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Name of the Student: B. John wesly

Name of the College: Pace Institute of Technology & Sciences

Registration Number:21KQ5A0409

Period of Csp: 180 HOURS From: 16/06/2023 To: 18/07/2023

Name & Address of the Community / Habitation: B.John wesly


Instructions to Students for Community Service Project

Please read the detailed Guidelines on Community Service Project hosted on

thewebsite of AP State Council of Higher Education


1. It is mandatory for all the students to complete 2 months (180 hours) of

Community Service Project as a part of the 10-month mandatory internship/on
the job training.
2. Consider yourself a committed volunteer in the community, you work with.
3. Every student should identify the village/community/habitation for Community
Service Project (CSP) in consultation with the College Principal/the authorized
person nominated by the Principal.
4. Report to the community/habitation as per the schedule given by the College.
You must make your own arrangements for transportation to reach the
5. You will be assigned a Faculty Guide from your College. He/She will be
creating a WhatsApp group with your fellow volunteers. Post your daily activity
done and/or any difficulty you encounter during the programme.
6. You should maintain punctuality in attending the CSP. Daily attendance is
7. You are expected to learn about the community/habitation and their problems.
8. Know the leaders and the officials of the community/habitation.
9. While in the project, always wear your College Identity Card.
10. If your College has a prescribed dress as uniform, wear the uniform daily.
11. Identify at least five learning objectives in consultation with your Faculty
Guide. These learning objectives can address:
• Information about the community, including the realities and
problems of the society.

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• Need for creating awareness on socially relevant aspects/programs.
• Acquiring specific Life Skills.
• Learning areas of application of knowledge and technologies related to
your discipline.
• Identifying developmental needs of the community/habitation.
12. Practice professional communication skills with team members, and with the
leaders and officials of the community. This includes expressing thoughts and
ideas effectively through oral, written, and non-verbal communication, and
utilizing listening skills.
13. Be regular in filling up your Program Book. It shall be filled up in
your own handwriting. Add additional sheets wherever necessary.
14. At the end of Community Service Project, you shall be evaluated by the
person in-charge of the community/habitation to whom you report to.
15. There shall also be an evaluation at the end of the community service bythe
Faculty Guide and the Principal.
16. Do not indulge in any political activities.
17. Ensure that you do not cause any disturbance to the inhabitants or households
during your interaction or collection of data.
18. Be cordial but not too intimate with the people you come across during your
service activities.
19. You should understand that during this activity, you are the ambassador of your
College, and your behavior during the community service program me is of
utmost importance.
20. If you are involved in any discipline related issues, you will be withdrawn from
the program immediately and disciplinary action shall be initiated.
21. Do not forget to keep up your family pride and prestige of your College.

22. Remember that you are rendering valuable service to society and your role inthe
community development will become part of the history of the community.

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Community Service Project Report
Submitted in accordance with the requirement for the degree of B-Tech..

Name of the College: Pace Institute of Technology & Sciences

Department: Electronics & Communication Engineering

Name of the Faculty Guide: Dr.M.VENKATESWARA RAO

Duration of the CSP:180 HOURS From:16/06/2023 To: 18/07/2023

Name of the Student: B.Johnwesly

Programme of Study: Community Service Project

Year of Study: 4TH

Register Number:21KQ5A0409

Date of Submission:

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Student’s Declaration

I, B. John Wesly a student of COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT Program, Reg.No.

21KQ5A0409 of the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering ,
Pace Institute Of Technology & Sciences College do hereby declare that I have
Completed the mandatory community service from:16/06/2023 to:18/07/2023 in
PLANTATION (Name of the Community/Habitation) under the Faculty Guideship of

Dr.M.VENKATESWARA RAO, (Name of the Faculty Guide), Department of Pace Institute

Of Technology & Sciences in College

(Signature and Date)



Head of the Department: Dr.M.AppaRao

Principal: Dr.G.V.K.Murthy

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Certificate from
Official of the Community
This is to certify that (Name of the Community
Service Volunteer) Reg. No of (Name of
the College) underwent community service in
(Name of the Community) from to
The overall performance of the Community Service Volunteer during his/her community
service is found to be (Satisfactory/Good).

Authorized Signatory with Date and Seal

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First and foremost, I thank the Almighty-God, from the depth of my heart, which has been the
unfailing source of strength, comfort & inspiration in the completion of this seminar report.

I would like to extend my gratitude to my Guide Dr.M.VENKATESWARA RAO Department

of Electronics and Communication Engineering. Under whose able guidance I have completed
my seminarreport. His contribution is immense in order to cherish and add value to a student’s

I would like to extend my gratitude to Dr.M.AppaRao HOD of ECE Department for their
cooperation and valuable support in every way during the period of the seminar report.

