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4 startup roles to hire

There are certain startup roles you’ll want to fill immediately. Here are four
important ones to consider:

1. Product manager

The product manager will be your go-to on all things related to your products. This
team member manages the product strategy, vision and development. They
typically work closely with the engineering and marketing teams to create and
market your products. Vince Repaci, senior coach at LOVR Atlantic, said that
bringing on a product manager can be difficult for founders, as they are typically
the initial default product manager and heavily invested in their own products or

“When you [can] afford to bring on a project manager, though, it forces you to
change the way you think about the project by documenting and training someone
else in it,” Repaci told Business News Daily. “This move allows founders to start
working on the business rather than in the business.”

2. Chief technology officer (CTO) and VP of engineering hybrid

A team member who specializes in technology and development is crucial to your

business’s success, especially for tech startups. Although you can hire freelance
front-end and back-end engineers, having someone on your internal team take
charge of this sector is useful. You can split this role into two separate positions as
your team grows.

“Having someone with the skills to decide what will work best for your business,
as well as overseeing the integration and management of various systems, is key,”
said Sue Andrews, business and HR consultant at KIS Finance. “They’ll need to
consider everything from hardware to software and mobile technology.”
Andrews said this team member can also take the lead in building your online
presence. They can split that responsibility with your marketing manager as well.

3. Chief marketing officer (CMO) and community manager hybrid

This team member will focus on your customers and how they view your product
or service. Andrews said that hiring an expert with excellent marketing and
promotional skills is essential to make sure your vision reaches a wide audience.

“Find a marketing manager that is a jack-of-all-trades,” Wilson said. “Until you

can scale, they should be able to write copy, design collateral, code landing pages,
run ad campaigns and handle social media marketing.”

They should also interact with your customers and act as an interim community
manager to maintain positive relationships between your business and consumers.
This team member can work with the product manager to incorporate customer
feedback into product development.

4. Sales Manager

These team members will focus on generating new leads and bringing in money for
your company. Wilson said startups and small business owners who mastered the
first sale lasted longer.
1. What is the purpose of the text?
The text is purpose informative text because, the text has an information
about posisi di lowongan pekerjaan startup yang bisa dicoba oleh pelamar
pekerja. Pada teks tersebut,menjelaskan beberapa nama jabatan dan divisi
lalu menjelaskan jobdesk tiap posisi nya secara singkat dan ringkas.

2. According to Reiss, what should be the target text like?

According to Reiss, the target text language should be the information of
the meaning of each position in this job. Explaining the short of their
job desk. And the key of tips being capable in this position.

3. If you consider Newmark’s idea on translation methods, what methods

are potentially suitable for translating the text?
If we are considered Newmark’s idea on translation methods, the
methods that potentially suitable for translating the text is
communicative translation. Because in this text, the article has a good
explanation about this position information that are needed in startup with
a communicative style and focus to transfer the meaning of the content.
So, the reader knows the contextual meaning of the original information
about this job position in startup technology.

4. If you consider Newmark’s idea on meaning, which meaning is the

dominant one in the text?
If we are considered Newmark’s idea on meaning, the dominant one in
the text is communicative meaning like illocutionary meaning and
them. The example sentence that I found is a jack-of-all-trades it means
talented and front-end means the first slide of web development and back-
end means development internal system in technology.

5. What is the text style?

The text style that used in the text is formal style. As we know from this
article, the writer uses a formal language to reader. The words that use in
article are politely.

6. Draw a chart on the relation of translation principles, methods, and

strategies that potentially you can apply to the translation of the text.

