve it. Furthermore, explore teaching
methods that would make the students engage more in the class. Moreover, be the
teacher that encourage students to do a small change. Nonetheless, teacher Naina
taught me that the Tourette is also like “how we think about life” because the
difference between "why" and "why not" is just a hiccup. Lastly, whatever problems
my students and I will be having in the future, I must find ways to solve them and
choose to stick us together rather than abandon them and quit the job.

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