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Frontal Lobe Seizures

Ritu Bagla, MD and Christopher T. Skidmore, MD

epidemiologic data. In a prospective community-based study

Background and Objective: Frontal lobe epilepsy is the second most of 160 patients with localization-related epilepsy, 36 or 22.5%
common localization-related or focal epilepsy. Frontal lobe seizures were frontal, 43 or 27% were temporal, 9 or 5.6% were
are challenging to diagnose as the clinical manifestations are diverse frontotemporal, 10 or 6.3% were parietal, 52 or 32.5% were
due to the complexity and variability of the patterns of epileptic
central, and 10 or 6.3% were occipital.1 In the Montreal
discharges, and the scalp electroencephalograph (EEG) can often be
normal or misleading. This review focuses on the clinical and EEG surgical series, temporal lobe epilepsy represented 56%,
features of seizures arising from the frontal lobe. frontal lobe 18%, central or sensorimotor 7%, parietal 6%,
and occipital 1% of 2177 patients,2 but this does not reflect
Review Summary: The clinical manifestations in patients with frontal prevalence. Seizures arising from frontal lobe may start at any
lobe epilepsy are varied. Frontal lobe seizures can be divided into age, with both sexes equally affected.
perirolandic, supplementary sensorimotor area, dorsolateral, orbito-
frontal, anterior frontopolar, opercular, and cingulate types. Seizures
originating from the perirolandic and supplementary sensorimotor
areas are clinically distinct, characterized by motor activity or
asymmetric tonic posturing with preserved awareness. Seizures arising FRONTAL EPILEPTIC SYNDROMES
from dorsolateral, orbitofrontal, frontopolar, and cingulate areas are The most common idiopathic benign epilepsy in child-
not as well characterized and have more variable clinical manifesta- hood is benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes
tions. Scalp EEG recording is sometimes helpful in localization but is or Rolandic epilepsy, first described by Loiseau and Beaussant
usually normal or misleading in frontal lobe epilepsy. The treatment is in 1958.3 The prevalence of this condition is 15% of all
similar to other localization-related or focal epilepsies. Medications are
childhood epilepsy. It is among the epilepsies in the 1 to 15
the first line of therapy, and surgery is considered for patients who fail
to respond to medications. The surgical outcome in frontal lobe years age group and has a male predominance (B60% male).
resections is less favorable than in anterior temporal lobectomies due The defining features are clinical manifestations emanating
to the challenge in locating the epileptogenic zone and the presence of from the lower part of the precentral or postcentral gyri, onset
functional areas (eloquent cortex) that can limit the resection. between 3 and 13 years of age, normal neurologic examina-
tion, development and cognitive skills, and centrotemporal
Conclusions: Frontal lobe seizures are characterized by diverse
spikes. The ictal behavior consists of simple partial seizures
behavioral manifestations. Only a few well-described frontal lobe
syndromes exist. The variety of clinical manifestations reflects both the with hemifacial or oropharyngeal sensorimotor symptoms or
varying sites of seizure origin and propagation routes that seizures may speech arrest; nighttime seizures may secondarily generalize.
take. Although this review provides a framework for the understanding The interictal electroencephalograph (EEG) shows centrotem-
of these seizures, one should remain cautious in diagnosing seizure poral spikes, which are high amplitude sharp and slow wave
localization based on clinical or EEG description. Only a few patients complexes which have a maximum negative potential at C3/T3
have well-described syndromes and can be diagnosed with confidence. and C4/T4. They are commonly bilateral, occur independently,
For most patients, new diagnostic methods and genetic testing may and increase in rate of occurrence during sleep (Fig. 1). The
help improve our ability to diagnose and treat the conditions discussed spikes have a horizontal dipole with maximum electronega-
in this study.
tivity in centrotemporal regions, and positivity in the frontal
Key Words: frontal lobe, epilepsy, seizures, extratemporal regions.4 Video-EEG monitoring is rarely indicated in these
children. Benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal
(The Neurologist 2011;17:125–135) spikes is genetically determined but heterogeneous in its
manifestations. There is evidence for linkage to a region on
chromosome 15q14.5 The prognosis is excellent with remis-

