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Episode 1:

In the heart of a city gripped by terror from a series of unpatterned serial killings, the police
department finds itself perplexed by the unsolvable murders. Each case is committed by a
different killer with no apparent motive, and to their surprise, each assailant has a clean and
ordinary background. Frustration mounts within the department, and the Director General of
Police (DGP) expresses his discontent to Ganesh, a seasoned Sub-Inspector.

Mayuri, a determined journalist, approaches the DGP with a request to investigate the
unpatterned killings. Intrigued, the DGP agrees and suggests consulting Vijay, a former crime
department police officer currently on sabbatical. However, he warns Mayuri not to press Vijay
too hard, as he is still mourning the loss of his wife.

Vijay, haunted by memories of a tragic accident involving his wife Neelima, is startled awake.
Sweating and shivering, he rushes to the washroom to compose himself. Overwhelmed, he calls
a contact to inquire about any developments regarding his wife's disappearance in the lake.

Regularly visiting a subway restaurant managed by Kumar, Vijay seeks solace in routine.
Mayuri, determined to involve Vijay in her investigation, approaches him for help. However,
Vijay, still grappling with personal demons, shows little interest and rejects her plea.

While driving, a song triggers intense emotions in Vijay, prompting him to pull over. Sweating
profusely, he struggles to control his fear, recalling moments with his activist wife. A loud noise
snaps him back to reality.

At the lake where Neelima went missing, Sreenu informs Vijay that no body has been found.
However, he mentions someone searching the lake at night, leaving Vijay puzzled. Returning
home, Vijay discovers pamphlets featuring Dr. Prakash, a psychiatrist. As he watches TV, he
sees Neelima in his dreams, urging him to move on.

Vijay's friend Karthik advises him to accept reality and seek professional help. Despite Karthik's
suggestion, Vijay remains fixated on uncovering the mystery behind the search in the lake.

Introducing Dr. Prakash, a seasoned psychiatrist, he lectures about memories and their impact
on our lives. Vijay, seeking relief, contacts Mayuri and agrees to mentor her in the serial killings
investigation. He contemplates seeking Dr. Prakash's help to erase the painful memory of his
wife's accident.

In a session with Dr. Prakash, Vijay embarks on a journey to trace his memories. As they delve
into the past, the veil is lifted on the last day Vijay spent with Neelima, revealing a party, a
sudden attack, and the heartbreaking kidnapping of his wife. Cliffhanger: Vijay in terror as he
wakes, knowing that his wife was abducted by 2 unknown assailants.
Episode 2:

A car glides into the village where Vijay's tragic accident occurred. There, he encounters the
same man whom we saw earlier, questioning him about those who searched the lake. Vijay,
driven by determination, stands before a clue board adorned with two figures marked with
question marks. Frustrated, he confides in Karthik, expressing difficulty in crystallizing a clear
picture of the suspects. Karthik challenges Vijay's theory of his wife's kidnapping, but Vijay
remains resolute, deeming it as true as his reality.

In his second session with Dr. Prakash, Vijay attempts to unravel the mystery of the suspects at
the party. The scene unfolds from a different perspective, but the figures remain obscured by
overlapping memories.

Mayuri approaches Vijay to discuss the unpatterned serial killings. Vijay, in a moment of
revelation, sketches a rough drawing, connecting the killings as the work of dummy killers
orchestrated by a mastermind. Mayuri is astounded by Vijay's precise insights into the murders.
During their conversation, Vijay deduces that his wife might have been kidnapped by his

Determined to take action, Vijay meets with the DGP, surprising him with his sudden decision to
return to duty. Unbeknownst to the DGP, Vijay's primary motive is to apprehend his wife's
kidnapper. A montage follows, showcasing Vijay's relentless pursuit of his potential enemies.
Despite attacking them one by one, there's no trace of a clue about his wife. In his search, Vijay
encounters a prostitute who may hold valuable information.

