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(Sri Lakshmi Saraswathi Educational Society and Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi)

Grade: V Subject: Science Lesson 13 – Moon


I Words to focus

1. natural satellite
2. phase
3. surface
4. rough
5. crater
6. meteorites
7. valley
8. gravity
9. equipment
10. information
11. transparent
12. translucent
13. opaque
14. shadow
15. eclipse
16. partial
17. ultraviolet rays
18. periodic
20. heavenly

II Answer these questions in one or two sentences:

1. What is found on the surface of Moon?
A. * The surface of the Moon is rough and uneven.
* It is made up of plains, huge mountains, craters and valleys.
* The surface of the Moon is covered with dark grey dust.

2. Why there is no life on Moon?

A. Life is not possible on Moon because-
* There is no air or water on Moon.
* There is no protection from the strong rays of sun.

3. What is solar eclipse?

A. *When Moon comes between Earth and Sun, it blocks the light of sun and casts its shadow on Earth.
* The people falling in the shadow part of the Earth cannot see Sun. This is called Solar eclipse.

4. When can we see the lunar eclipse?

A. Lunar eclipse is seen when the Sun, Earth and Moon are in a straight line, such that the moon passes into the
Earth’s shadow.

II Answer these questions in detail:

1. What are artificial satellites? How are artificial satellites useful to us?
A. Artificial satellites are man-made machines that continuously revolve around any heavenly body.
Uses of artificial satellites
* Communication –
Satellites help us to send messages from one country to another.
* Weather forecast –
Satellites provide us information on atmospheric condition in advance.
* Disaster rescue-
Satellites find out the source of pollution and detect the spread of diseases in crops. They warn us of storms.
Ex- IRS- 1C and IRS- 1D.
Satellites are also used to locate mineral deposits on Earth.

2. Distinguish between solar eclipse and lunar eclipse.

A. Solar eclipse Lunar eclipse

* When moon passes in between the Earth and * When the Earth passes in between the Moon and the
the Sun then solar eclipse occurs. Sun, then lunar eclipse occurs.

* The Moon will hide the Sun rays partially or * The shadow of the Earth hides the Moon partially or
fully during a solar eclipse for a few minutes fully during the lunar eclipse for a particular time.

* It occurs once 18 months and during day time. * It happens two times in a year and during night time.
That is on a new Moon Day. That is on a full moon night.

*A solar eclipse is harmful to the naked eyes. So * A lunar eclipse will not harm naked eyes. We can see
always use protective glasses for seeing it. it directly without protective glasses.

3. What are tides? How are high tides and low tides formed?

A. * The periodic rise and fall of the level of water in the sea or ocean is called tide.
* Tides are caused due to gravitational force of the Moon.
* The water of the seas on the side of Earth facing Moon is attracted upwards. This cause high tides.
* The water of the seas on the side of Earth facing away from moon moves towards the side facing Moon. This
causes low tide.
* Due to rotation of Earth we get two low tides everyday. The highest tides are seen on the new Moon and the full
moon days.

4. Draw diagrams to show a) solar eclipse b) lunar eclipse.

Solar eclipse Lunar eclipse


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