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In partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of


APRIL 2022







Language development is intricately intertwined with cognitive development.

Much discussion and research have been devoted to the question of whether language

is necessary for cognition or whether language is merely an outcome or reflection of

growth in mental capacity. According to Dick and Curtin (2016) language development

is essentially a process of change. Exploring the multiple and varied trajectories of

language can provide us with insights into the development of more general cognitive

processes. Studies of language development have been particularly useful in helping us

to understand the emergence of specialization of function and the scale and flexibility

of cognitive processes during learning.

Cognition played a vigorous role in the language development of learners as it

required them to learn and process language instruction with deep cognitive processing

skill which aims at helping them to use the language successfully for real life

commitments to become efficient in professional, academic, and social settings.

As the researcher decided to choose TVL learners as the participants of the study

seem to be challenging because of the notion that their thinking abilities marked to be

manipulative and limited.

This study focused on determining the cognitive processing of language TVL

students in Dalig National High School as basis for proposed instructional framework

which served as a hopeful realization that every learner owns brand of intelligence as

manifested in the creative process of learning.

Through the lens of grounded theory approach since the study utilized

qualitative method of research to answer the specific research questions of the study,

the conditions that facilitated the cognitive processing of language were uncovered- by

coding and categorizing themes, relating the codes and categories, and determining a

central theme. It was found that there are similarities and differences in how TVL

learners process language, and that access to varied instructional strategies and

meaningful language experiences as revealed in the application of Think Aloud

Protocol and introspective interview.


I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my

knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by

another person nor material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree

or diploma of the university or other higher education institution, except where due

acknowledgment has been made in the text.


Name : Leslie H. Maglalang

Date : April 2022
Student Number : 2017001922


The researcher wishes to express her vast gratitude to the following persons for

their magnanimous and selfless support and concern in the pursuance of this work.

Dr. CHENEE DINO- APARICIO, program head, Far Eastern University -

Manila, for her ceaseless understanding and persistence in offering valuable

suggestions and support, for without which, the researcher would not have finished this


Dr. ROSARITO T. SUATENGCO, her adviser who unceasingly lend her

precious time in giving pieces of advice, listening to concerns, untiring support,

inspiring comments and professional guidance throughout the development of this


Dr. CHRISTOPHER R. DIAZ, CESO VI Schools Division Superintendent in

Antipolo City, for permitting the researcher to conduct the study and more importantly

the reinforcement that built the confidence the researcher needed for the completion of



for his untiring support in giving the researcher endless understanding during the

conduct of the study and all throughout the improvement of the study.

Grade 12 Students and Senior High School Teachers, as her respondents and to

all her co-teachers for their immeasurable and unselfish support;

Families, Classmates and Friends for their moral, financial and emotional

support and never-ending love and prayers.

Above all, to the ALMIGHTY GOD who gives the researcher unconditional

love, intelligence, strength and courage to complete this piece of work, for He is the

one who guides her on the pursuits of the advocacies for the enhancement of students’

learning and their life as a whole.

The Researcher


To my family, Daddy Lenard and Mommy Vina…….

To my four siblings: Lean, Lyndon, Lizane, & Lindsay……

To my loving future husband Eusebio A. Sario Jr. “Kobe”

To my research buddy: Love Lyn Intal

To my adorable pets: Channel, Grayxia, and Twinnie

and above all to GOD ALMIGHTY, the source of unlimited strength and


…….. this humble piece is dedicated



Title Page
Declaration.................................................................................................................................. v
Acknowledgment ....................................................................................................................... vi
Dedication ............................................................................................................................... viii
Table of Contents....................................................................................................................... ix
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................xii
List of Figures ........................................................................................................................ xiii

1.1 Background of the Study… ..................................................................................... 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem… .................................................................................... 5
1.3 Assumptions of the Study ........................................................................................ 6
1.4 Significance of the Study…..................................................................................... 6
1.5 Scope and Limits of the Study................................................................................. 8

2.1 Cognitive Processing of Language ........................................................................ 11
2.2 Metacognition of Learners .................................................................................... 20
2.3 Think Aloud Protocol ........................................................................................... 27
2.4 Introspection .......................................................................................................... 45
2.5 Synthesis ................................................................................................................ 52
2.6 Theoretical Framework ......................................................................................... 52
2.5 Conceptual Framework ......................................................................................... 54
2.6 Definition of Terms ............................................................................................... 55

3.1 Research Design .................................................................................................... 57
3.2 Research Locale ..................................................................................................... 60
3.3 Participants of the Study ........................................................................................ 61
3.4 Research Instruments…......................................................................................... 61
3.5 Data Gathering Procedure ..................................................................................... 62
3.6 Data Analysis…..................................................................................................... 62
3.7 Establishing Trustworthiness................................................................................. 63
3.8 Ethical Considerations ........................................................................................... 64

4.1 Schematic Processing of Language ....................................................................... 65
4.2 Language Processing through Kinesthetic Signal ................................................. 67
4.3 Explicating Meaning ............................................................................................. 42
4.4 Recognizing Comprehension Problems… ............................................................ 43
4.5 Data Generation ..................................................................................................... 44

5.1 Language Processing through Visualization ......................................................... 76
5.2 Integrative Processing ........................................................................................... 76
5.3 Comprehension Strategies ..................................................................................... 77
5.4 Students’ Individual Analyses of Cognitive Processing of Language .................. 79

6.1 Schematic ............................................................................................................ 187
6.2 Visualization ........................................................................................................ 189
6.3 Strategies in Explicating the Meaning of Text .................................................... 191
6.4 Participants’ Individual Introspection on Executive Cognition .......................... 197

7.1 Proposed Model ................................................................................................... 217

8.1 Open Coding ........................................................................................................ 219
8.2 Axial Coding ....................................................................................................... 220
8.3 Selective Category ............................................................................................... 221

5.1 Conclusions… ..................................................................................................... 254
5.2 Recommendations ............................................................................................... 254


A. Letter of Permission to Conduct the Study 264
B. Approved Conduct of Study 265
C. Letter to The Respondents 266
D. Letter to The Validator of Think Aloud Instrument 267
E. Letter to The Intercoder 270
F. Think Aloud Protocol Instrument 271
G. Reading and Writing Examination 277
H. Table of Specifications 283
I. Think Aloud Responses of Students (Grounded Theory Analysis) 284
J. Introspection Responses of Student (Grounded Theory Analysis) 299
K. Students’ Individual Transcriptions During Think Aloud Protocol 306
L. Students’ Individual Transcriptions on Introspection 462
M. Teachers and Students Transcription on Think Aloud Protocol 515
N. Agreement Estimate (Intercoder for Think Aloud Protocol) 666
O. Agreement Estimate (Intercoder for Introspection) 683
P. Documentation of Video Recorded Tap and Introspection 693
Q. Turnitin 694
R. Language Editing Certification 695
S. Academic Integrity Form 696



1 Matrix of Literature Review on Cognitive Processing of Language ........ 16

2 Matrix of Literature Review on Metacognition of Learners in Reading .. 26

3 Matrix of Literature Review on Think Aloud Protocol ............................ 38

4 Matrix of Literature Review on Introspection .......................................... 40

5 Participants’ Information Storing through TAP ....................................... 65

6 Participants’ Cognitive Processing through TAP ..................................... 75

7 Participants’ Introspection on Executive Cognition ................................. 187



1 Theoretical Framework of Information Processing Theory ......................... 54

2 Conceptual Framework for Cognitive Processing of Language of TVL
Students ...................................................................................................... 57
3 Grounded Theory Analysis .......................................................................... 62
4 Qualitative Data Analysis ............................................................................ 69
5 Proposed Model for TVL Learners’ Cognitive Processing of Language .... 242
6 Mechanisms of Cognitive Language Processing of TVL learners............... 245
7 Integrative processing of language and cognitive dimension in language
processing ................................................................................................... 246
8 Effective Language Processing .................................................................... 247



This chapter encompasses the amplifications on the challenges in cognitive

processing, reading competence, and learners’ processing of information cognitively.

The background of the study, statement of the problem, discussion of the significance

of the study, and its scope and limitations were the divisions of this chapter.


Language development is intricately intertwined with cognitive development.

Much discussion and research have been devoted to the question of whether language

is necessary for cognition or whether language is merely an outcome or reflection of

growth in mental capacity.

Cognition played a vigorous role in the language development of learners as it

required them to learn and process language instruction with deep cognitive processing

skill which aims at helping them to use the language successfully for real life

commitments to become efficient in professional, academic, and social settings.

Language and cognitive systems are inextricably linked. Language, according to

traditional theories of language and cognition, is built on humans' conceptual repertoire,

and the acquisition of linguistic meaning is bound by underlying mental representations

of human experience. The interaction between language and cognition may be even

more complicated than the traditional view suggests, with concepts varying depending

on which linguistic community one belongs to. It was also emphasized in this review

the role of language and cognition to adult and child learners. In both senior (adult) and

inexperienced (child) thinkers, explicit evidence supporting the link between language

meaning and conceptual representations might be lacking. Both adult and

developmental investigations have shown that language evidentiality categories have

cognitive effects, but that these linguistic influences are not universal (Unal C. &

Papafragou A.2018).

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic sweeping the globe and the shift in

education to various learning modalities, English teachers who were accustomed to

teaching offline or online faced numerous challenges during this transition. The

language educator's top challenges or quandaries while teaching online English to a

group of senior high school students in a new normal setting, and how they overcame

those quandaries, specifically in teaching reading (Askari, Hamdollah, Chen, Liping,


According to the findings of the Imam, Mastura, Jamil, and Ismail (2014)

study, there is a need to improve the level of performance in reading comprehension

skills, particularly understanding vocabulary in context, noting details, predicting

outcome, and drawing conclusions. To achieve the DepEd target mastery level of

performance, all elements of reading skills should be developed as thoroughly as

possible in first-year high school students.

In Mohebbi and Rahimi's (2019) study, constructing questions required

students to approach and process the reading texts purposefully for a variety of

purposes such as identifying the author's purpose, discussing the author's line of

reasoning, identifying main ideas within separate paragraphs as well as for the entire

text, recognizing the overall organization of different text genres, summarizing the

information in the texts, and providing personal eval

The educational reform's intention is to ensure that the intended learning

outcomes laid out by the intended curriculum are clearly manifested and achieved

among its graduates in order for them to be globally competent not only in the

academic arena but also in the workplace. The K to 12 Program includes Kindergarten

and 12 years of basic education (six years of primary education, four years of junior

high school, and two years of senior high school (SHS) to allow for sufficient time for

concept and skill mastery, the development of lifelong learners, and the preparation

of graduates for tertiary education, and middle-level skill development (Jaca et.al,


Reading and Writing is a core subject offered in all tracks of the Senior High

School curriculum that focuses on the development of reading and writing skills as

applied to a wide range of materials other than poetry, fiction, and drama. It includes

three key components: 1) an in-depth discussion of reading and thinking strategies

across text types in order to improve students' reading skills; 2) an understanding of

text and context connections as applied to a diverse range of reading materials; and 3)

exposure of students to writing as a complementary activity to reading. This subject

aims to improve students' reading and writing habits by exposing them to academic

and professional texts.

There are fifteen (15) core subjects that all Senior High School (SHS) students

will take. Two of these core subjects include Language, Humanities, Communication,

Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Philosophy, and PE and Health subjects. One

of these core subjects in Language is Reading and Writing which is considered an

essential subject across the disciplines. Teachers in general have observed the

declining reading and writing skills among students as reflected in their outputs in

class. This scenario requires teachers to reflect on how they are teaching and will also

have implications on what the curriculum requires. It is well¬ said that Philippines is

apparently has high reading ability rate of about 88.6 % but sad to say that numerous

numbers of Filipinos can hardly read and write (Selangan, 2015).

Two of the major factors identified were a lack of support from parents for

their children and a lack of dynamics in the teachers' teaching strategies for delivering

their instructions. Before giving reading instruction, teachers should consider each

student's needs and strengths; collaboration in reading tasks or activities between

teachers and students should be emphasized; and teachers should accommodate

differences in students' readiness, levels, interests, and learning profiles (Ocampo,


Reading Literacy (RL), as defined in the PISA 2018 Assessment and

Analytical Framework (2018), encompasses a broad range of cognitive and linguistic

competencies, ranging from basic decoding to knowledge of words, grammar, and the

larger linguistic and textual structures required for comprehension, as well as

integration of meaning with one's knowledge of the world. It also includes

metacognitive competencies, which are the awareness of and ability to use a variety

of appropriate text-processing strategies. As a result, RL is made up of three sub-

skills: finding information, comprehending, and evaluating and reflecting.

The K to 12 Program is a curriculum designed to meet the growing needs of

Filipino students and the country in the twenty-first century, particularly in business,

employment, and higher education (Official Gazette of the Republic of the

Philippines, 2013). Although all SHS subjects require reading skills, these subjects

were chosen because they explicitly cover the upskilling of RL as reflected in the

learning competencies (LCs). According to Mar and Ancho (2019), issues related to

reading level or literacy may account for school dropout, making this a critical area of


Students' lack of interest is one of the instructional challenges, and the solution

devised is to make the lessons specific and contextual. Engaging students in the

lessons is a great way to connect them to the competencies they need to develop.The

researcher witnessed the different learning styles of students in learning and

processing language instruction specifically to senior high school learners. They

possess unique cognitive dimensions in understanding language as how do they

cognitively process language. In the context of the study, Technical Vocational and

Livelihood learners are the target participants. As mentioned in the study of Hilario

(2017) students of technical-vocational institutions have crucial roles in contributing

to the economic development of the country. Most of the overseas contract workers

are technically skilled workforce, therefore; they must be competent in English to

communicate effectively with different groups of people in the world. In addition,

most communications, instructions, documentations are in the English language.

As stipulated in Memorandum 173, 2019 that there is a need to strengthen the

proficiency of every learner and to nurture a culture of reading which is a requisite

skill in all content areas. With previous national assessments revealing that learners

still need improvement in literacy skills, DepEd’s 3Bs initiative encourages offices

from central to division level and schools to intensify their advocacies for reading to

make every learner a reader at their grade level and capacitate teachers to become

effective reading instructors.

In the new normal setting, most of the senior high school students encountered

difficulties in the processing language specifically in reading as revealed in the

qualitative interview conducted by the researcher. As revealed in the periodical exam

for the last three years. Core subjects in English which encompass: Reading and

Writing, Speech and Oral Communication as well as English for Academic and

professional Purposes as one of the applied subjects revealed that most of the

weaknesses of the students befall on their reading competence.

Based on the meta-analysis of data gathered initiated by the researcher in the

periodical test results of TVL students during the S.Y. 2021-2022. It can be reflected

that among the core subjects and applied subjects in English taken by the students.

Least mastered skills were deemed in the subjects such as Reading & Writing, 21st

Century Philiipine Literature from the Philippines and the World, and English for

Acadmeic Purposes. Most of the competencies that the students exhibited declining

result focused on reading competence which encompasses: explaining critical reading

as looking for ways of thinking, explaining the relationship of context with the text’s

meaning, analysis of figures of speech and other literary techniques and devices in the

text and paraphrasing or explaining a text using one’s own words.

Hence, the researcher come up with this study to examine the cognitive

processing of language in reading of Technical Vocational and Livelihood in Dalig

National High School to better prepare them to be highly qualified and competent in

technical-vocational skills, should be equipped with language competence in English

and should be well in technical skills. Since Dalig National High School is one the

innovative secondary schools in the Division of Antipolo City that offered TECHVOC

courses and won in different division, regional and national competitions in different

field of specializations.

Moreover, the researcher aims to craft a proposed model that describes the

cognitive processing of language of TVL learners.


This qualitative- grounded theory analysis examined how TVL students

actualized the information processing of reading and listening texts in English at Dalig

National High School. Specifically, it answered the following questions:

1. How do TVL students execute information storing as revealed in the

application of Think Aloud Protocol?

2. How do students cognitively process the meaning of reading and listening


3. How do students undertake introspection on their executive cognition?

4. What model describes the cognitive processing of language of TVL students?


The following assumptions were established in the process of elucidating the

result of the study:

1. Students process the meaning of reading and litening texts based from their

individual information stores using think aloud protocol.

2. Participants of the study possess different cognitive processes and

comprehension strategies in understanding language.

3. Learners provide reflective expression of their language processes through



Educational curricula constantly change. They consistently respond to new

conditions as they are instruments for changing the world to a better place. This study

analyzes the cognitive processing of language of Technical vocational students and

proposes a language instruction program based on the research findings along the

following possibilities:

The language teachers. The results of this study may offer language teachers

significant findings that may reveal their instructional strengths as well as their

weaknesses that would give instructional feedbacks in understanding language

instruction. Moreover, the study may widen and deepen their understanding of

the learners’ cognitive processing skills. Furthermore, the study may lead them

to the realization of the development and betterment of cognitive processing

skills of the students and awareness of strategies and techniques in

understanding language instruction.

The language learners. This study may help the students enhance their cognitive

processing skills in understanding language instruction through deep

understanding of reading text in line with their specialization. It may help the

learners to improve their current level of reading proficiency. This will give

them the hope that they can still improve their reading competence and

performance in learning language instruction effectively. Besides, through the

study, the learners will have a better understanding that their enhancement of

cognition played an important role in accomplishing cognitively demanding

task; especially written or spoken discourses which once achieved may

contribute to their academic success.

The school administrators. Upon knowing the outcomes of this study, may make them

realize the importance of giving full support in upgrading students’

competence in specific macro skill. They may formulate related policies and

support activities that give brighter prospects in the teaching and learning of


The parents. As molders and students’ first mentors, they may become aware of the

big role in encouraging their children to learn and to practice analytical

reading. They must have a joint responsibility with teachers for a better class

standing of the students.

The curriculum planners. They may consider the results of this study in preparation

of materials in line with content-based reading material which will help the

teachers and students to develop cognitive processing skill and contribute to

the progress of academic performance of the students.

Other researchers. They may utilize this study as reference for future researches.


This study scrutinized the cognitive processing of language of Grade 12

Technical Vocational and Livelihood students in Dalig National High School as basis

for proposed framework/ model in Division of Antipolo City during the S.Y. 2020-

2021. This section was extended to comprise the following: the topic of the study,

least mastered skills, think aloud protocol, intrsospective responses, the subject and

locale of the study, and the methods of research.

Topic. The main topic of analysis was the cognitive language processing of

TVL students in reading and listening as manifested in the application of think aloud

protocol and introspective procedure.

Least Mastered Skills. The focus of reading competencies manifested in the

reading and listening texts were derived from the least mastered skills in the following

English subjects such as Reading & Writing, 21st Century Literature from the

Philippines and the World and English for Academic and Professional Purposes. It

centered on the following competencies, which were discovered to be the students'

weaknesses: explaining critical reading as looking for new ways of thinking,

explaining the relationship of context with the text's meaning, analyzing figures of

speech and other literary techniques and devices in the text, and paraphrasing or

explaining a text in one's own words.

Think Aloud Protocol. This procedure was utilized in order to examine the

cognitive processing of language of TVL learners as revealed in the

information storing and cognitive processes exhibited.

Introspective Response. This process was used to determine the executive

cognition of learners after being exposed with series of think aloud sessions.

This served as a reflective process on how students describe their strategies in

cognitively processing the menaing of language.

Subject and Locale. The students who served as participants were fifteen

Grade 12 students from heterogeneous groups who were purposively selected among

different sections from Technical Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track which

comprises the different strand; Food Technology, Electrical Installation and

Maintenance, and Automotive Technology.

These group of students can use synchronous modalities such as Google Meet,

Zoom Meetings, and Facebook Messenger, which are described as real-time means of

instruction and learning. Because the study was limited to a small number of

participants, which was highly significant in saturating the data, not all TVL students


Research Method. The study utilized qualitative method of research since the

main goal of the researcher was to analyze the cognitive processing language of TVL

learners. Using the grounded theory, data gathered from the interviews with the select

students paved way to the analysis of the data through introspection and think-aloud

protocol which were described and discussed thorought in the third chapter of this




This portion delineates review of the unified studies on the significance and role

of cognitive processing of language and metacognition in the improvement and

enhancement of language development of learners. Also, the relevance and application

of think aloud protocol, and introspective method in determining the cognitive

processing of language and metacognitive awareness and approaches utilized among

language learners. They were analyzed and synthesized to serve as guide in the conduct

of this study.

The first tier abridges the investigation and exploration on the different

components of language skill on how learners cognitively process, cognitive strategies

in processing the meaning of texts, cognitive processing of different types of language

learners, the function of affective emotion in processing the meaning of language as

well as the complexities and unpredictability of cognitive processing of learners as

exhibited from reviewed studies. The next tier expounds the applicability of think aloud

protocol and introspection in determining the cognitive processing and metacognitive

strategies of learners in processing the meaning of language in terms of its advantages,

functions, limitations, and exploring language components which developed students’

metacognitive and cognitive processing skills. It also captures how think aloud strategy

benfits teachers and students in line with development of cognitive processes, assessing

students reading processes. Through this structure, it can conclude whether the

convergence and divergence of cognitive processing of language, metacognition,

utilization of think aloud protocol and introspection established unifying outcome,

pressing limitations and implication in determining the cognitive processing of

language among learners in relation to the present study. Arrays of studies reviewed are

also obtained in each tier to illustrate what had been navigated and what breach is yet

to be discussed.

This section also illuminates magnifying Information Processing theory as the

theoretical groundworks of the existing study. It also focuses on how the study's

sections were connected to one another. Finally, the conceptual framework was

expanded exemplifying how the study was aimed from numerous conceptions studied

in the same section.


This tier discussed the exploration and investigation of of learners in terms of

different language components. As investigated in the quantitative study of Adyin

(2022), cognitive processing of second language idiom comprehension. It was

mentioned that learners have had more acquaintance to accurate language and may have

developed strategies that lead to success. Learners in foreign language contexts who

understood more literal (transparent, figurative) idioms better compositional and

interpretable). In addition, in an EFL setting, the Dual Idiom Representation Model can

be used to activate students' idiom entry and assist them in better comprehending

opaque idioms. Learners have become more familiar with precise language and may

have developed strategies that lead to success in comprehension progressions that

directly access figurative meanings.

Another study delineated by Jensen and Thogersen (2017) on foreign

enunciation, cognitive load and fluency of English as medium of instruction lectures as

they examine the interaction effect of task and environment, accented speech adds

complexity and complicates processing. It was implied in the study that French-

accented speech would necessitate more cognitive processing. In all cases, but it would

have little effect on comprehension in the simpler of the two tasks.. Even if the actual

success or failure with word recognition is relatively unaffected, difficulty with the

process may interfere with the more complex aspects of understanding. The

comprehensibility of a speaker (as measured by asking judges how difficult it is to

understand the speaker) may be a better indicator of the processing challenges presented

to the listener and thus because this construct includes the intelligibility in complex

tasks. Reduced intelligibility as a result of the second task's higher cognitive demands

combined with the foreign accent's increased cognitive workload. Using strategies

tailored to the learner's linguistic competence during a reading lecture, such as visual

aids, slide decks, and drawings, which allow students to ask clarification questions, may

help to alleviate students' processing difficulties.

Though the present study did not include students with disability, the researcher

pointed the lexical impact on children’s speech processing as indicator of assessing

language component among autistic learners. As shown in the quantitative

experimental study of Mitsuhiko Ota, Stewart, Petrou, and Dickie (2015), they

investigate whether children have the same relationship as adults between lexical

influence on phoneme documentation and individual dissimilarity on the Autism-

Spectrum Quotient (AQ). Learners differ in some general aspect of cognitive style, as

measured by the Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ), which could be related to local or

global information processing.

The present study also reviewed the relationship of cognitive processing on how

learners process the meaning of texts as well as their cognitive strategies. As mentioned

in the qualitative case study of Alkhaleefah (2017) on strategic processing of text

variations, he examined and interpret students’ processing of different texts. The

narrative text proved to be more challenging. The structural variations in narrative and

expository texts had a significant impact on the measure and quality of reported

problems and reading approaches used in writing by readers. Expository texts

outnumber expository texts in terms of the number of instances signaling, eliciting more

strategic processes explicit problems, for dealing with new problems for various

reading conditions or tasks. EFL readers must be taught how to identify and monitor

their L2 reading problems and comprehension breakdowns while reading different

texts, as well as how to use a variety of word-related and text-related strategies to solve

any reading difficulties they encounter in texts with these emerging issues.. Also,

consideration of unambiguous cases of subjects chosen, the specific academic context.

Maier, Richter, and Britt (2018) elucidated another quanatitative experimental

study focused on the cognitive processes underlying the text belief consistency effect

in readers' representations of scientific discourse, as well as its reasonableness as a

function of text presentation mode in Cognitive progressions underpinning the text

belief consistency effect. Textual information relevant to a reading decision or point of

view receives more attention and is more thoroughly embedded in the student's mental

representation of the text. Readers' prior beliefs can also be used as relevance principles

in a specific way when judging the contributing value of a text section in relation to the

readers' reading project. Differences in participants' immediate and delayed processing

of belief consistent and belief inconsistent claims and arguments based on presentation


In the review explicated by Klein (2016) in line with Cognitive processes and

Bilingual learners. Multiple cognitive procedures (selection mediated by inhibition and

switching and monitoring,) are likely to be performed in the bilingual mind and,

particularly, in the bilingual background. There are no extra-linguistic mental

advantages to multilingualism.

Another cognitive processing strategy utilized by ESL learners as revealed in

the experimental study of Healy (2018) is the utilization of affective construction in

American Sign Language (ASL). Interpretation is improved by embracing a cognitive

model of communication rather than the conduit model implied in many

communication models. This also supported in the review of Maia and Santos (2018)

on language, emotion, and the emotions: the multidisciplinary and linguistic

background as they recognize the multifaceted relationship between emotion and

cognition, as well as the issues it raises. It was emphasized that emotion and language

are influenced by anthropological psychology, sociology, neuroscience, philosophy,

and computer science viewpoints, and cover not only the spoken or written form of the

essential concepts of emotion, but also metaphors of emotion manifestation through

facial communication, body language, and physical responses, as well as independent

language in broad-spectrum.

In terms of relationship between language and cognition, determining the

thinking patterns of L1 acquisition as estructured during the L2 acquisition process was

reviewed by Kail (2020) on language and spatial cognition. Analysis of the contexts

and conditions under which habitual patterns in L1 are replaced or maintained by

transfer based on typological modifications and comparisons between first and second

language speakers, or how new patterns transpire, particularly in bilinguals. The effects

of linguistic typology on nonverbal online spatial cognition were studied, specifically

visual attention, cognitive symbols, and retention. Another review was discussed by

Unal and Papafragou (2018) on issues pertaining to the domain of evidentiality sources

of information. The way cognition and language interact is that natural languages differ

in their lexical-structural resources. Languages use various methods to encode space,

motion, number, and objects. The cross-linguistic variances raise the question of

whether various language speakers' fundamental conceptual representations differ.

Because it is required for formation, the ability to reason about the sources of

information is an important feature of human cognition as well as bringing worldviews

up to date. The link can be tested using the concept of evidentiality.

Language and cognitive systems are inextricably linked. Language, according

to traditional theories of language and cognition, is built on humans' conceptual

repertoire, and the acquisition of linguistic meaning is bound by underlying mental

representations of human experience. The interaction between language and cognition

may be even more complicated than the traditional view suggests, with concepts

varying depending on which linguistic community one belongs to. It was also

emphasized in this review the role of language and cognition to adult and child learners.

In both senior (adult) and inexperienced (child) thinkers, explicit evidence supporting

the link between language meaning and conceptual representations might be lacking.

Both adult and developmental investigations have shown that language evidentiality

categories have cognitive effects, but that these linguistic influences are not universal.

Discovering the complexities and unpredictability of cognitive processing of

language were explicated. As manifested in the review of Macalister and Navarro

(2017) on Exploring Language Learner Cognition in Action, they recognize the

complexities and unpredictability of L2 development and investigate how an adult

language learner in an ESL context navigates L2 use in naturalistic interactions. The

result of their review manifested that understanding learners' L2-related activity in

context can assist in making sense of the gap between what is observed and what is

experienced. Language learner cognition, defined as the intersection of L2-related

beliefs, assumptions, knowledge (BAK), and emotions, is a critical construct in

assisting in the interpretation of individuals' thought processes, behavior, and emotions

development in terms of additional language learning. Propose a model based on

complexity theory that can help researchers better understand how L2-related cognition

and behavior interact to influence language learning development.

Table 1
Matrix of Literature Review on Cognitive Processing of Language

Topic Author Method Results/Implications
Cognitive Adyin Quantitative Investigates 1.Learners in foreign language contexts
processing (2019) the cognitive who understood more literal (transparent,
of second processes figurative) idioms
language underlying the better compositional and interpretable)
idiom understanding 2. Provide modifications to educational
comprehen of L2 strategies that are in accordance with
sion idiomatic cognitive processing of
expressions The use of figurative language is intended
to achieve the best possible learning
3. In an EFL setting, in order to activate
idiom entry and assist them in better
comprehending opaque lexical figurative
language with the assistance of Dual
Idiom Representation Model.
4. The number of idioms in the study is
restricted due to the experimental task.
5. Future research could employ similar
procedures while employing a range of
different idioms.
to validate these findings further
6. With a smaller class size, the TEL
mode of delivery is advantageous.
7. In the context of ESL,
Learners have had more acquaintance to
accurate language and may have
developed strategies that lead to success.
to comprehension progressions that
directly access figurative meanings.

Strategic Alkhalee Qualitative- Examine and 1.Structuring variations in fiction and

Processing fah Case study interpret non-fiction texts had a significant impact
of Text (2017) students’ on the measure and quality of reported
Variations processing of problems and reading approaches by
different texts. readers
used in writing
2. The narrative text proved to be more
In terms of the number of instances
signaling, expository texts outnumber
expository texts. eliciting more strategic
processes explicit problems, for dealing
with new problems

for various reading conditions/tasks
3. EFL readers must be trained on how to
recognize and monitor their L2 reading
difficulties and comprehension
breakdowns while reading various texts,
as well as how to use a variability of
word-related and text-related approaches
to solve any reading difficulties they
encounter in texts.
with these emerging issues
4. Recognize the study's limitations: the
unambiguous cases of subjects chosen,
the specific academic context.

Cognitive Klein Review Determine the 1. Multiple cognitive progressions

processes (2016) cognitive (selection mediated by inhibition
and processes that monitoring, and switching) are likely to
Bilingual are be performed in the bilingual mind and,
learners Bilingualism is particularly, in the multi-lingual setting.
likely to be
taxing. 2. There are no extra-linguistic reasoning
advantages to multilingualism.

Relations Unal C. Review Discuss issues 1. The way cognition and language
Between & pertaining to interact is that natural languages differ in
Language Papafrag the domain of their lexical-structural resources.
and ou A. evidentiality. Languages use various methods to
Cognition (2018) sources of encode space, motion, number, and
information. objects.
2. The cross-linguistic variances raise the
question of whether various language
speakers' fundamental conceptual
representations differ.

3. Because it is required for formation,

the ability to reason about the sources of
information is an important feature of
human cognition.
as well as bringing worldviews up to date
4. The link can be tested using the
concept of evidentiality.
Language and cognitive systems are
inextricably linked.
5. Language, according to traditional
theories of language and cognition, is
built on humans' conceptual repertoire,
and the acquisition of linguistic meaning
is bound by underlying mental
representations of human experience.
6. In both senior (adult) and
inexperienced (child) thinkers, explicit
evidence supporting the link between
language meaning and conceptual
representations might be lacking.
7. The interaction between language and
cognition may be even more complicated
than the traditional view suggests, with
concepts varying depending on which
linguistic community one belongs to.
8. Both adult and developmental
investigations have shown that language
evidentiality categories have cognitive
effects, but that these linguistic
influences are not universal.

Exploring Macalist Review Recognize the 1.Propose a model based on complexity

Language er, J. & complexities theory that can help researchers better
Learner Navarro, and understand how L2-related cognition and
Cognition D. (2017) unpredictabilit behavior interact to influence language
in Action y of L2- learning development.
and investigate 2. Understanding learners' L2-related
how an adult activity in context can assist in making
language sense of the gap between what is
learner in an observed and what is experienced.
ESL context
navigates L2 3. Language learner cognition, defined as
use in the intersection of L2-related beliefs,
naturalistic assumptions, knowledge (BAK), and
interactions. emotions, is a critical construct in
assisting in the interpretation of
individuals' thought processes, behavior,
and emotions.
Development in terms of additional
language learning

Interpreting Healy Review Using a 1. Accepting a cognitive model of

affective (2018) linguistic communication rather than the conduit
constructio method, model implied by many communication
ns examine models improves interpretation.
structures in
American Sign

Foreign Jensen C. Experimenta Examine the 1. More cognitive processing would be

accent, & l interaction required for French-accented speech.
Cognitive Thogerse effect of task In all cases, but it would have little effect
load and n J. and on comprehension in the simpler of the
intelligibilit (2017) environment. two tasks.
y of English Accented
as medium speech adds 2. Reduced fluency as a result of merging
of complexity the higher reasoning demands of the
instruction and second task with the increased cognitive
lectures complicates workload of the foreign accent.
3. Even if the actual success or failure
with word recognition is relatively
unaffected, difficulty with the process
may interfere with the more complex
aspects of understanding, such as it is
grasped in the construct of IC.

4. The comprehensibility of a speaker (as

measured by asking judges how difficult
it is to understand the speaker) may be a

better indicator of the processing
challenges presented to the listener and
because this construct includes the
intelligibility in complex tasks

5. Using strategies tailored to the learner's

linguistic competence during a reading
lecture, such as visual aids, slide decks,
and drawings, which allow students to
ask clarification questions, may help to
alleviate students' processing difficulties.
Language Kail Review Determine 1.Analysis of the contexts and conditions
and Spatial (2020) thinking under which habitual patterns in L1 are
Cognition patterns of L1 replaced or maintained by transfer based
acquisition are on typological modifications and
restructured comparisons between first and second
during the L2 language speakers, or how new patterns
acquisition transpire, particularly in bilinguals.
2. The effects of linguistic typology on
nonverbal online spatial cognition were
studied, specifically visual attention,
cognitive symbols, and retention.

Language Maia, B., Review Recognize the 1. Emotion and language are subjective
and & multifaceted by perspectives from the fileds of
Emotion Santos, association psychology and education and include
D. (2018) between not only the spoken or written form of the
emotion and essential concepts of emotion, but also
understanding, metaphors of emotion manifestation
as well as the through facial communication, body
issues it raises. language, and physical responses, as well
as independent language in broad-

Cognitive Maier, J., Quantitative Investigate the 1.Based on presentation style, differences
progression Richter, - cognitive in participants' instant and hindered
s T., & Experimenta procedures understanding of belief consistent and
underpinni Britt, M. l underlying the belief unpredictable claims and
ng the text‐ A. (2018 text belief arguments.
belief consistency
consistency effect in 2. Textual information that is relevant to
effect readers' a reading decision or viewpoint gets more
representations attention and is more thoroughly
of scientific embedded in the student's mental
discourse, as representation of the text.
well as its
reasonableness 3. Prior beliefs of readers can also be used
as a purpose of as relevance principles in a specified
text manner when judging the contributing
presentation significance of a text section in
mode. . connection to the readers' reading project.

Lexical Mitsuhik Quantitative Examine 1.Learners differ in some general aspect
Impact on o Ota, - whether of cognitive style, as measured by the
Children’s Stewart, Experimenta children Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ),
Speech M. E., l display the possibly in relation to local/global
Processing Petrou, similar information processing.
A. M., & relationship
Dickie, among lexical
C. (2015) influence on
and individual
on the Autism-
Quotient as
adults (AQ)


This segment reviewed the juxtaposition between metacognition and reading

strategies of learners. In the quantitative study of Nguyen and Phung (2021), the results

implied that the learners' metacognition formation and exercise processes appeared to

be a mix of memorizing and assessing about remembering and remembering and

evaluating about remembering, students were aware of their metacognition, but their

stages of consciousness varied and were disordered. The processes by which learners

form metacognition are dynamic and disordered. When faced with confusion or a lack

of understanding, learners' problem-solving abilities enabled them to follow text

sequences. The development of students' self-directed metacognitive growth can

provide more opportunities for them to organize approaches in their own ways, which

fairly provides them with improved reading purposes. Monitoring reading strategies

can have a significant impact on students' achievement of task objectives because they

tend to reread texts and pay close attention to challenging segments. In line with the

development and enhancement of metacognitive strategies created based on how

learner’s plan, monitor, and evaluate in order to advance reading ability. It was exhibitd

in the review of Channa, Nordin, Siming, Chandio, and Koondher (2015) that

metacognitive strategies used in reading comprehension play an important role in

students' academic success. Consideration of metacognitive approaches as contribution

to design reading comprehension learning resource material based on learners’ needs.

Teachers scaffold students' reading and comprehension abilities.

Improvement of reading competence of learners were considered in the

comprehensive review. In the qualitative study of Tarchi (2017) on the the impact of

cognitive and motivational factors on expository text understanding. It is significant to

note that intrinsic motivation qualified the relationship between metacognition and

historical text reading comprehension. The outcome of reading comprehension is

heavily influenced by an intricate interplay of cognitive and motivational variables.

Improve reading comprehension skills through cooperative learning, which creates a

supportive environment. Introduce students to various strategic approaches to the text.

Students who are extremely intrinsically motivated read the text at the same level,

regardless of their metacognitive level. Intrinsic motivation is important in

compensating for deficiency of metacognition and producing good reading

comprehension performance. It can be deduced form the result of this study that

motivation played an enormous impact in the development of reading competence of


Another study pointed the significance and usefulness of training programs,

both comprising metacognition and working memory on listening comprehension and

on reading comprehension in the development of reading competence of readers as

revealed in the quantitative study of Carretti, Caldarola, Tencati, and Cornoldi (2014).

The use of training programs focusing on specific text comprehension skills improved

the children's language achievement. Reading comprehension training produced greater

gains than listening comprehension training. Activities focusing on working memory

and metacognition in particular could improve text comprehension, but the possible

benefit is subjective by the training modality. The Reading group improved more

quickly and for a longer period of time than the Active control or Listening groups.

Role of integration and working memory skills are given importance in this study.

Working memory skill development is only visible in the group of readers. As a result,

the listening group provided no benefit. Listening and reading contexts make use of

integration skills.

In line with the review of Channa, Nordin, Siming, Chandio, and Koondher,

(2015) on Metacognitive Strategies for Improving Reading Conception, it is

noteworthy to consider in the resut of their reviews the consideration of metacognitive

approaches as contribution to design reading comprehension learning resource material

based on learners’ needs. Metacognitive strategies used in reading comprehension play

an important role in students' academic success. These findings exemplified that

enhancement of metacognitive strategies can advance reading ability.

Another study which contributes in the reading performance of learner’s

metacognition as proposed in the descriptive – correlational study of Steensel,

Oostdam, Gelderen, and Schooten (2016) on the the significance of vocabulary

knowledge, meta-cognitive knowledge and word decoding. They investigated the

connections between word decoding and vocabulary of low-achieving students'

knowledge, metacognitive knowledge, and reading comprehension and examine the

differences in relationships between students in Grades 7 and 9, as well as between

monolingual and bilingual students. Findings discovered that there is a progressive

effect of vocabulary and metacognitive knowledge on reading comprehension in

monolinguals and bilinguals that were consistent across grades and across languages.

When vocabulary alterations were controlled for, bilingualism provided an advantage

in reading comprehension. Reading comprehension in bilingual students is hampered

by a lack of second-language vocabulary knowledge. Students benefit more from

increased vocabulary competence than their monolingual counterparts. Increase the

significance of lexical and metacognitive instruction for underachieving adolescents.

It is significant to note on the role of metacognition in the development of

language skills of the students in terms of the text difficulty. The development of

reading material or tools in the improvement of metacognitive awareness of learners as

presented in the quantitative study of Zhang, Aryadoust, and Zhang (2014) as they

emphasized to focus on the development of a valid reading instrument which gauges

learners’ metacognitive responsiveness in reading comprehension assessments.

Reading tools can evaluate, check, and record learners' metacognitive consciousness

during the reading comprehension process Metacognitive Awareness Reading Tools

improved test performance and were used by researchers to validate reading tests.

Served as a good source for determining whether the expected processes were involved

in the reading comprehension assessment. External and significant features of the

soundness of crafted reading tools on the actual use of measurement tools are taken into


In the descriptive- qualitative study of Jafarigohar and Khanjani (2014) on the

impact of text difficulty on EFL learners' use of metacognitive reading strategies, they

examine the effects of text difficulty on Metacognitive Reading Strategy use. The

findings reflected that text difficulty had a significant impact on the use of

metacognitive reading strategies, with problem-solving strategies being the most

affected. Learners benefited from MRSs such as planning, summarizing, and

translating, especially when the text was challenging. Improving the selection of

appropriate reading materials and methodology for EFL learners in terms of foreign

language teaching, teacher training, and curriculum design. EFL teachers must consider

the difficulty level of reading materials in order to activate learners' use of

metacognitive reading strategies. It can be concluded from these implications that

selection of reading materials helped students battle text difficulty. Teachers should

also reflect on their instructional practice and consider the level of complexity of

reading material.

Another study promulgated the significance of Print and Online Resources for

Developmental Students Reading for Metacognition. As postulated in the quantitative

study of Boudreaux (2016). Developmental students use support reading approaches

discreetly when reading online and print texts. Developmental students struggled to

understand print and online texts using support strategies. Some students do not fully

utilize the "support mechanisms aimed at maintaining responses to reading." To

improve thinking skills, teachers of developmental students must begin to rethink the

concept of cognition and how students process information (metacognition). This study

complements the review of Clinton (2019) on determining the consequences of reading

from a document when it comes to reading performance, reading times, and standards

are all affected by screens. It is mirrored that reading from a screen had an undesirable

consequence on reading performance when compared to paper. When compared to

screens, readers had a more controlled conclusion of their performance when reading

on paper. When reading from paper rather than a screen, readers may be more

competent and aware of their enactment. In line with the present study, the researcher

also considered the nature of online and print reading material to respoduce and

disseminated by online distance learners during the application of think aloud protocol

in the reading text.

The researcher initiated to review on the role of teachers’ instructional practice

and assessment in improving the metacognitive skills of students. As delineated in the

quantitative study of Ozturk (2020) on metacognition in reading classrooms. Despite

arduous educational standards and metacognition instruction, assessment practices

were barely accomplished in classrooms. Given the close relationship between

assessment and instruction, teachers assessing students' metacognition may potentially

stimulate students' metacognition. Only by assessing students' metacognition aptitude

and needs can teachers enlighten and normalize instructional practices for students'

metacognition. Metacognition instruction practices can be practically implemented by

teachers to address students' existing needs. Metacognitive readers continually assess

themselves in order to test their decisions, behaviors, and the effects of these on and for

successful reading experiences. Self-assessment allows independent readers to direct

and control their experiences. Teachers can be exposed to standard modules of

metacognition instruction as well as needs-based professional development modules in

a variety of teaching contexts.

It is significant to consider the examination of self-regulated learning and

metacognitive monitoring measures in the evaluation of learners' regulation as

exemplified in the quantitative study of Follmer and Sperling (2019). The point of

convergence between self-regulated learning, metacognitive monitoring, and a self-

regulated learning questionnaire. Students' assessments of their governing behaviors

aren't always consistent across self-report measures, and they don't always match their

established habits or the quality of the monitoring systems that go into their

performances. The degree of metacognitive monitoring as well as participants' item-

level confidence judgments were found to be meaningfully connected to self-

monitoring on the micro analytic technique. Self-regulated learning microanalysis

revealed a substantial association between participants' reported strategy use during

self-regulated learning and reading questionnaire scores. Participants who made

strategy acknowledgements for performance have a tendency to to score higher on the

reading comprehension measure. The utilization of approaches and the level of strategy

processing were found to be declining during planning, implying that learners’'

capabilities to select or use strategies during forethought were more difficult than

during the performance phase of SRL. The use of various approaches for capturing

regulatory progressions over time is required for efficient dimension of students'


Table 2
Matrix of Literature Review on Metacognition of Learners in Reading

Topic Author Method Research Aims Results/Implications

The Nguyen, C. Quantitativ Unpack the 1. The learners' metacognition
Relationships H., & e Method associations formation and exercise processes
between Phung, V. between appeared to be a mix of memorizing
Metacognition T. (2021) metacognitive and assessing about remembering and
and Reading awareness and remembering and evaluating about
Strategies reading remembering.
approaches in 2. The processes by which learners
EFL context. form metacognition are dynamic and
3. The development of students' self-
directed metacognitive growth can
provide more opportunities for them to
organize approaches in their own ways,
which fairly provides them with
improved reading purposes.
4. Monitoring reading strategies can
have a significant impact on students'
achievement of task objectives because
they tend to reread texts and pay close
attention to challenging segments.
5. When faced with confusion or a lack
of understanding, learners' problem-
solving abilities enabled them to follow
text sequences.
6. The lower students' metacognition,
the more problems they mayencounter
in their learning processes.
7. Learners were conscious of their
metacognition, but their stages of
consciousness varied and were

Metacognition Ozturk, N. Quantitativ Recognize 1.Despite arduous educational
in Reading (2020). e method metacognition standards and metacognition
Classrooms instruction in instruction, assessment practices were
the classroom in barely accomplished in classrooms.
reading 2. Given the close relationship between
classrooms. assessment and instruction, teachers
assessing students' metacognition may
potentially stimulate students'
3. Only by assessing students'
metacognition aptitude and needs can
teachers enlighten and normalize
instructional practices for students'
4. Metacognition instruction practices
can be practically implemented by
teachers to address students' existing
5. Metacognitive readers continually
assess themselves in order to test their
decisions, behaviors, and the effects of
these on and for successful reading
6. Self-assessment allows independent
readers to direct and control their
7. Teachers can be exposed to standard
modules of metacognition instruction
as well as needs-based professional
development modules in a variety of
teaching contexts.
When Clinton, V. Review Determine the 1. Reading from a screen had an
compared to (2019) consequences undesirable consequence on reading
reading from a of reading from performance when compared to paper.
book, a document 2. When compared to screens, readers
screens when it comes had a more controlled conclusion of
to their performance when reading on
Reading paper.
performance, 3. When reading from paper rather than
reading times, a screen, readers may be more
and standards competent and aware of their
are all affected enactment.
by screens.
Metacognitive Channa M. Review Develop and 1.Metacognitive strategies used in
Strategies for A., Nordin, enhance reading comprehension play an
Improving Z. S., metacognitive important role in students' academic
Reading Siming, I. strategies success.
Conception A., created based 2. Teachers scaffold students' reading
Chandio, on how to plan, and comprehension abilities.
A. A., & monitor, and 3. Consideration of metacognitive
Koondher, evaluate in approaches as contribution to design
M. A. order to reading comprehension learning
(2015) advance reading resource material based on learners’
ability. needs

Metacognitive Zhang, L., Quantitativ Develop a valid 1.Metacognitive Awareness Reading
Awareness Aryadoust, e reading Tools improved test performance and
Reading Tools V., & instrument were used by researchers to validate
Development Zhang, L. J. which gauges reading tests.
and Validation (2014 learners’ 2. Reading tools can evaluate, check,
metacognitive and record learners' metacognitive
responsiveness consciousness during the reading
in reading comprehension process.
comprehension 3. Served as a good source for
assessments. determining whether the expected
processes were involved in the reading
comprehension assessment.
4. External and significant features of
the soundness of crafted reading tools
on the actual use of measurement tools
are taken into account.
The Impact of Tarchi, C. Qualitative Explore the 1.Intrinsic motivation qualified the
Cognitive and (2017) Descriptive differential relationship between metacognition
Motivational influence of and historical text reading
Factors on cognitive and comprehension.
Expository motivational 2. The outcome of reading
Text factors on the comprehension is heavily influenced
Understanding understanding by an intricate interplay of cognitive
of an expository and motivational variables.
text 3. Improve reading comprehension
skills through cooperative learning,
which creates a supportive
4. Introduce students to various
strategic approaches to the text.
5. Students who are extremely
intrinsically motivated read the text at
the same level, regardless of their
metacognitive level.
6. Intrinsic motivation is important in
compensating for deficiency of
metacognition and producing good
reading comprehension performance.

Examining Follmer, D. Quantitative Examine the 1.Self-regulated learning

Self-Regulated J., & (Descriptive) point of microanalysis revealed a substantial
Learning and Sperling, R. convergence association between participants'
Metacognitive A. (2019) between reported strategy use during self-
Monitoring monitoring of regulated learning and reading
Measures in learning, questionnaire scores.
the Evaluation metacognitive 2. The degree of metacognitive
of Learners' checking, and a checking as well as learners item-level
Regulation self-regulated self-confidence judgments were found
learning to be meaningfully connected to self-
instrument monitoring on the micro analytic
3. Students who made approach
acknowledgements for performance
have a tendency to to score higher on
the reading comprehension measure.
4 Strategic planning and approaches
application throughout the reading of
the text also projected understanding.
5. Students' assessments of their
governing behaviors aren't always

reliable across self-report procedures,
and they don't always match their
established habits or the quality of the
monitoring systems that go into their
6. The utilization of approaches and the
level of scheme processing were found
to be declining during planning,
implying that learners’' capabilities to
select or use approaches during
forethought were more difficult than
during the performance phase of SRL.
7. The use of various approaches for
capturing regulatory progressions over
time is required for efficient dimension
of students' parameter.

Refining Carretti, B., Quantitative 1.Examine the 1.The use of training programs
Reading Caldarola, Experimenta probability of focusing on specific text
Comprehensio N., Tencati, l improving text comprehension skills improved the
n in Reading C., & comprehension children's language achievement.
and Listening Cornoldi, in school 2. Reading comprehension training
Contexts C. (2014) children produced greater gains than listening
comprehension training.
2. Juxtapose the 3. Activities focusing on working
usefulness of memory and metacognition in
preparation particular could improve text
programs, both understanding, but the possible benefit
comprising is subjective by the teaching modality.
metacognition 4. Learners improved more quickly and
and working for a longer period of time than the
memory on Active control or Listening groups.
listening 5. Working memory skill development
conception and is only visible in the group of readers.
on reading As a result, the listening group
understanding. provided no benefit.
6. Listening and reading contexts make
use of integration skills.

Reading and Azmuddin, Qualitative Explore 1.Students use global and problem-
Navigational R. A., Nor, learners’ solving strategies, with support reading
Strategies for N. F. M., & navigational strategies coming in first.
Metacognitive Hamat, A. strategies and 2. When reading online materials,
Online (2017) metacognitive learners frequently utilized different
Reading synchronous strategies like: serial navigational
reading strategies, mixed overview, and
approaches in followed by serial overview.
reading English 3. Educating students on awareness in
Science non metacognition in order to effectively
fiction read online materials, make learning
hypertexts for more proficient and meaningful, and
professional advantageous.
and academic

Teachers' and Moir, T. Review Exemplifies 1.Metacognitive and sociocultural
Educational (2019) (Position well-known models provide clues that can improve
Psychologist's papers) theories of EPs' understanding of what may cause
Roles in reading the reading process to fail and how
Reading comprehension reading can be supported in the
Comprehensio and explores classroom.
n Models how these 2. Teachers should be able to learn how
models have to clearly teach effective strategies and
influenced reflect on their own teaching practice.
classroom 3. Teachers must be taught how to
reading explicitly demonstrate reading
instruction. comprehension by using a variety of
texts, incorporating metacognitive
instruction, and making learning more
discernible through the use of visuals.
4. Through training and coaching and
modeling models, EPs can provide
support and opportunities for challenge
that promote reflective practice and the
development of teacher efficiency.
5. Educational psychologists can
improve reading comprehension
instruction by combining reading
models, psychological theory, and
evidence-based approaches to building
reading comprehension skills.
6. Reading necessitates metacognitive
behavior, which entails being a
strategic reader capable of controlling,
manipulating, monitoring, and
regulating cognitive processes to attain
the goal of reading.
7. To motivate and sustain attention
toward the achievement of personal
learning goals, care must be taken to
ensure the availability of appropriate
reading tools and variety of texts.

Improvement Steensel, Descriptive 1. Investigate 1.Progressive impact of lexis and

of Vocabulary R., - the connections metacognitive knowledge on reading
on Oostdam, Correlation between word understanding in monolinguals and
Metacognition R., al decoding and bilinguals that were consistent across
Gelderen, vocabulary of grades and across languages.
A., & low-achieving 2. When vocabulary alterations were
Schooten, students' controlled for, bilingualism provided
E. (2016) knowledge, an advantage in reading
metacognitive comprehension.
knowledge, and 3. Reading conception in multi-lingual
reading students is hindered by a lack of
comprehension. second-language lexical knowledge.
4. Students benefit more from
2. Examine the increased vocabulary competence than
differences in their monolingual counterparts.
relationships 5. Increase the significance of lexical
between and metacognitive instruction for
students in underachieving adolescents.
Grades 7 and 9,
as well as

and bilingual

The Impact of Jafarigohar, Descriptive Scrutinize the 1.Text struggle had a substantial
Text Difficulty M., & - impact of text influence on the use of metacognitive
on EFL Khanjani, Qualitative difficulty on reading strategies, with problem-
Learners' Use A. (2014) Metacognitive solving strategies being the most
of Reading affected.
Metacognitive Strategy use. 2. Learners benefited from MRSs such
Reading as planning, summarizing, and
Strategies translating, especially when the text
was challenging.
3.Improving the selection of
appropriate reading materials and
methodology for EFL learners in terms
of foreign language teaching, teacher
training, and curriculum design.
4. EFL teachers must consider the
difficulty level of reading materials in
order to activate students' use of
metacognitive reading approaches.

Print and Boudreaux, Quantitativ Measure 1.Developmental students use support

Online M. K. e developmental reading approaches discreetly when
Resources for (2016). (Comparati participants’ reading online and print texts.
Developmental ve) consciousness 2. Developmental students struggled to
Students and perceived understand print and online texts using
Reading for practice of support strategies.
Metacognition support reading 3. Some students do not fully utilize the
approaches in "support mechanisms aimed at
grasping print maintaining responses to reading."
and online 4. To improve thinking skills, teachers
academic texts of developmental students must begin
to rethink the concept of cognition and
how students process information


This portion discussed the utilization of Think Laoud Protocol in exploring and

recognizing the language competence of learners. As revealed in the qualitative study

of Kitajima (2016) as he investigated whether qualitative transformations in syntactic

structures have an impact on second language learners' syntactic processing academic

writings. Syntactic analysis in educational writings among SLA learners through think

aloud protocol revelaed the following implications: learners' comprehension of reading

text was reduced when more universal, conversant terms appeared, especially when the

terms appeared in syntactically multifaceted noun phrases. Learners' comprehension

processes had resulted in contradictory meanings, and reinforcing deep understanding

of written academic texts with local and careful reading, and global, complex noun

phrase. Also, it was found out that as one component of highly proficient reader,

complex grammatical structures necessitate the use of a credible reading tool.

Capability to analyze syntactical features in academic writing is not guaranteed by

highly proficient reader in oral-like written texts. Advanced-level learners' reading

understanding of written academic text, think-aloud protocols were used. Meanwhile,

in the experimental study of Hamouda (2021) on instruction in the lexical inference

strategy that improves learners' reading conception. The study examined the impact of

lexical inferencing approach education on the reading understanding of EFL students,

classify the lexical inferencing procedures utilized by EFL students to deduce unknown

terms from a text and identify the link between lexical inference procedures and EFL

students' reading understanding. The outcome of the study shown that the effect of

verbal inferencing approach instruction on the experimental group's reading

comprehension performance. Training inference skills had a substantial influence on

EFL learners' reading comprehension performance. To improve students' reading

understanding performance, vocabulary inferencing strategies were suggested to teach.

An inductive process concerning reading and reviewing the protocols was utilized to

identify lexical inferencing strategies. Identifying the lexical inferencing strategies used

by these students, as well as the protocols, were initially transcribed and carefully

examined for discernible inferencing strategies. Some of the strategies that were

frequently trusted are utilizing contextual clues, both linguistic and non-linguistic, their

previous knowledge and summarizing. Meaning-focused strategies (using contextual

cues) are used more than any other approach type. It could be because the participants

read the text for understanding purposes. The readers' lack of success in lexical

inference may also be attributed to the learners' insufficient use of required strategies,

as proper inference making requires the appropriate use of various strategies. EFL

learners who are more knowledgeable in deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words

from context and immediate co-text are better readers and comprehend the deeper

meaning of the text when compared to those with lower lexical inferencing strategies.

Lexical inference strategies help readers understand the fundamental meaning rather

than the literal meaning, which should improve reading comprehension.

It is significant to review comprehension challenges encountered by learners

using TAP. In line with the qualititative study of Endley (2016). He identifies the

primary comprehension issues that students face when enrolling in an English-speaking

university and recognizes the reading strategies that students use to solve their reading

problems. TAP exacerbates the following reading difficulties: (a) difficulties with word

recognition; (b) a tendency to focus attention at the word level, resulting in a failure to

build words into higher-level meaning; and (c) difficulty examining complex

grammatical structures in the texts. Allowing students to reflect and give a public

account of how they arrived at a specific answer in order to increase their awareness of

the strategies. Readers with higher and lower proficiency levels prefer problem-solving

and support strategies over comprehensive strategies. Encouraging proficient readers

may necessitate training in observing their strategy use in order to determine when to

employ specific strategies, particularly in situations where these might otherwise go

unutilized. In connection with the current study, the researcher concentrated on

examining a diverse group of learners and identifying comprehension strategies during

TAP. It is important to note that the examination of readers' TAP should examine

variations in text comprehension processing to determine how and when poor and good

comprehenders differ. According to the findings of Seipel, Carlson, and Clinton's

qualitative study (2017). Both good and bad readers used a variety of processing

strategies when reading text. Traditional comprehension tests do not capture as many

different cognitive processes and strategies as think aloud assessments do. Think alouds

are useful for identifying the cognitive processes related to exemplified cognition. It is

being emphasized the mode of recording the verbal responses during the execution of

should be considered. The use of audiotapes verbatim and transcriptions during reading

are essential components of the think aloud protocol (Cromley, Ma, Van Boekel, &

Parpucu Dane, 2020). Text comprehension via video recording could capture physical

and verbal responses, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of

comprehension progressions. In relation to the present study, the researcher utilized

audio- video recorded TAP of each participat thru Google Meet platform. Finding of

this study also encapsulates what are the expectations from teachers in developing the

cognitive processing of students as well as the benefits in the instructional practice.

Think alouds are beneficial to teachers. By having their students think aloud while

reading, teachers can learn about their students' reading processes. Inspiring teachers to

think aloud using specific types of processes at key points in the text could improve

their students' modeling effectiveness. Texts that emphasize structures, meanings, and

the structure-function relationship, rather than configurations, could be chosen with

caution by instructors (Cromley, Ma, Van Boekel, & Parpucu Dane, 2020)

Another advantage of using TAP was that it was used to assess students' reading

processes in order to determine how and when readers' cognitive procedures differed

while reading. Traditional comprehension tests do not capture as many different

cognitive processes and strategies as think aloud assessments do. The verbal responses

of readers based on visualization may be less detailed than the mental image. It's also

worth noting that certain cognitive processes seen in think-aloud protocols appear to

have a low baseline rate. Readers rarely make metacognitive statements, ask questions,

make emotional or evaluative comments, or verbatim repeat a text, regardless of ability.

In order to identify comprehension processing, think-aloud responses and cognitive

processes should be thoroughly examined.

Development of cognitive dimensions in reading different kinds of text can be

assessed through TAP, as reflected in the qualitative study of Cromley, Ma, Van

Boekel, Parpucu Dane (2020) on inference and causal language during and following

the reading of scientific text. According to the findings, inferences in recalls were

meaningfully related to action verbs picked up and during reading, as evidenced by

think-alouds. Action verbs in recalls were significantly aided by inferences and pick up

of action verbs articulated by learners during reading, as demonstrated by think-alouds.

Picking up action verbs while reading aided recall of explicit causal terms significantly.

Motivating students to identify explicit action verbs while reading biology texts, in

addition to formulating inferences, may result in greater benefit from reading these

types of texts. Encouraging students to use action verbs whenever they paraphrase,

summarize, or take notes on demonstrated passages may result in more refined mental

model formation.

Another study matches the exploration of the mental processes of students in

terms of reading short stories using TAP was deemed in the qualitative study of

Mohammed (2021) on using the think aloud protocol, determining the encounters and

approaches used in understanding fiction reading texts in English. The participants

orally answered questions about the text and developed a think-aloud protocol. The

learners used some reading approaches, but these strategies were insufficient for them

to completely evaluate the text in a literary method. Learners attempted to respond to

literary questions while answering general reading comprehension questions. The

learners' inability to respond appropriately to questions was primarily due to a lack of

vocabulary. While reading and questioning short stories, students were predisposed by

their own cultural upbringings and the social norms that they had been exposed to.

Assessing learners’ comprehension processes as manifested in the quantitative

study of Magliano, Lampi, Ray, and Chan (2020) through TAP considering text types

and how students utilize their background knowledge. In order to evaluate

comprehension processes, a reading assessment tool was used to collect typed "think

aloud" protocols. Elaborations are a critical strategy for incorporating background

knowledge into the mental model for expository texts. Lower text relevant elaboration

scores may indicate a lack of background knowledge, which is a likely barrier to

comprehension. Creating questions is a relatively simple method of thinking aloud, but

it may not promote comprehension when used in isolation from other strategies.

Relevance of types of text were also considered. Text alignment with the cultural

backgrounds of the participants is taken into account. Misalignment between students'

cultural backgrounds and texts prevents them from engaging in complex thinking and

reasoning. Manipulation of the cultural relevance of the texts to the participants in terms

of learning how to use their prior knowledge to support learning from unfamiliar and

difficult texts. Teach students to rely on any kind of prior knowledge that they can bring

to bear when reading unfamiliar and difficult texts. Exploring culturally relevant texts

would aid elaborative processes in the development of college readers in relation to

texts that are culturally relevant. Another study supplements the role of content

schemata in relation to learner’s comprehension as exhibited in the qualitative study of

Radzi and Aziz (2013) as he discussed aspect of content schemata in second language

reading, concentrating on contemporary short stories through TAP. Utilization of think

aloud protocols and comprehensive interviews provided greater insight into the

students’ cognitive processes involved in second language reading. Content schemata

are important in readers' comprehension of reading texts. Reading comprehension can

be hampered by a lack of content schemata. As content schemata facilitate

comprehension, they contribute to learners' understanding of a text. Language learners

who have no background knowledge or experience with a specific topic will be unable

to understand what is read. Students claimed that relying on prior knowledge helped

them comprehend the content-familiar text and that they used their visualization to

relate it to personal experience. Participants were able to relate the content area of the

short story to their respective personal experience by using content-familiar text on

several occasions and his family experience of generations. In the absence of prior

knowledge, it may be necessary to rely on one's imagination to comprehend the text.

Different interpretations of the word's meaning resulted in reasons for being unable to

recount to the content-unfamiliar short story. These findings are relevant in the present

study since the researcher examined students’ understading about different text types

which required students to activate their prior knowledge. In connection to the study of

Ghavamnia, Ketabi, and Tavakoli (2013) as they determine the participants' cognitive

techniques while reading an English-language scientific paper and consider the impact

of explicit education of cognitive skills on the performance of children's reading

students. participants used more cognitive strategies when reading scientific literature

after receiving explicit instruction, write articles in English. Following explicit

instruction in cognitive strategies, participants' reading comprehension improved

significantly. Curriculum designers may face significant challenges as a result of

strategy-based reading instruction.

This review also explored the advantages of utilizing TAP to learners’ language

development. In the qualitative study of Abas and Aziz (2016) in the usefulness and

helpfulness of the think-aloud protocol in EFL students' writing process. The think-

aloud protocol was beneficial because it assisted EFL students in unifying their

thoughts and ideas. Because of the requirement to express and write at the same time,

thinking aloud can make it difficult to focus during a writing task. Thinking aloud can

aid in the development of writing by allowing students to better organize their ideas,

maintain focus, and generate new ideas. The think-aloud protocol had different effects

on each participant. This is most likely due to her unfamiliarity with the procedure. In

relation to the present study, though the researcher did not focus on wrtiing, the

researcher believed that utilizing TAP in determining the cognitive processing of

learners could better improve how they processing the meaning of listening and reading


Table 3
Matrix of Literature Review on Think Aloud Protocol

Topic Author Method Research Aims Results/Implications

Syntactical Kitajima, R. Qualitative Investigate whether 1.Capacity to analyze
Competence (2016) qualitative syntactical features in written
through TAP transformations in academic texts is not guaranteed
syntactic structures by level of proficiency in oral-
have an impact on SLA like written texts.
syntactic competence 2. Highly proficient learners'
processing academic reading comprehension of
writings. written academic text, think-
aloud protocols were used.
3. Advanced-level students who
did not understand the text paid
little attention to intended
4. Learners' comprehension of
reading text was reduced when
more general, familiar terms
appeared, especially when the
terms acted in syntactically
multifaceted noun phrases.
5. Learners' comprehension
processes had resulted in
contradictory meanings.
6. Reinforcing deep
understanding of written
academic texts with local and
careful reading, and global,
complex noun phrase
constructs, and careful reading
7. As one component of

superior-level reading, complex
grammatical structures
necessitate the use of a credible
reading tool.

Analysis of Seipel, B., Descriptive- Scrutinize variation of 1.When reading text, proficient
Readers’ Carlson, S. Qualitative text processed by poor and non- proficient readers used
TAP E., & and good readers. a variety of processing
Clinton, V. approaches
E. (2017). 2. TAP was used to evaluate
students' reading processes in
order to determine how and
when readers' cognitive
procedures differ while reading.
3. Traditional comprehension
tests do not capture as many
different cognitive processes
and strategies as think aloud
assessments do.
4. The verbal responses of
readers based on visualization
may be less detailed than the
mental image.
5. Think alouds are ineffective
for identifying the cognitive
processes linked to exemplified
cognition. Audio recordings of
verbal responses were made and
6. Text comprehension via
video recording could capture
both physical and verbal
responses, allowing for a more
in-depth understanding of
comprehension processes.
7. Certain cognitive processes
observed in think-aloud
protocols have a low baseline
rate. Readers rarely make
metacognitive statements, ask
questions, make emotional or
evaluative comments, or
verbatim repeat a text,
regardless of ability.
8. Think alouds are beneficial to
teachers. By having their
students think aloud while
reading, teachers can learn
about their students' reading

9.Inspiring teachers to think
aloud about specific processes at
key points in the text may
increase effective modeling for
their students.
10. In order to identify
comprehension processing,
think-aloud responses and
cognitive processes should be
thoroughly examined.
Inference Cromley, J. Descriptive- Analyze whether 1. Inferences in recalls were
and Causal G., Ma, S., Qualitative learners pick up meaningfully related to action
Language Van Boekel, unambiguous causal verbs picked up and during
During M., & terms and action verbs reading, as evidenced by think-
and Parpucu during reading and alouds.
Following Dane, A. inferences using think 2. Action verbs in recalls were
the Reading (2020) aloud protocol. significantly aided by inferences
of Scientific and pick up of action verbs
Text articulated by learners during
reading, as demonstrated by
3. Picking up action verbs while
reading significantly aided the
recall of explicit causal terms.
4. Motivating students to
identify explicit action verbs
while reading scientific text, as
well as formulating inferences
while reading, may result in
greater benefit from reading
these types of texts.
5. The use of audiotapes
verbatim and transcriptions
during reading are essential
components of the think aloud
6. Observing and accounting for
statistical significance in
expected relationships.
7. Unnoticed influences such as
students' ability to interpret
diagrams or graphs may be
influenced by the choice of
reading material such as
illustrated text both text and
8. Encouraging students to use
action verbs whenever they
paraphrase, summarize, or take
notes on demonstrated passages
may result in more refined
mental model formation.
9. Instructors could select texts
that emphasize syntax,
meanings, and the structure-
function relationship with
caution, rather than those that
typically focus on

Using the Mohammed, Descriptive Explore the mental 1.The participants orally
Think Aloud P. (2021). Qualitative processes of university answered questions about the
Protocol in students followed while text and developed a think-aloud
comprehend reading short stories protocol.
ing fiction using think aloud 2. The learners used some
texts. protocol. reading approaches, but these
approaches were insufficient for
them to completely evaluate the
text in a fictional method.
3. Learners attempted to
respond to literary questions
while answering general reading
comprehension questions.
4. The learners' inability to
respond appropriately to
questions was primarily due to a
lack of vocabulary.
5. Learners were influenced by
their own cultural upbringings
and social norms as they read
and questioned short stories.

Utilizing Magliano, J. Quantitative Examine students’ 1.In order to evaluate

Reading P., Lampi, J. processing of text. comprehension processes, a
Approaches P., Ray, M., reading assessment tool was
Assessment & Chan, G. used to collect typed "think
Tool in (2020). aloud" protocols.
Enlightening 2. Elaborations are a critical
the strategy for incorporating
Comprehens background knowledge into the
ion mental model for expository
Processes of texts.
Underprepar 3. Lower text relevant
ed College elaboration scores may indicate
Students a lack of background
through TAP knowledge, which is a likely
barrier to comprehension.
4. Lower reading scores may
reflect the landscape of
academic experiences prior to
attending college.
5. Creating questions is a
relatively simple method of
thinking aloud, but it may not
promote comprehension when
used in isolation from other
6. Aspects of processing and
types of processing cannot be
detected at this time, but it does
focus on strategies that are well
recognized in theory and
research as important for
7. Text alignment with the
cultural backgrounds of the
participants is taken into

Misalignment between students'
cultural backgrounds and texts
prevents them from engaging in
complex thinking and
8. Manipulation of the cultural
relevance of the texts to the
participants in terms of learning
how to use their prior
knowledge to support learning
from unfamiliar and difficult
9. Teach students to rely on any
kind of prior knowledge that
they can bring to bear when
reading unfamiliar and difficult
10. Exploring culturally relevant
texts would aid elaborative
processes in the development of
college readers in relation to
texts that are culturally relevant.

TAP on Radzi, A. H. Descriptive Discusses aspect of 1.Utilization of think aloud

Conent M., & Aziz, Qualitative schema in processing protocols and comprehensive
Schemata N. H. A. fiction stories. interviews provided greater
(2013) insight into the students’
Explore the role of cognitive processes involved in
content schemata in second language reading.
relation to learners’ 2. Content schemata are
comprehension. important in readers'
comprehension of reading texts.
3. Reading comprehension can
be hampered by a lack of
content schemata.
4. As content schemata facilitate
comprehension, they contribute
to learners' understanding of a
5. The interview transcripts
were scrutinized for frequent
patterns and then classified.
6. The think aloud protocol can
be effective in data collection
techniques used.
7. Language learners who have
no background knowledge or
experience with a specific topic
will be unable to understand
what is read.
8. Students claimed that relying
on prior knowledge helped them
comprehend the content-
familiar text and that they used
their visualization to relate it to
personal experience.
10. Participants were able to
relate the content area of the
short story to their respective

personal experience by using
content-familiar text on several
occasions and his family
experience of generations.
11. In the absence of prior
knowledge, it may be necessary
to rely on one's imagination to
comprehend the text.
12. Different interpretations of
the word's meaning resulted in
reasons for being unable to
recount to the content-
unfamiliar short story.

Instruction Hamouda, Experimental 1.Examine the impact 1.Training inference skills had a
in the A. (2021). of lexical inferencing substantial influence on
Lexical approach education on students’ reading competence.
Inference the reading 2. The effect of lexical
Strategy comprehension of EFL inferencing aproach instruction
Improves students. on the experimental group's
Learners' reading comprehension
Reading 2.Classify the lexical performance.
Comprehens inferencing procedures 3. To improve students' reading
ion utilized by EFL comprehension performance,
students to deduce lexical inferencing strategies
unknown terms from a were suggested to teach.
text. 4. An inductive process
concerning reading and
3.Identify the link reviewing the protocols was
between lexical utilized to identify lexical
inference procedures inferencing strategies.
and EFL learners' 5. The protocols, as well as the
reading comprehension. lexical inferencing strategies
used by these students, were
initially transcribed and
carefully examined for
discernible inferencing
6. To identify comprehension
strategies, an inductive
procedure involving reading and
rereading the protocols was
7. Learners frequently relied on
contextual clues (both linguistic
and non-linguistic), prior
knowledge, and paraphrasing.
8. The readers' lack of success in
lexical inference may also be
attributed to the learners'
insufficient use of required
strategies, as proper inference
making requires the appropriate
use of various strategies.
9. Meaning-focused strategies
(using contextual cues) are used
more than any other strategy
type. It could be because the
participants read the text for
comprehension purposes.

10. EFL learners who are more
knowledgeable in deducing the
meaning of unfamiliar words
from context and immediate co-
text are better readers and
comprehend the deeper meaning
of the text when compared to
those with lower lexical
inferencing strategies.
11. Lexical inference strategies
help readers understand the
fundamental meaning rather
than the literal meaning, which
should improve reading
The Abas, I. H., Qualitative 1. Determine the 1.The think-aloud protocol was
Usefulness & Aziz, N. writing process of the beneficial because it assisted
of the Think- H. A. (2016) EFL students. EFL students in unifying their
Aloud thoughts and ideas.
Protocol in 2. Examine the 2. Because of the requirement to
EFL effectiveness of TAP in articulate and write at the same
Students' the process of writing. time, thinking aloud can make it
Writing difficult to focus during a
Process writing task.
3. Thinking aloud can aid in the
development of writing by
allowing students to better
organize their ideas, maintain
focus, and generate new ideas.
4. The think-aloud protocol had
different effects on each
participant. This is most likely
due to her unfamiliarity with the

Reading Endley, M. Qualitative 1.Identify primary 1.Using TAP magnifies the

strategies J. (2016). understanding struggle following reading challenges:
Employed faced by students (a) difficulties with word
by Arabic- acknowledgement; (b) a
speaking 2.Recognize reading tendency to focus attention at
undergradua approaches of students the word level, resulting in a
tes when in understanding and failure to build words into
reading texts coping with reading higher-level meaning; and (c)
in English problems. struggle in examining critical
components of grammar in the
2. Allowing students to reflect
and give a public account of
how they arrived at a specific
answer in order to increase their
awareness of the strategies.

3. Readers with varying levels
of proficiency prefer problem-
solving and support strategies to
comprehensive strategies.
4. Encouraging proficient
readers may necessitate training
in observing their strategy use in
order to determine when to
employ specific strategies,
particularly in situations where
these might otherwise go

Explicit Ghavamnia, Mixed- Consider the influence (Protocols for thinking aloud)
Strategy M., Ketabi, method of explicit education of that participants used more
Instruction S., & cognitive skills on the cognitive strategies when
on Students' Tavakoli, M. performance of learners reading scientific literature
Reading (2013) in reading. After receiving explicit
Performance instruction, write articles in
in Scientific Determine the English.
Articles in participants' cognitive
English techniques. Following explicit instruction in
while reading an cognitive strategies,
English-language participants' reading
scientific paper comprehension improved

Curriculum designers may face

significant challenges as a result
of strategy-based reading


Introspection on affective processing as examine in the review of Pavlenko

(2012), as he scrutinized that introspective method look at how speakers perceive the

emotionality of language, despite the differences exhibited among first and second

language speakers. It was revealed that affective processing might be differently

exemplified in some bilingual speakers, they treated language semantically but not

affectively as discussed in the examination of the findings of introspective research of

multilingual affective processing, they choose language for emotional expression, how

they think about language, and how they use it. It implies that participants did not have

direct access to affective processing during introspection; rather, it provided

participants with information about affective processing. Word and language

assessments may draw on a variety of cognitive decision-making bases: exemplified

perceptions of language emotionality may be used to rate the emotional weight of

forbidden words and swearwords.

Introspective procedures, which are also thought to be highly significant for

emotional experiences, may be used to describe both social and unconstrained

cognition, according to quantitative meta-analyses of Schilbach, Bzdok, Timmermans,

Fox, Laird, Vogeley, and Eickhoff (2012). Emotional processing, social cognition, and

resting state cognition may convert brain organizations that subtend sensible

introspection or metacognitive abilities, or they may play a role in the influence of such

introspective abilities. The mechanism that underpins introspection is re-description of

one's manners in social or emotional contexts.

In terms of exploring and assessing the language components of learners,

Hansong and Luna Jing (2015), ZINS (2020), Jewalani, Laksman-Huntley, and

Anjarningsih (2019) scrutinized cross-linguistic influence in L3 French past tense

comprehension, A retrospective report was used, allowing them to look back and report

on some ideas that were not firstly in the unwritten code or were overlooked during the

think-aloud process. The introspective data also revealed that some of them consistently

made incorrect connections between English and French tenses—there were more

English tenses associated with French PC than the only two possible equivalents. In

terms of Language comprehension approaches of German language speakers, the

introspective method of thinking aloud is used to visualize internal processes and

comprehension strategies of language speakers.

Contextual knowledge and general knowledge of the world are extremely

important when it comes to (text) comprehension. Participants frequently find the

words familiar but are unable to access their meanings when using the introspective

method, resulting in "lack of contrast.". In lieu of lexical understanding through word

association to develop dictionary definitions, the majority of participants' responses to

cue words associated with lexical features were evaluated using introspective features.

Participants limited introspective feature associations hampered their rarely associated

feelings to the cue words.

In line with Meritan and Mroz's (2019) quasiexperimental mixed methods study

on the effects of selfreflection and awarenessraising on the pronunciation of

inexperienced learners, they investigate the process of selfreflection as an effective

learning strategy and an efficient complement in assisting with the improvement of

comprehensible production of two phonological facets.The following submerged in the

result of their study: Unambiguous instruction with self-reflections and open-ended

self-reflections to document students' learning process is used to support the

comprehensible production of phonological aspects. Self-reflection resulted in

significant production gains, particularly for learners who used their attention and

multi- faceted language background to advance their phonological consciousness.

In the explorative research of Gojkov (2013) on didactic strategies and

conceptual system of students, the impact of didactic instructions and metacognitive

abilities on problem-solving efficacy in teaching and learning effects was determined

through introspective method. Introspective protocol analysis reveals opportunities to

detect differences in metacognitive abilities. The significance of non-cognitive

elements, as well as the possibility of viewing metacognition as a type of personal

complex as one of the aspects of an individual's cognitive style, explains why the

integrity of metacognition appears to be elusive. Students' conceptual devices, as well

as the interdependence of self-organization of learning and circumstances, must be

respected. The learner is responsible for expounding, assimilating, and learning

through his or her own system of thought; thus, the learner must be placed in a situation

that necessitates a paradigm shift. The learner's prior experiences, cognitive style, and

authentic confrontations should all be considered in didactic design. These findings

were evaluated through the use of introspective method.

Addressing the importance of self- reflection to teachers and students were

emphasized in the exploratory research of Pietrzak (2019) on scaffolding translation

student’s self-reflection. Advocating for structured self-reflection in translator training

as a way to scaffold learning aided metacognitive activity in translator training, which

requires students to actively regulate their own translation and learning processes. The

gears that provide students with regulated opportunities to explore and assess their own

learning are examined, as are the landscape and typology of (self-)reflection.

Reflection, it was suggested, should be based on inquisitiveness and should avoid

definitive answers. The goal of reflection is to seek clarifications, elucidations, or

extrapolations rather than the correct answer. Structured self-reflection can provide

effective support for translation students by encouraging them to question themselves

and challenge their own assumptions. Open-ended questions are especially stimulating

because they encourage a more in-depth discussion and a reflective dialogue. Students

can segment their thoughts and learn from one another by providing open-ended

responses and scrutinizing them. Prospective and retrospective self-reflection is a

common tool that can help teachers zoom in on reflection.

The importance of self-reflection on academic outcomes was elucidated in

Travers, Morisano, and Locke's (2015) qualitative study, which investigated the effects

of growth reflection goal setting on performance and academic growth, as well as the

reflective procedure itself. Each student described the entire goal-setting process for

personal growth in detail. Because of the richness and variety of the qualitative data,

each individual's learning and development experience could be aligned with their

intervening psychological processes as well as the specific strategies they used.

Students' self-determined growth objectives were openly linked to performance and

academic growth; students reported that these had a significant impact on their

achievement both during and after the reflective program. Academic growth can result

from both academically direct and indirect growth goals, and the concurrent growth

reflection process appears to aid in growth goal setting.

Table 4
Matrix of Literature Review on Introspection

Topic Author Method Research Aims Results/Implications

Introspective Pavlenko, A. Review Examine the 1.The differences in first and second
Views on (2012 findings of language affective processing propose that
Affective introspective corresponding languages may be
Processing in research of differentially exemplified in some
Bilingual multilingual bilingual speakers, particularly late
Speakers affective bilinguals and foreign language users, with
processing. the later learned language treated
semantically but not affectively.
2. Introspective techniques look at how
speakers perceive the emotionality of their
languages, how they choose language for
emotional expression, how they think
about language, and how they use it.
3. Word and language assessments may
draw on a variety of cognitive decision-
making bases: exemplified perceptions of
language emotionality may be used to rate
the emotional weight of forbidden words
and swearwords.
4. Participants did not have direct access to
affective processing during introspection;
rather, it provided participants with
information about affective processing.

An Hansong Qualitati Investigates cross- 1.A retrospective report was used,

investigation CAI, & Luna ve linguistic allowing them to look back and report on
into the roles Jing CAI. influence in some ideas that were not firstly in the
of L1 Chinese (2015) L3 French past unwritten code or were overlooked during
and L2 tense the think-aloud process.
English in the comprehension 2. The introspective data also revealed that
workplace: some of them consistently made incorrect
Effect of connections between English and French
other tenses—there were more English tenses
languages in associated with French PC than the only
L3 French two possible equivalents.

The Impact of Tulgar, A. T. Qualitati Investigate the 1.Provided an opportunity for participants
Practice (2019) ve content and to reflect-on-action, with the supervisor's
Teaching opportunities for feedback ultimately encouraging
Feedback on response delivered reflection-in-action.
Self- by faculty 2. The responses of peers, cooperating
Reflection supervisors teachers, and students to a similar category
and Self- cooperating were determined using an introspective
Regulation teachers, students, method that includes aspects of pre-
and peers in a service teachers' performance (i.e.,
practicum school, actions, manners, attitudes,)
as well as the 3. The response of the faculty supervisor
effects of was more inclusive, addressing the
criticism on pre- characteristics of their performance.
teachers' self-
reflection and
directive skills.
Living the Pinzón Introspec Determine the 1.Through narrative introspection and
Teaching Capador, S. tive result of introspective interviews, student-teachers'
Practicum V., & Research introspection teaching practicum experiences were
Within Guerrero between techer identified in three dimensions: conveying
Dichotomies Nieto, C. H. and student between epistemologies, compensating for
in the English (2018) teachers. logistical/technological defects, and
Language mending the self: between obstruction and
Classroom achievement.

Raising Self- Meritan, C., Quasi‐ Examine the 1.Unambiguous instruction with self-
reflection of & Mroz, A. experime process of self- reflections and open-ended self-reflections
inexperienced (2019) ntal reflection as an to document students' learning process is
students’ mixed active learning used to support the comprehensible
pronunciation methods approach and an production of phonological aspects.
effective 2. Significant production gains resulted
complement in from self-reflection, particularly for
assisting with the learners who used their responsiveness
improvement of and multiple language background to
comprehensible advance their phonological consciousness.
construction of
two phonological

Introspective Schilbach, Quantitat Characterize both 1.Introspective procedures, which are also
Minds L., Bzdok, ive meta- social and thought to be highly significant for
D., analyses unconstrained emotional experiences, may be used to
Timmerman cognition through describe both social and unconstrained
s, B., Fox, P. introspective cognition.
T., Laird, A. procedures which 2. Emotional processing, social cognition,
R., Vogeley, are also and resting state cognition may convert
K., & conceivable to be brain organizations that subtend sensible
Eickhoff, S. highly important introspection or metacognitive abilities, or
B. (2012) for emotional they may play a role in the influence of
experiences. such introspective abilities.
3. Re-description of one's manners in
social or emotional contexts turns out to be
the mechanism that underpins

Language ZINS, I. Qualitati Determine 1.The introspective method of thinking
comprehensio (2020). ve German language aloud is used to visualize internal
n approaches speakers' processes and comprehension strategies of
of German language language speakers.
language comprehension Contextual knowledge and general
speakers strategies and how knowledge of the world are extremely
they comprehend important when it comes to (text)
reading texts. comprehension.
2. Participants frequently find the words
familiar but are unable to access their
meanings when using the introspective
method, resulting in "lack of contrast."

Lexical Jewalani, A. Qualitati Investigate native 1.The majority of participants' responses

Understandin P., ve speakers' lexical to cue words associated with lexical
g through Laksman- cognitive word features were evaluated using
Word Huntley, M., associations. introspective features.
Association & 2. Participants limited introspective
to Develop Anjarningsi feature associations hampered their rarely
Dictionary h, H. Y. associated feelings to the cue words.
Definitions (2019)

Didactic GOJKOV, Explorati Reflect on the 1Introspective protocol analysis may

Strategies and G. (2013). ve impact of didactic reveal opportunities to detect differences
Conceptual research instructions and in metacognitive abilities.
System of metacognitive 2. The significance of non-cognitive
Students abilities on elements, as well as the possibility of
problem-solving viewing metacognition as a type of
efficacy in personal complex as one of the aspects of
teaching and an individual's cognitive style, explains
learning effects. why the integrity of metacognition appears
to be elusive.
3. Students' conceptual devices, as well as
the interdependence of self-organization
of learning and circumstances, must be
4. The learner is responsible for
expounding, assimilating, and learning
through his or her own system of thought;
thus, the learner must be placed in a
situation that necessitates a paradigm shift.
5. The learner's prior experiences,
cognitive style, and authentic
confrontations should all be considered in
didactic design.

Scaffolding Pietrzak, P. Explorat Advocate for self- 1.Metacognitive activity in translator

Translation (2019). ory regulated learning training requires students to actively
Student’s Research in translator regulate their own translation and learning
Self- training as a way processes.
Reflection to support 2. The landscape and typology of (self-
learning. )reflection, as well as the gears that
provide students with regulated
opportunities to explore and assess their
own learning, are examined.
3. Reflection should be based on curiosity
and should avoid giving definitive
answers. The goal of reflection is to seek
clarifications, elucidations, or

extrapolations rather than the correct
4. Open-ended questions are especially
stimulating because they encourage a
more in-depth discussion and a reflective
5. Students can segment their thoughts and
learn from one another by providing open-
ended responses and scrutinizing them.
6. Structured self-reflection can provide
effective support for translation students
by encouraging them to question
themselves and challenge their own
7. Prospective and retrospective self-
reflection is a common tool that can help
teachers zoom in on reflection..

Self- Travers, C. Qualitati Apply a . 1. Academic growth can result from both
reflection on J., Morisano, ve qualitative academically direct and indirect growth
academic D., & Locke, method to explore goals, and the concurrent growth reflection
outcomes E. A. (2015) academic and process appears to aid in growth goal
reflective success. setting.
2. Students' personality growth objectives
Investigate the were openly linked to performance and
impact of academic growth; students reported that
academic growth these had a significant impact on their
to students; achievement both during and after the
performance. reflective program..
3. Each student described the entire goal-
setting process for personal growth in
4. Because of the richness and variety of
the qualitative data, each individual's
learning and development experience
could be aligned with their intervening
psychological processes as well as the
specific strategies they used.


The current study's objectives were as follows: the process by which students

execute information storing as revealed by the application of Think Aloud Protocol,

students’ ways of cognitively processing the meaning of reading and listening texts,

students’ introspection on their executive cognition and a model that describes the

cognitive processing of language of TVL students? The significance and role of

cognitive processing of language and metacognition in the improvement and

enhancement of language development of learners. Also, the relevance and application

of think aloud protocol, and introspective method in determining the cognitive

processing of language and metacognitive awareness and approaches utilized among

language learners were reviewed and reflected.

Also, the review mirrored the different language components which centered on

how learners cognitively process the meaning of language. The use of the think aloud

protocols and introspection in determining learners' cognitive processing and

metacognitive strategies in processing the meaning of language in terms of its benefits,

functions, and limitations, as well as exploring language components, which developed

students' metacognitive and cognitive processing skills. A thorough discussion was held

to capture how the think aloud strategy benefits teachers and students in terms of

cognitive process development; assessing students' reading processes was thoroughly

examined. The salient essentials of this chapter were the interpretation of results from

multiple perspectives and viewpoints, as well as how these volumes of related studies

and literature complement and negate the current study. Most importantly, the reflection

of all the gathered and analyzed literature and studies was critical in crafting the study's

grand output, which is a model that describes the cognitive processing of language of

TVL learners.


This study on the cognitive Processing of Language of TVL students: Basis for

Instructional Framework was anchored on the ideals presented by the principle of

Information Processing Theory as one of the mainstays of cognitive learning theories.

The theory of information processing accepts information as the fundamental

means of learning and describes learning in terms of a memory system. It focuses on

how information enters the memory, how it is stored, and how it is retrieved when

needed. According to information processing theory, the process begins with receiving

external stimuli via sense organs and continues with describing and storing these

stimuli. This stored data can be retrieved and used as needed.Model of information

processing is composed of three main elements such as (1) information stores, (2)

cognitive processes and (3) executive cognition.

The first component of the information processing model is the term

information stores, which refers to the locations where information is stored. It is made

up of three types of memory: (1) sensory memory, (2) short-term memory (processor),

and (3) long term memory. These are the steps of information processing that take place

at the same time.

Cognitive Processes are the second component of the information processing

model. Cognitive processes are mental activities that aid in the transfer of information

from one memory to another. These include processes like attention, perception,

repetition, coding, and retrieving. The information to be learned is chosen as a stimulus

or raw information among other information in the cognitive process, and it is

transformed into meaningful information through perception.

The executive processes known as cognition information or executive cognition

make up the third component of the information processing model. Executive cognition

ensures that information stores and cognitive processes work together to process

information. Individual qualities of executive cognition exist, and the learning

individual controls and directs cognitive processes such as attention, perception, and

repetition coding and retrieving with his/her own cognition information.

The researcher came into a point of realization on the relevance of the theory of

information processing in connection to the present study since this explored the

actualization of cognitive language processes of TVL learners. Specifically, the

utilization of think aloud protocol in processing the meaning of text affixed in the first

component of the theory which is information storing as the students verbalized their

thoughts on how they understand the meaning of listening and reading passage/ text.

Secondly, the cognitive processes, as students employed cognitive processes in

answering the comprehension questions. Lastly, the executive cognition through

introspection as students reflect on their cognitive language processes.

Figure 1
Theoretical Framework of Information Processing Theory


Figure 2
Conceptual Framework for Cognitive Processing of Language of TVL Students

Think-Aloud-Protocol. In processing the meaning of reading and listening text,

students were exposed in this procedure to verbalize their thoughts and understanding

which revealed how they cognitively process the meaning of language. Think aloud

assessments capture more diverse cognitive developments and approaches than

traditional comprehension tests. Think alouds are effective for recognizing the

cognitive procedures associated with exemplified cognition (Seipel, Carlson, &

Clinton, 2017).

Introspection. After the exposure of students in the different learning episodes,

they reflected the different cognitive processes based on their executive cognition.

Introspective procedures, which are also thought to be highly significant for

emotional proficiencies, may be used to describe both social and unconstrained

cognition. Emotional processing, social cognition, and resting state cognition may

convert brain organizations that subtend sensible introspection or meta-cognitive

capabilities, or they may be instrumental in the influence of such contemplative

capabilities (Schilbach, Bzdok, Timmermans, Fox, Laird, Vogeley, & Eickhoff, 2012).

Research Output. This served as grand output of the study. Proposed model that

decribes how TVL learners cognitively process the meaning of language. Propose a

model based on complexity theory that can help researchers better understand how L2-

related cognition and behavior interact to influence language learning development,

(Macalister & Navarro, 2017).


Terms employed in this study were operationally explicated in this portion.

Cognitive processing of language. It means that learner will talk about how they come

up, discuss, try to show the reasons for decision and selection of word, term,

they will give justification, they will talk about how they come out, how they

come up with the word, decide.

Information Stores. It refers to the process of interpreting the meaning of listening and

reading texts using think aloud protocol

Introspection. It denotes students’ reflection on how they come up with the language

processed during Think Aloud Protocol.

Model. It refers to the output of the study which is the proposed framework/ model

derived from the result of unprostituted data.

Technical Vocational and Livelihood learners. It denotes the participants of the study

from different specializations in Technical Vocational and Livelihood track

which encompass, Food Technology, Electrical Installation and Maintenance

and Automotive Technology.

Think aloud protocol. This method will be utilized in examining the cognitive language

processing of TVL learners.



This section delineates the research methodology utilized in this study on

cognitive processing of language in Senior High School- TVL. The specifics on

research design, research locale, population and sampling, research instrument, data

gathering procedure and data analysis were fostered in this section.


The researcher utilized qualitative method of research to answer the specific

research questions of the study. Students’ cognitive language processing were analyzed

qualitatively. Using grounded theory as one of the theoretical underpinnings of

qualitative research was deem most appropriate for this study because it enabled the in-

depth investigation on the analysis of cognitive processing skills of TVL learners as

basis for working model.

Banner and Wang (2010) used grounded theory analysis in their qualitative

study to classify and examine actual reading approaches used by adult deaf readers in

comparison to student deaf readers. Interviews and think-aloud techniques were used

to assess participants, who were interrupted three times while reading a text to answer

questions about their inner cognitive processes. During the analysis, the researcher used

categorization of the participants' reading strategies. The data was coded in order to

identify themes, patterns, and variations. In accordance with the current study, the

researcher used pre-data analysis to examine the information storing, cognitive

processes, and executive cognition of participants while they were exposed to the Think

Aloud Protocol and introspection. Another qualitative study used grounded theory to

investigate EFL teachers' and learners' perceptions of critical thinking's fundamental

principles and constructs, the main characteristics of a critical thinker, and strategies

for reinforcing critical thinking ability. Using constructivist grounded theory

methodology (Charmaz, 2008). The data were examined using the three levels of

grounded theory coding: open, axial, and selective. This idea complements the current

study because the researcher used grounded theory analysis to investigate the cognitive

processing of language TVL learners.

Namaghi (2014) conducted a study to investigate language teachers'

perspectives on an Iranian third grade senior high school EFL textbook. In interpreting

the study's findings, he used grounded theory analysis. The purpose of this study was

to investigate and theorize senior high school English teachers' perspectives on EB3.

The data was gathered through open-ended interviews conducted by the researcher.

The rigorous coding schemes of the grounded theory method yielded a set of categories:

“Evaluation of English Book 3” as the core category and “Physical Appearance”,

“Vocabulary”, “Reading Texts”, “Exercises”, “Grammar”, “Pronunciation”,

“Dialogs”, and “Skills” as the subcategories. The major themes emerged under these

subcategories are explained in the different sections. This is similar to the researcher’s

method of analysis of cognitive language processing of learners since it utilized version

of emergent concepts and categories verified to ensure the credibility of findings.

Tajzad and Namaghi (2014) used a grounded theory approach to investigate

EFL learners' perceptions of the integrated skills approach to language teaching in their

study. This data was then analyzed using open coding techniques or line-by-line

analysis, which aided in the identification of provisional explanatory concepts. The

researchers used axial coding to try to elaborate concepts and categories by specifying

their dimensions and properties and then determining the interrelationships between

concepts and categories. At last, in selective coding the researchers found the core

category, i.e., learners’ perceptions of the integrated approach. This study found to be

analogous in researcher’s method of scrutinizing the result of the study since it also

explored learner’s perceptions and reflexive engagement.

Figure 3
Qualitative- Grounded Theory Design

Furthermore, Banner and Wang (2011) discovered and described

psycholinguistic and socio-cognitive factors facilitating effective reading by signing

adults who are profoundly deaf and do not use hearing technology. The conditions that

facilitate effective reading were discovered using a grounded theory approach—by

coding and categorizing themes, relating the codes and categories, and determining a
central theme. This is related to the researcher's method of delineating TVL learners'

cognitive language processing because it required identifying an overarching theme

that facilitated effective language processing.

One of the expectations from researchers in grounded theory is to exercise

reflexivity- which requires researchers to be clear and honest about any preconceptions,

thoughts, and ideas they may have come into the study with. This allows the reader to

understand how the researcher might have arrived at some certain assumptions.

In lieu of the present study, heterogenous group of TVL learners were typically

and purposively selected.


The study was conducted at Dalig National High School located in Sitio

Parugan Blk. II, National Road Brgy. Dalig, Antipolo City in the province of Rizal.

The development of the school happens through the dream, sympathy and accurate

planning by the national awardees and former Brgy. Captain of Dalig and now continue

to serve the municipality as Councilor in the District II of Antipolo City.

Barangay Dalig is the only barangay in Antipolo City which has no situated

high school buuilding among 24 barangays. From then the construction begun and the

school finally operate as extension of San Jose National High School on June 2011

with four sections of first high school and seven subject teachers who taught the basic

subject for high school under the administration of Mr. Rodolfo M. Gonzales until June


Presently, the school is in nine years in operation and become a dependent

school last school year 2016-2017 under Dr. Arnel T. Buena. The school caters

complete grade level of junior high school since it is in third year of operation when K-

12 curriculum starts and senior high school. The school offers Tech-Voc Track in

specialized of Food Tech, Electrical, Automotive and Academic Track with specialized

strand HUMMS and GAS.

The students of the TVL Track of the K to 12 Program of a public secondary

school in Antipolo City were the participants of this study. These learners were

characterized as knowledgeable of the use of conferencing platforms like Zoom and

Google Meet. Grade 12 learners of the academic year 2020-2021 were the participants

due to the curricular offering of different core subjects in English during the first

semester of year 12 in the selected senior high school.


The population directed for this study was the Grade 12 TVL who took core

subjects in English for the school year 2020-2021. The researcher used purposive

typical sampling procedure in the selection of participants. In the selection of

participants, the researcher considered different criteria which comprises result of

reading and writing test and other core subject in English. In line with the selection of

the participants, using purposive sampling procedure, 50% of the students were

selected per section to come up with the necessary number of respondents as per the

needed of students by section. The Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) in DNHS

has three strands namely; FoodTech, Electrical and Automotive. Each strand has one

section. The total number of TVL students enrolled in online modality was 30. A total

of 15 students were purposively selected to complement the needed data of this

qualitative stuy. In line with the new normal setting, online students were utilized in

the study since the administration of Think Aloud Protocol was executed through

online learning platform which is Google Meet. The researcher utilized her official

DepEd gmail acocunt to record the individual TAP and introspective responses of



Instrumentations of this qualitative method of research vary from the different

layers of examining the cognitive processing of language of TVL learners. Since

students were exposed in different think aloud sessions and introspction which

encompassed execution of information storing, cognitive processes, and executive

cognition. This segment contains the specifications for each.

Think Aloud Instrument. Students were exposed in different learning episodes

utilizing content based online reading material. Google Meet (Soltero, 2020)

and the third was for the teachers as an expert judge who used the analytic rubric

in assessing the outputs. The content validation of the instrument was

administered among English language teachers with master’s or doctor’s


Comprehension Questions. These were the questions utilized after the exposure

of students on think aloud sessions which comprises the four learning episodes.

Each episode tends to elicit students’ understanding about the reading and

listening passage.

Reading Texts. Selection of reading texts were based on the identified least

mastered skills in the different core subjects and applied subjects in English

taken among senior high student- participants. In explaining critical reading as

looking for ways of thinking and explaining the relationship of context with

texts meaning, two expository texts were utilized to assess students’ execution

of information storing, cognitive processes, and executive cognition through

think aloud and introspection. Another least mastered skill revealed in the result

of their examination in different core subjects in English was analysis of figures

of speech and other literary techniques and devices in the text, students were

given a free verse poem to analyze during TAP and introspective sessions.

Audio- Listening. Students took the chance to paraphrase and explain a text

using one’s word through listening to an audio recorded material.

Validation Tools. All instrumentations of the study that intended to assess the

reading and listening text as well as the comprehension questions were

processed under content validation from experts in the field identified with

these criteria: (1) a Ph. D holder or Masters’ Degree holder; and (2) presently

teaching in the senior high school or in a higher educational institution. They

utilized the FEU validation tool for interview questions.


The procedure of gathering the data required in this qualitative method of

research varies according to the categorization of the research design from

transcriptions of Think Aloud Protocol and Introspections.

Information Storing of Students through TAP. To gather the data needed for

information storing of students specifically in examining their cognitive processing of

language using the reading and listening texts from the different learning episodes, the

researcher utilized think aloud protocol. Students spent a one-week exposure on TAP

covering all the learning episodes through virtual conferencing via Google Meet. Each

student had no time limit in verbalizing their thoughts and understanding. The purpose

of the execution of TAP was to meet circumstantial information, gain the viewpoints

of participants on their reading experiences and cognitive language procedures, and

build rapport between participants and the researcher. The benefit of using TAP was

that it was used to evaluate students' reading processes in order to determine how and

when readers differ in their cognitive procedures while reading. Traditional

comprehension tests do not capture as many different cognitive processes and strategies

as think aloud assessments do. The verbal responses of readers based on visualization

may be less detailed than the mental image. It's also worth noting that some cognitive

processes observed in think-aloud protocols appear to have a low baseline rate

(Cromley, Ma, Van Boekel, & Parpucu Dane, 2020)

Cognitive Processes through TAP. After being exposed in the different TAP

sessions of four learning episodes, students were requested to answer comprehension

questions about the expository texts and listening passage they processed during TAP

exposure. Students were required to explain their answers through TAP procedure.

Answering the comprehensions questions had no time limit on what information they

recalled during their exposure on TAP. Utilization of think aloud protocols and

comprehensive interviews provided greater insight into the students’ cognitive

processes involved in second language reading, (Radzi & Aziz, 2013).

Executive Cognition through Introspection. After a week of exposure of

students in TAP sessions both on examining their information storing and cognitive

processes. They underwent introspective procedure to reflect on how they cognitively

process the meaning of reading and listening texts.

Think aloud protocol and introspection procedures were conducted through

online platform which is Google Meet which contained recording setting. A total of 15

students participated during the S.Y. 2020-2021. The technique was introduced to the

participants prior to the start of the think aloud protocol. The researcher provided video

clips containing various scenarios for how to use TAP. During the think aloud process,

the researcher took part by explaining the technique's instructions and reminding the

participants to keep talking while performing the reading task. The researcher modeled

the think aloud process since the participants are not really used to this kind of

technique. The participants TAP and introspection were recorded via Google Meet

platform since the study was conducted in the new normal setting to think aloud as they

composed, so that the resulting protocols can be analyzed. The protocol was conducted

with each student at a time individually with no time limit. There was no time limit for

finishing the four readings. The Google meet recording setting will begin once a

participant indicates that he or she is ready. All of the participants in this study were

involved in various learning episodes based on the least mastered reading skills.

Each learning episode which constitutes the least mastered skill required discussion on

specific topics by the researcher. Think aloud protocols were obtained by asking the

participants to read four passages based from the least mastered skills/ competencies in

reading. Two TAP sessions took place at the same time. Each session was conducted

individually and was followed by introspection. During TAP sessions, the researcher

remained in the Google meet, observing and taking notes for use in the introspection.

Once the problem was read aloud, the participants could begin their design thinking

dialogue, and the researcher encouraged them to continue speaking aloud their thoughts

throughout the protocol session.


The researcher utilized pre-data analysis using initial coding in the application

of think aloud protocol in examining the information storing process of students in

comprehending the reading listening passage.

Meanwhile, open, axial, and selective coding techniques associated with

developing grounded theory are being used to identify themes and categories from an

analysis of TVL learners' cognitive processing via think aloud protocol and

introspection. Open coding required data analysis without the use of preconceived

codes or categories. The codes and concepts emerge from careful reading, reflecting

on, and thinking about the data, and they continue to develop as the analysis process


The use and presence of each coding classification in the data is constantly

cross referenced with other occurrences to elucidate and define each code and concept

more clearly using the raw data (Corbin & Strauss, 2008) and therefore preserves the

researcher close to the raw data and not his/her preconceived notions. At the same

time, the researcher utilized axial coding; this means that related the emerging

concepts to each other to understand the relationship among them (Corbin & Strauss,

2008). Also, the used of selective coding to choose one category to be the core

category, and relating all other categories to that category.

Figure 4
Qualitative Data Analysis

The necessary idea was to develop a single storyline around which all

everything else is arranged. There is a belief that such a core concept always exists.

Using these processes, the concepts and categories were refined through more detailed

cross-referencing the participants and the clarification of concepts and themes since

the goal of the researcher was to analyze the cognitive processing of language of TVL

learners and arrived with a framework or model. The bases for answering the research

questions of the study were derived form the open coding that the researcher employed

using grounded theory analysis.


The following enumerations were performed to ensure that trustworthiness was

established throughout the entire conduct of this study covering all of its phases.

Accuracy of Analysis for Transcriptions. The introspection and think-aloud

sessions were transcribed and coded for qualitative analyses of themes in text

processing and comprehension. Learners' responses were manually coded and

subjected to three intercoders. The percentage of agreement was used to calculate the

code's reliability.

Accuracy of the Qualitative Analysis. A full-time English teacher with a

doctorate or master's degree in English language education cross-checked the codes

with transcriptions of the introspections and think aloud discussions to ensure the

accuracy of the codes from the qualitative data.

Validators included in the Study. A validator for the study's instruments, a Ph.

D. or Masters' Degree graduate; and presently teaching in a senior high school or a

higher educational institution, was enlisted to validate the reading and listening texts,

as well as the comprehension questions used.


Various ethical implications were performed and observed in the conduct of

this study, owing primarily to the fact that the study is primarily concerned with

learners. The risk of physical, mental, and financial harm was taken into account to

ensure that the teacher-researcher was physically or virtually present at all times.

Learners were supported and funded in terms of the cost of virtual meetings by

providing them with cellphone load. By obtaining informed consent from participants

aged 18 and up and parental consent from participants aged 17 and under,

The saved results of the text analysis were saved in the cloud storage for safe

keeping. In the same way, the recorded video of the Think aloud sessions and

Introspective responses Google Meet were safely stored in a Google Drive solely for

the purpose of the present study.




This chapter elucidated learners’ execution of information storing as revealed

in the application of think aloup protocol. Also, it provided students’ individual

interpretation of TAP in the reading and listening text. It answered research question no. 1:

How do TVL students execute information storing as revealed in the application of

Think Aloud Protocol? This section covered how students cognitively process the

meaning of reading and listening texts. It is substantial to note that the analysis of

readers’ TAP should scrutinize variabilities in text understanding processing to regulate

how and when proficient and non- proficient reader differ. As revealed in the

qualitative study of Seipel, B., Carlson, S. E., & Clinton, V. E. (2017). When reading

text, both good and poor readers used a variety of processing approaches. Think aloud

assessments capture more diverse cognitive processes and strategies than traditional

comprehension tests. Think alouds are effective for recognizing the cognitive

progressions related with exemplified cognition.

It can be reflected from the pre-data analysis of execution of information storing

metacognitive processes of TVL students revealed in the exposure and application

think aloud protocol. It measured how students verbalized their understanding on the

meaning of listening and reading texts. It also exhibited ways on how students

cognitively used their language processing and metacognitive skills in exploring the

meaning of texts which revealed specific cognitive dimensions. One of the leading

processing skills in language utilized among the participants was language processing
through kinesthetic signals with a score percentage of 15 or 100%. As resonates in the

study of Leasa, M., Corebima, A. D., Ibrohim, & Suwono, H. (2017), students manage

knowledge in their learning process in their own unique ways. Learning styles have a

big impact on emotional awareness. Auditory and reading learners have lower

emotional intelligence than kinesthetic learners. Some learners are also capable of

storing information. Only by gazing at the things can they access the knowledge in their

brain. Others, on the other hand, must touch, rehearse, and do a task a more in-depth

examination of a specific object. Schematic processing through citing relevant situation

got a score percentage of 9 or 60% of students.

Table 5
Participants’ Information Storing through Think Aloud Protocol

Category Properties Frequency Percentage

Schematic Processing of Utilizing background knowledge. 7 47%
Citing relevant situation 9 60%
Sharing personal experience

Language Processing Comprehension Process Motions 15 100%

through Kinesthetic

Explicating the Meaning Skimming 5 33%

Inferring 10 67%

Looking for the meaning of 3 20%

unfamiliar words

Comparing and contrasting 14 93%

Evaluating 2 13%

Repetition 9 60%

In explicating the the reading and listening texts, 14 or 93% of students

executed comparing and contrasting skills in expounding the text comprehend. In with

line recognizing comprehension problems, 12 or 80% of students claimed that they

encountered difficulties in the different words or terms utilized in the listening and

reading texts. On the contrary, students’ initiative to look for the meaning of difficult

words encountered got a score of 3 or 20% which magnified that the other 80% of

students who participated in the TAP did not focus in addressing the relevance of

lexical considerations in comprehending themeaning of text. Moreover, in explicating

the reading and listening texts, it was revealed that 2 or 13% of students applied

evaluating skill.

4.1 Schematic Processing of Language

Student- participants revealed that one of their language processing is anchored

through utilization of their background knowledge. There are different ways on how

they used their schema in processing the meaning of text read. Relating to personal

experience, citing relevant situation. As they explicate their understanding whether by

words, sentence, and paragraph.

It could be analyzed from the responses of the students in the processing the

meaning of text based on the narrative statements as revealed in the application of think

aloud protocol that they cited particular scenario through sharing their personal

experience in order to process the meaning of text.

It could be analyzed from the responses of the students in the processing the

meaning of text based on the narrative statements as revealed in the application of think

aloud protocol that they cited particular scenario through sharing their personal

experience in order to process the meaning of text

“So in this sentence we know that we have to think about the

people before we think about ourselves. Only this attitude can be
defined as truly revolutionary attitudes. So I experienced something
like that before, there’s a situation -- that we need to put others first
before ourselves. For example, our sibling asked us for help in his
assignment, but I’m also doing my school words. For me, I will do his
assignment first before mine, because I think he really needs it. I will
go and help my brother first, because I think that should be the attitude
of a revolutionary artist.”

“As a student, what are the challenges that you encountered in this
digital era? Some students today like me are dependent on technology,
books are not valued anymore. Some say it's okay to search on google
because you'll find it better but it's hard to rely on technology because
we don’t value reading anymore. If we value reading more, we can
better understand every word we read. That’s all.”

“Some of the challenges I faced is that, when I was in grade 7, I don’t

have any gadgets or devices that can help me with my assignments.
Some teachers sent all the assignments or projects in the GC or group
chat. They announce it on that platform. And then, I don’t have any
access to that because my family can’t afford it. Probably this, I don’t
have a project. I can’t pass projects or do it because of lack of internet
access and technology.”

4.2 Language Processing through Kinesthetic Signal

Students exhibited kinesthetic signals to express their understanding as revealed

in their involuntary movements. Kinesthetic motions are effective tools for creating

mental representations for abstract concepts (Collins, 2005; Viadero, 2005). Because

comprehension processes are abstract, it is reasonable to propose that if kinesthetic

learning aids could be designed to depict these mental abilities (nonlinguistic input)

then the effectiveness of direct, transactional strategy instruction (linguistic input)

should increase.

Physical activity is appealing to kinesthetic learners. The involvement is not

limited to physical involvement, but also includes cognitive activity in the achievement

and acquisition of knowledge, appreciation and internalization of values in the

formation of attitudes and values. Various exercises designed for students help them

develop their skills, emotions, self-esteem, and cognitive outcomes (Erwin, Fedewa, &

Ahn, 2013)

Comprehension Development Motions (CPMs) are kinesthetic hand placements

and movements that represent the visual and physical representations of abstract,

unseen comprehension procedures such as finding main ideas, inferring, making

predictions, and clarifying.

4.3 Explicating the Meaning

4.3.1 Skimming

In processing the meaning of text/ passages students utilized the

following strategies: Skimming text to find information, reading word for word

to identify the meaning not so acquainted words encountered in the reading text.

Steensel, Oostdam, Gelderen, and Schooten (2016) on the significance

of vocabulary knowledge, meta-cognitive knowledge and word decoding. They

investigated the connections between word decoding and vocabulary of low-

achieving students' knowledge, metacognitive knowledge, and reading

comprehension and examine the differences in relationships between students

in Grades 7 and 9, as well as between monolingual and bilingual students.

Findings discovered that there is a progressive effect of vocabulary and

metacognitive knowledge on reading comprehension in monolinguals and

bilinguals that were consistent across grades and across languages. When

vocabulary alterations were controlled for, bilingualism provided an advantage

in reading comprehension. Reading conception in multi-lingual learners is

hampered by a lack of second-language vocabulary knowledge. Students benefit

more from increased vocabulary competence than their monolingual

counterparts. Increase the significance of lexical and metacognitive instruction

for underachieving adolescents.

4.3.2. Repetition

Repeating the sentence, words or paragraph and looking for the meaning

of unfamiliar/ difficult words through offline dictionary.

“What is redemption? Dictionary. Redemption of a man. So

redemption, the action of saving or being saved from sin, error
or evil. So, this sentence talks about um, saving other people’s
Okay, let me repeat that. It is man himself, his fellow man, the
redemption of his fellow man that constitutes the objective of
the revolutionary. So, it not only talks about the revolutionary
but also to those people which are saved by the revolutionary.

What is ideology? (Searching for the meaning of ideology) a

system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis
of economic or political theory and policy.

As investigated in the quantitative study of Adyin (2022), cognitive

processing of second language idiom comprehension. It was mentioned that

learners have had more acquaintance to accurate language and may have

developed strategies that lead to success. Learners in foreign language contexts

who understood more literal (transparent, figurative) idioms better

compositional and interpretable). In addition, in an EFL setting, the Dual Idiom

Representation Model can be used to activate students' idiom entry and assist

them in better comprehending opaque idioms. Learners have become more

familiar with precise language and may have developed strategies that lead to

success in comprehension progressions that directly access figurative


4.3.3. Inferring

Students utilized inferring in processing the meaning of text in different

ways: meanings of words/phrases/sentences and paragraph based on context,

inferring through prior knowledge, confirming inferences based on information

in text, inferring character’s/author’s situation in the text/passage, Inferring

through comparison and contrast.

4.3.4. Prediction

Prediction occurs when students speculate on what the author will say

next in the text. Students must use the relevant background knowledge that they

already have about the topic to complete this successfully. The students' reading

has a purpose: to confirm or disprove their hypotheses. Furthermore, the

opportunity for students to connect the new knowledge they will encounter in

the text with the knowledge they already have has been created. The predicting

strategy also encourages students to use text structure by teaching them that

headings, subheadings, and questions embedded in the text can be used to

predict what will happen next.

4.3.5. Evaluating

It can be delineated from the narrative statements that students expressed

their approval and disapproval in processing the meaning of sentence and

paragraphs in the passages analyzed. Also, it can be further noticed that they

incorporate personal reflections and practical application of knowledge relevant

to the situation that they encountered in real-life scenario.

[So this last paragraph, I think I will agree to the statement that
technology is the only tool that gives us knowledge. But we
know that technology gives us knowledge, we should limit
ourselves in using it especially in school even if we use
technology, we should still use books. We can use books as a
guide. We can use technology but in moderation, we should limit

I’m not quite agree with that because, uhm, most of the schools
now have internet connection and computers.

In passages 4 and 6, it talks about my understanding and I agreed

that revolutionary artists do not look at how they feel, but on
how people would feel and a way to help them. What is
important is what might people experience, even though in a
good way or not. That’s why I disagree with 4th to 6th passages.]

[In this passage, I will agree to this because revolutionary artists

wrote this for people, for them to have changed their lives, and

to improve their lifestyle. I agree as well that there are writers
and artists that do not want to be revolutionary or tend to achieve
other ways to express themselves in their own way.]

[In this passage, I will agree to this because revolutionary artists

wrote this for people, for them to have changed their lives, and
to improve their lifestyle. I agree as well that there are writers
and artists that do not want to be revolutionary or tend to achieve
other ways to express themselves in their own way. I’ve read a
book or context that led or directed that they want changes as
they have seen that people are struggling.]

4.4. Recognizing Comprehension Problems

Majority of the students claimed that they encountered difficulty in

understanding unfamiliar words. They reflect and recognize the source of

comprehension problems and realize the importance of elucidating the meaning of

difficult words which might affect their overall analysis of text. Students can easily

verbalize the source of problem in comprehending the meaning of sentence and


In line with the delineated by Jensen and Thogersen (2017) on foreign accent,

cognitive load and intelligibility of English as medium of instruction lectures as they

examine the interaction effect of task and environment, accented speech adds

complexity and complicates processing. It was implied in the study that French-

accented speech would necessitate more intellectual processing. In all circumstances,

but it would have little effect on intelligibility in the simpler of the two tasks. Even if

the actual success or failure with word recognition is relatively unaffected, difficulty

with the process may interfere with the more complex aspects of understanding. The

comprehensibility of a speaker (as measured by asking judges how difficult it is to

understand the speaker) may be a better indicator of the processing challenges presented

to the listener and thus because this construct includes the intelligibility in complex

tasks. Reduced intelligibility as a result of the second task's higher cognitive demands

combined with the foreign accent's increased cognitive workload. During a reading

lecture, using strategies tailored to the learner's linguistic competence, such as visual

aids, slide decks, and drawings that allow students to ask clarification questions, may

help to alleviate students' processing difficulties.

As revealed in the narrative statements:

“A little bit confused Maam. Because there are some words that are not
familiar to, and also it’s hard for me to analyze sentences in the passage,
because it’s quite deep for me to understand”

Oh, I thought exploitation and exploited are the same but it’s not. So
exploited is to make full use of and derive benefit. It’s just the same.
(Looked at the screen) If the example of this is, if one person in that
group has a bad habit of treating someone unfairly and it means they all
have the bad habit and attitude too. Because it started from one into
groups. It says that then one simply does not have a revolutionary
attitude. So, if that person influences the group, it means they all have
that bad habit, that person will not change his attitude. That’s my

[Shocks! (read the passage again) The author’s message through the
poem is somehow confusing because I’m having a hard time
understanding it. It also uses literary devices, which is hard for me to
understand its real meaning.]

For me, maybe I will just connect it to its title. And it also like before
(someone) was weak, but she became a strong woman or person now,
unlike before, she’s scared of everything. She has many weaknesses, but
she’s now a strong person.]

Monitoring reading strategies can have a significant impact on students'

achievement of task objectives because they tend to reread texts and pay close attention

to challenging segments. In line with the development and enhancement of

metacognitive strategies created based on how learner’s plan, monitor, and evaluate in

order to advance reading ability. It was exhibited in the review of Channa, Nordin,

Siming, Chandio, and Koondher (2015) that metacognitive strategies used in reading

comprehension play an important role in students' academic success. Consideration of

metacognitive approaches as contribution to design reading comprehension learning

resource material based on learners’ needs.

It is important to consider the examination of self-regulated learning and

metacognitive monitoring measures in the evaluation of learner regulation, as

demonstrated by Follmer and Sperling's quantitative study (2019). The point at which

self-regulated learning, metacognitive monitoring, and a self-regulated learning

questionnaire intersect. Students' evaluations of their governing behaviors are not

always consistent across self-report measures, and they do not always correspond to

their established habits or the quality of the monitoring systems that go into their

performances. The degree of metacognitive monitoring, as well as participants' item-

level confidence judgments, were found to be significantly related to self-monitoring

using the micro analytic technique. Self-regulated learning microanalysis revealed a

substantial association between participants' reported strategy use during self-regulated

learning and reading questionnaire scores.

4.5. Data Generation

It can be inferred for the result of think aloud discussion that majority of the

students explicate the meaning of text through generating information/ facts from the

different passages. In the following narrative statements:

As the countries and population keeps on growing, as well as the use of

the internet. For example, 60% of the population in developing countries
is connected by telephone. They said that there are few countries that
are not connected by telephones because most countries have the
internet like the US. Every household there has a telephone and other
people have computers at home, so every nation is developing. All
counties are developing because of technology.]

[I think the fifth (5th) paragraph pertains to school but the number of
classrooms with internet connection differs by the income of 98% of
schools in the country are wired with at least one internet connection.
The number of classrooms with the internet connection differs by low
income students so in paragraph 5 it is based on the percentage of
schools in the country. I'm a little confused about this paragraph.]

[Here in paragraph 2, I think this paragraph pertains to every year, the

number of internet users is getting higher but there are still more other
countries or places where there are only a few internet users. They
probably use the telephone as their mode of communication. But in the
US, it seems that even though the internet user is increasing rapidly,
there are still people who use the telephone as a communicator. I think
that’s for number 2.]

[We all know Ma’am that African people or black people are (in) the
poor country. They didn’t even feel the education. Some of them do not
know how to read or write. So they are considered the poor population.]

What cultural issues may have influenced -- the culture maybe Ma’am.
I read their (story) black people because they are very poor in
technology. They didn’t even know how to use technology. The author
wrote this research or text that everyone can read. Technology is very
important not only for good times, but only for everyday lives, so that’s

[As a student, what are the challenges that you encountered in this
digital era? So I encounter that not all of us cannot afford the technology
that we want. If we were pursued for education, that’s the biggest
challenge that us, a student. For me, that's what I encountered in this
digital era.]

[In number 4, it’s about who has high salaries. Whoever has a high
salary, whoever has -- if number 4 is based in computer science, you all
new college graduates finished the degree of computer science, they can
have a high salary.]

I think the author was inspired because many people cannot afford or
cannot use computers. Unlike urban areas, in rural areas they cannot use
the computers. They even cannot access the internet, and of course the
author is still alive, the author’s writings help him to inspire him more.
I’m inspired by his writings. It helps me more. Even what he wrote is
not up to date. Only those who have the ability to use the internet,
because at this time like us students they can’t afford internet access
because, I, only use data, they don’t have wifi connection, so it’s slower.
Number 3, what are the political and economic issues of the time?
Economic issue/s is about internet access here in the Philippines. The
percentage is low; the internet connection is slow. And that’s
everyone’s problem.




This chapter explicated learners’ cognitive processing of reading and listening

text as revealed in the application of think aloud protocol. It answered research

question no. 2. How do students cognitively process the meaning of reading and

listening texts?

This section determined students’ cognitive processes as revealed in the

comprehension questions answered after their exposure in the different learning

episodes. Each learning episode which encompassed two reading texts, analaysis of

poem and a listening text. After their exposure in TAP, they are required to answer

comprehension questions which determined their cognitive processes. Also, this section

comprehensively discussed individual cognitive processing of language. Think aloud

assessments capture more diverse cognitive procedures and approaches than traditional

comprehension tests. Think alouds are effective for identifying the cognitive processes

associated with exemplified cognition, (Seipel, Carlson, & Clinton, 2017). Advantage

of using TAP was used to assess students' reading processes in order to determine how

and when readers differ in their cognitive procedures while reading. Think aloud

assessments capture more diverse cognitive processes and strategies than traditional

comprehension tests. Learners’ spoken responses based on imagining may be less

comprehensive than the mental image. It is also important to consider that definite

cognitive procedures observed in think-aloud sessions appear to have a low baseline

rate, (Cromley, Ma, Van Boekel, & Parpucu Dane, 2020).

Table 6
Participants’ Cognitive Processes through Think Aloud Protocol

Category Properties Frequency Percentage

Language Process the meaning of language 3 20%
Processing through through imagination

Relate one’s experience in the text 11 73%

4 27%
Reflective and emphatic 4 27%

Integrative Citing personal/ practical experience 5 33%


Making judgements about the 4 27%

existing phenomenon

Constructing meaning through 7 47%

relevant experience

Comprehension Data Generation 2 13%


Stating the main idea 6 40%

recalling 4 27%

Concluding 8 53%

Word association and context clues 5 33%

It can be inferred form the result that in terms of language processing through

visualization, students got a score of 11 or 73% in relating one’s experience in the text

listen/ read. Meanwhile, processing the meaning through visualization got the lowest

percentage of 3 students or 20%.

In line with integrative processing of language, constructing meaning through

relevant experience obtained the highest percentage of 7 students or 47%. Making

judgements about the existing phenomenon got a score of 4 students of 27%.

Lastly, the comprehension strategies used among TVL learners was concluding

with a score of 8 or 53%. On the contrary, data generation got the lowest percentage of

2 or 13%.

It can be realized from the result of cognitive processes of students that majority

of them utilized their personal and background experience in expounding the meaning

of texts. Content schemata are important in readers' comprehension of reading texts.

Reading comprehension can be hampered by a lack of content schemata. As content

schemata facilitate comprehension, they contribute to learners' understanding of a text.

Language learners who have no background knowledge or experience with a specific

topic will be unable to understand what is read. Students claimed that relying on prior

knowledge helped them comprehend the content-familiar text and that they used their

visualization to relate it to personal experience (Radzi & Aziz, 2013).

Moreover, the most used cognitive dimension of answering the comprehension

questions was concluding. Learners' metacognition formation and exercise processes

appeared to be a mix of memorizing and assessing about remembering and

remembering and evaluating about remembering, students were aware of their

metacognition, but their stages of consciousness varied and were disordered. The

processes by which learners form metacognition are dynamic and disordered. When

faced with confusion or a lack of understanding, learners' problem-solving abilities

enabled them to follow text sequences.

5.1. Language Processing through Visualization

5.1.1. Process the meaning of language through imagination. Students

processed the meaning of language through their imagination. Most of them

sympathized with the character’s experience and imagine themselves in the shoe

of the author or persona.

5.1.2. Relate one’s experience in the text listen/read. In connection to this,

students incorporate their background knowledge or personal experience to

elaborate and clarify their answers to intensify visualization in explaining the

meaning of text. Students tend to become reflective in putting themselves in the

situation of the characters.

As manifested in the analyses of meaning of the different reading

passage, the following narrative statements exhibited visualizing and imagining

themselves in the shoe of the character and author. Students justified the persona

in the poem by explaining the experience of the character.

“I think the person, who have hmm, a fear of everything. I think

of person has a bad situation in life. So, of how he growth, how
is he, hows he/ she, she moves as, what do you call that, (playing
with his pen) hmm of how his, how he/she is stand his life from
being fear, from being scared person, (hand gestures pointing to
the device) to a strong person. I think is talking about.”

“Hmm Opo maam kasi, sa tingin ko po hindi lang po ako, yung

naghahanap po ako ng mga way para matupad po yung mga
gusto ko po at dreams.” [Yes Ma’am, because I think I’m not the
only one who’s looking for a way to achieve and get my

Content schemata are important in readers' comprehension of reading

texts. Reading comprehension can be hampered by a lack of content schemata.

As content schemata facilitate comprehension, they contribute to learners'

understanding of a text. Language learners who have no background knowledge

or experience with a specific topic will be unable to understand what is read.

Students claimed that relying on prior knowledge helped them comprehend the

content-familiar text and that they used their visualization to relate it to personal

experience (Radzi & Aziz, 2013).

5.2. Integrative Processing

5.2.1. Citing personal/ practical experience. In justifying his stand about being

a revolutionist if considered himself, he justified his answer by giving real life


“For me, I can consider myself as a revolutionary. I haven’t done

something that changed other people or encouraged them.
Maybe in our school, I’m a journalist but I don’t think that my
writings encourage those who read them. So I can say that I am
not a revolutionist. Not now.”

5.2.2. Constructing meaning through relevant experience. Majority of the

students were able to share digital challenges by citing personal experience and

making judgements about the existing phenomenon Language learners who

have no background knowledge or experience with a specific topic will be

unable to understand what is read. Students claimed that relying on prior

knowledge helped them comprehend the content-familiar text and that they used

their visualization to relate it to personal experience (Radzi & Aziz, 2013):

“What are the challenges that you encountered in this digital era?
If you don’t have phone or internet access you cannot
communicate with others. What’s that word?”.

“Parang nawawala po sa uso. Di ko po alam english. Yun parang

nawawala ka po sa uso.” [As if you’re out of fashion. I don’t
know what that is in English. Like, you’re out of fashion or

5.3. Comprehension Strategies

5.3.1. Data Generation. It can be inferred for the result of think aloud discussion

that majority of the students explicate the meaning of text through generating

information/ facts from the different passages. In the following narrative


What cultural issues may have influenced -- the culture maybe

Ma’am I’ve read a story of black people because they are very
poor in technology. They didn’t even know how to use
technology. The author wrote this research or text that everyone
can read. Technology is very important not only for good times,
but also for our everyday lives.]

I think the author was inspired because many people cannot

afford or cannot use computers. Unlike urban areas, in rural areas
they cannot use the computers. They even cannot access the
internet, and of course the author is still alive. The author’s
writings help him to inspire himself more. I’m inspired by his
writings; it helps me more. Even though his writings are not up
to date. Only those who have the ability to use the internet
because at this time, like us students, we cannot afford internet
access. I only use data, we don’t have wifi connection, so it is
very slow. On number 3, what are the political and economic
issues of the time? Economic issue/s is about internet access here
in the Philippines. The percentage is low; the internet connection
is slow. And that’s everyone’s problem.

5.3.2. Stating the main idea. In terms of answering the comprehension question,

student state the main idea of the poem by justifying his answer about his

understanding on what is the poem all about. “For me, the poem talks all about

something that happens to the character or the person involved in that poem

about something he/she feared. How he/she overcame it. Like that.”

Student concluded about the main idea in the selection by citing relevant

situation “the growing technology all over the world and how it can be using

every time, and how can afford by these technologies. Every time, like this,

hmm, trying times, we need these technologies at most, 100% typing. We all


In terms of processing the meaning of listening text, student concluded

and stated that he understood the different tools of persuasion. Also, he was able

to summarize the information gathered:

5.3.3. Recalling and concluding. Student recognized the figures of speech by

recalling the lines in the poem. He also validated if the lines were correct. He

justified the theme of the poem and concluded the lesson/ moral:

“I think, the theme of this poem is uhm, is uhm, changes. Ayan

po changes. Because I think the theme or the title itself, is uhm,
be uhm, same, because it’s all about to changes to our life it to
because uh, how we show it to everyone po kung ganun” [I think
the theme of this poem changes. Changes because I think the
theme or the title itself is the same. It’s all about changes in our
life. It is how we show it to everyone.]

So the moral or lesson of the poem is always put God first,

because He knows everything and He may help you. He may
guide you and you have to believe in yourself.

In understanding the question, some student rephrased the questions and

translated to generate conclusions: How does the author define being a


5.3.4. Translation.

How. Paano. I think the author define the revolutionist to -- uhm

paano nga ba. [how is that?] Wait wait. (thinking) The number
3 question, what do you think is the purpose of the author in
writing this article? The purpose of the author to encourage or to
kno the meaning or the, the meaning of that article, and what is
the main purpose of that article, article, if that article is the, uhm
helpful to others, and gain knowledge eot that article. That is the
purpose of the article. Because some lines of that article is -- so
uhm, encouraging and gain knowledge, some knowledge to that

5.3.5. Word association and context clues. Some students answered

comprehension questions which required stating the main idea of the poem by

explicating the title of the poem. They utilized word association and context

clues to support her answer by citing lines in the poem.

5.3.6. Summarizing. Majority of the students were able to summarize the

content of listening passage through audio recorded material. It also revealed

that some students utilized note taking in recalling the information from the

audio recordings.

5.4 Students’ Individual Analyses of Cognitive Processing of Language

This section presented the individual analyses of student-participants in terms

of the different learning episodes. (For complete transcriptions, please see Appendix L,


5.4.1 Student 1 (Cognitive Processing of Language)

In the first passage the participant verbalized one’s thought by expressing

opinion and understanding about the lines and paragraph.

This sentence talks about artists. Our revolutionary maybe

talks about someone who does not or did not tend to change
others. And whether he is an artist or not, he is like a painter

Yes, I think it’s just like from the celebrity, whatever they
do, we think that it is good or something that doesn’t harm.

Utilized repetition as a strategy to understand the text. Assessing difficult words

by searching for its meaning using electronic dictionary.

“What is redemption? Dictionary. Redemption of a man. So

redemption, the action of saving or being saved from sin,
error or evil. So, this sentence talks about um, saving other
people’s life.”

Okay, let me repeat that. It is man himself, his fellow man,

the redemption of his fellow man that constitutes the
objective of the revolutionary. So, it not only talks about the
revolutionary but also to those people which are saved by the

What is ideology? (searching for the meaning of ideology) a

system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the
basis of economic or political theory and policy.

I’m a bit confused Ma’am because there are some words that
are not familiar to me, and also it's hard for me to analyze
sentences in the passage. It’s quite deep for me to

Also, sharing real life experience by reflecting to the lines in the passage.

“Some of the challenges I faced is that in my task, when I

was in grade 7, I don’t have any gadgets or devices that can
help me do the assignments. Some teachers sent all the
assignments or projects in the GC or group chat. They
announce it on that platform. I don’t have any access to that
because my family cannot afford it. As a result, I don’t have
a project. I can’t pass projects or do it because of lack of
internet access and technology.”

Student made relevant conclusion and negation.

“So in this sentence, if no one thinks about being a

revolutionary or having the courage to save other people,
that does not have a revolutionary attitude.”

I think this sentence talks about honest writers and artists.

They did not intend to help the revolution but their written
artworks are a help to the revolution.

I think this part talks about how a writer symbolizes,

interprets or defends his point of view by his written works.

I’m not quite agree with that because most schools now have
internet connection and computers.

In answering the comprehension question participant 1, justifies his answer

based on the title of the selection regarding the question (what is the selection

all about).

“Selection was all about the revolution or the revolutionaries. How

people can express their freedom. Also, this passage talks more
about the revolutions.”

Student was able to determine the purpose of the author by justifying and

explaining based on his perspective.

So I think the purpose of the author was to express what

a revolutionary is. What a revolutionary should be.

In determining the possible title that he could propose about the selection, he

was able to give title by stating sub-topics gathered from the selection.

“How to be a revolutionist? The author in this selection

talks about how a revolutionary should be. In order to be a
revolutionist, you must encourage the people around you.
What are the characteristics of revolutionists? and what are
the classes of revolutionists? So, that’s why I came up with
that idea.”

In justifying his stand about being a revolutionist if considered himself, he

justified his answer by giving real life scenario.

“For me, I can consider myself as a revolutionary. I

haven’t done something that changed other people or
encouraged them. Maybe in our school, I’m a journalist
but I don’t think that my writings encourage those who
read them. So I can say that I am not a revolutionist. Not

In passage no. 2, the student executed TAP by concluding the meaning of the


“In this second paragraph, it talks about problems of

telephones or technologies. Also, about how many people
may have access with the telephones in the world.
(scratched his cheeks)”

“So there are 85 percent of households with an income

over $75,000 less than 20 percent-dropout.”

“It shows that who has (scratching the back of his head),
so they did not choose women or people that are
oppressed ethnic group or a part of the ethnic group.
(searched for the meaning of baccalaureate and how to
pronounce it)

In expressing approval/ agreement in the lines in the paragraph:

“That’s right! Yes. Especially on those in urban areas.”

In explicating the meaning of the text:

“This sentence talks about races to have internet


In line with the comprehension question the student identified main idea in the

selection by stating

“The selection (touched his eye) talks about technology

and I think about statistics also. About who has the access
to the technology. I think that's the passage all about.”

In determining the author’s challenge and inspiration in the paragraph, the

student justified one’s answer through citing lines in the selection:

“For me, I think the author was inspired in writing this

because some authors cannot afford or cannot use
technology for some reason. For example, the author said
that because of the race, people’s money income, and
their degrees. I think the author also wrote this because I
noticed that we don’t have the same access with the
technology. I think that’s it, Maam”

Another task is to share his digital challenges encountered wherein he shared

his real life experience to answer the question.:

“Some of the challenges I faced is that in my task, when I

was in grade 7, I don’t have any gadgets or devices that
can help me do the assignments. Some teachers sent all the
assignments or projects in the GC or group chat. They
announce it on that platform. I don’t have any access to
that because my family cannot afford it. As a result, I don’t
have a project. I can’t pass projects or do it because of lack
of internet access and technology.”

And also I'm quite new to technology like computers. I

don’t usually use computers, and I'm just reading books.
So, when I use that technology, I feel like I’m a caveman
in using that. I’m amazed with the convenience it brings.”

In terms of analysis of poem, student #1 exhibited think aloud protocol by re-

reading the lines in the poem to better understand the poem, “Okay, I will read

it again.”. He also realizes the overall experience of the character by concluding

and predicting based from his understanding “It seems like something happened

to the, to the character. Okay.” Also, expressing honestly that the poem is

difficult to understand “It’s so deep. “He mentioned some theories and facts

about a particular line in the poem through context clues and allusion “So,

Newton invented the -- gravity. It talks about the law of Newton to me.” Stating

his conclusion by citing lines in the poem “I think this talks about falling,

because, can see falling in the 3rd - 4th line of the poem. Yes.” This talks about

overcoming your fear.

In terms of answering the comprehension question, student state the main idea

of the poem by justifying his answer about his understanding on what is the

poem all about:

“Hmm, for me, the poem, talk, all about somethings that
happens to the character in that or the person involved in
that poem about something he/she feared. Or how he/she
overcome it. Like that”. He identified figures of speech in
the poem by citing lines. He expressed difficulty in
identifying figures of speech “I can’t describe it Maam,
what type or kind of figures of speech those lines. I get it
na.”. He concluded the theme of the poem by stating the
lesson through citing specific lines. “Uhm, I think that the
moral lesson of the poem is that, you have to overcome
your fear. Just like, uhm, I (expanding 10:45) this part :”
“So, talks about uhm, uhm, how will you overcome
certain challenges in your life, by, by thinking or
reminiscing the past, so that, to you can prepare or you
may not do it again. And you overcome those fear -- in
your -- mind.”

In line with the application of TAP in the listening passage, student expressed

approval on the information heard by showing kinesthetic signals (nodding) in

every line of the passage. Also, he mentioned that he already encountered the

text in his oral communication subject ‘Logos is about facts. I think I

encountered this in my, oral communication.” He was able to summarize/

paraphrase the content of the listening passage:

So the content is all about persuasion. Persuasion

according to Aristotle it has three (3) types. So first is
ethos, second is pathos, then third is logos. The first is
Ethos which is by means of a reliable person, like a
teacher. A teacher can be reliable, for example on a
lesson, the words that the teachers would say can be
persuasive because it comes from the right person. Next
is pathos, which is used by means of emotions. It uses
stronger emotions, like you convince them by controlling
their emotions with words. Lastly is logos, which is more
on visuals. It shows demonstrations or visuals that can
greatly affect, encourage, and persuade the listeners or the
viewers. It could be by listening or watching that their
products or their services are the best. I think logos show
exaggerated expressions. (laughing) Thank you.

It can be inferred from think aloud responses of Student 1 as

magnified in the four learning episodes revealed various reading strategies

in the different learning episodes such as expressing opinion and

understanding about the lines and paragraph. Repetition as a strategy to

understand the text. Assessing difficult words, sharing real life experience

by reflecting to the lines in the passage. Making relevant conclusion and

negation. Also, he was able to determine the to make justifications and

explanation based on his perspective. The student exhibited TAP by

concluding the meaning of the paragraph, expressed approval/ agreement in

the lines in the paragraph. In line with analysis of poem, the student justified

one’s answer through citing lines in the selection. In terms of analysis of

poem, exhibited think aloud protocol by re-reading the lines in the poem to

better understand the poem. He also reflected in the overall experience of

the character by concluding and predicting based from his understanding.

In line with the application of TAP in the listening passage, student

expressed approval on the information heard by showing kinesthetic signals

in every line of the passage. Maia, B., & Santos, D. (2018) on Language,

emotion, and the emotions: They have a multidisciplinary and linguistic

background because they recognize the multifaceted relationship between

emotion and cognition, as well as the issues it raises. It was emphasized that

emotion and language are influenced by anthropological psychology,

sociology, neuroscience, philosophy, and computer science perspectives,

and that they cover not only the spoken or written form of the essential

concepts of emotion, but also metaphors of emotion manifestation through

facial communication, body language, and physical responses, as well as

independent language in broad-spectrum.

5.4.2 Student 2 (Cognitive Processing of Language)

In line with the analysis of student# 2 in passage 1, he frequently agreed

to the lines in the passage by showing fillers. He asked the meaning of difficult

words encountered often. In answering the comprehension questions, student

based his answer in the question “what is the section all about” by concluding

the main idea of the selection explicitly.

“Ahhh. Okay. I think the selection is about intellectual

revolutionaries. The selection is about the artist, their
intellectual, and revolutionaries.”

He expressed difficulty in answering – How does the author define

revolutionary? Meanwhile, in determining the purpose of the author in writing

the passage, he concluded his own interpretation based from his understanding.

“Hmm. I think -- I can’t predict. I predict that the author
is -- How does the author define being a revolutionary.
Ahh! The author predicting the revolutionaries by ano,
defining the artist, their history of what happened in the -
in - in the revolution.”

He justified that he considered himself as revolutionaries “I think, Yes. I’m also

an artist so I can consider myself as revolutionaries. Then, he was able to give

other title to the passage read

I can find myself, knowing there, my thoughts by saying

to the others.”

‘Hmm i think, hmm, the revolutionaries, hmm, (pen on

his forehead) revolutionary’s artist articles in their places.
Just Maam.”

In line with processing the meaning of the second passage, student frequently

used filler to expressed approval in the lines in the passage by concluding and

comparing as he cited relevant situation.

“Ahh Yes. We are now depending on technology right

now.”, “Okay. yea. Like facebook, google, instagram.”
“They have no internet connection, I think.” “Native-
Americans, ay native. African. Ahh alright!”

“So maybe they are chosen or offered the highest salary

because of their degree. I think this is quite true because
some companies are looking for those people who have
finished high degrees in college so that (clap) they can
have the (clap) edge with others, and with the other

In line with the analysis of comprehension questions, student concluded about

the main idea in the selection by citing relevant situation.

“The growing technology all over the world and how it

can be using every time, and how can afford by these
technologies. Every time, like this, hmm, trying times, we
need these technologies at most, 100% typing. We all

He mentioned the cultural issues by concluding:

“I think, in -- some challenges we get in these

technologies are, low of incomes. We cannot buy these
tools if we have low incomes. The influenced it by, I think
it’s from white - white people American. They influenced
us to buy those tools to inspired us.”
I think it is a political issue, economic. It talks about the
issues on technology. Some violence in social media, like
cyber bullying, those issues are everywhere.

He shared digital challenges encountered by making comparison in justifying

his point of view about situation cited.

“As a student, what are the challenges that you

encountered in this digital era? Like what I said on
number 3, those cyber -- I think cyber bullying, cyber
bullying or crime. They use technologies as, they connect
to the other people to have an things or [inaudible 13:23]
so, those students can make some money (touching his
nose) {inaudible 13:31] like uhm, cyber bullying as well,
anong tawag dun , what is that, those bad comments can
be, suicide to those students also.” [As a student, what are
the challenges that you encountered in this digital era?
Like what I’ve said on number 3, I think about cyber
bullying or crime. They used technologies to connect with
other people to have things [inaudible 13:23]. So students
can make some money [inaudible 13:31] like cyber
bullying. What is that? Those bad comments that can lead
students to suicide.]

In terms of processing the meaning of the poem, student most likely expressed

filler in understanding the poem, he expressed confusion in some words. He

portrayed exaggeration and feeling of being surprised as he concluded his

overall analysis of the poem

“Oh my gosh! (laughed) Hmm I think the poem is all

about his fear. Hmm. How he/she, hmm how she, forgot
this fear happened to his in by knowing those, by every
prayer, in this altar she say. I think, to the altar. And she -
- she defined the gravity of Newton as his fear, of how he
-- I think.”
Also, he justified the persona in the poem by explaining the experience of the

character as he/she transformed:

“I think the person, who have hmm, a fear of everything.

I think of person has a bad situation in life. So, of how he
growth, how is he, hows he/ she, she moves as, what do
you call that, (playing with his pen) hmm of how his, how
he/she is stand his life from being fear, from being scared
person, (hand gestures pointing to the device) to a strong
person. I think is talking about.”

He recognized the different figures of speech by citing lines in the poem:

“Hmm, Ah! I I think it’s similar in metaphor, just similar

in metaphor, I do longer, I no longer I think.”

In terms of processing the meaning of listening text, student concluded and

stated that he understood the different tools of persuasion. Also, he was able to

summarize the information gathered:

Those perceptions are a fact. Aristotle said that there are

three tools of perception. The ethos, logos, (and pathos).
Ethos is like the speaker’s way of convincing the receiver
about his point of view. Pathos is the connecting way of
the speaker to the receiver. Then (logos) lagos is the facts
or information so that the receiver can truly accept the
speaker’s point of view. Those 3 types of perceptions are
very important in public or private places, if we can
(thinking) (circling hand gestures) show our point of view
and express it to the receiver. (touching his nose)

It can be deduced from the think aloud responses of Student 2 that he

utilized different reading strategies to comprehend the meaning of listening and

reading texts which encompasses: concluding, summarizing, integrating

personal experience, justifying comparing and contrasting relevant experience.

He expressed his affirmation on the different lines. Meanwhile, he claimed that

he encountered multiple difficult words and expressed confusion in the analysis

of text. Jensen and Thogersen (2017) on foreign accent, cognitive load and

intelligibility of English as medium of instruction lectures as they examine the

interaction effect of task and environment, accented speech adds complexity

and complicates processing. It was implied in the study that French-accented

speech would necessitate more cognitive processing. In all situations, but it

would have little effect on intelligibility in the simpler of the two tasks. Even if

the actual success or failure with word recognition is relatively unaffected,

difficulty with the process may interfere with the more complex aspects of


5.4.3 Student 3 (Cognitive Processing of Language)

Application of TAP for student 3 in passage no.1 encompassed concluding and

justifying the lines in the passage:

“o I think uhm, this uhm, this first paragraph is, or this

first stanza is all about the artist who uhm - who don’t
have this revolutionary attitude towards the life”, o, I
think uhm, everyone naman, everyone is interest, or uhm
what we are doing, so alam natin yun “So I think uhm,
uhm every person have uhm, have their goals but, it is
uhm, there’s, but --- magkakaiba lang sa ano kung, how
we uhm, makukuha yung goals kung uhm,. How we
process yung goals natin.” (I think everyone is interested
in what they are doing, so we know that. So I think every
person has their goal, the difference is in how we process
our goals.)[ “uhm, in this uhm, in this paragraph is I think
uhm not only revolutionary, not only the artist or the
writers uhm revolutionary attitude have uhm ----
revolution is maybe they uhm person who want to be uhm
who want to be uhm, who want to be uhm, meron din
silang pinaglalaban (scratching his ear) na ganun kaso di
sila nag aano sa revolutionary attitude para sa mga ano,
mga buhay nila.” [In this paragraph I think not only
revolutionary, not only the artist or the writers have
revolutionary attitude -- revolution is maybe a person who
wants to fight for his/her will that they -- on their
revolutionary attitude for their lives.]
He expressed difficulty in understanding unfamiliar words:

“what, I don’t know what mercenary, so I -- I take

mercenary words for -- because I don’t know what it is
word and maybe uhm maybe if uhm finish this uhm this
context is i’ll search is for dictionary” and wait,
exploitation, take this word “So i’ll take the word regime
because I don’t know what it is.” So I’ll take this

He cited personal experience and connect in the lines in the passage:

“o in this stanza it is uhm, I can relate this because ughm

me as a person, think ko muna yung ano ang sasabihin ng
iba bago, bago yung, bago sabihin or bago ano yung
akin.” [Oh in this stanza, I can relate to this because, me
as a person, I will think first of whatever I will say to the
others before I utter the words or before I say it.]

So for uhm, so yung uhm, ano ba -- so yung uhm every

goals uhm we have uhm, changes about what is
happening in the present po, uhm, maybe uhm, if uhm for
example if I am being child so my dream is uhm first uhm
my dream or my passion that I want is teacher but now in
the present I don’t teacher because maybe uhm, my uhm,
maybe its too hard for me to be a teacher. [So, every goal
there will be changes in what is happening in the present.
For example, when I was a child, my dream or passion
was to become a Teacher. But now in the present, I don’t
want to become one because maybe it would be too hard
for me to become a Teacher.

In terms of answering the comprehension question, his bases for answering the

question – what is the selection all about constitutes concluding and justifying

one’s point of view:

“So what is the selection all about? I think the selection is

all about the writers or the artist who has a revolutionary
attitude. Because they want to fight for their thoughts or
feelings and they want to show it”

In stating how does the author define revolutionaries, he concluded by

reiterating his previous statement/ answer:

“Uhm, I think the author defined the revolutionary

because they want, or the person their want to, ay uhm
like what I said before they want to fight uhm, their uhm
their thoughts or their ideas to uhm to parang i-show to
the people. And then next is ---

In determining the purpose of the author, student concluded and cited situations

by comparing:

“Uhm the purpose of the author uhm in writing this article

is to - to for us to know, if we want to fight their - if we
had goals uhm or if we wanna dream, fight for it. Also,
don’t have uhm, if you have a doubt or anong tawag dun
(swaying his hand circular motion) or parang nahihirapan
sa in your, to achieve your goals or dreams, fight for it
and dream only” [The purpose of the author in writing this
article is to know if we want to fight -- or if we have goals,
if we want to dream, and fight for it. Also, if you have
doubts or what do you call that? you’re having a hard time
to achieve your goals and dreams, fight for it, and dream

He concluded that he considered himself as a revolutionist through justifying

his stand:

“Uhm I think, yes, because uhm, because as of now I

want to --- I want to show to everyone that uhm, I have a
dream and also is, I want to share my thoughts and ideas
to everyone to know me or also (pinching is ear) to know
me and to uhm express what my feelings are, uhm my
ideas also.”

In line with the analysis of the poem, students generated conclusions while

reading the poem and utilized reading strategies like re-reading the poem twice

for better understanding.

“So, I think the most powerful way is to pray to God. To

concentrate on what you want to pray for or what you
want to happen.”

“I think it is all about Newton. Newton discovers
learnings. Okay na po Maam. [That’s all Ma’am]”

In terms of dealing with the comprehension questions, student explicated the

conclusions about the poem:

I think the poem is all about the changes of how we think,

because it helps us. They have changed to -- para mga
decision natin sa buhay. Or how we make decisions.
[They have changed to - for our decisions in life.]

He generalized that the persona in the poem pertains to everyone:

“I think, the uhm, the person, or uhm talking about the

poem is I think, uhm, uhm all of us, because uhm, because
they want to, uhm, to show to everyone that we want uhm,
that want uhm,. What are we want to show to them na,
(thinking -- looking at the ceiling) kung ano yung
kakayahan natin or kung mga gusto natin that kailangan
naitn ipakita. And then, and then, uhm, with the help of,
uhm, uhm or help to ah God -- guide from God, maaano
natin, madedeliver so sa mga, (scratching his nose) sa
mga taong gusto natin ipakita sa kanila.” [I think the one
who is talking in the poem, is I think all of us. Because
they want to show to everyone what they can do or what
we want, we tend to show it to them. And then, with the
help of God’s guidance, we can deliver to the people what
we want them to see.]

Student recognized the figures of speech by recalling the lines in the poem. He

also validated if the lines were correct. He justified the theme of the poem and

concluded the lesson/ moral:

“I think, the theme of this poem is uhm, is uhm, changes.

Ayan po changes. Because I think the theme or the title
itself, is uhm, be uhm, same, because it’s all about to
changes to our life it to because uh, how we show it to
everyone po kung ganun” [I think the theme of this poem
changes. There, changes, because I think the theme or the
title itself is the same. It’s all about changes in our life to,
because it is how we show it to everyone.

I think the moral or lesson of the poem is to always put
God first, because He knows everything and He may help
you. He may guide you and you have to believe in

In terms of analysis of listening passage using TAP, student expressed his

conclusions and justification of his understanding about the text by giving

interpretation in the information and citing particular situation remembered as

he listened,

According to the uhm Aristotle they have the - they have

the 3 kinds of uh persuasion - ano ba yun persua -- basta
yun po, meron syang tatlo. And then, yung ethos, pathos,
logos. And it thinks the uhm, yung the three types of that
are uhm, I heard that before but I cannot uhm, remember
what is the meaning of those three types. And maybe
uhm, I’ll know the other definition of what is that So yung
uhm, sabi pa na, um the example of that, you tell the uhm,
telling what you have experience about the, about that
activity, any, any work so yung po yung ethos.
[According to Aristotle, they have the 3 kinds of
persuasion. Ethos, Pathos and Logos. And I think, those
three (3) types, I heard that before but I cannot remember
the meaning of those three (3) types. Maybe I will learn
another definition of what is that --. So, it also says, the
example of that is that you share your experiences about
that activity, so that’s ethos.]

My first impression about logos is the word, logo. But the

truth is logos is used for facts or truth. For example, for
giving the students or customers that our product is very
helpful to you.

For example if we have beauty products po, they want to

show the , the uhm facts about what have, what we have
in ano, in our products po, kung ano pwede makuha nila
dun sa products. So ayun po ang, it’s all about po dun sa
ano po, sa listening po, sa listening passage number 4 [For
example, if we have beauty products, they want to show
the facts about what they have, or whatever benefits they
will get from the products. So that is all about the listening
The student was able to summarize the information gathered from the

listening passage. In terms of think aloud responses of Student # 3, it can be

reflected that he utilized different cognitive processes in the different learning

episodes. It comprises the following: comparing, contrasting, recalling,

concluding, summarizing and justifying the different lines in the texts and in

answering comprehension questions. Citing and connecting relevant personal

experience in the passage. Explicating the meaning of text through concluding

and generalizing. It can be realized that student 2 successfully accomplished

think aloud session by completing the different learning episodes. It was

revealed that student 3 encountered challenges in deciphering the meaning of

difficult words. Discovering the complexities and unpredictability of cognitive

processing of language were explicated. As manifested in the review of

Macalister and Navarro (2017) on Exploring Language Learner Cognition in

Action, they recognize the complexities and unpredictability of L2-

development and investigate how an adult language learner in an ESL context

navigates L2 use in naturalistic interactions.

5.4.4. Student 4 (Cognitive Processing of Language)

In line with the analysis of reading passage 1 utilizing TAP, student honestly

expressed that she encountered difficulties in understanding words unfamiliar

to her and to solve that issue she take down notes all these words.

“And the word revolutionary is, evolve, nag e evolve po sya”

[The word revolutionary evolves.]

“I’m not familiar with these words. So I take down notes.”

What is the meaning of this, cruelest -- neglect. Oppressed, so

it’s deep. And exploited
Yes but many words are not familiar to me.

As she continuously read, student was able to make conclusions and

comparisons in determining the meaning of lines in the passage. She utilized

context clues and fillers in processing her thoughts.

In order to understand the text, she translated the meaning of the text

using her first language and re-reading the lines. “Frankly means direct to the

point. Ideology? Idea?”

In answering the comprehension question, student made conclusions about the

main idea in the selection:

“The selection all about, the revolutionary and the intellectual to

the writer and artists that uhm their going to uhm, the
revolutionary or the revolution is -- ay no mali. [Oh no, wrong.]
Uhm The artist and the writers should want to - wanted to help
the revolution to evolve the,” I don’t know what it is, but they
want to help, and the - revolution, they want to accept or, uhm
tama accept - accept the, the help for the artist and the writer.

In understanding the question, the student rephrased the questions and translated

to generate conclusions:

How does the author define being a

revolutionist/REVOLUTIONARY? HOW. PAANO. I think the
author define the revolutionist to -- uhm paano nga ba. [how is
that?] Wait wait. (thinking) The number 3 question, What do you
think is the purpose of the author in writing this article? The
purpose of the author to encourage or to kno the meaning or the,
the meaning of that article, and what is the main purpose of that
article, article, if that article is the, uhm helpful to others, and
gain knowledge eot that article. That is the purpose of the article.
Because some lines of that article is -- so uhm, encouraging and
gain knowledge, some knowledge to that articles. And -- uhm

Also, student-participant made conclusion and reflection as she

defended if she treated herself as revolutionist

“I don’t think I will call myself a revolutionist. Do you consider

yourself as a revolutionist? What is the meaning of
revolutionist? Nakak -- I think, Yes. because (thinking), I can
give some contribution or anything to evolve and help the
revolution in our country. So I think I consider myself as a

Student was able to give and propose other title to the selection read :

Meaning of the title. Revolution (scratching his nose) I think?;

What other title can you give to the article? I think, The
Revolution and their Characteristics or The Revolution. The
meaning of Revolution. The Intellectual and the Revolution or
being, How to be a Revolutionist.

In line with the analysis of reading passage no.2 utilizing TAP, student came up

with conclusions and justification by giving practical and relevant situation and

relate to the lines in the paragraph.

Wait a minute. Ethnic groups (read some parts again -

percentage) many in our world have access to the internet
because technology evolved and it’s powerful to cope up with
the country.

Okay. So in six percent uhm some countries or populations are

connected to the telephone and 94 percent of the US has a
telephone. Fully 56 percent have personal computers at home
and 50 percent have internet access.

She honestly expressed difficulty in understanding some words to cope up with

this, she utilized electronic dictionary and take down notes unfamiliar words.

“Disparities? I don’t know the meaning of disparities.”

Student voiced out her emotion by vocally negating in the meaning of the lines

in the paragraph read. Feeling amazed with the facts presented and can relate to

the situation.

Oh my god. (covered her mouth with her hand) so every college

graduate that got this course or degree offered the highest,
mataas. Okay. [It’s high!]

In line with answering the comprehension questions, student was able to

determine what is all about by creating conclusions:

The selection is all about technology, to access or to gain

information to some site. And others can communicate to others
with this technology. That’s the selection all about.

In identifying the cultural issues may have influenced, challenged, or inspired

the author, she concluded that:

“I think some of them have influenced, challenged, or inspired

the author? I think to those people who didn’t have a high
income. They didn’t have telephone, or computer, internet
access. I think the author is inspired by that because, in our
country, there are many people who do not have internet access
because they don't have money to buy gadgets or technology to
gain information.”

She shared some digital challenges by citing personal experience and making

judgements about the existing phenomenon:

“What are the challenges that you encountered in this digital era?
If you don’t have phone or internet access you cannot
communicate with the others. What’s that word? (snap) hmm.”

“Parang nawawala po sa uso. Di ko po alam english. Yun parang

nawawala ka po sa uso.” [As if you’re out of fashion. I don’t
know what that is in English. Like, you’re out of fashion or

“It’s hard because if you don’t have money, you can’t buy some
load to have access to any information. Also, if you’re going to
do some research, you cannot because you don’t have money,
you don’t have a phone to use to search the important
information for your research. Like that po Maam. Thank you
po, Maam.”

In line with analysis of poem using TAP, students create multiple conclusions

in line with the lines in the poem by citing personal experience and comparing

different situations based on authentic experience.

“Everything’s changed. Like in the past year, and, or in other
change, things change. If things change, maybe I am too. I’m
going to change
She looked for the meaning of unfamiliar words and was
surprised for not finding its meaning.

The learner was also able to utilize words association, when he said, “So,

religious (the fire of prayer in my mouth)”

In line with answering the comprehension question of the poem, student

determined the main idea of the poem by creating conclusions based from lines

in the poem:

The poem all about is change. If you change if that thing or

everything changes (pointing to herself) you also change. And
wherever you go or whatever you do, there’s no longer to run or

She explicated the persona/ speaker in the poem by concluding that she was the

one speaking in the poem or someone.

“I think I am. Or someone, someone read the poem. Ayun po.

[That’s it!]”
She identified the figures of speech by citing lines in the poem and expressed

difficulty in identifying:

Because some words are repeated. Okay, I give some lines, no

longer I run, or no longer I run to the altar. (laughed) like that.
That’s repetition, figures of speech. They repeat the word or
repeat the sentence.

What else, Hyperbole. Things change. No longer I. In the first

paragraph maybe. (thinking) (covered her eyes with her hands)
I don’t know

She recalled the poem in determining the theme of the poem:

Hmm, what kind of theme. (hand gesture, circular in motion) I

recall the poem my mind. Hmm. I thnk the theme of the poem is
uhm, uhm, self, self ano ba. Wait. hmm. Can I skip maam? 5 po
muna tayo. [Hmm, what kind of theme. I recall the poem in my
mind. I think the theme of the poem is self. Wait, Can I skip

maam? Let’s go with 5.]

“The theme of the poem is, encouraging, self-motivation

because some lines of that poem give you motivation to change
in every situation. If the situation is not comfortable you need to
change. Also your attitude in that situation.

She reflected on the lesson of the poem:

Moral or lesson of the poem is whatever happens you need to

rise. If some struggles come in your life or in your way, you need
to raise and to pursue some goals or your dream. I think that’s
the moral or lesson.

In terms of analysis of listening text using TAP, student was able to conclude

and explain her understanding in the information gathered

Three basic tools. Ethos - reliable, ethos considered convenient.

In ethos, I understand if you are a speaker, you need to convince
your audience , you are incredible resources of that passage.
Next is pathos, it is the speaker's way of connecting his
audience’ motion. If you are a speaker, you are going to have or
get the emotion of your audience. You need to persuade
(pronounce as pursue-ace) (snap) your audience. You can get or
convince them to listen to you.

Giving concrete examples/ situation:

Like I said to pathos, you need to get the emotion of your

audience, to relate your audience to you in everything you say.

My example is, if you are going to vote bad or good, you need
to analyze some audience and need to know their feelings. To
know who he/she is going to vote, good or bad. Like that po

I have some examples here. Tupperware, (showed the object)

then (snap) I have a joy or dishwashing liquid. This tupperware
is masebo, (greasy) and so dirty. It was said in the television or
TV, Joy dishwashing liquid has 99.9% removing bacteria or
sebo (greasiness) in your plate or tupperware. Then, that’s an
example of fact evidence or true evidence that joy is effective.
It is effective to wash the dishes and to clean all that. No bacteria,
and safe to you. (Explained this with props and hand gestures)

Student was able to summarize/ paraphrase the passage listened:

Summarize tools of persuasion by Aristotle, there 3 basic tools

Ethos, Pathos, Logos. Ethos is the speaker’s way to convince the
audience that she/he is the incredible source. Pathos speaker’s
way of connecting their audience emotions. Logos connect with
facts, information and evidence to some products that you need
to use or effectively to you. And that’s all po.

Student no. 4 think aloud responses exposed numerous reading

strategies such as concluding and comparing, in determining the meaning of

lines in the reading and listening texts. Also, rephrasing and translating

questions in generating conclusions. Reflecting and justifying through citing

relevant personal experience. There was a time that he voiced out his emotion

and shared personal experience because of being inspired with the author’s

perspective. Maia and Santos (2018) emphasized that emotion and language

are influenced by, anthropological psychology, sociology, neuroscience,

philosophy, and computer science viewpoints, and cover not only the spoken or

written form of the essential concepts of emotion, but also metaphors of emotion

manifestation through facial communication, body language, and physical

responses, as well as independent language in broad-spectrum.

5.4.5. Student 5 (Cognitive Processing of Language)

In line with application of TAP in passage no.1, the student made

explication in every line of the text by making conclusions and direct

comparison as he cited relevant practical situations in processing the meaning

of the text.

“Uhm for me, the title itself that, we naiintindihan po natin yung
binabasa natin parang may nakukuha po tayong idea kung ano
yung binabasa natin. [Uhm for me, the title itself, we
comprehend whatever we are reading, just like getting ideas to

this part intellectual artist, they have yung certain goal na parang
they have, na ano po nila yung, gagawin nila. Na parang may
plan na po sila. [This part is for intellectual artists, they have
certain goals. Like they planned their goals.]

Yung dito naman po, yung parang naiinspire tayo ng mga taong
nakakapag tupad ng mga goals nila kaya parang gusto natin sila
samahan para matupad din po yung goals natin. [In here, we got
inspired by people who were able to achieve their goals that’s
why it feels like we want to join them so we can also achieve
our own goals in life.]

Yung parang, dito po yung parang kailangan natin mag

encourage ng, mga revolutionaries’ ma encourage yung mga tao
na sumama po sa kung ano yung, ano po yung gagawin po.
[Here, if feels like we need to encourage revolutionaries to join.]

Student answered the comprehension questions by citing situations through

comparing to identify the main idea of the text based on his own understanding.

What is the selection all about? Yung parang sakin po ung

selection is, tinatalakay yung parang, yung thought po nung,
yung wag lang po tayo mag ano ng vision, hindi lang po natin i
vision yung gusto nating gawin, parang mag work po tayo para
maano po natin yung yung gusto nating magawa. [What is the
selection all about? For me, the selection is all about the thoughts
of we should not give just some thoughts on some things that we
liked to do. We have to work on it.]

He stated the process of defining the term “revolutionary” from the perspective

of the author by citing practical situation through comparing

How does the author define being a

revolutionist/REVOLUTIONARY? Parang yung dinefine nya
po yung revolutionary na tayo, kasi diba yung mga
revolutionaries yung parang pinaglalaban nila yung gusto nila.
YUng mga determination sila matupad kung ano yung gusto
nila. [It defines revolutionary, because revolutionaries are like
people who fight for what they want. They have determination
to achieve whatever they want.]

He concluded the purpose of the author by making generalizations

“How does the author define being a
revolutionist/REVOLUTIONARY? Parang yung dinefine nya
po yung revolutionary na tayo, kasi diba yung mga
revolutionaries yung parang pinaglalaban nila yung gusto nila.
YUng mga determination sila matupad kung ano yung gusto
nila.” [It defines revolutionary, because revolutionaries are like
people who fight for what they want. They have determination
to achieve whatever they want.]

In asking his point of view about considering himself as revolutionary, he

agreed to be one by sharing his reflections:

Do you consider yourself as a revolutionist? Justify your answer.

Hmm Opo maam kasi, sa tingin ko po hindi lang po ako, yung
naghahanap po ako ng mga way para matupad po yung mga
gusto ko po at dreams. [Hmm yes, Ma’am I consider myself as
revolutionary, because I think, I’m not the only one who’s
looking for a way to achieve my own goals and dreams in life.]

Student proposed a title that he can give in response to the passage analyzed:

What other title can you give to the article?

Ano ba. Yung parang, kailangan po na palitan yung title? Ano
ung parang -- ano ba. Ano, be a revolutionary on your own life
[What other title can you give to the article? What else? Do I
need to change the title? Hmm like, Be a Revolutionary on your

Ano maam, yung parang, sa buhay po naitn, yung maging

revolutionaries, hindi in a bad way na parang, yun kasi yung ---
- nakikipag laban sila na para kung ano yung, yung, yung ang
ganda po ng self determination nila na kaya po nilang
maipaglaban para sa sarili nila. {Like Ma’am, in our lives, those
revolutionaries, not in a bad way, but that’s their way to fight,
that’s the beauty of self-determination that’s why they can fight
for their own will.]

In line with application of TAP in passage no.2, the student made explication in

every line of the text by making conclusions and direct comparison as he cited

relevant practical situations in processing the meaning of the text. Sharing

personal observation as he recalled lines in the passage.

Uhm, with the technology, there sometimes, there has been

some, wait, ano ba yung tawag dun. Yung, yung hindi fairness
na nagiging trato sa, yung current generation now and the older
generation. [With technology, sometimes there has been some,
wait, what do you call that? Unequal treatment in between the
current generation now and the older generation.]

In this part, if you graduate with such higher, higher, yung mas
mataas po yung level na napag anohan mo, ano bang tawag dun?
Yung -- you could [inaudible 9:45] better job that you could
have, that could generate more income. [In this part, if you
graduate with such a high degree, you could have a better job,
and could generate more income.]

He cited real- life experience to support his answers.

Yung in this part, technology has been, naging need na sya even
though na kulang po yng pambili, nag kakroon ng way na, kasi
parang naging use na, kasi parang nakasama na sya sa needs
natin. Kaya kailangan ng, kahit na medyo maano, they work in
order to have them po. [ In this part, technology has been one
of the needs even though people do not have enough budget,
there would still be a way, as it is included in people's basic
needs. As a result, people tend to word hard in order to have it.]

