Adapter SDK Manual (GVT 140327 001)

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UNIVERGE Integration Platform

Adapter SDK Manual


NEC Platforms, Ltd.

September 2021
Liability Disclaimer
NEC Platforms, Ltd. reserves the right to change the specifications, functions, or features, at any
time, without notice.

NEC Platforms, Ltd. has prepared this document for the exclusive use of its employees and
customers. The information contained herein is the property of NEC Platforms, Ltd. and shall not be
reproduced without prior written approval from NEC Platforms, Ltd..

© 2020 NEC Platforms, Ltd.

Microsoft®, Windows® and Visual Studio® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in
the United States and other countries. Linux® is a registered trademark or trademark of Linus
Torvalds in the United States and other countries.

All other brand or product names are or may be trademarks or registered trademarks of, and are
used to identify products or services of, their respective owners.

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Table of Contents
Liability Disclaimer .......................................................................................................... 2

Table of Contents ............................................................................................................ 3

Adapter SDK – QuickStart Guide ................................................................................... 4

Tools Used ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Development using the Adapter SDK ....................................................................................................... 4
Internal vs. external adapters.......................................................................................................................................................... 4

Inside the Adapter Sample.............................................................................................................................................................. 5

The Adapter Type file ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Building and publishing the Adapter Sample .................................................................................................................................. 8

Understanding the Workflow Adapter SDK ................................................................ 13

Adapter Lifecycle .................................................................................................................................... 13
WFCommon NuGet Package ................................................................................................................. 13
NecLogManager ........................................................................................................................................................................... 13

INecLogger ................................................................................................................................................................................... 14

Example ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 14

Configuration ................................................................................................................................................................................ 14

WFAdapterBase NuGet Package ........................................................................................................... 15

AdapterRunner ............................................................................................................................................................................. 15

WFAdapterBaseHttp NuGet Package ..................................................................................................... 16

WFAdapter NuGet Package ................................................................................................................... 16
BaseAdapter<ContextType>......................................................................................................................................................... 16

AdapterCommandRequest ........................................................................................................................................................... 19

AdapterCommandResponse......................................................................................................................................................... 20

AdapterConfig ............................................................................................................................................................................... 20

AdapterEventNotification .............................................................................................................................................................. 21

AdapterWebhookNotification ........................................................................................................................................................ 21

AdapterPropertyBag ..................................................................................................................................................................... 22

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Adapter SDK – QuickStart Guide
This article contains guidelines for a user to develop and deploy an Adapter using the Adapter SDK
provided by NEC.

Applies to UIP 1.10

Tools Used

The following tools are required for developing and deploying adapters using the SDK:

 Visual Studio 2019

 dotnet core CLI - Version 3.1

 Docker for Windows/Linux available on the deployment machine (only required if publishing
the adapters as Internal Adapters)

 Workflow Engine Adapter SDK (provided by NEC)

 Adapter proxy (for running external adapters) (provided by NEC)


 .NET Core SDK on the machine developing adapters using the SDK

 UIP system

 Programming skills using dotnet

 Basic understanding of Ubuntu based servers and Docker

Development using the Adapter SDK

Inside the Adapter SDK zip archive, you will find the following:

 A WFAdapterSdkPackages folder containing the required NuGet packages needed to build an

adapter (for both internal and external versions, more details below).

 A WFAdapterSample folder containing a sample adapter.

Internal vs. external adapters

You can run an adapter in two ways:

 As an External Adapter

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o The adapter is running as a process on a system other than the one hosting UIP; it
can be either Windows or Linux based. This is the preferred way of testing an adapter
that you are writing, since you can run it and debug it from the development machine.
The Adapter Proxy service will handle the communication between the adapter and

 As an Internal Adapter

o The adapter is running on the UIP system inside its own Docker container, and
communicates directly with UIP services.

