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DLE 2083

TERM 0123




DATE : 27/3/2023



LYE FOONG YEE 970701-10-5874
SANTHIA KARTIKOO 960403-05-5224



(DLE 2083)


FORMAT (Front page, Title, Lecturer Name) 7

INTRODUCTION (of topic) 12


i. Causes 3
- Theory (3 related theories) 6
- Social Issue (3 related issue) 6
- Elaboration 12
ii. Discussion 6
- 3 Effects of the social issue 6
- 3 Case study related to social issue

- Opinion
- Judgement
- Solution






Marks Characteristics

Above 80 % Outstanding work which demonstrates that the student has a good grasp of the
content appropriate to the topic


70-79 % The student demonstrates above average understanding and clear grasp of the

50-69 % The student is able to cover basic subject matter but may display some
weakness, limitations in understanding and interpretation.

40-49 % The student’s performance is only just acceptable revealing some

inadequacies, weak organizing ability and limited communication skills.

<39 % The student’s performance is inadequate, has poor organizing ability and weak
communication skills.




Group Assignment Evaluation Form 1

Table Of Contents 3

1.1 Introduction Of School Bullying 4

1.1 The Historical of School Bullying 5
1.2 Statistic of School Bullying in Malaysia 6

2.0 Cause of School Bullying 7

2.1 Theory Related of School Bullying 7

2.2 Effects of the School Bullying
2.3 Case Study

3.0 Conclusion 15

3.1 Judgment of Being Bullied 15

3.2 Solution for School Bullying 15

4.0 References 17


1.0 Introduction Of School Bullying

School Bullying is an aggressive behavior that takes place on and off school bullying and takes
students as the main body of participation. It includes both direct bullying and indirect bullying.
School bullying is not the same as school violence, school violence includes school bullying, and
school bullying is the most common form of school

The bully of school bullying can be an individual or

a group. By attacking the victim's body and mind, the
victim will feel pain, shame, embarrassment and fear,
and even worse, it will turn into depression.

School bullying doesn't have to happen in schools,

student bullying refers to the behavior that occurs
between students, where one party intentionally
bullies and insults the other party through physical,
verbal and Internet means, causing personal injury,
property loss or mental damage to the other party. Even outside of school, assaults or cyberbullying
can be classified as school bullying. The picture left shows the place and the statistics of this place
where students get bullied. Besides school, the internet is where most people get bullied, also known
as cyberbullying.

There were few types of bullying, such as :

1. Physical : Deliberate bodily contact that causes injury or discomfort

● Kicking
● Pushing
● Pinching
● Punching
2. Verbal :Individuals use spoken language to hurt others psychologically and make others feel
● Insult


● Teasing
● Taunting
● Call someone a mean name
3. Cyber : Repeated behavior through social media, instant messaging platforms, gaming
platforms and mobile phones, with the aim of intimidating, angering or humiliating others.
● Spread false statements about others or post embarrassing photos on social media
● Sending harmful or threatening messages to others through instant messaging platforms
● Pretending to be someone else and sending malicious messages under someone else's

1.1 The Historical of School Bullying

According to the research, school bullying does not only appear in modern society, as early as 18th to
early 20th centuries, this problem existed.

《Bullies and Victims in Schools》which the photo shown here, publish by Besag, V. E. waas lauch at
1991: A guide to understanding and management.

The studied of few cases of school bullying in this book were shown 18th to early 20th centuries
already existed. The knowledege of the role of school for school bullying, prevention bullying and
protection were stated.

In the early days, according to what is described in older texts,

bullying was often described as physical harassment often
associated with the death of schoolchildren, intense isolation or

This is a review of the history and current state of research on

bullying. Studying the forms of school bullying is the purpose of
this study to expand our general understanding of bullying
behavior and improve our knowledge about bullying. As
historical documents attest, the phenomenon of bullying is not a
new concept. Describes the fact that the student was harassed or
attacked by others. There are many examples of bullying in


general and incidents that happened early on among young people through this book as well.
However, unlike earlier forms of bullying, and the initial description of bullying as one or a few
physically able boys directly and harsh treatment of the weak, bullying in modern times includes more
psychological and verbal threats, bullying behavior. There has been a serious trend in school bullying
in recent years, and the situation seems to have become a part of the culture among students.