T here has been a lot of interest in frontal lobe epilepsy over

the past decade. The interest is due to the complex nature
of its associated behavioral manifestations. It is useful to
sion within 2 to 4 years of onset and before the age of 16 years.
The risk of having recurrent seizures after remission is 1% to
3%, similar to that of the normal population.
divide frontal lobe epilepsy into syndromes to characterize the Autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy, with
epileptogenic zone and potentially determine if surgery can be a penetrance of 69%, was recently described in 5 families with
done to eliminate seizures in medically refractory patients. The 47 affected individuals.6 Seizures occur in clusters, are brief,
prevalence of frontal lobe seizures is not known due to limited nocturnal, and have predominantly motor manifestations of
hyperkinetic or tonic activity. Age of onset is in the first or
second decade in the majority of cases; however unlike benign
From the Jefferson Comprehensive Epilepsy Center, Thomas Jefferson
University, Philadelphia, PA.
childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes, the seizures
Reprints: Christopher T. Skidmore, MD, Jefferson Comprehensive persist through adult life. The interictal EEG is usually normal,
Epilepsy Center, Thomas Jefferson University, 900 Walnut Street, and the ictal EEG can show frontally predominant sharp and
Suite 200, Philadelphia, PA 19107. E-mail: christopher.skidmore@ slow wave discharges. Video-EEG monitoring remains invalu-
Copyright r 2011 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
able in differentiating this syndrome from parasomnias,
ISSN: 1074-7931/11/1703-0125 psychogenic disorders, nocturnal paroxysmal dystonia, dyski-
DOI: 10.1097/NRL.0b013e31821733db nesias, and other medical conditions. Autosomal dominant

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FIGURE 1. A and B, Centrotemporal spikes in a patient with benign Rolandic epilepsy. The spikes have a horizontal dipole with
maximum electronegativity in centrotemporal regions, and positivity in the frontal regions.

nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy is not “benign” as seizures evaluated for an underlying cause as the treatment may be
persist through adult life. correction of a metabolic defect or curative resective surgery in
In 1895, Kozhevnikov7 described epilepsia partialis refractory cases.
continua (EPC) as a disorder of persistent localized motor Other inherited forms of benign partial epilepsies have
seizures that result from focal cortical encephalitis. Rasmus- been described but are less well characterized.9 Benign focal
sen’s encephalitis and malformations of cortical development epilepsy in infants with central and vertex spikes and waves
are the main causes in children; however, there are many other during sleep is characterized by behavioral arrest or focal tonic
causes, including vascular, demyelinating, neoplastic lesions, seizures, and central and vertex spikes which are not specific to
infections (such as human immunodeficiency virus), Creutz- this syndrome.10 Patients with benign childhood focal seizures
feldt-Jakob disease, mitochondrial disorders (ie, myoclonic associated with frontal or midline spikes have onset of
epilepsy with ragged red fibers), and metabolic disorders such complex partial seizures with automatisms or tonic seizures
as nonketotic hyperglycemia. EPC is thought to have a cortical by the age of 10 years, midline spikes and focal abnormalities
origin and is defined by the occurrence of rhythmic or in the frontal lobe.11 So far these partial epilepsies have been
semirhythmic muscular contractions that remain localized to 1 associated with a benign course, but need to be better
part of the body and persist for hours, days, or even years. characterized. Ictal recording data are limited as well.
Onset occurs at any age, with both sexes equally affected. The
ictal EEG can be normal. In a study of 32 cases, the most
common EEG finding was regional spiking.8 Jerk-locked back PATHOLOGY
averaging, somatosensory-evoked potentials and sequential The causes of symptomatic extratemporal lobe epilepsies
EMG can help differentiate EPC from noncortical disorders are diverse and include neoplasm, trauma, vascular insults,
such as hemifacial spasm. The prognosis depends on the cause, malformations of cortical development (dysplasia, neurofibro-
but is usually poor. All patients with EPC should be carefully matosis, tuberous sclerosis), infections, inflammatory disease,

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The Neurologist  Volume 17, Number 3, May 2011 Frontal Lobe Seizures

