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Department of Education


for Junior High School


QUARTER 3 (Module 8)

LO 4. Store poultry and game bird
LO 5. Evaluate the finished product
Before you start answering the module, I want you to set aside other
tasks that will disturb you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple
instructions below to successfully enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!
Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated
in every page of this module.
Write on your notebook or any writing pad the concepts
about the lessons. Writing enhances learning, that is
important to develop and keep in mind.
Perform all the provided activities in the module.
Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers.
Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you
have learned.
Enjoy studying!



At the end of the module, you should be able to:

1. store and maintain poultry and game bird according to standards.
2. rate the finished products using rubrics


Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer that will be appropriate to each statement. Write
the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. This may be done by anyone in proper handling and storing any poultry meat and by-products.
A. disaster to health C. malpractices in handling and storing.
B. Wash hands properly. D. Use refrigerator to store poultry and game dishes.

2. Poultry meat can be sold in different forms. The following can be observed in the market that
can be purchased for creating any poultry and game dishes, EXCEPT…
A. fresh whole chicken C. cold poultry meat cuts
B. spoiled poultry meat D. packed frozen whole chicken
3. Shane bought frozen chicken meat from Agora’s Market. Her mother asked her to cook it later
for their dinner. What would be the BEST way in preparing this frozen chicken meat for storing?
A. Store directly in the freezer.
B. Place it on the basin with water .
C. Remove the packaging and place it on the table.
D. Thaw the frozen chicken meat in the refrigerator.
4. When storing any fresh whole poultry meat, which of the following will you recommend to save
space in storing equipment?
A. Cut into halves. C. Remove bones.
B. Cut into pieces. D. Cover it with waxed paper.
5. Poultry products should be stored properly. If these products will be sold in supermarkets, which
of the following may do BEST once storing it for long?
A. Be it in original form C. Use food grade containers and store it in fridge.
B. Chill the poultry products D. Vacuum packing the poultry products then freeze

6. Karla will cook “Tinolang Manok” as lunch for her family. She prepared all the ingredients and
bought a kilo of whole chicken meat. There are left-overs after their lunch which can be eaten for
dinner. Which of the following she can do to avoid its spoilage for the remaining hours before the
A. Freeze it C. Cool it as quickly as possible
B. Transfer into a bowl and cover D. Let it in the pot at room temperature

7. If food poisoning outbreak occurs due to mishandling or poor storage procedures, what can
possibly happen to consumers, those involved in production and in marketing the poultry and its
A. Price increases C. Increase of customers and sales
B. There will be cheaper legal and court costs D. Illness and even deaths of consumers
8. This is considered the safest temperature to hold any poultry meats and could maintain flavor
and moisture.
A. 32°F to 35.6°F C. 35°F to 50°F
B. 3°C to 5°C D. 5°C to 7°C
9. How long can you store cooked poultry dishes in a freezer?
A. 1-2 days B. 2-4 days C. 4-6 months D. 9 months
10. When handling and storing any poultry meat and game dishes or even any food, the following
are the basic guidelines that one needs to follow, EXCEPT…
A. Don't cross-contaminate. C. Cook properly and refrigerate promptly.
B. Wash hands and surfaces often. D. Use scented liquid chlorine bleach for sanitizing tools.


Draw Me
Directions: Draw a plating presentation of any of the poultry dish/es you
prepared from previous modules. Use an A4 writing paper for this activity and
evaluate your work using rubrics presented herein. Label your work and identify
each, based on the following item you used or prepared. (30 points)
1. Recipe Title 4. Garnish
2. Poultry meat 5. Sauce
3. Type of service ware 6. Accompaniment


Criteria Poor Fair Good Superior Score
(20%) (30%) (40%) (50%)
Proper food Did not properly Some of the standards Followed most of the Handled and stored
handling and handled and stored are followed in proper standards in proper the food properly
storing the food handling and storing of handling and storing of based on the
(50%) food food standard
Preparation Did not prepare and Prepared and followed Prepared and followed Prepared well and
and Proper only some of preferred techniques in some of proper followed the
techniques techniques are proper handling and techniques in proper appropriate
(25%) followed. storing of food handling and storing of techniques efficiently

Safety and Did not follow the Followed few of the Followed most of the Followed correctly
Sanitation in safety precautions safety standards and safety standards and the safety standards
handling and and proper proper sanitation in proper sanitation in and proper sanitation
storing (25%) sanitations in handling and storing food handling and storing in handling and
handling and storing food storing food
of food
Created by: Herrera, Cecilia P., January 16, 2021.


