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Which is more important, advocacy or empowerment?

Advocacy and empowerment are both important in society. But if you’d ask
me which is more important? I’ll probably choose advocacy over empowerment.

For example you are an unprivileged person .Being empowered does not mean
what you do is right or what you say will be heard. Being empowered is just a way
for you to do what you are desired to do. Being empowered is a situation where you
are allowed to do what you do in your life but you can’t make others join you if they
don’t want to. You can do what you do but there are possibilities that you will not
succeed because empowerment only justifies power from yourself not power in the
community, environment and to other people. You can’t force the government or the
people who have power to do what you ask them to do. But still empowerment is a
great instrument in order for the people to know the importance of what they do
and learn what is the best for them without being controlled and watched.
On the other side, which is more important for me, advocacy, because if you
choose the higher person who has the power to advocate you, you will definitely be
heard. Because advocacy has companions. You can work as a group. If an advocate
sides with you, you will be able to explain and say what you want to be heard.
Advocacy will strengthen and fight for your rights and it will inform other people
about the situation you are in. Because for example, you're an unprivileged person,
you don't know how to read or how to write , advocacy will help you and encourage
you to say what you can’t utter because you’re not smart enough to fight and
inform others about your rights. Advocacy aims to recommend changes so you need
to have a goal in order to advocate the situation.

As I've said, empowerment and advocacy is both important to one’s life.

Every possibility is in these practices, we just don’t have the same view and

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