A Baker's Dozen of Noble Families

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A Baker’s Dozen

of Noble Families


A Baker’s Dozen of
Noble Families
Designer: Neal Litherland

Editing and Layout: Adrian Kennelly

Cover and Page Backgrounds: Lord Zsezse Works

Published by Azukail Games, a trading style of eGDC Ltd

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Introduction water and Knotwood irregulars ambushed
officers, poisoned food supplies and took
Many fantasy settings have a strong feu- scalps to prove how many enemy troops
dal nature, and a feudal society not only they’d buried in the muck. Bone women,
has rulers and commoners, it also has the with their curved knives and strange famil-
noble families in-between. Should a Gam- iars, cast hexes that led the enemy forces
eMaster need a noble family to drop into a into quicksand and sinkholes. At every turn
game, as a friend, a foe, a quest giver or it was the craft, the spite and the sheer
a source of adventure hooks, this supple- ruthlessness of those raised in the swamps
ment has thirteen families described in de- that broke the enemy’s backs. For all the
tail that can be dropped into a setting. The blood they’d spilled, and all the sons and
different families described are suited for daughters they’d lost, the swamps were
different parts of a kingdom or realm, as granted to the Dredger family. With a crest
they are all different in nature. The families that bears a rampant black dire rat with
can be used to add depth to a setting. bared teeth and red eyes, the family has
made no attempt to hide their simple roots
Using the Families despite being risen high in the nation’s
A GM should select an appropriate family
for whatever their current need is and drop The Dredgers, and those they’ve risen up
that one into the setting. as minor lords, land captains and ban-
ner bearers, are much like the land that
birthed them; unpleasant and inhospita-
Dredger ble. They can be useful to those willing to
embrace them, though. Dredgers are rare-
For generations, those of noble birth in the ly seen in the inner cities or court unless
fertile valleys and rolling hills looked down answering summons or performing their
on the swamp country. While the black yearly duties. They bled for their land,
waters and sucking mud protected their and tend to have little interest in what lies
borders against attack, the people who outside of it. And while many of them may
lived there were seen as frightening sav- dress in finer clothes now, clan customs
ages who were nearly as dangerous as the and blood ties bind them more strongly to
beasts that prowled the mires. one another than patriotism or gold could
ever bind them to any outsider. Most other
The swamp clans have a long memo- families maintain their courtesies, though,
ry, though, and they hold on to promis- because they have seen what befalls those
es made. That was why, when the crown who make themselves enemies of these
needed support in the face of invasion, folk.
the throne swore that the clans would be
raised up so they could rule over them-
selves, rather than paying tithe to inland Tercel
gentry. That promise was enough to un-
leash a kind of hell that even the king- Called the King’s Falcons, the Tercels sit at
dom’s enemies had never dreamed lurked the right hand of the throne. One of the
beneath the hanging boughs of the salt oldest of the noble families in the land,
widow trees. they were some of the first to be raised to
a position of authority. Some of their best-
Warriors from the Blackwell Delta slunk known seats, like Ermine Hall in the Weep-
through the waters in the dead of night ing Hills or Hawk’s Manor near the edge
to cut barge ropes and burn camps. Still- of the Oak Reach, are even older than the
royal palace itself.
Swathed in soft gray and white at court, for themselves thanks to the admission
the Tercels even resemble the falcons that costs and service charges for the common
decorate their coat of arms. For those who folk who came to enjoy them. Not only
think the family are nothing more than that, but with the rental prices earned from
puffed-up jaybirds who play at hunting, storytellers, peddlers, singers, jugglers and
though, they have also produced some even hedge knights and prize fighters who
of the finest warriors in the kingdom. In sought to enter the tournaments, it was
fact, the Tercels were the first irregular said that High Hall grew a little taller with
troops in the royal forces. Many of these each event.
skilled rangers brought their hunting birds
with them, using the raptors to exchange According to the history books, High
