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CBM Valentines’ Day Celebration Script

Emcees: Prescious Ann Maquiling & Arli John Terence Jabagat

Prescious: Our due respect to our College Dean, Dr. Ramel D. Tomaquin, to the Chair of
Department of Business Management, Dr. Rizza Mae C. Azarcon, to our Program Coordinators,
Abes Adviser, Ma’am Melisa T. Roluna, to our esteemed CBM Faculty and Staffs, ABES and
Program Officers, beloved students, and to everyone gathered here today, a pleasant morning
to all and…

TOGETHER: a warm welcome to the College of Business and Management's Valentine's Day

Prescious: As we gather here today to celebrate love and camaraderie, let us be reminded of
these words by Maya Angelou: "Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fence,
penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope." Indeed, today, let us allow love to enter
every aspect of our celebration.

Arli: Before we officially commence our program, may I request everyone to please rise for the
Opening Prayer, followed by the singing of the National Anthem through a Multimedia

(Opening Prayer & National Anthem)

Arli: Now, to kickstart our festivities, we have a special performance by none other than our
Program Officers! Please give a round of applause to our DPA, DBM, and DHM Officers as
they take the stage for our Opening Salvo.

[Special Performance by the Program Officers]

Prescious: Let's give it up for our fantastic Program Officers! To start, let’s have the DPA
Officers …

Arli: DBM…

Arli: DHM…

Arli: Your energy truly sets the tone for today's celebration. Moving forward, as we celebrate
love and unity, it's only fitting to pay tribute to those who guide us with wisdom and
knowledge. We now present messages from selected program officers to their respective
instructors. We'll begin with messages from the DHM, DBM, and DPA Officers.

[Tribute Message for Faculty; Messages from Program Officers]


DBM: by Mayor Janna Shane Oberez, HRM Mayor

Prescious: Thank you for those heartfelt messages. Let's give another round of applause to our
dedicated faculty members!
Arli: Now, let's lighten the mood with an Ice Breaker activity led by all our officers. This will
surely get everyone mingling and laughing together!

[Ice Breaker Activity]

Prescious: Great job, everyone! Laughter truly is the best medicine, especially on a day like
today. Now, let's move on to some fun-filled Games for both our Faculty and Students, courtesy
of our ABES Officers.

[Games for Faculty and Students]

Arli: What an exciting array of games! Thank you, ABES Officers, for organizing such
entertaining activities for us all.

Prescious: And with that, we've come to the end of our program. But before we bid goodbye,
we'd like to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for joining us today.
Your presence has made this celebration all the more meaningful.

Arli: Indeed, love knows no boundaries, and it's evident in the unity and joy we've shared here
today. As we conclude, let's remember to carry the spirit of love and camaraderie in our hearts
every single day.

Prescious: On behalf of the organizing committee and all the officers involved, this is Prescious
Ann Maquiling...

Arli: ...and Arli John Terence Jabagat..

TOGETHER: ...wishing you all a Happy Valentine's Day filled with love, laughter, and
cherished memories. Thank you, and good afternoon!

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