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Prepare by: Leonila C. Abarquez

By the help of the Holy Spirit.

To God be the Glory
God bless students!

September 7, 2023

INTRODUCTION..................................................... i


1 The importance of life .........................

2 The Importance of Child Study...........

3 The importance of Child Life..............

4 The forces in Life Building.....................

5 Stages of Development.........................

6 Preparing a Lesson................................

7 Preparing the Teacher...........................

8 Preparing the Bible Lesson.....................


The purpose of Christian Education is to assist the family and church in the
ministry of reconciliation through instruction centered upon Jesus Christ and founded
upon the absolute truths of His Word (II Corinthians 5:18; John 1:1-5).

Christian Education is a process of training and developing knowledge, skill,

mind, character and nurturing the relationship with God.

A true Christian not only in name but in should be an evident in our daily living
until the Lord come. A true Christian have surely relationship with the Lord.

Be sure that you are saved! (Eph . 2:1)

Why? We need salvation- Rom. 3:23

When? 11 Cor. 6:2; Heb. 4:7

How? Tom. 10:9; 1 Jn 1:9

The Importance of life
Henry Drumund- Tells us that the greatest things in the world is love, but there is something in this world greater
than love. Life is the greatest thing in the world. Christ in coming expressed the great love of God, but He came
that men might have life. There is a great different between they making of living and the making of life. The
importance of may be realized from three things.

1. Value
What is the value of life?

a. Human estimate

In some places life is held in small regard just like:

India and China- killing of infant are still common
Japanese -take revenge on their enemies by committing suicide their doorstep.
America- in one year there were 28,000 suicide and 10,000 homicides. To the people in the world around, life
has very little value.
b. God's estimate

In Genesis 1:27 God made man in His own image (meaning important). Before the flood crime went
unpunishable. After the flood God committed the Judicial function into the hand of man.

c. Christ estimate

In Mark 8:36 "No one ever gained the greater part of the world. Christ said that if a man gained the whole
world it could not be equivalent to his life. It is spoken in 2 Peter 3:10 the day of the Lord is come.

2. Extent
How long is life? Genesis 5:27
Methuselah has a long life but he died at the age of 969. Man has his beginnings but no end because after this
we will be forever in the Lord.

3. Possibilities
What are the possibilities of life?
a. life contains an infinite capacity of knowledge

The human infant is the most helpless of all infants but noticed in a few years he rises to such wonders and
intelligence. As long as we live we can continue to learn.

b. life contains an infinite capacity for freedom. The Bible is the little window which open to us the infinite
possibilies of the immortal soul, freed us from the bondage of sin. So for the believer, -Iife is freedom.

c. life contains an infinite capacity for possession.

Yes, man covet the world and things of the world for possession but cannot be compared of what Christ has
promised with for the believe that we are joint-heirs with Him.Rom.8:17. For the believers, Life is -possession.
d.Life contains an infinite capacity for power.

Men lust for power and constantly struggling upon this earth for some place of influence. But even when they
conquer nature their forces are insignificant compared with the power of the One who create and control the
whole universe. We belong to God so for the believers, Life is power.

e. Life contains an infinite capacity for happiness.

How much joy we get in this world out of friendships books and many delights in the realm of nature. Still all the
joy we get of the present do not test the capacity of the soul. Here joy is mingled with sorrow and tears must
dim the happiest face. But unspeakable and unexperienced unending joy remains for that blessed place where
sin suffering and sorrow are unknown. There is a day coming when there will be time and strength and freedom
for every study and every journey and every love. Life has this gracious expectation so for the believers, Life is

The Importance of Child Study

Man is different from the lower animals. He has a long infancy. he has a mind, and is able to think, reason and
create. In fact man's lives has three lives during this earthy existence each with his distinctive characteristic and

1. Child Life - Birth to 12 ( children)

2. Adolescent - 13 to 24 years old ( young people)

3. Adults life- 25 years up ( adults)

Harrower says that ideas can come permanent position to the world which do not first enter through the door of
childhood. At the age of three, parents have done more than half of what they will ever for their child. But to
many child Life is mostly forgotten and neglected.

Facts that child Life is important:

1. Christ became a child- Luke 2: 52

He might become flesh and dwelt men as ma mature adult. But He saw fit to pass through the long preparatory
stages of infancy and adolescent and finally to His short period of adult life. By birth He was a Jewish race among
the Jews specially children are appreciated, love and nurtured. With the outmost care for their place and part of
life. This was the attitude toward children with which Jesus came naturally child into contact.