Inside the Adapter Sample

Inside the WFAdapterSample folder you will find:

 config folder, containing a JSON file, which is a sample adapter's configuration file used
when adding the adapter in the UIP Manager (more details below).

 build folder, containing two files:

o dependencies.props: This file contains the versions of the SDK NuGet packages.
The most important lines of the file are the ones containing
the NecWFAdapterBasePackageVersion, which is the version of the SDK used for
External Adapters, and the NecWFAdapterBaseHttpPackageVersion, which is the
version of the SDK used for Internal Adapters. You will reference either one of them
depending on how you want to deploy the adapter. The other versions are for the SDK
dependency packages.

o Directory.Build.props: This is the file that uses the dependencies.props file, and the
place where you specify which of the SDKs you are using. If you intend to deploy your
adapter as External, then set NecAdapterSdkSource to pipe. If you intend to
deploy it as Internal set it to http

 src folder, containing the C# source files of the Sample Adapter.

 autobuild.proj: a MSBuild script provided for convenience to help you deploy the adapter.

 pub.cmd: a script provided for convenience to help you deploy the adapter as External from
a Windows system.

 pub_docker.cmd: a script provided for convenience to help you deploy the adapter as
Internal from a Windows system.

 Dockerfile: the file used to create the Docker Image containing the adapter (when
publishing the adapter as Internal).

 a script that needs to be copied inside the /app folder of the Docker
Image. This is used to update the certification authorities in order to install third party or
self-signed certificates for UIP. This script can be used for Debian-based adapter images. The
provided Dockerfile also sets the environment variable NECWF_CERT_SCRIPT used to
determine the location of the script.

 wfconfig.json: an exported UIP configuration file provided for convenience. This file can be
imported in the UIP Manager, and will restore all the Workflows, Adapters and Triggers used
to test the Sample Adapter.

 wfadaptersample.sln: the Visual Studio solution file for the Sample Adapter.

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The Adapter Type file
Inside the config folder you can locate the adapterType-sample.json file. This is the Sample
Adapter's configuration file. The config file is a JSON with the following format:

"name": "adapter_name",
"display": "Adapter Display Name",
"version": "1.0.0",
"dockerimage": "",
"folder": "obsolete and no longer used",
"executable": "obsolete and no longer used",
"commandline": "obsolete and no longer used",
"startup": "obsolete and no longer used",
"properties": [
"name": "adapter_property_name",
"display": "Adapter Property Display Name",
"helptext": "Adapter Property Tooltip text",
"type": "string",
"required": "true",
"defaultValue": "Default Adapter Property value",
"maximumLength": "1024"
"commands": {
"command_name": {
"display": "Command Display Name",
"description": "Command Description",
"request": {
"command_input_parameter_name": {
"display": "Command Input Parameter Display Name",
"description": "Command Input Parameter description",
"type": "string",
"required": "true"
"result": {
"command_output_parameter_name": {
"display": "Command Output Parameter Display Name",
"description": "Command Output Parameter description",
"type": "string"
"events": {
"event_name": {
"display": "Event Display Name",
"description": "Event Description",
"properties": {
"event_property_name": {
"display": "Event Property Display Name",
"description": "Event Property description",
"type": "string"
"localization": {
"en": {
"display": "Property Display Name",
"helptext": "Property Tooltip text",
"properties": {
"adapter_property_name": {

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"display": "Adapter Property Display Name",
"helptext": "Adapter Property Tooltip text"
"commands": {
"command_name": {
"display": "Command Display Name",
"description": "Command Description",
"request": {
"command_input_parameter_name": {
"display": "Command Input Parameter Display Name",
"description": "Command Input Parameter description"
"result": {
"command_output_parameter_name": {
"display": "Command Output Parameter Display Name",
"description": "Command Output Parameter description"
"events": {
"event_name": {
"display": "Event Display Name",
"description": "Event Description",
"properties": {
"event_property": {
"display": "Event Property Display Name",
"description": "Event Property description",
"image": {
"data": ""

Most attributes are self-explanatory.

If you want to publish the adapter as Internal you need to provide the target image path inside
the dockerimage property; otherwise this property is not required.


The configuration properties required for an adapter instance, used as input for configuring the
adapter when it is run. Multiple properties may be defined in this section.

The name is used to identify this property in the AdapterConfiguration received as the adapter

The other properties (display and helptext) are used to generate the user interface for configuring
an adapter in UIP Manager.

