1.4 Questions

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Question 1: Importance of Entrepreneurial Characteristics in Tesla and SpaceX's Success

Elon Musk succeeded with Tesla and SpaceX due to his vision, risk-taking, adaptability, and
leadership. His innovative thinking and resilience played a key role in disrupting industries, while his
ability to learn and lead teams contributed to their success.

Question 2: Entrepreneurial Characteristics Contributing to Richard Branson's Success

Richard Branson's success is attributed to his risk-taking, seen in ventures like Virgin Records and
Virgin Atlantic, and adaptability, demonstrated by his ability to pivot and diversify into different

Question 3: Differences between Successful Business Managers and Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs embrace risks, focus on innovation, and seek independence. Business managers
prioritize stability, execute existing plans, and work within established structures.

Question 4: Characteristics of a Successful Business Manager and Justification

1. Strategic Thinking: Essential for long-term planning and adapting to changes.

2. Effective Communication Skills: Crucial for clear communication with stakeholders, fostering a
positive work environment.

3. Decision-Making Skills: Vital for making timely and informed decisions to navigate challenges and
seize opportunities.

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