1.2 Statistic of School Bullying in Malaysia

After research, incidents of bullying in Malaysia are on the rise. It can be said that only one new
impression per month will be broadcast through smartphones or web impressions such as YouTube.

According to the list of student violations received by the

Ministry of Education, a total of 1,054 cases were
reported from January to June this year. According to
statistics, a total of 3,011 bullying cases were reported in
2015, the number of cases increased to 3,488 in 2016, and
dropped to 2,795 in 2017.

According to the list of student disciplinary incidents released by the Malaysian Ministry of
Education, it was found that from January 2018 to June 2018, there were a total of 1,054 school
bullying incidents. In 2017, 2795 cases were reported. According to a survey by UNICEF, 7 in 10
children in the country are bullied, which is a very high rate.

For 2022, from the beginning of January to the end of July 2022, a total of 122 cases of bullying were
convicted compared to only 50 cases recorded throughout 2011. This kind of bullying has a long
history. This type of bullying is endemic among dormitory students. Presumably, the purpose of this is
to educate freshmen on the rules to follow in the dorms and to get them used to living independently.

Even more tragic, cases of bullying have now caused many teens and children to risk spending the rest
of their lives in prison, juvenile or moral rehabilitation centers. Either way, in addition to causing
serious injury and permanent disability, cases involving a group of teenagers who have been bullied


resulting in death have a habit of being reported in the media. What's even more tragic is that people
12 and under have this behavior too.

Even more worrying, according to my research article, the results of the global survey also found that
54% of children felt that their views or voices on the issue were not being heard and that their voices
had no impact on change. This shows that, as a result of the change of time and the speed of
technological progress, the scope of bullying does not only occur in physical form in places such as
schools, dormitories, universities, or toilets, but has even extended to cyberspace. This situation shows
the seriousness of this problem to be overcome.

2.0 Cause of School Bullying

Children who are bullied will cause harm to their physical and mental health, and children who often
bully others also have a serious negative impact on their mental health, and aggressiveness is an
obvious feature. Children who regularly bully others are far more likely to develop anti-social crimes
and violence than normal children, and they are four times more likely to commit crimes as adults.

The main causes of school bullying examples:

● Improper family education

● Lack of guardianship
● Some children are aggressive
● There are problems in school education
● It is not suitable for young people to operate in violation of regulations
● Online media is full of unhealthy cultural information

2.1 Theory Related of School Bullying

1. Social Identity Theory

Social identity theory refers to people grouping themselves into a certain community. identification is
to think that they have the general characteristics of members of the community, comparison is to
evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the community with which one identifies compared with
other communities.


With school bullying, everyone is the bully, the bullied and the bystanders. Based on my research,
most of them are bullies in groups of two or more, deliberately or maliciously bullying and insulting
students outside their group through physical, verbal and Internet means, causing physical injury,
property loss or mental damage to the other party.

The first study case in this program of research, a group of four secondary school students aged
between 15 and 16 years old was attacked and beaten a 16-year-old victim outside the school, and the
victim was studying in a different school. The research on this theory and my study case develops two
identity bullying behavior and problem behavior. Basen on this case study, social identities theory that
explain internal bullying naturally form circles of friends, which is a group of same school students
bullying another student which is a different school.

A related issue for social identity theory : School students bring 'gangs' to attack, beat friends

KAJANG - A total of four secondary school students aged between 15 and 16 years old were arrested for being suspected of being
involved in a group fight at a petrol station here on Friday.

Kajang District Police Chief, Assistant Commissioner Mohd Zaid Hassan said the incident was believed to be the result of a
disagreement between the suspect and the victim in their school canteen here on Wednesday.

"The suspect asked for help from other school friends to take revenge on the victim," he said in a statement on Saturday.