Allowed property type values are: string, boolean, integer, or password.

If the property is mandatory, you must set the required value to "true", otherwise set it to "false".

Additional possible property validation fields include: maximumLength,

minimumLength, minimumValue, maximumValue, and defaultValue.

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This section is not required, due to the dynamic nature of UIP, but it is a good idea to include it in
the adapter type configuration to make it easier for the workflow editors to discover commands
supported by an adapter.

This describes the command actions provided by the adapter. Each command has a display name, a
description, a lists of input properties and output properties. Input properties are defined under
the request field while the output properties are defined under the result field. Each command is a
new named attribute of the commands object, not an array.


This section is also not required, but metadata from this section will be used in the UIP Manager for
autocomplete, so it should be included.

This describes the events provided by the adapter. The events also have properties, and they are usually
passed to the workflows that are triggered by the events. Each event is a new named attribute of the events
object, not an array.Localization

This section is also not required. You can specify translation strings if needed for various languages
(fr, jp, es, etc.)


In this section you can specify an image to be displayed as an icon for the adapter inside UIP pages.
The xxxxxxxxxxxxxx in the example above replaces a 128X128 PNG image converted to a base64
string. If including an image, don't forget to strip the metadata from your image prior to converting
it to base64 to reduce its size.

Building and publishing the Adapter Sample

If you open the Adapter Sample solution in Visual Studio and look at the dependencies, you will see
a single NuGet package referenced: WFAdapterBase. This is the reference to the Adapter SDK.
There are two flavors of the SDK provided:

 WfAdapterBase: This one is for building External Adapters and is the default SDK referenced
by the Adapter Sample.

 WfAdapterBaseHttp: This one is for building Internal Adapters and is enhanced to allow
internal communication with UIP over HTTP.

You can either manually build the adapter (using Visual Studio), or you can use one of the two
provided helper scripts (pub.cmd and pub_docker.cmd) that will build and then publish the adapter
on your local machine.

Publishing the Adapter as External on Windows

When building the adapter as External using Visual Studio make sure you reference the correct SDK.
The NecAdapterSdkSource property from build\Directory.Build.props must be set to pipe.

You can also manually build the project using the following command:

> dotnet publish <path_to_csproj> /p:NecAdapterSdkSource=pipe

By specifying the NecAdapterSdkSource property, you no longer need to manually

edit Directory.Build.props.

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After you build the adapter, you should copy the build output to a folder on the system where you
want to deploy the adapter. You must have the Adapter Proxy service installed on the same system
in order to deploy the adapter as External.
For External Adapters you also need to copy the log4net.config file (located in the
WFAdapterSample\src folder) into the same folder as the published adapter files. This file contains
the configuration for the logging framework used by the External Adapters.

Next, you should change the Adapter Proxy configuration file to include your adapter. This file is
located by default in %ProgramData%\NEC\workflow\adapterproxy.example.json. Copy and rename
this file to "adapterproxy.json" and change its content. It should look like the following example:

"server": {
"websocketurl": "wss://",
"secret": "shared-secret"
"proxy": {
"http_proxy": "",
"https_proxy": "",
"ftp_proxy": "",
"all_proxy": "",
"no_proxy": ""
"adapters": {
"SampleAdapter": {
"token": "sampleAdapterToken123",
"enabled": true,
"folder": "D:/UIP/publish/WFAdapterSample/",
"executable": "dotnet",
"commandline": "WFAdapterSample.dll {name}"

You will notice the following sections:

 server: Here you will find listed the server settings:

o Set websocketurl with the name of the UIP server. Use "wss://" for a secure (TLS)
connection, or "ws://" for an insecure connection.

o The secret is a string which is used to validate between the Adapter Proxy and the UIP
system. So, if we specified "mysecret" as the secret in the Adapter Proxy configuration
file, we will have to also specify "mysecret" under the "Administration > Workflow
> External Adapter Connection Secret" setting inside the UIP Manager.

 proxy: Configure proxy settings here.

o Set the proxy for HTTP(S) communication in http_proxy and https_proxy.

o Set the proxy for FTP communication in ftp_proxy.

o Set all_proxy when a protocol specified proxy is not set (i.e. - http_proxy,
https_proxy and ftp_proxy).

o Set no_proxy to a comma-separated list of hosts to communicate with without going

through a proxy.

 adapters: List of adapters managed by the Adapter Proxy. Here you should add the startup
info of any adapter you want to run externally. The root element is the adapter name. In our
case: "SampleAdapter". This is the name used for logging adapter specific messages.