messages between units, and to harry the Hall was accepted into the nobility for its
enemy before finally striking. Many of the staunch support of its allies, and for open-
Mistcloaks still use the techniques perfect- ing its coffers when drought and pestilence
ed by the Tercels in their early years, and meant that crops were dying in record
no few members of that family serve in numbers. Not only that, but the mercenary
those units. companies that turned the tide at the fa-
mous battles of Blue Hill and Brick’s Wall
Despite their age and prestige, though, the were paid with High Hall gold. However,
Tercels pride themselves on being close to there are some who believe that it was the
the people. Every child is taught a trade to very debts owed to the family by the gen-
understand what the common people have try, and even the royal house, that paid for
to go through, and they are encouraged to High Hall’s ascension… a gift in exchange
make friends with those who don’t share for wiping the records clean.
their noble birth. They are also taught that
their purpose is to protect their subjects While the lords and ladies of High Hall have
and to make sure their needs are met. made their share of poor decisions, and
Lastly, they are taught to hold themselves have lost fortunes that would have crippled
to the standards of honor, fairness and poorer estates, they always seem to find a
respect that have stood them in such good way to turn even great losses into profits.
stead over the years. They also tend to offer patronage to those
whose skill they admire, whether that be
Tercels make good friends, fair judges and this year’s avant-garde theater companies,
bad enemies, or so the saying goes. or hiring the Gilded Companions in order to
see a dragon hunt for themselves.
High Hall
Every noble family has something to of-
fer. Some were granted their position for There are those who swear by the crafts-
strength of arms, others for their counsel manship of dwarven steel, and while not
and wisdom and still others for their honor every sword or ax that’s forged under a
and devotion. The High Halls, though, wear mountain is of superior quality, everything
their chains because their fortunes were made by the hand of a Storvall is.
greater than ten other houses combined.
The Storvalls were originally known as
Edric High Hall first earned the favor of the one of the most peaceful among the clans.
lords by using his wealth to stage great Hard-working, and focused on the beau-
games and festivals. While the nobles re- ty of true craftsmanship, they were en-
ceived the best positions and were treated gineers, smiths and enchanters. Though
to lavish entertainments, these games paid brusque, they were believers in common
cause and common good alike, and felt Though they had not raised a hand against
that the old grudges so many held were the enemy, there was no denying they had
what kept them from moving forward as a been instrumental in the victory.
people. That was why when orcs fled from
the deep caverns seeking shelter, the Stor- The Storvalls still produce many of the
vall took them in while other clans closed finest weapons and armors in all of the
their holds. Dorrin “Graybeard” Storvall mountains, and their maker’s marks are
spoke with Etrusca Red Eyes, and from highly valued by warriors from all walks
her he learned of the dark deeds brewing of life. Not only that, but the Storvall clan
beneath. The dead were rising, and every is the only one to have orc men-at-arms.
warrior who fell joined their ranks. This Even all these centuries later, the bonds
single band of the Dorunda was all that between them and the descendants of the
had escaped, and the dead were coming Dorunda run deep.
behind them.
Graybeard accepted Etrusca’s words, and
did something no one in his clan had done There are a hundred stories about gallant
before. He commanded his artisans to warriors and great wizards finding love
forge weapons to destroy this threat. They beneath the open roofs of elven noble
were no fighters, but Etrusca’s people were houses. Most of those stories were born
fierce, and burning for vengeance. The beneath the sunburst and while elm crest
Storvalls gave them the means to reap it of the Stargazers.
from their foes.
The Da’thaeolin, to give their proper
The forges ran day and night, iron and names, have never been reclusive. On the
magic alike wrapping through the weapons contrary, they tend to seek out centers of
that were hammered and cooled to perfec- learning, teaching just as often as they
tion. Shields and armor were also made, learn. Whether it’s the arts arcane, divine,