Mohd Zaid said, the review found that the viral video was a fight on Thursday and Friday in two different places around the school.

He said, the 16-year-old victim was attacked and beaten by the suspect and some of his friends who are believed to be students from
another school here around 12.30 noon, Friday.

-By Sinar Harian news-

Base on the case study above, those students were categorized by their school friend, while the suspect
and his friends were bullying another boy.

2. Social Comparison Theory

Social comparison theory, in the absence of objectivity, each individual uses others as a standard of
comparison for self-evaluation. It includes four main points, which is accurate self evaluation, self
enhancement, self improvement and sense of communication.

Based on my case study, I found that social comparison theory is related to school bullying. The Form
4 and Form 5 students were detained after police received a report on June 23 from a 14-year-old
student. The victim was beaten and suffered injuries on his body from a hot iron. The sense of


jealousy was the motive behind the incident, adding that the victim was earlier seen talking to the
girlfriend of one of the suspects. In this case, the suspect has a sense of jealousy, and he is bullying
and being rude to the victims to show the comparison of himself with the victims. He is trying to show
the weakness of the victims.

A related issue for Social Comparison Theory :

Investigations are being conducted under Section 148 of the Penal Code for rioting with a deadly weapon.
According to him, the Form 4 and Form 5 students were detained after police received a report on June 23 from a 14-year-old

Initial findings showed the victim was bullied by 10 students at the school on June 23, between 12.30am and 1am. The victim was
beaten and suffered injuries on his body from a hot iron.

Jealousy was the motive behind the incident, adding that the victim was earlier seen talking to the girlfriend of one of the suspects.

Mior Faridalathrash said the victim called his mother, who then brought him to the Teluk Intan hospital to receive treatment.

Bullying incidents have been reported regularly in the past.

-By FMT Reporters-

In the study of a few cases, many teens also get bullied because of comparison, such as fighting in a
sports competition, bullying between the scores in the exam, ect. In interpersonal communication, the
social comparison that people make, on the one hand, uses similar others as comparison objects to
confirm that they are similar to others. This is the main social comparison; Compared with others,
confirm one's own attributes from the negative side, so as to improve the credibility of self-evaluation,
and at the same time, it is beneficial to the development of one's social behavior. This is a
supplementary social comparison, and wise people are good at combining these two aspects of social
comparison to improve self-evaluation.

3. Realistic Conflict Theory

Realistic conflict theory refers to competition for resources as a source of prejudice. The view that
prejudice stems from direct competition between various social groups scarce and valuable resources.
Refers to people's inclusion in a community; identification is the belief that they have the general
characteristics of members of the community; comparison is the evaluation of the strengths,


weaknesses, status, and reputation of the community with which one identifies compared with other
communities. Social identity theory puts the individual's identification with the group at the core. It
believes that individuals identify with their own group through social classification, and generate
in-group preferences and out-group prejudices. Individuals improve self-esteem by achieving or
maintaining positive social identification. , positive self-esteem arises from favorable comparisons of
ingroups with relevant outgroups.

Those with more power and resources are able to bully those with less, leading to a conflict between
the two groups. This theory can help to explain why bullying is more common in certain areas or
among certain groups of people.
A related issue for social identity theory :Social competition in school: Relationships with bullying

Bullying behavior was investigated as part of an individual's overall attitude framework toward interpersonal relationships, social
competition, and school motivation. It has been hypothesized that bullying behavior and attitudes that support bullying are related to
socially competitive attitudes in the classroom, Machiavellianism, and psychopathic and extroverted personality structures.

-By Sutton, Jon articles-

2.2 Effects of the School Bullying

Bullying is linked to many negative outcomes including impacts on mental health, substances use and
suicide. Children who are bullied can experience negative physical, social, emotional, academic and
mental health issues. The effect of school bullying is extensive. From a mental point of view, bullying
has a potential to severely impact a child ‘s self esteem even years after bullying has stopped.

