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Digital Technologies Year 9

Unit 4: Minecraft Python Portfolio

(Assessment Instrument 4)

Project — Investigating and defining

Content Descriptors
Design algorithms represented diagrammatically and in structured English and validate algorithms and
programs through tracing and test cases (ACTDIP040

 Designing algorithms to solve real-world problems and describing algorithms using flow
charts and structured English, for example START, END, IF and UNTIL

 Recognising that different algorithms can solve a problem with different trade-offs

 Tracing algorithms to predict results and program state for a given input, for example desk
checking or using an interactive debugging tool

 Using tracing techniques to test algorithms, for example desk checking an algorithm for a
given input by stepping through the algorithm while keeping track of contents of the variables

 Developing test cases that correspond to the requirements of the specifications, for example
validating program behaviour on a range of valid and invalid user input

Implement modular programs, applying selected algorithms and data structures including using
an object-oriented programming language (ACTDIP041)
 coding separate modules that perform discrete functions but collectively meet the needs
of the solution

 defining classes that represent the attributes and behaviour of objects in the real world
or in a game

 considering different algorithms and selecting the most appropriate based on the type of
problem, for example choosing appropriate algorithms for particular problems

 selecting different types of data structures such as an array, record and object to model
structured data

***Highlighted cognitive verbs


Student name: Student number:

Teacher name: Mrs Ives

Date handed out: Date due: Draft = Final=

Subject Digital Technologies (Year 9)

Technique Project - Portfolio

Unit 4 Python Coding 101

Topic Minecraft Coding 101


Duration (3.5 weeks on Assessment task)

Mode Written Length Suggested length:*

• written responses including graphical representations 300–400 words
• spoken/signed responses 2–3 minutes
• multimodal responses 3–4 minutes • video recordings 1–2 minutes.
Individual/ group Individual Other Open Book
Teacher input

Resources available - Minecraft Education

- Evaluation Template


Unit 3
Students designed and implemented solutions to increasingly complex problems using the object-oriented programming language
Python in Minecraft. They explored different programming constructs and user interfaces using both a command line and graphical
interface. Students designed, evaluated and modified their solutions to problems and enhanced other examples.
Technique: Project
A project assesses students’ abilities to create digital solutions to problems by addressing specific contexts and documenting the design
Format: Written
Conditions: Suggested length:* • written responses including graphical representations 300–400 words • spoken/signed responses 2–3
minutes • multimodal responses 3–4 minutes • video recordings 1–2 minutes.

To complete this task, you must:

Complete ALL 6-lessons of Python Islands progressing through different ages of humankind that teaches
the basics of Python and covers important concepts like syntax, variables, datatypes, conditional
statements, iteration, functions, and lists.

Additional to completing these tasks you must complete:

 Code and Comments
 Evaluation
 Book and Quill / Word
- Picture
- Captions
- Notes

Term 4, Week 6, Island 1 Term 4, Week 6, Island 2

☐ Code and comments ☐ Code and comments
☐ Evaluation ☐ Evaluation
☐ Book and quill ☐ Book and quill
☐ Picture ☐ Picture
☐ Captions ☐ Captions
☐ Notes ☐ Notes
Term 4, Week 7, Island 3 Term 4, Week 7, Island 4
☐ Code and comments ☐ Code and comments
☐ Evaluation ☐ Evaluation
☐ Book and quill ☐ Book and quill
☐ Picture ☐ Picture
☐ Captions ☐ Captions
☐ Notes ☐ Notes
Term 4, Week 8, Island 5 Term 4, Week 8, Island 6
☐ Code and comments ☐ Code and comments
☐ Evaluation ☐ Evaluation
☐ Book and quill ☐ Book and quill
☐ Picture ☐ Picture
☐ Captions ☐ Captions
☐ Notes ☐ Notes

See attached, ‘Year 9 Digital Technologies Standard Elaborations’

Authentication strategies

• The teacher will provide class time for task completion.

