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ispensing magic items

is one of the joys of GMing—

yet they are sources of great power

and wealth, so opportunities to reward

adventurers with fun relics are limited.

That’s where Enchanted Trinkets come

in! These magic items all have a minor,

largely flavorful effect, and in a pinch

they can be permanently expended or

broken to have a greater impact.

Note that while each of these has

a listed rarity it is suggested to use WRITING Mike Myler

the gold values included with each to EDITING Mike Myler
LAYOUT Frank Michienzi
reflect their expendability.

Enchanted Trinkets: Gamemaster's Toolbox | EN World EN5ider

Crown of Spirits
Wondrous item, common (requires attunement;
cost 90 gp)
This silver circlet looks like it must be hundreds
if not thousands of years old. While you are attuned
to and wearing the crown, a miasma clouds your
vision incurring disadvantage on Intelligence
(Investigation) and Wisdom (Perception) checks
(lowering your passive Investigation and passive
Perception by –5), but you gain advantage on saving
throws against being charmed or possessed by an
aberration, fiend, or undead.
Alternatively, you can use an action to expend
the magic within the crown and choose a creature
Confusing Keyring that you can see within 100 feet. If the target is not
Wondrous item, uncommon (cost 120 gp) a construct or undead, it regains 3d4+3 hit points.
Most of the time these bits of enchanted iron In addition, if the target is charmed or possessed
appear to be nothing more than a worn metal ring by an aberration, fiend, or undead, it is no longer
with a handful of sticks affixed to it. For 1 hour after charmed or possessed. Afterwards the crown loses
touching the confusing keyring against another its magic and becomes a mundane item.
keyring with at least 5 or more keys, it takes on an
identical appearance though the keys on it are all
slightly different. A creature handling a disguised
confusing keyring can’t realize the difference until it
makes a DC 12 Intelligence saving throw.
Alternatively, you can use an action to expend
this item’s magical power to transform it into a
single key identical to a key of your choice from
the last keyring it mimicked. A minute afterward it
disintegrates into nothing.
Double Flask
Wondrous item, uncommon (cost 150 gp)
Lacquered mahogany wood is wrapped around
this ordinary looking silver hip flask. When the
top is unscrewed it reveals two small corks, each
leading to one half of the receptacle. The double
Open Game Content | The game rule information in this flask can hold up to two potions, concealing the
article is designated Open Game Content. All other material magical aura of both.
in this article, including maps and illustrations (including You can use an action to uncork both receptacles
illustrations in the public domain), in-character and out-of- at once and simultaneously drink both potions.
character narrative and descriptive text, character and place Afterwards the receptacle halves merge together
names, trade dress, “EN Publishing,” “EN World,” “EN5ider,” and the concealing magic is destroyed, turning it
EN Publishing product and article titles, and into a mundane drinking flask.
EN World and EN Publishing logos, are designated
Product Identity.

Enchanted Trinkets: Gamemaster's Toolbox | EN World EN5ider

Enduring Hat Haunted Belt
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement; Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement; cost
cost 125 gp) 100 gp)
The brim of this fashionable chapeau is lightly An extremely faint violet aura radiates from this
charred, enhancing the garment’s drama. While leather strap and tarnished buckle. While you are
you are attuned to and wearing this hat, you gain attuned to and wearing this belt, you gain advan-
advantage on saving throws made against fire. tage on saving throws made against poison.
Additionally, when you take fire damage from an Alternatively, you can use an action to expend
attack, effect, or spell you can use your reaction to the magic inside of the belt. For the next 1d4+3
allow the hat to absorb more of the heat. You take 15 rounds, you can move through other creatures
less fire damage as the hat catches fire and inciner- and objects as if they were difficult terrain. You
ates into a pile of cinders. take 5 (1d10) force damage if you end your turn
inside an object. At the end of the duration the
belt loses its magic and becomes a mundane item.
Ghostly Boots
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement; Illusory Sheathe
cost 150 gp)
Wondrous item, common (requires attunement;
A slight blue sheen emanates from these supple
cost 90 gp)
leather boots and they seem to weigh like nothing
Gold and silver inlays run the length of this oiled
at all. While you are attuned to and wearing these
black ironwood sheathe. After a weapon has
boots, you gain a +2 bonus on Dexterity (Stealth)
been holstered in this sheathe for a minute or
checks that rely on moving silently.
longer, when you draw it out the blade is
Alternatively, you can use an action to expend
invisible until after you have made an attack
the magic within the boots and turn invisible. You
with it. You have advantage on attack rolls made
remain invisible for up to 10 minutes. If you attack
with the unsheathed weapon while the blade is
or cast a spell while invisible, roll a d6. On a result
of 4–6, your invisibility ends. If you cast a spell that
When you hit a creature with the weapon
does not deal damage, roll 2d6 instead and take
most recently enchanted by this sheathe, you can
the lowest result. At the end of the duration
use a bonus action or reaction to expend the magic
the boots lose their magic and become a
inside of it. The sheathe becomes a mundane item
mundane item.
and for the next 1d6+3 rounds
the weapon grants a
+1 magical bonus
to attack and
damage rolls.