each glimmering like a lake’s surface on a or alchemical, these scholars have contrib-
bright day. It was with these that the orcs uted more than their share of knowledge
marched forth from Storvall lands, to find on a variety of subjects. Their histories run
the other clans under siege by the dead. deep, and while they are not known for
The orcs drove the hordes back, leav- their craftsmanship there are several ex-
ing the other clans dumbfounded. With amples of exquisite, functional art including
Graybeard standing beside her, many of the Tetracoradon (a gold and silver mas-
the other clan chiefs agreed to join their terwork that tracks the exact movement
strength to their new allies… but only if the of the planets, and has for centuries), the
Storvalls would make weapons for them as Shrine of Temporus (a huge, domed art-
well. work whose carved walls track the time-
lines of dozens of nations all the way back
And so they did. For years the forges ran, to their birth, and which is the only record
and hammers rang with the precise music of some forgotten empires), and the Or-
of war. Every blade edged, every hammer chestra of The Winds (a cavern at the sum-
weighted and every helm shaped was one mit of Darga Peak, fashioned with exquisite
more nail in the coffin of the rotting le- care to catch the mountain breezes in crys-
gions. When every one of the walking dead tal pipes, producing hauntingly beautiful
had been put down, the ichor bled from music).
their veins, many of the old houses had
fallen. New families were raised in their Unlike noble families both elven and mor-
place, and the Storvalls were among them. tal alike, the Stargazers embrace children
from all their unions. While bastard-born height, there is no denying that the burn-
members of the family may not be raised ing heart on their crest is well-chosen.
to high positions, they are never shunned. Public servants who sit on dozens of coun-
Many of them, in fact, have gone on to cils, and who pride themselves on being
become prominent historians, far travelers, the voice of the common people, the Far
diplomats and advisers. And every member Walkers know what their duty requires of
of the family, no matter the circumstances them. And while many members of this
of their birth, is given the opportunity to family serve in the army, it is rare to find
grow, learn and to become the best they one that’s a warrior. Instead they act as
can be. supply sergeants, cooks, engineers and
in some cases, as officers of intelligence.
While there are many who whisper about Because, as the infamous Leona “Gray
the Stargazers behind their hands, or who Mane” Far Walker was so fond of telling her
privately disparage the way the family will grandchildren when she’d retired, there’s
occasionally sow wild grass from time to no reason to be sad that no one pays at-
time, few are willing to alienate the re- tention to you. That means there’s no one
sources, the knowledge and the opportuni- watching when you stick your hand in the
ties the family can offer to its allies. Few- cookie jar.
er still are willing to earn the Stargazers’
enmity, because while their pursuits may Crowsbeak
tend toward the high-minded and academ-
ic, it is not unheard of for them to bend Carrion birds are seen by some as ill
their knowledge of poisons, magic and omens, and others as necessary evils.
engineering to far more destructive ends The same is largely true of the Crowsbeak
when they feel genuinely threatened. family. Dressed in funerary black, with both
a raven and a crow on their crest, they
Far Walker are often mistrusted by others. Particular-
ly since their reputation as schemers and
Many of the small folk are known for their information brokers is more often hard-
warm hearths and open hearts, but none earned than it is false.
exhibit this tendency with such reliability
as the Far Walkers. Farmers and woods- Having perhaps the humblest of begin-
men, this family earned their name for nings, the Crowsbeaks were originally little
their tendency to cross long miles in all more than gravediggers and tomb fillers.
kinds of weather whenever their neigh- They handled the jobs no one else had the
bors needed help. Whether it was floods, stomach for, and over the generations it
droughts, fires, or snows, the Far Walk- ate away at their scruples. It was said that
ers always made sure those around them when the city was sacked, and the crown
were cared for. Liked, and more important- prince was taken prisoner, it was a young
ly respected, they have been caretakers Crowsbeak who got him out. He got into
for their patch for some time. It seemed the city gates with a dead cart, shared a