inborn errors of metabolism, and systemic causes (eg, celiac cingulate cortex, as well as the depths of sulci in the frontal
disease). Cortical malformations often require high-resolution lobe are inaccessible to surface electrodes. In many cases, the
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan to be visualized12; seizure generator may be too small to be detected on the
some nonpopulation-based studies report these as the most surface. Epileptiform discharges recorded on the scalp EEG
common cause of uncontrolled seizures of extratemporal can be falsely localized and represent spread to another region
origin.13–15 A recent surgical series of 70 patients with frontal or lobe, or even falsely lateralized if an obliquely oriented
lobe epilepsy reported dysplasias in 41% of patients with dipole projects activity to the opposite hemisphere. The
abnormal MRI and in 17% of patients with normal MRI; in presence of epileptiform discharges in multiple lobes or
this series, 19% of patients had tumors, 3% had vascular bilateral discharges could be misleading and imply a large
malformations, and 10% were cryptogenic based on MRI and epileptogenic network. Unlike temporal lobe complex partial
surgical pathology.14 In another surgical series of 25 patients seizures, the scalp ictal recording may not be associated with a
who underwent frontal lobe surgery, 32% of patients had dys- clear EEG correlate in 30% of patients.16,21,22
plasias, and 20% had low-grade neoplasms, with 4 gang- Interictal epileptiform abnormalities are present in most
liogliomas and 1 dysembryonic neuroepithelial tumor.13 patients with frontal lobe epilepsy; however, they are usually
not restricted to the frontal lobe. Generalized spike and wave,
bilaterally synchronous frontal spikes or secondary bilateral
SEIZURE SEMIOLOGY AND synchrony, and ipsilateral and contralateral temporal lobe
ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHIC spikes can be present in addition to frontal epileptiform
CHARACTERISTICS IN FRONTAL LOBE EPILEPSY discharges. Lateralized discharges usually indicate which
Frontal lobe seizures are challenging to diagnose and can hemisphere is abnormal.16,21 Secondary bilateral synchrony
be mistaken for nonepileptic events, such as psychogenic is more likely to occur with mesial parasagittal, orbitofrontal,
seizures, parasomnias, and movement disorders. The clinical or cingulate foci,22–24 and is rare in refractory temporal lobe
manifestations are diverse and none are absolutely specific for epilepsy.16 The ictal scalp recording may be less useful in
1 region in the frontal lobe with the possible exception of focal localizing frontal lobe seizures than the interictal recording.
clonic jerking. Moreover, the first behavioral change from The onset is not infrequently obscured by muscle artifact, or
seizures that arise in clinically silent regions occurs only after may show general attenuation of amplitude and no definite
spread of the ictal discharge to an eloquent cerebral area (ie, ictal discharge.16,22 Seizure onset can be localized in about
motor cortex or Broca’s area). 30% of patients, but like interictal discharges, sometimes to the
Many types of frontal lobe seizures have features that opposite hemisphere or temporal lobe. The most common ictal
distinguish them from temporal lobe seizures. Frontal lobe pattern is nonlocalized with widespread, sometimes bilateral,
seizures often occur during sleep, can cluster and produce early changes with rapid spread to other regions.18,21,25–27
motor manifestations with vocalizations (Table 1).16 Approxi-
mately 50% of patients who had surgical evaluations had an
aura and typically brief seizures (10 to 30 s) with minimal or
TABLE 2. Clinical Manifestations of Frontal Lobe Syndromes
no postictal confusion. Kotagal et al17 compared the behavior
in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy to patients with Location Ictal Behavior
frontal lobe epilepsy, and found that repetitive, proximal upper Perirolandic or primary Focal motor seizures with or without
extremity movements, complete loss of consciousness, com- motor Jacksonian march
plex motor, and hypermotor (large repetitive movements of the Speech arrest or dysphasia
proximal musculature, ie, bicycling movements) activity were Vocalization
more common in frontal lobe seizures. Supplementary Focal tonic or asymmetric tonic
Scalp EEG recording is sometimes helpful in localization sensorimotor posturing
but can be misleading in frontal lobe epilepsy. Studies in Versive movements of head and eyes
patients with refractory frontal lobe epilepsy have shown few Speech arrest
patients have localized interictal epileptiform discharges, and Dorsolateral Focal tonic or clonic activity
only 30% to 40% of patients evaluated with intracranial EEG Versive movements of head and eyes
have localized ictal onsets.18–20 The orbitofrontal, mesial and Speech arrest or dysphasia
Orbitofrontal Complex motor automatisms
Olfactory hallucinations and illusions
TABLE 1. Ictal Behavior of Frontal Lobe Seizures Autonomic features
Percentage Anterior frontopolar Versive movements of head and eyes
Forced thinking
Behavior (No. Patients) Initial loss of contact or “absence like”
Early motor 94 (15/16) Speech or motor arrest
Vocalization 63 (10/16) Opercular Mastication, salivation, swallowing,
Aura 56 (9/16) laryngeal symptoms
Nocturnal tendency 38 (6/16) Speech arrest or dysphasia
Tonic posturing 38 (6/16) Epigastric aura, fear
Tendency to cluster 50 (8/16) Autonomic features
Secondary generalization 63 (10/16) Facial clonic activity
Complex bilateral motor automatisms 44 (7/16) Gustatory hallucinations
Catamenial exacerbation 6 (1/16) Cingulate Fear
Oroalimentary automatisms 0 (0/16) Vocalization
Prolonged ictal state (excluding convulsions) 0 (0/16) Emotional or mood changes
Complex motor automatisms
Reproduced with permission from Neurology. 1995;45:780–787. Autonomic features

