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In this day and age, multimedia is all around us. It can be seen anywhere. It is a broad-spectrum
industry, i.e. effective in a wide variety of ways. Even an ordinary person is able to consume
multimedia products, be they on social media, broadcast media, print media, digital media, and
the like. It is no longer isolating society, so to speak. It reaches anyone in the best and most
frequent way it can. Technological advancements have made it possible to easily consume these
multimedia contents.

From the moment you wake up until you are about to sleep, you can see, hear, and touch
different multimedia contents. Using your phone that contains the latest applications, reading
your favorite e-book, browsing through your social media accounts, playing with your favorite
online games, watching your most-awaited series episode on Netflix, listening to your favorite
podcast or song on Spotify, downloading applications from your smartphones, reading
infographics on the latest COVID-19 bulletin, using touchscreen machines in convenience stores,
etc. are some of the examples of the ubiquity of multimedia consumption. The integration of text,
graphics, drawings, still and moving images (video), animation, audio, and any other media
constitute multimedia. Those mentioned examples are by-products of laborious multimedia

Moreover, multimedia creates a personal relationship with prospective consumers or users, albeit
one-way and abstract. It has the ability to engage people when they use it. Simply put,
multimedia provides the users entertainment, education, and information. In fact, multimedia
finds its application in various areas including, but not limited to advertisements, film,
broadcasting, arts, education, entertainment, engineering, medicine, mathematics, business, and
scientific research.

In this lesson, you, as digital learners, are expected to know the definition of multimedia and its
important relationship to society. The purpose of the lesson is for you to have a deeper grasp of
the multimedia industry that you want to be part of in the future.

The online tasks in this lesson are designed to evaluate your understanding of the basic elements
of multimedia and its production and to provide valuable critiques of the assigned multimedia
output to you. Enjoy this multimedia experience! Let’s get the ball rolling!

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