natural that they would be raised to the drink with the prince’s guards, and when
nobility, and though the family eventually they had passed out from the sleeping
demurred, the amount of fuss their friends draught, he cut their throats and took the
and neighbors put up was enough to make prince with him. He hid the boy among the
them redouble their efforts to make sure piled dead, talking all the while to keep
all problems were well in hand. him calm. He kept a crow on the cart with
him, so those who saw the strange young
While some families might call the Far gravedigger never once questioned his
Walkers “low landers” as an insult to their oddness as they assumed he was talking to
the bird. malicious spirits lurking in their rivers.
The common folk had no way to protect
Though the family was raised to the gentry themselves, and the great lords wouldn’t
for this heroic act, they have not forgot- respond to calls for aid. So the baron’s son
ten where they came from. It’s said that took the house’s silver, and had it made
Crowsbeak knights are all so broad-shoul- into the kind of short, curved blade he
dered because they dig graves instead of always took on his hunts. What little sil-
latrines, and that their soldiers are so un- ver was left he forged into arrows. Darren,
flinching because they’ve already handled a called the Silver, tracked these beasts, set
hundred bodies before they’ve ever drawn traps for them, and stood against in bat-
steel in combat. While some members are tles of tooth and claw alike. Though often
polite, even charming, it is hard for those wounded, he was always triumphant. And
with black feathers to win friends among he passed his knowledge on to his children,
the peacocks. When there’s a mess that and to their children as well.
needs to be cleaned up, however, suddenly
the crows are the birds everyone is calling Even more important than the forging
for. The Crowsbeaks know this, and while techniques he developed, and the knowl-
they’re more than willing to handle the edge of how to fight monsters, it is Dar-
dirty work of others, they make no secret ren’s words that appear beneath the stag’s
that it is how they are treated that keeps head with silver horns on his house’s coat
them willing, and which keeps them quiet of arms. “Pure Hearts, Strong Arms,” reads
after the bodies are buried. the family motto, reminding them that it
is not enough to simply be strong; that
Silver strength must be used for the right rea-
sons, or you have already begun to walk
Seen by many as knights errant and val- down a path that will make you a monster,
iant protectors, the Silvers are some of the as well.
finest warriors in the land. Trained from a
young age to the sword and the bow, the Blackbriar
horse and the hunt, members of this fam-
ily stand tall in terms of great victories in The towns of Thornton and Scratch Rise
battle, and are often found within the com- both border the Blackbriar Wood, lurking in
mand ranks of the royal guard. the shadow of the heavy, somehow menac-
ing forest. And if you stop in at the wayside
The true origin of this house, though, lies taverns in those places, they tell tales of
in an unusual tradition. Every child, upon the family who took their name from those
reaching an age where they can be trust- woods. Tales that would make curly hair go
ed with it, is given a silver dagger. These straight.
weapons may be plain or elaborate, but
they are always functional. Not only that, Some tell how, before this land even had a
but every child is taught to use that dagger name, the Blackbriars were here. How they
to deadly effect. may look like men and women, but how
you can tell they’re something else when
In the early days of the family, when the you look in their eyes. Their eyes shine in
Silvers were just regional landowners with the darkness, like no natural thing. Oth-
small deposits of this precious resource in ers tell how the Blackbriars’ founders went
a few mines, the locals were terrorized by into the heart of the woods, and called up
monsters. Strange beasts who came only something they couldn’t put down. Some-
during the full moon, undead monsters thing that tied them to the land, binding
who crawled out of deep wells, and even them to the dark woods with chains stron-
ger than blood. Rumors of dark magic, judgment, and their ability to look at issues
ancient pacts and tales of when the family without bias. It is this honesty, and their
wore wolf pelts and elk skulls rather than ability to bind people together even when
silk and velvet abound, and have been told they make hard decisions, that makes the
for generations. Flinders popular with the common folk.