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Frontal lobe seizures can be divided into perirolandic, Supplementary motor seizures are clinically distinct
supplementary sensorimotor area, dorsolateral, orbitofrontal, because of tonic posturing of 1 or more extremities on both
anterior frontopolar, opercular, and cingulate types (Table 2).28 sides (mainly proximal muscles affected) and preserved
Perirolandic seizures are characterized by motor activity which awareness. They are brief (<30 s), frequent, may occur only
typically starts unilaterally in the face, then spreads to the arm, during sleep, and can be preceded by a sensory aura.
followed by speech arrest and eye blinking, with preservation Supplementary motor seizures can produce ipsilateral or
of consciousness.29 The behavior is a result of activation of the contralateral head turning or limb posturing, so lateralization
primary motor cortex or Brodman area 4.30 Figure 2 shows an of the focus is often uncertain. Contralateral tonic extension is
example of a focal motor seizure in a 31-year-old, left-handed not a reliable finding. In contrast, seizures arising from
man with refractory perirolandic seizures for 2 years. He premotor nonsupplementary motor cortex produce contra-
awakens from sleep with a choking sensation and no impair- lateral tonic posturing, which is a reliable lateralizing sign.31 It
ment in consciousness. MRI and interictal EEG are normal. can be associated with speech arrest or vocalization, and
The ictal scalp EEG shows only muscle artifact with no seizure followed by clonic movements.25 The head usually turns
discharge apparent. With intracranial recording, the seizures contralaterally, but without secondary generalization, head
localized to the throat motor area in the right frontal opercular turning is an unreliable lateralizing sign,32,33 and versive
cortex. movements are rare.30 Kotagal et al34 in 2000 studied the

FIGURE 2. A–E, Electroencephalograph (EEG) of a 31-year-old man with refractory focal motor seizures for 2 years. He awakens from
sleep with a choking sensation and no impairment in consciousness. A and B, The ictal scalp EEG shows only muscle artifact with no
seizure discharge apparent. C, A map shows subdural electrodes sampling the right frontal lobe. D and E, Intracranial EEG recording
shows seizures arising from the throat motor area in the right frontal opercular cortex at contact RPFG 18. The seizure begins with b
activity (D) that attenuates and then evolves to rhythmic spikes (E). RPFG indicates right posterior frontal grid; RSYL, right sylvian.

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lateralizing value of asymmetric tonic posturing or “figure of 4 sleep, and the lateralization may be misleading.25 Closely
sign,” defined as a striking asymmetry of limb posture during placed scalp electrodes may help determine whether midline
the tonic phase of a generalized tonic-clonic seizure in 31 spikes project asymmetrically,35 but are of uncertain value.
patients with focal epilepsy. The extended arm was found to be Figure 3 shows an example of a focal tonic seizure in a 31-
contralateral to the seizure focus in 10 of 12 temporal lobe year-old, right-handed woman with refractory supplementary
cases and 7 of 8 extratemporal lobe cases. The figure of 4 sign sensorimotor seizures starting at the age of 5 years. Seizures
may have lateralizing value in the early phase of secondary consist of frequent episodes of left leg stiffening, at times,
generalization in patients with supplementary motor seizures. followed by clonic activity without impairment of conscious-
The majority of patients with mesial frontal seizures have ness. MRI and interictal EEG were normal. The ictal surface
normal interictal and ictal surface recordings.19,25,27 If present, EEG shows rhythmic vertex and parietal midline sharp waves.
interictal sharp waves are at or near the vertex; however, it With intracranial recording, the seizures arose in the right
becomes difficult to differentiate this activity from normal supplementary motor cortex with spread to the primary motor

