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[ After 7 years a man going to release from central jail, a 7 years baby from his family curious

To know about this man. a women from that family narrates a story to that girl ]
In a sithapuram constituency, Keshav reddy family ruling this constituency as a MLA's from last
50years. In this 50years, first time in there family History Ramreddy s/o Keshav reddy lost in the
hands of Kalyan Das. the main reason behind kalyan das success in last elections was
providing shelter for 150 tribal families in his constituency, and giving them identity in the
society. This gesture from kalyan das leads to win the hearts of poor people in the constituency.
Keshav reddy is going to die due to cancer in 8 months so he conveys his last wish to his son
Ramreddy that his death cermony should conduct by government officilas, but it is possible if
Ramreddy defeats kalyan das in coming elections which is in coming three months. Ramreddy
and his friend vaddi prasad (a powerfull money lender) plans to steal election fund from kalyan
das so that he can loose in elections. Ramreddy get to know that kalyan das funds are in his
farm house and he tries to steal many times but he failes Because of security to that farm house
are Panja Adavi vetagallu who are powerfull tribal people devotees of Hanuman. kalyan das
brother veerendra killed by some mysterious people, but kalyan das doubts his driver kaasi who
belongs to that tribal family. veerendra wife adhya is 9 months pregnant went to depression
after his husband death, then kalyan das and his wife kalyani decides to leave there house and
they shift to there farm house where election fund kept. At farm house adhya became afraid by
seeing panja vetagallu , kalyan das observes adhya fear and he sends panja vetagallu from
there farm house so that adhya can have some peace. In that time Ramreddy thinks this is the
right oppurtunity to take money from farm house and also he wants to kill kalyan das family so
that kalyan das should feel the pain. Ramreddy plans to take kalyan das from that farm house
for few hours so that he can attack that farm house. the problem is no rowdy in that constituency
willing to attack kalyan das farm house because of panja vetagallu brutality. Ramreddy chooses
central jail prisoners Basha, billa, ranga, tillu and sudheer to take money from farm house and to
kill kalyan das family, he also brings kalyan das out of the farm house using his political power
and he looks kalyan das with the help of vaddi prasad. At farm house kalyani walking in garden
and adhya remembering his husband, kaasi wife lakshmi comes to farm house to deliver
groceries, in this scenario prisoners enters farm house to kill Adhya and kalyani and to take
money. And another side Ramreddy is going with his goons to kill 150 tribal families. Now how
kalyan das can escape from vaddi prasad? and how he can save his family and 150 tribal
familes at same time?

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