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Unit 5

• Alondra Tello.
• Andrea Ganchala.
• Jennifer Changoluisa.
Photo story
Focus on language. Answer the questions
using language from the Photo Story.

1 How does the client ask for a massage?

___Would it be possible to get a massage ? I don´t have an appointment .
2How does the receptionist indicate that the client can have a massage
without an appointment?
__Well , actually , you´re in luck .Our eleven o´clock just called to cancel
his appointment.
3 How does the client ask about the price of a massage and a haircut?
__By the way, how much will the massage and haircut come to ?
Focus on language

4 What phrase does the receptionist use to tell the client the total cost
of the salon services?
_Let´s see.
5 How does the client say “ That´s OK”?

6 What expression does the receptionist use to tell the client that the
amount to tip is his decision?
Well, that´s up to you .
Unit 5
Lesson 3
Discuss ways to improve appearance
Before you read
• Look at the photos and title of the
article. What questions do you
think the people will ask Dr. Weiss?
- I think they will ask you: Is it safe?
-Does it have side effects? (Rubi)
- How do I know if I am a good
candidate for liposuction?( Alondra)
- How much does it cost to perform
these operations? ( Andrea)
Paraphrase. Find and circle each underlined expression in
the article. Then circle the correct word or phrase to
complete each statement.

• 1 If you say I think I´ll pass you mean. (No, thanks/that´s a great idea.)
• 2 If you are at your wits´ end about something, you are
(happy/unhappy) about it.
• 3 It takes time to recover means that you (will/won´t) feel better
• 4 Something that is a piece of cake is (easy/difficult).
1 liposuction _- a surgical procedure that car remove fat

2 hair restoration _- It is the process of regaining the density

and natural appearance of hair in areas affected by hair loss
or baldness.

Understand 3 a face-lift - It is a surgery that helps eliminate wrinkles and

loose skin on the face and neck to make you look younger.
from context
Find these procedures 4 a chemical peel - It is a beauty treatment in which a special
solution is applied to the skin to eliminate dead cells and
in the Reading and improve its appearance, making it smoother and brighter.
write a definition for
each one.
Problem Dr. Weiss´s advice Your advice
Complete the chart with
Confirm content and apply information information from the article.
Josephine She has wrinklesand sun Before you decide to have aface-lift ask First, you should consult with a
damage.She only 30, yourdermatologist or a cosmetic surgeon dermatologist about possible
butshe looks 50. about a chemical peel.Compared to surgery, a options before deciding on surgery.
half hour visit to your dermatologist would be A dermatologist or physician may
apiece of cake. recommend the use of creams or
peels to restore your former

Calvin He is a 24-year-oldman There are several surgical procedures which a The stress in your life may have
who is already losing his cosmetic surgeon can perform to help treat hair loss caused you to lose your hair, or it
hair. and restore hair for both men and women. was inevitable. He can consult with
experts to help him treat hair loss.
today there are many products for
hair loss. if not, a woman will
accept him as he is.

Dawson Now that He older , He can´t It would be a good idea to ask your doctor for He must diet ,eat healthy , and
eat anything without some help in dieting first. Then, if you are exercise before undergoing surgery.
gaining weight. unsuccessful. Be sure to find a surgeon with a You must first try to lead a healthy
lot of experience before deciding on life that will give you good results.
Discuss ways to improve your appearance
• Take the opinion survey about ways to improve appearance
• Choose one method you would like to try and one method you
Notepadding would not like to try. Write their advantages and disadvantages.

Method Advantages Disadvantages

Chemical peels It improves skin texture. Possible risks of irritation to sensitive skin.
Can treat acne and shrink pores . Sun sensitivity

Face-liftips It manages to correct those expression lines The results are not permanent or long-
found on the upper eyelid

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