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1. Lithosphere = land/rock = Rock, Dirt and Imer crust

2. Hydrosphere = water = Ocean, Rivers and lakes
3. Biosphere = Living things = Monkeys, Magpies and elephants
4. Atmosphere = Air = Gasses and oxygen

System Interactions
Lithosphere and Hydrosphere:

Water causes erosion of soil. It also transports eroded material and changes landforms.

Water flows through canals creating a river, which could create.

Lithosphere and Biosphere:

Plants grow in soil and exchange nutrients with it. Animals live on the lithosphere.

Lithosphere and Atmosphere:

Wind blows seeds, dust, sand and ash to new locations and we get new land features.

Atmosphere creates pressure onto the ground, which can create diamonds and other minerals.

Today I learnt about the 4 atmospheres located on and around earth, starting from the crust upwards
the atmospheres begin, The Geosphere is rock and stone, Biosphere is living creatures, hydrosphere
is water, and finally the atmosphere is air and wind. All these spheres work together to create a
habitable earth filled with creatures, and minerals.

Sphere review:

The Lithosphere: The Lithosphere is all the rock, soil, Imer crust and minerals around us.

The Atmosphere: The atmosphere is all the air around us and the gasses and oxygen around us.

We need all four spheres in order for the planet to survive, without one we cant have another, then
causing the apocalypse.

Earth’s atmosphere: From Lowest to highest:

Troposphere: The lowest atmosphere,…

Ozone Layer: The second atmosphere,…

Stratosphere: The third atmosphere,…

Mesosphere: The fourth atmosphere, it’s the coldest place found within the earths system (-85c)

Thermosphere: The fifth atmosphere,…

Exosphere: The top atmosphere, most of earths satellites orbit the exosphere.

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