A look at a Blackbriar makes many wonder The old story of how they became so
if some of the old stories are true, though. well-regarded was that one of the family
They tend to grow big and strong, with patriarchs was a successful farmer whose
wild manes of hair and rough courtesies. land was the keystone for defending the
Many delight in the hunt, in battle and in nation. When the old king died, leaving no
the revel of feasts and celebrations. The direct children, those with the best claim
red banner with the rampant black bear both came with their retainers and warriors
is often seen in battle, as well, where it’s to claim the land. Seeing the bloodbath
said Blackbriars fight more like beasts than that was brewing, Hobin Flinders invited
men; roaring, savaging and fighting on the commanders to grace his table. They
with wounds that should have crippled (if were all countrymen, he said, and there
not killed) them. would be no hostilities beneath his roof. No
man should go to war hungry, as he said,
There is something else odd about the and one last night of peace was not so
Blackbriars, though. While they may ven- much to ask.
ture forth from the woods when they’re
young, Blackbriars always return to their It was that night, over apple wine and with
woods. No one has ever seen an aged a warm fire at the high table, that both
member of this family, and some whisper Lord Donegal Spruce and Lady Janquil Far-
that it’s because they bred amongst each thing spoke face to face. They were polite,
other for too many generations. Others, and each laid out their claim. They decided
though, believe it’s something more sinis- that if one man could decide who should
ter. That there is something in those woods rule, there would be no need for battle. Af-
that calls them home… and which drags ter more than three hours, as the midnight
those close to them in their wake when hour drew near, Flinders said that each had
they return to the forest. a strong case, and there was no clear win-
ner between them. However, Flinders sug-
Flinders gested they enter into a marriage, uniting
both their houses and their claims. The
With a warmly blazing hearth on their idea was not new to either of them, but it
crest, the Flinders are known far and wide wasn’t until after they’d been made to look
for their hospitality. All guests on their land each other in the eye, and to see the ten-
will find a room, and at least a few meals. sions melt out of those who served them,
A family that controls a great deal of rich that they both agreed it was the best way
farmland, the Flinders often have far more not only get what each wanted, but to
than they could use themselves, and what defend their claims from others who would
they can’t store they give away to their try to come forward.
neighbors, or use to stage feasts for occa-
sions as grand as holy days, or as humble The Flinders are called the Kingmakers by
as peasant weddings. some… though there are many who are
suspicious of the family’s reputation. No
In addition to their reputation as good one would ever be so generous without
hosts, though, the Flinders family are also expecting something in return, would they?
renowned for their clear thinking, their And what is fair can look very different
from the top of a lord’s tower than it does Those who were foolish enough to attack
from a farmer’s kitchen table. someone on the highway often lived to re-
gret that decision. Not only that, but as the
Causeway Causeways’ soldiers of fortune traveled,
their services were demanded in more
With their crossed spears against a stone places. So the family expanded into the
road, on their shields the Causeways are iron trade. They had so many men, at one
a family known for providing security and point, that the king had to make a deci-
safety. Their engineers built most of the sion; to legitimize them as a noble house,
highways and bridges that link together the or to attempt to disband their force.
various towns of the realm, and it is their
warriors who patrol most highways. And He chose the former, as it was bloodless,
though most towns have their own reeves, painless and overnight doubled the amount
these patrols will often lend their strength of fighting forces the crown could call on
to help keep the peace when necessary. should the need arise.
It wasn’t too long ago, however, that the
Causeways were simply very successful Harthway
stone merchants. With quarries that yield-
ed some of the finest stone, they needed The Hounds of Harthway are loyal, stead-
to ensure their drovers had reliable roads fast and true. With the golden head of a
cleared to transport it. So they used their hunting hound on their banners, this fam-
own stone to connect the region, allowing ily’s home can be found in the Shaggy
easy travel for everyone. This earned them Hills outside of the capital. Though often
no few accolades, and the praise of every on-hand for royal functions, and holding
merchant who set foot outside their own several positions on important councils and
town. within the city, it’s said that every Harth-
way craves the wind in the trees and the
The Causeways didn’t rest on their laurels, quiet of the hills. Not only that, but they
either. Instead, they acquired new inter- will always raise their young ones in coun-
ests to grow their wealth, and to make use try estates until they’re ready to contend
of their new roads. However, what they with the ways of the city.
hadn’t counted on was the highways draw-
ing so many bandits. When the losses grew There are some who say there’s more to
frustrating, and the local authorities were the Harthway’s retreats than the need for
unable to keep their cargo safe, the Cause- fresh air and country living, though. That
ways recruited mercenaries to patrol their their resilience, their skill at arms and their
roads and protect them. This made many obedience to the throne are all tied up in
people uncomfortable, especially since the something that’s been hidden behind a cur-
Causeways had several prominent thieves tain. Tales trickle in from the countryside
and other criminals taken from the king’s of children being raised in seclusion and
dungeons among the ranks of their guards. taught strange arts. Going through unusual
Because, as Farah Causeway said when rituals before they’re allowed to come into
asked why she would take such dangerous the city.
men into her service, “You can teach a wolf
to guard more easily than you can teach a No one says these things very loudly,
chicken bravery.” though. Old tales have a way of birthing
new generations of stranger and stranger
As more men agreed to take their coin and rumors. Those who do wed the Harthways
watch the woods, the number of bandit say it’s all just nonsense… but not all of
attacks dropped away to nearly nothing. them seem as convinced of it as they wish
to be. Broken Hands and Bleeders, Cold Hearts
and Maws, all of them wanted to fight for
Stonejaw Clefter.