I would like to extend my gratitude to Dr.G.V.K.Murthy, principal of Pace Institute of

Technology & Sciences, Ongole for their cooperation and valuable support in every way
during the period of the seminar report.

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S.No Description Date Page signature

1. Executive summary 16/06/2023

2. Over view of community 17/06/2023

3. Community service part 19/06/2023

4. Week-1 report 20/06/2023

5. Week-2 report 22/06/2023

6. Week -3 report 24/06/2023

7. Week-4 report 29/06/2023

8. Week-5 report 12/07/2023

9. Week-6 report 14/07/2023

10. Outcomes description 17/07/2023

11. Conclusion of mini project 18/07/2023

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In week 1 I explained about uses of plants, because plants play
a vital role of mankind and I explained important of plants for
children’s, horsewomen’s, aged people. I explained about which plants
gives indoor oxygen and which plant gives more oxygen. I explained
about shelters for animals and furniture for mankind and paper
everything should be comes from plants. This is the over view of week 1.

In week 2 I explained about Home Gardening. Home gardening is

need for the present running world, because of in today’s life health
is a business so home gardening is very important it acts as a
workout for women and old aged people. It provides organic food
for family. This is the over view of second week.

In week 3 I explained about organic forming. organic forming is very

important to the mankind in present world all chemical foods for
children, middle aged people, aged people. Organic forming improves
your health, nutrition’s, immunity and good for is also
workout for the people so we just talk about organic forming in the
third week.

In week 4 I explained about paddy and types of paddies and how

much time it takes to harvesting. In India there are 1200 varieties of
paddy and 90 to 110 to do harvesting paddy.In that lots of capital
budgeting in the paddy this the over view of the fourth

In week 5 I explained about millets and types of millets and how

much time it takes to harvesting, and what kind of land it was taken.
In India there are so many crops like millets,and the deceases of
crops. This is the overview of fifth week.

In week 6 I explained about deceases of plants and the need of plants.

In this week I visit most of the farmers they tells us the important of
farming, and happiness in forming and use of mankind in farming .
This is the overview of sixth week.

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1. Community Consciousness/Feeling: The village is a community whose members share a

sense of "we feeling," according to characteristic number one. They have a close relationship.

Their traditions, habits, and culture are widespread. They feel quite connected to one another.

2. Neighborhood Function:

The residents of the village frequently require one another's help. A lack of distinctiveness
prevents people from paying attention to one another. As a result, neighbors have close
relationships with one another.

3. Joint Family

In the village, the family has strong authority over the individual and has administrative
responsibilities. The family's occupation is shared by all of the family members. The protection
of family honor is given a lot of consideration, and great effort is made to family

4. Deep Faith in Religion: People in villages have a strong sense of religious faith. Most of
them are God-fearing people. A villager's livelihood is based on agriculture. I gradually begin
to revere and develop an attitude of terror and reverence for natural powers.
5. Simple living/simplicity:

Villagers have extremely basic lives. They desire a safe and tranquil lifestyle. They are removed
from the worst aspects of contemporary society. They are honest, helpful, diligent, and kind.
6. Compact: Village settlements are compact in size. An area in India that has 5000 people
living there is considered a village community. Village populations differ from location to

7. Defined Locale: A group of individuals only establishes a village community after moving
into a defined locality. The physical foundation of a village community is a locality.

8. Preponderance of Primary Relations: The village society is distinguished by the

predominance of individualized and comparatively lasting relationships. In the framework of a
village community, kinship is crucial.

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• Self-Awareness Skills. By developing the Self-awareness skill, one can be aware of

his/her doings.
• Empathy and Sympathy Skills.
• Problem-Solving Skills.
• Decision-Making Skills.
• Thinking Skills.
• Communication skills.
• Interpersonal Skills.
• Accepting Criticism Skill.

Community plays a vital role wherein an individual resides. Therefore the role & influence of
community is critical, in other words, the mental upbringing of an individual. School &
Volunteering is one area within the community in order to enhance, instill such skills in a person.

Life skills provide children with important tools for development, such as independent thinking,
how to socialize and make new friends, and how to take action in situations where their parents
or teachers may not be around to help or intervene.

Students gain a more adaptable skill set by engaging in experiential and community-based
learning, better preparing them for post-graduation. This approach also provides a deeper
connection to class content by encouraging students to apply their classroom knowledge to a real-
world setting.

Problem solving skills is one of the most important life skills that all students need in their life.
Solving real-world problems with a method such as Solution Fluency is vital to surviving and
thriving in the present and future.