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o The token is a unique string for each external adapter and must match the value you
set under the "Adapters > Add Adapter > External Token" setting when you create an
External Adapter in the UIP Manager. The adapter proxy can be used to run multiple
adapters, but no adapters can have the same token.

o The folder property is the location of the published adapter's binary files on the local

o The executable and commandline properties are used to construct the command that
will launch our adapter. Since in our case the adapter was published as portable, we
will use "dotnet" as the executable and the portable dll name in the commandline.
The {name} variable is used to pass along the adapter name specified when creating
the adapter in the UIP Manager.

 If we would have published the adapter as a Windows executable, the two

properties would look like this: "executable": "WfAdapterSample.exe",
"commandline": "{name}"

After updating adapterproxy.json, you need to restart the Adapter Proxy service in order for the
changes to take effect. You will find it as "NEC Workflow Adapter Proxy" in the services list (run
services.msc on Windows).

To publish the Sample Adapter you can also use the provided pub.cmd script, which will build the
adapter as External using the appropriate SDK package and copy the binary files and the Adapter
Type file in the publish folder at the root folder of the solution. The script will build both a portable
version and a Windows executable version for the adapter. You will still need to modify
the adapterproxy.json file in order to use it.

Create the External Adapter in UIP Manager

 Import the Adapter Type file (located in the config folder in our Sample Adapter) in UIP
Manager: Adapter Types > "Import Adapter Type From File" button

 Modify the proxy secret in UIP Manager: Browse to UIP Manager, under Administration >
Workflow, modify External Adapter Connection Secret to match the secret value in the
adapterproxy.json. Note that this can be left blank/empty (not recommended) but, in that
case, it should be empty on both places.

 Create the adapter by using the Adapters > "Add Adapter" button in UIP Manager. Specify
the adapter Type and a Name. If you have imported the Adapter Type file in UIP, you should
be able to select it from the Type dropdown list.

 Make sure the adapter is Enabled.

 Check the External checkbox to run the adapter externally.

 Specify the External Token to match the one configured in adapterproxy.json.

 Save the adapter.

Assuming the Adapter Proxy is running, the adapter should start in a few seconds and be ready to

Debugging the Adapter on Windows

Assuming the Adapter Proxy was installed on your development machine, just configure
the adapterproxy.json file to point to a debug version of your adapter's binaries.
After starting the adapter you can simply attach to it from Visual Studio. If you built your adapter as
Windows EXE, you should easily spot it in the processes list (WFAdapterSample.exe in our case). If
you built it as portable and configured Adapter Proxy to start it with the dotnet command, then you
should look for a dotnet process and attach to it.

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Publishing the Adapter as Internal

When building the adapter as Internal using Visual Studio, make sure you reference the correct
SDK. The NecAdapterSdkSource property from build\Directory.Build.props must be set to http.

You can also manually build the Project using the following command:

> dotnet publish path_to_csproj /p:NecAdapterSdkSource=http

By specifying the NecAdapterSdkSource property, you no longer need to manually

edit Directory.Build.props.

After you build the adapter, you should copy the build output to a folder from where you will create
the Docker image of the Adapter. Make sure you build a portable version since the binaries will run
on a Linux machine. Additionally, copy the "" file, which is required to build a
proper Adapter Docker Image.

The "" file must have execute permission. Grant execute permission with the
chmod command.

> chmod +x

Modify the provided Dockerfile to reflect the correct filename of your Adapter binary:

#Add the app

COPY . .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "/app/<name_of_the_portable_binary>"]

Login to your Docker account using the following command:

> docker login

Change the current folder to the folder where your adapter binaries are located and run the
following command to build the Docker image

> docker build --pull -f <path_to_the_provided_Dockerfile> -t <docker_image_name> .