First brought together by Clefter Stonejaw, And fight they did.

this noble house began its life as just an-
other orc war band. What set Clefter aside In time the battles Clefter’s warriors had
from the other chiefs, though, was that taken part in were beyond counting. They
he was shrewd and calculating. He won had grown into a tightly disciplined fighting
his victories through unexpected tactics, force made of up scarred veterans. De-
and through the reputation of his fighters. mand for their services had only increased,
Many battles were won without a blade with half a dozen nations offering gold
even needing to be drawn. and gems for their swords. It wasn’t until
a small kingdom to the Southwest made
It was that reputation that drew so many them a unique offer, though, that Clefter
warriors to his cause; warriors with vi- grew interested.
sions of plunder and glory in their heads.
With no enemies among their own peo- It was an offer not of gold, but of land.
ple, though, an army that size would have Good land, far from the dusty hard pan of
quickly left the countryside stripped bare the Golgotha. In addition to a proper seat,
for provisions. So Clefter organized his the Stonejaws would be made part of the
band into smaller forces, and bargained nobility, able to raise their lieutenants to
with the nations around them. Someone the gentry, and to give title and knighthood
was always at war, and no one wanted to to their deserving warriors. Blind in one
stick their own necks out. For some of their eye, and not having held his own sword in
spoils, the Stonejaws would do the blood- ten years or more, Clefter knew that such
letting. a small place would need a fierce fighting
force to stay independent. And they were
Their reputation preceded them, and they willing to do the one thing none of the oth-
found no shortage of paymasters eager to er nations were; to take the band into their
hand over their coin. While uncouth and vi- borders, and to give them a place at their
olent, Clefter always sent a trusted captain table.
with the Shankers that went out to ensure
they stayed on good behavior. They fought Clefter accepted that offer. The movement
hard, died harder, and with every victory of the Stonejaws was what sparked the
renown and spoils made their way back to War of Ferocity, but when the dust settled,
Clefter. The fighters kept their share, but it was the bigger nations who withdrew.
the war chest grew in the Golgotha where Clefter took the stone seat at Granite Hall,
Clefter had built his compound. More war- a lodge built into the side of a mountain,
riors came from a dozen different clans; and since then the leering death’s head of
his banner has never once fallen.
More NPC Supplements
100 Merchants to Encounter
100 NPCs You Might Meet At The Tavern
100 People to Encounter in the Wild West
100 People to Encounter on a Victorian Street
100 Random Bandits to Meet

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