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CLASS-08 SCERT / NCERT / CBSE www.ignitephysics.



: Multiple Choice Questions :

1. The decomposition of an electrolyte when electricity is passed through it, is called .. [ ]

A. Conduction B. Coating
C. Electrolysis D. Electro refining
2. Which out of the following does not conduct electricity? [ ]
A. Copper B. Alcohol
C. Dilute sulphuric acid D. Vinegar
3. The electrode, connected to the positive terminal of a battery, is called …. [ ]
A. Anode B. Pole
C. Cathode D. Photo diode
4. A metal is released in the electrolysis of a salt. It gets deposited on the ….. [ ]
A. Anode
B. Cathode
C. Half on the anode and half on the cathode
D. Sides of the container
5. Distilled water is …………….. of electricity. [ ]
A. A Conductor B. An Insulator
C. A Semi-conductor D. A Semi-insulator
6. List : (i) Tap water (ii) Sugar water (iii) Glucose water
Which of the above substances conduct electricity ?
Choose the correct answer: [ ]
A. (i) only B. (i) and (ii)
C. (iii) only D. (i), (ii) and (iii)
7. True statement [ ]
A. Longer lead in LED is the negative terminal
B. Shorter lead in LED is the positive terminal
C. LED has no positive and negative terminals
D. None of the above
8. LED [ ]
A. Light Existing Diode B. Light Emitting Diode
C. Light Equipped Diode D. Lighting Electric Diode
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9. To prevent corrosion, ………. is coated on Iron articles. [ ]

A. Gold B. Zinc
C. Magnesium D. Calcium
10. True statement [ ]
A. Tin is more reactive to the food than Iron
B. Iron is more reactive to the food than Tin
C. Electroplating is used in packing foods
D. None of the above
11. Sai : Copper reacts with Iron sulphate
Mohan : Iron reacts with copper sulphate
Whose words are correct?
Choose the correct answer: [ ]
A. Sai’s words B. Mohan’s words
C. both are correct D. both are wrong
12. Electric conductor [ ]
A. Rubber B. Wood
C. Magnesium D. Plastic
13. Not an electric insulator [ ]
A. Rubber B. Distilled water
C. Alcohol D. Salt solution
14. Electroplating means ……………. [ ]
A. One metal is coated on another metal
B. One metal is coated on a non metal
C. One non metal is coated on a metal
D. One non metal is coated on another non metal
15. Identify the symbol [ ]
A. LED B. Bulb
C. Battery D. Conductor
16. Plastic is …………… [ ]
A. an electric conductor B. an electric insulator
C. a semi conductor D. a metal
17. The positive charged electrode is called ………… [ ]
A. Anode B. Cathode
C. either A or B D. None of the above
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18. Which is electrolyte? [ ]

A. Sugar solution B. Distilled water
C. Salt solution D. Alcohol
19. Electrolyte is …………….. [ ]
A. a metal B. a liquid insulator
C. a non metal D. a liquid electric conductor
20. Who made the experiments with frog’s leg? [ ]
A. Luigi Galvani B. Alessandro Volta
C. Benjamin Franklin D. Newton
21. A cell is an example of conversion of ……………….. [ ]
A. Magnetic energy into chemical energy
B. Electrical energy into chemical energy
C. Chemical energy into electrical energy
D. Chemical energy into magnetic energy
22. Which one of the following is a weak electrolyte? [ ]
A. Sea water B. Oxalic acid
C. Sodium chloride D. Nitric acid
23. Which of the following metal is not extracted by electrolysis? [ ]
A. Aluminium B. Iron
C. Sodium D. Potassium
24. An electric current can produce [ ]
A. Heating effect B. Chemical effect
C. Magnetic effect D. All of these
25. Which of the following is a good conductor? [ ]
A. Brick B. Steel
C. Plastic D. Cotton
26. Electroplating is based on ……………. [ ]
A. Heating effect of electricity
B. Chemical effect of electricity
C. Physical effect of electricity
D. Magnetic effect of electricity
27. Flow of electrons is called …………………. [ ]
A. Electrolyte B. Electroplating
C. Electrodes D. Electric current
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28. Generally, Electroplating prevents …………………… [ ]

A. Corrosion B. Passing of current
C. Dissociation D. Shining
29. Which of the following is not used for electroplating metal articles? [ ]
A. Nickel B. Silver
C. Chromium D. Sodium
30. Generally, a coating of ………. is deposited on iron to protect it from corrosion. [ ]
A. Copper B. Aluminium
C. Zinc D. Silver

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Q.No. Ans. Q.No. Ans. Q.No. Ans. Q.No. Ans.
1 C 6 A 11 B 16 B
2 B 7 D 12 C 17 A
3 A 8 B 13 D 18 C
4 B 9 B 14 A 19 D
5 B 10 B 15 C 20 A

Q.No. Ans. Q.No. Ans. Q.No. Ans. Q.No. Ans.

21 C 26 B
22 B 27 D
23 B 28 A
24 D 29 D
25 B 30 C

V.NAGAMURTHY – 9441786635

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