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Day Person In-Charge

Brief description of the daily
& Learning Outcome Signature

I explained about use of plants in Research and Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day – 1 Day-1 communication

I explained about medicine provide Critical thinking Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day - 2 by plants in Day-2

I explained about furniture provide by contextualization of Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day – 3 Plants in Day-3 knowledge

I explained about which plants gives Basic principles of plants Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day – 4 more oxygen in Day-4

I explained about which plants are praxis and technique Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day – 5 good for health in Day-5

I explained about plants helps animals in Helping nature of plants Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day-6 RAO
Day –6

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WEEK – 1 (From Dt………..….. to Dt.................... )

Objective of the Activity Done: USES OF PLANTS

Detailed Report: Plants play a very important role in our lives. They make up a large part of our

diet as well as being used to make medicines, soaps, furniture, textiles, tires and much more.

Although we now live in a highly industrialized society, we have not lost this dependence on

Plants. Plants provide us food, like fruits, vegetables, medicines, plants provide shade during hot,

Sunny days, help to reduce soil erosion, prevent air pollution and provide paper. Plants are a

good source of wood and timber Some plants are provide indoor oxygen those are : Aloe vera

plant, pathos plants, spider plant, Areca Palm, Snake Plant, Tulsi, Bamboo Plant, Gerbera Daisy.

The colourful flowering plant not only makes the house look beautiful but is an excellent indoor

plant for oxygen. Some plants are provide medicinal benefits for children, old people, ladies,

and all generation people those are: Aloe vera : Constipation, Digestive distress, Poor body

Immunity, Tulasi : Treats cough, Treats indigestion, Mint : Boosts immunity,

Fenugreek : Lowers blood pressure, . Coriander : It regulates your menstrual cycles,

Ginger : Relives menstrual pains and cramps. Plants provide shelter and safety for animals.

Plants also provide a place for animals to find other food. As a habitat, plants alter the climate.

a small scale, help moderate the temperature, and protect animals from the wind.

Different Trees Used for Furniture: Oak Trees, Maple Trees, Pine Tree . Plants are so many

types. Plants are autotrophs, which means they produce their own food. They use the proces

of photosynthesis to transform water, sunlight, and carbon dioxide into oxygen, and simple

Sugar that the plant uses as fuel. This is over view of week-1.

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Day Person In-Charge

Brief description of the daily
& Learning Outcome Signature

I explained about Home gardening mental skills – knowledge Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day – 1 Day-1

I explained about uses of children’s physical skills Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day - 2 Day-2

I explained about food habits kid’s attitude
Day – 3 Day-3

I explained about nutrition’s of Collaboration Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day – 4 Home gardening in Day-4

I explained about physical health of Communication Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day – 5 Of kids in Day-5

I explained about low cost during health care needs of Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day –6 During home gardening in Day-6 different groups in society

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WEEK – 2 (From Dt………..….. to Dt.................... )

Objective of the Activity Done: HOME GARDENING

Detailed Report: In the second week we are implementing the plan of Home
Gardening for mankind. A Man is nothing with out a plant. A plant does not only provides food,

Shelter, medicines and etc.. but plant is a inspiration of a man. A plant provides a positive vibes

For students. So that we are implement the home gardening. Home Gardening is very useful to

every house women, Children’s, aged people and for cost also. Kitchen gardens provide cheap

vegetables there by reducing the daily food cost and also protect the environment. Fruits and

vegetables grown in home gardens play an important role in filling the gap in nutritional needs by

providing access to food that is harvested, prepared and consumed by family members. The two

The two most important health-related benefits of gardening are It relieves stress and

Contributes towards weight loss. Gardening with others at a community garden or other group

setting takes teamwork to achieve shared goals. Being part of a larger group can benefit your

mental health by increasing your social connections and your support system. Research shows

people who engage in gardening activities report greater mental health," agrees mental health

practitioner and psychology researcher, Ash King. It reduces negative emotions and helps to

boost positive emotions, and also has a soothing impact on conditions like stress, anxiety, tension

anxiety, tension and fatigue. It increased direct access to nutritious foods by the food insecure

Insecure. Gardening contributes to physical health since activities such as digging, planting,

weeding, and harvesting are all part of three types of physical activity: endurance, flexibility, and

Strength. Using our creativity and problem solving skills, Reducing your time using technology,

Enhancing your general wellbeing, Improving your memory as you age, promoting exercise,

Practising being present, You'll start healthy eating habits.

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Day Person In-Charge

Brief description of the daily
& Learning Outcome Signature

I explained about Organic forming Strength & growth Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day – 1 Day-1

I explained about nutrition’s in Challenge & skills. Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day - 2 Organic Forming in Day-2

I explained about health of kids in Initiative & planning. Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day – 3 Day-3

I explained about uses of organic Working collaboratively Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day – 4 Forming in Day-4 With others

I explained about source of Showing perseverance Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day – 5 Employability in Day-5 and commitment.