> docker build --pull -f ..\DockerFile -t dockeruser/wfadaptersample:1.0.1 .

Please make sure the repository you are using is public, otherwise the UIP system will not be able to
access it.

To publishing the Sample Adapter you can also use the provided pub_docker.cmd script that will
build the adapter as Internal using the appropriate SDK package, copy the binary files and the
Adapter Type file in the publish folder in the root of the solution, update the Adapter Type file with
the docker image name (more details below), and publish the Docker image for you. Just make sure
you edit the script and replace the existing repository with a valid one.

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Create the Internal Adapter in UIP Manager
At this point you should have the adapter's Docker image available in your repository.
Before importing the Adapter Type file into UIP, you need to make sure that the Docker image path
is correctly specified in your Adapter Type file (e.g. - "dockerimage":

 Import the Adapter Type file (located in the config folder in our Sample Adapter) in UIP
Manager: Adapter Types > "Import Adapter Type From File" button

 Create the adapter by using the Adapters > "Add Adapter" button in UIP Manager. Specify
the adapter Type and a Name. If you have imported the Adapter Type file in UIP, you should
be able to select it from the Type dropdown list.

 Make sure the adapter is Enabled.

 Save the adapter.

The adapter should start in a few seconds and be ready to use. This may take longer than an
External Adapter since the UIP system has to pull the Docker image and create a Docker service
from it.

To test the Sample Adapter we provided a UIP configuration file (wfconfig.json located in the root of
the solution) that you can import into UIP. This will create the setup required to test the Sample
Adapter as an Internal Adapter.

Before importing this configuration, edit the file and replace the dockerimage value with the
correct value that you used to publish the Adapter's Docker image. Also, ensure that you add the
Email Sender adapter type from the Adapter Types > Adapter Type Store in UIP Manager.

Importing the configuration should add in UIP:

 The Sample Adapter Type

 An Adapter called SampleAdapter (the one that we published)

 A second Adapter called EmailSenderAdapter used to send emails. You will need to modify
the email authentication credentials and the SMTP Server Address with proper values.

 A workflow called SampleSendMessageWorkflow that we use to test our SampleAdapter

 A second workflow called SampleEvent Workflow that is launched by the SampleTrigger

trigger when the SampleAdapter's event happens. You will need to modify the "To:" field with
a proper destination address.

 A trigger called SampleTrigger that will execute when the SampleAdapter's event happens

To test the Adapter, press edit on the SampleSendMessageWorkflow and then test it. The workflow
should use the SendCommand command of the adapter, which will fire the adapter's event, passing
the message property to it. The Trigger should catch the event and launch the second workflow,
which will send an email with the message configured in the first workflow and the message
signature configured in the adapter's properties.

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Understanding the Workflow Adapter SDK

Adapter Lifecycle

 One adapter process is started for each configured adapter. For an adapter type, multiple
adapter processes could be started, each with their own distinct names and properties.

 Adapter processes are started by UIP for internal adapters and by the adapter proxy for
external adapters.

o The adapter process expects the adapterId as the first command line parameter.

o The adapter helper infrastructure is initialized and logging is configured.

o Configuration is received from UIP (the properties of the adapter are set in the UIP

o An adapter instance is created.

o The adapter’s Start method is called.

o Adapter start is signaled to UIP.

o OnAdapterReady method is called.

 Adapter can receive commands or send events to UIP.

o Shutdown is requested by UIP (also when adapter is restarted).

o Shutdown method is called.

 Adapter process ends.

WFCommon NuGet Package

Contains classes required for logging operations.

The logger makes use of a log4net.config file for controlling log level, output, message format, and
other logging aspects.

To integrate correctly with UIP, do not change the logging format in

the provided log4net.config file.

Static class containing factory methods for the INecLogger.

Use these methods to get a NecLogger wherever it is needed in your Adapter.