2. Christ magnified child Life

We are habit of calling upon children to follow the example of their elders. Christ did just opposite.

a. He put the children and not the adult in the center of the group. In Matt. 18:2-3 our Lord did not teach the
child to be as man but he taught men to become like children.

b. He rebuked the disciples when they argued that adult should have first place in his time. Matt. 19:13-14 the
adult population needed Him. There was no time for children but Jesus rebuked them.

c. He emphasized the place and importance of Child training in the church. Matt. 18: 1-14 Christ has to say about
1. Instruction to those who imitate children

2. Honor to those who receive children

3. Woe to those who offended children

4. Warning to those who neglect children

5. Blessing to those who seek and save children

3. Child's life ministers to mankind

a. Children are builders of home

b. Children are builders of society

c. Children can be used to lead adults to the Lord

The Importance of Child Life
Child study maybe defined as an examination of the laws governing the growth of a personality.

It involves:

1. Knowledge of a person

a. Know God- We must know Him intimately and be in constant communication with Him in order to
introduce Him.

b. Know man- One must study man and become acquainted with Him in order to know him. In the business
world the successful salesman is the one who knows human natures and understands the approach to man's
mind. He must study the man whom he is selling. The same true in the religious world. We must know those to
whom we are introducing God. No Christian workers can be useful in introducing God to mankind unless he
knows God and knows man or men. We must know not only boys and girls but we must know THE BOYS AND
THE GIRLS with whom we have to deal. Most boys and girls are better students of human nature than their
teachers. They may not always get their lessons but they study their teachers sufficiently to know just when they
will be called to recite. We should study the child as he studies us, for only in that way can we even hope to find
entrance into his life.

2. Knowledge of law - matt.22: 37; matt. 6:33; Rom. 13

Dr. G. Stanley Hall - was one of the first to point out that life is under the control of certain laws which are
practically universal and unchangeable. Child study, then has a basis of facts. It investigates the facts in human
development, studies the natural order of growth and determines the modifying effect of various conditions and
activities in different stages. The Law however, needs to be qualified by our recognition of the government of a
personal God. God is above law, we have no right to close our eyes to facts with the hope that God will later on
bless our ignorance and our carelessness by overruling natural laws. From the law we can conclude that:

a. We can reach and teach children while they were yet young and when they will not so to stray from the Lord.

b. Bad results can be prevented- if we are to teach a child nothing about right living we have no reason to
complain if he goes wrong. It is not his fault; it is our negligence. God has given us the plan for our life and we
should be willing to follow it.

c. There is hope in formation and regeneration but almost no hope in reformation

The success of life depends upon obedience to God's principles. We are not to begin to obey the principles of
God late in life but at the beginning (Joshua 1:8)

3. Knowledge of development or growth

The life of a child unfolds like a flowers. The gardener knows the amount of the sunshine and moisture required
for the unfolding of every blossom and he is even watering, trimming and training the tender plant that in due
time it may come in its own power to a perfect growing leaves and fruitage.

a. To be an example before him so that he may gain experience and knowledge and his response comes within

b. Not to preserve evil but to lead overcome temptation

c. It is not to teach little men they have different characteristics both physical and mental that not like adults

d. They need to accept Christ at a very young age.

Sources of Child Study

There are four sources of Child Study which are accessible to every student.

1. Observation

Take the opportunity to observe children and note their different ages, social and educational background.
Learn to know children and better teach to meet their needs

2. Remembering

Think and remember your childhood and it will give you better understanding of children and have to work with

3. Books and literature

Many books have been written about children and their need. Read with understanding of children and how to
work with the

4. Science
The study of children by the methods of modern science has now been seriously undertaken. The fact that child
Life is governs by laws makes it possible to compile statistics, compare conditions and apply scientific methods to
revealed knowledge that conclusions may be reached.