“Yung dito po, yung ano po, with the use of gadgets or
technology sometimes we could, magagamit op natin na, parang
makikipag - kapag maalam ka po na may proper na alam ka po
sa technology, pwede kang makipag sabayan para matreat kang
equal, para makipag sabayan ka dun sa mga countries na in
which yung gloom -- naka full gloom na talaga ang technology.
Yung parang hindi kana maddiscriminate na in which kahit na,
even though you leave in areas in which mahirap yung, mahirap
yung, mahirap po yung yung, technology, yung internet access,
pwede ka pong makipag sabayan sa kanila” [In this part, with
the use of gadgets or technology sometimes we could use it by
using our ideas in using it, you can keep up with the trend so
people can treat you equally. Technology is indeed in its full
gloom. It feels like, you will not feel discrimination anymore,
even though you leave (live) in a poor area, and poor internet
access, but you can still keep up with what is trending.]

In answering the comprehension questions, student formulated conclusions by

comparing and contrasting the situations:

“What is the selection all about? Ano po, the selection is all
about, ano po, yung, the selection is all about how technology,
how people, yung nag, ano bang tawag dun. Imbis na minsan
yung technology parang nagiging means pa po sya ng separation
ng mga tao. Imbis na maging equal, mas nagiging way pa po sya
na mas lalong naddiscriminate yung iba kasi wala po silang
kakayahan na maafford yung ganung technology po.” [What is
the selection all about? The selection is all about how
technology, how people -- how technology shows separation in
people. Instead of being equal to everyone, this leads to
discrimination because they cannot afford technology.]

Also, in identifying the cultural issues that challenged the author, student cites

his implicit analysis based from the central idea of the passage:

“I think, the cultural issue that influenced the author, maybe

poverty. Yung cultural, yung mga racist po, kung ano po yung
ethnic, kung saan po sila naka bilang na ethnic group. Yung mga,
yung mga ano po, ayun po. Yung poverty and racist po na
pagtrato.” [I think, the cultural issue that influenced the author
is maybe poverty. The cultural, which are racist people, what is
ethnic -- wherein they belonged to an ethnic group. Things like
those (influenced the author) the poverty and racist treatment.]

“The issues, yung money issues po ng mga races. Na kung -

yung mga -- bayan kung -- ay, oo country po. Yung for example
po yung sa issue, yung richer na country po, they could afford
technology call advancement po, kung saan other poor country
could not have po.” [One of the issues is money. Where in a
place, right, a country? For example, richer countries can afford
technology advancement, while poor countries cannot.]

He was able to express the digital challenges encountered by citing personal


“As a student, what are the challenges that you encountered in

this digital era? UHm ano po, as a student na encounter ko yung
mga, yung lack of, lack of knowledge po sa technology. Yung
hindi po masyadong nabigyan ng saktong, yung proper
education po ng mga, kami po about sa technology, parang ang
liit po ng time na nabigay”. [As a student, what are the
challenges that you encountered in this digital era? As a student,
I encountered the lack of knowledge in technology. The means
of you were not given enough proper education about
technology and in a short span of time.]

In line with processing the meaning of poem incorporating TAP, he summarized

the meaning of the poem by citing lines which made an impact to him:

“Change po is the only concept that even though ano po kahit po

tayo, change po, yung mga sometimes those things that we fear
back then hindi na po tayo natatakot ngayon na, kaya na po
nating i-face. [change is the only concept that even though we
change, there are things we used to fear, but now we don’t and
we can easily face it.]
Na yung mga dati po nating kinakatakutan kaya na po nating
harapin, na hindi mo na sya kakatakutan (?) [We used to fear,
but now can face it.]

Based form the result of the comprehension questions, it can be inferred that the

student was able to create conclusions in line with the question: The poem is all

about how we change in, and how we improve ourselves to face those things

that we fear. On how could able to handle them.

He identified figures of speech,” un parang simile or metaphor.

Yung kinocompare po tayo sa, sa yung sa may comparison po
dun” [Simile or metaphor, we use it to compare.]

Also, he expressed personal point of view by concluding and clarifying the

theme and lesson in the poem.

“The moral lesson of the poem is, to do not fear and face the
obstacle that, we fear po. Ano po, yung theme nya yung -- ano
ba yun. Yung theme nya is yung how we should fear yung or
how we should face our fear po.” [The moral (or) lesson of the
poem is to not fear and face the obstacle that we used to fear.
The theme is we should face our fear.]

In line with analysis of listening text using TAP, student explicated the

information gathered by explaining and concluding the meaning perceived

through application in different situations. Student was able to summarize the

content of the listening passage.

“Persuasion is a way in order to convince others to go on their
side. According to Aristotle, there are three ways of persuasion:
Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. Ethos its somehow to convince the
audience with the use of emotions in order to tell them that you
are to trust and credible. Pathos, it is somehow that you tend to
threaten the audience or that to be persuaded by you. And Logos,
you are giving evidence as basis or facts that are reliable in order
for them to be persuaded, in order for you to persuade the
audience. But with the use of these three, it is more powerful that
you could slightly persuade the audience”

Student no. 5 think aloud responses encompasses reading strategies such

as making conclusions, citing relevant and practical situations in unveiling the

meaning of texts. Comprehension questions were answered through comparing

and identifying the main idea. Affirming to the author’s standpoint through

reflecting in the practical situations. Support claims through personal and

authentic experiences. Formulating conclusions through comparing and

contrasting situations. Analysis of the contexts and conditions under which

habitual patterns in L1 are replaced or maintained by transfer based on

typological modifications and comparisons between first and second language

speakers, or how new patterns transpire, particularly in bilinguals (Kail, 2020).

5.4.6. Student 6 (Cognitive Processing of Language)

Language processing focused on concluding the meaning of the lines in

the text by comparing and contrasting the given situations

“The paragraph is all about an artist and a good artist.”

“So (scratched nose) I think they’re talking about changes of our

attitude, and it is for precisely that group of artists and
intellectuals that the revolution constitutes a problem. (wiped
her nose, looked somewhere) Changes of our attitude, if we
don’t think aloud , not think carefully or change, it can cause a
problem, it can lead to a problem. That’s all my insights.”

Who has this attitude like (fixed hair) even if you are not an

artist, you can even change your attitude. What do you call this?
(looked up and down) it all depends on your goals, objectives or
the people around you. It may also depend on you. (Paused for

Also, citing personal reflections and giving practical application

“So the person, for example from work, in order (looking

something beside here, thinking) to get someone’s attention, ---
Sorry, wait. To get someone’s attention, you will just insult
others in front of a lot of people, and exploit it towards. (Paused
for seconds) I think we will just step to their dignity because you
want others to be happy or you want them to get focus. In order
to treat someone unfairly you could treat that person different
from the others. So, talking about favoritism? Something like

For example, in a work, you ask that person to print something

but he/she is still printing something else like a text. You got so
mad because it is urgent. As a result, you used some harmful
words to that person. Like, ‘Is there something wrong?’ ‘Are you
out of your mind?’ Before we think about ourselves, or before
you get mad, you should know a person’s situation first. What if
that person is suffering from anxiety, depression or etc. And that
is the only attitude that defines us as a truly revolutionary

She frequently paused to identify the meaning of unfamiliar words and explicate

the meaning through online dictionary for better understanding of the text.

Oppresses, like what I said, oppressed is also exploitation. To

get other’s attention, you will just say something bad to a person,
treating him differently. Also, by means of using hurtful words.

For the great exploited? (Looked down to search for a meaning

maybe) Oh, I thought exploitation and exploited is the same but
it’s not. So exploited is making full use of and deriving benefit.
No, it’s just the same. (Looked at the screen) If a person in that
group has the bad habit of treating someone unfairly and it
means they all have the bad habit and attitude too. Because it
started from one into a group. So, it says that then one simply
does not have a revolutionary attitude. If that person influences
the group, it means they all have bad habits, so that person
doesn’t change his attitude. That’s my insight.
“That must be a tragedy. Someone understands (looking for a
meaning; eyes from what she’s holding to the screen) capable
(Searching…) tragedy. An event of causing great suffering,
destruction, and distress, such as a serious accident, crime, or
natural catastrophe. We understand that it must be a tragedy,
when someone understand(s) this and nonetheless has to confess
that he is incapable of fighting. Incapable (Searching…)

In line with answering the reading comprehension, she stated the main idea of

the selection by justifying her conclusion and reflections

“Yung parang sakin po ung selection is, tinatalakay yung

parang, yung thought po nung, yung wag lang po tayo mag ano
ng vision, hindi lang po natin i vision yung gusto nating gawin,
parang mag work po tayo para maano po natin yung yung gusto
nating magawa.” [For me the selection talks about not just vision
(to think or to plan) something we like to do, but we have to
work on it to achieve what we wanted.]

In defining the term revolution concerning the perspective of the author, she

cited situations to compare and conclude ideas.

“Parang yung dinefine nya po yung revolutionary na tayo, kasi

diba yung mga revolutionaries yung parang pinaglalaban nila
yung gusto nila. YUng mga determination sila matupad kung
ano yung gusto nila.” [It defines revolutionary because
revolutionaries fight for what they want. Their determination
speaks it all.]

She justified that the purpose of the author is to inspire the readers.

“To inspire po yung mga tao na, yung, ayun nga po, yung wag
lang basta basta, yung wag lang imagine nang imagine.
Magkaroon ka ng lakas ng loob na tuparin po yung gusto mo”
[To inspire people that we should not just imagine things. Have
the courage to make it happen.]

Stating her justifications about putting herself in the situation as she considered

herself as revolutionist by citing her reflections.

“Hmm Opo maam kasi, sa tingin ko po hindi lang po ako, yung

naghahanap po ako ng mga way para matupad po yung mga

gusto ko po at dreams.” [Yes Ma’am, because I think I’m not the
only one who’s looking for a way to achieve and get my

She proposed and justify her own title in the passage read,

“Be a revolutionary on your own life.”, Ano maam, yung parang,

sa buhay po naitn, yung maging revolutionaries, hindi in a bad
way na parang, yun kasi yung ---- nakikipag laban sila na para
kung ano yung, yung, yung ang ganda po ng self determination
nila na kaya po nilang maipaglaban para sa sarili nila.” [“Be
revolutionary on your own life” Just like our lives, those
revolutionaries fight for their wants, the beauty of their self-
determination to help themselves.]

In lieu of analysis of passage 2 using TAP, student processed her understanding

by sharing timely and relevant practical situations to support her analysis and

interpretation in the lines in the paragraph.

“So, the person for example from work, in order to (looking

something beside here, thinking) (something fell) I get
someone’s attention, you will just make others -- sorry, wait.”

“So, the person, for example from work, in order (looking

something beside here, thinking) to get someone’s attention, ---
Sorry, wait. To get someone’s attention, you will just insult
others in front of a lot of people, and exploit it towards. (Paused
for seconds) I think we will just step to their dignity because you
want others to be happy or you want them to get focus. In order
to treat someone unfairly you could treat that person different
from the others. So, talking about favoritism? Something like

For example, in a work, you ask that person to print something

but he/she is still printing something else like a text. You got so
mad because it is urgent. As a result, you used some harmful
words to that person. Like, ‘Is there something wrong?’ ‘Are you
out of your mind?’ Before we think about ourselves, or before
you get mad, you should know a person’s situation first. What if
that person is suffering from anxiety, depression or etc. And that
is the only attitude that defines us as a truly revolutionary

“So, like what I’ve said, most people cannot afford to buy
gadgets, gadgets to communicate with others, because of lack of
money. Maybe (looked down) because is today’s genera--
(looked at her side) today’s generation is more on using gadgets”

She admitted difficulty in understanding the passage. Also, she generated

conclusions by comparing and contrasting situations in interpreting the meaning

of the passage

I think the statement saying that internet and, internet and mobile
tsk internet and gadgets are just a distraction to a student.
Distraction to a students who is studying, like high, because,
yeah, because yeah, it’s true , because if you don’t have cell
phone, you are aware of what happening a surroundings, you can
even concentrate to the lesson without even getting distracted to
the cell phone because someone chat you like that. With high
concentration of low-income students, but it depends on a
student, it depends on a student if he/she really con- want to
concentrate, if he/she really want listen, or or to learn, it depends
on him, it not, it not, uhm it’s not about gadgets or internet.

Yeah, that’s true, because especially to those who already in our

grade, we really need to us internet, we really need to search for
a answer to our question, because it easier to ask, to search on
internet because we don’t have books, we don’t have enough
books for o question so, the computer and internet, gadgets
really benefit us student. iIt’s easier or us to research, it’s easier
for us to communicate to our group members, to our classmates,
to our teachers.

In line with the comprehension questions in this passage, student justified the

challenges that inspired the author in writing the article by sharing her personal


I think because the author knows that it really benefits us

students and a lot of people really benefit us when we use
gadgets because if we are in an urgent situation and we need to
get an answer immediately, we can search it. That is the culture
issues may have influenced, using cellphones, internet, it’s more
ano, helpful to us.

In terms of digital experiences, student shared her personal experience

“As a student, what are the challenges that you encountered in
this digital era? during online class, the internet is that good
that’s why I cannot understand the because error is happening
and also, I can’t focus to my studies because of using cellphone.
Overuse of cell phones because sometimes, I choose to play than
study, or choose to watch on Facebook than studying, but, it’s
up to me, so that is a challenge to me because sometimes I cannot
really stop it.

Student processed the meaning of the poem by making conclusions that the

character in the poem is fearless based from the lines.

Earlier, the poem said that he/she does not have fear, fearless
and last, I think when he/she falls into that situation, he/she
would ask himself if that is the reason why he/she’s scared.
That’s all.

So, I think that person is fearless, No longer runs to my altar...

She utilized context clues and word association in interpreting lines in the poem.

Also, for better understanding she requested to re-read the poem.

Kept saying “the fire of prayer in my mouth; Searching...) Ah, I

think extremely praying (Reread the above part; Searching…;
Read the next part)

She was able to answer the comprehension questions which required her to state

what is the main idea of the poem by explicating the title of the poem. She

utilized words association and context clues to support her answer by citing

lines in the poem.

I think, uhm, cause it’s all about the, it about ahm, the poem
mentioned about the altar, so I think it is a bride.

In identifying the figures of speech and theme, she recalled the lines in the poem

Wait… fire in my mouth, the fire of prayer in my mouth

Ma’am, I think it’s hyperbole but I'm not sure.
Ma’am can I recall the poem? no longer do I, I think ahm simile.
Ay, no, wait, it’s not simile. not simile… (Paused) Recovering
from the shock Of a huge branch falling, metaphor. I don’t see a
simile here in the poem.
She delineated the moral/lesson in the poem by sharing her personal reflections.

Uhm, be fearless. Don’t let problems let--- don’t let problems

drag you down, pull you down.

In line with the analysis of listening text, at first she expressed her difficulty in

understanding the text but for the second time of playing the audio clip she was

able to interpret the meaning of the text by creating conclusions. She was able

to paraphrase the information listened.

“So, the listening passage number 3 came from the ancient (read
as an-syent) Greek Aristotle.uhm, we have 3 persuasions, it is
ethos (read as athos), logos, ethos (read as athos), pathos and
logos. And those three have their strength. Strength is to
persuade, persuade the audience. The ethos (read as athos) way
is convincing is he/she proving to the audience that if he is
accredible, accredible, and the audience is her credible. If the
audience is trustworthy, then he/she is reliable and sincere, then
the pathos (she said athos) is ahm, can explain also that, can
explain to you how the dentist takes care of your teeth than the
firefighter, then pathos convinces the audience by emotion. If an
audience cannot trust you, then you cannot persuade them too.
Then, logos is more convincing than the two, because if logos
show some details and evidence, for me, yeah, it’s more
convincing too. If I were the audience, I would be able to
convince myself if it is more detailed and has evidence. That’s

Student 6 language processing in reading focused on concluding,

comparing and contrasting the lines in the text. Citing personal reflections and

giving practical application in answering the comprehension questions. Student

no. 6 also initiated to look for the meaning of unfamiliar words to better

understand the meaning of texts. Stating the main ideas required him to justify

his conclusions and reflections in the different passage. Meanwhile, student no.

6 admitted that he encountered difficulty in understanding the meaning of texts.

It can be reflected that despite student accomplished the learning episodes, there

were still complexities and unpredictable challenges encountered during TAP

sessions. Language and cognitive systems are inextricably linked. Language,

according to traditional theories of language and cognition, is built on humans'

conceptual repertoire, and the acquisition of linguistic meaning is bound by

underlying mental representations of human experience. The interaction

between language and cognition may be even more complicated than the

traditional view suggests, with concepts varying depending on which linguistic

community one belongs to Unal and Papafragou (2018).

5.4.7. Student 7 (Cognitive Processing of Language)

In line with analysis of passage 1 using TAP, student totally encountered

difficulty in understanding the meaning of the passage, unfamiliar words,

frequent expression that exhibited confusion and fillers in explicating the text.

(Uttered something I couldn’t understand) uhm… (Paused for

about a minute) all of the artists have no (reread some parts of
the 1st paragraph) or do not have a revolutionary attitude.
(reread some parts of the paragraph) Toward the life and all of
the group of artists intellectuals that constitute the problem is
revolution. (smiled)

Mercenary (reread the paragraph) paragraph 2 is all about for a

mercenary artist or intellectual. (reread some parts of the
paragraph) A mercenary artist is intellectual. The revolution
constitutes a problem that is never a problem for that artist.

Ouch, it's hard! (reread) Tsk, ahm… In this paragraph, I don’t

know who he is but he agrees with the revolution on economic
and social questions but (said something I couldn’t understand)
but his philosophical position was distinct from the revolution.

What is that? (reread) What is the meaning of (reread) parang

something fipol? (reread) okay… (reread the 1st part) The
revolution not only is (inaudible 54:14) but incorrigible counter,
we have a counter of revolutionaries. Yeah

“the revolution is not ahhh, should try to win over the greatest
part of the people to its ideas, yes, not look, not look the ahm the
re-- the revolution is not look ahm win over the greatest part of
the people to its ideas but ahm, but the main, the main priority
of revolution is never give up, never ahm, not--should never give
up on counting (said something I couldn’t understand) ayy,
hindi, on the majority of the fipol, counting not only on the
revolutionaries, yes.”

To simply understand the text, student re-read the lines in the passage and ask

questions from time to time until he creates concluding interpretation by sharing

his personal encounter and citing practical application.

“Uhm… my reaction in ahm, paragraph 1 is… it’s hard but, ahm,

if your read, if your read in your mind silently, you understand
it, and ahm, paragraph 2 and in paragraph 2, ahm, it’s same to
paragraph 1, it’s hard to ahm first read, it’s hard, but if you hard-
-if you hard-- ay, if you read repeat or if you read in your mind
silently, you understand and you give as meaning”

“Okay, okay, okay. In the 1st sentence, I understand the real

problem exists for the interest of the artist (reread the said part
silently) (paused for seconds, looked up to think…; reread some
parts of the paragraph) The real problem (uttered something I
couldn’t understand) (paused to think…) (reread some parts)
kahit na wala silang revolution attitude towards life, but who is
however an honest person. Next sentence… [Even if they do
not have a revolutionary attitude towards life, but who is
however an honest person.] (Read the 2nd sentence; sniffed)
(uttered something I couldn’t understand) he/she an artist at
(uttered something I couldn’t understand) it is clear that he has
that attitude. He/she has that attitude toward life whether it’s
revolutionary or not. The main goal of both is to ask ourselves
about those goals. Next sentence for the… (reread the 3rd
sentence) (paused for about a minute) (reread the sentence)

“All artists and writers is good, in this sentence yeah, the artists
and, and writers try to help the revolution. (reread) The artists
and the writers try to help revolutionaries and wish to know that
degree of freedom, within the revolutionary to express
themselves in accordance with their feelings”

In line with the comprehension questions, student was able to answer the main

idea in the selection by explicating that the selection is all about revolutionaries.

In the question about defining revolutionary as describe by the author, the

student tried to recall the lines in the passage and expressed difficulty in

answering the question.

“It’s ahm it’s all about ahm revolutionaries and… revolution”

Authors define being a revolutionist because (sniffed) the author
or the writer of revolutionaries have (scratched head) good
thinking. Deep thinking that the author of revolutionary is that
we build that (slightly laughed) that the story (slightly laughed)
My brain is blank!

On the other hand, student was able to make conclusions about the purpose of

the author in writing the article as well as proposing other title to the passage.

He cited his personal experience in concluding that he considered himself as


“The purpose of writing ah writing ah writing ah? The purpose

of the author in writing this article is to encourage (sniffed) and
to let other people learn about revolutionaries and revolution.”

The Story of Revolution and revolutionaries (moving left hand

from left to right; smiled) Yes… Done! My brain is sick!

Do you consider yourself as a revolutionist? Justify your answer.

I think yes, because I’m a part of this community. A
Revolutionary is to protect other people, and yes I'm protecting
other people from others but I'm a good person.

In terms of analysis in passage 2 using TAP, student frequently shared personal

and practical experience/ situation that is timely and relevant in making explicit

interpretation of the passage.

“I know all I know the uhm the other people is have not access
to computer-- note access to computer or internet, not have any
gadget because (burped- excuse me, excuse me) because ahm
the other people is ahm have not have not money to buy that
gadget or computer or have internet because all people have
money to buy a food.”

ahm, like I’m saying, the… that the opanermic stop, stop
because we have a vaccine and computer access promote

(reading) and the imper- ah-- the internet are to be used promote
equality, not to promote equality, but we use, (looked up), not
(rereading some parts)we use computers and gadget now to, to
the internet because we have pandemic and the pandemic will
stop because we have the vaccine and not, not going to, 3 years
or so because we have (sniffed) we have vaccine and we have
going going to school to face to face.

In order to understand vividly the lines in the passage, student re-read the text

and justify the meaning of the paragraph by citing personal encounter.

Also, every time that the student encountered difficult words, he expressed a

feeling of being surprised with the unfamiliar words and still try to do his best

to justify the meaning of the paragraph through context clues and citing relatable


Courses taking by student (rereading) ahm, yeah, in the

technology is, the technology is a become tool for learning now,
now and all courses taken by student (s), it will be seen as a
means to an end rather than an end in itself (rereading), ahm,
yeah, it’s… ahm, it’s use technology, ahm, in your courses but
the courses you get, the courses you have in the future, because,
ahm, not, not the base of in technology you learn about your
course, it is, it is about of your -- learn about your course and,
ahm, it is not a base of the co-- of technology you use but it is
all about of your learn about your courses.

Citing relevant situation inferred from the observation

“All people use, use the ahm digital technology or ahm or we

called ahm technology, mmm all people have, have job based on
online ahm online or uhm ahm based on online and find job
based in online (kept looking around) and explore ahm and in
online uhm, we communicate with your friends to other country
or your parents in other country (read as kawntri) uhm ahm and
ahm in your home you free to use your computer to workplace
because now is all round of technology”

Yeah, that, I’m saying in paragraph 2 ata and 3 ahm is have is

have pandemic and all people we need ahm, we need to stay at
home because we need pandemic and ahm no one, no one get
an-- no one going to school because for safeness of the people
and the school is not exist for now but, but in other, in ahm and
ahm I think next year, I think next year is the school is exist
because ahm the pandemic is now gone because we have
vaccine, and yeah, and ahm and I know all people in the world
is… ahm uhm tawag dun ah...tsk ahm all people in the world
is… is...(half-closed eyes) namroblema (experiencing problems)
because of the internet access because we need to use gadgets
for schooling, yeah.

In line with the comprehension questions, student was able to identify the

challenges that inspired the author by citing relevant situation and reflections.

“What cultural issues may have influenced, challenged, or

inspired the author? Ahm, the issue in ahm the issue is the
pandemic and challenge is how to (sniffed) how to… how to use
technology in, in studying and in to learn, and yeah. And ins--
ano yeah, it inspired the author because ahm we have good
teachers ahm, ahm, teaching ahm, teaching kahit na pandemic.”

Yes, because now, the family income is lowest before no

pandemic and the income of the family is low because of the
pandemic. My parents use online or sewing machine to get extra
income for our food and for the…

Economic issues are the extra income of your family. Shops

don't have good income because of the pandemic and all people
in the home, yeah. Last…

He shared digital challenges encountered by sharing personal experience in

specific context.

“Yeah, ahm, I encountered the challenge for me is, the

challenge that I encountered in digital area is the access of
internet because sometimes, I have not internet, have internet we
need load, and sometimes I have not a money to load and I will
absent of school. Yes, thank you.”

Student analyzed the poem through TAP. It can be deduced that in order to

interpret the meaning of the poem he connects personal experience to justify the

meaning of the passage.

Recovering from the shock, when I was a child (uttered

something, I could understand) I got into an accident using a
bike and I will-- ah--- and I… I… nabangga. Uhm na- nabangga
nung bicycle and I recovering now, I-- I-- when I’m child I
recor-- recovering but it is hurt for me now. [I collided. I’m
recovering now, but it still hurts.]

No longer do I fear, ahm, no longer do I fear ahm… no longer

do I fear of someone to try follow me when I’m, when I’m in…
in… the dark.

He utilized context clues and word association in order to interpret the poem by

citing lines. Asking himself about the meaning of unfamiliar words.

What is that? The tremble that I have offended… tremble, what

is that? (Slightly laughed and moved backward; uttered
something I couldn’t understand) uhm… the tremble the I have
offended, ahm the tremble have said that… (uttered something I
couldn’t understand) the I have offended is ahm… my friends
(uttered something I couldn’t understand) friends… yeah.

Inhabits my skull, I know… inhabits my skull, In my brain?

inside of my head.

If gravity is the outside of the world, ahm…

And no longer...and no longer… And rut and no longer

(inaudible 7:27) ahm no longer...is… the pandemic now

Woods I love, I love forest and in the woods I ahm, I chhhk… I camping.

He shared personal reflections by making comparison and contrast of situation

relevant to support the meaning of lines in the poem. In line with answering the

comprehension questions, it was revealed that the student was able to explicate

the main idea of the poem

What is the poem all about?

It’s all about change.

He stated that he was the one talking in the poem as it relates to his personal


“Ahm the persona in the poem is...ahm, what’s persona? What
the--- what...-ME? Ahm, it’s me because ahm in this poem, ahm,
I think, I think uhmm all of in this poem is question, question
based on me, and, yes (laughed)”

He identified figures of speech by citing and recalling lines in the poem

Metaphor? I think...
Recovering the shock? Metaphor
the fire of prayer in my mouth
Personification, Inhabits my skull? I think

Student was able to determine the theme and moral/lesson of the poem.

How people change, I think. (Reread the question) tam-- yeah,

the people change.
lesson of the poem is followed who you are because that is you
and ahm...follow who you are and-- because that is you

In line with analysis of listening text using TAP, student was able to interpret

the meaning of the listening text by citing the information remembered. He also

expressed difficulty in understanding the passage. Student gladly summarize the

information gathered form the listening text through paraphrasing.

Ethos, pathos and logos, ethos, pathos ang logos (uttered

something I couldn’t understand) Yes, I’m ready ethos, pathos
and logos (slightly laughed while recalling the three and saying
“I’m ready)

In this passage, ahm, we have 3, 3 ahm, 3 use, the ethos, pathos,

and logos. Ethos, and pathos and logos (wiped face with towel)
convincing the people of what you are saying. For people to trust
you especially if you will run for the president. Example, run of-
- run for the president. You need to convince the people
scratched head) to vote for you because you need to (looked
around) ipakita, uhm...hmm? [show] you are a good person and
you need someone with him to talk about the passage.) What you
need to say (looked up, thinking) what you can do to your
country to improve and you need to (held his lower lip, thinking)
see that the improvement of our country to people to trust you.
That’s all, Ma’am. (Slightly laughed)

Student no. 7 encountered enormous difficulty in comprehending the

lines from the reading and listening texts specifically in unveiling the unfamiliar

words. To overcome these reading challenges, he initiated to re-read the lines

and shared personal encounter and cite practical application. He was able to

answer comprehension questions through recalling the lines in the passage and

make conclusions through sharing personal experience. Despite the struggle in

comprehending the meaning of reading texts, student no.7 kept on justifying the

meaning of paragraph through context clues, word association, and sharing

personal experience. There is a progressive effect of vocabulary and

metacognitive knowledge on reading comprehension in monolinguals and

bilinguals that were consistent across grades and across languages. When

vocabulary alterations were controlled for, bilingualism provided an advantage

in reading comprehension. Reading comprehension in bilingual students is

hampered by a lack of second-language vocabulary knowledge. Students benefit

more from increased vocabulary competence than their monolingual

counterparts. Increase the significance of lexical and metacognitive instruction

for underachieving adolescents (Steensel, Oostdam, Gelderen, & Schooten,


5.4.8. Student 8 (Cognitive Processing of Language)

In line with processing the meaning of passage 1, student frequently re-

read the lines in the paragraph to better understand the text, Also, he paraphrased

the lines in the paragraph to interpret the meaning of the text by making


“I think there are good artists and bad artists who have a good
attitude and bad attitude.
I think there are groups of artists that have problems in their

I think, I mean, mercenary artists or dishonest artists, have -- ay
don’t have a problem but they have an interest, and they don’t
know where it is going.

I think the real problem exists for artists, if -- I’ll repeat Maam.

I think the problem, I think the problem may be common for us,
ay -- common for us and it changed our, it changed the reality
those goals and objectives are directed towards the redemption
of man. I think the objectives, the goals and objectives are
directed toward man.

I think for me, I understand someone if anyone have their own,

have their own fighting for like, like they are confessing like
their own strategy

In terms of comprehension questions, student was able to identify the main idea

in the selection by citing frequent word that is being reiterated in the passage.

“What is the selection all about? Its all about, its all about those
people who have an intellectual.”

Student defined revolutionary as stated by the author by

denoting its key concept interpreted from the selection. He
recalled some ideas relevant to revolutionary by making
“How does the author define being a
revolutionist/REVOLUTIONARY? The author defines the
revolutionary -- the author defines being a revolutionary”

He determined the purpose of the author in writing the article by citing lines in

the passage

You need to have an, an intellectual or mindset

The purpose of this, the purpose of the author to write this
article, to show, to show that the revolutionary, that the
intellectual is, are needed for us whether you are, artist or

He disproved that he considered himself as revolutionist.

“For me, I think no. Because as I said earlier -- the revolutionary
is for people who have an intellectual but for me, I think I don’t

In line with passage no.2, student analyzed meaning of the text by stating his

conclusions in every line based on his understanding. He justified his answers

by citing practical application and authentic scenario to explicate the meaning

of the reading passage.

I think, I think the informational, information technology or IT,

is influencing us and work today. And also, we use, we use the
technology to apply the job, to buy in shop, to conduct the
research, and many, and many things that you can use, for
technology, in technology.

I think, it is normal for school that got 98% because in school,

because in the school, the internet connection in school is 1 or
more. But the students are, but the percentage of school are at
least 80% percent because in school, ay in the school the
students that, the students in schools are so many.

I think it is important for the internet to reduce disparities

between groups because the technologies or information
technologies jobs need the people who have knowledge in
schools about the people.

I think it is normal because, as I said earlier, internet, internet is

our, is our key to use, to communicate to others.

In answering the comprehension questions, he stated explicitly that the selection

is all about information technology.

What is the selection all about? It’s all about technology or

informational technology.
Yes Maam. As I said, ugh --- I will repeat, what is the selection
all about? For in both, in, informational technology to, for

He explained the cultural, political, and economic challenges that inspired the

author in writing the article by making conclusion and justification through

comparing and contrasting the situation given.

“What cultural issues may have influenced, challenged, or

inspired the author? The influence and challenge here in
technology is, more people, more people are addicted in the
technology that I mean even it is (touching his forehead) more
people are influenced in technology because all people are
addicted in computer -- technology like computer, telephone or
cellphone. Because today, technology is our key to get a job to
study and talk to others.”

Like, students. employment and all people who are in the

People are addicted and can't stop; they cannot stop to use
technology because it is --- because the technology is included
for us.

He shared digital challenges encountered by citing his personal experience as a

student in the new normal setting.

As a student, what are the challenges that you encountered in the

digital era? My challenges that I encountered are, the challenges
that I encountered are …
Can’t provide a load. And cannot study even we use technology.

In line with the analysis of poem using TAP, student often re-read the lines in

the poem to better understand each line. He defined the meaning of change

based on his experience by concluding and justifying. He initiated to share his

experience to relate in the poem through narrating.

I think the word change is --- the word change is, is the, is our,
ay is common for us, are common for us because change is going
to, because change is going to -- we can, we can ugh -- we can
encounter for our life. Things change, Yes, all the things are

In the poem, Maam can I - can I share my -- my experience?

“In my experience, when I was young, Yes of course young.
Even (towt?? Young eh. When I was elementary, I always
climbed in the tree and then, I’m always climbing in a tree and
one time, when the, when, one time, when I’m climbing in a tree,
I suddenly slip because the tree is wet. After I have fallen in the
rocks, the branches of the tree are suddenly falling and of course,
after that, after that I’m not, I’m not, I’m not climbing the tree
again. Once again, I mean I didn't climb again. But, when I was
in senior high, Grade 11, once again I climbed in the tree again.
Hmm, then I climbed at the top and suddenly, -- when, suddenly
I slipped again. But that time, when something is falling at my
side, I’m not afraid because, because I’m changed, I’m changing

when I was, when I’m elementary too, I changed to not scared
when something is falling -- on me.”

In determining the main idea of the poem, he defined the word change as his

overall experience.

It’s all about change. The word of change is our, is valuable

because every time when I encounter, we and every time when
we encounter, I mean, it repeats on us it becomes, I mean
suddenly it changes us because it happened, it happened again
to us.

He is confident that he was the one talking in the poem because he could

genuinely relate in the situation.

For me, of course myself Maam. Because in the poem, or my

story; in the poem or story are all about change but of him.
That’s all Maam.

He identified multiple figures of speech by citing lines in the poem.

The fire of the prayer in the mouth, No longer between my teeth,

the tremble, the I have offended.
Simile Maam.
Metaphor Maam, meron.
Newton as a habit of centuries
Inhabits my skull; I know

He was able to determine the moral/lesson of the poem.

“What is the moral/lesson of the poem? We people or, for me,

we every people can change from there, I mean from, I mean
every people can change in their past”

In terms of analysis of listening passage, he was able to explain the information

that he gathered from the text by citing authentic situation.

Maam, for Ethos, it shows when, the if you are reliable sincere
and so –
Maam then, Ethos is the, as I said earlier, it is convince po, like
in, like in dentist when someone need to, need to –

“In Ethos, and in Pathos, it shows the emotions of people or

animals like for example when someone, I mean when someone
in animals, as I said in the speech, when someone in animals
shows, when like dog, when a dog shows his emotion or the
emotion, it can be convincing the person who, for the people
who wants like to kill him, I mean like to kill the dog.”

“As I said earlier Maam, when someone is in the clinic, when

someone wants to pull out his or her teeth then the doctor is
going to --- convince him/her to, to pull out his teeth to not, to
not, to not affect his/her mouth.”

And in Logos, it shows the ideas and statistics, for example

when in math, student math, I mean teacher, teacher Maam.
When the math teacher shows, when the math teacher shows the
problem and solution, she, the teachers shows the, how to, how
to solve the question or the problem. Pathos, Ethos, Pathos and
Logos are important and effective and also made by Aristotle.

He was able to summarize the content of the listening text.

“In the passage, the Ethos, Pathos, Logos are made by Aristotle.
Then Ethos is, as I mean, all those three are important for us
because, Ethos is to convince other people, the others. While
Ethos is to show the emotions when someone, when someone
shows the evidence, I think. And in Logos, it shows the ideas
and statistics that, that is, that if we combine the three this three
they can be, they can be convinced, they can be convinced, the
other people and shows the emotion.

During the think aloud sessions, Student 8 exhibited multiple reading

strategies to accomplish the different learning episodes such as interpreting,

concluding, identifying main ideas, citing practical applications and relevant

experience in justifying the meaning of reading and listening texts. Re-reading

the lines seemed to be prevalent to Student no. 8 to better understand the

meaning of text. Learners' metacognition formation and exercise processes

appeared to be a mix of memorizing and assessing about remembering and

remembering and evaluating about remembering, students were aware of their

metacognition, but their stages of consciousness varied and were disordered

(Nguyen & Phung, 2021).

5.4.9. Student 9 (Cognitive Processing of Language)

In terms of analysis of passage 1 using TAP, student processed the

meaning of text by generating conclusions and making comparison and contrast

in the situation cited.

So sa ano Maam, paragraph number 1 parang sinasabi po na

meron opr merong artists, merong artist at meron hindi artist na
mayroon revolutionary attitudes about dun sa life po.

[So Ma’am in paragraph number 1, it says that there are artists

and non-artist that have revolutionary attitudes.]

Dun po sa parang passage 4 and 6, parang sinasabi po dito na,

pagkakaintindi ko po at nag aagree naman din po ako, yung mga
revolutionary artist po hindi nila tinitignan kung ano lang yung
nararamdaman nila, tinitignan din nila sa mga tao kung
makakatulong po ba ito or hindi kasi nga po diba, yung halaga,
yung importante naman po dito is yung nga tao kasi sila rin namn
po makakranas ng maganda or hindi kaya nag agree po ako sa 4
to 6 na passage. [In passages 4 and 6, it talks about, my
understanding and I agreed that revolutionary artists do not look
at how they feel, but on how people would feel and a way to help
them. What is important is what might people experience, even
though in a good way or not. That’s why I disagree with 4th to
6th passages.]

Also, she proved her agreement in the lines that she can relate and believed to

have a common point of view as the author emphasized in the selection.

“In this passage, I will agree to this uhm kasi po ah, parang yung
mga revolutionary artist, they write, the write this para po sa mga
tao, para mas magkaroon ng pagbabago sa buhay nila or mas
umunlad pa po yung buhay nila.

I agree naman din po na may mga writers and artist po na ayaw

po nila ng revolutionary or pwedeng dinadaan din po sa other
way po para masabi yung, yung gusto nilang sabihin pero hindi
nila direct na sinsabi po talaga” [In this passage, I will agree to
this because revolutionary artist wrote this for people, for them
to have changed in their lives, and to improve their lifestyle. I
agree as well that there are writers and artists that do not want to
be revolutionary or tend to achieve other ways to express
themselves in their own way.]

Moreover, student was able to utilize intertextuality in understanding the

passage by citing relevant readings that she encountered related to the text.

Tapos meron din po akong nabasa na book o libro po or context

po na parang directed po nila sinabi na they want change po,
they want pagbabago kasi nakikita rin naman po nila dun sa mga
tao na may naghihirap po. [I’ve read a book or context that led
or directed that they want changes as they have seen that people
are struggling.]

I agree naman din po na may mga writers and artist po na ayaw

po nila ng revolutionary or pwedeng dinadaan din po sa other
way po para masabi yung, yung gusto nilang sabihin pero hindi
nila direct na sinsabi po talaga. Tapos meron din po akong
nabasa na book o libro po or context po na parang directed po
nila sinabi na they want change po, they want pagbabago kasi
nakikita rin naman po nila dun sa mga tao na may naghihirap po.
[In this passage, I will agree to this because revolutionary artist
wrote this for people, for them to have changed in their lives,
and to improve their lifestyle. I agree as well that there are
writers and artists that do not want to be revolutionary or tend to
achieve other ways to express themselves in their own way. I’ve
read a book or context that led or directed that they want changes
as they have seen that people are struggling.]

She expressed difficulty in understanding some unfamiliar words and reflected

on the importance of determining the meaning of difficult words in

understanding specific text.

“Uhm, in this passage number 9 po may mga part na medyo

confusing or medyo -- hindi ko po naintindihan, but meron din
naman pong uhm part na parang uhm, nag aagree din po ako na
uhm, na parang revolutionaries is parang --- yung mga
revolutionary artist ay patuloy na parang magsusulat about the
revolutions, about their attitude of revolutions para rin, para na
rin po sa mga tao kasi po ang dami nga pong mga, uhm kailangan

ng pagbabago kaya po sinusulat po nila yung mga ganun parang
context po.” [In this passage number 9, there are some confusing
part that I cannot understand, but I agree in some parts like a
revolutionary artist that keeps on writing about the revolution,
about their revolutionary attitude for the changes of the people.]

Dito po sa ano, sa passage 10, may mga terms or words po na

medyo bago po sa akin, but then dito po sa may last, sa sinabi
nya po na even though they are not revolutionary writers and
artists, has the opportunity and freedom to be expressed, for
example nalang din po is yung sa mga, sa mga facebook, mga
pinopost po nung mga tao po which is nag eexpress din po sila
ng revolutionaries or naexpress nila yung nang jkung ano po
yung gusto nlang iexpress kahit hindi po sila writers or artist n
agumagawa po. I agree to this po kasi uhm napapansin or
nakikita ko rin po sa mga social media. [In passsage 10, there
are terms or words used which I do not know the meaning of,
but then at the last part, it says that even though they are not
revolutionary writers and artists, they have the opportunity and
freedom to be expressed. For example, in social media platforms
like facebook, people like to post their insights to express their
revolutionaries or to express what they want even though they
are not writers or artists. I agree on this passage, because I have
seen it through social media.]

In line with determining the main idea of the text, student was able to make an

implicit interpretation by citing her generated conclusions.

Uhm its all about po sa uhm parang, freedom to express or to

write uhm about the revolutionary, about change, about if you
want changes in our society, you can write a text or hmm, yun
po Maam.

She also justified how does the author define revolutionary in the text by citing

situations in the text and arrived with her conclusions by comparing.

“How does the author define being a

revolutionist/REVOLUTIONARY? Yung author po uhm, he
defined revolutionary parang, dinefine nya po yung
revolutionary na parang freedom to express or freedom, nag ssay
sya do you want change for the people po.” [How does the
author define being a revolutionist/REVOLUTIONARY? The
author defined revolutionary as a freedom to express or freedom
as it is. He also said if you want to change for the people.]

Student proved that she considered herself as revolutionary by sharing her

personal experience relevant to the meaning of the text, observation in the

environment as bases for generating conclusions.

“Yes, po kasi po uhm, gusto ko rinpo ng pagbabgo po kasi.

Nakikita ko rin po kasi dito sa, sa bansa din po natin na parang,
meron po talagang ano po eh parang, uhm, ayun uhm, yung Yes
po, kasi nakikita ko din po dun sa sa kapaligiran ko po na ang
dami din pong naghihirap. Ang dami din pong nag hihirap din
po sa kalagayan nila sa buhay kaya kinoconsider ko na rin po
yung sarili ko na revolutionary kasi parang nag eexpress din po
ako na I want change po sa bansa po natin.” [Yes, I also want
changes. I can see it here in our country and here in the
environment that people are experiencing poverty. Many are
suffering with their lives, that’s why I consider myself as a
revolutionary because I also express that I want to have changes
in our country.]

She was able to determine the purpose of author in writing the article by making

conclusion and justification

“The purpose of the author in writing this article maybe to,

persuade uhm, uhm writers or yungmga tao po na about
revolutions na hindi lang sya pagsulat ng revolutions, ng article
na ano po about revolutionary. Uhm hindi lang po sya para sa
mga artist, sa mga writer, uhm, pwede sya sa lahat para
makatulong po dun sa mga tao na gusto talaga ng pagbabago
pero hindi po makapag voice out po.” [The purpose of the author
in writing this article is maybe to persuade the writers or people
about revolutions -- it is not all about writing articles that speak
about revolutionary (revolution). This is not about those artists
and writers; this could be for everyone as a way to have changes
but they cannot voice it out.]

She did not propose any title in the selection because she believed that the title

is already suitable in the overall meaning of the passage. She mentioned some


“What other title can you give to the article? Sa tingin ko po

Maam yung title na po, parang wala na po akong maibigay na
title. Parang yung title nya po talaga is parang yun na po yun,
parang mas maganda po syang title about that article na po.”
[What other title can you give to the article? I think Ma’am, I
cannot give anymore title. The would be the appropriate title for
this kind of article.]

In line with passage no.2, student was able to utilize intertextuality in

understanding the passage by citing relevant readings that she encountered

related to the text.

“So yung passage 1 and 2, I really agree to this po kasi may

nabasa rin po akong article about uhm how many people or how
many percent of people may personal computer, may nabasa po
akong about ganung article po, kaso I really agree to this po kasi
yung technology po sobrang useful na po talaga sya sa panahon
ngayon, pero kahitn sobrnag useful po sya, meron pong ibang
bansa or ibang tao na hindi nakaksabay po dun siguro dahil na
rin po sa wala, parang hindi pa po advance noon ang technology
like, wala po silang pambili about ganun po kaya hindi po talaga
uhm, nakakasabay po yung ibang nation or ibang people po.” [In
passages 1 and 2, I really agree to this because I have read an
article about how many people or percentage of people that have
personal computers. I also read an article, I agree to this because
technology is very useful especially these days. But even if it is
so useful, there are countries or other people that cannot cope
up, or follow the trends because the technology is not advanced
yet, or they do not have money to buy some. Other nations can
follow or other people do.]

So di to po sa passage, ay sa number 3 po, may din nabasa po

talaga akong article about this techno- parang sa technology din
po. And nabasa ko rin po na uhm, parang I agree din po kasi
hindi naman po talaga lahat kayang naka access or may access
sa internet or meron may mga computer sa bahay meron din
naman pong yung parents nila yung salary nila ay sakto lang po
talaga meron po talagang mga bans na may mga hindi po talaga
naka access pero mas madami pong bansa na mas more access
or advance na po tlaga sila sa about sa technology po. [In
passage number 3, I also have read an article about this -- or just
like technology as well. I have read, I somehow agree that you
cannot access or have access to the internet. Some have
computers at home, there are also parents who have enough
salary for them. There are countries that do not have access (with
computers) but most of the countries have more access or
advance in technologies.]

She expressed difficulty in understanding some unfamiliar words and reflected

on the importance of determining the meaning of difficult words in

understanding specific text.

“Medyo dito po sa 4 and 5 medyo hindi ko po sya maintindihan,

parang di ko sya masyadong gets kasi po may mga words na
parang ngayon ko lang sya parang nabasa or nakita po kaya
medyo uhm confusing pa po kung ano po talaga message na, ano
po tlaaga yung gusto iparating ng 4 and 5.” [Somehow here in
(passages) 4 and 5, I cannot understand. There are unfamiliar
words that I just read it now, and somehow confusing on my part
on what really is the message of passages 4 and 5.]

She cited relevant and timely experience by making conclusions and


“So this paragraph po na, I agree naman po talaga is ano

nagiging kasabay na rin po natin sya sa pag aaral sa, sa
paghahanap po natin sa trabaho na sobrang important na rin po
sa pagkakaroon ng equality among different uhm culture po or
different colors, skin color po na parang katulad na rin po ng
katulad ng nakaroon --- America, yung black men and white
men, na parang through social media po na nag vvoice out po ng
mga tao na kailangan magkaroon ng equality kahit kung ano
man po yung kulay mo katayuan mo man po sa buhay. With
technology po uhm, navvoice out po yung mga uhm, naissend
po yung uhm informations or mas yung mga tao po mas na sa
iba’t ibang lugar po, mas naisshare po yung, na kailangan ng
equality through the use of technology po.” [So in this
paragraph, I agree that it (technology) is included in our studies,
in looking for a job that it is so important as well to create
equality among us, with different cultures or different colors.
Just like in America, black men and white men, through social
media, we can express/voice out that we really need to have
equality in whatever races you belong. With technology we can
voice out, we can send information in different places.]

In answering the comprehension questions, student determined the main idea of

the passage by generating conclusions based on her understanding of the text.

“What is the selection all about? It’s all about uhm technology
how it's very powerful today. How its use uhm, how it helps the
at how it helps to the people to find a job to their school, and
today technology is very powerful.”

She was able to enumerate and justify the cultural issues that may challenge or

inspired the author in writing the article.

“What cultural issues may have influenced, challenged, or

inspired the author? I think uhm, differences po ng culture, ayun
din po na parang uhm, because dun po sa mga, may mga ethnic
group po na uhm hindi po nakakapag access sa internet po kasi
hindi po parang advance din po dkung nasaan po silang lugar.
Kaya parang mas uhm, yung author po parang sinasabi po niya
sa mga tao especially po dun sa may mga leader po ng isang
bansa na, na ano po na parang, na parang tulungan po sila na
maka access din po sa internet po or makakuha din po ng
kaalaman kung paano po gamitin ang technology ngayon.”
[What cultural issues may have influenced, challenged or
inspired the author? I think there are differences in culture,
because there are ethnic groups that cannot access the internet
because of their place. That’s why the author is telling the people
especially to those leaders of countries that they should help
them (people) to have access to the internet or knowledge on
how to use them.]

Student cited specific field of discipline in justifying her stand about political

and economic issues observed in the text.

“What are the political or economic issues of the times? (relate

in the text that you have read) So, in political and economics po,
in political in terms of parang technology din po parang mas,
katulad na rin po kung may mga tatakbo pong mga politicians
po mas advertise po sila na iboto po sila. So, sa economics
naman po especially sa may mga business po matutulungan po
sila ng technology na parang mas uhm mas mabenta po katulad
po ng online sellings po, ngayong pandemic po natutulungan po
sila ng technology po ngayon na parang di po sila mag totally
shut down po.” [What are political or economic issues of the
time? (relate in the text that you have read) So, in political and
economics, in political terms of technology, it was like those

politicians who would use it (technology) to advertise
themselves so that people would vote for them. In economics,
especially those who have business, they could help technology
to become in demand, like online sellings in this pandemic.
Technology helps resellers so they don’t need to shut their own

Student shared timely and relevant situation in describing the digital challenges

that she encountered by means of comparing and contrasting the different

situations cited.

“As a student, what are the challenges that you encountered in

the digital era? Uhm yung mga naencounter ko pong challenges
siguro yung data privacy na siguro hindi ko po sya
naeexperience po iba po naeexperience po din po o kaya yung
pag -- yun nga po sa data privacy din po tapos po sa parang
maling parang overuse din po ng technology? Parang yun din po
yung isa sa mga naeecounter ko po sa about technology. Internet
din po and technology din po na overuse din po and uhm siguro
din po parang mas nalilihis din po yung attention ng mga
students especially meron po silang mga hawak na cellphone for
example nalang po nyan is, kapag gumagawa ka po ng
homework or sa mga related sa school po, may parang sa
cellphone po, pwede pong malihis po yung attention mo and
mawawala po yung focus mo sa pinag aaralan po “ [As a student,
what are the challenged that you encountered in the digital era?
I encountered challenges about data privacy, I haven’t
experienced it but some did. It happened because of overusing
technology. The same goes with the internet and technology, the
student overused it, and became distracted when they are doing
some homeworks or anything related to school activity. It leads
to a distraction in all students, as a result, they cannot focus on
their lessons.]

In line with the analysis of the poem using TAP, at first student expressed

honestly that she was so confused about the meaning of the poem. In re-reading

the poem, she was able to gradually grasped the meaning of the poem as she

connects in the lines in the poem her personal real-life encounter.

“Shocks! (read the passage again) Medyo confusing po sya kung

ano po yung gusto nya iparating po talaga through this poem po
kasi medyo parang ang hirap din po nyang intindihin po kasi nga
po diba gumamit po sya nung mga, parang literary devices na
para po sa akin mahirap po talaga intindihin kung ano po talaga
meaning nya. Kaya parang confusing po sa akin kung ano po
yung gusto nya iparating talaga dito. Medyo nahihirapan din po
akong intindihin” [Shocks! (read the passage again) The
author’s message through the poem is somehow confusing
because I’m having a hard time understanding it. It also uses
literary devices, which is hard for me to understand its real

She described the transformation that the character dealt with by justifying lines

in the poem and the possible persona talking.

“For me po uhm, siguro icconnect ko nalang din po sya

about sa title nya nalang din po. And parang this, -- na
parang yung nga po it’s about change parang before po na
parang it’s about parang weak before na parang nag
become strong woman or strong person na, na ngayon po
na parang dati ang dami nyang kinakatakutan. Dati ang
dami nya pong kahinaan pero ngayon uhm, she/he really
uhm strong person na po.” [
Siguro po parang sa pagkakaintindi ko po d ito sa parang
sa lines na po ito parang, parang wala na po syang
kinakatakutan. Uhm, she’s really a strong person na po.
Parang kaya nya na lahat, wala na din po syang
kinakatakutan. Dahil na rin po sa past, past experience
nya na rin po kaya naging strong na po sya. [Maybe it's
like when I understand it, it's like in the lines, it's like he's
not afraid anymore. Uhm, she’s really a strong person. He
seems to be able to do everything, he has nothing to fear.
Because of the past, he also has past experience so he has
become a strong person now.]

Sa tingin ko yung, yung person or speaker dun po sa poem

pwede pong tayo na nagbabasa. Speaker po, opo, pwede
rin po yung mga taong naging jkatulad po sa poem na yun
na madami din pong kinakatakutan pero ngayon, ano na
po sya, uhm, wala na po syang kinakatakutan na parang
strong na nga po sya. [I think the person or speaker in the
poem can be us, readers. People who have become like in
that poem can also be afraid of a lot but now, he is no
longer afraid as if he is already strong.]

Student identified figures of speech by citing lines in the poem.

Alliteration, in the lines no longer do I fear, no longer run to my

altar. (Read the passage)
It’s like onomatopeia po the lines “the fire of prayer in my
mouth, no longer between my teeth.”

She delineated the theme and moral/lesson in the poem by making comparison

in the relevant situations presented.

Sa tingin ko po yung theme ng poem ay, uhm. Siguro po yung

theme uhm, the theme of the poem is uhm na because na parang
because of what we experienced from the past, siguro naging
strong or kung ano po tayo sa ngayon because of the past po na
experience. [I think the theme of this poem is, because of his
past experiences, he became strong, or like what we are now
(strong) because of our past experiences.]

Na ano na yun nga para din po sya sa theme. Para po sa akin,

para din po syang katulad sa theme ng poem na na, yung lesson
po dun na wag mo pagsisihan yung kinakatakutan mo before or
yung mga naexperience mo before kasi yun po yung humubog
sayo sa kung ano po yung, kung ano yung ano ka po na naging
mas malakas or naging mas independent ka. [Like, that’s also
the theme. For me, it could also be the theme or the lesson that
does not regret what you feared before because that’s what
shaped you into what you are. What has made you strong and
independent today.]

In terms of analysis of listening passage using TAP, student was able to narrate

the different types of persuasion based on her understanding.

“So, uhm sa tools of persuasion, uhm sinasabi din for me uhm,

yun po I agree po talaga na kapag meron po tayong events mas
mahihikayat po nating yung mga tao na maniwala. Katulad
nalang din po ng sinabi ni Aristotle na merong tatlong tools na
ginagamit para mag, maghikayat or mag persuade ng, ng mga
tao. So yun po yung Ethos, Pahtos and Logos. So dun po sa
Ethos, maghihikayat ka na uhm, yung sinasabi mo po, is uhm
totoo na parang uhm, totoo na sincere din pi yung mga sinasabi
mo na, katulad din po sya ng Logos na tools din po na, Kasi po
dun sa logos po, may binibigay ka na data, information po talaga

na tama po yung sinasabi mo. Kapag sa Logos po, kapag naging
ganun po parang nagiging Ethos na rin po sya. Kasi may roon
ka nga po uhm, uhm tools na ginagamit para maka persuade po
sya. Nagiging Ethos nga po sya kasi parang tama na nga po yung
sinasabi mo kasi nagiging isa ka na nga pong credible source po.
So, dun pa po sa isa pa pong tools, which is Pathos po,
kinoconvince mo po sya thru his emotions po na, for example
po na parang sinasabi mo na uh, parang pagpapaniwalain mo sila
na uhm, na gustong gusto mo talaga yung mga hayop gaya ng
aso po na aprang mapakita mo sa kanila na sobrang alaga mo po
dun sa mga aso, na parnag binebaby mo po talaga sila. Ganun
po yung sa Pathos. Sinasabi din po na kapag ang, na sa tigin ko
rin po kpaag pinagsama po tong, tatlong tools na po ito, mas
mahihikayat na maniwala po sayo. Kasi meron kana pong, may
pinapakita kana pong data na mas makakatulong po na maniwala
po sila sayo. Tapos hinihikayat mo rin po sila through emotions
din po, mas mahihikayat mo po talaga sila na maniwala sayo.
[So, with the tools of persuasion, it's also said for me, that's what
I really agree that when we have events, we can encourage
people to believe more. Just like Aristotle said that there are
three tools used to persuade people. So that's Ethos, Pathos and
Logos. So in Ethos, you will encourage people with what you
are saying, it should be true. It is also true that what you are
saying is also sincere. Like Logos which are also a tool, because
in logos, you are providing data, information that what you are
saying is really correct. When it comes to Logos, when it
becomes like that, it seems like it also becomes Ethos. Because
you have tools there that are used to persuade him (people). He
is becoming Ethos because it seems that what you are saying is
right because you are becoming a credible source. So, there is
another tool, which is Pathos, you are convincing him thru his
emotions, for example as if you are saying uh, as if you are
making them believe that uhm, that you really want those
animals like dogs so that you can show them that you take too
much care of dogs, as if you are really babysitting them. That's
how it is in Pathos. It is also said that when you combine these
three tools, they will be more persuaded to believe in you.
Because you have that data that will help them believe in you.
Then you also encourage them through emotions, you can really
encourage them to believe in you.]

She was able to summarize the information listened.

“Persuasion is an act of convincing people to, convincing people

to believe what you are saying. The great philosopher, Aristotle
says that there are three tools that we can use to convince people.
That three tools are Ethos, Pathos and Logos. In Ethos, you are
convincing uhm, you are connecting to people, you are telling
that person that you are, what you are saying is true, what you
are saying is, uhm, you will say that you are sincere in what you
are saying. In Pathos, you are connecting his/her emotion. For
example, you are a politician, and and you are specially today,
uhm, the pets or animals is really the (thinking) is a good way to
convince uhm people, because there are people uhm has, there
are people that really a pet lover so you will use uhm, animals
or dogs to convince, to convince them. For example, that you are
really care, you have an animals or pets in your house and you
will uhm, build facility for the, for the dogs or cats that stay in
the street. You can convince her that you really are for the pets,
for the pets. So, in Logos, uhm, you give uhm data that uhm,
data or proof that, that what you are saying is really true. So, in
overall, these three tools in persuacing (should be persuading)
people uhm if you use these three tools, uhm, you will convince
people very well because you get their emotions, because you
give data or tools to make them believe you.”

It can be reflected from the think aloud responses of Student no. 9 that she

displayed numerous reading strategies as she cognitively processed the meaning

of reading and listening texts such as generating conclusions, making

comparison and contrast, making implicit interpretation, relating common point

of view, utilizing intertextuality in citing relevant reading experience in

engaging topic- specific prior knowledge. She reported that she encountered

struggle in understanding the meaning of texts, confusion, and raised awareness

on the relevance and role of comprehending unfamiliar words to become

successful in the analysis of text. text difficulty had a significant impact on the

use of metacognitive reading strategies, with problem-solving strategies being

the most affected. Learners benefited from MRSs such as planning,

summarizing, and translating, especially when the text was challenging

(Jafarigohar& Khanjani, 2014).

5.4.10. Student 10 (Cognitive Processing of Language)

In line with passage 1, student expressed difficulty in understanding

unfamiliar words. He utilized context clues/ word association to understand the

meaning of lines in the paragraph read.

“Revolution Maam about government order po.

Uhm, I think, I am not familiar with it.”

He also agreed in a particular sentence in the paragraph to prove that the they

have common understanding/ stand of the author’s perspective. He generated

conclusions by explicitly interpreting the meaning of the sentence/ paragraph

and giving personal encounter/ experience.

“I encounter while I am driving a tricycle. (You know how to

drive?) Yes Maam. (Okay, so how will you connect that that it
must be a tragedy, and nonetheless has to confess that he is
incapable for fighting it) Uhm, (so how did you overcome that
accident) Hmm, while driving Maam? (Yes, after you
experience that accident, how did you fight) Ano maam, I pray
nalang po [I just prayed}
Ano Maam, ahh, about in schools Maam, problems about in
grades.” [ For me Ma’am, school problems and grades]

In terms of results of answering the comprehension questions, student was able

to state the main idea of the selection by giving his own judgement and


What is the selection all about? The selection is all about hmm,
revolution. The selection is all about in, in about in reaction and

Also, he justified how the author define revolutionary.

How does the author define being a

revolutionist/REVOLUTIONARY? Hmm. (scratching his
forehead) The author defined revolutionary is, is about in his or
her feelings, that he writes.

He made explicit interpretation on the purpose of the author in writing the text.

“The purpose of the author in writing this article is, is to know
the other people in, to know other people that, to know the
people that, that he writes in the article.”

What other title can you give to the article? Uhm, the People
Revolutionist. The title is The Revolution ayy - that. The title is
The People Revolutionist.

He valued the importance of being a revolutionist since he considered himself

as revolutionist.

“Yes because, because the revolution is important to each other


In lieu of processing the meaning of reading passage no.2, student cited relevant

situation to interpret the meaning of the lines in the paragraph read,

I think the technology makes airline reservations.

I think this is important because as of now pandemic, computers
are used to communicate with other people.

He expressed his stand on the facts presented in the text

Ahh. I think it is okay because in their countries, that’s okay.

This is okay but we need to fix the internet to get the goal of 100
percent using the internet. And, and to take, to strengthen the
internet now, to get 100% of the, to get 100% of users of the
internet. Yun po.

hm, I think, I think, hmm, I think this is not good because 30%
of bachelor degrees in computer and information science is, is
not hmm is not good po.

In reacting to the comprehension questions, it was revealed that the student was

able to conclude the main idea of the selection.

“The selection all about, in about technology and internet

“The selection is all about technology and internet connection.”

He cited challenges that influence the author in writing the article based on his


Hmm, the challenge is, to enhance the internet access in, in any
group, percentage of using computer or internet access.

He shared personal experience about the digital challenges encountered.

The challenges are, the poor internet in, in countr.

computer, because some people have no computer.

In line with the analysis of poem, student honestly expressed that he

encountered difficulty in understanding the poem, frequently he used filler in

processing the meaning of the poem.

He tried his best to relate himself in the understanding the poem, he formulated

his own conclusion based on his understanding in some of the lines in the poem.

I think, do hmm, no longer do I fear, hmm fight the, fight my

fear Maam
While I pray the change of my feelings po.

Student was able to answer the comprehension questions in the poem

specifically in stating the main idea of the poem. He claimed and justified that

he was the one talking in the poem.

That is all about po, they fear. Because of that, because they need
to change that.
Who do you think is the persona or speaker in the poem? I think
it is, I think it is me because in poems, we need to change, and
fight the fear po.

Student identified different figures of speech observed by citing lines in the


What are some of the literary devices or figures of speech used

in the poem?
I think, uhm, I thnk, simile and metaphor po.
Newton as a habit of centuries
Inhabits my skull; I know

He was able to delineate the theme and moral/ lesson in the poem by recalling

and generating conclusions.

What do you think is the theme of the poem? Change po
Change because that that I read the poem is about fear, and that
changes it.
What is the moral/lesson of the poem? the moral lesson of the
poem is to, fight your fear, fight your fear po.

In line with the analysis of listening text using TAP, student enumerated

information gathered. He was able to summarize the content of the listening

passage through remembering.

“My understanding po, the 3 basic tools po, Ethos, Pathos and
Logos po. In that po is the Ethos, Pathos and Logos.

Ethos, Pathos and Logos are the 3 basic tools. Combination of

ethos, pathos and logos and in this strength and use of fact.
That’s all po.”

As revealed in the think aloud responses of student no. 10, it can be

explicated that he exhibited different reading strategies such as using context

clues and word associations, generating conclusions, giving personal experience

related to the text. Justifying the main idea through concluding and making

judgements. As manifested in the TAP sessions, Student no. 10 tried his best to

accomplish the learning episodes and predominantly relate his authentic

experience in processing the meaning of texts.

5.4.11 Student 11 (Cognitive Processing of Language)

In terms of processing the meaning of passage 1, student cited personal

observation and authentic experience to express her understanding in the

reading passage.

“If they ask revolutionaries in matter most to us (she forgot to

read the word us and instead of saying what matter she says it
as in matter) we will say people and we will always say the
people. The people is their true sense, that they, (she said that
they instead of saying that is) the majority of the people, those
who had life (live) in explanation (exploitation) and in the

cruelest neglect. Our basic concern will always ba, be the great
majority of the people, that is the (uttered something I couldn’t
understand) classes. The point of view through which we view
everytime is this: (she mispronounced the word everything she
says it as everytime) whatever is good for them. Ahh, dito
naman po sa ano yung point of view o yung mga pananaw ng
tao is, diba may kanya kanya tayong pananaw sa buhay ganon.
Tapos lahat naman ng pananaw natin is good kase nga may
kanya kanya tayong pananaw ganon, yung ano lang don kung
ano ba kung nakakatulong ba talaga kung useful ba o hindi o
nakakabuti ba siya sa ibang tao din ganon.” [If they ask
revolutionaries in matter most to us (she forgot to read the
word us and instead of saying what matter she says it as in
matter) we will say people and we will always say the people.
The people is their true sense, that they, (she said that they
instead of saying that is) the majority of the people, those who
had life (live) in explanation (exploitation) and in the cruelest
neglect. Our basic concern will always ba, be the great
majority of the people, that is the (uttered something I couldn’t
understand) classes. The point of view through which we view
everytime is this: (she mispronounced the word everything she
says it as everytime) whatever is good for them. Here's what
the point of view or people's perspectives are, don't we have
his perspective on life like that. After all, all of our point of
view is good because we have a point of view like that, the
only thing is if it really helps, if it's useful or not or if it's good
for other people as well.]

“It is a clear that he who has the attitude (instead of saying that
she says it as the) wherever he (she mispronounced the word
whether) is revo. revolutionary or not (she uttered something I
couldn't understand) wait lang po (the roosters are crowing and
cockling) Ah doon sa ano, ang totoong problema sa ano, sa
ano sa mga taong matatalino (the roosters are crowing and
cockling) ay hmm (she placed her hand into her mouth) the
real problem existed (she mispronounced the word exists) the
right artist (instead of saying the words for the artist she says
it as the right artist) or intellectual who do not have a
revolutionary (the roosters are crowing and cockling) (uttered
something I couldn’t understand) ito yung mga, ito pala yung
mga yung mga ano yung mga artist na merong kakayahan o
may mga attitude na masyadong mapagmatataas” [It is a clear
that he who has attitude wherever he is revo. revolutionary or
not, wait. The real problem is in intelligent people - the real
problem existed, the right artist, or intellectual who do not
have a revolutionary. These are the ones, who are the artists
who have the ability or have attitudes that are too arrogant.]

She justified her stand by making significant conclusions in connection with the

meaning of the paragraph/ sentence read.

“Kapag yung isang tao ay nag isip para sa ibang tao at gumawa
ng at hindi gumawa ng mga bagay na ikakasama sa ibang tao
para magkaron ng ng mga maling para diko masaydo”” [When
a person thinks other people and does not do things or
something that might harm them, I think I cannot.]
“Kailangan natin maintindihan na, kailangan natin
maintindihan na merong mga tao na ano na nahihirapan na
maintindihan yung point of view mo o nako confuse sa
pinaglalaban mo ganon.” [We have to keep in mind that there
are people who're having a hard time understanding our point
or confused with what you are fighting for.]
“Ang ibang palang ano ang ibang cases ng artist o artist sa
revolu... revolutionary ay meron din namang ano merong
gusto din nila na makatulong sa ano mga ano, sa mga ano sa
mga interesado sa mga ano nila at yung ibang mga astist ay
interesado na makatulong gamit yung mga works nila ayun.
Okay na mam.” [Other cases of artists are revolutionary; some
are interested in helping others especially to those who are
interested in their works.]

In sharing her personal point of view, she exhibited comparing and contrasting

in the given situation cited.

It is possible that the men and women who have truly

revolutionary attitude towards reality do not constitute the
greatest sector of the population. Yung babae o lalaki pwede
ding totoong maging revolutionary attitude o pwede
magkaroon ng revolutionary attitude towrads reality sa
katotohanan hindi lang sa ano kung ano yung popular, yung
revolutionaries yung revolutionary daw ay pinagmumulan ng
mga tao. [It is possible that the men and women who have truly
revolutionary attitudes towards reality do not constitute the
greatest section of the population. Women or men can be real
in revolutionary attitudes or possibly have revolutionary
attitudes towards reality, not just because it is popular (the
people). Revolutionary is said to be the source of the people.]
But the revolutionary should blind their efforts towards having
all the people move along with them, pero yung mga
revolutionaries ay bulag sa mga efforts para efforts towards
having all the people para maano yung mga tao ganon para
mapalapit sa kanila (she uttered something I couldn’t
understand) The revolutionary cannot renounce the goal of
having all honest men and women (she mispronounced the
word revolution and women, she read it as revolutionary and
woman) whether writers or artist or not, moving along with it.
Yung revolution hindi daw masasabi that yung ano yung goals
niya ay masasabi na kailangan lahat ng babae at lalaki ay
maging honest sa pagsusulat. [But the revolutionary should
blind their efforts towards having all the people move along
with them, but revolutionaries are blinded to the efforts
towards having all the people, to hurt those people so as to get
close to them.]

In answering the comprehension questions, it can be inferred that student was

able to identify the main idea of the selection as she generated conclusion based

on her own understanding.

“What is the selection all about? Ahh, It’s all about

revolutionaries and artist and also the writers ganon, ay don
pala yun sa ano”

Student’s understanding about the term “revolutionary” as perceived by the

author was interpreted based on giving her justifications and conclusion.

How does the author define being a

revolutionist/REVOLUTIONARY? Ah they define as a: a
may paninindigan and to be honest and ano ba, may
paninindigan doon sa ano sa sarili and to express herself para
sa ano sayong nirerevolution, sayong revolution parang ganon.
[How does the author define being
revolutionist/REVOLUTIONARY? They define someone
who can stand (with his words) and be honest. There is a stand
with oneself, and to express oneself for what is being
revolutionized, revolution is like that.

She considered herself as revolutionist by justifying relating her personal traits

in the characteristics of revolutionary.

Do you consider yourself as a revolutionist? Justify your
answer. Hmm yes, because I have my point of view and hmm
and that point of view eh I fighting. Ay, ay yung point of view
ko na yun (uttered something I couldn’t understand) ko din
muna yung point of view ng iba at nirerespeto ko yun pero
syempre naka yung pinaka exactly na pinaka yung best
solution sa sarili ko is yung magagawa ko para sa sarili ko
yung point of view ko sa buhay bali kukuha din ako ng guides
sa iba ganon para mas maging effective yung point of view ko
na pwedeng maka ano sa ibang tao ganon maka apekto. [Do
you consider yourself as a revolutionist? Yes because I have
my point of view, and that is fighting. My point of view is ---
(uttered something I couldn’t understand) will -- other’s point
of view as I respect it but the best solution for myself is what
I can do for myself. Maybe I’ll also get some guides from
others to make my point of view more effective so that I can
do something for other people.]

Student concluded the purpose of the author in writing the article by citing

relevant situation based on her own point of view.

“What do you think is the purpose of the author in writing this

article? I think the purpose of the author i to ano, to express
yourselves as a revolutionary to hmm it is define to be honest
nasa sayo kung magiging honest ka pero mas okay na maging
honest ka at gamitin mo yung kung anong intellectual na
meron ka sa pagiging don sa pagiging revolutionary.” [What
do you think is the purpose of the author in writing this article?
I think the purpose of the author is to express yourselves as a
revolutionary. It is defined to be honest, but it is up to you if
you’re going to be honest. It is better to become one, and use
what intellectual you have for you to be a revolutionary.]

In line with passage 2, student processed the meaning by citing relevant

situation as basis for generating conclusions and justifications.

In the first paragraph it is all about technology influence of ahh

of our generation today, ahmm because it, it on ahhh ano ba yan
ahhh especially in our life time today more on circle in a
technology it more on circle in technology like what in a
paragraph said it all the information in what ahhh basta lahat ng
information and lahat ng mga pwede nating gawin like mas
mapapadali dahil sa because of technology and also using a
technology we can communicate to our friends or business
association around the world and computer and technology is ah
ah around the world. [In the first paragraph, it is all about the
technology (technological) influence of our generation today.
Because especially in our life today, more on circle (we focus
more on technology) in technology, like what in a paragraph
based on all the information. All information and everything we
can do that would make our lives easier, that is all because of
technology. Also, using technology we can communicate to our
friend or business association around the world. Computer and
technology is around the world.]

“Ahh using internet, paano ba to ahh, ahh more a year mas

dumarami o mas nag go grow pa yung ano countries and
population using internet for example the 60 percent of
population developing country is most connected in telephone,
they said that konti nalang konti nalang yung country konti
nalang yung country na there’s no connected in telephones kase
more on ahh more on most of the country is there have connect
internet like US every household there have a telephone and also
the other , the other person have computer at home so every
nation yup every nation developing lahat ng countries all
country na umuunlad is hmmm is mas umuunlad because of
technology” [Using internet, as the countries and population
keeps on growing using internet, for example 60% of population
in developing country the most is connected in telephone. They
said that there are few countries that are not connected by
telephones because most countries have the internet like the US.
Every household there has a telephone and other people have
computers at home, so every nation is developing. All counties
are developing because of technology.]

Assist by computer and internet your knowledge must improve

and ahhh in this paragraph sinasabe na technology is a tool of
learning teachnology is tools of learning or mas ito yung paraan
para matuto yung students o mas mapalawak pa yung kakayahan
at karunungan ah for example ah like ah yung pandemic kahit na
wala tayo sa school natututo padin tayo dahil meron tayong
gadget na mapagkukunan ng informations and bu using ah
watching youtube like or facebook na meong aral for example
yung mga vlogger na gumagawa ng content na “Alam mo ba”
alam mo ba yung ganon ganon yung mga baagay na hindi pa
naten alam na nagbibigay saten ng awerance (it should be
awareness but she pronounced it as awerance) ng kaalaman na
ay may ganito pala sa ibang bansa sa ibang lugar na ganito pala
yung tawag sa ano natin kaya ayun kaya yun sinasabe talaga na
technology is a tool of learning and knowledge and more benefit
power ayun ayan. [Assisted by computer and internet, your
knowledge must improve and, in this paragraph, it says that
technology is a tool of learning or a way for the students to learn
more, to expand their skills and knowledge. Like in this
pandemic, even if we are not in school, we can still learn because
of gadgets where we can get information. By means of watching
youtube (videos) or facebook, for example some vloggers who
has content about “Alam mo ba” (trivia videos) some things that
we do not know yet and it gives us awareness, knowledge that
there is something like this in other countries, even in other
places. That’s why technology is a tool of learning and
knowledge and more benefit power.]

As response to comprehension questions answered, it revealed that student was

able to identify the main idea of the selection by justifying the conclusions

formulated as she made comparisons in the situation cited.

What is the selection all about? It’s all about technology of how
people change life and how easily like kung paano napapadali
yung buhay natin ayun. [What is the selection all about? It is all
about technology, how people change life and how it makes our
lives easier.]

Student comprehensively discussed the cultural issues that may influence or

inspired the writer in writing the article.

“Maybe the issue is kapag ahh ahh mali na yung ano mali yung
pag gamit ng technology abusing specially there have so may
apps or sites na hindi na maganda sa iba like basta naaabuso na
kagaya ng scam ayan the influence of technology to more to
more knowledge kaalaman ayan kaalaman mas mapalawak yung
kaalaman ganon tapos yung challenge hmm the challenge ahh
challenge how lalo na ngayong pandemic syempre kailangan na
nating ano we must be ano kung hindi ka dati tutok sa internet
hindi ka aware sa mga kung paano gamitin yung computer or a
device kailangan mo ng alamin kase this is the way to ito na
yung way ito nalang yung way para matuto lalo na ngayong
pandemic. Inspiring author ayun nga yung inspire people using
technology to use a use your knowledge and share your

knowledge to others.” [Maybe the issue is when what's wrong
with using technology abusing specially there are apps or sites
that aren't good for others like just being abused, like a scam.
That's the influence of technology to more knowledge. There is
knowledge to expand the knowledge then the challenge how
especially now pandemic of course we need what we must be --
what if you were not previously focused on the internet, you are
not aware of how to use the computer or a device needed you
have to find out because this is the way to this is the way this is
just the way to learn especially in this pandemic. The author
inspires people using technology to use your knowledge and to
share it to others.]

She also shared the digital challenges encountered by reflectively discussing her

real-life experience.

Ahh the challenges that I encounter is to discipline myself using

my gadget because as my experience lalong lalo na ngayong
pandemic ahh mas more on by playing mobile games or do
something like watching tiktok or facebook like that kesa sa mga
activities ganon mas more on kase yung time ko dun ganon kase
mas nakaka mas nakaka ano interesting mas napupukaw niya
yung atensyon ko lalo na pag di ko alam yung sagot sa mga
activities yun ganon tutok ako sa gadget hindi sa activity ganon.
The challege there is how can I discipline myself toward abusing
my digital sa mga bagay na hindi naman mahalaga ganon. [The
challenges that I encounter is to discipline myself in using my
gadgets because as my experiences, specially in this pandemic,
the more you play mobile games or do something like watching
tiktok or facebook, instead of other activities, it catches my
attention more, especially when I don’t know the answers to
those activities. That’s how I focus on the gadget, not on the

In line with the analysis of poem, student expressed her understanding of poem

by making reflections and related conclusions in interpreting lines in the poem.

“Lahat daw ng bagay ay nagbabago lahat ng bagay ay

nagbabago parang feelings niya yun nga may mga bagay na
madidiscover tayo mga bagay na di natin inaasahan.” [He said
that everything changes, everything changes like his feelings,
that is, there are things that we will discover, things that we did
not expect.]
Ahh yung takot ko nato hindi to magtatagal pag tumakbo ako sa
panginoon para madalangin. [My fear will not last long when I
run to the Lord to pray.]
Yung mga, yung mga pagsubok o mga pinagdadaanan na meron
ako ngayon at takot na nararamdaman ko is ah at sa mga
nasaktan ko ganon is mawawala din. Yung mga nakagawian ko
na di maganda ay pwedeng magamit or pwedeng mabago using
the prayers ganon so yun po. [The trials of tribulations that I have
now and the fear that I feel is -- and those that I have hurt like
that will also disappear. My bad habits can be used or can be
changed using the prayers, that's it.]

Student reflected on the main idea of the poem associated with the overall theme

by stating relevant assumptions.

It’ s all about ah hmm my fears or kung ano man yung pagsubok
na meron ako at using by prayers malalagpasan ko yun. Who do
you think is the persona in the poem? Ahh may be myself. [It is
all about my fears or challenges that I have now, using prayer I
can overcome it. Who do you think is the persona in the poem?
Maybe myself.]

She identified figures of speech by citing lines in the poem

“Yung tawag yung sa tremble that I have offended yung ano

personalification, personali yung simile yung simile ano yung
ano yung ano tawag dito ano maam ano “Newton as a habit of
centuries” [The tremble that I have offended is personification,
the simile is -- what do you call that Ma’am, Newton as a habit
of centuries.”

“Yung ano, yung iba kase nakalimutan yung pangalawa don sa

simile hindi ko kase nakabisado ano ba yan akala ko kase may
pagpipilian don yung ireremind yung simile yung ano po siguro
yung persona… yung “The fire of my prayer in my mouth” yung
personification.” [I forgot others, the second one is simile but I
cannot memorize it because there are choices -- of persona .. the.
“The fire of my prayer in my mouth” that’s personification.]

Yung hyperbole is yung ano hmm yung “No longer run to my

altar” basta yun po mam. [Hyperbole is “No longer run to my
altar”, and that’s it.]

Student recalled the meaning of theme by confirming and giving example. She
expressed her reflection and justifications in identifying the moral/lesson in the


What do you think is the theme of the poem?

“Diba po ano yun yung theme ano po horror ba ganon oh di kaya

parang romance ano spiritual or about self ganon. Ah don’t be
afraid and just pray and believe in God kase kung ano man yung
pagsubok na nararamdaman na nangyayari kase yung mga
pagsubok o fears na nararamdaman mo ay hindi siya magtatagal
yun lang po.” [Isn't that the theme, is it horror like that, maybe
it's like romance, it's spiritual or about self like that. Don’t be
afraid and just pray and believe in God because no matter what
trials you feel or fears you feel, it won’t last long, that’s all]

In line with the analysis and processing the meaning of listening passage,

student narrated the content of the passage by citing various situation from

different perspective, justifying through comparing and contrasting.

“Ahh about Ethos, about Ethos for example the DJ or DJ some

of Dj or most of the DJ are advising for some people who broke
or there have a problems like that, that can convince some of
people that hmmm na naniniwala sa kanila to solve that problem
like DJ CHACHA cause a DJ CHACHA can resolve some
relationship problem ganon so that’s why some of the advices
of DJ CHACHA can change the point of view of other other ano
yung nababago yung point of view ng mga inaadvice’san niya.
And then sa ahh sa ano sa pathos for example for patos hmmm
is yung mag batang hmmm walang makain for example hmm in
country of africa some of a children some of the childrens there
are lack of foods and also lahat talaga sila lack of food and then
using media ah pinapakita yung pamumuhay nila yung
kakulangan sa pagkain sa tubig hmm pangkabuhayan dahil doon
natatouch yung mga nanunuod kaya nagdodonate sila ng mga
pwedeng maitulong sa mga bata na o pamilya na kulang na
kulang sa pagkain kase sobrang malnourished tapos doon sa
lagos hmm for example about hmm medecine, vitamins like
vaccine because ah ayun example non yun yung mga yun kase
obviously naman na napag-aralan ng mga scientist ganon na
talagang masasabi na effective at kapani paniwala na ma
enganyo ka talaga.”
[About Ethos, for example, most of the DJs are advising some

people who were broken or have problems like that can convince
some of the people. Those who believe in them to solve that
problem like DJ CHACHA because DJ CHACHA can resolve
some relationship problems, that's why some of the advice of DJ
CHACHA can change the point of view of others. And then in
Pathos, for example, in Africa some of the children experiencing
lack of food, they used social media to show the people their
status. Lack of food, water, and their economic status. Because
that's where the spectators are touched so they donate things that
can be helped to children or families who are severely
malnourished. In Lagos, examples are medicine, vitamins like
vaccines because obviously scientists have studied that which
can really be said to be effective and convincing to really entice

Student was able to summarize the information gathered from the listening


Okay there have three types of (uttered something I couldn’t

understand) Ethos, Pathos, Logos is a part of hmm convincing
to change a point of view of someone someone else or even you.
These three, this is three this itong tatlo na to ay ginagamit para
ma convince or mapukaw ang emosyon mo or damdamin mo
para maniwala sa isang to someone or kung ano yung inaalok
niya sayo or nirerecommend sayo, ginagamit yung tatlo na to
para ma convince ayun nga para ma convince ka na maniwala sa
kanila ayun po ayy ayun. Yung tatlo na yun ginagamit din siya
for convincing. [Okay. There are three (3) types of (uttered
something I couldn’t understand) Ethos, Pathos, logos is a part
(a way) of convincing someone else or even you. These three are
used to someone, for instance, what he offers you nor
recommend, these three are used to convince you to believe in

In line with the analysis of think aloud responses of student no. 11, it

can be delineated that he displayed various reading strategies such as citing

personal and authentic experience, making significant conclusions and

reflections, comparing and contrasting, justifying point of views, citing relevant

situation in identifying the main ideas and understanding of reading and

listening texts.
5.4.12. Student 12 (Cognitive Processing of Language)

In terms of processing the meaning of passage 1, student sincerely

expressed that she encountered difficulty in understanding passage because of

unfamiliar words. She utilized electronic dictionary to identify the meaning of

words. She felt nervous for not understanding the unfamiliar vocabularies.

I don’t know the word exploitation and oppression. This

sentence our basic concerns will always be the majority of the
people that are the oppressed and exploited classes. I think I
experience that I experience that hmm I experience that the
majority in people I think this sentence suppose to

So in this hmm paragraph the it tackles about the artist actually

this revolutionary I cannot understand this word and I think that
first paragraph is all about an artist that does not have a
revolutionary attitude. I will look in that dictionary for the word
revolutionary. Okay po so i think the paragraph one is all about
an artist that doesn’t have a complete attitude towards their life”

On the contrary, she expressed her understanding most frequently in the

paragraph by formulating conclusions and sharing highly-relevant real life

experience through comparing and contrasting the situation given.

“So I think in paragraph 4 the it it hmm it says that you should

in every action that we hmm that we hmmm in every action na
ginagawa natin we need na hmm we need na maging careful or
maging careful or we need na so in every action that we are
going hmmm ano tawag doon in every action that na ginagawa
natin dapat inaanalyze natin sa sarili kung mabuti ba yun or hindi
kasi kung mabuti ba yun or hindi or nakakatulong ba yun or
hindi kasi kasi yung kasi pag kasi pag action na ginawa mo is is
nakkatulong is is pag nagawa mo yung pag nagawa mo ng
maayos you will hmm so we analyze the good so like parang sa
problem lang po kunyari sa challenges na sa ano po sa paragraph
4 kunyari po sa challenges na sa challenges na na experience po
natin we need to hmm kahit na down na down na tayo we need
to analyze the ano the ano pwedeng kung anong pwedeng
kinalabasan ng ng gagawin mo kunyari for example yung
problem ano hmm parang down na down kana for me for me you
need to analyze na na wag kang sumuko in life kasi wag kang
sumuko and gawin mo yung motivation para mas maging
matatag ka and maging matatag ka and hmm maging strong po
lalo ayun po. “ [So I think in paragraph 4, it says that in every
action we need to be careful. And we must analyze for ourselves
whether it is good or not. Because your actions can be very
helpful. Like problems, sometimes it is actually challenges that
we should just analyze. In paragraph 4, for instance in some
challenges that we are experiencing, even if we are down we
need to analyze the possible outcome of our actions. For me, you
need to analyze that do not give up in life because should not
and use it as a motivation and be stronger.]

So in this hmm sentence we know that we can have we know

that we can have to think about the people before we think
ourselves and only attitude that can be defined as a truly
revolutionary attitude, so dyang dyang sentence na po yan is
para saken I experience na experience ko na po yang ganyang
hmm hmmm situation na yan na mas parang uunahin mo pa
yung hmmm kailangan din nating unahin yung iba bago yung
sarili natin. For example hmmm yun yung hmm kunwari po
yung kapatid natin kunwari po yung experience po na yun is
yung kapatid ko po nagpapatulong ng assignment niya syempre
have I think dapat hmm ano tawag dito may pinapatulong na
assignment eh eh ako gumagawa ako ng ng school works I need
hmm saken mas uunahin ko yung sa kapatid ko kase we need to
hmm for me I will I will I will do first his or ay her her ano her
activities before i will answer it because para saken mas
kailangan niyang mas kailangan niya pa yung or mas kailangan
niya assignment na yun bago yung eventhough yung
assignement ko is or yung activities ko is na ginagawa ko is ano
is is hindi naman masyadong nakakasagabal sa ano i will go na
tulungan muna yung kapatid ko bago yung sarili ko and I think
yan yung yung attitude na kailangan na revo. revolutionary yan
yung attitude na kailangan taglayin ng isang revolutionary artist.
[So in this sentence we know that we have to think about the
people before we think about ourselves. Only this attitude can
be defined as truly revolutionary attitudes. So I experienced
something like that before, there’s a situation -- that we need to
put others first before ourselves. For example, our sibling asked
us for help in his assignment, but I’m also doing my school
words. For me, I will do his assignment first before mine,
because I think he really needs it. I will go and help my brother
first, because I think that should be the attitude of a revolutionary
So in this last paragraph I think hmm my understanding about
that this is even though hmm even though we are not hmm
revolutionary artist or writers we can express ourselves by we
can express ourselves by hmm we can express ourselves
(no.no.no.) even (uttered something I could’t understand) so this
hmm ten paragraph hmmm revolution and the writers are
connected to each other because because they ano hmm they are
the one ano hmm I think hmm the revolution and the artist are
connected to each other because because of the revolution the
artist hmm or the the the artist and the writers can express their
selves through hmm the through the through the through the
hmm what do you call that Ah because of the revolution the artist
can tell to other people the real situation that the real situation so
that hmm the real situation the real situation yah they connect
the revolution and the artist are connected to each other because
because of the revolution the artist can the because of the
revolution the artist or the writers were the writers are the writers
are express theirselves because the writers tell the real situation
of that revolution I think and hmm lastly even though hmm we
are hmmm even though like me I ‘m not a writer hmm I think
we can I think I can express myself hmm even though I’m not a
writer or a revolutionary hmm artist I can say what I want to say
because it is my own perception and I think it is the one and I
think I can express myself for hmm for.. [So in this last
paragraph, my understanding about this is, even though we are
not revolutionary artists, we can express ourselves even ---so
this paragraph, revolution and writers are connected to each
other because they can express themselves. Because of
revolutionary artists, we can tell other people the real situation.
Writers can express themselves even though -- like me, I’m not
a writer but I can say what I want to say because it is my own
perception. I think I can express myself for ---.]

In terms of answering the comprehension questions, she came up with the main

idea of the passage by justifying comprehensively her reasons as she made

comparisons in the situations cited.

“What is the selection all about? For me the selection is all

about the revolution and the artist. And I think he describes the
that the revolution that happen and he also describes the the
characteristics of being a revolutionary artist like you need to

ano to have a goal and have a objective.”

She defined revolutionary by means of describing its characteristics and citing

personal judgement. The participant considered herself as a revolutionist by

making comparisons and conclusion supported with her clear justifications.

“Do you consider yourself as a revolutionist? Justify your

answer. I think hmm I think yes because I want to hmm today as
we know there’s a lot of things happen and I want to I want to
help and change i want to help to lessen the problem that we
experience today kaya I think I will consider myself as
revolutionary gusto kong makatulong gusto kong may mabago
gusto ko hmm may something na magbabago kahit maliit kahit
maliit na bagay man at least ay at least sa tingin ko ayun kaya I
think I consider myself as revolutionary. Revolutionarist.” [Do
you consider yourself as a revolutionist? Justify your answer. I
think yes because I want today -- there’s a lot of things
happening and I want to help and change. I want to help in
lessening the problem that we experience today. That’s why I
consider myself as revolutionary. I want to help; I want to see
changes at least a little. So, I think that’s why I consider myself
as revolutionary.]

How does the author define being a

revolutionist/REVOLUTIONARY? I think hmm he describes
the revolutionary as hmm tawag don sa tingin ko yung ayun nga
that being a revolutionary dapat meron kang goal at objective
tyaka ano paba yun dapat hmm so yun po. [How does the author
define being revolutionist/REVOLUTIONARY? I think he
describes -- being a revolutionary you should have goals and

She was able to determine the purpose of the author in writing the article by

clarifying, comparing and making conclusions.

“What do you think is the purpose of the author in writing this

article? Para I think para ano para mas malaman pa nila yung
kung para mas malaman pa nila kung para mas malaman pa nila
para mas ma englighten pa yung mind natin hmm through para
mas ma enlighten pa yung mind natin about doon sa ano sa being
revolution and artist. Also natalakay din dun sa article is parang
may kinalaman sa political or basta..” [What do you think is the

purpose of the author in writing this article? I think for them to
know, to enlighten our mind about being revolution and artist
(revolutionary artist). It is also discussed in the article as if it has
to do with politics.]

Also, student proposed and justified other title in relation to her overall

understanding and processing of the passage.

What other title can you give to the article? I think the hmmm
be hmm What other title can you give in this article tingin ko
hmm the the “The Impact of Revolution [What other title can
you give to the article? I think ‘The Impact of Revolution’.]

In line with passage 2, student processed the meaning using TAP wherein it

revealed that she cited relevant experience to interpret the meaning of text.

From the title itself it’s all about I think the technology ay I think
the the passage this title is all about the technology. The effect I
think of technology

I think this fourth paragraph is something ano parang ano tawag

don parang something discrimination kase sabe kase yung
parang in this hmm kung sino yung hmm ano tawag dito may
something discrimination kase yung isa yung isang ano
computer science ay mas doble yung..ay for example nalang
yung ano kunyari nakapagtapos ka ng college ng college tapos
in the future yung trabaho mo mas mas ano tawag dito mas
mataas yung salary compare don sa hindi hindi ka nakapagtapos
or mas lowest yung salary na makukuha mo I think something
wrong with that kase even though na merong mga tao na ano di
naka graduate ng college or di man or di naka or di masyado
mataas yung grade nila mas ano yung iba mas mataas yung
salary kesa sa isa na mas highest yung o mas graduate pero or
mas ano (she’s stuttering) yung naka graduate pero mas lowest
parin yung salary. I think yan yung tinutukoy sa 4 [I think this
fourth (4th) paragraph is like discrimination because computer
science has double -- for example, if you finished college then
in the future you’ll get high salary compare t those who didn’t
finished studies, and I think something is wrong with that. Even
though there are people who have not graduated from college or
their grade is not very high. Some have higher salaries than those
who finished college or but some have graduated but have low
salaries. I think that is what passage 4 --]
So this last paragraph po I think na na he agree to the statement
na na yung technology is the one that will te one tool na nag the
one tool na nagbibigay saten ng knowledge but but technology
hmm kailangan din niya ng tawag dito ng hmmm we know that
the technology is nagbibigay sa atin ng knowledge we should
ano din ano tawag dito we should syempre dapat limitahan din
natin na na ano to na limitahan din natin yung pag gamit nito
kase especially in school even if we use technology we should
ano padin we should ano tawag don we should use books for ano
to ano tawag dito to to to tawag dito we should use books to to
para mas ma ginagamit natin yung libro pwede din natin gamitin
yung libro as guide or siya din yung ano basta yun, yun. We
should use technology but hmm moderation ganon dapat may
limit din so yun po. [So this last paragraph, I think I will agree
to the statement that technology is the only tool that gives us
knowledge. But we know that technology gives us knowledge,
we should limit ourselves in using it especially in school even if
we use technology, we should still use books. We can use books
as a guide. We can use technology but in moderation, we should
limit ourselves.]

So in this hmm sentence we know that we can have we know

that we can have to think about the people before we think
ourselves and only attitude that can be defined as a truly
revolutionary attitude, so dyang dyang sentence na po yan is
para saken I experience na experience ko na po yang ganyang
hmm hmmm situation na yan na mas parang uunahin mo pa
yung hmmm kailangan din nating unahin yung iba bago yung
sarili natin. For example hmmm yun yung hmm kunwari po
yung kapatid natin kunwari po yung experience po na yun is
yung kapatid ko po nagpapatulong ng assignment niya syempre
have I think dapat hmm ano tawag dito may pinapatulong na
assignment eh eh ako gumagawa ako ng ng school works I need
hmm saken mas uunahin ko yung sa kapatid ko kase we need to
hmm for me I will I will I will do first his or ay her her ano her
activities before i will answer it because para saken mas
kailangan niyang mas kailangan niya pa yung or mas kailangan
niya assignment na yun bago yung eventhough yung
assignement ko is or yung activities ko is na ginagawa ko is ano
is is hindi naman masyadong nakakasagabal sa ano i will go na
tulungan muna yung kapatid ko bago yung sarili ko and I think
yan yung yung attitude na kailangan na revo. revolutionary yan
yung attitude na kailangan taglayin ng isang revolutionary artist.
seven. [same as above - So in this sentence we know that we
have to think about the people before we think about ourselves.
Only this attitude can be defined as truly revolutionary attitudes.
So I experienced something like that before, there’s a situation -
- that we need to put others first before ourselves. For example,
our sibling asked us for help in his assignment, but I’m also
doing my school words. For me, I will do his assignment first
before mine, because I think he really needs it. I will go and help
my brother first, because I think that should be the attitude of a
revolutionary artist.]

She provided conclusions in each paragraph as part of justifying and comparing

quoted situations shared.

I think this fifth hmm paragraph is is ano naman is in school

pertaining to school but the number of classrooms with internet
connection differs by the income 98 percent of school in the
country are wired with at least one internet connection. The
number of classrooms with internet connection differs by
(uttered something I couldn’t understand) low income student sa
tingin ko sa 5 is base sa percentage ng school ng country na yan
ay hmm medyo nagugulahan po ako sa paragraph na’to hmmm.
[I think the fifth (5th) paragraph pertains to school but the
number of classrooms with internet connection differs by the
income of 98% of schools in the country are wired with at least
one internet connection. The number of classrooms with the
internet connection differs by low income students so I think
(paragraph) 5 is based on the percentage of schools in the
country. Oh, I'm a little confused about this paragraph.]

So dito naman po sa paragraph number two dito parang parang

dito lang parang I think this paragraph pertaining to the na na na
every year tumataas yung o mas ano mas bumibilis yung number
ng internet user but but meron pading ibang tawag dito ibang
countries na ibang lugar na konti lang yung hmm internet
internet tawag don hmm internet connection they probably they
probably use telephone as a as a communication but but but in
US but in US yun nga parang kahit na mabilis na tumataas yung
internet user meron pa ding gumagamit ng ng telephone as a
communicating so ayun I tink ayun po sa number 2. [So here in
paragraph 2, I think this paragraph pertains to every year the
number of internet users is getting higher but there are still more
other countries or places where there are only a few internet
users, they are probably using the telephone as their mode of
communication. But in US, it seems that even though the
internet user is increasing rapidly, there are still people who use
the telephone as a communicator. I think that’s for number 2.]

Also, she reflected on importance of determining the meaning of unfamiliar

words to better understand the text.

Hmm.I don’t know the word exploitation and oppressed. This

sentence our basic concerns will always majority of the people
that is the oppressed and exploited classes. I think I experience
that I experience that hmm I experience that the majority in
people I think this sentence suppose to ano (whispering
something while thinking) hmmm our basic concern will always
be a geat majority this that is the oppressed and exploited classes
hmmm. [I don’t know the word exploitation and oppressed. This
sentence our basic concerns will always be the majority of the
people that are the oppressed and exploited classes. I think that
I experience the majority in people, I think this sentence suppose
to ano (whispering something while thinking) our basic concern
will always be a great majority this that is the oppressed and
exploited classes.]

In dealing with comprehensions, it can be inferred that student was able to

determine the main idea of the passage by making conclusions and citing

relevant experience.

What is the selection all about? It’s all about the the usage of
technology particularly in school, not in school but basta yun It’s
all about the yun nga po the usage of technology [it’s all about
the usage of technology]

She discussed the cultural issues displayed by the author.

What are the political or economic issues of the times? Hmm sa

tingin ko yung political issues, sa tingin ko yung political issues
of the times hmmm hmmm hmmm sa tingin ko for me What are
the political issues of all times sa tingin ko yung political issues
of all times is doon sa sa feeling ko yung sa access ng internet
sa school I think yun yung issue [What are the political or
economic issues of the times? I think in political issues is the
access of the internet at schools.]

She shared digital challenges encountered based on her understanding though

clarifying and comparing the situations cited.

Hmm para saken yung challenge yung ano na yan yung 4 na

questions na yan yan yung 4 na yan is is hmm like yung
challenge saken ng digital na yan is pag kukuha ng ng tawag dito
ng kahit kukuha ka ng information sa google dapat kailangan mo
maglagay ng source or author kase pwede kang ma ano tawag
dito yung plagiarize pwede kang makulong kase nga kinuha mo
yung hindi naman sayo and I think yan yung challenges na na
encountered ko during digital era. [The challenge for me of the
digital era is even if you get information on google, you should
need to put a source or author because it can be called plagiarize.
You can be imprisoned because you took what wasn't yours. I
think that's the challenge I encountered during the digital era.]

In understanding the poem, student processed the meaning by using figures of

speech and mentioned lines in the poem. She kept on reading and repeating the

lines for better understanding.

I think I think this recovering from the shock of a huge branch

falling at my feet ano siya parang ginamitan siya ng ano
hyperbole kase it is impossible na ano na basta po parang
hyperbole [I think this recovering from the shock of a huge
branch falling at my feet is he used hyperbole because it is
impossible that -- it just looks like hyperbole.]

(she kept reading the passage) I think hmm ano yan what do you
call that hmm isa siyang sim simile ay hindi metaphor yung
Newton as a habit of centuries Inhabits my skull;

She cited personal experience to support her explication in the lines in the poem.

Hmm I think the word change sa tingin ko yung experience my

experience for that is hmm te title itself change sa tingin ko po
is my experience as I experience yung change na nabago ko sa
sarili ko is yung pagiging hmm hmm example ah sige hmm
change hmm ano ba hmm. [I think the word change, for me, are
my experiences. As I experience change, it changes myself,
hmm what is it?]

The fire of prayer in my mouth, so that line po yung the fire of

prayer in my mouth is sa tingin ko is hmmm recovering from
shock ay yung recovering from shock of a huge branch falling
at my feet. I think yung ano ko dyan yung experience ko dyan is
at tyaka yung pagkakaintindi ko po sa a huge branch falling at
my feet for example yung experience ko po diyan is when yung

dumating malaking problema sa buhay ko yung dumating po
yung pinaka pinaka pinaka yun po yung the one ay hindi for
example nalang po yung problem ko po na for example po
recovering my ano. [The line, ‘the fire of prayer in mouth’, I
think is recovering from the shock of a huge branch falling at
my feet. My understanding of ‘huge branch falling at my feet’,
example my experience there is when a big problem came in my
life that’s the -- oh no! My problem -- recovering my --]

She determined the main idea of the poem by concluding the theme.

It’s all about the the based on my understanding po the poem is

all about the the hmm I think it’s all about how you overcome
your fear. [It’s all about how you overcome your fear.]

She expressed her own point of view that she was the one talking in the poem

as she experienced the same scenario in life.

“By ano po yung problem na yun po yun po yung parang nag

encourage saken na ams ano pa mas ano pa mas maging
matagtag pa kase pagsubok lang yan we experience that all pero
kailangan po nating go with the flow po kase hmm kase yung
problem na yun is magbibigay pa saten ng motivation natin para
mas ano pa yung problem tawag dito tawag doon is yung
problem na yun is magiging way pa natin para mas masa maging
strong pa tayo ganon po.” [By my problems, it encourages me to
be more stable because it's just a test we experience that all but
we need to go with the flow. Because that problem gives us more
motivation, and a way to make us stronger.]

Also, student identified various figures of speech supported with lines in the


Yung ano po hyperbole, hyperbole, metaphor

Yung ano po yung “recovering from shock of a huge branch
falling at my feet” is pa hyperbole po [“Recovering from the
shock of a huge branch falling at my feet” is a hyperbole.]
Yung “the fire of prayer in my mouth” is hyperbole din po at
tyaka po yung “newton as a habit of centuries inhabits my skull”
metaphor po ayun po yun lang po [“The fire of prayer in my
mouth” is hyperbole as well. “Newton as a habit of centuries
inhabits my skull” is a metaphor.]

She justified the moral/ lesson in the poem by justifying conclusions made and

sharing reflections on real-life experience and observation.

For me po the moral lesson of the poem is kahit ano mang kahit
maraming dumating na problem sa buhay mo you need
magpakatatag kase yung yung problem na yun is yun pa yung
magbibigay sayo ng parang parang yung problem na yun is
magbibigay pa sayo ng lesson kung bakit basta yun at tyaka po
ano at tyaka po ano nakalagay don is things ano ba yun things
has change lahat po nagbabago sa tagalog nga po lahat ng bagay
nagbabago and I think the the the things has change sa tingin ko
hmm sige yun na nga lang po mam. [for me, the moral lesson
(moral/lesson) of the poem is even if many problems will come
in your life, you need to be strong because that problem is what
will give you lessons. It also mentioned that things have change,
and I think that’s it.]

In line with processing understanding on the listening passage, student narrate

and explain information by making comparisons and giving practical situations.

So the passage is all about persuasion is parang nagko convince

ka po convincing someone nagku’convince ka po sa sa basta
nagku’convince ka someone and and there’s hmm base sa audio
clip po si plato daw po merong tatlong tool ng persuasion yung
Ethos, Pathos, and Lathos yung ethos po ito po yung tool na ay
hindi dito po muna tayo sa pathos yung pathos is connected with
an audience emotion so dyan po is yung pathos po parang tool
po siya na ano magbibigay ng pini persuage..pini-persuade nya
po yung someone by emotion for example yung kanina po he
alone in terrible war so yung emotion so yung ano po na yan may
emotion “he’s alone in terrible war” so po yung emosyon na yan
parang sasa pathos na yan you convince someone po by emotion.
Yung ano naman po yung ethos naman po incredible sources
yung pagiging ito po yung tool na pini persuades mo yung
someone na sincere ka po dapat at tyaka parang totoo talaga
yung sinsabe mo like for example yung ano ba yun yung sa
dentist daw sa dentist so yung ano na yun yung example na yun
is mm I think yung example na yun is yung example na yun sa
dentis- sa doctor ba yun o dentista yung sa ipin parang ano pini
persuade niya na ano parang mapagkakatiwalaan yung someone
parang ganon. Yung Lathos naman po is evidence your
arguments convincing, for example nalang po doon sa video clip
na sa commercial daw parang merong daw 70 million na bacteria
sa sa sa kamay mo at tyaka yung Lathos na yun pini persuade
niya na bumili ka ng sabon para mawala yung bacteria sa kamay
mo and yun po yung pagkakaintindi ko po. [So, the passage is
all about persuasion, it's like you're convincing someone.
According to the audio clip, Plato (should be Aristotle) has 3
tools of persuasion; Ethos, Pathos and Logos. Pathos is
connected with audience’ emotions. So, in pathos, you persuade
someone by emotion. For example, a while ago, ‘he alone in
terrible war’ so there’s an emotion in that line. In that emotion,
you can convince someone. While in Ethos, it has incredible
sources. This tool persuades someone by showing that you are
sincere and what you are saying seems to be true. For example,
the dentist’s tooth seems to be trying to persuade someone, and
he can be trusted. And Lathos (should be Logos) is about
convincing someone by evidence and arguments. For example,
in the commercial, there are said to be 70 million bacteria in your
hand and Lathos (should be Logos) he persuaded you to buy
soap to get rid of the bacteria on your hand and that's what I

A summarize yung sa persuasion hmm plato hmm persuasion is

art of convincing which has three tools of persuasion we have
ethos, pathos and lathos. Ethos is from the word itself is ano
yung parang ano niya don is sincere, and trustworthy yung sa
photos ay pathos is hmm with ano emotion connected with
audience with emotion and yung pathos is convincing someone
with evidence yun po. [To summarize it up, persuasion is an art
of convincing which has three (3) tools of persuasion; Ethos,
Pathos and Lathos (should be Logos). Ethos is, from the word
itself, it is sincere and trustworthy. Pathos is with emotions
connected with audiences. Pathos (Logos) is convincing
someone with evidence.]

Student no. 12 reported in her exposure to TAP sessions that she

encountered struggle in deciphering the meaning of texts because of unfamiliar

words. Also, she cannot deny her feeling of being anxious for not understanding

challenging words. Meanwhile, as the TAP sessions smoothly run in the

different learning episodes, reading strategies were displayed such as

formulating conclusions, comparing and contrasting relevant experiences,

justifying point of clarifications, describing and citing personal judgements.

One of the reflections made by student no.12 was realizing the importance of

determining the meaning of unfamiliar words. It can be inferred that the student

raised awareness on how to become a successful reader and the role of lexical

competence in developing one’s comprehension. Advocating for structured

self-reflection in translator training as a way to scaffold learning aided

metacognitive activity in translator training, which requires students to actively

control their own transcription and learning processes. The gears that provide

students with regulated opportunities to explore and assess their own learning

are examined, as are the landscape and typology of (self-)reflection. Reflection,

it was suggested, should be based on inquisitiveness and should avoid definitive

answers. The goal of reflection is to seek clarifications, elucidations, or

extrapolations rather than the correct answer. Structured self-reflection can

provide effective support for translation students by encouraging them to

question themselves and challenge their own assumptions (Pietrzak, 2019).

5.4.13. Student 13 (Cognitive Processing of Language)

In line with analysis of passage 1 using TAP, student utilized context

clues in interpreting the meaning of text.

Extract from Words… Extract from words to the Intellectuals.

Based on my understanding in interac uhm my interac, Extract
is a multiple sentence or words and intellectuals is personal or
self mind

We understand that is must be a triggered… trigger...tragedy.

Tragedy… Im confusing to the word tragedy. (Look down) ....
(Look on the screen) ahh… okay tragedy is trahedya in tagalog,
when someone understand this and this and none less confess
that is incapable (sound of phone) of fighting for it. Ahmm. in
this text uhm (fixing her earphone) ... magkakaroon … may mga
bagay na or sometimes uhm… we fight ... we fight for nothing

because uhmm of sometimes we did, we not understand the
feeling of each other… and ... and it has conflict or nagkakaroon
tayo ng hindi pagkakaunawaan both sides, sometimes we not
understand… we don’t understand the feeling of each other. [We
understand that it must be a tragedy. I’m confused with the word
tragedy, oh okay, tragedy is ‘trahedya’ in tagalog. When
someone understands this and none less confess that is incapable
of fighting for it. In this text, there are things we fight for nothing
because sometimes we cannot understand the feelings of each
other. And we are having a misunderstanding. We do not
understand the feelings of each other.]

Incorrigible incorrigible, incorrigible meaning is the person

order intenses not able to correct or improved or reform. Based
on my understanding incorrigible uhm… uhm… if you have
uhm… sample if you have some word that we or not good for
you, you may improve that text… [Incorrigible means a person
orders intenses; not able to correct or improve; reform. Based on
my understanding, for example you have some words that are
not good, you may improve it.]

Also, she looked frequently for lexical meaning of words using electronic

dictionary as she expressed difficulty in understanding unfamiliar words.

Mercenary artists sometimes known as soldiers or fortune.

Sample in our country, our soldier is a policeman or military

Redemption is an action of saving or living saving or error even.

It is man himself who follows man, fellow man that redemption
of a fellow man constitutes (long pause) constitutes being part
of the whole object of revolution.

If they ask us revolutionaries what matter most to us, we will say

the people, and we will always say the people. The people in
their true senses, that is, the majoret... majority of the people,
those who have had live in expli…. Exploitation I’m confused
in the word exploitation… exploitation [If they ask us
revolutionaries what matters most to us, we will say the people,
and we will always say the people. The people in their true
senses, that is, the majoret... majority of the people, those who
have lived in expli…. Exploitation I’m confused in the word
exploitation… exploitation]

exploitation is an action or fact of treating someone unpairing in
order to benefit from their works

Im confused in the word ideology, ideology uhm...is a system of

ideas especially on how form of basic economic theory of
policies ahhh… okay! which was not exactly the ideology of the
Revolution. He was in agreement with the Revolution on
economic and social question, but his philosophic position with
distinct from that of the Revolution. [I'm confused about the
word ideology; ideology is a system of ideas especially on how
to form a basic economic theory of policies ahhh… okay! which
was not exactly the ideology of the Revolution. He was in
agreement with the Revolution on economic and social
questions, but his philosophic position was distinct from that of
the Revolution.]

She interrelates another applied subject in understanding the situation presented

in specific paragraph explained.

“In research uhm… you...ginagamit mo yung ibang...yung ibang

ahm... ibang work and ang unpair po sa kanila na gamitin yung
work nila ng hindu ka nagsasasbi by ben...benefit in their work.
Saan na ba yun? in the cruelest neglect. Our basic concern will
always be the great majority of the people, that is, the offressed
Im confusing in the word oppressed(searching) oppress…
oppressed and (searching) oppressed and exploited classes. The
point of view through which we view everything is this:
whatever is good for them, will be good for us. Example ahh…
in the word of everything is good them will be good for us..
Kung ano po yung pinapakita nating kabutihan na, kung ano po
yung pinapakita nating kabutihan sa ibang tao uhm… magiging
mabuti … magiging mabuti para sa kanila yun po.” [In research,
we are using other’s work and it is unfair for them because you
can benefit from their work. Where is that? In the cruelest
neglect. Our basic concern will always be the great majority of
the people. I’m confused with the word ‘oppressed’ (searched
for the meaning of oppressed) oppressed and exploited classes.
The point of view through which we view everything is this:
whatever is good for them, will be good for us. For example, in
‘everything is good for them will be good for us’, whatever
kindness do we show to other people, will be good for them.]

She shared relevant situation in concluding the meaning of the lines in the

paragraph and sentence.

Based on my understanding about of the text of number 3 uhm…

does... if someone hates you be good to them no matter what
happen. [Based on my understanding of the text of number 3 if
someone hates you be good to them no matter what happens.]

In this text… from the analyze the good, the useful, and the
beautiful of every action. (a moment of silent) the useful, and the
beautiful of eve… based on the text uhm. In every action that
we... or the things that may work uhm we need, we need to be…
we need to… you have...yung mga bagay na ginagawa natin
kailangan may silbi or pakipakinabang yung ginagawa natin sa
bawat araw na dumadating. sa atin kasi sometimes… uhm…
may mga bagay tayong nagagawa na hindi naman na hindi
naman kailangan or nasasayang yung oras natin sa mga bagay
na hindi naman related or hindi naman kaylagan in our daily life.
[In this text, ‘the good, the useful and the beautiful of every
action’ based on this, the things we do should be useful or could
benefit others as the time goes by. Sometimes, we do
unnecessary things or waste our time on things that we do not
need in our daily life.]

Based on my experience It easy to appreciate when, when you

are something na di ka guilty sa ginagawa mo kaya sometimes
ahh those specific cases are not easy to understand po, why
because ahh kapag may binibintang sayo na di mo naman talaga
ginawa mas mahirap mas mahirap maintindihan or ma analyze
yung bagay. Im confusing in the word of interpretation…
interpretation meaning is the act of explaining or otherwise
showing own understanding of something. Interpretation of a
determine problem from the idealistic point of view of. Of we
could write a work defining doing that point of view He asked
quite frankly if, within a revolutionary regime, he could express
himself in accordance with those sentimes? sentiments. He
posed the problem in a form that might be considered sybolisic.
[Based on my experiences, it is easy to appreciate when you are
not guilty of what you do. Those specific cases are not easy to
understand, because when someone accuses you on something
that you did not do, it is harder to understand or analyze things.
I am confused with the word interpretation (searched for the
meaning) interpretation meaning is the act of explaining or

otherwise showing your own understanding of something.
Interpretation of a determined problem from the idealistic point
of view of -- we could write a work defining doing that point of
view. He asked quite frankly if within a revolutionary regime,
he could express himself in accordance with those sentiments.
He posed the problem in a form that might be considered
symbolic. [

She connects previous answer in interpreting other succeeding lines in the

sentence/ paragraph.

Like I said, Like I said ahh few… few ago revolutionary is a war
or sigalot sa groupo attitude towards life but who is, however an
person. It is clear that he who has that attitude towards life,
whether he is revolutionary or not, whether he is an artist or not,
has his goals. has his objectives and we should all ask; we should
all ask ourselves. For me I learned to this a text ahhh...that if you
have a goal in life… (reading the passage) [Like I said few
revolutionaries is a war or sigalot in group attitude towards life,
whether he is a revolutionary or not. Whether he is an artist or
not. He has his goals and his objectives. We should all ask
ourselves. For me, I learned from this text, if you have goal in
life -- (reading the passage)]

As revealed in the result of answering reading comprehension questions, student

was able to determine the main idea by recalling and concluding the overall

meaning/ theme of the text.

What is the selection all about? Ahh… The selection is all about
is to uhm we act… we act on the text yung understand ahh…
react to the text and the title of the text is all about Extract and
Intellectual based on the title of Extract and Intellectual. I
understand that its about for personal mind based on and
uhmm… ntellectual understanding. [What is the selection all
about? The title of the text is all about Extract and Intellectual.
Based on its title, it’s about a personal mind based on intellectual
understanding. That’s how I understood it.]

She explicated the purpose of the author in writing the article by justifying her

stand as she related in the lines in the paragraph.

The purpose of the author in writing the article is to know of as

the revolutionary is. Is not uhm...is not a good way, because
revolutionary war uhm if we… if we ahmm kapag pinairal natin
yung ahhh away ng uhm yung pakikipagaway o sigalot sa
groupo dahil sa hindi natin pagkakaintindihan about sa, about sa
understanding of his understanding. [The purpose of the author
in writing the article is to know if the revolutionary is not a good
way. Because if we study the revolutionary war, the fighting or
conflict in the group is because of misunderstanding.]

She considered herself as revolutionist by relating to the lines in the paragraph

and concluded that she has the same principle as characterized on being a


Do you consider yourself as a revolutionist? Justify your answer.

Yes, because sometimes, based on the text i read, those text uhm.
Experience some text I experience so I know I revolutionaries
[Do you consider yourself as a revolutionist? Justify your
answer. Yes, because sometimes as I read the text, I recall some
experiences so I know revolutionaries.]

In line with passage 2, students processed the meaning by citing

relevant experience in expressing her understanding in each
paragraph/ sentence. [On the line passage 2, students processed
the meaning by citing relevant experience in expressing her
understanding in each paragraph/sentence.

In line with passage 2, She formulated conclusions and justification in

understanding the meaning of text based on real life experience.

Based on the title is about challenges of technology uhm,

technology is uhm application of scientific improving
generation because they have technology uhm.

“Based on the text or the word that I… I read some students

are… are… an... or some ahh… student those not have access of
computer so the student ahm. What you call it, some student is
based on my experience some student or… friends my friends
like for me, sometime internet ahh mahirap, ano ba to, some
student nahihirapan wait, mahirap maka-access ng internet
because karamihan sa amin ay karamihan sa aming mga
studyante ay walang walang internet sa bahay at poor of internet
because dahil sa sa hirap ng buhay hindi makabili ng or maka-

magkaroon ng computer.” [Based on the title, Challenges of
Technology, we have improved generation because of
technology. Based on the text some students do not have access
to computers. What do you call it? Ugh, what is it? It is difficult
to access because most of us, most of our students have no
internet at home because of hardships of life, they cannot have
an internet or computers.]

“so, like I said a few ago, if we had not internet or cellphones

mahihirapan, mahi… mahi- bilag studyante mahirap nga naman
po na wala kang internet connect sa bahay bakit? Kasi ahm…
uhm… karamihan sa aming nga studyante is uhm pumupunta sa
computer shop uhm para maka-access makagawa po ng ng mga
projects or activities na kaylangan gawin by using computer and
online…online text ganun po” [So like what I said, if we have
no internet or cell phones it would be hard for students. because
most of the student has to come to computer shops to have an
access, to make project or activities that need to be done using
computer and online text.]

She discussed and justified the meaning of the paragraph/ sentence read by

comparing and contrasting.

So usually if you have… if you graduate yung ma-- if you

graduate you my, may tend-- tendency po na… may tendency na
magkaroon ka ng agarang trabaho like computer and
information. (Reading the passage again) so based on the text if
you...Ahh new or fresh graduate and you had. [So usually, if you
graduate there’s a tendency that you would have an immediate
job, like computer and information. (Reading the passage again)
So based on the text, if you’re a fresh graduate and you had --]

so based on the text, based on experiences if nakapag nag aral

ka po sa public schools di katulad ng private school na uhmm if
you have a if nag aral ka po sa private school katulad po namin
na low income student po kami, na walang kakayahan na
magkaroon ng sariling internet connection different to the
income level of the student highest… uhm highest… percentage
of in private school. So not balance about technology and
internet connection [Based on the text, if you studied in public
schools unlike private school, if you studied in private school,
like us who’s low-income students that do not have ability to
have their own internet connection, it is so different from the

income of the students in private schools. So, it is not balanced,
in technology and in internet connection.]

so internet computer daw po is… uhm… mas okay. Ba to... Mas

lamang yung lalaki na marunong gumamit ng computer internet
like sa babae, based on my understanding internet are not to use
to promote equality they have become (reading the passage
again) so in the number… in the 6 text uhm... Is like I said a
while ago technology has become a tool to the learner or student
that… that… that may easier works and… [So, the internet
computer is better. Men are better at using computer internet
than women. Based on my understanding, the internet is not used
to promote the quality that they have become. (Reading the
passage again) So in number 6, as I said a while ago, technology
has become a tool to the learners or students that may easier to
work on and --]

She expressed struggle in understanding the meaning of difficult words to cope

with this, she searched the meaning by using electronic dictionary.

I’m confused to the word of aleut. The meaning of aleut who are
usually known as aaleut language by in venice uhmm indigenous
people of aleut island, so aleut is the people of uhmm of people
of people of ay that island they call they called them… they
called… they called us aleut. (Reading the passage again) uhm,
so based on my understanding so... most likely have like have
internet connection or internet access is urban like rural area
[I’m confused about the word ‘aleut’. (searching) The meaning
of aleut who are usually known as aleut language by indigenous
people of aleut island. So aleut is the people of the island. They
called us aleut. (Reading the passage again) So based on my
understanding, urban areas are most likely to have internet
connection or internet access than rural areas.]

I’m confuse to the word of surbate (exacerbates)

ex...as...cerb...bate… exascerbate? (phone) exacerbates,
exacerbate make a problem was situation on negative feelings
(reading the passage again [I’m confused about the word surbate
(exacerbates) (searching for the meaning) exacerbate make a
problem was situation on negative feelings (reading the passage

Student accomplished the reading comprehension questions. She was able to

identify the main idea in the passage based on her understanding of the text.

“What is the selection all about? The selection is all about the degree of


She discussed the cultural issues that challenged and inspired the author in

writing the article as well as digital challenges encountered by comparing the

different situations justified.

What cultural issues may have influenced, challenged, or

inspired the author? The culture. the culture issue is all about the
internet connection and the students who do not access the

Like I said a while ago, the political economy of the times is

uhmm technology because some students are not are not
available to access by... By his or her own computers.

Student shared digital challenges encountered:

As a student, what are the challenges that you encountered in

this digital era? As a student the changes I encounter… some
students are yung mga estudyante po ngayon tulad ko mas
umaasa na po sa technology uhm hindi na… hindi na, hindi mas
pinapahalagahan yung books kasi mas masmas uhm. Mas
nakikita or sabi ng iba mas okay na sa google mag search ka kasi
mas makikita mo pero mahirap po pala na umasa ng umasa sa
technology at kasi ahmm hindi na natin mas pinapahalagahan
yung pagbabasa, kung pinapahalagan natin ang pagbabasa mas
mau-- mas mauunawaan yung kada words na binabasa natin.
Yun lang po. [As a student, what are the challenges that you
encountered in this digital era? Some students today like me are
dependent on technology, books are not valued anymore. Some
say it's okay to search on google because you'll find it better but
it's hard to rely on technology because we don’t value reading
anymore. If we value reading more, we can better understand
every word we read. That’s all.]

In line with analysis of poem, student processed by citing personal experience

to infer the meaning of the poem. Making comparisons to clarify the meaning

of lines in the poem.

“Lahat nagbabago, so based on my understanding things change
like people change so di lahat permanente lahat nagbabago,
katulad ng isang. Ng isang example ng isang ng isang… (reading
the poem again) based on recovering, based on the poem
(reading the poem again) dito po parang for example ahh, ano…
isang problem na hindi ahh parang hage (huge) mabigat na
problema na bumabato sayo ahh bumabato sayo o bumagsak
sayo sa mga paa mo? (Reading the poem again) kahit anong
problema ang ibato sayo ahh bumagsak sayo kaylangan natin
magkaroon ng ahhh… kailangan magkaroon tayo ng pananalig
sa diyos. [Everything changes. Based on my understanding,
things change like people, they change. Nothing is permanent,
everything changes. Example, (reading the poem again) based
on the poem, (reading the passage again) whatever problem
throws at you or falls on you we must have faith in God.]

so yung problema po sa atin walang katapusan, para siyang…

para siyang gravity that walang katapusan [So the problem with
us has no end, it's like… it's like gravity that has no end.]

Change, things change. If things change, maybe I am too. I’m

going to change also,

Student identified the main idea of the poem by concluding the central idea. She

concluded that the persona in the poem is someone who encountered problems

in life.

The poem all about is to change.

I think the persona in the text or speaking in the poem is he or
she have a… hard problem that encounter in his life that she or

She identified different figures of speech supported with lines in the poem.

What are some of the literary devices or figures of speech used

in the poem?
ito po yung simile, metaphor, ma’am diba
the figure of speech is metaphor
Newton as a habit of centuries the figure of speech is simile

She cited significant experience based to answer the moral/lesson in the


I think the theme of the poem is all about… uhmm. All about
(searching) ahh change.

What is the moral/lesson of the poem? the moral lesson of the

poem is ahh… if you, based on my opinion if we have a problem
and like like the poem as or has or have hage (huge) of false in
your feet don’t, don’t loose, don’t lose ahm...don’t lose hope
ahmm just pray, just pray for to, just pray to God and all the
problem all the problems. Lahat ng problema dumating sa buhay
mo makakaya mo basta meron kang pananalig sa diyos. Yun
lang po ma’am. [You can overcome all the problems that come
into your life, just keep your faith to God. That’s all, Ma’am.]

In line with analysis of listening text, student was able to summarize the content

of listening passage explicitly.

Based on listening passage i understand (I don't understand what

she says) persuasion it is the it is the art of convincing someone
to agree in your point of view. According to the newton be have
basic tools ahh. Example the example of the is lettuce (ethos)
pathos and logos ma’am. Lettuce (ethos) means is the compre…
compre compre size of the number on how example on how you
carried your teeth and pathos is the collection of ahh or
collecting ideas example organization of pets too… organization
of pets. Ano ba ito… and next one is logos the meaning of logos
the use of facts, facts your agreement to convince that it is to
good example commercial of soap on how we convince [Based
on the listening passage, I understand persuasion is the art of
convincing someone to agree with your point of view.
According to Newton, we have basic tools. Examples are lettuce
(Ethos), Pathos, and Logos, Ma’am. Lettuce (Ethos) means to
compare the size of the number, example on how you carried
your teeth. Pathos is the collecting ideas, example organization
of pets. The next one is Logos, the meaning of logos is, the use
of facts and agreement to convince. Example, commercial of
soap on how we convince.]

The listening passage is a tool of convincing someone ahh...

Someone agreeing your point of view ahh they ahh there are
three ahh tools ahh... According to Newton there are three tools
ahh or basic tool one is lettuce (ethos) pathos and logos. lettuce
is lettuces is (ethos) lettuces is ahh expressing and explaining
and pathos is ahh collecting ideas of something and logos is the
use of argument of convincing someone. [The listening passage
is a tool of convincing someone by agreeing to your point of
view. There are three (3) tools. According to Newton, there are
three (3) tools. One is lettuce (Ethos), Pathos and Logos. Lettuce
(Ethos) is expressing and explaining. Pathos is collecting ideas

of something. And Logos is the use of argument to convince

It can be elucidated from the think aloud responses of student no. 13 that

he utilized different reading strategies such as interpreting through context

clues, integrating interdisciplinary context, generating conclusions through

personal and authentic experience, comparing and contrasting, determining

main idea through concluding and recalling. All these reading strategies were

applied in answering the reading comprehension questions and in verbalizing

thoughts during TAP sessions. There is also a predominant utilization of offline

dictionary in looking for unfamiliar words.

5.4.14. Student 14 (Cognitive Processing of Language)

In line with the analysis of passage 1 using TAP, student inferred the

meaning of the text by comparing and contrasting the situation cited.

I understand Ma’am ahh. they ahhh… was ano ahhh two (2) kind
of course artist. Sa number 1 po ma’am maybe it is just
informant but not her passion, it just an… ano-- she just need the
ano ma’am parang needs lang niya yun pero never niyang nagka
interest sa ginagawa niya po. [I understand Ma’am. In number
1, maybe it's just informant but not her passion. She needs to but
she never has an interest in everything she does.]

Ma’am sa revolutionary writer can do the problem because she

has a goal to every problem while intellectual writer sometimes,
they just stick to their principles. Ahhmm… these 2 writers are
artist ma’am they had difference ahh... Ahhh... when ahh
revolutionary writer is always have a goal so she has a goal in
every problem, while in intellectual, intellectual writer is just
stick to their principle, kung ano lang po yung pinapaniwalaan.
[Ma’am, a revolutionary, writer can do the problem because she
has a goal for every problem. While intellectual writers
sometimes just stick to their principles. These two (2) writers are
artists, they have differences, when a revolutionary writer
always has a goal in every problem. While an intellectual writer
just sticks to their principle, whatever they want to believe in.]

Ma’am based on what I read once you have goals and plan you
can exist as an artist because that vision connects. Let go of your
goal to be a successful artist.

She mentioned some relevant experience to support her understanding and

justified the connection in the paragraph or sentence processed.

Based on my understanding in this paragraph I understand that

if you have some… some interesting uhm. you… you have
ahhh… you have things… kung may… kung may interesado sa
bagay na hindi, hindi mo na kukuha (a moment of silent) at alam
mo yung bagay na yun be ano… be… i persue mo lang yun
makukuha mo yun [Based on my understanding in this
paragraph, I understand that if you are interested in some things
that you cannot achieve (a moment of silent) just keep on
pursuing it, you will eventually achieve it.]

It says that not all of them are quick thinkers, the example of this
is me I’m facing in front of you reading the text…. I struggled
to most because there's some word [It says that not all of them
are quick thinkers. Like me, I’m facing in front of you, reading
the text, I struggled the most on some words.]

From the point of view that analyses the useful and beautiful of
every action we need to analyse important things and everything

She utilized word association in understanding the meaning of the paragraph

supported with personal observation/experience.

“Jesus made a grace one that there were many writers and artists
that they wanted to and revolutionary that revolution is that they
wanted to do that at sometimes the revolution was that end the
contribution their knowledge and its behalf. (a moment of
silence) to challenge himself and interest and they will build.
[Jesus made a grace one that there were many writers and artists
that they wanted to. Revolution is what they wanted to do at
some times. Revolution was the one that contributed to their
knowledge and its behalf.]

In answering the comprehension questions, she was able to determine the main

idea of the section by making judgements on the overall central meaning.

What is the selection all about? It's all about Extract and
revolutionary, it’s all about revolutionary how revolutionary
exists or how revolutionary ahhh uses and how revolutionary
ahmm important of revolutionary. [What is the selection all
about? It’s all about Extract and revolution. How revolutionary
exists or how revolutionary uses and the importance of
revolutionary (revolution).]

She justified and concluded her understanding about how author

defined revolutionary.
I think the author defined himself because he is also an artist
that’s why he knows the revolutionary about how revolutionary
exists. [I think the author defined himself because he is also an
artist that’s why he knows the revolutionary about how it exists.]

Also, she inferred the purpose of the author in writing the article.
So, I think ma’am he just wanted to express or challenge those
people reading this text, what is revolutionary and how
revolutionary difference for artist [I think Ma’am, he just wanted
to express or challenge those people reading the text. What is
revolutionary and how revolutionary is the difference for

She justified with conviction that she considered herself a

I think ma’am… I think ma’am (laugh) I can consider myself as
a revolutionary because I ahh… ahhh I acceptvthe challenge that
you give to me [I think Ma’am, I can consider myself as a
revolutionary because I have accepted the challenges that you
gave to me.]

She associated the title proposed in the quotation observed. “Never stop

dreaming”. In terms of processing the meaning of passage 2, student

generated conclusions based on her understanding in giving meaning to

the text.

“We use technology for our communication, we use

technology for every… every… everyday of our life, so
we cannot communicate to every person or very far from
us if we do not have any technology uses.” [We use
technology for our communication. We use technology
everyday in our life. We cannot communicate to every
person or very far from us if we do not have any
technology to use.]

She justified and cited situations related to the sentence or paragraph

read through comparisons.

For example, for me, I can not communicate to my classmate to

my teacher to my best friend if I don’t use these technologies.
[For example, for me, I can not communicate to my classmate,
to my teacher, to my best friend if I don’t use these

I think Ma’am it’s depend to a school if there's a big income or

uhm maybe for ahh.. Ahh Dalig National High School the
example of it. So I think ahm there have a great income so
because they can afford the needs of every student in dalig,
maybe not all they can give, yun nga po ay.. Ay example in Dalig
National High School there have ahh I think they have a great
income because… wait lang po ma’am. Because they can
approved the needs of every student and then uhm.. For example
for those teacher’s there uhm.. Your connecting to technology
they can afford the wifiii the TV uhm for a food tech student
they can afford ahhh… the things that we need. I thinks it’s
depend on the school na pinapasukan mo Ma’am. Basta po para
sa akin yan po example ko ma’am. [I think Ma’am it depends on
the school if there’s a big income or maybe for Dalig National
High School. So I think the school has a great income because it
can afford the needs of every student in Dalig, even if they
cannot give everything. For example, in connecting to
technology, they can afford wifi, the television (TV). For food
tech students, they can afford things we need. I think it depends
on the school you’re attending.]

So here ma’am we need, we need internet to have a biggest

source of technology because we need to ahh… wait lang po
ma’am ahh because in this ano new normal we all need wifi, we
all need technology that we use for our study we cannot ahh
maybe we can study because we have a book we can read or
search in book like dictionary but in technology there's more, it’s
very easy for student to find their needs and the ahm… for today
this new normal there's a lot of student that they can afford the
money or they cannot ahh… commute because they life at far
place far far school. Hirap ma’am. (laugh) school, maybe they
choose technology but they need ahh, they cannot afford the
connection so maybe that is the one problem of technology. [So,

here we need the internet as our biggest source. In this new
normal, we all need wifi, we need technology to use for our
studies. Maybe we can study because we have books, we can
read and research in books like a dictionary. But in technology,
it’s very easy for students to find their needs. There’s a lot of
students that can’t afford it, they usually commute because their
house is far from the school. It is hard, Ma’am. They will choose
technology but they cannot afford it, and that’s the only problem
of technology.]

She utilized facts gathered to explicitly discussed the meaning of the sentence

or paragraph.

Exponentially pala ay parang nag wide every year (reading the

passage again) so number 2 ma’am ahhh… every year the
internet is very ahh every year the internet is getting wider
ahhh…. Getting wider or evolved and then, wait lang po
(reading the passage again) so only 6 percent of population is
developing in the countries so in this ahhh… [Exponentially, it
widens every year (reading the passage again). So in number 2,
every year the internet is getting wider and it evolved. Wait,
(reading the passage again) so only 6 percent of the population
is developing in the countries.]

“We all know ma’am that african’s people or black people is

the poor country ah… ahh in whole country they didn’t even
feel the education ah-- some of them don’t know how to read
or write. So they consider has the poor population” [We all
know Ma’am that African people or black people are (in) the
poor country. They didn’t even feel the education. Some of
them do not know how to read or write. So, they are considered
the poor population.]

In line with accomplishing the comprehension questions, student was able to

determine the main idea of the selection through inferring the chief meaning.

What is the selection all about? So, it’s all about ahh technology
it’s talk about uses of technology ahm at percent of uses of
technology the benefit of technology.

She discussed the cultural issues that may influence and inspired the author by

remembering the content of the passage related to cultural issues.

What cultural issues may have influenced maybe ano uhm…
ahh… the culture maybe ma’am …. Ahh the ahh I read their the
asia black ahh people because they are very poor a technology,
they didn’t even know how to use technology so maybe the
author thinks why I’m going to write this why… uhm uhm for
ano yun the author writes this to the author research or write this
text that everyone can read, technology is very important not
only for a good time but only for a a… everyday lifes so that’s
it. [What cultural issues may have influenced -- the culture
maybe Ma’am. I read their (story) black people because they are
very poor in technology. They didn’t even know how to use
technology. The author wrote this research or text that everyone
can read. Technology is very important not only for good times,
but only for everyday lives, so that’s it.]

She shared digital challenges encountered by reflecting on the situation/


As a student, what are the challenges that you encountered in

this digital era? So, I encounter ma’am that not all of us cannot
afford or cannot afford the technology that we want its
difference for as or difference for us-- ahh it defence. If we were
pursuing for education so that’s the biggest challenge that us a
student for me that I encounter in this digital era. [As a student,
what are the challenges that you encountered in this digital era?
So, I encounter that not all of us cannot afford the technology
that we want. If we were pursued for education, that’s the biggest
challenge that us, a student. For me, that's what I encountered in
this digital era.]

In terms of analysis of poem using TAP, student processed the meaning of lines

in the poem by concluding and relating her personal experience and point of


Now I understand na, ito na ma’am this poem is ahh for me even
though I made a big mistake I know what my weapon to be used,
the prayer to cover me to protect so that one day if I make again
a failure I will not fear anymore [Now I understand that this
poem, for me, even though I made a big mistake, I know what
weapon to be used. The prayer, to cover me and to protect me so
that one day, I make a failure again, I will not fear anymore.]

What is the poem all about? The poem is all about ahh… ahh
changes in your life [What is the poem all about? The poem is
about changes in your life.]

She inferred that the persona in the poem is the writer himself. “Who do you

think is the persona or speaker in the poem? I think the writer, writer, writer [I

think the writer.] She identified figures of speech by explaining her reasons and

citing lines in the poem.

Ma’am ginamit din po yung ano po yun. Wait lang po yung.

Ayon, ano ma’am ginamit po dun yung personification kasi
ma’am ano ahh. There ano ahh... Ayon po ma’am ginamit po
yung parang yung sa leaves po ma’am basta ganun po ma’am
and then ginamit din po yung… paulit nga po yung end [Ma’am,
it used personification because it uses leaves. And it is used

(reading the passage again) ito po pala ma’am ahh parang…

ayon po ma’am the fire of prayer in my mouth so parang ginamit
din po yung hyperbole, kasi po ahm… parang nag ano siya
extreme exaggeration nag exaggerate po siya dun, parang ganun
ma’am. Kasi wala naman pong ano bumubuga ng apoy [Here,
‘the fire of prayer in my mouth used hyperbole, he seems to be
doing extreme exaggeration. He is exaggerating there, just like
that. Because there is nothing that emits fire.]

Moreover, she was able to identify the theme and moral/lesson of the poem by

comprehensively discussing her point of view.

What do you think is the theme of the poem? Theme of the

poem, ano nga po yung theme? Yung kahulug-- what do you
think is the theme of the poem (thinking) theme of the poem
(thinking) is to ano ma’am ahh…cannot delivery my english ee,
where’s my ballpen (reading the question) sa number 5 po muna
ako ma’am di ko po ma delivery ano ko ee. What do you think
is the theme of the poem? I think… (writing) (reading the
question again) number 4 po ma’am it’s look like a revolutionary
type of poem encouragement to those suffering problems. [What
do you think is the theme of the poem? The theme of the poem
is, I cannot deliver it in english. Where is my ballpen? (Reading
the question) I’ll go with number 5 first because I cannot deliver
(my answers) it. What do you think is the theme of the poem? It
looks like a revolutionary type of poem, encouraging those who
suffer from the problem.]
The moral lesson of this is poem is never given up of what your
doing, never stop dreaming do what you want, do what you love,
follow your heart, and praise god. In Jesus name. yan... Ma’am
that’s the moral lesson that I have. (laugh) haba nito ahh, bibiyak
utak ko. Ma’am do you hear me? [The moral lesson
(moral/lesson) of this poem is to never give on what you are
doing. Never stop dreaming, do what you want, do what you
love, follow your heart and praise God. In Jesus name, there.
Ma’am that’s the moral lesson (moral/lesson) that I have.]

In terms of analysis of listening passage using TAP, student was able to explain

and summarize the content of the listening passage.

According to those I heard according to aristotle there are three

basic tools of persuasion 1 is ethos 2, is pathos and 3 is logos, so
these three have ahh… uhm… rule, so the rule of ethos is it is an
speaker with more source so ethos ma’am is the one person that
have an idea or she the ay hindi, hindi siya si ethos is the one
that have a source or the idea is coming from the ethos si ang
speaker. [According to Aristotle, there are three (3) basic tools
of persuasion. 1 is Ethos, 2 is Pathos and 3 is Logos. So these
three (3) have rules. So, the rule in Ethos, it is the speaker with
more sources.]

In pathos naman po ma’am. rela-- ahh relatable and sincere and

convincing the audience so sa pathos po she convincing or
spreading the audience to ah to connect the to speaker or which
is ethos so she convinces the audience to listen to the speaker [In
pathos, it is relatable, sincere and convincing to the audience.
So, pathos is convincing the audience to connect with the
speaker which is Ethos. So, she convinces the audience to listen
to the speaker.]

So sa logos naman it is the one whose connecting to way to

audience for convincing use a fact to delivery or convincing
more so sa uhm logos ma’am uhm merong silang pagkakapareho
ng pathos kaso lang po sa logos more pa po yung kinu- convince
niya or fact yung… mga ahh in... ahh. Evidence na meron siya
more yung audience the kinu-convince niya than pathos so that’s
what I understand po. [In logos, it is the one who’s connecting
to audiences. Convincing audiences by delivering acts. Logos
and Pathos have something in common. But in logos, it

convinces audiences with facts. The more evidence she has, the
more audiences she convinces than pathos. That’s how I
understood it.]

According to aristotle ma’am there are two (2) ay there are three
(3) tools for persuasion, one (1) is ethos, two (2) is pathos and
three (3) is logos. So, one is ethos is the source of idea or she is
the one had ahh… idea ahh to speak to everyone so while ahm
pathos the one who convinces people to listen to the speaker or
what we call ethos. So, sa number 3 is logos there just similar
for pathos but logos is more wider convincing a lot of audience
because the way she convinces a lot of people listening for those
what we call ethos wide ahhh… she’s telling the fact she’s as
more convincing a lot than pathos. So that is, that’’s all Ma’am.
[According to Aristotle, there are three (3) tools of persuasion.
Ethos, Pathos and Logos. So, one is Ethos, the source of ideas to
speak to everyone. Pathos, the one that convinces people to
listen to the speaker. Number 3 is Logos, similar to pathos, but
logos is wider in convincing a lot of audiences because the way
it convinces a lot of people to listen, we call it Ethos wide. It is
telling the fact that it is more convincing than pathos. So, that’s
all Ma’am.]

It can be deduced from the think aloud responses of student no. 14 that

he exhibited reading strategies such as inferring the meaning of reading and

listening texts through comparing and contrasting, using word associations,

summarizing, sharing personal experience. Determining the main idea through

making judgements and inferring, processing the meaning through generating

conclusions and reflecting on the situation or experience. Metacognitive

strategies used in reading comprehension play an important role in students'

academic success (Channa, Ma, Nordin, Siming, Chandio, & Koondher, 2015).

5.4.15. Student 15 (Cognitive Processing of Language)

In line with analysis of passage 1 using TAP, student was able to process

the meaning by making explicit interpretation based on her understanding.

I think po this text. I think in this text hmmm. naglalaman hmmm

it’s about, its about changes. changes of people. [I think this text,
it’s about changes of people.]

This line ...For the revolutionary, those goals and objectives are
directed to-towards the changes of the reality; those goals, those
goals and objectives are directed towards the redemption of man.
Base po don ma’am sa ay, base in the line. [The line, ‘for the
revolutionary, those goals and objectives are directed toward the
changes of the reality; those goals and objectives are directed
towards the redemption of man based on the line.]

Number five, we understand that is must be tragedy when

someone understands this and none the less has to. has to confess
that he is capable of fighting for it…. San. in number five. in
number five. in number five yung tinutukoy sa text is. is about.
is about the tragedy is about the challenge, challenge when
someone. when someone understand the text, kasi po may iba
iba po tayong paniniwala, opinion about. about sa story na
nababasa natin.
Based in my understanding sa mga nababasa kong text about don
sa revolutionaries, it’s about freedom, freedom freedom of
expression opinions or about ideas. Basta po yung pinaka based
po, pinaka based ng ano ng revolutionary is about po sa pag e-
express ng idea nila ng gusto nilang sabihin. Express to express.
[Number five (5) we understand that it must be a strategy when
someone understands this and nonetheless has to confess that he
is capable of fighting for it. In number five (5) this one referred
to tragedy. About challenges when someone understood the text.
Because we have different beliefs and opinion about the story
we are reading.]

In order to understand the meaning of sentence of paragraph or sentence, she

utilized translation and repeating/ re-reading the sentence.

If they ask us revolutionaries if they ask us revolutionaries what

matter most to us, we will say the people, and we will always
say the people. Based. based in the line based in the line ma’am
the real matter...the real matter is us, ourselves. [If they ask us
revolutionaries what matters the most for us. We will say the
people, and we will say the people. Based on the line Ma’am,
the real matter in us is ourselves.]

She cited personal observation and real-life experience by making

judgement in the situation discussed in relation to the text itself.

We believe ourselves to be revolutionaries. Whoever is more of

an artist than a than a revolutionary cannot think exactly the
same as we do. We struggled for the people without inner
conflict, we know that we can have to think about the people
before we think about ourselves, and that is the only attitude that
can be defined as a truly rebo-revolutionary attitude…. We are
all believes…. In number six… in number six… in number six…
number six…hghf. in number six… based the text in number six
its about... its about. it’s about struggles, changes na kailangan
natin gawin or adjustment for other people... for other people...
for other people and... and in the last part, because of this
challenge it shows a truly revolutionary attitude. [We believe
ourselves to be revolutionaries. Whoever is more of an artist
than a revolutionary cannot exactly be the same as we do. We
struggled for the people without inner conflict, we know that we
have to think about the people before we think about ourselves
and that is the only attitude that can be defined as a truly
revolutionary attitude. Based on number six (6), it’s about
struggles, the changes that we need or adjustment for the people.
On the last part, because of this challenge, this shows the truly
revolutionary attitude.]

Student admitted that she was nervous while processing the meaning of the text.

In line with answering the comprehension questions, student was able to make

significant discussion in justifying her answer about the main idea in the

selection based from conclusion made.

“What is the selection all about? Its all about revolution.

*Laughing* How does the author define being revolution.
revolutionist/revolutionary? Ay ay, wait lang alam ko to ma’am
e…. ma’am, being a revolutionary. being revolutionaries, you
can… you can express yourself, your own ideas… your own
ideas. basta may kalayaan ka po na sabihin yung gusto mong
sabihin. Gusto mong isulat, gusto mong iparating sa tao yung
ideas na mas maintindihan nila yung, yung tunay na idea na
makakapag, makakapag-intindi at makakapag pabago about don
sa mga…. basta... para po ma… about to sa mga idea na gusto
nila maipaglaban… about to sa idea na gusto nila iparating”
[What is the selection all about? It is all about revolution. How
does the author define being revolutionist/revolutionary? Wait,

I know this. Ma’am being revolutionaries, you can express
yourself, your own ideas, and as long as you have the freedom
to say what you want to say. You want to write; you want to
convey to the person the ideas that they can understand better.
The real idea that can make them understand and can change.
This is about the ideas that they want to fight, that they want to

She inferred and justified the purpose of the author in writing the article based

on her understanding.

“What do you think is the purpose of the author in writing this

article? I think the purpose of the author is about changes at yung
pagkakaiba ng and the difference of the other author and the
other authors and writer in the revolutionaries.” [What do you
think is the purpose of the author in writing this article? I think
the purpose of the author is about changes and the difference of
other authors and writers in the revolutionaries.]

Student reflected on the importance of TAP in line with the question about if

she considered herself as a revolutionist. She associated TAP in the

characteristics of being revolutionist wherein one has the freedom to express or

verbalize one’s idea.

She justified that she considered herself as revolutionary.

“Do you consider yourself as a revolutionist? Justify your

answer. I think I can consider myself as revolutionist because…
because I can because... because. ngayon po sa nangyayari na po
ito ma’am dito po sa ating think aloud protocol. Na-expressed
ko yung ideas na gusto kong sabihin at may…may freedom
ako... I have a freedom to say what I what to say. Kung may
kakayahan and I have the rights to…too to fight my opinion, yun
lang po.” [Do you consider yourself as a revolutionist? Justify
your answer. I think I can consider myself a revolutionist
because now, it is happening here in our think-aloud protocol. I
have expressed the ideas I want to say and I have freedom. If
I’m capable and I have the rights to fight for my opinion. That’s

In line with analysis of passage 2 using TAP, most frequent language processing

strategies of the student encompassed: making relevant conclusion in

understanding the meaning of text and connecting the previous justifications in

the succeeding explication of the passage.

“In number 1, in number 1 it’s about communication, it’s about

how computer works, how technology works in… and how
technology... how technology can help us in this kind of
situation that we have. [In number 1, it’s about communication,
how computers work, and how technology can help us in this
kind of situation.]

Nabasa ko na po ito sa position paper. Ito pong…ito pong text

na to about to sa mga gumagamit ng…sa may mga kakayahan
lang po na gumamit ng computers. Sa may kakayahan, mag
English na nga ako. It’s about...it’s about the pee-people who
can used computers in their house, it’s about…. it’s about… it’s
about percentage, it’s about people. Based in…based in our
situation macompare po siya sa situation natin ngayon, kasi po
marami samin, sa mg aka klase ko na walang kakayahan na
makapag…makapag gamit, makagamit ng internet sa
kakulangan n g gadgets dahil sa internet access. Wala silang...
wala silang kakayahan. Basta po in this… in number 3, it’s
about… [I have read this in a position paper. This text is about
those who only have the ability to use computers. I will use
English. It’s about people who can use computers in their house.
About the percentage of people. You can compare the situation
that we have now. Because most of us in the class do not have
the ability to use the internet, because of lack of gadgets. They
have no ability.]

In number 4 it’s about job, it’s about who can. it’s about who
can have a-a hayl-a high salary. In number 4 its about… it’s
about who can have a high salary, it’s about who can… *smirk*
basta po about sa... about sa... sa kung sino yung magkakaron ng
mataas na salary kung sino yung mas... if kasi, if based in
number 4 in computer science, if degree mo is computer science,
you can have a high salary… of all new college graduates. [In
number 4, it’s about who has high salaries. Whoever has a high
salary, whoever has -- if number 4 is based in computer science,
you all new college graduates finished the degree of computer
science, they can have a high salary.]

In accomplishing the comprehension questions, student inferred the main idea

of the selection based on the title itself. “What is the selection all about? —it’s

all about computers technology internetsss, internet.” Student enumerated and

discussed the cultural issues that may challenge or inspire the author in writing

this article. Practical situations and personal point of view were justified through

comparing and contrasting.

What cultural issues may have influenced, challenged, or

inspired the author? I think yung author nainspired siya kasi
maraming…many people... many people cannot cannot afford
or cannot use...cannot use computers because dahil hindi sila
ano… dahil hindi sila… di katulad ng mga nasa urban yung mga
nasa rural-rural places hindi sila masyadong nakakagamit. They
cannot, they cannot access in internet connections and kung
yun...if, and if the author and kung and kung and kung yung
author po…. syempre buhay pa nman po yun e?
*Laughing*buhay pa namn siguro yung author and yung author
po mas lalo po nakatulong po siguro yung sinulat nya mas lalo
siya ma inspired. Tapos-la...*Whispering* yung sinulat nya po
mas lalo po ako na-inspired. Mas lalong nakatulong yung sakin.
Kahit yung sinulat nya po hindi sa panahon ngayon. Kasi-kasi
po based po to sa mga may kakayahan lang na gumamit ng
technologies. Sa-first yon *HAHA*ma’am wait lang. Yung may
kakayahan lang po makagamit ng internets, kasi po sa panahon
na to katulad sa-samin mga estudyante they can-cannot afford
internet access ako po kasi gumagamit lang ako ng data, they
don’t have wifi connection, kaya po mas mabagal. Number 3.
What are the political or economic issues of the times? What are
the political or economic issues? Ma’am sorry tuloy ko na po.
What are the political or economic issues of the times? What are
the what… what are the political or economic issues of the
times? The political and economic issues. Economic issues is
ab-about internet access ditto saaaa in ditto sa Pilipinas mababa
yung percentage... mabagal po masyado yung internet
connection. A-and ayon po yung problema, problema ng lahat.
[What cultural issues may have influenced, challenged or
inspired the author? I think the author was inspired because
many people cannot afford or cannot use computers. Unlike
urban areas, in rural areas they cannot use the computers. They
even cannot access the internet, and of course the author is still
alive, the author’s writings help him to inspire him more. I’m
inspired by his writings. It helps me more. Even what he wrote
is not up to date. Only those who have the ability to use the
internet, because at this time like us students they can’t afford
internet access because, I, only use data, they don’t have wifi
connection, so it’s slower. NUmber 3, what are the political and
economic issues of the time? Economic issue/s is about internet
access here in the Philippines. The percentage is low, the internet
connection is slow. And that’s everyone’s problem.]

In discussing the digital challenges encountered, student shared personal and

relevant experience.

As a student, what are the challenges that you encountered in

this digital era? As a student. syempre po ngayon ma’am… wala,
ngayon sana ma’am hindi... hindi ako makakaano kasi wala pa
akong load. Based po ito sakin. Pag wala ka kasi ma’am load di
ka rin makakapag. di ka rin makakakuha ng idea, kasi po ngayon
ma’am lahat naka based na sa technology e. yung iba po kasi
samin MDL, mahirap po kapag wala kaming internet. Kasi po
hindi po namin... di namin maintindihan, di po, di po namin
masyado naintindihan yung about po don sa module. About don
sa nilalaman ng modules namin kaya kailangan po namin ng
internet connection to have idea and masagutan namin ng
maayos yung mga pinagagawa po samin. Ayon po yung pinaka
problem namin kakulangan ng access kasi sobrang bagal pa po
kahit, kahit you have a load, you have 50 pesos’ load pag-pag
umulan hihina pa po o di na namin magamit ng maayos kahit
kaka-load mo lang po mahina na agad yung signal parang di mo
rin po ma-enjoy yung data na ni-load mo. [As a student, what
are the challenges that you encountered in this digital era? As a
student, if I don’t have load, you won’t get any ideas, because
everyone now is based on technology. It is hard if you do not
have internet connection because we cannot understand the
module. About the content of our modules so we need an internet
connection to have an idea and we can answer properly what we
are doing. That's our biggest problem, lack of access because it's
still too slow. You have 50 pesos’ load when it rains it will be
weak or we won't be able to use it properly even if you just load
it. The signal will be weak right away; it looks like you won't be
able to enjoy the data.]

In terms of analysis of poem using TAP, student’s recurrent language

processing strategies is to make explicit interpretation in each line of the poem.

I think first part is about… about changes… about changes dahil
po don sa title. And its about everything…everything in life is…
lahat ng bagay sa mundo napapalitan. Everything in life
changes. Looking forward po tapos naka move on na po. You’re
not scared in everything [I think the first part is about change
because of its title. It is about how everything is interchangeable.
Everything in life changes. Looking forward because you moved
on. You are not scared of everything.]

Student inferred the general meaning of the lines in the poem supported with


No longer to, I fear. ---*Whispering*----- no need to run and

alt..no need to run… no need to run in altar…. because... because
nasa ano po... nasa... nasa kanya na po yung panalangin. Ma’am
yung pang malakas na panalangin yung tiwala, ganon. The fire
of prayer in the mouth. [No longer, I fear. No need to run to the
altar because he already has the prayer. The strongest prayer is
trust. The fire of prayer in my mouth.]

She cited personal experience/ real life scenario in relation to the poem.

Once, once na... ano po... once na... once po na katulad po ng na-
hospital yung kapatid ko, I’m always praying po na gumaling
siya every time po.

Para... para pong he or she did not scare in everything ganon po

yung sa no longer between my teeth. The tremble that I have
offended. Newton as a habit of centuries. Inhabits my skull; I
know of gravity and rot. [Just like when my sibling was brought
to the hospital, I’m always praying that he recovers. It's just like
he or she was not scared in everything, that’s ‘no longer between
my teeth’. ‘The tremble that I have offended. Newton as a habit
of centuries. Inhabits my skull; I know of gravity and rot.’]

In line with answering the comprehension questions, student was able to infer

the main idea of the poem based from the title itself. “What is the poem all

about? The poem all about is about things change, change.”

Student explained that she considered herself as the persona in the poem as they

share common experience.

Who do you think is the persona in the poem? I think the persona
or the speaker of the poem is... is me po. Kasi po at first, I-I don’t
understand the-the lines pero nung naexplain nyo po the process
of think aloud nabasa ko, when I read it ng paulit-ulit narelate
ko na po siya sa sarili ko. [Who do you think is the persona in
the poem? I think the persona or the speaker of the poem is me.
Because I cannot understand the lines but when you explain the
process of think-aloud, I read it over and over again, I was able
to relate myself to it.]

She identified different figures of speech supported with the lines in the poem.

“Yung the fire of prayer in my mouth, ano po, hyper-hyperbole.

No longer run to my altar in the woods, the fire of prayer in my
mouth the tremble, Repetition kasi po may gusto rin siyang
ipaintindi sakin.”
newton as a habit of centuries inhabit my skull; I know-
hyperbole [The ‘fire of prayer in my mouth’ is hyperbole. ‘No
longer run to my altar in the woods, the fire of prayer in my
mouth, the tremble’ is a Repetition because he also wants to
make me understand something. Newton as a habit of centuries
inhabits my skull.]

She inferred the theme and moral/lesson of the poem based on her own

understanding through making implicit conclusions.

“I think the theme of the poem, is about change of your life if

The lesson of the poem “don’t be scared in changes and always
think thaat God is here for us.” [I think the theme of the poem is
changes of your life. The lesson of the poem is doesn’t be scared
of changes, and always think that God is here for us.]

In terms of analysis of listening passage, student was able to make relevant

conclusions in understanding the text. Also, she was able to summarize the

content of the listening passage.

“The listening passage is about persuasion to persuasion…the

persuasion is the persuasion is the tool of convincing someone
and their… and their and meron pong three (3) three basic tools
yung persuasion. Yung pagpu-pursuade po yung athos, pathos
and logos. First, yung pathos... athos, athos is the way of
speaker… the way of speaker… the way of speaker convincing
as a…as a credible source. For example, po. Ano po yung ee
nanghihingi ka po ng advice in someone tas ayan pag na
convince ka po nila ay yung nanghihingi ka po ng advice
sakanila tas feel nyo po na mapagkakatiwalaan sila at totoo feel
nyo po mapagkakatiwalaan sila at tama yung sinasabi nila, ayon
po yung athos. Next, po yung pathos naman, pathos naman po
yuuung dealing in... dealing in emotions sasabihin po para po-
pong yung example naman po sa ano sa pathos yung…. Pathos,
ikukwento mo po yung mga pinagdaanan mo na nangyari para
po maka live-in sila. Tapos yung sa logos naman po, your... sa
logos naman po para maniwala sayo... para po maniwala sila
sayo you need to show some… you nedd to show some
evidences statistics and something po na... something po na para
mapaniwala mo sila. Yun po pagkakaintindi ko.” [The listening
passage is about persuasion. Persuasion is the tool of convincing
someone. There are three (3) basic tools of persuasion. Athos
(Ethos), Pathos and Logos. First is Athos (Ethos) the way of a
speaker to convince as a credible source. For example, you are
asking for advice from someone, then they will convince you.
You will feel they are trustworthy and true, so that’s Athos
(Ethos). Next is Pathos, it is dealing with emotions. For example,
you will tell the story of what you went through, so that they can
live-in. While Logos, for them to believe you, you have to show
evidence, statistics and something to convince them. That’s what
I understood.]

“Persuasion is a tool of convincing someone there…there has a

three basic tools of persuasion. ethos, pathos and logos. ethos is
the way of persuasion that… that you have aahm a credible
source or-or trustworthy to persuade someone. And pathos... and
pathos is the way of persuasion that dealing with emotion. And
logos is… and logos is your you’re showing statistics to the
person... to the person para po mapers- para po ma-persuade mo
siya and... yun lang po.” [Persuasion is a tool of convincing
someone. There are three (3) basic tools of persuasion, Ethos,
pathos and logos. Ethos is the way of persuasion that has
credible source or trustworthy to persuade someone. Pathos is
the way of persuasion that deals with emotion. And logos, you
have to show statistics to persuade then. That’s all.]

Think aloud responses of student no. 15 revealed the different reading

strategies such as processing the meaning of texts through making explicit

interpretation, translation, and repetition. Metacognitive strategies used in

reading comprehension play an important role in students' academic success and

enhancement of metacognitive strategies can advance reading ability. of

(Channa, Nordin, Siming, Chandio, & Koondher, 2015). Also, citing personal

observation and real-life experience, justifying the main ideas through making

conclusions based on own understanding. Student reported her personal

testimonies while answering learning episode no. 2 as she relates her current

situation in one the topics in reading text analyzed which centered on digital

literacy. She reflected on her experience as modular students on how she battled

and pursued her study in the new normal setting.




This chapter expounded learners’ executive cognition about their reflections. It

answered research question no. 3. How do students undertake introspection on their

executive cognition?

Table 7
Participants’ Introspection on Executive Cognition

Category Properties Frequency Percentage

Schematic personal and academic experience 10 67%

Integrative 3 20%

Interdisciplinary 4 27%

Visualization Citing personal/ practical 8 53%


making judgements about the 4 27%

existing phenomenon

Constructing meaning through 9 60%

relevant experience

Strategies in Repetition 3 20%

Explicating the
Meaning of Text

It can be deduced from the result of partipants’ executive cognition through

introspection that 10 or 67% of students utilized schematic processing through sharing

their personal and background experience in understanding the meaning of reading and

listening text which got the highest percentage. It magnified that majority of TVL

learners process their comprehension through schematic processing. Visualization got

the second highest percentage which revealed students’ cognitive processing in terms

of constructing the meaning of text with a percentage of 60% or 9 students. It can be

inferred from the result that students created meaning through sharing relevant

experience. Meanwhile, integrative processing got the lowest percentage which

delineates that student rarely integrate their experience in a specific discipline. Only

three (3) or 20% of students applied integrative processing in comprehending the

meaning of text. In terms of students’ strategies in explicating the reading and listening

texts, note taking got the lowest percentage score with a percentage of three (3) of 20%

of students. It means that not all students practice note taking to ensure important details

of reading and listening text during their exposure on Think Aloud Protocol and


Content schemata are important in readers' comprehension of reading texts.

Reading comprehension can be hampered by a lack of content schemata. As content

schemata facilitate comprehension, they contribute to learners' understanding of a text.

Language learners who have no background knowledge or experience with a specific

topic will be unable to understand what is read. Students claimed that relying on prior

knowledge helped them comprehend the content-familiar text and that they used their

visualization to relate it to personal experience (Radzi & Aziz, 2013).

6.1 Schematic

6.1.1 Personal and academic experience. Students claimed in their introspective

response that they arrived with a particular decision and meaning through based

on their personal and academic experience.

6.1.2 Integrative. Also, some students mentioned that they are aware with

contextual issues. It can be concluded that students become integrative as they

share some practical applications learned from the course of their subject.

6.1.3 Interdisciplinary. Also, some students mentioned that they are aware with

contextual issues. It can be concluded that students become integrative as they

share some practical applications learned from the course of their subject.

“In journalism, as a part of it, I use art like cartoonist to share

some of my opinions in some issues especially in politics and
certain events that is happening in our country”

I write stories, articles, or I draw by means of cartooning

something that can have an impact on the readers or people who
will see it. So I can’t call myself as a revolutionist right now
because I don’t think that I have such a great impact or power to
other people. That’s why I came up with that answer”

“I use my information to answer those tasks even if it's hard for

me. So, I got some possible answers so I can take it properly
even if it's not the main point of the story”

“Based on my experience, everyone has their goals in life, it just

depends on how they will achieve it. How they will accept it.”

So based on my experiences, and my knowledge about past

lessons from my teachers. Because that is taught to us in ESP”

“We can relate in this context. It is based on my experience.

Also, I know economic issues or political issues.”

Haynes and Leonard (2010) found that, over time, interdisciplinary

studies students’ views of themselves as learners, their peers and faculty, and

their own sense of agency related to knowledge construction moved from

relying on external authorities to the “crossroads” (Baxter Magolda, 2001,

2004). According to Baxter Magolda (2001, 2004) the “crossroads” is a

transition point at which students recognize the limitations in relying on external

authorities and move towards a growing confidence in their own views. This

transition is evident in defining relationships (intrapersonal dimension), in

figuring out personal priorities and goals (interpersonal dimension), and in

making decisions or thinking critically (epistemological dimension). Haynes

and Leonard (2010) explored how students learn to integrate insights from

disciplinary perspectives through an interdisciplinary curriculum and residential

community; in the process, students demonstrated greater cognitive complexity

over time. However, these insights into interdisciplinary learning do not satisfy

fully the broader expectation, expressed by higher education leaders, that

undergraduates become integrative learners.

6..2. Visualization
Students processed the meaning of language through their imagination. Most of

them sympathized with the character’s experience and imagine themselves in the shoe

of the author or persona. In connection to this, students incorporate their background

knowledge or personal experience to elaborate and clarify their answers to intensify

visualization in explaining the meaning of text. Students tend to become reflective in

putting themselves in the situation of the characters.

As manifested in the analyses of meaning of the different reading passage, the

following narrative statements exhibited visualizing and imagining themselves in the

shoe of the character and author.

Emotional processing, social cognition, and undeveloped state cognition may

convert brain organizations that subtend sensible reflection or meta-cognitive aptitudes,

or they may be instrumental in the influence of such introspective capabilities. Re-

description of one's manners in social or emotional contexts turns out to be the

mechanism that underpins introspection.

6.2.1 Citing personal/ practical experience

“I said that because I’m also an artist. I can see my image to
those artists whose revolutionaries. I can imagine those
revolutionaries in the past year, and in the time of revolution.”

“While I’m saying those guide questions Maam, I thinking that
revolution in the story is to give information”

“I came up with that by myself. This person represents me

because I have low confidence. I tried everything even if people
may laugh at me. And even if they will laugh, I know to myself
that I did my best.”

“I’m reminiscing about the past. My answers are all based on

my real-life experiences. Before, I wanted to become a teacher,
because I love children. I love teaching, my knowledge, and
because I prefer to talk to young people. But when I grow up, I
feel ashamed to be with people I do not know. So maybe my
dream changed when I grew up.”

When readers engage in intentional, problem-solving thinking processes, they

derive meaning from text. According to the data, text comprehension improves

when readers actively relate the ideas represented in print to their own

knowledge and experiences, as well as construct mental representations in


6.2.2. Making judgements about the existing phenomenon. In line with the

quantitative experimental study which focused on the cognitive procedures

underlying the text belief consistency effect in readers' representations of

scientific discourse, as well as its reasonableness as a function of text

presentation mode was elucidated by Maier, J., Richter, T., & Britt, M. A.

(2018) on Cognitive progressions underpinning the text‐belief consistency

effect. Textual information that is relevant to a reading decision or viewpoint

gets more attention and is more thoroughly embedded in the student's mental

representation of the text. Prior beliefs of readers can also be used as relevance

principles in a specified manner when judging the contributing value of a text

section in connection to the readers' reading project. Based on presentation

style, differences in participants' immediate and delayed processing of belief

consistent and belief inconsistent claims and arguments

6.2.3. Constructing meaning through relevant experience

6.3. Strategies in Explicating the Meaning of Text

6.3.1. Repetition. In line with the strategies of students in explicating the

meaning of text as revealed in the narrative statements and introspection:

“I came up with that answer because in the passage,

revolutionary is being said repeatedly. And also some sentences
that described what revolution is or what it should be in order to

So, I came up with that by remembering the lines that are very
helpful in the audio.”

[Then I read it over and over again as if that's all I understand

there. What I said and I explained there. Then if I read another
part, Oh no! It looks like something else and then I'll just do it
again. I'll just explain again what the connection is.]

[I answered that because from what I’ve read, and my thinking.]

It’s because of what’s coming into my mind. I let out whatever
words that come into my mind.]

In the quantitative study of Nguyen & Phung (2021), the results implied

that the learners' metacognition formation and exercise processes appeared to

be a mix of memorizing and assessing about remembering and remembering

and evaluating about remembering, students were aware of their metacognition,

but their stages of consciousness varied and were disordered. The processes by

which learners form metacognition are dynamic and disordered. When faced

with confusion or a lack of understanding, learners' problem-solving abilities

enabled them to follow text sequences.