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The provided loggers are of the same type as the loggers used throughout UIP.

static class NecLogManager

public static INecLogger GetLogger(string name);
public static INecLogger GetLogger(Type type);

This interface provides the standard logging methods

interface INecLogger
bool IsDebugEnabled { get; }
bool IsInfoEnabled { get; }
bool IsWarnEnabled { get; }
bool IsErrorEnabled { get; }
bool IsFatalEnabled { get; }

void Debug(string message);

void Debug(string message, Exception exception);
void Error(string message);
void Error(string message, Exception exception);
void Fatal(string message);
void Fatal(string message, Exception exception);
void Info(string message);
void Info(string message, Exception exception);
void Warn(string message);
void Warn(string message, Exception exception);

Logging Example

INecLogger Log = NecLogManager.GetLogger("SampleAdapter");

Log.Debug("Some information.");

// ...
catch(Exception ex)
log.Error("Some error", ex);

The logger makes use of a log4net.config file for controlling log level, output, message format, and other
logging aspects.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<appender name="RollingFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">
<param name="Threshold" value="ALL" />
<param name="File" type="log4net.Util.PatternString" value="%property{LogFolder
}/adapter-%property{ProviderName}.txt" />
<param name="AppendToFile" value="true" />
<param name="RollingStyle" value="Size" />
<param name="MaxSizeRollBackups" value="50" />
<param name="MaximumFileSize" value="20MB" />
<param name="StaticLogFileName" value="true" />

<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<param name="Header" value="#### Logging started ####&#13;&#10;" />
<param name="Footer" value="#### Logging ended ####&#13;&#10;" />
<param name="ConversionPattern" value="[%d] [%t] %-6p %c{3}: %m %n" />

<appender name="ConsoleAppender" type="log4net.Appender.ConsoleAppender">

<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<conversionPattern value="%date [%thread] %-5level %logger
- %message%newline" />

<level value="ALL" />
<appender-ref ref="RollingFileAppender" />
<!--<appender-ref ref="ConsoleAppender" />-->


WFAdapterBase NuGet Package

Contains helpers for running an External adapter.


public sealed class AdapterRunner

public AdapterRunner();
public static void StartAdapter<T>(string[] args) where T : IWorkflowAdapter;

Should be used in your adapter’s Main method to start a new adapter, derived from type

This way all the infrastructure related to adapter starting, configuration, and communication is

AdapterRunner Example

static void Main(string[] args)


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WFAdapterBaseHttp NuGet Package

Contains helpers for running an Internal adapter. The AdapterRunner usage is identical when targeting this
package instead of WFAdapterBase, but the underlying infrastructure for starting, configuration, and
communication is different.

WFAdapter NuGet Package

Contains classes required for working with the adapter infrastructure, such as BaseAdapter<ContextType>
(that allows defining a new adapter), status, notification, request, and response objects.

public abstract class BaseAdapter<ContextType>

public sealed class AdapterCommandRequest
public sealed class AdapterCommandResponse
public sealed class AdapterConfig
public sealed class AdapterEventNotification
public sealed class AdapterWebhookNotification
public sealed class AdapterPropertyBag
public sealed class AdapterStatusNotification
public interface IAdapterEventSender
public interface IAdapterStatusNotifier

This is the base abstract class for all adapters.

public abstract class BaseAdapter<ContextType>

protected BaseAdapter(AdapterConfig adapterConfig, AdapterHandlers
adapterHandlers, INecLogger logger)

protected void AddCommand(string command, AdapterCommandHandler handler);

protected delegate Task<AdapterCommandResponse>
AdapterCommandHandler(AdapterCommandRequest request, ContextType context);

protected ContextType ContextInstance { get; set; }

protected AdapterConfig AdapterConfig { get; }

protected IAdapterEventHandler EventHandler { get; }
protected IAdapterEventSender EventSender { get; }
protected IAdapterStatusNotifier StatusNotifier { get; }

public virtual void Start();

public virtual void OnAdapterReady();
public virtual void Shutdown();


The constructor of the BaseAdapter requires AdapterConfig, AdapterHandlers and INecLogger.

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The adapter using this base should have a constructor that provides only AdapterConfig and
AdapterHandlers. These will be created by the SDK helpers when launching the adapter.

When calling the base constructor, an instance of INecLogger should be provided, like in the
following example. The code calling the constructor will not attempt to inject a logger.

