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Fire Technology and Arson Investigation

Technology - What type of Chemical reaction is

fire? Oxidation Reduction
- It is the branch of knowledge that
- Oxidation – reaction when fuel and
deals with industrial art and sciences.
oxygen react together, and it produces
- It is the application of such
knowledge that is used to produce the
- -reduction of oxygen / reduction of
material necessity of society.
fuel (pyrolysis – chemical
- It could also mean the practical
decomposition of matter through the
application of knowledge especially in
action of heat)
a particular area.
- Ang fire pangyayare, ang apoy ay
- (cellphone, machinery) (fire truck, fire
extinguisher, fire host, protective
- Making, usage, and knowledge of
tools, techniques, crafts, system, or
Manifestation of Fire
methods of organization to resolve a 1. Flames
problem. - visible part of fire
Fire Technology - Glowing body of gases
- Incandescent gas
- It is the application of basic research
and engineering to the solution of
practical fire problems. 2. Smoke
- Application of the result of basic - Composed of gases and tiny solid
research and engineering principles particles
to the solution of practical fire
protection problem.
- Water is not always available (Fire 3. Light
extinguisher) portable. - Illumination made by the fire.
- Fire wall – para di na kumalat pa yung

Fire 4. Heat
- Energy generated by fire.
- It is an active chemical reaction that
takes place between fuel, heat, and Flames According to color
oxygen in the form of light and
noticeable heat. (nagcombine)
1. Luminous Flame
- Fire or combustion is a chemical
- Reddish orange
process caused by the combination of
- It deposits soot. (Nangingitim ang
one or more substances with oxygen.
ilalim ng kaldero)
- Phenomenon of combustion
- Low temperature
manifested in light, flame, smoke, and
- Product of incomplete combustion
2. Non- Luminous Flame - For a fire to start there must be
- Bluish in color something to burn
- It does not deposit soot.
- High temperature
- Product of complete combustion Fuel Sources:
a. Solid Fuel
- Molecules are closely packed
Flames According to Smoothness
together. (Wood, plastic, paper, coal.)
1. Turbulent
- Unsteady or irregular ang paggalaw b. Liquid Fuel
(luminous) - Molecules are loosely packed.
(Kerosene, gasoline, lacquer, alcohol.)

2. Laminar c. Gas Fuel

- Smooth flame (non-luminous) - Molecules are free to move. (Natural
gas, propane, & butane.)
Elements of Fire (Theory)
1. Fire Triangle Theory
- Three elements necessary to 2. Oxygen
create/produce fire in equal - Colorless and odorless gas and one of
proportion. the compositions of air that support
- Aids in combustion that comes from
2. Fire Tetrahedron Theory atmosphere we breath.
- William M. Haessler - Support life and combustion.
- Fourth element of fire is known as
chemical chain reaction.
Oxygen Sources
I – Impurities – 1%
3. Life Cycle of Fire Theory
- Stages/ steps wherein fire is created. O – Oxygen – 21%

N – Nitrogen – 78 %

Fire Triangle Theory

1. Fuel (Most Important element of fire) Oxygen Requirements

- Any substances/materials which
No Fire – 12%
reacts chemically to oxygen and
produces flames. Flash Point – 14 % (low temperature)
- Anything that will burn when heated (minimum temperature that a liquid must
with sufficient oxygen. reach to produce vapor)
Fire Point – 21% (nagsimula ng sunog)

Note: 16% minimum percentage of oxygen 3. Electrical Heat Energy

needed to sustain a fire. - Produced when electric current flows
through a conductor or when a spark
jumps on an air gap.
3. Heat a. Lightning – released of an electric
- Source of ignition charge on a cloud.
- Product of combustion that caused b. Arcing – product of interruption of
spread of fire. electrical circuit
- Form of energy that can be measured
in degree of temperature.
4. Nuclear Heat Energy/Solar Heat
Sources of Heat Energy - Released in the form of pressure,
nuclear radiation, and heat.
1. Mechanical Heat Energy - Sun – natural source of heat
- May produce by compression or by a. Nuclear Fusion – reaction in
frictional heat. which two nuclei combine to
a. Frictional Heat – when two become nucleus.
objects are being rubbed together. b. Nuclear Fission – nucleus split
b. Heat of Compression – released into two lighter nuclei.
when gas is compressed. - Nuclear war is prevented – kasi
c. Overheating – gathered from malawak yung heat na ilalabas na
rolling, friction, or sliding in nakakapatay – 5 to 25 km, mass
machinery. destruction.