Lesson 3 The forces in the Life Building

Professor H. Horne in his Idealism in Education, names three important forces that operate in the building of life
heredity, environment and will. Since the later force is so vitally associated with personality it would seem
preferable to use the term instead of will. Heredity- bestows capacity, Environment- provides opportunity.
Personality- recognizes capacity and improves opportunity. As Mr.Horne so clearly puts it, the child is born in
part, he is made in part, in part he makes himself so important are these contribution to the unfolding life, it will
be well to consider them in details

Every child is born into the world with racial and family characteristics which are transmitted to him by his
immediate and remote. Ancestry. According to authorities, a child inherits one-half of his. Characteristics from
the two parents, one-fourth of his characteristic from the four grandparents, one-weight from the eight great-
grandparents. The illustration of heights is best understood. If both parents are unusually tall their children as a
rule are taller than the genera1raveragebut shorter than themselves. If both parents are unusually short in
stature, the children be taller than their parents but shorter than the average. That is because of the influence of
the grand-parents or a great-grandparent.
Children take after their parents in energy, ability to learn and other original mental traits as they do in form,
feature and physical resemblance. In consideration of the force of heredity there are observations to be made.

a. children inherit tendencies/not character

A child does not inherit the knowledge of music, but an ear interest and enthusiasm for its acquirement. A child
does not inherit an appetite for strong drink, but a basic weakness that he may be easily led or easily
discouraged. A child does not inherit tuberculosis but may inherits tendencies to tuberculosis so that under
favorable surroundings it may develop more rapidly than with others.
b. heredity is determined by grandparents rather than parents. In Exo.20:5 we read that iniquity of the fathers
shall be visited upon the children, unto the third and fourth generation. There is an application of this law in all
families, the wicked king Ahaz had a righteous son but a wicked grandson. The good kind Hezekiah, on other
hand had a wicked son but his grandson was one of the godliest of the twenty kings of Judah. Paul declared that
Timothy owned his faith to his grandmother Lois as well as his mother Eunice. We are not responsible for all that
we have received from our ancestry, but we are responsible for what we had down through the gates of birth.
c. heredity is more marked in adolescence than in childhood. The period of adolescence, is not only the time for
discovery of the gifts of heredity but for the confirmation or correction of tendencies which will manifest
2. Environment

It affects our learnings, understanding and knowledge. Parents primarily are responsible for environment.
a. Home- Children are molded by the sentiments opinion and moral standard, which dominates where they live,
eat and sleep. Imitation comes first and understanding later. Habits of life and attitudes of mind need to be fixed
before there can be full understanding. The home is the place where this child rights will be recognized and
Three types of home

1. Christian home 2. Half Christian Home 3. Non- Christian home

b. Community- there are three forces of the community that contribute to the child environment:

1. School- furnishes intellectual environment

2. Church- furnishes spiritual environment
3. Gang or organization- provide physical and social environment.
3. Personality
Early in life we discover that a child has a will of his own. In fact, the child's will affect both heredity and
environment. To a large extent the child must work out his own life as a captain of his destiny. Partly we shape
him and partly he must shape himself.

Three observations to be made in the consideration of this force.

1. Habits shapes personality
2. Expression renders personality
3. Christian controls personality

Lesson 4 Stage of Development

Read Prov. 22:6 - discuss the word TRAIN what it means. Many children have been told. Some are taught. Few
have been trained. Education is only a telling process. It is not even a teaching. It involves training. What is the

1. Telling - helping to know Deut. 6:7-9

2. Teaching- helping to know and grow Isaiah 55: 7-11
3. Training - helping to know, grow and do Prov. 22: 6
To be educated spiritually a child must know, feel and do that a child may know accurate provision must be
made in the education program for:

1. Information
A child is born with to know God and it is the part of the parents and teachers to see that this knowledge is
provided a reality and as accurately as a knowledge of the affairs of men.
2. Worship
A child is born with the capacity to know God but an instinct to worship Him. Since a child is born with the
instinct of worship He must be taught to pray and praise.
Before a child can understand God he can be taught reverence and respect.

Example: A child can see his father read from the Bible, kneel down in prayer and bow his head for the blessings
three times a day. He can go with his father and mother to the church. He can learn that Sunday is different from
other days of the week.

Church Program usually neglected

a. Attendance - they never trained to go to church every Sunday
b. Punctuality- they have never been trained to be punctual at God's house and in God's service
c. Offering- giving which is a part of worship has been neglected in their earliest years
3. Expression

James 1:22 - knowing, feeling and doing is the complete educative process of individual.

They have never trained to give out and as they received and become channel of blessings. Let them do what
they know.