I explained about principle’s of Global Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day –6 Agriculture in Day-6 engagement.

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WEEK – 3 (From Dt………..….. to Dt.................... )

Objective of the Activity Done: ORGANIC FORMING

Detailed Report: In third week we can say the importants of organic farming. organic
farming is agriculture that makes healthy food, healthy soils, healthy plants, and health

environments a priority, along with crop productivity. Organic farming lowers the risk of

environmental pollution and helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions by severely restricting

the use of manufactured chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which come from burning

fossil fuels, Compared with conventional agriculture, organic farming uses fewer pesticides,

reduces soil erosion, decreases nitrate leaching into groundwater and surface water, and

recycles animal wastes back into the farm. These benefits are counter balanced by higher

food costs for consumers and generally lower yields. Environment-friendly, promotes

sustainable development, Healthy and tasty food, inexpensive process, it uses organic inputs,

Generates income through exports, source of employment. Not only does organic farming

replace the synthetic pesticides and fertilizers traditionally used in conventional with

greener options, it also produces healthy carbon-rich soil which is able to act as a sponge

sponge and absorb and retain water. This keeps water runoff and soil erosion to a minimum.

The Principles of Organic Agriculture are Health, Ecology , Fairness and Care. In the week

I visited much number of farmer and asked them why don’t you show the interest on

Organic farming, but they tell some disadvantages of organic farming those are, organic

Organic farming, but they tell some disadvantages of organic farming those are, land as

conventional farmers do, Production costs are higher because farmers need more workers.

So farmers prefer chemical farming. This is all about week-3 and the uses of organic forming

In India.

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Day Person In-Charge

Brief description of the daily
& Learning Outcome Signature

I explained about paddy in Day-1 identify goals Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day – 1

I explained about types of paddy in develop strategies and Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day - 2 Day-2 determine further actions
for personal growth

I explained about benefits of paddy explore new possibilities Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day – 3 In Day-3

I explained about importants of embrace new challenges Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day – 4 paddy Harvesting in Day-4 and adapt to new roles.

I explained about verities of paddy in actively participate in Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day – 5 Day-5 planned

I explained about what time take Collaboration with others Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day –6 paddy Harvesting in Day-6

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WEEK – 4 (From Dt………..….. to Dt.................... )

Objective of the Activity Done: PADDY CULTIVATION

Detailed Report: In fourth week I explained about types of paddy and how long it will take to
grow and how much it is healthy. As a complex carb, it is the primary source of energy for over

half of the world's people. Depending on the strain of rice, it can contain decent amounts of

fiber, protein, vitamin B, iron and manganese. This means it can play a vital role against

malnutrition. In some cultures, rice is thrown at weddings. Since sizable portions of sugarcane

and maize crops are used for purposes other than human consumption, rice is the most

Important food crop with regard to human nutrition and caloric intake, providing more than

one-fifth of the calories consumed worldwide by humans. In India more than 1200 varieties

were released for cultivation suitable different ecosystems and out of them 128 varieties

(23 Upland, 9 Aerobic, 45 Irrigated, 2 Boro, 23 shallow lowland, 14 semi deep water, 6 deep

water, 6 Coastal saline) have been contributed from NRRI, Cuttack. The varieties grown

during this season are mostly varieties of short duration ranging from 90 to 110 days. The main

rice growing season in the country is the 'Kharif'. Rice is a rich source of carbohydrates, the

body's main fuel source. Carbohydrates can keep you energized and satisfied, and are important

for fueling exercise. Brown rice, especially, is an excellent source of many nutrients, including

fiber, manganese, selenium, magnesium, and B vitamins. The deceases of paddy is aster

yellows, bacterial wilt, blight. Fire blight. rice bacterial blight, canker, crown gall, rot. Basal

rot, basal rot, scab. The four most important strategies for rise diseases management are to

Rotate crops, plants resistant varieties, plant in warm soil and use fungicides when necessary.

This is all about week-5 of importants of paddy.

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Day Person In-Charge

Brief description of the daily
& Learning Outcome Signature

I explained about millets in Day-1 identify goals Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day – 1

I explained about types of millets in develop strategies and Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day - 2 Day-2 determine further actions
for personal growth

I explained about benefits of millets explore new possibilities Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day – 3 In Day-3

I explained about importants of embrace new challenges Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day – 4 millets Harvesting in Day-4 and adapt to new roles.