6.3.2. Based on explicit understanding. There are varied ways on how students

create meaning. In terms of constructing meaning, they explicate the meaning

of text through identifying the main idea of the passages. Students based their

answers/ interpretation through the title and own understanding. Also, they

claimed that they encountered difficulty in understanfing the meaning of text.

As mentioned in the Qualitative- Case study of Alkhaleefah (2017) on

strategic processing of text variations as he examined and interpret students’

processing of different texts. The narrative text proved to be more difficult.

Structuring variations in narrative and expository texts had a significant impact

on the measure and quality of reported problems and reading approaches by

readers used in writing. In terms of the number of instances signaling,

expository texts outnumber expository texts. eliciting more strategic processes

explicit problems, for dealing with new problems for various reading

conditions/tasks. EFL readers must be trained on how to identify and monitor

their L2 reading problems and comprehension breakdowns while reading

various texts, as well as how to use a variety of word-related and text-related

strategies to solve any reading difficulties they encounter in texts with these

emerging issues. Also, consideration of unambiguous cases of subjects chosen,

the specific academic context.

Students construct meaning based on the text (explicit), based on

understanding, guessing, and sharing personal experience.

“So in this sentence we know that we have to think about the

people before we think about ourselves. Only this attitude can
be defined as truly revolutionary attitudes. So I experienced
something like that before, there’s a situation -- that we need to
put others first before ourselves. For example, our sibling asked
us for help in his assignment, but I’m also doing my school
words. For me, I will do his assignment first before mine,
because I think he really needs it. I will go and help my brother
first, because I think that should be the attitude of a revolutionary

“Based on my understanding of the text of number 3 ... if
someone hates you be good to them no matter what happens.”

[In this text, ‘the good, the useful and the beautiful of every
action’ based on this, the things we do should be useful or could
benefit others as the time goes by. Sometimes, we do
unnecessary things or waste our time on things that we do not
need in our daily life.]

“So in this last paragraph, my understanding about this is, even

though we are not revolutionary artists, we can express ourselves
even ---so this paragraph, revolution and writers are connected
to each other because they can express themselves. Because of
revolutionary artists, we can tell other people the real situation.
Writers can express themselves even though -- like me, I’m not
a writer but I can say what I want to say because it is my own
perception. I think I can express myself”.

In line with reconstructing as one of the ways on how students process

the meaning of language is through reconstruction, students modify the main

idea of the selection through citing relevant situation that their experience. Also,

they construct alternative meanings. In answering comprehension questions,

students were asked to five or proposed title from the selection read. Majority

of the students were able to create their own title supported with clarifications

and elaboration of their reason in proposing the said title.

“Everything changes. Based on my understanding, things

change like people, they change. Nothing is permanent,
everything changes. Example whatever problem throws at you
or falls on you we must have faith in God.”

I think the theme of this poem changes. There, changes, because

I think the theme or the title itself is the same. It’s all about
changes in our life, because it is how we show it to everyone.

[What is the selection all about? It is all about revolution. How

does the author define being revolutionist/revolutionary? Wait,
I know this. Ma’am being revolutionaries, you can express
yourself, your own ideas, and as long as you have the freedom
to say what you want to say. You want to write; you want to
convey to the person the ideas that they can understand better.
The real idea that can make them understand and can change.
This is about the ideas that they want to fight, that they want to

6.3.3. Affective Processing of Language Students revealed that in processing the

meaning of language as exhibited in their understanding of the different

passages. They become reflective and emotional. Expressing overt reaction and

appreciating the situation analyzed in the text. In transcoding the meaning of

text. They expressed deep appreciation and empathized in the situation that is

relatable to their personal experience.

Introspection on affective processing as examine in the review of

Pavlenko (2012), as he scrutinized that introspective method look at how

speakers perceive the emotionality of language, despite the differences

exhibited among first and second language speakers. It was revealed that

affective processing might be differently exemplified in some bilingual

speakers, they treated language semantically but not affectively as discussed in

the examination of the findings of introspective research of multilingual

affective processing, they choose language for emotional expression, how they

think about language, and how they use it. It implies that participants did not

have direct access to affective processing during introspection; rather, it

provided participants with information about affective processing. Word and

language assessments may draw on a variety of cognitive decision-making

bases: exemplified perceptions of language emotionality may be used to rate the

emotional weight of forbidden words and swearwords.

It can be inferred from the narrative statements how do students process

the meaning of text based from their emotional response:

“Oh, in this stanza, I can relate to this because, me as a person,

I will think first of whatever I will say to the others before I utter
the words or before I say it.”
[So, every goal there will be changes in what is happening in the
present. For example, when I was a child, my dream or passion
was to become a teacher. But now in the present, I don’t want to
become one because maybe it would be too hard for me to
become a teacher.

Oh my God! (Covered her mouth with her hand) so every

college graduate that got this course or degree offered a higher
salary. Okay. [It’s high!] Unfair!

“The theme of the poem is, encouraging, self-motivation

because some lines of that poem give you motivation to change
in every situation. Like if the situation is not comfortable feeling,
something like that, you need to change. Also, your attitude in
that situation.

Don’t be afraid and just pray and believe in God because no

matter what trials you feel or fears you feel, it won’t last long,
that’s all]

While they read, good readers also keep the information regarding

authors of the text in mind, such as their style, historical background, beliefs,

and intentions. Overall, good readers find reading satisfying and productive

(Trezek, Wang & Paul, 2010).

Students expressed their personal reflections in identifying the theme

and lesson of the passage analyzed. It can be concluded that in reconstructing

the meaning of text, students shared personal experience and reflective and

affective thoughts.

In line with the cognitive processing strategy utilized by ESL learners

as revealed in the experimental study of Healy (2018) is the utilization of

affective construction in American Sign Language (ASL). Interpretation is

improved by adopting a cognitive model of communication rather than the

conduit model implied in many communication models. This also supported in

the review of Maia and Santos (2018) on language, emotion, and the emotions:

The multidisciplinary and linguistic background as they recognize the

multifaceted relationship between emotion and cognition, as well as the issues

it raises. It was emphasized that emotion and language are influenced by,

anthropological psychology, sociology, neuroscience, philosophy, and

computer science viewpoints, and cover not only the spoken or written form of

the essential concepts of emotion, but also metaphors of emotion manifestation

through facial communication, body language, and physical responses, as well

as independent language in broad-spectrum.

I think the theme of this poem is, because of his past experiences,
he became strong, or like what we are now (strong) because of
our past experiences.]

. For me, it could also be the theme or the lesson that does not
regret what you feared before because that’s what shaped you
into what you are. What has made you strong and independent

As stated in the introspective response of the student they come

up with their answers based on:

Maam, I think, I feel that based from reading it, I feel like I
should make effort to make my dreams come true

[I came up with that answer because I have full faith in God,

wow! If I have a problem, I just pray to God. Just get up and be
happy. You can survive the problem but always put God in the
center. There, that’s why I came up with that answer because of
my experiences.]

So, I came up to that answer because in -- expressing myself uh

to that passage or to that word by -- the word of believing in
yourself. [Because of the passage, there’s this phrase ‘believe
yourself the revolutionaries’, so I came up with that answer
because I expressed myself from that passage because of that.]

I think that passage reflects to me, that’s why I said that. It seems

like a calling.]

During that time, it seems like, the more I think about it, the
more I think about the problems in life. So that's what I

[I think, as a student, there will be a lot of challenges in school,

in family, and in how I can communicate with my studies.]

Analysis of the contexts and conditions under which habitual patterns in

L1 are replaced or maintained by transfer based on typological modifications

and comparisons between first and second language speakers, or how new

patterns transpire, particularly in bilinguals. The effects of linguistic typology

on nonverbal online spatial cognition were studied, specifically visual attention,

cognitive symbols, and retention. Another review was discussed by Unal and

Papafragou (2018) on issues pertaining to the domain of evidentiality sources

of information. The way cognition and language interact is that natural

languages differ in their lexical-structural resources. Languages use various

methods to encode space, motion, number, and objects. The cross-linguistic

variances raise the question of whether various language speakers' fundamental

conceptual representations differ. Because it is required for formation, the

ability to reason about the sources of information is an important feature of

human cognition as well as bringing worldviews up to date. The link can be

tested using the concept of evidentiality.

6.4. Participants’ Individual Introspection on Executive Cognition

6.4.1. Student 1(Executive Cognition). It can be noted that student 1 was able

to analyze the different reading passages by explicit understanding of the text.

“I came up with that answer because, in the passage, revolution

is being said or revolutionary is being said repeatedly. And also,
some sentences described what is revolution or what should be

that in order to the revolution to be succeeded”

Student processed the meaning in line with his background experience.

So, I come up with that by remembering the lines that are said,
certain lines that are very helpful in the audio. And, also, I came
up with that because I'm familiar with that because that's our
lesson in oral communication last year.

Reflecting answers and citing relevant experience.

“In journalism, as a part of it, I use art like cartoonist to share

some of my opinions in some issues especially in politics and
certain events that is happening in our country”

“I said that because there are some people, I knew that, they
don’t want to participate in the revolutionary”

He claimed that basis for effective inferences were based from observation and

affirming/ negating. Also, he mentioned that note-taking helped him to

remember and recall lines in the passage to support his conclusion and


“I came up with that answer that I consider myself as

revolutionary but also that, and I gave an example in our school
because I write stories, stories, articles, or I draw cartooning that
can have an impact on the readers or people who will see it. So
I can’t call myself as a revolutionist right now because I don’t
think that I have such a great impact or power to other people,
that’s why I came up with that answer”

“I think, I just, first I listen to each line carefully and take down
notes in my mind or remember some words that are going to,
some which is very important just like in that passage, I take
down in my mind”

It can be inferred from the introspective interview of student no. 1 that he was

able to analyze the reading and listening texts through explicit understanding of

text, based form background knowledge. Arriving at reflections through citing

relevant experience. One of the effective strategies was note taking to recall

significant information which helped him to process the meaning of texts. It can

be concluded that student no.1 predominantly used his background knowledge

and relevant experience in exploring the meaning of passages. Metacognitive

readers continually assess themselves in order to test their decisions, behaviors,

and the effects of these on and for successful reading experiences. Self-

assessment allows independent readers to direct and control their experiences.

elf-assessment allows independent readers to direct and control their

experiences (Ozturk, 2020).

6.4.2. Student 2 (Executive Cognition). As revealed in the introspective

interview, student shared his experience in making meaning to the text read by

explicit interpretation though he experienced difficulty in understanding the


In that time when I answered the guide question, I worried about

it because of some of the languages. I cannot understand
actually. And I can’t cross it doing this task. It is hard to do, hard
to do, because it's deep.

I use my knowledge. I use my information to answer those, to

answer those tasks even if it's hard for me. So, I got some, some
possible answers so I can take it properly even if it's not the main
point of the story.

Yes ma'am, I said that because I’m also an artist so I can see my
image to those artists whose revolutionaries I can imagine to
those revolutionaries in the past year, in the time of revolution
that’s why I said yes. I think even I am just a student without
practice in the art, without practicing as an artist. I think I’m
really a revolutionary also because everyone is revolutionaries
for me, I think

Remembering lines in the text also helped him to answer the comprehension


While I’m saying those guide questions Maam, I thinking that

revolution happen, happen to the story is give me some
I learned it from the passage. I get that info and I, yea I answered.

Also, student utilized intertextuality to support his idea in processing the

meaning. Factual information from news and surveys from social media

contribute to better understand the passage.

“Actually, I see that in the news. We depend, all over the world
depend on the technology in the province area, in the province
area most likely they didn’t because they have no internet. So, I
actually came up with that when I saw that news.”

“I heard that from the magazine -- or social media and even on

the news. Everyday they have what you call that? Cyberbullying
that happens everywhere. So, I came up with that, I said that it
is in the news, social media, news paper.”

Citing observable phenomenon and imagination played a vital role in examining

the meaning of text.

“I based just on what I see right now, right those days. I said that
we have low incomes but we buy”

Sharing personal experience made a great impact in coming up with the


“I encountered bullying those days. that I was being, I got some

pictures, but it's really like, I don’t know -- what do you call that?
It’s (pretty? Critique? creepy?) like that, so was being bullied.
So I delete that, so no one can see.”

“I came up with that myself. This person represents me because

I have low confidence. I tried everything even if it's, I can be,
they can laugh at me. Even if they laughed at me, I know to
myself that I did my best.”

Introspective responses of student no. 2 revealed various reading

strategies on how he examined the meaning of texts such as reflecting to his

personal experience. Despite the difficulty encountered in scrutinizing the text,

remembering the lines from the text served as a stepping stone to answer

comprehension questions. Monitoring reading strategies can have a significant

impact on students' achievement of task objectives because they tend to reread

texts and pay close attention to challenging segments. In line with the

development and enhancement of metacognitive strategies created based on

how learner’s plan, monitor, and evaluate in order to advance reading ability,

(Steensel, Oostdam, Gelderen, & Schooten, 2016). Factual information like

news and surveys were utilized in order to justify his standpoint. Sharing

personal experience through imagination and visualization contribute in deeper

understanding of the text.

6.4.3. Student 3 (Executive Cognition). He claimed that remembering and

recalling lines in the passage help him to process the meaning.

I answered that po is because what I, naalala po sa mga nabasa

ko po. Yun po.
what I’ve uhm, kung ano po yung my thinking po, my mind [I
answered that because from what I’ve read, and my thinking.]

, it’s because what is coming into my mind po. Kung ano po kasi,
uhm, what uh what words processing into my mind, nasasabi ko
po talaga [It’s because of what’s coming into my mind. I let out
whatever words that come into my mind.]

Relating to his academic experience and personal experience in a particular

subject specifically in one of their major subjects in Food Technology help him

to realize the meaning of text.

“Based po sa experience po kasi, kasi po diba ano everyone

naman po have their goals in life, ano nakadepende nalang po sa
kanila kung paano po nila makakamit yung goal nila. Kung
paano po nila iano, tatanggapin or ano, (looked up) or kukunin.
Gusto ko po sana ipabasa “[Based on my experience, everyone
has their goals in life, it just depends on how they will achieve
it. How they will accept it.]

Uhm ano bumabalik po sa past kasi kumbago po ano, true to life
po yung answer ko dyan kasi po na, di ko po talaga, kasi nuong
una gusto ko po talaga maging teacher, kasi I love children, I
love teaching, uhm, my knowledge, kasi mas’ gusto ko po talaga
makipag usap sa mga kabataan po sa mga kabataan po. Kaso
when I grow up, parang nahihiya na makisalamuha sa mga hindi
ko kilala kaya siguro nag iba yung dream ko sa paglaki ko po.
[I’m reminiscing about the past. My answers are all based on my
real-life experiences. Before, I wanted to become a teacher,
because I love children. I love teaching, my knowledge, and
because I prefer to talk to young people. But when I grow up, I
feel ashamed to be with people I do not know. So maybe my
dream changed when I grew up.]

So yung ano po is, based on my experience and my knowledge

about the uhm past lesson to ano sa mga teachers po. Kasi
tinuturo po yan, tinuturo po sa amin yan sa ESP po. [So based
on my experiences, and my knowledge about past lessons from
my teachers. Because that is taught to us in ESP.]

Ganun na kailangan pag isipan muna. Think before you click

nga po, yun nga po yung kasabihan diba. Pag isipan po ng
mabuti namnamin po ng mabuti kung tama ba yung gagawin mo
or mali. Kasi po ano, kasi po pwede po yun maka apekto sa ano
mo, sa future po kung susundin mo ba yung iniisip mo or hindi
po. [That’s what you need to think about first. Think before you
click, they said. You have to think carefully if your actions
would be right or wrong. It may affect your future, if you will
follow what’s on your mind or not.]

“I can relate to myself and also, we relate the context what is all
about uhm I think it is based on my experience or also to what I
know about the uhm, economic issues or political issues [We
can relate in this context. It is based on my experience. Also, I
know economic issues or political issues.]

Reading with a purpose from social media and news are advantageous

in processing the text.

“Uhm, I come up with uhm, through social media and news”

“I have taken down notes what uhm what I understand the
listening passage is all about. Kaya po uhm nasummarized ko po
sya ng maayos and naorganized” [I have to take down note on

what I understand in the listening passage. That’s why I
summarized it well and organized it.]

As manifested in the introspective responses of student no. 3, it can be

delineated that reading strategies in cognitively processing the meaning of

reading and listening texts such as recalling, remembering, sharing academic

and personal experience help him to organize the meaning of text. Also, he

mentioned that reading from social media and news are essential in expounding

the meaning of text. Note taking was also introduced as an aid in understanding

and summarizing the listening passage.

6.4.4. Student 4 (Executive Cognition). As manifested in the introspection,

student concluded that he based the processing of meaning of the text on his

own understanding and frequent repetition of words.

“Because of that passage po, Maam I remember that artist and

writers wanted to help to grow or build the revolution.””
“The word revolutionary was mentioned in the selection po
Maam. Then, I think the passage is all about for that po Maam.”

Is to gain knowledge for me. I know to myself that I’m not good
in english, but some words, and sentences have learn for me to
understand the meaning of revolutionary. And all about in that
selection po Maam. [Is to gain knowledge for me. I know that
I’m not good in english, but some words, and sentences have
taught me to understand the meaning of revolutionary. And all
about in that selection po Maam.]

Because in the poem, I remember the line, you can run, wherever
you go, you can run, -- wait I don’t remember the line now. But
I came up with that answer because the poem is to give the idea
of changes, everything po Maam.

Words being repeated often are basis to identify the main idea of the selection.

There hmm always po, mention the revolutionary word in the

selection po Maam. Then, I think the passage is all about for that
po Maam.

. And, so I came up to that title po because the selection is always
mentioning the revolutionaries, and the intellectuals of the
people. Yes, they will be a revolutionist someday po. [And, so I
came up with that title because the selection always mentions
the revolutionaries, and the intellectuals of the people. Yes, they
will be a revolutionist someday po.]

Reflective realizations in citing personal and authentic experience which are

relevant and timely helped in deepening the meaning of passage.

“So, in hmm, in this we face pandemic po now. And we need to

hmm use facebook, messenger, google meet and any website to
communicate others po.” [So, in this we face pandemic po now.
And we need to use facebook, messenger, google meet and any
website to communicate with others po.]

Because po Maam in our country po Maam, there’s so many

people they don’t have work, and stable work, and they can’t
earn money. [Because po Maam in our country po Maam, there
are so many people they don’t have work, and stable work, and
they can’t earn money.]

Because I came up with that answer po maam, now we need

internet access, to get information like when we make some

I came to that answer po Maam, because, now pandemic we face

the changes. Like transportation, some people didn't get work.
They stop in work because the pandemic we face now.

Maam, I answered that I know to myself that, there's something

changed in everything, in everywhere and also in the person po

In our house po kasi Maam, my house chores is to wash the

dishes Maam. So, I came to that example of dishwashing liquid
that removes the bacteria and sebo (grease) po Maam.

Critical and careful synthesis of text in summarizing the content of the passage.

“I listened the passage and carefully listened the message they

give and the information that I need to gather. Then after po
Maam, I’m going to summarize it then to have some idea din po
Maam to --- (express or say) yes po Maam.” [I listened to the
passage and carefully listened to it, they gave information that I
needed to gather. Then after po Maam, I’m going to summarize
it then to have some idea din po Maam to --- (express or say) yes
po Maam]

Student no. 4 claimed in his introspective responses that some of the

strategies that helped him process the meaning of text embodies re-reading of

important lines in the passages, identifying the main idea through repetition of

words, reflecting and citing personal and authentic experience relevant in

developing the meaning of texts. Language and cognitive systems are

inextricably linked. Language, according to traditional theories of language and

cognition, is built on humans' conceptual repertoire, and the acquisition of

linguistic meaning is bound by underlying mental representations of human

experience (Unal & Papafragou, 2018)

6.4.5. Student 5 (Executive Cognition). Student revealed that he processed the

meaning of text based on his own understanding. Recalling the lines in the

passage helped him to clarify the intended meaning to give explicit explanation.

Hmm because artist is, I think artist is different from good artist
eh. Yung hmm good artist uh there are some meanings, while
those, I think like those good artists those are not self-
proclaimed artist that -- ganun po. [I think artists are different
from good artists. Good artists have some meanings, while I
think those good artists are not self-proclaimed artists. That’s it.]

Ano po, because --- yung, if we because of the last part po yung,
whatever is good for them, will be good for us, like if they
benefit from it, it will also affect us.
Maam, I think, I feel that based from reading it, I feel like I
should make effort to make my dreams come true. [The last part,
whatever is good for them will be good for us. Like if they
benefit something from it, it will also affect us. Ma’am I think,
from reading it, I feel like I should make an effort to make my
dreams come true.]

Conclusions were based from personal experience which are relatable in the
analysis of meaning of the passage.

“parang based on my experiences po, Parang may nabsa naman

po ata ako Maam” [Based on my experiences, I think I read
something, Ma’am.]

“Based from what I understand it, it threatens us to go on that

side, for example po like those people threaten other people in
order to make allies with them”

In terms of introspective responses of student no. 5, it can be inferred

that he enumerated reading strategies such as recalling, clarifying, and

concluding to explore the meaning of reading and listening texts. Textual

information that is relevant to a reading decision or viewpoint gets more

attention and is more thoroughly embedded in the student's mental

representation of the text. Prior beliefs of readers can also be used as relevance

principles in a specified manner when judging the contributing value of a text

section (Maier, Richter& Britt, 2018).

6.4.6. Student 6 (Executive Cognition). In line with the result of introspective

online interview of student, it revealed that she arrived with various strategies

in understanding the meaning of the different reading passage. Context clues

and word association were helpful in order to explicate the meaning of sentences

and paragraph.

“I answered that because when I read the sentence, I just noticed

some revolutionary words, and uhm, the revolution is the
changes. So my answer is based on that word.”

I based my answer in the sentence,

I based that answer in paragraph number 1, because I think the

author really believes revolution is really important.

“I answered that because I believe that it’s a fact. It’s up to you

if you really want to change your attitude or you will stay in that

kind of attitude.”

“I based on that but last sentence is seeing herself if that is the

reason why he/she is scared”

Also, providing personal judgement about the meaning of words, sentence, and

paragraph could be of help in developing the meaning of text.

“School because uhm, I see some situation that someone saying

a harmful word to that person even though he/she don’t know
that person feel”

Sharing of background experience and personal encounter in a specific situation

based from authentic experience. Affirming and negating to ideas presented in

the text helped the student to judge the value of the text in connection with the

personal point of view and stand.

“I answered that because based on my experience, what do you

call this? I influenced others to do something like when I was
young I influenced my friends to bully a person and treat that
person unfairly. That’s all. “

I also answered that we should know what happened to that

person before using hurtful words. So, I believe it’s true because
we need to be careful in our words that we are going to use
because we really don’t know what happened to that person, or
why he/she did that thing.

“I answered based on my experience again because if i have

some difficulties in understanding a sentence or a paragraph, I
read it again and again, and do some research and ask my
seatmates if I as wrong or if my answers are wrong”

“I based it on this pandemic because we really use the internet

and gadgets just to communicate with others. Communicate with
teachers, friends and families, relative”

I answered that because when I was in Junior High, I didn't have

a cell phone so if I ask myself some questions, or I have
difficulties in answering that question, I need to do some
research in books.

Noting important details to synthesize the information gathered as well as the

unfamiliar words encounter.

“Because you let me hear the voice message twice. So I write

some details that need to be highlighted. So, I also remember
some details that are very important to that voice message.”
It can be concluded from the introspective responses of student no. 6 that she

made use of different reading strategies in recognizing the meaning of texts such

as using context clues and word associations, providing personal judgement,

affirming and negating to the lines presented in the texts. Student

predominantly claimed that she based her reflections on personal and authentic

experience in order to expound the meaning of texts. It was emphasized that

noting important details helped her to recall and answer comprehension

questions in the different learning episodes. Structured self-reflection can

provide effective support for translation students by allowing them to advance

the habit of questioning themselves and stimulating their own presumptions.

Open-ended questions are particularly stimulating because they lead to a more

in-depth discussion and encourage a reflective dialogue (Pietrzak, P. 2019).

6.4.7. Student 7 (Executive Cognition). Student inferred that relating his

personal experience from the different reading texts made a huge impact in

interpreting the meaning of text.

“It came up to me, because it’s my experience. When the teacher

was teaching online, the teacher gave activity, then the activity
that I will answer was not taught to us by my teacher.”

“I come up because it is based on my experiences. I see many

people like beggar, like people don’t have house, like people
sleeping outside”

Because my friends, this is based on my experience again, my

friends, brother and graduated in Grade 12. The graduation is

through online and it’s a live on facebook and all students and
picture and name and want gets honor and all about graduation
is in there

I think, because I think it's me, all of the words in the poem,
hmm, tumatama, hmm.

Because it’s followed me because (coughed) based on like I said,

I relate to the poem,

Explicating the meaning of the passage based on her own understanding through

the help of TAP helped him to process the meaning of text.

“Based on what I hear in the passage, like Pathos, yea it’s all
about people to think and what you do, what you need to, what
you need to do to people, trust you and like it. Like in
commercial like safeguard”

Uh the technique is I hear that, hmm I hear those 2 times

In terms of introspective response of student no.7, it can be explicated that the

reading strategies utilized in exploring the meaning of reading and listening

texts prevalently focused on relating one’s personal experience. Student no. 7

strengthened the fact that, utilization of think aloud protocol helped him to

process the meaning of text. Utilization of think aloud protocols and

comprehensive interviews provided greater insight into the students’ cognitive

processes involved in second language reading (Radzi & Aziz, 2013).

6.4.8. Student 8 (Executive Cognition). Student revealed that he processed the

meaning of the text based on her own understanding.

“Based on the story Maam, and based on my understanding,

based on the passage, or my understanding about the story.”

Maam, I based it in my, in my understanding or my sa narinig

ko Maam. [Ma’am I based it on my understanding or what I’ve

Current situation observed and sharing personal experience from authentic


I based it on our generation because our generation is full of

technologies which we use everyday.

Explicit understanding of text.

Maam because as I said last week or last two weeks, we use this
in our everyday life, the Ethos, Pathos and Logos.
Relating one’s self in the passage within the text

“Maam because based on my story or answer, change is our, our,

ay -- change is the word that we need to do because if we didn’t,
if we don’t change our life, we don’t have ending good happen
to us” [Ma’am because based on the story, change, we need to
do it because if we don’t, we won’t change our life. We won’t
have a good ending.]

Maam because I’m the one who, I’m the one who read and who
answer. And also I’m the one who speak, who speak them, who
share my story. [Ma’am because I’m the one who reads and
answers. I’m the one who speaks with them, and shares my

It can be deduced from the introspective responses of student no.8 that

she utilized various strategies in comprehending the meaning of reading and

listening texts such as recalling, relating current situation from personal

experience. As content schemata facilitate comprehension, they contribute to

learners' understanding of a text. Language learners who have no background

knowledge or experience with a specific topic will be unable to understand what

is read. Students claimed that relying on prior knowledge helped them

comprehend the content-familiar text and that they used their visualization to

relate it to personal experience (Radzi & Aziz, 2013).

6.4.9. Student 9 (Executive Cognition). In line with the result of introspection

interview, student claimed that through observation and personal experience she

was able to gain understanding in the text read.

“Maam I come up with that answer po because I experience po
na ganun po especially sa technology po, it helps po in my
studies. It helps people to apply because yun nga po, I
experience po, and I see in other people, experience it po.”
[Ma’am I came up with that answer because I experience
something like that especially in technology, it helps in my
studies. It also helps people to apply for a job. I experienced it
and saw it in other people.]

“Maam, siguro nag come up po ako sa answer na yan kasi po

nakikita ko rin po or naexperience ko rin po na gusto ko rin po
ng pagbabago kaya nag agree din po ako dun sa sagot.” [Ma’am
maybe, I came up with that answer because I also see or have also
experienced that I also want change so I also agree with the answer.]

I think I come up with that answer po, because I experienced po,

and I see hmm other student or other teenager also experience
that somewhat parang overuse the social media. They not
prioritized their academics po. [I think I came up with that
answer po, because I experienced it, and I saw other students or
teenagers, also experienced that. They overuse social media.
They have not prioritized their academics.]

Giving valuable judgement about the meaning of text by citing personal and

relevant experience.

“Kasi nga parang na experience ko rin po sya. Or I see school

like this po, public school or private school. If you study in
private your internet connection uhm - and computer is prang or
mga technology is complete, and internet action (should be
connection) is somewhat fast? But in public there was just 1 wifi
or 2. So the internet is not that fast po.” [Because it seems like
I experience it as well. I see schools like this, public or private
schools. If you study in private school, technology will be
complete, and the internet action (should be connected) is fast.
But in public schools, there will be just 1 or 2 wifi (connection),
so it’s not fast.]

Uhm, parang I come up po parang kasi sinasabi, kasi parang

pagkakaintindi ko nga po dun sa poem na kaya ayun po yung
naging lessons [I think I come up with that by how I understood
the poem, that’s why that’s the lesson.]

Relating other text read to connect ideas using intertextuality.

“There’s a book that I read that they didn’t direct. So I come up

with that, just like what I’ve said, I read a book that they did not
direct what they really want to say parang may ano po, parang
ano po nagpapaligoy ligoy po sila” [There’s a book that I read,
but it is not direct to the point. They are beating around the bush.]

Getting important ideas for synthesizing and making relevant conclusions.

“Uhm yung technique ko lang po ay parang uhm, kunin mo lang

po yung mahalagang information dun po hindi po lahatkukunin.
Parang pinaka main or pinakamahalagang information po” [My
technique is like, you have to get important information, main
and important ones.]
Student no. 9 revealed in her introspective responses’ strategies in coping with

the meaning of reading and listening texts by sharing and relating her

background and personal experience. Also, sharing the book she has read to

justify her claims and conclusion. She emphasized that getting important ideas

helped her in making relevant conclusions.

6.4.10. Student 10 (Executive Cognition). Student inferred the meaning of text

by based on her personal experience relating to current situation. Remembering

tragic experience which signified that striking lines form the sentence and

paragraph was truly relatable.

“Hmm, I come up that answer is, I about in this pandemic po.”

I think hm, as ano po, uhm problem po maam that in accident
po, I think po.
Hmm, because po uh, about in hmm about in my situation pom,
I remember my accident that time po. [I came up with that
answer because of my situation. I remembered my accident that

Giving interpretation can be easily applied while reading the text.

Hmm. I think hmm, I found it in and I realized the in what I read

po Maam.
I answer that po while I read the article po uhm. I [I think I

answered that while I read the article.]

Taking notes of important details in answering the comprehension questions.

“Hmm video clip po, I wrote po in my paper.”

Student no. 10 revealed in his introspective responses ways on how to

comprehend the meaning of text in the different learning episodes. After a

couple of weeks of being exposed in TAP sessions, he realized that his personal

experience made him understand the meaning of text because the lines he

recalled was exactly related to his personal encounter. He expressed that he can

easily interpret the lines from the different passage during the application of thin

aloud sessions. He also initiated to take down notes in order to summarize the

content of listening texts.

6.4.11. Student 11 (Executive Cognition). Student made a relevant justification

in processing the text analyzed which are based on relating personal


Uh, based lang din po sa experience po, ganun po. Nakarelate

po dun sa binasa po. [Based on my experience. I can relate to
what I read.]

Uh based lang din po sa kung ano po yung nakikita ko sa

environment natin. [Based on what I can see in the

Re-reading and repeating lines in the passage also helped in processing the

meaning explicitly.

“Tapos yung paulit ulit ko syang binasa parang kung ano lang
yung naiintindihan ko dun. Yun yung ano, yun yung sinasabi
ko,yun yung pinapaliwanag ko ganun . Tapos kpag may isang
side ulit na may binasa ulit ako, hala! Parang iba nanaman tapos
ayun iaano ko nalang ulit papaliwnag ko nalang ulit kung ano
yung kadugtong” [Then I read it over and over again as if that's all I
understand there. What I said and I explained there. Then if I read
another part, Oh no! It looks like something else and then I'll just do
it again. I'll just explain again what the connection is.]

“Hmm based lang din po sa binasa ko” [Based on what I’ve

“Hmm I based lang din naman po sa ano, dun nga po samga
sinabi po sa, or sa kung ano yung binasa ko. Sa tingin ko po yan
po yung pinapahiwatig niya, yung nagiging sagot ko” [Based on
the text I’ve read. I think that's what he's implying, then that's my

Hmm, ano po pinagsama sama ko lang po.

Analyze. Inalyze ko po simula po sa ganun [I combined
everything, then analyze it.]

Importance of watching meaningful videos could be an avenue in inferring the

meaning of word, sentence, and paragraph read.

“Naisip ko po yun nga po panonood po ng youtube, ganun po,

kasi totoo naman po na may nakukuha kahit ako mismo yung
panunuod ko po sa youtube” [I thought of watching youtube, that's
how it is, because it's true that I get something even when I watch

Giving personal judgement and reflections in the cited practical application and

authentic experience.

“Uh based, reality na rin po kasi yun po yung nangyayari, ganun

po.” [Based on reality, because that’s what happening.]

nakikita ko rin po yong sarili ko sa poem kasi yung author or oo,

yung author na nagsulat nun is pwede din na, masasabi ko din
na, pwede din ako kung ano naexperience ko po yung
naexperience nya. Kumbaga naffeel ko siya, ganun. [I can see
myself in the poem. The author wrote it, but I can say that It can
also be me. Whatever I experienced, he did as well. In other
words, I felt him.]

It can be reflected from the introspective responses of Student no.11 that the

role of sharing his personal experience helped him to process the meaning of

texts. In addition, re-reading and repeating the lines in the reading text made

him focused on the lines that he understood that whatever comes to his mind he

will verbalize. Also, he mentioned that watching meaningful videos helped him

inferred the meaning of texts which is essential in reflecting one’s authentic


6.4.12. Student 12 (Executive Cognition). Student revealed that she came up

with her interpretation based from her own understanding, observation, and

personal experience.

“hmm maam kasi that time Maam ano, yun lang yung pumasok
sa, based dun sa binasa ko, yun lang po yung pumasok sa,
naintindihan ko tsaka yun lang po pumasok sa isip ko kaya kung
bakit yan po yung sagot ko.” [Ma’am because that time, based
on how I understood it, that’s all that came to my mind, so that’s
why that’s my answer.]

I feel that, in that passage, I remember something that I

experience to someone. Yes yun po. [I feel that in the passage, I
remembered something I experienced with someone. That’s it.]

Based on uh experience of other people I encounter. Then based

on the stories that I read about urban and rural rather. So I came
up to that because about the story yun nga po. [Based on my
experiences with people I encountered. Then based on the stories
I have read about urban and rural, rather. So I came up with that
(answer) because of the story.]

“I come up with that answer because I have full of pananalig sa

Diyos, wow. Kapag meron po akong problem I pray lang po to
God. And, bangon lang din be happy tapos, hmm ano naman po
eh, massurvive mo naman po yung isang problem basta uhm you
always center the God. yun po kaya I came up to that answer
because based on hmm experience lang din po.” [I came up with
that answer because I have full faith in God, wow! If I have a
problem, I just pray to God. Just get up and be happy. You can
survive the problem but always put God in the center. There,
that’s why I came up with that answer because of my

Based from I read and how I understand the text

She emphasized the importance of understanding the meaning of difficult


“Siguro maam ano, hmm uhm based on the word of redemption.

Redemption kasi Maam ano eh, sa pagkakaintindi ko lang po is,
is about uhm, about saving a person” [Maybe Ma’am, based on
the word redemption. Redemption, based on my understanding,
about saving a person.]

“Based maam dun sa meaning ng exploitation, Maam.

Naintindihan ko lang po yung meaning nun kaya dun po ako nag
come up ng sagot ko.” [Based on the meaning of exploitation. I
just understood the meaning of that so that's when I came up with my

“So ano maam, dun sa binasa ko po na passage na nakalagay po

kasi dun eh attitude. Then based po dun sa thinking of people,
thinking to another people, so parang naisip ko po na kapag dun
po nakapag sagot po ako” [In the passage I read, it says that there is
an attitude. Based on the way people think, thinking to other people,
so I thought of that that’s why I have an answer.]

Recalling the meaning of passage and taking down notes to identify the main

idea and central theme of the selection.

“Uh dun o kasi sa passage na nabasa ko po Maam, nakalagay po

dun kasi na uh- ano ba yun? Meron po kasi ako dun natandaan
na, don’t waste basta may specific po dun na don’t waste. Naisip
ko na ano, irelate ko siya sa pang araw araw na buhay na
ginagawa natin kasi minsan ay - may bagay tayo nagagawa na
hindi naman important.” [On the passage that I’ve read, I
remembered there’s the phrase ‘don’t waste something like that.
So I thought, I will relate it to the daily life we do, because
sometimes there are some things we do, but not important.]

Because to the passage of, the word of believing may naka lagay
po dun na believe, or believe yourself the revolutionaries. So, I
came up to that answer because in -- expressing myself uh to that
passage or to that word by -- the word of believing in yourself.
[Because of the passage, there’s this phrase ‘believe yourself the
revolutionaries’, so I came up with that answer because I
expressed myself from that passage because of that.]

Introspective responses of student no.12 demonstrated her reflections on

the different reading strategies employed in processing the meaning of text such

as reflecting, explicating and remembering important lines from the different

passage in relation to her personal and background experience. She cited

academic experience in relation to the reading text encountered in the different

learning episodes.

6.4.13. Student 13 (Executive Cognition). Student reflected on the processes

applied in analysis of the different reading passage based on understanding,

explication, personal reflections, and remembering personal experience.

“Sa tingin ko po ano, kasi yung passage na yun parang ano,

parang parang nagrelect sa akin kaya nasagot ko po yung
ganyang sagot, parang may ano sa akin, tawag dun? [I think that
passage reflects to me, that’s why I said that. It seems like a

Hmm. for me po ano, for me as uhm kaya po nasagot ko po

yung sagot na yan is katulad ko po hindi po ako uhm
revolutionary artist, ano uhm – hmm [For me, that’s why I
answered that, because I am not a revolutionary artist.]

Hmm, yung ano po yung mismong ano, yung uh -- (hummed)

yung ano po aside from my ano nakikita ko po sa paligid ko.
Mga ganun po. [Aside from what I can see around me, there are
things --]

Ano po parang yun po yung naintindihan ko po sa binasa ko po

kaya nasagot ko po yun. [That’s what I understood from what I
read. So I answered that.]

Sa tingin ko po parang, yung nga po parang sinabi nyo po nuong

nakaraan na sa research, yun po. Struggle din po ako sa research
kaya yun po nilagay ko, [I think it's like, that's what you said last
time in research. I also struggle with research so that's what I put it.]

Kasi po ano, kaya po nasagot ko yan kasi na based din po sa akin

po, minsan kapag kumukuha po ako ng mga ideas sa internet
[That's why I answered that because it's also based on me.

Sometimes I get ideas on the internet.]

During that time po parang, mas ano po yung, mas nasa isip ko
po parang yung mga problema po sa buhay yung naiisip ko po.
Kaya yun po nasagot ko, yung mga problems. Ganun po. [During
that time, it seems like, the more I think about it, the more I think about
the problems in life. So that's what I answered.

Kasi po based po dun sa paragraph 4, pagkakaintindi ko po

[Based on paragraph 4, and how I understood it.]
Based po sa audio, yun parang yan yung tsaka, nag take notes
po ako ng mga nasabi dun sa audio kaya I think yun po yung
pagkakaintindi ko dun sa ano, sa audio. [Based on the audio,
also I took notes of what was said in the audio. That’s what I

Habitual practice and relating to background experience in specific academic


Sa tingin ko po ano, hmm, based on a kaya ko po nasagot yang

title na yan kasi, ginagamit po siya sa araw araw eh. [I think
what, I answered that title because it is being used everyday.]

In line with introspective responses performed by student no. 13, it can

be noted that he was able to decipher the meaning of reading and listening texts

through relating his personal experience in the lines interpreted. Also, he

reflected on the relevance of understanding the meaning of difficult words and

taking down notes to recall the meaning of passages and in identifying the main

idea. Metacognitive readers continually assess themselves in order to test their

decisions, behaviors, and the effects of these on and for successful reading

experiences. Self-assessment allows independent readers to direct and control

their experiences (Ozturk, 2020).

6.4.14. Student 14 (Executive Cognition). Habitual experience and relating to

background experience in specific academic experience.

“Everyday life ko pong ginagawa yun, so kaya yun po agad yung

pumasok sakin, sa isip ko” [I do it in my everyday life. That’s
the first thing that came into my mind.]

“I think Maam, I studied in Dalig, I mean as a food tech student

Maam all that I needed to cook is also there. And then I see, yun
Sir Ed, there’s a lot of hmm tools that been given and also uh,
complete. When you find this, for example, this tools that you
needed very important tools, nandun na po siya. So, yun po yung
pumasok sa akin. Na Dalig can also afford what you need.” [I
think as I studied in Dalig, I mean as a food tech student Ma’am,
all that I need are also there. And then I see Sir Ed, there’s a lot
of tools that have been given, and all complete. When you’ll
look for the tool you need, it is in there. That’s what I
understood, that Dalig (NHS) can also afford what you need.]

As I see in this new normal po, it’s true naman po we all need
uh technology. It is the biggest source of every student. [As I see
this new normal, it is true that we all need technology. It is the
biggest source of every student.]

Hmm ano Maam I think nag isip po ako na every, for me as a

student there’s alot of challenges in school, in family how can i
communicate to my study. This new normal is very hard. [I
think, as a student, there will be a lot of challenges in school, in
family, and in how I can communicate with my studies.]

Recalling the meaning of passage and taking down notes to identify the main

idea and central theme of the selection. Repeating lines in the passage

Uh based on what I read Maam. Based on what I analyzed

I read it three times, the poem I read it three times
Relating background experience in major subject tackled in
TVL. [Based on what I’ve read, I analyzed it and read it three
(3) times, I can relate my background experience in major
subjects tackled in TVL.]

“Summarize all those passages. Ano Maam, uh -- jinot down ko

na po sila lahat. I already wrote the important words that Ineed
to write then parang nabuo ko na po yung words dun. Then the
most special thing Maam is what is the lesson and what is the
message of that passage. “ [Summarize all those passages. I took
down notes, I already wrote important words that I need to write.
And it seems like I put them together. Then the most special

things are the lesson and the message of that passage.]

Student no. 14 claimed in his introspective responses that

habitual and academic experience significantly contribute in processing

the meaning of text in different learning episodes. Another prevalent

strategy in exploring the reading passage was recalling and noting

details in identifying the main idea and theme.

6.4.15. Student 15 (Executive Cognition). Student mirrored on the processes

applied in analysis of the different reading passage based on personal experience

and personal point of view in making relevant judgement.

“Maam kasi po maam because, because in my own experience

na, I already experience n apo kasi uh wait lang po.” [Because
of what I experienced, wait --]

Tsaka po nakakahalintulad ko po siya ngayon time na to, ngayon

time ng quarantine po, katulad po naming mga estudyante.
[Besides, I can compare it now. In this quarantine time, just like us

Comparing and contrasting situation cited. She expressed the importance of

using TAP in understanding the text.

Maam, that time po nung sinasagutan ko po yan, hmm -- bigla

ko pong naalala yung sa idea po ng think-aloud protocol napag
compare ko po sila, kasi po kasi po, halos -- we, halos meron po
silang similarities. Para po mas lalo po silang maintindihan ng
iba. [When I was answering that, I remembered the idea of
think-aloud protocol that I compared them, they almost have
similarities. For the others to understand them better.]

-- because yun po yung nabasa ko sa text. Yun po yung

pagkakabasa ko. Ayun na po yun [Because that’s what I
understood from the text.]

Maam kasi, maam nung time po na binabasa ko siya, nung

napag, napag tugma tugma ko na po yung bawat yun po yung
pagkaka intindi ko sa gustong iparating ng author. [Ma’am the

time that I was reading it, I’ve got a match of --. That’s what I
understood from what the author wants to convey.]

“Maam nung time po na yun, yung time po na inaano po naitn

yan, yung lumabas po sa isip ko nung time na nasa ibang lugar
po ako, nasa rural po ako in province po, sobrang probinsya po
nya. Nung nagbakasyon po ako sobrang hina po ng signal tapos
po hirap na hirap po talaga makakuha ng internet connection.
Tapos nung pag uwi ko po ng urban, nung umuwi na po ako ng
Manila, dun na po ako sa QC sa bahay po talaga namin, sobrang
lakas po ng, nakakagamit po talaga ako hindi po katulad ng sa
urban. Kaya po nag come up yung sagot ko na yun, dhail po sa
idea po na yun.” [The one that came to my mind at the time that
I was in another place. I was in a rural area in a province. When
I was on vacation, the signal was very weak and it was really
hard to get an internet connection. Then when I came home to
Manila, I was there in QC at our house, I really had a nice
connection, I could really use it, not like in the urban (rural).
That’s why I came up with that answer, because of that idea.]

It can be magnified from the introspective responses of student no. 15

that based from his reflections on strategy in elucidating the meaning of text in

the different learning episodes, the following submerged: making relevant

judgement through personal and background experience, comparing and

contrasting the situation shared. Lastly, he strengthened that TAP helped him

understand better the meaning of text. Think aloud assessments capture more

diverse cognitive processes and strategies than traditional comprehension tests.

Think alouds are effective for identifying the cognitive processes associated

with exemplified cognition (Seipel, Carlson, & Clinton, 2017).




This chapter illuminated the grand output of the study on description of TVL

learners’ cognitive processes. It answered research question no. 4. What model

describes the cognitive processing of TVL learners?

Proposed Model

Figure 5
Proposed Model for Cognitive Processing of Language of TVL Learners

This model served as the grand output of the study on how Technical Vocational

and Livelihood leaners cognitively process language. It is created to reveal the students’

language processes. In line with their language processing mechanism, students utilized

visualization and kinesthetic in processing their inner thoughts. Integrative processing

of language functioned as the core language processes wherein, they became more

schematic and affective. Application of transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach

were found to be beneficial in integrative processing of language. Other language

processes were manifested in line with the cognitive dimension of learning of students.

During the application of think aloud protocol, students exhibited multiple cognitive

dimensions as part of their language processes which encompasses; inferring,

evaluating, generating, concluding and creating. These cognitive dimensions uncovered

level of cognitive processing of learners through their implicit and explicit analyses of

reading and listening passages. It can be inferred that students become schematic and

affective in the application of their knowledge across their authentic and reflective

processing of inner thoughts. Also, students utilized comprehension strategies in

processing language through monitoring and repairing as they recognized the source of

comprehension problems and making alternative meanings.

In lieu of the language processes that emerged in the conduct of this study,

grounded theory approach was found to be effective in the analysis of cognitive

language processing of TVL learners that emerged in the study. Think aloud protocol

and introspection were also employed in order for the students to showcase their

language processes.





8.1 Open Coding: Mechanisms of Cognitive Language Processing of TVL learners

Data were coded into four categories that made up the Mechanisms of Cognitive

Language Processing of TVL learners.

8.1.1 Language Mechanism through Visualization and Kinesthetic Signals: it

refers to language mechanism processing of students in line with the result of

think aloud protocol and introspection as they process the meaning of


8.1.2 Integrative Language Processing: Schematic and Affective: it delineates

participants’ way of processing the meaning of text through incorporating prior

knowledge, relevant experience, affective emotions, practical application across


8.1.3 Cognitive Dimension of Language Processing: it explicated students’

processing of meaning of text/ language through cognitive dimensions which

comprises: inferring, concluding, evaluating, synthesizing/ creating in

constructing/ reconstructing/ deconstructing the meaning of text.

8.1.4Comprehension Strategies: Monitoring and Repairing: participants’ report

in different strategies in repairing and monitoring their comprehension as they

recognize the source of comprehension problems concerning lexical challenges.

Figure 6
Mechanisms of Cognitive Language Processing of TVL learners

8.2 Axial Coding

After the interconnecting themes of Language Mechanism through

Visualization and Kinesthetic Signals, Integrative Language Processing, Cognitive

Dimension of Language Processing, and Comprehension Strategies were coded and

categorized, they were analyzed in terms of their unifying relationship on how students’

process the meaning of language.

During axial coding to the connecting themes of integrative processing of

language and cognitive dimension in language processing. The connecting themes were

identified by distinguishing which mechanisms of language processing facilitated

effective language processing, and how these processes were managed and utilized by

TVL learners. Student participants integrated most often integrative processing of

language as they become schematic and affective in processing the meaning of text.

Cognitive dimensions were displayed which constitutes: inferring, concluding,

evaluating, creating and synthesizing. Visualization was utilized as one of the emerging

categories in processing the meaning of text wherein students’ used their mental

imagery, imagination as they empathized with the characters and author in the different


As a result, students facilitate effective processing of language by incorporating

their personal experience, prior knowledge in answering the comprehension questions

and processing the meaning of text during think aloud protocol.

Figure 7
Integrative processing of language and cognitive dimension in language processing

8.3 Selective Category

In the last step of the analysis, integrative processing of language wherein

students become more schematic and affective emerged as an overarching theme for

effective language processing (see Figure3)

In the development of language processing of TVL learners integrative

processing of language which constitutes affective and schematic processing found to

be the core of all the language processing that students utilized. The interconnectedness

of utilizing integrative approach in processing the meaning of text in line with the

cognitive dimension exhibited and comprehension strategies were achieved by the

learners. They were able to perform different cognitively demanding tasks through the

help of their affective and schematic processes in dealing with analysis of reading and

listening passages.

The different language processing accomplished by the learners can result in the

development of their cognitive dimension of learning. Utilizing their background

knowledge and affective processing help them to facilitate their cognitive language

processing mechanism.

In one of the unstructured interviews initiated by the researcher students claimed

that they gained confidence in doing the think aloud protocol and discovered that it

truly helped them to process the meaning of the different passages. Also, students

became reflective and value the importance of reading.

Figure 8
Effective Language Processing


This chapter summarizes the current study's significant themes, conclusions,

and recommendations. The significant themes were the answers to the research

questions being asked by the problem statement, while the conclusions were pulled

from the study's findings. Based on the findings and conclusions, the recommendation

section included a number of proposed solutions.

The present study explored how TVL learners cognitively process language.

Student-participants were found to be integrative which comprises being schematic and

affective in processing the meaning of language. Also, it was revealed that in line with

the utilization of cognitive dimension the following were unveiled in the processing of

meaning of texts: inferring, concluding, generating ideas, evaluating and creating.

Moreover, students recognized source of comprehension problems through monitoring

and repairing. There are strategies that they incorporated as they encountered difficulty

in processing the meaning of text: skimming, scanning, re-reading, words associations,

developing alternative meanings. Although students encountered difficulty in

understanding the texts they were still able to incorporate unifying understanding which

entailed sharing their personal encounter and practical application based on their prior

knowledge and reflective thoughts.

The majority of TVL learners reported processing language using their affective

and schematic processes. In dealing with cognitively demanding tasks, they were able

to integrate knowledge across curriculum learning areas by citing relevant and practical

application of knowledge.

Despite difficulty in some lexical concept, students were able repair and monitor

their understanding utilizing comprehension strategies in processing language

In terms of their language mechanism processing of information, students

utilized visualization through their mental imagery by empathizing with characters in

the passage and imagining oneself in the author or characters situation. Kinesthetic

signals exhibited students’ attitude towards processing language which displayed their

difficulty and confidence in the analysis of different reading and listening tasks.

In addition, students processed the meaning of language considering the cognitive

dimensions, as they infer, conclude, create, generate, and evaluate they tend to become

schematic and affective.

Integrative processing of language which encompasses schematic and affective

processing was identified as an overarching theme in language processing—in that

integrative approach in processing language students effectively encode strategies for

processing text and develop confidence in applying these strategies to process the

meaning of coded language as they become more affective and reflective.

The findings of the present study also indicate that TVL learners who described

conceptualizing inner thought and dialogue through visualization and kinesthetic

signals might be referring to either linguistic information that was too subtle to register

as linguistic input within their metacognitive capacity (such as nonmanual markers in

the form of facial expressions) or meaningful nonlinguistic visual input that conveyed

a message.

As students processed the meaning of language through reading listening using

think aloud protocol, students were engaged critically and creatively in the different

comprehension questions which also revealed the cognitive dimensions of learning.

Students infer, conclude, and generate the meaning of text through implicit and explicit

interpretations orchestrated with sharing their personal experience and practical

application of relevant experience. Same goes with creating the meaning based from

their prior knowledge wherein they construct and reconstruct the meaning of text as

they come up with their decisions and analysis. Also, students evaluate by identifying

author’s bias and judging the value of text as they share personal relevant experience.

They also expressed approval and disapproval in the meaning of text perceived.

Evaluating a text engages complex strategies, such as judgment of the writing,

awareness of the author’s bias, and approval or disapproval of the content, characters,

or message. Pressley and Afflerbach (1995) identified this type of evaluation as the

third and highest category of reading strategies.

Students also displayed their comprehension strategies in processing the

meaning of language through monitoring and repairing as they encountered difficulty

in understanding the meaning of text. Some of the processes include identifying the

source of comprehension problems specifically lexical challenges, word association,

making alternative meaning. The results have indicated that academic reading

difficulties are attributed to the deficiency in their language ability and their inability to

comprehend content material. Vocabulary has been perceived to be the primary

challenge especially when students come to reading in their content-areas. Moreover,

learners’ reading strategies and needs are various across disciplines, and thus most

learners have showed a desire for greater support (e.g., highlighting key points, and pre-

teaching terminologies, sentence structures, grammar, and reading strategies).

The results of the present study indicate that metacognitive ability plays a role

in effective language processing, and that the TVL learners were more likely to have

developed and applied metacognitive strategies. This finding supports the conclusions

of studies that have shown that learners make use of such strategies during the reading

process (Brown & Brewer, 1996; Banner & Wang, 2011). Also, the use of reading-

comprehension monitoring strategies could be conceptualized as a meta-cognitive skill;

that is, to effectively use these strategies, a student must be able to question him- or

herself to determine whether a passage makes sense.

In addition, these TVL learners appeared, in the present study, to be more

independent and confident regarding their language processing abilities—it could be

implied that they tend to become more affective in processing the meaning of text as

part of their integrative processing of language.

With effective application of language processing revealed by the TVL learners,

and opportunities to apply these strategies independently, learners were able to develop

and incorporate a range of strategies for effective cognitive processing of language.

Learners in the present study demonstrated greater skills in integrative processing of

language on becoming schematic and affective, metacognition, and comprehension,

and reported a greater number of language experiences and a greater degree of early

access to languages. These learners also used a greater number of language processing

applying different cognitive dimensions while processing the meaning of language.

These learners developed confidence, motivation, and skills for navigating text


As a result of scrutinizing the cognitive language processing of TVL learners,

researcher arrived at crafted instructional framework which highlights all-embracing

language processes that students utilized in the study. It represents the grand output of

the study.


The purpose of the present study was to explore cognitive language processing

of TVL learners through Think aloud protocol and introspection. In the light of the

findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. TVL learners build confidence, self- awareness, and self- directed—

reporting positive and engaging experiences in using think aloud


2. Students emerging language processing found to be integrative as they

become schematic and affective in processing the meaning of language.

3. Students encountered lexical difficulties in processing the meaning of

text/ passages.

4. Students were able to answer comprehension questions because of

exposure in Think aloud protocol.

5. Creating meaning through constructing and reconstructing served as

emerging cognitive dimension utilized by TVL learners.

6. Students repair and monitor through identifying the source of

comprehension problems and incorporating comprehension strategies.


1. The crafted framework can be utilized by curriculum planner and other

education practitioners as basis for instructional module in dealing with

TVL learners.

2. A similar study can be explored considering other tracks of senior high


3. The proposed framework can be considered in providing intervention

activities to TVL learners specifically task-based activities.



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Far Eastern University-Manila

Institute of Education – Graduate Studies
December 23, 2020


Schools Division Superintendent
Division of Antipolo City

Dear Sir:

The undersigned is working on her graduate dissertation writing entitled “COGNITIVE

in partial fulfilment of the requirement of the course Doctor of Education major in Literature
and Language Education at Far Eastern University Manila.

In connection to this, the researcher would like to request permission from your good office to
allow her to conduct study to Grade 12 students at Dalig National High School.

This study requires the execution of online conference/ interview to Grade 12 students since
the study is designed to be qualitative research. Also, students will be exposed to the research
instruments crafted for the researcher to come up with the data needed in the study.

Rest assured that the results will be treated with outmost confidentiality.

Thank you for your sincerest consideration and hope to receive a positive response regarding
this matter.

Thank you very much and God Bless!

Respectfully yours,


Teacher, Dalig National High School

Endorsed by:


Dissertation Adviser





Far Eastern University-Manila

Institute of Education – Graduate Studies

Dear Respondents,

I am currently conducting a study entitled “COGNITIVE PROCESSING OF

requirement of the course Doctor of Education major in Literature and Language Education at
Far Eastern University Manila.

May I request for your full cooperation and support to participate in an online interview
through Google Meet. There will be a research orientation proper on the processes in
participating in the said research.

I would be definitely delighted and grateful to work with you in the development of
this research.
Thank you very much and God Bless.

Respectfully yours,


Teacher, Dalig National High School

Endorsed by:


Dissertation Adviser



Far Eastern University-Manila

Institute of Education – Graduate Studies


I would like to ask a little of your time to help me with one of the requirements in
fulfilling my Doctoral degree. I ‘am currently writing my research paper entitled as
FRAMEWORK” in partial fulfilment of the requirement of the course Doctor of Education
major in Literature and Language Education at Far Eastern University Manila.

In line with this, I will be administering think aloud protocol instrument for my
respondents, which it requires to be evaluated by an English major/expert. I ‘am looking
forward for your consideration to the questionnaire I made.

Your comments are very much appreciated and the researcher made questionnaire.

Thank You Very Much and God bless!

Respectfully yours,


Teacher, Dalig National High School

Endorsed by:


Dissertation Adviser



Far Eastern University-Manila

Institute of Education – Graduate Studies


University of Sto. Tomas


I would like to ask a little of your time to help me with one of the requirements in
fulfilling my Doctoral degree. I ‘am currently writing my research paper entitled as
FRAMEWORK” in partial fulfilment of the requirement of the course Doctor of Education
major in Literature and Language Education at Far Eastern University Manila.

In line with this, I need an inter-coder to validate the codes administered in the
transcriptions of my study. I ‘am looking forward for your consideration to the questionnaire I

Your comments are very much appreciated.

Thank You Very Much and God bless!

Respectfully yours,


Teacher, Dalig National High School

Endorsed by:


Dissertation Adviser


Far Eastern University-Manila

Institute of Education – Graduate Studies

Love Lyn M. Intal

Master Teacher I
Tipas National High School


I would like to ask a little of your time to help me with one of the requirements in
fulfilling my Doctoral degree. I ‘am currently writing my research paper entitled as
FRAMEWORK” in partial fulfilment of the requirement of the course Doctor of Education
major in Literature and Language Education at Far Eastern University Manila.

In line with this, I need an inter-coder to validate the codes administered in the
transcriptions of my study. I ‘am looking forward for your consideration to the questionnaire I

Your comments are very much appreciated.

Thank You Very Much and God bless!

Respectfully yours,


Teacher, Dalig National High School

Endorsed by:


Dissertation Adviser


Far Eastern University-Manila

Institute of Education – Graduate Studies

Dr. JOLLIBEE F. Torres

Teacher III
Dalig National High School


I would like to ask a little of your time to help me with one of the requirements in
fulfilling my Doctoral degree. I ‘am currently writing my research paper entitled as
FRAMEWORK” in partial fulfilment of the requirement of the course Doctor of Education
major in Literature and Language Education at Far Eastern University Manila.

In line with this, I need an inter-coder to validate the codes administered in the
transcriptions of my study. I ‘am looking forward for your consideration to the questionnaire I

Your comments are very much appreciated.

Thank You Very Much and God bless!

Respectfully yours,


Teacher, Dalig National High School

Endorsed by:


Dissertation Adviser



Far Eastern University-Manila

Institute of Education – Graduate Studies

All sessions began with an orientation with the participants on how to execute think aloud
protocol and concluded with a think- aloud reading discussion. The introspective interview and
discussion were recorded through Google meet.
Think- Aloud Discussion
A video- recorded think aloud discussions was used in the present study. The purpose of the
execution of TAP was to gather background information, obtain the perspectives of participants
on their reading experiences and cognitive language processes, and build rapport between
participants and the researcher. In the TAP, participants were asked to verbalize their thoughts
how they had learned to read, how they viewed themselves as readers, what strategies they
tended to use during reading, and how they perceived the structure of their thinking process.

During reading
1. Students explained what were they thinking when reading
2. They described what’s going on inside their mind.
3. Students are free to verbalize their thoughts.
4. Were there any words or parts that were confusing to you? If yes, can you show me the word
or describe the part? What did you do to try to figure it out?
After reading
1. Students answered the comprehension questions.
2. After a week of transcriptions of think aloud protocol, students will be exposed to
introspective interview.
Think Aloud Protocol Design
Participants’ and Researcher Orientation on TAP

1. Think aloud protocol sessions were conducted through online platform which is Google
Meet which contained recording setting.
2. A total of 15 students will participate during the S.Y. 2020-2021.
3. Before commencing the think aloud protocol, the technique was introduced to the
4. The researcher provided video clips which contained different scenarios on how to
utilize TAP.
5. During the think aloud process, the researcher participated in terms of explaining the
instructions about the technique and keep reminding the participants to keep talking
while performing the reading task.
6. The researcher modeled the think aloud process since the participants are not really
used to this kind of technique.
7. The participants TAP were recorded via Google Meet platform since the study was
conducted in the new normal setting to think aloud as they composed, so that the
resulting protocols can be analyzed.

8. The protocol was conducted with each student at a time individually with no time limit.
9. There was no time limit set for the completion of the four readings. Once a participant
indicated that he or she was ready, the Google meet recording setting will start.
10. All the participants of this research were engaged in the different learning episodes
based on the least mastered skills in reading.
11. Each learning episode which constitutes the least mastered skill required discussion on
specific topics by the researcher.
12. Think aloud protocols were obtained by asking the participants to read four passages
based from the least mastered skills/ competencies in reading.
13. Two concurrent TAP sessions will be conducted. Each session was conducted on an
individual basis and followed by an introspection.
14. The researcher remained in the google meet during TAP sessions, observing and taking
notes for use in the introspection.
15. Once the problem was read, the participants could begin their design thinking dialogue
and were encouraged by the researcher to continue to speak aloud their thinking
throughout the protocol session.
16. Researcher intervention was kept to a minimum but nevertheless may utilize occasional
verbal prompts.
17. On completion of a TAP session, the research will employ an introspection with each
participant to summarize and reflect main points.

Think Aloud Leaning Episodes

Students performed think aloud protocol based from the least mastered skills among
the different core subjects in English for senior high school which comprise the following:
Reading and Writing, 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World and English
for Academic and Professional Purposes (EAPP). There are four (4) least mastered
competencies revealed in the test analysis which were utilized after the execution of students’
think aloud discussion.

Least Mastered Skill # 1: Explains critical reading as looking for ways of thinking.
Before performing the TAP for each passage, student-participant will be introduced with an
overview/ discussion about the least mastered skill intended for review to be able for the
participant to recall specific principles in explaining critical reading as looking for ways of
Reading Passage
Title: Extract from Words to the Intellectuals
(1) There can be, of course, artist, and good artist, who do not have a revolutionary attitude
towards the life, and it is for precisely that group of artist and intellectuals that the Revolution
constitutes a problem.
(2) For a mercenary artist or intellectual, for a dishonest artist or intellectual, it would never be
a problem: he knows what he has to do, he knows what it is in his interest, and he knows where
he is going.
(3) The real problem exists for the artist or intellectual who does not have a revolutionary
attitude towards life but who is, however, an honest person. It is clear that he who has that
attitude towards life, whether he is revolutionary or not, whether he is an artist or not, has his
goals, has his objectives and we should all ask ourselves about those goals, has his objectives.
For the revolutionary, those goals and objectives are directed towards the change of reality;
those goals and objectives are directed towards the redemption of man. It is man himself, his
fellow man, the redemption of his fellow man that constitutes the objective of the revolutionary.
If they ask us revolutionaries what matter most to us, we will say the people, and we will always
say the people. The people in their true sense, that is, the majority of the people, those who have
had live in exploitation and in the cruelest neglect. Our basic concern will always be the great

majority of the people, that is, the oppressed and exploited classes. The point of view through
which we view everything is this: whatever is good for them, will be good for us; whatever is
noble, useful, and beautiful for them, will be noble, useful and beautiful for us. If one does not
think of the people and for the people, that is, if one does not think and does not act for the great
exploited masses of the people, for the great masses which we want to redeem, then one simply
does not have a revolutionary attitude.
(4) It is from the point of view that we analyze the good, the useful, and the beautiful of every
(5) We understand that is must be a tragedy when someone understands this and none the less
has to confess that he is incapable of fighting for it.
(6) We are, or believe ourselves to be revolutionaries. Whoever is more of an artist than a
revolutionary cannot think exactly the same as we do. We struggle for the people without inner
conflict, we know that we can have to think about the people before we think about ourselves,
and that is the only attitude that can be defined as a truly revolutionary attitude…
(7) The case was well made that there were many writers and artists who were not
revolutionaries, but were however, honest writers and artists; that they wanted to help the
Revolution, and that the Revolution is interested in their help; that they wanted to work for the
Revolution and that, at the same time, the Revolution was interested in their contributing their
knowledge and efforts on its behalf.
(8) It is easier to appreciate this when specific cases are analyzed; and among those specific
cases are many that are not easy to analyze. A catholic writer spoke here. He raised the problems
that worried him and he spoke with great clarity. He asked if he could make an interpretation
of a determined problem from his idealistic point of view of if he could write a work defending
that point of view. He asked quite frankly if, within a revolutionary regime, he could express
himself in accordance with those sentiments. He posed the problem in a form that might be
considered symbolic.
(9) He was concerned about knowing if he could write in accordance with those sentiments or
in accordance with that ideology, which was not exactly the ideology of the Revolution. He
was in agreement with the Revolution on economic and social questions, but his philosophic
position was distinct from that of the Revolution. And this case is worthy of being kept well in
mind, because it is a case representative of the group of writers and artist who demonstrate a
favourable attitude towards the Revolution and wish to know what degree of freedom they have
within the revolutionary condition to express themselves in accordance with their feelings. That
is the group that constitutes a problem for them, and it is the duty of the Revolution to be
concerned with the situation of those artists and writers, because the Revolution ought to bend
its efforts towards having more than the revolutionaries, more than the revolutionary artists and
intellectuals, move along with it. It is possible that the men and women who have a truly
revolutionary attitude towards reality do not constitute the greatest sector of the population: the
revolutionaries are the vanguard of the people, but the revolutionaries should bend their efforts
towards having all the people move along with them. The revolution cannot renounce the goal
of having all honest men and women, whether writers and artist or not, moving along with it;
the Revolution should bend its efforts towards converting everyone who has doubts into a
revolutionary. The Revolution should try to win over the greatest part of the people to its ideas;
the Revolution should never give up counting on the majority of the people, counting not only
on the revolutionaries, but in all honest citizens who, although they may not have a
revolutionary attitude towards life, are with the Revolution.
(10) The Revolution should give up only those who are incorrigible reactionaries, who are
incorrigible counter-revolutionaries. Towards all others the Revolution must have policy; the
Revolution has to have an attitude towards those intellectuals and writers. The Revolution has
to understand the real situation and should therefore act in such a manner that the whole group
of artist and intellectuals who are genuinely revolutionaries can find within the Revolution a
place to work and create, a place where their creative spirit, even though they are not
revolutionary writers and artists, has the opportunity and freedom to be expressed.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What is the selection all about?

2. How does the author define being a revolutionist/REVOLUTIONARY?

3. What do you think is the purpose of the author in writing this article?

4. Do you consider yourself as a revolutionist? Justify your answer

5. What other title can you give to the article?

Least Mastered Skill # 2 Explain the relationship of context with the text’s meaning.
The Digital: The Challenge of Technology and Equity
(1) Information technology is influence the way many of us live and work today. We use the
internet to look and apply for jobs, shop, conduct research, make airline reservations, and
explore areas of interest. We use E-mail and internet to communicate instantaneously with
friends and business associate around the world. Computers are commonplace in home and the
(2) Although the number of internet users is growing exponentially each year, most of the
world’s population does not have access to computers of the internet. Only 6 percent of the
population in the developing countries are connected to telephones. Although more than 94
percent of U.S households have telephones, only 56 percent have personal computers at home
and 50 percent have internet access. The lack of what most of us would consider a basic
communication necessity -the telephone-does not occur just developing nations. On some
Native American reservation only 60 percent of the residents have a telephone. The moves to
wireless connectivity may eliminate the needs for telephone lines, but it does not remove the
barrier to equipment costs.
(3) Who has internet access? The digital divide between the population who have access to the
internet and information technology tools and those who don’t is based on income, race,
education, household type, and geographic location, but the gap between groups is narrowing.
Eighty-five percent of households with an income over $75,000 have internet access compared
with less than 20 percent of the households with income under $15,000 Over 80 percent of
college graduates use the internet as compared with 40 percent of high school completers and
13 percent of high school dropouts. Seventy-two percent of household with two parents have
internet access; 40 percent female, single parent household do. Differences are also found
among households and families from different racial and ethnic groups. Fifty-five percent of
white households, 31 percent of black households, 32 percent of Latino household, 68 percent
of Asian or Pacific Islander households, 39 percent of American, Indian, Eskimos, or Aleut
households have access to the internet. The number of internet users who are children under
nine years old and person over fifty has more than triple since 1997. Households in inner cities
are less likely to have computer and internet access than in urban and rural areas, but the
differences are no more than 6 percent.
(4) Another problem that exacerbates these disparities is that African-American. Latinos, and
Native Americans hold few of the jobs in information technology. Women about 20 percent of
these jobs and receiving fewer than 30 percent of the Bachelor’s degrees in computer and
information science. The result is that women and members of the most oppressed ethnic group
are not eligible for the jobs with the highest salaries at graduation. Baccalaureate candidates
with degree in computer science were offered the highest salaries of all new college graduates.

(5) Do similar disparities exist in schools? Ninety-eight percent of school in the country are
wired with at least one internet connection. The number of classrooms with internet connection
differs by the income level of students. Using the percentage of students who are eligible for

free lunches at a school to determine income level, we see that the higher percentage of the
school with more affluent students have wired classrooms than those with high concentrations
of low-income students.
(6) Access to computers and the internet will be important in reducing disparities between
groups. It will require higher equality across diverse group whose members develop knowledge
and skills in computer and information technologies. The field today is overrepresented by
white males. If computers and the internet are to be used to promote equality, they have to
become accessible to school cannot currently afford the equipment which needs to be updated
regularly every three years or so. However, access alone is not enough; Students will have to
be interacting with the technology in authentic settings. As technology has become a tool for
learning in almost all courses taken by students, it will be seen as a means to an end rather than
an end in itself. If it is used in culturally relevant ways, all student can benefit from its power.


1. What is the selection all about?

2. What cultural issues may have influenced, challenged, or inspired the author?

3. What are the political or economic issues of the times?

4. As a student, what are the challenges that you encountered in this digital era?

Least Mastered Skill # 3 : Analyze the figures of speech and other literary techniques and
devices in the text.
Things change:
No longer do I,
Recovering from the shock
Of a huge branch falling
At my feet,
No longer do I fear,
No longer run to my altar
In the woods,
The fire of prayer in my mouth
No longer between my teeth
The tremble, the I have offended.
Newton as a habit of centuries
Inhabits my skull; I know
Of gravity
And rot
And no longer,
No longer
Does a falling frighten me.

1. What is the poem all about?

2. Who do you think is the persona in the poem?

3. What are some of the literary devices or figures of speech used in the poem?

4. What do you think is the theme of the poem?

5. What is the moral/lesson of the poem?

Least Mastered Skill # 4: Paraphrases / explains a text using one’s own words.
Listening passage:

Tools of Persuasion
Persuasion is the art of convincing someone to agree with your point of view.
According to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, there are three basic tools of persuasion:
ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos is a speaker’s way of convincing the audience that she is a
credible source. An audience will consider a speaker credible if she seems trustworthy, reliable,
and sincere. This can be done in many ways. For example, a speaker can develop ethos by
explaining how much experience or education she has in the field. After all, you would be more
likely to listen to advice about how to take care of your teeth from a dentist than a firefighter.
A speaker can also create ethos by convincing the audience that she is a good person who has
their best interests at heart. If an audience cannot trust you, you will not be able to persuade
them. Pathos is a speaker’s way of connecting with an audience’s emotions. For example, a
speaker who is trying to convince an audience to vote for him might say that he alone can save
the country from a terrible war. These words are intended to fill the audience with fear, thus
making them want to vote for him. Similarly, a charity organization that helps animals might
show an audience pictures of injured dogs and cats. These images are intended to fill the viewers
with pity. If the audience feels bad for the animals, they will be more likely to donate money.
Logos is the use of facts, information, statistics, or other evidence to make your argument more
convincing. An audience will be more likely to believe you if you have data to back up your
claims. For example, a commercial for soap might tell you that laboratory tests have shown that
their soap kills all 7,000,000 of the bacteria living on your hands right now. This piece of
information might make you more likely to buy their brand of soap. Presenting this evidence is
much more convincing than simply saying “our soap is the best!” Use of logos can also increase
a speaker’s ethos; the more facts a speaker includes in his argument, the more likely you are to
think that he is educated and trustworthy. Although ethos, pathos, and logos all have their
strengths, they are often most effective when they are used together. Indeed, most speakers use
a combination of ethos, pathos, and logos to persuade their audiences. The next time you listen
to a speech, watch a commercial, or listen to a friend try to convince you to lend him some
money, be on the lookout for these ancient Greek tools of persuasion.



Far Eastern University-Manila

Institute of Education – Graduate Studies


S.Y. 2019-2020

Directions: Identify what is being described in the following items by choosing the letter of
the correct answer then write it on the answer sheet.
1. You have noticed that not only words, sentences, paragraphs but also in speeches,
conversations, and even along compositions have patterns. What does it imply?
A.Text are not disconnected discourse.
B.Texts are written as the writer wants to.
C.Text are not helpful in interpreting things.
D. Text are connected discourse.
2.What is the most commonly used graphic aids in comparing and contrasting things, objects
or events?
A. Concept map C. Bubble map
B. Fish bone
D. Venn Diagram
3. Which is not true about critical thinking?
A. It helps you to think creatively “outside the box”.
B.It can lead to developing your judgment, evaluation and problem solving.
C.It provides the tools to this process of self-evaluation.
D. It doesn’t improve the way we express our ideas.

4. __________ is a literary presentation where the author incorporates doodle drawings and
hand written graphics in place of traditional font.
A. Graphic novels C. Manga
B. Chick -Lit D. Doodle fiction

5. ____________is used in the English-speaking world as a generic term for all comic books
and graphic novels originally published in Japan.`
A. ballad C. ode
B. sonnet D. elegy

6. ____________ is a genre of fiction which addresses issues of modern womanhood, often

humorously and lightheartedly.
A. Graphic novels C. Manga
B. Chick -Lit D. Spoken poetry

7. ________________ are made up of stories about life, adventure, love, horror and humor
where one can derive lessons about life.
A. folk tales C. short stories
B. folk songs D. anecdotes

8. ___________________ have been customarily used and served as laws or rules on good
behavior by our ancestors.

A. proverbs C. epigrams
B. sayings D. maxims

9. ____________ ___________________ is an oral art that focuses on the beauty of word

play and intonation and voice inflection.
A. Graphic novels C. Manga
B. Chick -Lit D. Spoken poetry
10. ______________ are books made up of comics content which includes fiction, non-fiction
and anthologized works.
A. Graphic novels C. Manga
B. Chick -Lit D. Doodle fiction
11-13. Choose three (3) Spanish influences on Philippine literature.
A. The teaching of the Christian Doctrine became the basis of religious practices.
B. The first Filipino alphabet called ALIBATA was replaced by the Roman alphabet
C. They held fiestas to honor the saints, the pope and the governors.
D. European legends and traditions brought here became assimilated in our songs, corridos, and
E. They built houses mad of stones and bricks, used beautiful furniture like the piano and used
kitchen utensils.
Directions: Read the statements carefully. Identify what or who is being defined or described.
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
14. In this novel written by Gina Apostol, reading makes you imagine how hard it was during
the Spanish occupation in our country.
A. The Safe House C. Preludes
B. Revolution According to Raymundo Mata D. Apo on the Wall

15. This was the novel that gave spirit to the propaganda movement and paved the way to the
revolution against Spain.
A. Noli Me Tangere C. Mi Ultimo Adios
B. El Filibusterismo D. Junto Al Pasig

16. In the poem written by Danton Remoto, who is being referred to as “Pepe”
A. Jose Corazon De Jesus C. Ferdinand Marcos
B. Marcelo H. Del Pilar D. Dr. Jose Rizal

17. On Dec. 21, 1972 under Proclamation No. 1081, it was proclaimed by Ferdinand Marcos
that lessened the crime in our country and violated numerous human rights.
A. EDSA Revolution C. People Power
B. Martial Law D. EDSA Dos

18. It is a poem of free verse that emerged during the Japanese period. It was made up of 17
syllables divided into three lines. The first line had 5 syllables, the second, 7 syllables, and the
third, five.
A. Tanka C. Haiku
B. Tanaga D. Sonnet

19. He is from Malate’s Singalong St.; he was known here and abroad as the “master of the
comma poem” a unique style he created.

A. Nick Joaquin C. Carlos P. Romulo
B. Jose Garcia Villa D. NVM Gonzales

20. The Chief Magistrate who was impeached and being referred to in the poem Justice.
A.Gloria Macapagal Arroyo C. Joseph Estrada
B. Corazon de Jesus D. Renato Corona

21. He was born in Hagonoy, Bulacan but grew up in Tondo, Manila. His poems and novels
written purely in the Filipino mother tongue tackle issues of the poor and working class.
A. Amado V. Hernandez C. F. Sionil Jose
B. Carlos P. Romulo D. Nick Joaquin

22. This was the first book printed in the Philippines in 1593 in xylography and was written by
Fr. Juan de Placencia and Fr. Domingo Nieva, in Tagalog and Spanish.
A. Libro de los Cuatro C. Doctrina Cristiana
B. Pasion D. Psalms for Mary

23. This ritual was brought here by the Spaniards to remind the people about the search of St.
Helena for the Cross on which Jesus died.
A. Tibag B. Lagaylay C. Karagatan D. Cenaculo

24. This is a poetic battle or a contest of skills in debate on a particular topic or issue. This
replaced the DUPLO and is held to honor Francisco “Balagtas” Baltazar.
A. Awit B. Balagtasan C. Corrido D. Duplo

25. This poem explores the experience of people under Marcos regime. It is written using a
child’s point of view.
A. The Safe House C. Apo on the Wall
B. Revolution According to Raymundo Mata D. Justice

26. The common themes of his works were the values of education. He also wrote about how
the Filipinos were oppressed by the foreigners and of the problems of his countrymen.
A. Antonio Luna C. Pedro Paterno
B. Marcelo H. Del Pilar D. Mariano Ponce

27. He was better known as the great Revolutionary rather than a writer but he also wrote things
which paved the way for the revolution and which also became part of our literature. His famous
work is Pag-ibig sa Tinubuang Lupa.
A. Emilio Jacinto C. Andres Bonifacio
B. Apolinario Mabini D. Gregorio del Pilar

28. He became popular because of his Himno Nacional Filipino (The Philippine National
Anthem) which was set to music by Julian Felipe.
A. Jose Palma C. Emilio Aguinaldo
B. Jose Panganiban D. Emilio Jacinto

29. It is a collection of critical reflections and serious essays and which won first prize in the
Commonwealth Literary Contest of 1940.
A. Literature and Society C. Brotherhood
B. Filipino Way of Life D. Peace and Democracy

30. What is the dictionary meaning of “safe house”?

A. a house free from harm C. a place where one may engage in secret activities

B. A Church D. a concrete house
Directions: Choose from the choices given below what is being referred to.

Exposition Complication Resolution

Denouement Climax Plot

____________31. Introduces the time, place, setting and main characters.

____________32. Part of the story where the problem or the conflict is the highest peak of
____________33. It contains the last statement about the story.
____________34. It unfolds the problems and struggles that would be encountered by
characters leading to crisis.
____________35. The part that shows a conflict or problem is solved.

Directions: Among the choices given below, choose the right answer of what the sentence
describes or defines.
36. This organization states that there has been no official proclamation of any Filipino
historical figure as our national hero.
A. Literary Experts
B. NCCA (National Commision on Culture and Arts)
C. CCP ( Cultural Center of the Philippines)
D. UMPIL (Unyon ng mga Manunulat sa Pilipinas)

37. The line Lengua Para Diablo means

A. Language for the Devil C. The Devil Ate My Words
B. Tongue of the Devil D. Devil’s Language
38. Title of BJ Patino’s poem that deals with child’s relationship towards his father.
A. The Safe House C. Justice
B.Apo on the Wall D. In the Service of Secrets

39. This refers to any written genre emphasizing characters, dialect, customs and topography
native to a specific region.
A. 21st Century Regional Philippine Literature
B. 21ST Century World Literature
C. 21ST Century Philippine Literature
D. 21st Century Literature
40. He was an old priest in Ateneo who narrated on how he feels about his old student, Jose
Rizal, in the poem written by Danton Remoto.
A. Padre Damaso C. Padre Silva
B. Padre Paterno D. Padre Faura

Directions: Determine what element can be matched with the given word/ words below.
41. Nenita _________________
A. character B. setting C. plot D. conflict

42. Jobless father (Lengua Para Diablo): _____________________
A. character B. setting C. plot D. conflict

43. Pepe : _______________

A. character B. setting C. plot D. conflict

44. Beginning, middle, ending: ______________

A. character B. setting C. plot D. conflict

45. On this December morning, months ago: _______________

A. character B. setting C. plot D. conflict

Directions: Identify the type of context being described. Choose the correct answer among the
given choices.
46. Literary works often responds in some way to the society in which they are written.
A. Literary B. Biography C. Socio-Historical D. Linguistics

47. Focuses on better understanding and the reason behind why a particular piece is written.
A. Contextual B. Linguistics C. Textual D. Analysis

48. Looking at the text as it is or looking for the words used, what strategies used or how the
speaker delivers the message of the piece.
A. Conceptual B. Literary C. Textual D. Analysis

49. One must have the information about the topic and information about the author.
A. Contextual B. Literary C. Textual D. Analysis

50. This story explores the issue of infidelity and how it affects the family as well as gender
A. The Safe House C. Apo on the Wall
B. Preludes D. Lengua Para Diablo

Directions: Identify the figurative language used or what it symbolizes from the poem “Justice”
by Ralph Semino Galan
51. “In my uncertain country,where right and wrong are cards..”
A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Personification D.

52. The figure of the Roman goddess slowly fades into thin air swallowed by pigments cloudy
as doubts.
A. Hyperbole B. Simile C. Personification D.

53. Golden pair of scales

A. pursuit of truth C. measuring the validity of evidence
B. impartiality of justice D. justice slowly fades

54. Double-edged sword

A. pursuit of truth C. measuring the validity of evidence
B. impartiality of justice D. justice slowly fades

55. “You are the earth whose orbit marks my ways and sets my north, south, east and west.”
A. Hyperbole B. Metaphor C. Paradox D. Simile

Directions: Classify the figurative language being defined.

56. An object or idea that has its own meaning and represents something else as well.
A. Irony B. Allusion C. Symbol D. Inference

57. Addresses an absent person or an abstract idea as if it is present or alive.

A. Hyperbole B. Oxymoron C. Simile D.

58. Use of excessive expression or exaggeration to produce a striking effect.

A. Personification B. Hyperbole C. Metaphor D.

59. A direct comparison between two unlike objects, one thing is another thing.
A. Metaphor B. Apostrophe C. Irony D. Personification

60. Human attributes and actions are given to non-human things to produce a remarkable effect.
A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Personification D. Paradox

Table of Specifications

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

SY 2019-2020

Competencies No. Skills No. Test

of 60 % 30 % 10 % of placement
Days Test
Rem. Und. App Analysis Eval. Creatin Items
Describes a text 1 1(1) 1 1
as connected
Distinguishes 6 2(2,6) 2 2,6
between and
techniques in
selecting and

Explains critical 1 5 5 3,18,19,22,

reading as (3,18, 22
looking for ways 19,21,
of thinking. 22)
Identifies the 2 6(4,1 6 4,11,12,13,
context in which 1-15) 14,15
a text was

Distinguishes 4 1(5,7,1 4 5,7,17,20,2

between and 720.29 9,30,31,32,
among patterns , 35-
of development 30,313 41,42,43,44
in writing across 5,41,4 ,48-60
disciplines. 2,3,44,
(EN11/RWS- 60)



(Grounded Theory Analysis)

Think Aloud Protocol Responses

Statement Open Axial Selective
This sentence talks about artist. Our Making Making Explicit and implicit
revolutionary conclusion relevant meaning of text
maybe talks about someone who does conclusion
not, or did not tend to change other with explicitly
This sentence talks about artist. Our
maybe talks about someone who does
not, or did not tend to change other with
“so i think this sentence talk about uhm, Making
if does no one think um, uhm what do conclusion by
you call this, does not have a contrasting
revolutionary, if no one think, about, to
be a revolutionary or have a courage to
save other people, that is not have a
revolutionary attitude.”
I think there is really an artist that Making
doesn’t have um, revolutionary attitude conclusion by
toward no - just like the only, the only comparing
one want, for example an artist, they
only want money for their, uhm, for
their talents
“this sentence talks about races to have Explicating
internet connection” menaing of
I think that the moral lesson of the poem Making
is that, you have to overcome your fear conclusion
I think logos is also exaggerated, using Making
exaggerated expressions. conclusion
I think the selection is about, the Making
intellectual, revolutionaries conclusion
“i think, yes. I’m also an artist so i can Justifying point of
consider myself as revolutionaries. I view based on
can find myself, knowing there, my understanding
thoughts by saying to the others.”
“i think, in -- some challenges we get in Making
this technologies are, low of incomes. conclusion from
We cannot buy this tools if we have low the sentence read.
I think the poem is all about his fear Concluding
The purpose of the author to encourage Inferring author's Inferring Constructing
or to know the meaning or the, the intention meaning
meaning of that article, and what is the
main purpose of that article, article, if
that article is the, uhm helpful to others,
and gain knowledge that article
I can give some contribution or Relating to Emphatizing Reconstructing
anything to evolve or to help the personal with meaning
revolution in our country or in characterisitcs characters
everything, so i think i consider to

myself as a revolutionist.

If you don’t have phone or internet

access. You can’t communicate to
“everything’s changed. Like in the past Inferring Inferring Constructing
year, and , or in other meaning
change, things change. If the things
change, maybe i am too. I’m going to
Because some words are repeated. Inferred meaning
Okay, i give some line, no longer i run, based on words
or no longer i run to altar. (laughed) like repeated
that. That’s repetition, figures of
speech. They repeat the word or
repeated the sentence.
“the theme of the poem is, encouraging, Comparing Making Constructing
self-motivation because some line of conclusion meaning nad
that poem give you motivated to uhm, through explanation based
motivates you to change in very comparison on prior knowledge
situation like if the situation is not and contrast and information
comfortable feeling, uhm, something from the text
like that, you need to change. Also your
attitude in that situation
Moral lesson of the poem. Uhm Concluding
whatever happen, whatever uhm, yea
whatever happen, you need to rise, if
some uhm, struggle that, uhm, struggles
that came in your life or in your way,
you need to raise and to pursue some
goals or your dream. I think that’s the
moral lesson.
My example is, you are going to vote Citing example by
bad or good, you need to analyze some, comparing and
some audience to know their feelings. contrasting
To know what he/she is going to vote,
good or bad
For me, the title itself that, we Relate the
naiintindihan po natin yung binabasa meaning in the
natin parang may nakukuha po tayong title of the passage
idea kung ano yung binabasa natin
Yung dito naman po, yung parang Concluding by
naiinspire tayo ng mga taong nakakapag making
tupad ng mga goals nila kaya parang comparison
gusto natin sila samahan para matupad
din po yung goals natin.
Yung parang, dito po yung parang Concluding by
kailangan natin mag encourage ng, mga making
revolutionaries’ ma encourage yung comparison
mga tao na sumama po sa kung ano
yung, ano po yung gagawin po.
Parang yung dinefine nya po yung Concluding based Explicit Constructing
revolutionary na tayo, kasi diba yung on understanding interpretation meaning
mga revolutionaries yung parang within the text
pinaglalaban nila yung gusto nila. Yung
mga determination sila matupad kung
ano yung gusto nila.

Yung cultural, yung mga racist po, kung Stating relevant Inferring
ano po yung ethnic, kung saan po sila facts based on
naka bilang na ethnic group. Yung mga, context and
yung mga ano po, ayun po. Yung assumptions/
poverty and racist po na pagtrato.” beliefs
So, if that person influence the group, Concluding by
so it means they all have, they all have contrasting
that bad habit, so… that person doesn’t
change his attitude. That’s my insight.
Fire in my mouth, the fire of prayer in Concluding as
my mouth, i think it’s hyperbole but cited in the lines
i’m not sure. from the passage
“it’s ahm it’s all about ahm Based from the
revolutionaries and… revolution” text

The purpose of the author in writing this Concluding

article, of the article- of the article is to
encourage (sniffed) to encourage and to
learn other people in. Ahm.. In all about
of revolutionaries and revolution,
Metaphor? I think... Identify figures of Self- Monitoring
Recovering the shock? Metaphor speech based from generated comprehension
the fire of prayer in my mouth the lines in the questions
personification, inhabits my skull? I story/poem
I think it is normal because, as i said Concluding Constructing Constructing
earlier, internet, internet is our, is our from meaning nad
key to use, to communicate to others. background explanation based
knowledge on prior knowledge
and information
So sa ano maam, paragraph number 1 Comparing Making from the text
parang sinasabi po na meron opr conclusion
merong artists, merong artist at meron through
hindi artist na mayroon revolutionary comparison
attitudes about dun sa life po. and contrast
The purpose of the author in writing this Concluding and Inferring Constructing
article maybe to, persuade uhm, uhm justifying by meaning
writers or yungmga tao po na about citing situation
revolutions na hindi lang sya pagsulat
ng revolutions, ng article na ano po
about revolutionary. Uhm hindi lang po
sya para sa mga artist, sa mga writer,
uhm, pwede sya sa lahat para
makatulong po dun sa mga tao na gusto
talaga ng pagbabago pero hindi po
makapag voice out po.”
It’s all about uhm technology how it's Inferring and Inferring Constructing
very powerful today. How its use uhm, justifying meaning
how it helps the at how it helps to the
people to find a job to their school, and
today technology is very powerful.”

“for me po uhm, siguro icconnect ko Relating to the Confirming Constructing
nalang din po sya about sa title nya meaning of inferences meaning
nalang din po. And parang this, -- na passage
parang yung nga po it’s about change /paragraph in the
parang before po na parang it’s about title
parang weak before na parang nag
become strong woman or strong person
na, na ngayon po na parang dati ang
dami nyang kinakatakutan. Dati ang
dami nya pong kahinaan pero ngayon
uhm, she/he really uhm strong person
na po.”
Sa tingin ko po yung theme ng poem ay, Stating conclusion Confirming Inferences based on
uhm . Siguro po yung theme uhm, the based from inferences information in text
theme of the poem is uhm na because na implicit and visualization
parang because of what we experienced explicit analysis
from the past, siguro naging strong or
kung ano po tayo sa ngayon because of
the past po na experience.
I think, the technology makes airline Explicating the Confirming
reservation. meaning of inferences
I think, this is important because as of sentence
now pandemic, computers are we use to
communicate other people.

“my understanding po, the 3 basic tools Enumerating the Confirming

po, ethos, pathos and logos po. In that information inferences
po is, the ethos, pathos and logos. recalled
Ethos, pathos and logos are the 3 basic
tools. Combination of ethos, pathos and
logos and in this strength and use of
fact. That’s all po.”
. Yung babae o lalaki pwede ding Comparing and Making Constructing
totoong maging revolutionary attitude o contrasting conclusion meaning
pwede magkaroon ng revolutionary through
attitude towrads reality sa katotohanan comparison
hindi lang sa ano kung ano yung and contrast
popular, yung revolutionaries yung
revolutionary daw ay pinagmumulan ng
mga tao.
I think the purpose of the author i to ano, Justifying point of Explicit
to express yourselves as a revolutionary view based on interpretation
to hmm it is define to be honest nasa understanding
sayo kung magiging honest ka pero mas
okay na maging honest ka at gamitin mo
yung kung anong intellectual na meron
ka sa pagiging don sa pagiging
? It’s all about technology of how Explicating by
people change life and how easily like example/
kung paano napapadali yung buhay comparing
natin ayun.
“lahat daw ng bagay ay nagbabago lahat Concluding and Constructing
ng bagay ay nagbabago parang feelings comparing alternative
niya yun nga may mga bagay na inferences
madidiscover tayo mga bagay na di
natin inaasahan.”

Hmm i think the word change sa tingin Concluding by Relating to Activating prior
ko yung experience my experience for relating to personal knowledge
that is hmm te title itself change sa personal experience
tingin ko po is my experience as i experience
experience yung change na nabago ko
sa sarili ko is yung pagiging hmm hmm
example ah sige hmm change hmm ano
ba hmm.
Based on my understanding about of the Making Inferring Constructing
text of number 3 uhm… does... If alternative meaning
someone hates you be good to them no explanation
matter what happen.

What are some of the literary devices or Discussing Expanding Instructional

figures of speech used in the poem? figurative meaning expereince
Ito po yung simile, metaphor, ma’am language
the figure of speech is metaphor
newton as a habit of centuries the figure
of speech is simile
Ma’am based on what i read once you Constructing
have goals and plan you can exist as an eplanation
artist because that vision connects. Let
go your goal to be a successful artist
“we all know ma’am that african’s
people or black people is the poor
country ah… ahh in whole country they
didn’t even feel the education ah-- some
of them don’t know how to read or
write. So they consider has the poor

The moral lesson of this is poem is

never give up of what your doing, never
stop dreaming do what you want, do
what you love, follow your heart, and
praise god.

I think po this text.. I think in this text Identifying the Constructing Constructing
hmmm.. Naglalaman hmmm it’s about, main idea explanations meaning
its about changes.changes of people.. from the text

I think first part is about… about Inferring

changes… about changes dahil po don
sa title. And its about
everything…everything in life is…
lahat ng bagay sa mundo napapalitan.
Everything in life changes.
Looking forward po tapos naka move
on na po.
You’re not scared in everything

“yung the fire of prayer in my mouth, Discussing Expanding
ano po, hyper-hyperbole. figurative meaning
No longer run to my altar in the woods, language
the fire of prayer in my mouth the
tremble, repetition kasi po may gusto
rin siyang ipaintindi sakin.”
Newton as a habit of centuries inhabit
my skull; i know- hyperbole
“i think the theme of the poem, is about
change of your life if everything.
The lesson of the poem “don’t be
scared in changes and always think
thaat god is here for us.”

Once po na katulad po ng na-hospital Sharing personal Prior Constructing

yung kapatid ko, i’m always praying po experience knowledge meaning
na gumaling siya every time po.
Para.. Para pong he or she did not scared
in everything ganon po yung sa no
longer between my teeth. The tremble
that i have offended. Newton as a habit
of centuries. Inhabits my skull; i know
of gravity and rot.
What is ideology? (searching for the Defining concepts Prioritizing Repairing
meaning of ideology) a system of ideas words to comprehension
and ideals, especially one which forms analyze
the basis of economic or political theory
and policy.
What is redemption? Dictionary. Searching for
Redemption. Ah, redemption. Of a man. meaning of
So redemption, the action of saving or unfamiliar words
being saved from sin, error or evil. So,
this sentence talks about um, saving
other people’s life.
I take mercenary words for -- because i Deciding what to
don’t know what it is word and maybe analyze
uhm maybe if uhm finish this uhm this
context is i’ll search is for dictionary”
and wait, exploitation, take this word
“so i’ll take the word regime because i
don’t know what it is.” So i’ll take this
The fire of prayer in my mouth; Predicting based Constructing Activating prior
searching...) Ah, i think ano, extremely on context clues association knowledge

So, religious (the fire of prayer in my Associating the

mouth) meaning of words

The poem mentioned about the altar, so Associating the

i think it is a bride. meaning of words

Revolution maam about government

order po.

“diba po ano yun yung theme ano po Generating Repairing
horror ba ganon oh di kaya parang questions comprehension
romance ano spiritual or about self
Hmm..i don’t know the word
exploitation and oppressed
Redemption is an action of saving or Defining the Inferring Constructing
living saving or error even, it is man his meaning of words based on meaning through
self is follow man, fellow man that words/ inferring
redemption of a fellow man ohrases
“yung tawag yung sa tremble that i have Recalling the
offended yung ano personalification, meaning/definitio
personali yung simile yung simile ano n
yung ano yung ano tawag dito ano
maam ano “newton as a habit of
Redemption is an action of saving or Defining the
living saving or error even, it is man his meaning of words
self is follow man, fellow man that
redemption of a fellow man
Exploitation i’m confused in the word Defining the Identifying Repairing
exploitation… exploitation meaning of words what one does comprehension
exploitation is an action or fact of not
treating someone unpairing in order to understand
benefit from their works

Im confused in the word ideology, Searching for

ideology uhm...is a system of ideas meaning of
especially on how form of basic unfamiliar words
economic theory of policies ahhh…
I’m confused to the word of aleut. The Expressing
meaning of aluet who are usually confusion with
known as aluet language by in venice unfamiliar words
uhmm indigenous people of aluet island
I think i think this recovering from the
shock of a huge branch falling at my
feet ano siya parang ginamitan siya ng
ano hyperbole kase it is impossible na
ano na basta po parang hyperbole

In the poem, maam can i - can i share Sharing personal Activating Constructing
my -- my experience? experience prior meaning
“in my experience, when i was young, knowledge
yes of course young. When i was
elementary, i always climb in the tree
and then, i always climbing in a tree and
one time, when the, when, one time,
when i’m climbing in a tree, i suddenly
slip because the tree is wet. After i, after
i fallen in the rocks, the branches of the
tree are suddenly falling and of course,
after that, after that i’m not, i’m not, i’m
not climbing the tree again. Once again,
i mean i didn’t do to climb again. But,
when i, when i in senior high, grade 11,
once again i climb in the tree again.
Hmm, then i climbed at the top and
suddenly, -- when, suddenly i slipped
again. But that time, when something
falling at my side i’m not afraid
because, because i’m changed, i’m
changing when i was, when i’m
elementary to, i changed to not scared
when something falling -- on me.”
“some of the challenges i faced is that Sharing personal
uhm, in my (in my) task, uhm when i experience
was in grade 7
I can relate this because ughm me as a Sharing personal
person, think ko muna yung ano ang experience
sasabihin ng iba bago, bago yung, bago
sabihin or bago ano yung akin.”
I think, yes, because uhm, because as of Approval of the Judging Evaluation
now i want to --- i want to show to content of text
everyone that uhm, i have a dream and
also is, i want to share my thoughts and
ideas to everyone
Yung in this part, technology has been, Constructing Inferring Constructing
naging need na sya even though na explanation from meaning
kulang po yng pambili, nag kakroon ng the information in
way na, kasi parang naging use na, kasi the text.
parang nakasama na sya sa needs natin.
Kaya kailangan ng, kahit na medyo
maano, they work in order to have them
As a student na encounter ko yung mga,
yung lack of, lack of knowledge po sa
technology. Yung hindi po masyadong
nabigyan ng saktong, yung proper
education po ng mga, kami po about sa
technology, parang ang liit po ng time
na nabigay”.
“change po is the only concept that even
though ano po kahit po tayo, change po,
yung mga sometimes those things that
we fear back then hindi na po tayo
natatakot ngayon na, kaya na po nating

For example, in a work, you ask that Generating
person to print something but, to print elaborations from
something but… mmm… for example situation cited
to print ahm… to print a picture but,
he/she print something else like a text,
like--- something like that, and, you’re
so--- you’re so mad because, it is an
urgent, so, you use some harmful words
to that person without even asking that,
why d-- ahm… is there something
wrong? Why… are you out of your
mind? Like that, because… because
like it say that we know that we can
have to think about the people before
we think about ourselves, so before you
get mad, you should know what’s
happening to that person. What if that
person is suffering from ahm...anxiety,
“as a student, what are the challenges Relating to Prior
that you encountered in this digital era? personal knowledge
Uhm, during online class,i can-- the experience
internet is that good that’s why i cannot
understand the .. Because you-- some
uhm error is happening and also, uhm i
can’t focus to , to my study because of
using cellphone, uhm overuse of
cellphone because sometimes, i choose
to play than study, or choose to watch
on facebook than studying so, but, it’s
up to me, so that is a challenges to me
because sometimes i cannot really stop
The challenges that i encounter is to Sharing personal
discipline myself using my gadget experience and
because as my experience lalong lalo na reflecting to one's
ngayong pandemic ahh mas more on by action
playing mobile games or do something
like watching tiktok or facebook like
that kesa sa mga activities ganon mas
more on kase yung time ko dun ganon
kase mas nakaka mas nakaka ano
interesting mas napupukaw niya yung
atensyon ko lalo na pag di ko alam yung
sagot sa mga activities yun ganon tutok
ako sa gadget hindi sa activity ganon.
The challege there is how can i
discipline myself toward abusing my
digital sa mga bagay na hindi naman
mahalaga ganon.

Lahat nagbabago, so based on my Constructing Inferring Constructing
understanding things change like explanation from meaning
people change so di lahat permanente the information in
lahat nagbabago, katulad ng isang.. Ng the text.
isang example ng isang ng
isang…(reading the poem again) based
on recovering, based on the
poem(reading the poem again) dito po
parang for example ahh, ano… isang
problem na hindi ahh parang hage
(huge) mabigat na problema na
bumabato sayo ahh bumabato sayo o
bumagsak sayo sa mga paa mo?
(reading the poem again) kahit anong
problema ang ibato sayo ahh bumagsak
sayo kaylangan natin magkaroon ng
ahhh… kaylanagn magkaroon tayo nga
pananalig sa diyos.

So yung problema po sa atin walang

katapusan, para siyang… para siyang
gravity that walang katapusan
For example, for me, i can not
communicate to my classmate to my
teacher to my best friend if i don’t use
these technologies

I think, i think the informational, Citing practical Activating Constructing

information technology or it, is application prior meaning
influenced us and work today. And also, knowledge
we use, we use the technology to apply
the job, to buy in shop, to conduct the
research, and many, and many things
that you can use, for technology, in
The influence and challenge here is in
technology is, more people, more
people are addicted in the technology
that i mean even it is (touching his
forehead) more people are influenced in
technology because all people are
addicted in computer -- technology like
computer, telephone or cellphone.
Because today, technology is our, is our
key to get a job to studies and talk to the
But then dito po sa may last, sa sinabi Citing relevant
nya po na even though they are not experience
revolutionary writers and artists, has the through social
opportunity and freedom to be media information
expressed, for example nalang din po is
yung sa mga, sa mga facebook, mga
pinopost po nung mga tao po which is
nag eexpress din po sila ng
revolutionaries or naexpress nila yung
nang jkung ano po yung gusto nlang
iexpress kahit hindi po sila writers or
artist n agumagawa po. I agree to this po
kasi uhm napapansin or nakikita ko rin

po sa mga social media.

“yes po kasi po uhm, gusto ko rinpo ng Sharing

pagbabgo po kasi. Nakikita ko rin po meaningful
kasi dito sa, sa bansa din po natin na observation
parang, meron po talagang ano po eh
parang, uhm, ayun uhm, yung yes po,
kasi nakikita ko din po dun sa sa
kapaligiran ko po na ang dami din pong
naghihirap. Ang dami din pong nag
hihirap din po sa kalagayan nila sa
buhay kaya kinoconsider ko na rin po
yung sarili ko na revolutionary kasi
parang nag eexpress din po ako na i
want change po sa bansa po natin.”
Na parang through social media po na Citing relevant
nag vvoice out po ng mga tao na experience
kailangan magkaroon ng equality kahit through social
kung ano man po yung kulay mo media information
katayuan mo man po sa buhay. With
technology po uhm, navvoice out po
yung mga uhm, naissend po yung uhm
informations or mas yung mga tao po
mas na sa iba’t ibang lugar po, mas
naisshare po yung, na kailangan ng
equality through the use of technology
Yung mga naencounter ko pong
challenges siguro yung data privacy na
siguro hindi ko po sya naeexperience po
iba po naeexperience po din po o kaya
yung pag -- yun nga po sa data privacy
din po tapos po sa parang maling parang
overuse din po ng technology?
Based on my experience it easy to Citing relevant
appreciate when, when you are experience
something na di ka guilty sa ginagawa through personal
mo kaya sometimes ahh those specific reflection
cases are not easy to understand po, why
because ahh kapag may binibintang
sayo na di mo naman talaga ginawa mas
mahirap mas mahirap maintindihan or
ma analyze yung bagay.
So based on the text, based on Citing relevant
experiences if nakapag nag aral ka po sa experience
public schools di katulad ng private through
school na uhmm if you have a if nag aral comparing and
ka po sa private school katulad po contrasting
namin na low income student po kami,
na walang kakayahan na magkaroon ng
sariling internet connection different to
the income level of the student
highest… uhm highest… percentage of

in private school. So not balance about
technology and internet connection

So i encounter ma’am that not all of us

cannot afford or cannot afford the
technology that we want its difference
for as or difference for us-- ahh it
defence. If we were pursue for
education so that’s the biggest
challenge that us a student for me that i
encounter in this digital era.
Now i understand na, ito na ma’am this Developing Repairing Repairing
poem is ahh for me even though i made alternative comprehension
a big mistake i know what my weapon interpretation
to be used, the prayer to cover me to
protect so that one day if i make again a
failure i will not fear anymore
As a student.. Syempre po ngayon Elaborating Inferring Constructing
ma’am… wala, ngayon sana ma’am shared experience meaning
hindi.. Hindi ako makakaano kasi wala
pa akong load. Based po ito sakin. Pag
wala ka kasi ma’am load di ka rin
makakapag.. Di ka rin makakakuha ng
idea, kasi po ngayon ma’am lahat naka
based na sa technology e. Yung iba po
kasi samin mdl, mahirap po kapag wala
kaming internet. Kasi po hindi po
namin.. Di namin maintindihan, di po,
di po namin masyado naintindihan yung
about po don sa module. About don sa
nilalaman ng modules namin kaya
kailangan po namin ng internet
connection to have idea and masagutan
namin ng maayos yung mga
pinagagawa po samin. Ayon po yung
pinaka problem namin kakulangan ng
access kasi sobrang bagal pa po kahit,
kahit you have a load, you have a 50
pesos load pag-pag umulan hihina nap o
di na namin magamit ng maayos kahit
kaka-load mo lang po mahina na agad
yung signal parang di mo rin po ma-
enjoy yung data na ni-load mo.

Courses taking by student (rereading) Re-reading Skimming Constructing

ahm, yeah, in-- the technology is, the text to find meaning
technology is a become tool for learning specific
now, now and all courses taken by information
Inhabits my skull, i know… inhabits my Repeating
skull, i know… inhabits my skull sentences
ahaaam… uhmmm, uhmmm inhabits

my skull… inhabits my skull, i know

How people change, i think. (reread the Repeating

question) tam-- yeah, the people sentences
Lesson of the poem is follow who you
are because that is you and ahm...follow
who you are and-- because that is you
“i think, there are good artist and bad Repeating
artist who have a good attitude and bad sentences
I think, there are group of artist that, that
have problem, in their life.”

I think, the real problem exists for, for Repeating

artist, if -- i’ll repeat maam. sentences

What is that? What is the meaning of…

(reread) what is the meaning of…
ouch, it's hard! (reread) tsk, ahm in this
paragraph, ahm, i don’t know
Yes maam. As i said, ugh --- i will Re-reading
repeat, what is the selection all about?
For in both, in, informational
technology to, for students.
I think the word change is --- the word Infer meaning of Inferring Constructing
change is, is the, is our, ay is common words based on meaning
for us, are common for us because prior knowledge
change is going to, because change is
going to -- we can, we can ugh -- we can
encounter for our life. Things change,
yes, all the things are changing.
When i read it ng paulit-ulit narelate ko Realizing the Reading text Instructional
na po siya sa sarili ko. importance of re- in linear order experience

“in this passage, i will agree to this uhm Agreeing Approval/ Evaluation
kasi po ah, parang yung mga disapproval of
revolutionary artist, they write, the content and
write this para po sa mga tao, para mas circumstance
magkaroon ng pagbabago sa buhay nila
or mas umunlad pa po yung buhay nila.
I agree naman din po na may mga Agreeing
writers and artist po na ayaw po nila ng
revolutionary or pwedeng dinadaan din
po sa other way po para masabi yung,
yung gusto nilang sabihin pero hindi
nila direct na sinsabi po talaga
I agree naman din po na may mga Agreeing
writers and artist po na ayaw po nila ng
revolutionary or pwedeng dinadaan din
po sa other way po para masabi yung,
yung gusto nilang sabihin pero hindi
nila direct na sinsabi po talaga

“so yung passage 1 and 2, i really agree Agreeing
to this po kasi may nabasa rin po akong
article about uhm how many people or
how many percent of people may
personal computer
“so this paragraph po na, i agree naman Agreeing
po talaga is ano nagiging kasabay na rin
po natin sya sa pag aaral sa, sa
paghahanap po natin sa trabaho na
sobrang important na rin po sa
pagkakaroon ng equality among
different uhm culture po or different
colors, skin color po na parang katulad
na rin po ng katulad ng nakaroon ---
america, yung black men and white men

Tapos meron din po akong nabasa na Relating to other Content Interdisciplinary

book o libro po or context po na parang text integration and intradisciplanry
directed po nila sinabi na they want within and approach in reading
change po, they want pagbabago kasi across
nakikita rin naman po nila dun sa mga discipline
tao na may naghihirap po.
So, in political and economics po, in Relating to other
political in terms of parang technology field
din po parang mas, katulad na rin po
kung may mga tatakbo pong mga
politicians po mas advertise po sila na
iboto po sila. So, sa economics naman
po especially sa may mga business po
matutulungan po sila ng technology na
parang mas uhm mas mabenta po
katulad po ng online sellings po,
ngayong pandemic po natutulungan po
sila ng technology po ngayon na parang
di po sila mag totally shut down po.”
i think i encountered this in my, oral
Tapos meron din po akong nabasa na Relating to other
book o libro po or context po na parang articles read
directed po nila sinabi na they want
change po, they want pagbabago kasi
nakikita rin naman po nila dun sa mga
tao na may naghihirap po.
Nabasa ko na po ito sa position paper. Remembering the
Ito pong…ito pong text na to about to sa text
mga gumagamit ng…sa may mga
kakayahan lang po na gumamit ng

Uttered something i couldn’t Expressed Challenges Monitoring and

understand) uhm… (paused for about a difficulty in encountered repairing
minute) all of artist have n-- have n-- understanding in processing comprehension
ano-- hmm…. (reread some parts of the the meaning
1st paragraph) of text
In this passage number 9 po may mga Expressed
part na medyo confusing or medyo -- difficulty in
hindi ko po naintindihan understanding
May mga terms or words po na medyo
bago po sa akin,

“medyo dito po sa 4 and 5 medyo hindi Expressed
ko po sya maintindihan, parang di ko difficulty in
sya masyadong gets kasi po may mga understanding
words na parang ngayon ko lang sya
parang nabasa or nakita po kaya medyo
uhm confusing pa po kung ano po talaga
message na, ano po tlaaga yung gusto
iparating ng 4 and 5.”
Medyo confusing po sya kung ano po Expressed
yung gusto nya iparating po talaga difficulty in
through this poem po kasi medyo understanding
parang ang hirap din po nyang
intindihin po kasi nga po diba gumamit
po sya nung mga, parang literary
devices na para po sa akin mahirap po
talaga intindihin kung ano po talaga
meaning nya. Kaya parang confusing
po sa akin kung ano po yung gusto nya
iparating talaga dito. Medyo
nahihirapan din po akong intindihin”

I think about what is that, what is the Using kinesthetic Processing the Kinesthetic
author is trying to, to (snap) uhm, what signals meaning using implications in
you call this, to repeat kinesthetics language processing
(looked up)
if i have a dream (touched his chest) i Using kinesthetic
have to show to everyone signals
Breathe in deeply) because ano, hmm, Using kinesthetic
wait signals
the influence and challenge here is in Using kinesthetic
technology is, more people, more signals
people are addicted in the technology
that i mean even it is (touching his

I don’t know what that came from Nervous Affective Affective filter
because i’m too uhm, kinakabahan ako. expression
Now po maam is we have problem and Being emotional
issues, some are near-for-food?, hmm
they always sinasali po sa issue. Hmm
parang, naiiyak ako!


Introspection responses
Statement Open Axial Selective
“i came up with that answer because, in the Inferring Inferring Constructing meaning
passage uhm, revolution are being said or within the
revolutionary are being said repeatedly. And text
also some sentences that uhm, described
what is revolution or what should be that in
order to the revolution to be succeeded”
I learned it from the passage. I get that info
and i, yea i answered.
I answered that po is because what i, naalala
po sa mga nabasa ko po. Yun po.
What i’ve uhm, kung ano po yung my
thinking po, my mind
It’s because what is coming into my mind
po. Kung ano po kasi, uhm, what uh what
words processing into my mind, nasasabi ko
po talaga
“because of that passage po, maam. That
passage po i remember
Because po maam, in the poem, i remember
the line
And, so i came up to that title po because Making Connecting Instructional
the selection is always mention the connection words to experience
revolutionaries, and the intellectuals of the s between meanings
people words and
Maam, i think, i feel that based from reading Constructin Inferring Constructing meaning
it, i feel like i should make effort to make g
my dreams come true. alternative
“parang based on my experiences po, Based on Prior Constructing meaning
parang may nabsa naman po ata ako maam” personal knowledge
“based from what i understand it, it
threatens us to go on that side, for example
po like those people threaten other people in
order to make allies with them”
“i answered that because when i read th Making Connecting Instructional
sentence, i just noticed some revolutionary connection words to experience
word, and uhm, the revolution is the s between meanings
changes. So my answer is based on that words and
word.” concepts
I based that answer in a paragraph number Inferring Inferring Constructing meaning
1, because i think the author really believe from
revolution is really important. author's

“i answered that because i believe that it’s a Developing Comprehens Metacognition:
fact. It’s up to you if you really want to alternative ion repairing
change your attitude or you will stay in that interpretati comprehension
kind of attitude.” ons

“i based on that but last sentence is seeing

herself if that is the reason why he/she is
“based on the story maam., maam based on Inferring Inferring Constructing meaning
my understanding maam, based on the within the
passage, or my understanding about the text
I found it in and i realized the in what i read
po maam.
I answer that po while i read the article po
“hmm based lang din po sa binasa ko”
“hmm i based lang din naman po sa ano,
dun nga po samga sinabi po sa, or sa kung
ano yung binasa ko. Sa tingin ko po yan po
yung pinapahiwatig nya, yung nagiging
sagot ko”
hmm, ano po pinagsama sama ko lang po.
“hmm maam kasi that time maam ano, yun
lang yung pumasok sa, based dun sa binasa
ko, yun lang po yung pumasok sa,
naintindihan ko tsaka yun lang po pumasok
sa isip ko kaya kung bakit yan po yung
sagot ko.”
Ano po parang yun po yung naintindihan ko
po sa binasa ko po kaya nasagot ko po yun.
Uh based on what i read maam. Based on Re-reading Skimming
what i analyzed
i read it three times, the poem i read it three
relating background experience in major
subject tackled in tvl.

So, i come up with that by uhm, by Based on Prior Constructing meaning

remembering the, the lines that are said, background knowledge
certain lines that which is very helpful in the expereince
audio. And, also i come up with that
because, i’m familiar with that because
that's our lesson in oral communication last
I use my knowledge. I use my information Backgroun
to answer those, to answer those task even if d
its hard for me. knowledge
O yung ano po is, based on my experience Backgroun
and my knowledge about the uhm past d
lesson to ano sa mga teachers po . Kasi knowledge
tinuturo po yan, tinuturo po sa amin yan sa
esp po.
“there’s a book that i read that they didn’t Relating to
direct..so i come up with that, just like what article read
i’ve said, i read a book that they did not
direct what they really want to say parang
may ano po, parang ano po nagpapaligoy

ligoy po sila”

“i think maam, i studied in dalig, i mean as a Sharing

food tech student maam all that i needed to relevant
cook is also there. And then i see, yun sir experience
ed, there’s a lot of hmm tools that been in specific
given and also uh, complete. When you find field
this, for example, this tools that you needed
very important tools, nandun na po siya. So,
yun po yung pumasok sa akin. Na dalig can
also afford what you need.”
First maam of course i’m scared because it’s
my, my, it happened on me and then after
that when i’m changed, i’m happy because
since this, since young i’m not climb
because i’m scared. Then, after that when
i’m become senior, i climb again because of
When i answer the guide question actually i Feeling Affective Evaluation the value of
worried about it because some of the worried reactions to text
languages i, i see or i, tama, is i cannot the text
understand actually. And then i hmm it’s i
can’t cross it doing this task. It is hard to,
hard to do, cause its deep

I feel that, in that passage, i remember Emphatizin Imagination Reconstructing

something that i experience to someone. g with meaning
Yes yun po. characters

“in journalism, as a part of journalism, uhm Citing Activating Constructing meaning

i use uhm art, cartoonist to share some hmm relevant prior
my personal opinions in some issues experience knowledge
especially like politics and certain events
that is happening in our country”
Yes maam, i said that because i’m also an Can relate
artist so i can, i can see my image to those to the
artist whose in those revolutionaries whose situation of
I come up that with myself. This person Citing
represents as me because i have low relevant
confidence. I tried everything even if its, i experience
can be, they can be laugh at me. Even if
they laughed at me, i know to myself that i
did my best.
Based po sa experience po kasi, kasi po diba Relating to
ano everyone naman po have their goals in personal
life, ano nakadepende nalang po sa kanila experience
kung paano po nila makakamit yung goal
Ano bumabalik po sa past kasi kumbago po Relating to
ano, true to life po yung answer ko dyan personal
kasi po na, di ko po talaga, kasi nuong una experience
gusto ko po talaga maging teacher, kasi i
love children, i love teaching, uhm, my
knowledge, kasi mas gusto ko po talaga

makipag usap sa mga kabataan po sa mga
kabataan po. Kaso when i grow up, parang
nahihiya na makisalamuha sa mga hindi ko
kilala kaya siguro nag iba yung dream ko sa
paglaki ko po.

I can relate to myself and also we relate the Emphatizin Imagining Reconstructing
context what is all about g with oneself in meaning through
uhm i think it is based on my experience or chracters the story visualization
also to what i know about the uhm,
economic issues or political issues
I came that answer po maam, because, in Generating Inferring
now pandemic po maam, we face the elaboration
changes. Like uh, transportation, the uhm s based on
some people get, didn’t get work. They stop events and
in work because the pandemic we face now thoughts
“maam i come up with that answer po Emphatizin Constructing meaning
because i experience po na ganun po g in the
especially sa technology po, it helps po in situation
my studies. It helps people to apply because /context
yun nga po, i experience po, and i see in
other people, experience it po.”
I answered that because when i was in Relating to Prior Constructing meaning
junior high, hmm i don’t have cellphone so personal knowledge through activating
if i ask myself some questions, or i have experience prior knowledge
difficulties in answering that question, i
need to do some research in books.

“i come up with that answer that i consider Making Inferring Reconstructing

myself as revolutionist but also that, and i conclusion meaning
gave an example in our school because uhm, through
i write stories, stories, articles, or i draw and
cartooning which something that can uhm, justificatio
that can have impact to the readers or people n by
who will saw it. So i can’t call myself as a negation
revolutionist right now because i don’t think
that i have such a great impact or power to
other people, that’s why i came up with that
Tapos yung paulit ulit ko syang binasa Re-reading
parang kung ano lang yung naiintindihan ko
dun. Yun yung ano, yun yung sinasabi
ko,yun yung pinapaliwanag ko ganun .
Tapos kpag may isang side ulit na may
binasa ulit ako, hala! Parang iba nanaman
tapos ayun iaano ko nalang ulit papaliwnag
ko nalang ulit kung ano yung kadugtong”
Kasi po based po dun sa paragraph 4, Taking Summarizin Reconstructing
pagkakaintindi ko po notes g meaning
based po sa audio, yun parang yan yung
tsaka, nag take notes po ako ng mga nasabi
dun sa audio kaya i think yun po yung
pagkakaintindi ko dun sa ano, sa audio.

I have take down notes what uhm what i Taking
understand the listening passage is all about. notes
Kaya po uhm nasummarized ko po sya ng
maayos and naorganized”
I take down notes in my mind or remember
some words that are going to, some which is
very important just like in that passage, i
take down in my mind that, what is
persuasion, what is pathos, what is logos
I think, i just, first i listen to each line Taking Careful Monitoring
carefully and take down notes in my mind notes analysis of comprehension
or remember some words that are going to, information
some which is very important just like in
that passage, i take down in my mind”
Parang dun po sa poem, parang may nakita Discussing Expanding Instructional
po ako na parang uhm, parang nabasa or the the meaning experience
naintidhin na before a lot of weakness and meaning of
insecurities po or yun nga po parang passage
problems about his/herself po. But she at
the last poem po parang na gets ko po na
parang now uhm, na parangkaya nya na
pong tumayo na taas noo, yung nga po taas
noo. Tapos uhm parang wala na nga po
syang insecurities or kahinaan po.
“i listened the passage and carefully listened Analyze Analysis of Repairing
the message they give and the information information information comprehension
that i need to gather. Then after po maam, carefully
i’m going to summarize it then to have some
idea din po maam to --- (express or say) yes
po maam.”
“i answered based on my experience again Re-reading Source of
because if i have some difficulties in comprehensi
understanding a sentence or a paragraph, i on problems
read it again and again, and do some
research and ask my seatmates if i as wrong
or if my answers are wrong”

Because you let me hear 2 times of that Deciding Careful Monitoring

voice message. So i write some details that on analysis of comprehension
need to be highlight. So, uhm, and i also important information
remember some details that is very information
important to that voice message.” to
Yung technique ko lang po ay parang uhm, note/consid
kunin mo lang po yung mahalagang er
information dun po hindi po lahatkukunin.
Parang pinaka main or pinakamahalagang
information po”
Hmm video clip po, i wrote po in my

“naisip ko po yun nga po panunuod po ng Social Sources of Elucidation of text

youtube, ganun po, kasi totoo naman po na media information through social media
may nakukuha kahit ako mismo yung
panunuod ko po sa youtube”'
Actually i see that in the news. We depend, Relating
all over the world depend on the technology from news
in the province

I heard that from the magazine -- or social Social
media and even on the news media

So i come up that, i say that in the news

social media, news paper

“everyday life ko pong ginagawa yun, so Habitual

kaya yun po agad yung pumasok sakin, sa practice
isip ko”
“i based on just on the what i see right now, Making/
right those days. I said that we have low connecting
incomes but we buy” meaning
from social

School because uhm, i see some situation Based on Inferring Reconstructing/constru

that uhm someone saying a harmful word to observation through cting meaning -
that person even though he/she don’t know and prior schematic
that person feel” personal knowledge
I based it in our generation because our experience
generation is full of technologies which is
we use everyday.
“maam, siguro nag come up po ako sa
answer na yan kasi po nakikita ko rin po or
naeexperuience ko rin po na gusto ko rin po
ng pagbabago kaya nag agree din po ako
dun sa sagot.”

Uh, based lang din po sa experience po,

ganun po. Nakarelate po dun sa binasa po.
Uh based lang din po sa kuing ano po yng
nakikita ko sa environment natin

“uh based, reality na rin po kasi yun po

yung nangyayari, ganun po.”

“siguro maam ano, hmm uhm based on the Explicating Strategies in Monitoring and
word of redemption. Redemption kasi maam the processing repairing
ano eh, sa pagkakaintindi ko lang po is, is meaning of the meaning comprehension
about uhm, about saving a person” unfamiliar of text breakdowns
“based maam dun sa meaning ng words
exploitation, maam. Naintindihan kolang po
yung meaning nun kaya dun po ako nag
come up ng sagot ko.”
Because to the passage of, the word of Inferring
believing may naka lagay po dun na believe, from the
or believe yourself the revolutionaries. So, i words in
came up to that answer the text
Kaya po parang nasummarize the listening Recognizin
passage because uhm i have take down g ways on
notes what uhm what i understand the how to
listening passage is all about summarize


Dun po ano, so i said that ano po, answer, Realizing

because the passage 1, is gain knowledge ways on
for me. I know to myself that i’m not good how to
in english, but some words, and sentences process the
have learn for me to understand the meaning meaning of
of revolutionary. And all about in that passage
selection po maam.

Parang dun po sa poem, parang may nakita Discussing Expanding Instructional

po ako na parang uhm, parang nabasa or the on meaning experience
naintidhin na before a lot of weakness and meaning of
insecurities po or yun nga po parang passage
problems about his/herself po. But she at
the last poem po parang na gets ko po na
parang now uhm, na parangkaya nya na
pong tumayo na taas noo, yung nga po taas
noo. Tapos uhm parang wala na nga po
syang insecurities or kahinaan po.



Student 1 Narrative Statements Line Initial Code

Learning episode (Think Aloud Protocol)

1 This sentence talk about artist. Our 51 Understanding
revolutionary. about the
So this sentence keep repeating the 12- Repletion of
word intellectual. Also, talks about Nov words
an artist
maybe talks about someone who 18-19 Expressing
does not, or did not tend to change opinion, by
other with that. And … whether he example
is an artist or not, something that,
like a painter or uhm [delepti
artist.] Okay.

It’s a little bit clear to me know. 24 Expressing

perspective and
As as ex, as expected to 29 Agreeing
revolutionary, okay. Change of
What is redemption? Dictionary. 33-35 Asking
Redemption. Ah, redemption. Of a question of
man. So redemption, the action of terms/
saving or being saved from sin, concepts,
error or evil. So, this sentence talks defining terms,
about um, saving other people’s understanding,
life. realizing the
meaning of

Okay, let me repeat that. It is man 40-42 Rereading the

himself, his fellow man, the paragraph/
redemption of his fellow man that sentence,
constitutes the objective of the reflect/realize
revolutionary. So, its not only talks the meaning of
about the revolutionary but also to sentence.
those people which is saved by the
‘ano’ revolutionary.
Talks about, uhm, cruelty and 49 Stating the
human human rights. topic of the
It’s quite true. 54 Agreeing
Okay. [inaudible] again. Uhm the 62-65 Explaining by
point of view through which we real life
view everything is this: whatever example,
is good for them, will be good for justifying one’s
us; whatever is noble, useful, and point of view
beautiful for (to) them, will be
noble, useful and beautiful for us.

Yes, I think that’s a um, just like
from the celebrity, whatever they
do, uhm, we think that is, it is
good or something that doesn’t

So I think this sentence talk about 71-73 Expressing

uhm, if does no one think um, uhm thoughts and
what do you call this, does not ideas and
have a revolutionary, if no one opinion.
think, about, to be a revolutionary
or have a courage to save other
people, that is not have a
revolutionary attitude.

We understand that is must be a 78-79 Expressing

tragedy when someone understanding
understands this and nonetheless --
I think I get that.

So i think this, we struggle for the 84-88 Explaining by

people without, I think there is example and
really an artist that doesn;t have reflecting,
um, revolutionary attitude toward contrasting and
no - just like the only, the only one justifying.
want, for example an artist, they
only want money for their, uhm,
for their talents, like that. And
there some artist that express their
uhm, sympathy or opinions about
the certain topics or issues that is
happening in our [inaudible 10:39]
or in their surroundings through
their artworks or poems, just like
Okay, that’s my point. 91
Okay. I did it yet. but were 96-101 Express
however, honest writers and understading
artists; that they wanted to help the explicitly by
Revolution, and that the repeating lines
Revolution is interested in their in the
help; that they wanted to work for paragraph
the Revolution and that, at the
same time, the Revolution was
interested in their contributing
their knowledge and efforts on its
behalf. I think this sentence talk
about uhm, honest writers and
artist, they uhm, they did not
intend to uhm, help revolution but
their artworks or uhm, written
artworks are, ano, help the
revolution, just like that.
Okay. About, catholic writer that 107- Explaining
want to make uhm, what do you 108 explicitly
call this, want to make a work to within the
defend his point of view about that context
problem. That work him.

(read it again) So, I think this, this 111- Expressing
part talk about uhm, how a writer 112 own point of
uhm, this symbolism to uhm, to view/understad
interpret or defend his point of ing
view, his written work. Okay.

What is ideology? (searching for Looking for the

the meaning of ideology) a system meaning of
of ideas and ideals, especially one words,
which forms the basis of economic searching for
or political theory and policy. the meaning.
(read it again) He was concerned 118- Repeting the
about knowing if he could write in 120 lines for
accordance with those sentiments understading
or in accordance with that
ideology, which was not exactly
the ideology of the Revolution.

So he is not that uhm, what do you 123- Realizing the

call, that [inaudible 16:25] 124 answer and
philosophic position to that Recalling,

So I think they sent uhm, with the, 129- Explaining and

what do you call this, 131 justifying
representative, this or the writer, understanding
should be the representative so about the
that they can express themselves in sentence/paragr
accordance with their feelings. So aph
they can write or give their
opinions about the revolution.

So this part, talks about men and 137- Expressing

woman. I think the revolutionary 138 understanding
artist, feels like [inaudible 18:42] reading
talking about men. between the

I think, they serve as uhm, the 140- Translating

voice, the voice of the people, 141 ideas,
which ano, that cannot be heard. expressing
opinions based
from the lines

I think, there’s really uhm, hmm, 145- Justifying

line between the revolutionary and 147 one’s
men being an artist. Because, If explanation
you’re an artist with a goal, we are
revolutionary or you want to
change something we should uhm
has this ability that can encourage
other people to join the revolution.
Yes, that’s right. Uhm, it can be 150 Agrreing to the
succeed. author
So even though, the other person 154- Expressing
doesn’t uhm, a revolutionary but 155 positivity and
they are honest, they must uhm, be agreeing to
beside the revolution so that they author’s
will succeed. Okay. perspective

What is incorrigible? Not able to 158- Looking for the
be corrected, improve or inform, 159 meaning of the
so uhm stubborn person. words

I just, uhm, revolution Use a noun 166- Identifying the

or a group. And in this last 168 lexical
sentence, says that even though category of
you are not a revolutionary writers words
and artist you should have the
freedom to express or give your
opinions about something, so that,
okay. I think I get this one.

and opinion
within the text.
Uhm, Tagalog ba? A little bit 171- Expressing
confused Maam. Because there are 173 difficulty in
some words that are not familiar understanding
to, and also uhm, its hard for me to the words.
analyze sentences in the passage,
because it’s quite deep for me to

Answering Selections, was all about uhm the 179- Justifies his
comprehension revolution or the revolutionaries. 181 answer based
questions How, how people can ano, can on the title of
express the way, express their the selection
freedom. Uhm, also this passage and explain
more talks about the revolutions. reasons for

How does the author define being 183- Expressed

a 187 answers
revolutionist/REVOLUTIONARY through
? So, uhm, the author define the explaining and
revolutionist it can be, uhm, it can justifying
be an artist or uhm writer, also an based on
honest citizen, just like that. To be personal point
a revolutionist, you should have of view and
be, you must have or create an content of the
impact to the society or to passage read.
everyone around you to be called a
revolutionist, you should have,
what you call this or change.

So I think the purpose of this, the 189- Direct

purpose of the author was to 190 explication of
express what a revolutionary is. the question.
What a revolutionary should be.

For me, uhm, I can consider 192- Justifies

myself as an revolutionist I haven’t 195 answer by
done something that changed other example.
people or encourage. Maybe in our Giving real life
school, because, in our school, I’m experience.
a journalist but I don’t think that

my writings encourage those who
read that. So I can say that I am
not a revolutionist. Not now.

Uhm, what title? Revolutionist. 197- Giving creative

How you should be. Ah, How to 202 title to the
be a revolutionist. Because uhm, passage by
the author in this talks about, a lot, citing the
how a revolutionary should be, so topics/
in order to be a revolutionist, you subtopics
must uhm, you must encourage the discussed in
people around you. Uhm, what are the passage.
the characteristics of revolutionist,
and what are the classes of
revolutionist. So, that’s why I
come up to that idea.

through citing
msin ideas in
the passage.
2 That’s right! (nodding) 3 Agreeing to the
So I get this first paragraph. 10 Agreeing to the
Second. statement
Yes. Especially on those, on those, 16 Agreeing to the
uhm, urban areas. statement

So this second paragraph talks 25-27

about, um, problems, the problems
of telephones or technologies.
Uhm. Also it talks about how may
access, how many people have
some access with the telephones in
the world. (scratched his cheeks)
So there are so many, 85 percen of Explaining
household with an income over explicitly,
$75,000 less than 20 percent, okay repeting the
dropout. lines from the
This sentence talks about races to 47 Stating the
have internet connection main idea of
the selection
So it talks about age and uhm, the 54 Explaining the
place which have no, or no internet main idea
Latinos, and Native Americans, 60
Oh, so even though there are, they 67-63 Expressing
are not eligible for the jobs, even understanding
though they are [inaudible 9:00 - through
waited?] 20 percent of these jobs justifying and
and receiving fewer than 30 explaining.
percent of the Bachelor’s degrees
in computer result is that women
and member of he most oppressed
ethnic group are not eligible for

the jobs with the highest salaries at
graduation. So, it shows that who
has (scratching the back of his
head), so they did not chose
woman or people that are
oppressed ethnic group or a part of
the ethnic group. (searched for the
meaning of baccalaureate and how
to pronounce it)

conjunction for
(nodding) Uhm, so maybe they are 78-81 Agreeing to the
chosen or offered with a highest context and
salary because of their degree. justified
Uhm, I think this quite , uhm true. answer through
Because some companies are citing real life
looking for those people who have scenario.
high degrees in their college so
that (clap) they can have, the ano,
(clap) edge with other, with the
other companies.

What is disparities? 85
Ah, I’m not quite agree with that 93-94 Expressing
because, uhm, most of the school disagreement,
now have internet connection and cites particular
computers. scenario

That’s right! 99 Agreeing

So the passage now is talking 104 Realizing the
about equity of the technology. main idea of
Okay. the passage
Yea. I’m agree with this. Students 111- Realizing the
should have access to technology 113 his answers
so that, they will not left behind by through
the others. The technology change agrreing to the
faster now. (touching his chin) context.

Okay, I think I get that. 119 Expressing

Comprehension selection, uhm (touched his eye) 126- Stating the
questions talks about to technology and how, 129 main idea of
and uhm, about technology about the selection.
how other can, what do you call
this (snap) how others. Uhm, It
talks about technologies. And I
think about statistics also, about
who has teh access to the
technology. I think that's the
passage all about.

Uhm, for me, I think, the author 133- Justifying
inspired writing this because uhm, 139 one’s answer
other , uhm we all have different through citing
ano, uhm (snap) What do you call lines in the
this? Uhm, the author inspired selection.
writing this because some author
can’t afford or they cannot use
technology because, uhm, for
some reason. For example, the
author said that, because of race,
uhm their money income, uhm
their, uhm, their degrees, ay, yea,
their degrees. And also, their
geographic uhm, or their place, or
their position. I think uhm, the
author also write this because ,
uhm, I noticed that, we don’t have
the same act, uhm the same, same
access with the technology. I think
that’s it, Maam.

So, first is the, as I said ago, the 144- Coordinating

income of each family or income 145 his answer to
of each family. And also the race previous
of who has internet access or question.
technology access. Then, I think,
that’s it.

Uhm, some of the challenges I 149- Sharing real

faced is that uhm, in my (in my) 157 life experience
task, uhm when I was in grade 7, I to answer the
don’t have any gadgets or uhm question.
devices that can help me do the
assignments. Some teachers sent to
the GC or group chat the
assignments or projects. They
announce it from that. And then,
uhm, I don’t have any access to
that because, uhm my family can’t
afford it. Probably this, uhm, I
don’t have project. I can’t pass
projects or do it because ah, I’m
lack of internet access and
technology. And also I, I’m quite
new to the technology like
computers, because I don’t usually
use computers, I'm just reading
books. Just like that. So, when I
use that technology, I’m like I,
what do you call this, a cave man
using that. I’m amazed with the
convenience it brings. Yan thanks!

3 Okay, I will read it again. 21 Repeting the

It seems like something happened 28 Realizing the
to the, to the character. Okay. experience of
the character.
So, he/she is not [inaudible 2:13] 33

anymore. (nodding)
It’s so deep. [inaudible 2:36] 38 Expressing that
the poem is
difficult to
So, Newton invented the -- gravity. 43 Remembering
It talks about the law of Newton to theories/ facts
me. about the lines.

I think this talks about falling, 48-49 Explaining

because, can see falling in the 3rd - understanding
4th line of the poem. Yes. in the lines.
This talks about overcoming your
fear. (?) him: (brushing his hair
using his fingers) That’s it.

Comprehension Hmm, for me, the poem, talk, all 59-61 Stating the
questions about somethings that happens to main idea
the character in that or the person
involved in that poem about
something he/she feared. Or how
he/she overcome it. Like that.
(experience of
the character)
Hmm, the persona in the poem. 65-70
Uhm, I don’t knw. But I think, this
is uh -- first? Uhm, the author,
I think, this line is a figure of 89-93 Identify figures
speech. of speech
through citing
lines in the
No longer run to my altar
In the woods,
The fire of prayer in my mouth
(This one also)
No longer between my teeth
I can’t describe it Maam, what 94,98 Difficulty in
type or kind of figures of speech identifying
those lines. I get it na. figures of

I think this link is hyperbole, 110-

because uhm this too much 111
exaggerated. And then, what pa
ba? Yun lang maam.

Uhm, I think that the moral lesson 120- Stating the

of the poem is that, you have to 128 lesson in the
overcome your fear. Just like, poem through
uhm, I (expanding 10:45) this part citing lines in
: the poem.
Newton as a habit of centuries
Inhabits my skull; I know

Of gravity
And rot
And no longer,
No longer
Does a falling frighten me.
So, talks about uhm, uhm, how 129- Reflecting on
will you overcome certain 131 the grand
challenges in your life, by, by theme of the
thinking or reminiscing the past, so poem.
that, to you can prepare or you
may not do it again. And you
overcome those fear -- in your --

4 That’s right! (nodding) It talks 5-Mar Agreeing to the

about where the message is statement in
coming from. ( repeating lines that the selection.
he can hear from the recording)
Uses the listener's emotion to
persuade them. (nodding to some

Logos is about facts. I think I 8-Jul Remebering

encountered this in my, oral background
communication. [inaudible 3:40- knowledge
4:03] about the topic.

Summary of So the content is all about, Feb-32 Summarizing

passage/ persuasion. So, -- persuasion the content of
paraphrasing according to Aristotle it has three the listening
(3) types. So first is ethos, second passage
is pathos, then third is logos. Uhm, through stating
the first is Ethos which is by the content of
means of , uhm, the word or the the listening
persuasion comes from the uhm, passage in
reliable person. Like uhm, from a order.
Teacher. Uhm, the teacher can be
reliable in asking, for example on a
lesson, the teacher could tell, or
the words that the teachers tell can
be persuasive because it comes
from the right person. Next is,
pathos which is used by means of
emotions so, uhm, it uses stronger
emotions, like uhm, you
convincing them with their, you’re
controlling their emotions by
means of words. Like that. Then
next is logos, which is more on
visualm like, uhm it has, it shows
(snaps) logos, uhm, it has
demonstrations or uhm visual that
can greatly affects or greatly
encourage or persuade the listeners
or the viewers by hearing or seeing
that their porudcts or their service
are more, uhm are more, what do
you call this, uhm better or it is the
best. And uhm, I think logos is

also exaggerated, using
exaggerated expressions.
(laughing) Thank you.

1 STUDEN An artist … artist and intellectuals. 5 Repeating the

T2 lines
Ahh, okay. 10 Agreeing
hmm 7 Repeating the
Ahh. however ...1 21 Agreeing
Ahh. Okay. Revolutionary or not. 26 Repeating the
Hmm. lines
Those goals, towards. 32 Agreeing
Redemption. Redemption. 36 Repeating the
Ahhh. The redemption of man, it is 40 Repeating the
the man himself. lines
Ahhhh, okay. (nodding) 45 Agreeing
Ahhhh, okay. Like ... 51 Repeating the
Live - neglect - exploitation. 56 Agreeing
Hmm. (looking by the window)
Ahh. Okay. 63 Repeating the
masses. What is masses? 70 Agreeing
Ahh. Okay (nodding) 74 Repeating the
Okay 82 Agreeing
Someone understands. 86 Repeating the
Okay. Hmm. 88 Agreeing
Struggle. Ahhh, struggle with the 92 Expressing
people. understanding
We know. Ahh. okay okay. 94 Repeating the
Ahhh okay 96 Agreeing
: Ahh, okay. Many writers. 99 Repeating the
Hmm. (nod) 104 Agreeing
easier to appreciate. Hmm. 106
those specific cases are many -- 108 Repeating the
ahh okay. Yea. lines
Hmm, why does a catholic writer 111 Agreeing
rise the problem …. I don’t know.
Idealistic point of view. Hmm.1 114 Repeating the

Ahhh, okay. 116 Agreeing
symbolic. Symbolic. A symbol. 120
What is ideology? Ideology. 123 Asking for the
(moving his finger) I-deo-logy. meaning of the
Ideology. Not exactly. Ahhh. 125
Ahh, why? 129
a group of artist. Not sure. 132 Expressing
Ahh okay. They should be. 135 Repeating the
Yes. Ahh. 137 Agreeing
move along with it the 141
revolutionary. [inaudible 13:57]
Why? Men and women. They 144 Asking
should be. Greatest sector. question
Yes. 149
Ahh alright. Yes. 153 Agreeing
Ahh alright.1 156 Repeating the
Okay. They should be concern 158- Agreeing
with their life, revolutionaries even 159
thought they mean [inaudible
What is incorrigible? 162 Asking for the
meaning of the
difficult word
Ahh alright. There should be a 65
Ahh okay. There should be place 170
for them.1
Comprehension What is the selection all about? 176- Stating the
questions Ahhh. Okay. I think the selection 178 main idea of
is about, the intellectual, the selection
revolutionaries. A revolutionaries explicitly.
people like those artist and artist. I
think artist yun. Yea. The selection
is about the artist, their intellectual,
and their, what happened to the,
with the revolutionaries.

How does the author define being 180- Express

a revolutionarist? (revolutionist) 183 difficulty in
hmm. I think -- I can’t predict. I determining the
predict that the author is -- How answer.
does the author define being a
revolutionary. Ahh! The author
predicting the revolutionaries by
ano, defining the artist, their
history of what happened in the -
in - in the revolution.

What do you think is the purpose 184- Expressing

of the author in writing this 186 own
article? I think the purpose of the interpretation
author to tell us that there is a
place for the revolutionaries, and
for the people, ayy -- a place for

us. Knowing ourselves.

Do you consider yourself as a 187- Concluding

revolutionist? Justify your answer. 189
I think, Yes. I’m also an artist so I
can consider myself as
revolutionaries. I can find myself,
knowing their, my thoughts by
saying to the others.
What other title can you give to the 190- Using fillers
article? Article, yea. Hmm i think, 191
hmm, the revolutionaries, hmm,
(pen on his forehead)
revolutionaries artist articles in
their places. Just Maam.

2 : Hmm, okay. It;s good to read. 3 Expressing

We are in technology now. interest
Ahh Yes. We are now depend on 7 Agreeing
technology right now.
Ahh okay, Yes. 12 Agreeing
Okay. yea. Like facebook, google, 17 Repeting
Yes. In this pandemic, I think 25 Agreeing,
moreover using technologies. concluding
Ahh 30
6%. Ahh alright. So, the 94 35 Agreeing
percent, ahh tama
Ahh computer and internet. Yes, 40
: Hmm. 48 Using filler
Ahh okay. Gonna miss [inaudible 57-58 Agreeing
voice 4:03] (scratching the back of
his head using his pen)
Ahh alright. 64 Agreeing
They have no internet connection, 69 Concluding
I think.
What is Latino? Latin. Latin, okay. 74 Asking
It should be about triple.It should 84 Repeting lines
be -- in the passage
Ahh, yes! This province have no 89 Agreeing
internet access.
Native-Americans, ay native. 95 Agreeing ,
African. Ahh alright! concluding
nodding) Uhm, so maybe they are 107- Using fillers
chosen or offered with a highest 110
salary because of their degree.
Uhm, I think this quite , uhm true.
Because some companies are
looking for those people who have
high degrees in their college so
that (clap) they can have, the ano,
(clap) edge with other, with the

other companies.

I think. 114 Concluding
Ah, okay. hmm! 123 Agreeing
Ahh okay, Yes! This is more 129 Agreeing
Ahh alright. 135 Agreeing
Hmm. Ah okay. 140 Agreeing
Hmm, yes!1 46 Agreeing
Comprehension The selections talks about the 152- Concluding
questions growing technology all over the 154
world and how it can be use
everytime, and how can afford by
this technologies. Everytime, like
this, hmm, trying times, we need
this technologies at most, 100%
typing. We all did.

What cultural issues may have 156- Concluding

influenced, challenged, or inspired 159
the author? I think, in -- some
challenges we get in this
technologies are, low of incomes.
We cannot buy this tools if we
have low incomes. The influenced
it by, I think its from white - white
people American. They influenced
us to buy those tools to inspired us.

What are the political or economic 161- Concluding

issues of the times? Hmm I think it 164
is the, political issue, economic,
ahh okay. I think it's talking about
the issues more on technologies we
know. Some like violence, we me
in technologies, like social media,
like cyber bullying those issues are
everywhere, everytime. I think.
Comparing by
citing real life
experience and
As a student, what are the 166- Comparing
challenges that you encountered in 171
this digital era? Like what I said on
number 3, those cyber -- I think
cyber bullying, cyber bullying or
crime. They use technologies as,
they connect to the other people to
have an things or [inaudible 13:23]
so, those students can make some
money (touching his nose)
{inaudible 13:31] like uhm, cyber

bullying as well, anong tawag dun,
what is that, those bad comments
can be, suicide to those students

Using fillers

3 Ahh okay. Read it for a second 21 Agreeing

Huh branch falling at my feet. 28
Altar in the woods? Hmm, ahh its 33 Asking
ah! question,

The tremble. 38
Comprehension Oh my gosh! (laughed) Hmm I 50-52 Expressing
questions think the poem is all about his fear. exaggeration/
Hmm. How he/she, hmm how she, surprise
forgot this fear happened to his in
by knowing those, by every prayer,
in this altar she say. I think, to the
altar. And she -- she defined teh
gravity of Newton as his fear, of
how he -- I think.

Who do you think is the persona in 54-58 Justifying

the poem? I think the person, who
have hmm, a fear of everything. I
think of person has a bad situation
in life. So, of how he growth, how
is he, hows he/ she, she move as,
what do you call that, (playing
with his pen) hmm of how his,
how he/she is stand his life from
being fear, from being scared
person, (hand gestures pointing to
the device) to a strong person. I
think is talking about.

What are some literary devices or 60-61

figures of speech used in the
poem? Hmm, Ah! I I think its
similar in metaphor, just similar in
metaphor, I do longer, I no longer I
What do you think is the theme of 63-64 Concluding
the poem? I think its talking about
the fearness of the people, fearness
of the people, of how they stand
their life.

What is the moral/lesson of the 68-69 Concluding
poem? I think this (fearness) (?)
furnish, furnish, ahh this furnish
should be true, by standing, by
knowing yourself and stand as
what you are.
Using filler

4 An audience. Ahh ethos, pathos, 7-May Concluding

logos by Aristotle. Okay.
(nodding) That’s ethos. Ahh okay,
pathos is .. okay. The ethos,
pathos, logos is a part of speech by
Aristotle. Okay okay. Ahh okay,
logos is the use of facts. Hmm.

Paraphrasing Uhm, those perception is a fact 13-21 Summarizing

(pointing to something) .And
those, Aristotle say that there are
three tools of perception. The
lotus, legos, -- hmm, ethos, logos, -
- ethos is like the speaker
convincing to the receiver about
their point of view. And those --
yea lotus (pathos), lotus is the
connecting way of the speaker, of
the speaker to the receiver. Then
lagos (logos) is the -- (thinking)
yea yea , lagos is the fact or convin
-- facts or information --
informations so that the receiver
can truly accept his point of view -
- his point of view. And those 3
types of perceptions are very --
uhmm is very important in talking
in public or private places, if so we
can (thinking) -- so we can
(circling hand gesture) show our
point of view to those -- to the
thing that we want to express to
the receiver. (touching his nose)

3 So I think this, this -- all about 4-Mar Concluding

intellectual of - of what words --
uhm intellectuals. So, first is …
Using filler
1 So I think uhm, this uhm, this first 12-Oct Concluding
paragraph is, or this first stanza is
all about the artist who uhm - who
don’t have this revolutionary
attitude towards the life. And the
next paragraph is or the next
stanza is …

So, what, I don’t know what 16-18 Expressing

mercenary, so I -- I take mercenary difficulty in
words for -- because I don’t know understanding
what it is word and maybe uhm words

maybe if uhm finish this uhm this
context is i’ll search is for
dictionary. And the next …

So, I think uhm, everyone naman, 24-25 Concluding

everyone is interest, or uhm what
we are doing, so alam natin yun.
And then next is, next stanza is ...

So I think uhm, uhm every person 33-35 Concluding

have uhm, have their goals but, it and justifying
is uhm, there’s, but --- magkakaiba
lang sa ano kung, how we uhm,
makukuha yung goals kung uhm,.
How we process yungh goals

So for uhm, so yung uhm, ano ba - 40-44 Justifying by

- so yung uhm every goals uhm we giving example
have uhm, changes about what is
happening in the present po, uhm,
maybe uhm, if uhm for example if
I am were child so my dream is
uhm first uhm my dream or my
passion that I want is teacher but
now in the present I don’t teacher
because maybe uhm, my uhm,
maybe its too hard for me to be a
teacher. And then, next is ...

and wait, exploitation, take this 52 Taking notes of

word difficult words
So I think this uhm context its all 62-66 Concluding
about the, the person who have
uhm, only, who have a goal in life
and I think uhm, there’s uhm,
there’s someone to uhm, there
someone or a bestfriend to parang
maano sya, parang maano sya
yung -- ano bang tawag dun,
parang maano sya, madadala ng
kaibigan nya sa, kaya nag babago
yung, yung changes their goals
because of the other person. And
then next po,
So, this is uhm uhm very useful 74-76 Concluding by
and uhm, this context because as giving specific
we know the our goals it is and -- justification
and every action is we need to --
we need to think before we action
because it is better to think muna
to to para gumawa agad.

So in this stanza it is uhm, I can 84-86 Relating to

relate this because ughm me as a one’s
person, think ko muna yung ano experience
ang sasabihin ng iba bago, bago
yung, bago sabihin or bago ano
yung akin. The next is …

So medyo uhm, medyo naaano ako 92-93 Expressing
dito sa stanza number 7, confused confusion in
because, (scratching his head) understanding
because there’s a lot of revolution the text
here. (laughed) and then next is ...

So i’ll take the word regime 99 Taking notes of

because I don’t know what it is. difficult words
: So, there’s someone to uhm, to 102- Concluding
express their knowledge or their 103
thoughts about, about this. And 9th
stanza …

So uhm, I think everyone, 111- Concluding

everyone naman is uhm they want 112
to express their knowledge and
thoughts or feelings to -- to ano
express is what we want or what
they want.

So I’ll take this vanguard 119 Taking notes of

difficult words
So uhm, in this uhm, in this 128- Concluding
paragraph is I think uhm not only 132
revolutionary, not only the artist or
the writers uhm revolutionary
attitude have uhm ---- revolution is
maybe they uhm person who want
to be uhm who want to be uhm,
who want to be uhm, meron din
silang pinaglalaban (scratching his
ear) na ganun kaso di sila nag aano
sa revolutionary attitude para sa
mga ano, mga buhay nila. Then
10th stanza.
Comprehension What is the selection all about? So 144- Concluding
questions what is the selection all about, uhm 147 and justifying
I think the selection is all about the
writers or the artist who have
uhm, revolutionary attitude.
Because they want to fight their
thoughts or feelings about uhm,
about their, about what his uhm,
they want to show. And the next is
How does the author define being
a revolutionist/revolutionary?
Uhm, I think the author defined the
revolutionary because they want,
or the person their want to, ay uhm
like what I said before they want
to fight uhm, their uhm their
thoughts or their ideas to uhm to
parang i-show to the people. And
then next is ---

What do you think is the purpose 152- Concluding
of the author in writing this 156 and comparing
article? Uhm the purpose of the
author uhm in writing this article is
to - to for us to know, if we want
to fight their - if we had goals uhm
or if we wanna dream, fight for it.
Also, don’t have uhm, if you have
a doubts or anong tawag dun
(swaying his hand circular motion)
or parang nahihirapan sa in your,
to achieve your goals or dreams,
fight for it and dream only.

Do you consider yourself as a 157- Concluding

revolutionist? Justify your answer. 160
Uhm I think, yes, because uhm,
because as of now I want to --- I
want to show to everyone that
uhm, I have a dream and also is, I
want to share my thoughts and
ideas to everyone to know me or
also (pinching is ear) to know me
and to uhm express what my
feelings are, uhm my ideas also.
And the next is ...

What other title can you give to the 162- Concluding

article? The fight for, I think that, 164
uhm the title that I want to give in
this article uhm, fight for -- for
thoughts and ideas of the
revolutionaries --- revolutionary.
Ayan po Maam.
3 Change. Uhm from the title itself, 4-Mar Using fillers
change. I think, uhm, there can be
uhm, changes uhm happen, uhm
or uhm, after this reading the - the

Maam, can I repeat po yung poem? 25 Requesting to

re-read the
So, uhm I think this line is At my 35-36 Concluding
feet, No longer do I fear, way to
do, what, uhm, to what, uh, want
to show it na I am not afraid of uh,
to everyone. Next is ….
So, I think the uhm, it uhm, most
powerful is to uhm -- to pray uhm,
to God, eh-uhm, using uhm, using
uhm, our uhm, about thinking
uhm think -- use think to more
uhm -- to more concentrate what
you want to pray or what you want
to happen.
So I think uhm it is uhm, all about 56-57 Concluding
the Newton. Uhm Newton

discovers, uhm, or learnings.
Okay na po Maam.
Comprehension What is the poem all about? I think Concluding
questions the poem is all about uhm, uhm,
the changes of what we are
thinking, uhm because uhm, it uhm
helps, it helps or God or the any
person, uhm around us. They have
changes to -- para mga decision
natin sa buhay. Or decision or how
we decision make.
Citing practical
real life
Ah I think, the uhm, the person, or 72-78 Concluding
uhm talking about the poem is I
think, uhm, uhm all of us, because
uhm, because they want to, uhm,
to show to everyone that we want
uhm, that want uhm,. What are we
want to show to them na, (thinking
-- looking at the ceiling) kung ano
yung kakayahan natin or kung mga
gusto natin that kailangan naitn
ipakita. And then, and then, uhm,
with the help of, uhm, uhm or help
to ah God -- guide from God,
maaano natin, madedeliver so sa
mga, (scratching his nose) sa mga
taong gusto natin ipakita sa kanila.
And then next is ....
What are some of the literary 80-82 Guessing
devices or figures of speech used
in the poem? I think uhm,
(touching the tip of his nose --
looking at the ceiling) they have
uhm --- wait lang, simile? Simile.
Wait po Maam. Para po kasi syang Comparing
uhm, context, uhm, lines na simple
lines po na ano, wait, I cannot
remember po. (thinking)

Yung ano po --- assonance? Ay 100- Validating

hindi. Hindi po. Wait, (touching 101
his nose) metaphor po?

Yung eto po, I think …. 105- Citing lines in

106 the poem
The fire of prayer in my mouth
No longer between my teeth

: (thinking) I think, uhm -- di sya 112- Remembering

alliteration. (swaying his hand up 113 the lines,
and down) naano ko na po Maam analysis of
yung iba, nakalimutan ko na po figures of
yung figures of speech eh. Yung speech
mga example.

What do you think is the theme of 117- Justifying
the poem? I think, the theme of 120
this poem is uhm, is uhm, changes.
Ayan pi changes. Because I think
the theme or the title itself, is uhm,
be uhm, same, because it’s all
about to changes to our life it to
because uh, how we show it to
everyone po kung ganun. The next
is ….

What is the moral/lesson of the 122- Concluding

poem? So the, I think moral lesson 124
of the poem its uhm, always uhm,
God first, because uhm she knows
everything and she may help you.
She may -- ay he guide you and
also uhm, believe in yourself po.

4 So uhm the listening passage 13-Sep Concluding

number 4 is all about the tools of,
the tools of - ano ba yun? Passions
ay ano? Parang ano po sya, kung
how we, how we uhm, interact to
others po. Ayan po, tools of
persuasion -- (persuasion - no
sound from him). So yung
persuasion uhm, its I think, it’s all
about to convince uhm to convince
the other person or the, the uhm
customers, I think. Ganun po sya.
And then, uhm, according to the 15-19 Concluding
uhm Aristotle they have the - they
have the 3 kind of uh persuasion -
ano ba yun persua -- basta yun po,
meron syang tatlo. And then, yung
ethos, pathos, logos. And It think
the uhm, yung the three types of
that is uhm, I heard that before but
I cannot uhm, remember what is
the meaning of that three types.
And maybe uhm, I;ll know the
other definition of what is that (3
types- no sound)
So, uhm, according to the uhm, 21-24 Explaining
according to that, according to that
listening voice po, according to
that is the - ethos po is credible
source po ng, ng information kung
bago parang, parang sa kanya, the
ethos uhm, they come all the
information or uhm that we want
to know. The next …
So yung uhm, sabi pa na, um the 26-27 Concluding
example of that, you tell the uhm,
telling what you have experience

about the, about that activity, any,
any work so yung po yung ethos.
The next is pathos, uhm, I think 29-31 Concluding
the and the uhm, the -- tell me, that
the pathos is how we connect to
the audience or it is the uhm, the
connection of the audience and the
speaker - of how we, how we
persuade them. Ayan po pathos.
And then, uhm, I think the pathos 33-36 Concluding
is the way you, you persuade the
someone or the customer to buy
your uhm, to buy your uhm, your
uhm, any clothes or any works po.
Kumbaga ganun po ang pathos,
kumbaga they want to show with
them of uhm, or uhm, they want
to show with them yung mga
binibenta mo. Yun po. Then next
Logos. I think is, my first 38-44 Justifying
impression about the logos is --
logo. Because my first impression
to my, is logo. Logo, but the truth
is logos is it is use for fact or
uhmm true, true. And for example
is that, for giving uh, to the
students or to the customers that
uhm, our product very uhm, is
very uhm helpful to you. For
example if we have beauty
products po, they want to show the
, the uhm facts about what have,
what we have in ano, in our
products po, kung ano pwede
makuha nila dun sa products. So
ayun po ang, it’s all about po dun
sa ano po, sa listening po, sa
listening passage number 4.

Giving reallife
Summary So, listening passage, its all about 47-56 Summarizing
the facts of persuade. So,
according to the, to the, according
to the Aristotle they have three
types of persuades. And, that is
ethos, pathos, logos. And ethos, it
is uhm, its uhm is credible of the
speakers to uhm, toano what they
want to, to show the customers
and. While the pathos to how we
connect with customers or
audience that, that you have
sincered to show with them what,

what we have products and what
are the, what are the possible that
you uhm outcome it in our
product. While the last one is
logos, it is uhm use of facts and I
think the logos, one of the, one of
the parang audience want to know.
And because of the fact of the ano,
for example product is, beauty
product. You need to tell, to
everyone or to the audience that
uhm, your product is very helpful,
and also um they have uh,
registered to that -- uhm food drug
uh ganun po yung ah parang
registration po. Ayun po.
1 4 Intellectuals is uhm, intelligent, or 2-Jan Asking
thinking? I don’t know. (giggles) question
Then, Extracts from words to the

wrote down the word 12- Taking notes

revolutionary) And the words Nov for difficult
revolutionary is, evolve, nag e words
evolve po sya. (hand gesture in
circular motion)

I don’t familiar with this word. So 24 Taking notes

I take down notes. for difficult
what is the meaning of this. wait . 35 Asking for the
cruelest -- neglect. meaning of
oppressed, so uhm deep. And 40 Expressing
exploited difficulty
Yes but, the uhm, many of the 64 Expressing
words is not familiar for me. So difficulty
I’m so ano.
So in that line, writer and artists 68-71 Concluding
uhm, not totally revolutionaries.
So uhm, revolutionaries uhm,
hmm -- what’s the meaning of this
revolutionaries. Revolution, evolve
like -- like that uhm. The case was
well made that there were many
writers and artists who were not
revolutionaries. Revolutionary.

Okay! The writers and artists they 74-75 Concluding
wanted to help the revolution. So
the artist and the uhm many
writers and artists that wanter to
help to revolve or to evolve to our

So in that passage po sa 7, uhm 79-82 Concluding
(trying to write in the air using her and comparing
pen) the writers and the artist uhm,
and the revolution, they wanted to
help to involve, in that revolution
and to be uhm to contribute,
contributing their knowledge and
efforts in its behalf. SO parang,
parang ano ba yun, UNITE. Nag
uunite po sila sa revolution.

cases, uhm problem. --- analyze to 85

fully understand the cases or

frankly, uhm, direct to the point 90 Stating the

and. Yea. direct to the point. meaning of the
frankly. words
Ideology? Idea?
95 Context clues
hmm, wait a minute. 97 Using fillers
So the artist uhm, wait wait. …. 104- Validating
demonstrate a favourable attitude 109 answers
towards the Revolution … their
attitude towards the revolution of
what? revolution of ourself? or our
country? Like that. wish to know
what degree of freedom they have
within the revolutionary condition
… freedom. Degree of freedom.
Kung anong level ( nodding) okay.
they have within the revolutionary
condition . To express themselves
in accordance with their feelings.
Express. Express themselves.

So -- it said -- the revolution be 111- Concluding

concerned with the situation of 113
those artists and writer. (sniffing)

revolutionary attitude towards 118 Repeting the

reality. Reality, this. (pointing words

what is the meaning of vanguard? 120 Asking for the

Vanguard. I don’t familiar this meaning of
word. words
So, in this word, uhm, the 126- Using filler in
revolution should try to win over 128 thinking
the greatest part of the people to its
ideas. So the revolutions is, should
try to win, in the great, to -- over
the greatest part of the people to its
idea. --- hmmm.

incorrigible. So many words that I 133 Expressing

can’t understand. difficulty in
the wrods
Yes. Towards all others the 136- Concluding
Revolution must have policy; In 137
eveyr revolutions to -our must
have policy. So we have a policy
to -- to follow.

(read some part again) So the artist 143- Agreeing

and the writers they have uh, 145
opportunity to -- opportunity and
freedom to express, the artist and
the writer and also the
revolutionary. Okay okay. Hmm --

Comprehension What is the selection all about? 149-

question 154
The selection all about, the Concluding
revolutionary and the intellectual
to the writer and artists that uhm
their going to uhm, the
revolutionary or the revolution is --
ay no mali. Uhm The artist and the
writers should wanted to - wanted
to help the revolution to evolve
I don’t know what it is, but they expressing
want to help, and the - revolution, opinion
they want to accept or, uhm tama
accept - accept the, the help for
the artist and the writer. Uhm.
Okay number 2.
How does the author define being 155- Concluding
a 161 and justifying
? (read it again) I think the author
defined being a
revolutionist/revolutionary to
express, what is the uhm, to
express teh feeling of the author to
being a revolutionsit. I think the,
what part is that, uhm, how does
the author define -- to uhm,
encouraging and uhm, more to
learn, then, uhm the passage is,
helpful to everybody that uhm to
know the meaning of revolutionist
and the revolutionary to the artist,
or the writer or the, to everyone
(nodding). And, (moving her head
from left to right) (touch her nose)

What do you think is the purpose 162- Translating the
of the author in writing this 170 questions ,
article? (read it again) I -- oh. Wait concluding
a minute. In number 2, How does
the author define being a
? HOW. PAANO. I think the
author define the revolutionist to --
uhm paano nga ba. Wait wait.
(thinking) The number 3 question,
What do you think is the purpose
of the author in writing this
article? The purpose of the author
to encourage or to kno the
meaning or the, the meaning of
that article, and what is the main
purpose of that article, article, if
that article is the, uhm helpful to
others, and gain knowledge eot
that article. That is the purpose of
the article. Because some lines of
that article is -- so uhm,
encouraging and gain knowledge,
some knowledge to that articles.
And -- uhm wait,
Do you consider yourself as a 171- Concluding
revolutionist? Justify your answer. 176
Hmm. I don’t think kung -- I don’t
think if myself is the one’s
revolutionist, but hmm. Do you
consider yourself as a
revolutionist? What is the meaning
of revolutionist? Nakak -- I think,
Yes. because uhm, --- (thinking)
because, Do you consider yourself
as a revolutionist? Hmm. Yes
because, uhm, maybe I can, I can
uhm give some contribute or
anything to evolve or to being to
help the revolution in our country
or in everything, so I think I
consider to myself as a
What other title can you give to the 177- Concluding
article? Uhm, this ah, wait wait. 183
Hmmm --- meaning of the title.
Ano, revolution, revolution and
(scratching his nose) revolution I
think? What other title can you
give to the article? I think the,
uhm. I think the revolution and
their uhm characteristics like that.
Or the revolution and the some
kinds of, wait wait, the revolution.
What other title can you give to the
article? The meaning of revolution.
No no. The -- (writing) The
intellectual and the revolution
(nodding) I think uhm, the

intellectual and revolution. Or
being a how to be a, how to be a

2 This title, uhm technology like 5-Mar Comparing

gadgets, our use everyday. And
I don’t familiar like equity.
What’s the meaning of equity

. I have a dictionary here to know

the meaning of equity. Hmm. Oh
my god. Wala rin. Not complete.
Uhm later.

Yes. Information technology like 10-Sep Agreeing

in facebook, or in google. You can,
you leave like knowing the
problem of our country.

Yes, in google like that, you can 14-15 Comparing
uhm find the ano jobs or shops.
And also you can search your
conduct research to easily do that
Yes, that’s so helpful. And also the 20-21 Agreeing
facebook or messenger you can
easily communicate with friends.

Yes. Uhm some population uhm 27-28 Justifying

don't have the money to buy osme
gadgets to access every ano.
Okay. So in 6 percent uhm some 36-38 Concluding
countries or population connected
to telephone. And 94 percent US
have a telephone. 56 percent have
personal computer at home and 50
percent have internet access.

Wait. hm population taht 43-44 Stating the

connected in telephone. The 94 US content of the
hmm have telephone. 56 percent paragraph
personal computer. 50 percent
have internet access.