FIGURE 3. A–G, Electroencephalograph (EEG) of a 31-year-old woman with refractory supplementary motor seizures starting at the age
of 5 years. Seizures consist of frequent episodes left leg stiffening, at times, followed by clonic activity without impairment of
consciousness. A and B, The ictal EEG shows rhythmic vertex and parietal midline sharp waves (arrows). C, A map shows subdural
electrodes sampling the right supplementary and primary sensorimotor cortex. D, Intracranial EEG recording shows seizures arising from
the supplementary motor cortex at contacts RSFG 4 and RSFG 5. D and E, The seizure begins with rhythmic spikes that are preceded by
an increase in the spike bursts seen interictally (big arrows). The ictal discharge spreads to the primary motor cortex at contact RSFG 10
(small arrow). F, As the spikes at RSFG 4 and RSFG 5 slow down in frequency, rhythmic d is seen at RSFG 10. G, The spike bursts slow
down in frequency before seizure end. RSFG indicates right subfrontal grid.

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cortex or symptomatic zone. In published studies, intracranial head turning can occur before version. Auras of nonvertiginous
electrodes have shown rapid spread from the supplementary to dizziness, fear, or epigastric sensations have been reported in
primary motor cortex.36 Mesial frontal foci adjacent to the half of the patients with dorsolateral seizures,38 and this
corpus callosum can generate widespread epileptiform dis- probably reflects propagation. Dorsolateral seizures have been
charges37 that may become lateralized after an anterior corpus associated with multiple seizure types depending on pattern of
callosotomy. spread.13 Localized interictal epileptiform discharges and ictal
Dorsolateral, orbitofrontal, frontopolar, and cingulate onsets to the frontal lobe are more common in dorsolateral
seizures have more variable clinical manifestations. Seizures frontal foci due to the proximity of the epileptogenic zone to
originating from these regions are not as well characterized as the scalp electrodes.19 Figure 4 shows an example of a
primary and supplementary motor cortex probably because dorsolateral seizure in an 18-year-old, right-handed woman
significant overlap among these areas makes seizures difficult with refractory seizures starting at the age of 14 years and a
to localize. Seizures arising from these regions do not always right dorsolateral frontal cortical dysplasia. Seizures consist of
produce loss of awareness, but often remain complex partial immediate loss of awareness, staring and blinking, followed by
(without generalization) when awareness is lost. versive movement of the head to the left and facial clonic
Focal tonic or clonic movements, versive movements of activity. The seizure begins with brief diffuse attenuation
the head or eyes, and speech arrest characterize dorsolateral followed by rhythmic sharply contoured a discharge in the
seizures. Version is characterized by clonic or tonic head and right frontotemporal region, and postictal right frontotemporal
eye deviation that is forced, sustained, and unnatural. It is sharp waves. Interictal EEG showed right frontotemporal sharp
activated by discharges in a frontal eye field or Brodman areas waves (F8) in sleep. Figure 5 shows another example of a
6 and 8, located in the posterior part of the middle frontal dorsolateral frontal seizure in a 28-year-old, right-handed
gyrus, with lateralizing significance to the hemisphere woman with refractory seizures starting at the age of 20 years.
contralateral to the field of movements.32 However, ipsilateral Seizures consist of an aura of fear followed by left gaze and

FIGURE 4. A–E, Electroencephalograph (EEG) of an 18-year-old woman with refractory seizures starting at the age of 14 years from a right
dorsolateral frontal cortical dysplasia. Seizures consist of immediate loss of awareness, staring and blinking, followed by versive movement
of the head to the left and facial clonic activity. A, Interictal EEG showed rare right frontotemporal sharp waves (F8) in sleep. B and C, The
seizure begins with diffuse attenuation for 2 seconds followed by rhythmic sharply contoured a discharge in the right frontotemporal
region that evolves into high amplitude d intermixed with spikes (arrows). D and E, The EEG is then obscured by muscle artifact from the
clonic activity, ends with attenuation, and postictal right frontotemporal periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges (arrow). F, Magnetic
resonance imaging scan of the brain shows a cortical dysplasia in the right middle frontal gyrus.

