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Material Safety Data Sheet FRPW 54/56


Product name: FRPW 54/56

Product type: Paraffin Wax
Supplier: Brenntag International Pte Ltd
Address: 2 Bukit Merah Central #08-01 Singapore 159835
Telephone: (65) - 6500 1100
Fax: (65) - 6425 5020


Substance Formal Name: Paraffin Waxes and Hydrocarbon Waxes

CAS number : 8002-74-2
EINECS number : 232-315-6
Ingredients contributing None under current regulations
to the hazard:


Human health hazards: Molten wax causes serious burns if skin contact occurs.
Safety hazards: Combustible
Environmental hazards: No specific Hazards


Symptoms and effects: Molten wax fumes may be slightly irritating to the eyes and upper respiratory tract irritation if inhaled.
Molten wax will cause bums on contact with skin.
First Aid - Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. Seek medical attention.
First Aid -Skin: If hot wax strikes the skin, drench or immerse the area in water to assist cooling If available, apply
iced water or ice packed to the burned area (DO NOT USE iced water or cold packs if the burned
area covers more than 10 percent of the body, as this may contribute to shock). Do not try to
remove wax from a burn after it has cooled. Seek medical attention. If cool wax contacts skin, wash
the area with warm soapy water.
First Aid - Eye: Hold eyelids open and flush eye with water. Seek medical attention.
First Aid - Ingestion: Obtain medical attention.
Advice to physicians: Treat symptomatically. Diagnosis of ingestion of this product is by the history of events.


Specific hazards: Combustion products may include carbon monoxide and unburnt hydrocarbons. Not classified as
flammable but will burn.
Extinguishing media: Foam, water spray or fog. Dry chemical powder, carbon dioxide, sand or earth may be used for small
fires only.
Unsuitable Do not use water in a jet. Use of Halon extinguishers
extinguishing media: should be avoided for environmental reasons.
Other information: Keep adjacent drums and tanks cool by spraying with water.


Personal precautions: May burn although not readily ignitable. Shut off leak at source if safe to do so. Do not breathe molten
wax vapour. Avoid contact of molten wax with skin, eyes and clothing.
Personal protection: Wear protective clothing specified for normal operations (see Section 8).
precautions: Prevent from entering into drains, ditches or rivers. Use appropriate containment to avoid

Version 1.0
12/01/2014 Page 1 of 4

Registered Address: Shareholders: Directors:

Brenntag Pte. Ltd. Brenntag (Holding) B.V Henri Nejade
2 Bukit Merah Central Donker Duyvisweg 44 Knud Mohr
#08-01 3316 BM Dordrecht Peter Seidel
Singapore 159835 Netherlands Thomas Cheah
Tel: +65 6500 1100
Fax: +65 6425 5020
Reg No: 199705854N
environmental contamination.
Clean-up methods
- large spillage: Contain molten wax with sand, earth or spill control material. Do not disperse using water. Allow to
cool and remove as a solid.
- small spillage: Allow wax to cool and remove as a solid.
Other information: Local authorities should be advised if significant spillages cannot be contained. Observe all relevant
local regulations. See Section 13 for information on disposal.


Handling: When using do not eat, drink or smoke. Only use in well-ventilated areas. Avoid contact with the
skin, eyes, nose and mouth, especially when the product is molten. Wash all exposed skin before
eating, drinking, smoking or using the toilet.
Handling temperature: If handled in liquid state, handle between 80 and 95º C. If handled as solid, handle at ambient
Storage: Do not store in unsuitable, unlabelled or incorrectly labelled containers. Molten product in storage
tanks should be blanketed with nitrogen.
Storage temperature: If stored in liquid state, between 80 and 95 degrees C. If stored as solid, store at ambient
materials: Use mild steel, stainless steel for containers.
Unsuitable materials: Materials for the construction of facilities for storing, handling and distributing this product should
neither present unnecessary safety hazards nor adversely affect its quality. Examples of materials to
avoid are: copper, copper alloys (ferrous and non-ferrous), zinc, zinc alloys. Synthetic materials such as
plastics and flbreglass may also be unsuitable, depending on the material specification and intended use.
Materials for packages, containers (including containers for the retention or despatch of samples) and
container linings must not adversely affect the quality of the product. They must be impermeable and
must not be weakened or otherwise affected by the product. Examples of materials to avoid are:
natural rubber, polymethyl methacrylate, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, polyisobutylene. Polyethylene
and polypropylene are also unsuitable unless they are high density types which have been specifically
tested for compatibility with this product.