I explained about verities of millets actively participate in Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day – 5 in Day-5 planned

I explained about what time take Collaboration with others Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day –6 millets Harvesting in Day-6

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WEEK – 5 (From Dt………..….. to Dt.................... )

Objective of the Activity Done: MILLETS CULTIVATION

Detailed Report: In week 5 I explained about millets and it’s cultivation, how much nutrition
gain in millets and what types of millets should cultivate in India. Sorghum (Jowar), pearl

Millet (Bajra), Finger Millet (Ragi/Mandua), Minor Millets i.e. Foxtail Millet(kungani),

Proso Millet (Cheena), Kodo Millet (Kodo), Barnyard Millet (Sawa/Sanwa/jhangora),

Little Millet (Kutki) and two Pseudo Millets (Buck-wheat (Kuttu) and Ameranthus(chaulai).

Bajra or pearl millet is loaded with a variety of nutrients including protein, fiber, magnesium,

iron, and calcium. This food is exceptionally low in calories and one of the best choices of

grain, when you aim, is to shed kilos. Foxtail millets (Korralu), Browntop Millets(korralu),

Little millets (Samalu), Kodo millets (Arikalu) and Barnyard (Oodalu) are the 5

Siridhanyaalu (Millets) as prescribed by Dr Khadar Vali. which are part of his healthy diet

plan. some millets are healthy those are: Pearl Millet: Good for Insomnia,

Kodo Millet: Good for Diabetics, Foxtail Millet: Good for thyroid, Sorghum: Improves

Digestive Health and Prevents Cancer, Barnyard millet: good for weight loss.

Little Millet: An Indispensable Good Fat, Proso millet: Balance Blood sugar, Ragi is also

known as the wonder millet for babies simply because of rich calcium quantity. calcium

present in Ragi or Naachni is 10 times higher than all millets it is perfect food for expecting

mothers and babies. If harvesting for seed for either food or as a wildlife planting, the millet

plant is typically ready 70-90 days after planting. This is the brief description of millets and

their uses of children’s, women’s and aged people. I visited the farmers they said millets is

the best profitable investment. It is best crops for entire season they think. This is over view


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Day Person In-Charge

Brief description of the daily
& Learning Outcome Signature

I explained about deceases of the mental skills – knowledge Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day – 1 Plants in Day-1

I explained about how to overcome it Communication Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day - 2 in Day-2

I explained about deceases of the Ability development Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day – 3 plants in Day-3

I explained about how to overcome it Actively participation Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day – 4 in Day-4

I explained about deceases of the Collaboration with others Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day – 5 Plants in Day-1

I explained about how to overcome it Personal growth Dr.M.VENKATESWARA

Day –6 in Day-2

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WEEK – 6 (From Dt………..….. to Dt .................... )

Objective of the Activity Done: DECEASES OF PLANTS

Detailed Report: In week 6 I explained about how to grow plants and deceases and also
how to over come it, Choose an area in your house that receives proper sunlight, avoid

your plants around, Increase the humidity in the room fill it with fertilizer, prune your plant

regularly. Some deceases of plants black spot, powdery mildew, blight canker. Although

relatives of some plant pathogens are human or animal pathogens, most plant pathogens

only harm plants. Some plant pathogens can make immune-depressed people sick, however.

These are called “trans-kingdom” pathogens. Unlike human, plants are rarely cured of

disease. Plant deceases is defined as the state of local or systematic abnormal physiological

functioning of a plant, resulting of a plant, resulting from the continuous, prolonged

‘irritation’ caused by phytopathogenic organisms. Presently, curing plants once they have

been infected by a virus is not easible, unlike bacteria or fungi that can be treated with

Antibacterial or antifungal agents, Respectively. Bacterial diseases can be grouped into

four broad categories based on the extent of damage to plant tissue and the symptoms that

they cause, which may include vascular wilt, necrosis, soft rot, and tumours. Vascular

wilt results from the bacterial invasion of the plant's vascular system.

Symptoms of virus infection include necrotic spots, abnormal dark green and light green

mosaic and mottling of leaves, growth distortion, stunting, ring patterns or bumps on plant

foliage, and abnormal flower coloration and formation. Plants may also be infected with more

than one virus or viral strain.

In the week-6 we discussed about how to grow plants and various deceases of plants and

Viruses of plants. This is the over view of week-6 all about farmers and planting importants

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• Sites, Sampling and Schedule of Survey.

• Pre-interview Survey.

• Survey Schedule of Actual Interview Survey and Mobilization of Subletting Team.

• Training of the Surveyors.

• what are the risks of erosion.

• what is the actual importance of erosion (volume of sediments), its causes and the quantity of soil lost.

• what are the damaging effects from the physical, economic and social points of view, of the various
ways ofutilization.

• Which pesticides did you use.

• If water is sufficient are not.

• Power supply is available are not.

• If the crop has profitable.