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The Neurologist  Volume 17, Number 3, May 2011 Frontal Lobe Seizures

head turning to the left, facial clonic movements, and inability

to speak with preserved awareness. MRI and interictal EEG
were normal. The seizure begins with left frontocentral b
activity with some right-sided spread.
Epileptic involvement of the frontal operculum can
produce chewing, salivation, swallowing and gustatory hallu-
cinations, or autonomic manifestations such as flushing, pallor,
tachycardia, pupillary dilation, or apnea. Activation of Broca’s
area can produce difficulty with speech output, including
speech arrest, dysphasia, or comprehension difficulty. Akinetic
seizures can cause speech arrest or an inability to initiate or
sustain movement, and are associated with activation of the
negative motor areas anterior to the primary motor face area.
In a few patients, the paretic limb was found to be contralateral
to the seizure focus.39–42
Seizures originating in the anterior cingulate gyrus have
variable semiology depending on the ictal spread pattern. They
are usually brief and rapidly propagate to other lobes of the
brain.43 The anterior cingulate cortex is part of an inter-
connected system to assess the motivational content of internal
and external stimuli and regulate goal-directed behavior,44 and
seizures are characterized by complex motor behavior,
screaming, fear, emotional, or autonomic symptoms.
FIGURE 5. A and B, Electroencephalograph (EEG) of a
Complex partial seizures arising from the orbitofrontal
28-year-old woman with history of refractory dorsolateral frontal
seizures starting at the age of 20 years. Seizures consist of an region are characterized by unresponsiveness or behavioral
aura of fear followed by left gaze and head turning to the left, arrest, sometimes with vigorous motor automatisms,45–48 but the
facial clonic movements, and inability to speak with preserved behavior can vary depending on the spread pattern. In contrast to
awareness. A, The seizure begins with left frontocentral b activity typical complex partial seizures of temporal lobe origin, the
with some right-sided spread. B, The discharge increases in typical motor automatisms during frontal lobe complex partial
amplitude after she presses the button, and decreases in seizures are bilateral and complex, and can be quite bizarre.49
frequency. Alimentary automatisms can occur, but are more common in

FIGURE 6. A–D, Electroencephalograph (EEG) of a 27-year-old man with refractory orbitofrontal seizures starting at the age of 2 years.
Seizures consist of an aura of anxiety and palpitations, followed by complex bilateral motor activity, chewing, and unresponsiveness.
A and B, The seizure begins with attenuation of amplitude bilaterally with muscle artifact from chewing. C, The EEG evolves to a
rhythmic bilateral a frequency discharge that is not localized. D, The seizure ends with diffuse attenuation.

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temporal lobe epilepsy.17 The behavior may be preceded by a bilateral synchrony, or falsely localized spikes to the ipsilateral
nonspecific, cephalic sensation. The motor activity frequently or contralateral temporal or frontal lobes. The ictal EEG can
involves both legs, as in thrashing, rocking, thrusting, bicycling, also be falsely localizing to the temporal lobe from propaga-
or running. When the automatisms involve the arms, the move- tion. Figure 6 shows an example of an orbitofrontal seizure in a
ments involve the proximal muscles. Vocalizations, including 27-year-old, right-handed man with refractory seizures starting
laughing, crying, and screaming can be associated with the at the age of 2 years. Seizures consist of an aura of anxiety and
behavior, and have no lateralizing value. They often occur palpitations, followed by complex bilateral motor activity,
during sleep, and last less than 1 minute. These bilateral, chewing, and unresponsiveness. MRI of his brain shows a prior
complex motor seizures have classically been thought to arise left anterior temporal lobectomy. Interictal EEG showed left
from the orbitofrontal, anterior cingulate, and mesial frontal midtemporal d and spikes (T3) in wakefulness and sleep. The
regions,50 but can arise from any area in the frontal lobe. seizure begins with bilateral attenuation of amplitudes,
Patients with orbitofrontal and anterior cingulate epilepsy evolving to a rhythmic bilateral a frequency discharge that is
can have bilaterally synchronous frontal spikes or secondary not localized. Figure 7 shows an example of a frontal lobe

FIGURE 7. A–F, Electroencephalograph (EEG) of a 14-year-old man with refractory frontal lobe seizures starting at the age of 4 years.
Seizures consist of nocturnal episodes of cracking his knuckles, staring, rocking and bouncing with unresponsiveness, and brief postictal
confusion. A, Interictal EEG shows independent left and right sphenoidal sharp waves in sleep. B, The seizure starts with mild diffuse
background attenuation. C and D, The patient opens his eyes and blinks 25 seconds after onset. D, Rocking and bouncing movements
begin with unresponsiveness 44 seconds after onset. EEG is obscured by movement artifact. E and F, As the seizure continues, the EEG
shows a late left sphenoidal (E) and then right sphenoidal (F) amplitude maxima. These shifting amplitude asymmetries are not
uncommon, and should not be taken as localizing seizure since they represent late propagation of ictal discharge.

