B21270 - Lab 1 Experiment 1 - Thermofluid

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B21270 Lab 1

ABHISHEK Experiment 1

B21270 Exp-1
Aim of the Experiment:

To determine Fluid friction factor for the given pipes.

Introduction and Theory

The flow of liquid through a pipe is resisted by viscous shear

stresses within the liquid and the turbulence that occurs along the
internal walls of the pipe, created by the roughness of the pipe
material. This resistance is usually known as pipe friction and is
measured is meters head of the fluid, thus the term head loss is also
used to express the resistance to flow.
The resistance through various valves and fittings will also
contribute to the overall head loss. In a well designed system the
resistance through valves and fittings will be of minor significance to
the overall head loss and thus are called Major losses in fluid flow.

The Darcy-Weisbach equation

Weisbach first proposed the equation we now know as the Darcy-

Weisbachformula or Darcy-Weisbach equation:

hf = f
(L/D) x


hf = head loss (m)

f = Darcy friction factor
L = length of pipe work (m)
d = inner diameter of
pipe work (m)v =
velocity of fluid (m/s)
g = acceleration due to gravity (m/s²)

The Darcy Friction factor used with Weisbach equation has now
become the standard head loss equation for calculating head loss in
pipes where the flow is turbulent.

Observations Table

Length of test section (L) = 1000 mm = 1 m

B21270 Lab 1
ABHISHEK Experiment 1

Pipe 1

Internal Diameter of Pipe D

=15.50 mm Cross Sectional
Area of Pipe = 1.89 x 10-4 m2
S. No Valve Qty(lit) Time(sec) h1 – V(m/s) Factor(f)
1 Full open 5 36.66 2 0.7216 0.001168
2 Partial 5 55 1 0.4810 0.001314

Pipe 2
Internal Diameter of Pipe, D =
15.76 mm Cross Sectional Area of
Pipe= 2.01 x 10-4 m2
S. No Valve Qty(lit) Time(sec) h1 – V(m/s) Factor(f)
1 Full open 10 53 1.5 0.9387 0.000526
2 Partial 10 109 0.5 0.4564 0.000742

Pipe 3
Internal Diameter of Pipe D =
20.96 mm Cross Sectional Area
of Pipe = 3.45 x 10-4 m2
S. No Valve Qty(lit) Time(sec) h1 – V(m/s) Factor(f)
1 Full open 5 33.76 0.5 0.4292 0.001116
2 Partial 5 55 5 0.2635 0.029614

Minor Losses
Type of fitting – Sudden Contraction
S. Manometer diff. Flow rate m^3/s(Time for Time(s) V(m/s) KL
No. m of water 5 liters of water) t sec
1 1 0.0002447 20.43 1.2647 0.01225

Sample Calculations

1. Minor losses for

sudden contraction

Dout = 0.0157 m, Ao =
B21270 Lab 1
ABHISHEK Experiment 1

0.1935 x 10-3 m2

Din = 0.02641 m ,Ai = 0.5473 x 10-

3 m2

Discharge Q = 0.005 /time require for

5lit t sec
In sudden contraction losses are dependent largely on the
diameter of smaller pipe i.e., Outlet diameter

Vo = Q/Ao m/sec, hLc = Manometer diff (m)

First find Q =0.005/20.43=0.000247m^3/s, then

v = Q/AO=1.2647m/s
HLC=h1-h2= 46.5-45.5=1mm=0.001m
Put these values in above eqn to get KL= 0.01225

2.Major Losses
According to Darcy- Weisbach Equation for frictional loss of head due to
hf = h1-h2= f.L.V2 /D x 2g
In the above equation, everything is known to us except “f”.
We can note the value of h and Q from the experiment. Also we know
about the length, diameter and area of pipe. For velocity equate it to
volume flow rate per cross sectional area.
For eg take case 1 for pipe 1 fully open valve
HF=60.5-58.5=2mm, Q•=5/36.66=0.1363lit/s=0.0001363m^3/s
V=Q/A=0.7216m/s, g= 9.81m/s^2, D=0.01550m
Put all these values in above eqn to get f=0.001168
Similarly we can find for other pipes

1.Manometer Calibration can lead to errors in pressure measurements.
2. Reading errors
3.Experimental setup like valve open fully or partially
4.Surface roughness of pipe so check whether pipe is cleaned
B21270 Lab 1
ABHISHEK Experiment 1


We can observe in the table that velocities of different pipes ae different.

In case of fully open the velocity of second is max then first and third has
least velocity. If the pipe has high friction factor then velocity of it may be
less. Friction factor depends on pressure difference, velocity , area and
diameter of the pipes. Friction factor high means surface roughness has
high value .

1)The friction factor for pipe is as follows:
• Pipe 1
Fully open valve f = 0.001168
Partially open valve f = 0.001314

• Pipe 2
Fully open valve f = 0.000526
Partially open valve f = 0.000742

• Pipe 3
Fully open valve f = 0.001116
Partially open valve f = 0.029614

2)For same size pipe partially open valve has more frictional loss
compared to fully open valve .

3) We did practical of sudden expansion only and value of

KL=0.01225 for our experiment values .

Future Work

In this experiment we used only three pipes with water and in case of
minor we experimented only of sudden contraction. In future we can
experiment of all other types of minor losses like sudden expansion,
elbow, bend and gate valve . We can also take different mount of flow
each time and then compare it with previous and also with other type of
losses. In major we did only with five or ten litres of water but we can do
it with other quantities which will give us more accurate values .

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