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Provide an overview of the University Result Management System (URMS) project.

Explain the purpose of the system, its stakeholders, and the benefits it will
Functional Requirements:

User Authentication and Authorization:

The system should have secure login functionality for administrators, faculty
members, students, and staff.
Different roles should have access to different functionalities.
Student Management:
Ability to add, edit, delete student records.
Allow students to view their profiles, including personal information and academic
Course Management:
Add, edit, and delete courses.
Assign courses to faculty members.
Result Management:
Enter, update, and delete student grades.
Calculate GPA and CGPA based on grades entered.
Allow faculty members to enter grades for the courses they teach.
Report Generation:
Generate transcripts, grade reports, and other relevant reports for students.
Generate reports for faculty members and administrators regarding course grades,
pass rates, etc.
Send automated notifications to students for result publication, upcoming exams,
and other relevant information.
Notify faculty members about grading deadlines and other administrative tasks.
Data Analytics:
Provide analytics tools for administrators to analyze trends in student
performance, course enrollment, etc.
Non-Functional Requirements:

The system should be able to handle a large number of concurrent users during peak
times, such as result publication periods.
Response time for user actions should be minimal.
Implement role-based access control to ensure data privacy and security.
Use encryption techniques to secure sensitive data such as grades and personal
The user interface should be intuitive and user-friendly, catering to users with
varying levels of technical expertise.
Provide proper error handling and feedback mechanisms.
The system should be scalable to accommodate future growth in student enrollment
and functionality requirements.
Ensure high availability of the system with minimal downtime.
Implement regular backups and disaster recovery mechanisms to prevent data loss.
The system should be compatible with different devices and browsers to ensure
accessibility for all users.
System Architecture:
Describe the overall architecture of the URMS, including client-server
architecture, database management system, and integration with other university
systems (if any).
Define technologies and frameworks to be used in development.
Data Requirements:

Identify the types of data to be stored in the system, such as student information,
course details, grades, etc.
Define the database schema and data models required to support the system

Specify the interfaces with other university systems, such as student information
systems, learning management systems, etc.
Define APIs for integration with third-party systems if necessary.

Identify any constraints such as budget limitations, time constraints, and

technology constraints that may impact the development and deployment of the
Legal and Regulatory Requirements:

Ensure compliance with data protection regulations such as GDPR, FERPA, etc.
Address any legal requirements regarding data storage, security, and privacy.

Provide comprehensive documentation including user manuals, system architecture

documents, database schemas, etc.
Testing and Quality Assurance:

Define a testing strategy including unit testing, integration testing, and user
acceptance testing.
Establish quality assurance processes to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the

Develop training materials and conduct training sessions for users to familiarize
them with the system.
Maintenance and Support:

Plan for ongoing maintenance and support of the system post-deployment.

Define procedures for handling system updates, bug fixes, and user support requests

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