00 Prelims Artapp

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Art Appreciation Reviewer

“Art is never finished, only abandoned” -Leonardo Da Vinci

“Art is a lie that helps us to realize the truth” by Pablo Picasso

• Art is man-made, not God made. It is creative, not imitative.

• Art is derived from the Latin word "ars," meaning ability or skill - J.V. Estolas
• Art is taken from the Italian word "artis," which means craftmanship, skill mastery of form,
inventiveness, and the associations that exists between torn and ideas, between material and
technique. - A. Tan
• Art is a product of the imagination that entertains, pleases and inspires.
Assumptions of Art
Art is Universal, Art is not nature, Art is cultural, Art is an expression of mind, Art is a form of creativity, and art
involves experience.
Importance of Art (just read and understand)
1. Art enables us to value and appreciate beautiful things as a consequence of our encounter with arts.
2. Art may influence us to change our ways and behavior as a result of the aesthetic experience we derived
from the arts.
3, Arts are valuable sources of inspirations and aesthetic delightful experience through the artist works of art.
4. Art enables us to get a glimpse of the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs of the people in their time and the
faces in their environment that influence.

Functions of Art
1. Aesthetic Function - Through art, man becomes conscious of the beauty of nature, he benefits from his own
work and from those done by his fellowmen.
2. Utilitarian function – Art that has basic purpose. (Through art, man is provided with shelter, clothing, tools,
light, medicine, beautiful surroundings, personal ornamentals, entertainment, language, transportation, and
other necessities and conveniences of life.)
3. Cultural Function - art transmits and preserves skills and knowledge from one generation to another.
4. Social Function - Through civic and graphic arts, man learns to love and help each other.
5. Political function - Art reinforces and enhance a sense of identity an ideological connection to specific
political views, political parties a politician.
6. Educational Function - art symbols and signs to illustrate knowledge and attitudes that are not expressed in
7. Spiritual Function - express spiritual beliefs, customs, ceremonies and rituals about the meaning and
destiny of life. These artworks may have religious significance.

Philosophy of Art - refers to the study of the nature of arts, its concept interpretation, representation,
expression and form.
1. Art as Mimesis - The word mimesis is a Greek word which means imitation or copying although it may also
mean representation.
2. Art as Representation – Art represents something.
3. Art for Art’s Sake- "I ‘art pour l 'art"
4. Art as an Escape - The only way to take out such tension is through painting, dancing, music, and other art
forms. They are a cathartic solution to one's anxiety and life' s difficulties.

Art movement - refers to the tendency of style in art that has a specific common philosophy or goal.
Some art movements
Baroque Art - They appeal to the emotion, are sensual and highly decorative.
Optical Art - op art for short. This is a style of visual art that emphasize the use of optical illusions.
Futuristic - Their paintings glorified the mechanical energy of modern life.
Surrealism - It tries to reveal a new and higher reality than that of daily life. Surrealism is an invented word
meaning "super realism."
Cubism - It takes the abstract form through the use of geometrical shapes.
Abstractionism – "to move away or separate."
Photorealism - genre of art that encompasses painting, drawing, and other graphic media.
Other movements
Roman Art, greek art, Chinese art, Body art, Performing art, Egyptian Painting,
Theories of Art
• Expressionism - artistic style in which the artist seeks to depict not objective reality but rather the
subjective emotions and responses that objects and events arouse within a person
• Functionalism - Art is defined by purpose(s) that make successful art valuable.
• Open concept theory - Weitz claims that there can be no closed definition of art because art is the kind
of product and enterprise that is so creative, adventurous and ever-changing that no closed set of
defining properties or conditions can be found.
• Formalism - describes the critical position that the most important aspect of a work of art is its form –
the way it is made and its purely visual aspects – rather than its narrative content or its relationship to
the visible world.
Various Arts in the Philippines
Folklore – refers to traditions, beliefs and even stories of a community which being passed down generation
after generation.
Inaul - It is used by Maguindanaon as a "malong", a tabular skirt of "sarong that wraps around the lower part
of the body and worn as traditional dress by both men and women.
Sawali. This material comes from the outer covering of bamboo poles. It is woven into mats and ideal tor
cement backing.
Bahay kubo- a cultural icon, a cultural heritage and as a symbol of togetherness.
Palendag - is a lip valley flute.
Kubing is a jaw harp. The kubing is traditionally considered an intimate instrument, usually used as
communication between family or a loved one in close quarters.
T’nalak - hand-woven which is made of abaca which traditionally has three primary colors, red, black and the
original color of the abaca leaves.
Pis-yabit - a head covering by the Tausug of Sulu.
Kudyapi- boat lute

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