Lesson 5 Department and their ages characteristics

Explanation of Each Departments And Characteristics

Infancy and Nursery 0-3 yrs. o1d

1. Physically he is an actor
his physical activities characterize him above everything else.、He cannot sit still and listen. He wants to go to
things and handle them. There is a reason for all this activity. It is essentials for growth and development and
generated activity requires an outlet.
2. Mentally he is a discoverer.
The child at birth has no conscious intelligence. He has no know-ledge, all that is most familiar to us is unknown
to him. However, this condition swiftly changes as the months of the first year pass. through his activities and
discoveries, he begins to have understanding of things. From the moment he opens his eyes to the light of the
sun. The child is making discoveries. First of all, he discovers his mother, his world and himself.
3. Morally the child is an imitator

Before the fourth year the child acquired his knowledge of right and wrong by imitation. His moral habits and
attitudes will be largely determined by others.

4. Taining

a. begins to teach the bible (short verses)

b. needs much repetition
c. has short attention span -3 minutes
d. cannot remember for a long period of time
e. sing over and over short familiar song
f. encourages and help them to obey
g. teaches them to understand songs and verses

Early Childhood - 4--6 yrs. o1d

The passing of the child from infancy to early childhood is gradual that few would be able to mark a change at
any given time. As his body lengthens his fields widen and his mind deepens.

1. Physically he is a player.
The little child is a player and all his world a playground. Eating, sleeping and playing is the threefold program of
his daily existence.
2.Mentally he is a questionnaire
The discovery of his enlarge world and his own personal relationship to this unfolding life leads him to ask never
ending questions.
3. Spiritually he is a believer
The little child believes everything you tell him, simply becouse of his lack of experience. Parents and teachers
should be truthful in answering a child's questions.
4. Training

Home and School should provide a program of worship that includes: Praise, prayer and giving.

a. needs activity
b. needs ‘repetition
c. teach them to obey and know the Bible
d. begins to teach hymn

e. Need to learn memory verse and needs discipline

MIDDLE CHILDHOOD- 7-8 years’ old

His circle of companionship is enlarging and more definite round of responsibility is assumed

1. Physically he works busily. This after called a motion period. He is active and energetic. There is a period of
growth. He is fun of walking, climbing and throwing.

2. Mentally he is observer

The child observes more closely now as a result of his greater knowledge. He now has eyes to see and ears to
hear and observe adults his mental depend on the interpretation of new experience.

3. Spiritually he is a discriminator (he differentiate)

He distinct between fact and fiction. (imagination) he distinct between right and wrong。He distinct between
command and action.


The primary child is still hungry for a story; this remains as teacher' method of imparting instruction. Train them

a. manual activity
b. encourages them to do things by himself
c. train then In comprehensive worship and reverence
d. begins to memorize well but must be taught to understand
e.wants to please elder people
f. teach them order and regulariby
g.only 6-8 pupils in class

Later Childhood- 9-11

This is one of the most interesting and most important periods of life. It is called the adult period of childhood.
The child at his best physically, mentally and spiritually.

1. Physically he is a rover (wanderer)

He longs for the great out of doors and find his enjoyment that lie close to nature. This a period of health and
hardihood. He has many question to ask as in former years but he is more discovering new ways of answering his
own question. He should be assisted

2. Mentally he is an investigator by collection. Provide good reading materials for he can read easily.

3. Socially he is gang-minded:

Dislike opposite sex. No longer share the same interest or enjoy the same games. Girls and boys organize in
different ways. Girls form social societies such as industrial and literary. Boys from out of doors societies and are

4. Spiritually he is Worshiper:

The graded lesson of the Sunday School has recognized this trend and the here stories provided he forth the best
ideals for the boys and the girls of the Junior department.

5. Training

These are the golden years of opportunity. With his health as its best and his understanding now capable for
grasping the serious matters of life. The child possesses a world of possibilities. To further this end special
attention should be given to:

a. the study of the Bible

b. memory work
c. experience and training in worship
do decision and church membership
e. obedience and trusting God
f. pleasing God
g. better to have man teach boys and woman for girls. The golden age of childhood should be employed for
evangelistic effort rather than the stormy years of youths of the following considerations:

1. twelve was an important age in Jewish life. Christ at this age was found as son of the law.
2. many great and good men date their conversion from childhood.
3. Childhood is followed by a period of temporary religious decline
4. The great failure of the Sunday school is its inability to hold its pupils after they finish the childhood.
5. Child conversation are likely to permanent conversation.