: Income, money and race your 57 Stating the

goal, education content of the

Wait a minute. Ethnic groups. 71-73 Concluding
Okay. (read some parts again -
percentage) many of our world
have access internet because
technology evolve and its so
powerful, the technology, to cup
up the country.
So, so many, the internet users also 78 Concluding
in the children.
urban (like our country - this, in 83-84 Comparing
our country) rural areas, (uhm
ibang bansa, US or … urban cities,
rural or indigenous people) Okay.
Ahh bachelor’s degree. College 95 Concluding
graduate of that -- course.
Oh my god. (covered her mouth 103- Expressing
with her hand) so every college 104 surprise
graduate that get this hm course or
degree offered a highest, mataas.
disparities? Wait wait. Disparities. 108- Asking the
Hmm I don’t disparities, the 109 meaning of
meaning of that, I don’t know. difficult words

It depends to the income of 115 Concluding

students? Level of income.
Unfair! (she pronounced as unpair) 121 Expressing
So the computers and the internet 133- Concluding
are to be used to promote equality. 134
Nagkakaiba iba. HIndi pantay.

So every student, ahmm, number 141- Concluding by

passage uhm, their promote, in 144 justifying
computer and uhm internet the
student who have a highest income
have a more access to the internet
or more advance. If your income
is low, yea low, your access to the
internet not like the highest
income. There have an inequality.
Unfair to some students. Okay po

Comprehension What is the selection all about? 148- Concluding

questions The selection all about, is about 150
technology, technology to access
or to gain information to some site.
And other you can communicate or
uhm you can communicate to
others with this technology. That’s
the selection all about.

What cultural issues may have 152- Concluding
influenced, challenged, or inspired 159
the author? I think, uhm their ano,
some of them, have influenced,
challenged, or inspired the author?
I think to those people who have,
that didn’t have a uhm high
income to those people, they uhm,
influence [inaudible 24: 28] that
inspired with that people, with
that, didn’t have telephone, or
inter- or computer, internet access.
I think the author is inspired with
that because, uhm in our country
or in our world, there have some
many people and, or population
that didn’t have internet access
because they didn’t have some
money to buy some gadgets or
technology to gain an information.
Number 3.
What are the political or economic 161- Concluding
issues of the times? The political 166
issue with that, they inequality
(inquaity) or their unfair with
some, with some students or some
people that didn’t have money,
that didn’t have high income, that,
or economic issue is, they can’t
uhm, involve or evolve the highest
uhm, technology. They can create
some technology to (hand gesture,
folded her hand like a flower bud)
easily access and to those people
that didn’t have some uhm, income
uhm, they can’t buy sme
technology. That, number 4.

As a student, what are the 168- Concluding

challenges that you encountered in 174
this digital era? Is, if you don’t
have phone or internet access. You
can’t uhm, communicate to others.
What’s that word? (snap) hmm.

Parang nawawala po sa uso. Di ko

po alam english. Yun parang
nawawala ka po sa uso.

Then, uhm, it’s hard to uhm, Comparing ,

because if you don’t have money concluding
you can’t buy some load to access
any information. Also, if you’re
going to do some research, you
can, you can’t,you can’t do that
because you, you don’t have
money, you don’t have phone to

use to search the important
information to your research. Like
that po Maam. Thank you po,

Difference, pagbabago. Okay. 3 Translating

Everythings changed. Like uhm in 7 Concluding

the past year, and now uhm, or in
So, religious 20 Concluding
change, things change. If the 37 Comparing a
things change, maybe I am too.
I’m going to change
Hmm. Branch. Okay. 42 Greeing
Alliteration, okay. 47 Agreeing
Newton. (Opened his dictionary) 53 Searching for
Oh my god. Hala. the meaning of
The poem all about is change. If 68-71 Concluding
you change -- if that thing or
everything change (pointing to
herself) you also change. And
where ever you, where ever you
go, or where ever you do, uhm,
there’s no longer to uhm, to run or
The poem is all about uhm change
Uhm, uhm I think uhm, I think I 79-80 Concluding
am. Or someone, someone read the
poem. Ayun po.

: I think, the devices or figures of 84-87 Justifying the

speech that used in the poem is figures of
uhm, alliteration. speech by
citing lines in
the poem
Because some like is repeated and
uhm, me -- ano ba. Okay, I give
some line, yung, no longer I run,
or no longer I run to altar.
(laughed) like that. That’s the
literary, ay alliteration, figures of
speech. They repeat the word or
repeated the sentence.

What else, uhm, Hyperbole. Hmm 95-96 Concluding

wait. Things change. No longer I.
In the first paragraph po ata.
(thinking) (covered her eyes with
her hands) I don’t know. Number

Hmm, what kind of theme. (hand 100- Recalling the
gesture, circular in motion) I recall 102 poem
the poem my mind. Hmm. I thnk
the theme of the poem is uhm,
uhm, self, self ano ba. Wait. hmm.
Can I skip maam? 5 po muna tayo.

Requesting to
skip the
moral lesson of the poem. Uhm 106- Concluding
whatever happen, whatever uhm, 109
yea whatever happen, you need to
rise, if some uhm, struggle that,
uhm, struggles that came in your
life or in your way, you need to
raise and to pursue some goals or
your dream. I think that’s the
moral lesson.

Number 4, theme of the poem is, 111- Concluding

encouraging, self motivation 114
because some line of that poem
give you motivated to uhm,
motivates you to change in very
situation like if the situation is not
comfortable feeling, uhm,
something like that, you need to
change. Also your attitude in that
situation. Yun po maam.
4 Three basic tools. Ethos - reliable, 10- Expressing
ethos consider convenient. In Mar understanding
ethos, I understand - ahh if you are
a speaker, you need to uhm, you
need to convince your audience
that you are incredible resources of
that uhm passage you speak. Next
is pathos. In pathos, in pathos uhm,
speaker that connecting their
audience’ motion. If you are a
speaker, you going to have - get
the emotion of your audience. You
need to uhm, uhm persuade
(pronounce as pursue-ace) (snap)
or uhm in pathos, if you uhm,
what’s that? If you are not uhm
good to get their emotion, of your
audience, you are not a good
speaker. You can get or convince
their -- them to listen your, or
listen to you.
Stating the

Uhm like I said to pathos, that you 17- Comparing
can -- you need to get the emotion Dec
of you audience, to relate, to relate
your audience to you, to wha you
said, to what you say. And uhm I
hear that, example of uhm, what
kind of example that. Uhm
example that you are going to vote,
to vote uhm good or bad.

My example is, you are going to

vote bad or good, you need to
analyze some, some audience to
know their feelings. To know what
he/she is going to vote, good or
bad. Like that po Maam.

Ahh okay. Logos is uhm, connect 19-24 Concluding

with uhm, with facts and and explaining
information. Facts, information
and uhm, and evidence. (writing)
to know that your argument or
your -- Yes, your argument that is
uhm convincing or motivating.
And logos, if you have some uhm,
evidences, or facts information
true information, you audience,
uhm, going to uhm, focus on you.
That you have some evidence and
every information that this
evidence or information, that uhm
strong your -- your going to say.
Ahh okay. I have some examples 26-32 Giving
in here. Uhm, tupperware, (showed concrete
the object) then (snap) example I example
have a joy or dishwashing liquid,
and this kind of tupperware is uhm
masebo, and so dirty. Then, If you
put, said in television or TV, the
joy is 99.9% removing bacteria or
sebo in your plate or tupperware
and everything. The, that’s the
example of uhm, the fact evidence
or true evidence that the joy is
uhm, than is uhm, effective. And
effective to wash the dishes and to
clean that all that, there’s no
bacteria in there, safe to you and
everything. (explained this with
props and hand gestures)

Uhm, in passage listening 3 is the 34-42 Explaining,
example that say it uhm, safeguard justifying
or soap that 7000 billion germs in
your hand that removes or flow
away, like that. Then, if that the
ano uhm, big evidences that soap
is uhm effective, and clean your
hand, body or uhm everything.
(pointing to her body) Than,
saying the ‘this soap is effective’.
‘And you can buy this because its
effective.’ ‘Many people saying
that is effective’ And that, like
that. And more likely, uhm, if you
said that soap or the joy is 99.9%
remove germs, or remove sebo in
your dishes, the strong evidence
you have increase and you can
increase the, ah, or you can
convince people or your audience
that soap, or liquid soap is
effective, because you have some
evidence or importance, or
important, truth import -
information to that soap or some.

Summary : And in logos, if you have, yeh 45-54 Concluding,

you have evidence, some stating
information, truth information you understanding
can uhm, uhm, get the the focus of
your audience. The ethos, pathos
and logos have a strength and
effective (nodding) combination of
ethos, pathos and logos. Uhm, in
this passage, they say uhm you
need to uhm, example you talk to
your friend or something or
everyone to, or encouraging
someone to buy or this is so
effective, like that. Ethos, pathos
and Logos uhm, helpful to
someone because in ethos, uhm
your need to uhm, incredible
source. So you have some sources.
And Pathos, you get the emotion
of your audience, Logos is the
evidence, facts, and informations
to get or to convince the audience
that this is effective, this is helpful
and everything. Or anything. Or
ugh, watch some news, news to
that product or advertisement.
That’s all maam.

Summarize of tools of persuasion 59-63 Summarizing,
uhm by Aristotle, there 3 basic paraphrasing
tools uhm Ethos, Pathos, Logos.
Ethos is the speaker convince the
audience that she/he is the
incredible source of that uhm
passage. Pathos speaker that
connecting their audience
emotions. Logos connect with
facts, information and evidence to
some products or , uhm, some
product that you need to use or you
effectively use, helpful to use that
product. And that’s all po.

1 5 Extract from Words to the 3-Jan asking question

Intellectuals. Intellectuals is uhm, for verification
intelligent, or thinking?

Uhm for me, the title itself that, we concluding and

naiintindihan po natin yung comapring
binabasa natin parang may
nakukuha po tayongh idea kung
ano yung binabasa natin.

Sa in this part, uhm, I can say that, 11-Sep concluding and

there are artist who don’t have, comapring
you parang wala silang na anong
meaning na, sa mga [inaudible
1:21] sa mga meaning or value
nung what they are doing.

this part intellectual artist, they 17-18 concluding and

have yung certain goal na parang comapring
they have, na ano po nila yung,
gagawin nila. Na parang may plan
na po sila.

Yung dito naman po, yung 25-26 concluding

dedicated ka sa kung gusto mo,
yung makaakuha ka po ng goal

Yung dito naman po, yung --- 34-35 comparing,

yung parang sa goal, yung minsan giving
sa --- mas narredeem po natin examples
yung sarili natin para. Ayun po.
Yung ano po, dito naman is kung 43-44 comparing,
ano po ang sa tingin natin giving
makakabuti sa ibang tao parang examples and
boomerang effect na babalik din concluding
po sa atin sya.

Yung parang, if ano yung ginawa 49-50 comparing

mo sa ibang tao, parang ganun din
po yung gagawin nila sayo.

Yun yung en-- sa lahat ng bagay 61-62 concluding
na ginagawa natin dpaat sya yung,
magiging result ay maayos at

Yung dito naman po, parang kahit 66-67 concluding and

alam namna po natin yung gusto comparing
natin pero parang kapag wala
tayong will na, parang yung goal
na matupad yun, wlaa rinpong
saysay yun.

Yung dito naman po, yung parang 73-75 comparing

lagi lang tayong nag iimagine ng
katulad ng mga artist, is yung
parang mas maganda po yung
gagawin mo talaga yung para ma-
magkaroon ka ng attitude na para
ma ano po yung gusto mong

Yung dito naman po, yung parang 81-82 concluding and

naiinspire tayo ng mga taong comparing
nakakapag tupad ng mga goals nila
kaya parang gusto natin sila
samahan para matupad din po
yung goals natin.

Yung parang, yung, ahh, yung 90-92 concluding and

parang ano ba, parang kailangan comparing
po muna nating ianalyze, yung ,
tawag dun? Yung, Kailangan
maisip po talaga yung, isiping
maigi yung mga way para
magkaroon po tayo ng clear na
gustong gawin. Ayun po.

Yung parang, nag aano po tayo ng 97-98 concluding and

kung makakagawa, kung comparing
makakasulat po tayo nung naaayon
po ba sa gusto natin, yung mga
parang may pakinabang na ganun
Yung minsan may gusto tayon
iexpress kaso lang di po natin
mainterpret yun gusto natin.

Yung parang, dito po yung parang 112- concluding and

kailangan natin mag encourage ng, 114 reflecting
mga revolutionaries ma encourage
yung mga tao na sumama po sa
kung ano yung, ano po yung
gagawin po.

Na dito po na, wala po tayong will 121- concluding

na sumama sa, matupad yung mga 123
gus- yung goal is kailangan pa rin
po natin sundan yung mga
nagiging inspiration natin, na

matupad yung goal.

Yung dito naman po yung parang 131- concluding and

kailangan natin maghanap ng place 132 comparing
na kung saan magkaroon po tayo
ng, ng confidence na sabihin po
yung gusto nating sabihin po.

Compre.question What is the selection all about? 134- concluding and

Yung parang sakin po ung 137 comparing
selection is, tinatalakay yung
parang, yung thought po nung,
yung wag lang po tayo mag ano ng
vision, hindi lang po natin i vision
yung gusto nating gawin, parang
mag work po tayo para maano po
natin yung yung gusto nating

How does the author define being 138- comparing

a 141
? Parang yung dinefine nya po
yung revolutionary na tayo, kasi
diba yung mga revolutionaries
yung parang pinaglalaban nila
yung gusto nila. YUng mga
determination sila matupad kung
ano yung gusto nila.

What do you think is the purpose 142- concluding

of the author in writing this 144
article? To inspire po yung mga
tao na, yung, ayun nga po, yung
wag lang basta basta, yung wag
lang imagine nang imagine.
Magkaroon ka ng lakas ng loob na
tuparin po yung gusto mo.

Do you consider yourself as a 145- justifying and

revolutionist? Justify your answer. 147 agreeing
Hmm Opo maam kasi, sa tingin ko
po hindi lang po ako, yung
naghahanap po ako ng mga way
para matupad po yung mga gusto
ko po at dreams.
What other title can you give to the 148- comparing
article? Ano ba. YUng parang, 151
kailangan po na palitan yung title?
Ano ung parang -- ano ba. Ano, be
a revolutionary on your own life
Ano maam, yung parang, sa buhay 153- justifying and
po naitn, yung maging 155 agreeing
revolutionaries, hindi in a bad way
na parang, yun kasi yung ----
nakikipag laban sila na para kung
ano yung, yung, yung ang ganda

po ng self determination nila na
kaya po nilang maipaglaban para
sa sarili nila.

2 Uhm, withthe technology, there 5-Mar justifying

sometimes, there has been some, based on
wait, ano ba yung tawag dun. observation
Yung, yung hindi fairness na
nagiging trato sa, yung current
generation now and the older

Yung technology and other 13-14 concluding by

gadgets has been uh, mean for us justifying,
to do all things, in an easier way, observing
na more easier way, mas madaling
paraan po, convenient way po.

Yung, yung fairness po yung, yung 22-24 concluding

some rural areas they cannot, wait
lang po maam. (phone call) Yung
ano po maam, in some areas hindi
po sila kayang maabot nung
technology advancement, kung
saan sila po yung napag iiwan na

Yung sa, yung true (through?) 31-35 citing lines in

more innovation po -- (read some the passage to
text again) Yun dito po is, sa conclude
through technology innovation,
yung parang ang dali pong mapag
lipasan yung mga bagay bagay
yung mga, parang exmaple po,
yung telephone parang dati ang
advance nila, pero through
innovation na po parang ang dali
na po syang nawala. May napalit
nya, kaso yung mas naging mas,
mas costly po yung pumalit sa
In this part, there are alot of factor 41-42
in which people cannot access with
the advancement of the
YUng in this part, technology has 67-60 explaining
been, naging need na sya even through citing
though na kulang po yng pambili, real life
nag kakroon ng way na, kasi example
parang naging use na, kasi parang
nakasama na sya sa needs natin.
Kaya kailangan ng, kahit na
medyo maano, they work in order
to have them po.

In this part, if you graduate with 70-72 concluding
such higher, higher, yung mas
mataas po yung level na napag
anohan mo, ano bang tawag dun?
Yung -- you could [inaudible 9:45]
more better job that you could
have, that could generate more

Uhm, yung money is an major 81-83 concluding by

issue in which, -- yung malaking giving
part po yung money play - big part examples
in which you cannot attain
technology and class works (?)
Example for school, private school
tend to have more advance techno-
gadgets unlike public schools.

Yung dito po, yung ano po, with 95-101 concluding and
the use of gadgets or technology comparing
sometimes we could, magagamit
op natin na, parang makikipag -
kapag maalam ka po na may
proper na alam ka po sa
technology, pwede kang makipag
sabayan para matreat kang equal,
para makipag sabayan ka dun sa
mga countries na in which yung
gloom -- naka full gloom na talaga
ang technology. Yung parang hindi
kana maddiscriminate na in which
kahit na, even though you leave in
areas in which mahirap yung,
mahirap yung, mahirap po yung
yung, technology, yung internet
access, pwede ka pong makipag
sabayan sa kanila.
Compre questions What is the selection all about? 105- concluding and
Ano po, the selection is all about, 109 comparing
ano po, yung, the selection is all
about how technology, how
people, yung nag, ano bang tawag
dun. Imbis na minsan yung
technology parang nagiging means
pa po sya ng separation ng mga
tao. Imbis na maging equal, mas
nagiging way pa po sya na mas
lalong naddiscriminate yung iba
kasi wala po silang kakayahan na
maafford yung ganung technology

What cultural issues may have 111- concluding

influenced, challenged, or inspired 114
the author? I think, the cultural
issue that influenced the author,
maybe poverty. Yung cultural,
yung mga racist po, kung ano po
yung ethnic, kung saan po sila

naka bilang na ethnic group. Yung
mga, yung mga ano po, ayun po.
Yung poverty and racist po na

What are the political or economic 116- concluding,

issues of the times? Uhm ano 119
maam. The issues, yung money
issues po ng mga races. Na kung -
yung mga -- bayan kung -- ay, oo
country po. Yung for example po
yung sa issue, yung more richer na
country po, they could afford
technology call advancement po,
kung saan other poor country
could not have po.

As a student, what are the 121- giving personal

challenges that you encountered in 124 opinion based
this digital era? UHm ano po, as a on expereince
student na encounter ko yung mga,
yung lack of, lack of knowledge po
sa technology. Yung hindi po
masyadong nabigyan ng saktong,
yung proper education po ng mga,
kami po about sa technology,
parang ang liit po ng time na
nabigay. Yun po.

3 Yung ano po, change po is the 13-Oct concluding

only concept na (?) even though
ano po kahit po tayo, change po,
yung mga sometimes those things
that we fear back then hindi na po
tayo natatakot ngayon na, kaya na
po nating i-face.

Hindi na po tayo nagttremble sa 21 translating

mga takot na iyun po.
Na yung mga dati po nating 29-30 comparing
kinakatakutan kaya na po nating
harapin, na hindi mo na sya
kakatakutan (?)

The poem is all about how we 36-37 concluding

change in, and how we improve
ourselves to face those things that
we fear. On how could able to
handle them.
Ano po, yun parang simile or 45-46 comparing
metaphor. Yung kinocompare po
tayo sa, sa yung sa may
comparison po dun.
Ano po, yung theme nya yung -- 51 giving personal
ano ba yun. Yung theme nya is insights,
yung how we should fear yung or concluding

how we should face our fear po.

The moral lesson of the poem is, to 55-56 giving personal

do not fear and face the obstacle insights,
that, we fear po. concluding
4 Yung persuasion, its ano po, it 4-Mar justifying the
convinces us to, it is use to meaning
convince, to be on our side po.

Yung Ethos it is a persuasion that 7-Jun explaining the

convince people that you are info in the text
trustworthy or capable po sa isang
Yung pangalawa po, ano sya, in 10-Sep concluding
order to persuade them, its parang
nagiging threat po sya to go on
your side po.

Yung sa Logos po, parang nag 15- concluding

aano sya ng gumagawa ka ng, Dec
create evidence na totoo yung, na
totoo po sya na, na yung evidence
sya na, fact sya na about sayo.
YUng na may OPbasis, kung saan,
mapagkaka, yung mapupunta mo
sila, mappersuade mo sila na
kumampi sayo.

Yung witth the use of three of this, 17-18 concluding

most likely po na mapersuade mo
yung audience mo gamit po yung
tatlong ito imbis na isa lang ang
pipiliin. Okay na po Maam.

Summary Persuasion is a way in order to 32-39 summarizing,

convince other to go on their side. paraphrasing
According to Aristotle, there are
three way of persuasion: Ethos,
Pathos, and Logos. Ethos uhm, its
somehow, convince the audience
with the use of emotions in order
to tell them that you are to trust
and credible to do the task in order
to for them to be persuade by you.
Pathos, it is somehow that you
tend to threat or threaten the
audience or --- that to be persuade
by you. And Logos, in logos your
are giving evidence with basis or
facts that are reliable in order for
them to be persuade, in order for
you to persuade the audience. And,
but with the use of these three, it is
more powerful that you could
slightly persuade the audience.

1 STUDEN The selection, the… what do you 9-Jul concluding
T6 call this… The paragraph is all
about an artist and a good artist.
And I don’t know what is the
collection - connection of
revolutiona-- revolution about the
sen--tence. (Paused for seconds) I
think it’s all about the group of
. (Paused for about a minute. 15-Oct analysis of the
Looking at something she’s - I lines
think- holding) Why do we have a
good artist and also a bad artist?
Revolution. As the rr-the mm- the
dictionary says, revolution, the
action of by a celestial body of
going round in an orbit elliptica--
or elliptical course. What is the
connection? (Paused, thinking..,
looked at the screen, smiling). And
also, a sudden radical or complete
change. (Paused) (uttered
something I couldn’t understand)
The overthrow or renunciation of 14-19 stating
one government or ruler and the understanding
substitution of another by the
governed. A-- activity or
movement designed to effect
fundamental changes in the
socioeconomic situation. (Read the
paragraph again) Oh, ah, there can
be a good artist of course. Artist
and good artist, yes we have these.
So, uhm, so the second… sentence
is why do have, have a
revolutionary attitude towards the
rev-- towards the life.
So, ah (scratched nose) I think 19-23 concluding
they’re talking about changes of
our attitude, and it is for precisely
that group of artist and
intellectuals that the revolution
constitute a problem. Uhm (wiped
her nose, looked somewhere)
change--changes of our attitude, if
we don’t think aloud , we don’t
think carefully or we’re going to
change, it can be caused to a
problem, it can be lead to our--to
the problem. That’s all my

So, this is what (scratched cheek) I 31-33 concluding

said earlier. If you ju-- if you think
(fixed hair) think what are you...
chhhk (sound from her mouth ata.
hehe) he knows he has to do so,
that person already think or
already plan what are-- what a--
what she or he will do.

What? Am I repeating? (slightly 40 validating
Who has this attitude like… Uhm 44-51 concluding,
its say that, (fixed hair) even if you comparing
are not an artist, you can even
change your attitude. Uhm… What
do you call this? Chhhk wait
(looked up and down) depends,
depends on your goals, depends on
your goal, object or the people
surrounds you. Ah, it depends on
you, if you want to change your
attitude but, it’s... like... what the
first sentence says, the real
problem exists for the artist or
intellectual who does not HAVE a
revolutionary attitude. (Paused for
seconds) For the revolutionary
don’t… for the revolushhh--
(uttered something) for the
revolutionary… those goals and
objectives ar---are dire--- directed
to--- towards the change of reality.

So, if you change someth--- if you 59-62 concluding

change something to your attitude,
o--- just to… uhm (fixed hair)
chhhk. If you change something to
your attitude, it will have an
impact to the... (with hand gesture)
to the things that going to happen
in the future. Something like that.
Change of reality, yeah.

For example, you do something 67-73 citing example

that… you do something bad,
you… change your attitude in a
wrong way or you don’t change
your attitude, it will ano, it will
directed to the --- to the
redemption, to the sins. Ahm,
(uttered something) ay no, saving
your sins. Sa--- ah (slightly
laughed) save you from sins. If
you change your attitude, for
example you came from bad at---
bad habit like that something like
that and you realize what you’ve
done and you decide to change it,
for better and then, so… it will
directed to the redemption of a
man or… save fr--- save you from

Oh, so exploitation is the action or 81-82 concluding

fact of treating someone unfairly in
order to benefit from their work.
So, I think an… Where did I stop?

So it’s all about the changes. 87 concluding
So the person I--- the person- for 93-96 concluding,
example from work, in order to giving practical
recognize, in order to… (looking example
something beside here, thinking) i-
-- so, sa-- work… Ahm, wait…
(something fell) Study na lang,
study. So, just.... In order to ca-ah,
in order to get someone’s
attention, you will ano… you will
just make other… ahm, sorry,
Ah, in order to get someone’s 97-103 concluding,
attention, you will just uhm insult giving practical
other in front of a lot of people, example
and exploitation it will towards…
So ex… (Paused for seconds) We
will just, I think we will just step
to their dignity because you want,
you want others to be happy or you
want them to get your attent---
get… you want them to focus on
you. And in order, and your way is
not… good so… you’re treating
someone unfairly. Uhm… you’re
treating them, you’re treating that
person.. Different from others. So,
it’s talking about favoritism?
Something like that.

Oppresses… Yeah, like what I 108- giving meaning

said, oppressed and exploited is… 111 to the word/
ay… oppressed is also context clues
exploitation. Just to get someone…
just to get other’s attention, you
will just say something bad to one
person, treating him different---
how you--- different--- how you
treat a--- how you treat others. You
will just use some… uhm..
Harmful words.

(Reread the first part of the 119- giving example

paragraph) So, example of this is 125
food. If it is good to everyone, then
it is also good for you. Noble…
(Searched for its meaning) Noble,
belonging to a hereditary class
with high social or political status.
Having or showing fine personal
qualities or high moral principles
and ideals. A person of noble rank
or birth. (Paused for more than a
minute; Reread the paragraph)
Okay! If one start with the…
(looked at the screen) If one
person, bullying (looked up)
bullying… mmmm… ahm, wait.

(Reread: If one does not think of
the people and for the people, that

So it start with the one person and 125- searching for

wait lang. (Looking at something) 134 the meaning of
Start with one person and if that words, analysis
one person influence others, e-- of words
with--- a bad attitude, that is if searchedc
when does not think and one does
act for the great exploited. For the
great exploited? (Looked down to
search for a meaning maybe) Oh, I
thought...exploitation and
exploited is same but it’s not. So
exploited is make full use of and
derive benefit… Ah, same lang.
No, it’s just the same. (Looked at
the screen) Ahm, if the--- ahm, the
example of this… group of
people… If, one person in that
group has the bad habit treating
someone unfairly and it means
they all have the bad habit and
attitude too, because started from
one into group.So it says that then
one simply does not have a
revolutionary attitude. So, if that
person influence the group, so it
means they all have, they all have
that bad habit, so… that person
doesn’t change his attitude. That’s
my insight.

(Reread; scratched nose) If we 140- concluding

really think… (looking around) If 143
we really ahh change our attitude,
we will just realize because, we
will just realize… the usual and
the beautiful of every action. You
will just realize it after you change
your attitude. It is the impact,
impact of what are you doing.

We understand.. (looking from 147- searching for

what she’s holding to the screen) 152 the meaning
that is must be a...tragedy. for
Someone understand… (looking understanding
for a meaning; eyes from what
she’s holding to the screen)
Capable… (Searching…)
Tragedy… An event causing great
suffering, destruction, and distress,
such as a serious accident, crime,
or natural catastrophe. We
understand that it must be a

tragedy, when someone
understand(s) this and nonetheless
has to confess that he is incapable
for fighting. Incapable

Ahm, understand that it must be a 152-

tragedy, tragedy… Dito nako 162
kukuha. Tragedy, tragedy, when
someone understand this
nonetheless has to confess,
tragedy. (Reading the meaning of
tragedy) when someone
understand(s) this and nonetheless
has to confess that he is incapable
of fighting. Capable… (Searching)
Ahhh, ahhh, so the tragedy, a
person, is a person who has an
unhappy ending, so… when
someone understand...wait…
understand(s) this and nonetheless
has to confess that he is incapable
of fighting. For example, ahm,
In...Incapable.. Other term… none
unless has to confess that he is
incapable of fighting for it. Ahm...
regretting, ah, regretting that, you
will just say to yourself that I
should ___ (couldn’t understand
‘cause of the vibration). Ahm… if
you don’t think aloud, ahm, if you
don’t think aloud, you will just
regret that. _____ (couldn’t
understand) ito… ahm.. Even
though it’s wrong, you should--
you w--- you need to… think
aloud it. Just l--- just for you to
don’t have some regrets.
Ah.. (Reread the first part of the 168- concluding,
paragraph) Revolutionaries, person 172 justifying
who change. Whoever is more of answers
an artist than a revolutionary
cannot think exactly the same as
we do. Ahm… We don’t have the
same ideas, ideas or, the same…
wait. (Searching…) We don’t have
the same understanding. Ahm, we
struggle for the people without
inner conflict, we know that we
can have to think about the people
before we think about ourselves.

. Ahm, like what we say we 172- comparing and
struggle for the people without 179 concluding
inner conflict. So the inner conflict
is for example, ahm, you are
going to ask yourself that what
wrong with me? Ahm, why can’t I
do this? Am I not enough? Li--
something like that. we know that
we can have to think about the
people before we think about
ourselves. So, for example, you are
mad to the person bec-- to that
person because he/she do
something that… (looked around)
you are do something that, that
person do or something that, you
don’t like, so you will just say
some harmful words to that person
even though you don’t know what
happen to him, you don’t know
what happen to him.
Wait, ahm… what is… you don’t 179- citing real life
know how he/she feel, that’s why, 188 example by
he/she’s do something bad. For comparing
example, in a work, you ask that
person to print something but, to
print something but… mmm… for
example to print ahm… to print a
picture but, he/she print
something else like a text, like---
something like that, and, you’re
so--- you’re so mad because, it is
an urgent, so, you use some
harmful words to that person
without even asking that, why d--
ahm… Is there something wrong?
Why… are you out of your mind?
Like that, because… because like
it say that we know that we can
have to think about the people
before we think about ourselves,
so before you get mad, you should
know what’s happening to that
person. What if that person is
suffering from ahm...anxiety,
depression or som--- etc. ahm…
Yeah, like that. And that is the
only attitude that define ua a truly
revolutionary attitud

Yung dito naman po, yung parang 194- comparing

naiinspire tayo ng mga taong 195
nakakapag tupad ng mga goals nila
kaya parang gusto natin sila
samahan para matupad din po
yung goals natin.
Yung parang, yung, ahh, yung 203- comparing
parang ano ba, parang kailangan 205
po muna nating ianalyze, yung ,
tawag dun? Yung, Kailangan

maisip po talaga yung, isiping
maigi yung mga way para
magkaroon po tayo ng clear na
gustong gawin. Ayun po.

Yung parang, nag aano po tayo ng 210- comparing,

kung makakagawa, kung 211 concluding
makakasulat po tayo nung naaayon
po ba sa gusto natin, yung mga
parang may pakinabang na ganun

Yung minsan may gusto tayon 216- comparing ,

iexpress kaso lang di po natin 217 inferring
mainterpret yun gusto natin.

Yung parang, dito po yung parang 225- concluding and

kailangan natin mag encourage ng, 227 comparing
mga revolutionaries ma encourage
yung mga tao na sumama po sa
kung ano yung, ano po yung
gagawin po.

Na dito po na, wala po tayong will 234- concluding and

na sumama sa, matupad yung mga 236 reflecting
gus- yung goal is kailangan pa rin
po natin sundan yung mga
nagiging inspiration natin, na
matupad yung goal.

Yung dito naman po yung parang 244- concluding and

kailangan natin maghanap ng place 245 comapring
na kung saan magkaroon po tayo
ng, ng confidence na sabihin po
yung gusto nating sabihin po.

comprehension What is the selection all about? 247- concluding and

Yung parang sakin po ung 250 reflecting
selection is, tinatalakay yung
parang, yung thought po nung,
yung wag lang po tayo mag ano ng
vision, hindi lang po natin i vision
yung gusto nating gawin, parang
mag work po tayo para maano po
natin yung yung gusto nating

How does the author define being 251- concluding and

a 254 comparing
? Parang yung dinefine nya po
yung revolutionary na tayo, kasi
diba yung mga revolutionaries
yung parang pinaglalaban nila
yung gusto nila. YUng mga
determination sila matupad kung
ano yung gusto nila.

What do you think is the purpose 255- concluding
of the author in writing this 257
article? To inspire po yung mga
tao na, yung, ayun nga po, yung
wag lang basta basta, yung wag
lang imagine nang imagine.
Magkaroon ka ng lakas ng loob na
tuparin po yung gusto mo.

Do you consider yourself as a 258- justifying

revolutionist? Justify your answer. 260
Hmm Opo maam kasi, sa tingin ko
po hindi lang po ako, yung
naghahanap po ako ng mga way
para matupad po yung mga gusto
ko po at dreams.

Ano ung parang -- ano ba. Ano, be 264 comparing

a revolutionary on your own life.
Ano maam, yung parang, sa buhay concluding and
po naitn, yung maging reflecting
revolutionaries, hindi in a bad way
na parang, yun kasi yung ----
nakikipag laban sila na para kung
ano yung, yung, yung ang ganda
po ng self determination nila na
kaya po nilang maipaglaban para
sa sarili nila.

Ah, this ano, this statement I agree giving

because yeah, ahm,based on my example, citing
experience (looked around)I observation,
really---I really ah I really use, I practical
really use ahm online-- online application
apps. just to communicate with my
loved ones, family, or the, ah my
friends, with friends. Example of
this is the time that we are in the
quarantine situation, uhm, we are,
we usually ano, we all-- we know
that we live in a different, we don’t
live as same place that our friend
live to, so, in order to
communicate with them,we need
to use ah some internet ah the
online apps just to communicate
them like Messenger, Facebook,
FB live,uhm, and then the
informalogica--- technology,
yeah, because like now, we
experience some quarantine so as
student we if you are an in a online
class, usually, you need to always
use cellphone for you to attend
class because we cannot make we
cannot go to to school now
because of the pandemic. We use
the internet to look and apply for

jobs, yes, like example of
trabahanap, the…(looked up) those
app--- that apps. is an example of
ano applying for jobs-- jobsh ha!
Bulol, shop, conduct research,
make airline reservation (s), and
explore areas of interest, yeah, for
example,ahm, for you to make it
easier, you don’t want to make
some, you don’t want to go
personally to make reservations we
just want to, because you’re bu--
you’re ah you are a busy person so
you decided to, to make area---
airline reservation, and explore
areas of interest, explore areas of
interest like (scratched nose)
Google Map, you can use that it,
for example, you don’t this place
but someone told you that this is
beautiful and Google Map or… tsk
Google you can search for place,
fo example Palawan, so uhm lot of
people said that it’s beautiful but,
how can you say if it is beautiful if
you don’t see it. Then, Computers
are commonplace in home and the
workplace yeah, that is true.

: (Reread some parts) So, (Reread 40-47 citing and

some parts) okay, ahm, we, we realting real
know that all of us is not living in life scenario by
the same...same.. What...lot o-- lot comparing
of people cannot afford to buy situations
computer or other gadgets, so
(Paused for a while) they only can
afford ah, some people can afford
only uhm keypad and they can use
this to communicate with their
loved ones, they call, wait, (Paused
for a while; Reread some parts)
Uhmm so, tsk, (Paused; reread
some parts) So like what I said we
all, we people, most of people
cannot afford to buy gadgets,
gadgets to communicate with
others, because uhm lack of
money? Maybe they, yeah (looked
down) because is not ah, today,
toady’s genera-- today’s ahm
(looked at her side) today’s
generation is ano, is more on using

So, like what I said earlier, not all 65-69 concluding by

people can afford to buy giving real life
cellphone, and , and, computers. example
Not all people can afford to use
internet. So, (Reread some parts)
So, so the statement said that

uhm… had an in---- has an
information of, how many percent
does the place have, does the place
have (looked from her right to left)
no, how many percent are using
gadgets and internet in that place,

So I think, in this sentence, it 79-88 concluding and

benefits the person who knows justifying ,
how to use computer because the expressing
last side meants (side means- I difficulty in
couldn’t understand her in this understanding
part, so I am not sure if I heard her the text
right.) if you are good in a
computer, and you-- if you win the
baccalaureate candidates with
degree, the computer science will
offer the highest salaries of all
college graduates. That’s good
(uttered something I couldn’t
understand; Searching…) A great
difference, so, they really
importance to the internet because
it give them info and, it’s really
im--- for me, the internet also is
important because without
internet, uhm, if we ah, if we
encounter a question like, so hard
for us to understand, we can use
internet for us ano, for us to be
easy to understand it, because you
can just type the word or sentence
that you want to understand then
the answer will and the internet
will show you the answer.

(Reread some parts) I think ah the 97-105 concuding,

statement saying that uhm internet justifying by
and, internet and mobile ah tsk comparing
internet and gadgets are just a different
distraction in a-- for-- in.. to a situations
student. Distraction to a students
who is studying, like high--- ahm,
because, yeah, because yeah, it’s
true , because if you don’t have
cellphone, you can… uhm you are
aware of what happening a
surroundings, you can even
concentrate to the lesson without
even getting distract--- distracted
to the-- your-- to the cellphone
because someone chat you like
that.With high concentration of
low-income students, uhmm, this--
- but it depends on a student, it
depends on a student if he/she
really con- want to concentrate, if
he/she really want listen, or or to

learn, it depends on him, it not, it
not, uhm it’s not about gadgets or

: (Reread some parts; Searched the 117- re-reading ,

word “accessible”) Uhm, if If 122 concluding,
computers and the internet are to comapring and
be used to promote equality, they giving practical
have to become accessible, examples
because like what I said not all
people can afford the internet ah
the gadgets, computer, so they
need, if that group cannot afford
that gadgets or computer, be
approachable, we should uh, what
do you call this? We should for
example they asked you
something, like what is this? Can
you to thi-- Can you search this for
me? Ahm, be kind, help them
because they cannot afford what
you can afford.

Yeah, that;s true, because uhm, 129- agreeing ,

especially to those uhm who 135 concluding and
already in our grade, we really justifying
need to us internet, we really need
to search for a answer to our
question, because it easier to ask,
to search on internet because we
don’t have books, we don’t have
books... to... ke--- ahm we don’t
have enough books for our...
question, we don’t have books to
answer our question so, we- it
really, so, the computer and
internet,gadgets really benefit us
student because it’s more--- it’s
easier ah- for us to research, it’s
easier to us to communicate to our
group members, to our classmate,
to our teachers. (Okay na po,

comprehension What cultural issues may have 143- concluding by

influenced, challenged, or inspired 147 citing personal
the author? Uhm, I think… encounter
because the author knowthat it
really benefit us student and lot of
people really benefit us when we
use gadget because uhm, if we are

uhm, in an urgent, if we are in an
urgent,and we need an, f-- ah we
need to get a answer immediately,
we can search it, so I think, that is
the culture issues may have
influenced, using cellphones,
internet, it’s more ano, helpful to

What are the political or economic 149- concluding,

issues of the times? Uhm ano, lack 151 citing practical
of money. Like what I said, not all examples -real
people can afford to buy gadgets. life based on
Uhm, not all people can afford to observation
use internet because yeah,lack of

As a student, what are the 153- justifying by

challenges that you encountered in 158 sharing
this digital era? Uhm, during personal
online class,I can-- the internet is experience ,
that good that’s why I cannot comparing
understand the .. because you--
some uhm error is happening and
also, uhm I can’t focus to , to my
study because of using cellphone,
uhm overuse of cellphone because
sometimes, I choose to play than
study, or choose to watch on
facebook than studying so, but, it’s
up to me, so that is a challenges to
me because sometimes I cannot
really stop it.

3 (Reread the above part) Wait re-reading,

(Searching…) I think uhm, from concluding by
being down,being down (Reread comparing and
some parts) being down, for giving personal
example, uhm, ahm, (uttered observation
something I couldn’t understand) and experience
uhm, for example ah, to your
grades, ahm, tsk, no, to your
family, for example, ahm you
expect-- ay, to your friends, to
your friends, you expect them to
this to you on your special day, but
they didn’t so, ahm you, you is
very shocked so, ahm, in that
situation, you’re feeling down,
that, tha’s all I think.

So, I think that person is fearless, 18 concluding

No longer run to my altar...
(Kept saying “the fire of prayer in 23-24 concluding by
my mouth; Searching...) Ah, I context clues
think ano, extremely praying
(Reread the above part;
Searching…; Read the next part)

So, I’ll just continue what I said 29-30 re-reading
earlier that uhm, expecting the
have offended. Newton as a habit
of centuries Inhabits my skull; I
know (Reread the rest of the

Earlier, the poem said that...he/she 39-41 concluding

do not have fear, fearless and last,
I think the person the-- if when
he/she call (Paused) uhm, he/she--
when he/she uhm fall into that
situation, I think, as-- she or--
he/she asking herself if, his self if
that is the reason why he/she’s
scared. That’s all.

What is the poem all about? 45-47

-changes direct to the
point answer
think, uhm, cause it’s all about the, 55-56 context clues,
it about ahm, the poem mentioned word
about the altar, so I think it is a association

What are some of the literary 58-69

devices or figures of speech used
in the poem?
STUDENT 6: Uhm, the.. Wait… citing lines in
fire in my mouth, the fire of prayer the poem
in my mouth

MA’AM LESLIE: So, what figure

of speech is that? Can you identify,

STUDENT 6: Ma’am, I think uh, identifying

wait, I think it’s hyperbole but i’m figures of
not sure. speech

: Ma’am can I recall the poem? recalling the

Uhm, no longer do I, I think ahm lines in the
simile. Ay, no, wait, it’s not simile. poem ,
No, not simile… (Paused) identifying by
Recovering from the shock Of a citing lines in
huge branch falling, metaphor. I the poem
don’t see a simile here in the

don’t really can’t explain it but the 75-77 recalling,

theme is (thinking… ; searching...) processing
Uhm… uhm… Ano nga yung thoughts
sinabi ko kanina? uhm, I forgot
(Searching…) uhm, recovering...
no, it’s that recovering from the
shock, getting (I am not sure if I

heard her right with this.)falling. I
think that is

Uhm, be fearless. Don’t let 81 reflecting by

problems let--- don’t let problems giving personal
drag you down, pull you down. conviction
4 Accredible…(nodding to some expressing
parts) Pathos (inaudible 1:35) We difficulty in
all the audience (inaudible 1:55) understanding,
Athos.... (kept moving her head expressing
forward to the speaker) If the through non-
audience is… (inaudible 2:17) but verbal cues
to the animals… (inaudible 2:22)
(uttered something I couldn’t
understand) You’re convincing…
(inaudible 2:41) if they have some
details (uttered something I
couldn't understand) that, of the
evidences (nodding to some parts;
uttered something I couldn’t
understand) … athos (ethos),
pathos and logos are (inaudible
3:36) Okay, okay na po.

So, uhm, so the listening passage 13-25 stating

number 3 came fro--- according to understanding
the ancient (read as an-syent) of the text,
Greek Aris-- Aristotle.uhm, we concluding
have 3 persuasion, it is ethos (read
as athos), logos, ay-- ethos (read as
athos), pathos and logos. And
those three have their strength.
Strength is to persuade, persuade
the audience. Uhm, the ethos (read
as athos) way convincing is uh, he
o-- he/she proving to the audience
that he is accredible, accredible,
and, and the audience is her
credible. If, the audience is
trustworthy, then he/she is reala---
rel-liable and since-- or sincere,
then the pathos (she said athos) is
ahm, can explain also that, can
explain to you how to take-- how
the dentist take care of your teeth
than the firefighter, them pathos
convi--- al--convince the audience
by emotion. If an audience ca---
and it’s also said that if an
audience cannot trust you, then
you cannot persuade them too.
Then, logos is more convincing
than the two, because if logos
show some details and
evidences,ahm, for me-- for me,
yeah, it’s more convince too, if I
were the audience, I’ll just, I w--- I

am be able to convince if it is more
detailed and has a evidences.That’s

Listening-- listening passage #3, 41 summarizing

tools of persuasion. Persuasion is a
(couldn’t understand the next word
she said.) of convincing someone
to agree with your point of view.
According to ancient read as an-
syent)--ancient Greeek Aristotle,
we have 3 pers-- persua--
persuasion, That is ethos (read as ,
athos) , pathos and logos. And
ethos (athos) is a spe-- way of
speaker in convincing of how--
uhmm, ex-- of how accredile
he/she is, how much experience
she was on the field, and the
audience is her credible.If the
audience is trustworthy, and then
she or-- he/she is reala--- reliable
or sincere.And Pathos, pathos is…
uhm convince the audience emo--
with emotion, if that… because if
that audience cannot trust speaker,
then,yuo cannot persuade them.
Then, the logos is more
convinceng-- convincing, because
if they --- because if they ha---
because logos ha-- shows some
evidences, and did have some
details, so, uhmmmm tsk It makes
the audience more beli-- believe
them, and, but, those three is
helpful in persuading audience,
because ethos (read as ethos),
pathos, logos have their own
strength, and that is persuading
their audience.

1 STUDEN Uttered something I couldn’t expressing
T7 understand) uhm… (Paused for difficulty in
about a minute) all of artist have n- understanding,
- have n-- ano-- hmm…. (reread re-reading
some parts of the 1st paragraph)
hmm… all of artists… all of artists
ahm and good artists… uhm… do
not have revolution attitude
ahm… hmm.. (reread some parts
of the paragraph) ahm, toward the
life and all of artists of group of
artists intellectual ahm… that the
one, that the one constit--ah--
constitutu--- cons-- constiti--
ahrrm..consi--constitute of froblem
is revolution. (smiled) Next,

Mercenary...hmm…(reread the 19-24 confused with

paragraph) hmm… tsk… and… difficult words,
paragraph 2 is all about for a, re-reading the
mercenary artist or intellectual. lines in the
Mhmm… (reread some parts of the passage
paragraph) A mercenary artist are
intellectual ahm, the revolution
constitute a problem is not, is
never, never be a froblem for that
artist. He knows what he has to do,
mhmm… he knows what he is
interest, he knows where he is
going. And…he-- he knows what
he has to do, yeah, he knows what
he is interest and he knows where
he is going (said this while
scratching the side of his nose and
mouth) yes. Paragraph 3...

Uhm… my reaction in ahm, 37-40 using fillers in

paragraph 1 is… it’s hard but, processing
ahm, if your read, if your read in thoughts,
your mind silently, you understand expressing
it, and ahm, paragraph 2 and in reflection in
paragraph 2, ahm, it’s same to reading
paragraph 1, it’s hard to ahm first
read, it’s hard, but if you hard--if
you hard-- ay,if you read repeat or
if you read in your mind silently,
you understand and you give as

Uhm… in the paragraph 3 58-61 processing

(sniffed), ahm, it’s all about of… thoughts using
uhm… the real problem exist for non-verbal
the artist on intellectual-- ahm… cues, re-
uhm (scratched nose)... if- reading
ahm...hmmmm (looked up,
thinking…) mhmm… tsk…
(reread some parts of the

paragraph) ah, okay. Hmmm
(looked up, eyes back on the
screen, thinking...) hmm, hmm…
(Paused for about a minute)
hmm… (reread some parts)

Okay, okay, okay. Uhm… in the 84-94 using fillers in

1st sentence, I understand uhm, the processing
real problem exist for the interest-- thoughts, re-
ah-- the artist (reread the said part reading
silently) uhm, tsk...tsk ahm…
(paused for seconds, looked up to
think…; reread some parts of the
paragraph) hmm.. The real
froblem (uttered something I
couldn’t understand)
ahm….(paused to think…)
mhmmm....(reread some parts)
kahit na wala silang revolution
attitude towards life, but who is
however an honest person. Next
sentence… (read the 2nd sentence;
sniffed) uhm…(uttered something
I couldn’t understand) ahm he/she
ahm… he/she an artist at ahm,
uhm… (uttered something I
couldn’t understand) mhmmm, it is
clear that he has that attitude...he
and she ahm, that--- that who was
that attitude toward life whether
it’s revolutionary or not or nit
artist ahm, the… the main goal, the
main goal of both is… ask
ourselves about those goals has his
objective. Next sentence for the…
(reread the 3rd sentence)
hmm…(paused for about a minute)
hmmm… hmm… ahm…(reread
the sentence)

: (Reread some parts) Ahm...ahm 108- using fillers in

in this sentence for the For the 116 processing
revolutionary, those goals and thoughts, re-
objective (s) are directed towards reading
the change of reality, ahm… I
have-- ahm, when I’m child, uhm..
I have goals and objectives but
when I’m grow up, it’s ahm, it’s
change because ahm, for me, for
me it’s ahm...tsk… because for me
the goals and the goals and
objective that when I’m child ahm
when you grow up ahm it’s change
because your mind is- because
your thinking or think--- bec--
because your think or ahm your
thinking is...change because
people change. (Looked at the
screen) Mhmm… (Reread the next

sentences) Mhmmm…(paused for
second; scratched head; reread)
Revolutionary? (looked up)
mhmm… Fellows means (looked
around him, thinking)... (said
something I couldn’t understand)

(Reread the sentence) Ahm… 122- relating and

(moved backward, sniffed; reread) 129 sharing
Uhm...In this paragraph, ahm… personal
ahm, this sentence is remind me experience
when I’m child, ahm, my mother
is, always say me, always says to
me is… ahm, be, be the good or
be-be goo- be the good fipol or
useful fipol to help, to help your
uhm...to help your… to help your
around-- around of you, and…
and… and… and the beautiful, and
the beautiful of every action. And
whe-- … and now, I'm tsk I'm
not…(looked up, thinking…) I’m
not in uhm… uhm (thumb on his
chin/below lower lip)... I’m not in
the stand of the fipol help to others
because I’m child alrea-- I’m child
now-- I’m child… I’m child now?
And.. when I’m grow uf, I...ahm…
I fromise to myself I help fifol and
I’ll be the good and useful fipol to
around me.

Hmm… We are, or believe 143- concluding

ourselves, ahm...tsk 147
ahm…(Paused, looked at the
person who entered the room)
Mhmmm.. We are, or believe
ourselves to be revolutionaries…
We are, or believe ourselves to be
revolutionaries…Ahm all, all I
ahm… ahm… (paused) ahm.. All
pifol knows ahm, we need ahm,
we need or we are we need or we
are or belive ourselves to be
revolutionaries ahm, uhmmm
believe ourselves… to be
revolutionaries, yeah.
(Reread the sentence 2x) 149- re-reading,
Whoever… (snoffed) In this 152 difficulty in
sentence ahm… ahm… in this understading
sentence ahm not, not artist ahm… the text
not artist uhm… not artist ahm…
bigest thinker or biggest thinker of
the revolutionary sometimes
revolutionary is uhm… sometime
revolutionary is… uhm… tsk…
sometimes revolutionary is, good
in thinking.

(sniffeed) hmm… (reread the 154- relating and
sentence) Yeah (sniffed) ahm, this 157 remembering
sentence is… ahm… reminds me personal
in like in...ahm… like in paragraph experience,
4- ay like in paragraph 4, ahm…
uhm… ahm… tsk ahm.. Think,
think fipol around you before think
our-- be--before think ourselves
because ahm… ahm because if you
do that, ahm… you defined as
truly revolutionary attitide.

Mhmm.. ahm.. In this paragraph, 168- asking

ahm the writers and artists shown 172 question,
that revolutionary is what? concluding,
Ahm...but , but for the good, the expressing
good… hmm.. Tsk.. the fillers
good…(looked up) the good side
of the writers and artists they
wanted to help the revolution and
the revolution is… uhm… ahm..
And the revolution is not interested
to their help because they want
ahm they in-- they want or interes-
ted in their contribution,
knowledge and effort to in this
behalf. Yes. (someone laughed
from the background)

Uhm (sniffed; reread) Ahm… All I 175- reflecting in

know, all--all, all I know and fipol 178 the processo f
knows ahm… all of hard cases or understanding
ahm among the specific cases, the text, used
ahm… is not easy to analysis but if fillers
you analysis that properly (sniffed)
mhmmm, tsk you uhm, you get,
you get ahm (scratched head) you
get a right ah- ahm you get, you
get ahhh you get the proper answer
of your cases.

Hmm... (reread) Ahm, tsk… 182- concluding,

(reread) Ahm… (uttered 188 context clues,
something, looked up, scratched using fillers
neck; reread the first part) Uhm,
ahm, ahm in this sentence, catholic
writer spoke here, ahm it is ahm in
the church uhm… catholic
writer...yeah, in this ahm, in this
church, we need to baptize, to
ahm… (reread some parts) Oh,
yeah, ahm (scratched cheek) the
baptize and if you baptize of the
father of the church, ahm, you…
you need, you need to speak your
froblem, ra-- or raise the froblem,
yeah. Ahm to...ahm to… ahm…
and...if you, and if you speak your
froblem to the father and the father

halp you. Nine...

Ouch, this hard! (sniffed; reread; 195- expressing

sniffed) It’s hard! (reread) tsk 198 confusion in
hmm… (reread; looked up) understanding
Ahm...he ahm is concerned tsk...to the text, re-
knowing… to knowing… to reading
knowing… ahm… to knowing
accordance with those sentimentals
or in accordance with the idology,
which not exactly idolo--ah
idology of the revolution.

Ouch, it's hard! (reread) Tsk, 201- expressing

ahm… He,he in this paragraph, 204 confusion in
ahm, I don’t know who is he but understanding
he is ahm, tsk uhm, he is agree the text, re-
with the revolution on economic reading
and social question but ahm (said
something I couldn’t understand)
hmm, but his phile-- ah--philospic
position was distinct from the

Ahm… hmm tsk.. Ahm all I-- ahm 209- using fillers,
all I know or people knows ahm all 216 concluding
of writers… all of writers and…
all of writers and artists… ahm…
ahm… hmm… hmm… the gre--
ahm.. The… hmm tsk… ahm… all
I know and people knows all
writers and artists (said something
I couldn’t understand; reread)
Uhm...tsk ahm All I-- all I-- all
artists and writers is ahm good,
and , and… and, in this sentence
ahm, yeah, the artists and, and
writers try to help the revolution
(reread), yeah yun, mmm, yeah, try
to the ahm the artists and ahm the
artist the writers try to help
revolutionaries ahm… and wish to
know that degree of freedom, ahm
accor--ahm within the
revolutionary to express
themselves in accordance with
their feelings, yeah. Hmm yun.

Hmm… (reread) Uhm in this 221- expressing
sentence ahm...mhmmm (reread) 227 confusion in
ahm… tsk ahm in this sentence understanding
ahm the hmm… ahm we have the text, re-
ahhh we (looked up) hmm tsk… reading
wait.. Hmm… (reread) Hmm…
Ah, may, may isang group uhm…
hmm… that uhm...that constitute
the froblem for them. And the
duty of revolution to be
concerned… ahm to (said
something I couldn’t understand)
to our situation of those artists and
writers, Ahm because the
Revolution ought -- to bend its
efforts towards, ahm… (looked up)
revolutionaries is ahm tsk think
that is more than the revolutionary
artists and intellectual(s), move
along with it. Next...

Ahm in this sentence ahm it is 230- using fillers,

possible for men and women ahm 236 translating the
through revolutionaries because in idea,
revolutionaries, ahm… not… expressing
(looked from his left to right) difficulty in
hmm… walang pinipili understanding
uhm...walang pinipili if you ah… the text
if you ah.. If you...hmmm… if you
are bad or good or not, ah or note
writer or writer. Ahm...ahm, yeah,
ahm truly and that attitude towards
(held hair, scratched head) a--a
reality do not add ala… reality do
not constitute the (said something
from the text I couldn’t
understand) yeah, hmm, aloof ahm
all of ah all of revolutionaries is
the vanguard of the people around
of, around of, around
of...revolutionaries and
revolutionaries is the vanguard.

Reread) the revolution, hmm… it’s 243- using fillers,

hard! My brain! Mhmm, in this 244 expressing
sentence, (reread the 1st part) difficulty
ahuh… ahm.. Renounce… ahm..
(reread) hmm.. Yeah..

Ahm, in the last sentence (sniffed), 249- using fillers,
mhmm… (reread the 1st part) 260 expressing
hmm… ahm, ahm the one ahm the difficulty , re-
one priority of the revolution is… reading
ahm… not, not n-- not--ah-- not
should never give up of counting
ahm win of ahm ano? Never give
up of counting on the majority of
the people counting not only on
the revolutionaries, but is all
honest citizens (sniffed) alto they
not have a revolutionary attitude
toward(s) life, are with the
Revolution, yeah, some. Uhm The
one prior job revolution is tsk…
mhmmm, ahm… not should not
never give up from counting of the
majority of the people counting not
only on the revolutionaries, but is
all honest citizens alto they not
have a revolutionary attitude
toward(s) life, are with the
Revolution, yeah. Uhm.. the
revolution is not ahhh, should try
to win over the greatest part of the
people to its ideas, yes, not look,
not look the ahm the re-- the
revolution is not look ahm win
over the greatest part of the people
to its ideas but ahm, but the main,
the main priority of revolution is
never give up, never ahm, not--
should never give up on counting
(said something I couldn’t
understand) ayy, hindi, on the
majority of the fipol, counting not
only on the revolutionaries, yes.

Hmm.. what is that? What is the 263- asking for the

meaning of… (reread) What is the 265 meaning of
meaning of… (reread) Ahm… words,
parang ahm, something fipol? comparing, re-
(reread) okay… (reread the 1st reading
part) The revolution ahm sh---...
not only are (inaudible 54:14) but
incorrigible counter--ah, uhm we
have counter of

Hmm… (reread) ahm...towards all 268- using fillers,

other the revolutionary… ahm the 272 expressing
in this sentence, ahm revolution is difficulty
have policy, and all fipol (said
something I couldn’t understand)
ahm… ahm… you need to respect
our fa--ah-- our-- all of policy like,
like respect of our go--our
government. And we need to
uhm… tsk we need to respect the

ahm policy of the revolush-
revolution, yeah, because, uhm the
policy will mmm--ah-ah the policy
is we need to respect, ah tha a-- we
need us to respect the policy.

Uhm (reread some parts; sniffed) 281- using fillers,

Mhmmm, tsk… The revolution is 290 re-reading,
pa-- in the sentence is, is the expressing
revolution ahm has to understand difficulty
the real situation ahm… tsk...ahm..
Therefore.. (reread) hmm...the
revolution is ahm...uhm tsk...is can
cre-- ahm… ahmm is have a place
to work and create ahm place
where their creative spirit, and
revolution ahm… tsk we nee--
ahhh, ahm.. The revolution is such
manner that whole group of artist
and (uttered something I couldn’t
understand) the group of artist and
intellectual and… mhmm...and…
and...such even tot (though) they
are not revolutionary writers and
artists, has the opportunity and
freedom to express, and ahm .such
even tot (though) they are not
revolutionary writers and ahm
artists ahm, all of fipol ahm has
opportunity to freedom to express
ahm, ahm, all fipol is we nedd to
express the freedom because the
freedom ah.. Because the freedom
of the fipolis the, is the best of his
life or ah-- yeah, his life. Done!

What is the selection all about? It’s 295 concluding

ahm it’s all about ahm
revolutionaries and… revolution
How does (those) the author define 296- using fillers,
being a 302 re-reading,
revolutionist/REVOLUTIONARY expressing
? Uhm…(reread) ahm… tsk ahm, difficulty ,
author define being a revolutionist trying to
because (sniffed) ahm… ahm… remember the
ahm the author or ahm the author text
experienced or… experienced the
ahm… experienced or ahm, ahm,
the writers of revolutionarist or
revolutionary. Ahm.. have
a…(scratched head) ahm… good
thinking and ahm deep thinking
that, than that the author of
revolutionarist and revolutionary is
that we build, that we build….
That… that … that (slightly
laughed).. That the story, story
(thinking…) yeah (slightly
laughed) My brain, is blank!

What do you think is the purpose 304- using fillers,
of the author in writing this 307 concluding
article? Ay-- a-yeah, article!
Article yeah. (reread) Ah, the
purpose of writing ah writing ah
writing ah? The purpose of the
author in writing this article, of the
article- of the article is to
encourage (sniffed) to encourage
and to… ahm.. Tawag dun? To
learn other people in.. ahm.. In all
about of revolutionaries and
revolution, yeah.

Do you consider yourself as a 308- justifying by

revolutionist? Justify your answer. 311 concluding and
I think...I think yes, because I’m-- relate to
I’m part of… ahm.. I’m fart of.. personal
Ahm.. this community and ahm.. experience.
and , revolution-- revolutionist is
protect other people, and yes i’m
protect ither people to… others but
and I’m agood people.

What other title can you give to the 312- using fillers
article? Ahm, ahm.. I think 316
ahm...ahm.. I think other title for
me is.. Ahm… the...hmm...uhmm
the…(placed his hand under his
chin, thinking…)
what is that? Uhm tsk...The Story concluding
of Revolution and…
revolutionaries ee-- revolution
tsaka revolutionary--revolutonaries
(moving left hand from left to
right; smiled) Yes… Done! My
brain is, is sicking!

2 Ahm now is… Ahm, now is 15-Oct using fillers,

(looked around) Ahm, all people sharing
use, use the ahm digital technology observation by
or ahm or we called ahm giving
technology, mmm all people have, examples
have job based on online ahm
online or uhm ahm based on online
and ahm find job based in online
(kept looking around) and explore
ahm and in online uhm, we you
communicate with your friends to
other country (read as kawntri) or
your parents in other country (read
as kawntri) uhm ahm and ahm in
your home you free to use your
computer to workplace because
now is all round of technology

ahm, ahm (scratched nose)ahm I 20-23 sharing
know all I know the uhm the other practical
people is have not access to experience,
comput-- note access to computer using fillers
or internet, not have any gadget
because (burped- excuse me,
excuse me) because ahm they
other people is ahm have not have
not money to buy that gadget or
computer or have internet because
all people have have money to buy
a food.

Yeah, 6 percent because uhmm 28-32 explaining the

tsk, uhm because uhmmm (Reread lines in the
some parts of the sentence) ahm text, using
because ye-- 6 percent, it is 6 fillers
percent because the uhm
developing country (read as
kawntre) -- the deve-- developing
countries (read as kawntris) have
build ah build or connected to the
telephone because the ano… the
developing countries (read as
kawntris) have have to uhm have
to, have, have, have to (looked
around), have to connect to

Ahm, ahm… ah- all I know people 38-42 making

now in this Philippines ahm, the, comparison
the US is have the biggest ah--
ahm the biggest, the biggest
country we have ahm, we have
internet access, we have computer,
we have, we have ahm we have
telephones because US is the not
rich, is the uhm (looked at his
upper left side while thinking…)
3rd or 4th...is the top 5 of the rich
countries (read as kawntris).
Next… (but did not read the
remaining sentences in the 2nd

Mmm, ahm, the digital now is 52-59 relating and

divide, divide between the comparing to
population who have access to the existing
internet and information phenomena
technology tools uhm tsk
uhm(sniffed) we have uhmmmm
we have 85 % of household with
an income over 75,000 use internet
and we have 20% of household
with income under 15,000 over
80% ahm, ahm 15% ay 15,00 ahm
use internet, and 80% college
graduate use internet. As con-- ah
new-- 80% of college graduate use
internet ahm ahm in other country

(read as kawntri) ahm now uhm
we have covid and it in need to
face to face and other graduating in
ahm, in graduating in school is
graduate to online because no face
to face and pifol (people) we need
to stay at home, ahm, yeah.

: Uhm, 72% of household...tsk 64-67 remembering

uhm, ahm all pifol (people)-- I ideas, using
know ,I know the...uhm the one of fillers
the house, the one of the, the one
of the… the one of the (looked
around) nasa dulo na ng dila
ko...the one of tsk.. The one of ,
the one of get the job of
household is female, and 40%
female single parent household
do… (read the next part)

We have, we have 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5 ,6 7, 74-76 concluding,

8, 9, we have 9 other ah--we have citing facts
9 different countries (read as
kawntris) that ahm, that… that..
That ahm, that we have job
household and ahm uhm the best
ahm the biggest household is 68%
of Asian Pacific Island household.
Yeah, and next is…

Household in inner sitays (cities) 83-87 using fillers,

(sniffed)... Uhm, yeah, my--- uhm expressing
other ahm other household is have understanding
ahm ru-- ah access ah- compu-- using context
ahmmm (reread the other parts of clues
sentence) Yeah, ahm, we have
Household (s) in inner cities (read
as sitays) are less likely to have
computer and internet access than
in urban and rural areas because
ahm uhm tsk the internet access is
not located in, in ru- ano, in urban
and rural (rural) areas but the
difference are no more than 6%,
yes. Next, 4...

Wow! Other (Another) problem 95-105 expressing
that exarbates (exacerbates) those amazement,
(these) disprities (disparities) is the justifying
African-- Africa(n)-American,
because all I n-- ah because ahm
people knows is the African-
American is the ahm is the, is the
ahm, it is not a poor but it is not
have any access of internet
because hmm yeah, because ahm
Africa-American is not, is not have
ahm is not have money to buy the
internet or ahm gadget to use to
ano to use to technology, yeah,
uhm, and naytiv (native) American
hold few of the job (s) information
technology. Wo-men (Women)
about 20 percent of these jobs
fewer than 30 percent Bachelor’s
degrees, and hmmm tsk and Wo-
men (Women) about 20 percent of
these jobs fewer than 30 percent
Bachelor’s degrees in computer
and information science, and these
wo-men (Women) who’s wo-men
(Women) and this wo-men
(Women) about 20% percent of
these jobsare receiving fuber
(fewer) than 30 percent Bachelor’s
degrees in computer and
information science (sniffed).

And these wo-men (Women) is 110- re-reading

member of oppressed ethnic group 112
are not eligible for the jobs and but
with that the highest salaries at
graduation fee, we have that wo-
men (Women) na yun, I don’t
know who.

Yeah all… Baculorate 117- agreeing,

(Baccalaureate) candidates with 121 mispronounce
degree in computer science were words, using
offer (ed) the highest salaries of all fillers,
college graduates, ahm, all people
that graduates in tsk ahm candid--
ahm degree in computer science is
ahm have biggest brain and have
good record now in ahm in this--
ahm in this… in this situation ay in
this (closed his eyes for a second
to think) yeah in this situation
because all people need gadget.

Yeah, that, I’m saying in 126- citing relevant
paragraph 2 ata and 3 ahm is have 133 situation,
is have pandemic and all people inferred from
we need ahm, we need atay at observation
home because we need pandemic
and ahm no one, no one get an-- no
one going to school because ahm
for safetiness of the people and the
school is not exist for now but, but
in other, in ahm and ahm I think
next year, I think next year is the
school is exist because ahm the
pandemic is now gone because we
have vaccine, and yeah, and ahm
and I know all pifol in uhm all
pifol ahm all pifol in the world
is… ahm uhm tawag dun ah...tsk
ahm all pifol in the world is…
is...(half-closed eyes) namroblema
because of the internet access
because we ned to face-- ah we
need to, we need to use gadget to
schooling, yeah. Next…

Ahm, haba pala nun 142- using fillers,

(laughed)...Access to computer (s) 154 concluding
and the internet will be important
in reducing disparities between
groups. Ahmmmm, uhm… I know
ahm, I know the uhm.. Tsk I
know--we-- I know the ahm…
the...uhm.. (reread the first part) I
know it is important
because...access to computer is we
need because it fart of our
generation now... ahm yeah it will
important reducing disparities
between groups (rereading) and,
and all I knows.. Ahm disparities
between groups (rereading) it will
require higher quality across dibers
(diverse) group who will members
develop knowledge and skill in
computer and information
technology, yeah, it ahm, ahm it
will require the higher quality
across dibers (diverse) group,
because you need, you need have,
you need have tsk you need have..
Ahm experience or… have ahm
information tech-- in-- information
technology, because… uhmmm
member develop knowledge
(rereading) yeah to ano, uhm tsk
yeah (reread some parts) It is
require because, ah it is require
high quality across dibers (diverse)
group because we need ah ano, yo-
- you need, you need, you need ah-
ano, you need have the knowledge

and skill in computer and
information and technologies

Tsk ahm, ahm, like I’m saying, 160- citing relavant

the… that the opanermic stop, stop 165 situation,
because we have a vaccine and comparing,
computer access promote (reading) using fillers
and the imper- ah-- the internet are
to be used promote equality, not to
promote equality, but we use, we
use (looked up), not (rereading
some parts) mmm, ahm, we use
computers and gadget now to, to
the internet because we have
pandemic and the pandemic will
stop because we have the vaccine
and not, not going to, 3 years or so
because we have (sniffed) we have
vaccine and we havegoing going to
school to face to face.

you alone, if you alone in your 171- using a lot of

home ahm, uhm, ahm, uhm, 175 fillers in
papasok sa yong utak uhm na… na processing, re-
uhm… hmm (looked up) tsk reading,
(rereading some parts) aww, wait remembering
(rereading some parts) ahm, ahm, the terms.
we have students not ahm not in
ahm, not uhm not enough that ahm
that learning in school the-- and
however, the students is… anong
tawag dun? (held hair up) is think,
think what what they need to learn,
to study alone. Ouch, hard
(laughed) yeah… last, last ahm,
last sentence...

Courses taking by student 181- concluding,
(rereading) ahm, yeah, in-- the 187 using fillers,
technology is, the technology is a citing practical
become tool for learning now, now application
and all courses taken by student
(s), it will be seen as a means to an
end rather than an end in itself
(rereading), ahm, yeah, it’s… ahm,
it’s use technology, ahm, in your
courses but the courses you get,
the courses you have in the future,
because, ahm, not, not the base of
in technology you learn about your
course, it is, it is about of your --
learn about your course and, ahm,
it is not a base of the co-- of
technology you use but it is all
about of your learn about your
courses. Next...

COMPREHENSIO What cultural issues may have 193- citing relevant

N influenced, challenged, or inspired 196 situation,
the author? Ahm, the issues in ahm reflecting
the issue is the pandemic and
challenge is how to (sniffed) how
to… how to use technology in, in
studying and in to learn, and yeah.
And ins-- ano yeah, it inspired the
author because ahm we have good
teacher ahm, ahm, teaching ahm,
teaching kahit na pandemic.

Yes, because ahm, now, the family 205- concluding

income is… ahm not uhm, n-- the 208
family income is… lowest before
no pandemic and we have
pandemic, the income of the
family is low because of the
pandemic and my… and my
ferents and my ferent use , use
ahm online or use ahm… tsk.. Use
ahm sewing machine to get ahm to
get extra income to our food and
for the…
Africa-American because Africa- 218 concluding
American is not have money to
buy theinternet access. Next...

What are the political or economic 223- citing relevant

issues of the times? Uhm. tsk, the 226 situation,
ano...economic issues is the.. relating to
Ahm...yeah yung… the extra experience in
income of your family and...ahm concluding
the tsk, shop, all shop not good,
not good, not...not... have good
income because of the pandemic
and all people in the home, yeah.

As a student, what are the 229- sharing
challenges that you encountered in 232 personal
this digital era? Yeah, ahm, I experience
encountered… uhm… the related to
challenge for me is, the challenge specific
that I encountered in digital area is context.
the access of internet because
sometimes, I have not internet,
have internet we need load, and
sometimes I have not a money to
load and I will absent of school.
Yes, thank you.

3 : Ahm, all, all people cha-- ay, using

ahm things, ahm, all things change movement of
because not concentrate to that eyes in
things and it is improve (said this processing
while eyes are looking around). ideas
No longer do I ahm… I can do repeting lines
long--ay-- no longer do I… no in the poem,
longer… ahm no longer do I… using fillers in
tsk… cha-- ahm no longer do I… processing
that people is not change self thoughts
because it is bad, yeah. (kept
looking around) ahm...

Ahm, ahm… recovering from the sharing

shock… ahm… ahm I shock when personal
I’m, when I’m child because ahm experience
because I… (uttered something I related to the
could understand) Ahm I...get lines in the
accident of the… of the bike and I poem
will-- ah--- and I… I… nabangga.
Uhm na- nabangga nung bicycle
and I recovering now, I-- I-- when
I’m child I recor-- recovering but it
is hurt for me now.

:Yes, It is all huge branch like ahm 16-18 concluding,

like Luis Viton (Louis Vuitton), comparing
Gushi (Gucci) because now, we
don’t, we don’t buy that huge
branch because all income of pifol
is not good enough because of the

At my feet… at my feeeet… Ah, 21-22 repeting the

what’s that? (looking at the lines, using
screen…) is have scratch. fillers
No longer do I fear,

Ahm, no longer do I fear, ahm, no 23-24 using fillers,

longer do I fear ahm… no longer concluding
do I fear of someone to try follow
me when I’m, when I’m in… in…
the dark.

Ha? No longer run to my altar… 26-28 talking to self
What is that? What is the meaning about the
run to my altar? No longer run to meaning of
my altar… ahm no longer--ahm no unfamiliar
longer run to my altar is… ah, I expression
think my friends?
In the woods,

In the woods I love, I love forest 29-30 expressing

and in the woods I ahm, I chhhk… preference
I camping. /background
context clues
The fire of prayer in my mawt

The fire of prayer in my mawt, 31-33 using fillers,

the.. fire of prayer in my mawt is I reflecting in
need, I need uhm… I need… some the lines of the
ahm.. I need some.. Job and I need poem
some… uhm some faith of--- of---
some faith of God.
No longer between my teet (teeth)

Ahm...no longer between my 34-39 using fillers,

teet… ahm no longer between my concluding,
teet is… before ahm...before the if remembering
you uhm… before if your teeth is the terms
gone, it is, it is...ahm it is… anong
tawag dun? (looked up) it is go
back in the small and to big now if
your grow up, the teet, if your the
teet gone is gone.

The tremble, the I have offended.

:(Read the line again) What is Apr-44 re-reading,

that? The tremble the I have asking sbout
offended… tremble, what is that? the meaning of
(slightly laughed and moved words,
backward; uttered something I expressing
couldn’t understand) uhm… the difficulty in
tremble the I have offended, ahm understanding
the tremble have said that…
(uttered something I couldn’t
understand) the I have offended is
ahm… my friends (uttered
something I couldn’t understand)
friends… yeah.
Newton as a habit of centuries

Newton as habit of centuries is 40-44 conluding

...ahm change because people
Inhabits my skull; I know

Inhabits my skull, I know… 47-51 repeting/re-
inhabits my skull, I know… reading the
Inhabits my skull ahaaam… lines, using
uhmmm, uhmmm inhabits my fillers, using
skull… inhabits my skull, I context clues
know… ahm in my skull it’s
uhm...inhabits… in my, ahm… in
my… ahm.. In my brain? Ahm, in,
in, inside of my, head. And…

Of gravity

Is the gravity is the outside of the 52-55

world, ahm…
And rot (read at rut)
And no longer,
No longer

And no longer...and no longer… 56-58 asking self

And rut and no longer (inaudible
7:27) ahm no longer...is… the
pandemic now, and… (Read)
Does (read as dows) a falling mispronunciati
frighten (read as fri-ten) me. on

Ahm… uhmmm...falling fri-ten 60-62 using fillers,

me, there’s a fri--- falling fri-ten
me is...falling fri-ten me is my
family to… (looked at somewhere
while thinking…) to, ahm to
support me and my friends, yes,
that’s all. My brain is… (uttered
something I couldn’t understand)

What is the poem all about? 66-67 concluding

STUDENT 7: It’s all about

Ahm the persona in the foem 72,76, using fillers,

is...ahm, what’s persona? What validating
the--- what...-ME? Ahm, it’s me answer
because ahm in this poem, ahm, I
think, I think uhmm all of in this
poem is question, question based
on me, and, yes (laughed)

Metaphor? I think... 92-114 not sure with

Recovering the shock? Metaphor asking question
Uhm, the fire of prayer in my using filler
Uhmmm, metaphor and… I think using filler in
metaphor and… tsk… hmmm… processing
perse--- persesio-- ah-- perswesion answers,
ba yun, Ma’am? asking question

Personification, yeah, the…
Personification, person, the… identifying
uhm.. Inhabits my skull? I think figures of
And does a falling fri-ten me, I citing lines in
think the poem
uhmmm, tem, the tem of the foem 124- using fillers
is… uhm… how… how..fipol 125
change, I think. (reread the
question) tam-- yeah, the fipol

The moral lesson of the foem is 129- concluding

ahm… follow you are because that 130
is you and ahm...follow you are
and-- because that is you.. Yeah,
that’s all, Ma’am. Thank you.

Yes po, Ma.am. (inaudible 1:34- 16-28 stating

1:38) ethos is all about ahm I /narrating the
think of ahm.. What… what… ah, information
what, what people experience
(scratched chin) I feel.. (uttered
something I couldn’t understand)
and what, what people ahm, on
making other fipol yeah, (uttered
something I couldn’t understand)
yeah, it is a ethos. Yes,
pathos...pathos is connecting of
audience… convin--- convincing
the audience for… for… for… for,
what you (said something I
couldn’t understand) ay what, what
you say to pifol (said something I
couldn’t understand). It is a
fipol… what… trust you. Ye---
logos, facts information (inaudible
3:16- 3:19; said something I
couldn’t understand) ahm, logos
means is all about convincing to
believe you to the people.Example
ahm, example is, the safeguard,
ahm the 99.9 percent germs (said
something I couldn’t understand)
and, and we use commercial to
convince pifol ahm that soap.
(inaudible 3:58) for germs. The
more facts… (uttered something I
couldn’t understand) Ethos, pathos
and logos we need, we need to...to
one o- to one person… to,
person...ahm, that is talk to other.
Ahm ethos, pathos (inaudible 4:40-
4:42) is we need to use, it you
watch a commercial on TV.That’s

Wait po, Ma’am. (thinking…) 47-50 pausing

Ethos, pathos and logos, ethos, expressing

pathos ang logos (uttered difficulty in
something I couldn’t understanding
understand) Yes, I’m ready ethos,
pathos and logos(slightly laughed
recalling the three and saying
“I’m ready)

4- SUMMARY Et-- ahm, ahm in this passage, 54-65 summarizing/

ahm, we have 3, 3 ahm, 3 use,the paraphrasing
ethos, pathos, and logos.
Ahm...ethos, pa--- ethos and
pathos and logos (wiped face with
towel) is convincing… to
convincing the fipol of what you
saying and fipol to trust you if you,
if you like… if you like ahm, run
for the president. Ahm, example,
run of-- run for the president.
Ahm...we need-- you-- you need to
fipol to con---ano you need to fipol
ahm, convince, (scratched head)
convince to vote you because you
need to… we ne--- you need to
(looked around) ipakita,
uhm...hmm? You need to s--- ah-
you need to… yeah, you are good
person, and, ahm, you need-- you--
and Someone with him was talking
about the passage.) tsk… and.. We
need, we need people to trust you
you are god person and, and…
uhm, tsk…(held chin with his
finger, thinking) to trust you to
convince… and what you--- and
you need to say what you…
hmmm. Tsk… what you (looked
up, thinking) what you do to oth---
to our country to improve and you
need to (held his lower lip,
thinking) you need to see that the
imfrovement of our country to
fipol to trust you and… yeah,
that’s all, Ma’am. (slightly

11 Student 8 So, as you, as you (thinking) wait 19-20 pausing,

lang Maam (while clearing his concluding and
throat) As you said Maam, ano, comapring
there are good artists and bad
artists, that ano, we

Ahhh! 25 agreeing
I think, there are good artist and 35 concluding
bad artist who have a good attitude
and bad attitude
I think, there are group of artist 40 concluding
that, that have problem, in their

I think, I think, I mean, mercenary 46-47 concluding
artist or dishonest artists, have --
ay don’t have a problem but they
an interest, and they don’t where
its, where it is going.

I think, the real problem exist for, 53 re-reading

for artist, if -- I’ll repeat Maam.

I think, the real problem exist 58-59 re-reading

when the artist, when the artist
have a -- have a bad attitude even
an honest person.
I think, I think the problem our life 65-66 re-reading
is, is common whenever, ay
whether you are an artist or not.

I think for the revolutionary, the 71 re-reading

goals and objectives are ---

I think the problem, I think the 81-83 re-reading

problem ay common for us, ay --
common for us and it changed our,
it changed the reality those goals
and objectives are directed towards
the redemption of man. I think
the objectives, the goals and
objectives are directed toward of

Silently reading the passage) It is 91-94 re-reading

man himself, his fellow man the
redemption of his fellow man the
objective of the revolutionary. If
they ask us revolutionaries what
matter most to us, we will say the
people, and we will always say the
people. I think, I think if the, if the
person or of the person, I mean if
the people, ay if the people ask us
we will say people or we will
always say people.

I think the people, I think the 99-103 re-reading

people who in their true sense,
(trying to read the passage) I mean,
I think the people who in their
sense, ay who in their true sense of
the people, have always great
majority Maam, uh, ano Ma'am
great choice of their --- of their
knowledge. Our basic concern will
always be the great majority of the
people, I think our choice or our
great -- our great majority is the
best for us to exploit ay to show
our knowledge.

clearing his throat) I think if, I’m 111- paraphrasing
ano, if a person have a good, have 112
a good, I mean have a good view
of everything whenever it goods, it
will be good for us. I mean it look
good for us.

I think, I think, the if we analyze 116- paraphrasing

the good, the useful and the 117
beautiful, ay I mean, we can have a
good, if, we can have good point
of view.

I think for me, I understand 121- concluding

someone if anyone have their own, 122
have their own fighting for like,
like they are confess like their own
strategy (pronounced as trategy)

I believe, I believe for myself, for 126- concluding,

ourselves that you cannot exactly 127 sxpressing
think if you, if you are personal
revolutionary or not. conviction
believe, ay hindi I’m sorry Ma'am. 131- paraphrasing
I believe, we struggle, we struggle 134
when --- I think, we can struggle
the people in their own conflict.
And we know, and we know we
can think the people, I mean we
can talk the people before
ourselves. And, and that the
revolutionary attitude, I mean as a
revolutionary attitude.

I think, many writers and artists 137 concluding

are not revolutionaries.
: I think even, I think even you are 141- concluding
not revolutionary, ay I think even 144
the writers and artists who are not
revolutionary can help the
revolution. And, and the revolu --
the people who are -- ay
revolutionaries are interest in the
help, the help of the artist are who
are not revolutionaries. And the
revolutionaries are interest to

I think it is easier, when anyone 148- concluding

give specific case to analyze. 149
(clearing his throat) I think the, I 155- concluding
think, the, he raised the problem, 157
he raised the problem because he
want to show his idealistic point of
view to the, so that he could write,
that he could write the defending, I
mean that he could write a work

defending, defending on the point
of view.

I think he concerned if he can 160- concluding

write about ay if he can write 161
about their, his idea about

I think, (thinking - took a minute 164- concluding

before he answered) I think, he w-- 165
he was in agreement to the
revolutionaries, and but I mean,
but his philosophic position are not
distinct of the revolutions.

I think he demonstrate, 172- paraphrasing

demonstrate teh favorable attitude 174
towards the revolutionary, ano
yun? He demonstrate a favourable
attitude towards the Revolutionary
for - with his own feelings, ay with
their own feelings that constitutes
a problem for the.

I think the writers uhm, is their 177- paraphrasing

duty or job to know the situation of 178
the artist, their artist and writers.

I think, I think the revolutionaries 181- parapharasing

give their -- give their effort to - 182
for having the revolutionaries.
I think, I thnk it is impossible for 185-
men and women, who cannot 186
constitutes the greatest sector of
the population.
I think the revolution are the 191- parapharasing
vanguard of the -- of their people. 192
But the revolutionary cannot
renounce the goal of having all
honest men and women whether it
is writer or atist or not.

I think the revolution, show, need, 196- paraphrasing

ay they need to shows the, their 197
own effort for those people who
are (dog? Or doubt) to them.

I think the revolution, want ay 201- paraphrasing

need to try to, to win the greatest 205
part of people that they ideas, that
they’re ideas. And I think the
revolution, the revolution should
never give up to counting on major
of the people not only on the
revolutionary but or -- all people -
or people who are honest to -- and

also, and also whether then, and
also even if they done even if they
don’t have an attitude like a
revolutionary toward life.

: I think, the revolutionary should, 213- parapharasing

should give up to those are 217
incorrigible reactions. And, and
the revolutionary need to
understand the real situations, to
understand the real situation and
act such a manner for the people
who are, who are, who’s in artist
and -- And also, for those pe - for
those who are not revolutionary
and writers, can have the - can
have the opportunity and freedom
that they cannot express.
Comprehension What is the selection all about? Its 221-
all about, its all about those people 222
who have an intellectual.

How does the author define being 223- explicating

a 224
? The author define the
revolutionary -- the author define
being a revolutionary

What are the things that you 226-

remember about being 227
revolutionary or revolutionist
according to the author.
STUDENT 8: You need to have concluding
an, an intellectual or mindset

What other title can you give to the 228- concluding

article? The purpose fo this, the 230
purpose the author to writing this
article, to show, to show that the
revolutionary, that the intellectual
are, are need for us whether you
are, artist or writers.

Do you consider yourself as a 231- concluding

revolutionist? For me, I think no. 232 and justifying
Because as I said earlier -- the
revolutionary si for people who
have an intellectual but for me, I
think I don’t have.

What other title can you give to the 233- concluding

article? What title, what uh, The 234
Intellectual of Revolutionaries.

2 I think, I think the informational, 8-Jun concluding,
information technology or IT, is citing practical
influenced us and work today. And application/
also, we use, we use the scenario
technology to apply the job, to buy
in shp, to conduct the research, and
many, and many things that you
can use po, for technology, in

I think, I think it is, I think the 13-14 concluding

internet usage is growing because,
because our generation or my
generation are full of technology.

I think, the 6% of the population, 20-21 concluding

the developing countries are
connected to telephones. While,
the 94% in the US household have

I think, the technology is our basic 26-27 concluding

communication using the
telephone, to develop our nation.

I think, in America reservation, on 32-33 concluding

said, ay only 60 percent of the
resident have a telephone.

I think it is normal because, as I 50-51 concluding

said earlier, internet, internet is
our, is our key to use, to
communicate to others.

I think, I think the Asia, I think 58-60 concluding

60% of Asia is normal because we
Asian are commonly use the
internet, while the other, the other
country like American, India,
Eskimos or Aleut have 39 percent.

I think, I think the number in 66-67 concluding

internet who use, ay users who are
children and under 9 years old are
half percent or 50. Even in urban
or rural areas.

I think, (thinking) I think it, it the 76-79 concluding and

international, the information justifying
technology or IT are not problem
because, because the technology
are, the information technology
are, are the best job for us. And
also, and also it is normal for
computer science have offered
high salary because it is, because it
is computer science.

I think, it is normal for school that 86-89 concluding and
got 98% because in school, comapring ,
because in the school, the internet citing relevant
connection in school are 1 or more. situation
But, the students are, but the
percentage of school are at least
80% percent because in school, ay
in the school the students that, the
students in schools are so many.

I think, I think is important for to, 95-97 concluding and

the internet to reduce disparities justifying
between groups because the
technologies or information
technologies jobs are, are need the
people who have knowledge in
schools about the people.

I think, the --- I think it is, its, is 106- concluding and

normal to, --- study in school in 3 107 justifying
years to understand the students, of
the students that that all about
comprehension What is the selection all about? It’s 110,11
all about technology or 3-114
informational technology.
Yes Maam. As I said, ugh --- I will
repeat, what is the selection all
about? For in both, in,
informational technology to, for
concluding and
What cultural issues may have 118- concluding and
influenced, challenged, or inspired 122 comparing
the author? The influence and
challenge here is in technology is,
more people, more people are
addicted in the technology that I
mean even it is (touching his
forehead) more people are
influenced in technology because
all people are addicted in compu -
- technology like computer,
telephone or cellphone. Because
today, technology is our, is our key
to get a job to studies and talk to
the others.

Like ano Maam, students. Ano comparing

maam, employment and all people
who are in household.
Number 3, What are the political 144- concluding,
or economic issues of the times? 146 citing relevant
The political or economic issues is, situation
are ano, or people are addicted in
and can stop, they cannot stop to
use technology because it is ---

because the technology is, is
include for us.

As a student, what are the

challenges that you encountered in
the digital era? My challenges that
I encountered, is are, the
challenged that I encountered are

Yes maam. Can’t provide a load. 154- sharing

And cannot study even we use an - 155 personal
- even we use a technology. experience

3 I think, I think in the line of no 11-Oct paraphrasing,

longer do I, recovering from the repeting the
shock of a huge branch falling at lines
my feet, No longer do I fear, No
longer run to my altar. I think,
Change, I think the word change is 13-16 concluding and
--- the word change is, is the, is justifying
our, ay is common for us, are
common for us because change are
going to, because change are going
to -- ay are we can, we can ugh --
we can encounter for our life.
Things change, Yes, all the things
are changing. no longer do I,
recovering from the shock of a
huge branch falling at my feet, is --

In the poem, Maam can I - can I 33 inititing to

share my -- my experience? share her
In my experience, when I was 36-44 narrating his
young, Yes of course young. Even personal
(towt?? Young eh. When I was experience in
elementary, I always climbing in realtion to the
the tree and then, I’m always poem read.
climbing in a tree and one time,
when the, when, one time, when
I’m climbing in a tree, I’m
suddenly slip because the tree are
wet. After I, after I fallen in the
rocks, the branches of the tree are
suddenly falling and of course,
after that, after taht I’m not, I’m
not, I’m not climbing the tree
again. Once again, I mean I didn’t
do to climb again. But, when I,
when I in senior high, Grade 11,
once again I climb in the tree
again. Hmm, then I climbed at the
top and suddenly, yung ayy --
when, suddenly I slipped again.
But that time, when something
falling at my side I’m not afraid

because, because I’m changed, I’m
changing when I was, when I’m
elementary to, I changed to not
scared when something falling --
on me.

Comprehension What is the poem all about? It’s all 48-50 context clues,
questions about change. The word of chnage concluding
is our, is valuable because
everytime when I encounter, we
and everytime when we encounter
tapos I mean, it repeat on us it
became, I mean suddenly it
changing us because it happened,
it happened again to us.
For me, of course myself Maam. concluding and
Because in the poem, or my story; justifying
in the poem or story are all about
change but of him. That’s all
The fire of the prayer in the mouth, 73-93 repeting lines
No longer between my teeth, The in the poem
tremble, the I have offended.

Simile Maam. identifying

figures of
speech by
citing lines in
the poem
Metaphor Maam, meron.
Newton as a habit of centuries
Inhabits my skull; I know
Of gravity
And rot
And no longer,

What is the moral/lesson of the 100- concluding and

poem? We people or, for me, we 101 comparing
every people can change from
their, I mean from, I mean every
people can change in their past.

4 Maam, for Ethos, it shows when, 3 stating

the if you are reliable sincere and /narrating info
so --
Maam then, Ethos is the, as I said stating
earlier, it is convince po, like in, /narrating info
like in dentist when someone need

to, need to --

As I said earlier Maam, when narrating the

someone in clinic, when someone info by giving
people want to pull out his teeth or example
her teeth then the doctor are going
to --- convince him/her to, to pull
our his teeth to not, to not, to not
affect in his/her mouth.

In Ethos, and in Pathos, it shows 18-21 narrating the

teh emotions of people or animals info by giving
like for example when someone, I example
mean when someone in animals, as
I said in the speech, when someone
in animals shows, when like dog,
when a dog shows the his emotion
or the emotion, it can be convince
the person who, for the people who
wants like to kill him, I mean like
to kill the dog.

: And in Logos, it shows the ideas 25-27 narrating the

and statistics, for example when in info by giving
the math, student math, I mean example
teacher, teacher Maam. When the
math teacher shows, when the
math teacher shows the problem
and solution, it, she, the teachers
shows the, how to, how to solution
the question or the problem.

: Maam and also the Pathos, Ethos, 31-32 narrating the

Pathos and Logos are important info
and effective and also it, it mades
by Aristotle.

Summary In the passage, in the passage, the summarizing

Ethos, Pathos, Logos are made by
Aristotle. Then Ethos is, is I mean,
all those three are important for us
because, Ethos is to convince other
people, the others. While Ethos is
to shows the emotions when
someone, when someone shows
the evidence, I think. And in
Logos, it shows the ideas and
statistic that, that in, that if we
combine the three this three they
can be, they can be convince the,
they can be convince, the other
people and shows the emotion.

1 STUDEN So sa ano Maam, paragraph 6-May comparing and

T9 number 1 parang sinasabi po na concluding
meron opr merong artists, merong
artist at meron hindi artist na

mayroon revolutionary attitudes
about dun sa life po.

In this passage 3, I will agree to 29-31 agreeing,

this uhm kasi po ah, parang yung comparing
mga revolutionary artist, they
write, the write this para po sa mga
tao, para mas magkaroon ng
pagbabago sa buhay nila or mas
umunlad pa po yung buhay nila.

Dun po sa parang passage 4 and 6, 40-44 expressing

parang sinasabi po dito na, understanding,
pagkakaintindi ko po at nag aagree justifying each
naman din po ako, yung mga line
revolutionary artist po hindi nila
tinitignan kung ano lang yung
nararamdaman nila, tinitignan din
nila sa mga tao kung
makakatulong po ba ito or hindi
kasi nga po diba, yung halaga,
yung importante naman po dito is
yung nga tao kasi sila rin namn po
makakranas ng maganda or hindi
kaya nag agree po ako sa 4 to 6 na

This uhm, in the passage 7 po, 50-54 agreeing to the

uhm I agree naman din po na may lines, stating
mga writers and artist po na ayaw other books
po nila ng revolutionary or read in relation
pwedeng dinadaan din po sa other to the lines
way po para masabi yung, yung
gusto nilang sabihin pero hindi nila
direct na sinsabi po talaga. Tapos
meron din po akong nabasa na
book o libro po or context po na
parang directed po nila sinabi na
they want change po, they want
pagbabago kasi nakikita rin naman
po nila dun sa mga tao na may
naghihirap po.

Uhm, in this passage number 9 po 81-86 confused about

may mga part na medyo confusing the meaning,
or medyo -- hindi ko po express
naintindihan, but meron din naman approval citing
pong uhm part na parang uhm, nag relevant
aagree din po ako na uhm, na example/
parang revolutionaries is parang -- experience
- yung mga revolutionary artist ay
patuloy na parang magsusulat
about the revolutions, about their
attitude of revolutions para rin,
para na irn po sa mga tao kasi po
ang dami nga pong mga, uhm
kailangan ng pagbabago kaya po
sinusulat po nila yung mga ganun

parang context po.

Dito po sa ano, sa passage 10, may 94-100 difficulty in

mga terms or words po na medyo understanding
bago po sa akin, but then dito po some of the
sa may last, sa sinabi nya po na words, giving
even though they are not highly relevant
revolutionary writers and artists, example
has the opportunity and freedom to
be expressed, for example nalang
din po is yung sa mga, sa mga
facebook, mga pinopost po nung
mga tao po which is nag eexpress
din po sila ng revolutionaries or
naexpress nila yung nang jkung
ano po yung gusto nlang iexpress
kahit hindi po sila writers or artist
n agumagawa po. I agree to this po
kasi uhm napapansin or nakikita
ko rin po sa mga social media.

COMPREHENSIO What is the selection all about? 102- concluding and

N QUESTIONS Uhm its all about po sa uhm 104 comparing
parang, freedom to express or to
write uhm about the revolutionary,
about change, about if you want
changes in our society you can
write a text or hmm, yun po

STUDENT 9: How does the author 106- concluding and

define being a 108 comparing
? Yung author po uhm, he defined
revolutionary parang, dinefine nya
po yung revolutionary na parang
freedom to express or freedom,
nag ssay sya do you want change
for the people po.

What other title can you give to the 110- concluding,

article? The purpose of the author 114 justifying, and
in writing this article maybe to, comparing
persuade uhm, uhm writers or
yungmga tao po na about
revolutions na hindi lang sya
pagsulat ng revolutions, ng article
na ano po about revolutionary.
Uhm hindi lang po sya para sa mga
artist, sa mga writer, uhm, pwede
sya sa lahat para makatulong po
dun sa mga tao na gusto talaga ng
pagbabago pero hindi po makapag

voice out po.

Do you consider yourself as a 115- concluding,

revolutionist? Justify your answer. 120 justifying, and
Yes po kasi po uhm, gusto ko comparing
rinpo ng pagbabgo po kasi.
Nakikita ko rin po kasi dito sa, sa
bansa din po natin na parang,
meron po talagang ano po eh
parang, uhm, ayun uhm, yung Yes
po, kasi nakikita ko din po dun sa
sa kapaligiran ko po na ang dami
din pong naghihirap. Ang dami din
pong nag hihirap din po sa
kalagayan nila sa buhay kaya
kinoconsider ko na rin po yung
sarili ko na revolutionary kasi
parang nag eexpress din po ako na
I want change po sa bansa po

What other title can you give to the 121- concluding,

article? Uhm, what other title can 124 justifying, and
you give to the article? Sa tingin comparing
ko po Maam yung title na po,
parang wala na po akong maibigay
na title. Parang yung title nya po
talaga is parang yun na po yun,
parang mas maganda po syang title
about that article na po.

2 So yung passage 1 and 2, I really 15-21 concluding,

agree to this po kasi may nabasa justifying, and
rin po akong article about uhm comparing,
how many people or how many citing article
percent of people may personal read related to
computer, may nabasa po akong the passage
about ganung article po, kaso I
really agree to this po kasi yung
technology po sobrang useful na
po talaga sya sa panahon ngayon,
pero kahitn sobrnag useful po sya,
meron pong ibang bansa or ibang
tao na hindi nakaksabay po dun
siguro dahil na rin po sa wala,
parang hindi pa po advance noon
ang technology like, wala po
silang pambili about ganun po
kaya hindi po talaga uhm,
nakakasabay po yung ibang nation
or ibang people po.

So di to po sa passage, ay sa 38-43 concluding,
number 3 po, may din nabasa po justifying, and
talaga akong article about this comparing,
techno- parang sa technology din citing article
po. And nabasa ko rin po na uhm, read related to
parang I agree din po kasi hindi the passage
naman po talaga lahat kayang naka
access or may access sa internet or
meron may mga computer sa
bahay meron din naman pong yung
parents nila yung salary nila ay
sakto lang po talaga meron po
talagang mga bans na may mga
hindi po talaga naka access pero
mas madami pong bansa na mas
more access or advance na po tlaga
sila sa about sa technology po.

Medyo dito po sa 4 and 5 medyo 58-61 expressing

hindi ko po sya maintindihan, difficulty in
parang di ko sya masyadong gets understanding
kasi po may mga words na parang the text
ngayon ko lang sya parang nabasa
or nakita po kaya medyo uhm
confusing pa po kung ano po
talaga message na, ano po tlaaga
yung gusto iparating ng 4 and 5.

I think, parang search the meaning 70 concluding,

para ma s maintindihan yung reflecting on
meaning po. the importance
of knowing the
meaning of
difficult words
(read the meaning of words) Okay 74-81 concluding,
so sa passage 4 po Maam parang justifying, and
naintindihan ko na po sya parang comparing
dahil, parang pagkakaiba po ng
parang lahi ng mga tao uhm,
parang especially sa mga ethnic
group po na parang hindi po nila
parang kaya yung sa mga
technology kasi nga po galing sila
sa mga ethnic group which is po
bago po sa kanila yung sa ganun
technology po na paggamit kaya
parang mas more on konting
chance po na makapag trabaho sila
with the use of computers po. Sa
passage 5 po, uhm kaya parang
may pagkakaiba po sa mga schools
po na may internet access siguro
po based na rin po kung saan ka na
galing na family or uhm if yung
family mo po is galing sa
mayamang family mroe on mas
may access po yung school na yun
kesa sa mga public schools lang

: So this paragraph po na, I agree 95- concluding,
naman po talaga is ano nagiging justifying, and
kasabay na rin po natin sya sa pag comparing
aaral sa, sa paghahanap po natin sa
trabaho na sobrang important na
rin po sa pagkakaroon ng equality
among different uhm culture po or
different colors, skin color po na
parang katulad na rin po ng
katulad ng nakaroon --- America,
yung black men and white men, na
parang through social media po na
nag vvoice out po ng mga tao na
kailangan magkaroon ng equality
kahit kung ano man po yung kulay
mo katayuan mo man po sa buhay.
With technology po uhm, navvoice
out po yung mga uhm, naissend po
yung uhm informations or mas
yung mga tao po mas na sa iba’t
ibang lugar po, mas naisshare po
yung, na kailangan ng equality
through the use of technology po.
What is the selection all about? It’s concluding,
all about uhm technology how it's justifying, and
very powerful today. How its use comparing
uhm, how it help the at how it help
to the people to find a job to their
school, and today technology is
very powerful.
What cultural issues may have 110- concluding,
influenced, challenged, or inspired 116 justifying, and
the author? I think uhm, comparing
differences po ng culture, ayun din
po na parang uhm, because dun po
sa mga, may mga ethnic group po
na uhm hindi po nakakapag access
sa internet po kasi hindi po parang
advance din po dkung nasaan po
silang lugar. Kaya parang mas
uhm, yung author po parang
sinasabi po niya sa mga tao
especially po dun sa may mga
leader po ng isang bansa na, na
ano po na parang, na parang
tulungan po sila na maka access
din po sa internet po or makakuha
din po ng kaalaman kung paano po
gamitin ang technology ngayon.

Number 3, What are the political 118- concluding,
or economic issues of the times? 124 justifying, and
(relate in the text that you have comparing
read) So, in political and
economics po, in political in terms
of parang technology din po
parang mas, katulad na rin po kung
may mga tatakbo pong mga
politicians po mas advertise po sila
na iboto po sila. So, sa economics
naman po especially sa may mga
business po matutulungan po sila
ng technology na parang mas uhm
mas mabenta po katulad po ng
online sellings po, ngayong
pandemic po natutulungan po sila
ng technology po ngayon na
parang di po sila mag totally shut
down po.

As a student, what are the 126- concluding,

challenges that you encountered in 134 justifying, and
the digital era? Uhm yung mga comparing,
naencounter ko pong challenges citing highly
siguro yung data privacy na siguro relevant
hindi ko po sya naeexperience po situation
iba po naeexperience po din po o
kaya yung pag -- yun nga po sa
data privacy din po tapos po sa
parang maling parang overuse din
po ng technology? Parang yun din
po yung isa sa mga naeecounter ko
po sa about technology. Internet
din po and technology din po na
overuse din po and uhm siguro din
po parang mas nalilihis din po
yung attention ng mga students
especially meron po silang mga
hawak na cellphone for example
nalang po nyan is, kapag
gumagawa ka po ng homework or
sa mga related sa school po, may
parang sa cellphone po, pwede
pong malihis po yung attention mo
and mawawala po yung focus mo
sa pinag aaralan po

3 STUDENT 9: Shocks! (read the 21-25 expressing

passage again) Medyo confusing difficulty in
po sya kung ano po yung gusto nya understanding
iparating po talaga through this the text,
poem po kasi medyo parang ang confused about
hirap din po nyang intindihin po the meaning of
kasi nga po diba gumamit po sya the poem
nung mga, parang literary devices
na para po sa akin mahirap po
talaga intindihin kung ano po
talaga meaning nya. Kaya parang
confusing po sa akin kung ano po

yung gusto nya iparating talaga
dito. Medyo nahihirapan din po
akong intindihin

read the passage again) For me po 27-31 relating to title

uhm, siguro icconnect ko nalang of the poem,
din po sya about sa title nya nalang stating the
din po. And parang this, -- na transformation
parang yung nga po it’s about of character in
change parang before po na parang the poem
it’s about parang weak before na
parang nag become strong woman
or strong person na, na ngayon po
na parang dati ang dami nyang
kinakatakutan. Dati ang dami nya
pong kahinaan pero ngayon uhm,
she/he really uhm strong person na
Siguro po parang sa 45-48 describing the
pagkakaintindi ko po d ito sa attitude of the
parang sa lines na po ito parang, characters
parang wala na po syang
kinakatakutan. Uhm, she’s really a
strong person na po. Parang kaya
nya na lahat, wala na din po syang
kinakatakutan. Dahil na rin po sa
past, past experience nya na rin po
kaya naging strong na po sya.

COMPRE.QUESTI What is the poem all about? The 51-52 justifying by

ONS poem is all about uhm change of a cting the lines
person. Before she was weak and in the poem
alot of things that he/she fear but
now she become strong, strong

What do you think is the persona 54-57 concluding

in the poem? Sa tingin ko yung,
yung person or speaker udn po sa
poem pwefe pong tayo na
nagbabasa. Speaker po, opo,
pwede rin po yung mga taong
naging jkatulad po sa poem na yun
na madami din pong kinakatakutan
pero ngayon, ano na po sya, uhm,
wala na po syang kinakatakutan na
parang strong na nga po sya.

What are some of the literary 64-65

devices or figures of speech used
in the poem? Uhm, sa passage po -
- literary devices,
Siguro po parang alliteration po, identifying
dun po sa no longer do I fear, no figures of

longer run to my altar. (read the speech
di ko lang po alam pero parang not sure about
onomatopeia po yung the fire of the answer ,
prayer in my mouth, no longer citing lines in
between my teeth. the poem

What do you think is the theme of 69-70 concluding and

the poem? Uhm, sa tingin ko po comparing
yung theme ng poem ay, uhm .
Siguro po yung theme uhm, the
theme of the poem is uhm na
because na parang because of what
we experienced from the past,
siguro naging strong or kung ano
po tayo sa ngayon because of the
past po na experience.

Number 5, What is the 79-83 personal point
moral/lesson of the poem? Na ano of view, own
na yun nga para din po sya sa understanding,
theme. Para po sa akin, para din po citing
syang katulad sa theme ng poem comparison
na na, yung lesson po dun na wag and real life
mo pagsisihan yung kinakatakutan scenario
mo before or yung mga
naexperience mo before kasi yun
po yung humubog sayo sa kung
ano po yung, kung ano yung ano
ka po na naging mas malakas or
naging mas independent ka

4 So, uhm sa tools of persuasion, narrating the

uhm sinasabi din for me uhm, yun different types
po I agree po talaga na kapag of persuasion
meron po tayong events mas based on
mahihikayat po nating yung mga understanding
tao na maniwala. Katulad nalang
din po ng sinabi ni Aristotle na
merong tatlong tools na ginagamit
para mag, maghikayat or mag
persuade ng, ng mga tao. So yun
po yung Ethos, Pahtos and Logos.
So dun po sa Ethos, maghihikayat
ka na uhm, yung sinasabi mo po, is
uhm totoo na parang uhm, totoo na
sincere din pi yung mga sinasabi
mo na, katulad din po sya ng
Logos na tools din po na, Kasi po
dun sa logos po, may binibigay ka
na data, information po talaga na
tama po yung sinasabi mo. Kapag
sa Logos po, kapag naging ganun
po parang nagiging Ethos na rin po
sya. Kasi may roon ka nga po uhm,
uhm tools na ginagamit para maka
persuade po sya. Nagiging Ethos

nga po sya kasi parang tama na
nga po yung sinasabi mo kasi
nagiging isa ka na nga pong
credible source po. So, dun pa po
sa isa pa pong tools, which is
Pathos po, kinoconvince mo po
sya thru his emotions po na, for
example po na parang sinasabi mo
na uh, parang pagpapaniwalain mo
sila na uhm, na gustong gusto mo
talaga yung mga hayop gaya ng
aso po na aprang mapakita mo sa
kanila na sobrang alaga mo po dun
sa mga aso, na parnag binebaby
mo po talaga sila. Ganun po yung
sa Pathos. Sinasabi din po na
kapag ang, na sa tigin ko rin po
kpaag pinagsama po tong, tatlong
tools na po ito, mas mahihikayat
na maniwala po sayo. Kasi meron
kana pong, may pinapakita kana
pong data na mas makakatulong po
na maniwala po sila sayo. Tapos
hinihikayat mo rin po sila through
emotions din po, mas mahihikayat
mo po talaga sila na maniwala

Persuasion is an act of convincing 34-47 summarizing

people to, convincing people to and
believe what you are saying. The paraphrasing
great philosopher, Aristotle says
that there are three tools that we
can use to convince people. That
three tools is Ethos, Pathos and
Logos. In Ethos, you are
convincing uhm, you are
connecting to people, you are
telling that person that you are,
what you are saying is true, what
you are saying is, uhm, you will
say that you are sincere in what
you are saying. In Pathos, you are
connecting his/her emotion. For
example, you are a politician, and
and you are specially today, uhm,
the pets or animals is really the
(thinking) is a good way to
convince uhm people, because
there are people uhm has, there are
people that really a pet lover so
you will use uhm, animals or dogs
to convince, to convince them. For
example that you are really care,
you have an animals or pets in
your house and you will uhm,
build facility for the, for the dogs
or cats that stay in the street. You
can convince her that you really
are for the pets, for the pets. So, in

Logos, uhm, you give uhm data
that uhm, data or proof that, that
what you are saying is really true.
So, in overall, these three tools in
persuacing (should be persuading)
people uhm if you use this three
tools, uhm, you will convince
people very well because you get
their emotions, because you give
data or tools to make them believe

STUDEN I think in this, the artist, good artist 5 concluding

T 10 have a revolutionary attitude.
I think, he ano he/she thinking the 11
ano Maam, the problem, that’s
right. Next

In this, uhm, in this words or 32-33 using filler

paragraph hmm, I think she/he
uhm is the ano, the problem -- I
read, That’s all. (I can’t hear well
because of the air from electric

I analyze, I the beautiful of ano, 37

every, everyone he/she face. Next
Uhm, I think, I can’t familiar with using filler,
it. expressing
Yes maam. I encounter po. I am 51-56 sharing
driving a tricycle. (You know how personal
to drive?) Yes Maam. (Okay, so experience,
how will you connect it that we
understand that it must be a
tragedy, and nonetheless has to
confess that he is incapable for
fighting it) Uhm, (so how did you
overcome that accident) Hmm,
While driving Maam? (Yes, after
you experience that accident, how
did you fight) Ano maam, I pray
nalang po. (So sometimes there are
people who are not capable in
fighting for what accident we
encounter, do you agree?) Yes po,

Revolution Maam? (Yes, when we 65-67 context clues,

say revolution? How do you define word
revolution?) Wait, I can’t association
remember Maam. (Look for the

meaning of revolution) Revolution
Maam about government order po.

They ano Maam fighting for uhm, 73 asking question

war Maam?
Uhm, I disagree po, because I can, 85 expressing
ahh I can enter in this disapproval

Ano Maam, ahh, about in schools 88 citing relevant

Maam, problems about in grades. example

Hmm, in this paragraph uhm, 101

interested in their help in, in uhm, I
can’t recall it Maam.

Yes, I agree po. 104 agreeing

Some writer and artist are made 114
help. (yes)
Because, he uhm, becasue i tehri 119
knowledge and effort Maam about

Uhm, the he post the problem in 127- paraphrasing

form because the problem is the 128
considered symbolic. Symbol po.

Okay Maam. This Revolution 151- concluding

should be concerned with the 152
situation of those artists and
writers, in this sentence, about in
situation of those artist and writers

COMPRE What is the selection all about? 163- concluding

QUESTIONS The selection is all about hmm, 164
revolution. The selection is all
about in, in about in reaction and
revolution. Yun po.

How does the author define being 166- concluding

a 167
? Hmm. (scratching his forehead)
The author defined revolutionary
is, is about in he/she feelings, that
he writes. Yun po.
What do you think is the purpose 168- concluding
of the author in writing this 170
article? Hmm, the purpose of
author in writing this article is, is
to know the other people in, to
know other people that, that he, --
hmm, to know the people that, that
he write in the article.

Do you consider yourself as a 171- concluding
revolutionist? Justify your answer. 172
Hmm, Yes because, because the
revolution is important to each
other po,

What other title can you give to the 173- concluding

article? Uhm, the People 174
Revolutionist. The title is The
Revolution ayy - that. The title is
The People Revolutionist.

: I think, the technology make 5

airline reservation.
I think, this is important because as citing the
of now pandemic, computers are relevance of
we use to communicate other text in the
people. current

Ahh. Hmm I think, it is okay 23

because of, because in their
countries, that’s okay.
Hmm, this is okay but, but we 40-42 expressing
need to fix the internet to get the one's stand in
goal of 100 percent using the the lines of the
internet. And, and to take, to paragraph
strong the internet now, to get the
100% of the, to get 100% of users
of internet. Yun po.

Uhm I think, I think, hmm, I think 51-52 concluding

this is not good because 30% of
bachelor degrees in computer and
information science is, is not hmm
is not good po.

Uhm different po. (difference or? 60-61 context clues

Aside from the word difference?)
different regions of the countries

Hmm, this is good because the 89 expressing

students, we need a internet one's stand in
connection, and the lines of the
COMPRE What is the selection all about? 107- concluding
QUESTIONS The selection all about, in about 108
technology and internet

What cultural issues may have 110- concluding

influenced, challenged, or inspired 111
the author? Hmm, the challenge is,
to enhance the internet access in,
in any group.
Who are these people being 112-
mentioned in the selection? 133

Women and .. Asian po. (Okay context clues
who else?) Yes po, the equality po.
The equal of using internet and
What are the political or economic 140-
issues of the times? 142
Maam the ano po, percentage of concluding
using computer or internet access
As a student, what are the 149- sharing
challenges that you encountered in 155 personal
this digital era? Hmm, The experience
challenges is, the poor internet in,
in country po.
Hmm. computer po, because some
people have no computer po.
3 Hmm. recovering from the shock, 9
ahh --

Hmm while I hold the rock po, 19-20 word

hmm, I , and the rock is falling in association
my feet, ahh, I;ll shock Maam.

HMMM 78 using filler

: Hmm. I think, do hmm, no longer using filler,
do I fear, hmm fight the, fight my concluding
fear Maam
Hmm, while I, while I pray the 93 using filler,
change of my feelings po. concluding
COMPRE What is the poem all about? 103-
That is all about po, they fear. concluding
: Because of that, because they
need to change that.

Who do you think is the persona or 110- concluding

speaker in the poem? I think it is, I 111
think it is me because in poem,
need to change, and fight the fear

What are some of the literary 113

devices or figures of speech used
in the poem?
I think, uhm, I thnk, simile and 120- identifying
metaphor po. 145 figures of
Newton as a habit of centuries citing lines in
the poem
Inhabits my skull; I know
Of gravity
Hmm, metaphor po.
And rot
And no longer,

No longer
Does a falling frighten me
What do you think is the theme of 146
the poem? Change po
why do you think Change is the 148-
central meaning of the poem? 150

Change because, that that I read concluding,

the poem is about to fear, and that recalling the
change it. menaing of the

What is the moral/lesson of the 152- concluding

poem? Hmm the moral lesson of 153
the poem is to, fight your fear,
fight your fear po.

4 My understanding po, the 3 basic narrating the

tools po, Ethos, Pathos and Logos content of the
po. In that po is, the Ethos, Pathos text
Ethos, Pathos and Logos po that 13
explained in audio po.
Hmm, the Ethos, Pathos and Logos 23-24 using filler,
are the 3 basic tools. Combination citing the main
of ethos, pathos and logos and in idea of the text,
this strength and use of fact. That’s summarizing
all po.

1 STUDEN Extract from Words with the concluding,

T 11 Intellectuals. There can be, a request to
course, artist and good artist, who pause
do not have revolutionary attitude
uhm toward the life, and it is for
precely (she mispronounced the
word precisely) and group of artist
and intellectuals that the revo.. the
revolution (she mispronounced the
word constitutes) uhmm.. wait
lang a problem (there’s a vibration
of cellphone) kinakabahan kasi
ako eh. Ah, doon po sa ano, doon
po sa title niya parang inaano niya,
ay wait lang pwede po mag-ano
ulit, yung mag-aano lang po ako
hihinga lang po muna ako pwede
po paulit kase kinakabahan talaga
ako eh, wait lang po

(kase napuputol po talaga ako) 13-

continue the, I just continue the Dec
recording ha. Okay you may repeat
if you want to. STUDENT 11:
(sige po) go ahead.
STUDENT 11: (She scratched her exhibiting non-
nose and then she do breath in and verbal cues

breath out) Extract from the word
of elec. Intellectual.

Ahh, ano sinasabi na lahat tayo ay 22-27 concluding

pwedeng maging artist at maging
mahusay na maging artist at hmm
na pwedeng na, na maisasabuhay
natin hmmm (she uttered
something that I couldn’t
understand) na maisasabuhay natin
na ano na pwedeng wait lang po
maka.. wait lang ulitin ko nalang
merong, merong mga course ng
artist na pwedeng maging mahusay
na artist ahmm na magagamit natin
sa buhay natin, ay tama ba? At
pwedeng maging magagamit natin
yung karunungan na’to para ma
resolve yung ano yung mga
problems ganon, yun ma’am yung
una hehe

Ahh, For a mercenary artist of 35-44

intellectual, for dishonest artist or
intellectual, it would never be a
problem: he know that he was do
he was to do (she is struggling in
reading these words “he knows
what he has to do”) he know that it
is in his interest (instead of saying
what she say the word that) and he
know where it is where he is going
(she is stri=uggling in reading
these words “and he knows where
he is going”)
Para daw sa mga ano mga artist na, concluding
na mukhang pera o mga artist na
may talino at hindi kaso ah hindi,
hindi ah, hindi, kumbaga
sinungaling (she scratched her
nose) na artist ganon hindi yun
problema kase alam naman na,
alam naman niya na kung anong
ginagawa niya, alam naman niya
kung ano yung interest at alam
niya, ayun nga alam niya kung
anong ginagawa niya hehe (she
continue scratching her nose while

: The real problem existed (she 50-61 concluding and
mispronounced the words exists) comparing by
artist or intellectual who those (she citing personal
mispronounced the word does) not observation
have a revolutionary attitude
toward (she said toward, she forgot
to add an s) life but who is,
however an honest person. It is a
clear that he who has the attitude
(instead of saying that she says it
as the) wherever he (she
mispronounced the word whether)
is revo. revolutionary or not (she
uttered something I couldn't
understand) wait lang po (the
roosters are crowing and cockling)
Ah doon sa ano, ang totoong
problema sa ano, sa ano sa mga
taong matatalino (the roosters are
crowing and cockling) ay hmm
(she placed her hand into her
mouth) the real problem existed
(she mispronounced the word
exists) the right artist (instead of
saying the words for the artist she
says it as the right artist) or
intellectual who do not have a
revolutionary (the roosters are
crowing and cockling) (uttered
something I couldn’t understand)
ito yung mga, ito pala yung mga
yung mga ano yung mga artist na
merong kakayahan o may mga
attitude na masyadong
mapagmatataas, ano ba yan di ko
maintindihan masyado toward
artist (uttered something I couldn't
he is objectise (instead of saying 68-82 concluding and
has his objectives she says it as he comparing by
is objectise, she mispronounced citing personal
the word objectives) and he would observation
(instead of saying the word and we
should she says is as and he
would) all ask ourselves about
those goals, he is object for the
(instead of saying the word has his
objectives she says it as he is
object) objectives that directed
toward a freedomtion of man (for
the revolutionary, those goals and
objectives are directed towards the
change of reality; those goals and
objectives are directed towards the
redemption of man. “She’s
struggling reading these words and
she also mispronounced the word
freedom.) It is man, it is a man his
self is fellow man the redemption
of his fellow man that

onstituts the object of the
revolutionary. (It is man himself,
his fellow man, the redemption of
his fellow man that constitute the
objective of the revolutionary.
“She’s having a hard time uttering
these words and she also
mispronounced the words
constitute and objective, she says it
as constitu and object) Ang
totoong problem sa ano, sa isang
intellectual about sa about sa life is
yung being an honest person at
doon sa ano sa mga inaano niya sa
mga ahhh about sa kanyang goals
and kung anong mga bagay na
mahalaga sa kanya (uttered
something I couldn’t understand)

If they ask revolutionaries in 89-99 expressing

matter most to us (she forgot to understanding /
read the word us and instead of point of view,
saying what matter she says it as in citing relevant
matter) we will say people and we personal
will always say the people. The experience
people is their true sense, that they,
(she said that they instead of
saying that is) the majority of the
people, those who had life (live)
in explanation (exploitation) and in
the cruelest neglect. Our basic
concern will always ba, be the
great majority of the people, that is
the (uttered something I couldn’t
understand) classes. The point of
view through which we view
everytime is this: (she
mispronounced the word
everything she says it as
everytime) whatever is good for
them. Ahh, dito naman po sa ano
yung point of view o yung mga
pananaw ng tao is, diba may kanya
kanya tayong pananaw sa buhay
ganon. Tapos lahat naman ng
pananaw natin is good kase nga
may kanya kanya tayong pananaw
ganon, yung ano lang don kung
ano ba kung nakakatulong ba
talaga kung useful ba o hindi o
nakakabuti ba siya sa ibang tao din
Kapag yung isang tao ay nag isip 108- concluding
para sa ibang tao at gumawa ng at 110
hindi gumawa ng mga bagay na
ikakasama sa ibang tao para
magkaron ng ng mga maling para
diko masaydo.. Ay next na muna
mam, next uli. haysss

Ang point of view daw ay ito daw 113-
yung ano ito yung nag aanalyze ng 114
mga mabuting pananaw, mabuting
yung nakaka yung useful tyaka
yung magandang gawin sa iba.

We understand that we must be 117- repeting the

(instead of saying the word it she 125 lines,
says it as we and she also mispronounce
mispronounced the word tragedy) some words
when someone understands this
and none the least (she
mispronounced the word less) has
to confess that he is cumpicable
(she mispronounced the word
incapable) of fighting of it. (she
said of instead of saying the word

Kailangan natin maintindihan na, concluding

kailangan natin maintindihan na
merong mga tao na ano na
nahihirapan na maintindihan yung
point of view mo o nako confuse
sa pinaglalaban mo ganon.
We are, or believe ourselves to be 130- re-reading the
revolutionaries. Whoever is most 140 lines
(she mispronounced the word
more) of an artist than a
revolutionary cannot think exactly
the same as we do. We strugg.. We
struggle for the people without
inner complex (she mispronounced
the word conflict) we know that
we can have to think about the
people before we think about
ourselves, and that is the only
attitude that can be defined as a
truly revolutionary (she forgot to
read the word attitude)
Sinasabi na meron tayong kanya concluding
kanyang ano reblo.. Rebro..
Reblo… levotionary.. rebrotionary
waah revolutionary sa ano sa sarili
nating ano paniniwala at meron din
namang ano syempre kanya kanya
nga tayo ng point of view kaya ano
yung iba hindi.,hindi tayo
naitindihan kase magkaiba din
yung ano, yung iba din yung ano
yung point of view nila. Tapos at
alam naman naten na iniisip muna
naten yung ibang tao bago yung
ano yung sarili natin, at ang
ganong attitude is masasabi mo
talaga na ito yung revolutionary
attitude naten.

Ang ibang palang ano ang ibang 146- concluding,
cases ng artist o artist sa revolu... 149 comparing
revolutionary ay meron din
namang ano merong gusto din nila
na makatulong sa ano mga ano, sa
mga ano sa mga interesado sa mga
ano nila at yung ibang mga astist
ay inters… intere…intera..
interesado na makatulong gamit
yung mga works nila ayun. Okay
na mam.

Ahh, madaling ano i appreciate 156- concluding,

yung ano mas madaling i 164 justifying lines
appreciate kapag inayos o in the passage
inanalyze mo yung mga cases na read
na hindi madaling ayusin. The
Catholic writer spoke ah okay
yung ano daw yung catholic
writer daw meron siyang worried
sa spoke sa clarifi... Sa
clarification ganon and at gusto
niyang ano nagtanong siya sa mga
ano sa iba niyang ano sa
pagkakaunawa ganon interpreta sa
problem ganon ay nanghingi siya
ng idea sa ibang tao sa mga point
of view ng iba tapos he could
express himself in accordance,
tapos ano pinagsama niya yun
parang ganon pinagsama niyang
yung point of view niya tyaka
yung ano yung point of view ng
iba para makabuo ng
makabuluhang meaning, symbolic
ganon. Yun mam.

Concern daw siya sa ano sa pag- 169- concluding,

alam ng, sa pag-alam kung ano 177 justifying lines
yung ano, kung ano dapat na in the passage
solusyon ganon doon sa wait isa pa read
nga concern siya sa pag-alam,
concern siya na concern siyang
alamin, alamin yung ano yung
pinaka sentimental value at idea
don sa ano sa revolutionary. He
was in agreement with the
revolution on economic and social
questions, but his philosophic
position was distinct from that of
the revolution. Nakipag ano siya
argument nakipag ano nga yun
nakipag yung ano yung argument
nakaipag argument siya sa
economic nakipag ugnayan pati sa
ano pati sa mga (she whisper
something I couldn’t understand)
pero yung ano daw yung kanyang
philisophic position distinct pero
yung ano daw yung kanyang

philosophic position ano magkaiba
naiiba yung ano yung pananaw
don sa revolution ng ano isip

Ah saan na ba itong case na to is 182- concluding,

napakahalaga na i keep sa utak sa 186 justifying lines
isip natin kase ito yung ano in the passage
presentable ito yung pinipresent ng read
mga grupo ng writers at artist na
sobra nilang gusto sobra nilang
gusto pagdating sa revolution at
gusto nila na tumaas pa at
mapalawak pa ang kaalaman nila
saan na ba at kaalaman nila at ma
mas ma express nila yung sarili
nila dito sa sarili nila at feelings
nila sa ano sa revolution.
Hmm. asan na ako wait lang ma ah 194- concluding,
nawala ako, constitute.. Constitute 209 justifying lines
problem that group, yung mga ano in the passage
yung bagay na yon ay bumubuo sa read
kanila ng ay that is a group that
constitutes a problem for them
yung grupo na yun ay bumubuo ng
problema sa kanila ganon. Sobrang
nakakaano daw nakaka nakaka
(uttered something I couldn’t
understand) sa mga artist tyaka sa
mga writers kase yung yung mga
ano ano sa revolution parang ano
blind sa efforts na ginagawa nila
para sa mga revolutionaries. more
than the revolutionary artist and
inteelectuals , move along with it.
Yung mga ano yung mga artist na
mas ano na mas naipapakita nila
yung sarili nila tyaka mas
magaling ganon na ano ayy ah bale
yung una yun yung mga ano mga
artist o mga writers na hindi
masyadong magaling kaya hindi
agad naano yung efforts nila ganon
hindi nakikita yung efforts nila
kaysa don sa mga sa mga
magagaling na artist ganon kase
mas nakikita yung mga efforts ng
magagaling kase nga mas
magaling sila.

It is possible that the men and concluding,
women who have truly justifying lines
revolutionary attitude towards in the passage
reality do not constitute the read,
greatest sector of the population. comparing
Yung babae o lalaki pwede ding
totoong maging revolutionary
attitude o pwede magkaroon ng
revolutionary attitude towrads
reality sa katotohanan hindi lang sa
ano kung ano yung popular, yung
revolutionaries yung revolutionary
daw ay pinagmumulan ng mga tao.

But the revolutionary should blind 216- concluding,

their efforts towards having all the 222 justifying lines
people move along with them, in the passage
pero yung mga revolutionaries ay read,
bulag sa mga efforts para efforts comparing
towards having all the people para
maano yung mga tao ganon para
mapalapit sa kanila (she uttered
something I couldn’t understand)
The revolutionary cannot renounce
the goal of having all honest men
and women (she mispronounced
the word revolution and women,
she read it as revolutionary and
woman) whether writers or artist
or not, moving along with it. Yung
revolution hindi daw masasabi that
yung ano yung goals niya ay
masasabi na kailangan lahat ng
babae at lalaki ay maging honest
sa pagsusulat.

yung revolution daw kailangan 231- concluding,

hmmm incorrigible, yung 241 justifying lines
revolution daw kailangan ano i in the passage
give up yung ano mga hindi read,
maiwasang na reactionary yung
nagiging mga naging reaction or
mga naeencounter na
Ang revolutionary ay naiintindihan concluding,
yung totoong sitwasyon at dapat justifying lines
merong ano ay mali doon muna sa in the passage
taas yung revolutionary dapat read,
meron ding ano mga policies mga
mga policies at dapat maintindihan
nila yung totoong sitwasyon,
merong manners sa sa buong
grupo sa buong grupo ng mga
artist o mga ano mga intellectuals
na kasama din sa mga revolution at
magkaroon ng revolution (uttered
something I couldn’t understand)
at makagawa ng mga trabaho.
Kumbaga ano magkaroon din sila
ng lugar sama sama para mas

maano yung spirit nila o yung
sarili nila para mas maexpress
yung sarili nila at mas maano yung
freedom nila ayun nga para mas
maano yung sarili na para sa
opportunity ganon. Okay na mam.

COMPRE What is the selection all about? 245- concluding

QUESTIONS Ahh, It’s all about revolutionaries 246
and artist and also the writers
ganon, ay don pala yun sa ano
How does the author define being 248- concluding
a 250
? Ah they define as a: a may
paninindigan and to be honest and
ano ba, may paninindigan doon sa
ano sa sarili and to express herself
para sa ano sayong nirerevolution,
sayong revolution parang ganon.

What do you think is the purpose 252- concluding,

of the author in writing this 255 citing relevant
article? I think the purpose of the sistuation
author i to ano, to express based on point
yourselves as a revolutionary to of view
hmm it is define to to be honest
nasa sayo kung magiging honest
ka pero mas okay na maging
honest ka at gamitin mo yung kung
anong intellectual na meron ka sa
pagiging don sa pagiging

Do you consider yourself as a 257- concluding,

revolutionist? Justify your answer. 262 citing relevant
Hmm yes, because I have my point sistuation
of view and hmm and that point of based on point
view eh I fighting.. Ay, ay yung of view
point of view ko na yun (uttered
something I couldn’t understand)
ko din muna yung point of view ng
iba at nirerespeto ko yun pero
syempre naka yung pinaka exactly
na pinaka yung best solution sa
sarili ko is yung maggawa ko para
sa sarili ko yung point of view ko
sa buhay bali kukuha din ako ng
guides sa iba ganon para mas
maging effective yung point of
view ko na pwedeng maka ano sa
ibang tao ganon maka apekto.

What other title can you give to the 263- concluding

article? Ahmm, Ahh the 264

revolutionary of self ayun. Ayun
lang po.

2 : In the first paragraph it is all concluding,

about technology influence of ahh citing practical
of our generation today, ahmm situation
because it, it on ahhh ano ba yan
ahhh especially in our life time
today more on circle in a
technology it more on circle in
technology like what in a
paragraph said it all the
information in what ahhh basta
lahat ng information and lahat ng
mga pwede nating gawin like mas
mapapadali dahil sa because of
technology and also using a
technology we can communicate
to our friends or business
association around the world and
computer and technology is ah ah
around the world.

Ahh using internet, paano ba to 26-33 using filler,

ahh, ahh more a year mas comaprison of
dumarami o mas nag go grow pa situation in the
yung ano countries and population context
using internet for example the 60
percent of population developing
country is most connected in
telephone, they said that konti
nalang konti nalang yung country
konti nalang yung country na
there’s no connected in telephones
kase more on ahh more on most of
the country is there have connect
internet like US every household
there have a telephone and also the
other , the other person have
computer at home so every nation
yup every nation developing lahat
ng countries all country na
umuunlad is hmmm is mas
umuunlad because of technology
ayun, ayun next

Ahh In this paragraph they, they 50-52 concluding

identifying ah how many percent
in their household and how how
much maney or gaano kadami
yung nagagastos nilang pera sa sa
pag ano ng ng merong internet at
walang internet and then hala wala
pa nga mam eh (she chuckled)

Ahh sinasabi na they say the other 62-64 concluding,
problem in other country to find a citing
job and to got information for a job observation
using technology is how to ayan
sinasabe or they say that the
woman that the result of woman
members most most mas
nakakaano ng trabaho after ano
graduate basta ganon.

Uhm, wait! Wait lang po ahh the 73-84 concluding,

other the other school yung citing relevant
pagkakaiba ng ibang school in one sistuation
country (uttered something I based on point
couldn’t understand) ahh sinasabe of view
na mas ano ba yun (uttered
something I couldn’t understand)
Ahh sinasabe na they say na some
of school that there have a internet
connection (she burp) oww excuse
me they and meron na silang ano
free lunches sa school pero pero
more on incomes nila kaysa doon
sa mga kaysa doon sa mga ano
tama ba mga classroom na merong
high, kaysa doon sa mga
classroom na merong
concentration na ano kaso mababa
yung ano yung income o budget ng
studyante, for example ahh private
and ano public school ganon ayan
ayun po. Example private and
public in private more income mas
malaki yung pera na ginagastos
nila mas malaki yung ano yung
baon ganon mas malaki yung need
nilang pera para sa school tapos
yung sa mga sa public walang
internet more on visual and ano
face mas utak utak ganon utakan
hindi yung more internet na
kinukuha nalang yung mga sagot
ganon at tapos yan yung mga low
income walang walang ano walang
kakayanan na gumastos ng lumaki
para sa pag-aaral.

Assist by computer and internet 96-105 concluding,
your knowledge must improve and citing relevant
ahhh in this paragraph sinasabe na sistuation
technology is a tool of learning based on point
teachnology is tools of learning or of view
mas ito yung paraan para matuto
yung students o mas mapalawak pa
yung kakayahan at karunungan ah
for example ah like ah yung
pandemic kahit na wala tayo sa
school natututo padin tayo dahil
meron tayong gadget na
mapagkukunan ng informations
and bu using ah watching youtube
like or facebook na meong aral for
example yung mga vlogger na
gumagawa ng content na “Alam
mo ba” alam mo ba yung ganon
ganon yung mga baagay na hindi
pa naten alam na nagbibigay saten
ng awerance (it should be
awareness but she pronounced it as
awerance) ng kaalaman na ay may
ganito pala sa ibang bansa sa ibang
lugar na ganito pala yung tawag sa
ano natin kaya ayun kaya yun
sinasabe talaga na technology is a
tool of learning and knowledge
and more benefit power ayun ayan.

COMPRE What is the selection all about? 11-112 concluding

QUESTIONS It’s all about technology of how
how change people life and how
easily like kung paano napapadali
yung buhay natin ayun.

What cultural issues may have 114-

influenced, challenged, or inspired 123
the author?
Ah may be the issue is kapag ahh concluding,
ahh mali na yung ano mali yung citing relevant
pag gamit ng technology abusing situation
specially there have so may apps
or sites na hindi na maganda sa iba
like basta naaabuso na kagaya ng
scam ayan the influence of
technology to more to more
knowledge kaalaman ayan
kaalaman mas mapalawak yung
kaalaman ganon tapos yung
challenge hmm the challenge ahh
challenge how lalo na ngayong
pandemic syempre kailangan na
nating ano we must be ano kung
hindi ka dati tutok sa internet hindi
ka aware sa mga kung paano
gamitin yung computer or a device
kailangan mo ng alamin kase this
is the way to ito na yung way ito
nalang yung way para matuto lalo

na ngayong pandemic. Inspiring
author ayun nga yung inspire
people using technology to use a
use your knowledge and share
your knowledge to others.

What are the political or economic 125- citing current

issues of the times? Hmm.. the I 128 situation to
don’t…. Diko sure sa sagot ko conclude
maybe the ano the bills using
technology of bills ganon because
ano, because ano nababalita o
napag uusapan sa politika yumg
ano on how to divide electric bills
after pandemic gano, after
pandemic ganon yun po.

As a student, what are the 130-

challenges that you encountered in 137
this digital era?
Ahh the challenges that I expressing
encounter is to discipline myself reflection about
using my gadget because as my the experience
experience lalong lalo na ngayong which is real-
pandemic ahh mas more on by life
playing mobile games or do
something like watching tiktok or
facebook like that kesa sa mga
activities ganon mas more on kase
yung time ko dun ganon kase mas
nakaka mas nakaka ano interesting
mas napupukaw niya yung
atensyon ko lalo na pag di ko alam
yung sagot sa mga activities yun
ganon tutok ako sa gadget hindi sa
activity ganon. The challege there
is how can I discipline myself
toward abusing my digital sa mga
bagay na hindi naman mahalaga

3 Lahat daw ng bagay ay nagbabago citing

lahat ng bagay ay nagbabago metaphorical
parang feelings niya yun nga may lines
mga bagay na madidiscover tayo
mga bagay na di natin inaasahan.

Ahh yung takot ko nato hindi to 18-19 stating positive

magtatagal pag tumakbo ako sa reflections
panginoon para madalangin.

Yung mga, yung mga pagsubok o 27-29 stating positive
mga pinagdadaanan na meron ako reflections
ngayon at takot na nararamdaman
ko is ah at sa mga nasaktan ko
ganon is mawawala din. Yung mga
nakagawian ko na di maganda ay
pwedeng magamit or pwedeng
mabago using the prayers ganon so
yun po.

COMPRE : 35-36
What is the poem all about?
It;s all about ah hmm my fears or concluding by
kung ano man yung pagsubok na citing the
meron ako at using by prayers central theme
malalagpasan ko yun.

Who do you think is the persona in 41

the poem?
Ahh may be myself. concluding
What are some of the literary 48-51
devices or figures of speech used
in the poem

Hmm. Ano po hmm.. Ah ano nga identifying

yung ano mo pagpipilian na, wait figures of
lang pataas po. Ahh pababa na po speech by
ano ba yun simile uhmm yung citing lines in
yung ano yung ano ba yun the poem
nakalimutan ko yung tawag yung
sa tremble that I have offended
yung ano personalification,
personali yung simile yung simile
ano yung ano yung ano tawag dito
ano maam ano “Newton as a habit
of centuries”

Yung ano, yung iba kase identifying

nakalimutan yung pangalawa don figures of
sa simile hindi ko kase nakabisado speech by
ano ba yan akala ko kase may citing lines in
pagpipilian don yung ireremind the poem
yung simile yung ano po siguro
yung persona… yung “ The fire of
my prayer in my mouth” yung

Opo, yung hyperbole is yung ano 55-57 identifying

hmm yung “ No longer run to my figures of
altar” basta yun po mam. speech by
citing lines in
the poem
What do you think is the theme of 66-65
the poem?

Diba po ano yun yung theme ano confirming
po horror ba ganon oh di kaya /remebering
parang romance ano spiritual or backgound
about self ganon knowledge

Ah don’t be afraid and just pray expressing

and believe in God kase kung ano reflections
man yung pagsubok na /affective
nararamdaman na nangyayari kase expression
yung mga pagsubok o fears na
nararamdaman mo ay hindi siya
magtatagal yun lang po.

4 Ahh about Ethos, about Ethos for narating the

example the DJ or DJ some of Dj content of the
or most of the DJ are advising for passage by
some people who broke or there citing various
have a problems like that, that can situations from
convince some of people that different
hmmm na naniniwala sa kanila to perspective,
solve that problem like DJ justifying
CHACHA cause a DJ CHACHA through
can resolve some relationship comparing and
problem ganon so that’s why contrasting
some of the advices of DJ
CHACHA can change the point of
view of other other ano yung
nababago yung point of view ng
mga inaadvice’san niya. And then
sa ahh sa ano sa pathos for
example for patos hmmm is yung
mag batang hmmm walang makain
for example hmm in country of
africa some of a children some of
the childrens there are lack of
foods and also lahat talaga sila
lack of food and then using media
ah pinapakita yung pamumuhay
nila yung kakulangan sa pagkain
sa tubig hmm pangkabuhayan
dahil doon natatouch yung mga
nanunuod kaya nagdodonate sila
ng mga pwedeng maitulong sa
mga bata na o pamilya na kulang
na kulang sa pagkain kase sobrang
malnourished tapos doon sa lagos
hmm for example about hmm
medecine, vitamins like vaccine
because ah ayun example non yun
yung mga yun kase obviously
naman na napag-aralan ng mga
scientist ganon na talagang
masasabi na effective at kapani
paniwala na ma enganyo ka talaga.

SUMMARY Okay there have a three types of 29-34 summary/
(uttered something I couldn’t paraphrasing
understand) Ethos, Pathos, Logos
is a part of hmm convincing to
change a point of view of someone
someone else or even you. These
three, this is three this itong tatlo
na to ay ginagamit para ma
convince or mapukaw ang
emosyon mo or damdamin mo
para maniwala sa isang to someone
or kung ano yung inaalok niya
sayo or nirerecommend sayo,
ginagamit yung tatlo na to para ma
convince ayun nga para ma
convince ka na maniwala sa kanila
ayun po ayy ayun. Yung tatlo na
yun ginagamit din siya for

1 STUDEN So in this hmm paragraph the the using filler,

T 12 the it tackles about the artist expressing
actually this revolutionary I cannot diffciculty in
understand this word and I think understanding
that first paragraph is all about a unfamiliar
artist that have that do not have a words, getting
revolutionary attitude. I will, I meaning from
will, I will what do you call that the dictionary,
dictionary the word concluding
Hmmm okay po so i think the
paragraph one is all about a artist
that doesn’t have a complete
attitude towards their life. Next
PASSAGE: (2) For a mercenary reading the
(read as missionary) artist or lines
intellectual, for a dishonest artist
or intellectual, it would never be a
problem: he knows what he has to
do, he knows what it is in his
interest, and he knows where he is

I’m not familiar with missionary 17-23 concluding,

artist. Hmmm exact hmm I think feleing
this second paragraph is he never nervous,
problem he knows what he has to cannot
do and he knows what is is interest understand the
and he knows where he is going, paragraph
for me my understanding about
this second paragraph is
missionary artist knows a never be
a problem my god hmmm interest
and he knows where he is going
wait po hmm maam
kinakakabahan ako hmmm (uttered
something I couldn't understand)
missionary artist or intellectual for

the dishonest artist or intellectual
hmm actually I didn’t understand
hmmm I didnt understand the
paragraph mam.

Hmm.. kinakabahan ako (thinking) 29

maam sorry po

I did, i don’t know the word 40-46 using filler,

redempt redemption of man concluding,
redemption maybe I could go back citing point of
to the ano (she’s reading the line view, recalling
again) Hmmm redemption so this the terms,
ano po this sentence sentence na
for the revolutionary those goals
and objectives are directed towards
the change of reality. So yung
yung artist po kailangan ay art ay
those revolutionary hmmm artist
what do you call that hmm artist
that has a goals and objectives are
very important because it it will
ano it will ano those goals and
objectives of artist will bring hmm
what do you call that it will ano it
will ano those objectives hmmm it
will change thier what do you call
that it will change the artist
attitude especially in their lives I

Hmm..I don’t know the word 55-59 difficulty in

exploitation and oppressed. This understanding
sentence our basic concerns will the words,
always majority of the people that concluding
is the oppressed and exploited based from
classes. I think I experience that I experience,
experience that hmm I experience using filler
that the majority in people I think
this sentence suppose to ano
(whispering something while
thinking) hmmm our basic concern
will always be a geat majority this
that is the oppressed and exploited
classes hmmm.

Hmm in this, in this paragraph it’s 67-70 difficulty in

pertaining to the if you have a a a understanding
goal and a objective as a artist you the paragraph,
will be hmm (she uttered concluding
something I couldn’t understand) based from
people people hmm ang hirap experience,
(she’s reading the line again and using filler ,
again) hmmm in this paragraph expressing
hmmm I think (she’s reading the surprise
line again) Oh my god! Hmm for

the artist who do not have
revolutionary attitude. Maam
hmmm Oh my god.

So I think in paragraph 4 the it it 77-89 using filler,

hmm it says that you should in concluding,
every action that we hmm that we citing relevant
hmmm in every action na examples by
ginagawa natin we need na hmm comapring and
we need na maging careful or contrasting
maging careful or we need na so in situation.
every action that we are going
hmmm ano tawag doon in every
action that na ginagawa natin dapat
inaanalyze natin sa sarili kung
mabuti ba yun or hindi kasi kung
mabuti ba yun or hindi or
nakakatulong ba yun or hindi kasi
kasi yung kasi pag kasi pag action
na ginawa mo is is nakkatulong is
is pag nagawa mo yung pag
nagawa mo ng maayos you will
hmm so we analyze the good so
like parang sa problem lang po
kunyari sa challenges na sa ano po
sa paragraph 4 kunyari po sa
challenges na sa challenges na na
experience po natin we need to
hmm kahit na down na down na
tayo we need to analyze the ano
the ano pwedeng kung anong
pwedeng kinalabasan ng ng
gagawin mo kunyari for example
yung problem ano hmm parang
down na down kana for me for me
you need to analyze na na wag
kang sumuko in life kasi wag kang
sumuko and gawin mo yung
motivation para mas maging
matatag ka and maging matatag ka
and hmm maging strong po lalo
ayun po. Number 5.

So this paragraph hmm in this 95-96 concluding,

paragraph 5 even if the even if its a saying sorry
hmm had a tragedy hmm none the
less has to confess that he is
incapable of fighting for it nu,ber 6
hmm sorry po.

So in this hmm sentence we know 103- concluding by
that we can have we know that we 116 citing relevant
can have to think about the people personal
before we think ourselves and only experience in
attitude that can be defined as a understanding
truly revolutionary attitude, so the text
dyang dyang sentence na po yan is
para saken I experience na
experience ko na po yang ganyang
hmm hmmm situation na yan na
mas parang uunahin mo pa yung
hmmm kailangan din nating
unahin yung iba bago yung sarili
natin. For example hmmm yun
yung hmm kunwari po yung
kapatid natin kunwari po yung
experience po na yun is yung
kapatid ko po nagpapatulong ng
assignment niya syempre have I
think dapat hmm ano tawag dito
may pinapatulong na assignment
eh eh ako gumagawa ako ng ng
school works I need hmm saken
mas uunahin ko yung sa kapatid ko
kase we need to hmm for me I will
I will I will do first his or ay her
her ano her activities before i will
answer it because para saken mas
kailangan niyang mas kailangan
niya pa yung or mas kailangan
niya assignment na yun bago yung
eventhough yung assignement ko
is or yung activities ko is na
ginagawa ko is ano is is hindi
naman masyadong nakakasagabal
sa ano i will go na tulungan muna
yung kapatid ko bago yung sarili
ko and I think yan yung yung
attitude na kailangan na revo.
revolutionary yan yung attitude na
kailangan taglayin ng isang
revolutionary artist. seven.

Hmm.. (she kept on repeating 126 re-reading the

reading the passage number 7) passage
It is easier to appreciate this when 130-
specific cases are analyzed; and 136
among those specific cases are
many that are not easy to analyze.
A catholic writer spoke here. He
raised the problems that worried
him and he spoke with great
clarity. He asked if he could make
an interpretation of a determined
problem from his idealistic point
of view of if he could write a work
defending that point of view. He
asked quite frankly if, within a
revolutionary regime, he could

express himself in accordance with
those sentiments. He posed (read
as post) the problem in a form that
might be considered symbolic.

Hmm I think in this paragraph 138- concluding,

hmm hmm (she read passage 8 141 using filler
again) sa tingin ko po yung hmm
yung hmm paragraph 8 po is about
I think yung hmm sinasabi dyan sa
paragraph 8 na yan is for me yung
catholic writer is is I think the
catholic writer is the one who want
to help hmm the specific problem
that hmmm

So in this nine paragraph it talks 164- using filler in

about the it talks about the the that 166 processing
that so I think this hmmm thoughts
paragraph nine is hmm all about a
hmmm oh my god hmmm so for
me hmm revolution in the
paragraph I think revolution hmm
hmm (she’s reading the passage
So in this last paragraph I think 175- using filler,
hmm my understanding about that 189 concluding by
this is even though hmm even comapring and
though we are not hmm contrasting the
revolutionary artist or writers we cited situation
can express ourselves by we can
express ourselves by hmm we can
express ourselves (no.no.no.) even
(uttered something I could’t
understand) so this hmm ten
paragraph hmmm revolution and
the writers are connected to each
other because because they ano
hmm they are the one ano hmm I
think hmm the revolution and the
artist are connected to each other
because because of the revolution
the artist hmm or the the the artist
and the writers can express their
selves through hmm the through
the through the through the hmm
what do you call that Ah because
of the revolution the artist can tell
to other people the real situation
that the real situation so that hmm
the real situation the real situation
yah they connect the revolution
and the artist are connected to each
other because because of the

revolution the artist can the
because of the revolution the artist
or the writers were the writers are
the writers are express theirselves
because the writers tell the real
situation of that revolution I think
and hmm lastly even though hmm
we are hmmm even though like me
I ‘m not a writer hmm I think we
can I think I can express myself
hmm even though I’m not a writer
or a revolutionary hmm artist I can
say what I want to say because it is
my own perception and I think it is
the one and I think I can express
myself for hmm for..

COMPRE What is the selection all about? I 193- concluding,

QUESTIONS think the selection is all about a 198 comparing
writer a writer that I think It’s all
about It’s all about a writer that
hmm who hmmm is about the
artist na parang dinescribe hmmfor
me the selection is all about the the
the revolution and the artist and I
think hmm he describes the that
the revolution that that that happen
and he also describes the the
characteristics of being a
revolutionary artist like you need
to ano to have a goal and have a
objective objective and also hmm
think hmmm

How does the author define being 200- using filler,

a 202 concluding
? I think hmm he describe the
revolutionary as hmm tawag don
sa tingin ko yung ayun nga that
being a revolutionary dapat meron
kang goal at objective tyaka ano
paba yun dapat hmm so yun po.

What do you think is the purpose 203- concluding,

of the author in writing this 207 comparing
article? Para I think para ano para
mas malaman pa nila yung kung
para mas malaman pa nila kung
para mas malaman pa nila para
mas ma englighten pa yung mind
natin hmm through para mas ma
enlighten pa yung mind natin
about doon sa ano sa being
revolution and artist. Also
natalakay din dun sa article is

parang may kinalaman sa political
or basta..

Do you consider yourself as a concluding and

revolutionist? Justify your answer. reflecting
I think hmm I think yes because I
want to hmm today as we know
there’s a lot of things happen and I
want to I want to help and change i
want to help to lessen the problem
that we experience today kaya I
think I will consider myself as
revolutionary gusto kong
makatulong gusto kong may
mabago gusto ko hmm may
something na magbabago kahit
maliit kahit maliit na bagay man at
least ay at least sa tingin ko ayun
kaya I think I consider myself as
revolutionary. Revolutionarist.
What other title can you give to the 215- concluding
article? I think the hmmm be hmm 216
What other title can you give in
this article tingin ko hmm the the
“The Impact of Revolution in”
From the title itself it’s all about I concluding and
think the technology ay I think the reflecting
the passage this title is all about
the technology. The effect I think
of technology
In the first sentence hmm in the concluding by
first sentence it says that it’s true citing exixting
because nowadays we use hmm we phenomenon
use a lot of technologies in our ano experience
specifically we use it in our daily
basis parang yun na yung ano natin
yun basta yun para yun na nga
yung yung ginagamit natin today
yung technology.
Hmm in this paragraph I think comparing,
hmm parang dinidescribe niya sharing best
muna kung ano yung what practices in
technology dini describe niya kung looking for
ano nga ba yung gamit ng unfamiliar
technology like dito we use the the words
internet to look and apply apply
jobs ginagawa ko din po yun
minsan kunyari may research o
assignment o activities na di ko
masyado ano hmm di ko
masyadong alam I use technology
I use internet para makahanap ng
sagot or inform or madagdagan pa
yung kaalaman ko about doon

sometimes I google para like
ngayon yung ginagawa ko po nag
didictionary ako para mas
malaman ko kung lalo na yung
mga highfalutin so I think number
one is that.

So dito naman po sa paragraph 33-39 concluding by

number two dito parang parang comparing
dito lang parang I think this situations
paragraph pertaining to the na na based from the
na every year tumataas yung o mas info in the
ano mas bumibilis yung number ng passage
internet user but but meron pading
ibang tawag dito ibang countries
na ibang lugar na konti lang yung
hmm internet internet tawag don
hmm internet connection they
probably they probably use
telephone as a as a communication
but but but in US but in US yun
nga parang kahit na mabilis no
tumataas yung internet user meron
pa ding gumagamit ng ng
telephone as a communicating so
ayun I tink ayun po sa number 2.

think this paragraph is parang 57-58 concluding,

pinapakita niya yung iba’t ibang, comparing
iba’t ibang tawag dito access ng ng
access of using a internet and
technology. I think yun yun.

: I think this fourth paragraph is 68-77 concluding and

something ano parang ano tawag comparing by
don parang something citing practical
discrimination kase sabe kase yung situations
parang in this hmm kung sino
yung hmm ano tawag dito may
something discrimination kase
yung isa yung isang ano computer
science ay mas doble yung..ay for
example nalang yung ano kunyari
nakapagtapos ka ng college ng
college tapos in the future yung
trabaho mo mas mas ano tawag
dito mas mataas yung salary
compare don sa hindi hindi ka
nakapagtapos or mas lowest yung
salary na makukuha mo I think
something wrong with that kase
even though na merong mga tao na
ano di naka graduate ng college or
di man or di naka or di masyado
mataas yung grade nila mas ano

yung iba mas mataas yung salary
kesa sa isa na mas highest yung o
mas graduate pero or mas ano
(she’s stuttering) yung naka
graduate pero mas lowest parin
yung salary. I think yan yung
tinutukoy sa 4.

I think this fifth hmm paragraph is 86-91 expressing

is ano naman is in school opinion, point
pertaining to school but the of view, based
number of classrooms with from the
internet connection differs by the situation
income 98 percent of school in the presented in
country are wired with at least one the passage
internet connection. The number of
classrooms with internet
connection differs by (uttered
something I couldn’t understand)
low income student sa tingin ko sa
5 is base sa percentage ng school
ng country na yan ay hmm medyo
nagugulahan po ako sa paragraph
na’to hmmm.

So this last paragraph po I think na 104- concluding,

na he agree to the statement na na 112 citing practical
yung technology is the one that situation
will te one tool na nag the one tool
na nagbibigay saten ng knowledge
but but technology hmm kailangan
din niya ng tawag dito ng hmmm
we know that the technology is
nagbibigay sa atin ng knowledge
we should ano din ano tawag dito
we should syempre dapat
limitahan din natin na na ano to na
limitahan din natin yung pag gamit
nito kase especially in school even
if we use technology we should
ano padin we should ano tawag
don we should use books for ano
to ano tawag dito to to to tawag
dito we should use books to to para
mas ma ginagamit natin yung libro
pwede din natin gamitin yung libro
as guide or siya din yung ano basta
yun, yun. We should use
technology but hmm moderation
ganon dapat may limit din so yun

COMPRE What is the selection all about? It’s 118- concluding
QUESTIONS all about the the usage of 119
technology particularly in school,
not in school but basta yun It’s all
about the yun nga po the usage of

What is the selection all about? It’s 121- concluding

all about the the usage of 127
technology particularly in school,
not in school but basta yun It’s all
about the yun nga po the usage of

What are the political or economic 129- based on

issues of the times? Hmm sa tingin 132 understanding,
ko yung political issues, sa tingin concluding
ko yung political issues of the
times hmmm hmmm hmmm sa
tingin ko for me What are the
political issues of all times sa
tingin ko yung political issues of
all times is doon sa sa feeling ko
yung sa access ng internet sa
school I think yun yung issue.
(dogs are barking)

: As a student, what are the 135-

challenges that you encountered in 140
this digital era?
Hmm para saken yung challenge expressing
yung ano na yan yung 4 na point of view,
questions na yan yan yung 4 na clarifiying,
yan is is hmm like yung challenge comparing
saken ng digital na yan is pag
kukuha ng ng tawag dito ng kahit
kukuha ka ng information sa
google dapat kailangan mo
maglagay ng source or author kase
pwede kang ma ano tawag dito
yung plagiarize pwede kang
makulong kase nga kinuha mo
yung hindi naman sayo and I think
yan yung challenges na na
encountered ko during digital era.

3 I think I think this recovering from 11-Sep identifies

the shock of a huge branch falling figures of
at my feet ano siya parang speech,
ginamitan siya ng ano hyperbole comparing
kase it is impossible na ano na citing lines
basta po parang hyperbole

(she kept reading the passage) I 20-22 identifying

think hmm ano yan what do you figures of
call that hmm isa siyang sim simile speech by
ay hindi metaphor yung Newton as citing lines in
a habit of centuries Inhabits my the poem


Di ko alam yung rot rot bulok. 29-30 translating,

Maam, maam saglit lang po maam context clues
ha may nagpapaload load po kase
wait lang po.
Okay na po mam, I know of 33-36 asking to
gravity and rot And no longer no repeat reading
longer. Maam pwede paulit po ulit the poem,
di ko po kase naintindihan things
change no longer do I fear no
longer run to my altar hmmm (she
kept on reading the passage) paano
nga mam. (she read again the

Hmm I think the word change sa 41-44 justifying the

tingin ko yung experience my meaning theme
experience for that is hmm te title of the poem,
itself change sa tingin ko po is my based on
experience as I experience yung personal
change na nabago ko sa sarili ko is experience
yung pagiging hmm hmm example
ah sige hmm change hmm ano ba

The fire of prayer in my mouth, so 53-59 explaining

that line po yung the fire of prayer lines in the
in my mouth is sa tingin ko is poem by giving
hmmm recovering from shock ay practical
yung recovering from shock of a situation,
huge branch falling at my feet. I reflecting
think yung ano ko dyan yung
experience ko dyan is at tyaka
yung pagkakaintindi ko po sa a
huge branch falling at my feet for
example yung experience ko po
diyan is when yung dumating
malaking problema sa buhay ko
yung dumating po yung pinaka
pinaka pinaka yun po yung the one
ay hindi for example nalang po
yung problem ko po na for
example po recovering my ano.

By ano po yung problem na yun po 63-68 CONCLUDIN

yun po yung parang nag encourage G,
saken na ams ano pa mas ano pa COMPARING
mas maging matagtag pa kase
pagsubok lang yan we experience
that all pero kailangan po nating
go with the flow po kase hmm
kase yung problem na yun is
magbibigay pa saten ng motivation
natin para mas ano pa yung
problem tawag dito tawag doon is
yung problem na yun is magiging

way pa natin para mas masa
maging strong pa tayo ganon po.

COMPRE It’s all about the the based on my 72-73 concluding

QUESTIONS understanding po the poem is all
about the the hmm I think it’s all
about how you overcome your

Who do you think is the persona or 75-77

the speaker in the poem?

Ah para po saken ako parang yun

Kase po parang yung ano na yun is concluding
parang na experience ko na po
kaya sa tingin ko ako po yung tao
na yun.

What are some of the literary 85-104
devices or figures of speech used
in the poem
Yung ano po hyperbole,hyperbole,
Yung ano po yung “recovering identifies
from shock of a huge branch figures of
falling at my feet” is pa hyperbole speech by
po citing lines in
the poem
Yung “the fire of prayer in my
mouth” is hyperbole din po at
tyaka po yung “newton as a habit
of centuries inhabits my skull”
metaphor po ayun po yun lang po

What do you think is the theme of 110-

the poem? 113
I think the theme of poem is hmm concluding
challenges po I think.
What is the moral/lesson of the

For me po the moral lesson of the 115- concluding,

poem is kahit ano mang kahit 121 justifying by
maraming dumating na problem sa sharing
buhay mo you need magpakatatag reflections
kase yung yung problem na yun is
yun pa yung magbibigay sayo ng
parang parang yung problem na
yun is magbibigay pa sayo ng
lesson kung bakit basta yun at
tyaka po ano at tyaka po ano

nakalagay don is things ano ba yun
things has change lahat po
nagbabago sa tagalog nga po lahat
ng bagay nagbabago and I think
the the the things has change sa
tingin ko hmm sige yun na nga
lang po mam.

4 So the passage is all about 22-Jun narating and

persuasion is parang nagko explaining the
convince ka po convincing information
someone nagku’convince ka po sa listened by
sa basta nagku’convince ka comparing and
someone and and there’s hmm giving practical
base sa audio clip po si plato daw situations
po merong tatlong tool ng
persuasion yung Ethos, Pathos,
and Lathos yung ethos po ito po
yung tool na ay hindi dito po muna
tayo sa pathos yung pathos is
connected with an audience
emotion so dyan po is yung pathos
po parang tool po siya na ano
magbibigay ng pini persuage..pini-
persuade nya po yung someone by
emotion for example yung kanina
po he alone in terrible war so yung
emotion so yung ano po na yan
may emotion “he’s alone in
terrible war” so po yung emosyon
na yan parang sasa pathos na yan
you convince someone po by
emotion. Yung ano naman po yung
ethos naman po incredible sources
yung pagiging ito po yung tool na
pini persuades mo yung someone
na sincere ka po dapat at tyaka
parang totoo talaga yung sinsabe
mo like for example yung ano ba
yun yung sa dentist daw sa dentist
so yung ano na yun yung example
na yun is mm I think yung
example na yun is yung example
na yun sa dentis- sa doctor ba yun
o dentista yung sa ipin parang ano
pini persuade niya na ano parang
mapagkakatiwalaan yung someone
parang ganon. Yung Lathos naman
po is evidence your arguments
convincing, for example nalang po
doon sa video clip na sa
commercial daw parang merong
daw 70 million na bacteria sa sa sa
kamay mo at tyaka yung Lathos na
yun pini persuade niya na bumili
ka ng sabon para mawala yung
bacteria sa kamay mo and yun po
yung pagkakaintindi ko po.

A summarize yung sa persuasion 40-44 summary
hmm plato hmm persuasion is art
of convincing which has a three
tools of persuasion we have ethos ,
pathos and lathos. Ethos is from
the word itself is ano yung parang
ano niya don is sincere, and
trustworthy yung sa photos ay
pathos is hmm with ano emotion
connected with audience with
emotion and yung pathos is
convincing someone with evidence
yun po. Maam

1 STUDEN Extract from Words… Extract context clues,

T 13 from words to the Intellectuals. giving lexical
Based on my understanding in defnition of
interac uhm my interac, Extract is words
a multiple sentence or words and
intellectuals is personal or self

there can be uhm of course artist

and good artist, who can do a
resolution is a war or sigalot sa
isang group attitude towards to life
and its preciley uhm presently
group of artist and intelectuals the
resolution constitution of

Im confusing on the meaning of 13 expressing

mercenary artist… and…(a difficulty in
moment of silent) understanding
the word

Mercenary artist mercenary 18-19 context clues,

sometimes known as a sold… giving lexical
solder or fornitune. Sample in our defnition of
country, our solder is ahm words
policeman…. ahm or military

Based on my understanding 21-24 concluding

uhm… ano, in this paragraph I
understand that… uhm… if you
have some… some interesting
uhm.. you… you have ahhh… you
have things… kung may… kung
may interesado sa bagay na hindi,
hindi mo na kukuha (a moment of
silent) at alam mo yung bagay na
yun be ano… be… i persue mo
lang yun makukuha mo yun.

Like I said, Like I said ahh few… 29-33 reiterating
few ago revolutionary is a war or one's idea to
sigalot sa groupo attitude towards connect in
life but who is, however an person. previous lines
It is clear that he who has that in the passage,
attitude towards life, whether he is justifying stand
revolutionary or not, whether he is by citing
an artist or not, has his goals. has personal point
his objectives and we should all of view.
ask, we should all ask ourselves.
For me I learned to this a text
ahhh...that if you have a goal in
life… (reading the passage)

Oww… Im confusing in 40
temptation of man
Redemption is an action of saving 42-44 context clues,
or living saving or error even, it is giving lexical
man his self is follow man, fellow defnition of
man that redemption of a fellow words
man the const...constitus...
constitute…(long pause)
constitute… constitute meaning is
being part of whole the object of

If they ask us revolutionaries what 53-56 difficulty in

matter most to us, we will say the understanding
people, and we will always say the unfamiliar
people. The people in their true word,
senses, that is, the majoret... repetition of
majority of the people, those who difficult words
have had live in expli….
Exploitation I’m confusing in the
word exploitation… exploitation

exploitation is an action or fact of 58-67 context clues,

treating someone unpairing in giving lexical
order to benefit from their works defnition of
example, uhm…. in research words, citing
uhm… you...ginagamit mo yung applied subject
ibang...yung ibang ahm... ibang in giving
work and ang unpair po sa kanila situation
na gamitin yung work nila ng
hindu ka nagsasasbi by
ben...benefit in their work. Saan na
ba yun? in the cruelest neglect.
Our basic concern will always be
the great majority of the people,
that is, the offressed Im confusing
in the word oppressed(searching)
oppress… oppressed and
(searching) oppressed and
exploited classes. The point of
view through which we view
everything is this: whatever is
good for them, will be good for us.

Example ahh… in the word of
everything is good them will be
good for us.. Kung ano po yung
pinapakita nating kabutihan na,
kung ano po yung pinapakita
nating kabutihan sa ibang tao
uhm… magiging mabuti …
magiging mabuti para sa kanila
yun po.

Based on my understanding about 79-80 concluding

of the text of number 3 uhm…
does... if someone hates you be
good to them no matter what

In this text… from the analyze the 84-90 concluding ,

good, the useful, and the beautiful citing relevant
of every action. (a moment of experience
silent) the useful, and the beautiful
of eve… based on the text uhm.. In
every action that we... or the things
that may work uhm we need, we
need to be… we need to… you
have...yung mga bagay na
ginagawa natin kailangan may
silbi or pakipakinabang yung
ginagawa natin sa bawat araw na
dumadating.. sa atin kasi
sometimes… uhm… may mga
bagay tayong na gagawa na hindi
naman na hindi naman kailangan
or nasasayang yung oras natin sa
mga bagay na hindi naman related
or hindi naman kaylagan in our
daily life.

We understand that is must be a 94-100 expressing

triggered… difficulty in
trigger...tragedy..Tragedy… Im understanding
confusing to the word tragedy. words, looking
(look down)....(look on the for the
screen)ahh… okay tragedy is menaing of
trahedya in tagalog, when someone difficult word
understand this and this and none by using
less confess that is incapable electronic
(sound of phone) of fighting for it. dictionary,
Ahmm.. in this text uhm (fixing translating the
her earphone)... magkakaroon … meaning using
may mga bagay na or sometimes mother tongue
uhm… we fight .. we fight for
nothing because uhmm of
sometimes we did, we not
understand the feeling of each
other… and .. and it has conflict or

nagkakaroon tayo ng hindi
pagkakaunawaan both side,
sometimes we not understand…
we don’t understand the feeling of
each other

sometime in our daily life ahm.. 106- citing personal

Based.. Based from me ahh… 109 opinion by
ahh..mas iniisip ko muna yung… sharing
dumadating sa point na mas iniisip personal
ko yung ahm yung sarili kong experience
opinion bago yung ibang opinion
na binibigay sakin kahit minsan
nakakabuti naman yun sa akin pero
di ako nakikinig sa payo nila kasi
pinapakinggan ko yung sariling

based in this text ahm…(look 117- concluding,

around) be a… be honest of… be 118 code switching
honest to your work ahh… don’t
anong tawag dito…(a moment of

Based on my experience uhm.. It 136- citing relevant

easy to appreciate when, when 144 experience,
you are something uhmm… na... giving meaning
na di ka guilty sa ginagawa mo to difficult
kaya sometimes ahh those specific words
cases are not easy to understand encountered
po, why because ahh kapag may
binibintang sayo na di mo naman
talaga ginawa mas mahirap mas
mahirap maintindihan or ma
analyze yung bagay. Im confusing
in the word of interpretation…
interpretation meaning is the act of
explaining or otherwise showing
own understanding of something.
Interpretation of a determine
problem from the idealistic point
of view of.. Of we could write a
work defining doing that point of
view He asked quite frankly if,
within a revolutionary regime, he
could express himself in
accordance with those
sentimes?...sentiments. He posed
the problem in a form that might
be considered sybolisic.

