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Monique G.


ACTIVITY 2. State the seven principles of human development from a life-span perspective
and their implication to child care, education and parenting.
Principle of Human Development from a Educational implication to child care,
Life-span Perspective education and parenting

1. Development is lifelong Change is visible throughout the lifespan.

There is no particular age period that is
more important, characterizes, or
dominates human development.

2. Development is multidirectional Individuals may make improvements in

certain areas of development while losing
ground in others. Every transition, whether
it's graduating from high school, getting
married, or becoming a parent, involves
both development and loss.

3. Development is multidimensional Individuals change in three areas: physical,

cognitive, and psychosocial. All three
domains have an impact on one another. It
is crucial to remember that a change in one
domain might cascade and cause changes
in the other domains.

4. Development is multidisciplinary Upon development, the child will come to

realize practices and disciplines
implemented by his/her parents and other
people surrounding him.

5. Development is characterized by Therefore, it is flexible that many of our

plasticity features are easy to adapt. It is where our
mind learns from an experience and finds a
solution to solve it.

6. Development is multicontextual Recognizing that people's lives have

numerous dimensions that connect or
overlap with one another. There are several
settings in which changes occur, as well as
various groups to which a person belongs.

7. Development involves growth, As people reach their late twenties and

maintenance and regulation thirties, the preservation and management
of loss in their capacities takes precedence
over growth.

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