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STT Suffixes Vocabulary P of S Meaning Example

1 Disposable a Dùng một lần/ Sẵn để dùng Disposable nappies: Tã dùng một lần
2 Manageable a Có thể quản lí, kiểm soát, xử lí được A manageable problems
(can be)
3 Identifiable a Có thể nhận biết, nhận ra Poisonous mushroom are easily identifiable.
4 Health-concious a Có ý thức sâu sắc về sức khỏe Health-concious person
5 (describe ppl who Safety-concious a Có ý thức sâu sắc về sự an toàn Safety-concious company
consider 1 aspects
6 of their lives esp Time-concious a Có ý thức sâu sắc về thời gian Time-concious workforce
7 Class-concious a Quan trọng địa vị, tầng lớp Class-concious society

8 (describe things and Picassoesque a Phong cách Picasso Picassoesque paintings
similar in style)

9 Stress-free a No stress in what you're doing Stress-free life: Cuộc sống không áp lực
10 (describe things Tax-free a Miễn thuế Tax-free shop: Cửa hàng miễn thuế
without the adj)
11 Addictive-free a Không chất phụ gia Addictive-free foods: Đồ ăn không chất phụ gia
12 _rich Fibre-rich a Giaù chất xơ Fibre-rich diet: Chế độ ăn giàu chất xơ
(describe things
13 with a lot of [adj]) Nutrient-rich a Giaù chất dinh dưỡng The soil on that farm is nutrient-rich.

14 Community-led a Do cộng đồng Community-led initiative: Sáng kiến do cộng đồng lãnh đạo
15 (describe things Student-led a Do học sinh Student-led protest: Cuộc biểu tình do sinh viên lãnh đạo
that are controlled
16 or influenced by Worker-led a Do công nhân Worker-led uprising: Khởi nghĩa công nhân
the [adj])
17 Millitary-led a Do quân đội Millitary-led coup: Cuộc đảo chính do quân đội lãnh đạo

18 _minded Like-minded a With similar interests Like-minded friends

(describe ppl with
19 particular charac Career-minded a Give a lot of attention to your job Career-minded young woman
-ters, opinions or
(describe ppl with
particular charac
-ters, opinions or
20 attitudes) High-minded a Cao cấp High-minded principles: Nguyên tắc cao cấp

21 Ovenproof a Chịu được nhiệt độ cao Ovenproof dish

22 (describe things Waterproof a Kháng nước Waterproof jacket
that can resist
the damage or
23 difficulty caused by
Soundproof a Cách âm Soundproof room
the noun)
24 Idiot-proof a Cực kì dễ hiểu Idiot-proof instructions: Hướng dẫn cực kì dễ hiểu

25 Stress-related a Do áp lực Stress-related absence from work

(describe 1 thing changing (increasing or decreasing) as
26 as connected
Age-related a
an individual's age increases
Age-related earnings: Thu nhập theo độ tuổi
with another)
27 Tobacco-related a Do thuốc lá Tobacco-related illness
28 Guilt-ridden a Full of something unpleasant or bad Guilt-ridden person
29 (describe ppl or Crime-ridden a Full of crime Crime-ridden city
30 things with a lot Bedridden a Liệt giường Her father is bedridden because of a serious illness.
of the [noun])
31 Terror-ridden a Full of terrorism During the Civil War, the country was terror-ridden.

32 _worthy Newsworthy a Worth reporting in the news Newsworthy incident

(describe ppl or
33 things that merit Creditworthy a Có khả năng chi trả The bank decided that he was not creditworthy.
whatever the
34 [noun] refers to) Praiseworthy a Deserving praise Praiseworthy action/pupil

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