Im confusing in the word ideology, 151- giving the
ideology uhm...is a system of ideas 154 meaning of
especially on how form of basic difficult word
economic theoric… theory of encuntered and
policies ahhh… okay! which was relate it to the
not exactly the ideology of the lines in the
Revolution. He was in agreement passage
with the Revolution on economic
and social question, but his
philosophic position with distinct
from that of the Revolution.
Im confusing to the word of 159- using context
favourable… 164 clues and citing
favourable…favourable… relevant
expressing to approach (laugh) situation
(someone call her) favourable… related to the
favourable sample uhm… if your lines in the
teacher wants to uhm… in research passage read.
uhm.. example in research your
work uhm you need to approve to
your work to your research teacher
to.. If its good or not or example
uhm… wait revived the work that
you do. attitude towards the
Revolution and wish to know what
degree of freedom they have
within the revolutionary condition
to express themselves in
accordances with their feelings.

Vanguard uhm.... The meaning of 175- giving the

vanguard is a group of people 178 meaning of
leading the way in new difficult word
development and idea. Sample encuntered and
uhm.. Ahh… it keeps on your relate it to the
mind our develop new ideas you lines in the
need to speak example to the passage
to...think aloud if you have
something to talk or to share new
ideas you need to express it.

In this paragraph uhm… 185- using filler,

kaylangan din nilang bilangin 186 concluding
yung mga revolutionary na kahit
hindi honest netizen they need to
count them because, because they
are revolutionaries.

Im confusing to the word 191- expressed

incorrigible,incorrible... in..co... 194 confusion,
Incorrigible incorrigible, searching for
incorrigible meaning is the person the meaning of
order intenses not able to correct incorrigible
or improved or reform. Based on
my understanding incorrigible
uhm… uhm… if you have uhm…
sample if you have some word that
we or not good for you, you may
improved that text…

In this text the revolutionation if 199- concluding
you have a freedom expression 200
your feelings in whole group of
artist and intellectuals. Therefore
to understand your situation or real
COMPRE What is the selection all about? 207- concluding,
QUESTIONS Ahh… The selection is all about is 210 justifying
to uhm we act… we act on the text answers by
yung understand ahh… react to the recalling the
text and the title of the text is all passage.
about Extract and Intellectual
based on the title of Extract and
Intellectual. I understand that its
about for personal mind based on
and uhmm… ntellectual

How does the author define being 211- concluding,

a 212 code-switching
? The author time being
revolutionaries uhm...on how .., on
how… on how we pakikisama
being paki-

What do you think is the purpose 214- concluding by

of the author in writing this 218 justifying the
article? The purpose of the author stand basec
in writing the article is to know of from the lines
as the revolutionary is.. Is not in the passage
uhm...is not a good way, because
revolutionary war uhm if we… if
we ahmm kapag pinairal natin
yung ahhh away ng uhm yung
pakikipagaway o sigalot sa groupo
dahil sa hindi natin
pagkakaintindihan about sa, about
sa understanding of his

Do you consider yourself as a 220- using filler,

revolutionist? Justify your answer. 222 concluding and
Yes because sometimes, based on justifying
the text i read, those text uhm..
Experience some text I experience
so I know I revolutionaries

What other title can you give to the 224- using filler,
article? The text is all about 225 concluding
Extract and Intellectual if I give
some title or other title I want the
title is uhm changing revolutionary
or revolutionary war

2 Uhm,Based on the title is about 4-Mar using filler,

challenges of technology uhm, concluding
technology is uhm application of

scientific improving generation
because they have technology

Based on, para sa akin uhm ang 22- using filler,

technology ni influence us because Nov concluding,
sometimes technology ahh citing practical
technology parang ginagawa na experience,
natin siyang uhm ginagawa na expressing
natin siyang or nagkakaroon na difficulty in
tayo ng uhm… gingawa na natin understanding
sa pang araw araw natin. We use difficult words
the internet to look the app job, yes
ahh… the technology may help us
to… to search something or ahh
searching jobs like like not before
uhm.. We need to… we need to
anong tawag dito?uhm… mas ahh
our works must be easy, easier
because we have technology and
apply jobs and conducting
research. I’m confusing to the
word of instantaneously
(murmuring something)
ins..tan..taneously ganun pala
pagbasa instant at once, ahh
okay… We use email and internet
to communicate instantly or once
based on the… ano
instantaneously, meaning. I
understand that (laugh) based on
the text number 1, technology may
help us to … to has easier
worksmon to if we don’t have if
we…. If we don’t understand,
example if we don't understand the
meaning we research it in internet
so… sooo it help as to easily,
easy… easier, easy understand the
meaning that we don’t understand.

: I don’t understand the word or 30-31 expressing

the meaning of exponentially…. difficulty in
Exponentially ahahaha… mali understanding
mali yung ano ko. difficult words

Sorry po Ma’am, based on the text 35-41 sharing real-

or the word that I… I read some life expereince
students are… are… an... or some based from
ahh… student those not have observation in
access of computer so the student the current
ahm.. What you call it, some situation
student are based on my
experience some student or…
friends my friends like for me,
sometime internet ahh mahirap,
ano ba to, some student
nahihirapan wait, mahirap maka-
access ng internet because
karamihan sa amin ay karamihan

sa aming mga studyante ay walang
walang internet sa bahay at poor of
internet because dahil sa sa hirap
ng buhay hindi makabili ng or
maka- magkaroon ng computer.

so like I said a few ago,if we had 47-51 reiterating her

not internet or cellphones previous idea
mahihirapan, mahi… mahi- bilag and connect to
studyante mahirap nga naman po the lines in the
na wala kang internet connect sa paragraph by
bahay bakit? Kasi ahm… uhm… citing relevant
karamihan sa aming nga studyante experience.
is uhm pumupunta sa computer
shop uhm para maka-access
makagawa po ng ng mga projects
or activities na kaylangan gawin
by using computer and
online…online text ganun po

reading the passage) I’m confusing 71-77 giving the

to the word of aleut. The meaning meaning of the
of aluet who are usually known as difficult word
aluet language by in venice uhmm and relate to
indigenous people of aluet island, the meaning of
so aluet is the people of uhmm of the lines in the
people of people of ay that island paragraph read.
they call they called them… they
called… they called us
aluet.(reading the passage again)
uhm, so based on my
understanding so... most likely
have like have internet connection
or internet access is urban like
rural area because re… ru...rural
areas is uhmm mas ahh had mas or
mas mabagal or mas hindi… wala
silang gaanong signal sa… sa… O
hindi hindi sila nakakapag access
gaano ng internet connection like
urban, ganito pong ano… tsk…
I’m confuse to the word of surbate 86-91 express
(exacerbates) ex...as...cerb...bate… difficulty in
exascerbate? (phone) exacerbates, understanding
exacerbate make a problem was the words,
situation on negative feelings giving example
(reading the passage again) so… by comapring
so usually if you have… if you
graduate yung ma-- if you
graduate you my, may tend--
tendency po na… may tendency na
magkaroon ka ng agarang trabaho
like computer and information.
(reading the passage again) so
based on the text if you...Ahh new
or fresh graduate and you had... (a

moment of silent)

So my opinion to the text of four 95-97 expressing

(4) so when you are… so when opnion,
you are new graduate and fresh concluding
graduate and have a highly
education you have an ahm…
better chance of getting good job
and offer highest salary

uhm…(reading he passage) so 105- concluding,

based on the text, based on 109 citing
experiences if you have ahh… comparing and
kapag nag aral ka po sa public contrasting
schools di katulad ng private scenario in
school na uhmm if you have a if justifying her
nag aral ka po sa private school understanding
katulad po namin na low income
student po kami, na walang
kakayahan na magkaroon ng
sariling internet connection
different to the income level of the
student highest… uhm highest…
percentage of in private school. So
not balance about technology and
internet connection

6 na po, (reading the passage) so 123- concluding,

internet computer daw po is… 127 citing
uhm… mas okay.. Ba to.. Mas comparing and
lamang yung lalaki na marunong contrasting
gumamit ng computer internet like scenario in
sa babae, based on my justifying her
understanding internet are not to understanding
use to promote equality they have
become (reading the passage
again) so in the number… in the 6
text uhm.. Is like I said a while ago
technology has become a tool to
the learner or student that…
that… that may easier works

COMRE What is the selection all about? 132 concluding

QUESTIONS The selection is all about the
degree of technology.
What cultural issues may have 134- concluding
influenced, challenged, or inspired 136
the author? Ahh.. the culture.. Ahh
the culture issue is all about the
internet connection and the
students who not access in the

What are the political or economic 137- concluding
issues of the times? Like I said a 139
while ago the politic economic of
the times is uhmm technology
because some student are not are
not available to access by.. By his
or her own computers.

As a student, what are the 140- concluding

challenges that you encountered in 146 comparing the
this digital era? As a student the situation
changes I encounter… some experience
student are yung mga estudyante
po ngayon tulad ko mas umaasa na
po sa technology uhm hindi na…
hindi na,hindi mas
pinapahalagahan yung books kasi
mas masmas uhm.. Mas nakikita or
sabi ng iba mas okay na sa google
mag search ka kasi mas makikita
mo pero mahirap po pala na
umasa ng umasa sa technology at
kasi ahmm hindi na natin mas
pinapahalagahan yung pagbabasa,
kung pinapahalagan natin ang
pagbabasa mas mau-- mas
mauunawaan yung kada words na
binabasa natin. Yun lang po.

3 So, we know change uhm not in concluding

things because ay, not in things
because and also people.

lahat nagbabago, so based on my 13-20 concluding, re-

understanding things change like reading the
people change uhmm, so… soo di poem, citing
lahat permanente lahat nagbabago, personal point
katulad ng isang.. Ng isang of view based
example ng isang ng on experience
isang…(reading the poem again)
based on recovering, based on the
poem(reading the poem again) dito
po parang for example ahh, ano…
isang problem na hindi ahh parang
hage (huge) mabigat na problema
na bumabato sayo ahh bumabato
sayo o bumagsak sayo sa mga paa
mo? (reading the poem again)
kahit anong problema ang ibato
sayo ahh bumagsak sayo
kaylangan natin magkaroon ng
ahhh… kaylanagn magkaroon tayo
nga pananalig sa diyos.

so yung problema po sa atin 33-34 concluding

walang katapusan, para siyang…
para siyang gravity that walang

change, things change. If the 45-46
things change, maybe I am too.
I’m going to change also,

COMPRE What is the poem all about? 72-74

The poem all about is to change. concluding

Who do you think is the persona in 78-79

the poem?
: I think the persona in the text or concluding,
speaking in the poem is he or she recalling the
have a… hard problem that right term,
encounter in his life that she or he
not ahm.. Tawag dito ahm.. Or

What are some of the literary 91-95

devices or figures of speech used
in the poem?
ito po yung simile, metaphor validating her
,ma’am diba background
the figure of speech is metaphor
Newton as a habit of centuries the citing lines in
figure of speech is simile the poem

What do you think is the theme of 102-

the poem? 103
I think the theme of the poem is all concluding
about… uhmm.. All about (
searching) ahh change.

What is the moral/lesson of the 109-

poem? 113

What is the moral/lesson of the concluding,

poem?the moral lesson of the citing relevant
poem is ahh… if you, based on my experience
opinion if we have a problem and through
like like the poem as or has or comparing
have hage (huge) of false in your
feet don’t, don’t loose, don’t lose
ahm..don’t lose hope ahmm just
pray, just pray for to, just pray to
God and all the problem all the
problems. Lahat ng problema
dumating sa buhay mo makakaya
mo basta meron kang pananalig sa
diyos. Yun lang po ma’am.

4 Based on listening passage i 7 Summarizing
understand (i don't understand
what she say) persuasion it is the
it is the art of convincing someone
to agree in your point of view.
According to the newton be have
basic tools ahh. Example the
example of the is lettuce (ethos)
pathos and logos ma’am. Lettuce
(ethos) means is the compre…
compre compre size of the number
on how example on how you
carried your teeth and pathos is the
collection of ahh or collecting
ideas example organization of pets
too… organization of pets.. Ano ba
ito… and next one is logos the
meaning of logos the use of facts,
facts your agreement to convince
that it is to good example
commercial of soap on how we
convince the…. Ano ba ito… the..
Ahh manonood on how, on how
yung commercialahh of soap
paano natin sila maco- convince
yung manonood na maganda yung
product na nabebenta mo. yun po.
Yun lang po ma’am
The listening passage is a tool of 35-39
convincing someone ahh..
Someone agreeing your point of
view ahh they ahh there are three
ahh tools ahh.. According to
Newton there are three tools ahh or
basic tool one is lettuce (ethos)
pathos and logos . lettuce is
lettuces is (ethos) lettuces is ahh
expressing and explaining and
pathos is ahh collecting ideas of
something and logos is the use of
argument of convincing someone.
Yun lang po ma’am, tama po ba
1 STUDEN number 1 I understand Ma’am 9-Jun Comparing and
T 14 ahh..they ahhh… was ano ahhh contrasting
two(2) kind of course artist. Sa
number 1 po ma’am maybe it is
just informant but not her passion,
it just an… ano-- she just need the
ano ma’am parang needs lang niya
yun pero never niyang nagka
interest sa ginagawa niya po.


Sa number 2 naman po Ma’am I 13-15 Concluding
understand that, ay ito ahhh…
instancing po yung ginagawa niya
kung baga passion niya talaga
yung ginagawa niyang bagay or
ano ba yan yung pagiging artist
niya Ma’am
Citing opinion
Based on my understanding 21-25 Concluding by
uhm… ano, in this paragraph I citing personal
understand that… uhm… if you experience /
have some… some interesting opinion
uhm.. you… you have ahhh… you
have things… kung may… kung
may interesado sa bagay na hindi,
hindi mo na kukuha (a moment of
silent) at alam mo yung bagay na
yun be ano… be… i persue mo
lang yun makukuha mo yun

Sa number 3 po Ma’am based on 47-48 Concluding

what I read once you have goals
and plan you can exist as an artist
because that vision connect. Let go
your goal to be a successful artist

: jesus made a grace one that there 51-54 Citing religious

were many writers and artist that expression
they wanted to and revolutionary
that revolution is that they wanted
to do that at sometimes the
revolution was that end the
contribution their knowledge amd
its behalf. (a moment of silence) to
challenge themselve and interest
and they will build

Yes po Ma’am malapit na 59-61 Concluding

po.(murmuring) sa number 4 po
ma;am its from the point of view
that q analyse the useful and
beautiful of every action we need
to analyse important things and
everything important. Yun po.
there was some situation that if
they don’t understand they feel
that can cannot do things right..
Citing real life

reading the passage) its says that 70-72 Citing personal
not all of as not a quick thinker experience
that they do, the example of this is
me I’m facing in front of the you

reading the text…. I struggled to
most because there's some words
that i cannot understand and its
very difficult for so I struggle to

reading the passage) so.. Here 78-80 Concluding

ma’am to challenge themselves
and their willing to ahh they are
willing contribute effort so they
challenge themselves. Example of
it is me, I challenge my self to
understand every words that I’m

Citing real life

reading the passage) Number 8 88-89
ma’am yes you can probably
analyse the specific words or
phares because if you challenge
and want you will like to have a

(reading the passage)(writing) 109- Comparing and

Number 9 po Ma’am sa 114 contrasting
revolutionary writer can do the
problem because she has a goal to
every problem while intellectual
writer sometimes they just stick to
their principles. Ahhmm… this 2
writers are artist ma’am they had
difference ahh.. Ahhh.. when ahh
revolutionary writer is always have
a goal so she have a goal in every
problem, while in intellectual,
intellectual writer is just stick to
their principle, kung ano lang po
yung pinapaniwalaan. Number 10
na po, Hi ma’am.

(reading the passage) she define 123- Concluding

the meaning of incorrigible. So sa 127
number 10 last paragraph it’s
better to be the revolutionary artist
because once you are
revolutionary artist you have an
intellectual toward those problem
that’s need a solution are really
artist are the successful artist so
mas maganda po yung ano ma’am
revolutionary artist because they
ano they have an intellect thinker
yes ma’am. That’s all.
COMPRE What is the selection all about? Its 129- Concluding
QUESTIONS all about Extract and 131
revolutionary, it’s all about
revolutionary how revolutionary

exist or how revolutionary ahhh
uses and how revolutionary ahmm
important of revolutionary.

: How does the author define being 132- Concluding

a 136
? So the author define, wait lang
po ma’am so the author defines
being a revolutionary ah ah ah si
ano… wait lang ma’am. So the
author gives the meaning of
revolutionary ahhmm ano they he
gives , teka lang ma’am wala
akong maisip. I think the authors
define himself because he is also
an artist that’s why he knows the
revolutionary about how
revolutionary exists.

What do you think is the purpose 137- Concluding

of the author in writing this 139
article? So i think ma’am he just
want to express or challenge those
people reading this text, what is
revolutionary and how
revolutionary difference for arist,
its very hard you know.na ubos na
yung english ko ma’am.(laugh)

Do you consider yourself as a 140- Justifying with

revolutionist? Justify your answer. 142 conviction
I think ma’am… I think ma’am
(laugh) I can consider myself as a
revolutionary because I ahh…
ahhh I acceptvthe challenge that
you give to me.. Ahhh tsk. (laugh)
I nakarecord pala ito ma’am.

What other title can you give to the 143- Citing

article? The beautiful… wait lang 145 quotation
po ma’am. What other title can observed
you give to the article? (writing)
wait the ma’am nakikita mo pa ito
ma’am? Never stop dreaming

2 : (reading the passage) (phone 13-Sep Concluding

ring) number 1, so… number 1
Ma’am the-- we use technology for
our communication, we use
technology for every… every…
everyday of our life, so we cannot
communicate to every people or
very far for us if we do not have an
technology uses.

So example for me, I can not
communicate to my classmate to
my teacher to my best friend if I
don’t use these technologies. So
that is number 1

:(searching the meaning) 23-32 Stating
exponentially, ahhh exponentially observation
pala ay parang nag wide every year and facts
(reading the passage again) so
number 2 ma’am ahhh… every
year the internet is very ahh every
year the internet is getting wider
ahhh…. Getting wider or evolved
and then, wait lang po (reading the
passage again) so only 6 percent of
population is developing in the
countries so in this ahhh...

every ahhh..di ko lang maano

every year that internet evolving
only 6 percent uhm is developing
in our country or the tele--
connected to the telephone so 6
percent na lang po ang na de-
develop sa every country using the
telephone, so 94 percent of the
user of household telephone only
56 percent… so in this every ahh
every revolution he-- every change
has came there are uhm had ahh
different percent is ano yun (laugh)
wait lang… is… is...so nagiiba iba
yung percent ee(laugh) nahirapan
ako mag english ma’am. Basta yun
So…(a moment of silence) tsk… 50-53 Comparing
tsk… tsk…(the light is on)
(writing)... (reading some parts of
the passage again) meaning this is
one of the problem parise like this
because we have different kind of
lifestyle live… livelihood so not
100% can connect from the
internet but this is not hindrance to
be. Number 4 na po

Another problem that exacerbates 55-60
these disparities is that African-
American. Latinos, and Native
Americans hold few of the jobs in
information technology. Women
about 20 percent of these jobs and
receiving fewer than 30 percent of
the Bachelor’s degrees in
computer and information science.
The result is that women and
members of the most oppressed
ethnic group are not eligible for
the jobs with the highest salaries at
graduation. Baccalaureate
candidates with degree in
computer science were offered the
highest salaries of all new college

have a stomachache, So… number 73-79 Agreeing

(reading some part of the
passage)so number 4 po ma’am,
yes I agree that african country is
one of the poor country, so that
the-- is their really problem that’s
why none of them cannot go to
school or the education is poor
there is an interesting problem to
research about their culture and
why the way of their living.
We all know ma’am that african’s Stating factual
people or black people is the poor information ,
country ah… ahh in whole country justifying the
they… ahh... they didn’t even feel situation
the education ah-- some of them
doesn’t know how to read or write.
So they consider has the poor
population. Number 5
(taking down notes) (reading some 86-94 Concluding ,
parts of passage) So… I think comapring
Ma’am it’s depend to a school if
there's a big income or uhm maybe
for ahh.. Ahh Dalig National High
School the example of it. So I
think ahm there have a great
income so because they can afford
the needs of every student in dalig,
maybe not all they can give, yun
nga po ay.. Ay example in Dalig
National High School there have
ahh I think they have a great
income because… wait lang po
ma’am. Because they can
approved the needs of every
student and then uhm.. For
example for those teacher’s there
uhm.. Your connecting to
technology they can afford the

wifiii the TV uhm for a food tech
student they can afford ahhh… the
things that we need. I thinks it’s
depend on the school na
pinapasukan mo Ma’am. Basta po
para sa akin yan po example ko


giving practical

So here ma’am we need, we need 108- Concluding ,

internet to have a biggest source of 116 justifying
technology because we need to
ahh… wait lang po ma’am ahh
because in this ano new normal we
all need wifi, we all need
technology that we use for our
study we cannot ahh maybe we
can study because we have a book
we can read or search in book like
dictionary but in technology there's
more, it’s very easy for student to
find their needs and the ahm… for
today this new normal there's a lot
of student that they can afford the
money or they cannot ahh…
commute because they life at far
place far far school. Hirap ma’am.
(laugh) school,Maybe they choose
technology but they need ahh, they
cannot afford the connection so
maybe that is the one problem of
technology. Hahaha ma’am

COMPRE What is the selection all about? So 120- concluding

QUESTIONS it’s all about ahh technology it’s 121
talk about uses of technology ahm
at percent of uses of technology
the benefit of technology

What cultural issues may have 123- Justifying

influenced maybe ano uhm… 128
ahh… the culture maybe ma’am
…. Ahh the ahh I read their the
asia black ahh people because
they are very poor a technology
they didn’t even know how to use
technology so maybe the author
think why I’m going to write this

why… uhm uhm for ano yun the
author write this to the author
research or write this text that
everyone can read, technology is
very important not only for a good
times but only for a a… everyday
lifes so that’s it.


Using fillers

What are the political or economic 130- Justifying
issues of the times? Poor ahhh 132
ahhh poor poor, poor wait lang
poor country ma’am I think poor
country ma’am because they
cannot afford or they are very far
for communicating that’s why they
cannot. they have economic issue
or poor education.
As a student, what are the 134- Justifying
challenges that you encountered in 137
this digital era? So I encounter
ma’am that not all of us cannot
afford or cannot afford the
technology that we want its
difference for as or difference for
us-- ahh it defence. If we were
pursue for education so that’s the
biggest challenge that us a student
for me that I encounter in this
digital era.
3 Wait lang po Ma’am (a moment of 34-37 Concluding,
silence) (reading the passage justifying by
again) now I understand na, ito na citing
ma’am this poem is ahh for me experience
even though I made a big mistake I
know what my weapon to be use,
the prayer to cover me to protect
so that one day if I make again a
failure I will not fear anymore

COMPRE What is the poem all about? The 72 Concluding

QUESTIONS poem is all about ahh… ahh
changes in your life
Based from the
title of the
Who do you think is the persona or 77-78
speaker in the poem? I think the
writer, writer, writer

Ano Ma’am ginamit din po yung 82-85 Justifying and
ano po yun.. Wait lang po yung. comparing
Ayon, ano ma’am ginamit po dun
yung personification kasi ma’am
ano ahh.. There ano ahh.. Ayon po
ma’am ginamit po yung parang
yung sa leaves po ma’am basta
ganun po ma’am and then ginamit
din po yung… paulit nga po yung

(reading the passage again) ito po 89-92 Comparing and

pala ma’am ahh parang… ayon po concluding
ma’am the fire of prayer in my
mouth so parang ginamit din po
yung hyperbole, kasi po ahm…
parang nag ano siya extreme
exaggeration nag exaggerate po
siya dun, parang ganun ma’am.
Kasi wala naman pong ano
bumubuga ng apoy

What do you think is the theme of 99-105 Clarifying

the poem? Theme of the poem, ano
nga po yung theme? Yung
kahulug-- what do you think is the
theme of the poem (thinking)
theme of the poem (thinking) is to
ano ma’am ahh…cannot delivery
my english ee, where’s my ballpen
(reading the question) sa number 5
po muna ako ma’am di ko po ma
delivery ano ko ee. What do you
think is the theme of the poem? I
think… (writing) (reading the
question again) number 4 po
ma’am it’s look like a
revolutionary type of poem
encouragement to those suffering
Justifying and
What is the moral/lesson of the 109- Concluding
poem? The moral lesson of this is 113
poem is never give up of what
your doing yun nga po yung sinabi
ko never stop dreaming do what
you want, do what you love,
follow your heart, and praise god.
In Jesus name. yan... Ma’am that’s
the moral lesson that I have.
(laugh) haba nito ahh, bibiyak utak
ko. Ma’am do you hear me?

4 ayan na according to those I heard 7-Mar Explaining and
according to aristotle there are summarizing
three basic tools of persuasion 1 is
ethos 2, is pathos and 3 is logos ,
so these three have ahh… uhm…
rule, so the rule of ethos is it is an
speaker with more source so ethos
ma’am is the one person that have
an idea or she the ay hindi, hindi
siya si ethos is the one that have a
source or the idea is coming from
the ethos si ang speaker.

sa pathos naman po ma’am.rela-- 11-Sep Concluding

ahh relatable and sincere and
convincing the audience so sa
pathos po she convincing or
spreading the audience to ah to
connect the to speaker or which is
ethos so she convinces the
audience to listen to the speaker
So sa logos naman it is the one 13-17 Concluding,
whose connecting to way to explaining
audience for convincing use a fact
to delivery or convincing more so
sa uhm logos ma’am uhm merong
silang pagkakapareho ng pathos
kaso lang po sa logos more pa po
yung kinu- convince niya or fact
yung… mga ahh in..ahh.. Evidence
na meron siya more yung audience
the kinu-convince niya than pathos
so that’s what I understand po.

SUMMARY According to aristotle ma’am there 32-38 Paraphrasing

are two(2) ay there are three (3) and
tools for persuasion, one(1) is summarizing
ethos, two(2) is pathos and
three(3) is logos. So one is ethos is
the source of idea or she is the one
had ahh… idea ahh to speak to
everyone so while ahm pathos the
one who convinces people to listen
to the speaker or what we call
ethos. So sa number 3 is logos
there just similar for pathos but
logos is more wider convincing a
lot of audience because the way
she convince a lot of people
listening for those what we call
ethos wide ahhh… she’s telling the
fact she’s as more convincing a lot
than pathos. So that is, that’’s all

1 STUDEN Ma’am, I think po this text.. I think 58-59 Explicit

T 15 in this text hmmm.. naglalaman understanding
hmmm it’s about, its about
changes..chun-changes of people..

ma’am this line po yooor yung.. 65-67 Explicit
For the revolutionary, those goals understanding
and objectives are directed to-
towards the changes of the reality;
those goals, those goals and
objectives are directed towards the
redemption of man. Base po don
ma’am sa ay, base in the line ho….
Wait lang ma’am.

Thank you maa’am. Wait lang po. 69-71 Feleing

Base in the line any changes.. any nervous
changes and on objectives are
directed towards the changes ay
directed towards the changes of
reality based, based po don lahat
na hirap mag isip pag
s voice*…. ma’am pwede ko pong
palitan yung ano….

Okay po ma’am. If they ask us 77-79 Repeting lines

revolutionaries if they ask us in the passage
revolutionaries what matter most
to us , we will say the people, and
we will always say the people.
Based.. based in the line based in
the line ma’am the real matter..the
real matter is us, ourselves

Number four, it is from the point 81-87 Repeting the

of view the we analyse the good, lines in the
the useful and the beautiful of passage
every action. Based..based in the
point of view.. based in the point
of view we will know.. we will
know *Whispering* based in
the..based in the point of view, we
will kno.. what is.. what is the use..
what are the useful for us aaand
and…. We will know what is
useful for us and.. and the action..
and the action.. and the beautiful
action.. wait lang ma’am.
Nauubusan na ako ng English..
Number four.. based in number
four.. we will.. we will know what
is good for us and.. and the
beautiful action, beautiful action in
the.. line that I reeee.. that that the
text I read.

Based on own

Number five, we understand that is 88-92 Giving onw
must be tragedy when someone interpretation
understands this and none the less based on
has to.. has to confess that he is understanding
capable of fighting for it…. San..
in number five.. in number five.. in
number five yung tinutukoy sa text
is.. is about.. is about the tragedy is
about the challen, challenge when
someone.. when someone
understand the text, kasi po may
iba iba po tayong paniniwala,
opinion about.. about sa story na
nababasa natin.

Number six, we are are believe 93-100 Translating the

ourselves to be revolutionaries. meaning of the
Whoever is more of an artist than a text by relating
than a revolutionary cannot think to observation.
exactly the same as we do. We
struggled for the people without
inner conflict, we know that we
can have to think about the people
before we think about ourselves,
and that is the only attitude that
can be defined as a truly rebo-
revolutionary attitude…. We are
all believes…. In number six… in
number six… in number six…
number six…hghf.. in number
six… based the text in number six
its about.. its about.. it’s about
struggles, changes na kailangan
natin gawin or adjustment for other
people.. for other people.. for other
people and.. and in the last part,
because of this challengesss it is
showing aaa it is show us.. it is
show aa it is show a truly
revolutionary attitude.

Seven, seven. The case was well 102- Concluding

made that there were many writer 108
and artist who were not
revolutionaries, but were however,
honest writer and artist; that they
wanted to help the Revolution, and
that the revolution is interested in
their help; that they wanted to
work for the Revolution and that at
the same time, the Revolution was
interested in their contributing
their knowledge and efforts on its
behalf. In number seven its about
the writer.. its about the writer and
actors na hindi revolutionaries and
it’s about helping.. helping them
to, to improve.. to improve……
basta po yung sa seven about po sa
helping, helping each other para

pong tongue twister paulit-ulit po
yung revolutionary, revolutionary.

It is easier to appreciate this when 110- Comparing

specific cases are analysed; and 118
among those specific cases are
many that are not easy to analyse.
A catholic writer spoke here. He
raised the problems and that
worried him and he spoke with
great clarity. He ha he asked if he
could make an interpretation of a
determined problem form the
idealistic point of view of if he
could work if he could write a
work dep-depending that point of
view. He asked quite prank-frankly
if, within a reb-a revolutionary
regime, he could express himself
in accordance with the sentiments.
He posed the problem in a form
that he might be considered
symbolic. In number eight.. in
number eight.. para pong katulad
ko in think aloud protocol ano..
ini-express mo yung gusto mong
sabihin yours, your expressing
yourself based in your
understanding and para po
mabilis.. mabilis na maintindihan
na mabilis na maintindihan ng
ibang tao yung gusto mong

Again po, in numbe nine its about 143- Concluding

again and again its about 148
revolution. It’s about revolution,
it’s about… it’s about their
feelings, their thoughts. Its
about… it’s about what you can
produces to change and what
revolutionary can do…
revolutionary can do about… what
revolutionary can do.. about.. what
revolutionary can do.. is about…
ma’am pwede po pababa scroll
down po…. Ma’am ay,
revolutionary is about changes
again. Its about changes towards
life, it’s about attitude kasi po may
ibat ibang klaseng writer ,e tsaka
actors may ibat iba silang
opinions. May ibat iba silang….

Basta po yung revolution gusto 150- Concluding
nya lang iparating ma’am na about 151
sa… bayon? Ma’am it’s the ideas,
idea of changing di ko na alam
sasabihin ko haha.

Based in my understanding sa mga 160- Concluding

nababasa kong text about don sa 163 based from
revolutionaries, it’s about freedom, understanding
freedom freedom of expression
opinions or about ideas. Basta po
yung pinaka based po, pinaka
based ng ano ng revolutionary is
about po sa pag e-express ng idea
nila ng gusto nilang sabihin.
Express to express.

COMPRE 1, what is the selection all about? 167- Comparing and

QUESTIONS Its all about revolution. 173 justifying
*Laughing* How does the author
define being
ary? Ay ay, wait lang alam ko to
ma’am e…. ma’am, being a
revolutionaries.. being
revolutionaries you can… you can
expressed yourself, your own
ideas… your own ideas.. basta
may kalayaan ka po na sabihin
yung gusto mong sabihin, gusto
mong isulat, gusto mong iparating
sa tao. Yung ideas na mas
maintindihan nila yung, yung
tunay na idea na makakapag,
makakapag-intindi at makakapag
pabago about don sa
mga…..basta.. para po ma… about
to sa mga idea na gusto nila
maipaglaban… about to sa idea na
gusto nila iparating. Para sakin po
sa number 2.

Number 3, what do you think is 174- Justifying

the purpose of the author in 176
writing this article? I think the
purpose of the author is about
changes at yung pagkakaiba ng
and the difference of the other
author and the other authors and
writer in the revolutionaries.
Number 4, do you consider
yourself as a
revolutiona..revolution..ist? Justify
your answer. Ma’am, I think I
can’t.. I think I can consider
myself as revolutionist because…
because I can because.. because..
ngayon po sa nangyayari na po ito

ma’am dito po sa ating think aloud
protocol. Na-expressed ko yung
ideas na gusto kong sabihin at
may…may freedom ako.. I have a
freedom to say what I what to say.
Kung….cha…and may kakayahan
and I have the rights to…too to
fight my opinion,yun lang po.
177- Concluding
Number 5, what other title can you 182- Concluding
give to the article? what other title 183
can you give…… I think.. I think
...ma'am, I think in this ang gusto
kong ibigay na title is about
freedom. Hmmm yun lang ma’am.

2 In number 1, in number 1 it’s 9-Jul Concluding

about communication, it’s about
how computer works, how
technology works in… and how
technology.. how technology can
helps us in this kind of situation
that we have.

In number 2, in number 2.. in first 18-20

line, in first line to first line its
a..its a…its about the… its about
the growing… growing *smirk*
bas… its about sa pagdami…sa
pagdami ng gumagamit ng
computers. Sa pag dami ng
population na gumagamit ng

, but the differences are no more- 33-35 Relating to

no more than 6 percent.---in…in previous
text kasi ma’am yung text… yung reading
text kasi na to nabasa ko na ito in
position papers na ginawa naming
na binigyan namin ng ng reaction
basta poi to po yung nabasa namin
sa position paper.

Nabasa ko nap o ito sa position 37-43 Relating to
paper. Ito pong…ito pong text na previous
to about to sa mga gumagamit reading
ng…sa may mga kakayahan lang
po na gumamit ng computers. Sa
may kakayahan, mag English na
nga ako. It’s about..it’s about the
pee-people who can used
computers in their house, it’s
about…. it’s about… it’s about
percentage, it’s about people.
Based in…based in our situation
macompare po siya sa situation
natin ngayon, kasi po marami

samin, sa mg aka klase ko na
walang kakayahan na
makapag…makapag gamit,
makagamit ng internet sa
kakulangan n g gadgets dahil sa
internet access. Wala silang.. wala
silang kakayahan. Basta po in
this… in number 3, it’s about…….

In number four.. in number four… 53-58 Concluding
its….in number 4 it’s about job,
it’s about who can.. it’s about who
can have a-a hayl-a high salaries.
In number 4 its about… it’s about
who can have a high salaries, it’s
about who can… *smirk* basta po
about sa.. about sa.. sa kung sino
yung magkakaron ng mataas na
salary kung sino yung mas.. if kasi,
if based in number 4 in computer
science, if degree mo is computer
science, you can have a high
salary… of all new college

In number 5, it’s explains about it- 64-66 Concluding

s it explain about…about school
that that that that.. that the schools
that have one internet… one
internet connection-----

In number six, number 6 based in 77-79

the text………. In number six.. in
number six its about---
*whispering---- in number six its
explaining about… about who
can.. who can use computers who
can access internet…and kung
magagamit ito ng maayos
maraming..estudyante pa yung

COMRE What is the selection all about?— 81 Concluding

QUESTIONS it’s all about computers technology based from the
internetsss, internet. title

What cultural issues may have 82-98 Concluding ,
influenced, challenged, or inspired comapring,
the author? I think yung author justifying
nainspired siya kasi
maraming…many people.. many
people cannot cannot afford or
cannot use..cannot use computers
because dahil hindi sila ano…
dahil hindi sila… di katulad ng
mga nasa urban yung mga nasa
rural-rural places hindi sila
masyadong nakakagamit. They
cannot, they cannot access in
internet connections and kung
yun..if, and if the author and kung
and kung and kung yung author
po….. syempre buhay pa nman po
yun e?*Laughing*buhay pa namn
siguro yung author and yung
author po mas lalo po nakatulong
po siguro yung sinulat nya mas
lalo siya ma inspired. Tapos-
la..*Whispering* yung sinulat nya
po mas lalo po ako na-inspired.
Mas lalong nakatulong yung sakin.
Kahit yung sinulat nya po hindi sa
panahon ngayon. Kasi-kasi po
based po to sa mga may kakayahan
lang na gumamit ng technologies.
Sa-first yon *HAHA*ma’am wait
lang. Yung may kakayahan lang
po makagamit ng internets, kasi po
sa panahon na to katulad sa-samin
mga estudyante they can-cannot
afford internet access ako po kasi
gumagamit lang ako ng data, they
don’t have wifi connection, kaya
po mas mabagal. Number 3. What
are the political or economic issues
of the times? What are the political
or economic issues. Ma’am sorry
tuloy ko na po. What are the
political or economic issues of the
times? What are the what… what
are the political or economic issues
of the times? The political and
economic issues. Economic issues
is ab-about internet access ditto
saaaa in ditto sa Pilipinas mababa
yung percentage.. mabagal po
masyado yung internet connection.
A-and ayon po yung problema,
problema ng lahat.

As a student, what are the 99-109 Citing real life
challenges that you encountered in example
this digital era? As a student..
syempre po ngayon ma’am…
wala, ngayon sana ma’am hindi..
hindi ako makakaano kasi wala pa
akong load. Based po ito sakin.
Pag wala ka kasi ma’am load di ka
rin makakapag.. di ka rin
makakakuha ng idea, kasi po
ngayon ma’am lahat naka based na
sa technology e. yung iba po kasi
samin MDL, mahirap po kapag
wala kaming internet. Kasi po
hindi po namin.. di namin
maintindihan, di po, di po namin
masyado naintindihan yung about
po don sa module. About don sa
nilalaman ng modules namin kaya
kailangan po namin ng internet
connection to have idea and
masagutan namin ng maayos yung
mga pinagagawa po samin. Ayon
po yung pinaka problem namin
kakulangan ng access kasi sobrang
bagal pa po kahit, kahit you have a
load, you have a 50 pesos load
pag-pag umulan hihina nap o di na
namin magamit ng maayos kahit
kaka-load mo lang po mahina na
agad yung signal parang di mo rin
po ma-enjoy yung data na ni-load
Justifying real
life experience
3 I think this poem… the pe-first 39-41 Concluding
part is about… about changes…
about changes dahil po don sa title.
Aaaand its about
everything…everything in life is…
lahat ng bagay sa mundo
napapalitan. Pwede po pababa
ma’am. ----Silent reading--- *then

Everything in life is.. everything in 56 Explaining

life changes.

looking forward po tapos naka 65 Concluding

move on na po.

You’re not scared aaand… 71


No longer to I fear.--- 74-75 Justifying by

*Whispering*----- no need to run citing lines in
and alt..no need to run… no need the poem

to run in altar….because.. because
nasa ano po.. nasa.. nasakanya na
po yung panalangin.

Ma’am yung pang malakas na 80,87 Citing lines in

panalangin yung tiwala, ganon. the poem to
The fire of prayer in the mouth.
Once, once na.. ano po.. once na.. 86-87 Comparing
once po na katulad po ng na-
hospital yung kapatid ko, I’m
always praying po na gumaling
siya every time po.
Citing real-life
para.. para pong he or she did not 89-91 Comparing and
scared in everything ganon po contrasting
yung sa no longer between my
teeth. The tremble that I have
offended. Newton as a habit of
centuries. Inhabits my skull; I
know of gravity and rot.

COMPRE What is the poem all about? The 95 Explicating

QUESTIONS poem all about is about things from the title
change, change.
. Who do you think is the 96-100 Justifying
persona in the poem? I think the
persona or the speaker of the poem
is.. is me po.
Kasi po in fist, I-I don’t understand
the-the lines pero nung naexplain
nyo po at nabasa ko, when I read it
ng paulit-ulit narelate ko nap o
siya sa sarili ko.

What are some of the literary 107- Determining

devices or figure-figures of speech 111 the figures of
used in the poem speech

Yung the fire of prayer in my

mouth, ano po, hyper-hyperbole.
No longer run to my altar in the
woods, the fire of prayer in my
mouth the tremble, Repetition kasi
po may gusto rin siyang ipaintindi
newton as a habit of centuries
inhabit my skull; I know-
hyperbole rin po. Wait lang. I
know the gravity, ma’am, wala na
po yata,e.
What do you think is the theme of 115- Summarizing
the poem? – I think the theme of 116
the poem, is about change of your
life if everything.

Student: What is the moral/lesson 118- Concluding
of the poem? The moral, for me 119
the moral lesson of the poem don’t
be scared in chain-changes
and..and always think thaaat God
is here for us.

4 The…The listening passage is 20- Concluding

about persuasion to Aug
persuasion…the persuasion is the
persuasion is the tool of
convincing someone and their…
and their and meron pong three (3)
three basic tools yung persuasion.
Yung pagpu-pursuade po yung
athos, pathos and logos. First,
yung athos.. athos, athos is the way
of speaker… the way of speaker…
the way of speaker convincing as
a…as a credible source. For
example po ee. Ano po yung ee
nanghihingi ka po ng advice in
someone tas ayan pag na convince
ka po nila ay yung nanghihingi ka
po ng advice sakanila tas feel nyo
po na mapagkakatiwalaan sila at
totoo feel nyo po
mapagkakatiwalaan sila at tama
yung sinasabi nila, ayon po yung
athos. Next, po yung pathos
naman, pathos naman po yuuung
dealing in.. dealing in emotions
sasabihin po para po-pong yung
example naman po sa ano sa
pathos yung…. Pathos, ikukwento
mo po yung mga pinagdaanan mo
na nangyari para po maka live-in
sila. Tapos yung sa logos naman
po, your.. sa logos naman po para
maniwala sayo.. para po maniwala
sila sayo you need to show some…
you nedd to show some evidences
statistics and something po na..
something po na para mapaniwala
mo sila. Yun po pagkakaintindi ko.

Persuasion is a tool of convincing 28-32

someone there…there has a three
basic tools of persuasion. Athos-
athos, pathos and logos. Athos is..
athos.. athos is the way of
persuasion that… that you have
aahm a credible source or-or
trustworthy to persuade someone.
And pathos.. and pathos is the way
of persuasion that dealing with
emotion. And logos is… and logos
is your you’re showing statistics to
the person.. to the person para po

mapers- para po ma-persuade mo
siya and.. yun lang po.


MAAM LESLIE: Introspection is to check or validate some of your answer, and you are going to reflect
also with some of your answers. So, how are we going to do that? Clear pa rin ba?

STUDENT 1: Yes po.

MAAM LESLIE: I’ll show you the transcriptions. With that, we are going to execute introspection, by
simply … Let’s start with passage 1. In this passage, you keep on repeating the word intellectual for you
to decode the meaning. And then, in this passage, you also asked for the meaning in the dictionary.


MAAM LESLIE: So aside from that, for you it talks about cruelty and human rights. What else? Just
like this one, in understanding the point of view of whatever is good, they will be good for us. And
whatever is noble, useful and beautiful for them will be noble, useful and beautiful for us. You said that
“I think, its just like from the celebrity, whatever they do, we think that it is good or something that
doesn’t harm.” So kyle, what are you thinking during that time, and how did you come up with this

STUDENT 1: Ahm, I was thinking about uhm, the way ano, what you call this. Wait, point, good for us,
uhm, I give the ano, celebrity as a example because uhm, especially now, teh celebrities are we think that
uhm, tehy are doing the good things, and we always see them in any platform in social media. So, we are
very exposed to them, so that, we sees them as Idol or or uhm, something noble, she’s inspires us and
give us motivation in life.

MAAM LESLIE: alright , so during that time, you are thinking of those artist, which stands for the

STUDENT 1: Yes po.

MAAM LESLIE: So aside from that, you also explained that talk about, who does not have a
revolutionary, but they have the courage to save other people. And that is how a revolutionary attitude.
And what else, we’ll just going to pick some of your answers. This one you mentioned that “When we
struggle for the people without, I think there is really an artist that doesn’t have revolutionary attitude.”
So, “they only want for an artist, they want money for their talents, some artist expresses sympathy or
opinions about certain topics or issues that is happening in their surroundings.” So kyle, how did you
come up with this answer?

STUDENT 1: Uhm, (What are you thinking?” I come up, hmm. Ahh, wait lang Maam. I come p with
that idea because, uhm, I ‘ve seen some artist though not that so popular uhm, they just use it, they just
use their talents to uhm, gain money and nothing else, They didn’t want to uhm, what do you call this, to
change, to change the what will be teh people seen to their art. Also I said that, uhm, some artist express
their sympathy or opinions to their artworks, just like uhm, what do you call this? (clapped his hand)
there are some artist that is, use their arts to express, I don’t know, but uhm, in journalism, as a part of
journalism, uhm I use uhm art, cartoonist to share some hmm my personal opinions in some issues
especially like politics and certain events that is happening in our country. I see that as an revolutionary
artist with uhm, with an intention to spread news or change the mindset of other people.

MAAM LESLIE: What a very nice answer. Aside from that, you have mentioned the, “honest writers
and artist” and “they help revolutions through their artworks.” So what else …. You have mentioned
about ideology and you were able to search the meaning. What else, we’ll see . Some of your answers
are already explained before, that’s why Kyle, I try to ___ other answers. You also expressed your
agreement or the point that you really agreed that the greatest part of the people to its ideas. In this part,

you said that the other person doesn’t have revolutionary,but they are honest andthey must be beside the
revolution so that they will succeed. So, how do you say so? How did you come up with this answer that
they are not revolutionary but they are set to be an honest person and they can still succeed.

STUDENT 1: Uhm, I said that because there are some peopel I knew that uhm, they don’t want, they
don’t want to participate in the revolutionary but they, ay they are -- what do you call this, they are on
the side of the revolution because they want change. They just don’t want to participate. Like that.

MAAM LESLIE: Thank you, Kyle. So, you also answered some of the questions. And the, one of the
questions is, “What is the selection all about?” and you were able to answer, now, your answer is it’s all
about how people can express their freedom. And also the passage talks about revolutions.

STUDENT 1: Uhm, I came up with that answer because, in the passage uhm, revolution are being said
or revolutionary are being said repeatedly. And also some sentences that uhm, described what is
revolution or what should be that in order to the revolution to be succeeded.

MAAM LESLIE: You also mentioned how does the author define revolutionist, your answer is have
or create an impact to the society or everyone to be called revolutionist, you should have what you call
this, or change. So what are your thinking, Kyle? When you say that being a revolutionist must be creative
or must have to create an impact to the society or everyone?

STUDENT 1: Because, if you don’t create uhm an impact to the people surrounding you, then your
actions are too little, or they are not full enough to change a mind of a people or ayun. SOmething like
that, it’s not just to powerful, you must be able to uhm, change the mind of other people so that the
revolution will be succeed.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright, I also asked you if you consider yourself as a revolutionist, so you told me
that, you can consider yourself as a revolutionist but you haven’t done something that changed other
people or encourage. But you gave an example in our school that as a journalist you don’t think that some
of your writings encourage those who read that. So Kyle, how did you come up with this answer? And
what were you thinking that time to come up with this answer?

STUDENT 1: So I come up with that answer, that I’m, I consider myself as revolutionist but also that,
and I gave an example in our school because uhm, I write stories, stories, articles, or I draw cartooning
which something that can uhm, that can have impact to the readers or people who will saw it. So I can’t
call myself as a revolutionist right now because I don’t think that I have such a great impact or power to
other people, that’s why I came up with that answer.

MAAM LESLIE: You also give o ther titles like, “Revolutionist”, “How you should be a revolutionist”
or “How to be a Revolutionist”. And, you come up with that title, that you must encourage the people
around you and the characteristics of revolutionist and what are the classes of revolutionist. So, you
come up with that title. So how will you able to come up with this title, Kyle? So what are you thinking
during that time, that you were able, or what are your basis to come up with this title?

STUDENT 1: So, I came up with that title because, those are the words or those are what I understand
in the passage. So I came up with the “Revolutionist”, “How you should be a revolutionist”. And also,
the word Revolutionist uhm, is repeat, ay repeatedly be seen in the passage.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, very good. So now, we are done with passage 1, let us go with passage number
2. so , here are -- do you still remember our encounter here? The digital, technology. 4 pages. If you will
notice Kyle, the expressions here are being transcribed, and you also expressed that you agreed and give
your insights about the passage by paragraph. So 2nd paragraph, informations, discussed the problems,
telephones, and about how to access and have some access with the telephones in the world. So it’s more
on facts. You also make your conclusions that this passage talks about those who don’t have internet
access. And then you also searched for the meaning of exacerbates and other words which are not familiar
to you. Do you still remember that? (Yes *laughing) Okay, and does it help you understand the text?

STUDENT 1:Much better, Maam. I understand it better.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright, so what else. You also expressed about the offering of higher salary because

of the degree that the people finished in a specific country. You also searched the word “disparities”, so
Kyle, in this part, you expressed that you don’t agree because most of the schools now have internet
connections and computers. So why you did not agree by the expression by the author? How did you
come up with this answer, Kyle?

STUDENT 1: Um, I come up with it because I based uhm, to what I see. Especially now here in our
country, many schools now their internet connections, computers. I think its quite good because
something should be that as whole should have, it can teach a better lesson to the students.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, good. So it doen’t mean that you just focus on the information within the text,
you also relate that to the current situation. Just like here in our country. So here, your agreement, “That’s
right” so according to you that it’s important introducing disparities, okay. And you realized that the
passage now, is talking about equity of technology. So, just like here, you agreed that students should
have access to the technology. According to your response, I think I get that. And now, here comes the
selection. One of the questions again is What is the selection all about. Do you still remember this Kyle?
Aside from that, I also asked you about some of the cultural issues, now, how di you come up with these
answers, Kyle? These are some of the issues that may influenced, challenged or inspired the author. So
what are your reasons for answering this, and what are your thinking that time?

STUDENT 1: What is my answer? (reading his answer) What’s the question again, Maam?

MAAM LESLIE: So what are your reasons for answering this, and what are your thinking that time
for coming up with these answers?

STUDENT 1: Uhm I came with that answers because it was said in the passage, the author said in the
latter part of the passage or in each paragraph, there are some problems that, problems that, what do you
call this, that the people is facing in each paragraph. The author write, it talks about degrees and anything
that the author has tackled in the passage.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, good! Next, you also mentioned the economic issues of the times and I also
asked you about the challenges that you encountered in this digital era. So, these are your answers. So
kyle, what are you thinking that time for coming up with this answers. So you have a lot of sharing here.

STUDENT 1: I come up with that,

MAAM LESLIE: How did you come up with that?

STUDENT 1: I come up with that because it really uhm, hits me a lot, the technology. Because many
thinks, there are many things that I can do with the technology, and it really helps me with my education.
That’s why I give many, many example on that. And, I think, that's all.

MAAM LESLIE: So, that is for passage 2, Kyle. Let’s move on to the 3rd passage. Do you still
remember the poem, change? (Yes!) So, in this passage, you request to read it again and then, you
conclude that, it seems like something happened to the character. So how did you come up with that, that
there is something happened to the character.

STUDENT 1: Uhm, because as I read the passage, there are, uhm lines that describe what is happening
to the character or what is the character is facing right now in the poem. So I conclude that there is
something happening to the character.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright! You also expressed that this is something deep. Newton, you expressed that
he’s the one invented the gravity and for you it talks about the law of Newton. You also think that 3rd
and 4th line of poem is all about falling. So now Kyle, you mentioned that it talks about overcoming your
fear. So, how did you come up with this answer, that it talks about overcoming your fear?

STUDENT 1: Uhm, I came up with that because, in the 1st line of the poem, I I understand that, that
the character is struggling about something before, or he/she feared something before. And in the last
line, it said that, no longer, no longer does falling frighten me, that’s why I came up with that uhm, the
character is now overcoming his/her fear.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, good. So, I asked you about, what is the poem about? And you were able to
answer. This si something that happened to the character or the person involved about he/she feel, how
he/she overcome, so that is your answer. I also asked you who is the one talking in the poem, and you
answer its the author. So how did you come up with that answer Kyle, that the author is the speaker of
the poem?

STUDENT 1: Uhm, I came up with that, I also do write poems, and I can, I can feel that the poem, the
poem is about the author. How he/she overcome it. Because I said it like that, because some of my poems
are based on what I feel or based on what I experienced in my daily life.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, that’s nice. I also asked you identify some of the figures of speech., And you
name some of figures of speech, then you realized na nag sink in na sayo yung mga figures of speech,
You expressed some of the lines that too much exaggerated. And then for the lesson in the poem, you
tell me that you have to overcome your fear. Okay. And how will you overcome certain challenges in
life by thinking or reminiscing the past , so that you can prepare or you may not do it again. So, you have
to overcome those fear. I love those answers, Kyle. How did you come up with these answers?
During that time, in coming up with these answers, what are you thinking?

STUDENT 1: So, in coming up with these answers, uhm, my personal experiences. In the past, I have
done something that is uhm, not so, that came up with that bad, something like that, and because of that,
bad uhm, bad luck, i don’t know if that’s right. That came up with that product, and I learned with that,
especially if I repeatedly doing it, same time, and just … because, every lesson that I learned, I really
reflect on that. Just each time that I do something new, I I think about what will happen. And I fear that
it might not end so well, something like that. The lessons in my past, help me overcome the fear, and I
was able to prepare and do it well.

MAAM LESLIE:I’m so happy to hear that Kyle. Very challenging and very inspiring. So let’s move on
to the last passage, which is the audio clip that you have listened. So you have mentioned that, its all
about the tools in persuasion. According to you, Logos is about facts. And you also agreed about, while
listening to the passage, and you also encountered taht in your oral communication. (Yes!) What else,
You were able to discuss about the content of this listening passage. So, some of your answers are through
explaining each of the tools of persuasion. So how did you come up with this answer, Kyle? So during
the discussion of the tools of persuasion.

STUDENT 1: So, I come up with that by uhm, by remembering the, the lines that are said, certain lines
that which is very helpful in the audio. And, also I come up with that because, I’m familiar with that
because that's our lesson in oral communication last year.

MAAM LESLIE:So aside from, with that, you were able to discuss, aside front the listening passage
you already encountered this topic. I also asked you summarize, right, Kyle? The content of the listening
passage. So what are your techniques in summarizing the listening passage. Because you restate or retell
the information. How did you come up with that summary? What are your techniques. Can you please
share them to me?

STUDENT 1: I think, I just, first I listen to each line carefully and take down notes in my mind or
remember some words that are going to, some which is very important just like in that passage, I take
down in my mind that, what is persuasion, what is pathos, what is logos. And I try to remember, or find
a keyword, in each, in each main idea that is being said in the audio. That’s why I can explain it, just
like that.

MAAM LESLIE:Last question, so what are the benefits now that you have gain from think aloud

STUDENT 1: So, the benefits that I acquired by using think aloud protocol, was that I was able to think
more deeply in each, each lines oer words that I have read, or I have seen uh, literally now, I use it alot
in my module, because I’m a modular, I, it became a habit to me that each lines that I have read, I think
about what is that, what is the author is trying to, to (snap) uhm, what you call this, to repeat (?) repicts
(?) on that line and it really helpful for me now. It widens my understanding.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay. So with that Kyle, congratulations! That’s the end of our session both in ...

MAAM LESLIE: This process is called introspection. So wne we say introspection you are tryoing to
reflect about your answer in the passage you have read. Let’s start now. Are you ready Christian?
STUDENT 3: Sige Maam.
MAAM LESLIE:Okay. In passage number 1, I have here the passage. Have you seen the text? Have
you seen the copy of the text? In this passage, I told you what is the selection all about. You answered
about, you said the selection is about intellectual, revolutionary, an artist their intellectual and what
happened to the revolutionaries. How did you come up with this answer, Christian?
MAAM LESLIE:How did you come up with this answer. I have some guide questions, then you
answered, selection is all about intellectual, revolutionary and the artist. How did you come up with the

Hmm ano maam. Yung ay english Maam? (laughed)


Hmm that time po, Oh my gosh! Hmm those, okaya okay. Hmm in that time when I answer the guide
question actually I worried about it because some of the languages I, I see or I, tama, is I cannot
understand actually. And then I hmm it’s I can’t cross it doing this task. It is hard to, hard to do, cause
its deep. Hmm paragraph.

MAAM LESLIE:So in this part, you were able to answer the guide question. How do you come up with
that answer?

So I, ano nga yun? (looked somewhere) I use my knowledge. I use my information to answer those, to
answer those task even if its hard for me. So, I got some, some possible answer so I can take it properly
even if its not the main point of the story.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, just like here Christian, how does the author define being a revolutionist? Or
revolutionary. So your answer it, the author predicting the revolutionaries by defining the artist, their
history of what happened in the revolution. So in this part Christian, while answering the guide questions
what are you thinking? And how do you come up with this answer?

Hmm. Like hmm, how do you come up .. while I’m saying those guide questions Maam, I thinking those
revolution happen, happen to the story is give me some information that's why I, I use my, I use uhh
(looks frustrated)

MAAM LESLIE:You’re getting the right answer. Keep on thinking about it.

The guide questions, ano yun? Number 2 ata yun I think, it tells to the, to the author that he/ he’s in the,
he is one of the revolutionaries or even not. He search that in the social media. He/she was, he/she have
an information so we can write it in, tell him, tell to the others so we can actually know what happen to
those artist and year of revolution. Hmm

MAAM LESLIE:Okay Christian. Next, aside from that in this part, I asked you if you can consider
yourself as a revolutionist. And the you answered that you consider yourself as a revolutionaries, in this
part, how do you come up with this answer?

Yes maam, I said that because I’m also an artist so I can, I can see my image to those artist whose in
those revolutionaries whose, I can see the imagine to those revolutionaries in the past year, in the time
of revolution that’s why I said yes. I think even I, i am just a student, student witour uh, practice int he
art, without practicing in artist, I think I’m really an uhm revolutionaries also because everyone is
revolutionaries for me, I think

MAAM LESLIE:Let’s move on to passage number 2. Let’s have passage number 2. So in passage
number 2, tis all about the digital challenge. Here you answered about or you are trying to say something
about the different lines in the paragraph. Just like here, information technology really influenced the
way of us live and work today. So tell me, that we are now dependending on the technology, so how do

you come up with that answer? What are you thinking during that time?

I -- actually Maam I think that because activity or task we use technology instead we depend on
technology this hard times. If there’s no technology, we cannot communicate to other people. So I think,
technologies can save other lives but it can also bad effect to the others. So, I, I think even if its have bad
effect, technology -- even if its have bad effect, we can now on the technologies untl at the end, I think.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, so Christian next! So what else, you also have mentioned about uhm, what else
did I notice. So here, you agreed that, this province have no internet access and then native americans,
so you realized that Native-Americans are African. So why do you think you consider Native-American
as African?
Native-American as African … ah. I think, Native-Americans. Ahh okay! Hmm, I think its uh, native-
Americans, Native-Africans, Ahh Maam actually I say that because, because those time I thought its an
Native-Americans -- Ahh okay!

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, so because in this passage, you refer to, okay go ahead.

Maam, I thought this passage is the same with native-American and Native-Africans. My gosh!

MAAM LESLIE: It’s okay! Because you have a point there in disparities within the African-American.
Okay, next! So now, let us have another one. These are the questions, you have mentioned here that this
about the growing technology all over the world and how it can be use every time. And how it can afford
by this technologies. So in this trying time, we need this technologies at most. 100%. So in this
passage, how do you come up with that answer?

Ahh Maam yes. Actually I see that in the news. We depend, ayy -- all over the world depend on the
technology in the province are, in the province area most likely they didn’t because tehy have no internet.
So I actually come up that when I see those news that 95 i think or lower than depend on the technology
even if some people with low income they use that so they can come up with those, with those work they
have or about your students so they can, actually do their job.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, so now, other questions, you have mentioned about cultural issues. And The
challenges you have mentioned are the following: low income and you also mentioned white people
American because they influenced us to buy tools to inspired us. So, what are you thinking and how do
you come up with this answer?

Hmm Maam, those guide questions, I see that, -- it tells me that we are -- we Filipino people buy the
tools - ay buy the technologies outside to the other countries. They, they produce this technology to have
connected to the Philippines, to the Philippines government. --

MAAM LESLIE: But, you have mentioned here Christian, low incomes, white people americans,
where did you get this answer? If you can still remember, where did you get these answers? As a
challenged inspired with by the author.

Ahh okay. Those white people influenced to these technologies to inspire us to gain more so they can
again, they can gain money. So, ---

MAAM LESLIE: I know that Christian. But my questions is how do you come up with that answer? To
be specific, where did you get these answers, technologies low incomes, white people americans.

Ahh okay! I based on just on the what I see right now, right those days. I said that we have low incomes
but we buy, we cannot by, ano --

MAAM LESLIE: Are you sure christian? How about in the text? You didn’t see the following
information in the text that you have read? WHere did you get or base your answers? Did you get it from
the news?

From my -- from ano Maam what I see now, to the story.

MAAM LESLIE: Ahh that’s it! Okay, next. So you have mentioned about political or economic issues.

How do you come up with this answer about bullying or cyberbullying as violence in technology?

Hmm Maam I come up as of today Maam, those -- I heard that from the magaz -- or social media and
even on the news, everyday they have, they have what you call that? Cyberbullying everyday that happen
everywhere. So I come up that, I say that in the news social media, news paper so I get some ano -- I

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, so next. You have mentioned about the challenges you have encountered. So
what are you thinking that time? How will you able to share the challenges that you encountered?

Hmm actually Maam, those -- I encountered some bullying those days that I was being, I get some
picture, but its really like, I don’t know -- what do you call that? It’s (pretty? Critique? creepy?) like that,
so was being bullied. So I delete that, so no one can see.

MAAM LESLIE:So you based that on your personal experience. Let’s have now the next one., which
is passage 3. Do you still remember this Christian? The poem Change?
Yes Maam.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, so in the poem about Change, actually most of the time you were able to answer
or give your reactions on the guide question. In this question, so the poem is all about, actually your
answer is all about fear, how he/she forgot this fear happen him/her by prayer. You mentioned altar, and
you defined gravity fo Newton as his fear. So how do you come up with this answer? What are you
thinking of having this kind of answer.

Hmm I think Maam, it’s uh, it’s inside -- what do you call that? (he blabbered) wait nga. -- Ahh! Hmm,
Maam I think, in that time, some about, about the said passage, hmm I think, it come up with me, what
do you call that? (looked down) wait lang, Maam.

MAAM LESLIE:Take your time.

Ahh Maam, I think this time, some of the said passenger veery paragraph, I think those altar considered
as uh church, she free int his gravity of Newton, it tells me that, gravity of Newton. I think it tells me that
- oh my gosh! Wait lang. And -- Okay, Maam. Some information I get, I think I - what do you call that,
I --

MAAM LESLIE:You learned it from?

I learned it from the passage. I get that info and I, yea I answered.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright, you were able to answer the question. And in this poem, you have mentioned
the speaker or the one who is talking in the poem, is the person who has fear of everything. So you think
that this person has bad situation and how this person moved on. And you also say that he/she stand his
life from being fear, from being scared person and then you think, he/she became a strong person. So
how do you come up with this answer? What are you thinking?

Maam, from those passage Maam, I think the first line tells that he is from being bad, what do you call
that -- feared person. Until in the few passage, he become a stronger, so I get some, some information
about that so I said that.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright, next, you also have mentioned that the theme of the poem is all about fearness
of the people that they have to stand with their life. So, how do you come up with that answer, that people
should stand in their own life?

Maam, that, that guide question tell me that there is no fair without stronger people, so every fairness
there should be a strong -- what do you call that? -- every fairness never , never win so by, oh my gosh!
Every fairness have a good, good influence to you to stand up for your life. Every fairness - basta yun na
yun Maam.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, so same with this, you also answered that by standing by knowing yourself,

you should stand as what you are. Okay! So how do y ou come up with this answer? This is inspiring.

Ahh Maam, this time, this Maam I have some, I come up that with myself. This person represent as me
because I have low confidence. I tried everything even if its, I can be, they can be laugh at me. Even if
they laughed at me, I know to myself that I did my best. So I -- (hehe)

MAAM LESLIE: Okay Christian. That’s so really admiring. Yan so last one. I told you it will not take
time. Last one, in this passage, art of persuasion. Do you still remember the audio clip?
Yes Maam. The -- what do you call that? Ethos, Pathos, Logos.

MAAM LESLIE: So now, you were able to summarize the listening passage. During the paraphrasing,
or during the time that you summarizing the passage, how do you come up with that summary or answer?
Actually Maam, when I -- answer those mp3 voice, audio clip, I can’t really heard that because m signal
is poor. But because, Ethos Logos and Pathos, some of the main idea, main point or main important
paragraph or information I get, because actually I learned this in grade 8 to 9. So I also have that answer.
MAAM LESLIE: So in doing that Christian, in doing think-aloud protocol, what do you think is the
benefit of the think aloud protocol?

Ahh, I think hmm, it’s have a good effect for us even if it’s hard to understand but it give us more critical
thinking so we can actually verbalize our thoughts or our feelings to you Maam or to the receiver I think.

MAAM LESLIE: And more especially to yourself, Christian. You were able to express a lot. So with
that, congratulations, Christian. You are done with this challenge!

MAAM LESLIE: So Yukie, your challenge now is introspection. We are going to look back on your
answers. These are your answers. If you woll notice, in the first passage, these are your answers.
Everything was transcribed, even your reactions. You have mentioned that the paragraph is all about
artist who do not have revolutionary attitude towards life. Okay. So for this line, how do you come up
with this answer or reaction? In the first paragraph, you told me that, there are artist who don’t have this
revolutionary attitude.

STUDENT 3: Siguro po, kaya ko po uhm that’s why I answered that po is because what I, naalala po sa
mga nabasa ko po. Yun po.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright, so next. Yukie you also mentioned here that, this one, that every person
have their goals, magkakaiba lang sa ano, makukuha yung goals, on how we process our goals. So what
are you thinking during that time, how do you come up with this answer.

STUDENT 3: Based po sa ano, based po sa experience po kasi, kasi po diba ano everyone naman po
have their goals in life, ano nakadepende nalang po sa kanila kung paano po nila makakamit yung goal
nila. Kung paano po nila iano, tatanggapin or ano, (looked up) or kukunin. Gusto ko po sana ipabasa --

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, next. You have also mentioned here Yuki that regarding the goals, you shared
about your dream or passion was to become a teacher but now , you don;’t want ot become a teacher.
Maybe it’s too hard for you to become a teacher, so what are you thinking during that time that you
answered this?

STUDENT 3: Uhm ano bumabalik po sa past kasi kumbago po ano, true to life po yung answer ko dyan
kasi po na, di ko po talaga, kasi nuong una gusto ko po talaga maging teacher, kasi I love children, I love
teaching, uhm, my knowledge, kasi mas gusto ko po talaga makipag usap sa mga kabataan po sa mga
kabataan po. Kaso when I grow up, parang nahihiya na makisalamuha sa mga hindi ko kilala kaya siguro
nag iba yung dream ko sa paglaki ko po.

MAAM LESLIE: Thank you, Yuki. So moving on. So you also have mentioned here that, abouit, “we
need to think before we do the action because it is better to think muna to, para gumawa agad.” How did
you come up with this answer from the point of view that you see the beautiful of every action. How did
you come up with this answer that it’s very useful that in this context every action is we need to think
before we do the action. So how did you come up with this action?

STUDENT 3: SO yung ano po is, based on my experience and my knowledge about the uhm past lesson
to ano sa mga teachers po. Kasi tinuturo po yan, tinuturo po sa amin yan sa ESP po. Ganun na kailangan
pag isipan muna. Think before you click nga po, yun nga po yung kasabihan diba. Pag isipan po ng
mabuti nanamnamin po ng mabuti kung tama ba yung gagawin mo or mali. Kasi po ano, kasi po pwede
po yun maka apekto sa ano mo, sa future po kung susundin mo ba yung iniisip mo or hindi po.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay thank you, Yuki. Aside from that, you also have mentioned this, your
understanding that you can relate to this passage because as a person, you think first ano yung sasabihin
ng iba, bago ano yung sakin. So how did you come up with this answer? Or how is that you can relate to
this passage?

STUDENT 3: Uhm, uhm, minsan po kasi, naano po tayo, nadadala po tayo sa kaibigan po. Yung
desisyon ng kaibigan minsan po napapasama tayo like sa ano, for example po, I have read social media
thatuhm, meron pong estudyante bakit daw po pinili nya yung course na STEM kasi daw po uhm
influenced by friend. Kaya po minsan po, naaano po tayo nakukuha po natin yung ideas ng iba bago po
tayo gumawa ng sarili natin.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay. next. Yukie, as long as you can speak in English, try to express ha? Okay.
Next. You also have mentioned about, let’s have the other parts of the selection. In terms of answering
the guide questions. In this questions about, what is the selection all about, so your answer is you think
the selection is about the writers or artist who have revolutionary attitude because they want to fight their
thoughts and feelings. So how do you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 3: I think, it because of what my thinking uhm said. I know that there someone to fight their
thoughts naman po even though there’s lots of uhm, lots of na ayaw po tanggapin yung ano, ideas or
thoughts mo. So siguro po kaya po naganun yun.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, so next one is, one of the questions is you have to define or how does the author
define being a revolutionist/revolutionary. So your answer is, he/she defined revolutionary because they
want ot or that person wants to fight their thoughts or ideas or to show to other people. So, what are your
thinking that time? Why did you come up with this answer/
STUDENT 3: So uhm, like what I said before na there’s someone na want to fight the, their ideas to po
to show to everyone that she, she/he have uhm ideas or thoughts to improve their uhm, their uhm yung
gusto nilang sabihin po. Gusto nila iimprove yun para maano, para na rin po kasi for, para na rin po kasi
sa kanila yun eh,na sasabihin po nila. Ipaglalaban po nila.
MAAM LESLIE: Okay, so next, you have mentioned about the purpose of the author in writing this
passage so according to your answer, the author’s purpose is for us to know if you wan tot fight, if we
have goals, if we wanna dream fight for it, and then you also mentioned that if you have doubts or parang
nahihirapan to achieve your goals, fight for it or dream only. So, why did you say these things, Yukie>?
And how do you come up with this answer? What are your thinking during tat time that you were able
to give this kind of purpose of the author? Okay, Yukie are you still there? Based from your answer, how
did you come up with this answer that, the purpose of the author is, if you want to fight for your goals,
if you want ot dream, fight for it. And then kung nahihirapan, you have to achieve your goals, fight for
it and dream only. So how did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 3: Uhm, it is my goal po kasi, to know to everyone that if you have or if I have a dream
(touched his chest) I have to show to everyone, taht, makakamit ko yun without, kahit na nahihirapan,
even though uhm, uhm nahihirapan sa ano, pagkamit, fight only and dream, and believe in God also.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, good! So aside from that, I think we can have passage number 2. In passage
number 2, these are your answers. So if you will notice, if you agree to the passage, all your answers are
being reflected here. Let;’s look for some of the answers. Do you still remember this, Yukie? The Digital
Technology passage? In this passage, you have agreed that students have access to the technology and
so that, they will not left behind by others. So the technology changed faster now. So how did you come
up with this answer?

STUDENT 3: Uhm I come up with uhm, through social media and news, because I know naman, we
know naman po that everyone have an importance of, if you have technology, if you have the power to
connect to everyone. You have the power to express your feelings and your thoughts and for us to know
kung ano po yung yung uhm gusto mong sabihin. Kasi po yung uhm, through technology mapapadali

natin yung, kung ano yung gusto nating sabihin, kung ano yun gusto nating iparating

MAAM LESLIE: Alright, next! In this part you also answered some of the guide questions. And then,
one of the questions is, what is the selection all about, and you mentioned that it is all about technology,
and then the access to the technology. So how did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 3: I think, uhm, what I’ve uhm, kung ano po yung my thinking po, my mind po, because I
while I read it po, I can relate to myself and also we relate the context what is all about. Because
technology is very powerful nowadays po eh. To, not to, impress to everyone but to express your thoughts
po and ano and ideas po.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, very good. And you have also mentioned that the author inspired writing this
passage because they can;’t really afford technology for some reason. And also because of race,money
income, their degrees, their geographic location, their position, you think that the author write this
passage because of those reason. So, why did you come up with this answer, Yuki?

STUDENT 3: I think, Yes po. That’s why I come up with this po, this uhm my answer I think because
of what I read sa text po kasi. It uh, the context said to, the author want to inspire to everyone uh to know
to everyone what is the importance of technology. And how many people uh are, have uhm technology.
Or how many people didn’t, or wala poi silang technology sa bahay po.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright! Okay, next. So you also have mentioned that, some economic or socio-
economic issues are family income of each family and also the race. So, what are you thinking that time?
How did you come up with this answer, Yuki?

STUDENT 3: I think, the issues, the main issues po in technology, I think uhm, that’s why I said my
answer uhm I think it is based on my experience or also to what I know about the uhm, economic issues
or political issues. I think the internet, internet access po to ano, sa mga tao op kasi they have no many
people uhm they don't afford have uhm, internet, internet connection to their houses. Instead of buying
their ano, instead of magpakabit pa ng internet connection, instead of bumili, ibibli nalang nila ng
pagkain, kasi po marami ang naghihirap dito po sa ano, sitwasyon po natin ngayon. Kaya po yun ang na
ano ko.

MAAM LESLIE: So next. You are done with this passage so let us have number 3. Do you still
remember the poem, Yuki?

STUDENT 3: Yes po.

MAAM LESLIE: You were able to read the poem, and also you request to repeat reading the poem. So
in terms of this, this line “At my feet, no longer do I fear” wants to show that you are not afraid to
everyone. So, how did you come up with this answer, Yuki?

STUDENT 3: It’s because of my understanding of what, what is the uhm, uhm meaning of that sentence
or of that saying po “At my feet no longer do I fear” Ayun po Maam.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, next. You have also mentioned that the most powerful is to pray to God and,
what else? To concentrate on what you want to pray or what you want to happen. So during that time,
what are you thinking, Yukie?

STUDENT 3: Siguro po uhm, I think uhm, my thinking that’s why I’m answer it, ofthat answer po, it’s
because what is coming into my mind po. Kung ano po kasi, uhm, what uh what words processing into
my mind, nasasabi ko po talaga. And i think po uhm, it is true po na we pray to God, and more concentrate
to praying po and kung ano po yung gusto nating mangyari ipray lang po natin sa God po.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, next! So aside from that you were able to answer the totality of the poem. And
you also mentioned that the person that is talking in the poem is you. You want to show to everyone that
you want, “na kung ano yung kakayahan natin or kung ano gusto natin ipakita -- and you need to ask for
the help of almighty God. So with that, you are referring to yourself in this poem. So how did you come
up with this answer, that you were the one thinking in the poem

STUDENT 3: I think that;s why I come up with this, I’m speaker of that poem because I can relate it to
my, to my life na rin po. Kasi kailangan po kasi natin, all we need to is to pray always and also kumbaga
what, what uhm, kung ano yung gusto mo, or what you want to pray to God. And also to, always uhm
give uhmm, always uhm asking help to God for --.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright, so I think, let’s have the last passage. Do you still remember the listening
passage, Yuki?

STUDENT 3: Ano po Maam?

MAAM LESLIE: Do you still remember that listening passage? (medyo po) The art of persuasion. You
have mentioned here that its all about the tool of persuasion and how interact.

STUDENT 3: Wait po Maam.

MAAM LESLIE: In passage, or in listening passage, you have mentioned that it is all about tools of
persuasion. And you, actually analyzed the information based from the listening passage that you heard.
How were you able to summarize the listening passage on your own?

STUDENT 3: Uhm, wait po Maam, kasi ano po, medyo nakalimutan ko na po all about that.

MAAM LESLIE: So, one of your task is to summarize the listening passage. That time how were you
able to summarize the listening passage?

STUDENT 3: Uhm, kaya po parang nasummarize the listening passage because uhm I have take down
notes what uhm what I understand the listening passage is all about. Kaya po uhm nasummarized ko po
sya ng maayos and naorganized what uhm what is the pagkakasunod sunod po.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright, so you also have mentioned here the different tools of persuasion. Okaym,
so you mentioned here that persuasion is all about convincing other person customers. So why do you
think you come up with this answer that its all about convincing others?

STUDENT 3: Uhm, I think the come up, because of persuasion, or they, or the other word for persuasion
is persuasive po? Kasi uhm, it, uhm I ano po, natackle po sa amin yan dun sa other subject po namin na
organization and management on how we persuade customer para bumili po ng ano, ng product po namin.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, so, Yuki congratulations. We are done with the introspections. So as what I
told you, it will not take so much time. Okay, so final question is, what are the benefits that you learned
from the think-aloud protocol?

STUDENT 3: I think the benefits po ng think-aloud protocol is to remember what we’ve read or what is
the -- to remember what we’ve read po sa any passages or context po na binasa natin kasi it is important
to what is reading or while you are listening uhm it is important to uhm to think what is coming into your
mind or para mas lubos mo sya maintindihan po. Through that, masasagot po natin ng maayos what the
question is all about po.

MAAM LESLIE: Very good! Congratulations again Yuki. Thank you for being with me in this journey.

MAAM LESLIE: In the first passage, these are your answer. You expressed everything that you
actually feel. You also tell me that you are not familiar with these words. Here, you have answered that
the case was well made that there are many writers and artist who were not revolutionaries. According
to your answer, you say that they are not totally revolutionaries. So, what’s the meaning of this?
Revolution evolve and the case was well made. How di you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 4: Ano po Maam, kasi po ano po, English po ba? So, in ano -- hmm,

MAAM LESLIE:How did you come up with this answer? That writers and artists are not totally

Hmm I don’t know Maam, kasi po uhm --

MAAM LESLIE:What Are you thinking that time? What made you think that they are not

Hmm, uhhh-- I don't know.

MAAM LESLIE:Take it easy. Where did you get that answer? And how did you come up with that

Hmm because of ano po Maam, uhm the writer and artist are not totally revolutionary because uhm --
hmm, it’s just hmm, hala hindi ko maenglish. Wait. It’s just come up in my mind Maam that artist and
writers is not totally revolutionaries because some people in this world is uhm, maybe will uhm
revolutionary but maybe I don’t know. Hmm - I don’t know what that came from because I’m too uhm,
kinakabahan ako.

MAAM LESLIE:Just relax. What are you thinking during that time? Is something in your mind? Let’s
proceed. You also have mentioned that the writers and artists wanted to help the revolution. So, why do
you tink you answer this one?

Hmm because of that passage po, Maam. That passage po I remember that, artist and writers wanted to
help to grow or build the revolution. And, the revolutionist wanted to accept the uhm, the, help of artists
and writers po.

MAAM LESLIE:Let’s have the guide questions that you answered. What is the selection al about? And
you answered it’s all about the revolutionary and the intellectual to the writer and artist. Artist and writers
should wanted to help the revolution to evolve. Why did you come up with this answer?

Hmm because of the passage 1 po Maam. There hmm always po, mention the revolutionary word in the
selection po Maam. Then, I think the passage is all about for that po Maam.

MAAM LESLIE:The purpose of the author in writing this article is, you did not mention ahead of time.
You think the purpose of the author is to encourage or to know the meaning of article, and the purpose
of the article. So, how did you come up with this answer?

Hmm because of ano po Maam, the selection is, when I read that, I gained knowledge about what is the
meaning of revolutionist or revolutionary for uhm, and then, I uhm - I said that because uhm, the selection
is, the selection for me is have a knowledge to learn and understand what is the revolutionary. And, ano
ba english nung ano? Hmm, revolution, Yes. Hmm, okay -- ulitin nga natin sa una. Dun po ano, so I said
that ano po, answer, because the passage 1, is gain knowledge for me. I know to myself that I’m not good
in english, but some words, and sentences have learn for me to understand the meaning of revolutionary.
And all about in that selection po Maam.

MAAM LESLIE:I also told, if you consider yourself as a revolutionist? And you answered, you consider
yourself as a revolutionist, because maybe you can give something to contribute or to help the revolution.
In this answer, what are you thinking that you consider yourself as a revolutionist?

Hmm, because po, because Yea, I’m student but some other years, past year, present years, I know to
myself that I have uhm, ambag, to evolve our revolution.

MAAM LESLIE:You also mentioned a lot of titles. Some of the titles are The Kinds of Revolutions you
also mentioned, the The Intellectual and the Revolution, and How to be a Revolutionist? How di you
come up in these answers as part of the title?

Hmm, In passage 1 po Maam, uhm -- yea they always mention the revolutionaries, what is importance
of revolutionary in our world. And, so I came up to that title po because, I uhm, I titled that because the
selection is always mention the revolutionaries, and the intellectuals of the people. Yes they will be a
revolutionist someday po.

MAAM LESLIE:Let’s move on to the 2nd passage. You agreed that technology is very helpful, just

like facebook and messenger, so that you can easily communicate with friends. So, how did you come
up with that answer?

So, in hmm, in this we face pandemic po now. And we need to hmm use facebook, messenger, google
meet and any website to communicate others po.

MAAM LESLIE:You also mentioned that, let’s have this one. You’ve mentioned that there is an unfair
thing. For you, it is unfair that it depends to the income of students or level of income. So, what are you
thinking during that time that it’s kinda unfair to you?

Because po Maam in our country po Maam, there’s so many people they don’t have work, and stable
work, and they can’t earn money. If that selection is on-going from now, some people is didn’t go in
school because they can’t afford internet connection. And, yea now, we face pandemic so wee need to
have some load, internet connection to uhm, to -- hmm, to get the hmm pass to get the activities. Because
some of the teachers now, they send the pdf activities to their students po Maam.

MAAM LESLIE:Next, you also mentioned that, why do you tink that in this passage you mentioned
that, students who have highest income can have access to internet. So, how did you come up with this
answer? And those who have low income cannot access to the internet?

Ahh, because in passage 2 po Maam, there's said that higher income, earn money is they uhm, they get
some information, no -- yea, they get the fas internet than the lower earning money po Maam. So, I came
up in that answer po. In passage 2, yea, they also mentioned in that, the highest income have a more
access to internet, or advance, than the lower income po.

MAAM LESLIE:You have mentioned the different political which are unfair, and you were able to
justify that answer. In the challenges you encountered, you mentioned the following: nawawala sa uso,
ans you also mentioned that it’s hard because you don’t have some money to buy load to access any
information. So, how did you come up with this answer?

Hmm, because I came up with that question po maam, now we need internet access to, to get information
like when we make some research. We need to search to internet the connected, information that we
conduct. So, if you don’t have an internet, or some gadgets, you don’t have powers to - to come, to uhm,
if you don;t have gadgets, you can get information to website po Maam.

MAAM LESLIE:Next passage, number 3. You have mentioned that everything’s changed, like past
yearn, now and other. Why did you say that everything is changing?

(breathe in deeply) Because ano, hmm, wait lang po Maam.lipat lang po ako. I came that answer po
Maam, because, in now pandemic po Maam, we face the changes. Like uh, transportation, the uhm some
people get, didn’t get work. They stop in work because the pandemic we face now. And the other changes
po Maam, you need to wear facemask, face shield, in other - wait wait, in the ano po Maam, in the past
year po, the transportation po is speed, the transportation they, they overload the passenger in some
transportation po Maam.

MAAM LESLIE:During that time, you were thinking that?

Yes Maam.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, next. You have mentioned that, it is some kinda so religious. For you the poem
is all about change, that everything change, wherever you are, where you go, there's no longer to run for
everything. And then the poem changed everything. What are you thinking? Why did you say these

Hmm because po maam, in the poem, I remember the line in that, you can run, wherever you go, you can
run, uhm -- wait I don’t remember the line now. But I came up with that answer because the poem is
hmm, give the idea of changes, everything po Maam.

MAAM LESLIE:Next, according to you MJ, you are the one speaking in the poem. So, why do you
think you answered you are the one speaking int he poem, or talking?

Hmm, if, because po Maam, I answered that I know to myself that, there's something changed in
everything, in everywhere and also in the person po Maam. Then I think that I am the uhm,

MAAM LESLIE:That you are the one that talking in the poem?

Yes po, Maam.

MAAM LESLIE:Next,. You have also mentioned that the lesson of the poem, whatever happens, you
need to rise. And if you struggle, the struggle that came into your life or in your way, you need to r-- and
pursue your dream. You think that’s the moral or the lesson in the poem. How did you come up with this,
MJ? And during that time, what are you thinking?

Hmm, I think that time that we, face the pandemic now. Our family, we can get uhm, enough money for
us. Because my father is no work. They hmm stranded in Saudi so uhm, so many struggle that we face
now. So, I know to myself that if we have some struggle or problem, we need to raise (rise) and move

MAAM LESLIE:Next, you also mentioned the theme of the poem is all about encouragement, self-
motivation and you are being motivated. It motivates you to change in every situation if it’s not, if you
have comfortable feeling, you need to change the attitude and the situation. How di you come up with
this answer?

Hmm, now uhm, now po Maam is we have problem and issues, some are near-for-food?, hmm they
always sinasali po sa issue. Hmm parang, naiiyak ako!

MAAM LESLIE:True to life experience, right MJ? Let’s have the last passage. You have mentioned
that, Logos has something to do with facts. And if you have some logos in your speech or evidence, the
audience will focus on you. Through these evidence, every information is something that is strong. How
did you come up with this answer that you were able to give examples.

Hmm, part po Maam is they, in the listening passage po, they give some example. So, uhm what I think
that, I need to -- hmm give some example po Maam para mas lalong maintindihan.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright! You also have joy and liquid as an example, and that example is actually your
logos and facts or evidence. During that time, what are you thinking that you come up with this kind of

Hmm in our house po kasi Maam, my house chores po is to wash the dishes Maam. So, I came that
example dishwashing liquid that hmm, remove the bacteria and sebo po Maam.

MAAM LESLIE:It’s based from your experience and responsibility at home. My last challenge during
that time was to summarize the given information, so can you explain to me how were able to summarized
the information? \

Hmm, I listened the passage and carefully listened the message they give and the information that I need
to gather. Then after po Maam, I’m going to summarize it then to have some idea din po Maam to ---
(express or say) yes po Maam.

MAAM LESLIE:May I know what are the benefits of think-aloud protocol based on your experience?
As a student, what are the benefits of think-aloud protocol?

Hmm, the benefits of this think-aloud for me as a student, learn to understand the deep meaning of words,
sentences and uhm I always talk to myself now, than other. I always read some books and take down
notes the I didn;t familiar words. This think-aloud protocol help me to understand and to be wiser to
understand the book I read po Maam.

MAAM LESLIE: You have mentioned about the title, that naintindihan po natin binabasa natin parang
nakukuha po tayong idea sa binabasa natin. In this part, the artist who don’t have na parang wala silang

meaning or value or they don’t know what they are doing. So, on this explanation, how did you come up
with this answer?

STUDENT 5: Hmm because artist is, I think artist is different from good artist eh. Yung hmm good
artist uh there are some meaning, while those, I think like those good artist those are not self-proclaimed
artist that -- ganun po.

MAAM LESLIE:Aside from that you also mentioned that intellectual artist have certain goal. Na
gagawin na nila na may plan na sila. So, what are you thinking that time?

STUDENT 5:Yung ano po -- because intellectual artist they already visualized their path that they’re
going to take po. Parang ganun.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, next. You have mentioned in one of your explanations in paragraph 3 that it’s
all about kung ano yung tingin natin na makakabuti sa ibang tao parang boomerang effect na babalik din
po sa atin siya, during that time Stephen, what are you thinking? How were you able to come up with
this answer?

STUDENT 5:Ano po, because --- yung, if we because of the last part po yung, whatever is good for
them, will be good for us, like if they benefit from it, it will also affect us.

MAAM LESLIE:You based it from the text you have read. Next, you also mentioned about, kung ano
yung ginawa mo sa ibang tao, parang ganun din yung gagawin nila sayo. How did you come up with that
answer, Stephen?

STUDENT 5:And I based it from the passage po. I just hmm in that passage in which those things are
beautiful and useful for them, will be beautiful and useful for us also.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay. next. You also have mentioned in the 6th paragraph, na parang lagi tayong nag
iimagine katulad ng mga artist parang mas maganda kung gagawin mo talaga magkaroon ka ng attitude
na gusto mong mangyari. How did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 5:Ano po, because I think hmm that if you only visualize what your goal is you cannot
achieve it until you plan to make it happen.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright, next! You also mentioned that sometimes, may gusto tayong iexpress kaso di
po natin mainterpret yung gusto natin. So, how do you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 5:Ano maam, sometimes there are struggles aht keeping us from expresses what we truly
feel po. Parang ganun, na --

MAAM LESLIE:And you also mentioned that, dito po yung parang kailangan natin mag encourage ng
mga revolutionaries, maencourage yung mga tao na sumama pa kung ano yung gagawin. So, how did
you say that? What are you thinking? How were you able to answer like this?

STUDENT 5:Parang we should inspire other people to uhm -- parang they should also fight for their
will. Like you should be an inspiration for them, so they will look upon us.

MAAM LESLIE:I also asked you to answer some of the questions. One of the questions is, what is the
selection all about? Para sa akin it’s all about, wag lang po tayo mag ano ng vision, hindi lang po natin i
vision yung gusto natin para magwork po tayo. Para mag work po yung gusto nating magawa. So how
did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 5:Ano, like ano, like yung being a revolutionary po on your own., you should also fight for
what you want. And do not only vision it but you should make away in order for to happen.

MAAM LESLIE:And then, I also asked you teh purpose of the author in writing this article. This is to
inspire people, yung wag lang basta basta or mag imagine. You must have this self-confidence parang
matupad mo yung gusto mo. So how were you able to answer this? Or coming up with this answer? What
are you thinking during that time?

STUDENT 5:Maam, I think, I feel that based from reading it, I feel like I should make effort to make
my dreams come true.

MAAM LESLIE:Very nice. I also asked you to give your title based from your understanding and your
title is all about Be a revolutionary on your own life. So, how were able to come up with this answer?

STUDENT 5:Ano po, like ano, in there’s only, in our life, there’s only one person who should, who will
make our own life better, and it is our own self po. Yun lang po.

MAAM LESLIE:The Digital: The Challenge of Technology. You mentioned that technology and
gadgets has been used to do all the things in easier way. And then you mentioned that the fairness in
some rural areas, hindi po sila kayangmaabot ng technology advancement kung saan sila po ang napag
iiwanan. In this answer, how did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 5:Hmm ano Maam, hmm, those person po who live in rural areas, don’t have enough
resources in order for them to provide themselve with appliances or technology equipment. Because
those in rural areas lack on resources or money po.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright! So, you have mentioned that there are a lot of factor in which people cannot
access with the advancement of technology. Aside from that, you mentioned about, in this part, if you
graduate with such higher mas mataas din yung level na, napag aanohan na, better job that you could
have, that you could generate more income. How do you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 5:Ano Maam, if you graduate with, with degree you could come, you could have a change
to have a better jon in which you could afford, or you could have enough income to afford to buy such
technology po na, ayun po.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay. you have mentioned about the major issue which is money. The use of gadgets
sometimes, para makipag sabayan ka para matreat ka ng equal. Aside from that, parang naka full gloom
na talaga ang technology, yung parang hindi kana maddiscriminate in which na kahit you live (leave) in
areas, mahirap yun technology, yung internet access, pwede kana makipag sabayan sa kanila. So, you
have a very good answer here. So how do you come up with that answer?

STUDENT 5:Because sometimes those people who you call, who you call, pwede mo silang tawagin na
di pa maalam sa technology, sometimes if they go to place with, those advance places. For example, they
don’t know how to use elevator sometimes people actually don’t know that they do not know that those
people who are not able to learn how to, ano po. Those people who doesn’t know to use those technology
or being discriminated in those areas po.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, that is based from the text or based from your observation?

STUDENT 5:Parang parehas po. The sam epo.

MAAM LESLIE:There are some questions also of technology, how people, imbis na minsan yung
technology maging, nagiging means sya for separation ng mga tao. Then you also mentioned mas lalong
naddiscriminate yung iba. So, what are you thinking during that time that this is your answer? how do
you come up with this answer about discrimination and separation of people?

STUDENT 5:Ano, maam, for example po yung, for example those countries who have much advance
technology. Parang mas lalo pa po silang umaangat, unlikeyungmga, those who lack of technology,
parang mas lalo pa po silang bumababa yung level po nila.

MAAM LESLIE:You also mentioned about cultural issues like racist and then the ethnic group. Poverty
and racism, how do you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 5:Ano maam, for example those ethnic group that, for example those ethnic group that live
in mountain areas, syempre po those areas, don’t have enough technological advancement, so when they
go down here int he city areas, of course they are being discriminated. Some of the people discriminate
them because they don’t know how to use those stuffs po.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright, but then, that is your personal observation. But the question is, where did you
based your answer? From the cultural issues that inspired the author. Where did you get these answers
about cultural, racist and poverty and ethnic group? Aside from your observation, did you also get some
information from the text?

STUDENT 5:Parang may nabsa naman po ata ako Maam.

MAAM LESLIE:You also mentioned about your challenges in this digital era. You have mentioned
that as a student, yung mga lack of knowledge in technology , yung hindi nabibigyan ng saktong proper
education. Parang maliit lang yung time na nabibigay. So how did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 5:Ano maam, parang based on my experiences po.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright, based from experiences. Let’s have now the third passage, which is the poem.
You have mentioned that change po is the only concept na even though akhti tayo we change from thing
we fear back then, hindi na po tayo natatakot at ngayon kaya na po natin iface. So, how did you come up
with this answer? What are you thinking during that time?

STUDENT 5:Ah ano maam, parang naisip ko po nun, change is the only thing that is constant po. Parang
yun po yung nagets ko, na gets ko po dun. That --

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, aside from that Stephen, you have mentioned that hindi na po tayo nag tremble
sa mga takot na yun. Na yung dati nating kina katakutan kaya po, kaya na po natin harapin na hindi mo
na sya ka katakutan. How were you able to come up with this answer?

STUDENT 5:Ano maam, if we experience those hardship po, like we are not afraid to face it again
because we know how to deal with it na.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, next! With regards to the different questions, you were able to identify the
figures of speech. According to your answer, the moral/lesson of the poem is do not fear and face the
obstacle that we fear. So how do you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 5:Ano maam, if we fear facing those challenges we could not move forward or cope up with
it po.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright! Let’s have the last passage, which is listening passage. You mentioned that
it is one way to convince us, to be on our side, Ethos is a persuasion that convince people to become trust
worthy or capable. Ad then in order to persuade them, parang nagiging threat sya to go on your side.
How did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 5:Yung sa pangalawa po? (Yes) Ano po, yung sa in the second one, based from what I
understand it, it threatens us to go on that side, for example po like those people threaten other people in
order to make allies with them

MAAM LESLIE:In logos, you have mentioned that it’s all about creating evidence and facts. Yung may
basis kung saan mappersuade mo sila na kumampi sayo. So, how do you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 5:Ano maam, if you give evidence that are true, people will be convinced that, they will,
they will be with you po.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright! You were able to retell or summarize the context of the listening text, so how
do you come up with this salary? Would you mind to share to me your technique on how do you come
up with this summary of the listening passage?j

STUDENT 5:Ano po parang, ano ba? Ano po yung parang, I paraphrase it, uhm yung I used words that
are also the same with those word po. YUng parang I changed, I only changed some words that I think
will have the same meaning with it also.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay. very good! You really followed the instruction about paraphrasing. One more

question, what are the benefits of think-aloud protocol to you as a student? Can you share your
experience, does it help you? What are some advantages in your part?

STUDENT 5:Ano maam, it will make us, understand more what we’re reading. Like, when you, you
will understand it, like you will easily understand it po.

MAAM LESLIE: So this is all about exact of words to the intellectuals. You have mentioned
in this paragraph the -- for you artists and that we have artist and good artist. And aside from
that you are trying to say about changed of attitude that the group of artist and intellectuals who
don’t think carefully or caused a problem and ti can lead to our problem. How do you come up
with this answer?

STUDENT 6: Yes maam. Di ko po masyadong naintihan nuong una.

MAAM LESLIE:These are your interpretation on passage regarding your explanation about
the first paragraph about artist that is considered good. And who do not have revolutionary
attitude. According to you, your artist and good artist, yes we have this, you are trying to say
that I think they are talking about changes of attitude if you don’t think at all. Those are you

STUDENT 6:Maam ano>? English pa rin po ba? (yes) Hmm, I answered that because when I
read th sentence, I just hmm I just noticed some revolutionary word, and uhm, the revolution is
the changes. So my answer is based on that word.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright! Okaynext, you also mentioned that, you repeat some of you
answers, you also asked yourself you also has this attitude, and for the revolutionary, those
goals and objectives are directed to the reality. According to you, it depends on you if you want
to change you attitude, so how do you come up with this answer Lyca?

STUDENT 6:Maam because, I answered that because I believe that it’s a fact. It’s up to you if
you really want to change your attitude or you will stay in that kind of attitude.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay next, aside from that you give example that if you do something bad,
you change your attitude in a wrong way or you don’t change your attitude, so it will directed
to the redemption of sins, no saving your sins. For example, you came from that bad habit, then
you realized what you;ve done, and you decide to change it. So lyca, what are you thinking that
time? How do you come up with that answer?

STUDENT 6:Wait, wait, hmm, uh I based my answer in the sentence, change your attitude in
the wrong way or you don’t change your attitude. So yea.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, so next, you also mentioned about, you think that we have to step to
their digitinity, you want them to get the attention. You want to focus on you and in order for
that, you’re treating someone unfairly. So you’re treating them, different from others. So, it’s
talking about favoritism? How did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 6:Hmm I just read some sentence and I (sting?) that uhm favoritism is a good

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, so what else, you also mentioned that there’s an example that, group
of people, if one person in that group has bad habit treating someone unfairly and it means they

all have th bad habit and attitude too, because it started from one into group. So meaning if that
person influence the group, so it means they all have that bad habit. So, how did you come up
with that answer?

STUDENT 6:Hmm, I answered that because based on my experience uhm, based on my

experience I just, uhm, what do you call this uh -- I influenced others to do something like that
to uhm, when I was young I influenced my friends to say to, to bully a person and treating that
person unfairly. That’s all.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay. It’s totally based on your experience. Andthen, you also have
mentioned that, when someone understand, they also have to confess and then, if you don’t
think aloud you will also regret that. Even though it’s wrong, you should also need to think
aloud for you don’t have some regrets. So how did you come up with that answer that you relate
that to regrets, the tragedy?

STUDENT 6:Ahh Maam in school example uh a teacher asked a question and then you have
a feeling that your answer is correct but, you don’t recite it, so and then when the teacher said
that, said the answer, you will just say that, uhm -- I feel uh -- You will just say that, I should
answer that. That’s all.

MAAM LESLIE:You have mentioned that, whoever is more than artist than a revolutionary
cannot think exactly the same as we do. You told me that we don’t have the same ideas, and
then we don’t have the sam,e understanding. And we struggle from the inner conflict. So, you
also mentioned that you have an example, that you are going to ask yourself, What is wrong
with me? Why can’t I do this? Am I not enough? So, why did you say these things Lyca? How
did you come up with these answer? About harmful words to that person? Can you please tell

STUDENT 6:Hmm, hmm wait. Uh I also answered that we should know what happen to that
person before using harmful words. So, I believe it’s true because hmm we need to be careful
in our words that we are going to use because we really don’t know what happen to that person,
why he/she done that thing.

MAAM LESLIE:Next, you alsomentioed that, I think the example of this is teacher and
student. They need each other because without teachers, we don’t have students. And os the
revolution, so with that Lyca, how were you able to come with this answer and example related
to the revolutionaries?

STUDENT 6:Hmm, because I relate that student and teacher connection because student really,
because if we don’t have teachers, we don’t have students, when we don’t have students, we
also don’t have teachers. So, ( how did you come up with that answer?) I answer that because,
we really need each other to do some changes because you can’t change yourself if no one is
around you. If no one helps you.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, thank Lyca. Next one, you have mentioned about another example. If
you have difficulties to that problem, so you will do some -- for example, you will read it again
and again so you’ll be able to understand it, then you will write what you understand. Then if
you are done searching for the answer to your question, if they find you wrong, they could add
some information. So how did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 6:Maam, I answered based on my experience again because if i have some

difficulties in understanding a sentence or a paragraph, I read it again and again, and do some
research and ask my seatmates if I as wrong or if my answers is wrong. Som she/he can correct

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, so aside from that, you also mentioned about favorable attitude either
good or bad, so you think for example just like what you have said what he/she feels before
expressing yourself. Because if you are mad, you know that they also have freedom to say bad,
but that freedom that you know we have that, that is the company responsibility and
limitations. We should know that before you say that I have freedom. So Lyca, what are you
thinking that time? How do you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 6:Hmm againn in school because uhm, I see some situation that uhm someone
saying a harmful word to that person even though he/she don’t know that person feel. So, when
we say when we say some harmful word, when we think that I’m free to say this, I want to say
what I want to say. But that freedom is always our responsibilities and limitations. Because
what if those words can hurt someone.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright, aside from that Lyca, what do you feel during that time when you
say those things?

STUDENT 6:Maam ano, hmm, I feel, I feel bad because sometimes I use some harmful words
to hmm to my friends or someone because I’m mad,like that. And then, I don’t put limitations.
So it can cause to hmm misunderstanding.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay yes. Aside from that, you have answered some of the questions. And
you mentioned that, how did the author define revolutionary. For you the author realized the
importance of revolutionist. And you care for the people who changed. And the people
revolutionist. How did you come up with this answer? About the definition of the author about

STUDENT 6:Hmm I based that answer in a paragraph number 1, because I think the author
really believe revolution is really important. Because if you odn’t do some changes, you’ll just
stay in a situation like that.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright, I also asked you fi you consider yourself as a revolutionist, and you
told me no because you do not do some changes. So how did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 6:Maam, can you repeat?

MAAM LESLIE:Hmm, I asked you Lyca, if you consider yourself as revolutionist and you
answered no because you are not doing some changes that’s why you don’t consider yourself
as revolutionist. So why did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 6:Maam, because hmm, I really do not do some changes in myself. I did not

MAAM LESLIE:Alright! Next, I asked yu to give the title and you answer The Importance of
Revolutionaries. Let’s proceed to passage number 2. You agreed in the statement, based on
your experience, you also use online apps. And then, you also mentioned about the quarantine
situation. How did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 6:Hmm, I based it in this pandemic because we really use internet and gadgets just
to communicate with others. Communicate with teachers,friends and families, relative. Som
hmm, as one of the student, and as one of the person who is -- affected by the virus uh --
pandemic, so, I really believe that technology is more important i these days.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, Lyca, You also mentioned that a lot of people cannot affor to buy a
computer, aside from that you have mentioned about there are more people cellphone, not all
people can use internet. So, how did you come up with that answer?

STUDENT 6:I ano, I believe that is really true because hmm, especially uh -- to the people
who is poor and cannot afford to buy clothes, things and even food. They cannot afford to buy.
So, because we are not in the same -- because, a lot of people in Philippines or around the world
is is experience poverty.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, next. Aside from that you have mentioned that there’s a great
difference on the importance of the internet because it gives them information. And because
without internet we encountered questions that is hard for us to understand. How did you come
up with that answer?

STUDENT 6:I answered that because when I was in Junior High, hmm I don’t have cellphone
so if I ask myself some questions, or I have difficulties in answering that question, I need to do
some research in books. So, technology is more useful than books, because if you have
difficulties in answering that question, you answer it easily than reading a book.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, next. You have also answered some questions, like the selection is all
about, computer gadgets and internet, and it’s importance. So, how did you come up with this

STUDENT 6:Maam, can you repeat? (read the passage again, and questions) Hmm like what
I said, technology is more important now a days it’s more useful and the information in the
internet is so broad.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, next. You also have mentioned the different cultural issues, which are
the influence of cellphones, internet which also helpful to us. I asked you about your challenges
in digital era. So, how did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 6:Hmm the challenges now is, lack of internet because, yea, we can see that we
have gadgets but if we don’t have internet, the gadgets is so useful hmm, the gadget is useless.
(laughed) So, the difficulties in using a gadget is lack of internet.

MAAM LESLIE:Next, let’s move on to passage number 3. You have mentioned that from
being down, for example to your grades to your family and you expect to your friends on your
special day that they didn’t so -- you are very shocked and in that situation, you’re feeling down.
How did you come up with this answer in relation to the poem, Lyca?

STUDENT 6:Hmm if you expect a lot to that person and that person did -- did not came to
your expectation, so you will really feel bad. So, yea! You;ll just feel down, because your
expectation didn’t came up.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, so it’s based from your experience. So why did you say that person if
fearless in this poem?

STUDENT 6:Because that person is able to face, that person is no longe ruhm, running to the

MAAM LESLIE:Okay next, and then you also mentioned in the poem he/she is fearless. You
also mentioned that wherenever that person falls into that situation, he/she ask herself if that is
the reason why he/she is scared. So how did you come up with that answer?

STUDENT 6:(read her answers) Hmmm I think I came up to that answer because I read some
sentences that fearless, I based on that but last sentence is seeing herself if that is the reason
why he/she is scared, I think. I’m hmm I’m trying to say that, that person realized the what
he/she is scared of.

MAAM LESLIE:So, Lyca, you also mentioned that the one who is talking in the poem, it is
the bride. You mentioned about the bride, how did you come up with that answer that you think
it’s the bride who’s talking to the poem?

STUDENT 6:Because I read uh at the poem that no longer run from the altar, so I believe that
it’s a bride.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, so it’s because of the altar. Okay, so aside from that, I asked you about
the figures of speech and you were able to identify some of the figures of speech. I asked you
about the moral or the lesson of the poem. And you answered be fearless. Don’t let problems
drag you down or pull you down. So how did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 6:Because if you are fearless, hmm, you will just think the problem as a positive
thing that someday something will good happen. Yea, that’s all.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, next. Last one, so let’s check your answer in the last passage.
According to your answer, your understanding about the listening passage. Here are your
answers, there are 3 and then the strength is to persuade the audience and you also mentioned
Ethos, way of convincing or proving the audience that you are credible source. And then you
mentioned that you know how the dentist take care of your teeth than the firefighter. Logos is
more convincing than the tools of persuasion. How did you come up with this answer Lyca?

STUDENT 6:Maam uhm I answered that because, when I heard the voice message uhm, Logos
is really more likely convincing than the other tools of persuasion. Because logos have some
evidences and, uhm facts information. And while the Pathos is making one uh -- uhm making
feel the audience pity. If the audience uhm for example they shows some pictures that, the cat
and dog uhm, is not doing well. And if the audience is, feel bad they will just donate money so,
the three tools of persuasion has the different kinds of importance. So, it really based on the
speaker and what the speaker want to use it’s either, ethos (said as athos), pathos and logos.

MAAM LESLIE:So thank you Lyca. You were able to summarized the listening passage. Can
you share to me how were you able to summarized the listening passage? How do you come up
with the summarize?

STUDENT 6:Maam, uhm because you let me hear 2 times of that voice message. So I write
some details that need to be highlight. So, uhm, and I also remember some details that is very
important to that voice message.

MAAM LESLIE:One more question, what do you think are the benefits of think-aloud
protocol to you as a student? How does it help you in reading journey?

STUDENT 6:Hmm I think the think-aloud protocol helps me to read, read some words and,
uhm, help me to understand some words because I’m -- the because, for example, a credible, if
I search I don’t understand it and think-aloud helps me realized that you should, we should say
what we want to say. So we won’t regret, because yea, that’s all.

MAAM LESLIE: Let us start with the Digital: Challenge of Technology and Equity. You
have mentioned here JM about that you knwo that there are people who don’t have access in
the computer. And, they don’t have any gadgets or other people don’t have money to buy those
gadgets. How did come up with this answer?

STUDENT: Hmm, it’s come up for me because hmm, based on my experiences, I see many
people, more people like beggar, like people don’t hvae house, like people sleeping outside.

Yea, hmm, I see more people that hard working to feed family and hmm, hmm, wala sa isip
nila Maam to buy a gadget.

Okay, next. You also mentioned that you know people in the Philippines and then in US or in
the biggest country that we have this internet access. We have computer, we have telephone
because US is not the rich

Are you sure?

Yes, I’m not sure but hmm US is a top 5 I think.

Okay, next JM. You also mentioned that digital is now being divided between the population
who have internet access. And then what else, since we have COVID it is needed, because there
of COVID, there’s no face to face, then other graduating school, other will graduate online. So
how did you come up with that answer?

Hmm, because hmm my friends, ay based on my experience again, my friends, brother and it’s
graduating in Grade 12. The graduation is based on online and it’s a live on facebook and all
students and picture and name and want gets honor and all about graduation is in there. But the
certificate of the graduating is get to the school to, Yah, the certificate get to the school.

Okay, next. You have also mentioned about the African-American, We are not just poor but
they have access to the internet. Because African-American doesn’t have money to but internet
or gadgets. So how did you come up with this answer?

Hmm, I see in TV, in television because when I watched the TV I see the Africa, African-
American, yea, all people nto have proper, proper clothes and hmm. The materials used in house
is DIY, yea. Yes!

Okay, next. You also mentioned that, we’ll see some of your answers. You have metnioned
also that, for a while. So, if you’re alone at home, we have students who don’t have enough
learning in school and then they need to study alone. How did you come up with this answer?

Hmm, ahm it’s come up for uhm, to me, because it’s my experience. Hmm when the teacher,
teaching in online, before that, the teacher give activity, then the activity that I will answer is
not teacher, the teacher is not teach that activity. And I will study that activity alone.

Okay, next. So, I also asked you some of the questions. I asked you abotu the cultural issues
and you menitoned about some challenge that inspire the author, it’s the -- and it inspired the
author to learn. How did you come up with this answer? (him: sniffed)

Hmm for me hmm, it’s come up for me because hmm -- now, all people and I know, all people
use gadgets and people, people study and learn to use gadget and hmm. And uhm, many of
students laern of using online and don’t need go outside because of pandemic.
Okay, next! And then, you also have mentioned the different people like, African-American.
The political issues extra income of your people, the socio-economic status. And then you have
mentioned the challenge of using the digital era. So how did you come up with this answer?

Maam repeat.

Okay, you shared about the challenges that you encountered in this digital era, so how did you
come up with this answer?

Maam because hmm, (cleared his throat) it’s because now in my uh, because now all people,
ay -- all people have use gadget that have not use gadget to. Because all people have not, enough

income to buy gadget and the income, teh income us e fo r buy food for the family.

Okay next, let us have the next one. Do you still remember the poem?


Change. Okay, you told me in this poem, all things change because you don’t just concentrate
to the things. You improve and aside from that people do not chnage themselves because, it is
bad. So how did you come up with this answer?

Hmm, for me it’s come up, because I see more people change, and more peopel not chnage.
Hmm liek bad guysm when bad guys get arrest hmm get arrest and go to the jail. Hmm, the --
he, hs change because he want, he want to be a good guy when get out to the jail.

Okay, next, you have mentioned about recovering from the shock, about that you experienced
an accident. So, what are you thinking that time, and how did you come up with this answer?

Okay, wait. My thinking about time is blank because I’m depressed because I first in accident.
I, my brain is blank, and I -- and I answered that in recovering the shock. Because I want to
share that my experience in my first accident.

Okay, so next, you also mentioned about the fire of prayer in my mouth, the you need to have
some faith in God. So, how did you come up with that answer?

Because of my -- it’s come up to me because of my mama -- because my mama said. Uhm,

always pray and give life, give your life to God because all, hmm, all people in this people, not
some people, is create by God and all peple like, with ano -- guide to the Lord.

Okay, next! You also have mentioned about, the different questions here. For you the persona
or the one who’s talking in the poem, is you,. So why did you consider that you are the one who
is talking in the poem?

Hmm, I think, because, I think its me, all of words in poem, hmm, tumatama, hmm.

You can really relate.

Yes, yes. I relate in -

And then? You have mentioned some figures of speech like metaphor, just like the fire of prayer
in my mouth, and the personification. And according to you the moral/lesson of the poem is
about you need to follow who you are because that is you. So how did you come up with this

Hmm, because hmm it’s follow me because (coughed) based on my uh, because like I said, I
relate to the poem, and hmm, I think I will, I will yea, I will follow myself to success because
based on the poem, it’s not uhm, it’s not --

Okay, so let’s have the listening passage. Do you still remember the listening passage? Okay
JM, so now, I asked you to explain your understnaindg about the listenng passage. And you
told about what people experience and feel. And then, the Pathos, one way of connecting to
audience. And logos is all about facts. And then you have example about safeguard, 99.9%. So
how did you come up with this answer?

It;s come up to me because, based on I hear in the passage, hmm, like, like, Pathos, yea it’s all
about people to think and what you to, what you need to, what you need to do to people, uh --

trust you and like in. Like in commercial like safeguard. In that commercial it is promoting that
safeguard is anti - germs with 99.9 it’s true but sometimes it use the safeguard when the, when
you are dirty, the germs is still there.

Alright! Okaym next. Aside from that JM, I told you to summarize the listening passage, so
how did you come up with your summary in the listening passage?

For me it’s all about 3 types of what is three types?

My questions JM is, how did you come up with that answer? Can you share to me your strategy
or techniques on how to summarize the listening passage?

(sniffed) Uh the technique is I hear that, hmm I hear that 2 times. Uhm, uhm, and I think, I think
aloud what is in there in passage. And I questioned myself when, when you said, uhm, when
you said new words for me. And I will, I will, search or see in the dictionary what is the meaning
of that word and Thank you.

MAAM LESLIE: Let us start with the Digital: Challenge of Technology and Equity. You
have mentioned here JM about that you knwo that there are people who don’t have access in
the computer. And, they don’t have any gadgets or other people don’t have money to buy those
gadgets. How did come up with this answer?

STUDENT: Hmm, it’s come up for me because hmm, based on my experiences, I see many
people, more people like beggar, like people don’t hvae house, like people sleeping outside.
Yea, hmm, I see more people that hard working to feed family and hmm, hmm, wala sa isip
nila Maam to buy a gadget.

Okay, next. You also mentioned that you know people in the Philippines and then in US or in
the biggest country that we have this internet access. We have computer, we have telephone
because US is not the rich

Are you sure?

Yes, I’m not sure but hmm US is a top 5 I think.

Okay, next JM. You also mentioned that digital is now being divided between the population
who have internet access. And then what else, since we have COVID it is needed, because there
of COVID, there’s no face to face, then other graduating school, other will graduate online. So
how did you come up with that answer?

Hmm, because hmm my friends, ay based on my experience again, my friends, brother and it’s
graduating in Grade 12. The graduation is based on online and it’s a live on facebook and all
students and picture and name and want gets honor and all about graduation is in there. But the
certificate of the graduating is get to the school to, Yah, the certificate get to the school.

Okay, next. You have also mentioned about the African-American, We are not just poor but
they have access to the internet. Because African-American doesn’t have money to but internet
or gadgets. So how did you come up with this answer?

Hmm, I see in TV, in television because when I watched the TV I see the Africa, African-

American, yea, all people nto have proper, proper clothes and hmm. The materials used in house
is DIY, yea. Yes!

Okay, next. You also mentioned that, we’ll see some of your answers. You have metnioned
also that, for a while. So, if you’re alone at home, we have students who don’t have enough
learning in school and then they need to study alone. How did you come up with this answer?

Hmm, ahm it’s come up for uhm, to me, because it’s my experience. Hmm when the teacher,
teaching in online, before that, the teacher give activity, then the activity that I will answer is
not teacher, the teacher is not teach that activity. And I will study that activity alone.

Okay, next. So, I also asked you some of the questions. I asked you abotu the cultural issues
and you menitoned about some challenge that inspire the author, it’s the -- and it inspired the
author to learn. How did you come up with this answer? (him: sniffed)

Hmm for me hmm, it’s come up for me because hmm -- now, all people and I know, all people
use gadgets and people, people study and learn to use gadget and hmm. And uhm, many of
students laern of using online and don’t need go outside because of pandemic.
Okay, next! And then, you also have mentioned the different people like, African-American.
The political issues extra income of your people, the socio-economic status. And then you have
mentioned the challenge of using the digital era. So how did you come up with this answer?

Maam repeat.

Okay, you shared about the challenges that you encountered in this digital era, so how did you
come up with this answer?

Maam because hmm, (cleared his throat) it’s because now in my uh, because now all people,
ay -- all people have use gadget that have not use gadget to. Because all people have not, enough
income to buy gadget and the income, teh income us e fo r buy food for the family.

Okay next, let us have the next one. Do you still remember the poem?


Change. Okay, you told me in this poem, all things change because you don’t just concentrate
to the things. You improve and aside from that people do not chnage themselves because, it is
bad. So how did you come up with this answer?

Hmm, for me it’s come up, because I see more people change, and more peopel not chnage.
Hmm liek bad guysm when bad guys get arrest hmm get arrest and go to the jail. Hmm, the --
he, hs change because he want, he want to be a good guy when get out to the jail.

Okay, next, you have mentioned about recovering from the shock, about that you experienced
an accident. So, what are you thinking that time, and how did you come up with this answer?

Okay, wait. My thinking about time is blank because I’m depressed because I first in accident.
I, my brain is blank, and I -- and I answered that in recovering the shock. Because I want to
share that my experience in my first accident.

Okay, so next, you also mentioned about the fire of prayer in my mouth, the you need to have
some faith in God. So, how did you come up with that answer?

Because of my -- it’s come up to me because of my mama -- because my mama said. Uhm,

always pray and give life, give your life to God because all, hmm, all people in this people, not

some people, is create by God and all peple like, with ano -- guide to the Lord.

Okay, next! You also have mentioned about, the different questions here. For you the persona
or the one who’s talking in the poem, is you,. So why did you consider that you are the one who
is talking in the poem?

Hmm, I think, because, I think its me, all of words in poem, hmm, tumatama, hmm.

You can really relate.

Yes, yes. I relate in -

And then? You have mentioned some figures of speech like metaphor, just like the fire of prayer
in my mouth, and the personification. And according to you the moral/lesson of the poem is
about you need to follow who you are because that is you. So how did you come up with this

Hmm, because hmm it’s follow me because (coughed) based on my uh, because like I said, I
relate to the poem, and hmm, I think I will, I will yea, I will follow myself to success because
based on the poem, it’s not uhm, it’s not --

Okay, so let’s have the listening passage. Do you still remember the listening passage? Okay
JM, so now, I asked you to explain your understnaindg about the listenng passage. And you
told about what people experience and feel. And then, the Pathos, one way of connecting to
audience. And logos is all about facts. And then you have example about safeguard, 99.9%. So
how did you come up with this answer?

It;s come up to me because, based on I hear in the passage, hmm, like, like, Pathos, yea it’s all
about people to think and what you to, what you need to, what you need to do to people, uh --
trust you and like in. Like in commercial like safeguard. In that commercial it is promoting that
safeguard is anti - germs with 99.9 it’s true but sometimes it use the safeguard when the, when
you are dirty, the germs is still there.

Alright! Okaym next. Aside from that JM, I told you to summarize the listening passage, so
how did you come up with your summary in the listening passage?

For me it’s all about 3 types of what is three types?

My questions JM is, how did you come up with that answer? Can you share to me your strategy
or techniques on how to summarize the listening passage?

(sniffed) Uh the technique is I hear that, hmm I hear that 2 times. Uhm, uhm, and I think, I think
aloud what is in there in passage. And I questioned myself when, when you said, uhm, when
you said new words for me. And I will, I will, search or see in the dictionary what is the meaning
of that word and Thank you.

MAAM LESLIE: According to you, you have mentioned you answers here, your agreement and
reaction in the following. You say that, you think that there are good artist and bad artist with good
attitude and bad attitude. So, in this part Kenneth, how do you come up with this answer? Where did you
based your answer? How do you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 8: based on the story Maam.

MAAM LESLIE:Based from what you have read. And then, in this paragraph 5 you said that for me I
understand someone. If anyone have their own, they need to fight for it. They need to confess like their

own strategy. How did you come up with this, Kenneth? Why did you say that someone have their own,
they should confess and have their own strategy?

Maam, same same, in ano Maam, kaganina Maam.

MAAM LESLIE:Based from what you have read. According to you, I asked you what is the selection
all about. You answered that it’s all about intellectual. How did you come up with that answer that it’s
all about intellectuals?

Maam it’s because some of artist are smart.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, Aside from that, I asked you about the purpose of the author in writing this
article. You have mentioned that to show, that it’s about revolutionary. That is the article that shows
revolutionary. And then you also mentioned the intellectual whether you are an artist or writer. How did
you come up with that answer about the purpose of the author?

Maam based on my understanding Maam.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay about the passage. I also asked you if you consider yourself as a revolutionary
or revolutionist. And then you said no. because revolutionary is for people who have intellectual, who
are considered intellectual because you think that you don’t have. So what are you thinking that time?
How did you come up with that answer that you don’t consider yourself a revolutionary?

Maam, based on my understanding. The revolutionary is for those people who have a knowledge.

MAAM LESLIE:Why? You did not consider yourself has a knowledge?

Maam I have but not enough.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright! So, you also give title to the article about the intellectual of th revolutionaries.
So how did you come up in this answer? What are your basis for having this kind of title?

Maam artist and, artist and painter, I think?

MAAM LESLIE:Actually you give another title to the article, The Intellectual of the Revolutionaries.
Why did you choose this title?

Maam because I think this is the best title best on my, based on the passage, or my understanding about
the story.

MAAM LESLIE:Let’s move on. In passage number 2, the Digital and Equity. You said that it’s
information and technology that influenced us today to apply for job, to conduct research and many
things. So, how did you come up with this answer?


MAAM LESLIE:Yes kenneth, you have mentioned all these things. During that time what are you
thinking that you come up with that answer?

Technology Maam. For the information and technology are for technology maybe which is true.

MAAM LESLIE:And then, how did you come up with that technology as our basic communication and
internet connection is growing?

Maam, can you repeat Maam?

MAAM LESLIE:So, question is, you think that technology, according to you technology our basic
communication using telephone. You said that internet usage is growing now. So, what or how did you
come up with these answers?

Maam I based it in our, our, I based it in our generation because our generation is full of technologies
which is we use everyday.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright! Next, you also mentioned about that in this certain paragraph, that is normal
because internet is our key to communicate to other. Aside from that you also mentioned that, it’s normal
for school who got 98%. And you think it is important for the internet, it is important that the internet to
reduce disparities between groups. And it is important for people who have knowledge in schools about
the people. Okay, so how did you come up with this answer?

Because Maam, because some of people are addicted in technologies, We need, we need to reduce it to,
to --- to every people or some of people are not addicted in technology.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright. You also answered some of the questions and you were able to answer
specifically the cultural issues. For you, some of the cultural issues challenge or inspire the author is
more people are influence in technology because they are addicted as what you have said earlier right?
And then, about the different percentage. I also asked about the political issues and you also mentioned
about people who are addicted and they can stop the use of technology. How did you come up with that
answer Kenneth that most of the time you have mentioned people who are addicted to the technology?

Maam because in our, because Maam in our economic it is, it is --- it is including for us that the

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, aside from that I asked you about the digital challenges and how will you relate
in this new normal. You told me that sometimes you cannot provide a load, and cannot study even you
use technology. What are you thinking and what are you feeling during that time, that you say it is your
challenge that you cannot provide a load and you cannot study?

First maam, before this pandemic start, my ano maam feeling are not because we are going to start our
study in technology and not in face to face. (I can’t hear his answer because of the electric fan) And, also,
I’m sad to because hmm I can’t provide load everyday.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay kenneth. That’s why you still manage to study even you encounter these digital
challenges, right? Let’s have the poem about change. You have mentioned that change, the word change
is common to us because change is something that we encounter in our lives because all things are
changing. How did you come up with this answer, Kenneth?

Maam because based on my story or answer, change is our, our, ay -- change is the word that we need to
do because if we didn’t, if we don’t change our life, we don’t have ending good happen to us.

MAAM LESLIE:(very low voice) You have mentioned about your experience about climbing. And you
shared a lot about your fear. Suddenly you once again climbed when you were in Senior High School,
and then with that when something is falling at your side, you are not afraid because you changed now.
You changed and you’re not scared of falling. How did you come up with that answer, Kenneth? How
do you feel or what are you feeling that time when you are sharing that?

Maam, first Maam of course I’m scared because it’s my, my, it happened on me and then after that when
I’m changed, I’m happy because since this, since young I’m not climb because I’m scared. Then, after
that when I’m become senior, I climb again because of change.

MAAM LESLIE:Nice. And then, I asked you about the poem, what is the poem all about. The word
change is valuable because everytime you encounter that you change and most likely it can be repeated.
And then, I asked you what do you think is the one talking in the poem. So for you it’s yourself, because
the poem is your story and then it talks about change. How did you come up with that with that answer

Maam because I’m the one who, I’m the one who read and who answer. And also I’m the one who speak
, who speak them, who share the my story.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright. Aside from that you were able to cite some of the figures of speech. You have
mentioned simile and metaphor. I asked you about the moral or lesson of the poem, you answered that

every people can change their past. How did you come up with that answer?

Maam as I said earlier, we, every people or we people can change because it is, it is belong to us that we
need, that we need to change.

MAAM LESLIE:Let’s move on to the last passage. It’s all about Ethos, Pathos and Logos. Ethos is
shows the emotions of people or animals like, when someone said in that speech, you have mentioned
animals. How did you come up with these answers Kenneth?

Maam I based it in my, in my understand or my sa narinig ko Maam.

MAAM LESLIE:Based on the listening passage that you have read. And then you have mentioned about
Logos as showing of ideas and statistics. And I asked you kenneth as your last challenge to summarize
the listening passage. Can you share to me how did you do the summary? Can you tell me your techniques
on how do you able to summarize the listening passage?

All po maam?

MAAM LESLIE: Yes, what are you techniques, Kenneth that you come up with this summary? What
did you do to summarize the listening passage? How do you come up with this summary?

Okay, so first, I based it in all in the Aristo -- Ethos, Pathos, Logos which is made by, made by Aristotle.
And it because it is important.

MAAM LESLIE:What else Kenneth?

Wait Maam.

MAAM LESLIE:Aside from the important information by Aristotle. How did you organize your
summary or the information?

Uh - Maam because as I said last week or last two week, it is ayy -- it is, we use it or we use this in our
everyday life, the Ethos, Pathos and Logos.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, definitely. I have one more questions to you, Kenneth. Can you please tell me
how does this think aloud protocol help you as a student? Does this help you or what are the benefits that
you have gain from this think-aloud protocol? May I hear it from you, Kenneth?

Maam, it ano Maam, it helps because you know Maam, it is very helpful especially when you are, when
you are, when you are the only person the, taht ano, that you need to read the stories then you need to
understand it.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, definitely. So, aside from that Kenneth, what are the challenges, when I say
challenges these are the things that you find difficult to do during the think aloud protocol.

Maam first of all, thinking Maam. Because, I didn;t know what the story or what the passage that you
gave me and in reading. Because some of, some of the words or sentence I can’t read read because, I
can’t read, I can’t read ng maayos because, because I’m not familiar in that word.

MAAM LESLIE: Let’s have the passage 1. Extract from Words to the Intellectuals. Here, you have
mentioned your interpretation. In this passage we have artist who are considered revolutionary in terms
of their attitude in life. You also mentioned that you agreed as revolutionary as they write is for the
people for them to have a change in life or to progress on their lives. Now, my questions is that you have
mentioned this answer that you really agree about the passage, during taht time, what are you thinking?
And how do you come up with this answer?
STUDENT 9: ano Maam, siguro nag come up po ako sa answer na yan kasi po nakikita ko rin po or
naeexperuience ko rin po na gusto ko rin po ng pagbabago kaya nag agree din po ako dun sa sagot.
MAAM LESLIE: Alright! You also mentioned that, you also agree that revolutionary artist hindi lang
nila tintignan kung ano lang nararamadamdn nila. They are also trying to see how to help other especially

the importance of the people and those who experience beautiful things. You agree to 4 to 6 passage
about beautiful of every action. How did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 9:Hmm I come up with that answer po, kasi uhm because revolutionary writer uhm, write
because they see beautiful or they see wrong uhm wrong happening in their surrounding po.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright, next! You also agree that there are writers and artist who don;t like
revolutionary or they are trying to divert it through praying or expressing what they want. Sometimes
they don;t directly say what they want ot express. And you also mentioned that you have read a book,
with that type of context. How do you come up with this answer? What are you thinking during that

STUDENT 9:Uhm, because like what I’ve said po, may book din po akong nababasa. There’s a book
that I read that they didn’t direct (loud sound from a fan) So I come up with that, just like what I’ve said,
I read a book that they did not direct what they really want to say parang may ano po, parang ano po
nagpapaligoy ligoy po sila. Di po nila direct na sinasabi. And then other artist, they don’t want to know,
to write their revolutionaries because I think uhm they think that if they write, uhm -- parang imbis po
na magsulat about ganun po uh parang sila nalan din po yung tumutulong para magkaroon po ng

MAAM LESLIE: You also expressed that, or conclude ---- then, (low voice) You have mentioned that
even though they are not revolutionary writers or artist they have this opportunity to be expressed. For
example you have mentioned about facebook. Posting in facebook wherein they expressed as
revolutionaries. And then as artist and writer you agree that you are also observing this kind of scenarios
in social media. How did you come up with this answer, Gerlyn?

STUDENT 9:Just ano maam, just like what I’ve answered dyan Maam. Uh na I see a lot of uhm
revolutionaries teenagers that they really want to change or they really wan to express, -- that other that
might other writers with their expression or para pong ano, parang mag come up po yung parang,
makakakuha po ng ibang idea yung ibang writers to write about in that certain situation po,

MAAM LESLIE: Alright. Aside from that Gerlyn, you also answer some of my questions regarding the
selection or what is the selection all about. You answered freedom to express, to write about
revolutionary, about change, And if you want changes in the society, you can write a text. How did you
come up with this answer that this selection is all about those things that you have mentioned.

STUDENT 9:Uhm -- because ano maam uh, writers or not you can express your feelings if you see in
your surroundings that there’s a problem or people uhm parang nahihirapan po.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright. Aside from that you also defined revolutionary based from the perspective
of the author. And then you said that revolutionary was defined to freedom to express and for a change.
And I asked you to give a title to the article. And then for you the purpose of the author is to persuade
the people about revolutions. That is not just writing the article but, it can be a help to those
people who want change. How di you come up with this answer?
STUDENT 9:Uhm there’s a lot of people na parang nag post po sa social media na parang yung
revolutionary attitudes po nila.But they can write po parang gusto lang nilang mag express ng
nararamadamn nila, kung ano pong yung nakikita nial. Uhm, tsaka po uh --- parang ano po hindi porket
hindi na, o parang hindi ka na gumagawa na ng article about that, hindi ka parang maging revolutionary
artist. Parang wala naman parang for me para po kasi parang walang basehan. Nakapag sulat ka man po
or hindi ang importante po ay nakatulong ka. Kung gusto mo po ng uhm parang change po sa society
MAAM LESLIE: Okay, and I asked you if you consider yourself as a revolutionist, and you answered
Yes! But you see yourself as a revolutionist in the sense that you see our country that in the
environment there is -- dami din pong naghihirap. Are you talking about poverty? And then, of course
study (?) of life, that’s why you consider yourself as revolutionary to express that you want change, or
you want changes in our country. How did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 9:Kasi po maam, hindi po ako yung parang typical na tao na nag ppost po talaga. Parang --
if - parang naka seen po ako ng post na facebook na about po sa parang pagbabago nga po. Parang change
especially of -- parang it’s all about environment po shinahsare ko rin sya. I consider ko po yung sarili

ko na revolutionary kasi, hindi po porket hindi po hindi po ako nag ppost pero nagsshare naman po ako
kaya, I consider po yung self ko na revolutionist.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright. Let’s look at passage 2. You agreed with 1 and 2, you have read some of the
articles how many people or percentage of people use personal computer. You also agree that technology
can be useful in this time. And it’s very useful that you can also cope up with the need. For you, our
technology is not yet advance and you also agree that there’s a problem with (inaudible). Okay, so how
did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 9:Maam I come up with that answer po because I experience po na ganun po especially sa
technology po, it helps po in my studies. It helps people to apply because yun nga po, I experience po,
and I see in other people, experience it po.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright! You expressed that you don’t really understand some of the words. Just like
exacerbate, baccalaureate and disparities. And you searched the meaning of the words. After you have
searched for the meaning, you were able to understand that there is a disparities when it comes to the
races of the people especially ethnic groups. Good analysis. You also mentioned the different test that
there are school that based their internet connection on family income. How did you come up with this
answer, Gerlyn?

STUDENT 9:Hmm, kasi nga parang naexperience ko rin po sya. Or I see school like this po,
public school or private school. If you study in private your internet connection uhm - and
computer is prang or mga technology is complete, and internet action (should be connection) is somewhat
fast? But in public there was just 1 wifi or 2. So the internet is not that fast po.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay. You agree with this paragraph about culture the color of skin and them the
black and white men about social media. How did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 9:Nag come up po ako with that answer po uhm, like yung nangyari pong incident po, like
black men and white men po na -- white men is, they think that they self as a superior po kesa po sa mga
black men. Through social media, black men or even white men expressed that they na parang wala pong
dapat na superior. All uh -- all people is equal po.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, so according to your answer about cultural issues that have influenced or
challenged the author. For you these are difference of culture, ethnic group, those who cannot access the
internet. And then you also told me that about peopel whoe are considered as leader of the country which
help them access the internet. How did you say pr come up with this answer that these teh cultural issues
that influenced the author?

STUDENT 9:Hmm I think maam the author see that the leader of the country should uhm provide
people. Kasi maam siya nga lang po makakapag provide kasi nga po diba siya po yng leader ng bansa

MAAM LESLIE: Alright, for you you have mentioned political issues in technology about those
politicians who advertised their platform about the businesses. Online sellings you have mentioned and
businesses. Which are helpful now in the pandemic. How did you come up with this answer?

Like ano po kapag tuwing parang botohan na po, parang I see a lot of adverti -- platform of the politics
in television and now pandemic, I see a lot of online seller that used techno -- used social media to
advertise their product.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, and lastly you were able to share the challenges that you encounter in this
digital era. So during this time, what are you thinking that come up with this kind of answer?

STUDENT 9:I think I come up with that answer po, because I experienced po, and I see hmm other
student or other teenager also experience that somewhat parang overuse the social media. They not
prioritized their academics po.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright! Let’s have the passage number 3. You haven mentioned that it;s all about
change. Just like before there is a strong woman or a strong person na parang dati ang dami nyang

kinakatakutan. Dati ang dami nyang kahinaan but he/she is really strong person. How did you come up
with this answer?

STUDENT 9:Parang dun po sa poem, parang may nakita po ako na parang uhm, parang nabasa or
naintidhin na before a lot of weakness and insecurities po or yun nga po parang problems about his/herself
po. But she at the last poem po parang na gets ko po na parang now uhm, na parangkaya nya na
pong tumayo na taas noo, yung nga po taas noo. Tapos uhm parang wala na nga po syang insecurities or
kahinaan po.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright. Aside from that, you have mentioned that parang wala siyang kinakatakutan
na she’s really a strong person because of his/her past experience. And then I told you that it’s a good
interpretation for sme questions that you were able to answer. According to you the persona in the poem
can be the reader. It could be the speaker and then, pwede rin po yung mga tao na katulad sa poem. How
did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 9:Parang ung, gumawa po ng poem na yun parang hindi, she not just tell what is his
experience parang other people experience po. Siya po yung naging tulay to express po yung nararanasan
nya as well as nararanasan ng ibang tao.

MAAM LESLIE: You have mentioned about literary devices or figures of speech like onomatopeia,
alliteration and what else. You’ve mentioned the theme of the poem that what we can experience from
the past you can be a strong person now. Because of your past experience. According to you the moral
or lesson of the poem is all about it’s just like the theme in the poem. How did you come up with this

STUDENT 9:Uhm, parang I come up po parang kasi sinasabi, kasi parang pagkakaintindi ko nga po dun
sa poem na kaya ayun po yung naging lessons na pwede tayong parang maging mahina, ayun nga po
parang maging mahina from the past expeirne nga po na, na parang insecurities or parang problem from
the past po. Pero yung titingnan po sa lahat ng yun merong pagbabago kailangan mo magstay sa past,
kaialgan mo mag look froward para sa future. So, uhm parang you changed yourself na parang wag
maging weak, parang maging strong kasi parang uhm you parang ano po magkakron pa po ng hindi
parang hndi lang po yun ang problema na darating sayo or magcchallenge sayo, kundi madami pa po in
the future. So you need to be strong po.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright! Let’s move on to passage number 4. You have mentioned that you agree that
there are events that we need to persuade people to believe in you. How did you come up with that

STUDENT 9:Hmm just ano ppo parang what I’ve experienced, parang gusto -- a lot of people want to,
want people to believe what they are saying parang lahat naman po tayo parang may gusto na naniniwala
po sa atin.

MAAM LESLIE: In the ethos, pathos and logos, you mentioned that you need to be sincere just like
the logos about giving data, information which are based on facts. How did you say with those

STUDENT 9:If you kasi maam, if you’re sincere in what you are saying, madali mo po mappersuade
yung mga tao lalo na po pag you parang uhm parang napersuade nyo po through emotions po nila.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright, You have mentioned that if these 3 tools will be utilized or merge the more
chances that people will believe in you. So,how did you come up with that answer?

STUDENT 9:Because if you uhm parang if uhm, parang if ano po Maam, if you parang nahikayat nyo
po yung emotions nya. Nag bigay pa po kayo ng mga data or proof po mas madali nyo pa po siyang

MAAM LESLIE: Alright. For my last question, you were able to summarize the listening passage, what
are your techniques in summarizing or paraphrasing the content of the listening passage?

STUDENT 9:Uhm yung technique ko lang po ay parang uhm, kunin mo lang po yung mahalagang

information dun po hindi po lahatkukunin. Parang pinaka main or pinakamahalagang information po.

MAAM LESLIE: So, congrats Gerlyn. I would like to know what are the benefits now to you as a
student, the use of think-aloud protocol?

STUDENT 9:Yung benefits po nya Maam kaya parang sinabi ko po nung una yung critical thinking nyo
po ay maiimprove pati yung reading comprehension nyo po. Kaya parang uhm, hindi pag nagbabasa ka,
hindi ka lang po parang, yung dun sa text parang hindi po kayo magffocus lang dun po. Mag ffocus lang
po kayo dun sa kung ano yung gusto sabihin ng author kasi like uhm, minsa po like what I experience.
Sometimes I read lang po yung text hindi ko po masyadong naiintindihan lalo na po kapag may mga
words po na bago sa akin uh - parang mag ffocus nalanag po ako to find the denifinition of nung mga
words na yun. Pag at the end po ng mabasa ko po yung text uh - wala po akong naintidihan, but if you
will use the think aloud strategy parng by paragraph you will understand because like sasabihin po parang
masasabi ko po na parang confusing po like you will parang uulit ulitin nyo po hanggang sa magets nyo
po. Ganun po.

MAAM LESLIE: In passage 1, these are your answers. According to you, you think that there
is good artist who has this revolutionary attitude. So during that time, how did you come up
with this answer?

STUDENT 10: Hmm while ano po, uh -- hmm, why while I read the passage po hmm,

MAAM LESLIE: While reading you were able to answer this. Let’s have other answers that
you expressed. I asked you if you encounter any accident in your life. And then you told me
some of your experiences how did you come up with this answer? What are you thinking during
that time?

STUDENT 10:Hmm my thinking po uhm, your ano po, your questions I;’ll answer that time
and I -- hmm, I remember that my accident po.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright! I also asked you about your idea about revolution. If there is a
revolution, if there is an order , what are the actions that usually display during revolution and
you told me that it’s about fighting. In that case, you disagree about that you cannot enter in
this revolutionary. And I asked you about your personal experience about the war. You think
this only in the war, that you encounter revolutionary. You told me that you also encounter
revolutionary in school. How did you come up with this answer Carl, that you encounter
revolution in the school?

STUDENT 10:Hmm while ano uh -- I’ll encounter that while hmm, while my grade are going
down po. I uhm I going hmm, what do you call that?

MAAM LESLIE:Okay carl, it’s still based on your experience. (Yes po) Next. Some questions
to you that you were able to answer. You answer about, what is the selection all about and you
told me that the selection is all about reaction in revolution. How did you come up with this

STUDENT 10:Hmm. I think hmm, I found it in and I realized the in what I read po Maam.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, next. Aside from that I also asked you about, how does the author
being define a revolutionary. Your answer is, it’s about the feelings of what he is writing. And
then the purpose of the author, is to know the other people and to know that he wrote this article.
How did you come up in this answer, Carl?

STUDENT 10:I answer that po while I read the article po uhm. I --

MAAM LESLIE:So meaning to say you based your answer from what you have read in the
article. (Yes Maam. Right po) I also asked you about what other title can you give. And you
answered that the title is the people revolutionist. Why did you come up with this answer? And
what are you thinking during that time?

STUDENT 10:Hmm I thinking po is, the people is uh -- the p eopel is, in the revolution po.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, next Carl. Let’s proceed to passage number 2. You told me that it is
important because of pandemic, computers that we are using now to communicate other people.
How did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 10:Hmm, I come up that answer is, I about in this pandemic po.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, its because of the situation that we are experiencing now. Okay next.
(break) You mentioned that African-American that there is an equal use of technology. And
now I asked you about your reaction in the paragraph, and you told me that this is good because
students need internet connection, you told that computer and internet are important because in
the same group. So, how did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 10:Maam computer and internet is important because the group in what I read po
is --

MAAM LESLIE:Okay it’s still based on what you have read. I also asked you about the
different issues that happened in the selection. You have mentioned about to enhance the
internet access in any group aside from that -- . So you have mentioned about the equal use of
internet and technology. How do you say so? How did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 10:Hmm, tuwing ano po uh -- we need use equal internet because the other group
is hmm, what do you call this?, because other group is for a network po Maam.

MAAM LESLIE:Aside from that, I asked you about some of the challenges that you
encountered in this digital era. You have mentioned that, as a student, the challenges that you
encountered is the poor internet in our country. How do you come up with that answer?

STUDENT 10:Hmm, in ano po uhm, in now uh -- in now situation Maam because of internet

MAAM LESLIE:Thanks Carl. Let’s have passage number 3. You mentioned about recovering
from the shock. And do you agree that things change? That is one of my questions, and you
told me Yes. And then, I asked you to relate that to your experience. According to you, I told
you about your understanding about the poem. And you answered the lines in the poem, I think,
I no longer do I fear, fighting the fear. How will you able to answer this question that it’s all
about fighting your fear.

STUDENT 10:I fighting my fear why I accident po. I fight po.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, based from your experience. I told you that, you mentioned that you
encountered an accident, I asked you what is the connection of that to change? And you
answered that you pray so that one changed your feelings. So what are you thinking during that
time that you answer about, you pray to change your feelings.

STUDENT 10:To -- uhm, to avoid the ano po, to avoid the problems Maam.

MAAM LESLIE:But what are you thinking during that time? That you were able to say those

STUDENT 10:I think hm, as ano po, uhm problem po maam that in accident po, I think po.

MAAM LESLIE:You told me that it’s all about fear, and then, I also asked you who do you
think is the one speaking in the poem? So you told me that, I think it is I, or you, who is speaking
in the poem. How do you say that it is you who is speaking in the poem? How did you come
up in this answer?

STUDENT 10:Hmm, because po uh, about in hmm about in my situation pom, I remember my
accident that time po.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay. I asked you about the lesson/ moral of the poem, and you told me that
it’s all about fighting your fear. How did you come up with that moral or lesson in the poem
that you need to fight your fears?

STUDENT 10:Hmm, to avoid my fears Maam. I fight nalang po.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright, it’s still based on your personal experience. So, let’s move on to
passage 4, which is the listening passage. I told you to explain your understanding. Logos have
strength and use of facts. And use of combination of Ethos, Pathos and logos. So, how did you
come up with this answer?

STUDENT 10:Hmm video clip po, I wrote po in my paper.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, it’s through taking your notes. For your last challenge I asked you to
summarize the listening passage, how were you able to analyze or summarize the passage?
What are your techniques in summarizing the information from the listening passage?

STUDENT 10:Hmm, I combinate the hmm, I combinate my wrote to summarize po.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, aside from that what other techniques did you do to summarize the
listening passage?

STUDENT 10:Hmm, express po the, express the words po to summarize po.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay. Congratulations Carl.

MAAM LESLIE: You have mentioned that there are artist who are considered, I will read your answer,
pwede maging artist at maging mahusay na artist, maisasabuhay natin, then magagamit sa buhay natin.
Pwede rin naman magamit sa karunungan and yung mga problems na yun. So, how did you come up
with this answer? What are you thinking during that time?

STUDENT 11: base lang din po sa kung ano po yung naintindhihan ko kasi parang ano eh kumbaga
naiintidihan ko sya kaso hindi klaro ganun. Tapos yung paulit ulit ko syang binasa parang kung ano lang
yung naiintindihan ko dun. Yun yung ano, yun yung sinasabi ko,yun yung pinapaliwanag ko ganun.
Tapos kpag may isang side ulit na may binasa ulit ako, hala! Parang iba nanaman tapos ayun iaano ko
nalang ulit papaliwnag ko nalang ulit kung ano yung kadugtong. Ganun po.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright! You also have mentioned about the intellectuals for dishonest artist that it’s
just like that tehre are artist who are considered mukhang pera, andthen na may talino at hindi kaso
kumbaga sinungaling. Problem is sometimes alam naman nila ginagawa, and alam din nila yun interest.
So how did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 11: In uh mukhang pera uh -- some artist kasi ano, inaabuse nila yung ano yung position nila
ganun po as a artist.,Then ginagamit nila yun, they use their position in the bad way. Yun kaya nasabi ko

na ano, na yung ibang artist is mukhang pera.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright. You also mentioned that, why did you say that the real problem of the
intellectual is, being an honest person is about their goals, yung mga bagay na mahalaga sa kanya. How
did you come up with that answer?

STUDENT 11: Hmm, uh - like what i uh just like uh mukhang pera nasa tao kasi kung they will be a
honest for their job or for their position ganun. So ayun, nasa kanila kung magiging honest ba sila sa ano
nila, sa position. Yun po. Hehe hay nako!

MAAM LESLIE: Okay. Just relax. So you also mentioned that the point of view of the person tapos
lahat ng pananaw natin is good kasi may kanya kanya tayong pananaw. And you also mentioned that
kuing nakakatulong ba talaga or nakakbuti ba siya sa iba. (read again) How did you come up with that

STUDENT 11: Hmm, based po, based in uh pananaw sa buhay ng ano, ano nga yun? Ano tawag sa
english? Uh based on ano nga po, uh -- nakalimutan ko yung english nya. Yun nga po pananaw sa buhay
kasi magkaiba iba tayo diba. So yung mgagawa nalang natin is to respect the ano, the yung pananaw ng
ibang tao, ganun, Syempre iuplift din natin yung atin, ganun tapos yung ano din ng iba. Basta yun.

MAAM LESLIE: You also have mentioned that kailangan natin maitindihan na merong mga tao na
nahihirapan na maitindihan yung point of view mo, so if you are confused sa pinaglalaban mo. so what
are you thinking during that time that you come up with this kind of answer?

STUDENT 11: Hmm like what i said nga po, we have our different point of view na yung iba uh hindi
din natin maintindihan kaya yung point of view nila. Kaya kailangan nalang natin respetuhin kaya,sila
rin naman minsan hindi din nila maintindihan yung point of view natin, kaya kailangan nalang ng respect
sa pananaw natin sa isa’t isa ganun po. Kasi may kanya kanya -- (cleared her throat)

MAAM LESLIE: Alright, so you also have mentioned that it is easy to appreciate kapag inayos or
inanalyze mo yung mga cases na hindi madaling ayusin. So meron daw catholic writer meron siyang
worry to speak in clarification. And then ganun din kung gusto nya magtanong sa kung ano yung
pagkakaunawa or interpretation sa problem. Nanghingi siya ng idea sa ibang tao. How did you come up
with this answer, Angelica?

STUDENT 11: Hmm based lang din po sa binasa ko. Sinasabi din uh eh - dun na uhm hmm, meron daw,
there have a catholic writer naguguluhan siya ganun, humingi siya ng ano, tulong sa iba nyang member,
ganun po.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, next! It’s more on translation ang ginawa mo. It’s more on translation of your
understanding. Let’s have some of your answers about the questions. You said that the selection is all
about the revolutionaries and artist and writers. How did you come up with this answer, Angelica?

STUDENT 11: Kasi hmm, yun po yung mas pinapa ano, mas topic po dun lagim, ganun, sa revolution
kaya nasabi ko na uh revolution, ganun.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay next. According to you, the purpose of the author is to express yourself as a
revolution and to be honest. And then if you an honest person and then kung anong intellectual na meron
ka sa pagiging revolutionary. So why did you answer this, Angelica that this is the purpose of the author?

STUDENT 11: Hmm I based lang din naman po sa ano, dun nga po samga sinabi po sa, or sa kung ano
yung binasa ko. Sa tingin ko po yan po yung pinapahiwatig nya, yung nagiging sagot ko.

MAAM LESLIE: So I told you if you consider yourself as revolutionist or revolutionary, and you said
yes. Because in your point of view you are fighting and the point of view that you respect, that the best
solution is yourself on that point of view. How did you come up with that answer? That you consider
yourself a revolutionist. What are you think during that time?

STUDENT 11: Hmm, iniisip ko nalang nun makasagot, (laughed) Hmm, ano kasi masasabi ko na na,
kasama ako sa mga revolutionsit kasi nga diba meron tayong kanya kanyang point of view. Tapos

ginagamit yung point of view na yun para mabago yung, uh pananaw natin sa buhay kung paano tayo
lumalaban, ganun. Syempre meron din yung ibnag tao pero respeto nalang nga. pero as a ano, as yourself,
as a person, ganun uh yun nga masasabi ko na kasama ako sa mga revolutionist ano, nabubuhay pa ako,
I’m alive, still fighting or my dreams for my family. Ganun Po.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright, let’s have passage number 2. About information technology. According to
you, you believe that technology influenced the way many of us live and work today. And especially the
lifetime today more on circle in technology just what you have said. And lahat ng pwede nating gawin
like, mapapadali because of technology. How did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 11: Uh based, reality na rin po kasi yun po yung nangyayari, ganun po.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay. and then you also mentioned about the population about using the internet and
then, this is more on facts. You've mentioned that example private an public those who have more
income, mas malaki yung pera na ginagagamit na ginagastos. Sa public, walang internet more on visual,
utak utakan ganun, hindi yung more internet nalang kinukuha yung sagot. Yan yung mga low income.
So walang kakayanang gumastos para sa pag aaral. So what are you thinking during that time that you
answered the following about the public and private?

STUDENT 11: Yung text po kasi is ano siya eh, ano income, yung high income, low income parang
naisip ko dun na ano, maybe it’s all about education status ganun po kasi, kasi ano eh yung yung high
income kaya nilang mag ano, gumastos ng malaki para sa pag aaral nila. Tapos yung low income ano
yung mga public lang po, nakaasa lang din po sa government yung ano po kasimore visual. Wala rin po
kasi talagang ano kaya marami rin po na student na nahihirapan ganunpo kasi yun nga lang po, kahit
baon nahihirapan pa sila kumuha sa parent nila kasi hirap po. Tapos yung dun po sa high, madali lang
po parang ano, ginagamit po nila yung internet kahit saan saan nalang po nakukuha ganun, tapos basta
po basic lang po sa kanila yung maka graduate lang po sa kanila gamit yung pera. Ganun po.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, so aside from that you have mentioned the assistance of computer and internet
your knowledge must improve. And in this paragraph you said that technology is the tool for learning.
TO be able for students to learn para mas matuto sila na mas mapalawak yung kakayahan at karunungan.
For example, in this pandemic the use of gadget. And Then you mentioned about the vlogger gumagawa
ng content and then, you mentioned about, this will serve as tool of learning and knowledge and more
benefits. What are you thinking during this time Angelica that you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 11: Yung tanong po kasi ano, how awareness yung halaga ng technology. Naisip ko po yun
nga po panunuod po ng youtube, ganun po, kasi totoo naman po na may nakukuha kahit ako mismo yung
panunuod ko po sa youtube ng ano, alam mo ba, ganun kasi meron po akong content dun na natapos
ayun. Marami po siyang ano, kaalaman about sa buong mundo po ganun na hindi ko po alam. Kaya
nakakatulong po para matake advantage po yun hindi din nakakaalam. Tapos masasabi ko po na ganito
ganyan ayun po. Masshare ko rin po yung knowlegde na nakuha ko rin po tulong ng technology and
internet. Yun po.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright. There are some questions that you answered, and then one of this questions
is what cultural issues may have influenced or challenge the author, so for you your answer is kapag mali
ang gamit ng technology the site. For you is that really the author is talking about maling pag gamit ng
technology. If you will go back with your answer, are you sure this is the challenge and influence or the
issue that inspire the author?

STUDENT 11: Hmm yung sagot ko po kasi na ano, na yung problem, yung ganun yung issue kapag yun
nga po kapag inabuso. Pero yung sa ano siguro po dun po sa sinasabi ng author, sinasabi po nya kung
magbabago ng technology yung pamumuhay ng mga tao, ganun po. Kasi po diba, ganun na po sa same
ko po na teenagers, kasi po ung, kahit po yung mas nakakabata po sa akin, kagaya po kung paano nabago
po yung buhay nila. Kagaya po na kabataan po ngayon na dati po masaya na naglalro sa labas, na
nakkatulong po para maging healthy po yung, healthy living po, ganun po. Tapos po ngayon po,
mas more on gadgets, kaya ko po nasabi na naabuse na po yung pag gamit ng ano --

MAAM LESLIE: What do you think, that is really the purpose of the author or that one really challenged
the author based from the text? Or it’s just only your understanding?

STUDENT 11: Based lang din po sa understanding ko po.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright, let’s have the third one, the poem Change. In this poem, you have mentioned
that, lahat daw ng bagay nagbabago. Lahat ng bagay ay nagbabago parang feeling nya. May mga bagay
na maddiscover tayo mga bagay na di natin inaasahan. So, Angelica, how did you come up with this
answer? How were you thinking during that time?

STUDENT 11: Hmm, uh - ano po uh, inano ko lang tinranslate ko lang. Uh ano eh, ano kasi poem siya
eh parang ang lalim lalim ng kahulugan, hindi ko siya masyadong naintindihan kaya yun nalang po yung
sa tingin ko -- ganun. YUn po sinagot ko.

MAAM LESLIE: When you say, lahat daw ng bagay bagay nag babago, where did you get this answer?
Or where did you based your answer?

STUDENT 11: Yun things changed po, no longer do I.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, so, you have mentioned that, yung takot ko na to, hindi ito magtatagal pag
tumakbo ako sa Panginoon para madalangin. (manalangin). How did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 11: Ah dun po sa ano, fire of prayer in my mouth, tapos no longer between my teeth. Parang
ano po uh, ayun nga po uh, kasi, parang ano eh, parang meron ano sa ano nya, ano ba yun? Parang nasa
isa siyang sitwasyon na, na ano wala na siyang matakbuhan tapos nagpray lang siya. Ganun po.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright! And then you have mentioned that, yung mga pagsubok or pinagdadaanan
na meron ka ngayon at takot na nararamdaman ko at sa mga nasakto ko, ganun is mawawala din. Yung
mga nakagawian ko na di maganda ay pwedeng magamit or pwedeng mabago using prayers. So, what
are you thinking Angelica that you said these things? In coming up with this answer?

STUDENT 11: Yung inanuhan ko po, kasi yung kakatapos lang po is na prayer, tapos no longer no
longer does a falling frighten me. Uh ano po yung mga pagsubok po yung ginawa kong example po
ganun kasi without prayer din po kasi ano, naliligaw din po tayo kasi nakakagawa na po tayo ng mga
bagay na hindi pala maganda. Tapos kapag naano natin yung presence ni God tapos nagpray tayo
mababago po yun. Ganun po.

MAAM LESLIE: I also have some questions, just like, what is the poem all about? You have said that
it’s all about fears or kung ano man yung pagsubok na meron ka at using by prayers malalagpasan ko
yun. Okay? Aside from that , who do you think is talking in the poem? So you said that it’s
yourself, why? How did you say taht it is you who is talking in the poem?

STUDENT 11: Kasi, uhm, nakikita ko rin po yong sarili ko sa poem kasi yung author or oo, yung author
na nagsulat nun is pwede din na, masasabi ko din na, pwede din ako kung ano naexperience ko po yung
naexperience nya. Kumbaga naffeel ko siya, ganun.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright, so you have also mentioned the different figures of speech. I told you about
the them,e of the poem, you told me that ano po ba yung theme of the poem? Horror po ba? O di kaya
na prang romance? Spiritual about self, ganun? Okay and then for the moral/ the lesson of the poem,
don’t be afraid and just pray and believe in God. kasi kung ano man yung pagsubok na nararamamdaman
na nangyayari, yung mga pagsubok o fears na nararamdaman mo ay hindi siya magtatagal. So, how did
you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 11: Uh, based lang din po sa experience po, ganun po. Nakarelate po dun sa binasa po.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright, let’s have the last passage now. You have mentioned that the different point
of view. You have told me, for example sa pathos is yung mga batang walang makain in country of
Africa, children there are lack of foods so lahat sila lack of food. Pinapakita talaga yung pamumuhay
nila. You also mentioned some vitamins like vaccine. How did you come up with this answer, Angelica?

STUDENT 11: Uh based lang din po sa kuing ano po yng nakikita ko sa environment natin. Kung ano
po yong ethos, pathos, ayun po. Kung paano po siya umiikot sa ano natin, na ganun pala may iba’t ibang
palang tawag dun. Tapos, yun gumawa nalang din po ako ng mga example. Para maliwanagan po yung

pagkakaiba ng mga yun.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright! Next, that’s your interpretation. And I asked you that you have to summarize
the passage. How did you summarize the passage?

STUDENT 11: Hmm, ano po pinagsama sama ko lang po.

MAAM LESLIE: What else? What are some of your techniques in summarizing?

STUDENT 11: Analyze. Inalyze ko po simula po sa ganun sa Ethos, hanggang sa Pathos, yun po. Uh -

MAAM LESLIE: Alright, Congratulations Angelica. For you what is the benefit of the think-aloud
protocol to you as a student. Does it help you? What are the benefits that you can say to me right now
using think-aloud protocol in reading. Does it help you? Or what are some of this benefit.

STUDENT 11: Ayun po protocol, ano yun protocol?

MAAM LESLIE: Think aloud protocol. The application of the technique, you are verbalizing what you
are saying. Does it help you? What are the benefits for you?

STUDENT 11: Hmm, ano po magkaroon ng confidence sa sarili kasi lalo na po uh ang shyny (or shy
type) po ako at hindi po talaga mahilig magsalita, oo yun. Hindi mahilig magsalita at lack of confident
po na may ibang makakakita or makakabasa nung ganyan na ganito ako magbasa, at ganun ako
makaintindi, ganun po. Ayun nakka ano po siya, nakakatulong po siya para magkaroon ng para ibuild po
yung confident. Tsaka para ihasain po yung pag iisip po na, uh - makadiscover na sa sarili na, Ah! Kaya
ko rin pala kahit papano. Ganun po.


MAAM LESLIE: One of your answers, for instance here in paragraph 2, you told me that
you’re not familiar with missionary artist. And then, you also expressed that you are nervous
while analyzing the paragraph. Here in paragraph 3, you’re saying that it’s all about pertaining
to you if you have a goal and objective as an artist who do not have revolutionary attitude. So
how did you come up with this answer that some artist don’t have this revolutionary attitude?

STUDENT 12: Sa tingin ko po ano, pag may, pag may objective or goal silang mindset parang
magkakaroon po sila ng malawak na ano -- na kaisipan tungkol dun sa gagawin nilang ganun

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, next, in paragraph 4 you said that, you should have that in every
action, ginagawa natin, we need to be become careful. That in every action that we are going
dapat nating inalyze sa sarili kung mabuti or hindi or makatutulong. And you also answered
that, we analyze the good so like it’s just like a problem, that for instance this challenges that
we experience even though we are down with the problem, we need to analyze and what are
some of the solutions that we can provide? And then, in this paragraph you have a lot of
reflections? What are you thinking during that time that you were able to answer like this?

STUDENT 12:Sa tingin ko po ano, kasi yung passage na yun parang ano, parang parang
nagrelect sa akin kaya nasagot ko po yung ganyang sagot, parang may ano sa akin, tawag dun?

MAAM LESLIE:Alright, you are somewhat leading it to yourself.

STUDENT 12:Parang ganun po.

MAAM LESLIE:And then aside from that you also explained this sentence, we know that we
can have to think aboout the people before we think about ourselves, the only attitude that can

be define this revolutionary attitude is that you experience that situation na parang mas uunahin
mo pa yung mga kailangan mong unahin kesa sarili natin. And then you gave some examples
based from your experience. So how did you come up with this kind of answer?

STUDENT 12:Hmm same as kaganina lang po kasi parnag related po ako sa ano nayun, kaya
po nasagot ko yun.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright! Next. In paragraph 10, you expressed your understanding that even
though you are not a revolutionary artist or writers you can still express yourself even to
yourself. You also mentioned that, revolution and artist are connected to each other because
revolution or artist can express themselves through other people in real situation. You expressed
the following. Most of the writers can express themselves. Aside from that the revolution or the
artist can tell their people the real situation. So how did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 12:Hmm, for me po kasi kapag sinabing even though revolutionary artist ka or
hindi, ano as long as na may matutulong ka sa iba sa kapaligiran natin, why not diba? Ganun.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright. You are trying to elaborate your answer. But how did you come up
with that answer? What are your basis for saying this explanation?

STUDENT 12:Hmm. for me po ano, for me as uhm kaya po nasagot ko po yung sagot na
yan is katulad ko po hindi po ako uhm revolutionary artist, ano uhm - hmm,

MAAM LESLIE:What are you thinking that time that you were able to answer that? What are
your basis aside from your personal explanation? Because you are trying to reflect on your
answer, but what is your basis?

STUDENT 12:Hmm, yung ano po yung mismong ano, yung uh -- (hummed) yung ano po aside
from my ano nakikita ko po sa paligid ko. Mga ganun po.

MAAM LESLIE:Good, okay next! You also answered some of the questions, like this, what
is the selection all about, for you the selection all about the writer who can think about the
description in the selection. And you think he describes that the revolution can happen and also
the characteristics of being a revolutionary artist. So with that, how did you come up with this

STUDENT 12:Ano po parang yun po yung naintindihan ko po sa binasa ko po kaya nasagot

ko po yun.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright! Next, I also asked you about if you consider yourself as a
revolutionist or revolutionary and according to you, you answered yes, because I want today
we know that there’s a lot if things happen, and I want to help and change just to lesson the
problem that we experience. That’s why you consider yourself a revolutionary. During this
time, what are you thinking? How did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 12:Hmm, can we po ano, na parang ano ko po yung ano dyan is, ano -- nasabi ko
po yan kasi parang nararanasan po natin yung ganyang situation kaya ayun po. Gusto ko po
maging ganun.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright. Based from your experience. And then, I asked you also to give
other title to the article, and you told me that your title is The Impact of Revolution. How do
you come up with this answer, that your title is The Impact of Revolution?

STUDENT 12:Sa totoo po, wala po talaga ako maisip na title kaya po yun nasagot ko.

MAAM LESLIE:Yes, but then, how did you come up with that title?


MAAM LESLIE:Of course we cannot give a certain title if we don’t have basis, right? So how
did you come up with that title?

STUDENT 12:Sa tingin ko po parang, yung nga po parang sinabi nyo po nuong nakaraan na
sa research, yun po. Struggle din po ako sa research kaya yun po nilagay ko, The Impact --

MAAM LESLIE:Alright. For passage 2, you explained the effects of the technology. How did
you come up with that kind of title?

STUDENT 12:Sa tingin ko po ano, hmm, based on a kaya ko po nasagot yang title na yan kasi,
ginagamit po siya sa araw araw eh.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright, next! You also mentioned your understanding about paragraph 1.
That it is true because nowadays we use a lot of technology specifically we use it in our daily
basis. And then you also answered that you think this paragraph describes what technology is.
And what technology we use to look and apply for job. So during that time, what are you
thinking and how did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 12:Hmm kasi po yung ano for example yung, kasi based on my ano po, experience
po na ginagamit ko po yung google or ano or -- para makuha ng ano, idea, ganun po.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright next! In paragraph 2, you incorporate your interpretation. You also
give your analysis in paragraph 3. In 4th paragraph you were able to explain that there is
discrimination that happened. Especially when we talked about the degree that they were able
to finish. So, how did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 12:Maam?

MAAM LESLIE:How did you come up with this answer? In this paragraph 4 about

STUDENT 12:Kasi po based po dun sa paragraph 4, pagkakaintindi ko po dun ano, may parang
conflict sa dalawang ano, dalawang parang ano ba yun? Dalawang panig parang ganun po.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright and then, you also mentioned about school who don’t have internet
connection and they differ in their income. And even the numbers of classrooms with internet
connection. And aside from that, in the last paragraph you agree to that statement that
technology is one tool that gave us knowledge. But technology, we know that technology is
giving us knowledge and we should still use books for us to be guided and we should use
technology but in moderation or but with limitation according to your answer. So how did you
come up with this answer?

STUDENT 12:Kasi po sa ano, sa ngayon po kaya po nasagot ko yan, lahat po parang halos
lahat po tayo nagamit na ng technology. Parang hindi na natin inaano yung mga libro. Hindi na
natin parang nagamit kaya nasagot ko yun dapat may limitation parin tayo sa pag gamit ng
technology kasi parang ano rin yun, disadvantages sa atin. Ganun po.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright, next! You also answered some of the questions. I asked you what
cultural issues may have influenced, challenged or inspired the author, so according to you, one
of the cultural issues that inspire the author in this passage is for us to become enlighten in the

use of technology. So for you how did you come up with this answer that this is one thing the
author may inspired?

STUDENT 12:Hmm, for me po ano kaya po nasagot ko yan, ano, hmm, hmm, uhm based on
ano po yata, based on my ano po my --- hmm parang nag come up po ako sa sagot na yan kasi
based po yan sa akin. Parang ganun po na kailangan din natin ano - maliwanagan or ano, kung
ano ba ang gamit ng technology. Ganun po.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay. so last one for this passage, I told you about the challenges that you
encounter in this digital era, and then for you it’s a challenge and you also mentioned that you
need to acknowledge the source of the author. And you mentioned about plagiarism. So what
are you thinking during that time? How did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 12:Kasi po ano, kaya po nasagot ko yan kasi na based din po sa akin po, minsan
kapag kumukuha po ako ng mga ideas sa internet, sometimes hindi ko po nalalagya kung
kaninong sources ba yun or reference. Kaya nasagot ko yun para ieducate pa po yung taona
maglagay ng sources or reference, yun nga po, pwede kang kasuhan or pwede kang pong ma
ano dahil sa plagiarism, ganun po.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, done with passage number 2. Let’s move to the poem. For you
ginamitan siya ng hyperbole because something that is impossible to happen. So, how did you
come up with this answer?

STUDENT 12:Hmm ano po, kaya po sagot ko yan because it’s based on my experience po na
parang yung sentence na yun is narelated po ako dun.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright. Next. You also expressed about simile, and then Newton as a habit
of centuries inhabits my skull. So, what made you think that this is simile? How did you come
up in that answer, in the lines in the poem?