writer Informative

Text by identifying method



B. Translate the text into English or Indonesian. Explain at least 5

strategies you use in the translation along with the example from the

4 peran startup untuk dipekerjakan

Ada peran startup tertentu yang ingin Anda isi segera. Berikut adalah empat yang
penting untuk dipertimbangkan:
1. . Manajer produk
Manajer produk akan menjadi tujuan Anda pada semua hal yang terkait dengan
produk Anda. Anggota tim ini mengelola strategi, visi, dan pengembangan produk.
Mereka biasanya bekerja sama dengan tim tekniksi dan pemasaran untuk membuat
dan memasarkan produk Anda.
Vince Repaci, pelatih senior di LOVR Atlantic, mengatakan bahwa mendatangkan
manajer produk bisa jadi sulit bagi para pendiri, karena mereka biasanya
merupakan manajer produk awal dan banyak berinvestasi dalam produk atau
layanan mereka sendiri.
"Ketika Anda mampu membawa manajer produk, itu memaksa Anda untuk
mengubah cara Anda berpikir tentang produk dengan mendokumentasikan dan
melatih orang lain di dalamnya," kata Repaci kepada Business News Daily.
"Langkah ini memungkinkan para pendiri untuk mulai mengerjakan bisnis
daripada dalam bisnis."
2. Kepala petugas teknologi dan Wakil direktur teknisi hybrid
Seorang anggota tim yang berspesialisasi dalam teknologi dan pengembangan
sangat penting untuk kesuksesan bisnis Anda, terutama untuk startup teknologi.
Meskipun Anda dapat menyewa insinyur website dan data, memiliki seseorang di
tim internal Anda yang bertanggung jawab atas sektor ini berguna. Anda dapat
membagi peran ini menjadi dua posisi terpisah saat tim Anda tumbuh.
"Memiliki seseorang dengan keterampilan untuk memutuskan apa yang akan
bekerja terbaik untuk bisnis Anda, serta mengawasi integrasi dan manajemen
berbagai sistem, adalah kuncinya," kata Sue Andrews, konsultan bisnis dan SDM
Manajemen. "Mereka perlu mempertimbangkan semuanya mulai dari perangkat
keras hingga perangkat lunak dan teknologi seluler."
Andrews mengatakan anggota tim ini juga dapat memimpin dalam membangun
kehadiran online Anda. Mereka dapat membagi tanggung jawab itu dengan
manajer pemasaran Anda dengan baik.
3. Kepala Petugas Marketing dan komunitas manager hybrid
Anggota tim ini akan fokus pada pelanggan Anda dan bagaimana mereka melihat
produk atau layanan Anda. Andrews mengatakan bahwa mempekerjakan seorang
ahli dengan keterampilan pemasaran dan promosi yang sangat baik sangat penting
untuk memastikan visi Anda menjangkau khalayak luas.
"Temukan manajer pemasaran yang terampil," kata Wilson. "Sampai Anda dapat
mengukur, mereka harus dapat menulis salinan, merancang jaminan, kode halaman
arahan, menjalankan kampanye iklan dan menangani pemasaran media sosial."
Mereka juga harus berinteraksi dengan pelanggan Anda dan bertindak sebagai
manajer komunitas sementara untuk menjaga hubungan positif antara bisnis Anda
dan konsumen. Anggota tim ini dapat bekerja dengan manajer produk untuk
memberikan respon pelanggan ke dalam pengembangan produk.

4. Manajer penjualan
Anggota tim ini akan fokus untuk menghasilkan prospek baru dan mendatangkan
uang untuk perusahaan Anda. Wilson mengatakan startup dan pemilik usaha kecil
yang menguasai penjualan pertama bertahan lebih lama.
5 strategies you use in the translation along with the example from the text
Semantic Strategy

Synonymy Sentence:
1. The product manager will be your
go-to on all things related to your
(Manajer produk akan menjadi
tujuan Anda pada semua hal
yang terkait dengan produk
(The word go-to is a slang for going
to but it can to be a destination)
2. Wilson said startups and small
business owners who mastered
the first sale lasted longer
(Wilson mengatakan startup dan pemilik
usaha kecil yang menguasai penjualan
pertama bertahan lebih lama).
(The word “lasted longer” means

3. They can split that responsibility

with your marketing manager as
(Mereka dapat membagi tanggung
jawab itu dengan manajer pemasaran
Anda juga).
(The word split can be change with

Transposition Sentence: This team member manages

the product strategy, vision and
(Anggota tim ini mengelola strategi,
visi, dan pengembangan produk.)
(There is a change of word class
from word “develop” or verb into
action noun “development”)
Borrowing by naturalization Sentence:
1. A team member who specializes
in technology and development is
crucial to your business’s success,
especially for tech startups
(Seorang anggota tim yang
berspesialisasi dalam teknologi
dan pengembangan sangat
penting untuk kesuksesan bisnis
Anda, terutama untuk startup
(the word “specializes” become
“spesialisasi” )

Semantic Cultural equivalent Sentence:

1. Andrews said that hiring an
expert with excellent marketing
and promotional skills is essential
to make sure your vision reaches
a wide audience
(Andrews mengatakan bahwa
mempekerjakan seorang ahli
dengan keterampilan pemasaran
dan promosi yang sangat baik
sangat penting untuk memastikan
visi Anda menjangkau khalayak
2. “Find a marketing manager that is
a jack-of-all-trades,”
("Temukan manajer pemasaran
yang terampil")

Emphasis change 1. They can split that

responsibility with your
marketing manager as well
(Mereka dapat membagi
tanggung jawab itu dengan
manajer pemasaran Anda
dengan baik.)
(Emphasis “as well” is

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