• How much time should get harvesting the crop.

• How much rent is did you pay land.

• If the labors are available are not.

• How could you save the rain water.

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Describe the problems you have identified in the community

• Cope with climate change, soil erosion and biodiversity loss.

• Satisfy consumers' changing tastes and expectations

• Meet rising demand for more food of higher quality.

• Invest in farm productivity.

• Adopt and learn new technologies.

• Stay resilient against global economic factors.

• The major factors involved in plantation farming are inputs, capital, and labor.

• As to grow planation there is a need of huge capital to own lands, hire labor
and bear the expenses of all inputs.

• Resource Depletion: The Costs of Industrial Agriculture.

• Land Management: Degrading and Undervaluing Farmland.

• Food Waste: Compromising Food Security.

• Demographic Changes: A Disconnected Public.

• Political Issues: The Business of Food.

• Improper technology to agricultural loan debts.

• Average farm size.

• poor infrastructure.

• low use of farm technologies and best farming techniques.

• Decrease of soil fertility due to over fertilization and sustained pesticide use, are
leading contributors to low agricultural productivity.

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Short term problems:

• control the human population - this will reduce consumption of fossil fuels and need for
more energy. plant more and more of trees, shrubs, creepers, etc.,
wherever space is available.
• Stay one step ahead. You know your business better than anyone else,which means you
also know the familiar issues that your customers come up against.
• Consistent communication.
• Perfect your customer service.
• Get it in black and white.
• Farmers worldwide will need to increase crop production, either by increasing the
amount of agricultural land to grow crops or by enhancing productivity on existing
agricultural lands through fertilizer and irrigation and adopting new methods like
precision farming.
• Email marketing, Enterprise social network, Awareness videos, Pre-recorded video
tutorials, Class or online training .

Long term problems:

• As we know, food is our primary need. We can resist from buying new clothes, but it
will be hard to resist hunger. This is why food business is one of the most profitable
business in the world. Compared to other sectors such as retail and fashion, the food
and beverage industry is rising in popularity.
• Giving more people benefits through nutrition assistance programs, increasing benefit
amounts, and addressing unemployment may help reduce food insecurity and hunger.
• The major causes of soil fertility depletion are inadequate fertilizer use, complete
removal of crop residues, continuous cropping systems, climate and soil types, lack of
proper cropping systems and soil erosion and continuous cultivation.
• Soil fertility can be further improved by incorporating cover crops that add organic
matter to the soil, which leads to improved soil structure and promotes a healthy, fertile
• Create markets for infrastructure projects and services, ...
• Enhance the attractiveness of infrastructure projects for private funding. ...
• Overhaul infrastructure for radical innovation and productivity growth.

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Description of the Community awareness programme/s conducted w.r.t the problems and their

• Social Media. Today's social media is the only communication way where we
• Can spread our message to whole world. You Your Blog/ Website. If you own a website or blog then
you can post regarding
• Climate Change, Global Warming and motivate your friend circle to plant TREEs.
• Work with NGO's.
• If everyone gets a tree then they are much more likely to plant it than if you told them
to go out and buy a baby tree and then go plant it. If your question is for the purpose of
making people more aware of the environment then this is the best option.
• The best way is to give them The goal of community awareness is to increase the community's
knowledge of the available programs and services offered. This is accomplished by informing the
general public through various activities.
• In nutshell, the objective of organising these block level awareness meetings through camps
was to educate and sensitise the public about the ill-fates of chemicals and pesticides
being used in agriculture and the importance of locally available agriculture friendly
fertilizers and manures, which can be used to .

Learning Outcomes:

Awareness campaigns can address groups of people in a region affected by a particular climate threat, groups of
stakeholders, the general public, etc. The ultimate aim of such campaigns is to achieve long-term lasting behavioural
changes. Awareness raising addresses the knowledge of individuals and organizations.

• A strong sense of identity.

• Connection to and contribution with their world.
• A strong sense of wellbeing.
• Confident and involved learners.
• Effective communicators.
• Being Healthy so that they are physically, mentally, emotionally healthy.
• Personality development.
• Actively participation.
• Time management.
• Ability development.
• Attitude

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Report of the mini-project work done in the related subject w.r.t the
On week-1 we gather information in grama sachivalayam for the support
Of my volunteer.
My self B.Johnwesly (4th year B-tech) bearing Roll No:21KQ5A0409
from Pace Institute of Technology & Sciences. I choose a topic for
community service project is plantation.
• Number of Families:67017

• Number of Males:34064

• Number of females:32953

• Number of children:9266

• Number of people having voter id:57864

• Number of children studying:69.66%

• Number of families living in the Chinnaganjam Village is 67017.out of this the number of males and
females,children and so on are given detailed in the above.