STUDENT 12:Sa tingin ko po kasi ginagamitan siya ng ‘as’ kaya nasagot ko po yung simile.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay next. You told me that the word chnage is something that you
experience. So the title change sa tingin mo, is your experience, you experience change na
nabago po yung sarili ko. And then, its all about changing yourself. So how did you come up
in this answer?

STUDENT 12:Hmm, for me po ano, parang ano lang ganun lang din po, kaya ko po nasagot
yan kasi related po sa akin. Parang may, may --- ano po sa akin may dating po sa akin.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright! You also mentioned that the line about, the fire of prayer in mouth,
is sa tingin mo recovering from the shock. And then, I think yung experience mo according to
you that, huge branch falling at my feet is the one thing that you experienced nung dumating
yung malaking problema sa buhay mo. And then, for example your problem in recovering, so
how did you come up in this answer?

STUDENT 12:Hehe hmm,

MAAM LESLIE:What are you thinking during that time?

STUDENT 12:During that time po parang, mas ano po yung, mas nasa isip ko po parang yung
mga problema po sa buhay yung naiisip ko po. Kaya yun po nasagot ko, yung mga problems.
Ganun po.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, next! And then, I asked you since you encountered that problem, how
did you overcome? You told me that mas maging matatag kasi pagsubok lang. All the things
that we experience, you should go with the flow and it should give us motivation to solve that
problem. And we should be stronger, okay? So how did you come up with that answer?

STUDENT 12:Ano po uh - parang for me po parang nasa isip ko dyan is, ano may sa tingin ko
po ano, hmm -- yung uh, for me ano, hmm kasi may ano parang may guide po ako. Example si
God po, kaya po sagot ko yan kasi alam ko na he is there. He is always with us whatever
na challenges na we encounter basta ano, kumapit lang sa kanya. Ganun po.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, nice. We’ll proceed now in some of your answers in the poem. I asked
you who is the persona or the speaker in the poem, and then you answered that you are
the one speaking in the poem. So how did you come up with that answer?

STUDENT 12:Ano po, kasi po ano feeling ko po ako yung, nararanasan, feeling ko
po sa poem na yun naranasan ko po kaya nasabi ko pong ako yung ano dun, yun po.

MAAM LESLIE:So you can somehow relate. I told you about the theme and the lesson in the
poem. You have mentioned that even though you have a problem that came into your life, you
need to be strong. And then the keyword is the word change. You think that change is the key
to overcome your problem. So how did you come up in this answer?

STUDENT 12:Hmm, sa tingin ko po kasi ano, yun nga po, naexperience ko po yun kaya, na
experience ko po yung problems or challenges na yun kaya I can relate po dun sa ano, opo.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, next. Let’s have the last one. It is all about

STUDENT 12:Persuasion.

MAAM LESLIE:Yes, it is all about persuasion. According to you persuasion is just like
convincing someone and then if you convinced someone based from the audio clip, there are
tools of persuasion. And yu explain that pathos is connected to with audience’ emotion. It also
persuade someone with emotion. Ethos is tool of persuasion wherein you persuade someone
na sincere and you should be true to what you are saying. The last one is you pronounced logos
as latos, the evidence are arguments that are convincing. You are trying to persuade someone
to buy your product. So how did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 12:Based po sa audio, yun parang yan yung tsaka, nag take notes po ako ng mga
nasabi dun sa audio kaya I think yun po yung pagkakaintindi ko dun sa ano, sa audio.

MAAM LESLIE:Aside from that, I asked you to summarize the listening passage. How do
you come up with this summary? Can you share to me your strategies for summarizing the
listening passage?

STUDENT 12:Hmm, for me po ano, hmm -- for me, ano po, I come up with that summary po
kasi, hmm mas parang mas point lang po natin yung ano, kung ano yung mas important detail
lang po parang ganun.

MAAM LESLIE:Aside from the important detail do you have other strategies for coming with
this summary?

STUDENT 12: Ano po, thinking.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay. Congratulations.

MAAM LESLIE: In the 1st paragraph, according to you there can be of course artist and good artist who
can do resolution and then in war or sigalot. Sa isang group attitude towards life. And presently group of artist
and intellectuals the resolution constitute a problem. So in this part, these are your answers, so how did you
come up in this answer?

STUDENT 13: hmm maam kasi that time Maam ano, yun lang yung pumasok sa, based dun sa binasa ko, yun
lang po yung pumasok sa, naintindihan ko tsaka yun lang po pumasok sa isip ko kaya kung bakit yan po yung
sagot ko. Tas, that time po hindi ko pa po naiintidihan yung iba, y un lang po yung nasagot ko Maam.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, next. You have said that revolutionary is a war. You translate revolution as sigalot,
you said that for you, I learned this text that if you have a goals in life -- . You said that redemption is an act
of saving or living or saving and then, the fellow man that constitutes meaning is being part of the whole object
of the revolution. So how did you come up in this answer? What are your basis.

STUDENT 13:Siguro maam ano, hmm uhm based on the word of redemption. Redemption kasi Maam ano
eh, sa pagkakaintindi ko lang po is, is about uhm, about saving a person? Ganun maam. Fellow man or people.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright. Your key understanding to explain this is the word redemption. And then you have
mentioned that, majority of the people, you are confused with the word exploitation. And you have mentioned
that exploitation is an action of fact of treating someone. You have here the word unpair because we have this
the word oppressed and exploited. And then you have an example that the word of everything is good for them
will be good for us. How did you come up with this answer, Rissa?

STUDENT 13:Based maam dun sa meaning ng exploitation, Maam. Naintindihan kolang po yung meaning
nun kaya dun po ako nag come up ng sagot ko.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright, next! And you have mentioned that, based on your understanding in the text, if
someone hates you be good to them no matter what happen. So what are you thinking during that time? How
did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 13:So ano maam, dun sa binasa ko po na passage na nakalagay po kasi dun eh attitude. Then based
po dun sa thinking of people, thinking to another people, so parang naisip ko po na kapag dun po nakapag
sagot po ako dun na if someone hates you, then be good to them. No matter what happens, dun po naintindihan
ko po na kahit anong mangyari be good to others. Yun, kahit medyo attitude, ganun Maam. hehe

MAAM LESLIE: Okay. And you also have mentioned that we have to analyze the good, the useful and
beautiful of every action. And then you have mentioned na mag mga bagay na ginagawa natin na kailangan
may silbi or kapakipakinabang. And you also mentioned that hindi man kailangan or may mga bagay tayong
nagagawa na hindi man kailangan, nasasayang yung oras, hindi naman kailangan sa pang araw araw na
pamumuhay. So how did you come up in this answer?

STUDENT 13:Uh dun o kasi sa passage na nabasa ko po Maam, nakalagay po dun kasi na uh- ano ba yun?
Meron po kasi ako dun natandaan na, don’t waste basta may specific po dun na don’t waste. Naisip ko na ano,
irelate ko siya sa pang araw araw na buhay na ginagawa natin kasi minsan ay - may bagay tayo nagagawa na
hindi naman important.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright! Okay. And then you have mentioned about tragedy. You said that we fight for
nothing because sometimes we did not understand the feeling of each other. And it has conflict kaya
nagkakaroon tayo ng misunderstanding both side. Sometime we don’t understand the feeling of each other. So
how did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 13:Because sometimes Maam in the word tragedy then dun po dun sa paassage, when someone
understand this nothing left, so hmm uh - then I understand that, uh - dun maam ano, confused pa ako sa
meaning na yun so, naintindihan ko lang Maam na in every tragedy that our encounter, siguro Maam ano kaya
nagkakaroon ng trahedya ano ganun kasi hindi nga po tayo nagkakaintindihan, both side. So, kaya po nag
come up sa ganun answer because sa passage na tragedy, dun lang po ako nagbase sa word na tragedy in
tagalog trahedya.

MAAM LESLIE: Yes. Aside from that, you have mentioned that sometime in our daily life mas naiisip mo
muna yung dumadating sa point na mas naiinisip mo yung sarili mong opinyon bago yung opinion ng iba. So
kung ano yung makakabuti sa akin, pero hindi ako nakikinig sa payo nila pinapakinggan ko yung sariling
opinion. So, how did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 13:Because to the passage of, the word of believing may naka lagay po dun na believe, or believe
yourself the revolutionaries. So, I came up to that answer because in -- expressing myself uh to that passage
or to that word by -- the word of believing in yourself.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright. So aside from that you mentioned your experience. It easy to appreciate when you
are something na di ka guilty sa ginagawa mo kaya sometimes those specific cases are not easy to understand.
Kapag may binibintang sayo na di mo naman talaga ginawa mas mahirap maintindihan or maanalyze yung
mga bagay bagay. How did you come up with this answer? What are you thinking or what do you feel during
that time?

STUDENT 13:I feel that, in that passage, I remember something that I experience to someone. Yes yun po.

MAAM LESLIE: Mostly likely we can relate to the passage. For instance, what do you think is the purpose
of the author, so your answer is, is to know revolutionary, it’s not just a good way but because revolutionary
war kapag pinairal natin yung away. Yung sigalot sa grupo dahil sa hindi natin pagkakaintindihan. So how did
you come up with this answer that you think this is the purpose of the author in writing this article?

STUDENT 13:Because of the word revolutionary. The revolutionary meaning I came up to that answer
because hmm I’m the basis of my answer is revolutionary and I point it out to the revolutionary, dun lang po
ako nag focus. About yea dun lang po ako nag focus, dun sa revolutionary kaya yan lang po naging answer

MAAM LESLIE: Alright. And I asked you if you consider yourself as a revolutionist. And you answer
sometimes, based on the text you have read. And you experience some of being revolutionaries. So how did
you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 13:Yun maam, aaminin ko hindi ko po masyadong naintindihan yung ano, yung tawag dito, yung
pagkakaiba ng revolutionary sa revolutionary --

MAAM LESLIE: Revolutionist is the person. Your answer is correct. Okay so let’s proceed to passage 2. Do
you still remember The Digital, The Challenge of Technology and Equity?

STUDENT 13:Yes about internet.

MAAM LESLIE: So, you have mentioned that, based on your understanding, technology influenced us
because yung mga ginagawa natin. We use the internet to look for a job. We use internet to communicate
instantly. How did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 13:I come up to that answer because to the title of technology? About, internet connection based
lang po dun sa title. Dun lang po ako nag based.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright! Next, you also have mentioned, based on your understanding, you talk about
internet access in urban and rural areas. So hindi sila makapag access gaano ng internet connection. So how
did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 13:Based on uh experience of other people I encounter. Then based on the stories that I read about
urban and rural rather. So I came up to that because about the story yun nga po.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, so by simply relating that to your background knowledge and to the text. You also
mentioned about, how did you come up with this answer that based on your experience, so public schools and
public schools. So why did you mention these examples as your answer? What are you thinking during that

STUDENT 13:Because on how I experience in public school and to my friend uh -- about, my friend talking
to me or sometimes we, ano to, kwentuhan Maam ganun. May friend po kasi ako taga private school and then,
napag usapan natin about private school and public school, ano yung pagkakaiba. So I came up to that answer
because on relating on what other saying and how I experience in public school so yun po.

MAAM LESLIE: Nice that you are connecting that to your parents. So there are also questions in this passage,
and I asked you, what is the selection all about and you mentioned about degree of technology. And for
political or socio-economic status, you mentioned that in this time of technology, students are not available to
access by their own computers. You also mentioned some of your experience during this digital era and what

are your challenges. So you have mentioned that, umaasa sa technology, hindi na pinapahalagahan yung mga
books. So what are you feeling that time, and how did you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 13:By uhm by observing Maam to some few students and to my classmates. A few ago, I
encounter uh about dun sa, ano ba to? Module namin Maam. Lahat kasi ng answer nya, ano hindi ko naman
kinopy, ay may selection, may activity lang na hindi ko lang naintindihan and I -- I want to see that then, I ano
to? Then pinic (picture maybe?) nakita ko po puro, puro research po sa google hindi na po kasi nakabased sa
ano, medyo naging malawak yung answer nya dahil sa pagsearch sa google. Kaya I encounter that answer
because some students are uh yung nga po, mas umaasa nalang sa technology.

MAAM LESLIE: Definitely. Let’s look at your answers in passage 3, which is the poem about, Change. You
have told me na lahat nagbabago so based on your understanding, things change like people, so not all are
permanent. You also said that, for example it’s just like a problem, mabigat na problema na bumabato sayo.
And kahit anong problema kailangan natin magkaroon ng pananalig sa Diyos. During that time what do you
feel Rissa and how did you come up with that answer?

STUDENT 13:I come up with that answer because I have full of pananalig sa Diyos, wow. Kapag meron po
akong problem I pray lang po to God. And, bangon lang din be happy tapos, hmm ano naman po eh, massurvive
mo naman po yung isang problem basta uhm you always center the God. yun po kaya I came up to that answer
because based on hmm experience lang din po.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright. Next. There are some questions that I asked you. I asked you, who do you think is
the person talking in the poem and you answered that, the persona in the text or speaking in the poem is, he/she
who has this hard problem that he.she encountered in life. So how did you come up with that answer?

STUDENT 13:Siguro maam ano, uh - based sa, based on the poem, that I read 2 days ago. Hmm, hehe --

MAAM LESLIE: You have mentioned that the one who is talking int he poem is the one who encountered
big problem. So how did you come up with that answer? Based from?

STUDENT 13:Based from I read and how I understand the text. On how he or he? How he/she expressing
about the poem or the text that he/she do.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, you also mentioned some of the figures of speech. I also asked you about the theme
of the poem. And your answer is change. For the moral or lesson of the poem, if you based on your opinion,
if you have problem like in the poem, don’t lose hope and prayer to God and all th problems, lahat ng problem
na dumating sa buhay mo makakaya mo. So how did you come up with that answer?

STUDENT 13:So based on, uh - based po sa experience then sa on how I understand the text, dun po sa
change. For problems, meron dun po kasi isang word of text na uh - under his feet, so pumasok po sa isip ko
na, fall into his feet, under his feet, so naisip ko po na baka yung author or gumawa ng poem na yun is
maraming problem. And then he expressing that by using or doing uhm, poem. So I encounter to that answer,
because dun nga po sa ano uh -- dun sa text or sa poem na ginawa nya. Dun lang po ako nagbase.

MAAM LESLIE: (no sound from Maam Leslie) The last passage is the listening passage. You have
mentioned about the persuasion. According to you the example of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos based on your
understanding and you mentioned about the commercial of soap and how we convinced someone. So how did
you come up with this answer?

STUDENT 13:I come up to that answer on how I understand and hear the passage. Uhm the point of view
that uh that she use some ano example about Lethos, Pathos and Ethos. On how I remember on hmm -- kung
ano lang po yung naintindihan ko dun sa passage na yun, yun lang po yung ginawa kong basis. And yan po
yung naging sagot ko Maam.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay. Aside from that I asked you to summarize the listening passage, can you tell me
what are your strategy that you were able to summarize, what did you do?

STUDENT 13:Hmm, I do, I do by listening the text. I summarized on how the -- on the how text I hear. And
i based on the girl, the voice of the girl. She giving examples.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay. one more questions, Rissa. How did think aloud protocol help you to understand the
different text? Does it help you as a reader? The think aloud protocol?

STUDENT 13:Yes Maam.

MAAM LESLIE: So after that, what are some of the challenges din that you encountered. Let’s start with the
advantage on your part.

STUDENT 13: Advantage uhm think aloud, uh -- I’m very happy to, to -- give opportunity to, to know the
think aloud. Based on my opinion, think aloud is also uh discussed the significance of the method on
how you, to plan? Plan uh and think aloud session is uhm students gain most useful and information. And also
think aloud measure the reader on how he read uh properly and how to improve the reader on how he read the
text. And also, uh, also provide information on the beliefs and feelings and reading and the actual reading
behaviors. And also in their ano ba to? On think aloud is hmm, the method was use to uh investigate the
reading process. Yun lang maam.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, Congratulations Rissa!

MAAM LESLIE: The Digital Challenge of Technology and Equity. According to you, we use
technology for our communication in everyday life. And we cannot communicate to every
people who are really far from us we don’t have technology. You have mentioned about
communication with your classmates, your teachers, to your best friend, yun yung interpretation
mo to paragraph 1. So, how did you come up with that answer, Kim? What are your basis in
coming up with this answer in this paragraph?

STUDENT 14: Hmm ano po Maam, siguro Maam ano, everyday life ko pong ginagawa yun,
so kaya yun po agad yung pumasok sakin, sa isip ko. We cannot communicate nga naman if
we don’t have technology.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright. Aside from that, you have mentioned that, internet is getting wider
and it also found in the 6% of population in the developing country. So, in this paragraph you
were able to explain the information or the statistics. And then, you have mentioned about, so
there is what you called a problem about poor country. You cannot go to school or the education
is poor a problem, interesting probling to research about their culture and the way of their living.
African people, considered as poor country. How di you come up with this answer?

So, according for me Maam uh if you search, uh if you will study about our country or a lot of
country, African is the one that cannot be uh - communicate hmm as well. They cannot ano,
ano ba? Hmm they are poor for study, cannot speak uh -- right, they don’t know what is the
education mean. Parang ganun po yun Maam.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright, next! You also have mentioned about, it also depend on the school
if there’s a big income. And in Dalig National High School you think that there’s a great income
so they can affor the needs of every student. So example, in Dalig, if you are connecting to
technology they can affor dthe wifi, the TV, for food tech student they can afford the things
that they need. And then, that will be your example. So, what are you thinking during taht
time? How did you come up with this answer?

Uh I think Maam ano, I studied in Dalig, I mean as a food tech student Maam all that I needed
to cook is also there. And then I see, yun Sir Ed, there’s a lot of hmm tools that been given and
also uh, complete. When you find this, for example, this tools that you needed very important
tools, nandun na po siya. So, yun po yung pumasok sa akin. Na Dalig can also afford what you

MAAM LESLIE:Alright, aside from that you also mentioned that we also need biggest source
of technology and then, in this new normal we also need technology that we use for our study.
And then you also mentioned that, in far place you need to commute and maybe they chose
technology but they cannot afford the connection and that is one of the problems of technology.
So, how did you come up with that answer?

As I see in this new normal po, it’s true naman po we all need uh technology. It is the biggest
source of every student. They needed the internet uh -- ano yun? Internet, they all need hmm,
to communicate to their study. They need to search, we need to uh example me, I need the
technology, I need my cellphone uh wifi, so that I can study well.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright. I also have some questions to you last time. About what are some
of the cultural issues that will challenge the author. Your answer is, the Asian black people,
they have poor technology. They didn’t even know how to use technology. So, how did you
come up with this answer? Where did you get your answer here, Kim?

Uh based on what I read Maam. Based on what I analyzed. According to the author maybe they
get the, ano po, teh idea to every uh Black people that they needed, and not only for black
people but also for other people that encourage them to uh -- to uh kumbaga bigyan ng pansin
yung uh, black people that what they needed. Parang ganun.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright, next. Let’s have the next passage. The poem, it’s all about change.
According to you, your understanding is, even though you made a big mistake, you know that
the weapon to be use is prayer. Which cover and protect you so in every failure that you will
make you will not fear anymore. So how did you come up with this answer, Kim? What do you
feel during that time?

I read it three times, the poem I read it three times. There's ano, hmm uh firem, I just think the
fire is the biggest challenge that come so every challenge uh, maybe you can do everything
even though you have wrong choice. The wrong choice will be the one lesson for you parang
ganun lang po.

MAAM LESLIE:Very nice! I asked you who do you think is the one who is speaking int he
poem, then you tell that it’s the writer. How did come up with this answer that the writer who
is speaking in the poem?

Because she knows everything and then Maam, the challenges is parang alam na alma nya po
yung uh -- meron dun parang a lot of lesson that she wrote there. Kaya writer po yung nasabi
kong gumawa nun.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, so, with that you were also able to identify the figures of speech. And
the, I asked you about the moral or lesson, then you answered that you should never give up on
what you are doing, and you should never stop dreaming. So how do you come up with this
answer? During that time what are you thinking to come up with this answer?

Hmm ano Maam I think nag isip po ako na every, for me as a student there’s alot of challenges
in school, in family how can i communicate to my study. This new normal is very hard. So
maybe that was the biggest challenge for me that I will never give up for it because in the end,
this my gift. So parang ganun po yung naintindihan ko po Maam.

MAAM LESLIE:Let’s have the passage 4. This about the listening passage about the tools of
persuasion. According to you there are three basic tools of persuasion. The Ethos, pathos and
Logos. And according to you Ethos is the speaker with more source and then it is a person who
has an idea, and then Ethos is for the source of idea coming from the speaker. And then you
also mentioned about pathos, that is something that needs to be sincere in convincing the
audience. Logos is connecting to audience using fact to deliver or convincing. This listening
passage that you understand, how do you come up with the organization of ideas here? How do
you answer this? What are your basis?

Hmm Maam i listen it twice and I answer every words that I nee dto understand and the, the

difference of three basic. Ayun po, the difference of threem Ethos, Pathos and Logos. They
have a different way to use. So listen it very careful and then po yun. I take down those words
that very important..

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, so one good technique is to take down notes. Here in this listening
passage, I asked you to summarize. How do you come up with this summary? Can you share
to me your technique in summarizing the listening passage?

Yun po, I summarize when you asked me, I summarize all those passage. Ano Maam, uh --
jinot down ko na po sila lahat. I already wrote the important words that Ineed to write then
parang nabuo ko na po yung words dun. Then the most special thing Maam is what is the lesson
and what is the message of that passage.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright, one more question Kim. What are the benefits to you of think-aloud
protocol? How does it help you as a student in analysis of the reading passage or the listening

For me Maam, it is very challenging Maam and then the benefits of this uh I can read, kasi
Maam ako maam di po ako mahilig magbasa. Sa totoo lang po uh when the story is very long,
I cannot understand every word, I already give up those. Pero nung chinallenge nyo po ako na
every passage and then what is I understand for that, it help me that ah! Kailangan pala basahin
ko sya ng maigi kahit paulit ulit para kung sakali mang may magtanong sakin na what is the
story all about, I can answer it, because I already read, and I already understand those story.

MAAM LESLIE:What are those problem that you encounter while doing this?

Maam I think the problem is, how can I deliver the ENglishing. How can I speak properly,
ganun. And how can I understand the uh -- like I said to you Maam before tayo mag ganito
Maam, mahirap, nahihirapan po ako lalo na yung, yung words na binabasa ko is first time ko
palang makita, first time ko palang narinig. So ganun po, nahihirapan po ako magdeliver ng
mga words kung suit ba sya dun sa sasabihin ko. Parang ganun po Maam.

MAAM LESLIE: It’s all about the revolutionary. In this passage number 1, these are your answers. You
have mentioned that, case in the line there are any changes and objectives are directed towards the
changes. Based po dun lahat ng hirap mag isip. So you have mentioned that. You have said that it is from
the point of view that we analyze the good and the beautiful of every action.

STUDENT 15: Opo.

MAAM LESLIE:And you mentioned that we will know what is good, useful and beautiful of every
action. And then, you have mentioned about tragedy is about challenge someone understand the text kasi
po may iba iba tayong paniniwala or opinion about sa story na nababasa natin. So how did you come up
with this answer?

STUDENT 15: Maam, paulit po Maam?

MAAM LESLIE:You have mentioned that when someone understand the text, iba iba yung paniniwala
at opinion about sa story na nababasa natin. So how did you come up with that answer? Alex, did you

STUDENT 15: Maam medyo ano po maam eh,

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, ang sabi mo meron tayong iba ibang paniniwala about sa story na nababasa
natin. So paano mo nasabi yun? Bakit yun ang sagot mo?

STUDENT 15: Maam kasi po maam because, because in my own experience na, I already experience n

apo kasi uh wait lang po.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, you based your answer from your experience. Aside from that, you also said
that it’s about struggles, changes na kailangan nating gawin or adjustment for other people. And because
of this challenges it is one way of showing our true revolutionary attitude. How did you come up with
that answer, Alex? How can you say that we need to do some adjustments with other people. How did
you come up with that answer?

STUDENT 15: Maam, we need to adjust for other people to, wait lang po, to -- para mas, mas
maintindihan din po nila yung sinasabi mo Maam, yung idea mo.
MAAM LESLIE:Okay, next! You have mentioned about in number 7, about the writers and the actors
an hindi revolutionary, and hindi helping them to improve. Basta po yun yung sa 7. Helping each other
para pong tongue twister, paulit-ulit yung revolutionary, revolutionary. Okay, how did youc ome up with
that answer? What are you thinking during that time?

STUDENT 15: Maam in the text po that I read that time, in the other lines po, naglalaman po siya, about
po sa pagbabago ng attitude, and yung iba pong opinion about sa adjustment. Tapos, and may lines po
dun na we need to, dun po sa part na yun may nakalagay po na, parang pong, para po ma, makapag ano
po, anong tawag dun? Para po mas lalonilang maintindhan about sa revolution. We need to help them

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, next! You also mentioned that in paragraph 8 you said that he posed the problem
in a form that he might be considered symbolic. And, you answered, katulad din ng think-aloud protocol,
ineexpress mo yung gusto mong sabihin based on your own undertsnading para mabilis maintindihan ng
ibang tao yung usto mong iparating. How did you come up with this answer, Alex?

STUDENT 15: Maam, that time po nung sinasagutan ko po yan, hmm -- bigla ko pong naalala yung sa
idea po ng think-aloud protocol napag compare ko po sila, kasi po kasi po, halos -- we, halos meron po
silang similarities. Para po mas lalo po silang maintindihan ng iba.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, next, and then you also mentioned about it’s about revolution about feelings
and thoughts. And then for you revolution is about changes, it’s about changes towards life. About
attitude kasi may iba’t ibang klase ng writers at actors, may iba iba silang opinions. How did you come
up with this answer, Alex?

STUDENT 15: Maam pwede po ano, medyo po chappy.

MAAM LESLIE:You also mentioned about it’s about revolution about feelings and thoughts. And then
for you revolution is about changes, it’s about changes towards life. About attitude kasi may iba’t ibang
klase ng writers at actors, may iba iba silang opinions. How did you come up with this answer, Alex?

STUDENT 15: Maam because writer and actors for me, for me, na hindi po nakaka sbay dun sa
revolution po.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, next! And then, you answer about the different questions. And in 1st question,
I asked you what is the selection all about and then you answer, it;’s about being revolutionary. You can
express yourself basta may kalayaan ka sa gusto mong sabihin. So, how did you come up in this answer?

STUDENT 15: Because, that was -- because yun po yung nabasa ko sa text. Yun po yung pagkakabasa
ko. Ayun na po yun.

MAAM LESLIE:Alright, next. I asked you about what is the purpose of the author in writing this article,
and you said that the purpose of the author is about changes. Pagkakaiba iba ng other author and writers
in the revolutionaries. So, how did you come up with that answer about the purpose of the author?

STUDENT 15: Maam kasi, maam nung time po na binabasa ko siya, nung napag, napag tugma tugma
ko na po yung bawat yun po yung pagkaka intindi ko sa gustong iparating ng author.
MAAM LESLIE:Okay, so I also asked you if you consider yourself as a revolutionary, and then you
said that, I think I can consider myself as revolutionsist because sa mga nangyayri na ito, sa think around
protocol naexpress ko yung idea ko. May freedom ako, I have freedom to say what I want to say.

How did you come up with that answer?

STUDENT 15: Maam because po as a revolutionist, I -- I can express myself, I already express myself
in, saying my ideas, and I can say what I want to say and my opinion po.
MAAM LESLIE:Okay good. And then, let’s proceed to passage number 2, Alex.

STUDENT 15: Maam paulit po, maingay po kasi.

MAAM LESLIE:You told me that digital challenge communication, how computer works, how
technology works, and how technology help us in this kind of situation that we have. So, how did you
come up with that answer?

STUDENT 15: Maam because po, that passage, yung passage number 2 po is about internet yung about
computer, yung bilang lang po ang nakakagamit. Tsaka po nakakahalintulad ko po siya ngayon time na
to, ngayon time ng quarantine po, katulad po naming mga estudyante.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay good. You also mentioned that, you already encountered this text in the position
paper, right?

STUDENT 15: Yes po.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, aside from that, you understand that it’s all about high salaries para magkaroon
ng mataas na salary if yung degree mo computer science you must have high salary. So, how did you
come up with that answer?

STUDENT 15: Because po I, I read the text and yun po yung nilalaman ng text. Nung nabasa ko po siya
nung time na yun kaya po yun naging sagot ko, sabi dun bago ka po makakuha ng mataas na sweldo
kailangan nyo po ng, kailangan mo po ng degree ka po, may napag aralan ka po sa computer.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, so it’s based from the text you have read. You also mentioned about, the
different cultural issues. And you told me that many people cannot afford or cannot use computer. Those
who are in rural than in urban, they cannot access internet. And then, with regards with the author sinulat
nya ito for you para mainspired ka kasi based po ito sa may kakayahan lang gumamit ng technologies.
So, what are you thinking during that time? How did you come up in this answer?

STUDENT 15: Maam nung time po na yun, yung time po na inaano po naitn yan, yung lumabas po sa
isip ko nung time na nasa ibang lugar po ako, nasa rural po ako in province po, sobrang probinsya po
nya. Nung nagbakasyon po ako sobrang hina po ng signal tapos po hirap na hirap po talaga makakuha
ng internet connection. Tapos nung pag uwi ko po ng urban, nung umuwi na po ako ng Manila, dun na
po ako sa QC sa bahay po talaga namin, sobrang lakas po ng, nakakagamit po talaga ako hindi po katulad
ng sa urban. Kaya po nag come up yung sagot ko na yun, dhail po sa idea po na yun.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, so next, You also mentioned the challenge that you encountered in this digital
era. And you said that hindi ka masyadong maka ano kasi wala kang load, and di ka rin makakuha ng
idea kasi lahat na based sa technology. And about naman sa laman ng module of course you need internet
connection para masagutan yun. So now, what are you thinking and what do you feel during taht time,
that you answered this expression?

STUDENT 15: Maam yung nararamadamn ko po yung time na sa yun, yung sa sarili ko na po. Kasi po
yung sa situation na po yun parehas na parehas na po sa nangyari sa akin ngayon.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, next, let’s proceed to passage number 3. You have mentioned that the
poem is about everything, everything in life, lahat ng bagay sa mundo napapalitan. So, how did you come
up with that answer?
STUDENT 15: Maam first po talaga hirap na hirap po ako intindihin yung poem. Kasi po hindi po ako
masyadong maano sa, hindi po ako masyadong mahilig magbasa. Pero po nung inulit ulit ko po siyang
basahin, tsaka po yung nag come up po kasi po, kasi sa tingin ko po yun po talaga yung topic ng poem
nuong binasa ko rin po.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, next. And then, you have mentioned about the symbolism of the altar, it is about
prayer. And then, you told me about yung malakas na panalangin, yung tiwala. And you shared your

experience when your sister or brother was hospitalized. And you always pray, so how did you come up
with that answer? What are you thinking during taht time?
STUDENT 15: Maam nung nasagutan ko po, yung -- po nyan, kaya naintindhan ko rin po siya kasi mas
lalo ko pong naintindihan ng maayos nung tinulungan nyo po ako. Nag come up din po yung sagot na
yun, yung about po sa brother ko kasi po, yung sa laman po ng text is about po sa prayer, yung time po
kasi na yun sobrang araw araw po ako, maya’t maya po ako talaga nagdadasal.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, nice. Next, and then I told you what the poem is all about and you answered is
all about change. I asked you who do you think is the person talking in the poem, and you said it’s you.
And then, how did you come up in that answer that you realized that you are the one who is speaking in
the poem?
STUDENT 15: Hmm when I finally interpret the poem, I already understand what poem is all about, I
think it’s about myself, it’s all about me,kaya po, kaya ko rin po inano yung sarili ko dun, dahil sa
nangyayari sa buhay ko. It’s about po sa pananampalataya po, para po -- basta yun po.
MAAM LESLIE:Okay, so aside from that you were able to answer the figures of speech. And i asked
you about ht lesson in the poem, the lesson of the poem is don’t be scared in any changes and always
think that God is always here for us. So, how did you come up with this answer? What are you thinking
during that time?
STUDENT 15: That time po, for me po kasi based din po yun sa sarili ko. Based in myself kaya po,
kaya po maam nasabi ko po yun na lagi pong nandyan lang si God para sa atin. Kasi po nung time na
yun akala ko po hindi na magiging okay yung kapatid ko and then, ayun po naging okay po siya.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay, next last one, Alex. For you persuasion is a tool in convincing someone. You
explained the content of the listening passage about dealing with emotions, how to trust you as a speaker.
And then, you also explained logos that you need some evidences or statistics. How did you come up
with this answers, Alex?
STUDENT 15: Hmm, because because po para po sa akin lahat po ng 3 basic tools ng persuasion po,
nagawa ko na po. And naintindihan ko po talaga yung passage na yun. Sa lahat po ng passage, yung
passage 2 po and 4 yung pinaka na ano ko po. Kaya po po talaga naano ko po talaga yung sa passage
number 4 po. Nasagot ko ng maayos.
MAAM LESLIE:Then after that I asked you to summarize the listening passage, so cna you share to
me your techniques int he summary of the listening passage? How did you come up with the summary?

STUDENT 15: Maam kasi po maam, kaya po medyo po ako natagalan ng pakikinig po nun ano lang po
yung mga sinulat ko po, keywords po, para po hindi po masyadong matagalan. And nasummarized ko
po siya ng mabilisan kasi nagtiwala po ako sa sarili ko nun na kaya ko po yun kasi medyo po kinakabahan
po ako sa mga unang passage po eh, pero sa passage 4 po alam ko po kasi na kaya ko na. Maiddeliver ko
po yun ng maayos kaya po, ayun po.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay. So one more question, how does think-aloud protocol help you in understanding
the different reading passage? Does it help you, Alex?
STUDENT 15: Yes po Maam.

MAAM LESLIE:Can you share to me how does it help you?

STUDENT 15: Maam hindi lang po sa pag, pag intindi ng text -- ay nakatulong din po siya sa akin
because po nag boost po yung confidence ko. Para po masagot ko po yung mga questions dahil na express
ko po yung sarili kong ideas eh. Siguro po dahil dun nadadagdagan po yung confidence ko nasagot ko
po siya ng maayos. Natulungan po ako ng think aloud protocol po para para po mas lalo ko siyang
maintindhan sa paraan po na sa sarili ko po.

MAAM LESLIE:Okay very good. And aside from that what are the problems and challenges that you
STUDENT 15: Yung sa tingin ko po na problem po ano, yung sa kapag hindi ko po kasi siya
naiintindihan, yung mga malalalim po na words, ayun po yung unang problem po para sa akin. Tapos po
yung sunod naman po parang text na paulit ulit.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, thank you and congratulations.


Teachers and Students Transcription on Think Aloud Protocol

Student #1

PASSAGE: (1) There can be, of course, artist, and good artist, who do not have a
revolutionary attitude towards the life, and it is for precisely that group of artist and
intellectuals that the Revolution constitutes a problem.

STUDENT 1: This sentence talk about artist. Our revolutionary.

PASSAGE: (2) For a mercenary artist or intellectual, for a dishonest artist or intellectual, it
would never be a problem: he knows what he has to do, he knows what it is in his interest,
and he knows where he is going.

STUDENT 1: So this sentence keep repeating the word intellectual. Also, talks about an artist
[inaudible 1.07]

PASSAGE: (3) The real problem exists for the artist or intellectual who does not have a
revolutionary attitude towards life but who is, however, an honest person. It is clear that he
who has that attitude towards life, whether he is revolutionary or not, whether he is an artist or

STUDENT 1: maybe talks about someone who does not, or did not tend to change other with
that. And … whether he is an artist or not, something that, like a painter or uhm [delepti
artist.] Okay.

PASSAGE: (3) has his goals, has his objectives and we should all ask, we should all ask
ourselves about those goals, has his objectives.

STUDENT 1: It’s a little bit clear to me know.

PASSAGE: (3) For the revolutionary, those goals and objectives are directed towards the
change of reality;

STUDENT 1: As as ex, as expected to revolutionary, okay. Change of reality.

PASSAGE: (3) those goals and objectives are directed towards the redemption of man.

STUDENT 1: What is redemption? Dictionary. Redemption. Ah, redemption. Of a man. So

redemption, the action of saving or being saved from sin, error or evil. So, this sentence talks
about um, saving other people’s life.

PASSAGE: (3) It is man himself, his fellow man, the redemption of his fellow man that
constitutes the objective of the revolutionary.

STUDENT 1: Okay, let me repeat that. It is man himself, his fellow man, the redemption of
his fellow man that constitutes the objective of the revolutionary. So, its not only talks about
the revolutionary but also to those people which is saved by the ‘ano’ revolutionary.

PASSAGE: (3) If they ask us revolutionaries what matter most to us, we will say the people,
and we will always say the people. The people in their true sense, that is, the majority of the

people, those who have had live in exploitation and in the cruelest neglect.

STUDENT 1: Talks about, uhm, cruelty and human human rights.

PASSAGE: (3) Our basic concern will always be the great majority of the people, that is, the
oppressed and exploited classes.

STUDENT 1: It’s quite true.

PASSAGE: (3) The point of view through which we view everything is this: whatever is
good for them, will be good for us; whatever is noble, useful, and beautiful for (to) them, will
be noble, useful and beautiful for us. If one does not think of the people and for the people,
that is (there is) , if one does not think and does not act for the great exploited masses of the
people, for the great masses which we want to redeem, then one simply does not have a
revolutionary attitude.

STUDENT 1: Okay. [inaudible] again. Uhm the point of view through which we view
everything is this: whatever is good for them, will be good for us; whatever is noble, useful,
and beautiful for (to) them, will be noble, useful and beautiful for us. Yes, I think that’s a um,
just like from the celebrity, whatever they do, uhm, we think that is, it is good or something
that doesn’t harm.

PASSAGE: (3) If one does not think of the people and for the people, that is (there is) , if one
does not think and does not act for the great exploited masses of the people, for the great
masses which we want to redeem, then one simply does not have a revolutionary attitude.

STUDENT 1: So I think this sentence talk about uhm, if does no one think um, uhm what do
you call this, does not have a revolutionary, if no one think, about, to be a revolutionary or
have a courage to save other people, that is not have a revolutionary attitude.

PASSAGE: (4) It is from the point of view that we analyze the good, the useful, and the
beautiful of every action. (5) We understand that is must be a tragedy when someone
understands this and nonetheless has to confess that he is incapable of fighting for it.
STUDENT 1: We understand that is must be a tragedy when someone understands this and
nonetheless -- I think I get that.
PASSAGE: (6) We are, or believe ourselves to be revolutionaries. Whoever is more of an artist
than a revolutionary cannot think exactly the same as we do. We struggle for the people without
inner conflict, we know that we can have to think about the people before we think about
ourselves, and that is the only attitude that can be defined as a truly revolutionary attitude…
STUDENT 1: So i think this, we struggle for the people without, I think there is really an artist
that doesn;t have um, revolutionary attitude toward no - just like the only, the only one want,
for example an artist, they only want money for their, uhm, for their talents, like that. And there
some artist that express their uhm, sympathy or opinions about the certain topics or issues that
is happening in our [inaudible 10:39] or in their surroundings through their artworks or poems,
just like that.
PASSAGE: (7) The case was well made that there were many writers and artists who were not
STUDENT 1: Okay, that’s my point.
PASSAGE: (7) but were however, honest writers and artists; that they wanted to help the
Revolution, and that the Revolution is interested in their help; that they wanted to work for the

Revolution and that, at the same time, the Revolution was interested in their contributing their
knowledge and efforts on its behalf.
STUDENT 1: Okay. I did it yet. but were however, honest writers and artists; that they wanted
to help the Revolution, and that the Revolution is interested in their help; that they wanted to
work for the Revolution and that, at the same time, the Revolution was interested in their
contributing their knowledge and efforts on its behalf. I think this sentence talk about uhm,
honest writers and artist, they uhm, they did not intend to uhm, help revolution but their
artworks or uhm, written artworks are, ano, help the revolution, just like that.
PASSAGE: (8) It is easier to appreciate this when specific cases are analyzed; and among those
specific cases are many that are not easy to analyze. A catholic writer spoke(s) here. He raised
the problems that worried him and he spoke with great clarity. He asked if he could make an
interpretation of a determined problem from his idealistic point of view of if he could write a
work defending that point of view.
STUDENT 1: Okay. About, catholic writer that want to make uhm, what do you call this, want
to make a work to defend his point of view about that problem. That work him.
PASSAGE: (8) He asked quite frankly if, within a revolutionary regime, he could express
himself in accordance with those sentiments. He posed the problem in a form that might be
considered symbolic.
STUDENT 1: (read it again) So, I think this, this part talk about uhm, how a writer uhm, this
symbolism to uhm, to interpret or defend his point of view, his written work. Okay.
PASSAGE: (9) He was concerned about knowing if he could write in accordance with those
sentiments or in accordance with that ideology,
STUDENT 1: What is ideology? (searching for the meaning of ideology) a system of ideas and
ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.
PASSAGE: (9) which was not exactly the ideology of the Revolution.
STUDENT 1: (read it again) He was concerned about knowing if he could write in accordance
with those sentiments or in accordance with that ideology, which was not exactly the ideology
of the Revolution.
PASSAGE: (9) He was in agreement with the Revolution on economic and social questions,
but his philosophic position was distinct from that of the Revolution.
STUDENT 1: So he is not that uhm, what do you call, that [inaudible 16:25] philosophic
position to that revolution.
PASSAGE: (9) And this case is worthy of being kept well in mind, because it is a case
representative of the group of writers and artist who demonstrate a favourable attitude towards
the Revolution and wish to know what degree of freedom they have within the revolutionary
condition to express themselves in accordance with their feelings.
STUDENT 1: So I think they sent uhm, with the, what do you call this, representative, this or
the writer, should be the representative so that they can express themselves in accordance with
their feelings. So they can write or give their opinions about the revolution.
PASSAGE: (9) That is the group that constitutes a problem for them, and it is the duty of the
Revolution to be concerned with the situation of those artists and writers, because the
Revolution ought to bend its efforts towards having more than the revolutionaries, more than

the revolutionary artists and intellectuals, move along with it. It is possible that the men and
women (woman) who have a truly revolutionary attitude towards reality do not constitute the
greatest sector of the population:
STUDENT 1: So this part, talks about men and woman. I think the revolutionary artist, feels
like [inaudible 18:42] talking about men.
PASSAGE: (9) the revolutionaries are the vanguard of the people,
STUDENT 1: I think, they serve as uhm, the voice, the voice of the people, which ano, that
cannot be heard.
PASSAGE: (9) vanguard of the people, but the revolutionaries should bend their efforts
towards having all the people move along with them. The revolution cannot renounce the goal
of having all honest men and women, whether writers and artist or not, moving along with it;
STUDENT 1: I think, there’s really uhm, hmm, line between the revolutionary and men being
an artist. Because, If you’re an artist with a goal, we are revolutionary or you want to change
something we should uhm has this ability that can encourage other people to join the revolution.
PASSAGE: (9) the Revolution should bend its efforts towards converting everyone who has
doubts into a revolutionary. The Revolution should try to win over the greatest part of the people
to its ideas;
STUDENT 1: Yes, that’s right. Uhm, it can be succeed.
PASSAGE: (9) the Revolution should never give up counting on the majority of the people,
counting not only on the revolutionaries, but in all honest citizens who, although they may not
have a revolutionary attitude towards life, are with the Revolution.
STUDENT 1: So even though, the other person doesn’t uhm, a revolutionary but they are
honest, they must uhm, be beside the revolution so that they will succeed. Okay.
PASSAGE: (10) The Revolution should give up only those who are incorrigible reactionaries,
who are incorrigible counter-revolutionaries.
STUDENT 1: What is incorrigible? Not able to be corrected, improve or inform, so uhm
stubborn person.
PASSAGE: (10) incorrigible counter-revolutionaries. Towards all others the Revolution must
have policy; the Revolution has to have an attitude towards those intellectuals and writers. The
Revolution has to understand the real situation and should therefore act in such a manner that
the whole group of artist and intellectuals who are genuinely revolutionaries can find within the
Revolution a place to work and create, a place where their creative spirit, even though they are
not revolutionary writers and artists, has the opportunity and freedom to be expressed.
STUDENT 1: I just, uhm, revolution Use a noun or a group. And in this last sentence, says that
even though you are not a revolutionary writers and artist you should have the freedom to
express or give your opinions about something, so that, okay. I think I get this one.
MS LESLIE: Okay, Kyle. I think you are done with the first passage, right? How do you feel
right now. You seem to be relaxed pa rin. How about your feelings right now?
STUDENT 1: Uhm, Tagalog ba? A little bit confused Maam. Because there are some words
that are not familiar to, and also uhm, its hard for me to analyze sentences in the passage,
because it’s quite deep for me to understand.

MS LESLIE: Yes, okay Kyle actually I have some questions for you, this is from the list
mastered skills. So first is, the list mastered skills is all about explaining critical reading as
looking for ways of thinking. So with that there are some questions here that will really enhance
your critical thinking. SO first, you will answer this question in the form of think aloud protocol.
So, first is, what is the selection all about?
STUDENT 1: Selections, was all about uhm the revolution or the revolutionaries. How, how
people can ano, can express the way, express their freedom. Uhm, also this passage more talks
about the revolutions.
MS LESLIE: Have you seen the questions in your chat box?
STUDENT 1: How does the author define being a revolutionist/REVOLUTIONARY? So,
uhm, the author define the revolutionist it can be, uhm, it can be an artist or uhm writer, also an
honest citizen, just like that. To be a revolutionist, you should have be, you must have or create
an impact to the society or to everyone around you to be called a revolutionist, you should have,
what you call this or change.
MS LESLIE: What do you think is the purpose of the author in writing this article?
STUDENT 1: So I think the purpose of this, the purpose of the author was to express what a
revolutionary is. What a revolutionary should be.
MS LESLIE: Do you consider yourself as a revolutionist? Justify your answer
STUDENT 1: For me, uhm, I can consider myself as an revolutionist I haven’t done something
that changed other people or encourage. Maybe in our school, because, in our school, I’m a
journalist but I don’t think that my writings encourage those who read that. So I can say that I
am not a revolutionist. Not now.
MS LESLIE: What other title can you give to the article?
STUDENT 1: Uhm, what title? Revolutionist. How you should be. Ah, How to be a
MS LESLIE: Why did you come up with that title?
STUDENT 1: Because uhm, the author in this talks about, a lot, how a revolutionary should
be, so in order to be a revolutionist, you must uhm, you must encourage the people around you.
Uhm, what are the characteristics of revolutionist, and what are the classes of revolutionist. So,
that’s why I come up to that idea.
MS LESLIE: Okay, Kyle. Very good for the reading passage number 1. That is only number
1. So I think we already consume, how many minutes. So ….
PASSAGE: (1) Information technology is influence the way many of us live and work today.

STUDENT 1: That’s right! (nodding)

PASSAGE: (1) We use the internet to look and apply for jobs, shop, conduct research, make
airline reservations, and explore areas of interest. We use E-mail and internet to communicate
instantaneously with friends and business associate around the world. Computers are
commonplace in home and the workplace.

STUDENT 1: So I get this first paragraph. Second.

PASSAGE: (2) Although the number of internet users is growing exponentially each year,

most of the world’s population does not have access to computers of the internet. Only 6
percent of the population in the developing countries are connected to telephones.

STUDENT 1: Yes. Especially on those, on those, uhm, urban areas.

PASSAGE: (2) Although more than 94 percent of U.S households have telephones, only 56
percent have personal computers at home and 50 percent have internet access. The lack of
what most of us would consider a basic communication necessity -the telephone-does not
occur just developing nations. On some Native American reservation only 60 percent of the
residents have a telephone. The moves to wireless connectivity may eliminate the needs for
telephone lines, but it does not remove the barrier to equipment costs.

STUDENT 1: So this second paragraph talks about, um, problems, the problems of
telephones or technologies. Uhm. Also it talks about how may access, how many people have
some access with the telephones in the world. (scratched his cheeks)

PASSAGE: 3) Who has internet access? The digital divide between the population who have
access to the internet and information technology tools and those who don’t is based on
income, race, education, household type, and geographic location, but the gap between groups
is narrowing. Eighty-five percent of households with an income over $75,000 have internet
access compared with less than 20 percent of the households with income under $15,000 Over
80 percent of college graduates use the internet as compared with 40 percent of high school
completers and 13 percent of high school dropouts.

STUDENT 1: So there are so many, 85 percen of household with an income over $75,000
less than 20 percent, okay dropout.

PASSAGE: (3) Seventy-two percent of household with two parents have internet access; 40
percent female, single parent household do. Differences are also found among households and
families from different racial and ethnic groups. Fifty-five percent of white households, 31
percent of black households, 32 percent of Latino household, 68 percent of Asian or Pacific
Islander households, 39 percent of American, Indian, Eskimos, or Aleut households have
access to the internet.

STUDENT 1: This sentence talks about races to have internet connection.

PASSAGE: (3) The number of internet users who are children under nine years old and
person over fifty has more than triple since 1997. Households in inner cities are less likely to
have computer and internet access than in urban and rural areas, but the differences are no
more than 6 percent.

STUDENT 1: So it talks about age and uhm, the place which have no, or no internet access.

PASSAGE: (4) Another problem that exacerbates (searched for the meaning of exacerbates --
read the meaning) these disparities is that African-American. (Why African-American?)
Latinos, and Native Americans hold few of the jobs in information technology.

STUDENT 1: Latinos, and Native Americans, okay.

PASSAGE: (4) Women (read as woman) about 20 percent of these jobs and receiving fewer
than 30 percent of the Bachelor’s degrees in computer and information science. The result is
that women and members of the most oppressed ethnic group are not eligible for the jobs with
the highest salaries at graduation.

STUDENT 1: Oh, so even though there are, they are not eligible for the jobs, even though

they are [inaudible 9:00 - waited?] 20 percent of these jobs and receiving fewer than 30
percent of the Bachelor’s degrees in computer result is that women and member of he most
oppressed ethnic group are not eligible for the jobs with the highest salaries at graduation. So,
it shows that who has (scratching the back of his head), so they did not chose woman or
people that are oppressed ethnic group or a part of the ethnic group. (searched for the meaning
of baccalaureate and how to pronounce it)

PASSAGE: (4) Baccalaureate candidates with degree in computer science were offered the
highest salaries of all new college graduates.

STUDENT 1: (nodding) Uhm, so maybe they are chosen or offered with a highest salary
because of their degree. Uhm, I think this quite , uhm true. Because some companies are
looking for those people who have high degrees in their college so that (clap) they can have,
the ano, (clap) edge with other, with the other companies.

PASSAGE: (5) Do similar disparities exist in schools?

STUDENT 1: What is disparities?

PASSAGE: (5) Ninety-eight percent of school in the country are wired with at least one
internet connection. The number of classrooms with internet connection differs by the income
level of students. Using the percentage of students who are eligible for free lunches at a
school to determine income level, we see that the higher percentage of the school with more
affluent students have wired classrooms than those with high concentrations of low-income

STUDENT 1: Ah, I’m not quite agree with that because, uhm, most of the school now have
internet connection and computers.

PASSAGE: (6) Access to computers and the internet will be important in reducing disparities
between groups.

STUDENT 1:That’s right!

PASSAGE: (6) It will require higher equality across diverse group whose members develop
knowledge and skills in computer and information technologies.

STUDENT 1: So the passage now is talking about equity of the technology. Okay.

PASSAGE: (6) The field today is overrepresented by white males. If computers and the
internet are to be used to promote equality, they have to become accessible to school cannot
currently afford the equipment which needs to be updated regularly every three years or so.
However, access alone is not enough; Students will have to be interacting with the technology
in authentic settings.

STUDENT 1: Yea. I’m agree with this. Students should have access to technology so that,
they will not left behind by the others. The technology change faster now. (touching his chin)

PASSAGE: (6) As technology has become a tool for learning in almost all courses taken by
students, it will be seen as a means to an end rather than an end in itself. If it is used in
culturally relevant ways, all students can benefit from its power.

STUDENT 1: Okay, I think I get that.

MAAM LESLIE: So, in reading passage number 2 the list mastered revealed in the test

items, is all about, explain the relationship of context.

What is the selection all about?

STUDENT 1: So, selection, uhm (touched his eye) talks about to technology and how, and
uhm, about technology about how other can, what do you call this (snap) how others. Uhm, It
talks about technologies. And I think about statistics also, about who has teh access to the
technology. I think that's the passage all about.

MAAM LESLIE: What cultural issues may have influenced, challenged, or inspired the

STUDENT 1: Uhm, for me, I think, the author inspired writing this because uhm, other , uhm
we all have different ano, uhm (snap) What do you call this? Uhm, the author inspired
writing this because some author can’t afford or they cannot use technology because, uhm, for
some reason. For example, the author said that, because of race, uhm their money income,
uhm their, uhm, their degrees, ay, yea, their degrees. And also, their geographic uhm, or their
place, or their position. I think uhm, the author also write this because , uhm, I noticed that,
we don’t have the same act, uhm the same, same access with the technology. I think that’s it,

MAAM LESLIE: What are the political or economic issues of the times? Which are
exhibited in the text.

STUDENT 1: So, first is the, as I said ago, the income of each family or income of each
family. And also the race of who has internet access or technology access. Then, I think,
that’s it.

MAAM LESLIE: As a student, what are the challenges that you encountered in this digital

STUDENT 1: Uhm, some of the challenges I faced is that uhm, in my (in my) task, uhm
when I was in grade 7, I don’t have any gadgets or uhm devices that can help me do the
assignments. Some teachers sent to the GC or group chat the assignments or projects. They
announce it from that. And then, uhm, I don’t have any access to that because, uhm my family
can’t afford it. Probably this, uhm, I don’t have project. I can’t pass projects or do it because
ah, I’m lack of internet access and technology. And also I, I’m quite new to the technology
like computers, because I don’t usually use computers, I'm just reading books. Just like that.
So, when I use that technology, I’m like I, what do you call this, a cave man using that. I’m
amazed with the convenience it brings. Yan thanks!

Things change:
No longer do I,
Recovering from the shock
Of a huge branch falling
At my feet,
No longer do I fear,
No longer run to my altar

In the woods,
The fire of prayer in my mouth
No longer between my teeth
The tremble, the I have offended.
Newton as a habit of centuries
Inhabits my skull; I know
Of gravity
And rot
And no longer,
No longer
Does a falling frighten me.

STUDENT 1: Okay, I will read it again.

Things change:
No longer do I,
Recovering from the shock
Of a huge branch falling
At my feet,
STUDENT 1: It seems like something happened to the, to the character. Okay.

No longer do I fear,
No longer run to my altar
In the woods,
STUDENT 1: So, he/she is not [inaudible 2:13] anymore. (nodding)

The fire of prayer in my mouth

No longer between my teeth
The tremble, the I have offended.
STUDENT 1: It’s so deep. [inaudible 2:36]
Newton as a habit of centuries
Inhabits my skull; I know
Of gravity
And rot
STUDENT 1: So, Newton invented the -- gravity. It talks about the law of Newton to me.

And rot
And no longer,
No longer
Does a falling frighten me.
STUDENT 1: I think this talks about falling, because, can see falling in the 3rd - 4th line of
the poem. Yes.
The fire of prayer in my mouth
No longer between my teeth
STUDENT 1: This talks about overcoming your fear. (?) him: (brushing his hair using his
fingers) That’s it. (pouting)

MAAM LESLIE: Analyze the figure of speech and other literary techniques.

What is the poem all about?

STUDENT 1: Hmm, for me, the poem, talk, all about somethings that happens to the
character in that or the person involved in that poem about something he/she feared. Or how
he/she overcome it. Like that.

MAAM LESLIE: Who do you think is the persona in the poem?

STUDENT 1:Hmm, the persona in the poem. Uhm, I don’t knw. But I think, this is uh --

MAAM LESLIE: Again, Kyle. Who do you think is the persona? Who do you think is the
who’s talking in the poem?

STUDENT 1: Uhm, the author, Maam.

MAAM LESLIE: Do you still remember some figure of speech?

What are some of the literary devices or figures of speech used in the poem?

STUDENT 1: Not so well, Maam.

MAAM LESLIE: You go back with the lines with the poem. You might want to analyze the
figures of speech.

STUDENT 1: (read the poem again)

Things change:
No longer do I,
Recovering from the shock
Of a huge branch falling
At my feet,
No longer do I fear,
No longer run to my altar

I think, this line is a figure of speech.
No longer run to my altar
In the woods,
The fire of prayer in my mouth (This one also)
No longer between my teeth
I can’t describe it Maam, what type or kind of figures of speech those lines.

MAAM LESLIE: Identify or name of figures of speech. You can mention the lines,

STUDENT 1: I get it na.

MAAM LESLIE: but how do you call these figures of speech?

STUDENT 1: Now lang nag sink in.

Things change:
No longer do I,
Recovering from the shock
Of a huge branch falling
At my feet,
No longer do I fear,
No longer run to my altar
I think this link is hyperbole, because uhm this too much exaggerated. And then, what pa ba?
Yun lang maam.

MAAM LESLIE: What do you think is the theme of the poem? The central theme of the

STUDENT 1: So, for the me the theme of the poem, [inaudible 10:12] overcoming fear. I
think that’s the idea.

MAAM LESLIE: What is the moral/lesson of the poem?

STUDENT 1: Uhm, I think that the moral lesson of the poem is that, you have to overcome
your fear. Just like, uhm, I (expanding 10:45) this part
Newton as a habit of centuries
Inhabits my skull; I know
Of gravity
And rot
And no longer,
No longer
Does a falling frighten me.

STUDENT 1: So, talks about uhm, uhm, how will you overcome certain challenges in your
life, by, by thinking or reminiscing the past, so that, to you can prepare or you may not do it
again. And you overcome those fear -- in your -- mind.

PASSAGE: (recorded passage is playing)

STUDENT 1: That’s right! (nodding) It talks about where the message is coming from. (
repeating lines that he can hear from the recording) Uses the listener's emotion to persuade
them. (nodding to some lines)

STUDENT 1: Logos is about facts. I think I encountered this in my, oral communication.
[inaudible 3:40-4:03]

MAAM LESLIE: I was not able to hear you.

Did you already do the [inaudible voice] passage already? The listening passage. In the
listening passage, this is the challenge for this learning episode. Actually, this listening
passage needs to or it should enable you to paraphrase or explain the listening passage using
one's own words. So meaning to say, when you paraphrase a text, what are the things that you
need to do. Of course, you need to retell. What’s on that listening passage, using one’s own
words, but of course it should be based on the listening passage. You challenge is to
paraphrase the content of the listening text. Are you ready?

STUDENT 1: So the content is all about, persuasion. So, -- persuasion according to Aristotle
it has three (3) types. So first is ethos, second is pathos, then third is logos. Uhm, the first is
Ethos which is by means of , uhm, the word or the persuasion comes from the uhm, reliable
person. Like uhm, from a Teacher. Uhm, the teacher can be reliable in asking, for example on
a lesson, the teacher could tell, or the words that the teachers tell can be persuasive because it
comes from the right person. Next is, pathos which is used by means of emotions so, uhm, it
uses stronger emotions, like uhm, you convincing them with their, you’re controlling their
emotions by means of words. Like that. Then next is logos, which is more on visualm like,
uhm it has, it shows (snaps) logos, uhm, it has demonstrations or uhm visual that can greatly
affects or greatly encourage or persuade the listeners or the viewers by hearing or seeing that
their porudcts or their service are more, uhm are more, what do you call this, uhm better or it
is the best. And uhm, I think logos is also exaggerated, using exaggerated expressions.
(laughing) Thank you.

Student #2

PASSAGE: (1) There can be, of course, artist, and good artist, who do not have a revolutionary
attitude towards the life, and it is for precisely that group of artist and intellectuals that the
Revolution constitutes a problem.

STUDENT 2: An artist … artist and intellectuals.

PASSAGE: (2) For a mercenary (repeated the word mercenary) artist or intellectual, for a
dishonest artist or intellectual, it would never be a problem: he knows what he has to do,

STUDENT 2: Ahh, okay.

PASSAGE: (2) he knows what it is in his interest, (okay) and he knows where he is going.

PASSAGE: (3) The real problem exists for the artist or intellectual who does not have a

revolutionary --

STUDENT 2: hmm

PASSAGE: (3) attitude towards life but who is, however, an honest person.

STUDENT 2: Ahh. however ...

PASSAGE: (3) It is clear that he who has that attitude towards life, whether he is revolutionary or

STUDENT 2: Ahh. Okay. Revolutionary or not. Hmm.

PASSAGE: (3) whether he is an artist or not, has his goals, (ahh) has his objectives and we
should all ask, we should all ask ourselves, about those goals, has his objectives. For the
revolutionary, those goals and objectives are directed towards the change of reality;

STUDENT 2: Those goals, towards.

PASSAGE: (3) those goals and objectives are directed towards the redemption of man.

STUDENT 2: Redemption. Redemption.

PASSAGE: (3) It is man himself,

STUDENT 2: Ahhh. The redemption of man, it is the man himself.

PASSAGE: (3) his fellow man, the redemption of his (the) fellow man that constitutes the
objective of the revolutionary.

STUDENT 2: Ahhhh, okay. (nodding)

PASSAGE: (3) If they ask us revolutionaries what (that) matter most to us, (repeated this part)
we will say the people, and we will always say the people. (repeated this part, as well) The people
in their true sense, that is,

STUDENT 2: Ahhhh, okay. Like ...

PASSAGE: (3) the majority of the people, those who have had live in exploitation and in the
cruelest neglect.

STUDENT 2: Live - neglect - exploitation. Hmm. (looking by the window)

PASSAGE: (3) Our basic concern will always be the great majority of the people, that is, the
oppressed and exploited classes.

PASSAGE: (3) The point of view through which we view (repeated this part)

STUDENT 2: Ahh. Okay.

PASSAGE: (3) everything is this: whatever is good for them, will be good for us; whatever is
noble, useful, and beautiful for them, will be noble, useful and beautiful for us. (Hmm) If one does
not think of the people and for the people, that is , if one does not think and does not act for the
great exploited masses of the people, (hmm) for the great masses which we want to redeem,

STUDENT 2: masses. What is masses?

PASSAGE: (3) then one simply does not have a revolutionary attitude.

STUDENT 2: Ahh. Okay (nodding)

PASSAGE: (3) If one does not think of the people and for the people, that is (there is) , if one
does not think and does not act for the great exploited masses of the people, for the great masses
which we want to redeem, then one simply does not have a revolutionary attitude.

PASSAGE: (4) It is from the point of view that we analyze the good, the useful, and the beautiful
of every action.

PASSAGE: (5) We understand that is must be a tragedy when someone understands this

STUDENT 2: Someone understands.

PASSAGE: (5) and nonetheless has to confess that he is incapable of fighting for it.
STUDENT 2: Okay. Hmm.
PASSAGE: (6) We are, or believe ourselves to be revolutionaries. Whoever is more of an artist
than a revolutionary cannot think exactly the same as we do. (hmm, Yes.) We struggle for the
people without inner conflict,
STUDENT 2: Struggle. Ahhh, struggle with the people.
PASSAGE: (6) we know that we can have to think about the people before we think about
STUDENT 2: We know. Ahh. okay okay.
PASSAGE: (6) and that is the only attitude that can be defined as a truly revolutionary attitude…
STUDENT 2: Ahhh okay.
PASSAGE: (7) The case was well made that there were many writers and artists who were not
STUDENT 2: Ahh, okay. Many writers.
PASSAGE: (7) but were however, honest writers and artists; that they wanted to help the
Revolution, (read as revolutionaries) and that the Revolution is interested in their help; that they
wanted to work for the Revolution and that, at the same time, the Revolution was interested in their
contributing their knowledge and efforts on its behalf.
STUDENT 2: Hmm. (nod)

PASSAGE: (8) It is easier to appreciate this when specific cases are analyzed;
STUDENT 2: easier to appreciate. Hmm.
PASSAGE: (8) and among those specific cases are many that are not easy to analyze.
STUDENT 2: those specific cases are many -- ahh okay. Yea.
PASSAGE: (8) A catholic writer spoke here. He raised the problems that worried him and he spoke
with great clarity.
STUDENT 2: Hmm, why does a catholic writer rise the problem …. I don’t know.
PASSAGE: (8) He asked if he could make an interpretation of a determined problem from his
idealistic point of view

STUDENT 2: Idealistic point of view. Hmm.
PASSAGE: (8) of if he could write a work defending that point of view.
STUDENT 2: Ahhh, okay.
PASSAGE: (8) He asked quite frankly if, (what is frankly?) within a revolutionary regime, (Ahhh,
frankly is a regime. A revolutionary) he could express himself in accordance with those sentiments.
He posed the problem in a form that might be considered symbolic.

STUDENT 2: symbolic. Symbolic. A symbol.

PASSAGE: (9) He was concerned about knowing if he could write in accordance with those
sentiments or in accordance with that ideology,

STUDENT 2: What is ideology? Ideology. (moving his finger) I-deo-logy.

PASSAGE: (9) which was not exactly the ideology of the Revolution.

STUDENT 2: Ideology. Not exactly. Ahhh.

PASSAGE: (9) He was in agreement with the Revolution on economic and social questions, but
his philosophic position was distinct from that of the Revolution. And this case is worthy of being
kept well in mind,

STUDENT 2: Ahh, why?

PASSAGE: (9) because it is a case representative of the group of writers and artist who demonstrate
a favourable
STUDENT 2: a group of artist. Not sure.
PASSAGE: (9) favourable attitude towards the Revolution and wish to know what degree of
freedom they have within the revolutionary condition to express themselves in accordance with their
STUDENT 2: Ahh okay. They should be.

PASSAGE: (9) That is the group that constitutes a problem for them,
STUDENT 2: Yes. Ahh.
PASSAGE: (9) problem for them and it is the duty of the Revolution to be concerned with the
situation of those artists and writers, because the Revolution ought (out) to bend its efforts towards
having more than the revolutionaries, more than the revolutionary artists and intellectuals, move
along with it.
STUDENT 2: move along with it the revolutionary. [inaudible 13:57]
PASSAGE: (9) It is possible that the men and women who have a truly revolutionary attitude
towards reality do not constitute the greatest sector of the population:

STUDENT 2: Why? Men and women. They should be. Greatest sector.
PASSAGE: (9) the revolutionaries are the vanguard of the people, vanguard of the people, but the
revolutionaries should bend their efforts towards having all the people move along with them. The
revolution cannot renounce the goal of having all honest men and women, whether writers and artist
or not,

PASSAGE: (9) moving along with it; the Revolution should bend its efforts towards converting

everyone who has doubts into a revolutionary. The Revolution should try to win over the greatest
part of the people to its ideas;

STUDENT 2: Ahh alright. Yes.

PASSAGE: (9) the Revolution should never give up counting on the majority of the people,
counting not only on the revolutionaries, but in all honest citizens who,
STUDENT 2: Ahh alright.

PASSAGE: (9) although they may not have a revolutionary attitude towards life,
STUDENT 2: Okay. They should be concern with their life, revolutionaries even thought they mean
[inaudible 15:30]
PASSAGE: (9) are with the Revolution. (10) The Revolution should give up only those who are
incorrigible reactionaries,

STUDENT 2: What is incorrigible?

PASSAGE: (10) who are incorrigible counter-revolutionaries. incorrigible counter-revolutionaries.
Towards all others the Revolution must have policy;

STUDENT 2: Ahh alright. There should be a policy.

PASSAGE: (10) the Revolution has to have an attitude towards those intellectuals and writers. The
Revolution has to understand the real situation and should therefore act in such a manner that the
whole group of artist and intellectuals who are genuinely revolutionaries can find within the
Revolution a place to work and create,
STUDENT 2: Ahh okay. There should be place for them.
PASSAGE: (10) a place where their creative spirit, even though they are not revolutionary writers
and artists, has the opportunity and freedom to be expressed.

STUDENT 2: Okay, Maam.

MS LESLIE: Guide questions. You may start answering the following questions now.
STUDENT 2:Yes maam. Mag ttype na po maam. Wait lang. What is the selection all about? Ahhh.
Okay. I think the selection is about, the intellectual, revolutionaries. A revolutionaries people like
those artist and artist. I think artist yun. Yea. The selection is about the artist, their intellectual, and
their, what happened to the, with the revolutionaries.
STUDENT 2: How does the author define being a revolutionarist? (revolutionist) hmm. I think -- I
can’t predict. I predict that the author is -- How does the author define being a revolutionary. Ahh!
The author predicting the revolutionaries by ano, defining the artist, their history of what happened
in the - in - in the revolution.
STUDENT 2: What do you think is the purpose of the author in writing this article? I think the
purpose of the author to tell us that there is a place for the revolutionaries, and for the people, ayy -
- a place for us. Knowing ourselves.
STUDENT 2: Do you consider yourself as a revolutionist? Justify your answer. I think, Yes. I’m
also an artist so I can consider myself as revolutionaries. I can find myself, knowing their, my
thoughts by saying to the others.
STUDENT 2: What other title can you give to the article? Article, yea. Hmm i think, hmm, the
revolutionaries, hmm, (pen on his forehead) revolutionaries artist articles in their places. Just Maam.

PASSAGE: The Digital: The Challenge of Technology and Equity.

STUDENT 2: Hmm, okay. It;s good to read. We are in technology now.

PASSAGE: (1) Information technology is influence the way many of us live and work today.

STUDENT 2: Ahh Yes. We are now depend on technology right now.

PASSAGE: (1) We use the internet to look and apply for jobs, shop, conduct research, make
airline reservations, and explore areas of interest.

STUDENT 2: Ahh okay, Yes.

PASSAGE: (1) We use E-mail and internet to communicate instantaneously (substaneously)

with friends and business associate around the world.

STUDENT 2: Okay. yea. Like facebook, google, instagram.

PASSAGE: (1) Computers are commonplace in home and the workplace.


PASSAGE: (2) Although the number of internet users is growing exponentially each year,

STUDENT 2: Yes. In this pandemic, I think moreover using technologies.

PASSAGE: (2) most of the world’s population does not have access to computers of the


PASSAGE: (2) Only 6 percent of the population in the developing countries are connected
to telephones.

STUDENT 2: 6%. Ahh alright. So, the 94 percent, ahh tama.

PASSAGE: (2) Although more than 94 percent of U.S households have telephones, only 56
percent have personal computers at home and 50 percent have internet access.

STUDENT 2: Ahh computer and internet. Yes, ahh.

PASSAGE: (2) The lack of what most of us would consider a basic communication
necessity -the telephone-does not occur just developing nations. On some Native American
reservation only 60 percent of the residents have a telephone. (Native-Americans) The moves
to wireless connectivity may eliminate the needs for telephone lines, but it does not remove
the barrier to equipment costs.


PASSAGE: 3) Who has internet access? The digital divide between the population who have
access to the internet and information technology tools and those who don’t is based on
income, race, education, household type, and geographic location, but the gap between groups
is narrowing. Eighty-five percent of households with an income over $75,000 have internet
access compared with less than 20 percent of the households with income under $15,000 Over
80 percent of college graduates

STUDENT 2: Ahh okay. Gonna miss [inaudible voice 4:03] (scratching the back of his head
using his pen)

PASSAGE: (3) use the internet as compared with 40 percent of high school completers and
13 percent of high school dropouts. Seventy-two percent of household with two parents have
internet access;

STUDENT 2: Ahh alright.

PASSAGE: (3) 40 percent female, single parent household do. Differences are also found
among households and families from different racial and ethnic groups.

STUDENT 2:They have no internet connection, I think.

PASSAGE: (3) Fifty-five percent of white households, 31 percent of black households, 32

percent of Latino

STUDENT 2: What is Latino? Latin. Latin, okay.

PASSAGE: (3) household, 68 percent of Asian or Pacific Islander households, 39 percent of

American, Indian, Eskimos, or Aleut households have access to the internet.

STUDENT 2: hmm. 50 cents (?) hmm. [inaudible 5:27] economy.

PASSAGE: (3) The number of internet users who are children under nine years old and
person over fifty has more than triple since 1997.

STUDENT 2: It should be about triple.It should be --

PASSAGE: (3) Households in inner cities are less likely to have computer and internet
access than in urban and rural areas,

STUDENT 2: Ahh, yes! This province have no internet access.

PASSAGE: (3) but the differences are no more than 6 percent. (4) Another problem that
exacerbates these disparities is that African-American. Latinos, and Native Americans hold
few of the jobs in information technology.

STUDENT 2: Native-Americans, ay native. African. Ahh alright!

PASSAGE: (4) Women about 20 percent of these jobs and receiving fewer than 30 percent of
the Bachelor’s degrees in computer and information science. (wow!) The result is that women
and members of the most oppressed ethnic group are not eligible (hmm) for the jobs with the
highest salaries at graduation.


PASSAGE: (4) Baccalaureate (did not pronounce the word properly) candidates with degree
in computer science were offered the highest salaries of all new college graduates.

STUDENT 1: (nodding) Uhm, so maybe they are chosen or offered with a highest salary
because of their degree. Uhm, I think this quite , uhm true. Because some companies are
looking for those people who have high degrees in their college so that (clap) they can have,
the ano, (clap) edge with other, with the other companies.

PASSAGE: (5) Do similar disparities exist in schools?

STUDENT 2: I think.

PASSAGE: (5) Ninety-eight percent of school in the country are wired with at least one
internet connection. (hmm, Yes!) The number of classrooms with internet connection differs
by the income level of students. (Ahh, okay. ) Using the percentage of students who are
eligible for free lunches at a school to determine income level, we see that the higher
percentage of the school with more affluent students have wired classrooms than those with
high concentrations of low-income students.

STUDENT 2: Ah, okay. hmm!

PASSAGE: (6) Access to computers and the internet will be important in reducing disparities
between groups. It will require higher equality across diverse group whose members develop
knowledge and skills in computer and information technologies.

STUDENT 2:Ahh okay, Yes! This is more important.

PASSAGE: (6) The field today is overrepresented by white males. If computers and the
internet are to be used to promote equality, they have to become accessible to school cannot
currently afford the equipment which needs to be updated regularly every three years or so.

STUDENT 2:Ahh alright.

PASSAGE: (6) However, access alone is not enough; Students will have to be interacting
with the technology in authentic settings.

STUDENT 2: Hmm. Ah okay.

PASSAGE: (6) As technology has become a tool for learning in almost all courses taken by
students, (Yea) it will be seen as a means to an end rather than an end in itself. (Ahh okay) If
it is used in culturally relevant ways, all students can benefit from its power.

STUDENT 2: Hmm, yes!

MAAM LESLIE: Are you ready with the questions?

What is the selection all about?

STUDENT 2: The selections talks about the growing technology all over the world and how
it can be use everytime, and how can afford by this technologies. Everytime, like this, hmm,
trying times, we need this technologies at most, 100% typing. We all did.

STUDENT 2: What cultural issues may have influenced, challenged, or inspired the author?
I think, in -- some challenges we get in this technologies are, low of incomes. We cannot buy
this tools if we have low incomes. The influenced it by, I think its from white - white people
American. They influenced us to buy those tools to inspired us.

STUDENT 2:What are the political or economic issues of the times? Hmm I think it is the,
political issue, economic, ahh okay. I think it's talking about the issues more on technologies
we know. Some like violence, we me in technologies, like social media, like cyber bullying
those issues are everywhere, everytime. I think.

STUDENT 2: As a student, what are the challenges that you encountered in this digital era?
Like what I said on number 3, those cyber -- I think cyber bullying, cyber bullying or crime.
They use technologies as, they connect to the other people to have an things or [inaudible
13:23] so, those students can make some money (touching his nose) {inaudible 13:31] like
uhm, cyber bullying as well, anong tawag dun, what is that, those bad comments can be,
suicide to those students also.

Things change:

No longer do I, (No longer I do)

Recovering from the shock (hmm, okay.)

Of a huge branch falling

At my feet,
No longer do I fear, (Ahh, okay)

No longer run to my altar

In the woods, (altar in the woods)

The fire of prayer in my mouth (fire of prayer, ah okay!)
No longer between my teeth
The tremble, the I have offended.

Newton as a habit of centuries (Newton)

Inhabits my skull; (school) I know
Of gravity (Ahh okay, we are talking about Newton’s gravity)

And rot

And no longer,
No longer
Does a falling frighten me.

STUDENT 2: Ahh okay. Read it for a second time.

Things change:
No longer do I, (no longer I do)

Recovering from the shock

Of a huge branch falling

At my feet,
STUDENT 2: Huh branch falling at my feet.

No longer do I fear,

No longer run to my altar

In the woods,
STUDENT 2: Altar in the woods? Hmm, ahh its ah!

The fire of prayer in my mouth

No longer between my teeth
The tremble, the I have offended. (often)
STUDENT 2: The tremble.
Newton as a habit of centuries
Inhabits my skull; I know
Of gravity

And rot
And no longer,

No longer
Does a falling frighten me.
STUDENT 2: Okay na maam.

MAAM LESLIE: Questions. You may start now.

STUDENT 2: Oh my gosh! (laughed) Hmm I think the poem is all about his fear. Hmm. How
he/she, hmm how she, forgot this fear happened to his in by knowing those, by every prayer, in
this altar she say. I think, to the altar. And she -- she defined teh gravity of Newton as his fear, of
how he -- I think.

STUDENT 2: Who do you think is the persona in the poem? I think the person, who have hmm, a
fear of everything. I think of person has a bad situation in life. So, of how he growth, how is he,
hows he/ she, she move as, what do you call that, (playing with his pen) hmm of how his, how
he/she is stand his life from being fear, from being scared person, (hand gestures pointing to the
device) to a strong person. I think is talking about.

STUDENT 2:What are some literary devices or figures of speech used in the poem? Hmm, Ah! I I
think its similar in metaphor, just similar in metaphor, I do longer, I no longer I think.

STUDENT 2: What do you think is the theme of the poem? I think its talking about the fearness
of the people, fearness of the people, of how they stand their life.

STUDENT 2: What is the moral/lesson of the poem? I think this (fearness) (?) furnish, furnish,
ahh this furnish should be true, by standing, by knowing yourself and stand as what you are.

MAAM LESLIE: Play the MP3 or the listening passage at the beginning.

PASSAGE: (recorded passage is playing)

STUDENT 2: An audience. Ahh ethos, pathos, logos by Aristotle. Okay. (nodding) That’s
ethos. Ahh okay, pathos is .. okay. The ethos, pathos, logos is a part of speech by Aristotle.
Okay okay. Ahh okay, logos is the use of facts. Hmm.

MAAM LESLIE: Your last challenge, Christian. Do not include the think aloud. Paraphrase
the listening passage.

STUDENT 2: Uhm, those perception is a fact (pointing to something) .And those, Aristotle
say that there are three tools of perception. The lotus, legos, -- hmm, ethos, logos, -- ethos is
like the speaker convincing to the receiver about their point of view. And those -- yea lotus
(pathos), lotus is the connecting way of the speaker, of the speaker to the receiver. Then lagos
(logos) is the -- (thinking) yea yea , lagos is the fact or convin -- facts or information --
informations so that the receiver can truly accept his point of view -- his point of view. And
those 3 types of perceptions are very -- uhmm is very important in talking in public or private
places, if so we can (thinking) -- so we can (circling hand gesture) show our point of view to
those -- to the thing that we want to express to the receiver. (touching his nose)

Student #3

PASSAGE: Extract from words to the Intellectuals

STUDENT 3: So I think this, this -- all about intellectual of - of what words -- uhm
intellectuals. So, first is …

PASSAGE: (1) There can be, of course, artist, and good artist, who do not have a
revolutionary attitude towards the life, and it is for precisely that group of artist and
intellectuals that the Revolution constitutes a problem.

STUDENT 3: So I think uhm, this uhm, this first paragraph is, or this first stanza is all about
the artist who uhm - who don’t have this revolutionary attitude towards the life. And the next
paragraph is or the next stanza is …

PASSAGE: (2) For a mercenary

STUDENT 3: So, what, I don’t know what mercenary, so I -- I take mercenary words for --
because I don’t know what it is word and maybe uhm maybe if uhm finish this uhm this
context is i’ll search is for dictionary. And the next …

PASSAGE: (2) The mercenary artist or intellectual, for a dishonest artist or intellectual, it
would never be a problem: he knows what he has to do, he knows what it is in his interest,
and he knows where he is going.

STUDENT 3: So, I think uhm, everyone naman, everyone is interest, or uhm what we are
doing, so alam natin yun. And then next is, next stanza is ...

PASSAGE: (3) The real problem exists for the artist or intellectual who does not have a
revolutionary attitude towards life but who is, however, an honest person. It is clear that he
who has that attitude towards life, whether he is revolutionary or not, whether he is an artist or
not, has his goals, has his objectives and we should all ask, we should all ask ourselves about
those goals, has his objectives.

STUDENT 3: So I think uhm, uhm every person have uhm, have their goals but, it is uhm,
there’s, but --- magkakaiba lang sa ano kung, how we uhm, makukuha yung goals kung uhm,.
How we process yungh goals natin.

PASSAGE: (3) For the revolutionary, those goals and objectives are directed towards the

change of reality;

STUDENT 3: So for uhm, so yung uhm, ano ba -- so yung uhm every goals uhm we have
uhm, changes about what is happening in the present po, uhm, maybe uhm, if uhm for
example if I am were child so my dream is uhm first uhm my dream or my passion that I want
is teacher but now in the present I don’t teacher because maybe uhm, my uhm, maybe its too
hard for me to be a teacher. And then, next is ...

PASSAGE: (3) those goals and objectives are directed towards the redemption of man. It is
man himself, his fellow man, the redemption of his fellow man that constitutes the objective
of the revolutionary. If they ask us revolutionaries what matter most to us, we will say the
people, and we will always say the people. The people in their true sense, that is, the majority
of the people, those who have had live in exploitation

STUDENT 3: and wait, exploitation, take this word

PASSAGE: (3) and in the cruelest neglect. Our basic concern will always be the great
majority of the people, that is, the oppressed and exploited classes. The point of view through
which we view everything is this: whatever is good for them, will be good for us; whatever is
noble, useful, and beautiful for them, will be noble, useful and beautiful for us. If one does
not think of the people and for the people, that is, if one does not think and does not act for
the great exploited masses of the people, for the great masses which we want to redeem, then
one simply does not have a revolutionary attitude.

STUDENT 3: So I think this uhm context its all about the, the person who have uhm, only,
who have a goal in life and I think uhm, there’s uhm, there’s someone to uhm, there someone
or a bestfriend to parang maano sya, parang maano sya yung -- ano bang tawag dun, parang
maano sya, madadala ng kaibigan nya sa, kaya nag babago yung, yung changes their goals
because of the other person. And then next po,

PASSAGE: (3) If one does not think of the people and for the people, that is (there is) , if one
does not think and does not act for the great exploited masses of the people, for the great
masses which we want to redeem, then one simply does not have a revolutionary attitude.

PASSAGE: (4) It is from the point of view that we analyze the good, the useful, and the
beautiful of every action.
STUDENT 3: So, this is uhm uhm very useful and uhm, this context because as we know the
our goals it is and -- and every action is we need to -- we need to think before we action because
it is better to think muna to to para gumawa agad.
PASSAGE: (5) We understand that is must be a tragedy when someone understands this and
nonetheless has to confess that he is incapable of fighting for it.
STUDENT 3: The next is …
PASSAGE: (6) We are, or believe ourselves to be revolutionaries. Whoever is more of an artist
than a revolutionary cannot think exactly the same as we do. We struggle for the people without
inner conflict, we know that we can have to think about the people before we think about
ourselves, and that is the only attitude that can be defined as a truly revolutionary attitude…
STUDENT 3: So in this stanza it is uhm, I can relate this because ughm me as a person, think
ko muna yung ano ang sasabihin ng iba bago, bago yung, bago sabihin or bago ano yung akin.
The next is …
PASSAGE: (7) The case was well made that there were many writers and artists who were not
revolutionaries, but were however, honest writers and artists; that they wanted to help the

Revolution, and that the Revolution is interested in their help; that they wanted to work for the
Revolution and that, at the same time, the Revolution was interested in their contributing their
knowledge and efforts on its behalf.
STUDENT 3: So medyo uhm, medyo naaano ako dito sa stanza number 7, confused because,
(scratching his head) because there’s a lot of revolution here. (laughed) and then next is ...
PASSAGE: (8) It is easier to appreciate this when specific cases are analyzed; and among those
specific cases are many that are not easy to analyze. A catholic writer spoke here. He raised the
problems that worried him and he spoke with great clarity. He asked if he could make an
interpretation of a determined problem from his idealistic point of view of if he could write a
He asked quite frankly if, within a revolutionary regime,
STUDENT 3: So i’ll take the word regime because I don’t know what it is.
PASSAGE: (8) he could express himself in accordance with those sentiments. He posed the
problem in a form that might be considered symbolic.
STUDENT 3: So, there’s someone to uhm, to express their knowledge or their thoughts about,
about this. And 9th stanza …
PASSAGE: (9) He was concerned about knowing if he could write in accordance with those
sentiments or in accordance with that ideology, which was not exactly the ideology of the
Revolution. He was in agreement with the Revolution on economic and social questions, but
his philosophic position was distinct from that of the Revolution. And this case is worthy of
being kept well in mind, because it is a case representative of the group of writers and artist
who demonstrate a favourable attitude towards the Revolution and wish to know what degree
of freedom they have within the revolutionary condition to express themselves in accordance
with their feelings.
STUDENT 3: So uhm, I think everyone, everyone naman is uhm they want to express their
knowledge and thoughts or feelings to -- to ano express is what we want or what they want.
PASSAGE: (9) That is the group that constitutes a problem for them, and it is the duty of the
Revolution to be concerned with the situation of those artists and writers, because the
Revolution ought to bend its efforts towards having more than the revolutionaries, more than
the revolutionary artists and intellectuals, move along with it. It is possible that the men and
women (woman) who have a truly revolutionary attitude towards reality do not constitute the
greatest sector of the population: the revolutionaries are the vanguard of the people,
STUDENT 3: So I’ll take this vanguard
PASSAGE: (9) of the people, but the revolutionaries should bend their efforts towards having
all the people move along with them. The revolution cannot renounce the goal of having all
honest men and women, whether writers and artist or not, moving along with it; the Revolution
should bend its efforts towards converting everyone who has doubts into a revolutionary. The
Revolution should try to win over the greatest part of the people to its ideas; The Revolution
should never give up counting on the majority of the people, counting not only on the
revolutionaries, but in all honest citizens who, although they may not have a revolutionary
attitude towards life, are with the Revolution.
STUDENT 3: So uhm, in this uhm, in this paragraph is I think uhm not only revolutionary, not
only the artist or the writers uhm revolutionary attitude have uhm ---- revolution is maybe they
uhm person who want to be uhm who want to be uhm, who want to be uhm, meron din silang
pinaglalaban (scratching his ear) na ganun kaso di sila nag aano sa revolutionary attitude para

sa mga ano, mga buhay nila. Then 10th stanza.
PASSAGE: (10) The Revolution should give up only those who are incorrigible
STUDENT 3: Wait, incorrigible.
PASSAGE: (10) reactionaries, who are incorrigible counter-revolutionaries. incorrigible
counter-revolutionaries. Towards all others the Revolution must have policy; the Revolution
has to have an attitude towards those intellectuals and writers. The Revolution has to understand
the real situation and should therefore act in such a manner that the whole group of artist and
intellectuals who are genuinely revolutionaries can find within the Revolution a place to work
and create, a place where their creative spirit, even though they are not revolutionary writers
and artists, has the opportunity and freedom to be expressed.
MS LESLIE: Guide questions that you need to answer. Answer the guide questions based from
the reading passage number 1.
STUDENT 3: What is the selection all about? So what is the selection all about, uhm I think
the selection is all about the writers or the artist who have uhm, revolutionary attitude. Because
they want to fight their thoughts or feelings about uhm, about their, about what his uhm, they
want to show. And the next is ...
STUDENT 3: How does the author define being a revolutionist/revolutionary? Uhm, I think
the author defined the revolutionary because they want, or the person their want to, ay uhm like
what I said before they want to fight uhm, their uhm their thoughts or their ideas to uhm to
parang i-show to the people. And then next is ---
STUDENT 3: What do you think is the purpose of the author in writing this article? Uhm the
purpose of the author uhm in writing this article is to - to for us to know, if we want to fight
their - if we had goals uhm or if we wanna dream, fight for it. Also, don’t have uhm, if you
have a doubts or anong tawag dun (swaying his hand circular motion) or parang nahihirapan
sa in your, to achieve your goals or dreams, fight for it and dream only.
STUDENT 3: Do you consider yourself as a revolutionist? Justify your answer. Uhm I think,
yes, because uhm, because as of now I want to --- I want to show to everyone that uhm, I have
a dream and also is, I want to share my thoughts and ideas to everyone to know me or also
(pinching is ear) to know me and to uhm express what my feelings are, uhm my ideas also. And
the next is ...
STUDENT 3: What other title can you give to the article? The fight for, I think that, uhm the
title that I want to give in this article uhm, fight for -- for thoughts and ideas of the
revolutionaries --- revolutionary. Ayan po Maam.
PASSAGE: (1) Information technology is influence the way many of us live and work today.

STUDENT 1: That’s right! (nodding)

PASSAGE: (1) We use the internet to look and apply for jobs, shop, conduct research, make
airline reservations, and explore areas of interest. We use E-mail and internet to communicate
instantaneously with friends and business associate around the world. Computers are
commonplace in home and the workplace.

STUDENT 1: So I get this first paragraph. Second.

PASSAGE: (2) Although the number of internet users is growing exponentially each year,
most of the world’s population does not have access to computers of the internet. Only 6

percent of the population in the developing countries are connected to telephones.

STUDENT 1: Yes. Especially on those, on those, uhm, urban areas.

PASSAGE: (2) Although more than 94 percent of U.S households have telephones, only 56
percent have personal computers at home and 50 percent have internet access. The lack of
what most of us would consider a basic communication necessity -the telephone-does not
occur just developing nations. On some Native American reservation only 60 percent of the
residents have a telephone. The moves to wireless connectivity may eliminate the needs for
telephone lines, but it does not remove the barrier to equipment costs.

STUDENT 1: So this second paragraph talks about, um, problems, the problems of
telephones or technologies. Uhm. Also it talks about how may access, how many people have
some access with the telephones in the world. (scratched his cheeks)

PASSAGE: 3) Who has internet access? The digital divide between the population who have
access to the internet and information technology tools and those who don’t is based on
income, race, education, household type, and geographic location, but the gap between groups
is narrowing. Eighty-five percent of households with an income over $75,000 have internet
access compared with less than 20 percent of the households with income under $15,000 Over
80 percent of college graduates use the internet as compared with 40 percent of high school
completers and 13 percent of high school dropouts.

STUDENT 1: So there are so many, 85 percen of household with an income over $75,000
less than 20 percent, okay dropout.

PASSAGE: (3) Seventy-two percent of household with two parents have internet access; 40
percent female, single parent household do. Differences are also found among households and
families from different racial and ethnic groups. Fifty-five percent of white households, 31
percent of black households, 32 percent of Latino household, 68 percent of Asian or Pacific
Islander households, 39 percent of American, Indian, Eskimos, or Aleut households have
access to the internet.

STUDENT 1: This sentence talks about races to have internet connection.

PASSAGE: (3) The number of internet users who are children under nine years old and
person over fifty has more than triple since 1997. Households in inner cities are less likely to
have computer and internet access than in urban and rural areas, but the differences are no
more than 6 percent.

STUDENT 1: So it talks about age and uhm, the place which have no, or no internet access.

PASSAGE: (4) Another problem that exacerbates (searched for the meaning of exacerbates --
read the meaning) these disparities is that African-American. (Why African-American?)
Latinos, and Native Americans hold few of the jobs in information technology.

STUDENT 1: Latinos, and Native Americans, okay.

PASSAGE: (4) Women (read as woman) about 20 percent of these jobs and receiving fewer
than 30 percent of the Bachelor’s degrees in computer and information science. The result is
that women and members of the most oppressed ethnic group are not eligible for the jobs with
the highest salaries at graduation.

STUDENT 1: Oh, so even though there are, they are not eligible for the jobs, even though
they are [inaudible 9:00 - waited?] 20 percent of these jobs and receiving fewer than 30

percent of the Bachelor’s degrees in computer result is that women and member of he most
oppressed ethnic group are not eligible for the jobs with the highest salaries at graduation. So,
it shows that who has (scratching the back of his head), so they did not chose woman or
people that are oppressed ethnic group or a part of the ethnic group. (searched for the meaning
of baccalaureate and how to pronounce it)

PASSAGE: (4) Baccalaureate candidates with degree in computer science were offered the
highest salaries of all new college graduates.

STUDENT 1: (nodding) Uhm, so maybe they are chosen or offered with a highest salary
because of their degree. Uhm, I think this quite , uhm true. Because some companies are
looking for those people who have high degrees in their college so that (clap) they can have,
the ano, (clap) edge with other, with the other companies.

PASSAGE: (5) Do similar disparities exist in schools?

STUDENT 1: What is disparities?

PASSAGE: (5) Ninety-eight percent of school in the country are wired with at least one
internet connection. The number of classrooms with internet connection differs by the income
level of students. Using the percentage of students who are eligible for free lunches at a
school to determine income level, we see that the higher percentage of the school with more
affluent students have wired classrooms than those with high concentrations of low-income

STUDENT 1: Ah, I’m not quite agree with that because, uhm, most of the school now have
internet connection and computers.

PASSAGE: (6) Access to computers and the internet will be important in reducing disparities
between groups.

STUDENT 1:That’s right!

PASSAGE: (6) It will require higher equality across diverse group whose members develop
knowledge and skills in computer and information technologies.

STUDENT 1: So the passage now is talking about equity of the technology. Okay.

PASSAGE: (6) The field today is overrepresented by white males. If computers and the
internet are to be used to promote equality, they have to become accessible to school cannot
currently afford the equipment which needs to be updated regularly every three years or so.
However, access alone is not enough; Students will have to be interacting with the technology
in authentic settings.

STUDENT 1: Yea. I’m agree with this. Students should have access to technology so that,
they will not left behind by the others. The technology change faster now. (touching his chin)

PASSAGE: (6) As technology has become a tool for learning in almost all courses taken by
students, it will be seen as a means to an end rather than an end in itself. If it is used in
culturally relevant ways, all students can benefit from its power.

STUDENT 1: Okay, I think I get that.

MAAM LESLIE: So, in reading passage number 2 the list mastered revealed in the test
items, is all about, explain the relationship of context.

What is the selection all about?

STUDENT 1: So, selection, uhm (touched his eye) talks about to technology and how, and
uhm, about technology about how other can, what do you call this (snap) how others. Uhm, It
talks about technologies. And I think about statistics also, about who has teh access to the
technology. I think that's the passage all about.

MAAM LESLIE: What cultural issues may have influenced, challenged, or inspired the

STUDENT 1: Uhm, for me, I think, the author inspired writing this because uhm, other , uhm
we all have different ano, uhm (snap) What do you call this? Uhm, the author inspired
writing this because some author can’t afford or they cannot use technology because, uhm, for
some reason. For example, the author said that, because of race, uhm their money income,
uhm their, uhm, their degrees, ay, yea, their degrees. And also, their geographic uhm, or their
place, or their position. I think uhm, the author also write this because , uhm, I noticed that,
we don’t have the same act, uhm the same, same access with the technology. I think that’s it,

MAAM LESLIE: What are the political or economic issues of the times? Which are
exhibited in the text.

STUDENT 1: So, first is the, as I said ago, the income of each family or income of each
family. And also the race of who has internet access or technology access. Then, I think,
that’s it.

MAAM LESLIE: As a student, what are the challenges that you encountered in this digital

STUDENT 1: Uhm, some of the challenges I faced is that uhm, in my (in my) task, uhm
when I was in grade 7, I don’t have any gadgets or uhm devices that can help me do the
assignments. Some teachers sent to the GC or group chat the assignments or projects. They
announce it from that. And then, uhm, I don’t have any access to that because, uhm my family
can’t afford it. Probably this, uhm, I don’t have project. I can’t pass projects or do it because
ah, I’m lack of internet access and technology. And also I, I’m quite new to the technology
like computers, because I don’t usually use computers, I'm just reading books. Just like that.
So, when I use that technology, I’m like I, what do you call this, a cave man using that. I’m
amazed with the convenience it brings. Yan thanks!

STUDENT 3: Change. Uhm from the title itself, change. I think, uhm, there can be uhm,
changes uhm happen, uhm or uhm, after this reading the - the poem.

Things change:
No longer do I,
Recovering from the shock
Of a huge branch falling
At my feet,
No longer do I fear,

No longer run to my altar
In the woods,
The fire of prayer in my mouth
No longer between my teeth
The tremble, the I have offended.
Newton as a habit of centuries
Inhabits my skull; I know
Of gravity
And rot (read as root)
And no longer,
No longer
Does a falling frighten me.

STUDENT 3: Maam, can I repeat po yung poem?


Things change:
No longer do I,
Recovering from the shock
Of a huge branch falling
At my feet,
No longer do I fear,
STUDENT 3: So, uhm I think this line is At my feet, No longer do I fear, way to do, what,
uhm, to what, uh, want to show it na I am not afraid of uh, to everyone. Next is ….

No longer run to my altar

In the woods,
The fire of prayer in my mouth
No longer between my teeth
STUDENT 3: So, I think the uhm, it uhm, most powerful is to uhm -- to pray uhm, to God,
eh-uhm, using uhm, using uhm, our uhm, about thinking uhm think -- use think to more uhm
-- to more concentrate what you want to pray or what you want to happen.

The tremble, the I have offended.

Newton as a habit of centuries
Inhabits my skull; I know

Of gravity
And rot (read as root)
And no longer,
No longer
Does a falling frighten me.

STUDENT 3: So I think uhm it is uhm, all about the Newton. Uhm Newton discovers, uhm,
or learnings. Okay na po Maam.

MAAM LESLIE: These are the questions now. You may start with the questions.

STUDENT 3: What is the poem all about? I think the poem is all about uhm, uhm, the
changes of what we are thinking, uhm because uhm, it uhm helps, it helps or God or the any
person, uhm around us. They have changes to -- para mga decision natin sa buhay. Or
decision or how we decision make.

STUDENT 3: Who do you think is the persona in the poem? Maam, may I ask a question,
yung ano po yung persona. Ano po yung naano --

MAAM LESLIE: The speaker or the one who is talking.

STUDENT 3: Ah I think, the uhm, the person, or uhm talking about the poem is I think, uhm,
uhm all of us, because uhm, because they want to, uhm, to show to everyone that we want
uhm, that want uhm,. What are we want to show to them na, (thinking -- looking at the
ceiling) kung ano yung kakayahan natin or kung mga gusto natin that kailangan naitn ipakita.
And then, and then, uhm, with the help of, uhm, uhm or help to ah God -- guide from God,
maaano natin, madedeliver so sa mga, (scratching his nose) sa mga taong gusto natin ipakita
sa kanila. And then next is ....

STUDENT 3: What are some of the literary devices or figures of speech used in the poem? I
think uhm, (touching the tip of his nose -- looking at the ceiling) they have uhm --- wait lang,
simile? Simile.

MAAM LESLIE: Can you cite the lines which show simile? Do you still remember the lines
which shows simile.

STUDENT 3: Wait po Maam. Para po kasi syang uhm, context, uhm, lines na simple lines po
na ano, wait, I cannot remember po. (thinking)

MAAM LESLIE: So, from this line where is the simile that you are talking about?

STUDENT 3: I think ano po,

Recovering from the shock
Of a huge branch falling

STUDENT 3: Wait po.

MAAM LESLIE: Aside from simile, what other figures of speech do you notice?

STUDENT 3: Yung ano po --- assonance? Ay hindi. Hindi po. Wait, (touching his nose)
metaphor po?

MAAM LESLIE: What are some of the metaphors that you encounter?

STUDENT 3: Yung eto po, I think ….

The fire of prayer in my mouth
No longer between my teeth
STUDENT 3: Wait, yan po.

MAAM LESLIE: What other figures of speech -- do you still have other figures of speech
that you encountered?
STUDENT 3: (thinking) I think, uhm -- di sya alliteration. (swaying his hand up and down)
naano ko na po Maam yung iba, nakalimutan ko na po yung figures of speech eh. Yung mga

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, let’s proceed with the -- next number 4.

STUDENT 3: What do you think is the theme of the poem? I think, the theme of this poem is
uhm, is uhm, changes. Ayan pi changes. Because I think the theme or the title itself, is uhm,
be uhm, same, because it’s all about to changes to our life it to because uh, how we show it to
everyone po kung ganun. The next is ….

STUDENT 3: What is the moral/lesson of the poem? So the, I think moral lesson of the poem
its uhm, always uhm, God first, because uhm she knows everything and she may help you.
She may -- ay he guide you and also uhm, believe in yourself po.

PASSAGE: (recorded passage is playing)

MAAM LESLIE: Apply think aloud. What do you understand. You may start now.

STUDENT 3: So habang nag pplay po, sabi, mag think aloud po ako?


STUDENT 3: So uhm the listening passage number 4 is all about the tools of, the tools of -
ano ba yun? Passions ay ano? Parang ano po sya, kung how we, how we uhm, interact to
others po. Ayan po, tools of persuasion -- (persuasion - no sound from him). So yung
persuasion uhm, its I think, it’s all about to convince uhm to convince the other person or the,
the uhm customers, I think. Ganun po sya.

STUDENT 3: And then, uhm, according to the uhm Aristotle they have the - they have the 3
kind of uh persuasion - ano ba yun persua -- basta yun po, meron syang tatlo. And then, yung
ethos, pathos, logos. And It think the uhm, yung the three types of that is uhm, I heard that
before but I cannot uhm, remember what is the meaning of that three types. And maybe uhm,
I;ll know the other definition of what is that (3 types- no sound)

STUDENT 3: So, uhm, according to the uhm, according to that, according to that listening
voice po, according to that is the - ethos po is credible source po ng, ng information kung
bago parang, parang sa kanya, the ethos uhm, they come all the information or uhm that we
want to know. The next …

STUDENT 3: So yung uhm, sabi pa na, um the example of that, you tell the uhm, telling
what you have experience about the, about that activity, any, any work so yung po yung

STUDENT 3: The next is pathos, uhm, I think the and the uhm, the -- tell me, that the pathos
is how we connect to the audience or it is the uhm, the connection of the audience and the
speaker - of how we, how we persuade them. Ayan po pathos.

STUDENT 3: And then, uhm, I think the pathos is the way you, you persuade the someone or
the customer to buy your uhm, to buy your uhm, your uhm, any clothes or any works po.
Kumbaga ganun po ang pathos, kumbaga they want to show with them of uhm, or uhm, they
want to show with them yung mga binibenta mo. Yun po. Then next is.

STUDENT 3: Logos. I think is, my first impression about the logos is -- logo. Because my
first impression to my, is logo. Logo, but the truth is logos is it is use for fact or uhmm true,
true. And for example is that, for giving uh, to the students or to the customers that uhm, our
product very uhm, is very uhm helpful to you. For example if we have beauty products po,
they want to show the , the uhm facts about what have, what we have in ano, in our products
po, kung ano pwede makuha nila dun sa products. So ayun po ang, it’s all about po dun sa
ano po, sa listening po, sa listening passage number 4.
MAAM LESLIE: This is your last challenge. Paraphrase or summarize the listening passage.

STUDENT 3: So, listening passage, its all about the facts of persuade. So, according to the,
to the, according to the Aristotle they have three types of persuades. And, that is ethos,
pathos, logos. And ethos, it is uhm, its uhm is credible of the speakers to uhm, toano what
they want to, to show the customers and. While the pathos to how we connect with customers
or audience that, that you have sincered to show with them what, what we have products and
what are the, what are the possible that you uhm outcome it in our product. While the last one
is logos, it is uhm use of facts and I think the logos, one of the, one of the parang audience
want to know. And because of the fact of the ano, for example product is, beauty product.
You need to tell, to everyone or to the audience that uhm, your product is very helpful, and
also um they have uh, registered to that -- uhm food drug uh ganun po yung ah parang
registration po. Ayun po.


STUDENT 4: Extract from Words to the Intellectuals. Intellectuals is uhm, intelligent, or

thinking? I don’t know. (giggles) Then, Extracts from words to the Intellectuals.

PASSAGE: (1) There can be, of course, artist, and good artist, who do not have a
revolutionary attitude towards the life, and it is for precisely that group of artist and
intellectuals that the Revolution constitutes a problem. (2) For a mercenary artist or
intellectual, for a dishonest (okay) artist or intellectual, (I don’t understand this word) it
would never be a problem: he knows what he has to do, he knows what it is in his interest,
and he knows where he is going. (3) The real problem exists for the artist or intellectual who
does not have a revolutionary attitude

STUDENT 4: (wrote down the word revolutionary) And the words revolutionary is, evolve,
nag e evolve po sya. (hand gesture in circular motion)

PASSAGE: (3) towards life but who is, however, an honest person. It is clear that he who
has that attitude towards life, whether he is revolutionary or not, whether he is an artist or not,

STUDENT 4: Attitude towards life. ..

PASSAGE: (3) has his goals, has his objectives and we should all ask, we should all ask
ourselves about those goals, has his objectives. For the revolutionary, those goals and
objectives are directed towards the change of reality; those goals and objectives are directed
towards the redemption of man.

STUDENT 4: I don’t familiar with this word. So I take down notes.

PASSAGE: (3) It is man himself, his fellow man, the redemption of his fellow man that
constitute(s) the objective of the revolutionary. If they ask us revolutionaries what matter
most to us, we will say the people, and we will always say the people. The people in their true
sense, that is, the majority of the people, those who have had live in exploitation

STUDENT 4: Exploitation.

PASSAGE: (3) and in the cruelest neglect.

STUDENT 4: what is the meaning of this. wait . cruelest -- neglect.

PASSAGE: (3) Our basic concern will always be the great majority of the people, that is, the
oppressed and exploited

STUDENT 4: oppressed, so uhm deep. And exploited

PASSAGE: (3) classes. The point of view through which we view everything is this:
whatever is good for them, will be good for us; whatever is noble, useful, and beautiful for
them, will be noble, useful and beautiful for us. If one does not think of the people and for the
people, that is, if one does not think and does not act for the great exploited masses (massive)
of the people, for the great masses (massive) which we want to redeem, then one simply does
not have a revolutionary attitude. If one does not think of the people and for the people, that
is, if one does not think and does not act for the great exploited masses of the people, for the
great masses which we want to redeem, then one simply does not have a revolutionary

STUDENT 4: Number 4

PASSAGE: (4) It is from the point of view that we analyze the good, the useful, and the
beautiful of every action. (5) We understand that is must be a tragedy when someone
understands this and nonetheless has to confess that he is incapable of fighting for it.
PASSAGE: (6) We are, or believe ourselves to be revolutionaries. Whoever is more of an artist
than a revolutionary cannot think exactly the same as we do. We struggle for the people without
inner conflict, we know that we can have to think about the people before we think about
ourselves, and that is the only attitude that can be defined as a truly revolutionary attitude…
MAAM LESLIE: You are already in the 6th paragraph, what you’re going to do is to think
aloud the meaning of the sentence. So, I just noticed that you keep on reading the sentence
without giving reactions.
Do you understand the sentences that you have read?
STUDENT 4: Yes but, the uhm, many of the words is not familiar for me. So I’m so ano.
MAAM LESLIE: You can give your experience or reactions.
PASSAGE: (7) The case was well made that there were many writers and artists who were not

STUDENT 4: So in that line, writer and artists uhm, not totally revolutionaries. So uhm,
revolutionaries uhm, hmm -- what’s the meaning of this revolutionaries. Revolution, evolve
like -- like that uhm. The case was well made that there were many writers and artists who were
not revolutionaries. Revolutionary.
PASSAGE: (7) but were however, honest writers and artists; that they wanted to help the
STUDENT 4: Okay! The writers and artists they wanted to help the revolution. So the artist
and the uhm many writers and artists that wanter to help to revolve or to evolve to our
PASSAGE: (7) and that the Revolution is interested in their help; (revolution) that they wanted
to work for the Revolution and that, at the same time, the Revolution was interested in their
contributing their knowledge and efforts on its behalf.
STUDENT 4: So in that passage po sa 7, uhm (trying to write in the air using her pen) the
writers and the artist uhm, and the revolution, they wanted to help to involve, in that revolution
and to be uhm to contribute, contributing their knowledge and efforts in its behalf. SO parang,
parang ano ba yun, UNITE. Nag uunite po sila sa revolution.
PASSAGE: (8) It is easier to appreciate this when specific cases are analyzed; and among those
specific cases are many that are not easy to analyze.
STUDENT 4: cases, uhm problem. --- analyze to fully understand the cases or problem.
PASSAGE: (8) A catholic writer spoke here. He raised the problems that worried him and he
spoke with great clarity. He asked (acts) if he could make an interpretation of a determined
problem from his idealistic point of view of if he could write a work defending that point of
view. He asked quite frankly
STUDENT 4: frankly, uhm, direct to the point and. Yea. direct to the point. frankly.
PASSAGE: (8) if, within a revolutionary regime, he could express himself in accordance with
those sentiments. He posed the problem in a form that might be considered symbolic. (9) He
was concerned (read as considered) about knowing if he could write in accordance with those
sentiments or in accordance with that ideology,
STUDENT 4: Ideology? Idea?
PASSAGE: (9) which was not exactly the ideology of the Revolution.
STUDENT 4: hmm, wait a minute.
PASSAGE: (9) He was in agreement with the Revolution on economic and social questions,
but his philosophic position was distinct from that of the Revolution.
PASSAGE: (9) And this case is worthy of being kept well in mind, because it is a case
representative of the group of writers and artist who demonstrate a favourable attitude towards
the Revolution and wish to know what degree of freedom they have within the revolutionary
condition to express themselves in accordance with their feelings.
STUDENT 4: So the artist uhm, wait wait. …. demonstrate a favourable attitude towards the
Revolution … their attitude towards the revolution of what? revolution of ourself? or our
country? Like that. wish to know what degree of freedom they have within the revolutionary

condition … freedom. Degree of freedom. Kung anong level ( nodding) okay. they have within
the revolutionary condition . To express themselves in accordance with their feelings. Express.
Express themselves.
PASSAGE: (9) That is the group that constitutes a problem for them, and it is the duty of the
Revolution to be concerned with the situation of those artists and writers,
STUDENT 4: So -- it said -- the revolution be concerned with the situation of those artists and
writer. (sniffing)
PASSAGE: (9) because the Revolution ought -- to bend its efforts towards having more than
the revolutionaries, more than the revolutionary artists and intellectuals, move (read as more)
along with it. It is possible that the men and women (read as woman) who have a truly
revolutionary attitude towards reality do not constitute the greatest sector of the population:
STUDENT 4: revolutionary attitude towards reality. Reality, this. (pointing downward)
PASSAGE: (9) the revolutionaries are the vanguard
STUDENT 4: what is the meaning of vanguard? Vanguard. I don’t familiar this word.
PASSAGE: (9) vanguard of the people, but the revolutionaries should bend their efforts
towards having all the people move along with them. The revolution cannot renounce the goal
of having all honest men and women, whether writers and artist or not, moving along with it;
the Revolution should bend its efforts towards converting everyone who has doubts into a
revolutionary. The Revolution should try to win over the greatest part of the people to its ideas;
STUDENT 4: So, in this word, uhm, the revolution should try to win over the greatest part of
the people to its ideas. So the revolutions is, should try to win, in the great, to -- over the greatest
part of the people to its idea. --- hmmm.
PASSAGE: (9) the Revolution should never give up counting on the majority of the people,
counting not only on the revolutionaries, but in all honest citizens who, although they may not
have a revolutionary attitude towards life, are with the Revolution. (10) The Revolution should
give up only those who are incorrigible
STUDENT 4: incorrigible. So many words that I can’t understand.
PASSAGE: (10) reactionaries, who are incorrigible counter-revolutionaries. Towards all
others the Revolution must have policy;
STUDENT 4: Yes. Towards all others the Revolution must have policy; In eveyr revolutions
to -our must have policy. So we have a policy to -- to follow.
PASSAGE: (10) the Revolution has to have an attitude towards those intellectuals and writers.
The Revolution has to understand the real situation and should therefore act in such a manner
that the whole group of artist and intellectuals who are genuinely revolutionaries can find within
the Revolution a place to work and create, a place where their creative spirit, even though they
are not revolutionary writers and artists, has the opportunity and freedom to be expressed.
STUDENT 4: (read some part again) So the artist and the writers they have uh, opportunity to
-- opportunity and freedom to express, the artist and the writer and also the revolutionary. Okay
okay. Hmm --
MS LESLIE: So, you are done with passage number 1, Here are some questions that you need
to answer. Have you seen the questions? Apply the think aloud protocol. Feel free to express

STUDENT 4: What is the selection all about? The selection all about, the revolutionary and
the intellectual to the writer and artists that uhm their going to uhm, the revolutionary or the
revolution is -- ay no mali. Uhm The artist and the writers should wanted to - wanted to help
the revolution to evolve the, I don’t know what it is, but they want to help, and the - revolution,
they want to accept or, uhm tama accept - accept the, the help for the artist and the writer. Uhm.
Okay number 2.
STUDENT 2: How does the author define being a revolutionist/REVOLUTIONARY? (read
it again) I think the author defined being a revolutionist/revolutionary to express, what is the
uhm, to express teh feeling of the author to being a revolutionsit. I think the, what part is that,
uhm, how does the author define -- to uhm, encouraging and uhm, more to learn, then, uhm
the passage is, helpful to everybody that uhm to know the meaning of revolutionist and the
revolutionary to the artist, or the writer or the, to everyone (nodding). And, (moving her head
from left to right) (touch her nose)
STUDENT 4: What do you think is the purpose of the author in writing this article? (read it
again) I -- oh. Wait a minute. In number 2, How does the author define being a
revolutionist/REVOLUTIONARY? HOW. PAANO. I think the author define the revolutionist
to -- uhm paano nga ba. Wait wait. (thinking) The number 3 question, What do you think is the
purpose of the author in writing this article? The purpose of the author to encourage or to kno
the meaning or the, the meaning of that article, and what is the main purpose of that article,
article, if that article is the, uhm helpful to others, and gain knowledge eot that article. That is
the purpose of the article. Because some lines of that article is -- so uhm, encouraging and gain
knowledge, some knowledge to that articles. And -- uhm wait,
STUDENT 4: Do you consider yourself as a revolutionist? Justify your answer. Hmm. I don’t
think kung -- I don’t think if myself is the one’s revolutionist, but hmm. Do you consider
yourself as a revolutionist? What is the meaning of revolutionist? Nakak -- I think, Yes. because
uhm, --- (thinking) because, Do you consider yourself as a revolutionist? Hmm. Yes because,
uhm, maybe I can, I can uhm give some contribute or anything to evolve or to being to help the
revolution in our country or in everything, so I think I consider to myself as a revolutionist.
STUDENT 4: What other title can you give to the article? Uhm, this ah, wait wait. Hmmm ---
meaning of the title. Ano, revolution, revolution and (scratching his nose) revolution I think?
What other title can you give to the article? I think the, uhm. I think the revolution and their
uhm characteristics like that. Or the revolution and the some kinds of, wait wait, the revolution.
What other title can you give to the article? The meaning of revolution. No no. The -- (writing)
The intellectual and the revolution (nodding) I think uhm, the intellectual and revolution. Or
being a how to be a, how to be a revolutionist.
PASSAGE: The Digital The Challenge of Technology and Equity.

STUDENT 4: This title, uhm technology like gadgets, our use everyday. And equity. I don’t
familiar like equity. What’s the meaning of equity. I have a dictionary here to know the meaning
of equity. Hmm. Oh my god. Wala rin. Not complete. Uhm later.

PASSAGE: (1) Information technology is influence the way many of us live and work today.

STUDENT 4: Yes. Information technology like in facebook, or in google. You can, you leave
like knowing the problem of our country.

PASSAGE: (1) We use the internet to look and apply for jobs, shop, conduct research,

STUDENT 4: Yes, in google like that, you can uhm find the ano jobs or shops. And also you

can search your conduct research to easily do that research.

PASSAGE: (1) make airline reservations, and explore areas of interest. We use E-mail and
internet to communicate instantaneously with friends and business associate around the world.

STUDENT 4: Yes, that’s so helpful. And also the facebook or messenger you can easily
communicate with friends.

PASSAGE: (1) Computers are commonplace in home and the workplace. (2) Although the
number of internet users is growing exponentially each year, most of the world’s population
does not have access to computers of the internet.

STUDENT 4: Yes. Uhm some population uhm don't have the money to buy osme gadgets to
access every ano.

PASSAGE: (2) Only 6 percent of the population in the developing countries are connected to

PASSAGE: (2) Although more than 94 percent of U.S households have telephones, only 56
percent have personal computers at home and 50 percent have internet access.

STUDENT 4: Okay. So in 6 percent uhm some countries or population connected to telephone.

And 94 percent US have a telephone. 56 percent have personal computer at home and 50 percent
have internet access.

PASSAGE: (2) The lack of what most of us would consider a basic communication necessity
-the telephone-does not occur just developing nations. (okay - taking down notes)

STUDENT 4: Wait. hm population taht connected in telephone. The 94 US hmm have

telephone. 56 percent personal computer. 50 percent have internet access.
PASSAGE: (2) On some Native American reservation only 60 percent of the residents have a

STUDENT 4: Native-American reservation only 60 percent resident have a telephone or


PASSAGE: (2) The moves to wireless connectivity may eliminate the needs for telephone
lines, but it does not remove the barrier to equipment costs. ( nodding) (3) Who has internet
access? (Many have a internet access) The digital divide between the population who have
access to the internet and information technology tools and those who don’t is based on income,
race, education,

STUDENT 4: Income, money and race your goal, education

PASSAGE: (3) household type, and geographic location, but the gap between groups is
narrowing. Eighty-five percent of households with an income over $75,000 have internet access
(taking down notes) compared with less than 20 percent of the households with income under
$15,000 Over 80 percent of college graduates use the internet as compared with 40 percent of
high school completers and 13 percent of high school dropouts. (Okay!) Seventy-two percent
of household with two parents have internet access; 40 percent female, single parent household
do. ( Do the internet access if they are single, or female parent) Differences are also found
among households and families from different racial and ethnic groups. Fifty-five percent of
white households, 31 percent of black households, 32 percent of Latino household, 68 percent
of Asian or Pacific Islander households, 39 percent of American, Indian, Eskimos, or Aleut
households have access to the internet.

STUDENT 4: Wait a minute. Ethnic groups. Okay. (read some parts again - percentage) many
of our world have access internet because technology evolve and its so powerful, the
technology, to cup up the country.

PASSAGE: (3) The number of internet users who are children under nine years old and person
over fifty has more than triple since 1997.

STUDENT 4: So, so many, the internet users also in the children.

PASSAGE: (3) Households in inner cities are less likely to have computer and internet access
than in urban and rural areas,

STUDENT 4: urban (like our country - this, in our country) rural areas, (uhm ibang bansa, US
or … urban cities, rural or indigenous people) Okay.

PASSAGE: but the differences are no more than 6 percent. (4) Another problem that
exacerbates these disparities is that African-American. Latinos, and Native Americans hold
few of the jobs in information technology.

STUDENT 4: Work in information technology.

PASSAGE: (4) Women about 20 percent of these jobs and receiving fewer than 30 percent of
the Bachelor’s degrees in computer and information science.

STUDENT 4: Ahh bachelor’s degree. College graduate of that -- course.

PASSAGE: (4) The result is that women and members of the most oppressed ethnic group are
not eligible for the jobs with the highest salaries at graduation.

PASSAGE: (4) Baccalaureate candidates with degree in computer science were offered the
highest salaries of all new college graduates.

STUDENT 4: Oh my god. (covered her mouth with her hand) so every college graduate that
get this hm course or degree offered a highest, mataas. Okay.

PASSAGE: (5) Do similar disparities exist in schools?

STUDENT 4: disparities? Wait wait. Disparities. Hmm I don’t disparities, the meaning of that,
I don’t know.

PASSAGE: (5) Ninety-eight percent of school in the country are wired with at least one
internet connection. The number of classrooms with internet connection differs by the income
level of students.

STUDENT 4: It depends to the income of students? Level of income.

PASSAGE: (5) Using the percentage of students who are eligible for free lunches at a school
to determine income level, we see that the higher percentage of the school with more affluent
students have wired classrooms than those with high concentrations of low-income students.

STUDENT 4: Unfair! (she pronounced as unpair)

PASSAGE: (6) Access to computers and the internet will be important in reducing disparities
between groups. It will require higher equality across diverse (pronounced as divert) group

whose members develop knowledge and skills in computer and information technologies.

STUDENT 4: So uhm,

PASSAGE: (6) The field today is overrepresented by white males. If computers and the internet
are to be used to promote equality, they have to become accessible to school cannot currently
afford the equipment which needs to be updated regularly every three years or so.

STUDENT 4: So the computers and the internet are to be used to promote equality. Nagkakaiba
iba. HIndi pantay. Hmm.

PASSAGE: (6) However, access alone is not enough; Students will have to be interacting with
the technology in authentic (read as austhetic) settings. As technology has become a tool for
learning in almost all courses taken by students, it will be seen as a means to an end rather than
an end in itself. If it is used in culturally relevant ways, all students can benefit from its power.

STUDENT 4: So every student, ahmm, number passage uhm, their promote, in computer and
uhm internet the student who have a highest income have a more access to the internet or more
advance. If your income is low, yea low, your access to the internet not like the highest income.
There have an inequality. Unfair to some students. Okay po Maam.

MAAM LESLIE: Let’s have the questions.

STUDENT 4: What is the selection all about? The selection all about, is about technology,
technology to access or to gain information to some site. And other you can communicate or
uhm you can communicate to others with this technology. That’s the selection all about.

STUDENT 4: What cultural issues may have influenced, challenged, or inspired the author? I
think, uhm their ano, some of them, have influenced, challenged, or inspired the author? I think
to those people who have, that didn’t have a uhm high income to those people, they uhm,
influence [inaudible 24: 28] that inspired with that people, with that, didn’t have telephone, or
inter- or computer, internet access. I think the author is inspired with that because, uhm in our
country or in our world, there have some many people and, or population that didn’t have
internet access because they didn’t have some money to buy some gadgets or technology to
gain an information. Number 3.

STUDENT 4: What are the political or economic issues of the times? The political issue with
that, they inequality (inquaity) or their unfair with some, with some students or some people
that didn’t have money, that didn’t have high income, that, or economic issue is, they can’t
uhm, involve or evolve the highest uhm, technology. They can create some technology to (hand
gesture, folded her hand like a flower bud) easily access and to those people that didn’t have
some uhm, income uhm, they can’t buy sme technology. That, number 4.

STUDENT 4: As a student, what are the challenges that you encountered in this digital era?
Is, if you don’t have phone or internet access. You can’t uhm, communicate to others. What’s
that word? (snap) hmm. Parang nawawala po sa uso. Di ko po alam english. Yun parang
nawawala ka po sa uso. Then, uhm, it’s hard to uhm, because if you don’t have money you
can’t buy some load to access any information. Also, if you’re going to do some research, you
can, you can’t,you can’t do that because you, you don’t have money, you don’t have phone to
use to search the important information to your research. Like that po Maam. Thank you po,


STUDENT 4: Difference, pagbabago. Okay.

Things change:
No longer do I,
STUDENT 4: Everythings changed. Like uhm in the past year, and now uhm, or in other.

No longer do I,
Recovering from the shock
Of a huge branch falling
At my feet,
No longer do I fear,
No longer run to my altar
In the woods,
The fire of prayer in my mouth
STUDENT 4: So, religious.
No longer between my teeth
The tremble, the I have offended.
Newton as a habit of centuries
STUDENT 4: Newton ….
Inhabits my skull; I know
Of gravity
And rot
And no longer,
No longer
Does a falling frighten me.

STUDENT 4: Alliteration. Maam pwede po paumpisahan po?

Things change:
No longer do I,
STUDENT 4: change, things change. If the things change, maybe I am too. I’m going to
change also,
Recovering from the shock

Of a huge branch falling
At my feet,
STUDENT 4:Hmm. Branch. Okay.

No longer do I fear,
No longer run to my altar
In the woods,
STUDENT 4: Alliteration, okay.

The fire of prayer in my mouth

No longer between my teeth
The tremble, the I have offended.
Newton as a habit of centuries
STUDENT 4: Newton. (Opened his dictionary) Oh my god. Hala.

Inhabits my skull; I know

Of gravity
And rot
And no longer,
No longer
Does a falling frighten me.

STUDENT 4: Okay, maam.

MAAM LESLIE: Set of questions.

What is the poem all about?

STUDENT 4: The poem all about is change. If you change -- if that thing or everything
change (pointing to herself) you also change. And where ever you, where ever you go, or
where ever you do, uhm, there’s no longer to uhm, to run or everything? The poem is all
about uhm change everything.

Who do you think is the persona in the poem?

STUDENT 4: Maam, ano po yung persona?

MAAM LESLIE: The one who’s talking.

STUDENT 4: Uhm, uhm I think uhm, I think I am. Or someone, someone read the poem.
Ayun po.

What are some of the literary devices or figures of speech used in the poem?

STUDENT 4: I think, the devices or figures of speech that used in the poem is uhm,
alliteration. Because some like is repeated and uhm, me -- ano ba. Okay, I give some line,
yung, no longer I run, or no longer I run to altar. (laughed) like that. That’s the literary, ay
alliteration, figures of speech. They repeat the word or repeated the sentence.

MAAM LESLIE: What else?

STUDENT 4: What else, uhm, Hyperbole.

MAAM LESLIE: Do you consider hyperbole?

STUDENT 4: Hmm wait. Things change. No longer I. In the first paragraph po ata.
(thinking) (covered her eyes with her hands) I don’t know. Number 4.

What do you think is the theme of the poem?

STUDENT 4: Hmm, what kind of theme. (hand gesture, circular in motion) I recall the poem
my mind. Hmm. I thnk the theme of the poem is uhm, uhm, self, self ano ba. Wait. hmm. Can
I skip maam? 5 po muna tayo.

What is the moral/lesson of the poem?

STUDENT 4: moral lesson of the poem. Uhm whatever happen, whatever uhm, yea whatever
happen, you need to rise, if some uhm, struggle that, uhm, struggles that came in your life or
in your way, you need to raise and to pursue some goals or your dream. I think that’s the
moral lesson.

STUDENT 4: Number 4, theme of the poem is, encouraging, self motivation because some
line of that poem give you motivated to uhm, motivates you to change in very situation like if
the situation is not comfortable feeling, uhm, something like that, you need to change. Also
your attitude in that situation. Yun po maam.

PASSAGE: (recorded passage is playing)

STUDENT 4: Three basic tools. Ethos - reliable, ethos consider convenient. In ethos, I
understand - ahh if you are a speaker, you need to uhm, you need to convince your audience
that you are incredible resources of that uhm passage you speak. Next is pathos. In pathos, in
pathos uhm, speaker that connecting their audience’ motion. If you are a speaker, you going
to have - get the emotion of your audience. You need to uhm, uhm persuade (pronounce as
pursue-ace) (snap) or uhm in pathos, if you uhm, what’s that? If you are not uhm good to get
their emotion, of your audience, you are not a good speaker. You can get or convince their --
them to listen your, or listen to you.

STUDENT 4: Uhm like I said to pathos, that you can -- you need to get the emotion of you
audience, to relate, to relate your audience to you, to wha you said, to what you say. And uhm
I hear that, example of uhm, what kind of example that. Uhm example that you are going to
vote, to vote uhm good or bad. My example is, you are going to vote bad or good, you need to
analyze some, some audience to know their feelings. To know what he/she is going to vote,
good or bad. Like that po Maam.

STUDENT 4: Ahh okay. Logos is uhm, connect with uhm, with facts and information. Facts,
information and uhm, and evidence. (writing) to know that your argument or your -- Yes,
your argument that is uhm convincing or motivating. And logos, if you have some uhm,

evidences, or facts information true information, you audience, uhm, going to uhm, focus on
you. That you have some evidence and every information that this evidence or information,
that uhm strong your -- your going to say.

STUDENT 4: Ahh okay. I have some examples in here. Uhm, tupperware, (showed the
object) then (snap) example I have a joy or dishwashing liquid, and this kind of tupperware is
uhm masebo, and so dirty. Then, If you put, said in television or TV, the joy is 99.9%
removing bacteria or sebo in your plate or tupperware and everything. The, that’s the example
of uhm, the fact evidence or true evidence that the joy is uhm, than is uhm, effective. And
effective to wash the dishes and to clean that all that, there’s no bacteria in there, safe to you
and everything. (explained this with props and hand gestures)

STUDENT 4: Uhm, in passage listening 3 is the example that say it uhm, safeguard or soap
that 7000 billion germs in your hand that removes or flow away, like that. Then, if that the
ano uhm, big evidences that soap is uhm effective, and clean your hand, body or uhm
everything. (pointing to her body) Than, saying the ‘this soap is effective’. ‘And you can
buy this because its effective.’ ‘Many people saying that is effective’ And that, like that. And
more likely, uhm, if you said that soap or the joy is 99.9% remove germs, or remove sebo in
your dishes, the strong evidence you have increase and you can increase the, ah, or you can
convince people or your audience that soap, or liquid soap is effective, because you have
some evidence or importance, or important, truth import - information to that soap or some.

STUDENT 4: And in logos, if you have, yeh you have evidence, some information, truth
information you can uhm, uhm, get the the focus of your audience. The ethos, pathos and
logos have a strength and effective (nodding) combination of ethos, pathos and logos. Uhm,
in this passage, they say uhm you need to uhm, example you talk to your friend or something
or everyone to, or encouraging someone to buy or this is so effective, like that. Ethos, pathos
and Logos uhm, helpful to someone because in ethos, uhm your need to uhm, incredible
source. So you have some sources. And Pathos, you get the emotion of your audience, Logos
is the evidence, facts, and informations to get or to convince the audience that this is effective,
this is helpful and everything. Or anything. Or ugh, watch some news, news to that product or
advertisement. That’s all maam.

MAAM LESLIE: Summarize the listening text or retell the information of the listening

STUDENT 4: Summarize of tools of persuasion uhm by Aristotle, there 3 basic tools uhm
Ethos, Pathos, Logos. Ethos is the speaker convince the audience that she/he is the incredible
source of that uhm passage. Pathos speaker that connecting their audience emotions. Logos
connect with facts, information and evidence to some products or , uhm, some product that
you need to use or you effectively use, helpful to use that product. And that’s all po.

Student #5

STUDENT 5: Extract from Words to the Intellectuals. Intellectuals is uhm, intelligent, or

thinking? Uhm for me, the title itself that, we naiintindihan po natin yung binabasa natin parang
may nakukuha po tayongh idea kung ano yung binabasa natin.

PASSAGE: (1) There can be, of course, artist, and good artist, who do not have a revolutionary
attitude towards the life, and it is for precisely that group of artist and intellectuals that the
Revolution constitutes a problem.

STUDENT 5: Sa in this part, uhm, I can say that, there are artist who don’t have, you parang

wala silang na anong meaning na, sa mga [inaudible 1:21] sa mga meaning or value nung what
they are doing.

PASSAGE: (2) For a mercenary artist or intellectual, for a dishonest artist or intellectual, (I
don’t understand this word) it would never be a problem: he knows what he has to do, he knows
what it is in his interest, and he knows where he is going.

STUDENT 5: In this part intellectual artist, they have yung certain goal na parang they have,
na ano po nila yung, gagawin nila. Na parang may plan na po sila.

PASSAGE: (3) The real problem exists for the artist or intellectual who does not have a
revolutionary attitude towards life but who is, however, an honest person. It is clear that he who
has that attitude towards life, whether he is revolutionary or not, whether he is an artist or not,
has his goals.

STUDENT 5: Yung dito naman po, yung dedicated ka sa kung gusto mo, yung makaakuha ka
po ng goal mo,

PASSAGE: (3) has his objectives and we should all ask, we should all ask ourselves about
those goals, has his objectives. For the revolutionary, those goals and objectives are directed
towards the change of reality; those goals and objectives are directed towards the redemption
of man. It is man himself, his fellow man, the redemption of his fellow man that constitute the
objective of the revolutionary.

STUDENT 5: Yung dito naman po, yung --- yung parang sa goal, yung minsan sa --- mas
narredeem po natin yung sarili natin para. Ayun po.

PASSAGE: (3) If they ask us revolutionaries what matter most to us, we will say the people,
and we will always say the people. The people in their true sense, that is, the majority of the
people, those who have had live in exploitation and in the cruelest neglect. Our basic concern
will always be the great majority of the people, that is, the oppressed and exploited classes. The
point of view through which we view everything is this: whatever is good for them, will be
good for us;

STUDENT 5: Yung ano po, dito naman is kung ano po ang sa tingin natin makakabuti sa ibang
tao parang boomerang effect na babalik din po sa atin sya.

PASSAGE: (3) whatever is noble, useful, and beautiful for them, will be noble, useful and
beautiful for us.

STUDENT 5: Yung parang, if ano yung ginawa mo sa ibang tao, parang ganun din po yung
gagawin nila sayo.

PASSAGE: (3) If one does not think of the people and for the people, that is, if one does not
think and does not act for the great exploited masses of the people, for the great masses
(massive) which we want to redeem, then one simply does not have a revolutionary attitude. If
one does not think of the people and for the people, that is, if one does not think and does not
act for the great exploited masses of the people, for the great masses which we want to redeem,
then one simply does not have a revolutionary attitude.

PASSAGE: (4) It is from the point of view that we analyze the good, the useful, and the
beautiful of every action.
STUDENT 5: Yun yung en-- sa lahat ng bagay na ginagawa natin dpaat sya yung, magiging
result ay maayos at maganda.

PASSAGE: (5) We understand that is must be a tragedy when someone understands this and
nonetheless has to confess that he is incapable of fighting for it.
STUDENT 5: Yung dito naman po, parang kahit alam namna po natin yung gusto natin pero
parang kapag wala tayong will na, parang yung goal na matupad yun, wlaa rinpong saysay yun.

PASSAGE: (6) We are, or believe ourselves to be revolutionaries. Whoever is more of an artist

than a revolutionary cannot think exactly the same as we do. We struggle for the people without
inner conflict, we know that we can have to think about the people before we think about
ourselves, and that is the only attitude that can be defined as a truly revolutionary attitude.
STUDENT 5: Yung dito naman po, yung parang lagi lang tayong nag iimagine ng katulad ng
mga artist, is yung parang mas maganda po yung gagawin mo talaga yung para ma- magkaroon
ka ng attitude na para ma ano po yung gusto mong mangyari.
PASSAGE: (7) The case was well made that there were many writers and artists who were not
but were however, honest writers and artists; that they wanted to help the Revolution, and that
the Revolution is interested in their help; (revolution) that they wanted to work for the
Revolution and that, at the same time, the Revolution was interested in their contributing their
knowledge and efforts on its behalf.
STUDENT 5: Yung dito naman po, yung parang naiinspire tayo ng mga taong nakakapag tupad
ng mga goals nila kaya parang gusto natin sila samahan para matupad din po yung goals natin.
PASSAGE: (8) It is easier to appreciate this when specific cases are analyzed; and among those
specific cases are many that are not easy to analyze. A catholic writer spoke here. He raised the
problems that worried him and he spoke with great clarity. He asked (acts) if he could make an
interpretation of a determined problem from his idealistic point of view of if he could write a
work defending that point of view. He asked quite frankly if, within a revolutionary regime, he
could express himself in accordance with those sentiments. He posed the problem in a form
that might be considered symbolic.
STUDENT 5: Yung parang, yung, ahh, yung parang ano ba, parang kailangan po muna nating
ianalyze, yung , tawag dun? Yung, Kailangan maisip po talaga yung, isiping maigi yung mga
way para magkaroon po tayo ng clear na gustong gawin. Ayun po.
PASSAGE: (9) He was concerned about knowing if he could write in accordance with those
sentiments or in accordance with that ideology, which was not exactly the ideology of the
Revolution. He was in agreement with the Revolution on economic and social questions, but
his philosophic position was distinct from that of the Revolution.
STUDENT 5: Yung parang, nag aano po tayo ng kung makakagawa, kung makakasulat po
tayo nung naaayon po ba sa gusto natin, yung mga parang may pakinabang na ganun po.
PASSAGE: (9) And this case is worthy of being kept well in mind, because it is a case
representative of the group of writers and artist who demonstrate a favourable attitude towards
the Revolution and wish to know what degree of freedom they have within the revolutionary
condition to express themselves in accordance with their feelings.
STUDENT 5: Yung minsan may gusto tayon iexpress kaso lang di po natin mainterpret yun
gusto natin.
PASSAGE: (9) That is the group that constitutes a problem for them, and it is the duty of the
Revolution to be concerned with the situation of those artists and writers, because the
Revolution ought -- to bend its efforts towards having more than the revolutionaries, more than

the revolutionary artists and intellectuals, move along with it. It is possible that the men and
women (read as woman) who have a truly revolutionary attitude towards reality do not
constitute the greatest sector of the population: the revolutionaries are the vanguard of the
people, but the revolutionaries should bend their efforts towards having all the people move
along with them.
STUDENT 5: Yung parang, dito po yung parang kailangan natin mag encourage ng, mga
revolutionaries ma encourage yung mga tao na sumama po sa kung ano yung, ano po yung
gagawin po.
PASSAGE: (9) The revolution cannot renounce the goal of having all honest men and women,
whether writers and artist or not, moving along with it; the Revolution should bend its efforts
towards converting everyone who has doubts into a revolutionary. The Revolution should try
to win over the greatest part of the people to its ideas; the Revolution should never give up
counting on the majority of the people, counting not only on the revolutionaries, but in all
honest citizens who, although they may not have a revolutionary attitude towards life, are with
the Revolution.
STUDENT 5: Na dito po na, wala po tayong will na sumama sa, matupad yung mga gus- yung
goal is kailangan pa rin po natin sundan yung mga nagiging inspiration natin, na matupad yung
PASSAGE: (10) The Revolution should give up only those who are incorrigible reactionaries,
who are incorrigible counter-revolutionaries. Towards all others the Revolution must have
policy; the Revolution has to have an attitude towards those intellectuals and writers. The
Revolution has to understand the real situation and should therefore act in such a manner that
the whole group of artist and intellectuals who are genuinely revolutionaries can find within the
Revolution a place to work and create, a place where their creative spirit, even though they are
not revolutionary writers and artists, has the opportunity and freedom to be expressed.
STUDENT 5: Yung dito naman po yung parang kailangan natin maghanap ng place na kung
saan magkaroon po tayo ng, ng confidence na sabihin po yung gusto nating sabihin po.
MS LESLIE: You may start now with reading passage number 1, these are the questions.
STUDENT 5: What is the selection all about? Yung parang sakin po ung selection is,
tinatalakay yung parang, yung thought po nung, yung wag lang po tayo mag ano ng vision,
hindi lang po natin i vision yung gusto nating gawin, parang mag work po tayo para maano po
natin yung yung gusto nating magawa.
STUDENT 5: How does the author define being a revolutionist/REVOLUTIONARY? Parang
yung dinefine nya po yung revolutionary na tayo, kasi diba yung mga revolutionaries yung
parang pinaglalaban nila yung gusto nila. YUng mga determination sila matupad kung ano yung
gusto nila.
STUDENT 5: What do you think is the purpose of the author in writing this article? To inspire
po yung mga tao na, yung, ayun nga po, yung wag lang basta basta, yung wag lang imagine
nang imagine. Magkaroon ka ng lakas ng loob na tuparin po yung gusto mo.
STUDENT 5: Do you consider yourself as a revolutionist? Justify your answer. Hmm Opo
maam kasi, sa tingin ko po hindi lang po ako, yung naghahanap po ako ng mga way para
matupad po yung mga gusto ko po at dreams.
STUDENT 5: What other title can you give to the article? Ano ba. YUng parang, kailangan po
na palitan yung title?

MAAM LESLIE: Think of another title. Based from your understanding.
STUDENT 5: Ano ung parang -- ano ba. Ano, be a revolutionary on your own life.
MAAM LESLIE: Justify your answer.
STUDENT 5: Ano maam, yung parang, sa buhay po naitn, yung maging revolutionaries, hindi
in a bad way na parang, yun kasi yung ---- nakikipag laban sila na para kung ano yung, yung,
yung ang ganda po ng self determination nila na kaya po nilang maipaglaban para sa sarili nila.

PASSAGE: The Digital The Challenge of Technology and Equity.

STUDENT 5: Uhm, withthe technology, there sometimes, there has been some, wait, ano ba
yung tawag dun. Yung, yung hindi fairness na nagiging trato sa, yung current generation now
and the older generation.

PASSAGE: (1) Information technology is influence the way many of us live and work today.
We use the internet to look and apply for jobs, shop, conduct research, make airline
reservations, and explore areas of interest. We use E-mail and internet to communicate
instantaneously with friends and business associate around the world. Computers are
commonplace in home and the workplace.

STUDENT 5: Yung technology and other gadgets has been uh, mean for us to do all things, in
an easier way, na more easier way, mas madaling paraan po, convenient way po.

PASSAGE: (2) Although the number of internet users is growing exponentially each year,
most of the world’s population does not have access to computers of the internet. Only 6 percent
of the population in the developing countries are connected to telephones.Although more than
94 percent of U.S households have telephones, only 56 percent have personal computers at
home and 50 percent have internet access.

STUDENT 5: Yung, yung fairness po yung, yung some rural areas they cannot, wait lang po
maam. (phone call) Yung ano po maam, in some areas hindi po sila kayang maabot nung
technology advancement, kung saan sila po yung napag iiwan na po.

PASSAGE: (2) The lack of what most of us would consider a basic communication necessity
-the telephone-does not occur just developing nations. On some Native American reservation
only 60 percent of the residents have a telephone. The moves to wireless connectivity may
eliminate the needs for telephone lines, but it does not remove the barrier to equipment costs.

STUDENT 5: Yung sa, yung true (through?) more innovation po -- (read some text again) Yun
dito po is, sa through technology innovation, yung parang ang dali pong mapag lipasan yung
mga bagay bagay yung mga, parang exmaple po, yung telephone parang dati ang advance nila,
pero through innovation na po parang ang dali na po syang nawala. May napalit nya, kaso yung
mas naging mas, mas costly po yung pumalit sa kanya.

PASSAGE: (3) Who has internet access? The digital divide between the population who have
access to the internet and information technology tools and those who don’t is based on income,
race, education, household type, and geographic location

STUDENT 5: In this part, there are alot of factor in which people cannot access with the
advancement of the technology.

PASSAGE: (3), but the gap between groups is narrowing. Eighty-five percent of households
with an income over $75,000 have internet access compared with less than 20 percent of the

households with income under $15,000 Over 80 percent of college graduates use the internet
as compared with 40 percent of high school completers and 13 percent of high school dropouts.
Seventy-two percent of household with two parents have internet access; 40 percent female,
single parent household do. Differences (read as different) are also found among households
and families from different racial and ethnic groups. Fifty-five percent of white households, 31
percent of black households, 32 percent of Latino household, 68 percent of Asian or Pacific
Islander households, 39 percent of American, Indian, Eskimos, or Aleut households have access
to the internet. The number of internet users who are children under nine years old and person
over fifty has more than triple since 1997. Households in inner cities are less likely to have
computer and internet access than in urban and rural areas, but the differences are no more than
6 percent.

STUDENT 5: YUng in this part, technology has been, naging need na sya even though na
kulang po yng pambili, nag kakroon ng way na, kasi parang naging use na, kasi parang
nakasama na sya sa needs natin. Kaya kailangan ng, kahit na medyo maano, they work in order
to have them po.

PASSAGE: (4) Another problem that exacerbates these disparities is that African-American.
Latinos, and Native Americans hold few of the jobs in information technology. Women about
20 percent of these jobs and receiving fewer than 30 percent of the Bachelor’s degrees in
computer and information science. The result is that women and members of the most
oppressed ethnic group are not eligible for the jobs with the highest salaries at graduation.
Baccalaureate candidates with degree in computer science were offered the highest salaries of
all new college graduates.

STUDENT 5: In this part, if you graduate with such higher, higher, yung mas mataas po yung
level na napag anohan mo, ano bang tawag dun? Yung -- you could [inaudible 9:45] more
better job that you could have, that could generate more income.

PASSAGE: (5) Do similar disparities exist in schools? Ninety-eight percent of school in the
country are wired with at least one internet connection. The number of classrooms with internet
connection differs by the income level of students. Using the percentage of students who are
eligible for free lunches at a school to determine income level, we see that the higher percentage
of the school with more affluent students have wired classrooms than those with high
concentrations of low-income students.

STUDENT 5: Uhm, yung money is an major issue in which, -- yung malaking part po yung
money play - big part in which you cannot attain technology and class works (?) Example for
school, private school tend to have more advance techno- gadgets unlike public schools.

PASSAGE: (6) Access to computers and the internet will be important in reducing disparities
between groups. It will require higher equality across diverse group whose members develop
knowledge and skills in computer and information technologies. The field today is
overrepresented by white males. If computers and the internet are to be used to promote
equality, they have to become accessible to school cannot currently afford the equipment which
needs to be updated regularly every three years or so. However, access alone is not enough;
Students will have to be interacting with the technology in authentic settings. As technology
has become a tool for learning in almost all courses taken by students, it will be seen as a means
to an end rather than an end in itself. If it is used in culturally relevant ways, all students can
benefit from its power.

STUDENT 5: Yung dito po, yung ano po, with the use of gadgets or technology sometimes we
could, magagamit op natin na, parang makikipag - kapag maalam ka po na may proper na alam
ka po sa technology, pwede kang makipag sabayan para matreat kang equal, para makipag
sabayan ka dun sa mga countries na in which yung gloom -- naka full gloom na talaga ang

technology. Yung parang hindi kana maddiscriminate na in which kahit na, even though you
leave in areas in which mahirap yung, mahirap yung, mahirap po yung yung, technology, yung
internet access, pwede ka pong makipag sabayan sa kanila.

MAAM LESLIE: Here are the questions for the passage number 2.

STUDENT 5: What is the selection all about? Ano po, the selection is all about, ano po, yung,
the selection is all about how technology, how people, yung nag, ano bang tawag dun. Imbis na
minsan yung technology parang nagiging means pa po sya ng separation ng mga tao. Imbis na
maging equal, mas nagiging way pa po sya na mas lalong naddiscriminate yung iba kasi wala
po silang kakayahan na maafford yung ganung technology po.

STUDENT 5: What cultural issues may have influenced, challenged, or inspired the author? I
think, the cultural issue that influenced the author, maybe poverty. Yung cultural, yung mga
racist po, kung ano po yung ethnic, kung saan po sila naka bilang na ethnic group. Yung mga,
yung mga ano po, ayun po. Yung poverty and racist po na pagtrato.

STUDENT 5: What are the political or economic issues of the times? Uhm ano maam. The
issues, yung money issues po ng mga races. Na kung - yung mga -- bayan kung -- ay, oo country
po. Yung for example po yung sa issue, yung more richer na country po, they could afford
technology call advancement po, kung saan other poor country could not have po.

STUDENT 5: As a student, what are the challenges that you encountered in this digital era?
UHm ano po, as a student na encounter ko yung mga, yung lack of, lack of knowledge po sa
technology. Yung hindi po masyadong nabigyan ng saktong, yung proper education po ng mga,
kami po about sa technology, parang ang liit po ng time na nabigay. Yun po.


Things change:
No longer do I,
Recovering from the shock
Of a huge branch falling
At my feet,
No longer do I fear,
STUDENT 5: Yung ano po, change po is the only concept na (?) even though ano po kahit po
tayo, change po, yung mga sometimes those things that we fear back then hindi na po tayo
natatakot ngayon na, kaya na po nating i-face.

No longer run to my altar

In the woods,
The fire of prayer in my mouth
No longer between my teeth
The tremble, the I have offended.
Newton as a habit of centuries

Inhabits my skull; I know
STUDENT 5:Hindi na po tayo nagttremble sa mga takot na iyun po.

Of gravity
And rot
And no longer,
No longer
Does a falling frighten me.

STUDENT 5: Na yung mga dati po nating kinakatakutan kaya na po nating harapin, na hindi
mo na sya kakatakutan (?)

MAAM LESLIE: Here are the questions.

What is the poem all about?

STUDENT 5: The poem is all about how we change in, and how we improve ourselves to
face those things that we fear. On how could able to handle them.

Who do you think is the persona in the poem?

STUDENT 5: YUng ano po, parang tayo po yung dinidescribe nya.

What are some of the literary devices or figures of speech used in the poem?

STUDENT 5: Ano po, yun parang simile or metaphor. Yung kinocompare po tayo sa, sa
yung sa may comparison po dun.

What do you think is the theme of the poem?

STUDENT 5: Ano po, yung theme nya yung -- ano ba yun. Yung theme nya is yung how we
should fear yung or how we should face our fear po.

What is the moral/lesson of the poem?

STUDENT 5: The moral lesson of the poem is, to do not fear and face the obstacle that, we
fear po.

PASSAGE: (recorded passage is playing)

STUDENT 5: Yung persuasion, its ano po, it convinces us to, it is use to convince, to be on
our side po.

STUDENT 5: Yung Ethos it is a persuasion that convince people that you are trustworthy or
capable po sa isang bagay.

STUDENT 5: Yung pangalawa po, ano sya, in order to persuade them, its parang nagiging
threat po sya to go on your side po.

STUDENT 5: Yung sa Logos po, parang nag aano sya ng gumagawa ka ng, create evidence

na totoo yung, na totoo po sya na, na yung evidence sya na, fact sya na about sayo. YUng na
may OPbasis, kung saan, mapagkaka, yung mapupunta mo sila, mappersuade mo sila na
kumampi sayo.

STUDENT 5: Yung witth the use of three of this, most likely po na mapersuade mo yung
audience mo gamit po yung tatlong ito imbis na isa lang ang pipiliin. Okay na po Maam.

MAAM LESLIE: Last challenge with the literary passage. Summarize or retell the context
of the listening text.

STUDENT 5: English po ba?

MAAM LESLIE: Yes, of course.

STUDENT 5: or pwede pong tagalog?

MAAM LESLIE: It’s up to you on how are you going to deliver the informations that you
get from the listening passage. You may start now.

STUDENT 5: Persuasion is a way in order to convince other to go on their side. According to

Aristotle, there are three way of persuasion: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. Ethos uhm, its
somehow, convince the audience with the use of emotions in order to tell them that you are to
trust and credible to do the task in order to for them to be persuade by you. Pathos, it is
somehow that you tend to threat or threaten the audience or --- that to be persuade by you.
And Logos, in logos your are giving evidence with basis or facts that are reliable in order for
them to be persuade, in order for you to persuade the audience. And, but with the use of these
three, it is more powerful that you could slightly persuade the audience.


Title: Extract word… extract from words to the intellectuals

PASSAGE: (1) There can be, of course, artist, and good artist, who do not have a revolutionary
attitude towards the life, and it is for precisely that group of artist and intellectuals that the
Revolution constitutes a problem.

STUDENT 6: The selection, the… what do you call this… The paragraph is all about an artist
and a good artist. And I don’t know what is the collection - connection of revolutiona--
revolution about the sen--tence. (Paused for seconds) I think it’s all about the group of artist.
(Paused for about a minute. Looking at something she’s - I think- holding) Why do we have a
good artist and also a bad artist? Revolution. As the rr-the mm- the dictionary says, revolution,
the action of by a celestial body of going round in an orbit elliptica--or elliptical course. What
is the connection? (Paused, thinking.., looked at the screen, smiling). And also, a sudden radical
or complete change. (Paused) (uttered something I couldn’t understand) The overthrow or
renunciation of one government or ruler and the substitution of another by the governed. A--
activity or movement designed to effect fundamental changes in the socioeconomic situation.
(Read the paragraph again) Oh, ah, there can be a good artist of course. Artist and good artist,
yes we have these. So, uhm, so the second… sentence is why do have, have a revolutionary
attitude towards the rev-- towards the life. So, ah (scratched nose) I think they’re talking about
changes of our attitude, and it is for precisely that group of artist and intellectuals that the
revolution constitute a problem. Uhm (wiped her nose, looked somewhere) change--changes
of our attitude, if we don’t think aloud , we don’t think carefully or we’re going to change, it
can be caused to a problem, it can be lead to our--to the problem. That’s all my insights.

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay. You continue reading, Lyka.

PASSAGE: (2) For a mercenary artist or intellectual, for a dishonest (disHonest--dishonest)
artist or intellectual, it would never be a problem: he knows what he has to do, he knows what
it is in his interest, and he knows where he is going.

STUDENT 6: So, this is what (scratched cheek) I said earlier. If you ju-- if you think (fixed
hair) think what are you... chhhk (sound from her mouth ata. hehe) he knows he has to do so,
that person already think or already plan what are-- what a-- what she or he will do.

PASSAGE: (3) The real problem exists for the artist or intellectual who does not have a
revolutionary attitude towards life but who is, however, an honest person. It is clear that he who
has that attitude towards life, whether he is revolutionary or not, whether he is an artist or not,
has his goals.

STUDENT 6: What? Am I repeating? (slightly laughed)

MA’AM LESLIE: Sige, it’s okay, Lyka. Whatever you wanted to incorporate.

STUDENT 6:Who has this attitude like… Uhm its say that, (fixed hair) even if you are not an
artist, you can even change your attitude. Uhm… What do you call this? Chhhk wait (looked
up and down) depends, depends on your goals, depends on your goal, object or the people
surrounds you. Ah, it depends on you, if you want to change your attitude but, it’s... like... what
the first sentence says, the real problem exists for the artist or intellectual who does not HAVE
a revolutionary attitude. (Paused for seconds) For the revolutionary don’t… for the
revolushhh-- (uttered something) for the revolutionary… those goals and objectives ar---are
dire--- directed to--- towards the change of reality.

PASSAGE: (3) Those goals and objectives are directed towards the redemption of man.
Redemption… (looking at something she’s holding). Redemption… O--- (uttered something I
couldn’t understand) Those for the revolutionary those goals and objectives are directed
towards the change of reality. Chhhk For revolutionary… Those goals and objectives are
directed towards the change of reality (She read this from the text).

STUDENT 6: So, if you change someth--- if you change something to your attitude, o--- just
to… uhm (fixed hair) chhhk. If you change something to your attitude, it will have an impact
to the... (with hand gesture) to the things that going to happen in the future. Something like that.
Change of reality, yeah.

PASSAGE: (3) Those… those goals and objectives are directed towards the redemption of a
man .

STUDENT 6: For example, you do something that… you do something bad, you… change
your attitude in a wrong way or you don’t change your attitude, it will ano, it will directed to
the --- to the redemption, to the sins. Ahm, (uttered something) ay no, saving your sins. Sa---
ah (slightly laughed) save you from sins. If you change your attitude, for example you came
from bad at--- bad habit like that something like that and you realize what you’ve done and you
decide to change it, for better and then, so… it will directed to the redemption of a man or…
save fr--- save you from error.

PASSAGE: (3) It is man himself, his fellow man, the redemption of his fellow man that
constitutes the objective of the revolutionary. If they ask us revolutionaries what matter most
to us, we will say the people, and we will always say the people. The people in their true sense,
that is, the majority of the people, those who have had live in... exploitation? and in the cruelest
neglect. Exploitation… (looked down, to search the meaning of exploitation.

STUDENT 6: Oh, so exploitation is the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to
benefit from their work. So, I think an… Where did I stop?

PASSAGE: (3) Read It is man himself, his fellow man, the redemption of his fellow man that
constitutes the objective of the revolutionary.

STUDENT 6: So it’s all about the changes.

PASSAGE: (3) If they ask us revolutionaries what matter most to us, we will say the people,
and we will always say the people. The people in their true sense, that is, the majority of the
people, those who have had live in... exploitation and the cruelest neglect.

STUDENT 6: So… those who had live in exploitation. So the person I--- the person- for
example from work, in order to recognize, in order to… (looking something beside here,
thinking) i--- so, sa-- work… Ahm, wait… (something fell) Study na lang, study. So, just.... In
order to ca-ah, in order to get someone’s attention, you will ano… you will just make other…
ahm, sorry, wait. (Looking at something for about a minute or more). Ah, in order to get
someone’s attention, you will just uhm insult other in front of a lot of people, and exploitation
it will towards… So ex… (Paused for seconds) We will just, I think we will just step to their
dignity because you want, you want others to be happy or you want them to get your attent---
get… you want them to focus on you. And in order, and your way is not… good so… you’re
treating someone unfairly. Uhm… you’re treating them, you’re treating that person.. Different
from others. So, it’s talking about favoritism? Something like that.

PASSAGE: (3) Our basic concern will always be the great majority of the people, that is, the
oppressed and exploited classes. Oppressed… (Searched for its meaning)

STUDENT 6: Oppresses… Yeah, like what I said, oppressed and exploited is… ay…
oppressed is also exploitation. Just to get someone… just to get other’s attention, you will just
say something bad to one person, treating him different--- how you--- different--- how you treat
a--- how you treat others. You will just use some… uhm.. Harmful words.

PASSAGE: (3) The point of view through which we view everything is this: whatever is good
for them, will be good for us; whatever is noble, useful, and beautiful for them, will be noble,
useful and beautiful for us. If one does not think of the people and for the people, that is, if one
does not think and does not act for the great exploited masses of the people, for the great masses
which we want to redeem, then one simply does not have a revolutionary attitude.

STUDENT 6: (Reread the first part of the paragraph) So, example of this is food. If it is good
to everyone, then it is also good for you. Noble… (Searched for its meaning) Noble, belonging
to a hereditary class with high social or political status. Having or showing fine personal
qualities or high moral principles and ideals. A person of noble rank or birth. (Paused for more
than a minute; Reread the paragraph) Okay! If one start with the… (looked at the screen) If one
person, bullying (looked up) bullying… mmmm… ahm, wait. (Reread: If one does not think of
the people and for the people, that is...) So it start with the one person and wait lang. (Looking
at something) Start with one person and if that one person influence others, e-- with--- a bad
attitude, that is if when does not think and one does act for the great exploited. For the great
exploited? (Looked down to search for a meaning maybe) Oh, I thought...exploitation and
exploited is same but it’s not. So exploited is make full use of and derive benefit… Ah, same
lang. No, it’s just the same. (Looked at the screen) Ahm, if the--- ahm, the example of this…
group of people… If, one person in that group has the bad habit treating someone unfairly and
it means they all have the bad habit and attitude too, because started from one into group.So it
says that then one simply does not have a revolutionary attitude. So, if that person influence
the group, so it means they all have, they all have that bad habit, so… that person doesn’t change
his attitude. That’s my insight.

MA’AM LESLIE: Go ahead, Lyka.

PASSAGE: (4) It is from the point of view that we analyze the good, the useful, and the
beautiful of every action.
STUDENT 6: (Reread; scratched nose) If we really think… (looking around) If we really ahh
change our attitude, we will just realize because, we will just realize… the usual and the
beautiful of every action. You will just realize it after you change your attitude. It is the impact,
impact of what are you doing.

PASSAGE: (5) We understand that is must be a tragedy when someone understand(s) this and
nonetheless has to confess that he is incapable of fighting for it.
STUDENT 6: We understand.. (looking from what she’s holding to the screen) that is must be
a...tragedy. Someone understand… (looking for a meaning; eyes from what she’s holding to
the screen) Capable… (Searching…) Tragedy… An event causing great suffering, destruction,
and distress, such as a serious accident, crime, or natural catastrophe. We understand that it
must be a tragedy, when someone understand(s) this and nonetheless has to confess that he is
incapable for fighting. Incapable (Searching…) Ahm, understand that it must be a tragedy,
tragedy… Dito nako kukuha. Tragedy, tragedy, when someone understand this nonetheless has
to confess, tragedy. (Reading the meaning of tragedy) when someone understand(s) this and
nonetheless has to confess that he is incapable of fighting. Capable… (Searching) Ahhh, ahhh,
so the tragedy, a person, is a person who has an unhappy ending, so… when someone
understand...wait… understand(s) this and nonetheless has to confess that he is incapable of
fighting. For example, ahm, In...Incapable.. Other term… none unless has to confess that he is
incapable of fighting for it. Ahm... regretting, ah, regretting that, you will just say to yourself
that I should ___ (couldn’t understand ‘cause of the vibration). Ahm… if you don’t think aloud,
ahm, if you don’t think aloud, you will just regret that. _____ (couldn’t understand) ito… ahm..
Even though it’s wrong, you should-- you w--- you need to… think aloud it. Just l--- just for
you to don’t have some regrets.

PASSAGE: (6) We are, or believe ourselves to be revolutionaries. Whoever is more of an artist

than a revolutionary cannot think exactly the same as we do. We struggle for the people without
inner conflict, we know that we can have to think about the people before we think about
ourselves, and that is the only attitude that can be defined as a truly revolutionary attitude.
STUDENT 6: Ah.. (Reread the first part of the paragraph) Revolutionaries, person who change.
Whoever is more of an artist than a revolutionary cannot think exactly the same as we do.
Ahm… We don’t have the same ideas, ideas or, the same… wait. (Searching…) We don’t have
the same understanding. Ahm, we struggle for the people without inner conflict, we know that
we can have to think about the people before we think about ourselves. Ahm, like what we say
we struggle for the people without inner conflict. So the inner conflict is for example, ahm, you
are going to ask yourself that what wrong with me? Ahm, why can’t I do this? Am I not enough?
Li-- something like that. we know that we can have to think about the people before we think
about ourselves. So, for example, you are mad to the person bec-- to that person because he/she
do something that… (looked around) you are do something that, that person do or something
that, you don’t like, so you will just say some harmful words to that person even though you
don’t know what happen to him, you don’t know what happen to him. Wait, ahm… what is…
you don’t know how he/she feel, that’s why, he/she’s do something bad. For example, in a
work, you ask that person to print something but, to print something but… mmm… for example
to print ahm… to print a picture but, he/she print something else like a text, like--- something
like that, and, you’re so--- you’re so mad because, it is an urgent, so, you use some harmful

words to that person without even asking that, why d-- ahm… Is there something wrong?
Why… are you out of your mind? Like that, because… because like it say that we know that
we can have to think about the people before we think about ourselves, so before you get mad,
you should know what’s happening to that person. What if that person is suffering from
ahm...anxiety, depression or som--- etc. ahm… Yeah, like that. And that is the only attitude
that can be defined as a truly revolutionary attitude. So, I think it is a part of changing attitude
from a moody person to a concerned person. So, revolutionary attitude, think others before
thinking yourself, that’s a good revolution-- that’s good example if defining a revolutionary
PASSAGE: (7) The case was well made that there were many writers and artists who were not
but were however, honest writers and artists; that they wanted to help the Revolution, and that
the Revolution is interested in their help; that they wanted to work for the Revolution and that,
at the same time, the Revolution was interested in their contributing their knowledge and efforts
on its behalf.
STUDENT 6: (Paused to think… ; looked down) Revolutionaries (read the meaning of the
word) Oh, so the revolutionaries are the person who is ready ch-- to do some changes. honest
writers and artists; that they wanted to help the Revolution, and that the Revolution is interested
in their help. Oh… hat they wanted to work for the Revolution and that, at the same time, the
Revolution was interested in their contributing… So, ahm… (Paused) ahm I think the example
of this is teacher and student. So, they need each other because without student, we don’t have
teachers, without teachers, we don’t have students. And, so, the revolution and the artist,
revolution--nary and the artist is benefit each other because wi- without a per- without human,
person, nothing will change. It also-- it will remain the same, and revolution and ahm… chhhk
revolution need us, and we need revolution because ahm we people do the revolution, because
ahm, it’s because of our thinking, because we are not contented that’s why revolution is
happening. And the Revolution was interested in their contributing their knowledge and efforts
on its behalf. Contributing… your work for example, ahm… cellphone. The cellphone start
with keypad, so, the revolution was interested in contributing their knowledge, so we think
ahm… we think to improve the cellphone so, it the ca--- it is called the contributing the
knowledge. Ahm, wait… contributing your knowledge… yeah...mmm… Someone contribute
his knowledge to improve cellphone, so now, so now… it is really useful, that is a changes…
yeah, that is revolution.
PASSAGE: (8) It is easier to appreciate this when specific cases are analyzed; and among those
specific cases are many that are not easy to analyze. A catholic writer (ri-ter) spoke here. He
raised the problems that worried him and he spoke with great clarity. He asked (acts) if he could
make an interpretation of a determined problem from his idealistic point of view of if he could
write a work defending that point of view. He asked quite frankly if, within a revolutionary
regime (re-jaym), he could express himself in accordance with those sentiments. He posed the
problem in a form that might be considered symbolic.
STUDENT 6: (Reread the first part of the paragraph; thinking…; Reread) Ahm… it’s like the
first sen--- number 1, easier to appreciate this when specific cases are analyzed, yeah, that’s
true. and among those specific cases are many that are not easy to analyze. Yeah, that,... cases
that are not easy to analyze is like, what you said, we should do some strategy to analyze that.
For example, sen-- a word, you don’t know what it means, so, you will just search for a
meaningor use dictionary for you to be able to understand. (Reread: A catholic writer spoke
here. He raised the problems that worried him and he spoke with great clarity.) For example,
our---ahm… (looked around) For example, you have difficulties to that problem, so, you will
do some-- for example, you will read it again and again and again so you will be able to

understand it, or search-- search for the meaning and, and, ahm… tsk… and write what you
understand then compile it, ahm, summarize it and read your answer, again so you will
understand and then, ahm…. Ahhhm… say-- say what… ah wait lang. (Paused for about a
minute) Then… if you are done searching for a question to your answer, ay for the answer to
your question, ahm, s--- tell others what you find, so, so if they find you wrong, if they find
your research wrong, you could… they could add yo--- they could add some information.
PASSAGE: (9) He was concerned about knowing if he could write in accordance with those
sentiments or in accordance with that ideology, which was not exactly the ideology of the
Revolution. He was in agreement with the Revolution on economic and social question (s), but
his philosophic position was distinct from that of the Revolution.
STUDENT 6: (Reread the first part of the paragraph; Searching…) An ideology, a set of beliefs
or philosophies and attributes to a person or group of persons, especially as held for reasons....
(read other meanings of the word “ideology” she found; Reread some parts of the paragraph-
in accordance with those sentiments or in accordance with that ideology, which was not exactly
the ideology of the Revolution. He was in agreement with the Revolution on economic and
social question (s), but his philosophic position was distinct from that of the Revolution.)
(Reread some parts; Paused; Searching...copied some parts of the paragraph to search; Reread;
Searching...Reread) So, philosophical position and social question is different from---ah, sorry.
Philosophical position is different from revolution.
PASSAGE: (9) And this case is worthy of being kept well in mind, because it is a case
representative of the group of writers and artist who demonstrate a favourable (searched)
attitude towards the Revolution and wish to know what degree of freedom they have within the
revolutionary condition to express themselves in accordance with their feelings. (uhm…
STUDENT 6: favorable attitude it’s either good or bad. (Reread some parts) So, I think, ahm…
for example, like what I’ve said earlier… you should know what, the-- what he/she feel before
expressing yourselves, because you’re mad, for example like that, ahm, because yeah, you
know that, we know that they also have freedom to say bad, but that freedom… (Paused for
more than a minute) Ah, yeah, we know that we have freedom but that freedom is
accompanying responsibility and limitations. We should know that before you say that I have
freedom I can say this, I can do this, I can also do that, but before you say that, before you do
our freedom, we should know our limit and responsibility behind that. Mmm, yeah

PASSAGE: 9) That is the group that constitutes a problem for them, and it is the duty of the
Revolution to be concerned with the situation of those artists and writers, because the
Revolution ought -- to bend its efforts towards having more than the revolutionaries, more than
the revolutionary artists and intellectuals, move along with it.
STUDENT 6: (Reread) Mmm, yeah, because revolution won’t happen if we don’t do some
efforts, even though, ahm… for example: You just said something, but it’s very useful. For
example in a report, ah, no...For example, in a report, you ask a reporter ahm… philosophic
environment. A question and-- taht, you ask the report about an action. No, wrong…(Reread;
something fell; looking around, Reread) I think it’s all about family planning?Ahm, For
example, the… family planning, you don’t do some family planning before you enter to the
relationship, you marry that person, you marry that girl, and you don’t have family planning,
chhhk, we- we know that, we, filipinos really have that big amount of children. Some filipinos
have their chi--- have their 10 above-- 10-- more than 10 children in one family. And it is said
that who have revolutionary attitude towards reality do not cons--- ah, sorry, yead, do not

constitute -- do no-- do --- do not constitute the greatest factor of the population. It’s true.
(Reread some parts)
PASSAGE: (9) That is the group that constitutes a problem for them, and it is the duty of the
Revolution to be concerned with the situation of those artists and writers, because the
Revolution ought to bend its efforts towards having more than the revolutionaries, more than
the revolutionary artists and intellectuals, move along with it. It is possible that the men and
women who have a truly revolutionary attitude towards reality do not constitute the greatest
sector of the population: the revolutionaries are the vanguard of the people, but the
revolutionaries should bend their efforts towards having all the people move along with them.
The revolution cannot renounce the goal of having all honest men and women (wo-man),
whether writers and artist or not, moving along with it; the Revolution should bend its efforts
towards converting everyone who has doubts into a revolutionary. The Revolution should try
to win over the greatest part of the people to its ideas; the Revolution should never give up
counting on the majority of the people, counting not only on the revolutionaries, but in all
honest citizens who, although they may not have a revolutionary attitude towards life, are with
the Revolution.
STUDENT 6: The revolution cannot renounce the goal of having all honest men and women
(wo-man) towards converting everyone who has doubts into a revolutionary. (Paused) We
should not uhm… have truly revolutionary attitude, so like what I said, family planning. The
revolution cannot renounce the goal of having all honest men and women (wo-man) towards
converting everyone who has doubts into a revolutionary… (Reread some parts) majority…
(Reread some parts) So, even, that, even some people does not, something to do with the
revolution, it’s also the majority, belongs to the majority, even if that person is ahm… what do
you call this? Ah, ah, the revolution should try, try to win over the greatest part of the people.
So what is the greatest part of the people? (Paused) the people to its ideas… (Reread some
parts) Counting… majority of the people. Counting not only the revolutionaries, yeah, so the
revolution is not focusing only to the person, the people who do some changes. It’s also
focusing to all people, to all people, yeah. (Reread some parts)
PASSAGE: (10) The Revolution should give up only those who are incorrigible reactionaries,
who are incorrigible counter-revolutionaries. Towards all others the Revolution must have
policy; the Revolution has to have an attitude towards those intellectuals and writers. The
Revolution has to understand the real situation and should therefore act in such a manner that
the whole group of artist and intellectuals who are genuinely revolutionaries can find within the
Revolution a place to work and create, a place where their creative spirit, even though they are
not revolutionary writers and artists, has the opportunity and freedom to be expressed.
STUDENT 6: (Reread the first part of the paragraph, video off, searching…) Incorrigible, not
able to be corrected, improved or reformed. (Reread some parts, reading and saying some words
repeatedly while thinking/comprehending) Why? Not to be corrected… (Reread some parts)
Why should give up… (Reread) So, for example… you are reporting, ahm, before you report,
you are in a group, so that group has to ahm need to add their idea, so, they will, and then that
idea, will summarize to be one, and, if, one person is incorrigible… if that person is
incorrigible, tsk.. Ahm, he/she is not the priority, because… wait...)(looked at screen) Ahm, it
says that (Reread some parts) The revolution has to understand the real situation… (Reread
some parts) in a truthful way, yeah, it’s true. Going to express your idea… express your
thoughts, ahm, express what you want ot express, ahh… it should be a fact, because if you state,
ahh you state a… (Reread some parts) Yeah, a fact… (Reread) Yeah, because, we have freedom
but like what I said, that freedom, ahh, that freedom has a responsibility and limitations, so, if
you say that I have freedom, I can say this, yes, you can say thi-- you can say that but, ahm…

(looking down) you will take the responsibility, of what you’ve said. For example, you depend
ahm, in a debate, you depend that, for example lang. What is more useful, facebook or
Messenger, and you depend ahh, tsk, Messenger... ahh, because it’s you-- you have freedom to
choose. But that freedom take a responsibility, and so--- you depend Messenger, and someone
ask you why, and you just answer it, like that, your opinion but uhmm, tsk… It should be a fact
statement. Yeah, that’s all.
MS LESLIE: You may start now with reading passage number 1, these are the questions.
STUDENT 6: What is the selection all about? The selection all about is, I can’t remember the
title. But it’s all about the revolution, changes and it’s all about the, tsk, artist, good artist or
STUDENT 6: How does the author define being a revolutionist/REVOLUTIONARY? Ahm…
the author, make a-- make me realize… that… tsk.. (Reread question) uhm.. Ahm.. the author
can make us realize that the importance of a revolu-- revolutionist. Yeah, because ahm, before
I read--read that ahm, before I read that… I do-- I do not really care about the people who
change, or the peop-- the revolutinist, but... after ahm...really give them importance now
because it’s really hard to be a revolunarist because it really takes a-- ahm responsibilities.
STUDENT 6: What do you think is the purpose of the author in writing this article? Ahm, to,
for us to realize that we have a freedom, we are part of the revolutionary even though we’re
not a revolutionist, we can express our thoughts because we are... free.
STUDENT 6: Do you consider yourself as a revolutionist? Justify your answer. Ah, no, cause
I think I do not do some changes. Yeah. I do not take myself as… I don't consider myself as
STUDENT 6: What other title can you give to the article? The ano, The Importance of the
Revolutionaries. Ay, no, ahm, yeah, that’s all I can give.
PASSAGE: The gi--- The Digital: The Challenge of Technology and Equity.