Occupational Exposure 2mg/m3 for Wax fumes

Standards: (ACGIH recommendation)
Respiratory protection: Not normally required. In a confined space self-contained breathing apparatus may be required.
Hand protection: PVC or nitrile rubber gloves if splashes are likely to occur.
Eye protection: Wear monogoggles to avoid eye contact.
Body protection: Wear protective clothing as appropriate to protect skin against hot product.


Physical State: Waxy solid

Colour: White / Whitish
Odour: Practically odourless
pH-value: Aqueous extract: Neutral
Congealing range: >40°C
Initial boiling point: NA
Vapour pressure @20°C: <0.01 hPa
Density (20˚C): About 900 kg/m3
Kinematic viscosity: 2.5-4.5 @ 1000C
Vapour density (air=1): NA
Flash point: >2000C
Flammability limit-lower: NA
Flammability limit-upper: NA
Auto-ignition temp.: NA
Explosive properties: None

Version 1.0
12/01/2014 Page 2 of 4

Registered Address: Shareholders: Directors:

Brenntag Pte. Ltd. Brenntag (Holding) B.V Henri Nejade
2 Bukit Merah Central Donker Duyvisweg 44 Knud Mohr
#08-01 3316 BM Dordrecht Peter Seidel
Singapore 159835 Netherlands Thomas Cheah
Tel: +65 6500 1100
Fax: +65 6425 5020
Reg No: 199705854N
Oxidizing properties: None
Solubility @20°C:
 In water: Practically insoluble
 In chlorinated hydrocarbons: Soluble
 In benzene: Limited solubility
Viscosity @ 100°C: 2.5 – 10mm2/s
Lower explosion limit: Paraffin dust/powder: >15 g/m3
Upper explosion limit: Paraffin dust/powder: >1000 g/m3


Stability: Stable.
Conditions to avoid: Naked flames
Materials to avoid: Strong oxidizing agents.
decomposition products: None known.


Basis for assessment: Toxicological data have not been determined specifically for this product Information given is based on
knowledge of the toxicology of similar products.
Acute toxicity - oral: LD50 expected to be >5g/kg.
Acute toxicity - dermal: LD50 expected to be >2g/kg.
Eye irritation: Expected to be non-irritant
Skin irritation: Expected to be slightly irritant.
Skin sensitization: Not expected to be a skin sensitizer.
Mutagenicity: Not considered to be a mutagenic hazard.
Reproductive toxicity: Does not impair fertility. Not a developmental toxicant.
Human effects: NA


Basis for assessment: Ecotoxicological data have not been determined specifically for this product. Information given is
based on knowledge of the ecotoxicology of similar products.
Mobility: Product is a solid. Will float on water
Persistence/degradability: Not readily biodegradable. Persists under anaerobic conditions.
Bioaccumulation: Has the potential to bioaccumulate.
Ecotoxicity: Insoluble Product Low acute toxicity to mammals.


Precautions: See Section 8.

Waste disposal: Recover or Recycle if possible, otherwise incineration
Product disposal: Recycle if possible, other incineration


Not dangerous for conveyance under UN, IMO, ADR/RID and IATA/ICAO codes


EC Classification: Not classified as dangerous under EC criteria


Uses and restrictions: Wax for industrial applications such as candle manufacture and chemical processing.

Version 1.0
12/01/2014 Page 3 of 4

Registered Address: Shareholders: Directors:

Brenntag Pte. Ltd. Brenntag (Holding) B.V Henri Nejade
2 Bukit Merah Central Donker Duyvisweg 44 Knud Mohr
#08-01 3316 BM Dordrecht Peter Seidel
Singapore 159835 Netherlands Thomas Cheah
Tel: +65 6500 1100
Fax: +65 6425 5020
Reg No: 199705854N
SDS history: Edition number: 2
SDS distribution: This document contains important information to ensure the safe storage, handling and use of this
product The information in this document should be brought to the attention of the person in your
organisation responsible for advising on safety matters.

DISCLAIMER: This information is based on our current knowledge and is intended to describe the product for the purposes of
health, safety and environmental requirements only. It should not be construed as guaranteeing any specific property of the product.

Version 1.0
12/01/2014 Page 4 of 4

Registered Address: Shareholders: Directors:

Brenntag Pte. Ltd. Brenntag (Holding) B.V Henri Nejade
2 Bukit Merah Central Donker Duyvisweg 44 Knud Mohr
#08-01 3316 BM Dordrecht Peter Seidel
Singapore 159835 Netherlands Thomas Cheah
Tel: +65 6500 1100
Fax: +65 6425 5020
Reg No: 199705854N

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