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Byju's Answer

Power Systems
ELD within the plant without transmission losses
Three generat...


Three generators are feeding a load of 100 MW. The details of the generators are

Rating(MW) Efficiency (%) Regulation (pu) on 100 MVA base

Generator-1 100 20 0.02
Generator- 2 100 30 0.04
Generator - 3 100 40 0.03

In the event of increased load power demand, which of the following will happen?
All the generators will share equal power
Generator-3 will share more power compared to Generator-1
Generator-1 will share more power compared to Generator-2
Generator-2 will share more power compared to Generator-3

The correct option is C Generator-1 will share more power compared to Generator-2
Let x1, x2 and x3 are reactances of generator-1 generator-2 and generator-3 respectively.
Neglecting armature resistance of all the three generators

VR1 = 0.02 p.u.

VR2 = 0.04 p.u and

VR1 < VR3 < VR2

Since, voltage regulation (VR) ∝ reactance of generator.


Power shared by a generator∝1reactance of generator

Power shared by

Generator 1 > Generator 3 > Generator 2

Load sharing is independent of efficiency of alternators.

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Q. Three generators are feeding a load of 100 MW. The details of the generators are

Rating(MW) Efficiency (%) Regulation (pu) on 100 MVA base

Generator-1 100 20 0.02
Generator- 2 100 30 0.04
Generator - 3 100 40 0.03

In the event of increased load power demand, which of the following will happen?

Q. The figure shows a two-generator system supplying a load of PD = 40 MW, connected at bus 2.

The fuel cost of generators G1 and G2 are:

IC1(PG1) = 10,000 Rs/MWh and

IC2(PG2) = 12,500 Rs/MWh

and the loss in the line is

Ploss (pu) = 0.5P2G1 (pu), where the loss coefficient is specified in pu on a 100 MVA base. The most economic power
generation schedule in MW is

Q. In a turbine generator set R=0.04 p.u. based on the generator rating of 100 MVA and 60 Hz. The generator
frequency decreases by 0.02 Hz and the system adjusts to steady-state operation. The turbine output power increases

Q. Incremental fuel costs (in some appropriate unit) for a power plant consisting of three generating units are


where Pi is the power in MW generated by units for i = 1, 2 and 3.

Assume that all the three units are operating all the time. Minimum and maximum loads on each units are 50 MW
and 300 MW respecitvely. If the plant is operating on economic load dispatch to supply the total power demand of
700 MW, the power generated by each unit is

Q. Two generators A and B each having 4% speed regulation rated at 200 MW and 400 MW respectively are
operating in parallel. When the total load is 300 MW, the loads shared by generators A and B would be

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ELD Within the Plant Without Transmission Losses

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ELD within the plant without transmission losses

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