2. Chemical Heat Energy Method of Heat Transfer

- Product of spark or exothermic
reaction 1. Conduction
a. Heat of Combustion – quantity of - It is transferred through solid
heat released during oxidation. materials in which has a direct
b. Spontaneous Heating – coal contact.
(uling, tuloy-tuloy) process of -
raising temperature by slow
oxidation. 2. Convection
c. Heat of Solution – heat when - Heat is transferred in circulating
substance is dissolved in water. medium either gas/vapor or
d. Heat of Decomposition – liquid/fluid. Heat travel in upward
released by decaying or rotting movement.
compound. - Heat na nagttravel pataas
- -yung gas na napproduce ay may heat - 55 131 Human skin receives a
second degree
at nattransfer pataas
- 62 140 A phase where burned
human tissue becomes numb
3. Radiation - 72 162 Human skin is instantly
- Through the motion of air vacuum or destroyed
- 100 212 Water boils and produces
the sun. steam
- Heat is transferred through - 140 284 Glass transition temperature of
electromagnetic wave. polycarbonate
- 230 446 Melting temperature of
- 250 482 Charring of natural cotton
Fire Tetrahedron begins
- 300 572 Charring of modern
1. Oxidizing Agent (Oxygen) protective clothing fabrics begins
- 600 1112 Temperatures inside a
- Material/substance that yield or post-flashover room fire
provides oxygen or oxidizing gases
needed during the process of
chemical reaction. 4. Self-sustained Chemical Reaction
Common Oxidizing Agents: - Process necessary for continuous
Bromates, Fluorine, Nitrites, Bromine, Iodine, - Kung gusto magkaroon ng continuous
Perchlorates, Chlorates, Nitrates, Chlorine, combustion kailangan magkaroon ng
Nitric Acid, and Peroxide continuous chemical reaction,
Cartridge – combustion of gun powder - Gun kailangan chemically mag react ang
powder (nitrates) – source of ignition – mga elements.
pagtama ng firing pin sa primer

Life Cycle of the Fire Theory

2. Reducing Agent (Fuel)
- Material/substances being burned in
the combustion process. Combustion (Fire)
(Exothermic Reaction)
3. Temperature (Heat) |
- The energy component of the fire Fuel and Air Mixed (oxidation)
tetrahedron (Fire Point)
- Measurement of the thermal agitation |
of molecules Vapor Produced
(Flash Point)
- ºC º F Response |
- 37 98.6 Normal human oral/body
Temperature of Material Increase
- 44 111’;Human skin begins to feel pain (Endothermic Reaction)
- 48 118 Human skin receives a first |
degree burn Ignition Source
2. Exothermic Reactions
Properties of Fire - Are those releases or gives off energy
thus, they produced substances with
Chemical Properties: less energy than the reactants.
1. Endothermic Reactions
- Are changes whereby energy (heat) is
absorbed or is added before the
reaction takes place. Stages of Fire Development
- (The temperature of the material 1. Overheating, Incipient, or Initial
increases.) Stage
- - Four elements of fire tetrahedron
comes together and begin
Physical Properties combustion.
• Boiling Point - It is the beginning of fire.
- Is the constant temperature at which • Characteristics:
the vapor pressure of the liquid is - Plenty of oxygen, temperature is
equal to the atmospheric pressure. slightly over 18-degree Celsius, little
heat and smoke, fire is small.
• Ignition Temperature or Kindling
Temperature 2. Flaming, Free-burning or Growth
- Is the minimum temperature to which Phase
the substance in the air must be - Highest peak of fire
heated in order to initiate combustion - Highest peak of intensity
without the addition of heat from (pinakamainit na tempereratura)
outside sources. 2 -
- Bursting into flames, (rollover)
• Fire Point (extension of fire flumes or
- Is the lowest temperature at which a tongues/eruption of flame)
flammable liquid in an open container - Everything is burning (flashover)
at which vapors are evolved fast (simultaneous burning of all fuel)
enough to support continuous • Characteristics:
combustion. 3 - Fire has involved more fuel, oxygen
supply is depleted, heat accumulate
• Flash Point at upper area, and temperature
- Is the temperature at which a exceed 1300 degrees Fahrenheit.
flammable liquid forms a vapor air
mixture that ignites. The minimum 3. Smoldering Stage
and maximum temperature are - Presence of smoke and smolders
referred to the lower and upper flash - Oxygen drops at 13%
point in air respectively. 1
- Carbon monoxide is produced.
(poisonous gas)
- Backdraft may occur.


- Occurs when there is sudden

introduction of oxygen that can cause
explosion. `

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