• The teacher will ensure class cross-marking occurs.

The written response for your assessment is based on:
• Demonstration of how to evaluate your choices of Computer specifications and

implications of privacy and security requirements

Code and comments
Insert screenshots of your code and comments below:

Use  +SHIFT=S to take a screen shot in Minecraft

Island Draft feedback

Island 1

Island 2

Island 3

Island 4

Island 5

Island 6

Book and Quill or WORD / Screenshots

Insert screenshots of your images below or upload Book and Quill PDF File.

Use  +SHIFT=S to take a screen shot in Minecraft or use the camera tool

Island Draft feedback

Island 1

Island 2

Island 3

Island 4

Island 5

Island 6

Complete and save  the above PDF for each week/ Island

Insert the PDF Evaluations below:

Island Draft feedback

Island 1

Island 2

Island 3

Island 4

Island 5

Island 6
Book and Quill
Copy the answers into your Book and Quill or WORD document
Python Island 1
 What key on your keyboard is used to open the Codebuilder window?

 How many steps were required to complete the final Mine task?

 What do “Variables” do?

 What command is used to move the Agent left?

 What command is used to output a message in the game from Python?

Python Islands 2
 What is the purpose of an if statement?

 Finish the following sentence: in many cases an if statement is accompanied by an

_________________ statement. This catches anything that does not match the conditional

 What does the == do with an if statement?

 How can we check 2 full conditional checks?

Python Islands 3

 What is a for loop?

 What is the purpose of the variable in a for loop?

 What is a nested for loop?

Python Islands 4
 When does a while loop repeat code?

 In what case would you use a while loop instead of a for loop?

 Are infinite while loops possible?

 Can you escape a while loop early?

Python Islands 5
 What is a function in Python?

 How can you pass in data/variables to these functions?

 What are common use cases for functions?

Python Islands 6
 What is a List?

 What syntax do we use when creating a list?

 How do we add an item to the end of a list?

 Which type of loop can we use to cycle through each item in a list??
purposeful definition and effective definition and definition and decomposition of partial definition and decomposition fragmented definition and

Investigating and
decomposition of complex decomposition of complex problems complex problems in terms of of complex problems in terms of decomposition of problems

problems in terms of in terms of functional and functional and non-functional functional and non-functional
functional and non-functional non-functional requirements requirements requirements

purposeful design and effective design and evaluation of design and evaluation of user partial design and explanation of user fragmented design and statements
evaluation of user experiences user experiences and algorithms experiences and algorithms experiences and algorithms about user experiences and
Generating and

producing and

and algorithms algorithms


systematic testing and reliable testing and prediction of testing and prediction of results and partial testing and prediction of fragmented testing and prediction of
prediction of results and results and effective implementation implementation of digital solutions results and partial implementation of results or fragmented implementation
proficient implementation of of digital solutions digital solutions of digital solutions
digital solutions

discerning evaluation of informed evaluation of coding evaluation of coding concepts and explanation of some coding concepts description of coding concepts and
coding concepts and concepts and reflection on digital reflection on digital solutions and little reflection on digital little or no reflection on digital

reflection on digital solutions solutions solutions solutions

Processes and production skills

comprehensive planning and informed planning and management planning and management of digital partial planning and management of fragmented planning and
management of digital of digital projects using an iterative projects using an iterative approach digital projects using an iterative management of digital projects
projects using an iterative approach approach
Collaborating and managing


proficient sharing and effective sharing and collaboration sharing and collaboration online, partial sharing and collaboration fragmented sharing and collaboration
collaboration online, with online, with establishment of with establishment of protocols for online using protocols for the use, online using protocols
establishment of effective protocols for the use, the use, transmission and transmission and maintenance of data
comprehensive and effective transmission and maintenance of data maintenance of data and projects and projects
protocols for the use, and projects
transmission and maintenance
of data and projects



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