This self-learning material highlighted the techniques in proper storing of poultry and game
bird. This will provide some information about the proper handling of any poultry meat that should
be stored appropriately to prevent them from drying out, spoilage, or freezer burn (BC Campus,
2021). Proper handling and storage are two of the most vital processes that undertaken usually
once any meat arrive from their point of production to market areas. Based on findings of experts

, they have studied that foodborne diseases can contaminate any meat from its production until it
reached any households for meat consumption. Food storage may often be subjected to human
malpractices in procedures and mostly are unaware, Therefore, to ensure that all poultry meat
and products are safe, it should be checked, refrigerated immediately, and stored correctly. Any
poor food-handling and storage procedures can prove to be dreadful to anyone and even the food
service company and to those involved in its production and processing.

Figure 1. Preparation, packaging and

cooking of poultry meat: Broiler
chicken = 1, turkey = 2, duck = 3,
capon = 4, guinea fowl = 5, goose = 6
and ostrich = 7

Techniques in Storing Poultry

Poultry may be frozen whole, in halves, cut into pieces, or parts after they are dressed.
Parts can be packed separately, ready to cook, or for easy meal preparation and thawing.

Handling and Storage of Poultry

Poultry spoils very quickly unless it is properly handled and stored. After being brought
home from the market, it should be unwrapped as quickly as possible and wiped off with a damp
cloth. Then it should be lightly covered with waxed paper, placed in shallow utensils and stored
in a cold part of the refrigerator near the freezing unit or ice. Cooked poultry should be cooled as
quickly as possible, covered to prevent drying and it should be refrigerated. Removing the bones
saves space. Frozen poultry must be kept in the freezing unit until it is thawed for cooking.

In the industry, whole sub-primals are often vacuum packed as soon as they are removed
from the carcass and will have a long shelf life when kept in the original vacuum packaging. Cut
meat products for retail use should be wrapped in permeable film on trays or vacuum packaged
after portioning.

Cut meat products for food service use may be vacuum packed after cutting or stored in
food-grade containers, wrapped appropriately, and stored according to food safety standards.
Products for frozen storage should be vacuum packed or wrapped tightly in freezer paper to
prevent freezer burn (BC Campus, 2021).

Here are some examples of what can happen if a food poisoning outbreak occurs due to
mishandling or poor storage procedures:
1. loss of customers and sales
7. professional embarrassment
2. illness and even death of consumers
8. increased cost to the health care system, such as
3. loss of prestige and reputation
5 analysis, physician time, and hospital care
4. costly legal and court costs
9. an investigation time and possible consequences if
5. increased insurance premiums
6. lower employee morale
Freezing and Thawing Poultry

Coolers should be maintained at 0°C to 2°C (32°F to 35.6°F). This is considered as the
safest temperature to hold meats and maintain flavor and moisture. Water freezes at 0°C (32°F);
however, meat freezes at about -2°C (29°F). Although there are no abrupt changes in quality
during the first few months of poultry storage, it has always been a good practice to use these
chickens first which have been in the storage longest and those with torn wrapper.

Storage Time for Poultry and Game

Basics for Handling Food Safely

Poultry meat and products can carry the salmonella bacteria, which is responsible for
more cases of food poisoning than any other pathogen. Fortunately, it's easy to avoid
getting sick from any poultry meat and by-products, as long as you follow safe food
handling practices.

