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Bullying. one word, bullying what was the first thought that came through your
mind when you heard bullying? Mocking? Teasing? Even worse, violence?
Honestly bullying is such a simple concept, it’s just a conversation between 2
people or more, where one of the people in the conversation has more
dominance rather than the other. people say “but I get upset when I get bullied”
I think you shouldn’t be upset if a bully mocks you, if a bully calls you
“ugly”,”stupid”,”wimp”,”loser” and every ugly words, you shouldn’t care, you
shouldn’t say “you make me upset”, why? in fact bullies have fun when you get
upset or frightened by their words because they think they’re winning and
you’re losing just by mocking you or teasing you, you should act like you don’t
care, just let those mean words bounce off of you “I hate how the way you look”
“thanks”, “you’re so ugly I’m gonna throw up” “nice information”. But not
everybody has the confidence to say that, easy.
Just like I said before bullying is a simple concept where one wins and one
loses, you just have to get the mindset of “if I’m upset the bully wins, if I don’t
get upset the bully loses” it’s just like playing a game, if you don’t win again
and again you’ll eventually be bored and don’t play it anymore right? That’s
what the bully will do if you win and don’t get upset, they leave you alone.
Now you understand the concept of bullying is hurting a persons feelings, the
solution is so simple, just don’t care about it but some people think of bullying
as a violence. I’m not talking about a person that physically abuse you is bully,
in fact if you straight-up got punched in the face or get physically abused I
actually believe you should be upset because that’s not bullying, that’s assault, a
crime. If you feel like your in danger, you should call out for help, seek
protection immediately because it could end up someone loosing they’re lives.
Here's the thing these are social skills the people should have because there’s
mean people around us, jerks everywhere. build your own self-confidence, build
your self-esteem, build your self-worth be brave, be smart. That’s what we need
to move forward for the brighter future.

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