After investigation, teenagers who have been bullied usually suffer from depression, bipolar disorder,
obsessive-compulsive disorder, etc. Their parents took them to see many doctors, but they still couldn't
get better.

There have been many studies in the field of psychology on the harm of school bullying to adolescents
and children. Among them, the general consensus is that:

For example, in terms of academic issues, bullied people feel fear and low self-esteem in school, and it
is difficult to devote themselves to their studies. Their studies will be affected, and their grades will
decline, and they will be tired of learning and fear of learning.

In terms of behavior, children who have been bullied are likely to become timid and unconfident when
getting along with others, and tend to withdraw when faced with difficulties. Some children will turn


to bully other children who are weaker than themselves in order to vent their anger and satisfy their

In terms of psychological problems, students who are bullied are more prone to depression and
anxiety, and have a higher proportion of depression.

However, the results of this part of the study are relatively general, failing to analyze in detail the
effects of different levels of school bullying. Moreover, judging from the adolescent patients we have
contacted in the clinic, the mental and psychological problems caused by school bullying are far more
than these.

What is extremely serious is that the bullied person is likely to cause complex post-traumatic stress
disorder. There are many school bullying incidents that have been exposed by the media, and there are
also sad and angry bullying videos circulating on the Internet. For example, several people beat, kick,
slap, undress, or even sexually assault the bullied person.

Moreover, such violent incidents are often more than one, and victims may often be bullied, beaten,
intimidated, blackmailed, and threatened not to tell others, otherwise they will suffer more serious
bullying. The victimized students may really dare not tell their teachers or parents for a period of time.
Some children's parents have not been around for a long time, and they have nowhere to turn for help.


2.3 Case Study

Case Study 1

The research i have found in from the facebook, the child was passs away because of bullied in school,
The victim did nothing wrong, but lost his life because of being bullied. This is undoubtedly a great
blow to the people around him. As parents, they may also suffer from mental illness due to excessive
sadness. Wounds that never heal. So school bullying not only harms the victim alone, but also has a
certain impact on the people around the victim.

Case Study 2

The 9-year-old kid was bullied at school, and the article said he was
very sad. In my opinion, maybe this sadness will last for a long time
for him, and if it is serious, it will leave a mental illness. These are just
some of the cases we have seen on the surface, and there are many
children who are afraid to tell the truth to their parents because of
shyness, fear, or intimidation.There are countless cases that lead to
children's autism, self-harm, etc.


Case Study 3

Bully not only hurts the child's mind, but also hurts the body, such as beating, kicking, violence and so
on. . . If it is serious, the victim will be disabled for life and even lose his life. Therefore, parents must
pay close attention to their children's emotions or changes, so as to deal with bullying at school early.

impact on victims

Bullying can affect a victim's physical health, school life and mental health. People who experience
bullying often experience:

1. Physical discomfort: such as insomnia, headache, stomach pain, low immunity, etc.

2. Psychological abnormalities: falling into a state of low self-esteem, mental and psychological
problems, such as anxiety, depression, and even self-injury and suicide behaviors. You may also suffer
from post-traumatic stress disorder, which is characterized by frequent states of heightened alertness,
anger, hostility, and irritability, and, in severe cases, avoidance or aggression.

3. Impairment of social functions: Difficulty in social interaction and difficulty in school adaptation,
manifested as inattention in class, often being late, leaving early, and in severe cases, even truancy or
dropout. It may also be the opposite, with antisocial behavior and moral alienation, starting to smoke,
drink, and use drugs, and later violent crimes.

Impact on Bullies


People who bully may face the following effects:

1. Alcohol and drug abuse in adolescence or adulthood

2. Participating in fights, destroying property, or even dropping out of school

3. Early sexual involvement

4. Leave a criminal record and other records

5. Abusing a love partner, spouse, or child as an adult

Parents or guardians must pay more attention to the development of their children, pay more attention
to them, pay attention to their changes at all times, communicate with them more, and prevent them
from being withdrawn and extreme.