PASSAGE: (1) Information technology is influence the way many of us live and work today.
We use the internet to look and apply for job--- jobsh (jobs), shop, conduct research, make
airline reservation (s), and explore areas of interest. We use E-mail and internet to communicate
instant--- in staneo--- instantan--- instantaneously with friends and business associate
around the world. Computers are commonplace in home and the workplace.

STUDENT 6: Ah, this ano, this statement I agree because yeah, ahm,based on my experience
(looked around)I really---I really ah I really use, I really use ahm online-- online apps. just to
communicate with my loved ones, family, or the, ah my friends, with friends. Example of this
is the time that we are in the quarantine situation, uhm, we are, we usually ano, we all-- we
know that we live in a different, we don’t live as same place that our friend live to, so, in order
to communicate with them,we need to use ah some internet ah the online apps just to
communicate them like Messenger, Facebook, FB live,uhm, and then the informalogica---
technology, yeah, because like now, we experience some quarantine so as student we if you are
an in a online class, usually, you need to always use cellphone for you to attend class because
we cannot make we cannot go to to school now because of the pandemic. We use the internet
to look and apply for jobs, yes, like example of trabahanap, the…(looked up) those app--- that
apps. is an example of ano applying for jobs-- jobsh ha! Bulol, shop, conduct research, make
airline reservation (s), and explore areas of interest, yeah, for example,ahm, for you to make it
easier, you don’t want to make some, you don’t want to go personally to make reservations we
just want to, because you’re bu-- you’re ah you are a busy person so you decided to, to make

area--- airline reservation, and explore areas of interest, explore areas of interest like (scratched
nose) Google Map, you can use that it, for example, you don’t this place but someone told you
that this is beautiful and Google Map or… tsk Google you can search for place, fo example
Palawan, so uhm lot of people said that it’s beautiful but, how can you say if it is beautiful if
you don’t see it. Then, Computers are commonplace in home and the workplace yeah, that is

PASSAGE: (2) Although the numb-- Although the number of internet users is growing
exponentially, exponent-ially each year, each year, most of the world’s population does not
have access to computers of the internet. Only 6 percent of the population in the developing
countries are connected to telephones.Although more than 94 percent of U.S households have
telephones, only 56 percent have personal computi-- computers at home and 50 percent have
internet access. The lack of what most of us would consider a basic communication necessity -
the telephone-does not occur just developing nations. On some Native American reservation
only 60 percent of the residents have a telephone. The moves to wireless connectivity may
eliminate the needs for telephone lines, but it does not remove the barrier to equipment costs.

STUDENT 6: (Reread some parts) So, (Reread some parts) okay, ahm, we, we know that all
of us is not living in the same...same.. What...lot o-- lot of people cannot afford to buy computer
or other gadgets, so (Paused for a while) they only can afford ah, some people can afford only
uhm keypad and they can use this to communicate with their loved ones, they call, wait, (Paused
for a while; Reread some parts) Uhmm so, tsk, (Paused; reread some parts) So like what I said
we all, we people, most of people cannot afford to buy gadgets, gadgets to communicate with
others, because uhm lack of money? Maybe they, yeah (looked down) because is not ah, today,
toady’s genera-- today’s ahm (looked at her side) today’s generation is ano, is more on using

PASSAGE: (3) Who has internet access? The digital divide between the population who have
access to the internet and information technology tools and those who don’t is based on income,
race, education, household type, and geographic location, but the gap between groups is
narrowing. Eighty-five percent of households with an income over $75,000 have internet access
compared with less than 20 percent of the households with income under $15,000 Over 80
percent of college graduates use the internet as compared with 40 percent of high school
completers and 13 percent of high school dropouts. Seventy-two percent of household with
two parents have internet access; 40 percent female, single parent household do. Differences
are also found among households and families from different racial and ethnic groups. Fifty-
five percent of white households, 31 percent of black households, 32 percent of Latino
household, 68 percent of Asian or Pacific Islander households, 39 percent of American, Indian,
Eskimos, or Aleut households have access to the internet. The number of internet user (s) who
are children under nine years old and person over fifty has more than triple since 1997.
Households in inner cities are less likely to have computer and internet access than in urban
and rural areas, but the differences are no more than 6 percent.

STUDENT 6: So, like what I said earlier, not all people can afford to buy cellphone, and , and,
computers. Not all people can afford to use internet. So, (Reread some parts) So, so the
statement said that uhm… had an in---- has an information of, how many percent does the place
have, does the place have (looked from her right to left) no, how many percent are using gadgets
and internet in that place, yeah.

PASSAGE: (4) Another problem that exacerbates these disparities is that African-American.
Latinos, and Native Americans hold few of the jobs in information technology. Women about
20 percent of these jobs and receiving fewer than 30 percent of the Bachelor’s degrees in
computer and information science. The result is that women and members of the most
oppressed ethnic group are not eligible for the jobs with the highest salaries at graduation.
Baculorate (Baccalaureate) candidates with degree in computer science were offered the

highest salaries of all new college graduates.

STUDENT 6:So I think, in this sentence, it benefits the person who knows how to use computer
because the last side meants (side means- I couldn’t understand her in this part, so I am not sure
if I heard her right.) if you are good in a computer, and you-- if you win the baccalaureate
candidates with degree, the computer science will offer the highest salaries of all college
graduates. That’s good (uttered something I couldn’t understand; Searching…) A great
difference, so, they really importance to the internet because it give them info and, it’s really
im--- for me, the internet also is important because without internet, uhm, if we ah, if we
encounter a question like, so hard for us to understand, we can use internet for us ano, for us to
be easy to understand it, because you can just type the word or sentence that you want to
understand then the answer will and the internet will show you the answer.

PASSAGE: (5) Do similar disparities exist in school (s)? Ninety-eight percent of school in the
country are wired with at least one internet connection. The number of classrooms with internet
connection differs by the income level of students. Using the percentage of students who are
eligible for free lunches at a school to determine income level, we see that the higher percentage
of the school with more affluent students have wired classrooms than those with high
concentrations of low-income students.

STUDENT 6: (Reread some parts) I think ah the statement saying that uhm internet and,
internet and mobile ah tsk internet and gadgets are just a distraction in a-- for-- in.. to a student.
Distraction to a students who is studying, like high--- ahm, because, yeah, because yeah, it’s
true , because if you don’t have cellphone, you can… uhm you are aware of what happening a
surroundings, you can even concentrate to the lesson without even getting distract--- distracted
to the-- your-- to the cellphone because someone chat you like that.With high concentration of
low-income students, uhmm, this--- but it depends on a student, it depends on a student if he/she
really con- want to concentrate, if he/she really want listen, or or to learn, it depends on him, it
not, it not, uhm it’s not about gadgets or internet.

PASSAGE: (6) Access to computers and the internet will be important in reducing disparities
between groups. It will require higher equality across diverse group whose members develop
knowledge and skills in computer and information technologies. The field today is
overrepresented by white males. If computers and the internet are to be used to promote
equality, they have to become accessible to school cannot currently afford the equipment which
needs to be updated regularly every three years or so. However, access alone is not enough;
Students will have to be interacting with the technology in authentic settings. As technology
has become a tool for learning in almost all courses taken by students, it will be seen as a means
to an end rather than an end in itself. If it is used in culturally relevant ways, all students can
benefit from its power.

STUDENT 6: (Reread some parts; Searched the word “accessible”) Uhm, if If computers and
the internet are to be used to promote equality, they have to become accessible, because like
what I said not all people can afford the internet ah the gadgets, computer, so they need, if that
group cannot afford that gadgets or computer, be approachable, we should uh, what do you call
this? We should for example they asked you something, like what is this? Can you to thi-- Can
you search this for me? Ahm, be kind, help them because they cannot afford what you can

PASSAGE: (6) Students will have to be interacting with the technology in authentic settings.
As technology has become a tool for learning in almost all courses taken by students, it will be
seen as a means to an end rather than an end in itself. If it is used in culturally relevant ways,
all students can benefit from its power.

STUDENT 6: Yeah, that;s true, because uhm, especially to those uhm who already in our

grade, we really need to us internet, we really need to search for a answer to our question,
because it easier to ask, to search on internet because we don’t have books, we don’t have
books... to... ke--- ahm we don’t have enough books for our... question, we don’t have books to
answer our question so, we- it really, so, the computer and internet,gadgets really benefit us
student because it’s more--- it’s easier ah- for us to research, it’s easier to us to communicate
to our group members, to our classmate, to our teachers. (Okay na po, Ma’am.)

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, congrats, Lyka! So, let’s have the set of questions that you need to
answer. Are you ready with the questions? Okay, so, tthis are the questions.

STUDENT 5: What is the selection all about? Uhm, it’s about computer, gadgets, and internet,
the imprtance of it.

STUDENT 5: What cultural issues may have influenced, challenged, or inspired the author?
Uhm, I think… because the author knowthat it really benefit us student and lot of people really
benefit us when we use gadget because uhm, if we are uhm, in an urgent, if we are in an
urgent,and we need an, f-- ah we need to get a answer immediately, we can search it, so I think,
that is the culture issues may have influenced, using cellphones, internet, it’s more ano, helpful
to us.

STUDENT 5: What are the political or economic issues of the times? Uhm ano, lack of money.
Like what I said, not all people can afford to buy gadgets. Uhm, not all people can afford to use
internet because yeah,lack of money.

STUDENT 5: As a student, what are the challenges that you encountered in this digital era?
Uhm, during online class,I can-- the internet is that good that’s why I cannot understand the ..
because you-- some uhm error is happening and also, uhm I can’t focus to , to my study because
of using cellphone, uhm overuse of cellphone because sometimes, I choose to play than study,
or choose to watch on facebook than studying so, but, it’s up to me, so that is a challenges to
me because sometimes I cannot really stop it.


Things change:

No longer do I,

Recovering from the shock

Of a huge branch falling

STUDENT 6: (Reread the above part) Wait (Searching…) I think uhm, from being down,being down
(Reread some parts) being down, for example, uhm, ahm, (uttered something I couldn’t understand)
uhm, for example ah, to your grades, ahm, tsk, no, to your family, for example, ahm you expect-- ay, to
your friends, to your friends, you expect them to this to you on your special day, but they didn’t so,
ahm you, you is very shocked so, ahm, in that situation, you’re feeling down, that, tha’s all I think.

At my feet,

No longer do I fear,

No longer run to my altar

STUDENT 6: So, I think that person is fearless, No longer run to my altar...

In the woods,

The fire of prayer in my mawt (mouth)

No longer between my teet (teeth)

STUDENT 6: (Kept saying “the fire of prayer in my mouth; Searching...) Ah, I think ano, extremely
praying (Reread the above part; Searching…; Read the next part)

The tremble, the I have offended.

Newton as a habit of centuries

Inhabits my skull; I know

STUDENT 6: (Searching…) So, I’ll just continue what I said earlier that uhm, expecting the have
offended. Newton as a habit of centuries Inhabits my skull; I know (Reread the rest of the poem)

Of gravity

And rot

And no longer,

No longer

Does a falling frighten me.

STUDENT 6: Earlier, the poem said that...he/she do not have fear, fearless and last, I think the person
the-- if when he/she call (Paused) uhm, he/she-- when he/she uhm fall into that situation, I think, as--
she or-- he/she asking herself if, his self if that is the reason why he/she’s scared. That’s all.

MAAM LESLIE: Lyka, have you seen the questions? Okay, you may start answering now.

What is the poem all about?

STUDENT 6: Changes

Who do you think is the persona in the poem?

STUDENT 6: Persona? Uhm, personification, ma’am?

MA’AM LESLIE: No, the who’s talking in the poem. Who do you think is talking in the poem?

STUDENT 6: I think, uhm, cause it’s all about the, it about ahm, the poem mentioned about the altar,
so I think it is a bride.

What are some of the literary devices or figures of speech used in the poem?
STUDENT 6: Uhm, the.. Wait… fire in my mouth, the fire of prayer in my mouth

MA’AM LESLIE: So, what figure of speech is that? Can you identify, Lyka?

STUDENT 6: Ma’am, I think uh, wait, I think it’s hyperbole but i’m not sure.

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay, what else? Do you see any other figures of speech in the lines of the poem?

STUDENT 6: Ma’am can I recall the poem? Uhm, no longer do I, I think ahm simile. Ay, no, wait, it’s
not simile. No, not simile… (Paused) Recovering from the shock Of a huge branch falling, metaphor. I
don’t see a simile here in the poem.

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay. So, let’s have the next question, number 4.

What do you think is the theme of the poem?

STUDENT 6: I don’t really can’t explain it but the theme is (thinking… ; searching...) Uhm… uhm…
Ano nga yung sinabi ko kanina? uhm, I forgot (Searching…) uhm, recovering... no, it’s that recovering
from the shock, getting (I am not sure if I heard her right with this.)falling. I think that is

What is the moral/lesson of the poem?

STUDENT 6: Uhm, be fearless. Don’t let problems let--- don’t let problems drag you down, pull you

PASSAGE: (recorded passage is playing)

STUDENT 6:Accredible…(nodding to some parts) Pathos (inaudible 1:35) We all the

audience (inaudible 1:55) Athos.... (kept moving her head forward to the speaker) If the
audience is… (inaudible 2:17) but to the animals… (inaudible 2:22) (uttered something I
couldn’t understand) You’re convincing… (inaudible 2:41) if they have some details (uttered
something I couldn't understand) that, of the evidences (nodding to some parts; uttered
something I couldn’t understand) … athos (ethos), pathos and logos are (inaudible 3:36)
Okay, okay na po.

MA’AM LESLIE: What’s your understanding about the listening passage? What did you

STUDENT 6: So, uhm, so the listening passage number 3 came fro--- according to the
ancient (read as an-syent) Greek Aris-- Aristotle.uhm, we have 3 persuasion, it is ethos (read
as athos), logos, ay-- ethos (read as athos), pathos and logos. And those three have their
strength. Strength is to persuade, persuade the audience. Uhm, the ethos (read as athos) way
convincing is uh, he o-- he/she proving to the audience that he is accredible, accredible, and,
and the audience is her credible. If, the audience is trustworthy, then he/she is reala--- rel-
liable and since-- or sincere, then the pathos (she said athos) is ahm, can explain also that,
can explain to you how to take-- how the dentist take care of your teeth than the firefighter,
them pathos convi--- al--convince the audience by emotion. If an audience ca--- and it’s also
said that if an audience cannot trust you, then you cannot persuade them too. Then, logos is
more convincing than the two, because if logos show some details and evidences,ahm, for
me-- for me, yeah, it’s more convince too, if I were the audience, I’ll just, I w--- I am be able
to convince if it is more detailed and has a evidences.That’s all.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, so, congrats, Lyka! So, your last challenge is to… Okay, did you
already turn off the listening passage?

STUDENT 6: Yes, Ma’am.

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay, so what you’re going to do is to summarize the content of the
listening passage, okay? So, retell the content of the listening passage. Can you summarize
the listening passage? Are you ready? Okay when you paraphrase, okay, so this is what you
called paraphrasing. So, meaning to say, Lyka, whatever is in the listening passage, you will
summarize the information correctly, okay? So, you may start now summarizing the listening

STUDENT 6: Listening-- listening passage #3, tools of persuasion. Persuasion is a (couldn’t

understand the next word she said.) of convincing someone to agree with your point of view.
According to ancient read as an-syent)--ancient Greeek Aristotle, we have 3 pers-- persua--

persuasion, That is ethos (read as , athos) , pathos and logos. And ethos (athos) is a spe-- way
of speaker in convincing of how-- uhmm, ex-- of how accredile he/she is, how much
experience she was on the field, and the audience is her credible.If the audience is
trustworthy, and then she or-- he/she is reala--- reliable or sincere.And Pathos, pathos is…
uhm convince the audience emo-- with emotion, if that… because if that audience cannot trust
speaker, then,yuo cannot persuade them. Then, the logos is more convinceng-- convincing,
because if they --- because if they ha--- because logos ha-- shows some evidences, and did
have some details, so, uhmmmm tsk It makes the audience more beli-- believe them, and, but,
those three is helpful in persuading audience, because ethos (read as ethos), pathos, logos
have their own strength, and that is persuading their audience.

Student #7
Title: Extract Word… Extract from Words to the Intellectual (s)

PASSAGE: (1) There can be, of course, artist, and good artist, who do not have (a) revolutionary attitude
toward (s) the life, and it is for precisely (presently) that group of artist and intellectuals that the
Revolution constitutes ( constitution) a problem (froblem).

STUDENT 7: (Uttered something I couldn’t understand) uhm… (Paused for about a minute) all of artist
have n-- have n-- ano-- hmm…. (reread some parts of the 1st paragraph) hmm… all of artists… all of
artists ahm and good artists… uhm… do not have revolution attitude ahm… hmm.. (reread some parts
of the paragraph) ahm, toward the life and all of artists of group of artists intellectual ahm… that the one,
that the one constit--ah--constitutu--- cons-- constiti--ahrrm..consi--constitute of froblem is revolution.
(smiled) Next, Ma’am…

PASSAGE: (2) For a mercenary artist or intellectual, for a dishonest artist or intellectual, it would never
be a problem (froblem): he knows what he has to do, he knows what it is in his interest, and he knows
where he is going.

STUDENT 7: Mercenary...hmm…(reread the paragraph) hmm… tsk… and… paragraph 2 is all about
for a, mercenary artist or intellectual. Mhmm… (reread some parts of the paragraph) A mercenary artist
are intellectual ahm, the revolution constitute a problem is not, is never, never be a froblem for that
artist. He knows what he has to do, mhmm… he knows what he is interest, he knows where he is going.
And…he-- he knows what he has to do, yeah, he knows what he is interest and he knows where he is
going (said this while scratching the side of his nose and mouth) yes. Paragraph 3...

PASSAGE: (3) The real problem (froblem) exists for the artist or intellectual who does not have a
revolutionary attitude toward (s) life but who is, however, an honest person. It is clear that he who has
that attitude towards life, whether he is revolutionary or not, whether he is (an) artist or not, has his
goals, has his objectives we should all ask, we should all ask ourselves about those goals, has his
objectives. For the revolutionary, those goals and objective (s) are directed towards the change of reality;
those goals and objectives are directed towards the redemption of man. It is man himself, his fellow
man, the redemption of his fellow man that constitute the objective of the revolutionary..

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay, ah... JM, ahm, you can give your reaction in every sentence so whatever
comes into your mind, you can tell it or ahm state whatever is your understanding.

STUDENT 7: Uhm… my reaction in ahm, paragraph 1 is… it’s hard but, ahm, if your read, if your read
in your mind silently, you understand it, and ahm, paragraph 2 and in paragraph 2, ahm, it’s same to
paragraph 1, it’s hard to ahm first read, it’s hard, but if you hard--if you hard-- ay,if you read repeat or if
you read in your mind silently, you understand and you give as meaning.

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay, continue.

PASSAGE: (3) It is man himself, his fellow man, the redemption of his fellow man that constitute the
objective of the revolutionary. If they ask us revolutionaries (revosionaries) what matter most to us, we
will say the people (fipol), and we will always say the people (fipol). The people in their true sense, that
is, the majority of the people, those who (have) had live in (in the) (exploitation (explotion) and in the

cruelest (crales) neglect. Our basic concern will always be the great majority of the people, that is, (the)
oppressed and exploited (exploted) classes. The point of view through(thought) which we view
everything is this: whatever is good for them, will be good for us; whatever is noble, useful, and beautiful
for them, will be noble, useful and beautiful for us. If one does (those) not think of the people and for
the people, that is, if one does (those) not think and does (those) not act for the great exploited masses
of the people, for the great masses which we want to redeem, then one simply does not have a
revolutionary attitude. If one does (those) not think of the people and for the people, that is, if one does
not think and does not act for the great exploited masses of the people, for the great masses which we
want to redeem, then one simply does not have a revolutionary attitude.

STUDENT 7: Uhm… in the paragraph 3 (sniffed), ahm, it’s all about of… uhm… the real problem exist
for the artist on intellectual-- ahm… uhm (scratched nose)... if- ahm...hmmmm (looked up, thinking…)
mhmm… tsk… (reread some parts of the paragraph) ah, okay. Hmmm (looked up, eyes back on the
screen, thinking...) hmm, hmm… (Paused for about a minute) hmm… (reread some parts)

MA’AM LESLIE: JM, that’s why I told you if you understand something on the sentences, you
verbalize or you express your understanding, so that ahm, you’ll be able to deliver or state all the
informations that you’ve understand from the paragraph.

STUDENT 7: In whole paragraph, Ma’am?

MA’AM LESLIE: It can be sentence by sentence, not just only by paragraph.It depends on your ahm
strategy, if you want that to explain by sentence, whatever comes into you mind, you express, so that you
will not encounter difficulty in the… understanding of the paragraph or the sentence.

STUDENT 7:Uhm… I understand in 1st paragraph uhm…

MA’AM LESLIE: No, in this paragraph, what are your understanding in each sentence? It’s better ahm
JM that you express your understanding ahead of time for that sentence, okay? Not just only the whole
paragraph. Because if you will focus on the whole paragraph…

STUDENT 7:It’s difficult…


STUDENT 7:Okay, okay, okay. Uhm… in the 1st sentence, I understand uhm, the real problem exist for
the interest--ah-- the artist (reread the said part silently) uhm, tsk...tsk ahm… (paused for seconds, looked
up to think…; reread some parts of the paragraph) hmm.. The real froblem (uttered something I couldn’t
understand) ahm….(paused to think…) mhmmm....(reread some parts) kahit na wala silang revolution
attitude towards life, but who is however an honest person. Next sentence… (read the 2nd sentence;
sniffed) uhm…(uttered something I couldn’t understand) ahm he/she ahm… he/she an artist at ahm,
uhm… (uttered something I couldn’t understand) mhmmm, it is clear that he has that attitude...he and
she ahm, that--- that who was that attitude toward life whether it’s revolutionary or not or nit artist ahm,
the… the main goal, the main goal of both is… ask ourselves about those goals has his objective. Next
sentence for the… (reread the 3rd sentence) hmm…(paused for about a minute) hmmm… hmm…
ahm…(reread the sentence)

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay, JM, ah, it goes like this, for example, in this sentence, whether he is
revolutionary or not, whether he is an artist or not, has his goals, has his objectives we should all ask,
we should all ask ourselves about those goals, has his objectives. So for example, what is your reaction
regarding objectives, goals, do you have goals and objectives in life? Something like that. So whatever
are or is the thing that you ahm encountered about these words, you should share, okay, your experience
something like that. What is your experience about change of reality? Don’t just focus on the text alone,
you can express your ah personal experience in life, okay?

STUDENT 7:Ah, yes, yes po.

MA’AM LESLIE: Go ahead. You can do that.

STUDENT 7: (Reread some parts) Ahm...ahm in this sentence for the For the revolutionary, those goals
and objective (s) are directed towards the change of reality, ahm… I have-- ahm, when I’m child, uhm..
I have goals and objectives but when I’m grow up, it’s ahm, it’s change because ahm, for me, for me
it’s ahm...tsk… because for me the goals and the goals and objective that when I’m child ahm when
you grow up ahm it’s change because your mind is- because your thinking or think--- bec-- because your
think or ahm your thinking is...change because people change. (Looked at the screen) Mhmm… (Reread
the next sentences) Mhmmm…(paused for second; scratched head; reread) Revolutionary? (looked up)
mhmm… Fellows means (looked around him, thinking)... (said something I couldn’t understand)

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay, let’s move on.

PASSAGE: (4) It is from the point of view that we analyze the good, the useful, and the beautiful of
every action.
STUDENT 7: (Reread the sentence) Ahm… (moved backward, sniffed; reread) Uhm...In this paragraph,
ahm… ahm, this sentence is remind me when I’m child, ahm, my mother is, always say me, always says
to me is… ahm, be, be the good or be-be goo- be the good fipol or useful fipol to help, to help your
uhm...to help your… to help your around-- around of you, and… and… and… and the beautiful, and the
beautiful of every action. And whe-- … and now, I'm tsk I'm not…(looked up, thinking…) I’m not in
uhm… uhm (thumb on his chin/below lower lip)... I’m not in the stand of the fipol help to others because
I’m child alrea-- I’m child now-- I’m child… I’m child now? And.. when I’m grow uf, I...ahm… I fromise
to myself I help fifol and I’ll be the good and useful fipol to around me.

PASSAGE: (5) We understand that is must be a tragedy when someone understand(s) this and
nonetheless has to confess that he is incapable (mispronounced this word, however, I couldn’t
understand how he read the word) of fighting for it.
STUDENT 7: (sniffed) uhm...uhm tragedy? Mhmm… mmmhmmm… (sniffed) hmm… This sentence
is...uhm...tsk… (reread) ahm… ahm this sentence ahhh, ahm, all fipol knows ahm, all fipol have tragedy,
but, you need, ahm...but you need ahh… tsk ahm...but you need incapol--ah incape--ah-- incap-po-pe-
patable of fighting for it. Yeah, you need to fight for tragedy to success. Number 6...

PASSAGE: (6) We are, or believe ourselves to be revolutionaries. Whoever is more of (an) artist than a
revolutionary cannot think exactly the same as we do. We struggle for the people without inner conflict,
we know that we can have to think about the people before we think about ourselves, and that is the only
attitude that can be defined as a truly revolutionary attitude.
STUDENT 7: Hmm… We are, or believe ourselves, ahm...tsk ahm…(Paused, looked at the person who
entered the room) Mhmmm.. We are, or believe ourselves to be revolutionaries… We are, or believe
ourselves to be revolutionaries…Ahm all, all I ahm… ahm… (paused) ahm.. All pifol knows ahm, we
need ahm, we need or we are we need or we are or belive ourselves to be revolutionaries ahm, uhmmm
believe ourselves… to be revolutionaries, yeah.

(Reread the 2nd sentence)

STUDENT 7: (Reread the sentence 2x) Whoever… (snoffed) In this sentence ahm… ahm… in this
sentence ahm not, not artist ahm… not artist uhm… not artist ahm… bigest thinker or biggest thinker of
the revolutionary sometimes revolutionary is uhm… sometime revolutionary is… uhm… tsk…
sometimes revolutionary is, good in thinking.

(Reread the 3rd sentence)

STUDENT 7: (sniffeed) hmm… (reread the sentence) Yeah (sniffed) ahm, this sentence is… ahm…
reminds me in like in...ahm… like in paragraph 4- ay like in paragraph 4, ahm… uhm… ahm… tsk ahm..
Think, think fipol around you before think our-- be--before think ourselves because ahm… ahm because
if you do that, ahm… you defined as truly revolutionary attitide. Seven...

PASSAGE: (7) The case was well made that there were many writers and artists who were not
revolutionaries but were however, honest writers and artists; that they wanted to help the Revolution

STUDENT 7: Uhm… (Reread some parts of the paragraph) Hmm.. (reread) Revolution… (continued
reading the next part of the paragraph)

PASSAGE: (7) and that the Revolution is interested in their help; that they wanted to work for the
Revolution and that, at the same time, the Revolution was interested in their contributing their knowledge
and efforts on its behalf.

STUDENT 7: Mhmm.. ahm.. In this paragraph, ahm the writers and artists shown that revolutionary is
what? Ahm...but , but for the good, the good… hmm.. Tsk.. the good…(looked up) the good side of the
writers and artists they wanted to help the revolution and the revolution is… uhm… ahm.. And the
revolution is not interested to their help because they want ahm they in-- they want or interes-ted in their
contribution, knowledge and effort to in this behalf. Yes. (someone laughed from the background)

PASSAGE: (8) It is easier to appreciate this when specific cases are analyzed; and among those specific
cases are many that are not easy to analyze (analysis).

STUDENT 7: Uhm (sniffed; reread) Ahm… All I know, all--all, all I know and fipol knows ahm… all
of hard cases or ahm among the specific cases, ahm… is not easy to analysis but if you analysis that
properly (sniffed) mhmmm, tsk you uhm, you get, you get ahm (scratched head) you get a right ah- ahm
you get, you get ahhh you get the proper answer of your cases.

PASSAGE: (8) A catholic writer spoke here. He raised the problems that worried him and he spoke with
great clarity. He acts if he could make an interpretation of a determined problem from his idealistic point
(foint) of view of if he could write a work defending that point (foint) of view.

STUDENT 7: Hmm... (reread) Ahm, tsk… (reread) Ahm… (uttered something, looked up, scratched
neck; reread the first part) Uhm, ahm, ahm in this sentence, catholic writer spoke here, ahm it is ahm in
the church uhm… catholic writer...yeah, in this ahm, in this church, we need to baptize, to ahm… (reread
some parts) Oh, yeah, ahm (scratched cheek) the baptize and if you baptize of the father of the church,
ahm, you… you need, you need to speak your froblem, ra-- or raise the froblem, yeah. Ahm to...ahm
to… ahm… and...if you, and if you speak your froblem to the father and the father halp you. Nine...

(He didn’t read/explain this sentence- He asked quite frankly if, within a revolutionary regime, he
could express himself in accordance with those sentiments. He posed the problem in a form that might
be considered symbolic.)

PASSAGE: (9) He was concerned about knowing if he could write in accordance with those sentiments
or in accordance with that ideology (idology), which was not exactly the ideology (idology) of the

STUDENT 7: Ouch, this hard! (sniffed; reread; sniffed) It’s hard! (reread) tsk hmm… (reread; looked
up) Ahm...he ahm is concerned tsk...to knowing… to knowing… to knowing… ahm… to knowing
accordance with those sentimentals or in accordance with the idology, which not exactly idolo--ah
idology of the revolution.

PASSAGE: (9) He was in agreement with the Revolution on economic and social question (s), but his
philosophic (pilitic) position was distinct from that of the Revolution.

STUDENT 7: Ouch, it's hard! (reread) Tsk, ahm… He,he in this paragraph, ahm, I don’t know who is
he but he is ahm, tsk uhm, he is agree with the revolution on economic and social question but ahm (said
something I couldn’t understand) hmm, but his phile-- ah--philospic position was distinct from the

PASSAGE: (9) And this case is worthy of being kept well in mind, because it is a case representative of
the group of writers and artist who demonstrate a favourable (searched) attitude towards the Revolution
and wish to know what degree of freedom they have within the revolutionary condition to express (didn’t
read-themselves in accordance) with(for) their feelings.

STUDENT 7: Ahm… hmm tsk.. Ahm all I-- ahm all I know or people knows ahm all of writers… all of
writers and… all of writers and artists… ahm… ahm… hmm… hmm… the gre--ahm.. The… hmm tsk…
ahm… all I know and people knows all writers and artists (said something I couldn’t understand; reread)
Uhm...tsk ahm All I-- all I-- all artists and writers is ahm good, and , and… and, in this sentence ahm,
yeah, the artists and, and writers try to help the revolution (reread), yeah yun, mmm, yeah, try to the ahm
the artists and ahm the artist the writers try to help revolutionaries ahm… and wish to know that degree
of freedom, ahm accor--ahm within the revolutionary to express themselves in accordance with their
feelings, yeah. Hmm yun.

PASSAGE: (9) That is the group that constitutes a problem for them, and it is the duty of the Revolution
to be concerned with the situation of those artists and writers, because the Revolution ought -- to bend
its efforts towards having more than the revolutionaries, more than the revolutionary artists and
intellectual(s), move along with it.

STUDENT 7: Hmm… (reread) Uhm in this sentence ahm...mhmmm (reread) ahm… tsk ahm in this
sentence ahm the hmm… ahm we have ahhh we (looked up) hmm tsk… wait.. Hmm… (reread) Hmm…
Ah, may, may isang group uhm… hmm… that uhm...that constitute the froblem for them. And the duty
of revolution to be concerned… ahm to (said something I couldn’t understand) to our situation of those
artists and writers, Ahm because the Revolution ought -- to bend its efforts towards, ahm… (looked up)
revolutionaries is ahm tsk think that is more than the revolutionary artists and intellectual(s), move along
with it. Next...

PASSAGE: (9) It is possible that the men and women who have a truly revolutionary attitude towards
reality do not constitute the greatest sector of the population:

STUDENT 7: Ahm in this sentence ahm it is possible for men and women ahm through revolutionaries
because in revolutionaries, ahm… not… (looked from his left to right) hmm… walang pinipili
uhm...walang pinipili if you ah… if you ah.. If you...hmmm… if you are bad or good or not, ah or note
writer or writer. Ahm...ahm, yeah, ahm truly and that attitude towards (held hair, scratched head) a--a
reality do not add ala… reality do not constitute the (said something from the text I couldn’t understand)
yeah, hmm, aloof ahm all of ah all of revolutionaries is the vanguard of the people around of, around of,
around of...revolutionaries and revolutionaries is the vanguard. yeah

(Didn’t read this clearly. I think his understanding on this is shared above as he mentioned the
word “vanguard”- the revolutionaries are the vanguard of the people, but the revolutionaries should
bend their efforts towards having all the people move along with them.)

PASSAGE: (9) The revolution cannot renounce the goal of having all honest men and women, whether
writers and artist or not, moving along with it; the Revolution should bend its efforts towards converting
everyone who has doubts into a revolutionary.

STUDENT 7: (Reread) the revolution, hmm… it’s hard! My brain! Mhmm, in this sentence, (reread the
1st part) ahuh… ahm.. Renounce… ahm.. (reread) hmm.. Yeah..

PASSAGE: (9) The Revolution should try to win over the greatest part of the people to its ideas; the
Revolution should never give up counting on the majority of the people, counting not only on the
revolutionaries, but in all honest citizens who, although they may not have a revolutionary attitude
toward(s) life, are with the Revolution.

STUDENT 7: Ahm, in the last sentence (sniffed), mhmm… (reread the 1st part) hmm… ahm, ahm the
one ahm the one priority of the revolution is… ahm… not, not n-- not--ah-- not should never give up of
counting ahm win of ahm ano? Never give up of counting on the majority of the people counting not
only on the revolutionaries, but is all honest citizens (sniffed) alto they not have a revolutionary attitude
toward(s) life, are with the Revolution, yeah, some. Uhm The one prior job revolution is tsk… mhmmm,
ahm… not should not never give up from counting of the majority of the people counting not only on the
revolutionaries, but is all honest citizens alto they not have a revolutionary attitude toward(s) life, are
with the Revolution, yeah. Uhm.. the revolution is not ahhh, should try to win over the greatest part of
the people to its ideas, yes, not look, not look the ahm the re-- the revolution is not look ahm win over
the greatest part of the people to its ideas but ahm, but the main, the main priority of revolution is never

give up, never ahm, not--should never give up on counting (said something I couldn’t understand) ayy,
hindi, on the majority of the fipol, counting not only on the revolutionaries, yes. Ten...

PASSAGE: (10) The Revolution should give up only those who are incorrigible reactionaries, who are
incorrigible counter-revolutionaries.

STUDENT 7: Hmm.. what is that? What is the meaning of… (reread) What is the meaning of… (reread)
Ahm… parang ahm, something fipol? (reread) okay… (reread the 1st part) The revolution ahm sh---...
not only are (inaudible 54:14) but incorrigible counter--ah, uhm we have counter of revolutionaries.yeah

PASSAGE: (10)Towards all others the Revolution must have policy; the Revolution has to have an
attitude towards those intellectuals and writers.

STUDENT 7:Hmm… (reread) ahm...towards all other the revolutionary… ahm the in this sentence, ahm
revolution is have policy, and all fipol (said something I couldn’t understand) ahm… ahm… you need to
respect our fa--ah-- our-- all of policy like, like respect of our go--our government. And we need to
uhm… tsk we need to respect the ahm policy of the revolush- revolution, yeah, because, uhm the policy
will mmm--ah-ah the policy is we need to respect, ah tha a-- we need us to respect the policy. uhm...

PASSAGE: (10) The Revolution has to understand the real situation and should therefore act in such a
manner that the whole group of artist and intellectuals who are genuinely revolutionaries can find within
the Revolution a place to work and create, a place where their creative spirit, even though they are not
(didn’t read-revolutionary writers and artists, has the opportunity and freedom to be expressed).

STUDENT 7: Mhmm, last paragraph… last sentence, (sniffed)

MA’AM LESLIE: You’re done, JM, with the 10th paragraph?

STUDENT 7: Wait, not- not yet, Ma’am. In last sentence (slightly laughed)

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay, go ahead.

STUDENT 7: Uhm (reread some parts; sniffed) Mhmmm, tsk… The revolution is pa-- in the sentence
is, is the revolution ahm has to understand the real situation ahm… tsk...ahm.. Therefore.. (reread)
hmm...the revolution is ahm...uhm tsk...is can cre-- ahm… ahmm is have a place to work and create ahm
place where their creative spirit, and revolution ahm… tsk we nee-- ahhh, ahm.. The revolution is such
manner that whole group of artist and (uttered something I couldn’t understand) the group of artist and
intellectual and… mhmm...and… and...such even tot (though) they are not revolutionary writers and
artists, has the opportunity and freedom to express, and ahm .such even tot (though) they are not
revolutionary writers and ahm artists ahm, all of fipol ahm has opportunity to freedom to express ahm,
ahm, all fipol is we nedd to express the freedom because the freedom ah.. Because the freedom of the
fipolis the, is the best of his life or ah-- yeah, his life. Done!

MS LESLIE: Okay. Okay, JM, congrats! So, may questions lang tayo, ha? Okay, sp here are the

STUDENT 7: Ahh, my brain!

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay, so, you may start answering the questions now.

STUDENT 7: What is the selection all about? It’s ahm it’s all about ahm revolutionaries and…

STUDENT 7: How does (those) the author define being a revolutionist/REVOLUTIONARY?

Uhm…(reread) ahm… tsk ahm, author define being a revolutionist because (sniffed) ahm… ahm… ahm
the author or ahm the author experienced or… experienced the ahm… experienced or ahm, ahm, the
writers of revolutionarist or revolutionary. Ahm.. have a…(scratched head) ahm… good thinking and
ahm deep thinking that, than that the author of revolutionarist and revolutionary is that we build, that we
build…. That… that … that (slightly laughed).. That the story, story (thinking…) yeah (slightly laughed)
My brain, is blank!

MA’AM LESLIE: (laughed) Okay, go

STUDENT 7: What do you think is the purpose of the author in writing this article? Ay-- a-yeah, article!
Article yeah. (reread) Ah, the purpose of writing ah writing ah writing ah? The purpose of the author in
writing this article, of the article- of the article is to encourage (sniffed) to encourage and to… ahm..
Tawag dun? To learn other people in.. ahm.. In all about of revolutionaries and revolution, yeah.

STUDENT 7: Do you consider yourself as a revolutionist? Justify your answer. I think...I think yes,
because I’m-- I’m part of… ahm.. I’m fart of.. Ahm.. this community and ahm.. and , revolution--
revolutionist is protect other people, and yes i’m protect ither people to… others but and I’m agood

STUDENT 7: What other title can you give to the article? Ahm, ahm.. I think ahm...ahm.. I think other
title for me is.. Ahm… the...hmm...uhmm the…(placed his hand under his chin, thinking…)

what is that? Uhm tsk...The Story of Revolution and… revolutionaries ee-- revolution tsaka
revolutionary--revolutonaries (moving left hand from left to right; smiled) Yes… Done! My brain is, is

PASSAGE: The Digital: The Challenge of Technology and Equity

PASSAGE: (1) Information technology is influence the way many of us live and work today (mmm
ahm…). We use the internet to look and apply for job, shop, conduct research, make airline reservation,
and explore areas of interest. We have (use) E-mail and internet to communicate instantaneously with
friends and business associate around the world. Computers are commonplace in home and the

STUDENT 7: Ahm now is… Ahm, now is (looked around) Ahm, all people use, use the ahm digital
technology or ahm or we called ahm technology, mmm all people have, have job based on online ahm
online or uhm ahm based on online and ahm find job based in online (kept looking around) and explore
ahm and in online uhm, we you communicate with your friends to other country (read as kawntri) or
your parents in other country (read as kawntri) uhm ahm and ahm in your home you free to use your
computer to workplace because now is all round of technology

PASSAGE: (2) Alto (Although) the number of internet users is growing expotential (exponentially)
each year, most of the world (world’s) population does not have access to computers of the internet.

STUDENT 7: ahm, ahm (scratched nose)ahm I know all I know the uhm the other people is have not
access to comput-- note access to computer or internet, not have any gadget because (burped- excuse
me, excuse me) because ahm they other people is ahm have not have not money to buy that gadget or
computer or have internet because all people have have money to buy a food.

PASSAGE: (2) Only 6 percent of the population in the developing countries are connected to telephones.

STUDENT 7: Yeah, 6 percent because uhmm tsk, uhm because uhmmm (Reread some parts of the
sentence) ahm because ye-- 6 percent, it is 6 percent because the uhm developing country (read as
kawntre) -- the deve-- developing countries (read as kawntris) have build ah build or connected to the
telephone because the ano… the developing countries (read as kawntris) have have to uhm have to,
have, have, have to (looked around), have to connect to telephones.

PASSAGE: (2) Alto (Although) more than 94 percent of U.S households have telephones, only 56
percent have personal computer home (computers at home) and 50 percent have internet access.

STUDENT (7): Ahm, ahm… ah- all I know people now in this Philippines ahm, the, the US is have the
biggest ah-- ahm the biggest, the biggest country we have ahm, we have internet access, we have
computer, we have, we have ahm we have telephones because US is the not rich, is the uhm (looked at
his upper left side while thinking…) 3rd or 4th...is the top 5 of the rich countries (read as kawntris).

Next… (but did not read the remaining sentences in the 2nd paragraph)

PASSAGE: (3) Who has internet access? The digital divide between the population who have access to
the internet and information technology tools and those who don’t is based on income, range (race),
education, household type, and gerographic (geographic) location, but the gap between groups is
narrowing. Eighty-five percent of household (s) with an income over 75 ($75,000) has (have) internet
access compared with less than 20 percent of the households with income under 15,000 ($15,000) Over
80 percent of college graduate (s) use the internet as compared with 40 percent of high school completers
and 13 percent of high school dropouts.

STUDENT 7: Mmm, ahm, the digital now is divide, divide between the population who have access to
the internet and information technology tools uhm tsk uhm(sniffed) we have uhmmmm we have 85 %
of household with an income over 75,000 use internet and we have 20% of household with income under
15,000 over 80% ahm, ahm 15% ay 15,00 ahm use internet, and 80% college graduate use internet. As
con-- ah new-- 80% of college graduate use internet ahm ahm in other country (read as kawntri) ahm
now uhm we have covid and it in need to face to face and other graduating in ahm, in graduating in
school is graduate to online because no face to face and pifol (people) we need to stay at home, ahm,

PASSAGE: (3) Seventy-two percent of household with two parents have internet access; 40 percent
female, single parent household do.

STUDENT 7: Uhm, 72% of household...tsk uhm, ahm all pifol (people)-- I know ,I know the...uhm the
one of the house, the one of the, the one of the… the one of the (looked around) nasa dulo na ng dila
ko...the one of tsk.. The one of , the one of get the job of household is female, and 40% female single
parent household do… (read the next part)

PASSAGE: (3) Differences are also found among households and families from different racial and
ethnic groups. Fifty-five percent of white households, 31 percent of black household (s), 32 percent of
Latino household (s), 68 percent of Asian or Pacific Islander household(s), 39 percent of American,
Indian, err…

STUDENT 7; We have, we have 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5 ,6 7, 8, 9, we have 9 other ah--we have 9 different countries

(read as kawntris) that ahm, that… that.. That ahm, that we have job household and ahm uhm the best
ahm the biggest household is 68% of Asian Pacific Island household. Yeah, and next is…

(He jumped into the last sentence of the paragraph.)

PASSAGE: (3) Household (s) in inner cities (read as sitays) are less likely to have computer and internet
access than in urban and rural areas, but the difference (s) are no more than 6 percent.

STUDENT 7: Household in inner sitays (cities) (sniffed)... Uhm, yeah, my--- uhm other ahm other
household is have ahm ru-- ah access ah- compu-- ahmmm (reread the other parts of sentence) Yeah,
ahm, we have Household (s) in inner cities (read as sitays) are less likely to have computer and internet
access than in urban and rural areas because ahm uhm tsk the internet access is not located in, in ru- ano,
in urban and rural (rural) areas but the difference are no more than 6%, yes. Next, 4...

PASSAGE: (4)Other (Another) problem that exarbrates (exacerbates) those (these) disprities
(disparities) is that Africa(n)-America(n). Latinos, and Native Americans hold few of the job (s) in
information technology. Women (read as wo-men) about 20 percent (didn’t read this part - of these
jobs and receiving) puber (fewer) than 30 percent of the Bachelor’s degrees in computer and information

STUDENT 7: Wow! Other (Another) problem that exarbates (exacerbates) those (these) disprities
(disparities) is the African-- Africa(n)-American, because all I n-- ah because ahm people knows is the
African-American is the ahm is the, is the ahm, it is not a poor but it is not have any access of internet
because hmm yeah, because ahm Africa-American is not, is not have ahm is not have money to buy
the internet or ahm gadget to use to ano to use to technology, yeah, uhm, and naytiv (native) American
hold few of the job (s) information technology. Wo-men (Women) about 20 percent of these jobs fewer
than 30 percent Bachelor’s degrees, and hmmm tsk and Wo-men (Women) about 20 percent of these

jobs fewer than 30 percent Bachelor’s degrees in computer and information science, and these wo-men
(Women) who’s wo-men (Women) and this wo-men (Women) about 20% percent of these jobsare
receiving fuber (fewer) than 30 percent Bachelor’s degrees in computer and information science

PASSAGE: (4) The result is that wo-men (Women) and members of the most oppressed ethnic group
are not eligible for the jobs with the highest salaries at graduation.

STUDENT 7: And these wo-men (Women) is member of oppressed ethnic group are not eligible for the
jobs and but with that the highest salaries at graduation fee, we have that wo-men (Women) na yun, I
don’t know who.

PASSAGE: (4) Baculorate (Baccalaureate) candidates with degree in computer science were offer (ed)
the highest salaries of all new college graduates.

STUDENT 7:Yeah all… Baculorate (Baccalaureate) candidates with degree in computer science were
offer (ed) the highest salaries of all college graduates, ahm, all people that graduates in tsk ahm candid-
- ahm degree in computer science is ahm have biggest brain and have good record now in ahm in this--
ahm in this… in this situation ay in this (closed his eyes for a second to think) yeah in this situation
because all people need gadget. Next...

PASSAGE: (5) Do similar disparities exist in school (s)? Ninety (Ninety-eight) percent of school in
the country are wired …

STUDENT 7: Yeah, that, I’m saying in paragraph 2 ata and 3 ahm is have is have pandemic and all
people we need ahm, we need atay at home because we need pandemic and ahm no one, no one get an--
no one going to school because ahm for safetiness of the people and the school is not exist for now but,
but in other, in ahm and ahm I think next year, I think next year is the school is exist because ahm the
pandemic is now gone because we have vaccine, and yeah, and ahm and I know all pifol in uhm all pifol
ahm all pifol in the world is… ahm uhm tawag dun ah...tsk ahm all pifol in the world is… is...(half-
closed eyes) namroblema because of the internet access because we ned to face-- ah we need to, we need
to use gadget to schooling, yeah. Next…

(didn’t read the remaining part of the 5th paragraph)

PASSAGE: (6) Access to computer (s) and the internet will be important in reducing disparities between
groups. It will require higher equality across dibers (diverse) group whose members develop

STUDENT 7: Ahm, haba pala nun (laughed)...Access to computer (s) and the internet will be important
in reducing disparities between groups. Ahmmmm, uhm… I know ahm, I know the uhm.. Tsk I know--
we-- I know the ahm… the...uhm.. (reread the first part) I know it is important because...access to
computer is we need because it fart of our generation now... ahm yeah it will important reducing
disparities between groups (rereading) and, and all I knows.. Ahm disparities between groups (rereading)
it will require higher quality across dibers (diverse) group who will members develop knowledge and
skill in computer and information technology, yeah, it ahm, ahm it will require the higher quality across
dibers (diverse) group, because you need, you need have, you need have tsk you need have.. Ahm
experience or… have ahm information tech-- in-- information technology, because… uhmmm member
develop knowledge (rereading) yeah to ano, uhm tsk yeah (reread some parts) It is require because, ah it
is require high quality across dibers (diverse) group because we need ah ano, yo-- you need, you need,
you need ah- ano, you need have the knowledge and skill in computer and information and technologies

PASSAGE: (6) The field today is overrepresented by white males. If computers and the internet are to
be used to promote equality, they have to become accessible to school (didn’t read - cannot) currently
afford the equipment which (didn’t read- needs to be updated regularly every) three years or so.

STUDENT 7: Tsk ahm, ahm, like I’m saying, the… that the opanermic stop, stop because we have a
vaccine and computer access promote (reading) and the imper- ah-- the internet are to be used promote

equality, not to promote equality, but we use, we use (looked up), not (rereading some parts) mmm,
ahm, we use computers and gadget now to, to the internet because we have pandemic and the pandemic
will stop because we have the vaccine and not, not going to, 3 years or so because we have (sniffed) we
have vaccine and we havegoing going to school to face to face.

PASSAGE: (6) However, access alone is not enough; Students will have to be interacting with the
technology in actentic (authentic) settings.

STUDENT 7: If you alone, if you alone in your home ahm, uhm, ahm, uhm, papasok sa yong utak uhm
na… na uhm… hmm (looked up) tsk (rereading some parts) aww, wait (rereading some parts) ahm, ahm,
we have students not ahm not in ahm, not uhm not enough that ahm that learning in school the-- and
however, the students is… anong tawag dun? (held hair up) is think, think what what they need to learn,
to study alone. Ouch, hard (laughed) yeah… last, last ahm, last sentence...

PASSAGE: (6) As technology has become a tool for learning in almost all courses taken by student (s),
it will be seen as a means to an end rather than an end in itself. If it is used in culturally relevant ways,
all student(s) can benefit from its power.

STUDENT 7: Courses taking by student (rereading) ahm, yeah, in-- the technology is, the technology is
a become tool for learning now, now and all courses taken by student (s), it will be seen as a means to an
end rather than an end in itself (rereading), ahm, yeah, it’s… ahm, it’s use technology, ahm, in your
courses but the courses you get, the courses you have in the future, because, ahm, not, not the base of in
technology you learn about your course, it is, it is about of your -- learn about your course and, ahm, it
is not a base of the co-- of technology you use but it is all about of your learn about your courses. Next...

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, so let’s move on to questions...

STUDENT 7: What is the selection all about? It’s all about of that technologies.

STUDENT 7: What cultural issues may have influenced, challenged, or inspired the author? Ahm, the
issues in ahm the issue is the pandemic and challenge is how to (sniffed) how to… how to use technology
in, in studying and in to learn, and yeah. And ins-- ano yeah, it inspired the author because ahm we have
good teacher ahm, ahm, teaching ahm, teaching kahit na pandemic.

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay ah, Jm,wait, in terms of cultural issues,have you seen some of the cultural
issues where in ahm it was mentioned about race, the family income. Do you consider that as issues?

STUDENT 7: Yes, Ma’am, yes.

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay, so can you explain more of that, sige, go ahead.

STUDENT 7: Yes, because ahm, now, the family income is… ahm not uhm, n-- the family income
is… lowest before no pandemic and we have pandemic, the income of the family is low because of the
pandemic and my… and my ferents and my ferent use , use ahm online or use ahm… tsk.. Use ahm
sewing machine to get ahm to get extra income to our food and for the…

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay, so that’s ah, part of your experience, JM. So, in line with the text that you
have read, what are some of the cultural issues that you observed in the leading passage? What are some
of the... (inaudible 26:54)

STUDENT 7: The...people we have not internet access.

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay, so who are the people mentioned in the selection?

STUDENT 7: Africa-American because Africa-American is not have money to buy theinternet access.

MA’AM LESLIE: Alright, okay, go ahead.

STUDENT 7: What are the political or economic issues of the times? Uhm. tsk, the ano...economic
issues is the.. Ahm...yeah yung… the extra income of your family and...ahm the tsk, shop, all shop not
good, not good, not...not... have good income because of the pandemic and all people in the home, yeah.

STUDENT 7: As a student, what are the challenges that you encountered in this digital era? Yeah, ahm,
I encountered… uhm… the challenge for me is, the challenge that I encountered in digital area is the
access of internet because sometimes, I have not internet, have internet we need load, and sometimes I
have not a money to load and I will absent of school. Yes, thank you.

(laughed with Ma’am Les)

MA’AM LESLIE: JM, congrats for accomplishing passage #2, Okay, so....

Things change:

STUDENT 7: Ahm, all, all people cha-- ay, ahm things, ahm, all things change because not concentrate
to that things and it is improve (said this while eyes are looking around).

No longer do I,

STUDENT 7: No longer do I ahm… I can do long--ay-- no longer do I… no longer… ahm no longer do

I… tsk… cha-- ahm no longer do I… that people is not change self because it is bad, yeah. (kept looking
around) ahm...

Recovering from the shoGushick

STUDENT 7: Ahm, ahm… recovering from the shock… ahm… ahm I shock when I’m, when I’m child
because ahm because I… (uttered something I could understand) Ahm I...get accident of the… of the
bike and I will-- ah--- and I… I… nabangga. Uhm na- nabangga nung bicycle and I recovering now, I--
I-- when I’m child I recor-- recovering but it is hurt for me now.

Of a huge branch falling

STUDENT 7:Yes, It is all huge branch like ahm like Luis Viton (Louis Vuitton), Gushi (Gucci) because
now, we don’t, we don’t buy that huge branch because all income of pifol is not good enough because
of the pandemic.

At my feet,

STUDENT 7:At my feet… at my feeeet… Ah, what’s that? (looking at the screen…) is have scratch.

No longer do I fear,

STUDENT 7:Ahm, no longer do I fear, ahm, no longer do I fear ahm… no longer do I fear of someone
to try follow me when I’m, when I’m in… in… the dark.

No longer run to my altar

STUDENT 7:Ha? No longer run to my altar… What is that? What is the meaning run to my altar? No
longer run to my altar… ahm no longer--ahm no longer run to my altar is… ah, I think my friends?

In the woods,

STUDENT 7:In the woods I love, I love forest and in the woods I ahm, I chhhk… I camping.

The fire of prayer in my mawt (mouth)

STUDENT 7:The fire of prayer in my mawt, the.. fire of prayer in my mawt is I need, I need uhm… I
need… some ahm.. I need some.. Job and I need some… uhm some faith of--- of--- some faith of God.

No longer between my teet (teeth)

STUDENT 7: Ahm...no longer between my teet… ahm no longer between my teet is… before
ahm...before the if you uhm… before if your teeth is gone, it is, it is...ahm it is… anong tawag dun?
(looked up) it is go back in the small and to big now if your grow up, the teet, if your the teet gone is

The tremble, the I have offended.

STUDENT 7:(Read the line again) What is that? The tremble the I have offended… tremble, what is
that? (slightly laughed and moved backward; uttered something I couldn’t understand) uhm… the
tremble the I have offended, ahm the tremble have said that… (uttered something I couldn’t understand)
the I have offended is ahm… my friends (uttered something I couldn’t understand) friends… yeah.

Newton as a habit of centuries

STUDENT 7:Newton as habit of centuries is ...ahm change because people change.

Inhabits my skull; I know

STUDENT 7: Inhabits my skull, I know… inhabits my skull, I know… Inhabits my skull ahaaam…
uhmmm, uhmmm inhabits my skull… inhabits my skull, I know… ahm in my skull it’s uhm...inhabits…
in my, ahm… in my… ahm.. In my brain? Ahm, in, in, inside of my, head. And… (Read)

Of gravity

STUDENT 7: Is the gravity is the outside of the world, ahm…

And rot (read at rut)

And no longer,

No longer

STUDENT 7:And no longer...and no longer… And rut and no longer (inaudible 7:27) ahm no
longer...is… the pandemic now, and… (Read)

Does (read as dows) a falling frighten (read as fri-ten) me.

STUDENT 7:Ahm… uhmmm...falling fri-ten me, there’s a fri--- falling fri-ten me is...falling fri-ten me
is my family to… (looked at somewhere while thinking…) to, ahm to support me and my friends, yes,
that’s all. My brain is… (uttered something I couldn’t understand)

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, So, JM, let’s have the questions for the poem. Okay, you may start now.

What is the poem all about?

STUDENT 7: It’s all about change.

Who (read as what) do you think is the persona in the poem (read as foem)?

STUDENT 7: Ahm the persona in the foem is...ahm, what’s persona? What the--- what...

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay, who do you think is the one talking in the poem?


MA’AM LESLIE: Okay,okay please explain your answer, why do you think it’s you, serva as speaker
in the poem.

STUDENT 7: Ahm, it’s me because ahm in this poem, ahm, I think, I think uhmm all of in this poem is
question, question based on me, and, yes (laughed)

What are some of the literary (read as literi) device (s) or figures of speech used in the poem (read as

STUDENT 7: Ah! Ano nga ba ulit yun? Ano bang ginamit? (looked around)

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay, so we’ll go back to the poem. You can sight the lines, JM, and then identify
the figures of speech.

STUDENT 7: Metaphor? I think...

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay, why metaphor? Can you sight, or can you mention some of the lines here in
the poem? Which is considered as a metaphor? Where? Where is it?

STUDENT 7: Recovering the shock? Metaphor ...

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay. what else?

STUDENT 7: Uhm, the fire of prayer in my mawt.

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay, what else? Aside from metaphor, do you any other figures of speech?

STUDENT 7: Uhmmm, metaphor and… I think metaphor and… tsk… hmmm… perse--- persesio-- ah-
- perswesion ba yun, Ma’am?

MA’AM LESLIE: Personification

STUDENT 7: Personification, yeah, the…

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay, where is it?

STUDENT 7: Personification, person, the… uhm.. Inhabits my skull? I think


STUDENT 7: And does a falling fri-ten me, I think

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay, next. Okay, so next

What do you think is the theme (read as tem) of the poem (read as foem)?

STUDENT 7: uhmmm, tem, the tem of the foem is… uhm… how… how..fipol change, I think. (reread
the question) tam-- yeah, the fipol change.

What is the moral/lesson of the poem (read ad foem)?

STUDENT 7: The moral lesson of the foem is ahm… follow you are because that is you and ahm...follow
you are and-- because that is you.. Yeah, that’s all, Ma’am. Thank you.
MA’AM LESLIE: … for a while. Okay, you may start now, JM.

PASSAGE: (recorded passage is playing; The student is uttering something I couldn’t understand.)

MA’AM LESLIE: JM, are you already talking?

STUDENT 7: Yes, Ma’am

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay, I can’t hear your voice, e.Okay, you may talk… Sige, you may talk now as
you understand the listening passage.

STUDENT 7: Yes…(sniffed; uttered something I couldn’t understand; inaudible 1:10- 1:24)

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay, JM, louder your voice, ha, I cannot hear your explanations.
STUDENT 7: Yes po, Ma.am. (inaudible 1:34-1:38) ethos is all about ahm I think of ahm.. What…
what… ah, what, what people experience (scratched chin) I feel.. (uttered something I couldn’t
understand) and what, what people ahm, on making other fipol yeah, (uttered something I couldn’t
understand) yeah, it is a ethos. Yes, pathos...pathos is connecting of audience… convin--- convincing the
audience for… for… for… for, what you (said something I couldn’t understand) ay what, what you say
to pifol (said something I couldn’t understand). It is a fipol… what… trust you. Ye--- logos, facts
information (inaudible 3:16- 3:19; said something I couldn’t understand) ahm, logos means is all about
convincing to believe you to the people.Example ahm, example is, the safeguard, ahm the 99.9 percent
germs (said something I couldn’t understand) and, and we use commercial to convince pifol ahm that
soap. (inaudible 3:58) for germs. The more facts… (uttered something I couldn’t understand) Ethos,
pathos and logos we need, we need to...to one o- to one person… to, person...ahm, that is talk to other.
Ahm ethos, pathos (inaudible 4:40- 4:42) is we need to use, it you watch a commercial on TV.That’s all.

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay, so, JM, for your last challenge, can you turn off now the listening passage?

STUDENT 7: Opo, Okay na po.

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay, so your last challenge is to para[hrase or summarize the listening passage. So,
all the information should be summarised. Are you ready?


MA’AM LESLIE: Okay, so you need to retell or state all the information that you’ve listened.Okay,
so are you ready, JM?

STUDENT 7: Wait, wait po, Ma’am, aanuhin ko lang po ung tatlo… ethos, pathos… (uttered something
I couldn’t understand)

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay, JM, you may start.

STUDENT 7: Wait po, Ma’am. (thinking…)

Ethos, pathos and logos, ethos, pathos ang logos (uttered something I couldn’t
understand) Yes, I’m ready ethos, pathos and logos(slightly laughed while
recalling the three and saying “I’m ready)

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay, so you may start now, JM.

STUDENT 7: Et-- ahm, ahm in this passage, ahm, we have 3, 3 ahm, 3 use,the ethos, pathos, and logos.
Ahm...ethos, pa--- ethos and pathos and logos (wiped face with towel) is convincing… to convincing the
fipol of what you saying and fipol to trust you if you, if you like… if you like ahm, run for the president.
Ahm, example, run of-- run for the president. Ahm...we need-- you-- you need to fipol to con---ano you
need to fipol ahm, convince, (scratched head) convince to vote you because you need to… we ne--- you
need to (looked around) ipakita, uhm...hmm? You need to s--- ah- you need to… yeah, you are good
person, and, ahm, you need-- you-- and Someone with him was talking about the passage.) tsk… and..
We need, we need people to trust you you are god person and, and… uhm, tsk…(held chin with his
finger, thinking) to trust you to convince… and what you--- and you need to say what you… hmmm.
Tsk… what you (looked up, thinking) what you do to oth--- to our country to improve and you need to
(held his lower lip, thinking) you need to see that the imfrovement of our country to fipol to trust you
and… yeah, that’s all, Ma’am. (slightly laughed)


STUDENT 7: My brain… (Someone talked.)
STUDENT 6: So, uhm, so the listening passage number 3 came fro--- according to the ancient (read as
an-syent) Greek Aris-- Aristotle.uhm, we have 3 persuasion, it is ethos (read as athos), logos, ay-- ethos
(read as athos), pathos and logos. And those three have their strength. Strength is to persuade, persuade
the audience. Uhm, the ethos (read as athos) way convincing is uh, he o-- he/she proving to the audience
that he is accredible, accredible, and, and the audience is her credible. If, the audience is trustworthy,
then he/she is reala--- rel-liable and since-- or sincere, then the pathos (she said athos) is ahm, can explain
also that, can explain to you how to take-- how the dentist take care of your teeth than the firefighter,
them pathos convi--- al--convince the audience by emotion. If an audience ca--- and it’s also said that if
an audience cannot trust you, then you cannot persuade them too. Then, logos is more convincing than
the two, because if logos show some details and evidences,ahm, for me-- for me, yeah, it’s more convince
too, if I were the audience, I’ll just, I w--- I am be able to convince if it is more detailed and has a
evidences.That’s all.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, so, congrats, Lyka! So, your last challenge is to… Okay, did you already turn
off the listening passage?

STUDENT 6: Yes, Ma’am.

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay, so what you’re going to do is to summarize the content of the listening passage,
okay? So, retell the content of the listening passage. Can you summarize the listening passage? Are you
ready? Okay when you paraphrase, okay, so this is what you called paraphrasing. So, meaning to say,
Lyka, whatever is in the listening passage, you will summarize the information correctly, okay? So, you
may start now summarizing the listening passage.

STUDENT 6: Listening-- listening passage #3, tools of persuasion. Persuasion is a (couldn’t understand
the next word she said.) of convincing someone to agree with your point of view. According to ancient
read as an-syent)--ancient Greeek Aristotle, we have 3 pers-- persua-- persuasion, That is ethos (read as
, athos) , pathos and logos. And ethos (athos) is a spe-- way of speaker in convincing of how-- uhmm,
ex-- of how accredile he/she is, how much experience she was on the field, and the audience is her
credible.If the audience is trustworthy, and then she or-- he/she is reala--- reliable or sincere.And Pathos,
pathos is… uhm convince the audience emo-- with emotion, if that… because if that audience cannot
trust speaker, then,yuo cannot persuade them. Then, the logos is more convinceng-- convincing, because
if they --- because if they ha--- because logos ha-- shows some evidences, and did have some details, so,
uhmmmm tsk It makes the audience more beli-- believe them, and, but, those three is helpful in
persuading audience, because ethos (read as ethos), pathos, logos have their own strength, and that is
persuading their audience.

Student #8

TITLE: Extract from Words to the Intellectuals

STUDENT 8: Yung ano Maam, kahit di ko na po sabihin yung ano ko Maam? Or sabihin ko na po?

MAAM LESLIE: You need to say everything.

STUDENT 8: Diba po meron po akong sinabi, may sinalita, may binasa po akong sentence po Maam,
tapos hindi ko po pinaliwanag, dun ako po, example sa number 1 po, diba po may mga ano po yan, may
mga tuldok, kuwit po Maam. Pagka nagbasa po ako nyan, yung pagkuwit kuwit po nyan, kahit hindi ko
na po ipaliwanag, diretso ano na po, pwede na po yan --

MAAM LESLIE: Yes, it depends on how you understand. When you understand something it can be
general or if you want a detail, much better.

PASSAGE: Extract from Words to the Intellectuals (1) There can be, of course, artist, and good
artist, who do not have a revolutionary attitude towards the life, and it is for precisely that group of artist
and intellectuals that the Revolution constitutes a problem.

STUDENT 8: So, as you, as you (thinking) wait lang Maam (while clearing his throat) As you said

Maam, ano, there are good artists and bad artists, that ano, we

MAAM LESLIE: Okay Kenneth, for a while. It’s just an example. Once you are talking to yourself, do
not include me. You just take on your own.

STUDENT 8: Ahhh!

MAAM LESLIE: It’s actually your own understanding. For instance, “For me …” “I think, …” So
don’t include me in your explanation. Use 1st person point of view. You may start now.

STUDENT 8: Again.

PASSAGE: Extract from Words to the Intellectuals (1) There can be, of course, artist, and good
artist, who do not have a revolutionary attitude towards the life,

STUDENT 8: I think, there are good artist and bad artist who have a good attitude and bad attitude.

PASSAGE: (1) and it is for precisely that group of artist and intellectuals that the Revolution constitutes
(continuetes) a problem.

STUDENT 8: I think, there are group of artist that, that have problem, in their life.

PASSAGE: (2) For a mercenary artist or intellectual, for a dishonest artist or intellectual, it would never
be a problem: he knows what he has to do, he knows what it is in his interest, and he knows where he is

STUDENT 8: I think, I think, I mean, mercenary artist or dishonest artists, have -- ay don’t have a
problem but they an interest, and they don’t where its, where it is going.

PASSAGE: (3) The real problem exists for the artist or intellectual who does not have a revolutionary
attitude towards life but who is, however, an honest person. It is clear that he who has that attitude
towards life, whether he is revolutionary or not, whether he is an artist or not,

STUDENT 8: I think, the real problem exist for, for artist, if -- I’ll repeat Maam.

PASSAGE: (3) The real problem exists for the artist or intellectual who does not have a revolutionary
attitude towards life but who is, however, an honest person.

STUDENT 8: I think, the real problem exist when the artist, when the artist have a -- have a bad attitude
even an honest person.

PASSAGE: (3) It is clear that he who has that attitude towards life, whether he is revolutionary or not,
whether he is an artist or not, has his goals, has his objectives and we should all ask, we should all ask
ourselves about those goals, has his objectives.

STUDENT 8: I think, I think the problem our life is, is common whenever, ay whether you are an artist
or not. (nodding)

PASSAGE: (3) For the revolutionary, those goals and objectives are directed towards the change of

STUDENT 8: I think for the revolutionary, the goals and objectives are ---

PASSAGE: (3) For the revolutionary, those goals and objectives are directed towards the change of
reality; those goals and objectives are directed towards the redemption of man.

STUDENT 8: Wait maam. Again.

PASSAGE: (3) For the revolutionary, those goals and objectives are directed towards the change of
reality; those goals and objectives are directed towards the redemption of man.

STUDENT 8: I think the problem, I think the problem ay common for us, ay -- common for us and it
changed our, it changed the reality those goals and objectives are directed towards the redemption of
man. I think the objectives, the goals and objectives are directed toward of man.

PASSAGE: (3) It is man himself, his fellow man, the redemption of his fellow man that constitutes the
objective of the revolutionary. If they ask us revolutionaries what matter most to us, we will say the
people, and we will always say the people. The people in their true sense, that is, the majority of the
people, those who have had live in exploitation and in the cruelest neglect.

STUDENT 8: (Silently reading the passage) It is man himself, his fellow man the redemption of his
fellow man the objective of the revolutionary. If they ask us revolutionaries what matter most to us, we
will say the people, and we will always say the people. I think, I think if the, if the person or of the person,
I mean if the people, ay if the people ask us we will say people or we will always say people.

PASSAGE: (3) Our basic concern will always be the great majority of the people, that is, the oppressed
and exploited classes.

STUDENT 8: I think the people, I think the people who in their true sense, (trying to read the passage)
I mean, I think the people who in their sense, ay who in their true sense of the people, have always great
majority Maam, uh, ano Ma'am great choice of their --- of their knowledge. Our basic concern will
always be the great majority of the people, I think our choice or our great -- our great majority is the
best for us to exploit ay to show our knowledge.

PASSAGE: (3) The point of view through which we view everything is this: whatever is good for them,
will be good for us; whatever is noble, useful, and beautiful for them, will be noble, useful and beautiful
for us. If one does not think of the people and for the people, that is, if one does not think and does not
act for the great exploited masses of the people for the great masses which we want to redeem, then
simply does not have a revolutionary attitude.

STUDENT 8: (clearing his throat) I think if, I’m ano, if a person have a good, have a good, I mean have
a good view of everything whenever it goods, it will be good for us. I mean it look good for us.

PASSAGE: (4) It is from the point of view that we analyze the good, the useful, and the beautiful of
every action.
STUDENT 8: I think, I think, the if we analyze the good, the useful and the beautiful, ay I mean, we can
have a good, if, we can have good point of view.

PASSAGE: (5) We understand that is must be a tragedy when someone understands this and nonetheless
has to confess that he is incapable of fighting for it.
STUDENT 8: I think for me, I understand someone if anyone have their own, have their own fighting
for like, like they are confess like their own strategy (pronounced as trategy)
PASSAGE: (6) We are, or believe ourselves to be revolutionaries. Whoever is more of an artist than a
revolutionary cannot think exactly the same as we do.

STUDENT 8: I believe, I believe for myself, for ourselves that you cannot exactly think if you, if you
are revolutionary or not.
PASSAGE: (6) We struggle for the people without inner conflict, we know that we can have to think
about the people before we think about ourselves, and that is the only attitude that can be defined as a
truly revolutionary attitude…
STUDENT 8: I believe, ay hindi I’m sorry Ma'am. I believe, we struggle, we struggle when --- I think,
we can struggle the people in their own conflict. And we know, and we know we can think the people, I
mean we can talk the people before ourselves. And, and that the revolutionary attitude, I mean as a
revolutionary attitude.

PASSAGE: (7) The case was well made that there were many writers and artists who were not
revolutionaries, but were however,

STUDENT 8: I think, many writers and artists are not revolutionaries.

PASSAGE: (7) honest writers and artists; that they wanted to help the Revolution, and that the
Revolution is interested in their help; that they wanted to work for the Revolution and that, at the same
time, the Revolution was interested in their contributing their knowledge and efforts on its behalf.

STUDENT 8: I think even, I think even you are not revolutionary, ay I think even the writers and artists
who are not revolutionary can help the revolution. And, and the revolu -- the people who are -- ay
revolutionaries are interest in the help, the help of the artist are who are not revolutionaries. And the
revolutionaries are interest to them.

PASSAGE: (8) It is easier to appreciate this when specific cases are analyzed;

STUDENT 8: I think it is easier, when anyone give specific case to analyze.

PASSAGE: (8) and among those specific cases are many that are not easy to analyze.

STUDENT 8: And many, and many specific cases that cannot -- ay that cannot, that’s not easy to, does
not easy to analyze.

PASSAGE: (8) A catholic writer spoke(s) here. He raised the problems that worried him and he spoke
with great clarity. He asked if he could make an interpretation of a determined problem from his idealistic
point of view of if he could write a work defending that point of view. He asked quite frankly if, within
a revolutionary regime, he could express himself in accordance with those sentiments. He posed the
problem in a form that might be considered symbolic.

STUDENT 1: (clearing his throat) I think the, I think, the, he raised the problem, he raised the problem
because he want to show his idealistic point of view to the, so that he could write, that he could write the
defending, I mean that he could write a work defending, defending on the point of view.

PASSAGE: (9) He was concerned about knowing if he could write in accordance with those sentiments
or in accordance with that ideology, which was not exactly the ideology of the Revolution.

STUDENT 8: I think he concerned if he can write about ay if he can write about their, his idea about

PASSAGE: (9) He was in agreement with the Revolution on economic and social questions, but his
philosophic position was distinct from that of the Revolution.

STUDENT 1: I think, (thinking - took a minute before he answered) I think, he w-- he was in agreement
to the revolutionaries, and but I mean, but his philosophic position are not distinct of the revolutions.

PASSAGE: (9) And this case is worthy of being kept well in mind, because it is a case representative of
the group of writers and artist who demonstrate a favourable attitude towards the Revolution and wish to
know what degree of freedom they have within the revolutionary condition to express themselves in
accordance with their feelings.

STUDENT 8: (reading the passage again)

PASSAGE: (9) That is the group that constitutes a problem for them,

STUDENT 8: I think he demonstrate, demonstrate teh favorable attitude towards the revolutionary, ano
yun? He demonstrate a favourable attitude towards the Revolutionary for - with his own feelings, ay with
their own feelings that constitutes a problem for the.

PASSAGE: (9) and it is the duty of the Revolution to be concerned with the situation of those artists and

STUDENT 8: I think the writers uhm, is their duty or job to know the situation of the artist, their artist
and writers.

PASSAGE: (9) because the Revolution ought to bend its efforts towards having more than the
revolutionaries, more than the revolutionary artists and intellectuals, move along with it.

STUDENT 8: I think, I think the revolutionaries give their -- give their effort to - for having the

PASSAGE: (9) It is possible that the men and women who have a truly revolutionary attitude towards
reality do not constitute the greatest sector of the population:

STUDENT 8: I think, I thnk it is impossible for men and women, who cannot constitutes the greatest
sector of the population.

PASSAGE: (9) the revolutionaries are the vanguard of the people, but the revolutionaries should bend
their efforts towards having all the people move along with them. The revolution cannot renounce the
goal of having all honest men and women, whether writers and artist or not, moving along with it; the
Revolution should bend its efforts towards converting everyone who has doubts into a revolutionary.

STUDENT 8: I think the revolution are the vanguard of the -- of their people. But the revolutionary
cannot renounce the goal of having all honest men and women whether it is writer or atist or not.

PASSAGE: (9) moving along with it; the Revolution should bend its efforts towards converting
everyone who has doubts into a revolutionary. The Revolution should try to win over the greatest part of
the people to its ideas;

STUDENT 1: I think the revolution, show, need, ay they need to shows the, their own effort for those
people who are (dog? Or doubt) to them.

PASSAGE: (9) the Revolution should never give up counting on the majority of the people, counting
not only on the revolutionaries, but in all honest citizens who, although they may not have a revolutionary
attitude towards life, are with the Revolution.

STUDENT 8: I think the revolution, want ay need to try to, to win the greatest part of people that they
ideas, that they’re ideas. And I think the revolution, the revolution should never give up to counting on
major of the people not only on the revolutionary but or -- all people - or people who are honest to -- and
also, and also whether then, and also even if they done even if they don’t have an attitude like a
revolutionary toward life.

PASSAGE: (10) The Revolution should give up only those who are incorrigible reactionaries, who are
incorrigible counter-revolutionaries. Towards all others the Revolution must have policy; the Revolution
has to have an attitude towards those intellectuals and writers. The Revolution has to understand the real
situation and should therefore act in such a manner that the whole group of artist and intellectuals who
are genuinely revolutionaries can find within the Revolution a place to work and create, a place where
their creative spirit, even though they are not revolutionary writers and artists, has the opportunity and
freedom to be expressed.

STUDENT 8: I think, the revolutionary should, should give up to those are incorrigible reactions. And,
and the revolutionary need to understand the real situations, to understand the real situation and act such
a manner for the people who are, who are, who’s in artist and -- And also, for those pe - for those who
are not revolutionary and writers, can have the - can have the opportunity and freedom that they cannot

MS LESLIE: You are done with passage number 1.

STUDENT 8: Ask lang po, di ko po masyadong maintindihan.

MS LESLIE: It’s okay. Let’s have the questions.

STUDENT 8: What is the selection all about? Its all about, its all about those people who have an

STUDENT 8: How does the author define being a revolutionist/REVOLUTIONARY? The author define

the revolutionary -- the author define being a revolutionary

MS LESLIE: What are the things that you remember about being revolutionary or revolutionist
according to the author.

STUDENT 8: You need to have an, an intellectual or mindset Ma’am.

STUDENT 8: What other title can you give to the article? The purpose fo this, the purpose the author to
writing this article, to show, to show that the revolutionary, that the intellectual are, are need for us
whether you are, artist or writers.

STUDENT 8: Do you consider yourself as a revolutionist? For me, I think no. Because as I said earlier
-- the revolutionary si for people who have an intellectual but for me, I think I don’t have.

STUDENT 8: What other title can you give to the article? What title, what uh, The Intellectual of

PASSAGE: (1) Information technology is influence the way many of us live and work today. We use
the internet to look and apply for jobs, shop, conduct research, make airline reservations, and explore
areas of interest. We use E-mail and internet to communicate instantaneously with friends and business
associate around the world. Computers are commonplace in home and the workplace.

STUDENT 8: I think, I think the informational, information technology or IT, is influenced us and work
today. And also, we use, we use the technology to apply the job, to buy in shp, to conduct the research,
and many, and many things that you can use po, for technology, in technology.

PASSAGE: (2) Although the number of internet users is growing exponentially each year, most of the
world’s population does not have access to computers of the internet.

STUDENT 8: I think, I think it is, I think the internet usage is growing because, because our generation
or my generation are full of technology.

PASSAGE: (2) Only 6 percent of the population in the developing countries are connected to telephones.
Although more than 94 percent of U.S households have telephones, only 56 percent have personal
computers at home and 50 percent have internet access.

STUDENT 8: I think, the 6% of the population, the developing countries are connected to telephones.
While, the 94% in the US household have telephones.

PASSAGE: (2) The lack of what most of us would consider a basic communication necessity -the
telephone-does not occur just developing nations.

STUDENT 8: I think, the technology is our basic communication using the telephone, to develop our

PASSAGE: (2) On some Native American reservation only 60 percent of the residents have a telephone.

STUDENT 8: I think, in America reservation, on said, ay only 60 percent of the resident have a

PASSAGE: (2) The moves to wireless connectivity may eliminate the needs for telephone lines, but it
does not remove the barrier to equipment costs.

STUDENT 8: I think the telephones are wireless connectivity that needs, that need to connect to

PASSAGE: 3) Who has internet access? The digital divide between the population who have access to
the internet and information technology tools and those who don’t is based on income, race, education,
household type, and geographic location, but the gap between groups is narrowing. Eighty-five percent
of households with an income over $75,000 have internet access compared with less than 20 percent of
the households with income under $15,000 Over 80 percent of college graduates use the internet as

compared with 40 percent of high school completers and 13 percent of high school dropouts. Seventy-
two percent of household with two parents have internet access; 40 percent female, single parent
household do.

STUDENT 8: I think it is normal because, as I said earlier, internet, internet is our, is our key to use, to
communicate to others.

PASSAGE: (3) Differences are also found among households and families from different racial and
ethnic groups. Fifty-five percent of white households, 31 percent of black households, 32 percent of
Latino household, 68 percent of Asian or Pacific Islander households, 39 percent of American, Indian,
Eskimos, or Aleut households have access to the internet.

STUDENT 8: I think, I think the Asia, I think 60% of Asia is normal because we Asian are commonly
use the internet, while the other, the other country like American, India, Eskimos or Aleut have 39

PASSAGE: (3) The number of internet users who are children under nine years old and person over fifty
has more than triple since 1997. Households in inner cities are less likely to have computer and internet
access than in urban and rural areas, but the differences are no more than 6 percent.

STUDENT 8: I think, I think the number in internet who use, ay users who are children and under 9
years old are half percent or 50. Even in urban or rural areas.

PASSAGE: (4) Another problem that exacerbates these disparities is that African-American. Latinos,
and Native Americans hold few of the jobs in information technology. Women (read as woman) about
20 percent of these jobs and receiving fewer than 30 percent of the Bachelor’s degrees in computer and
information science. The result is that women and members of the most oppressed ethnic group are not
eligible for the jobs with the highest salaries at graduation. Baccalaureate candidates with degree in
computer science were offered the highest salaries of all new college graduates.

STUDENT 8: I think, (thinking) I think it, it the international, the information technology or IT are not
problem because, because the technology are, the information technology are, are the best job for us.
And also, and also it is normal for computer science have offered high salary because it is, because it is
computer science.
PASSAGE: (5) Do similar disparities exist in schools? Ninety-eight percent of school in the country
are wired with at least one internet connection. The number of classrooms with internet connection differs
by the income level of students. Using the percentage of students who are eligible for free lunches at a
school to determine income level, we see that the higher percentage of the school with more affluent
students have wired classrooms than those with high concentrations of low-income students.

STUDENT 8: I think, it is normal for school that got 98% because in school, because in the school, the
internet connection in school are 1 or more. But, the students are, but the percentage of school are at least
80% percent because in school, ay in the school the students that, the students in schools are so many.

PASSAGE: (6) Access to computers and the internet will be important in reducing disparities between
groups. It will require higher equality across diverse group whose members develop knowledge and
skills in computer and information technologies.

STUDENT 8: I think, I think is important for to, the internet to reduce disparities between groups
because the technologies or information technologies jobs are, are need the people who have knowledge
in schools about the people.

PASSAGE: (6) The field today is overrepresented by white males. If computers and the internet are to
be used to promote equality, they have to become accessible to school cannot currently afford the
equipment which needs to be updated regularly every three years or so. However, access alone is not
enough; Students will have to be interacting with the technology in authentic settings. As technology has
become a tool for learning in almost all courses taken by students, it will be seen as a means to an end
rather than an end in itself. If it is used in culturally relevant ways, all students can benefit from its power.
STUDENT 8: I think, the --- I think it is, its, is normal to, --- study in school in 3 years to understand
the students, of the students that that all about technology.

MAAM LESLIE: So, let’s proceed to the questions.
STUDENT 8: What is the selection all about? It’s all about technology or informational technology.

MAAM LESLIE: Can you expound more of your answer.

STUDENT 8: Yes Maam. As I said, ugh --- I will repeat, what is the selection all about? For in both, in,
informational technology to, for students.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, Next.

STUDENT 8: What cultural issues may have influenced, challenged, or inspired the author? The
influence and challenge here is in technology is, more people, more people are addicted in the technology
that I mean even it is (touching his forehead) more people are influenced in technology because all people
are addicted in compu -- technology like computer, telephone or cellphone. Because today, technology
is our, is our key to get a job to studies and talk to the others.

MAAM LESLIE: In the selection, do you see some cultural issues? Because as what you have noticed
there are people mentioned, what do you mean by culture.

STUDENT 8: country.

MAAM LESLIE: Country. Do you see some people mentioned in the selection?

STUDENT 8: I don’t have Maam.

MAAM LESLIE: I’m referring to the kind of people, you have observed in the selection. Who are
these people?


MAAM LESLIE: Okay. About the different percentage, who are these people mentioned.

STUDENT 8: Like ano Maam, students. Ano maam, employment and all people who are in household.


STUDENT 8: Number 3, What are the political or economic issues of the times? The political or
economic issues is, are ano, or people are addicted in and can stop, they cannot stop to use technology
because it is --- because the technology is, is include for us.

STUDENT 8: As a student, what are the challenges that you encountered in the digital era? My
challenges that I encountered, is are, the challenged that I encountered are …

MAAM LESLIE: In this new normal, Kenneth, what ar ethe digital challenges that you encountered
as a student. How will you relate that in this new normal. What are challenges that you experienced?

STUDENT 8: Yes maam. Can’t provide a load. And cannot study even we use an -- even we use a
Things change:

No longer do I,

Recovering from the shock

Of a huge branch falling

At my feet,

No longer do I fear,

No longer run to my altar

In the woods,

STUDENT 8: I think, I think in the line of no longer do I, recovering from the shock of a huge branch
falling at my feet, No longer do I fear, No longer run to my altar. I think,

MAAM LESLIE: Say something about the title.

STUDENT 8: Change, I think the word change is --- the word change is, is the, is our, ay is common
for us, are common for us because change are going to, because change are going to -- ay are we can,
we can ugh -- we can encounter for our life. Things change, Yes, all the things are changing. no longer
do I, recovering from the shock of a huge branch falling at my feet, is ---

MAAM LESLIE: Continue with the interpretation of the poem.


No longer do I fear,

No longer run to my altar

In the woods,

The fire of prayer in my mouth

No longer between my teeth

The tremble, the I have offended.

Newton as a habit of centuries

Inhabits my skull; I know

Of gravity

And rot

And no longer,

No longer

Does a falling frighten me.

STUDENT 8: In the poem, Maam can I - can I share my -- my experience?

MAAM LESLIE: Yes of course. That would be better.

STUDENT 8: In my experience, when I was young, Yes of course young. Even (towt?? Young eh.
When I was elementary, I always climbing in the tree and then, I’m always climbing in a tree and one
time, when the, when, one time, when I’m climbing in a tree, I’m suddenly slip because the tree are
wet. After I, after I fallen in the rocks, the branches of the tree are suddenly falling and of course, after
that, after taht I’m not, I’m not, I’m not climbing the tree again. Once again, I mean I didn’t do to climb
again. But, when I, when I in senior high, Grade 11, once again I climb in the tree again. Hmm, then I
climbed at the top and suddenly, yung ayy -- when, suddenly I slipped again. But that time, when
something falling at my side I’m not afraid because, because I’m changed, I’m changing when I was,
when I’m elementary to, I changed to not scared when something falling -- on me.

MAAM LESLIE: Thank you for sharing, that’s inspiring kenneth. Try to answer the following

STUDENT 8: What is the poem all about? It’s all about change. The word of chnage is our, is valuable
because everytime when I encounter, we and everytime when we encounter tapos I mean, it repeat on
us it became, I mean suddenly it changing us because it happened, it happened again to us.

STUDENT 8: What do you think is the persona in the poem?

MAAM LESLIE: Who do you think is talking in the poem?

STUDENT 8: For me, of course myself Maam. Because in the poem, or my story; in the poem or story
are all about change but of him. That’s all Maam.

STUDENT 8: What are some of the literary (read as literal) devices or figures of speech used in the

MAAM LESLIE: Do you remember some of the lines, Kenneth? Did you take down notes? Can you
cite some of the lines? Or identify the figures of speech used in the poem?

STUDENT 8: I forgot.

MAAM LESLIE: Cite some of the lines. What are some of the lines which expressed literary devices
or figures of speech.

STUDENT 8: The fire of the prayer in the mouth, No longer between my teeth, The tremble, the I have

MAAM LESLIE: What figures of speech utilize in those lines?

STUDENT 8: Hmm (angry sound?)

MAAM LESLIE: What kind of figures of speech, Kenneth? You have mentioned The fire of the
prayer in the mouth, No longer between my teeth, OKay, so can you identify figures of speech within
that line?

STUDENT 8: Simile Maam.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay. Do you see some other figures of speech?

STUDENT 8: Metaphor Maam, meron.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay. Cite some lines.

Newton as a habit of centuries
Inhabits my skull; I know

Of gravity

And rot

And no longer,

MAAM LESLIE: Okay. Number 4

STUDENT 8: What do you think is the theme of the poem? Change Maam.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay. Number 5

STUDENT 8: Number 5, What is the moral/lesson of the poem? We people or, for me, we every
people can change from their, I mean from, I mean every people can change in their past.

MAAM LESLIE: Just like you past. Okay.

PASSAGE: (recorded passage is playing)

STUDENT 8: Maam, for Ethos, it shows when, the if you are reliable sincere and so --

PASSAGE: (recorded passage is playing)

STUDENT 8: Maam then, Ethos is the, as I said earlier, it is convince po, like in, like in dentist when
someone need to, need to --

PASSAGE: (recorded passage is playing)

STUDENT 8: As I said earlier Maam, when someone in clinic, when someone people want to pull out
his teeth or her teeth then the doctor are going to --- convince him/her to, to pull our his teeth to not, to
not, to not affect in his/her mouth.

PASSAGE: (recorded passage is playing)

STUDENT 8: In Ethos, and in Pathos, it shows teh emotions of people or animals like for example when
someone, I mean when someone in animals, as I said in the speech, when someone in animals shows,
when like dog, when a dog shows the his emotion or the emotion, it can be convince the person who, for
the people who wants like to kill him, I mean like to kill the dog.

PASSAGE: (recorded passage is playing)

STUDENT 8: And in Logos, it shows the ideas and statistics, for example when in the math, student
math, I mean teacher, teacher Maam. When the math teacher shows, when the math teacher shows the
problem and solution, it, she, the teachers shows the, how to, how to solution the question or the problem.

PASSAGE: (recorded passage is playing)

STUDENT 8: Maam and also the Pathos, Ethos, Pathos and Logos are important and effective and also
it, it mades by Aristotle.

PASSAGE: (recorded passage is playing)

MAAM LESLIE: Are you done Kenneth? Your last challenge is this. Summarize the content of the
listening passage. Paraphrase or retell the content.

STUDENT 8: In the passage, in the passage, the Ethos, Pathos, Logos are made by Aristotle. Then Ethos
is, is I mean, all those three are important for us because, Ethos is to convince other people, the others.
While Ethos is to shows the emotions when someone, when someone shows the evidence, I think. And
in Logos, it shows the ideas and statistic that, that in, that if we combine the three this three they can be,
they can be convince the, they can be convince, the other people and shows the emotion.

Student # 9

PASSAGE: Extract from Words to the Intellectuals (1) There can be, of course, artist, and good
artist, who do not have a revolutionary attitude towards the life, and it is for precisely that group of artist
and intellectuals that the Revolution constitutes a problem.

STUDENT 9: So sa ano Maam, paragraph number 1 parang sinasabi po na meron opr merong artists,
merong artist at meron hindi artist na mayroon revolutionary attitudes about dun sa life po.

PASSAGE: (2) For a mercenary artist or intellectual, for a dishonest artist or intellectual, it would never
be a problem: he knows what he has to do, he knows what it is in his interest, and he knows where he is
going. (3) The real problem exists for the artist or intellectual who does not have a revolutionary attitude
towards life but who is, however, an honest person. It is clear that he who has that attitude towards life,
whether he is revolutionary or not, whether he is an artist or not, The real problem exists for the artist or
intellectual who does not have a revolutionary attitude towards life but who is, however, an honest
person. It is clear that he who has that attitude towards life, whether he is revolutionary or not, whether
he is an artist or not, has his goals, has his objectives and we should all ask, we should all ask ourselves
about those goals, has his objectives. For the revolutionary, those goals and objectives are directed

towards the change of reality; For the revolutionary, those goals and objectives are directed towards the
change of reality; those goals and objectives are directed towards the redemption of man. It is man
himself, his fellow man, the redemption of his fellow man that constitutes the objective of the
revolutionary. If they ask us revolutionaries what matter most to us, we will say the people, and we will
always say the people. The people in their true sense, that is, the majority of the people, those who have
had live in exploitation and in the cruelest neglect. Our basic concern will always be the great majority
of the people, that is, the oppressed and exploited classes. The point of view through which we view
everything is this: whatever is good for them, will be good for us; whatever is noble, useful, and beautiful
for them, will be noble, useful and beautiful for us. If one does not think of the people and for the people,
that is, if one does not think and does not act for the great exploited masses of the people for the great
masses which we want to redeem, then simply does not have a revolutionary attitude.

STUDENT 9: In this passage 3, I will agree to this uhm kasi po ah, parang yung mga revolutionary artist,
they write, the write this para po sa mga tao, para mas magkaroon ng pagbabago sa buhay nila or mas
umunlad pa po yung buhay nila.

PASSAGE: (4) It is from the point of view that we analyze the good, the useful, and the beautiful of
every action. (5) We understand that is must be a tragedy when someone understands this and nonetheless
has to confess that he is incapable of fighting for it. (6) We are, or believe ourselves to be revolutionaries.
Whoever is more of an artist than a revolutionary cannot think exactly the same as we do. We struggle
for the people without inner conflict, we know that we can have to think about the people before we think
about ourselves, and that is the only attitude that can be defined as a truly revolutionary attitude…
STUDENT 8: Dun po sa parang passage 4 and 6, parang sinasabi po dito na, pagkakaintindi ko po at
nag aagree naman din po ako, yung mga revolutionary artist po hindi nila tinitignan kung ano lang yung
nararamdaman nila, tinitignan din nila sa mga tao kung makakatulong po ba ito or hindi kasi nga po diba,
yung halaga, yung importante naman po dito is yung nga tao kasi sila rin namn po makakranas ng
maganda or hindi kaya nag agree po ako sa 4 to 6 na passage.
PASSAGE: (7) The case was well made that there were many writers and artists who were not
revolutionaries, but were however, honest writers and artists; that they wanted to help the Revolution,
and that the Revolution is interested in their help; that they wanted to work for the Revolution and that,
at the same time, the Revolution was interested in their contributing their knowledge and efforts on its
behalf. (she read this passage 3 times)

STUDENT 9: This uhm, in the passage 7 po, uhm I agree naman din po na may mga writers and artist
po na ayaw po nila ng revolutionary or pwedeng dinadaan din po sa other way po para masabi yung,
yung gusto nilang sabihin pero hindi nila direct na sinsabi po talaga. Tapos meron din po akong nabasa
na book o libro po or context po na parang directed po nila sinabi na they want change po, they want
pagbabago kasi nakikita rin naman po nila dun sa mga tao na may naghihirap po.

PASSAGE: (8) It is easier to appreciate this when specific cases are analyzed; and among those specific
cases are many that are not easy to analyze. A catholic writer spoke here. He raised the problems that
worried him and he spoke with great clarity. He asked if he could make an interpretation of a determined
problem from his idealistic point of view of if he could write a work defending that point of view. He
asked quite frankly if, within a revolutionary regime, he could express himself in accordance with those
sentiments. He posed the problem in a form that might be considered symbolic. (9) He was concerned
about knowing if he could write in accordance with those sentiments or in accordance with that ideology,
which was not exactly the ideology of the Revolution. He was in agreement with the Revolution on
economic and social questions, but his philosophic position was distinct from that of the Revolution. And
this case is worthy of being kept well in mind, because it is a case representative of the group of writers
and artist who demonstrate a favourable attitude towards the Revolution and wish to know what degree
of freedom they have within the revolutionary condition to express themselves in accordance with their
feelings. That is the group that constitutes a problem for them, and it is the duty of the Revolution to be
concerned with the situation of those artists and writers, because the Revolution ought to bend its efforts
towards having more than the revolutionaries, more than the revolutionary artists and intellectuals, move
along with it. It is possible that the men and women who have a truly revolutionary attitude towards
reality do not constitute the greatest sector of the population: the revolutionaries are the vanguard of the
people, but the revolutionaries should bend their efforts towards having all the people move along with

them. The revolution cannot renounce the goal of having all honest men and women, whether writers
and artist or not, moving along with it; the Revolution should bend its efforts towards converting
everyone who has doubts into a revolutionary. moving along with it; the Revolution should bend its
efforts towards converting everyone who has doubts into a revolutionary. The Revolution should try to
win over the greatest part of the people to its ideas; the Revolution should never give up counting on the
majority of the people, counting not only on the revolutionaries, but in all honest citizens who, although
they may not have a revolutionary attitude towards life, are with the Revolution.

STUDENT 9: Uhm, in this passage number 9 po may mga part na medyo confusing or medyo -- hindi
ko po naintindihan, but meron din naman pong uhm part na parang uhm, nag aagree din po ako na uhm,
na parang revolutionaries is parang --- yung mga revolutionary artist ay patuloy na parang magsusulat
about the revolutions, about their attitude of revolutions para rin, para na irn po sa mga tao kasi po ang
dami nga pong mga, uhm kailangan ng pagbabago kaya po sinusulat po nila yung mga ganun parang
context po.

PASSAGE: (10) The Revolution should give up only those who are incorrigible reactionaries, who are
incorrigible counter-revolutionaries. Towards all others the Revolution must have policy; the Revolution
has to have an attitude towards those intellectuals and writers. The Revolution has to understand the real
situation and should therefore act in such a manner that the whole group of artist and intellectuals who
are genuinely revolutionaries can find within the Revolution a place to work and create, a place where
their creative spirit, even though they are not revolutionary writers and artists, has the opportunity and
freedom to be expressed.

STUDENT 9: Dito po sa ano, sa passage 10, may mga terms or words po na medyo bago po sa akin,
but then dito po sa may last, sa sinabi nya po na even though they are not revolutionary writers and
artists, has the opportunity and freedom to be expressed, for example nalang din po is yung sa mga, sa
mga facebook, mga pinopost po nung mga tao po which is nag eexpress din po sila ng revolutionaries or
naexpress nila yung nang jkung ano po yung gusto nlang iexpress kahit hindi po sila writers or artist n
agumagawa po. I agree to this po kasi uhm napapansin or nakikita ko rin po sa mga social media.

MS LESLIE: We’ll proceed with the guide questions ha?

STUDENT 9: What is the selection all about? Uhm its all about po sa uhm parang, freedom to express
or to write uhm about the revolutionary, about change, about if you want changes in our society
you can write a text or hmm, yun po Maam.

MS LESLIE: Okay, next.

STUDENT 9: How does the author define being a revolutionist/REVOLUTIONARY? Yung author po
uhm, he defined revolutionary parang, dinefine nya po yung revolutionary na parang freedom to express
or freedom, nag ssay sya do you want change for the people po.


STUDENT 9: What other title can you give to the article? The purpose of the author in writing this
article maybe to, persuade uhm, uhm writers or yungmga tao po na about revolutions na hindi lang sya
pagsulat ng revolutions, ng article na ano po about revolutionary. Uhm hindi lang po sya para sa mga
artist, sa mga writer, uhm, pwede sya sa lahat para makatulong po dun sa mga tao na gusto talaga ng
pagbabago pero hindi po makapag voice out po.

STUDENT 8: Do you consider yourself as a revolutionist? Justify your answer. Yes po kasi po uhm,
gusto ko rinpo ng pagbabgo po kasi. Nakikita ko rin po kasi dito sa, sa bansa din po natin na parang,
meron po talagang ano po eh parang, uhm, ayun uhm, yung Yes po, kasi nakikita ko din po dun sa sa
kapaligiran ko po na ang dami din pong naghihirap. Ang dami din pong nag hihirap din po sa kalagayan
nila sa buhay kaya kinoconsider ko na rin po yung sarili ko na revolutionary kasi parang nag eexpress
din po ako na I want change po sa bansa po natin.

STUDENT 8: What other title can you give to the article? Uhm, what other title can you give to the
article? Sa tingin ko po Maam yung title na po, parang wala na po akong maibigay na title. Parang yung
title nya po talaga is parang yun na po yun, parang mas maganda po syang title about that article na po.

PASSAGE: (1) Information technology is influence the way many of us live and work today. We use
the internet to look and apply for jobs, shop, conduct research, make airline reservations, and explore
areas of interest. We use E-mail and internet to communicate instantaneously with friends and business
associate around the world. Computers are commonplace in home and the workplace.

PASSAGE: (2) Although the number of internet users is growing exponentially each year, most of the
world’s population does not have access to computers of the internet. Only 6 percent of the population
in the developing countries are connected to telephones. Although more than 94 percent of U.S
households have telephones, only 56 percent have personal computers at home and 50 percent have
internet access. The lack of what most of us would consider a basic communication necessity -the
telephone-does not occur just developing nations. On some Native American reservation only 60 percent
of the residents have a telephone. The moves to wireless connectivity may eliminate the needs for
telephone lines, but it does not remove the barrier to equipment costs.

STUDENT 9: So yung passage 1 and 2, I really agree to this po kasi may nabasa rin po akong article
about uhm how many people or how many percent of people may personal computer, may nabasa po
akong about ganung article po, kaso I really agree to this po kasi yung technology po sobrang useful na
po talaga sya sa panahon ngayon, pero kahitn sobrnag useful po sya, meron pong ibang bansa or ibang
tao na hindi nakaksabay po dun siguro dahil na rin po sa wala, parang hindi pa po advance noon ang
technology like, wala po silang pambili about ganun po kaya hindi po talaga uhm, nakakasabay po yung
ibang nation or ibang people po.

PASSAGE: 3) Who has internet access? The digital divide between the population who have access to
the internet and information technology tools and those who don’t is based on income, race, education,
household type, and geographic location, but the gap between groups is narrowing. Eighty-five percent
of households with an income over $75,000 have internet access compared with less than 20 percent of
the households with income under $15,000 Over 80 percent of college graduates use the internet as
compared with 40 percent of high school completers and 13 percent of high school dropouts. Seventy-
two percent of household with two parents have internet access; 40 percent female, single parent
household do.Differences are also found among households and families from different racial and ethnic
groups. Fifty-five percent of white households, 31 percent of black households, 32 percent of Latino
household, 68 percent of Asian or Pacific Islander households, 39 percent of American, Indian, Eskimos,
or Aleut households have access to the internet. The number of internet users who are children under
nine years old and person over fifty has more than triple since 1997. Households in inner cities are less
likely to have computer and internet access than in urban and rural areas, but the differences are no more
than 6 percent.

STUDENT 9: So di to po sa passage, ay sa number 3 po, may din nabasa po talaga akong article about
this techno- parang sa technology din po. And nabasa ko rin po na uhm, parang I agree din po kasi hindi
naman po talaga lahat kayang naka access or may access sa internet or meron may mga computer sa
bahay meron din naman pong yung parents nila yung salary nila ay sakto lang po talaga meron po
talagang mga bans na may mga hindi po talaga naka access pero mas madami pong bansa na mas more
access or advance na po tlaga sila sa about sa technology po.

PASSAGE: (4) Another problem that exacerbates these disparities is that African-American. Latinos,
and Native Americans hold few of the jobs in information technology. Women (read as woman) about
20 percent of these jobs and receiving fewer than 30 percent of the Bachelor’s degrees in computer and
information science. The result is that women and members of the most oppressed ethnic group are not
eligible for the jobs with the highest salaries at graduation. Baccalaureate candidates with degree in
computer science were offered the highest salaries of all new college graduates.

PASSAGE: (5) Do similar disparities exist in schools? Ninety-eight percent of school in the country
are wired with at least one internet connection. The number of classrooms with internet connection differs
by the income level of students. Using the percentage of students who are eligible for free lunches at a
school to determine income level, we see that the higher percentage of the school with more affluent
students have wired classrooms than those with high concentrations of low-income students.

STUDENT 9: Medyo dito po sa 4 and 5 medyo hindi ko po sya maintindihan, parang di ko sya
masyadong gets kasi po may mga words na parang ngayon ko lang sya parang nabasa or nakita po kaya
medyo uhm confusing pa po kung ano po talaga message na, ano po tlaaga yung gusto iparating ng 4 and


MAAM LESLIE: Mention the words that you cannot understand.

STUDENT 8: Just like the word “exacerbates” “baccalaureate” “disparities”

MAAM LESLIE: I think these 3 words will greatly contribute on the way you understand the text. So,
what other solution that you can encorporate to know the meaning of these words?

STUDENT 9: I think, parang search the meaning para ma s maintindihan yung meaning po.

MAAM LESLIE: Do you have time to search the meaning? Look for the meaning of the words.

STUDENT 9: (read the meaning of words) Okay so sa passage 4 po Maam parang naintindihan ko na
po sya parang dahil, parang pagkakaiba po ng parang lahi ng mga tao uhm, parang especially sa mga
ethnic group po na parang hindi po nila parang kaya yung sa mga technology kasi nga po galing sila sa
mga ethnic group which is po bago po sa kanila yung sa ganun technology po na paggamit kaya parang
mas more on konting chance po na makapag trabaho sila with the use of computers po. Sa passage 5 po,
uhm kaya parang may pagkakaiba po sa mga schools po na may internet access siguro po based na rin
po kung saan ka na galing na family or uhm if yung family mo po is galing sa mayamang family mroe
on mas may access po yung school na yun kesa sa mga public schools lang po.

PASSAGE: (6) Access to computers and the internet will be important in reducing disparities between
groups. It will require higher equality across diverse group whose members develop knowledge and
skills in computer and information technologies.

PASSAGE: (6) The field today is overrepresented by white males. If computers and the internet are to
be used to promote equality, they have to become accessible to school cannot currently afford the
equipment which needs to be updated regularly every three years or so. However, access alone is not
enough; Students will have to be interacting with the technology in authentic settings. As technology has
become a tool for learning in almost all courses taken by students, it will be seen as a means to an end
rather than an end in itself. If it is used in culturally relevant ways, all students can benefit from its power.

STUDENT 9: So this paragraph po na, I agree naman po talaga is ano nagiging kasabay na rin po natin
sya sa pag aaral sa, sa paghahanap po natin sa trabaho na sobrang important na rin po sa pagkakaroon ng
equality among different uhm culture po or different colors, skin color po na parang katulad na rin po ng
katulad ng nakaroon --- America, yung black men and white men, na parang through social media po na
nag vvoice out po ng mga tao na kailangan magkaroon ng equality kahit kung ano man po yung kulay
mo katayuan mo man po sa buhay. With technology po uhm, navvoice out po yung mga uhm, naissend
po yung uhm informations or mas yung mga tao po mas na sa iba’t ibang lugar po, mas naisshare po
yung, na kailangan ng equality through the use of technology po.

MAAM LESLIE: So, let’s proceed to the guide questions. Are you ready?

STUDENT 9: What is the selection all about? It’s all about uhm technology how it's very powerful
today. How its use uhm, how it help the at how it help to the people to find a job to their school, and
today technology is very powerful.

STUDENT 9: What cultural issues may have influenced, challenged, or inspired the author? I think uhm,
differences po ng culture, ayun din po na parang uhm, because dun po sa mga, may mga ethnic group po
na uhm hindi po nakakapag access sa internet po kasi hindi po parang advance din po dkung nasaan po
silang lugar. Kaya parang mas uhm, yung author po parang sinasabi po niya sa mga tao especially po
dun sa may mga leader po ng isang bansa na, na ano po na parang, na parang tulungan po sila na maka
access din po sa internet po or makakuha din po ng kaalaman kung paano po gamitin ang technology

STUDENT 9: Number 3, What are the political or economic issues of the times? (relate in the text that
you have read) So, in political and economics po, in political in terms of parang technology din po parang
mas, katulad na rin po kung may mga tatakbo pong mga politicians po mas advertise po sila na iboto po
sila. So, sa economics naman po especially sa may mga business po matutulungan po sila ng technology

na parang mas uhm mas mabenta po katulad po ng online sellings po, ngayong pandemic po natutulungan
po sila ng technology po ngayon na parang di po sila mag totally shut down po.

STUDENT 9: As a student, what are the challenges that you encountered in the digital era? Uhm yung
mga naencounter ko pong challenges siguro yung data privacy na siguro hindi ko po sya naeexperience
po iba po naeexperience po din po o kaya yung pag -- yun nga po sa data privacy din po tapos po sa
parang maling parang overuse din po ng technology? Parang yun din po yung isa sa mga naeecounter
ko po sa about technology. Internet din po and technology din po na overuse din po and uhm siguro din
po parang mas nalilihis din po yung attention ng mga students especially meron po silang mga hawak na
cellphone for example nalang po nyan is, kapag gumagawa ka po ng homework or sa mga related sa
school po, may parang sa cellphone po, pwede pong malihis po yung attention mo and mawawala po
yung focus mo sa pinag aaralan po

Things change:

No longer do I,

Recovering from the shock

Of a huge branch falling

At my feet,

No longer do I fear,

No longer run to my altar

In the woods,

The fire of prayer in my mouth

No longer between my teeth

The tremble, the I have offended.

Newton as a habit of centuries

Inhabits my skull; I know

Of gravity

And rot

And no longer,

No longer

Does a falling frighten me.

STUDENT 9: Shocks! (read the passage again) Medyo confusing po sya kung ano po yung gusto nya
iparating po talaga through this poem po kasi medyo parang ang hirap din po nyang intindihin po kasi
nga po diba gumamit po sya nung mga, parang literary devices na para po sa akin mahirap po talaga
intindihin kung ano po talaga meaning nya. Kaya parang confusing po sa akin kung ano po yung gusto
nya iparating talaga dito. Medyo nahihirapan din po akong intindihin

MAAM LESLIE: Okay Gerlyn, I understand. You might want to look into the lines so you can relate.

STUDENT 9: (read the passage again) For me po uhm, siguro icconnect ko nalang din po sya about sa
title nya nalang din po. And parang this, -- na parang yung nga po it’s about change parang before po
na parang it’s about parang weak before na parang nag become strong woman or strong person na, na
ngayon po na parang dati ang dami nyang kinakatakutan. Dati ang dami nya pong kahinaan pero

ngayon uhm, she/he really uhm strong person na po.

MAAM LESLIE: On the other lines, you might want to give your insight.


The fire of prayer in my mouth

No longer between my teeth

The tremble, the I have offended.

Newton as a habit of centuries

Inhabits my skull; I know

Of gravity

And rot

And no longer,

No longer

Does a falling frighten me.

STUDENT 9: Siguro po parang sa pagkakaintindi ko po d ito sa parang sa lines na po ito parang,

parang wala na po syang kinakatakutan. Uhm, she’s really a strong person na po. Parang kaya nya na
lahat, wala na din po syang kinakatakutan. Dahil na rin po sa past, past experience nya na rin po kaya
naging strong na po sya.

MAAM LESLIE: That’s a good interpretation. We’ll proceed with the questions now.

STUDENT 9: What is the poem all about? The poem is all about uhm change of a person. Before she
was weak and alot of things that he/she fear but now she become strong, strong person.

STUDENT 9: What do you think is the persona in the poem? Sa tingin ko yung, yung person or
speaker udn po sa poem pwefe pong tayo na nagbabasa. Speaker po, opo, pwede rin po yung mga
taong naging jkatulad po sa poem na yun na madami din pong kinakatakutan pero ngayon, ano na po
sya, uhm, wala na po syang kinakatakutan na parang strong na nga po sya.

STUDENT 9: What are some of the literary devices or figures of speech used in the poem? Uhm, sa
passage po -- literary devices,

MAAM LESLIE: Did you take down notes? Identify some lines of the poem.

STUDENT 9: Siguro po parang alliteration po, dun po sa no longer do I fear, no longer run to my
altar. (read the passage)

MAAM LESLIE: Aside from Alliteration, what other figures of speech do you observe?

STUDENT 9: di ko lang po alam pero parang onomatopeia po yung the fire of prayer in my mouth, no
longer between my teeth.

STUDENT 8: What do you think is the theme of the poem? Uhm, sa tingin ko po yung theme ng poem
ay, uhm . Siguro po yung theme uhm, the theme of the poem is uhm na because na parang because of
what we experienced from the past, siguro naging strong or kung ano po tayo sa ngayon because of the
past po na experience.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay. next.

STUDENT 8: Number 5, What is the moral/lesson of the poem? Na ano na yun nga para din po sya sa

theme. Para po sa akin, para din po syang katulad sa theme ng poem na na, yung lesson po dun na wag
mo pagsisihan yung kinakatakutan mo before or yung mga naexperience mo before kasi yun po yung
humubog sayo sa kung ano po yung, kung ano yung ano ka po na naging mas malakas or naging mas
independent ka

MAAM LESLIE: Just like you past. Okay.

PASSAGE: (recorded passage is playing)

STUDENT 9: So, uhm sa tools of persuasion, uhm sinasabi din for me uhm, yun po I agree po talaga na
kapag meron po tayong events mas mahihikayat po nating yung mga tao na maniwala. Katulad nalang
din po ng sinabi ni Aristotle na merong tatlong tools na ginagamit para mag, maghikayat or mag persuade
ng, ng mga tao. So yun po yung Ethos, Pahtos and Logos. So dun po sa Ethos, maghihikayat ka na uhm,
yung sinasabi mo po, is uhm totoo na parang uhm, totoo na sincere din pi yung mga sinasabi mo na,
katulad din po sya ng Logos na tools din po na, Kasi po dun sa logos po, may binibigay ka na data,
information po talaga na tama po yung sinasabi mo. Kapag sa Logos po, kapag naging ganun po parang
nagiging Ethos na rin po sya. Kasi may roon ka nga po uhm, uhm tools na ginagamit para maka persuade
po sya. Nagiging Ethos nga po sya kasi parang tama na nga po yung sinasabi mo kasi nagiging isa ka na
nga pong credible source po. So, dun pa po sa isa pa pong tools, which is Pathos po, kinoconvince mo
po sya thru his emotions po na, for example po na parang sinasabi mo na uh, parang pagpapaniwalain
mo sila na uhm, na gustong gusto mo talaga yung mga hayop gaya ng aso po na aprang mapakita mo sa
kanila na sobrang alaga mo po dun sa mga aso, na parnag binebaby mo po talaga sila. Ganun po yung sa
Pathos. Sinasabi din po na kapag ang, na sa tigin ko rin po kpaag pinagsama po tong, tatlong tools na po
ito, mas mahihikayat na maniwala po sayo. Kasi meron kana pong, may pinapakita kana pong data na
mas makakatulong po na maniwala po sila sayo. Tapos hinihikayat mo rin po sila through emotions din
po, mas mahihikayat mo po talaga sila na maniwala sayo.

MAAM LESLIE: Are you still listening or you’re done?

STUDENT 9: Maam tapos na po.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, you have your last challenge, are you ready? It no longer guide questions, what
you’re going to do is to summarize, okay? The informations that you gathered from the listening passage.
You need to paraphrase or retell the content of the listening passage.

STUDENT 9: Wait lang po Maam, ah?

MAAM LESLIE: Go ahead.

STUDENT 9: Persuasion is an act of convincing people to, convincing people to believe what you are
saying. The great philosopher, Aristotle says that there are three tools that we can use to convince people.
That three tools is Ethos, Pathos and Logos. In Ethos, you are convincing uhm, you are connecting to
people, you are telling that person that you are, what you are saying is true, what you are saying is, uhm,
you will say that you are sincere in what you are saying. In Pathos, you are connecting his/her emotion.
For example, you are a politician, and and you are specially today, uhm, the pets or animals is really the
(thinking) is a good way to convince uhm people, because there are people uhm has, there are people
that really a pet lover so you will use uhm, animals or dogs to convince, to convince them. For example
that you are really care, you have an animals or pets in your house and you will uhm, build facility for
the, for the dogs or cats that stay in the street. You can convince her that you really are for the pets, for
the pets. So, in Logos, uhm, you give uhm data that uhm, data or proof that, that what you are saying is
really true. So, in overall, these three tools in persuacing (should be persuading) people uhm if you use
this three tools, uhm, you will convince people very well because you get their emotions, because you
give data or tools to make them believe you.

Student #10
PASSAGE: (1) There can be, of course, artist, and good artist, who do not have a revolutionary attitude
towards the life, and it is for precisely that group of artist and intellectuals that the Revolution constitutes
a problem.

STUDENT 10: I think in this, the artist, good artist have a revolutionary attitude.

PASSAGE: (2) For a mercenary artist or intellectual, for a dishonest artist or intellectual, it would never
be a problem: he knows what he has to do, he knows what it is in his interest, and he knows where he is

STUDENT 10: I think, he ano he/she thinking the ano Maam, the problem, that’s right. Next

PASSAGE: (3) The real problem exists for the artist or intellectual who does not have a revolutionary
attitude towards life but who is, however, an honest person. It is clear that he who has that attitude
towards life, whether he is revolutionary or not, whether he is an artist or not, has his goals, has his
objectives and we should all ask, we should all ask ourselves about those goals, has his objectives. For
the revolutionary, those goals and objectives are directed towards the change of reality; those goals and
objectives are directed towards the redemption of man. It is man himself, his fellow man, the redemption
of his fellow man that constitutes the objective of the revolutionary. If they ask us revolutionaries what
matter most to us, we will say the people, and we will always say the people. The people in their true
sense, that is, the majority of the people, those who have had live in exploitation and in the cruelest
neglect. Our basic concern will always be the great majority of the people, that is, the oppressed and
exploited classes. The point of view through which we view everything is this: whatever is good for
them, will be good for us; whatever is noble, useful, and beautiful for them, will be noble, useful and
beautiful for us. If one does not think of the people and for the people, that is (there is) , if one does not
think and does not act for the great exploited masses of the people, for the great masses which we want
to redeem, then one simply does not have a revolutionary attitude. If one does not think of the people
and for the people, that is (there is) , if one does not think and does not act for the great exploited masses
of the people, for the great masses which we want to redeem, then one simply does not have a
revolutionary attitude.

STUDENT 10: In this, uhm, in this words or paragraph hmm, I think she/he uhm is the ano, the problem
-- I read, That’s all. (I can’t hear well because of the air from electric fan)

PASSAGE: (4) It is from the point of view that we analyze the good, the useful, and the beautiful of
every action.
STUDENT 10: I analyze, I the beautiful of ano, every, everyone he/she face. Next

PASSAGE: (5) We understand that is must be a tragedy when someone understands this and nonetheless
has to confess that he is incapable of fighting for it.
STUDENT 10: Uhm, I think, I can’t familiar with it.

MAAM LESLIE: Carl, what do you mean by tragedy?

STUDENT 10: I can’t familiar Maam eh.
MAAM LESLIE: Do you have a dictionary there to look for the meaning?
STUDENT 10: I search nalang po.
MAAM LESLIE: Try to search the meaning of tragedy.
STUDENT 10: I search nalang po. (searched for the meaning of tragedy) I know it Maam, uhm tragedy
is like a accident po.
MAAM LESLIE: So do you encounter any accident in your life?
STUDENT 10: Yes maam. I encounter po. I am driving a tricycle. (You know how to drive?) Yes Maam.
(Okay, so how will you connect it that we understand that it must be a tragedy, and nonetheless has to
confess that he is incapable for fighting it) Uhm, (so how did you overcome that accident) Hmm, While
driving Maam? (Yes, after you experience that accident, how did you fight) Ano maam, I pray nalang
po. (So sometimes there are people who are not capable in fighting for what accident we encounter, do
you agree?) Yes po,
PASSAGE: (6) We are, or believe ourselves to be revolutionaries. Whoever is more of an artist than a

revolutionary cannot think exactly the same as we do. We struggle for the people without inner conflict,
we know that we can have to think about the people before we think about ourselves, and that is the only
attitude that can be defined as a truly revolutionary attitude…
MAAM LESLIE: Can you tell something about the 6th paragraph?
STUDENT 10: Uhm, hmm,
MAAM LESLIE: Do you agree in number 6 that you are a revolutionary? What do you mean by
STUDENT 10: Revolution Maam? (Yes, when we say revolution? How do you define revolution?) Wait,
I can’t remember Maam. (Look for the meaning of revolution) Revolution Maam about government order
MAAM LESLIE: If there is a revolution, if there’s an order, What are the actions taht usually exhibit
or display in a revolution. So it’s just like there is a what? Whenever there is a revolution, there is
actually? What is going on in the revolution, Carl? When you see or encounter revolution or read about
revolution, what actions do you usually see in every revolution. What do you observe? (time of Dr. Jose
Rizal) What do you notice?
STUDENT 10: They ano Maam fighting for uhm, war Maam?
MAAM LESLIE: Okay, good. So if that is the case, do you consider yourself sometimes to be a
revolutionary, and then Carl relate that in this paragraph. Because you will encounter revolution as what
you have noticed all the time in the paragraph, right? So now, can you relate that kind of revolution in
this paragraph. You can read again the paragraph so that you’ll be able to express more of your thoughts.
PASSAGE: (6) We are, or believe ourselves to be revolutionaries. Whoever is more of an artist than a
revolutionary cannot think exactly the same as we do. We struggle for the people without inner conflict,
we know that we can have to think about the people before we think about ourselves, and that is the only
attitude that can be defined as a truly revolutionary attitude…
MAAM LESLIE: Okay, so what can you say about this paragraph. Do you agree or disagree? It’s up
to your explanation Carl.
STUDENT 10: Uhm, I disagree po, because I can, ahh I can enter in this revolutionary.
MAAM LESLIE: What about in your personal experience, Carl? Do you think it only in the war? That
you encounter revolutionary?
STUDENT 10: Ano Maam, ahh, about in schools Maam, problems about in grades.
MAAM LESLIE: What do you realize now about revolution?
STUDENT 10: hmm.
MAAM LESLIE: If that is the case, you said it also happened in school right? Do you agree now that
it is a revolutionary attitude?
STUDENT 10: Yes.
MAAM LESLIE: So, as what you have mentioned you have encountered that in schools. So next.
PASSAGE: (7) The case was well made that there were many writers and artists who were not
revolutionaries, but were however, honest writers and artists; that they wanted to help the Revolution,
and that the Revolution is interested in their help; that they wanted to work for the Revolution and that,
at the same time, the Revolution was interested in their contributing their knowledge and efforts on its

MAAM LESLIE: So, what do you think of this 7th paragraph?

STUDENT 10: Hmm, in this paragraph uhm, interested in their help in, in uhm, I can’t recall it Maam.

MAAM LESLIE: So, why do you think Carl here, the case was well made there were many writers
who are not considered revolutionaries so, what is your opinion or reaction about it. Do you agree?

STUDENT 10: Yes, I agree po.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, why?

STUDENT 10: Because the writers are, artists are honest.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, so that is the right way of think aloud protocol. Sometimes you don’t know
the answer but, sometimes by simply giving your reaction in every sentence, whether you agree or not,
It’s actually processing your mind right? So don’t hesitate. So next, and that the Revolution is interested
in the help of the honest writers and artist, why do you think? Or do you agree that even if they are
revolutionist, they still interest with the help of honest writers?
STUDENT 10: Yes po.


STUDENT 10: Some writer and artist are made help. (yes)
MAAM LESLIE: And as what you have said they Revolution was interested in contributing their
knowledge and efforts do you agree in this?
STUDENT 10: Opo. (So why did you agree in this part?)

MAAM LESLIE: Why did you agree in this part?

STUDENT 10: Because, he uhm, becasue i tehri knowledge and effort Maam about that.

PASSAGE: (8) It is easier to appreciate this when specific cases are analyzed; and among those specific
cases are many that are not easy to analyze. A catholic writer spoke here. He raised the problems that
worried him and he spoke with great clarity. He asked if he could make an interpretation of a determined
problem from his idealistic point of view of if he could write a work defending that point of view. He
asked quite frankly if, within a revolutionary regime, he could express himself in accordance with those
sentiments. He posed the problem in a form that might be considered symbolic.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay go ahead Carl. You might want to analyze each sentence.
STUDENT 10: Uhm, the he post the problem in form because the problem is the considered symbolic.
Symbol po.

PASSAGE: (9) He was concerned about knowing if he could write in accordance with those sentiments
or in accordance with that ideology, which was not exactly the ideology of the Revolution. He was in
agreement with the Revolution on economic and social questions, but his philosophic position was
distinct from that of the Revolution. And this case is worthy of being kept well in mind, because it is a
case representative of the group of writers and artist who demonstrate a favourable attitude towards the
Revolution and wish to know what degree of freedom they have within the revolutionary condition to
express themselves in accordance with their feelings. That is the group that constitutes a problem for
them, and it is the duty of the Revolution to be concerned with the situation of those artists and writers,
because the Revolution ought to bend its efforts towards having more than the revolutionaries, more than
the revolutionary artists and intellectuals, move along with it. It is possible that the men and women
(woman) who have a truly revolutionary attitude towards reality do not constitute the greatest sector of
the population: the revolutionaries are the vanguard of the people, vanguard of the people, but the
revolutionaries should bend their efforts towards having all the people move along with them. The
revolution cannot renounce the goal of having all honest men and women, whether writers and artist or
not, moving along with it; the Revolution should bend its efforts towards converting everyone who has
doubts into a revolutionary. The Revolution should try to win over the greatest part of the people to its
ideas; the Revolution should never give up counting on the majority of the people, counting not only on
the revolutionaries, but in all honest citizens who, although they may not have a revolutionary attitude
towards life, are with the Revolution.

MAAM LESLIE: You might want to cite a sentence and explain your own understanding. Because you
have read the whole paragraph of the paragraph 9, so to be able for you to understand it more you might
want to cite or mention some sentence, you know, share your understanding.

STUDENT 10: Okay Maam. This Revolution should be concerned with the situation of those artists and
writers, in this sentence, about in situation of those artist and writers po.

PASSAGE: (10) The Revolution should give up only those who are incorrigible reactionaries, who are
incorrigible counter-revolutionaries. Towards all others the Revolution must have policy; the Revolution
has to have an attitude towards those intellectuals and writers. The Revolution has to understand the real
situation and should therefore act in such a manner that the whole group of artist and intellectuals who
are genuinely revolutionaries can find within the Revolution a place to work and create, a place where
their creative spirit, even though they are not revolutionary writers and artists, has the opportunity and
freedom to be expressed.

STUDENT 10: revolutionary writers and artists, has the opportunity and freedom to be expressed the,
express the reactions or the problem.

MS LESLIE: Here are the questions, Carl. You may start now.

STUDENT 10: What is the selection all about? The selection is all about hmm, revolution. The selection
is all about in, in about in reaction and revolution. Yun po.

MS LESLIE: Okay, next. 2.

STUDENT 10: How does the author define being a revolutionist/REVOLUTIONARY? Hmm.
(scratching his forehead) The author defined revolutionary is, is about in he/she feelings, that he writes.
Yun po.

STUDENT 10: What do you think is the purpose of the author in writing this article? Hmm, the purpose
of author in writing this article is, is to know the other people in, to know other people that, that he, --
hmm, to know the people that, that he write in the article.

STUDENT 10: Do you consider yourself as a revolutionist? Justify your answer. Hmm, Yes because,
because the revolution is important to each other po,

STUDENT 10: What other title can you give to the article? Uhm, the People Revolutionist. The title is
The Revolution ayy - that. The title is The People Revolutionist.

PASSAGE: The Digital: The Challenge of Technology and Equity. (1) Information technology is
influence the way many of us live and work today. We use the internet to look and apply for jobs, shop,
conduct research, make airline reservations,

STUDENT 10: I think, the technology make airline reservation.

PASSAGE: (1) and explore areas of interest. We use E-mail and internet to communicate
instantaneously with friends and business associate around the world. Computers are commonplace in
home and the workplace.

STUDENT 10: I think, this is important because as of now pandemic, computers are we use to
communicate other people.

PASSAGE: (2) Although the number of internet users is growing exponentially each year, most of the
world’s population does not have access to computers of the internet. Only 6 percent of the population
in the developing countries are connected to telephones. Although more than 94 percent of U.S
households have telephones, only 56 percent have personal computers at home and 50 percent have
internet access. The lack of what most of us would consider a basic communication necessity -the
telephone-does not occur just developing nations. On some Native American reservation only 60 percent
of the residents have a telephone. The moves to wireless connectivity may eliminate the needs for
telephone lines, but it does not remove the barrier to equipment costs.

STUDENT 10: Ahh. Hmm I think, it is okay because of, because in their countries, that’s okay.

PASSAGE: (3) Who has internet access? The digital divide between the population who have access to
the internet and information technology tools and those who don’t is based on income, race, education,

household type, and geographic location, but the gap between groups is narrowing. Eighty-five percent
of households with an income over $75,000 have internet access compared with less than 20 percent of
the households with income under $15,000 Over 80 percent of college graduates use the internet as
compared with 40 percent of high school completers and 13 percent of high school dropouts. Seventy-
two percent of household with two parents have internet access; 40 percent female, single parent
household do. Differences are also found among households and families from different racial and ethnic
groups. Fifty-five percent of white households, 31 percent of black households, 32 percent of Latino
household, 68 percent of Asian or Pacific Islander households, 39 percent of American, Indian, Eskimos,
or Aleut households have access to the internet. The number of internet users who are children under
nine years old and person over fifty has more than triple since 1997. Households in inner cities are less
likely to have computer and internet access than in urban and rural areas, but the differences are no more
than 6 percent.

STUDENT 10: Hmm, this is okay but, but we need to fix the internet to get the goal of 100 percent using
the internet. And, and to take, to strong the internet now, to get the 100% of the, to get 100% of users of
internet. Yun po.

PASSAGE: (4) Another problem that exacerbates these disparities is that African-American. Latinos,
and Native Americans hold few of the jobs in information technology. Women about 20 percent of these
jobs and receiving fewer than 30 percent of the Bachelor’s degrees in computer and information science.
The result (read as rules) is that women and members of the most oppressed ethnic group are not eligible
for the jobs with the highest salaries at graduation. Baccalaureate candidates with degree in computer
science were offered the highest salaries of all new college graduates.

STUDENT 10: Uhm I think, I think, hmm, I think this is not good because 30% of bachelor degrees in
computer and information science is, is not hmm is not good po.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay Carl, What do you think is the role of this African American, Latinos, and
Native Americans. What do you mean by disparities? For you to really understand number 4, you look
for the meaning of disparities okay? Because there is inclusion of African-American, Latinos and Native
American. Why do you think they hold few of the job in information technology? So what is disparity?
Sige Carl, look at the meaning of disparity.

STUDENT 10: Uhm different po. (difference or? Aside from the word difference?) different regions of
the countries po.

MAAM LESLIE: So meaning to say Carl, in the use of technology, Why do you think there is a
difference between African-American, Latinos and Native-Americans? Do you think it really happen?
In the sense that tehre is an equal treatment in the use of technology.

STUDENT 10: po?

MAAM LESLIE: Do you think it really happen? The unequal use of technology because African-
American hold few job in information technology.

STUDENT 10: Yes po.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, why? Why African-American, Latinos and Native-Americans only get few
jobs when it comes to technology.

STUDENT 10: Hmm, ano because women about 20 percent of these job.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, next number 5.

PASSAGE: (5) Do similar disparities exist in schools? Ninety-eight percent of school in the country
are wired with at least one internet connection. The number of classrooms with internet connection differs
by the income level of students. Using the percentage of students who are eligible for free lunches at a
school to determine income level, we see that the higher percentage of the school with more affluent
students have wired classrooms than those with high concentrations of low-income students.

MAAM LESLIE: What is your reaction about this paragraph?

STUDENT 10: Hmm, this is good because the students, we need a internet connection, and ...

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, next.

PASSAGE: (6) Access to computers and the internet will be important in reducing disparities between
groups. It will require higher equality across diverse group whose members develop knowledge and
skills in computer and information technologies. The field today is overrepresented by white males. If
computers and the internet are to be used to promote equality, they have to become accessible to school
cannot currently afford the equipment which needs to be updated regularly every three years or so.
However, access alone is not enough; Students will have to be interacting with the technology in
authentic settings. As technology has become a tool for learning in almost all courses taken by students,
it will be seen as a means to an end rather than an end in itself. If it is used in culturally relevant ways,
all students can benefit from its power.

STUDENT 10: Computer and internet is important because in, in the same group.

MAAM LESLIE: Let’s have the guide questions, Carl.

STUDENT 10: What is the selection all about? The selection all about, in about technology and internet

STUDENT 10: What cultural issues may have influenced, challenged, or inspired the author? Hmm, the
challenge is, to enhance the internet access in, in any group.

MAAM LESLIE: Aside from that Carl, what other issues did you observe when it comes to culture
because there are people mentioned. What kind of people being mentioned in the selection if we are
talking about culture.

STUDENT 10: The mention is about hmm country po.

MAAM LESLIE: Who are these people being mentioned in the selection?

STUDENT 10: Women and ..

MAAM LESLIE: Aside from women, there are so many people mentioned in the selection. Who are
these people. It can be a type of people. Living in different countries, can you mention the different
people in the selection?

STUDENT 10: Asian po. (Okay who else?)

MAAM LESLIE: So if there are different people mentioned, what do you think is the problem when it
comes to the use of technology with these group of people? Is there any problem with the use of
technology that’s why there an involvement with different group of people?

STUDENT 10: Yes po, the equality po.

MAAM LESLIE: Alright! So if there is equality, it also inspire the author to write this article?
STUDENT 10: Yes.

MAAM LESLIE: Why? Why do you think?

STUDENT 10: The equal of using internet and technology.

STUDENT 10: What are the political or economic issues of the times?

MAAM LESLIE: Do you see some economic issues in the selection? What are some the economic
problem or socio-economic problems the people encounter in using internet or technology.

STUDENT 10: Maam the ano po, percentage of using computer or internet access po.

STUDENT 10: As a student, what are the challenges that you encountered in this digital era? Hmm, The
challenges is, the poor internet in, in country po.

MAAM LESLIE: Aside from that, as a student, what other problems do you encounter in the use of
technology, especially the new normal.

STUDENT 10: Hmm. computer po, because some people have no computer po.

Things change:

No longer do I,

Recovering from the shock

Of a huge branch falling

At my feet,

MAAM LESLIE: You might want to explain some of the lines here.

STUDENT 10: Hmm. recovering from the shock, ahh --

MAAM LESLIE: Do you agree that things change? That recover, or someone recover from the

STUDENT 10: Yes, because …

MAAM LESLIE: That’s how you analyze the poem. You give your insight that you want to share or

STUDENT 10: Hmm while I hold the rock po, hmm, I , and the rock is falling in my feet, ahh, I;ll
shock Maam.

MAAM LESLIE: OKay so you relate that in your own experience. Okay, next!

No longer do I fear,

No longer run to my altar

In the woods,

The fire of prayer in my mouth

No longer between my teeth

The tremble, the I have offended.

Newton as a habit of centuries

Inhabits my skull; I know

Of gravity

And rot

And no longer,

No longer

Does a falling frighten me.

MAAM LESLIE: What other explanation can you give now? From the lines ….

STUDENT 10: Yun.

MAAM LESLIE: What can you say about the other lines in the poem?

STUDENT 10: About ano po, hmmm, I know of gravity

MAAM LESLIE: What do you mean by No longer, no longer do I fear? So at first, there is shock that
happened, and now? No longer do I fear. How will you analyze that Carl?

STUDENT 10: Hmm.

MAAM LESLIE: from the title itself, ‘Change’, recover. You recover from the shock, now you no
longer fear. So, if you are to relate yourself to that situation.

STUDENT 10: Hmm.

MAAM LESLIE: You read the whole poem again. Okay, Carl. Read it aloud.

Things change:

No longer do I,

Recovering from the shock

Of a huge branch falling

At my feet,

No longer do I fear,

No longer run to my altar

In the woods,

The fire of prayer in my mouth

No longer between my teeth

The tremble, the I have offended.

Newton as a habit of centuries

Inhabits my skull; I know

Of gravity

And rot

And no longer,

No longer

Does a falling frighten me.

MAAM LESLIE: So what’s your understanding now about the poem?

STUDENT 10: Hmm. I think, do hmm, no longer do I fear, hmm fight the, fight my fear Maam.

MAAM LESLIE: So what’s the connected of that in the title, Change?

STUDENT 10: The ….

MAAM LESLIE: If someone change, Carl? What do you think is the reason for someone changing. It
can be a change of what.

STUDENT 10: Recovering the, feelings po.

MAAM LESLIE: Yes, can be. The feelings can change. So you have mentioned that you encountered
an accident, what is the connection of that to change? If you encountered such accident, how do you
related that to this poem, Change?


MAAM LESLIE: These are the questions.

What is the poem all about?

STUDENT 10: That is all about po, they fear.

MAAM LESLIE: Why fear. With all the things that you have read in the poem, do you think it’s all
about the fear? Why?

STUDENT 10: Because of the, because they need to change that.

STUDENT 10:Who do you think is the persona or speaker in the poem? I think it is, I think it is me
because in poem, need to change, and fight the fear po.

What are some of the literary devices or figures of speech used in the poem?

STUDENT 10: Hmm.

MAAM LESLIE: Based fromthe poem, what are the figures of speech. Do you see some figures of
speech used in the poem, Carl?

STUDENT 10: I think, uhm, I thnk, simile and metaphor po.

MAAM LESLIE: What lines in the poem. Can you give examples in the lines of the poem which
expressed Simile?

STUDENT 10: Maam, can I see the poem, to give the lines?

MAAM LESLIE: So what are the lines.

Newton as a habit of centuries

MAAM LESLIE: So that is an example of?

STUDENT 10: simile po.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, what else?

STUDENT 10: simile po.

Inhabits my skull; I know

Of gravity

STUDENT 10: Hmm, metaphor po.
And rot

And no longer,

No longer

Does a falling frighten me.

STUDENT 10: What do you think is the theme of the poem? Change po.

MAAM LESLIE: Can you explain Carl, why do you think Change is the central meaning of the

STUDENT 10:Change because, that that I read the poem is about to fear, and that change it.

STUDENT 10:What is the moral/lesson of the poem? Hmm the moral lesson of the poem is to, fight
your fear, fight your fear po.

PASSAGE: (recorded passage is playing)

STUDENT 10: Done po Maam.

MAAM LESLIE: Pause your audio clip now. What is your understanding about the listening

STUDENT 10: My understanding po, the 3 basic tools po, Ethos, Pathos and Logos po. In that po is,
the Ethos, Pathos and Logos have strength and use of facts, use of combination of Ethos, Pathos and
Logos po.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay. What else?

STUDENT 10: Ethos, Pathos and Logos po that explained in audio po.

MAAM LESLIE: That’s all, Carl?

STUDENT 10: Yes po.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, You have your last challenge, Carl. Okay, your challenge is to summarize the
listening passage. All informations that you get from the listening you’re going to retell. Or give the
information from the listening passage. Everything that you remember, you need to summarize and …

STUDENT 10: Hmm, the Ethos, Pathos and Logos are the 3 basic tools. Combination of ethos, pathos
and logos and in this strength and use of fact. That’s all po.

Student #11

PASSAGE: (1) There can be, of course, artist, and good artist, who do not have a revolutionary attitude
towards the life, and it is for precisely that group of artist and intellectuals that the Revolution constitutes
a problem.

STUDENT 11: Extract from Words with the Intellectuals. There can be, a course, artist and good artist,
who do not have revolutionary attitude uhm toward the life, and it is for precely (she mispronounced the
word precisely) and group of artist and intellectuals that the revo.. the revolution (she mispronounced
the word constitutes) uhmm.. wait lang a problem (there’s a vibration of cellphone) kinakabahan kasi
ako eh. Ah, doon po sa ano, doon po sa title niya parang inaano niya, ay wait lang pwede po mag-ano
ulit, yung mag-aano lang po ako hihinga lang po muna ako pwede po paulit kase kinakabahan talaga ako

eh, wait lang po
MS LESLIE: Angel it’s okay I will just ahm, STUDENT 11: (kase napuputol po talaga ako) continue
the, I just continue the recording ha. Okay you may repeat if you want to. STUDENT 11: (sige po) go
STUDENT 11: (She scratched her nose and then she do breath in and breath out) Extract from the word
of elec. Intellectual.
There can be a course (she mispronounced the word of course) artist and good artist who can not, who
can, who do not have a revolutionary attitude toward a life it is for precisely (she mispronounced the
word precisely) that grous of artist and intellectual (she misprnounced the word group) that revolutionary
consti. Constitu. Constitution, contitusssss. Constitu a problem. (instead of saying the word Revolution,
she prnounced it as Revolutionary and also she's having a hard time in reading and pronouncing the word
Ahh, ano sinasabi na lahat tayo ay pwedeng maging artist at maging mahusay na maging artist at hmm
na pwedeng na, na maisasabuhay natin hmmm (she uttered something that I couldn’t understand) na
maisasabuhay natin na ano na pwedeng wait lang po maka.. wait lang ulitin ko nalang merong, merong
mga course ng artist na pwedeng maging mahusay na artist ahmm na magagamit natin sa buhay natin,
ay tama ba? At pwedeng maging magagamit natin yung karunungan na’to para ma resolve yung ano
yung mga problems ganon, yun ma’am yung una hehe
MS LESLIE: Okay hmm. Angelica so keep on hmm thinking allowed and hmm you may proceed to
paragraph 2 if you are done with paragraph 1 okay, so continue now.

PASSAGE: (2) For a mercenary artist or intellectual, for a dishonest artist or intellectual, it would never
be a problem: he knows what he has to do, he knows what it is in his interest, and he knows where he is

STUDENT 11: Ahh, For a mercenary artist of intellectual, for dishonest artist or intellectual, it would
never be a problem: he know that he was do he was to do (she is struggling in reading these words “he
knows what he has to do”) he know that it is in his interest (instead of saying what she say the word
that) and he know where it is where he is going (she is stri=uggling in reading these words “and he
knows where he is going”)
Para daw sa mga ano mga artist na, na mukhang pera o mga artist na may talino at hindi kaso ah hindi,
hindi ah, hindi, kumbaga sinungaling (she scratched her nose) na artist ganon hindi yun problema kase
alam naman na, alam naman niya na kung anong ginagawa niya, alam naman niya kung ano yung interest
at alam niya, ayun nga alam niya kung anong ginagawa niya hehe (she continue scratching her nose while

PASSAGE: (3) The real problem exists for the artist or intellectual who does not have a revolutionary
attitude towards life but who is, however, an honest person. It is clear that he who has that attitude
towards life, whether he is revolutionary or not, whether he is an artist or not, has his goals.

STUDENT 11: The real problem existed (she mispronounced the words exists) artist or intellectual who
those (she mispronounced the word does) not have a revolutionary attitude toward (she said toward, she
forgot to add an s) life but who is, however an honest person. It is a clear that he who has the attitude
(instead of saying that she says it as the) wherever he (she mispronounced the word whether) is revo.
revolutionary or not (she uttered something I couldn't understand) wait lang po (the roosters are crowing
and cockling) Ah doon sa ano, ang totoong problema sa ano, sa ano sa mga taong matatalino (the roosters
are crowing and cockling) ay hmm (she placed her hand into her mouth) the real problem existed (she
mispronounced the word exists) the right artist (instead of saying the words for the artist she says it as
the right artist) or intellectual who do not have a revolutionary (the roosters are crowing and cockling)
(uttered something I couldn’t understand) ito yung mga, ito pala yung mga yung mga ano yung mga artist
na merong kakayahan o may mga attitude na masyadong mapagmatataas, ano ba yan di ko maintindihan
masyado toward artist (uttered something I couldn't understand)

PASSAGE: (3) has his objectives and we should all ask, we should all ask ourselves about those goals,
has his objectives. For the revolutionary, those goals and objectives are directed towards the change of
reality; those goals and objectives are directed towards the redemption of man. It is man himself, his
fellow man, the redemption of his fellow man that constitute the objective of the revolutionary.

STUDENT 11: he is objectise (instead of saying has his objectives she says it as he is objectise, she
mispronounced the word objectives) and he would (instead of saying the word and we should she says

is as and he would) all ask ourselves about those goals, he is object for the (instead of saying the word
has his objectives she says it as he is object) objectives that directed toward a freedomtion of man (for
the revolutionary, those goals and objectives are directed towards the change of reality; those goals
and objectives are directed towards the redemption of man. “She’s struggling reading these words
and she also mispronounced the word freedom.) It is man, it is a man his self is fellow man the
redemption of his fellow man that constitu..conti..constitu..constitu..constituts the object of the
revolutionary. (It is man himself, his fellow man, the redemption of his fellow man that constitute the
objective of the revolutionary. “She’s having a hard time uttering these words and she also
mispronounced the words constitute and objective, she says it as constitu and object) Ang totoong
problem sa ano, sa isang intellectual about sa about sa life is yung being an honest person at doon sa ano
sa mga inaano niya sa mga ahhh about sa kanyang goals and kung anong mga bagay na mahalaga sa
kanya (uttered something I couldn’t understand)
PASSAGE: (3) If they ask us revolutionaries what matter most to us, we will say the people, and we
will always say the people. The people in their true sense, that is, the majority of the people, those who
have had live in exploitation and in the cruelest neglect. Our basic concern will always be the great
majority of the people, that is, the oppressed and exploited classes. The point of view through which we
view everything is this: whatever is good for them, will be good for us;

STUDENT 11: If they ask revolutionaries in matter most to us (she forgot to read the word us and instead
of saying what matter she says it as in matter) we will say people and we will always say the people.
The people is their true sense, that they, (she said that they instead of saying that is) the majority of the
people, those who had life (live) in explanation (exploitation) and in the cruelest neglect. Our basic
concern will always ba, be the great majority of the people, that is the (uttered something I couldn’t
understand) classes. The point of view through which we view everytime is this: (she mispronounced the
word everything she says it as everytime) whatever is good for them. Ahh, dito naman po sa ano yung
point of view o yung mga pananaw ng tao is, diba may kanya kanya tayong pananaw sa buhay ganon.
Tapos lahat naman ng pananaw natin is good kase nga may kanya kanya tayong pananaw ganon, yung
ano lang don kung ano ba kung nakakatulong ba talaga kung useful ba o hindi o nakakabuti ba siya sa
ibang tao din ganon.

PASSAGE: (3) If one does not think of the people and for the people, that is, if one does not think and
does not act for the great exploited masses of the people, for the great masses (massive) which we want
to redeem, then one simply does not have a revolutionary attitude. If one does not think of the people
and for the people, that is, if one does not think and does not act for the great exploited masses of the
people, for the great masses which we want to redeem, then one simply does not have a revolutionary

STUDENT 11: Kapag yung isang tao ay nag isip para sa ibang tao at gumawa ng at hindi gumawa ng
mga bagay na ikakasama sa ibang tao para magkaron ng ng mga maling para diko masaydo.. Ay next na
muna mam, next uli. haysss
PASSAGE: (4) It is from the point of view that we analyze, the good, the useful, and the beautiful of
every action.
STUDENT 11: Ang point of view daw ay ito daw yung ano ito yung nag aanalyze ng mga mabuting
pananaw, mabuting yung nakaka yung useful tyaka yung magandang gawin sa iba.
PASSAGE (5): We understand that it must be a tragedy when someone understands this and none the
less has to confess that he is incapable of fighting for it.
STUDENT 11: We understand that we must be (instead of saying the word it she says it as we and she
also mispronounced the word tragedy) when someone understands this and none the least (she
mispronounced the word less) has to confess that he is cumpicable (she mispronounced the word
incapable) of fighting of it. (she said of instead of saying the word for)

Kailangan natin maintindihan na, kailangan natin maintindihan na merong mga tao na ano na nahihirapan
na maintindihan yung point of view mo o nako confuse sa pinaglalaban mo ganon.

PASSAGE: (6) We are, or believe ourselves to be revolutionaries. Whoever is more of an artist than a
revolutionary cannot think exactly the same as we do. We struggle for the people without inner conflict,
we know that we can have to think about the people before we think about ourselves, and that is the only
attitude that can be defined as a truly revolutionary attitude.
STUDENT 11: We are, or believe ourselves to be revolutionaries. Whoever is most (she mispronounced
the word more) of an artist than a revolutionary cannot think exactly the same as we do. We strugg.. We
struggle for the people without inner complex (she mispronounced the word conflict) we know that we
can have to think about the people before we think about ourselves, and that is the only attitude that can
be defined as a truly revolutionary (she forgot to read the word attitude)

Sinasabi na meron tayong kanya kanyang ano reblo.. Rebro.. Reblo… levotionary.. rebrotionary waah
revolutionary sa ano sa sarili nating ano paniniwala at meron din namang ano syempre kanya kanya nga
tayo ng point of view kaya ano yung iba hindi.,hindi tayo naitindihan kase magkaiba din yung ano, yung
iba din yung ano yung point of view nila. Tapos at alam naman naten na iniisip muna naten yung ibang
tao bago yung ano yung sarili natin, at ang ganong attitude is masasabi mo talaga na ito yung
revolutionary attitude naten.

PASSAGE: (7) The case was well made that there were many writers and artists who were not but were
however, honest writers and artists; that they wanted to help the Revolution, and that the Revolution is
interested in their help; (revolution) that they wanted to work for the Revolution and that, at the same
time, the Revolution was interested in their contributing their knowledge and efforts on its behalf.

STUDENT 11: Ang ibang palang ano ang ibang cases ng artist o artist sa revolu... revolutionary ay
meron din namang ano merong gusto din nila na makatulong sa ano mga ano, sa mga ano sa mga
interesado sa mga ano nila at yung ibang mga astist ay inters… intere…intera.. interesado na makatulong
gamit yung mga works nila ayun. Okay na mam.

PASSAGE: (8) It is easier to appreciate this when specific cases are analyzed; and among those specific
cases are many that are not easy to analyze. A catholic writer spoke here. He raised the problems that
worried him and he spoke with great clarity. He asked (acts) if he could make an interpretation of a
determined problem from his idealistic point of view of if he could write a work defending that point of
view. He asked quite frankly if, within a revolutionary regime, he could express himself in accordance
(she said in recordance instead of saying in accordance) with those sentiments. He posed the problem
in a form that might be considered symbolic.

STUDENT 11: Ahh, madaling ano i appreciate yung ano mas madaling i appreciate kapag inayos o
inanalyze mo yung mga cases na na hindi madaling ayusin. The Catholic writer spoke ah okay yung ano
daw yung catholic writer daw meron siyang worried sa spoke sa clarifi... Sa clarification ganon and at
gusto niyang ano nagtanong siya sa mga ano sa iba niyang ano sa pagkakaunawa ganon interpreta sa
problem ganon ay nanghingi siya ng idea sa ibang tao sa mga point of view ng iba tapos he could express
himself in accordance, tapos ano pinagsama niya yun parang ganon pinagsama niyang yung point of
view niya tyaka yung ano yung point of view ng iba para makabuo ng makabuluhang meaning, symbolic
ganon. Yun mam.

PASSAGE: (9) He was concerned about knowing if he could write in accordance with those sentiments
or in accordance with that ideology, which was not exactly the ideology of the Revolution. He was in
agreement with the Revolution on economic and social questions, but his philosophic position was
distinct from that of the Revolution.

STUDENT 11: Concern daw siya sa ano sa pag-alam ng, sa pag-alam kung ano yung ano, kung ano
dapat na solusyon ganon doon sa wait isa pa nga concern siya sa pag-alam, concern siya na concern
siyang alamin, alamin yung ano yung pinaka sentimental value at idea don sa ano sa revolutionary. He
was in agreement with the revolution on economic and social questions, but his philosophic position was
distinct from that of the revolution. Nakipag ano siya argument nakipag ano nga yun nakipag yung ano
yung argument nakaipag argument siya sa economic nakipag ugnayan pati sa ano pati sa mga (she
whisper something I couldn’t understand) pero yung ano daw yung kanyang philisophic position distinct
pero yung ano daw yung kanyang philosophic position ano magkaiba naiiba yung ano yung pananaw
don sa revolution ng ano isip ganon.

PASSAGE: (9) And this case is worthy of being kept well in mind, because it is a case representative of
the group of writers and artist who demonstrate a favourable attitude towards the Revolution and wish to
know what degree of freedom they have within the revolutionary condition to express themselves in
accordance with their feelings.

STUDENT 11: Ah saan na ba itong case na to is napakahalaga na i keep sa utak sa isip natin kase ito
yung ano presentable ito yung pinipresent ng mga grupo ng writers at artist na sobra nilang gusto sobra
nilang gusto pagdating sa revolution at gusto nila na tumaas pa at mapalawak pa ang kaalaman nila saan
na ba at kaalaman nila at ma mas ma express nila yung sarili nila dito sa sarili nila at feelings nila sa ano
sa revolution.

PASSAGE: (9) That is the group that constitutes a problem for them, and it is the duty of the Revolution
to be concerned with the situation of those artists and writers, because the Revolution ought -- to bend
its efforts towards having more than the revolutionaries, more than the revolutionary artists and
intellectuals, move along with it. It is possible that the men and women (read as woman) who have a
truly revolutionary attitude towards reality do not constitute the greatest sector of the population: the
revolutionaries are the vanguard of the people, but the revolutionaries should bend their efforts towards
having all the people move along with them.

STUDENT 11: Hmm. asan na ako wait lang ma ah nawala ako, constitute.. Constitute problem that
group, yung mga ano yung bagay na yon ay bumubuo sa kanila ng ay that is a group that constitutes a
problem for them yung grupo na yun ay bumubuo ng problema sa kanila ganon. Sobrang nakakaano daw
nakaka nakaka (uttered something I couldn’t understand) sa mga artist tyaka sa mga writers kase yung
yung mga ano ano sa revolution parang ano blind sa efforts na ginagawa nila para sa mga revolutionaries.
more than the revolutionary artist and inteelectuals , move along with it. Yung mga ano yung mga artist
na mas ano na mas naipapakita nila yung sarili nila tyaka mas magaling ganon na ano ayy ah bale yung
una yun yung mga ano mga artist o mga writers na hindi masyadong magaling kaya hindi agad naano
yung efforts nila ganon hindi nakikita yung efforts nila kaysa don sa mga sa mga magagaling na artist
ganon kase mas nakikita yung mga efforts ng magagaling kase nga mas magaling sila.

It is possible that the men and women who have truly revolutionary attitude towards reality do not
constitute the greatest sector of the population. Yung babae o lalaki pwede ding totoong maging
revolutionary attitude o pwede magkaroon ng revolutionary attitude towrads reality sa katotohanan hindi
lang sa ano kung ano yung popular, yung revolutionaries yung revolutionary daw ay pinagmumulan ng
mga tao.

PASSAGE: (9) The revolution cannot renounce the goal of having all honest men and women, whether
writers and artist or not, moving along with it; the Revolution should bend its efforts towards converting
everyone who has doubts into a revolutionary. The Revolution should try to win over the greatest part of
the people to its ideas; the Revolution should never give up counting on the majority of the people,
counting not only on the revolutionaries, but in all honest citizens who, although they may not have a
revolutionary attitude towards life, are with the Revolution.

STUDENT 11: But the revolutionary should blind their efforts towards having all the people move along
with them, pero yung mga revolutionaries ay bulag sa mga efforts para efforts towards having all the
people para maano yung mga tao ganon para mapalapit sa kanila (she uttered something I couldn’t
understand) The revolutionary cannot renounce the goal of having all honest men and women (she
mispronounced the word revolution and women, she read it as revolutionary and woman) whether
writers or artist or not, moving along with it. Yung revolution hindi daw masasabi that yung ano yung
goals niya ay masasabi na kailangan lahat ng babae at lalaki ay maging honest sa pagsusulat.

PASSAGE: (10) The Revolution should give up only those who are incorrigible (she mispronounced
the word incorrigible) reactionaries, who are incorrigible counter-revolutionaries. Towards all others
the Revolution must have policy; the Revolution has to have an attitude towards those intellectuals and
writers. The Revolution has to understand the real situation and should therefore act in such a manner
that the whole group of artist and intellectuals who are genuinely revolutionaries can find within the
Revolution a place to work and create, a place where their creative spirit, even though they are not

revolutionary writers and artists, has the opportunity and freedom to be expressed.

STUDENT 11: yung revolution daw kailangan hmmm incorrigible, yung revolution daw kailangan ano
i give up yung ano mga hindi maiwasang na reactionary yung nagiging mga naging reaction or mga
naeencounter na revolutionary.

Ang revolutionary ay naiintindihan yung totoong sitwasyon at dapat merong ano ay mali doon muna sa
taas yung revolutionary dapat meron ding ano mga policies mga mga policies at dapat maintindihan nila
yung totoong sitwasyon, merong manners sa sa buong grupo sa buong grupo ng mga artist o mga ano
mga intellectuals na kasama din sa mga revolution at magkaroon ng revolution (uttered something I
couldn’t understand) at makagawa ng mga trabaho. Kumbaga ano magkaroon din sila ng lugar sama
sama para mas maano yung spirit nila o yung sarili nila para mas maexpress yung sarili nila at mas maano
yung freedom nila ayun nga para mas maano yung sarili na para sa opportunity ganon. Okay na mam.

MS LESLIE: Okay, are you alright! So, there are set of questions here that you need to answer. You
may start now.

STUDENT 11: What is the selection all about? Ahh, It’s all about revolutionaries and artist and also the
writers ganon, ay don pala yun sa ano.

STUDENT 5: How does the author define being a revolutionist/REVOLUTIONARY? Ah they define
as a: a may paninindigan and to be honest and ano ba, may paninindigan doon sa ano sa sarili and to
express herself para sa ano sayong nirerevolution, sayong revolution parang ganon.

MS LESLIE: Okay next.

STUDENT 11: What do you think is the purpose of the author in writing this article? I think the purpose
of the author i to ano, to express yourselves as a revolutionary to hmm it is define to to be honest nasa
sayo kung magiging honest ka pero mas okay na maging honest ka at gamitin mo yung kung anong
intellectual na meron ka sa pagiging don sa pagiging revolutionary.

STUDENT 11: Do you consider yourself as a revolutionist? Justify your answer. Hmm yes, because I
have my point of view and hmm and that point of view eh I fighting.. Ay, ay yung point of view ko na
yun (uttered something I couldn’t understand) ko din muna yung point of view ng iba at nirerespeto ko
yun pero syempre naka yung pinaka exactly na pinaka yung best solution sa sarili ko is yung maggawa
ko para sa sarili ko yung point of view ko sa buhay bali kukuha din ako ng guides sa iba ganon para mas
maging effective yung point of view ko na pwedeng maka ano sa ibang tao ganon maka apekto.

STUDENT 11: What other title can you give to the article? Ahmm, Ahh the revolutionary of self ayun.
Ayun lang po.

PASSAGE: The Digital The Challenge of Technology and Equity.

PASSAGE: (1) Information technology is influence the way many of us live and work today. We use
the internet to look and apply for jobs, shop, conduct research, make airline reservations, and explore
areas of interest. We use E-mail and internet to communicate instantaneously (she mispronounced the
word instantaneously) with friends and business associate around the world. Computers are
commonplace in home and the workplace.

STUDENT 11: In the first paragraph it is all about technology influence of ahh of our generation today,
ahmm because it, it on ahhh ano ba yan ahhh especially in our life time today more on circle in a
technology it more on circle in technology like what in a paragraph said it all the information in what
ahhh basta lahat ng information and lahat ng mga pwede nating gawin like mas mapapadali dahil sa
because of technology and also using a technology we can communicate to our friends or business

association around the world and computer and technology is ah ah around the world.

PASSAGE: (2) Although the number of internet users is growing exponentially each year, most of the
world’s population does not have access to computers of the internet. Only 6 percent of the population
in the developing countries are connected to telephones.Although more than 94 percent of U.S
households have telephones, only 56 percent have personal computers at home and 50 percent have
internet access. The lack of what most of us would consider a basic communication necessity -the
telephone-does not occur just developing nations. On some Native American reservation only 60 percent
of the residents have a telephone. The moves to wireless connectivity may eliminate the needs for
telephone lines, but it does not remove the barrier (she mispronounced the word barrier) to equipment

STUDENT 11: Ahh using internet, paano ba to ahh, ahh more a year mas dumarami o mas nag go grow
pa yung ano countries and population using internet for example the 60 percent of population developing
country is most connected in telephone, they said that konti nalang konti nalang yung country konti
nalang yung country na there’s no connected in telephones kase more on ahh more on most of the country
is there have connect internet like US every household there have a telephone and also the other , the
other person have computer at home so every nation yup every nation developing lahat ng countries all
country na umuunlad is hmmm is mas umuunlad because of technology ayun, ayun next

PASSAGE: (3) Who has internet access? The digital divide between the population who have access to
the internet and information technology tools and those who don’t is based on income, race, education,
household type, and geographic location but the gap between groups is narrowing. Eighty-five percent
of households with an income over $75,000 have internet access compared with less than 20 percent of
the households with income under $15,000 Over 80 percent of college graduates use the internet as
compared with 40 percent of high school completers and 13 percent of high school dropouts. Seventy-
two percent of household with two parents have internet access; 40 percent female, single parent
household do. Differences are also found among households and families from different racial and ethnic
groups. Fifty-five percent of white households, 31 percent of black households, 32 percent of Latino
household, 68 percent of Asian or Pacific Islander households, 39 percent of American, Indian, Eskimos,
or Aleut households have access to the internet. The number of internet users who are children under
nine years old and person (read as people) over fifty has more than triple since 1997. Households in
inner cities are less likely to have computer and internet access than in urban and rural areas, but the
differences (read as different) are no more than 6 percent.

STUDENT 11: Ahh In this paragraph they, they identifying ah how many percent in their household
and how how much maney or gaano kadami yung nagagastos nilang pera sa sa pag ano ng ng merong
internet at walang internet and then hala wala pa nga mam eh (she chuckled)

PASSAGE: (4) Another problem that exacerbates these disparities is that African-American. Latinos,
and Native Americans hold few of the jobs in information technology. Women about 20 percent of these
jobs and receiving fewer than 30 percent of the Bachelor’s degrees in computer and information science.
The result is that women (read as woman) and members of the most oppressed ethnic group are not
eligible (read as elligable) for the jobs with the highest salaries at graduation. Baccalaureate (read as
baccaralet) candidates with degree in computer science were offered the highest salaries of all new
college graduates.

STUDENT 11: Ahh sinasabi na they say the other problem in other country to find a job and to got
information for a job using technology is how to ayan sinasabe or they say that the woman that the result
of woman members most most mas nakakaano ng trabaho after ano graduate basta ganon.

PASSAGE: (5) Do similar disparities exist in schools? Ninety-eight percent of school in the country
are wired (read as weird) with at least one internet connection. The number of classrooms with internet
connection differs by the income level of students. Using the percentage of students who are eligible
(read as elligable) for free lunches at a school to determine income level, we see that the higher
percentage of the school with more affluent students have wired classrooms than those with high
concentrations of low-income students.