• Some of the people are working for daily wages in fields.

• Due to unaware of technology, some people may not get jobs and so on.

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Vegetative propagation:
Asexual or vegetative reproduction is based on the ability of plants to regenerate
tissues and parts. In many plants vegetative propagation is a completely natural process; in
others it is an artificial one. Vegetative propagation has many advantages. These include the
unchanged perpetuation of naturally cross-pollinated or heterozygous plants and the
possibility of propagating seedless progeny. This means that a superior plant may be
reproduced endlessly without variation. In addition, vegetative propagation may be easier and
faster than seed propagation, because seed dormancy problems are eliminated and the juvenile
nonflowering stages seed-propagated plants is eliminated or reduced. However, vegetative
propagation can result exact genetic clones to one another, making them identically susceptible
to diseases.


Apomixis, the development of asexual seed (seed not formed via the normal sexual
process), is a form of vegetative propagation for some horticultural plants including Kentucky
bluegrass, mango, and citrus. Virus-free progeny can be produced in oranges froma seed that
is formed from the nucellus, a maternal tissue.

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Layering and cutting:

Propagation can be accomplished by methods in which plants are induced to

regenerate missing parts, usually adventitious roots or shoots. When the regenerated part is
still attachedto the plant the process is called layerage, or layering; when the regenerating
portion is detached from the plant the process is called cuttage, or cutting.

Seed propagation:

The most common method of propagation for self-pollinated plants is by seed. In self-
pollinated plants, the sperm nuclei in pollen produced by a flower fertilize egg cells of
a flower on the same plant. Propagation by seed is also used widely for manycross-
pollinatedplants (those whose pollen is carried from one plant to another).

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Home Gardening:

Home gardening means the cultivation of flowers, fruits, vegetables, or ornamental

plants for personal use of the owner or tenants of a lot. Your vegetables will not grow in poorly
drained areas. Also, take care that vegetables need proper sunlight to grow well so do not plant it
at a place where there is shade or shadow. Most of the vegetables need at least 6 hours of sunlight
each day. Make sure there is a water supply nearby, if possible.Gardening ranges in scale from fruit
orchards, to long boulevard plantings with one or more different types of shrubs, trees, and herbaceous
plants, to residential back gardens including lawns and foundation plantings, all the way to container
gardens grown inside or outside.

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Organic Forming:

Organic farmers do not use synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, one of the primary contributors of
greenhouse gases. Healthy soils help crops obtain nitrogen, phosphorus, and other nutrients from organic
soil organic matter. Organic farming which is a holistic production management system that promotes
and enhances agro-ecosystem health, including biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological
activity is hence important. Many studies have shown that organic farming methods can produce even
higher yields than conventional methods. Organic Farming is a profitable agricultural method where
you can grow any vegetable but here is the vegetable list which has given huge profits and has become
popular Organic Vegetables.


Until 1970, India had about 110,000 varieties of rice and now it has about 6,000 varieties.
• Paddy Pooja Gold. Read More.
• Hy Paddy 13555. Read More.
• Research Paddy Shree-101. Read More.
• Hybrid Paddy 7576. Read More.
• Hy Paddy 788. Read More.
• Paddy Bharti. Read More.
• Paddy Geet. Read More.
• Research Paddy Shree-101. Read More.

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The millets commonly grown in India include Jowar (sorghum), Bajra (pearl millet), ragi (finger
millet), Jhangora (barnyard millet), Barri (Proso or common millet), Kangni (foxtail/ Italian millet),
Kodra (Kodo millet) etc. Let us read about them in detail and also learn their regional names.
Bajra or pearl millet is loaded with a variety of nutrients including protein, fibre, magnesium, iron,
and calcium. This food is exceptionally low in calories and one of the best choices of grain, when you
aim, is to shed kilos.
Millets trump over oats in case of Calcium content (Ragi has close to 5.5 times calcium than Oats),
and Pearl Millet (Bajra) has more than 3 times Iron content than Oats.
• Pearl Millet: Good for Insomnia.
• Kodo Millet: Good for Diabetics.
• Foxtail Millet: Good for Thyroid.
• Sorghum: Improves Digestive Health and Prevents Cancer.
• Barnyard Millet: Good for Weight Loss.
• Little Millet: An Indispensable Good Fat.
The most popular Indian millet is Pearl millet called Bajra in Hindi and the second most widely grown
millet in India is foxtail millet, called Kangni or Kakum in Hindi. Other popular millets are Sorghum,
called Jowar and Finger millet called Ragi or Nachni in Hindi.

