Contoh Soal Merujuk KISI2 US

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Contoh Soal merujuk KISI2 US


1. Ario : Good morning…Surya? PGK

Surya : Good morning. How are you?
a. I’m fine
b. I’m very well
c. I’m OK
d. Good morning

Leave- taking

2. Fahmi : Hello Hafid, my name is Fahmi, …………………? PGK

Hafid : Hello Fahmi, see you later
a. See you
b. Bye-bye
c. Take care
d. I must go now
3. What time is it : IS
- 08.00 = it is …
- 06.15 = it is …
- 04.55 = it is…
4. What day is it if
- Today is Wednesday, tomorrow is…
- Tomorrow is Friday, yesterday was….
- If today is Monday so three days after is…
5. What date is it if
- What date is it today =
- What date is Kartini’s day? =
6. Introduction
Fani : Hello, I’m Fani ……………….?
Rina : Hello Fani. I’m Rina Oktavia, please call me Rina.
Fani :……………..Rina?
Rina : I live at Jl.Diponegoro no .15
Fani : oh so we are neighbors.
Rina : yeah , nice to meet you.
Fani : …………………….
7. My classroom is very big. There are twenty tables and forty chairs for students. The teacher’s
table is in front of the classroom.
The teacher sit behind the table. Behind her is whiteboard. Beside the whiteboard is a map of
Indonesian archipelago. Under the map, there is a bookshelf. There are two windows in the
room . Between the windows is a picture of Prambanan temple .I like my classroom very much.
1. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To describe the writer’s classroom
b. To give information about classroom
c. To make readers know about classroom
d. To share about classroom
2. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
a. Writer’s teacher sit behind the table
b. Writer’s classroom is very big
c. Prambanan temple
d. Indonesian archipelago
3. What does next to whiteboard?
a. Classroom
b. Tables
c. Teachers
d. Map
8. Prohibition, obligation Match
1. Excuse me! You leave litter on my desk. a. we must be serious in KBM
2. The teacher gives a task for us b. you have to throw the trash in
3. The road is slippery. To get there safe,we.. c. should drive slowly
4. The school rules said that during KBM, students are d. you should study harder
Not allowed to joke, make noisy
5. Someone who got bad scores on test e. complete the task soon
9. Recount text
Last week, my friend and I rode our bikes to Alam Indah beach. It was only five kilometers from
our house. It was quite windy and there was hardly anyone there. It surprised us because there
were always many people coming there on the we had the beach on our own. we
bought some hot chips, rode our bikes, played in the water and sat under the trees. We really
had a great time.
1. How did they go to the beach?
a. By bicycle c. By car
b. By bus d. By boat
2. What is the writer’s intention?
a. To share writer’s experience in Alam Indah Beach
b. To describe Alam Indah Beach
c. To give instruction how to ride bike in Alam Indah Beach
d. To amuse the readers
3. Where did writer and friend go?.........
10. Greeting card PGK

Dear my sister, Reni

Wish you all the best


With love

1. The text is written by…
a. Reni
b. Yumna
c. You
d. Writer’s sister
2. Why does Adabi send the card? she send the card for….
a. To thanks to yumna
b. To congratulate reni in her birthday
c. To congratulate yumna in her birthday
d. To give a prize to reni in her birthday
3. What does yumna wish to weni?she wishes…
a. Her all
b. Everything is good for reni
c. Her all the best
d. Her all the bad
11. Recount text PG

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