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assalamualaikum miss
introduce myself my name is muhammad fiqi with student identification number two three zero
five zero six three and I am from regular class b

well on this occasion I would like to make a video about my essay in which the essay I made
is my goal or aspiration to change or redesign the harvester for oil palm plants in order to
increase the productivity of workers when harvesting these oil palm plants.

without lingering for a long time, let's go straight to my explanation

Speaking of plantations, I am currently studying at LPP Polytechnic Yogyakarta, which is one

of my campuses that is a superior and trusted vocational campus about plantations. Therefore,
when I graduate from my campus, I must make changes to the world of plantations, especially
when harvesting oil palm fruit, we often see mistakes in harvesting oil palm such as harvesting
workers who are not old enough and have a posture that is less qualified to harvest, because
things like this can cause accidents at work.

as for the design of this harvesting tool is made to not cause physical complaints. because
physical complaints are seen in the design of the egrek which is not in accordance with the
dimensions of the worker's body which will cause several complaints because workers must
use the tool repeatedly in the harvesting process.
cause several complaints because workers have to use tools repeatedly for a long time. The
work posture is influenced by the distance between the harvest workers and the oil palm land
so that these conditions cause operator discomfort in carrying out activities, the operator also
complains of pain in the shoulders and neck. this redesign will be done in order to improve a
work system, especially in humans. engineering design is an activity with a specific purpose to
achieve the goal of meeting human needs, especially those that can be accepted by the
technological factors of our civilisation. And in the end this redesign process was carried out.
The design of a work equipment based on anthropometric data of the wearer aims to reduce the
level of work fatigue, improve work performance and minimise the potential for work
as for my explanation related to this redesign are two methods and one tool
QEC is a system disorder assessment tool consisting of muscles, connective tissue, nerves, and
bones and joints (musculoskeletal) which is closely related to work, especially during
harvesting. This tool has the
main function is to evaluate risk disorders in various areas / parts of the worker's body and
suggest actions that need to be taken by workers to reduce existing risk disorders.

well the assessment tool in QEC is like this ...

REBA is a work posture assessment method to assess risk factors for overall body disorders.
For each task, posture factors are assessed by assessing each worker.
for REBA itself is a method then I can't provide a photo example.

RULA is a research method to investigate upper limb abnormalities. This method does not
require special equipment in determining the assessment of the posture of the neck, back, and
upper arms because each movement is given a predetermined score. That has been determined.
RULA was developed as a method to detect work postures that are risk factors. The method is
designed to assess worker posture and determine the musculoskeletal load that is likely to cause
upper extremity impairment. The method uses posture diagrams and The risk factors studied
are called external load factors, namely the amount of motion, static muscle work,
power/strength, determination of work posture with equipment, and determination of work
posture with equipment. Strength, determination of work posture with equipment, and work
time without rest.

Similar to REBA, RULA is also a method so I can't provide a photo example.

In this video, I have discussed two methods and 1 tool to optimise harvesting. The methods
used to determine work postures are QEC, REBA, and RULA which can help worker
productivity in harvesting in oil palm plantations. it can be concluded that based on QEC
calculations that have an exposure level value of forty-eight percent, the value of the exposure
level in the range of forty-one percent to fifty percent is obtained. This shows that future action
needs to be taken, namely making improvements to the egrek by designing the egrek according
to the harvester's posture. Similarly, with the results of the REBA method, the final results are
at a moderate risk level with level two action so that action is needed to improve work posture. No different from the previous method based on the RULA score
obtained, which is seven with the level of risk. risk level of palm fruit harvesting activities
including high risk levels and also requires action to improve current work postures. improve
the current work posture.
Maybe that's all I can convey in this video about my goal after graduating from the Yogyakarta
LPP Polytechnic campus. I hope I can make it happen and realize my dream of becoming a
plantation assistant. I'm sorry if there are more or less mistakes in what I said. I apologize to
Assalamualaikum wr wb


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