On the other hand, pathogenic fungi cause plant diseases such as anthracnose, leaf spot, rust, wilt,
blight, coils, scab, gall, canker, damping-off, root rot, mildew, and dieback. Systemic foliar pathogens
are major causes for yield and commercial crop losses and diminished crop quality [2].

Most Common Plant Diseases and Solutions

1. Powdery Mildew. Most powdery mildew are very host specific, mildew on cucumbers will not
infect roses. ...
2. Black Spot. This is a common fungal disease of roses. ...
3. Bacterial Canker or Blight. ...
4. Shot Hole. ...
5. Black Knot. ...
6. Rust. ...
7. Late Blight / Early Blight. ...
8. Apple Scab.
Student Self-Evaluation for the Community Service Project
Student Name:

Registration No:

Period of CSP:

Date of Evaluation:

Please rate your performance in the following areas:

Rating Scale: Letter grade of CGPA calculation to be provided

1 Oral communication 1 2 3 4 5
2 Written communication 1 2 3 4 5
3 Proactiveness 1 2 3 4 5
4 Interaction ability with community 1 2 3 4 5
5 Positive Attitude 1 2 3 4 5
6 Self-confidence 1 2 3 4 5
7 Ability to learn 1 2 3 4 5
8 Work Plan and organization 1 2 3 4 5
9 Professionalism 1 2 3 4 5
10 Creativity 1 2 3 4 5
11 Quality of work done 1 2 3 4 5
12 Time Management 1 2 3 4 5
13 Understanding the Community 1 2 3 4 5
14 Achievement of Desired Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5

Date: Signature of the Student

Page No:
Evaluation by the Person in-charge in the Community / Habitation

Student Name:

Registration No:

Period of CSP: From: To:

Date of Evaluation:

Name of the Person in-charge:

Address with mobile number:

Please rate the student’s performance in the following areas:

Please note that your evaluation shall be done independent of the Student’s self-

Rating Scale: 1 is lowest and 5 is highest rank

1 Oral communication 1 2 3 4 5
2 Written communication 1 2 3 4 5
3 Proactiveness 1 2 3 4 5
4 Interaction ability with community 1 2 3 4 5
5 Positive Attitude 1 2 3 4 5
6 Self-confidence 1 2 3 4 5
7 Ability to learn 1 2 3 4 5
8 Work Plan and organization 1 2 3 4 5
9 Professionalism 1 2 3 4 5
10 Creativity 1 2 3 4 5
11 Quality of work done 1 2 3 4 5
12 Time Management 1 2 3 4 5
13 Understanding the Community 1 2 3 4 5
14 Achievement of Desired Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5

Date: Signature of the Supervisor

Page No:

Page No:
Page No:

Page No:
Internal Evaluation for the Community Service Project

• To facilitate an understanding of the issues that confront the vulnerable /
marginalized sections of society.
• To initiate team processes with the student groups for societal change.
• To provide students an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the urban
/ rural community they live in.
• To enable students to engage in the development of the community.
• To plan activities based on the focused groups.
• To know the ways of transforming society through systematic programme

Assessment Model:
• There shall only be internal evaluation.
• The Faculty Guide assigned is in-charge of the learning activities of thestudents
and for the comprehensive and continuous assessment of the students.
• The assessment is to be conducted for 100 marks.
• The number of credits assigned is 4. Later the marks shall be converted into grades
and grade points to include finally in the SGPA and CGPA.
• The weightings shall be:
o Activity Log 20 marks
o Community Service Project Implementation 30 marks
o Mini Project Work 25 marks
o Oral Presentation 25 marks
• Activity Log is the record of the day-to-day activities. The Activity Log is assessed
on an individual basis, thus allowing for individual members within groups to be
assessed this way. The assessment will take into consideration the individual
student’s involvement in the assigned work.
• While evaluating the student’s Activity Log, the following shall be considered
a. The individual student’s effort and commitment.
b. The originality and quality of the work produced by the individualstudent.
c. The student’s integration and co-operation with the work assigned.
d. The completeness of the Activity Log.
• The assessment for the Community Service Project implementation shall
include the following components and based on Weekly Reports and
Outcomes Description
a. Details of the Socio-Economic Survey of the village/habitation.
b. Problems identified.
c. Community Awareness Programs organized.
e. Suggested Short-Term and Long-Term Action Plan
(To be used by the Examiners)


Name Of the Student:

Programme of Study:
Year of Study:
Register No/H.T. No:
Name of the College:

Maximum Marks
Sl.No Evaluation Criterion
Marks Awarded
1. Activity Log 20
2. Community Service Project Implementation 30
3. Mini Project Work 25
4. Oral Presentation 25

Date: Signature of the Faculty Guide

Certified by

Date: Signature of the Head of the Department/Principal


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