Interview Bule

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Interview bule

1.Permisi sama bule

excuse me sir, good afternoon. May we ask for your time?

We are students of the Yogyakarta Plantation Education Institute Polytechnic. Our goal is to

complete one of the course assignments, namely chatting with you about the city of

Yogyakarta, would you like to?

and may we record when we talk to you as documentation of our duties

2. Perkenalan diri

OK, first let me introduce myself, my name is Fiqi and these are my friends

hello sir, I'm Sutan, I'm Rivaldi, I'm Sanjaya, and I'm Siska

3.berkenalan dengan bule

OK, can we get to know you first? Yes, you may

What's your name? Jack

how are you today? Fine

Where are you from? Netherlands

4.ngapain datang ke jogja dan sama siapa?

What is your purpose in coming to Yogyakarta? holiday

Who did you come to Yogyakarta with? boyfriend

5. selama di jogja uda kemana aja?

Where have you been while in Yogyakarta?

and where was your favorite place while in Yogyakarta?

6. kuliner favorit bule di jogja

While in Yogyakarta, what is your favorite food?

7. mengapa milih jogja

Why did you choose Yogyakarta as a holiday destination?

8. pendapatnya tentang budaya yang ada di jogja

What do you think about the culture in Yogyakarta?

9. berapa lama di jogja

How long have you been in Yogyakarta?

10. kesan dan pesan di jogja

What were your messages and impressions while in Yogyakarta?

11. penutup dan memberikan reward

OK, maybe that's all we can ask you about your experience while in Yogyakarta, thank you

for taking the time to talk to us. Nice to meet you and here is a gift from us for you as a thank

you and a memory from us

12 ajak foto

OK, our task session is over, now can we take a photo with you?

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