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Prefixes Type of meaning Words Part of speech

Overrate v

Overpriced a
Indicates an excess
of something
Overstate v

Indicates Overwrite v
something that
OVER- covers or Overshadowed v
something Overbearing a

Overstep v

Indicates the crossing Overnight adv

of some king of
barrier Overleaf adv

Overboard a

Underestimate v

Understaffed a
Indicates less than the
desired amount
Underfunded a

Underfoot adv
Indicates something
below another thing Underlying

Undercarriage n

Undermine v
Indicates some kind of
negative behaviour
Underhand a

Suggests a change of Upgrade v

UP- some kind, often
positive Upturn n

Indicates the link Cross-border a

CROSS - between two separated
Indicates the link
CROSS - between two separated
things Cross-cultural a

Converse v

Commiserate v

CON-/ Often suggests mixing Condolence n

COM- together
Congeal v

Contaminate v

Ejecte v
Give the idea of sth
coming out of sth
Emit v

Adjacent a

Adjoin v

Adding sth to sth or

A(D)- that Annotated a
things are connected
Allocate v

Appertain v

Suggest pushing sth Proliferate v

PRO- forward or increading
it Procreation n

Abdicate v

Go/Be taken away

AB- Abscond v
from something

Abduct v

Extraterrestrial a

EXTRA- Outside of Extraneous a

Extracurricular a

Interrelated v
Connected or linked
one with the other
Interdepartmental a
Intravenous a

INTRA- Within something Intradepartmental a

Intranet n
People said it was better than it really was

Too high prices

To say something in a way that makes it seem important than it

really is

Cover/replace the old text with the new text

(Metaphorial use) felt less important than

Trying to control other people in an unpleasant way

Cross the barrier into offensive/unacceptable behaviour

From one day to next day

On the other side of the page of a book, etc.

Over the side of a boat or a ship into the water

Think it will be less than it really is

Lacking staff

(Of an organization, a project, etc.) not having enough money to

spend, with the result that it cannot function well

On the ground, beneath your feet

The deeper ~ a more complicated and mysterious issue

standing behind a simple one

part of an aircraft that supports it when it is on the ground

Attack, weaken

Secretly and possibly dishonest

Improve something to a better version

Sudden change for the better

Across the frontiers of two or more countries

Between people of different cultures

To have a conversation with somebody

To show sb sympathy when they are upset or disappointed

Sympathy that you feel for sb when a person related to them died

(Of blood, fat, etc.) to become thick or solid

Make a subtance or place dirty

Thrown out

Give out

Next to something

Next to something

(Of a book or text) with notes added giving explanations or


To give sth officially to sb/sth for a particular p ủpose

To belong or be connected as a rightful part or attribute

Increase in number, amount

The process/action of having children

Give up the throne (Queen/King)

Run away from prison

Kidnap someone, persuade them to go with them

From beyond earth (from another planet)

Not relevant or outside of the important ones

Outside of the school curriculum

Connection between separate things

Between diffirent departments

In the veins

Within the department

A computer network that operates only within one organisation

This film was overrated in my view.

It was a bad restaurant, with an overpriced menu.

I really think she overstated her case, and lose a lot of sympathy.

In this program, you can choose to overwrite the existing file or to save it as a new file.

She always felt overshadowed by her older, more successful, sister.

He has a very overbearing personality.

He overstepped the mark when he said that.

Will you be staying overnight?

A detailed list of awards is given overleaf.

During the cruise, a child fell overboard and drowned.

Don't underestimate the time it will take.

The company is seriously understaffed.

The project was underfunded from the outset.

It's quite wet underfoot. Did it rain last night?

The underlying question is a very difficult one.

The plane's undercarriage failed to open and it crashes.

I wish you would not undermine everything I do.

He did it in a very underhand way.

The airline upgraded me to business class.

There has been an upturn in the economy.

Cross-border cooperation has led to a number of arrests of drug smugglers.

Cross-cultural misunderstandings often happen.

She conversed with the Romanians in French.

She commiserated with the losers on their defeat.

Our condolences go to his wife and family.

The cold remains of supper had congealed on the plate.

This river is contaminated by pollution.

They were ejected from the restaurant for bad behaviour.

The machine emitted a loud noise and then stopped working.

Our farm land was adjacent to the river.

Our farm land adjoined the river.

An annotated edition

More money should be allocated for farmine relief

The rights and the privileges that appertain to marriage

Time passed and animal life proliferate

They believe that sex is primarily for procreation

He abdicated in favour of his son

she abscond from every children's home they placed her in

They have attempted to abduct the two children

This is in line with the definition NASA use when looking for extraterrestrial life

We do not want any extraneous information on the page

She's involved in many exxtracurricular activities

Feminist ideas are interrelated with philosophical ideas

interdepartmental committees/meetings/rivalry
An intravenous injection/drug user

Intradepartmental rivalry

Our values are displayed in our office space and on our intranet

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