Meanwhile, Ganesh initiates his investigation into the unpattern serial killings, taking charge of
the case that was initially intended for Vijay.

Vijay visits the subway and confides in Kumar about his renewed commitment to duty. Kumar,
surprised by Vijay's transformation, discloses his secret involvement in running a professional
model sex worker service. He suggests that Vijay visit to alleviate his inner turmoil.

Returning home, exhausted and disheartened, Vijay succumbs to sleep. In his dreams,
memories of his wife's activism and protests surface.Vijay fights with Neelima for not to take any
social activity (She fights for sex rockets and child prostitutes), but Neelima is unstoppable.Vijay
wakes from his sleep and remembers that his wife always used to say that she has threats from

Cliffhanger: Awakening abruptly, Vijay realizes that the enemy might not be from within his circle
but rather from his wife's connections. Standing before the clue board, he writes: "Threat from
wife's side," leaving the audience with a cliffhanger as Vijay begins to unravel the complexities
of his wife's abduction.
Episode 3:
In a tense confrontation with the DGP, Vijay passionately presents his theory of his wife's
kidnapping. However, the DGP dismisses it, revealing the unfortunate news that Vijay's wife is
dead, and only her body is missing. In the heated exchange, the DGP urges Vijay to prioritize
his return to professional duty over personal matters.

A montage follows, depicting Vijay's relentless search for suspects connected to his wife's
activism. Despite meticulous research into her protests, he struggles to identify any potential

Vijay visits Dr. Prakash's home and plays with his daughter, only to discover that Dr. Prakash's
wife is missing. Shocked by the revelation, Dr. Prakash discloses that his wife eloped with her
boyfriend, leaving Vijay astonished.

While driving his bike and listening to music, Vijay reflects on a heated argument with his wife
over her involvement in protests. She expresses doubt that some obscure man is running a
child prostitute, but Vijay denies her theories, saying the city is clean. Neelima used to challenge
that one day she will catch the culprit.

Vijay arrives home, showers and cries, grappling with his overwhelming situation. Seeking
answers, he attends a memory trace session focused on the party day, attempting to discern
the facial details of the suspects. After waking, he creates a composite drawing of culprit 1 from
his memory. Running the image through his sources, Vijay discovers that the person is a fixer,
Sanjay . Accompanied by Karthik, Vijay confronts the suspect, who denies involvement in the
kidnapping, insisting on leading a peaceful life. Despite Vijay's suspicions, Karthik reprimands
him for obsessing over his wife, and Vijay leaves frustrated.

A delivery boy arrives with baggage from Neelima's gym locker. As Vijay empties the bag, a few
papers spill out, revealing a photo of Sanjay. Shocked by the discovery, Vijay realizes
conspiracy is true

Simultaneously, Mayuri conducts interviews with killers in prison, and Ganesh intensifies his
investigation into the serial killings.

The cliffhanger moment: Vijay confronts face-to-face with Sanjay. A chase ensues through
lanes and roads, culminating in a fatal collision with a car, leading to the death of the Sanjay
Episode 4:
Vijay receives a call from Dr. Prakash, who informs him about advanced equipment that has
revealed clearer images from his memory sessions. Intrigued, Vijay goes back into the session
and successfully identifies a tattoo on one of the suspects.

Meanwhile, Ganesh delves into the patterns of the serial killings and begins to harbor
suspicions about Vijay's investigation. Vijay meets with Karthik, who chastises him for pursuing
an unnecessary mess and urges him to accept the harsh reality of life rather than clinging to
false beliefs.

Returning home, Vijay is startled to find a masked intruder. A fierce struggle ensues, but the
suspect manages to escape, leaving Vijay bewildered by the mysterious intrusion.

Seeking answers, Vijay visits Kumar's place. Upon leaving, he notices the same tattoo on
Kumar. Vijay probes Kumar about the prostitute, but Kumar remains tight-lipped. A tense
confrontation ensues, leading to a physical fight. Vijay successfully apprehends Kumar.