STUDENT 11: Uhm, wait! Wait lang po ahh the other the other school yung pagkakaiba ng ibang school
in one country (uttered something I couldn’t understand) ahh sinasabe na mas ano ba yun (uttered

something I couldn’t understand) Ahh sinasabe na they say na some of school that there have a internet
connection (she burp) oww excuse me they and meron na silang ano free lunches sa school pero pero
more on incomes nila kaysa doon sa mga kaysa doon sa mga ano tama ba mga classroom na merong
high, kaysa doon sa mga classroom na merong concentration na ano kaso mababa yung ano yung income
o budget ng studyante, for example ahh private and ano public school ganon ayan ayun po. Example
private and public in private more income mas malaki yung pera na ginagastos nila mas malaki yung ano
yung baon ganon mas malaki yung need nilang pera para sa school tapos yung sa mga sa public walang
internet more on visual and ano face mas utak utak ganon utakan hindi yung more internet na kinukuha
nalang yung mga sagot ganon at tapos yan yung mga low income walang walang ano walang kakayanan
na gumastos ng lumaki para sa pag-aaral.

PASSAGE: (6) Access to computers and the internet will be important in reducing disparities between
groups. It will require higher equality across diverse group whose members develop knowledge and
skills in computer and information technologies. The field today is overrepresented (read as
overpresented) by white males. If computers and the internet are to be used to promote equality, they
have to become accessible (read as assesable) to school cannot currently afford the equipment which
needs to be updated regularly every three years or so. However, access alone is not enough; Students will
have to be interacting with the technology in authentic settings. As technology has become a tool for
learning in almost (read as also) all courses taken by students, it will be seen as a means to an end rather
than an end in itself. If it is used in culturally relevant ways, all students can benefit from its power.

STUDENT 11: Assist by computer and internet your knowledge must improve and ahhh in this
paragraph sinasabe na technology is a tool of learning teachnology is tools of learning or mas ito yung
paraan para matuto yung students o mas mapalawak pa yung kakayahan at karunungan ah for example
ah like ah yung pandemic kahit na wala tayo sa school natututo padin tayo dahil meron tayong gadget na
mapagkukunan ng informations and bu using ah watching youtube like or facebook na meong aral for
example yung mga vlogger na gumagawa ng content na “Alam mo ba” alam mo ba yung ganon ganon
yung mga baagay na hindi pa naten alam na nagbibigay saten ng awerance (it should be awareness but
she pronounced it as awerance) ng kaalaman na ay may ganito pala sa ibang bansa sa ibang lugar na
ganito pala yung tawag sa ano natin kaya ayun kaya yun sinasabe talaga na technology is a tool of
learning and knowledge and more benefit power ayun ayan.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay Angelica, where are you now? Are still explaining right?
STUDENT 11: Ahh okay na po
MAAM LESLIE: Okay so here are the guide questions for ahh passage number 2 okay number 1.

STUDENT 11: What is the selection all about? It’s all about technology of how how change people life
and how easily like kung paano napapadali yung buhay natin ayun.

STUDENT 11: What cultural issues may have influenced, challenged, or inspired the author?
Ah may be the issue is kapag ahh ahh mali na yung ano mali yung pag gamit ng technology abusing
specially there have so may apps or sites na hindi na maganda sa iba like basta naaabuso na kagaya ng
scam ayan the influence of technology to more to more knowledge kaalaman ayan kaalaman mas
mapalawak yung kaalaman ganon tapos yung challenge hmm the challenge ahh challenge how lalo na
ngayong pandemic syempre kailangan na nating ano we must be ano kung hindi ka dati tutok sa internet
hindi ka aware sa mga kung paano gamitin yung computer or a device kailangan mo ng alamin kase this
is the way to ito na yung way ito nalang yung way para matuto lalo na ngayong pandemic. Inspiring
author ayun nga yung inspire people using technology to use a use your knowledge and share your
knowledge to others.

STUDENT 11: What are the political or economic issues of the times? Hmm.. the I don’t…. Diko sure
sa sagot ko maybe the ano the bills using technology of bills ganon because ano, because ano nababalita
o napag uusapan sa politika yumg ano on how to divide electric bills after pandemic gano, after pandemic
ganon yun po.

STUDENT 11: As a student, what are the challenges that you encountered in this digital era?
Ahh the challenges that I encounter is to discipline myself using my gadget because as my experience
lalong lalo na ngayong pandemic ahh mas more on by playing mobile games or do something like
watching tiktok or facebook like that kesa sa mga activities ganon mas more on kase yung time ko dun
ganon kase mas nakaka mas nakaka ano interesting mas napupukaw niya yung atensyon ko lalo na pag

di ko alam yung sagot sa mga activities yun ganon tutok ako sa gadget hindi sa activity ganon. The
challege there is how can I discipline myself toward abusing my digital sa mga bagay na hindi naman
mahalaga ganon.

MAAM LESLIE: Very good, so you’re done with the passage 2.

Things change:

No longer do I,

Recovering from the shock

Of a huge branch falling

At my feet,

No longer do I fear,

STUDENT 11: Lahat daw ng bagay ay nagbabago lahat ng bagay ay nagbabago parang feelings niya
yun nga may mga bagay na madidiscover tayo mga bagay na di natin inaasahan.

No longer run to my altar

In the woods,

The fire of prayer in my mouth

No longer between my teeth

The tremble, the I have offended.

Newton as a habit of centuries

Inhabits my skull; I know

STUDENT 11: Ahh yung takot ko nato hindi to magtatagal pag tumakbo ako sa panginoon para

Of gravity

And rot

And no longer,

No longer

Does a falling frighten me.

STUDENT 11: Yung mga, yung mga pagsubok o mga pinagdadaanan na meron ako ngayon at takot na
nararamdaman ko is ah at sa mga nasaktan ko ganon is mawawala din. Yung mga nakagawian ko na di
maganda ay pwedeng magamit or pwedeng mabago using the prayers ganon so yun po.

MAAM LESLIE: That’s a good sharing, so we’ll proceed to guide questions, here are the questions.
Go ahead!
What is the poem all about?

STUDENT 11: It;s all about ah hmm my fears or kung ano man yung pagsubok na meron ako at using
by prayers malalagpasan ko yun.

Who do you think is the persona in the poem?

STUDENT 11: Ahh may be myself.

What are some of the literary devices or figures of speech used in the poem?

MAAM LESLIE: Okay so in this question can you sight the line in the poem which express some of
the figure of speech sige sight ka lang ng line from the poem.

STUDENT 11:Hmm. Ano po hmm.. Ah ano nga yung ano mo pagpipilian na, wait lang pataas po. Ahh
pababa na po ano ba yun simile uhmm yung yung ano yung ano ba yun nakalimutan ko yung tawag
yung sa tremble that I have offended yung ano personalification, personali yung simile yung simile ano
yung ano yung ano tawag dito ano maam ano “Newton as a habit of centuries”

MAAM LESLIE: Do you have any answer aside from this simile.

STUDENT 11: Yung ano, yung iba kase nakalimutan yung pangalawa don sa simile hindi ko kase
nakabisado ano ba yan akala ko kase may pagpipilian don yung ireremind yung simile yung ano po
siguro yung persona… yung “ The fire of my prayer in my mouth” yung personification.

MAAM LESLIE: Is that all?

STUDENT 11: Opo, yung hyperbole is yung ano hmm yung “ No longer run to my altar” basta yun po

MAAM LESLIE: Okay good, that you were able to identify some figure of speech. Okay number 4.

What do you think is the theme of the poem?

STUDENT 11: Diba po ano yun yung theme ano po horror ba ganon oh di kaya parang romance ano
spiritual or about self ganon

What is the moral/lesson of the poem?

STUDENT 11: Ah don’t be afraid and just pray and believe in God kase kung ano man yung pagsubok
na nararamdaman na nangyayari kase yung mga pagsubok o fears na nararamdaman mo ay hindi siya
magtatagal yun lang po.

MAAM LESLIE: So, congratulations you’re with passage number 3 so for...

PASSAGE: (recorded passage is playing)
MAAM LESLIE: We’ll start, what is your understanding about the listening passage?
STUDENT 11: Ahh about Ethos, about Ethos for example the DJ or DJ some of Dj or most of the DJ
are advising for some people who broke or there have a problems like that, that can convince some of
people that hmmm na naniniwala sa kanila to solve that problem like DJ CHACHA cause a DJ CHACHA
can resolve some relationship problem ganon so that’s why some of the advices of DJ CHACHA can
change the point of view of other other ano yung nababago yung point of view ng mga inaadvice’san
niya. And then sa ahh sa ano sa pathos for example for patos hmmm is yung mag batang hmmm walang
makain for example hmm in country of africa some of a children some of the childrens there are lack of
foods and also lahat talaga sila lack of food and then using media ah pinapakita yung pamumuhay nila
yung kakulangan sa pagkain sa tubig hmm pangkabuhayan dahil doon natatouch yung mga nanunuod
kaya nagdodonate sila ng mga pwedeng maitulong sa mga bata na o pamilya na kulang na kulang sa
pagkain kase sobrang malnourished tapos doon sa lagos hmm for example about hmm medecine,
vitamins like vaccine because ah ayun example non yun yung mga yun kase obviously naman na napag-
aralan ng mga scientist ganon na talagang masasabi na effective at kapani paniwala na ma enganyo ka

MAAM LESLIE: Okay so that’s your interpretation about the listening passage. Now, you have your
last challenge Angelica, are you ready? Your challenge is to summarize the information from the
listening passage so when you paraphrase or retell the information from the passage you’re not going to
add any information except from the your understanding from the listening passage. So are you ready to
summarize the listening passage?

STUDENT 11: Ahh di ko sasabihin yung ano…

MAAM LESLIE: Di, how do you summarize a story or a passage so when you summarize it purely the
content of the passage. So what are the information that you remember?

STUDENT 11: Ahh ., Okay there have a three types of (uttered something I couldn’t understand) Ethos,
Pathos, Logos is a part of hmm convincing to change a point of view of someone someone else or even
you. These three, this is three this itong tatlo na to ay ginagamit para ma convince or mapukaw ang
emosyon mo or damdamin mo para maniwala sa isang to someone or kung ano yung inaalok niya sayo
or nirerecommend sayo, ginagamit yung tatlo na to para ma convince ayun nga para ma convince ka na
maniwala sa kanila ayun po ayy ayun. Yung tatlo na yun ginagamit din siya for convincing.


Student #12

PASSAGE: (1) There can be, of course, artist, and good artist, who do not have a revolutionary attitude
towards the life, and it is for precisely that group of artist and intellectuals that the Revolution constitutes
a problem.
STUDENT 12: Extract from words to the Intellectuals, from the title itself i’m not to a i’m not familiar
with that so in first paragraph there can be of course artist and good artist who do not have (she
mispronounced the word revolutionary) attitude towards the life and it is precisely that group of artist
and intellectuals that the revolution constitutes a problem. So in this hmm paragraph the the the it tackles
about the artist actually this revolutionary I cannot understand this word and I think that first paragraph
is all about a artist that have that do not have a revolutionary attitude. I will, I will, I will what do you
call that dictionary the word revolu..revolutio..revolutionary. Hmmm okay po so i think the paragraph
one is all about a artist that doesn’t have a complete attitude towards their life. Next one.
PASSAGE: (2) For a mercenary (read as missionary) artist or intellectual, for a dishonest artist or
intellectual, it would never be a problem: he knows what he has to do, he knows what it is in his interest,
and he knows where he is going.

STUDENT 12: I’m not familiar with missionary artist. Hmmm exact hmm I think this second paragraph
is he never problem he knows what he has to do and he knows what is is interest and he knows where he
is going, for me my understanding about this second paragraph is missionary artist knows a never be a
problem my god hmmm interest and he knows where he is going wait po hmm maam kinakakabahan
ako hmmm (uttered something I couldn't understand) missionary artist or intellectual for the dishonest
artist or intellectual hmm actually I didn’t understand hmmm I didnt understand the paragraph mam.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, so maybe you can share some insights or experience in this paragraph. Have
you encountered an intellectual person wherein they know their interest and they know where they are

STUDENT 12: Hmm.. kinakabahan ako (thinking) maam sorry po

MAAM LELIE: Okay next number 3 go.

PASSAGE: (3) The real problem exists for the artist or intellectual who does not have a revolutionary
(she mispronounced the word revolutionary) attitude towards life but who is, however, an honest person.
It is clear that he who has that attitude towards life, whether he is revolutionary or not, whether he is an
artist or not, has his goals. has his objectives and we should all ask, we should all ask ourselves about
those goals, has his objectives. For the revolutionary, those goals and objectives are directed towards the
change of reality; those goals and objectives are directed towards the redemption of man.

STUDENT 12: I did, i don’t know the word redempt redemption of man redemption maybe I could go
back to the ano (she’s reading the line again) Hmmm redemption so this ano po this sentence sentence
na for the revolutionary those goals and objectives are directed towards the change of reality. So yung
yung artist po kailangan ay art ay those revolutionary hmmm artist what do you call that hmm artist that

has a goals and objectives are very important because it it will ano it will ano those goals and objectives
of artist will bring hmm what do you call that it will ano it will ano those objectives hmmm it will change
thier what do you call that it will change the artist attitude especially in their lives I think.

PASSAGE: (3) It is man himself, his fellow man, the redemption of his fellow man that constitute the
objective of the revolutionary matter most to us, we will say the people, and we will always say the
people. The people in their true sense, that is, the majority of the people, those who have had live in
exploitation (she mispronounced the word exploitation) and in the cruelest neglect. Our basic concern
will always be the great majority of the people, that is, the oppressed and exploited classes.(read as class)

STUDENT 12: Hmm..I don’t know the word exploitation and oppressed. This sentence our basic
concerns will always majority of the people that is the oppressed and exploited classes. I think I
experience that I experience that hmm I experience that the majority in people I think this sentence
suppose to ano (whispering something while thinking) hmmm our basic concern will always be a geat
majority this that is the oppressed and exploited classes hmmm.

PASSAGE: (3)The point of view through which we view everything is this: whatever is good for them,
will be good for us; whatever is noble, useful, and beautiful for them, will be noble, useful and beautiful
for us. If one does not think of the people and for the people, that is, if one does not think and does not
act for the great exploited masses of the people, for the great masses which we want to redeem, then one
simply does not have a revolutionary attitude.

STUDENT 12: Hmm in this, in this paragraph it’s pertaining to the if you have a a a goal and a objective
as a artist you will be hmm (she uttered something I couldn’t understand) people people hmm ang hirap
(she’s reading the line again and again) hmmm in this paragraph hmmm I think (she’s reading the line
again) Oh my god! Hmm for the artist who do not have revolutionary attitude. Maam hmmm Oh my god.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay so you were able to explain the paragraph so you proceed to next paragraph.

PASSAGE: (4) It is from the point of view that we analyze the good, the useful, and the beautiful of
every action.

STUDENT 12: So I think in paragraph 4 the it it hmm it says that you should in every action that we
hmm that we hmmm in every action na ginagawa natin we need na hmm we need na maging careful or
maging careful or we need na so in every action that we are going hmmm ano tawag doon in every action
that na ginagawa natin dapat inaanalyze natin sa sarili kung mabuti ba yun or hindi kasi kung mabuti ba
yun or hindi or nakakatulong ba yun or hindi kasi kasi yung kasi pag kasi pag action na ginawa mo is is
nakkatulong is is pag nagawa mo yung pag nagawa mo ng maayos you will hmm so we analyze the good
so like parang sa problem lang po kunyari sa challenges na sa ano po sa paragraph 4 kunyari po sa
challenges na sa challenges na na experience po natin we need to hmm kahit na down na down na tayo
we need to analyze the ano the ano pwedeng kung anong pwedeng kinalabasan ng ng gagawin mo kunyari
for example yung problem ano hmm parang down na down kana for me for me you need to analyze na
na wag kang sumuko in life kasi wag kang sumuko and gawin mo yung motivation para mas maging
matatag ka and maging matatag ka and hmm maging strong po lalo ayun po. Number 5.

PASSAGE: (5) We understand that is must be a tragedy when someone understands this and nonetheless
has to confess that he is incapable (I’m not familiar with the word incapable) of fighting for it.

STUDENT 12: So this paragraph hmm in this paragraph 5 even if the even if its a hmm had a tragedy
hmm none the less has to confess that he is incapable of fighting for it nu,ber 6 hmm sorry po.

PASSAGE: (6) We are, or believe ourselves to be revolutionaries. Whoever is more of an artist than a
revolutionary cannot think exactly the same as we do. We struggle for the people without inner conflict,
we know that we can have to think about the people before we think about ourselves, and that is the only
attitude that can be defined as a truly revolutionary attitude.

STUDENT 12: So in this hmm sentence we know that we can have we know that we can have to think
about the people before we think ourselves and only attitude that can be defined as a truly revolutionary
attitude, so dyang dyang sentence na po yan is para saken I experience na experience ko na po yang

ganyang hmm hmmm situation na yan na mas parang uunahin mo pa yung hmmm kailangan din nating
unahin yung iba bago yung sarili natin. For example hmmm yun yung hmm kunwari po yung kapatid
natin kunwari po yung experience po na yun is yung kapatid ko po nagpapatulong ng assignment niya
syempre have I think dapat hmm ano tawag dito may pinapatulong na assignment eh eh ako gumagawa
ako ng ng school works I need hmm saken mas uunahin ko yung sa kapatid ko kase we need to hmm for
me I will I will I will do first his or ay her her ano her activities before i will answer it because para saken
mas kailangan niyang mas kailangan niya pa yung or mas kailangan niya assignment na yun bago yung
eventhough yung assignement ko is or yung activities ko is na ginagawa ko is ano is is hindi naman
masyadong nakakasagabal sa ano i will go na tulungan muna yung kapatid ko bago yung sarili ko and I
think yan yung yung attitude na kailangan na revo. revolutionary yan yung attitude na kailangan taglayin
ng isang revolutionary artist. seven.

PASSAGE: (7) The case was well made that there were many writers and artists who were not
revolutionaries but were however, honest writers and artists; that they wanted to help the Revolution,
(read as revolutionary) and that the Revolution is interested in their help; (revolution) that they wanted
to work for the Revolution and that, at the same time, the Revolution was interested in their contributing
their knowledge and efforts on its behalf.

STUDENT 12: Hmm.. (she kept on repeating reading the passage number 7) Maam?

MAAM LESLIE: Yes, let’s have the eight paragraph. Okay go ahead.

PASSAGE: (8) It is easier to appreciate this when specific cases are analyzed; and among those specific
cases are many that are not easy to analyze. A catholic writer spoke here. He raised the problems that
worried him and he spoke with great clarity. He asked if he could make an interpretation of a determined
problem from his idealistic point of view of if he could write a work defending that point of view. He
asked quite frankly if, within a revolutionary regime, he could express himself in accordance with those
sentiments. He posed (read as post) the problem in a form that might be considered symbolic.

STUDENT 12: Hmm I think in this paragraph hmm hmm (she read passage 8 again) sa tingin ko po
yung hmm yung hmm paragraph 8 po is about I think yung hmm sinasabi dyan sa paragraph 8 na yan is
for me yung catholic writer is is I think the catholic writer is the one who want to help hmm the specific
problem that hmmm

MAAM LESLIE: Okay Ms. Blaya lets have number 9 go ahead.

PASSAGE: (9) He was concerned about knowing if he could write in accordance with those sentiments
or in accordance with that ideology, which was not exactly the ideology (I don’t know the word ideology)
of the Revolution. He was in agreement with the Revolution on economic and social questions, but his
philosophic position was distinct from that of the Revolution. And this case is worthy of being kept well
in mind, because it is a case representative of the group of writers and artist who demonstrate a favourable
attitude towards the Revolution and wish to know what degree of freedom they have within the
revolutionary condition to express themselves in accordance with their feelings. That is the group that
constitutes a problem for them, and it is the duty of the Revolution to be concerned with the situation of
those artists and writers, because the Revolution ought -- (what is ought?) to bend its efforts towards
having more than the revolutionaries, more than the revolutionary artists and intellectuals, move along
with it. It is possible that the men and women (read as woman) who have a truly revolutionary (she mis
pronounced the word revolutionary) attitude towards reality do not constitute the greatest sector of the
population: the revolutionaries are the vanguard of the people, but the revolutionaries should bend their

efforts towards having all the people move along with them. The revolution cannot renounce (renounce
I don’t know that word) the goal of having all honest men and women, whether writers and artist or not,
moving along with it; the Revolution should bend its efforts towards converting everyone who has
doubts into a revolutionary. The Revolution should try to win over the greatest part of the people to its
ideas; the Revolution should never give up counting on the majority of the people, counting not only on
the revolutionaries, but in all honest citizens who, although they may not have a revolutionary attitude
towards life, are with the Revolution.

STUDENT 12: So in this nine paragraph it talks about the it talks about the the that that so I think this
hmmm paragraph nine is hmm all about a hmmm oh my god hmmm so for me hmm revolution in the
paragraph I think revolution hmm hmm (she’s reading the passage again)

MAAM LELSIE: Okay let's have the ten paragraph

PASSAGE: (10) The Revolution should give up only those who are incorrigible (i don’t know the word
incorrigible) reactionaries, who are incorrigible counter-revolutionaries. (sounds confusing) Towards all
others the Revolution must have policy; the Revolution has to have an attitude towards those intellectuals
and writers. The Revolution has to understand the real situation and should therefore act in such a manner
that the whole group of artist and intellectuals who are genuinely revolutionaries can find within the
Revolution a place to work and create, a place where their creative spirit, even though they are not
revolutionary writers and artists, has the opportunity and freedom to be expressed.

STUDENT 12: So in this last paragraph I think hmm my understanding about that this is even though
hmm even though we are not hmm revolutionary artist or writers we can express ourselves by we can
express ourselves by hmm we can express ourselves (no.no.no.) even (uttered something I could’t
understand) so this hmm ten paragraph hmmm revolution and the writers are connected to each other
because because they ano hmm they are the one ano hmm I think hmm the revolution and the artist are
connected to each other because because of the revolution the artist hmm or the the the artist and the
writers can express their selves through hmm the through the through the through the hmm what do you
call that Ah because of the revolution the artist can tell to other people the real situation that the real
situation so that hmm the real situation the real situation yah they connect the revolution and the artist
are connected to each other because because of the revolution the artist can the because of the revolution
the artist or the writers were the writers are the writers are express theirselves because the writers tell the
real situation of that revolution I think and hmm lastly even though hmm we are hmmm even though like
me I ‘m not a writer hmm I think we can I think I can express myself hmm even though I’m not a writer
or a revolutionary hmm artist I can say what I want to say because it is my own perception and I think it
is the one and I think I can express myself for hmm for..

MS LESLIE: Okay Ms. Blaya I think you’re ready to answer the questions now. Okay so let’s have the
following questions so you take a deep breath muna. You’ll be okay sige okay are you ready with the
following questions? Have you seen the following questions? Okay go ahead.

STUDENT 12: What is the selection all about? I think the selection is all about a writer a writer that I
think It’s all about It’s all about a writer that hmm who hmmm is about the artist na parang dinescribe
hmmfor me the selection is all about the the the revolution and the artist and I think hmm he describes
the that the revolution that that that happen and he also describes the the characteristics of being a
revolutionary artist like you need to ano to have a goal and have a objective objective and also hmm
think hmmm

STUDENT 12: How does the author define being a revolutionist/REVOLUTIONARY? I think hmm
he describe the revolutionary as hmm tawag don sa tingin ko yung ayun nga that being a revolutionary
dapat meron kang goal at objective tyaka ano paba yun dapat hmm so yun po.

STUDENT 12: What do you think is the purpose of the author in writing this article? Para I think para
ano para mas malaman pa nila yung kung para mas malaman pa nila kung para mas malaman pa nila
para mas ma englighten pa yung mind natin hmm through para mas ma enlighten pa yung mind natin
about doon sa ano sa being revolution and artist. Also natalakay din dun sa article is parang may

kinalaman sa political or basta..

STUDENT 12: Do you consider yourself as a revolutionist? Justify your answer. I think hmm I think
yes because I want to hmm today as we know there’s a lot of things happen and I want to I want to help
and change i want to help to lessen the problem that we experience today kaya I think I will consider
myself as revolutionary gusto kong makatulong gusto kong may mabago gusto ko hmm may something
na magbabago kahit maliit kahit maliit na bagay man at least ay at least sa tingin ko ayun kaya I think I
consider myself as revolutionary. Revolutionarist.

STUDENT 12: What other title can you give to the article? I think the hmmm be hmm What other title
can you give in this article tingin ko hmm the the “The Impact of Revolution in”

MAAM LESLIE: I think that’s a nice title for me ha, It’s just like a research so it’s just like a research
title. So congratulation Ms.Blaya so you’re done with first passage.

PASSAGE: The Digital The Challenge of Technology and Equity.

STUDENT 12: From the title itself it’s all about I think the technology ay I think the the passage this
title is all about the technology. The effect I think of technology

PASSAGE: (1) Information technology is influence the way many of us live and work today. We use
the internet to look and apply for jobs, shop, conduct research, make airline reservations, and explore
areas of interest. We use E-mail and internet to communicate instantaneously (read as instantly) with
friends and business associate around the world. Computers are commonplace in home and the

STUDENT 12: In the first sentence hmm in the first sentence it says that it’s true because nowadays we
use hmm we use a lot of technologies in our ano specifically we use it in our daily basis parang yun na
yung ano natin yun basta yun para yun na nga yung yung ginagamit natin today yung technology.
Hmm in this paragraph I think hmm parang dinidescribe niya muna kung ano yung what technology dini
describe niya kung ano nga ba yung gamit ng technology like dito we use the the internet to look and
apply apply jobs ginagawa ko din po yun minsan kunyari may research o assignment o activities na di
ko masyado ano hmm di ko masyadong alam I use technology I use internet para makahanap ng sagot or
inform or madagdagan pa yung kaalaman ko about doon sometimes I google para like ngayon yung
ginagawa ko po nag didictionary ako para mas malaman ko kung lalo na yung mga highfalutin so I think
number one is that.

PASSAGE: (2) Although the number of internet users is growing exponentially (I don’t know that word
exponentially) each year, most of the world’s population does not have access to computers of the
internet. Only 6 percent of the population in the developing countries are connected to
telephones.Although more than 94 percent of U.S households have telephones, only 56 percent have
personal computers at home and 50 percent have internet access. The lack of what most of us would
consider a basic communication necessity -the telephone-does not occur just developing nations. On
some Native American reservation only 60 percent of the residents have a telephone. The moves to
wireless connectivity may eliminate the needs for telephone lines, but it does not remove the barrier to
equipment costs.

STUDENT 12: So dito naman po sa paragraph number two dito parang parang dito lang parang I think
this paragraph pertaining to the na na na every year tumataas yung o mas ano mas bumibilis yung number
ng internet user but but meron pading ibang tawag dito ibang countries na ibang lugar na konti lang yung
hmm internet internet tawag don hmm internet connection they probably they probably use telephone
as a as a communication but but but in US but in US yun nga parang kahit na mabilis no tumataas yung
internet user meron pa ding gumagamit ng ng telephone as a communicating so ayun I tink ayun po sa
number 2.

PASSAGE: (3) Who has internet access? The digital divide between the population who have access to
the internet and information technology tools and those who don’t is based on income, race, education,
household type, and geographic location but the gap between groups is narrowing. Eighty-five percent
of households with an income over $75,000 have internet access compared with less than 20 percent of
the households with income under $15,000 Over 80 percent of college graduates use the internet as
compared with 40 percent of high school completers and 13 percent of high school dropouts. Seventy-
two percent of household with two parents have internet access; 40 percent female, single parent
household do. Differences are also found among households and families from different racial and ethnic
groups. Fifty-five percent of white households, 31 percent of black households, 32 percent of Latino
household, 68 percent of Asian or Pacific Islander households, 39 percent of American, Indian, Eskimos,
or Aleut households have access to the internet. The number of internet users who are children under
nine years old and person over fifty has more than triple since 1997. Households in inner cities are less
likely to have computer and internet access than in urban and rural areas, but the differences are no more
than 6 percent.

STUDENT 12: I think this paragraph is parang pinapakita niya yung iba’t ibang, iba’t ibang tawag dito
access ng ng access of using a internet and technology. I think yun yun.

PASSAGE: (4) Another problem that exacerbates (read as excacerbates) these disparities is that
African-American. Latinos, and Native Americans hold few of the jobs in information technology.
Women about 20 percent of these jobs and receiving fewer than 30 percent of the Bachelor’s degrees in
computer and information science. The result is that women and members of the most oppressed ethnic
group are not eligible for the jobs with the highest salaries at graduation. Baccalaureate candidates with
degree in computer science were offered the highest salaries of all new college graduates.

STUDENT 12: I think this fourth paragraph is something ano parang ano tawag don parang something
discrimination kase sabe kase yung parang in this hmm kung sino yung hmm ano tawag dito may
something discrimination kase yung isa yung isang ano computer science ay mas doble yung..ay for
example nalang yung ano kunyari nakapagtapos ka ng college ng college tapos in the future yung trabaho
mo mas mas ano tawag dito mas mataas yung salary compare don sa hindi hindi ka nakapagtapos or mas
lowest yung salary na makukuha mo I think something wrong with that kase even though na merong mga
tao na ano di naka graduate ng college or di man or di naka or di masyado mataas yung grade nila mas
ano yung iba mas mataas yung salary kesa sa isa na mas highest yung o mas graduate pero or mas ano
(she’s stuttering) yung naka graduate pero mas lowest parin yung salary. I think yan yung tinutukoy sa

PASSAGE: (5) Do similar disparities exist in schools? Ninety-eight percent of school in the country
are wired with at least one internet connection. The number of classrooms with internet connection differs
by the income level of students. Using the percentage of students who are eligible for free lunches at a
school to determine income level, we see that the higher percentage of the school with more affluent
students have wired classrooms than those with high concentrations of low-income students.

STUDENT 12: I think this fifth hmm paragraph is is ano naman is in school pertaining to school but the
number of classrooms with internet connection differs by the income 98 percent of school in the country
are wired with at least one internet connection. The number of classrooms with internet connection differs
by (uttered something I couldn’t understand) low income student sa tingin ko sa 5 is base sa percentage
ng school ng country na yan ay hmm medyo nagugulahan po ako sa paragraph na’to hmmm.

PASSAGE: (6) Access to computers and the internet will be important in reducing disparities between
groups. It will require higher equality across diverse group whose members develop knowledge and
skills in computer and information technologies. The field today is overrepresented by white (read as
while) males. If computers and the internet are to be used to promote equality, they have to become
accessible to school cannot currently afford the equipment which needs to be updated regularly every
three years or so. However, access alone is not enough; Students will have to be interacting with the
technology in authentic settings. As technology has become a tool for learning in almost all courses taken
by students, it will be seen as a means to an end rather than an end in itself. If it is used in culturally (she
mispronounced the word culturally) relevant ways, all students can benefit from its power.

STUDENT 12: So this last paragraph po I think na na he agree to the statement na na yung technology

is the one that will te one tool na nag the one tool na nagbibigay saten ng knowledge but but technology
hmm kailangan din niya ng tawag dito ng hmmm we know that the technology is nagbibigay sa atin ng
knowledge we should ano din ano tawag dito we should syempre dapat limitahan din natin na na ano to
na limitahan din natin yung pag gamit nito kase especially in school even if we use technology we should
ano padin we should ano tawag don we should use books for ano to ano tawag dito to to to tawag dito
we should use books to to para mas ma ginagamit natin yung libro pwede din natin gamitin yung libro
as guide or siya din yung ano basta yun, yun. We should use technology but hmm moderation ganon
dapat may limit din so yun po.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay so let’s proceed to the questions. Okay these are the questions Ms. Blaya you
may start answering now.

STUDENT 12: What is the selection all about? It’s all about the the usage of technology particularly in
school, not in school but basta yun It’s all about the yun nga po the usage of technology.

STUDENT 12: What cultural issues may have influenced, challenged, or inspired the author?
Hmm. I think yung sa tingin ko yung nag nag influence yung nag ano para ma aspire yung author about
dun sa ano hmm wait lang po hmm I think the sa tingin ko po yung ano yung sa hmmm yung author
hmm hmm hmm sa tingin ko po yung cultural issues na for challenge what (uttered something I couldn’t
understand) what’s inspired the author sa tingin ko yung nag inspired sa author para gawuin niya yung
passage na yun is para maliwanagan tayo sa pag gamit ng technology. I think yun para mas maliwanagan
tayo sa pag gamit ng technology.

STUDENT 12: What are the political or economic issues of the times? Hmm sa tingin ko yung political
issues, sa tingin ko yung political issues of the times hmmm hmmm hmmm sa tingin ko for me What are
the political issues of all times sa tingin ko yung political issues of all times is doon sa sa feeling ko yung
sa access ng internet sa school I think yun yung issue. (dogs are barking)

STUDENT 12: As a student, what are the challenges that you encountered in this digital era?
Hmm para saken yung challenge yung ano na yan yung 4 na questions na yan yan yung 4 na yan is is
hmm like yung challenge saken ng digital na yan is pag kukuha ng ng tawag dito ng kahit kukuha ka ng
information sa google dapat kailangan mo maglagay ng source or author kase pwede kang ma ano tawag
dito yung plagiarize pwede kang makulong kase nga kinuha mo yung hindi naman sayo and I think yan
yung challenges na na encountered ko during digital era.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay Ms. Blaya so let’s have passage number 3.


Things change:
No longer do I,
Recovering from the shock
Of a huge branch falling
At my feet
STUDENT 12: I think I think this recovering from the shock of a huge branch falling at my
feet ano siya parang ginamitan siya ng ano hyperbole kase it is impossible na ano na basta po
parang hyperbole
No longer do I fear,
No longer run to my altar

In the woods,
The fire of prayer in my mouth
No longer between my teeth
The tremble, the I have offended.
Newton as a habit of centuries
Inhabits my skull; I know
STUDENT 12: (she kept reading the passage) I think hmm ano yan what do you call that
hmm isa siyang sim simile ay hindi metaphor yung Newton as a habit of centuries Inhabits
my skull;

Of gravity
And rot
And no longer,
No longer
Does a falling frighten me.
STUDENT 12: Di ko alam yung rot rot bulok. Maam, maam saglit lang po maam ha may
nagpapaload load po kase wait lang po.


STUDENT 12: Okay na po mam, I know of gravity and rot And no longer no longer. Maam
pwede paulit po ulit di ko po kase naintindihan things change no longer do I fear no longer
run to my altar hmmm (she kept on reading the passage) paano nga mam. (she read again the

MAAM LESLIE: Oh what did you understand about the poem since it talks about change?
You can relate in the poem Ms.Blaya it depends on how can you relate. It can be your
exprience, experience of others it’s up to you.
STUDENT 12: Hmm I think the word change sa tingin ko yung experience my experience
for that is hmm te title itself change sa tingin ko po is my experience as I experience yung
change na nabago ko sa sarili ko is yung pagiging hmm hmm example ah sige hmm change
hmm ano ba hmm
MAAM LESLIE: Okay Ms. Blaya look at the lines in the poem there is the word recover, no
longer no longer what can you say about this line that is one of interpreting the poem you
have to look in to the words which can be compared. So at first why do you think there is a
recovery? Have you experienced shock? Or recovery from something, do you experienced
that? So how will you relate that to yourself? The fire of prayer in my mouth, did you also
pray? How will you relate that? Look for the powerful words which can be describe at
compared to your hmm own experience that’s how you interpret the poem.

STUDENT 12: The fire of prayer in my mouth, so that line po yung the fire of prayer in my
mouth is sa tingin ko is hmmm recovering from shock ay yung recovering from shock of a
huge branch falling at my feet. I think yung ano ko dyan yung experience ko dyan is at tyaka
yung pagkakaintindi ko po sa a huge branch falling at my feet for example yung experience
ko po diyan is when yung dumating malaking problema sa buhay ko yung dumating po yung
pinaka pinaka pinaka yun po yung the one ay hindi for example nalang po yung problem ko
po na for example po recovering my ano.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay since you encountered a problem how do you overcome that?

STUDENT 12: By ano po yung problem na yun po yun po yung parang nag encourage saken
na ams ano pa mas ano pa mas maging matagtag pa kase pagsubok lang yan we experience
that all pero kailangan po nating go with the flow po kase hmm kase yung problem na yun is
magbibigay pa saten ng motivation natin para mas ano pa yung problem tawag dito tawag
doon is yung problem na yun is magiging way pa natin para mas masa maging strong pa tayo
ganon po.
MAAM LELSIE: Okay let’s proceed to the questions now, so these are the questions you
may start now.
What is the poem all about?
STUDENT 12: It’s all about the the based on my understanding po the poem is all about the
the hmm I think it’s all about how you overcome your fear.

Who do you think is the persona or the speaker in the poem?

STUDENT 12: Ah para po saken ako parang yun po


STUDENT 12: Kase po parang yung ano na yun is parang na experience ko na po kaya sa
tingin ko ako po yung tao na yun.
What are some of the literary devices or figures of speech used in the poem?

STUDENT 12: Yung ano po hyperbole,hyperbole, metaphor

MAAM LESLIE: Okay can you cite here in the poem the lines which you consider as
metaphor and the you mentioned about personification.

STUDENT 12: No po, di po

MAAM LESLIE: What did you say?

STUDENT 12: Metaphor, tyaka ano po hyperbole

MAAM LESLIE: So you cite here the lines in the poem which you think. Sige go.

STUDENT 12: Yung ano po yung “recovering from shock of a huge branch falling at my
feet” is pa hyperbole po

MAAM LESLIE: Okay next.

STUDENT 11: Yung “the fire of prayer in my mouth” is hyperbole din po at tyaka po yung
“newton as a habit of centuries inhabits my skull” metaphor po ayun po yun lang po

MAAM LESLIE: Okay next question.

What do you think is the theme of the poem?

STUDENT 12: I think the theme of poem is hmm challenges po I think.

What is the moral/lesson of the poem?

STUDENT 12: For me po the moral lesson of the poem is kahit ano mang kahit maraming
dumating na problem sa buhay mo you need magpakatatag kase yung yung problem na yun is

yun pa yung magbibigay sayo ng parang parang yung problem na yun is magbibigay pa sayo
ng lesson kung bakit basta yun at tyaka po ano at tyaka po ano nakalagay don is things ano ba
yun things has change lahat po nagbabago sa tagalog nga po lahat ng bagay nagbabago and I
think the the the things has change sa tingin ko hmm sige yun na nga lang po mam.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay congrats Ms. Blaya you’re done with the third passage.
PASSAGE: (recorded passage is playing)

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, naririnig mo’ko Ms. Blaya? Okay so what you’re going to do now is to (uttered
something I couldn’t understand) understanding about the listening passage.

STUDENT 12: So the passage is all about persuasion is parang nagko convince ka po convincing
someone nagku’convince ka po sa sa basta nagku’convince ka someone and and there’s hmm base sa
audio clip po si plato daw po merong tatlong tool ng persuasion yung Ethos, Pathos, and Lathos yung
ethos po ito po yung tool na ay hindi dito po muna tayo sa pathos yung pathos is connected with an
audience emotion so dyan po is yung pathos po parang tool po siya na ano magbibigay ng pini
persuage..pini-persuade nya po yung someone by emotion for example yung kanina po he alone in
terrible war so yung emotion so yung ano po na yan may emotion “he’s alone in terrible war” so po yung
emosyon na yan parang sasa pathos na yan you convince someone po by emotion. Yung ano naman po
yung ethos naman po incredible sources yung pagiging ito po yung tool na pini persuades mo yung
someone na sincere ka po dapat at tyaka parang totoo talaga yung sinsabe mo like for example yung ano
ba yun yung sa dentist daw sa dentist so yung ano na yun yung example na yun is mm I think yung
example na yun is yung example na yun sa dentis- sa doctor ba yun o dentista yung sa ipin parang ano
pini persuade niya na ano parang mapagkakatiwalaan yung someone parang ganon. Yung Lathos naman
po is evidence your arguments convincing, for example nalang po doon sa video clip na sa commercial
daw parang merong daw 70 million na bacteria sa sa sa kamay mo at tyaka yung Lathos na yun pini
persuade niya na bumili ka ng sabon para mawala yung bacteria sa kamay mo and yun po yung
pagkakaintindi ko po.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay so congratulations Ms. Blaya, for accomplishing the listening passage but you
still have one more task you’re going to summarize or retell the content of listening passage, so when
you summarize the information from the listening passage you don’t need to add your personal opinion
in paraphrasing the information so you just need to retell the information from listening passage. Okay,
so are you ready?

STUDENT 12: Hmm okay po, so unang una is yung Extract from the revolution yung summarize po
yung (doon ako nahirapan eh) a summarize po is revolutionary artist is have a characteristics that have a
goal and objective and tyaka po hmm hmm hmm ano pa ba don hmm revolutionary from ahmm artist
and or writers and revolution are connected to each other.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay Ms. Blaya the information that you’re going to summarize is the art of
persuasion, yes, the listening passage only. Sige go.

STUDENT 12: A summarize yung sa persuasion hmm plato hmm persuasion is art of convincing which
has a three tools of persuasion we have ethos , pathos and lathos. Ethos is from the word itself is ano
yung parang ano niya don is sincere, and trustworthy yung sa photos ay pathos is hmm with ano emotion
connected with audience with emotion and yung pathos is convincing someone with evidence yun po.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay so congratulations.

STUDENT 12: Inabot tayo ng 8 mam. Thank you po mam.


STUDENT 13: Extract from Words… Extract from words to the Intellectuals. Based on my
understanding in interac uhm my interac, Extract is a multiple sentence or words and intellectuals is
personal or self mind

PASSAGE: (1) There can be, of course, artist, and good artist, who do not have a revolutionary attitude
towards the life, and it is for precisely that group of artist and intellectuals that the Revolution constitutes
a problem.

STUDENT 13: there can be uhm of course artist and good artist, who can do a resolution is a war or
sigalot sa isang group attitude towards to life and its preciley uhm presently group of artist and
intelectuals the resolution constitution of problem…(barking)

PASSAGE: (2) For a mercenary artist or intellectual, for a dishonest artist or intellectual, (I don’t
understand this word) it would never be a problem: he knows what he has to do, he knows what it is in
his interest, and he knows where he is going.

STUDENT 13: Im confusing on the meaning of mercenary artist… and…(a moment of silent)

MAAM LESLIE: Okay riza whenever you don’t know the meaning of a word what are you going to
do? If you don't know the meaning of the word

STUDENT 13: Yes Ma’am, I can… I acn search the meaning ma’am?


STUDENT 13: (searching).... Mercenary artist mercenary sometimes known as a sold… solder or
fornitune. Sample in our country, our solder is ahm policeman…. ahm or military groups...

MAAM LESLIE: okay how will you relate that to your understanding in the second paragraph

STUDENT 13: Based on my understanding uhm… ano, in this paragraph I understand that… uhm… if
you have some… some interesting uhm.. you… you have ahhh… you have things… kung may… kung
may interesado sa bagay na hindi, hindi mo na kukuha (a moment of silent) at alam mo yung bagay na
yun be ano… be… i persue mo lang yun makukuha mo yun.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, next

PASSAGE: (3) The real problem exists for the artist or intellectual who does not have a revolutionary
attitude towards life but who is, however, an honest person. It is clear that he who has that attitude
towards life, whether he is revolutionary or not, whether he is an artist or not, has his goals.

STUDENT 13: Like I said, Like I said ahh few… few ago revolutionary is a war or sigalot sa groupo
attitude towards life but who is, however an person. It is clear that he who has that attitude towards life,
whether he is revolutionary or not, whether he is an artist or not, has his goals. has his objectives and we
should all ask, we should all ask ourselves. For me I learned to this a text ahhh...that if you have a goal
in life… (reading the passage)

MAAM LESLIE: Yes please continue Riza

PASSAGE: (3) has his objectives and we should all ask, we should all ask ourselves about those goals,
has his objectives. For the revolutionary, those goals and objectives are directed towards the change of
reality; those goals and objectives are directed towards the redemption of man. It is man himself, his
fellow man, the redemption of his fellow man that constitute the objective of the revolutionary.

STUDENT 13: Oww… Im confusing in temptation of man.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay what do you mean about redemption?

STUDENT 13: Redemption is an action of saving or living saving or error even, it is man his self is
follow man, fellow man that redemption of a fellow man the const...constitus... constitute…(long pause)
constitute… constitute meaning is being part of whole the object of revolutionary.

PASSAGE: (3) If they ask us revolutionaries what matter most to us, we will say the people, and we
will always say the people. The people in their true sense, that is, the majority of the people, those who
have had live in exploitation and in the cruelest neglect. Our basic concern will always be the great
majority of the people, that is, the oppressed and exploited classes. The point of view through which we
view everything is this: whatever is good for them, will be good for us;

STUDENT 13: If they ask us revolutionaries what matter most to us, we will say the people, and we
will always say the people. The people in their true senses, that is, the majoret... majority of the people,
those who have had live in expli…. Exploitation I’m confusing in the word exploitation… exploitation

MAAM LESLIE: Exploitation

STUDENT 13: exploitation is an action or fact of treating someone unpairing in order to benefit from
their works example, uhm…. in research uhm… you...ginagamit mo yung ibang...yung ibang ahm...
ibang work and ang unpair po sa kanila na gamitin yung work nila ng hindu ka nagsasasbi by ben...benefit
in their work. Saan na ba yun? in the cruelest neglect. Our basic concern will always be the great majority
of the people, that is, the offressed Im confusing in the word oppressed(searching) oppress… oppressed
and (searching) oppressed and exploited classes. The point of view through which we view everything
is this: whatever is good for them, will be good for us. Example ahh… in the word of everything is good
them will be good for us.. Kung ano po yung pinapakita nating kabutihan na, kung ano po yung pinapakita
nating kabutihan sa ibang tao uhm… magiging mabuti … magiging mabuti para sa kanila yun po.

PASSAGE: (3) whatever is noble, useful, and beautiful for them, will be noble, useful and beautiful for

PASSAGE: (3) If one does not think of the people and for the people, that is, if one does not think and
does not act for the great exploited masses of the people, for the great masses (massive) which we want
to redeem, then one simply does not have a revolutionary attitude. If one does not think of the people
and for the people, that is, if one does not think and does not act for the great exploited masses of the
people, for the great masses which we want to redeem, then one simply does not have a revolutionary

STUDENT 13: Based on my understanding about of the text of number 3 uhm… does... if someone
hates you be good to them no matter what happen.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, next

PASSAGE: (4) It is from the point of view that we analyze the good, the useful, and the beautiful of
every action.
STUDENT 13: In this text… from the analyze the good, the useful, and the beautiful of every action. (a
moment of silent) the useful, and the beautiful of eve… based on the text uhm.. In every action that we...
or the things that may work uhm we need, we need to be… we need to… you have...yung mga bagay na
ginagawa natin kailangan may silbi or pakipakinabang yung ginagawa natin sa bawat araw na
dumadating.. sa atin kasi sometimes… uhm… may mga bagay tayong na gagawa na hindi naman na
hindi naman kailangan or nasasayang yung oras natin sa mga bagay na hindi naman related or hindi
naman kaylagan in our daily life.


PASSAGE: (5) We understand that is must be a tragedy when someone understands this and nonetheless
has to confess that he is incapable of fighting for it.

STUDENT 13: We understand that is must be a triggered… trigger...tragedy..Tragedy… Im confusing
to the word tragedy. (look down)....(look on the screen)ahh… okay tragedy is trahedya in tagalog, when
someone understand this and this and none less confess that is incapable (sound of phone) of fighting
for it. Ahmm.. in this text uhm (fixing her earphone)... magkakaroon … may mga bagay na or sometimes
uhm… we fight .. we fight for nothing because uhmm of sometimes we did, we not understand the feeling
of each other… and .. and it has conflict or nagkakaroon tayo ng hindi pagkakaunawaan both side,
sometimes we not understand… we don’t understand the feeling of each other.

PASSAGE: (6) We are, or believe ourselves to be revolutionaries. Whoever is more of an artist than a
revolutionary cannot think exactly the same as we do. We struggle for the people without inner conflict,
we know that we can have to think about the people before we think about ourselves, and that is the only
attitude that can be defined as a truly revolutionary attitude.
STUDENT 13: sometime in our daily life ahm.. Based.. Based from me ahh… ahh..mas iniisip ko muna
yung… dumadating sa point na mas iniisip ko yung ahm yung sarili kong opinion bago yung ibang
opinion na binibigay sakin kahit minsan nakakabuti naman yun sa akin pero di ako nakikinig sa payo
nila kasi pinapakinggan ko yung sariling opinion.

PASSAGE: (7) The case was well made that there were many writers and artists who were not but were
however, honest writers and artists; that they wanted to help the Revolution, and that the Revolution is
interested in their help; (revolution) that they wanted to work for the Revolution and that, at the same
time, the Revolution was interested in their contributing their knowledge and efforts on its behalf.

STUDENT 13: 7, di ko mabasa ahahahaha..

MAAM LESLIE: Your doing good Risa go ahead.

STUDENT 13: based in this text ahm…(look around) be a… be honest of… be honest to your work
ahh… don’t anong tawag dito…(a moment of silent)

MAAM LESLIE: Risa are you still there.

STUDENT 13: nalalag po kasi ma’am.

MAAM LESLIE: It’s okay did you say something on number 7?

STUDENT 13: nothing ma’am,

MAAM LESLIE: okay next.

(a moment od silence)

MAAM LESLIE:Hello Risa where are you?

STUDENT 13: Yes ma’am number 8 po.

MAAM LESLIE: number 8 po

STUDENT 13: Yes po.

PASSAGE: (8) It is easier to appreciate this when specific cases are analyzed; and among those specific
cases are many that are not easy to analyze. A catholic writer spoke here. He raised the problems that
worried him and he spoke with great clarity. He asked (acts) if he could make an interpretation of a
determined problem from his idealistic point of view of if he could write a work defending that point of
view. He asked quite frankly if, within a revolutionary regime, he could express himself in accordance
with those sentiments. He posed the problem in a form that might be considered symbolic.

STUDENT 13: Based on my experience uhm.. It easy to appreciate when, when you are something
uhmm… na... na di ka guilty sa ginagawa mo kaya sometimes ahh those specific cases are not easy

to understand po, why because ahh kapag may binibintang sayo na di mo naman talaga ginawa
mas mahirap mas mahirap maintindihan or ma analyze yung bagay. Im confusing in the word of
interpretation… interpretation meaning is the act of explaining or otherwise showing own
understanding of something. Interpretation of a determine problem from the idealistic point of
view of.. Of we could write a work defining doing that point of view He asked quite frankly if, within
a revolutionary regime, he could express himself in accordance with those sentimes?...sentiments. He
posed the problem in a form that might be considered sybolisic.

STUDENT 13: Ma;am excuse me, pwedeng (i don’t understand what she saying)medyo palakihan
po di ko po makita. Malabo malabo na yung mata, sorry po

PASSAGE: (9) He was concerned about knowing if he could write in accordance with those sentiments
or in accordance with that ideology, which was not exactly the ideology of the Revolution. He was in
agreement with the Revolution on economic and social questions, but his philosophic position was
distinct from that of the Revolution.

STUDENT 13: Im confusing in the word ideology, ideology uhm...is a system of ideas especially on
how form of basic economic theoric… theory of policies ahhh… okay! which was not exactly the
ideology of the Revolution. He was in agreement with the Revolution on economic and social question,
but his philosophic position with distinct from that of the Revolution.

PASSAGE: (9) And this case is worthy of being kept well in mind, because it is a case representative of
the group of writers and artist who demonstrate a favourable attitude towards the Revolution and wish to
know what degree of freedom they have within the revolutionary condition to express themselves in
accordance with their feelings.

STUDENT 13: Im confusing to the word of favourable… favourable…favourable… expressing to

approach (laugh) (someone call her) favourable… favourable sample uhm… if your teacher wants to
uhm… in research uhm.. example in research your work uhm you need to approve to your work to your
research teacher to.. If its good or not or example uhm… wait revived the work that you do. attitude
towards the Revolution and wish to know what degree of freedom they have within the revolutionary
condition to express themselves in accordances with their feelings.

PASSAGE: (9) That is the group that constitutes a problem for them, and it is the duty of the Revolution
to be concerned with the situation of those artists and writers, because the Revolution ought -- to bend
its efforts towards having more than the revolutionaries, more than the revolutionary artists and
intellectuals, move along with it. It is possible that the men and women (read as woman) who have a
truly revolutionary attitude towards reality do not constitute the greatest sector of the population: the
revolutionaries are the vanguard of the people, but the revolutionaries should bend their efforts towards
having all the people move along with them.

STUDENT 13: Im confusing to the word vangurd…


STUDENT 13: Vanguard uhm.... The meaning of vanguard is a group of people leading the way
in new development and idea. Sample uhm.. Ahh… it keeps on your mind our develop new ideas
you need to speak example to the to...think aloud if you have something to talk or to share new
ideas you need to express it.

PASSAGE: (9) The revolution cannot renounce the goal of having all honest men and women, whether
writers and artist or not, moving along with it; the Revolution should bend its efforts towards converting
everyone who has doubts into a revolutionary. The Revolution should try to win over the greatest part of
the people to its ideas; the Revolution should never give up counting on the majority of the people,
counting not only on the revolutionaries, but in all honest citizens who, although they may not have a
revolutionary attitude towards life, are with the Revolution.

STUDENT 13: In this paragraph uhm… kaylangan din nilang bilangin yung mga revolutionary

na kahit hindi honest netizen they need to count them because, because they are revolutionaries.

MS LESLIE: Okay, next last paragraph.

PASSAGE: (10) The Revolution should give up only those who are incorrigible reactionaries, who are
incorrigible counter-revolutionaries. Towards all others the Revolution must have policy; the
Revolution has to have an attitude towards those intellectuals and writers.

STUDENT 13: Im confusing to the word incorrigible,incorrible... in..co... Incorrigible incorrigible,

incorrigible meaning is the person order intenses not able to correct or improved or reform. Based
on my understanding incorrigible uhm… uhm… if you have uhm… sample if you have some word
that we or not good for you, you may improved that text…

PASSAGE: (10) Revolution has to understand the real situation and should therefore act in such a
manner that the whole group of artist and intellectuals who are genuinely revolutionaries can find within
the Revolution a place to work and create, a place where their creative spirit, even though they are not
revolutionary writers and artists, has the opportunity and freedom to be expressed.

STUDENT 13: In this text the revolutionation if you have a freedom expression your feelings in
whole group of artist and intellectuals. Therefore to understand your situation or real situation.

MS LESLIE: Okay Risa

STUDENT 13: Yes po

MS LESLIE: We need to proceed to the guided questions. Are you ready for the guided question 1,
wait for a while, so this are the guided question risa okay. Do you see the questions?

STUDENT 13: Yes po

MS LESLIE: Okay you my answer now.

STUDENT 13: What is the selection all about? Ahh… The selection is all about is to uhm we act… we
act on the text yung understand ahh… react to the text and the title of the text is all about Extract and
Intellectual based on the title of Extract and Intellectual. I understand that its about for personal mind
based on and uhmm… ntellectual understanding.

STUDENT 13: How does the author define being a revolutionist/REVOLUTIONARY? The author time
being revolutionaries uhm...on how .., on how… on how we pakikisama being paki-

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, Just go on

STUDENT 13: What do you think is the purpose of the author in writing this article? The purpose of
the author in writing the article is to know of as the revolutionary is.. Is not uhm...is not a good way,
because revolutionary war uhm if we… if we ahmm kapag pinairal natin yung ahhh away ng uhm yung
pakikipagaway o sigalot sa groupo dahil sa hindi natin pagkakaintindihan about sa, about sa
understanding of his understanding.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, next

STUDENT 13: Do you consider yourself as a revolutionist? Justify your answer. Yes because
sometimes, based on the text i read, those text uhm.. Experience some text I experience so I know I

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, next

STUDENT 13: What other title can you give to the article? The text is all about Extract and Intellectual
if I give some title or other title I want the title is uhm changing revolutionary or revolutionary war

MAAM LESLIE: Congrats Risa your already done with the passage 1, wait

PASSAGE: The Digital The Challenge of Technology and Equity.

STUDENT 13: Uhm,Based on the title is about challenges of technology uhm, technology is uhm
application of scientific improving generation because they have technology uhm..

PASSAGE: (1) Information technology is influence the way many of us live and work today. We use
the internet to look and apply for jobs, shop, conduct research, make airline reservations, and explore
areas of interest. We use E-mail and internet to communicate instantaneously with friends and business
associate around the world. Computers are commonplace in home and the workplace.

STUDENT 13: Based on, para sa akin uhm ang technology ni influence us because sometimes
technology ahh technology parang ginagawa na natin siyang uhm ginagawa na natin siyang or
nagkakaroon na tayo ng uhm… gingawa na natin sa pang araw araw natin. We use the internet to look
the app job, yes ahh… the technology may help us to… to search something or ahh searching jobs like
like not before uhm.. We need to… we need to anong tawag dito?uhm… mas ahh our works must be
easy, easier because we have technology and apply jobs and conducting research. I’m confusing to the
word of instantaneously (murmuring something) ins..tan..taneously ganun pala pagbasa instant at once,
ahh okay… We use email and internet to communicate instantly or once based on the… ano
instantaneously, meaning. I understand that (laugh) based on the text number 1, technology may help us
to … to has easier worksmon to if we don’t have if we…. If we don’t understand, example if we don't
understand the meaning we research it in internet so… sooo it help as to easily, easy… easier, easy
understand the meaning that we don’t understand.

PASSAGE: (2) Although the number of internet users is growing exponentially each year, most of the
world’s population does not have access to computers of the internet. Only 6 percent of the population
in the developing countries are connected to telephones.Although more than 94 percent of U.S
households have telephones, only 56 percent have personal computers at home and 50 percent have
internet access.

STUDENT 13: I don’t understand the word or the meaning of exponentially…. Exponentially ahahaha…
mali mali yung ano ko.

MAAM LESLIE: It’s okay risa

STUDENT 13: Sorry po Ma’am, based on the text or the word that I… I read some students are… are…
an... or some ahh… student those not have access of computer so the student ahm.. What you call it,
some student are based on my experience some student or… friends my friends like for me, sometime
internet ahh mahirap, ano ba to, some student nahihirapan wait, mahirap maka-access ng internet because
karamihan sa amin ay karamihan sa aming mga studyante ay walang walang internet sa bahay at poor
of internet because dahil sa sa hirap ng buhay hindi makabili ng or maka- magkaroon ng computer.
PASSAGE: (2) The lack of what most of us would consider a basic communication necessity -the
telephone-does not occur just developing nations. On some Native American reservation only 60 percent
of the residents have a telephone. The moves to wireless connectivity may eliminate the needs for
telephone lines, but it does not remove the barrier to equipment costs.

STUDENT 13: so like I said a few ago,if we had not internet or cellphones mahihirapan, mahi… mahi-
bilag studyante mahirap nga naman po na wala kang internet connect sa bahay bakit? Kasi ahm… uhm…
karamihan sa aming nga studyante is uhm pumupunta sa computer shop uhm para maka-access
makagawa po ng ng mga projects or activities na kaylangan gawin by using computer and online…online
text ganun po

PASSAGE: (3) Who has internet access? The digital divide between the population who have access to
the internet and information technology tools and those who don’t is based on income, race, education,
household type, and geographic location

PASSAGE: (3), but the gap between groups is narrowing. Eighty-five percent of households with an
income over $75,000 have internet access compared with less than 20 percent of the households with

income under $15,000 Over 80 percent of college graduates use the internet as compared with 40 percent
of high school completers and 13 percent of high school dropouts. Seventy-two percent of household
with two parents have internet access; 40 percent female, single parent household do. Differences (read
as different) are also found among households and families from different racial and ethnic groups. Fifty-
five percent of white households, 31 percent of black households, 32 percent of Latino household, 68
percent of Asian or Pacific Islander households, 39 percent of American, Indian, Eskimos, or Aleut
households have access to the internet. The number of internet users who are children under nine years
old and person over fifty has more than triple since 1997. Households in inner cities are less likely to
have computer and internet access than in urban and rural areas, but the differences are no more than 6

STUDENT 13: (reading the passage) I’m confusing to the word of aleut. The meaning of aluet who are
usually known as aluet language by in venice uhmm indigenous people of aluet island, so aluet is the
people of uhmm of people of people of ay that island they call they called them… they called… they
called us aluet.(reading the passage again) uhm, so based on my understanding so... most likely have like
have internet connection or internet access is urban like rural area because re… ru...rural areas is uhmm
mas ahh had mas or mas mabagal or mas hindi… wala silang gaanong signal sa… sa… O hindi hindi
sila nakakapag access gaano ng internet connection like urban, ganito pong ano… tsk…

PASSAGE: (4) Another problem that exacerbates these disparities is that African-American. Latinos,
and Native Americans hold few of the jobs in information technology. Women about 20 percent of these
jobs and receiving fewer than 30 percent of the Bachelor’s degrees in computer and information science.
The result is that women and members of the most oppressed ethnic group are not eligible for the jobs
with the highest salaries at graduation. Baccalaureate candidates with degree in computer science were
offered the highest salaries of all new college graduates.

STUDENT 13: I’m confuse to the word of surbate (exacerbates) ex...as...cerb...bate… exascerbate?
(phone) exacerbates, exacerbate make a problem was situation on negative feelings (reading the passage
again) so… so usually if you have… if you graduate yung ma-- if you graduate you my, may tend--
tendency po na… may tendency na magkaroon ka ng agarang trabaho like computer and information.
(reading the passage again) so based on the text if you...Ahh new or fresh graduate and you had... (a
moment of silent)

MAAM LESLIE: Risa, are you still there? Okay go ahead.

STUDENT 13: So my opinion to the text of four (4) so when you are… so when you are new graduate
and fresh graduate and have a highly education you have an ahm… better chance of getting good job and
offer highest salary

PASSAGE: (5) Do similar disparities exist in schools? Ninety-eight percent of school in the country
are wired with at least one internet connection. The number of classrooms with internet connection differs
by the income level of students. Using the percentage of students who are eligible for free lunches at a
school to determine income level, we see that the higher percentage of the school with more affluent
students have wired classrooms than those with high concentrations of low-income students.

STUDENT 13: uhm…(reading he passage) so based on the text, based on experiences if you have ahh…
kapag nag aral ka po sa public schools di katulad ng private school na uhmm if you have a if nag aral ka
po sa private school katulad po namin na low income student po kami, na walang kakayahan na
magkaroon ng sariling internet connection different to the income level of the student highest… uhm
highest… percentage of in private school. So not balance about technology and internet connection

MAAM LESLIE: Okay last part

PASSAGE: (6) Access to computers and the internet will be important in reducing disparities between
groups. It will require higher equality across diverse group whose members develop knowledge and
skills in computer and information technologies. The field today is overrepresented by white males. If
computers and the internet are to be used to promote equality, they have to become accessible to school
cannot currently afford the equipment which needs to be updated regularly every three years or so.
However, access alone is not enough; Students will have to be interacting with the technology in
authentic settings. As technology has become a tool for learning in almost all courses taken by students,

it will be seen as a means to an end rather than an end in itself. If it is used in culturally relevant ways,
all students can benefit from its power.

STUDENT 13: 6 na po, (reading the passage) so internet computer daw po is… uhm… mas okay.. Ba
to.. Mas lamang yung lalaki na marunong gumamit ng computer internet like sa babae, based on my
understanding internet are not to use to promote equality they have become (reading the passage again)
so in the number… in the 6 text uhm.. Is like I said a while ago technology has become a tool to the
learner or student that… that… that may easier works and…

MAAM LESLIE: Risa we can proceed to the question now. Okay so these are the questions, sige go a

STUDENT 13: What is the selection all about? The selection is all about the degree of technology.

STUDENT 13: What cultural issues may have influenced, challenged, or inspired the author? Ahh.. the
culture.. Ahh the culture issue is all about the internet connection and the students who not access in the
STUDENT 13: What are the political or economic issues of the times? Like I said a while ago the politic
economic of the times is uhmm technology because some student are not are not available to access by..
By his or her own computers.
STUDENT 13: As a student, what are the challenges that you encountered in this digital era? As a
student the changes I encounter… some student are yung mga estudyante po ngayon tulad ko mas umaasa
na po sa technology uhm hindi na… hindi na,hindi mas pinapahalagahan yung books kasi mas masmas
uhm.. Mas nakikita or sabi ng iba mas okay na sa google mag search ka kasi mas makikita mo pero
mahirap po pala na umasa ng umasa sa technology at kasi ahmm hindi na natin mas pinapahalagahan
yung pagbabasa, kung pinapahalagan natin ang pagbabasa mas mau-- mas mauunawaan yung kada
words na binabasa natin. Yun lang po.

MAAM LESLIE: Congrats Risa.


STUDENT 13: So, we know change uhm not in things because ay, not in things because and also

Things change:

No longer do I,

STUDENT 13: (reading the poem)So based on the text of change uhmm...

MAAM LESLIE: Okay risa you can interpret every line of the poem, and then you relate it to
yourself so that it would be easier for you to analyse.

STUDENT 13: lahat nagbabago, so based on my understanding things change like people change
uhmm, so… soo di lahat permanente lahat nagbabago, katulad ng isang.. Ng isang example ng
isang ng isang…(reading the poem again) based on recovering, based on the poem(reading the
poem again) dito po parang for example ahh, ano… isang problem na hindi ahh parang hage
(huge) mabigat na problema na bumabato sayo ahh bumabato sayo o bumagsak sayo sa mga paa
mo? (reading the poem again) kahit anong problema ang ibato sayo ahh bumagsak sayo
kaylangan natin magkaroon ng ahhh… kaylanagn magkaroon tayo nga pananalig sa diyos.

No longer do I,

Recovering from the shock

Of a huge branch falling

At my feet,

No longer do I fear,

No longer run to my altar

In the woods,

The fire of prayer in my mouth

No longer between my teeth

The tremble, the I have offended.

Newton as a habit of centuries

STUDENT 13: so yung problema po sa atin walang katapusan, para siyang… para siyang gravity that
walang katapusan
Inhabits my skull; I know

Of gravity

And rot

And no longer,

No longer

Does a falling frighten me.

Things change:

No longer do I,

STUDENT 13: change, things change. If the things change, maybe I am too. I’m going to change also,
Recovering from the shock

Of a huge branch falling

At my feet,

No longer do I fear,

No longer run to my altar

In the woods,

The fire of prayer in my mouth

No longer between my teeth

The tremble, the I have offended.

Newton as a habit of centuries

Inhabits my skull; I know

Of gravity

And rot

And no longer,

No longer

Does a falling frighten me.

MAAM LESLIE: . okay risa so it’s time to answer the following questions, Okay. Risa please answer
the following question.

What is the poem all about?

STUDENT 13: The poem all about is to change.

Who do you think is the persona in the poem?

STUDENT 13: I think the persona in the text or speaking in the poem is he or she have a… hard
problem that encounter in his life that she or he not ahm.. Tawag dito ahm.. Or kaya

What are some of the literary devices or figures of speech used in the poem?
MAAM LESLIE:okay so ho back to the poem and then identify the figure of speech

STUDENT 13: ito po yung simile, metaphor ,ma’am diba

MAAM LESLIE: okay, yes can you sight one in poem

MAAM LESLIE: you try to sight the line in poem which express the different figure of speech.
You mention the line and identify the figure of speech.

STUDENT 13:.(reading the poem) the figure of speech is metaphor

MAAM LESLIE: okay next, another lines or figure of speech that you observe

STUDENT 13: Newton as a habit of centuries the figure of speech is simile

MAAM LESLIE: okay other figure of speech, okay if there's no figure of speech let’s have the next

What do you think is the theme of the poem?

STUDENT 13: What do you think is the theme of the poem? Ahh… I think the theme of the poem is
all about… uhmm.. All about ( searching) ahh change.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay next

What is the moral/lesson of the poem?

STUDENT 13: What is the moral/lesson of the poem?the moral lesson of the poem is ahh… if you,
based on my opinion if we have a problem and like like the poem as or has or have hage (huge) of
false in your feet don’t, don’t loose, don’t lose ahm..don’t lose hope ahmm just pray, just pray for to,
just pray to God and all the problem all the problems. Lahat ng problema dumating sa buhay mo
makakaya mo basta meron kang pananalig sa diyos. Yun lang po ma’am.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay very good

PASSAGE: (recorded passage is playing)

STUDENT 13: Wait lang po Ma’am naglalag po, ma’am okay na po

MAAM LESLIE: Okay Risa, you may start now what’s your understanding on the listening

STUDENT 13: Based on listening passage i understand (i don't understand what she say) persuasion

it is the it is the art of convincing someone to agree in your point of view. According to the newton be
have basic tools ahh. Example the example of the is lettuce (ethos) pathos and logos ma’am. Lettuce
(ethos) means is the compre… compre compre size of the number on how example on how you carried
your teeth and pathos is the collection of ahh or collecting ideas example organization of pets too…
organization of pets.. Ano ba ito… and next one is logos the meaning of logos the use of facts, facts your
agreement to convince that it is to good example commercial of soap on how we convince the…. Ano
ba ito… the.. Ahh manonood on how, on how yung commercialahh of soap paano natin sila maco-
convince yung manonood na maganda yung product na nabebenta mo. yun po. Yun lang po ma’am

MAAM LESLIE: that’s all risa?okay so congratulation , we still have one challenge risa

STUDENT 13: yes po

MAAM LESLIE: what your going to do… make sure na naka off the yung audio clip mo ha. So What
your going to do is to summarize the listening passage okay these listening passage is about the art of
persuasion, you need to summarize or paraphrase . when you say paraphrase your going to summarize
the information without adding additional information, so purely the summary must be based on the
listening text. Okay, are you ready?

STUDENT 13: ahh.. Ma’am sorry po naglalag po.ano po pakiulit po ma’am

MAAM LESLIE: okay your going to summarize the listening passage.

STUDENT 13: The listening passage yung last lang po?


STUDENT 13: ahh.. The listening packet is a tool of convincing someone ahh.. Someone agreeing your
point of view ahh they ahh there are three ahh tools ahh.. According to Newton there are three tools ahh
or basic tool one is lettuce (ethos) pathos and logos . lettuce is lettuces is (ethos) lettuces is ahh expressing
and explaining and pathos is ahh collecting ideas of something and logos is the use of argument of
convincing someone. Yun lang po ma’am, tama po ba ma’am.


STUDENT 14: So Extract from words to the Intellectuals.

PASSAGE: (1) There can be, of course, artist, and good artist, who do not have a revolutionary attitude
towards the life, and it is for precisely that group of artist and intellectuals that the Revolution constitutes
a problem.
STUDENT 13: number 1 I understand Ma’am ahh..they ahhh… was ano ahhh two(2) kind of course
artist. Sa number 1 po ma’am maybe it is just informant but not her passion, it just an… ano-- she just
need the ano ma’am parang needs lang niya yun pero never niyang nagka interest sa ginagawa niya po.
PASSAGE: (2) For a mercenary artist or intellectual, for a dishonest artist or intellectual, (I don’t
understand this word) it would never be a problem: he knows what he has to do, he knows what it is in
his interest, and he knows where he is going.
STUDENT 14: Sa number 2 naman po Ma’am I understand that, ay ito ahhh… instancing po yung
ginagawa niya kung baga passion niya talaga yung ginagawa niyang bagay or ano ba yan yung pagiging
artist niya Ma’am
STUDENT 14: Yes Ma’am, I can… I acn search the meaning ma’am?

STUDENT 13: (searching).... Mercenary artist mercenary sometimes known as a sold… solder or
fornitune. Sample in our country, our solder is ahm policeman…. ahm or military groups...
MAAM LESLIE: okay how will you relate that to your understanding in the second paragraph

STUDENT 13: Based on my understanding uhm… ano, in this paragraph I understand that… uhm… if
you have some… some interesting uhm.. you… you have ahhh… you have things… kung may… kung
may interesado sa bagay na hindi, hindi mo na kukuha (a moment of silent) at alam mo yung bagay na

yun be ano… be… i persue mo lang yun makukuha mo yun
MAAM LESLIE: Okay, next

PASSAGE: (3) The real problem exists for the artist or intellectual who does not have a revolutionary
attitude towards life but who is, however, an honest person. It is clear that he who has that attitude
towards life, whether he is revolutionary or not, whether he is an artist or not, has his goals.The real
problem exists for the artist or intellectual who does not have a revolutionary attitude towards life but
who is, however, an honest person. It is clear that he who has that attitude towards life, whether he is
revolutionary or not, whether he is an artist or not, has his goals.has his objectives and we should all ask,
we should all ask ourselves about those goals, has his objectives. For the revolutionary, those goals and
objectives are directed towards the change of reality; those goals and objectives are directed towards the
redemption of man. It is man himself, his fellow man, the redemption of his fellow man that constitute
the objective of the revolutionary.If they ask us revolutionaries what matter most to us, we will say the
people, and we will always say the people. The people in their true sense, that is, the majority of the
people, those who have had live in exploitation and in the cruelest neglect. Our basic concern will always
be the great majority of the people, that is, the oppressed and exploited classes. The point of view through
which we view everything is this: whatever is good for them, will be good for us; whatever is noble,
useful, and beautiful for them, will be noble, useful and beautiful for us. If one does not think of the
people and for the people, that is, if one does not think and does not act for the great exploited masses of
the people, for the great masses (massive) which we want to redeem, then one simply does not have a
revolutionary attitude. If one does not think of the people and for the people, that is, if one does not think
and does not act for the great exploited masses of the people, for the great masses which we want to
redeem, then one simply does not have a revolutionary attitude.

STUDENT 13: Sa number 3 po Ma’am based on what I read once you have goals and plan you can exist
as an artist because that vision connect. Let go your goal to be a successful artist
PASSAGE: (4) It is from the point of view that we analyze the good, the useful, and the beautiful of
every action.
STUDENT 13: jesus made a grace one that there were many writers and artist that they wanted to and
revolutionary that revolution is that they wanted to do that at sometimes the revolution was that end the
contribution their knowledge amd its behalf. (a moment of silence) to challenge themselve and interest
and they will build
STUDENT 13: (laugh)
MA’AM LES: ahh, please inform me if your done.
STUDENT 13:opo ma’am
MA’AM LES: are you still ahm processing your ideas.
STUDENT 13:Yes po Ma’am malapit na po.(murmuring) sa number 4 po ma;am its from the point of
view that q analyse the useful and beautiful of every action we need to analyse important things and
everything important. Yun po.
PASSAGE: (5) We understand that is must be a tragedy when someone understands this and nonetheless
has to confess that he is incapable of fighting for it.
STUDENT 13: there was some situation that if they don’t understand they feel that can cannot do things
PASSAGE: (6) We are, or believe ourselves to be revolutionaries. Whoever is more of an artist than a
revolutionary cannot think exactly the same as we do. We struggle for the people without inner conflict,
we know that we can have to think about the people before we think about ourselves, and that is the only
attitude that can be defined as a truly revolutionary attitude.
STUDENT 13: (reading the passage) its says that not all of as not a quick thinker that they do, the
example of this is me I’m facing in front of the you reading the text…. I struggled to most because there's
some words that i cannot understand and its very difficult for so I struggle to much

PASSAGE: (7) The case was well made that there were many writers and artists who were not but were
however, honest writers and artists; that they wanted to help the Revolution, and that the Revolution is
interested in their help; (revolution) that they wanted to work for the Revolution and that, at the same
time, the Revolution was interested in their contributing their knowledge and efforts on its behalf.

STUDENT 13: (reading the passage) so.. Here ma’am to challenge themselves and their willing to ahh
they are willing contribute effort so they challenge themselves. Example of it is me, I challenge my self

to understand every words that I’m reading

PASSAGE: (8) It is easier to appreciate this when specific cases are analyzed; and among those specific
cases are many that are not easy to analyze. A catholic writer spoke here. He raised the problems that
worried him and he spoke with great clarity. He asked (acts) if he could make an interpretation of a
determined problem from his idealistic point of view of if he could write a work defending that point of
view. He asked quite frankly if, within a revolutionary regime, he could express himself in accordance
with those sentiments. He posed the problem in a form that might be considered symbolic.

STUDENT 13: (reading the passage) Number 8 ma’am yes you can probably analyse the specific words
or phares because if you challenge and want you will like to have a problem.

PASSAGE: (9) He was concerned about knowing if he could write in accordance with those sentiments
or in accordance with that ideology, which was not exactly the ideology of the Revolution. He was in
agreement with the Revolution on economic and social questions, but his philosophic position was
distinct from that of the Revolution.And this case is worthy of being kept well in mind, because it is a
case representative of the group of writers and artist who demonstrate a favourable attitude towards the
Revolution and wish to know what degree of freedom they have within the revolutionary condition to
express themselves in accordance with their feelings. That is the group that constitutes a problem for
them, and it is the duty of the Revolution to be concerned with the situation of those artists and writers,
because the Revolution ought -- to bend its efforts towards having more than the revolutionaries, more
than the revolutionary artists and intellectuals, move along with it. It is possible that the men and women
(read as woman) who have a truly revolutionary attitude towards reality do not constitute the greatest
sector of the population: the revolutionaries are the vanguard of the people, but the revolutionaries should
bend their efforts towards having all the people move along with them.. The revolution cannot renounce
the goal of having all honest men and women, whether writers and artist or not, moving along with it;
the Revolution should bend its efforts towards converting everyone who has doubts into a revolutionary.
The Revolution should try to win over the greatest part of the people to its ideas; the Revolution should
never give up counting on the majority of the people, counting not only on the revolutionaries, but in all
honest citizens who, although they may not have a revolutionary attitude towards life, are with the

STUDENT 13: (reading the passage)(writing) Number 9 po Ma’am sa revolutionary writer can do the
problem because she has a goal to every problem while intellectual writer sometimes they just stick to
their principles. Ahhmm… this 2 writers are artist ma’am they had difference ahh.. Ahhh.. when ahh
revolutionary writer is always have a goal so she have a goal in every problem, while in intellectual,
intellectual writer is just stick to their principle, kung ano lang po yung pinapaniwalaan. Number 10 na
po, Hi ma’am.

MS LESLIE: last passage for passage 1.

PASSAGE: (10) The Revolution should give up only those who are incorrigible reactionaries, who are
incorrigible counter-revolutionaries. Towards all others the Revolution must have policy; the
Revolution has to have an attitude towards those intellectuals and writers. The Revolution has to
understand the real situation and should therefore act in such a manner that the whole group of artist and
intellectuals who are genuinely revolutionaries can find within the Revolution a place to work and create,
a place where their creative spirit, even though they are not revolutionary writers and artists, has the
opportunity and freedom to be expressed.

STUDENT 13: (reading the passage) she define the meaning of incorrigible. So sa number 10 last
paragraph it’s better to be the revolutionary artist because once you are revolutionary artist you have an
intellectual toward those problem that’s need a solution are really artist are the successful artist so mas
maganda po yung ano ma’am revolutionary artist because they ano they have an intellect thinker yes
ma’am. That’s all.

MS LESLIE: Okay let’s proceed to the guided question. Are you ready to the guided question

STUDENT 13: What is the selection all about? Its all about Extract and revolutionary, it’s all about
revolutionary how revolutionary exist or how revolutionary ahhh uses and how revolutionary ahmm

important of revolutionary.

STUDENT 13: How does the author define being a revolutionist/REVOLUTIONARY? So the author
define, wait lang po ma’am so the author defines being a revolutionary ah ah ah si ano… wait lang
ma’am. So the author gives the meaning of revolutionary ahhmm ano they he gives , teka lang ma’am
wala akong maisip. I think the authors define himself because he is also an artist that’s why he knows
the revolutionary about how revolutionary exists.

STUDENT 13: What do you think is the purpose of the author in writing this article? So i think ma’am
he just want to express or challenge those people reading this text, what is revolutionary and how
revolutionary difference for arist, its very hard you know.na ubos na yung english ko ma’am.(laugh)

STUDENT 13: Do you consider yourself as a revolutionist? Justify your answer. I think ma’am… I
think ma’am (laugh) I can consider myself as a revolutionary because I ahh… ahhh I acceptvthe
challenge that you give to me.. Ahhh tsk. (laugh) I nakarecord pala ito ma’am.

STUDENT 13: What other title can you give to the article? The beautiful… wait lang po ma’am. What
other title can you give to the article? (writing) wait the ma’am nakikita mo pa ito ma’am? Never stop
dreaming ayyyy,

MA’AM LES: thank you so much kim, I really enjoy yung analyse.

PASSAGE: The Digital The Challenge of Technology and Equity.

STUDENT 4: (reading the passage) tama po ba pronunciation ko sa Equity?

PASSAGE: (1) Information technology is influence the way many of us live and work today.We use the
internet to look and apply for jobs, shop, conduct research,make airline reservations, and explore areas
of interest. We use E-mail and internet to communicate instantaneously with friends and business
associate around the world. Computers are commonplace in home and the workplace.

STUDENT 14: (reading the passage) (phone ring) number 1, so… number 1 Ma’am the-- we use
technology for our communication, we use technology for every… every… everyday of our life, so we
cannot communicate to every people or very far for us if we do not have an technology uses. So example
for me, I can not communicate to my classmate to my teacher to my best friend if I don’t use these
technologies. So that is number 1

PASSAGE: (2) Although the number of internet users is growing exponentially each year, most of the
world’s population does not have access to computers on the internet. Only 6 percent of the population
in the developing countries are connected to telephones.Although more than 94 percent of U.S
households have telephones, only 56 percent have personal computers at home and 50 percent have
internet access. The lack of what most of us would consider a basic communication necessity -the
telephone-does not occur just developing nations.The moves to wireless connectivity may eliminate the
needs for telephone lines, but it does not remove the barrier to equipment costs.

STUDENT 14:(searching the meaning) exponentially, ahhh exponentially pala ay parang nag wide every
year (reading the passage again) so number 2 ma’am ahhh… every year the internet is very ahh every
year the internet is getting wider ahhh…. Getting wider or evolved and then, wait lang po (reading the
passage again) so only 6 percent of population is developing in the countries so in this ahhh...every
ahhh..di ko lang maano every year that internet evolving only 6 percent uhm is developing in our country
or the tele-- connected to the telephone so 6 percent na lang po ang na de-develop sa every country using
the telephone, so 94 percent of the user of household telephone only 56 percent… so in this every ahh
every revolution he-- every change has came there are uhm had ahh different percent is ano yun (laugh)
wait lang… is… is...so nagiiba iba yung percent ee(laugh) nahirapan ako mag english ma’am. Basta yun

PASSAGE: (3) Who has internet access? The digital divide between the population who have access to
the internet and information technology tools and those who don’t is based on income, race, education,
household type, and geographic location, but the gap between groups is narrowing. Eighty-five percent
of households with an income over $75,000 have internet access compared with less than 20 percent of
the households with income under $15,000 Over 80 percent of college graduates use the internet as
compared with 40 percent of high school completers and 13 percent of high school dropouts. (Okay!)

Seventy-two percent of household with two parents have internet access; 40 percent female, single parent
household do. ( Do the internet access if they are single, or female parent) Differences are also found
among households and families from different racial and ethnic groups. Fifty-five percent of white
households, 31 percent of black households, 32 percent of Latino household, 68 percent of Asian or
Pacific Islander households, 39 percent of American, Indian, Eskimos, or Aleut households have access
to the internet. The number of internet users who are children under nine years old and person over fifty
has more than triple since 1997. Households in inner cities are less likely to have computer and internet
access than in urban and rural areas, but the differences are no more than 6 percent.

STUDENT 14:So…(a moment of silence) tsk… tsk… tsk…(the light is on) (writing)... (reading some
parts of the passage again) meaning this is one of the problem parise like this because we have different
kind of lifestyle live… livelihood so not 100% can connect from the internet but this is not hindrance to
be. Number 4 na po

PASSAGE: (4)Another problem that exacerbates these disparities is that African-American. Latinos,
and Native Americans hold few of the jobs in information technology. Women about 20 percent of these
jobs and receiving fewer than 30 percent of the Bachelor’s degrees in computer and information science.
The result is that women and members of the most oppressed ethnic group are not eligible for the jobs
with the highest salaries at graduation. Baccalaureate candidates with degree in computer science were
offered the highest salaries of all new college graduates.

STUDENT 4: May tyan is not very good (reading again the passage) exacerbates ay wait lang po ma’am
very wrong pronunciation (find the correct pronunciation) exa…(laugh) ang hirap I pronounce ahh. A
worst yan or desperate ohh diba (reading again some part of the passage) ano ito Baccallurate
(Baccalaureate)... ma’am can I excuse can I take a cr first? Ma’am pwede po ?


STUDENT 14: Yes po ma’am? Thank you Ma’am.

MA’AM LESLIE: Ako din, water break.

STUDENT 14:I have a stomachache, So… number (reading some part of the passage)so number 4 po
ma’am, yes I agree that african country is one of the poor country, so that the-- is their really problem
that’s why none of them cannot go to school or the education is poor there is an interesting problem to
research about their culture and why the way of their living. We all know ma’am that african’s people or
black people is the poor country ah… ahh in whole country they… ahh... they didn’t even feel the
education ah-- some of them doesn’t know how to read or write. So they consider has the poor population.
Number 5
PASSAGE: (5) Do similar disparities exist in schools? Ninety-eight percent of school in the country are
wired with at least one internet connection. The number of classrooms with internet connection differs
by the income level of students. Using the percentage of students who are eligible for free lunches at a
school to determine income level, we see that the higher percentage of the school with more affluent
students have wired classrooms than those with high concentrations of low-income students.

STUDENT 14: (taking down notes) (reading some parts of passage) So… I think Ma’am it’s depend to
a school if there's a big income or uhm maybe for ahh.. Ahh Dalig National High School the example of
it. So I think ahm there have a great income so because they can afford the needs of every student in
dalig, maybe not all they can give, yun nga po ay.. Ay example in Dalig National High School there have
ahh I think they have a great income because… wait lang po ma’am. Because they can approved the
needs of every student and then uhm.. For example for those teacher’s there uhm.. Your connecting to
technology they can afford the wifiii the TV uhm for a food tech student they can afford ahhh… the
things that we need. I thinks it’s depend on the school na pinapasukan mo Ma’am. Basta po para sa akin
yan po example ko ma’am.

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay next.

PASSAGE: (6) Access to computers and the internet will be important in reducing disparities between
groups. It will require higher equality across diverse (pronounced as divert) group whose members
develop knowledge and skills in computer and information technologies. The field today is

overrepresented by white males. If computers and the internet are to be used to promote equality, they
have to become accessible to school cannot currently afford the equipment which needs to be updated
regularly every three years or so. However, access alone is not enough; Students will have to be
interacting with the technology in authentic settings. As technology has become a tool for learning in
almost all courses taken by students, it will be seen as a means to an end rather than an end in itself. If it
is used in culturally relevant ways, all students can benefit from its power.

STUDENT 14:So here ma’am we need, we need internet to have a biggest source of technology
because we need to ahh… wait lang po ma’am ahh because in this ano new normal we all need wifi,
we all need technology that we use for our study we cannot ahh maybe we can study because we
have a book we can read or search in book like dictionary but in technology there's more, it’s very
easy for student to find their needs and the ahm… for today this new normal there's a lot of student
that they can afford the money or they cannot ahh… commute because they life at far place far far
school. Hirap ma’am. (laugh) school,Maybe they choose technology but they need ahh, they cannot
afford the connection so maybe that is the one problem of technology. Hahaha ma’am

MAAM LESLIE: Let’s have the questions.

STUDENT 14: What is the selection all about? So it’s all about ahh technology it’s talk about uses of
technology ahm at percent of uses of technology the benefit of technology

STUDENT 14: What cultural issues may have influenced maybe ano uhm… ahh… the culture maybe
ma’am …. Ahh the ahh I read their the asia black ahh people because they are very poor a technology
they didn’t even know how to use technology so maybe the author think why I’m going to write this
why… uhm uhm for ano yun the author write this to the author research or write this text that everyone
can read, technology is very important not only for a good times but only for a a… everyday lifes so
that’s it.

STUDENT 14: What are the political or economic issues of the times? Poor ahhh ahhh poor poor, poor
wait lang poor country ma’am I think poor country ma’am because they cannot afford or they are very
far for communicating that’s why they cannot . they have economic issue or poor education.

STUDENT 14: As a student, what are the challenges that you encountered in this digital era? So I
encounter ma’am that not all of us cannot afford or cannot afford the technology that we want its
difference for as or difference for us-- ahh it defence. If we were pursue for education so that’s the
biggest challenge that us a student for me that I encounter in this digital era.

MA’AM LESLIE: Okay Kim Congrats

STUDENT 14:ay wait ayan na, (laugh)

MAAM LESLIE: Okay let’s have passage number 3, okay kim are you ready?

STUDENT 14: Yes po Ma’am


STUDENT 14: (reading the passage)

Things change:
No longer do I,
No longer do I,
Recovering from the shock
Of a huge branch falling
At my feet,

No longer do I fear,
No longer run to my altar
In the woods,
The fire of prayer in my mouth
No longer between my teeth
The tremble, the I have offended.
Newton as a habit of centuries
Inhabits my skull; I know
Of gravity
And rot
And no longer,
No longer
Does a falling frighten me.

MAAM LESLIE: So what is your understanding?

STUDENT 14: Wait lang po Ma’am (a moment of silence) (reading the passage again) now I
understand na, ito na ma’am this poem is ahh for me even though I made a big mistake I
know what my weapon to be use, the prayer to cover me to protect so that one day if I make
again a failure I will not fear anymore (laugh)

MAAM LESLIE: Okay so let’s proceed to the guide questions.

Things change:
No longer do I,

Recovering from the shock

Of a huge branch falling
At my feet,

No longer do I fear,
No longer run to my altar
In the woods,

The fire of prayer in my mouth

No longer between my teeth

The tremble, the I have offended.
Newton as a habit of centuries

Inhabits my skull; I know

Of gravity
And rot
And no longer,
No longer
Does a falling frighten me.

What is the poem all about?

STUDENT 4: What is the poem all about? The poem is all about ahh… ahh changes in your

Who do you think is the persona in the poem?

STUDENT 4: Who do you think is the persona or speaker in the poem? I think the writer,
writer, writer

What are some of the literary devices or figures of speech used in the poem?

STUDENT 4: Ano Ma’am ginamit din po yung ano po yun.. Wait lang po yung. Ayon, ano
ma’am ginamit po dun yung personification kasi ma’am ano ahh.. There ano ahh.. Ayon po
ma’am ginamit po yung parang yung sa leaves po ma’am basta ganun po ma’am and then
ginamit din po yung… paulit nga po yung end

MAAM LESLIE: Okay so, Kim can you sight the lines?

STUDENT 4: (reading the passage again) ito po pala ma’am ahh parang… ayon po ma’am
the fire of prayer in my mouth so parang ginamit din po yung hyperbole, kasi po ahm…
parang nag ano siya extreme exaggeration nag exaggerate po siya dun, parang ganun ma’am.
Kasi wala naman pong ano bumubuga ng apoy

MAAM LESLIE: Okay, next

What do you think is the theme of the poem?

STUDENT 14: What do you think is the theme of the poem? Theme of the poem, ano nga po
yung theme? Yung kahulug-- what do you think is the theme of the poem (thinking) theme of
the poem (thinking) is to ano ma’am ahh…cannot delivery my english ee, where’s my ballpen
(reading the question) sa number 5 po muna ako ma’am di ko po ma delivery ano ko ee. What

do you think is the theme of the poem? I think… (writing) (reading the question again)
number 4 po ma’am it’s look like a revolutionary type of poem encouragement to those
suffering problems.

What is the moral/lesson of the poem?

STUDENT 14: What is the moral/lesson of the poem? The moral lesson of this is poem is
never give up of what your doing yun nga po yung sinabi ko never stop dreaming do what
you want, do what you love, follow your heart, and praise god. In Jesus name. yan... Ma’am
that’s the moral lesson that I have. (laugh) haba nito ahh, bibiyak utak ko. Ma’am do you hear

MAAM LESLIE: Yes, I think you are done with passage number 3, congrats kim you
have your last.

PASSAGE: (recorded passage is playing)

STUDENT 4: ayan na according to those I heard according to aristotle there are three basic tools of
persuasion 1 is ethos 2, is pathos and 3 is logos , so these three have ahh… uhm… rule, so the rule of
ethos is it is an speaker with more source so ethos ma’am is the one person that have an idea or she the
ay hindi, hindi siya si ethos is the one that have a source or the idea is coming from the ethos si ang

STUDENT 14: sa pathos naman po ma’am.rela-- ahh relatable and sincere and convincing the audience
so sa pathos po she convincing or spreading the audience to ah to connect the to speaker or which is
ethos so she convinces the audience to listen to the speaker.

STUDENT 14: So sa logos naman it is the one whose connecting to way to audience for convincing use
a fact to delivery or convincing more so sa uhm logos ma’am uhm merong silang pagkakapareho ng
pathos kaso lang po sa logos more pa po yung kinu- convince niya or fact yung… mga ahh in..ahh..
Evidence na meron siya more yung audience the kinu-convince niya than pathos so that’s what I
understand po.

MAAM LESLIE: Okay that’s a good interpretation of the listening passage, so your last challenge
Kim is you're going to Summarize the listening passage so without looking at your notes. So your going
to paraphrase the information, so when we say paraphrase you need to restate or retell the content of
listening passage, so when you paraphrase ahh certain information or text you don’t need to add other
information you just need to explain, using the information from the text. Okay so you need to
summarize. Are you ready Kim?

STUDENT 14: Yes po, So Ma’am. So ayon po ma’am dun po sa narinig ko, tama po ba ma’am?


STUDENT 14: According to aristotle ma’am there are two(2) ay there are three (3) tools for persuasion,
one(1) is ethos, two(2) is pathos and three(3) is logos. So one is ethos is the source of idea or she is the
one had ahh… idea ahh to speak to everyone so while ahm pathos the one who convinces people to listen
to the speaker or what we call ethos. So sa number 3 is logos there just similar for pathos but logos is
more wider convincing a lot of audience because the way she convince a lot of people listening for those
what we call ethos wide ahhh… she’s telling the fact she’s as more convincing a lot than pathos. So that
is, that’’s all Ma’am.

Student #15

Passage 1:
Student 15: Ma’am medyo po lalapit ako sa phone kasi po Malabo yung mata ko, e.
Ms. Leslie: Sige. Go go.
Student 15: Sige po, thank you po.
Ms. Leslie: For reading passage number 1, okay so you may start now…
Student 15: Babasahin ko napo ma’am?
Ms. Leslie: Yes.
Student 15: Extract words from intellectual. One, there can be, of course… There can be of course.. artist…
and good artist who do not have a revolutionary attitude towards the life and it is for the precisely that group
of artist and itey-intellectuals that the Revolutions cons..constitutes a problem.
Ms. Leslie: Okay Alex, you may now give your reaction now or your understanding before we proceed to the
next paragraph. Okay? So as I told you think aloud protocol is all about.. amm verbalizing what you’re thinking
or what do you understand about the.. Sentence or paragraph. Go ahead.
Student 15: Ma’am basahin ko po muna uli ah?
Ms. Leslie: Yes, go ahead.
Student 15: Ge po ma’am kinakabhan po kasi ako e. (Silent reading)ma’am yung…. Ma’am yung text po ba
hehe about siya sa..sa attitude sa…
Ms. Leslie: Okay it’s up to you.
Student 15: Sa walang pagbabago?
Ms. Leeslie: it’s up to you, Alex. Aaaam , you need to talk to yourself.
Student 15: Ok po.
Ms. Leslie: Diba ganon yung think aloud. And I’m just here to observed and remind you to keep on thinking
and talk about the sentence about your understanding. Ha? So don’t get pressured.
Student 15: Okay po.
Ms. Leslie: Okay, sige go ahead.
Student 15: There can be of course artist and good artist who do not have a revolutionary attitude (fast
reading)…….. (then the student stop reading it aloud and decided to read the next sentences silently.)
Student 15: Base sa text.. Base po sa text……. Meron pong mga artist and good artist na wala pong pagbabago
sa mga attitude nila.
Ms. Leslie: Okay.
Student 15: Towards po don, towards po don sa ano ng buhay nila po.
Ms. Leslie: Okay, so next. Number three, okay go.
Passage 2:
Student 15: Ma’am pwede po…
Ms. Leslie: Ay by the way, Alex. Kindly aaa speak in English ha?
Student 15: Okay po ma’am (Laugh)
Ms. Leslie: And aaa, it’s good sometimes that you translate or use second language but much better if you will
utilize English ha?
Student 15: Opo.
Ms. Leslie: You can do it.
Student: Opo.
Ms. Leslie: Okay, go.
Student 15: The real problem exists for the artist or inte-intellectual who those (does) not have revolutionary
attitude towards life. But who is, however, an honest person. It is clear that he knows (who) has that attitude
towards life, where..whether he is revolutionary or not, whether he is an artist or not. Has his goals, has his
objective and we should ask ourselves about those goals, has his objectives. For the revolutionary, those goals
and objectives are directed towards the changes (change) of reality; those goals and objectives are directed
towards the redemption of man. It is….it is man himself, his fellow man the redemption of his fellow man that
constitutes the objective of the revolutionary. If they… if they ask us the revolutionaries what matter most to
us, we will say the people, and we will always say the people. The people in the true sense, that is, the majority
of the people those who have…..those who have had la-live in ma’am pwede pong pa zoom? Pwede pong pa
zoom in kasi po ano ,e. ex-exploitation and in the cruellest neglect. Our basic concern will always be the
greatest majority of the people, that is, the oppressed and exploy- explited classes. The point of view through
which we view everything is this; whatever is good for them, will be good for us; whatever is noble, useful
and beautiful for them, will be noble, useful and beautiful for us. If one does not think of the people… of the
people and for the people, if one does not think and does not act for the great explited masses of the people,
for the great masses which we want to redeem, then one simply does not have revolutionary attitude. Ma’am,
I think po this text.. I think in this text hmmm.. naglalaman hmmm it’s about, its about changes..chun-changes
of people..
Ms. Leslie: Okay, what else?
Student 15: Changes of people.. (Sounds of electric fan and motorcycle)
Ms. Leslie: Okay Alex you may cite some lines that you may think you can express or explain.
Student 15: Okay po.

Ms. Leslie: you can choose any of the line of the sentence.
Student 15: ma’am this line po yooor yung.. For the revolutionary, those goals and objectives are directed to-
towards the changes of the reality; those goals, those goals and objectives are directed towards the redemption
of man. Base po don ma’am sa ay, base in the line ho…. Wait lang ma’am.
Ms. Leslie: Go ahead. Take your time.
Student 15: Thank you maa’am. Wait lang po. Base in the line any changes.. any changes and on objectives
are directed towards the changes ay directed towards the changes of reality based, based po don lahat na hirap
mag isip pag kinakabhan…….asan……..*Man’s voice*…. ma’am pwede ko pong palitan yung ano….
Ms. Leslie: What?
Student 15: yung ano…yung line po na kanina.
Ms. Leslie: It’s okay. It’s up to you.
Student 15: okay ma’am
Ms. Leslie: Whatever you want to say. Whatever you wanted to express, so go ahead, Alex.
Student 15: Okay po ma’am. If they ask us revolutionaries if they ask us revolutionaries what matter most to
us , we will say the people, and we will always say the people. Based.. based in the line based in the line
ma’am the real matter..the real matter is us, ourselves and…..next
Ms. Leslie: Okay next.
Student 15: Number four, it is from the point of view the we analyse the good, the useful and the beautiful of
every action. Based..based in the point of view.. based in the point of view we will know.. we will know
*Whispering* based in the..based in the point of view, we will kno.. what is.. what is the use.. what are the
useful for us aaand and…. We will know what is useful for us and.. and the action.. and the action.. and the
beautiful action.. wait lang ma’am. Nauubusan na ako ng English.. Number four.. based in number four.. we
will.. we will know what is good for us and.. and the beautiful action, beautiful action in the.. line that I reeee..
that that the text I read.
Number five, we understand that is must be tragedy when someone understands this and none the
less has to.. has to confess that he is capable of fighting for it…. San.. in number five.. in number five.. in
number five yung tinutukoy sa text is.. is about.. is about the tragedy is about the challen, challenge when
someone.. when someone understand the text, kasi po may iba iba po tayong paniniwala, opinion about.. about
sa story na nababasa natin.
Number six, we are are believe ourselves to be revolutionaries. Whoever is more of an artist than a
than a revolutionary cannot think exactly the same as we do. We struggled for the people without inner conflict,
we know that we can have to think about the people before we think about ourselves, and that is the only
attitude that can be defined as a truly rebo-revolutionary attitude…. We are all believes…. In number six… in
number six… in number six… number six…hghf.. in number six… based the text in number six its about.. its
about.. it’s about struggles, changes na kailangan natin gawin or adjustment for other people.. for other people..
for other people and.. and in the last part, because of this challengesss it is showing aaa it is show us.. it is
show aa it is show a truly revolutionary attitude.
Ms. Leslie: Okay next.
Student 15: Seven, seven. The case was well made that there were many writer and artist who were not
revolutionaries, but were however, honest writer and artist; that they wanted to help the Revolution, and that
the revolution is interested in their help; that they wanted to work for the Revolution and that at the same time,
the Revolution was interested in their contributing their knowledge and efforts on its behalf. In number seven
its about the writer.. its about the writer and actors na hindi revolutionaries and it’s about helping.. helping
them to, to improve.. to improve…… basta po yung sa seven about po sa helping, helping each other para
pong tongue twister paulit-ulit po yung revolutionary, revolutionary.
Ms. Leslie: Okay, next. Number 8, go.
Student 15: It is easier to appreciate this when specific cases are analysed; and among those specific cases are
many that are not easy to analyse. A catholic writer spoke here. He raised the problems and that worried him
and he spoke with great clarity. He ha he asked if he could make an interpretation of a determined problem
form the idealistic point of view of if he could work if he could write a work dep-depending that point of view.
He asked quite prank-frankly if, within a reb-a revolutionary regime, he could express himself in accordance
with the sentiments. He posed the problem in a form that he might be considered symbolic. In number eight..
in number eight.. para pong katulad ko in think aloud protocol ano.. ini-express mo yung gusto mong sabihin
yours, your expressing yourself based in your understanding and para po mabilis.. mabilis na maintindihan na
mabilis na maintindihan ng ibang tao yung gusto mong iparating.
Ms. Leslie: Okay, next.
Student 15: ma’am sorry po di ako ganon kagaling sa English.
Ms. Leslie: its okay as long as you can express your understanding about the text.
Student 15: Okay po.
Ms. Leslie: Okay next.
Student 15: He was concerned about knowing if he could write in accordance with those sentiments or in
accordance with that ideology, which was not exactly the ideology of the Revolution. He was.. he was in
agreement with the Revolution on economic and social-social questions, but his philosophic position was

distinct from that of the Revolution. And this case is worthy of being kept well in mind, because it is a case
representative of the group of writers and artist who demons-demonstrate a favourable attitude towards the
Revolution and wish and wish to know what degree of freedom they have within the revolutionary condition
to express themselves in-in accordance with their feelings. That is the group that cons-constitutes a problem
for them, and it is the duty of the Revolution to be concerned with the situation of those artists and writers,
because the Revolution ought to bend its efforts towards towards.. asan na yon?towards having more than the
revolutionaries, more than more than the revolutionary artists and intellectuals, move along with it. It is
possible that the man and woman who have a truly revolutionary attitude towards reality do not constitute the
greatest sector of the population: the revolu-revolutionaries are the vanguard of the people, but the
revolutionaries should bend their efforts towards having all-all the people move along with them. The
revolution cannot renounce the goal of having all honest men and women, whether writers and artist or not,
moving along with it; the Revolu-revolution should bend its efforts towards converting everyone who has
doubts into a revolutionary. The Revolution should try to win over the greatest part of the people to its idea;
the Revolution should never give up counting on the majority of the people, counting not only the
revolutionaries, but in all honest citizens who, although they may not have a revolutionary attitude towards-
towards life,and are with the Revolution.
Again po, in numbe nine its about again and again its about revolution. It’s about revolution, it’s
about… it’s about their feelings, their thoughts. Its about… it’s about what you can produces to change and
what revolutionary can do… revolutionary can do about… what revolutionary can do.. about.. what
revolutionary can do.. is about… ma’am pwede po pababa scroll down po…. Ma’am ay, revolutionary is about
changes again. Its about changes towards life, it’s about attitude kasi po may ibat ibang klaseng writer ,e tsaka
actors may ibat iba silang opinions. May ibat iba silang….
Ms. Lelie: Sige. Go ahead, Alex. You’re doing good.
Student 15: Basta po yung revolution gusto nya lang iparating ma’am na about sa… bayon? Ma’am it’s the
ideas, idea of changing di ko na alam sasabihin ko haha.
Ms. Leslie: Okay next, number 10, go.
Student 15: The Revolution should give up only those who are incorrigible- incorrigible reactions incorrigible
incorrigible reaction… reactionaries, who are incorrigible counter-revolu-revolutionaries. Towards all others
the Revolution must have policy; the Revolution has to have an attitude towards those intellectuals and writers.
The Revolution has to understand the real situation and should there should therefore act in such a manner that
the whole group of artist and intellectuals who are genuine revolutionaries can find within the Revolution a
place to work and create, a place where their creative spirits, even though they are not revolutionary writers
and artists, has the opportunity and freedom to be expressed.

Based in my understanding sa mga nababasa kong text about don sa revolutionaries, it’s about
freedom, freedom freedom of expression opinions or about ideas. Basta po yung pinaka based po, pinaka based
ng ano ng revolutionary is about po sa pag e-express ng idea nila ng gusto nilang sabihin. Express to express.
Ms. Leslie: Okay so, Alex let’s proceed to the guide questions.
Student 15: Okay po.
Ms. Leslie: So these are the questions. Are you ready to answer? Okay you may start.
Student 15: number 1, what is the selection all about? Its all about revolution. *Laughing* How does the author
define being revolution..revolutionist/revolutionary? Ay ay, wait lang alam ko to ma’am e…. ma’am, being a
revolutionaries.. being revolutionaries you can… you can expressed yourself, your own ideas… your own
ideas.. basta may kalayaan ka po na sabihin yung gusto mong sabihin, gusto mong isulat, gusto mong iparating
sa tao. Yung ideas na mas maintindihan nila yung, yung tunay na idea na makakapag, makakapag-intindi at
makakapag pabago about don sa mga…..basta.. para po ma… about to sa mga idea na gusto nila
maipaglaban… about to sa idea na gusto nila iparating. Para sakin po sa number 2.
Number 3, what do you think is the purpose of the author in writing this article? I think the purpose
of the author is about changes at yung pagkakaiba ng and the difference of the other author and the other
authors and writer in the revolutionaries.
Number 4, do you consider yourself as a revolutiona..revolution..ist? Justify your answer. Ma’am, I
think I can’t.. I think I can consider myself as revolutionist because… because I can because.. because.. ngayon
po sa nangyayari na po ito ma’am dito po sa ating think aloud protocol. Na-expressed ko yung ideas na gusto
kong sabihin at may…may freedom ako.. I have a freedom to say what I what to say. Kung….cha…and may
kakayahan and I have the rights to…too to fight my opinion,yun lang po.
Number 5, what other title can you give to the article? what other title can you give…… I think.. I
think ...ma'am, I think in this ang gusto kong ibigay na title is about freedom. Hmmm yun lang ma’am.
Ms. Leslie: Lets have the second passage. You may aaa start now.
Student: *Reading the second passage*

The Digital: The Challenge of Technology and Equity
(1) Information technology is influence the way many of us live and work today. We use the internet to look
and apply for jobs, shop, conduct research, make airline reservations, and explore areas of interest. We use E-
mail and internet to communicate instantaneously with friends and business asso-associate around the world.
Computers are commonplace in home and the workplace. --------In number 1, in number 1 it’s about
communication, it’s about how computer works, how technology works in… and how technology.. how
technology can helps us in this kind of situation that we have.
(2) Although the number of internet user-users is growing exponensh-exponensh-exponentially each year,
most of the world’s population does not have access to computers of the internet. Only 6 percent of the
population in the developing countries are connected to telephones. Although more than of, more than 94
percent of U.S hold-households have telephones, only 56 percent have personal computers at home and 50
percent have interest access. The lack of what most of us would consider a basic communication nesity -the
telephone-does not occur just developing nations. On some Native American reservation only 60 percent of
residents have a telephone. The moves to wireless connectivity may eliminate the needs for telephone lines,
but it does not remove the barrier to equip-to equipment costs.---- In number 2, in number 2.. in first line, in
first line to first line its a..its a…its about the… its about the growing… growing *smirk* bas… its about sa
pagdami…sa pagdami ng gumagamit ng computers. Sa pag dami ng population na gumagamit ng computers.
(3) Who has internet access? The did-digital divide between the population have access to the internet and
information technology tools and those who don’t is based on income race education household type and
geographic location, but the gap between groups is narrowing. Eighty-five percent of households with an
income over $75,000 have internet access compared with less than 20 percent of the households with income
under pep-50 $15,000 Over 80 percent of college graduates use the internet as compared with 40 percent of
high school completers and 30-13 percent of high school dropouts. Seven-seventy-two percent of house-
household with two parents two parents have internet access; 40 percent female, single single parent
household do. Differences are also found among households and families from different racial and ethnic
groups. Fifty-five percent of white households, 31 percent of black households, 32 percent of Latino
household, 68 percent of Asian or Pacific Islander households, 39 percent of American, Indian, Eskimos, or
Aleut households have access to the internet. The numbers of internet users who are children under nine years
old and person over fifty has more than triple since 1997. Households in inner cities are likely to have computer
and internet access other than in urban and rural areas, but the differences are no more-no more than 6 percent.-
--in…in text kasi ma’am yung text… yung text kasi na to nabasa ko na ito in position papers na ginawa naming
na binigyan namin ng ng reaction basta poi to po yung nabasa namin sa position paper.
Ms. Leslie: Okay.
Student: Nabasa ko nap o ito sa position paper. Ito pong…ito pong text na to about to sa mga gumagamit
ng…sa may mga kakayahan lang po na gumamit ng computers. Sa may kakayahan, mag English na nga ako.
It’s about..it’s about the pee-people who can used computers in their house, it’s about…. it’s about… it’s about
percentage, it’s about people. Based in…based in our situation macompare po siya sa situation natin ngayon,
kasi po marami samin, sa mg aka klase ko na walang kakayahan na makapag…makapag gamit, makagamit ng
internet sa kakulangan n g gadgets dahil sa internet access. Wala silang.. wala silang kakayahan. Basta po in
this… in number 3, it’s about…….
Ms. Leslie: Okay, next.
Student: Sorry ma’am. *Smirk*
Ms. Leslie: Sige go.
Student: Another problem that exas-exsus-exocerbates. Another problem that exa-exocerbates.----
*Whispering*---Another problem that exas-exocerbates these these disparities is that African-American. Lat-
latinos, and Native Americans hold few of the jobs in information technology. Womom-women about 20
percent of these jobs and receiving fewer than 30 per-30 percent of the Bachelor’s degrees in computer and
information science. The result is that man and members of the most oppressed ethnic group are not eligible
for the jobs with the highest salaries and at graduation. Baccalaureate candidates with degree in computer
science were offered the highest salaries of all new college graduates.--- In number four.. in number four…
its….in number 4 it’s about job, it’s about who can.. it’s about who can have a-a hayl-a high salaries. In number
4 its about… it’s about who can have a high salaries, it’s about who can… *smirk* basta po about sa.. about
sa.. sa kung sino yung magkakaron ng mataas na salary kung sino yung mas.. if kasi, if based in number 4 in
computer science, if degree mo is computer science, you can have a high salary… of all new college graduates.
(5) Do similar disparities exist in schools? Ninety-eight percent of school in the country are wired with at least
one internet connection. The number of classrooms with internet connection differs by the income level of
students. Using the percentage of student who are eligible for free lunches at a school to determine to determine
income level, we see that the higher percentage of the school with more affluent students have wired
classrooms than those with high concentrations of low-income students.---- Do similar disparities exist in
schools? *The student reading the text silently*---- In number 5, it’s explains about it-s it explain about…about
school that that that that.. that the schools that have one internet… one internet connection-----*Whispering*
Ms. Leslie: Next.
Student: number 6. Access to computers and the internet will will be important in reducing disparities between

groups. It will require higher equality across diverse group whose members develop knowledge and skills in
computer and information technique technologies. The field today is overrepresented by white males. If
computers and the internet are to be used to promote equality, they have to become accessible to school cannot
currently afford the equipment which need to be updated regu-regularly every three years or so. However,
access alone is not enough; Students will have to be interacting with the technology by….ay san na ba ako?
Tech as students will have to be interacting with the technology in authentic settings. As technology has
become a tool for learning in almost in almost all courses taken by students, it will be seen as a mean to an
end rather than an end in itself. If it is used in culturally relevant ways, all students can benefit from its power.-
--- In number six, number 6 based in the text………. In number six.. in number six its about---*whispering---
- in number six its explaining about… about who can.. who can use computers who can access internet…and
kung magagamit ito ng maayos maraming..estudyante pa yung matutulungan.
Ms. Leslie: Okay. So lets have the guide question. Okay Alex, you may now start answering now.

Student: 1. What is the selection all about?—it’s all about computers technology internetsss, internet.

2. What cultural issues may have influenced, challenged, or inspired the author? I think yung author
nainspired siya kasi maraming…many people.. many people cannot cannot afford or cannot use..cannot use
computers because dahil hindi sila ano… dahil hindi sila… di katulad ng mga nasa urban yung mga nasa
rural-rural places hindi sila masyadong nakakagamit. They cannot, they cannot access in internet
connections and kung yun..if, and if the author and kung and kung and kung yung author po….. syempre
buhay pa nman po yun e?*Laughing*buhay pa namn siguro yung author and yung author po mas lalo po
nakatulong po siguro yung sinulat nya mas lalo siya ma inspired. Tapos-la..*Whispering* yung sinulat nya
po mas lalo po ako na-inspired. Mas lalong nakatulong yung sakin. Kahit yung sinulat nya po hindi sa
panahon ngayon. Kasi-kasi po based po to sa mga may kakayahan lang na gumamit ng technologies. Sa-first
yon *HAHA*ma’am wait lang. Yung may kakayahan lang po makagamit ng internets, kasi po sa panahon na
to katulad sa-samin mga estudyante they can-cannot afford internet access ako po kasi gumagamit lang ako
ng data, they don’t have wifi connection, kaya po mas mabagal. Number 3. What are the political or
economic issues of the times? What are the political or economic issues. Ma’am sorry tuloy ko na po. What
are the political or economic issues of the times? What are the what… what are the political or economic
issues of the times? The political and economic issues. Economic issues is ab-about internet access ditto
saaaa in ditto sa Pilipinas mababa yung percentage.. mabagal po masyado yung internet connection. A-and
ayon po yung problema, problema ng lahat.

Number 4. As a student, what are the challenges that you encountered in this digital era? As a student..
syempre po ngayon ma’am… wala, ngayon sana ma’am hindi.. hindi ako makakaano kasi wala pa akong
load. Based po ito sakin. Pag wala ka kasi ma’am load di ka rin makakapag.. di ka rin makakakuha ng idea,
kasi po ngayon ma’am lahat naka based na sa technology e. yung iba po kasi samin MDL, mahirap po kapag
wala kaming internet. Kasi po hindi po namin.. di namin maintindihan, di po, di po namin masyado
naintindihan yung about po don sa module. About don sa nilalaman ng modules namin kaya kailangan po
namin ng internet connection to have idea and masagutan namin ng maayos yung mga pinagagawa po samin.
Ayon po yung pinaka problem namin kakulangan ng access kasi sobrang bagal pa po kahit, kahit you have a
load, you have a 50 pesos load pag-pag umulan hihina nap o di na namin magamit ng maayos kahit kaka-
load mo lang po mahina na agad yung signal parang di mo rin po ma-enjoy yung data na ni-load mo.
Ms. Leslie: Alex, congratulations for accomplishing passage 2.

Student 15: Opo ma’am parang dito.

Ms. Leslie: Okay
Student : Opo
Ms. Leslie: How about this?
Student:Okay na po.
Ms. Leslie: Okay, you may now start.
Student: Okay po.
Student: *Reading the poem*
Things change:
No longer do I,
Recovering from the shock
Of a hage branch falling
At my feet,

No longer do I fear,
No longer run to my altar
In the wood,
The fire of prayer in my mouth
No longer between my teeth
The tremble, the I have offended.
New-newton as a habit of centuries
Inhabits my skull; I know
Of gravity
And rot
And no longer,
No longer
Does a falling frighten me.
Ms. Leslie: Okay so once more.
Student: Op…
Ms. Leslie: It’s up to you Alex. So while reading the poem you may want to express your thoughts or
your understanding. Even from the title itself you can give your reaction or your experience. Okay
Student: ma’am pa scroll down po.
Ms. Leslie: Okay I just repeat the part of the poem. Ha?
Student: Opo.
Ms. Leslie: For your reference.
---------------------*Someone is talking (voice of a man)*-----------------
Student: I think this poem… the pe-first part is about… about changes… about changes dahil po don sa
title. Aaaand its about everything…everything in life is… lahat ng bagay sa mundo napapalitan. Pwede
po pababa ma’am. ----Silent reading--- *then whispering*---------*Crackling*-------
Ms. Leslie: Okay, what else? Did you understand,Alex?..... okay Alex, what else did you understand
from the poem? So if this poem talked about change, so what do you think is the meaning of this
poem? Based from the lines. You look at the lines in the poem and then you say something about it.
And start to ammh relate from the experience, it can be from the author or from you. Alex, medyo ano..
medyo maingay yung background mo.
Student: Ayan na po ma’am.
Ms. Leslie: Okay sige, go ahead.
Student: Wait lang ma’am. Di ko talaga maintindihan.
Ms. Leslie: You can start from here. Oh this one. Things change. Do you agree in this line?
Student: Yes po.
Ms. Leslie: Oh, so what are you going to say? Diba, in think aloud protocol you have to verbalize your
ideas about a certain lines or word. So, if things change. What can you say about it?.... ganon lang siya
ka-simple Alex. If you can’t really say something about it, perhaps in some of the lines you can relate
from the poem itself. Things change, so what does it mean?
Student: lahat. Everything in life is.. everything in life changes.
Ms. Leslie: Aside from that. If you think everything in life changes so, why do you think there is no
longer or recovering from the shock, oh. Are you familiar with the word recover and shock?
Student: yes po.
Ms. Leslie: Oh, so what can you say about it? So I told you Alex in think aloud protocol there is no
such wrong answer as long as you read it by lines, just like the poem, you can say something about it
especially if the language is aamh simple to understand. Okay, so if there is no recovering from the
shock, what does it mean? In your own interpretation if there is no recovering from the shock. What’s
your understanding?
Student: looking forward po tapos naka move on na po.
Ms. Leslie: Okay, so what else? So, At my feet, No longer do I fear. What does it mean?
Student: *Whispering*
Ms. Leslie: What do you mean by fear and no longer?
Student: Wait lang po.
Ms. Leslie: How do you react on that?
Student: You’re not scared aaand… everything
Ms. Leslie: Oh diba? So meaning to say, you understand the poem its just like you need to analyse the
poem by lines or understand the words. Okay next.
Students: No longer to I fear.---*Whispering*----- no need to run and alt..no need to run… no need to
run in altar….because.. because nasa ano po.. nasa.. nasakanya na po yung panalangin.

Ms. Leslie: Very good so, you have something in mind that you think it’s really the meaning of the
poem. Oh next. I told you, you can do that e.
Student: ma’am I’m sorry po. *smirk*
Ms. Leslie: Oh relax lang. okay go. Don’t tell me you’re not familiar with fire, prayer and mouth.
Student: Oh, familiar po. The fire of prayer in the mouth.
Ms. Leslie: so if you find that line in the poem. There is a fire of prayer in my mouth. Oh what do you
think about it?
Student: Ma’am yung pang malakas na panalangin yung tiwala, ganon.
Ms. Leslie: hmm. So by simple talking to yourself or based on your experience. How can you relate to
that, If there is a fire of prayer in your mouth?
Student: Once, once na.. ano po.. once na.. once po na katulad po ng na-hospital yung kapatid ko, I’m
always praying po na gumaling siya every time po.
Ms. Leslie: Okay so that is an inspiring story of your life. So next.
Student: para.. para pong he or she did not scared in everything ganon po yung sa no longer between
my teeth. The tremble that I have offended. Newton as a habit of centuries. Inhabits my skull; I know
of gravity and rot.
Ms. Leslie: Okay Alex we will proceed to the guide questions now.
Student: Okay po.
Ms. Leslie: So, number 1 go.

Student: What is the poem all about? The poem all about is about things change, change.

2. Who do you think is the persona in the poem? I think the persona or the speaker of the poem is..
is me po.

Ms. Leslie: Why?

Student: Kasi po in fist, I-I don’t understand the-the lines pero nung naexplain nyo po at nabasa ko,
when I read it ng paulit-ulit narelate ko nap o siya sa sarili ko.

Ms. Leslie: Okay, very good. Next, number 3.

Student: What are some of the literary devices or figure-figures of speech used in the poem?

Ms. Leslie: so this time you’re going to state the lines in the poem, Alex which aa shows figures of
speech. Okay, are you ready?

Student: okay po ma’am. Saan po ma’am mag umpisa?

Ms. Leslie: oh its up to you. Whether aa in the lines of the poem that you have seen or observed.

Student:Hmmm. Yung the fire of prayer in my mouth, ano po, hyper-hyperbole.

Ms. Leslie: Okay, what else?

Student: No longer run to my altar in the woods, the fire of prayer in my mouth the tremble, Repetition
kasi po may gusto rin siyang ipaintindi sakin.

Ms. Leslie: Okay, what else? Do you still aaa. Have some figures of speech?

Student: newton as a habit of centuries inhabit my skull; I know- hyperbole rin po. Wait lang. I know
the gravity, ma’am, wala na po yata,e.

Ms. Leslie: Okay. Next, number 4.

Student: What do you think is the theme of the poem? – I think the theme of the poem, is about change
of your life if everything.

Ms. Leslie: Okay, next number 5.

Student: What is the moral/lesson of the poem? The moral, for me the moral lesson of the poem don’t
be scared in chain-changes and..and always think thaaat God is here for us.

Ms. Leslie: Okay. Very nice.

Student: Yun lang po, ma’am.

Ms. Leslie: Congrats, Alex! You’re done with passage number 3. So okay, I’ll stop the recording now.

Passage 4:
Student: Ok-okay-okay po. ----*Silent reading*---
Student: Ma’am, okay na po.
Ms. Leslie: Okay. Did you take down notes, Alex?
Student: O-opo.
Ms. Leslie: Okay. So based on your understanding in the listening passage, can you share to me your
amm.. Interpretation or understanding from the listening passage.
Student: The…The listening passage is about persuasion to persuasion…the persuasion is the persuasion
is the tool of convincing someone and their… and their and meron pong three (3) three basic tools yung
persuasion. Yung pagpu-pursuade po yung athos, pathos and logos. First, yung athos.. athos, athos is the
way of speaker… the way of speaker… the way of speaker convincing as a…as a credible source. For
example po ee. Ano po yung ee nanghihingi ka po ng advice in someone tas ayan pag na convince ka po
nila ay yung nanghihingi ka po ng advice sakanila tas feel nyo po na mapagkakatiwalaan sila at totoo
feel nyo po mapagkakatiwalaan sila at tama yung sinasabi nila, ayon po yung athos. Next, po yung
pathos naman, pathos naman po yuuung dealing in.. dealing in emotions sasabihin po para po-pong yung
example naman po sa ano sa pathos yung…. Pathos, ikukwento mo po yung mga pinagdaanan mo na
nangyari para po maka live-in sila. Tapos yung sa logos naman po, your.. sa logos naman po para
maniwala sayo.. para po maniwala sila sayo you need to show some… you nedd to show some evidences
statistics and something po na.. something po na para mapaniwala mo sila. Yun po pagkakaintindi ko.
Ms. Leslie: Okay good, Alex. So now, for your last challenge for aaa this activity in the listening passage
you need to paraphrase or summarize the information, you don’t need to add any information what you’re
going to do is to organise your thoughts or information through summary, so you need to summarize the
content of the listening passage. Okay, are you ready?
Student: Sasabihin ko lang po
Ms. Leslie: Yes. You have you summarize all the information that you have listened a while ago. Okay
you may start now.
Student: Persuasion is a tool of convincing someone there…there has a three basic tools of persuasion.
Athos-athos, pathos and logos. Athos is.. athos.. athos is the way of persuasion that… that you have aahm
a credible source or-or trustworthy to persuade someone. And pathos.. and pathos is the way of
persuasion that dealing with emotion. And logos is… and logos is your you’re showing statistics to the
person.. to the person para po mapers- para po ma-persuade mo siya and.. yun lang po.


THINK ALOUD PROTOCOL Initial Codes Catego Theme COD COD COD Agreem
RESPONSES ries ER 1 ER 2 ER 3 ent
This sentence talks about artist. making makin Explicit
Our revolutionary conclusion g and
maybe talks about someone who relevan Implicit
does not, or did not tend to t Juxtaposit
change other with that. conclu ion of
This sentence talks about artist. sion Text
Our revolutionary explici
maybe talks about someone who tly
does not, or did not tend to
change other with that.
“So I think this sentence talk making
about uhm, if does no one think conclusion
um, uhm what do you call this, by
does not have a revolutionary, if contrasting
no one think, about, to be a
revolutionary or have a courage
to save other people, that is not
have a revolutionary attitude.”
I think there is really an artist making
that doesn’t have um, conclusion
revolutionary attitude toward no by
- just like the only, the only one comparing
want, for example an artist, they
only want money for their, uhm,
for their talents
“This sentence talks about races explicating
to have internet connection” menaing of
I think that the moral lesson of making
the poem is that, you have to conclusion
overcome your fear
I think logos is also exaggerated, making
using exaggerated expressions. conclusion
I think the selection is about, the making
intellectual, revolutionaries conclusion
“I think, Yes. I’m also an artist justifying
so I can consider myself as point of
revolutionaries. I can find view based
myself, knowing there, my on
thoughts by saying to the understandin
others.” g
“I think, in -- some challenges making
we get in this technologies are, conclusion
low of incomes. We cannot buy from the
this tools if we have low sentence
incomes. read.
I think the poem is all about his concluding
The purpose of the author to inferring INFER CONSTR
encourage or to know the author's RING UCTING
meaning or the, the meaning of intention MEANIN
that article, and what is the main G
purpose of that article, article, if
that article is the, uhm helpful to

others, and gain knowledge that

I can give some contribution or relating to emphat RECONS

anything to evolve or to help the personal izing TRUCTI
revolution in our country or in characterisit with NG
everything, so I think I consider cs charact MEANIN
to myself as a revolutionist. ers G
if you don’t have phone or
internet access. You can’t
communicate to others
“Everything’s changed. Like in inferring INFER CONSTR
the past year, and , or in other RING UCTING
change, things change. If the MEANIN
things change, maybe I am too. G
I’m going to change
Because some words are inferred
repeated. Okay, I give some line, meaning
no longer I run, or no longer I based on
run to altar. (laughed) like that. words
That’s repetition, figures of repeated
speech. They repeat the word or
repeated the sentence.
“The theme of the poem is, comparing makin CONSTR
encouraging, self-motivation g UCTING
because some line of that poem conclu MEANIN
give you motivated to uhm, sion G NAD
motivates you to change in very throug EXPLAN
situation like if the situation is h ATION
not comfortable feeling, uhm, compa BASED
something like that, you need to rison ON
change. Also your attitude in and PRIOR
that situation contras KNOWL
Moral lesson of the poem. Uhm concluding t EDGE
whatever happen, whatever uhm, AND
yea whatever happen, you need INFORM
to rise, if some uhm, struggle ATION
that, uhm, struggles that came in FROM
your life or in your way, you THE
need to raise and to pursue some TEXT
goals or your dream. I think
that’s the moral lesson.
My example is, you are going to citing
vote bad or good, you need to example by
analyze some, some audience to comparing
know their feelings. To know and
what he/she is going to vote, contrasting
good or bad
for me, the title itself that, we relate the
naiintindihan po natin yung meaning in
binabasa natin parang may the title of
nakukuha po tayong idea kung the passage
ano yung binabasa natin
Yung dito naman po, yung concluding
parang naiinspire tayo ng mga by making
taong nakakapag tupad ng mga comparison
goals nila kaya parang gusto
natin sila samahan para matupad
din po yung goals natin.

Yung parang, dito po yung concluding
parang kailangan natin mag by making
encourage ng, mga comparison
revolutionaries’ ma encourage
yung mga tao na sumama po sa
kung ano yung, ano po yung
gagawin po.
Parang yung dinefine nya po concluding explici CONSTR
yung revolutionary na tayo, kasi based on t UCTING
diba yung mga revolutionaries understandin interpr MEANIN
yung parang pinaglalaban nila g within the etation G
yung gusto nila. YUng mga text
determination sila matupad kung
ano yung gusto nila.
Yung cultural, yung mga racist stating inferri
po, kung ano po yung ethnic, relevant ng
kung saan po sila naka bilang na facts based
ethnic group. Yung mga, yung on
mga ano po, ayun po. Yung context
poverty and racist po na and
pagtrato.” assum
So, if that person influence the concluding ptions/
group, so it means they all have, by beliefs
they all have that bad habit, so… contrasting
that person doesn’t change his
attitude. That’s my insight.
fire in my mouth, the fire of concluding
prayer in my mouth, I think it’s as cited in
hyperbole but i’m not sure. the lines
from the
“It’s ahm it’s all about ahm based from
revolutionaries and… the text

The purpose of the author in concluding

writing this article, of the article-
of the article is to encourage
(sniffed) to encourage and to
learn other people in. ahm.. In all
about of revolutionaries and
Metaphor? I think... identify self- MONITO
Recovering the shock? Metaphor figures of generat RING
the fire of prayer in my mouth speech ed COMPRE
Personification, Inhabits my based from questio HENSIO
skull? I think the lines in ns N
I think it is normal because, as I concluding constru CONSTR
said earlier, internet, internet is cting UCTING
our, is our key to use, to from MEANIN
communicate to others. backgr G NAD
knowle ATION

So sa ano Maam, paragraph comparing makin ON
number 1 parang sinasabi po na g PRIOR
meron opr merong artists, conclu KNOWL
merong artist at meron hindi sion EDGE
artist na mayroon revolutionary throug AND
attitudes about dun sa life po. h INFORM
compa ATION
rison FROM
and THE
contras TEXT
The purpose of the author in concluding INFER CONSTR
writing this article maybe to, and RING UCTING
persuade uhm, uhm writers or justifying by MEANIN
yungmga tao po na about citing G
revolutions na hindi lang sya situation
pagsulat ng revolutions, ng
article na ano po about
revolutionary. Uhm hindi lang
po sya para sa mga artist, sa mga
writer, uhm, pwede sya sa lahat
para makatulong po dun sa mga
tao na gusto talaga ng pagbabago
pero hindi po makapag voice out
It’s all about uhm technology inferring and INFER CONSTR
how it's very powerful today. justifying RING UCTING
How its use uhm, how it helps MEANIN
the at how it helps to the people G
to find a job to their school, and
today technology is very
“For me po uhm, siguro relating to CONF CONSTR
icconnect ko nalang din po sya the meaning IRMIN UCTING
about sa title nya nalang din po. of passage G MEANIN
And parang this, -- na parang /paragraph INFER G
yung nga po it’s about change in the title ENCE
parang before po na parang it’s S
about parang weak before na
parang nag become strong
woman or strong person na, na
ngayon po na parang dati ang
dami nyang kinakatakutan. Dati
ang dami nya pong kahinaan
pero ngayon uhm, she/he really
uhm strong person na po.”
Sa tingin ko po yung theme ng stating CONF INFEREN
poem ay, uhm . Siguro po yung conclusion IRMIN CES
theme uhm, the theme of the based from G BASED
poem is uhm na because na implicit and INFER ON
parang because of what we explicit ENCE INFORM
experienced from the past, analysis S ATION
siguro naging strong or kung ano IN TEXT
po tayo sa ngayon because of the
past po na experience.

I think, the technology makes explicating CONF
airline reservation. the meaning IRMIN
I think, this is important because of sentence G
as of now pandemic, computers INFER
are we use to communicate other ENCE
people. S

“My understanding po, the 3 Enumerating CONF

basic tools po, Ethos, Pathos and the IRMIN
Logos po. In that po is, the information G
Ethos, Pathos and Logos. recalled INFER
Ethos, Pathos and Logos are the ENCE
3 basic tools. Combination of S
ethos, pathos and logos and in
this strength and use of fact.
That’s all po.”
. Yung babae o lalaki pwede comparing makin CONSTR
ding totoong maging and g UCTING
revolutionary attitude o pwede contrasting conclu MEANIN
magkaroon ng revolutionary sion G
attitude towrads reality sa throug
katotohanan hindi lang sa ano h
kung ano yung popular, yung compa
revolutionaries yung rison
revolutionary daw ay and
pinagmumulan ng mga tao. contras
I think the purpose of the author justifying explici
i to ano, to express yourselves as point of t
a revolutionary to hmm it is view based interpr
define to be honest nasa sayo on etation
kung magiging honest ka pero understandin
mas okay na maging honest ka at g
gamitin mo yung kung anong
intellectual na meron ka sa
pagiging don sa pagiging
? It’s all about technology of explicating
how people change life and how by example/
easily like kung paano comparing
napapadali yung buhay natin
“Lahat daw ng bagay ay concluding constru
nagbabago lahat ng bagay ay and cting
nagbabago parang feelings niya comparing alterna
yun nga may mga bagay na tive
madidiscover tayo mga bagay na inferen
di natin inaasahan.” ces
Hmm I think the word change sa concluding relatin ACTIVA
tingin ko yung experience my by relating g to TING
experience for that is hmm te to personal person PRIOR
title itself change sa tingin ko po experience al KNOWL
is my experience as I experience experie EDGE
yung change na nabago ko sa nce
sarili ko is yung pagiging hmm
hmm example ah sige hmm
change hmm ano ba hmm.

Based on my understanding making INFER CONSTR
about of the text of number 3 alternative RING UCTING
uhm… does... if someone hates explanation MEANIN
you be good to them no matter G
what happen.

What are some of the literary DISCUSSIN EXPA INSTRUC

devices or figures of speech used G NDIN TIONAL
ito po yung simile, metaphor, VE MEAN NCE
ma’am diba LANGUAG ING
the figure of speech is metaphor E
Newton as a habit of centuries
the figure of speech is simile
Ma’am based on what I read constructing
once you have goals and plan eplanation
you can exist as an artist because
that vision connects. Let go your
goal to be a successful artist
“We all know ma’am that
african’s people or black people
is the poor country ah… ahh in
whole country they didn’t even
feel the education ah-- some of
them don’t know how to read or
write. So they consider has the
poor population”
The moral lesson of this is poem
is never give up of what your
doing, never stop dreaming do
what you want, do what you
love, follow your heart, and
praise god.
I think po this text.. I think in identifying constru CONSTR
this text hmmm.. naglalaman the main cting UCTING
hmmm it’s about, its about idea explan MEANIN
changes.changes of people.. ations G
I think first part is about… about inferring text
changes… about changes dahil
po don sa title. And its about
everything…everything in life
is… lahat ng bagay sa mundo
Everything in life changes.
looking forward po tapos naka
move on na po.
You’re not scared in everything
“Yung the fire of prayer in my DISCUSSIN EXPA
mouth, ano po, hyper-hyperbole. G NDIN
No longer run to my altar in the FIGURATI G
woods, the fire of prayer in my VE MEAN
mouth the tremble, Repetition LANGUAG ING
kasi po may gusto rin siyang E
ipaintindi sakin.”
newton as a habit of centuries
inhabit my skull; I know-

“I think the theme of the poem,
is about change of your life if
The lesson of the poem “don’t
be scared in changes and always
think thaat God is here for us.”

once po na katulad po ng na- sharing PRIOR CONSTR

hospital yung kapatid ko, I’m personal KNO UCTING
always praying po na gumaling experience WLED MEANIN
siya every time po. GE G
Para.. para pong he or she did
not scared in everything ganon
po yung sa no longer between
my teeth. The tremble that I have
offended. Newton as a habit of
centuries. Inhabits my skull; I
know of gravity and rot.
What is ideology? (searching for defining PRIOR REPAIRI
the meaning of ideology) a concepts ITIZIN NG
system of ideas and ideals, G COMPRE
especially one which forms the WOR HENSIO
basis of economic or political DS TO N
theory and policy. ANAL
What is redemption? Dictionary. searching YZE
Redemption. Ah, redemption. Of for meaning
a man. So redemption, the action of
of saving or being saved from unfamiliar
sin, error or evil. So, this words
sentence talks about um, saving
other people’s life.
I take mercenary words for -- deciding
because I don’t know what it is what to
word and maybe uhm maybe if analyze
uhm finish this uhm this context
is i’ll search is for dictionary”
and wait, exploitation, take this
word “So i’ll take the word
regime because I don’t know
what it is.” So I’ll take this
the fire of prayer in my mouth; predicting constru ACTIVA
Searching...) Ah, I think ano, based on cting TING
extremely praying context associa PRIOR
clues tion KNOWL
So, religious (the fire of prayer associating
in my mouth) the meaning
of words

the poem mentioned about the associating

altar, so I think it is a bride. the meaning
of words

Revolution Maam about

government order po.
“Diba po ano yun yung theme generating repairing
ano po horror ba ganon oh di questions comprehe
kaya parang romance ano nsion
spiritual or about self ganon

Hmm..I don’t know the word
exploitation and oppressed
Redemption is an action of defining the inferri CONSTR
saving or living saving or error meaning of ng UCTING
even, it is man his self is follow words based MEANIN
man, fellow man that redemption on G
of a fellow man words/ THROUG
“yung tawag yung sa tremble recalling the ohrase H
that I have offended yung ano meaning/def s INFERRI
personalification, personali yung inition NG
simile yung simile ano yung ano
yung ano tawag dito ano maam
ano “Newton as a habit of
Redemption is an action of defining the
saving or living saving or error meaning of
even, it is man his self is follow words
man, fellow man that redemption
of a fellow man
Exploitation I’m confused in the defining the Identif REPAIRI
word exploitation… exploitation meaning of ying NG
exploitation is an action or fact words what COMPRE
of treating someone unpairing in one HENSIO
order to benefit from their works does N
Im confused in the word searching
ideology, ideology uhm...is a for meaning
system of ideas especially on of
how form of basic economic unfamiliar
theory of policies ahhh… okay! words
I’m confused to the word of expressing
aleut. The meaning of aluet who confusion
are usually known as aluet with
language by in venice uhmm unfamiliar
indigenous people of aluet island words
I think I think this recovering
from the shock of a huge branch
falling at my feet ano siya
parang ginamitan siya ng ano
hyperbole kase it is impossible
na ano na basta po parang

In the poem, Maam can I - can I Sharing ACTI CONSTR
share my -- my experience? personal VATI UCTING
“In my experience, when I was experience NG MEANIN
young, Yes of course young. PRIOR G
When I was elementary, I KNO
always climb in the tree and WLED
then, I always climbing in a tree GE
and one time, when the, when,
one time, when I’m climbing in
a tree, I suddenly slip because
the tree is wet. After I, after I
fallen in the rocks, the branches
of the tree are suddenly falling
and of course, after that, after
that I’m not, I’m not, I’m not
climbing the tree again. Once
again, I mean I didn’t do to
climb again. But, when I, when I
in senior high, Grade 11, once
again I climb in the tree again.
Hmm, then I climbed at the top
and suddenly, -- when, suddenly
I slipped again. But that time,
when something falling at my
side I’m not afraid because,
because I’m changed, I’m
changing when I was, when I’m
elementary to, I changed to not
scared when something falling --
on me.”
“some of the challenges I faced sharing
is that uhm, in my (in my) task, personal
uhm when I was in grade 7 experience
I can relate this because ughm sharing
me as a person, think ko muna personal
yung ano ang sasabihin ng iba experience
bago, bago yung, bago sabihin or
bago ano yung akin.”
I think, yes, because uhm, approval of judgin Evaluatio
because as of now I want to --- I the content g n
want to show to everyone that of text
uhm, I have a dream and also is,
I want to share my thoughts and
ideas to everyone
YUng in this part, technology constructing inferri constructi
has been, naging need na sya explanation ng ng
even though na kulang po yng from the meaning
pambili, nag kakroon ng way information
na, kasi parang naging use na, in the text.
kasi parang nakasama na sya sa
needs natin. Kaya kailangan ng,
kahit na medyo maano, they
work in order to have them po.
as a student na encounter ko
yung mga, yung lack of, lack of
knowledge po sa technology.
Yung hindi po masyadong
nabigyan ng saktong, yung
proper education po ng mga,
kami po about sa technology,

parang ang liit po ng time na

“change po is the only concept

that even though ano po kahit po
tayo, change po, yung mga
sometimes those things that we
fear back then hindi na po tayo
natatakot ngayon na, kaya na po
nating i-face.
For example, in a work, you ask generating
that person to print something elaborations
but, to print something but… from
mmm… for example to print situation
ahm… to print a picture but, cited
he/she print something else like
a text, like--- something like
that, and, you’re so--- you’re so
mad because, it is an urgent, so,
you use some harmful words to
that person without even asking
that, why d-- ahm… Is there
something wrong? Why… are
you out of your mind? Like that,
because… because like it say
that we know that we can have
to think about the people before
we think about ourselves, so
before you get mad, you should
know what’s happening to that
person. What if that person is
suffering from ahm...anxiety,
“As a student, what are the relating to prior
challenges that you encountered personal knowle
in this digital era? Uhm, during experience dge
online class,I can-- the internet is
that good that’s why I cannot
understand the .. because you--
some uhm error is happening
and also, uhm I can’t focus to ,
to my study because of using
cellphone, uhm overuse of
cellphone because sometimes, I
choose to play than study, or
choose to watch on Facebook
than studying so, but, it’s up to
me, so that is a challenges to me
because sometimes I cannot
really stop it.”
the challenges that I encounter is sharing
to discipline myself using my personal
gadget because as my experience experience
lalong lalo na ngayong pandemic and
ahh mas more on by playing reflecting to
mobile games or do something one's action
like watching tiktok or facebook
like that kesa sa mga activities
ganon mas more on kase yung

time ko dun ganon kase mas
nakaka mas nakaka ano
interesting mas napupukaw niya
yung atensyon ko lalo na pag di
ko alam yung sagot sa mga
activities yun ganon tutok ako sa
gadget hindi sa activity ganon.
The challege there is how can I
discipline myself toward abusing
my digital sa mga bagay na hindi
naman mahalaga ganon.
lahat nagbabago, so based on my constructing inferri constructi
understanding things change like explanation ng ng
people change so di lahat from the meaning
permanente lahat nagbabago, information
katulad ng isang.. Ng isang in the text.
example ng isang ng
isang…(reading the poem again)
based on recovering, based on
the poem(reading the poem
again) dito po parang for
example ahh, ano… isang
problem na hindi ahh parang
hage (huge) mabigat na
problema na bumabato sayo ahh
bumabato sayo o bumagsak sayo
sa mga paa mo? (reading the
poem again) kahit anong
problema ang ibato sayo ahh
bumagsak sayo kaylangan natin
magkaroon ng ahhh… kaylanagn
magkaroon tayo nga pananalig
sa diyos.

so yung problema po sa atin

walang katapusan, para siyang…
para siyang gravity that walang
For example, for me, I can not
communicate to my classmate to
my teacher to my best friend if I
don’t use these technologies

I think, I think the informational, citing ACTI constructi

information technology or IT, is practical VATI ng
influenced us and work today. application NG meaning
And also, we use, we use the PRIOR
technology to apply the job, to KNO
buy in shop, to conduct the WLED
research, and many, and many GE
things that you can use, for
technology, in technology.
The influence and challenge here
is in technology is, more people,
more people are addicted in the
technology that I mean even it is
(touching his forehead) more
people are influenced in
technology because all people

are addicted in computer --
technology like computer,
telephone or cellphone. Because
today, technology is our, is our
key to get a job to studies and
talk to the others.”
but then dito po sa may last, sa citing
sinabi nya po na even though relevant
they are not revolutionary experience
writers and artists, has the through
opportunity and freedom to be social media
expressed, for example nalang information
din po is yung sa mga, sa mga
facebook, mga pinopost po nung
mga tao po which is nag
eexpress din po sila ng
revolutionaries or naexpress nila
yung nang jkung ano po yung
gusto nlang iexpress kahit hindi
po sila writers or artist n
agumagawa po. I agree to this po
kasi uhm napapansin or nakikita
ko rin po sa mga social media.
“Yes po kasi po uhm, gusto ko sharing
rinpo ng pagbabgo po kasi. meaningful
Nakikita ko rin po kasi dito sa, observation
sa bansa din po natin na parang,
meron po talagang ano po eh
parang, uhm, ayun uhm, yung
Yes po, kasi nakikita ko din po
dun sa sa kapaligiran ko po na
ang dami din pong naghihirap.
Ang dami din pong nag hihirap
din po sa kalagayan nila sa
buhay kaya kinoconsider ko na
rin po yung sarili ko na
revolutionary kasi parang nag
eexpress din po ako na I want
change po sa bansa po natin.”
na parang through social media citing
po na nag vvoice out po ng mga relevant
tao na kailangan magkaroon ng experience
equality kahit kung ano man po through
yung kulay mo katayuan mo social media
man po sa buhay. With information
technology po uhm, navvoice
out po yung mga uhm, naissend
po yung uhm informations or
mas yung mga tao po mas na sa
iba’t ibang lugar po, mas
naisshare po yung, na kailangan
ng equality through the use of
technology po.”
yung mga naencounter ko pong
challenges siguro yung data
privacy na siguro hindi ko po
sya naeexperience po iba po
naeexperience po din po o kaya
yung pag -- yun nga po sa data

privacy din po tapos po sa
parang maling parang overuse
din po ng technology?
Based on my experience It easy citing
to appreciate when, when you relevant
are something na di ka guilty sa experience
ginagawa mo kaya sometimes through
ahh those specific cases are not personal
easy to understand po, why reflection
because ahh kapag may
binibintang sayo na di mo naman
talaga ginawa mas mahirap mas
mahirap maintindihan or ma
analyze yung bagay.
so based on the text, based on citing
experiences if nakapag nag aral relevant
ka po sa public schools di experience
katulad ng private school na through
uhmm if you have a if nag aral comparing
ka po sa private school katulad and
po namin na low income student contrasting
po kami, na walang kakayahan
na magkaroon ng sariling
internet connection different to
the income level of the student
highest… uhm highest…
percentage of in private school.
So not balance about technology
and internet connection
So I encounter ma’am that not
all of us cannot afford or cannot
afford the technology that we
want its difference for as or
difference for us-- ahh it
defence. If we were pursue for
education so that’s the biggest
challenge that us a student for
me that I encounter in this digital
now I understand na, ito na developing repairi repairing
ma’am this poem is ahh for me alternative ng comprehe
even though I made a big interpretatio nsion
mistake I know what my weapon n
to be used, the prayer to cover
me to protect so that one day if I
make again a failure I will not
fear anymore
As a student.. syempre po elaborating inferri constructi
ngayon ma’am… wala, ngayon shared ng ng
sana ma’am hindi.. hindi ako experience meaning
makakaano kasi wala pa akong
load. Based po ito sakin. Pag
wala ka kasi ma’am load di ka
rin makakapag.. di ka rin
makakakuha ng idea, kasi po
ngayon ma’am lahat naka based
na sa technology e. yung iba po
kasi samin MDL, mahirap po
kapag wala kaming internet.
Kasi po hindi po namin.. di

namin maintindihan, di po, di po
namin masyado naintindihan
yung about po don sa module.
About don sa nilalaman ng
modules namin kaya kailangan
po namin ng internet connection
to have idea and masagutan
namin ng maayos yung mga
pinagagawa po samin. Ayon po
yung pinaka problem namin
kakulangan ng access kasi
sobrang bagal pa po kahit, kahit
you have a load, you have a 50
pesos load pag-pag umulan
hihina nap o di na namin
magamit ng maayos kahit kaka-
load mo lang po mahina na agad
yung signal parang di mo rin po
ma-enjoy yung data na ni-load

Courses taking by student re-reading SKIM CONSTR

(rereading) ahm, yeah, in-- the MING UCTING
technology is, the technology is TEXT MEANIN
a become tool for learning now, TO G
now and all courses taken by FIND
student SPECI
Inhabits my skull, I know… repeating FIC
inhabits my skull, I know… sentences INFO
Inhabits my skull ahaaam… RMAT
uhmmm, uhmmm inhabits my ION
skull… inhabits my skull, I
How people change, I think. repeating
(reread the question) tam-- yeah, sentences
the people change.
lesson of the poem is follow who
you are because that is you and
ahm...follow who you are and--
because that is you
“I think, there are good artist and repeating
bad artist who have a good sentences
attitude and bad attitude.
I think, there are group of artist
that, that have problem, in their
I think, the real problem exists repeating
for, for artist, if -- I’ll repeat sentences
what is that? What is the
meaning of… (reread) What is
the meaning of… (reread)
Ouch, it's hard! (reread) Tsk,
ahm in this paragraph, ahm, I

don’t know
Yes Maam. As I said, ugh --- I re-reading
will repeat, what is the selection
all about? For in both, in,
informational technology to, for
I think the word change is --- the infer inferri constructi
word change is, is the, is our, ay meaning of ng ng
is common for us, are common words based meaning
for us because change is going on prior
to, because change is going to -- knowledge
we can, we can ugh -- we can
encounter for our life. Things
change, Yes, all the things are
when I read it ng paulit-ulit realizing the READ INSTRUC
narelate ko na po siya sa sarili importance ING TIONAL
ko. of re-reading TEXT EXPERIE

“In this passage, I will agree to agreeing approv Evaluatio

this uhm kasi po ah, parang yung al/ n
mga revolutionary artist, they disappr
write, the write this para po sa oval of
mga tao, para mas magkaroon ng content
pagbabago sa buhay nila or mas and
umunlad pa po yung buhay nila. circum
I agree naman din po na may agreeing stance
mga writers and artist po na
ayaw po nila ng revolutionary or
pwedeng dinadaan din po sa
other way po para masabi yung,
yung gusto nilang sabihin pero
hindi nila direct na sinsabi po
I agree naman din po na may agreeing
mga writers and artist po na
ayaw po nila ng revolutionary or
pwedeng dinadaan din po sa
other way po para masabi yung,
yung gusto nilang sabihin pero
hindi nila direct na sinsabi po
“So yung passage 1 and 2, I agreeing
really agree to this po kasi may
nabasa rin po akong article about
uhm how many people or how
many percent of people may
personal computer
“So this paragraph po na, I agree agreeing
naman po talaga is ano nagiging
kasabay na rin po natin sya sa
pag aaral sa, sa paghahanap po

natin sa trabaho na sobrang
important na rin po sa
pagkakaroon ng equality among
different uhm culture po or
different colors, skin color po na
parang katulad na rin po ng
katulad ng nakaroon ---
America, yung black men and
white men

Tapos meron din po akong relating to content INTERDI

nabasa na book o libro po or other text integra SCIPLIN
context po na parang directed po tion ARY
nila sinabi na they want change within AND
po, they want pagbabago kasi and INTRADI
nakikita rin naman po nila dun across SCIPLAN
sa mga tao na may naghihirap discipli RY
po. ne APPROA
So, in political and economics relating to CH IN
po, in political in terms of other field READIN
parang technology din po parang G
mas, katulad na rin po kung may
mga tatakbo pong mga
politicians po mas advertise po
sila na iboto po sila. So, sa
economics naman po especially
sa may mga business po
matutulungan po sila ng
technology na parang mas uhm
mas mabenta po katulad po ng
online sellings po, ngayong
pandemic po natutulungan po
sila ng technology po ngayon na
parang di po sila mag totally
shut down po.”
I think I encountered this in my,
oral communication.”
Tapos meron din po akong relating to
nabasa na book o libro po or other articles
context po na parang directed po read
nila sinabi na they want change
po, they want pagbabago kasi
nakikita rin naman po nila dun
sa mga tao na may naghihirap
Nabasa ko na po ito sa position rememberin
paper. Ito pong…ito pong text g the text
na to about to sa mga gumagamit
ng…sa may mga kakayahan lang
po na gumamit ng computers.

Uttered something I couldn’t expressed Challe LEXICAL

understand) uhm… (Paused for difficulty in nges HURDLE
about a minute) all of artist have understandin encoun S:Monitor
n-- have n-- ano-- hmm…. g tered ing and
(reread some parts of the 1st in Repairing
paragraph) proces Comprehe
in this passage number 9 po may expressed sing nsion
mga part na medyo confusing or difficulty in the
medyo -- hindi ko po understandin meanin

naintindihan g g of

may mga terms or words po na

medyo bago po sa akin,
“Medyo dito po sa 4 and 5 expressed
medyo hindi ko po sya difficulty in
maintindihan, parang di ko sya understandin
masyadong gets kasi po may g
mga words na parang ngayon ko
lang sya parang nabasa or nakita
po kaya medyo uhm confusing
pa po kung ano po talaga
message na, ano po tlaaga yung
gusto iparating ng 4 and 5.”
Medyo confusing po sya kung expressed
ano po yung gusto nya iparating difficulty in
po talaga through this poem po understandin
kasi medyo parang ang hirap din g
po nyang intindihin po kasi nga
po diba gumamit po sya nung
mga, parang literary devices na
para po sa akin mahirap po
talaga intindihin kung ano po
talaga meaning nya. Kaya
parang confusing po sa akin
kung ano po yung gusto nya
iparating talaga dito. Medyo
nahihirapan din po akong

I think about what is that, what using proces KINESTH

is the author is trying to, to kinesthetic sing ETIC
(snap) uhm, what you call this, signals the IMPLICA
to repeat meanin TIONS IN
(looked up) g using LANGUA
if I have a dream (touched his using kinesth GE
chest) I have to show to kinesthetic etics PROCES
everyone signals SING
breathe in deeply) Because ano, using
hmm, wait kinesthetic
The influence and challenge using
here is in technology is, more kinesthetic
people, more people are addicted signals
in the technology that I mean
even it is (touching his forehead)

I don’t know what that came nervous affecti AFFECTI

from because I’m too uhm, ve VE
kinakabahan ako. expres FILTER
now po Maam is we have being sion
problem and issues, some are emotional
near-for-food?, hmm they
always sinasali po sa issue.
Hmm parang, naiiyak ako!



INTROSPECTION Initial Codes Categ Theme CODER CODER Agreement

RESPONSES ories 2 3
“I came up with that inferring inferri constructing
answer because, in the within the ng meaning
passage uhm, revolution text
are being said or
revolutionary are being
said repeatedly. And also
some sentences that uhm,
described what is
revolution or what should
be that in order to the
revolution to be
I learned it from the
passage. I get that info
and I, yea I answered.
I answered that po is
because what I, naalala po
sa mga nabasa ko po. Yun
what I’ve uhm, kung ano
po yung my thinking po,
my mind
it’s because what is
coming into my mind po.
Kung ano po kasi, uhm,
what uh what words
processing into my mind,
nasasabi ko po talaga
“because of that passage
po, Maam. That passage
po I remember
because po maam, in the
poem, I remember the
And, so I came up to that making conne instructional
title po because the connections cting experience
selection is always between words
mention the words and to
revolutionaries, and the concepts meani
intellectuals of the people ngs
Maam, I think, I feel that constructing inferri constructing
based from reading it, I alternative ng meaning
feel like I should make inference
effort to make my dreams
come true.

“parang based on my based on prior constructing
experiences po, Parang personal knowl meaning
may nabsa naman po ata experience edge
ako Maam”

“based from what I

understand it, it threatens
us to go on that side, for
example po like those
people threaten other
people in order to make
allies with them”
“I answered that because making conne instructional
when I read th sentence, I connections cting experience
just noticed some between words
revolutionary word, and words and to
uhm, the revolution is the concepts meani
changes. So my answer is ngs
based on that word.”
I based that answer in a inferring inferri constructing
paragraph number 1, from author's ng meaning
because I think the author intention
really believe revolution
is really important.
“I answered that because I developing compr Metacognition:
believe that it’s a fact. It’s alternative ehensi repairing
up to you if you really interpretation on comprehension
want to change your s
attitude or you will stay in
that kind of attitude.”

“I based on that but last

sentence is seeing herself
if that is the reason why
he/she is scared”
“based on the story inferring inferri constructing
Maam., Maam based on within the ng meaning
my understanding Maam, text
based on the passage, or
my understanding about
the story.”
I found it in and I
realized the in what I read
po Maam.
I answer that po while I
read the article po
“Hmm based lang din po
sa binasa ko”
“Hmm I based lang din
naman po sa ano, dun nga
po samga sinabi po sa, or
sa kung ano yung binasa
ko. Sa tingin ko po yan po
yung pinapahiwatig nya,
yung nagiging sagot ko”
Hmm, ano po pinagsama
sama ko lang po.

“hmm maam kasi that
time Maam ano, yun lang
yung pumasok sa, based
dun sa binasa ko, yun
lang po yung pumasok sa,
naintindihan ko tsaka yun
lang po pumasok sa isip
ko kaya kung bakit yan
po yung sagot ko.”
Ano po parang yun po
yung naintindihan ko po
sa binasa ko po kaya
nasagot ko po yun.
Uh based on what I read re-reading skimm
Maam. Based on what I ing
I read it three times, the
poem I read it three times
Relating background
experience in major
subject tackled in TVL.

So, I come up with that based on prior constructing

by uhm, by remembering background knowl meaning
the, the lines that are said, expereince edge
certain lines that which is
very helpful in the audio.
And, also I come up with
that because, I’m familiar
with that because that's
our lesson in oral
communication last year.
I use my knowledge. I use background
my information to answer knowledge
those, to answer those
task even if its hard for
O yung ano po is, based background
on my experience and my knowledge
knowledge about the uhm
past lesson to ano sa mga
teachers po . Kasi tinuturo
po yan, tinuturo po sa
amin yan sa ESP po.
“There’s a book that I relating to
read that they didn’t article read
direct..So I come up with
that, just like what I’ve
said, I read a book that
they did not direct what
they really want to say
parang may ano po,
parang ano po
nagpapaligoy ligoy po

“I think Maam, I studied sharing
in Dalig, I mean as a food relevant
tech student Maam all experience in
that I needed to cook is specific field
also there. And then I see,
yun Sir Ed, there’s a lot
of hmm tools that been
given and also uh,
complete. When you find
this, for example, this
tools that you needed very
important tools, nandun
na po siya. So, yun po
yung pumasok sa akin.
Na Dalig can also afford
what you need.”
first Maam of course I’m
scared because it’s my,
my, it happened on me
and then after that when
I’m changed, I’m happy
because since this, since
young I’m not climb
because I’m scared. Then,
after that when I’m
become senior, I climb
again because of change
when I answer the guide feeling affecti evaluation the
question actually I worried ve value of text
worried about it because reactio
some of the languages I, I ns to
see or I, tama, is I cannot the
understand actually. And text
then I hmm it’s I can’t
cross it doing this task. It
is hard to, hard to do,
cause its deep

I feel that, in that passage, emphatizing imagi reconstructing

I remember something with nation meaning
that I experience to characters
someone. Yes yun po.
“In journalism, as a part citing Activa constructing
of journalism, uhm I use relevant ting meaning
uhm art, cartoonist to experience prior
share some hmm my knowl
personal opinions in some edge
issues especially like
politics and certain events
that is happening in our
Yes maam, I said that can relate to
because I’m also an artist the situation
so I can, I can see my of characters
image to those artist
whose in those
revolutionaries whose

I come up that with citing
myself. This person relevant
represents as me because experience
I have low confidence. I
tried everything even if
its, I can be, they can be
laugh at me. Even if they
laughed at me, I know to
myself that I did my best.
based po sa experience po relating to
kasi, kasi po diba ano personal
everyone naman po have experience
their goals in life, ano
nakadepende nalang po sa
kanila kung paano po nila
makakamit yung goal
ano bumabalik po sa past relating to
kasi kumbago po ano, personal
true to life po yung experience
answer ko dyan kasi po
na, di ko po talaga, kasi
nuong una gusto ko po
talaga maging teacher,
kasi I love children, I love
teaching, uhm, my
knowledge, kasi mas
gusto ko po talaga
makipag usap sa mga
kabataan po sa mga
kabataan po. Kaso when I
grow up, parang nahihiya
na makisalamuha sa mga
hindi ko kilala kaya
siguro nag iba yung
dream ko sa paglaki ko

I can relate to myself and emphatizing imagi reconstructing

also we relate the context with ning meaning
what is all about chracters onesel
uhm I think it is based on f in
my experience or also to the
what I know about the story
uhm, economic issues or
political issues
I came that answer po generating inferri
Maam, because, in now elaborations ng
pandemic po Maam, we based on
face the changes. Like uh, events and
transportation, the uhm thoughts
some people get, didn’t
get work. They stop in
work because the
pandemic we face now
“Maam I come up with emphatizing constructing
that answer po because I in the meaning
experience po na ganun situation
po especially sa /context
technology po, it helps po

in my studies. It helps
people to apply because
yun nga po, I experience
po, and I see in other
people, experience it po.”
I answered that because relating to prior constructing
when I was in Junior personal knowl meaning
High, hmm I don’t have experience edge through
cellphone so if I ask activating prior
myself some questions, or knowledge
I have difficulties in
answering that question, I
need to do some research
in books.
“I come up with that making inferri reconstructing
answer that I consider conclusion ng meaning
myself as revolutionist through and
but also that, and I gave justification
an example in our school by negation
because uhm, I write
stories, stories, articles, or
I draw cartooning which
something that can uhm,
that can have impact to
the readers or people who
will saw it. So I can’t call
myself as a revolutionist
right now because I don’t
think that I have such a
great impact or power to
other people, that’s why I
came up with that
Tapos yung paulit ulit ko re-reading
syang binasa parang kung
ano lang yung
naiintindihan ko dun. Yun
yung ano, yun yung
sinasabi ko,yun yung
pinapaliwanag ko ganun .
Tapos kpag may isang
side ulit na may binasa
ulit ako, hala! Parang iba
nanaman tapos ayun
iaano ko nalang ulit
papaliwnag ko nalang ulit
kung ano yung
Kasi po based po dun sa taking notes summ reconstructing
paragraph 4, arizin meaning
pagkakaintindi ko po g
Based po sa audio, yun
parang yan yung tsaka,
nag take notes po ako ng
mga nasabi dun sa audio
kaya I think yun po yung
pagkakaintindi ko dun sa
ano, sa audio.

I have take down notes taking notes
what uhm what I
understand the listening
passage is all about. Kaya
po uhm nasummarized ko
po sya ng maayos and
I take down notes in my
mind or remember some
words that are going to,
some which is very
important just like in that
passage, I take down in
my mind that, what is
persuasion, what is
pathos, what is logos
I think, I just, first I listen taking notes carefu monitoring
to each line carefully and l comprehension
take down notes in my analys
mind or remember some is of
words that are going to, inform
some which is very ation
important just like in that
passage, I take down in
my mind”
Parang dun po sa poem, discussing expan instructional
parang may nakita po ako the meaning ding experience
na parang uhm, parang of passage the
nabasa or naintidhin na meani
before a lot of weakness ng
and insecurities po or yun
nga po parang problems
about his/herself po. But
she at the last poem po
parang na gets ko po na
parang now uhm, na
parangkaya nya na pong
tumayo na taas noo, yung
nga po taas noo. Tapos
uhm parang wala na nga
po syang insecurities or
kahinaan po.
“I listened the passage analyze analys repairing
and carefully listened the information is of comprehension
message they give and the carefully inform
information that I need to ation
gather. Then after po
Maam, I’m going to
summarize it then to have
some idea din po Maam
to --- (express or say) yes
po Maam.”
“I answered based on my re-reading source
experience again because of
if i have some difficulties compr
in understanding a ehensi
sentence or a paragraph, I on
read it again and again, proble
and do some research and ms

ask my seatmates if I as
wrong or if my answers
are wrong”

because you let me hear 2 deciding on carefu monitoring

times of that voice important l comprehension
message. So I write some information analys
details that need to be to is of
highlight. So, uhm, and I note/consider inform
also remember some ation
details that is very
important to that voice
yung technique ko lang
po ay parang uhm, kunin
mo lang po yung
mahalagang information
dun po hindi po
lahatkukunin. Parang
pinaka main or
information po”
Hmm video clip po, I
wrote po in my paper.”

“Naisip ko po yun nga po social media source ELUCIDATIO

panunuod po ng youtube, s of N OF TEXT
ganun po, kasi totoo inform THROUGH
naman po na may ation SOCIAL
nakukuha kahit ako MEDIA
mismo yung panunuod ko
po sa youtube”'
Actually I see that in the relating from
news. We depend, all news
over the world depend on
the technology in the
I heard that from the social media
magazine -- or social
media and even on the
So I come up that, I say
that in the news social
media, news paper
“everyday life ko pong habitual
ginagawa yun, so kaya practice
yun po agad yung
pumasok sakin, sa isip
“I based on just on the making/
what I see right now, connecting
right those days. I said meaning
that we have low incomes from social
but we buY” media

school because uhm, I see based on inferri reconstructing/
some situation that uhm observation ng constructing
someone saying a harmful and personal throug meaning
word to that person even experience h prior
though he/she don’t know knowl
that person feel” edge
I based it in our
generation because our
generation is full of
technologies which is we
use everyday.
“Maam, siguro nag come
up po ako sa answer na
yan kasi po nakikita ko
rin po or naeexperuience
ko rin po na gusto ko rin
po ng pagbabago kaya
nag agree din po ako dun
sa sagot.”
Uh, based lang din po sa
experience po, ganun po.
Nakarelate po dun sa
binasa po.
Uh based lang din po sa
kuing ano po yng nakikita
ko sa environment natin
“Uh based, reality na rin
po kasi yun po yung
nangyayari, ganun po.”

“Siguro maam ano, hmm explicating strateg monitoring and

uhm based on the word of the meaning ies in repairing
redemption. Redemption of unfamiliar proces comprehension
kasi Maam ano eh, sa words sing breakdowns
pagkakaintindi ko lang po the
is, is about uhm, about meani
saving a person” ng of
“Based maam dun sa text
meaning ng exploitation,
Maam. Naintindihan
kolang po yung meaning
nun kaya dun po ako nag
come up ng sagot ko.”
Because to the passage of, inferring
the word of believing may from the
naka lagay po dun na words in the
believe, or believe text
yourself the
revolutionaries. So, I
came up to that answer
kaya po parang recognizing
nasummarize the listening ways on how
passage because uhm I to summarize
have take down notes information

what uhm what I
understand the listening
passage is all about
Dun po ano, so I said that realizing
ano po, answer, because ways on how
the passage 1, is gain to process
knowledge for me. I the meaning
know to myself that I’m of passage
not good in english, but
some words, and
sentences have learn for
me to understand the
meaning of revolutionary.
And all about in that
selection po Maam.

Parang dun po sa poem, discussing expan instructional

parang may nakita po ako the meaning ding experience
na parang uhm, parang of passage on
nabasa or naintidhin na meani
before a lot of weakness ng
and insecurities po or yun
nga po parang problems
about his/herself po. But
she at the last poem po
parang na gets ko po na
parang now uhm, na
parangkaya nya na pong
tumayo na taas noo, yung
nga po taas noo. Tapos
uhm parang wala na nga
po syang insecurities or
kahinaan po.



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