In daily life, parents should pay attention to observe the child's emotions, dynamics, learning and daily
performance. If the child suddenly has the following phenomena, parents must pay attention to what
problems the child may have in school

3.0 Conclusion

With more media exposure, I watched a lot of news, discussions and videos. have some feelings and
opinions. Seeing the shrunken figure of the bullied person in the video, I feel shock and fear in my
heart, and even feel insecure about this society.

First of all, I think the families of these bullies are more or less problematic and more or less lacking
in love, such as single-parent families, domestic violence and distorted values ​of parents. I think it is
precisely because of the lack of love in the child's values ​that he does not have much love to give, and
at this restless age, they are irritable and prone to anger on others.

Second, both the school and the police station should bear part of the responsibility. As far as schools
are concerned, I think that children should be provided with reasonable and sufficient education from
elementary school, even kindergarten, to make up for the lack of family as much as possible.

Most bullied people have suffered physical and psychological harm during the conflict and are worthy


of sympathy and protection. The person being bullied is the weaker party, and this weakness is often
not only physical, but also psychological. Victims are often different, friendless, socially rejected and

3.1 Judgment of Being Bullied

How can you tell if your child is being bullied at school?

● When foreign objects such as clothes or schoolbags are damaged, if you ask the reason, you
will always hesitate.
● There are always some small wounds on the body for no reason. When asked the reason, he
said that he touched it accidentally.
● Does not like to mention classmates, seems to hate his classmates very much.
● Reluctance to talk about school, seems to have some bad memories.
● Reluctance to participate in group activities, fearful of crowded places.
● The grades have declined seriously, and the spirit is always in a trance state.
● Suddenly becomes taciturn, does not like to communicate with other people, and is always

3.2 Solution for School Bullying

Few solution with preventing school bullying

1. Make sure you are not bullying yourself at school. Examine the way you treat your classmates.
Do you bully anyone, even unintentionally? Everyone says harsh things from time to time, but
are you targeting someone in particular, even in a situation you don't think constitutes
bullying? Treat people with kindness as your rule of thumb, even with people you like.
● Never tease someone unless you know them well enough to understand their sense of humor.
● Never spread rumors or gossip about other people - this is also a form of bullying.
● Never willfully isolate or ignore others.
● Never distribute pictures or material online about another person without his or her consent.

2. Parents : Actively respond to often understand the security situation inside and outside the


school of their children, and communicate with their children more; whether the child is the
beating person or the person being beaten, they should maintain a good attitude, manage their
emotions well, and avoid solving problems in a rude way. Teach children the knowledge of
self-protection; actively communicate with the school, and learn to convey personal appeals to
the school skillfully.
3. Schools take precautions: Teachers should adopt scientific and reasonable methods in
educating students. They should not replace education with beatings, sarcasm, or corporal
punishment, which will harm students physically and mentally. While paying attention to
knowledge education, schools should strengthen psychological Health education, strengthening
the legal awareness of underage students, so that their physical and mental health can develop.
4. Social Network : Create a good social environment for minors. First, from the legal level,
legislation should be improved to implement the prevention and control of school violence. All
departments perform their duties and cooperate closely, and all sectors of society actively
participate in the long-term working mechanism of caring for special groups.


4.0 References

Besag, V. E. (1989). Bullies and Victims in Schools. Besag, V. E.

FADZIL, M. H. F. M. (2022, December 3). Pelajar sekolah bawa “geng” serang, pukul rakan. Sinar

FMT Reporters. (2022, June 25). Another bullying case at a boarding school, 10 teens held. Another
Bullying Case at a Boarding School, 10 Teens Held.

Mohd Azam Shah Yaacob. (2018, June 30). Kementerian Pendidikan perlu kekang gejala buli.

N/A. (2018, September 6). 儿基会:全球半数青少年在校园内外遭到同龄人暴力 | | 1联合国新闻.

Rivara, F., & Le Menestrel, S. (2016, September 14). Consequences of Bullying Behavior.;
National Academies Press (US).

Statistics on bullying in Malaysia. (2013, November 26). Curb Bullying in Malaysian Secondary
Schools PPP.


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