Early Adolescence- 12-14 yrs, o1d

We are born twice, the first time into the existence and the second time into life. The first time a member of the
race and second time a member of the sex. To this world we should add the great spiritual birth. The birth of the
believer in the family of God. The new birth is the great characteristics adolescence: Adolescence is the greatest
transition period.
1. The principal physical characteristic is changes, there is a change in idea - full of ambition and makes plan the
future. There is change in body - rapid growth but uneven growth. There is change in vocation - feeling of

2. The principal mental characteristic is Criticism

It is the most critical period in the entire life of the individual. It is criticism in adolescences that leads to
conviction in adult’s life. For this reason, adolescent education should include a wide variety of subjects, it
should be provided the fundamental principles in just as large as possible.
3.The principal social characteristic is companionship. His councilors and companions are the greatest
importance in shaping his life. For this reason it is well to consider companionship in the home, in school in the
gang in church.

4.The principal Spiritual characteristic is conversion

Adolescences is the harvest time of all that has gone before and the faulty preparation for life only become
dramatically evidence when conversion takes place. Conversion in the early youth involve the personality.


a. organized departments
b. organized classes
c. graded lessons
d. trained leadership

LATER ADOLENCENCE- 18-24 yrs, o1d

The transition between early and later adolescences is unobservable but the characteristic is distinctive.

1. The principal physical characteristic is achievement in physical and mental condition, with a full realization of
personal responsibility, urge youth to achieve something for himself.

2. The principal mental characteristic is Power

Adolescences is the period of the dominance of mind. Evident of intellectual power is dependent upon certain
attainments of knowledge and independence.

3. The principal Social characteristic is Friendship

The later adolescent period is a time for the breaking of home ties, capacity for all self-sacrifice and loyalty.

4. The principal Spiritual characteristic is Instability.

Many young men and women have seasons of actual unspiritual feelings and tendencies. The unsteadiness of
spiritual interest and conviction are displayed in certain hindrances such as doubts and worldliness.

5. Training
After a wise selection of a teacher has been made training of later youth maybe furthered through class
organization appropriate curriculum and vocational appeal such as Christian stewardship, Christian heroes
Christian ministry.
Lesson 6 Preparing a Lesson
Preliminary Steps

1. Select scripture to be used

2. Select age group to be taught

3. Select aim to be accomplished

4. Select method of development

5. Begin to assemble materials

Lesson outlined

1.Approaching the lesson

a. Welcome the class

b. Contact with class

2. Opening the lesson

3. Developing the lesson

4. Closing the lesson

Bible lesson preparation and presentation

Bible Lesson- is a connected series of facts which emphasizes one main aim on teaching point for the child. It
includes the plan of salvation, personal application and an invitation to receive Christ.

Story- is an illustration or incident involving some action which clearly picture a point the teacher wants to make
gospel message includes;

1. Love of God- John 3:16; Romans 5:8

2. Christ the Son of God- Gal. 4:4

3. Sin- Romans 3:23; Romans 3:18

4. Blood of Christ- 1 John 1:7; Romans 5:8-9

5. Gift of God- John 1:12

Lesson 7 Preparing the Teacher
1. Attitude
- is my heart and life compel --to do something-- to God?
- am I living in His will?
- Do I have peace about accepting this task from Him?
- is my fellowship what it should be with other workers?
2. Do I have compassion and love of Christ for these children?

1. To see the Lord Jesus Christ exalted, manifested and lifted up through the bible lesson
2. To win each child to Christ and into a systematic bible study which should balance his Christian walk
3. To train each burden Christian so that he may be used more effectively to win and teach children
4. To give God the Glory for the great things He has done.

Lesson 8 Preparing the Bible lesson

1. Pray, read and meditate 2 Tim. 2:15

2. Get the story straight and make list of events

3. Plan to teach the unsaved child

4. Plan to teach the saved child

5. Capture the emotion of the story and plan how to involve students

6. Work with your visual in Advance

7. Practice your lesson out loud at least twice

Several important thought to Consider

1. Use the memory verse several times in the lesson, be sure you learn it yourself

2. Do not memorize your lesson, the holy spirit need to change your thoughts to meet a particular need

4. Repeat ideas within the story

5. Use the bible language

Acts 26:18 - Pray that you will be use by God

James 1:19- Pray that you will be swift to hear

Phil. 1:11 Pray that they will be filled by the fruit of righteousness

Col. 1:9 - Pray that they might be filled with knowledge of His will.

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