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Lab 3 - Permeability Test


Diameter (cm) Height (cm)

10.146 11.793 (a) If fine leave, it will block or reduce the water flow, which will result in affecting the calculation for k,
10.120 11.766 also the permibilty of given volume of soil will have different/unknow volume which is actualy needs to
10.002 11.775 be known to calculate for void ratio and k. so the k value would go higher when particles start blocking
Average 10.089 11.778 the tube, then back low when it leaves

Mass of Mould + Dry Soil 4957.00 g

Mass of Mould Empty 3433.00 g
Mass of Dry Soil 1524.00 g (b) if the sample were not completely saturated, will result of having air inside the mould chamber which
2 will affect the water flowing and give different/wrong flow rate. This will result in getting air bubles inside
Area of Mould 79.95 cm
and k will go lower
Volume of Mould 941.643 cm
Difference of Water Head 113.50 cm
Dry Density (rho) 1.62 g/m3
Dry Density (rho) 1618.45 kg/m
Gs 2.65
Water Density at 15.6 °C 999.00 kg/m
Void Ratio 0.64 Permeability vs Void Ratio
Trial Time (s) Temp (°C) Q (cm ) K (cm/s) 0.010300
1 126 23 1000 0.010301

k ‐ coefficient of permeability
2 127 21 1000 0.010220
3 134 19.5 1000 0.009686
4 138 18.8 1000 0.009405 0.010000

K Avg(cm/s) 0.009903 0.009900

Temprature Correction 0.009600
Water Density at 20 °C = 0.99821 0.009500
Temp (°C) Viscosity Ratio Water Density k(cm/s) k‐20 e
23 0.931 0.99754 0.010301 0.009597 0.63334
21 0.976 0.99799 0.010220 0.009977 0.63408
0.63320 0.63340 0.63360 0.63380 0.63400 0.63420 0.63440 0.63460 0.63480 0.63500
19.5 1.000 0.99821 0.009686 0.009686 0.63444
void ratio
18.8 1.025 0.99841 0.009405 0.009639 0.63477
k‐20 Avg(cm/s) 0.009725

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