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Hollesca, Nicole B.

Constitutional Law 2 – Section B. (1st year)

G.R. No. 219025

September 09, 2020

Title: Asian Institute of Management Faculty Association vs Asian Institute of Management INC

Ponente: Grino-Aquino, J.

• Facts:
In the case of Asian Institute of Management Faculty Association v. Asian Institute of
Management, Inc., the petitioner, the faculty association, alleged that the respondent, the
institute, committed unfair labor practices. The faculty association claimed that the institute's
actions, including the non-renewal of faculty contracts, termination of faculty members, and other
alleged discriminatory practices, were aimed at interfering with the faculty's right to self-
organization and collective bargaining. The institute, on the other hand, argued that its actions
were legitimate exercises of management prerogative and not intended to harass or discriminate
against the faculty association. The dispute centered on whether the institute's conduct
constituted unfair labor practices under the Labor Code of the Philippines. The case raised
important questions regarding the boundaries of management prerogative, the rights of
employees to self-organization, and the need to maintain a balance between employer interests
and labor rights.

• Issue:
Did the actions of the Asian Institute of Management constitute unfair labor practices as
alleged by the Asian Institute of Management Faculty Association, or were they valid exercises of
management prerogative?

• Law:
o Labor Code of the Philippines, specifically Article 259(a), Article 212(m), Article 247,
Article 258.

• Ruling:

The court ruled in favor of the Asian Institute of Management Faculty Association, finding that
the Asian Institute of Management's actions constituted unfair labor practices under Article 259(a) of
the Labor Code of the Philippines. The court rejected the institute's argument that the faculty
members were managerial employees, emphasizing that the institute's control over workload,
assignments, and contract renewals contradicted this classification. As a result, the institute was held
liable to pay moral and exemplary damages for interfering with the faculty association's right to self-
organization and engaging in unfair labor practices

Manila Law College – Constitutional Law 2 Case Digests


The case of Asian Institute of Management Faculty Association v. Asian Institute of Management serves as
a reminder of the importance of upholding labor rights and preventing unfair labor practices in the
workplace. It highlights the need for employers to exercise their management prerogatives in accordance
with the law, ensuring fairness, justice, and respect for the rights of employees to self-organization. The
ruling underscores the significance of maintaining a balance between management discretion and
employee rights, emphasizing the consequences of actions that infringe upon labor rights and the
potential liability for unfair labor practices. Overall, the case underscores the significance of promoting a
harmonious and respectful labor-management relationship to foster a conducive work environment and
uphold the principles of justice and fairness in labor relations.

Chronology of the case:

• October 14, 2004 - Asian Institute of Management Faculty Association (AFA) was formed by faculty
members of Asian Institute of Management (AIM).
• September 6, 2005 - AFA filed a Resolution asking AIM's management 7.
• May 17, 2007 - AFA filed a Petition for Certification Election with the Department of Labor and
Employment, which AIM opposed 5.
• June 2008 - The Labor Arbiter granted AFA's Complaint and held that AIM is guilty of unfair labor
practice 5.
• February 4, 2014 - Decision docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 108497 4.
• June 16, 2015 - Resolution docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 108497 4.
• August 24, 2015 - AFA filed their Petition for Review on Certiorari before the court 7.
• January 25, 2016 - Respondents filed their Comment on the Petition 7.
• July 21, 2017 - Petitioners filed their Reply to the comment on the petition 7.
• September 9, 2020 - Decision rendered by the court in G.R. No. 219025 7.

The case took approximately 16 years from the formation of the Asian Institute of Management Faculty
Association (AFA) in 2004 to the decision rendered by the court in G.R. No. 219025 in 2020. It was Justice

Manila Law College – Constitutional Law 2 Case Digests

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