AdapterSample Constructor

public sealed class AdapterSample : BaseAdapter<IContext>

private static readonly INecLogger Log =

public AdapterSample(AdapterConfig adapterConfig, AdapterHandlers

: base(adapterConfig, adapterHandlers, Log)


This will add to the adapter a command that will be executed when requested by UIP.

The command name should be known by UIP and included in The Adapter Type file.

The command will be handled by an async delegate of type AdapterCommandHandler, receiving a

request object and a context and returning a response object.

The request object contains details about the current request and are set by the command workflow
step. The context is the ContextInstance set during initialization of this adapter.

AddCommand Example

public AdapterSample(AdapterConfig adapterConfig, AdapterHandlers adapterHandlers)

: base(adapterConfig, adapterHandlers, Log)
// Add the commands that the adapter can execute. These commands are sent to
the adapter via UIP.
AddCommand("command1", ExecuteCommand1);
AddCommand("command2", ExecuteCommand2);
private async Task<AdapterCommandResponse> ExecuteCommand1(AdapterCommandRequest
request, IContext context)
// ....


The Adapter Type file contains a properties section that describe the required configuration of this

Values for these properties are set in the UIP Manager and will be sent to the adapter after starting
it (when the Start method is called).

Example configuration can include external system address, connection string, access tokens, retry
count, and any other data that is required by the adapter.

For each adapter defined in the UIP Manager, one instance of the Adapter will run. Each process will
receive its own configuration in the AdapterConfig object, including Name of the adapter,
CustomerId (tenant) and a dictionary of properties.

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AdapterConfig Example

// Read adapter configuration properties. These are specified in adapter type json
AdapterConfig.Properties.TryGetValue("notificationsConnectionString", out string no
AdapterConfig.Properties.TryGetValue("serverUrl", out string serverUrl);


Initialization method called by the adapter helpers after configuration was received from UIP.

Here, configuration should be read and validated and the ContextInstance should be set.


The context instance will be set during initialization of the adapter, for example in the Start method,
and will be provided on each incoming command request.

The context instance has the type defined by the adapter author and is passed as the generic type
parameter to the BaseAdapter. This type is used to store relevant data for processing each request.

ContextInstance Example

ContextInstance = Context.Create( /* ... */ );
Log.Debug("Adapter Started.");
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Fatal("Adapter cannot start.", ex);
this.StatusNotifier.StatusFaulted("Could not connect to external system.");


Can be used to create a notification event/webhook and to send it to UIP. This interface should be used
whenever there is an event or a webhook to be handled in UIP.


public interface IAdapterEventSender

AdapterEventNotification CreateEvent(string eventName);
void SendEvent(AdapterEventNotification notification);

AdapterWebhookNotification CreateWebhook(string webhookName);

void SendWebhook(AdapterWebhookNotification notification);

The event name can be documented as part of The Adapter Type file and can be used by triggers to
monitor a specific event.

EventSender Example (Event)

var notification = EventSender.CreateEvent("event1");

notification.SetProperty("id", eventModel.Id);
notification.SetProperty("name", eventModel.Name);

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WebhookSend Example (Webhook)

var notification = EventSender.CreateWebhook("webhook1");

notification.SetProperty("id", webhookModel.Id);
notification.SetProperty("name", webhookModel.Name);


This method is called by the adapter helpers after adapter is ready to receive commands and send

Here, in order to send events and webhooks, implement process to start receiving data from the
external system.


Should be used whenever adapter status changes, to notify UIP if the adapter is working as
expected or not.


public interface IAdapterStatusNotifier

void StatusFaulted(string message);
void StatusSuccess();

This interface an also be used in the Start method of the adapter to signal if there were any errors
encountered during initialization.

StatusNotifier Example

// initialization
catch (Exception)
this.StatusNotifier.StatusFaulted("Could not connect external system.");


The cleanup method called when the adapter is stopping.

Is received as a parameter on the method that handles a command (the AdapterCommandHandler).

The AdapterCommandRequest contains properties set by the workflow command step which
requested the execution of the command.