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seizure with falsely localized interictal epileptiform discharges manifestations, scalp EEG discharges were picked up at the
to the right and left sphenoidal electrodes in a 14-year-old, temporal electrodes. In 6 patients, intracranial electrodes found
right-handed man with refractory seizures starting at the age of that onset was in the insular region and there was early spread
4 years. Seizures consist of nocturnal episodes of cracking his to the either the suprasylvian or infrasylvian opercular
knuckles, staring, rocking and bouncing with unresponsive- cortex.52 Figure 8 shows an insular seizure in a 25-year-old,
ness, and brief postictal confusion. MRI was normal. The ictal left-handed man with refractory seizures starting at the age of 1
EEG is obscured by movement artifact, but shows a late left year and a left insular cortical dysplasia. He describes a brief
sphenoidal and then right sphenoidal amplitude maxima. These feeling “like hair standing on the back of his neck” and
shifting amplitude asymmetries are not uncommon, and should inability to speak, sometimes followed by jaw clonus. MRI
not be taken as localizing seizure as they represent late shows a left opercular and insular cortical dysplasia. Interictal
propagation of ictal discharge. With intracranial recording, the EEG was normal. The ictal EEG shows muscle artifact with no
patients shown in Figures 6 and 7 had seizures arising from the seizure discharge apparent. His clinical manifestations suggest
orbitofrontal region. Intracranial electrodes can help differ- that seizures arise from left frontoparietal opercular cortex.
entiate temporal from frontal foci.
Seizures arising from the anterior frontopolar region are
absence-like with a brief lapse of consciousness, version, TREATMENT AND OUTCOME
forced thinking, or autonomic signs. Frontal pseudoabsence The treatment for frontal lobe epilepsy is similar to other
seizures or “disturbances of contact,”51 and are thought to arise localization-related or focal epilepsies. Medications are the
from the anterior frontal or frontopolar regions by the first line of therapy, and surgery is considered for patients who
involvement of pathways from the corpus callosum to the fail to respond to medication. To our knowledge, there is no
thalamus, but are not specific to these regions.46 convincing data showing that the location of the epileptogenic
Insular seizures are typically characterized by laryngeal zone influences the probability of medication response.
discomfort, dyspnea, unpleasant parasthesias or warmth, or Antiepileptic drug therapy has little effect on either the rate
dysphonic or dysarthric speech with preservation of conscious- of occurrence or appearance of focal interictal spikes in most
ness.52 The insular cortex is richly connected to the temporal patients with extratemporal seizures, though focal discharges
lobe. When the ictal discharge spreads through the limbic may show slight temporal dispersion after the initiation of
connections to the mesial temporal lobe, behavioral manifesta- therapy at times.53 The effect of medication on the EEG
tions indistinguishable to seizures arising from mesial temporal manifestations of seizures mainly relates to how medication
lobe with visceral auras and oroalimentary automatisms can affects seizure propagation. As therapy may reduce seizure
occur. In a stereoelectroencephalographic study of 50 patients severity and lessen the likelihood of secondary generalization
suspected of having insular seizures based on clinical at times, this effect is apparent in the EEG.54

FIGURE 8. A and B, EEG of a 25-year-old man with refractory seizures starting at the age of 1 year from a left insular cortical dysplasia.
He describes a brief feeling “like hair standing on the back of his neck” and inability to speak, sometimes followed by jaw clonus.
Interictal electroencephalograph (EEG) was normal. A, The ictal EEG shows muscle artifact with no seizure discharge apparent. B,
Magnetic resonance imaging scan of the brain with sagittal T1W, coronal fluid attenuated inversion recovery and T2W images showed a
left opercular cortical dysplasia extending into the insula.

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The surgical outcome in frontal lobe resections is less 13. Jobst BC, Siegel AM, Thadani VM, et al. Intractable seizures of
favorable than anterior temporal lobe resections for mesial frontal lobe origin: seizure characteristics, localizing signs, and
temporal lobe epilepsy. In recent series, the seizure-free rates results of surgery. Epilepsia. 2000;41:1139–1152.
after a frontal resection vary considerably, though most reports 14. Jeha LE, Najm I, Bingaman W, et al. Surgical outcome and
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