16 Personalities

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Who Am I?


Go to www.16personalities.com. Answer ALL of the questions as HONESTLY as you can.

What is the name of your designation? Virtuoso

What is your code? ISTP- A

Letter Percentage

I 64%

O 58%

T 64%

P 63%

A 60%

What do each of the letters mean?

I______ = Introverted_________________________________________________

O_____ = Observant _________________________________________________

T_____ = Thinking ________________________________________________

P_____ = Prospecting _________________________________________________

A_____ = Assertive ____________________________________________________

Section: List bullet points:


• Diligent and Observant

• Handy and Resourceful
• Spontaneous
• Direct and Authentic
• Independent
• Grounded

• Unapologetic
• Insensitive
• Private and Reserved
• Easily Bored
• Independent
• Overly Skeptical
& Relationship:
Relationships An independence heart:
- ISTPs live in the present and prefer partners who do too.
- They may walk away if a potential partner doesn't measure up.
- ISTPs need personal space, both physically and mentally.
- Controlling or scheduling their activities can push them away.
- Intimacy can help ISTPs express their emotions as relationships progress.
- They conceal and protect their deep feelings, often dealing with emotional baggage

The subtle art of communication:

- ISTPs value living in the present and making day-to-day decisions.
- They may leave things unsaid that they think are understood.
- Open discussions about commitments can cause panic or disdain.
- ISTPs appreciate the freedom to be passionate or indifferent.
- Being more expressive and consistent can help balance their personalities.

Keep it spontaneous:
- ISTPs value freedom and dislike being bound to specific plans.
- They prefer relaxed and flexible friendships.
- ISTPs live in the present and do what they want.
- They enjoy hands-on activities and competition.
- ISTPs form friendships based on shared hobbies.
- They appreciate taking action rather than just talking or dreaming.

The surprising charm of being yourself:

- ISTPs are popular due to their interesting hobbies and pragmatic nature.
- Building a deeper friendship with them can be a challenge.
- They have many acquaintances but only a few who truly understand them.

Career Paths Embracing the Unpredictable:

- ISTP personalities have a natural skill for troubleshooting and problem-solving.
- They are results-oriented and value autonomy in their work.
- They may need to work on long-term planning skills.
- ISTPs can find success in freelancing or traditional work.
- They excel in dynamic fields and environments.
- Risk-taking can lead to rewarding opportunities for ISTPs.
Workplace ITSP Manger:
Habits - ISTP managers have a minimal talking and loose boundaries approach.
- They may be seen as cold and distant by more sensitive types.
- ISTP managers provide practical and fair solutions when problems arise.
- Feedback from ISTP managers may be limited, but they are good listeners.
- Effusive praise and emotional expression are not in their nature.

ISTP Colleagues:
- ISTP personalities prefer to work in solitude and value their personal space.
- They may not be the most social individuals, but they can still be well-liked by
- Their straightforward communication style can sometimes lead to misunderstandings.
- Taking ISTPs at face value is important to understand their intentions and avoid conflict.

ISTP Subordinates:
- ISTP personalities crave wiggle room and dislike strict rules and guidelines.
- They prefer the freedom to undo commitments and can be stubborn if forced to change.
- ISTPs excel when given a manageable list of tasks to fix or deal with.
- They have a talent for efficiently tackling such tasks with ease.

1. Write a reflection below (half page minimum) describing:

● How your traits and skills connect to your career plan.
● Whether or not you feel that this is an accurate depiction of your personality.

Don’t forget to:

○ Provide details and examples where possible.
○ Use paragraphs in your writing.
A dedication to diligence and observation is at the core of nursing. The responsibility for treating
patients, keeping an eye on their problems, and offering comfort and assistance falls on nurses. Their
careful attention to detail guarantees that no symptoms or status change is missed, enabling prompt
action and better results. In the busy field of healthcare, having good hands and creative thinking is
crucial. In order to provide high quality care to individuals in need, nurses must manage through
challenging circumstances with few recourses, relying on their creativity and problem-solving skills.

Another quality that sets nurses apart is spontaneity. When faces with unexpected challenges or
emergency scenarios, nurses need to be ready to quickly adjust and make quick decisions that could
save lives. Their quick thinking and calm under pressure are extremely valuable, boosting the confidence
of both patients and coworkers.

In order to establish rapport and trust in the nurse- patient interaction, it is important to be
straightforward and genius. Patient’s values nurses who are open and truthful in their communication,
giving them the knowledge they need to make decisions about their treatments. Nurses establish a
supportive environment where patients feel heard, understood, and valued by being sincere and

I believe the strengths described after this test are accurate, and I agree with each of them.
Although the weakness stated that I was extremely skeptical, I believe I am not overly skeptical
about things. I am more of a what happens, happens mindset, in which I don't worry over things
and simply deal with the consequences.

In relationships/friendships, I seem to find this realistic; nevertheless, in most situations, I prefer

my own space rather than physical contact. Most of the time, I like to be alone in my own place.
I find that commitment can make me a little strange; I usually walk away since they don't
understand me and continue to do the same mistakes/actions. I'd rather walk away than repeat
myself several times since I don't have the time or energy for it.

2. Upload the worksheet and your write up to your Portfolio tab on your website (We will be
making the website next class).
• Write a short sentence or two explaining what you learned about yourself from this

I mean, I just learned more about my habits, how I do things, and why I do them. I feel like this
test explained some of the reasons about habits and gave me reasoning to justify.

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