Use the GetProperty method to get the values of those properties.

Use the CreateResponse factory method to create a response object to send back and confirm the
execution of the command.


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public sealed class AdapterCommandRequest
public string Id { get; set; }
public string CustomerId { get; set; }
public string AdapterName { get; set; }
public string CommandName { get; set; }
public string Sender { get; set; }
public AdapterPropertyBag Properties { get; set; }
public string ReportId { get; set; }

public AdapterCommandResponse CreateResponse();

public string GetProperty(string name, string defaultValue = null);
public int? GetProperty(string name, int? defaultValue);
public bool? GetProperty(string name, bool? defaultValue);

The object returned by the method handling a command, confirming that the command was

Do not instantiate this object directly; use the factory method CreateResponse on the
AdapterCommandRequest object.

Use the SetProperty method to add properties to the response. These properties will be sent back to
the calling workflow and will be available as part of the result of the command to the next workflow

If the command is not successful, use the SetFailed method to mark the response as failed and to
set a failure code and message.

In the command handling method, it is not mandatory to await command execution on the external
system. Fire and forget commands are also allowed.


public sealed class AdapterCommandResponse

public string Id { get; set; }
public string CustomerId { get; set; }
public string AdapterName { get; set; }
public string CommandName { get; set; }
public string Sender { get; set; }
public bool Failed { get; set; }
public AdapterPropertyBag Properties { get; set; }
public string ReportId { get; set; }

public string GetProperty(string name, string defaultValue = null);

public void SetFailed(string code, string message);
public AdapterCommandResponse SetProperty(string name, string value);

When the Adapter is started, the first thing it will do is to wait for configuration information from

The required configuration properties are described in The Adapter Type file, and will be available
when defining a new adapter in UIP Manager.

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The properties configured in UIP Manager for this specific adapter will be added in the Properties
dictionary available in the AdapterConfig object.


public sealed class AdapterConfig

public string CustomerId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string, string> Properties { get; set; }

Whenever an adapter needs to notify UIP about some event, an AdapterEventNotification object
should be created. Do not create this object directly, but use the factory method of the EventSender
to make sure that relevant properties are set.

Use the SetProperty method add properties to the notification's PropertyBag.


public sealed class AdapterEventNotification

public string CustomerId { get; set; }
public string AdapterName { get; set; }
public string EventName { get; set; }
public string Sender { get; set; }
public AdapterPropertyBag Properties { get; set; }
public string ReportId { get; set; }

public static AdapterEventNotification

Create(string customerId, string adapterName, string eventName, string sender, stri
ng reportId);
public string GetProperty(string name, string defaultValue = null);
public AdapterEventNotification SetProperty(string name, string value);

Whenever an adapter needs to notify UIP about a webhook, an AdapterWebhookNotification object
should be created. Do not create this object directly, but use the factory method of the EventSender
to make sure that relevant properties are set.

Use the SetProperty method add properties to the notification's PropertyBag.


public sealed class AdapterEventNotification

public string CustomerId { get; set; }
public string WebhookName { get; set; }
public string Sender { get; set; }
public AdapterPropertyBag Properties { get; set; }
public string ReportId { get; set; }

public static AdapterWebhookNotification

Create(string customerId, string webhookName, string sender, string reportId);
public string GetProperty(string name, string defaultValue = null);
public AdapterWebhookNotification SetProperty(string name, string value);

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This dictionary is used for all objects that are included in the adapter - workflow communication, to
define configurable properties.

Can also include properties that are not defined in The Adapter Type file. This is the dynamic nature
of the workflow.


public sealed class AdapterPropertyBag : Dictionary<string, string>

public AdapterPropertyBag();
public AdapterPropertyBag(AdapterPropertyBag propertyBag);

public static bool Compare(AdapterPropertyBag bag1, AdapterPropertyBag bag2);


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UNIVERGE Integration Platform
Adapter SDK Manual

September 2021 3.4 edition issued

NEC Platforms, Ltd.

©2020 NEC Platforms, Ltd.

(1) Unauthorized reproduction of all or part of this document is prohibited.
(2) The contents of this document would be changed without prior notice.

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