Enchanted Trinkets: Gamemaster's Toolbox | EN World EN5ider

Mad Journal Phantom Gloves
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement; Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement; cost
cost 100 gp) 120 gp)
Nonsensical messages and strange drawings In the light of the moon the leather of these
cover the outside of this worn and tattered tome. gloves appear to be ghostly and made from ethe-
Over the course of ten short rests you can read and real mists. While you are attuned to and wearing
decipher this book by making DC 18 Intelligence these gloves, you gain a +2 bonus on Dexterity
checks, gaining a cumulative +2 bonus per previous (Sleight of Hand) checks.
successful check. When you succeed on at least four Alternatively, you can use an action to expend
of these checks, you understand the writing and the magic in the gloves and cast silence on a crea-
illustrations inside of the journal, and are able to ture you are grappling (instead of an object or
attune to it. area). The effects of the silence last for 1 minute or
While you are attuned to this book, you gain until the creature makes a Charisma saving throw
advantage on saving throws against being charmed (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
or frightened. In addition, whenever you make one Charisma modifier) to negate this effect. Either way
of these saves, roll 1d20. On a result of 3 or less you afterwards the gloves become a mundane item.
gain a short-term madness.
Alternatively, you can use an action to rip out
the forbidden knowledge scrawled throughout the
tome and use it to wreak havoc upon minds in a
15-foot radius. Creatures in the area make a DC
13 Wisdom saving throw, gaining a short-term
madness for 1 minute on a failure. Any creature
immune to psychic damage automatically succeeds
on this saving throw, and creatures with resistance
to psychic damage have advantage. Afterwards the
book’s magic is gone, making it a mundane object
filled with blank pages.

Melodious Quill
Wondrous item, common (cost 65 gp)
This peacock feather quill seems to keen and sing Portable Sundial
whenever it is being used to describe melodies. Wondrous item, common (cost 55 gp)
When you use the quill to prepare a piece of music This battered Tiny-sized 5 pound piece of granite
and practice with that piece of sheet music for at is constantly reorienting itself to be pointed in the
least 1 hour each day, after a week you gain a +2 correct direction. You can use an action to smash
bonus on Charisma (Performance) checks to play the sundial against the ground, destroying it and
that piece of music. suppressing the effects of a darkness spell for
Alternatively, you can use an action to destroy the 1d4+1 rounds.
quill by breaking it in half. For the next 1d4 hours
you gain advantage on Charisma (Performance)
checks made to perform pieces that the quill has
been used to transcribe into sheet music.

Enchanted Trinkets: Gamemaster's Toolbox | EN World EN5ider

Reader’s Candle Stout Greaves
Wondrous item, common (cost 65 gp) Wondrous item, common (requires attunement;
A brass cage surrounds this wicked wax cost 70 gp)
cylinder. You can use an action to speak the candle’s The edges of these leather greaves are rimmed
command word, making it shed bright yellow light by brass and silver. While you are attuned to
in a 5-foot radius and dim light for an additional and wearing the greaves, your carrying capacity
10 feet. By using a bonus action to speak a different doubles and your speed is not reduced by wearing
command word, you can direct the candle to float heavy armor.
above your shoulder. Alternatively, you can use an action to expend
Alternatively, you can use an action to remove the magic within the greaves. For the next minute
the candle from its brass cage and swallow it. For 1 your Speed increases by 10 feet and you can take
hour after doing so you float just above the ground. the Dash action as a bonus action. Afterwards
While floating, you can use your reaction when you the greaves lose their magic and they become a
fall to reduce any falling damage you take by an mundane item.
amount equal to five times your level. In addition,
creatures following your tracks do so with disad-
vantage unless tracking you by scent. You are not Wild Tassel
able to float on any surface that would not normally
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement;
support your weight.
cost 150 gp)
It is as though a wind were constantly blowing
upon this ornament, its fraying threads and strings
Sneaky Eyepatch never completely still. You can only attune to this
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement; item after it has been affixed to a nonmagical melee
cost 150 gp) weapon that does not have the Heavy property. If
Bands of leather are attached to both sides of the tassel is removed from that weapon, you must
this patch of tightly pleated cotton. While you attune to it again.
are attuned to and wearing this eyepatch, you While you are attuned to this item, on your turn
can see through it but take a –2 penalty on Intel- when you take the Attack action you can unleash
ligence (Investigation) and Wisdom (Perception) the spirit inside of the weapon’s ornament to make
checks. In addition, you can use a bonus action to an additional melee attack with that weapon. When
feint a creature within your reach with a Charisma the result of that attack roll is odd, the attack targets
(Deception) check opposed by its Wisdom (Insight) a creature of your choice within your reach. When
check. Once you have used this feature against a the result of that attack roll is even, the attack targets
creature, it becomes immune to the effect. you instead. Once you have used this feature, at the
Alternatively, you can use an action to make start of each of your turns, roll a d6. If the result of
the eyepatch disperse into a searing burst of light the roll is a 6, you regain the use of this feature.
that blinds you for 1 minute. When you regain Alternatively, when you hit a creature with the
your sight, for the next 2d4+2 rounds you benefit weapon attached to this ornament, you can use
from extremely discerning sight (as the detect evil a bonus action or reaction to expend the magic
and good, detect magic, and detect poison and disease inside of it. The ornament loses its magic and
spells, but not requiring concentration). becomes a mundane, but for the next minute the
weapon grants a +1 magical bonus to attack
and damage rolls. e

Enchanted Trinkets: Gamemaster's Toolbox | EN World EN5ider

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