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LESSON 1  It is one of the unique heritage crafts which are
original in Palawan.
“CHARACTERISTICS OF ARTS AND CRAFTS IN  It is a cone-shaped colander harvest basket which is
MIMAROPA” made of hard-ship bamboo.
 These baskets are occasionally made of blackened
 MIMAROPA is an administrative region consists and natural bamboo, which make the designs stand
entirely of island provinces located in the out.
Southwestern Luzon. The term MIMAROPA is a  The design is created by an extremely refined
combination of the names of its constituent changing of the under-over pattern of the bamboo
provinces namely MINDORO, MARINDOQUE, strips.
MINDORO  The Manunggal jar uncovered in Palawan was a
secondary burial jar that has existed since the late
 There are 7 groups living in MINDORO called Neolithic Period (895-775 B. C) in the Philippines.
“MANGAYANS”  It served as a container for the dug up remains of the
 Group living in the Southern part of Mindoro are dead. It is largely made from clay and the upper
“HANUNUO MANGYAN” means “TRUE, REAL, portion of the jar, as well as the cover, is carved with
GINUINE” curvilinear scroll designs and painted with natural iron
 Other groups are called “IRAYA- MANGYAN” or hematite.
 There are two human images riding a boat located
AMBAHAN on top of the jar’s cover. The first human image,
 It is a traditional poetry of the Hanunuo-Mangyans in holding on oar with a missing blade, is situated at the
Mindoro. back area. He seems to be controlling the oar
 It is traditionally written with the point of the knife on a (bugsay) rather than paddling the boat.
piece of bamboo using the centuries- old- pre-  The second human image, with arms folded
Spanish syllabic script called Surat Mangyan. across the chest, is situated at the front. The
 A Rhythmic, poetic expression with a meter of seven manner in which the hands of the front figure are
syllables folded across the chest is also a widespread practice
 Presented through recitation and chanting without in the islands when arranging the corpse. These
a determined musical pitch or accompaniment. figures represent two souls on a voyage to the
 A poem variation of AMBAHAN is the URUKAY afterlife.
which uses 8 syllables.
 The Iraya- Mangyans of Mindoro are fond of making
 PATTERNS: Humans, Animals, Trees and other
 Made up of dried “NITO” grass and forest vines to
create a very unique baskets


 The Moriones festival in Marinduque is week-long
commemoration of the life and death of Jesus Christ
every Holy week.
 Morion means masks that are made of wood or
paper-mache (papier-mache) adorned with colorful
sheels, animals, hairs, tassels and crepe papers.
 People act as roman soldiers during the festival and
wear masks together with vest, capes and wooden


 Weaving is a skill that has been passed on through
the years by the people of marinduque.
 BULI (Buli Palm) and Raffia that grow in their areas
are the staple materials in the weaving of


 Romblon is known as the “Marble Country” because

all the islands comprising the province have marble.
Quarries (the process of getting marbles) on these
islands produce raw marble for sculpture and
construction purposes.
 However, before the discovery of these marbles.
Romblon had been famous for its traditional
weaving and basketry. Handicrafts such as
beautifully woven mats and bags are major home
industry for their Women

 Known as the country’s last frontier, is rich in cultural
and natural diversity.
 Tagbanuas are the first inhabitants of Palawan.
 The men of Palawan are skillful wood carvers while
children and women are proficient weavers.

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