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energy and tempreture
Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. Any object that is moving
possesses kinetic energy.

as the objects moves faster its

kinetic energy increases
the temperature of a substance is related to the average kinetic energy
of the particles of that substance.
When a substance is heated, some of the absorbed energy is stored within
the particles, while some of the energy increases the motion of the
This is registered as an increase in the temperature of the substance.

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Potential energy is energy that is
stored in an object due to its
position or condition
What is attraction in states of matter?

Attractive forces between particles play a role in the properties of the

three states of matter.
The strength of the attractive force between particles is one factor that
determines if a particular substance will be a solid, liquid, or gas.
A phase change, is a physical process in which a substance changes
from one state of matter to another. The three primary states of
matter are solid, liquid, and gas, and phase changes involve the
transformation between these states
Melting: The phase change from a solid to a liquid is called
melting. This occurs when a substance absorbs enough heat
energy to break the intermolecular forces holding the
particles in the solid state together. The temperature at which
melting occurs is called the melting point.
Freezing: The opposite of melting is freezing, where a substance
changes from a liquid to a solid. It happens when a substance loses
enough heat energy to allow its particles to form a regular, solid
structure. The temperature at which freezing occurs is the freezing

melting point and freezing point is always the same for a given
Vaporization: Vaporization involves the transition from a liquid to
a gas. There are two types of vaporization:

Evaporation: This is a slow process that occurs at the surface of

a liquid, even at temperatures below its boiling point. It involves
the escape of individual molecules from the liquid into the gas

Boiling: Boiling is a rapid vaporization process that occurs

throughout the entire liquid when it reaches its boiling point. It is
characterized by the formation of bubbles in the liquid.
Condensation: Condensation is the reverse of vaporization, where
a gas turns into a liquid. This happens when gas molecules lose
enough thermal energy to come together and form a liquid.
phase changes and temperature:

temperature remains constant until the phase change is complete

what happens to particles and energy during phase change?
Solid to Liquid (Melting):

Particle Arrangement: In a solid, particles are closely

packed in a regular arrangement. As the substance
absorbs heat energy, the particles gain energy and vibrate
more rapidly, causing the bonds between them to weaken.

Energy Change: The absorbed heat energy increases the

internal energy of the solid, and this energy is used to
overcome the forces holding the particles together.
However, the temperature remains constant during the
phase change until all the solid has melted
Liquid to Gas (Vaporization/Evaporation/Boiling):

Particle Arrangement: In a liquid, particles are more loosely

arranged than in a solid. As heat energy is added, the
particles gain more kinetic energy, and the attractive forces
between them weaken even further. Eventually, individual
particles gain enough energy to break free from the liquid
state and become a gas.

Energy Change: The heat energy is used to increase the kinetic

energy of the particles. Like melting, the temperature remains
constant during boiling until all the liquid has been
converted to gas.
Gas to Liquid (Condensation):

Particle Arrangement: As a gas loses heat energy, its

particles lose kinetic energy and slow down. The attractive
forces between the particles become strong enough to pull
them closer together, leading to the formation of a liquid.

Energy Change: The heat energy is released to the

surroundings as the gas loses energy. Again, the
temperature remains constant during condensation until all
the gas has been converted to a liquid.

Liquid to Solid (Freezing):

Particle Arrangement: In freezing, a liquid loses heat energy,

causing its particles to lose kinetic energy. As the particles
slow down, the attractive forces between them become strong
enough to bring them into a more ordered, solid arrangement.

Energy Change: The released heat energy is transferred to

the surroundings. Like melting and boiling, the temperature
remains constant during freezing until all the liquid has been
converted to a solid.

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