Back at home, Vijay secures Kumar and takes a moment to freshen up before sleeping. In his
dreams, his wife appears, conveying that she is indeed dead. Vijay is jolted awake by a call
from Mayuri, who provides updates on the investigation, suggesting the involvement of an
obscure person running a hit organization.

Returning home, Kumar requests to free him for a bathroom break. In a tense moment, Kumar
discloses that he supplies premium women to known members through a prostitute seen earlier
and denies involvement in any kidnappings.In a fit of anger, Vijay points his gun at him at point-
blank range.

The cliffhanger leaves the audience in suspense, with a thud sound from the gun, leaving
uncertainty about whether Vijay has killed the suspect or not.
Episode 5:

The episode opens with a flashback of Neelima and Vijay's sweet romance. Just as Vijay is
about to kiss her, a sudden thud of a gunshot wakes him up. He rushes to Kumar's room,
finding him tied to a chair. Karthik arrives, and Vijay explains the suspicious activities
surrounding his wife's disappearance—the search in the lake, the mysterious intruder, all these
incidents proves that his wife is still alive. Karthik appears convinced by Vijay's theory.

Mayuri visits Vijay's home, and together they discuss the missing pieces of information in the
case. While making coffee, Mayuri slips and falls on Vijay. In the midst of cleaning him up, a
romantic atmosphere unfolds, leading to an unintentional kiss initiated by Vijay. Mayuri
reciprocates with a kiss of her own, and the two find themselves immersed in a romantic

In a memory session, Vijay revisits the day of the accident, recalling a romantic atmosphere in
the car when Neelima reveals she is pregnant. Returning home, Vijay attempts to eat but breaks
down in tears.

Mayuri, after analyzing interviews and murder information, discovers a common connection
among the killers—Dr. Prakash, who seems to be a common consultant for them. Suspecting
his involvement.

Ganesh pays a visit to Vijay's home, leading to an intense conversation that reveals the
underlying manipulations and secrets surrounding Vijay's actions. As Vijay goes to make coffee,
Ganesh starts searching the house and eventually finds Kumar in a room.

The cliffhanger moment occurs when Vijay confronts Ganesh, leading to a heated
confrontation. Despite Vijay's attempts to stop him, Ganesh manages to escape, leaving the
audience in suspense about the unfolding events.
Episode 6:

In pursuit of Ganesh, Vijay captures him and swiftly transports him to Dr. Prakash. Prakash
initially denies any wrongdoing, asserting that the memory sessions were not intended for illicit
purposes. However, when confronted further, Prakash reluctantly agrees to erase Ganesh's
memory to prevent any potential fallout.

Meanwhile, Mayuri visits Dr. Prakash's home under the guise of an interview on the psychology
of murders. As the conversation progresses, Mayuri subtly suggests a link between the murders
and Prakash's patients. Sensing suspicion, Prakash becomes wary, but Mayuri adeptly shifts
the topic to appear casual. She requests books on serial killings, using the opportunity to
explore the house. While searching, she stumbles upon a morgue freezer, revealing a shocking
discovery—a dead body. (we won't show face)

Simultaneously, Vijay approaches a prostitute (whom Vijay met earlier) who is acquainted with a
mysterious man handling affairs. Posing as a regular customer, Vijay gains her trust and
expresses his desire to meet the man in charge.

Returning to Dr. Prakash's home, Mayuri sits on the couch, pretending normalcy while drinking
coffee. Sensing something amiss, Prakash notices sweat on her hands and realizes the room
door is open. Mayuri, realizing her cover is blown, attempts to escape, but Prakash catches up
with her and sedates her. Concurrently, Ganesh discovers that a clandestine man is operating
as a child prostitute.

Concerned about Mayuri's disappearance, Vijay suspects that Culprit 3, aware of his pursuit,
may have kidnapped her. He rushes to the prostitute for information.

