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Martial Archetype: Many-Armed Additional Fighting Style

As a warrior, you take the phrase "heavily armed" very At 10th level, you learn a special fighting style which benefits
literally. You have a total of four arms, and you have learned from your extra set of arms. Choose one of the following
martial techniques to make the most of this edge in battle. options.
Your arms could be a natural feature of your race, a prosthetic Shield Bracing. When you equip a shield, you can choose
augmentation, or the byproduct of some odd transmutation to wear it on both arms on that side. When you do, you gain
magic. Whatever the case, you use every one of your limbs an additional +2 bonus to AC.
with deadly efficiency. Oversized Weapons. Your powerful arms allow you to
wield oversized versions of melee weapons. You are proficient
Four Arms in oversized weapons. Converting a weapon to an oversized
Starting at 3rd level, you have two additional arms for a total weapon takes a day of downtime and costs an amount of gp
of four, and you know how to use them in combat. These arms equal to the standard price of that kind of weapon. It gains the
are capable of everything that an ordinary arm can do. heavy property and loses the light and finesse properties, if it
If your race already gives you four arms, any limitations on has them. An oversized weapon requires one more hand to
your extra arms, such as not being able to hold certain types hold than usual, and gains an additional 5 feet of reach.
of weapons or use shields, are removed. Wielding an oversized weapon in three hands counts as
In addition, you gain the following benefits. using two hands for the purposes of features that require a
two-handed weapon, such as the Great Weapon Fighting
You can use two-weapon fighting even when the weapon or fighting style.
weapons you attack with during your Action aren't light or Power Grip. You use your extra hands to reinforce your
one-handed. The weapon used for the bonus attack must grip on your weapon and put more force into all of your blows,
still have the light property. or cleverly maneuver your weapon to vulnerable spots on your
If you use at least three free hands to grapple a creature, enemies. Your weapon attacks deal an additional +2 damage
you have advantage on Strength checks to grapple them per free hand you have.
and keep them grappled.
When you draw or sheathe a weapon, you can draw or
sheathe an additional weapon as part of the same object
Armor Alterations
At 3rd level, you have learned how to alter your armor and
clothing to accommodate your extra limbs. You gain
proficiency in leatherworker's tools, smith's tools, and
weaver's tools.
By spending a day of downtime, you can alter one set of
armor or clothing to fit either your body shape or the body
shape of someone else you know. This includes tailoring it to
their size, up to one creature size larger or smaller than the
original garment, and adding accommodations for extra
appendages, such as arms, wings, and tails. Altering a magical
set of armor or clothing in this way takes 3 days of downtime.
Starting at 7th level, you can interact with two objects, instead
of one, when you take the Use an Object action on your turn.
The number of objects you can use increases to three when
you reach 11th level in this class and to four when you reach
20th level in this class.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Triple Weapon Fighting. When you use your bonus action to Improved Grapple
make a weapon attack with two-weapon fighting, you can Starting at 15th level, your extra arms make it easy to pin an
make an additional weapon attack as part of your bonus enemy down when you grab hold of them. When you grapple a
action. This extra attack must be made with a light, one- creature using two or more of your arms, you can choose to
handed weapon that you have not used to attack this turn. You restrain them instead.
don't add your ability modifier to the damage of the bonus
attack, unless that modifier is negative, even if you have a More Arms
feature that allows you to do so with two-weapon fighting. At 18th level, whether by a mutation, an invention, or magic of
some sort, you find a way to temporarily give yourself even
more arms for short periods of time.
As a bonus action, you can activate or summon these arms.
In a transformation lasting 10 minutes, you gain an additional
set of arms, for a total of six arms. These arms are capable of
everything than an ordinary arm can do. As part of this bonus
action, you can draw or sheathe any number of weapons or
items. You can end the transformation as a bonus action.
For the duration, you have advantage on all Strength checks
which involve the use of your arms. Also, when you take the
Use an Object action, you can interact with one additional
Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you
finish a long rest.

Art Credit
Four Arms by Anthony Feliciano
Watercolor texture by cgarofani
Four-armed Frost Giant by Florian Stitiz

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
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