For the first time, the narrative reveals that Culprit 3 runs a slaughterhouse, serving as a front
for his covert hitman organization and child prostitute. Aware that Vijay is closing in, Culprit 3
takes preemptive measures to protect himself and his illicit operations. cliffhanger: When Vijay
rushes to Prostitute, she is dead
Episode 7:

DGP and Vijay exchange heated conversation. The DGP sternly warns Vijay about the
escalating chaos in the city, urging him to refocus on his duty rather than his relentless pursuit.
In the wake of Mayuri's disappearance and the unexplained killings, DGP takes a drastic step
and suspends Vijay until he regains composure.

Devastated and hopeless, Vijay returns home, haunted by glimpses of his wife. In a surreal
moment, he envisions his wife advising him to move on. Fueled by desperation, Vijay resolves
to erase the memories of his wife from his mind.

Meanwhile, Ganesha engages in a crucial conversation with DGP, shedding light on the
intricate web of events, where Guru is the underground culprit but he is doing very smartly
through some ways, if he is able to crack it, case gets closed and nobody knows where Guru

The narrative shifts to a tense encounter at Prakash's home. Vijay, grappling with emotions,
discovers Mayuri locked in a room. Prakash unveils a shocking revelation – Mayuri knows the
truth about his secret pursuits. Justifying his actions, Prakash contends that keeping Mayuri
confined is crucial until the real culprit is apprehended. Vijay, torn between disbelief and
acceptance, is further provoked by Prakash, who hints at his wife's survival and the imminent
breakthrough in finding her.

In his relentless pursuit, Vijay embarks on a quest to locate the elusive Guru, engaging in a
gripping montage of searching . In a tense confrontation, he faces off with the Guru's formidable
Left Hand and successfully extracts the crucial information about Neelima's whereabouts. With
newfound knowledge, Vijay urgently contacts Prakash, disclosing the breakthrough in tracking
down Neelima. Both Prakash and Vijay set out towards the location, intensifying the suspense
surrounding the impending revelation.

Meanwhile, a cliffhanger unfolds as Ganesha makes a significant discovery while examining the
documents meticulously prepared by Mayuri. Connecting the dots, Ganesha unravels a missing
piece of the puzzle, realizing that doctors have been manipulating innocent individuals by
inducing false memories, compelling them to carry out targeted killings.

In a frantic rush, Ganesh hurries to Prakash's house only to find

Mayuri in the house. Where we show Doc induced false memories in
Vijay's memory and trying to find his wife through Vijay.The
supposed dead body is unveiled to be Neelima.

Prakash and Vijay race to Guru's hideout. While Vijay confronts

goons in a fierce battle, Prakash frantically searches for his
abducted wife. As the tension escalates, Vijay manages to subdue
Guru in combat, rendering him unconscious. Vijay then joins
forces with Prakash in their desperate search for Neelima.

Simultaneously, Ganesh rushes to Vijay's location by tracking

him, unraveling the truth about Neelima's demise and the doctor's
role in manipulating memories. The revelation shocks Vijay, who
turns his anger towards the deceitful doctor. In a brutal
confrontation, Vijay unleashes his fury, exposing the
orchestrated events and the orchestrated memories, including the
initial attack, planted pamphlets, suspicious photographs, and
the shocking discovery of Neelima's body.

It becomes clear that Prakash's wife was a victim of Guru's

sinister plot, forcing him to carry out heinous acts under
blackmail. The pieces fall into place for Vijay, who, torn
between conflicting emotions, is on the verge of taking drastic
action against Prakash. However, Ganesh intervenes, and Prakash
unveils the truth about Neelima's mission to eradicate child
prostitution and bring the real culprits to justice.

As the tables turn, Vijay shifts his focus and confronts Guru,
ultimately taking decisive action by shooting the villain. The
timely arrival of the police marks the end of the criminal
organization's reign of terror.

In a surprising twist, news breaks that the mastermind behind the

heinous organization and child exploitation has been exposed and
eliminated. While Vijay earns a promotion for his role in
dismantling the criminal network. Vijay works to continue
Neelima’s social activity.

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