1. Shopping- Purchase refrigerated or frozen items after selecting your non-perishables.

Never choose any poultry meat and by-products in packaging that is torn or leaking. Do not
buy food without expiration dates. Products regulations do require that there be a phrase
signifying whether the date is a "sell by" date or a "use before" date, and the explanation must
appear right next to the date.
2. Storage- Always refrigerate perishable food within 2 hours (1 hour when the temperature is
above 90 °F). Cook or freeze fresh poultry, fish, ground meats, and variety meats within 2 days;
other beef, veal, lamb, or pork, within 3 to 5 days. To maintain quality when freezing meat and
poultry in its original package, wrap the package again with foil or plastic wrap that is
recommended for the freezer
3. Preparation- Always wash hands with warm water and soap for 20 seconds before and after
handling food. Don't cross-contaminate. Keep raw meat, poultry, fish, and their juices away from

other food. After cutting raw meats, wash cutting board, utensils, and countertops with hot, soapy
3. Thawing- It can be done through use of refrigerator because it allows slow and safe thawing.
Make sure thawing meat and poultry juices do not drip onto other food. Another, can be by
cold Water for faster thawing and may place food in a leak-proof plastic bag. Submerge them
in cold tap water. Change the water every 30 minutes. Cook immediately after thawing.
4. Cooking- Cook all raw poultry, beef, pork, lamb and veal steaks, chops, and roasts to
minimum internal temperature of 145 °F as measured with a food thermometer before
removing meat from the heat source. For safety and quality, allow meat to rest for at least
three minutes before carving or consuming. For reasons of personal preference, consumers
may choose to cook meat to higher temperatures.
5. Serving- Hot food should be held at 140 °F or warmer. Cold food should be held at 40 °F or
colder. When serving food at a buffet, keep food hot with chafing dishes, slow cookers, and
warming trays. Keep food cold by nesting dishes in bowls of ice or use small serving trays and
replace them often. Perishable food should not be left out more than 2 hours at room
temperature (1 hour when the temperature is above 90 °F).

6. Leftovers- Discard any food left out at room temperature for more than 2 hours (1 hour if
the temperature was above 90 °F). Place food into shallow containers and immediately put in
the refrigerator or freezer for rapid cooling. Use cooked leftovers within 4 days. Reheat
leftovers to 165 °F.
7. Refreezing- Meat and poultry defrosted in the refrigerator may be refrozen before or after
cooking. If thawed by other methods, cook before refreezing.
8. Safe steps in food handling, cooking, and storage are essential to prevent foodborne illness.
You can't see, smell, or taste harmful bacteria that may cause illness. In every step of food
preparation, follow the four Fight BAC! ™ guidelines to keep food safe:
1. Clean. Wash hands and surfaces often. 3. Cook. Cook to proper temperatures.
2. Separate. Don't cross-contaminate. 4. Chill. Refrigerate promptly.


Directions: Make a creative concept map about the concepts in proper handling and storing
of poultry and game dishes which were discussed in this module. Write a short paragraph to
explain your work. (25%)


As a cookery student, it is important to remember the following concepts on storing poultry and
game bird:

1. Proper handling and storage are two of the most vital processes that are undertaken usually
once any meat arrive from their point of production to market areas.
2. Poultry may be frozen whole, in halves, cut into pieces, or parts after they are dressed. Parts
can be packed separately, ready to cook, or for easy meal preparation and thawing.
3. After being brought home from the market, it should be unwrapped as quickly as possible
and wiped off with a damp cloth. Then it should be lightly covered with waxed paper, placed
in shallow utensils and stored in a cold part of the refrigerator near the freezing unit or ice.
4. Cut meat products for food service use may be vacuum packed after cutting or stored in food-
grade containers, wrapped appropriately, and stored according to food safety standards.
Products for frozen storage should be vacuum packed or wrapped tightly in freezer paper to
prevent freezer burn (BC Campus, 2021).
5. Poultry meat and products can carry the salmonella bacteria, which is responsible for
more cases of food poisoning than any other pathogen. Fortunately, it's easy to avoid
getting sick from any poultry meat and by-products, as long as you follow safe food
handling practices.



Directions: Observe the storing practices at home and apply your learning on the proper storage
of any poultry meat and by-products purchased in the market. Apply proper storing of the poultry
meat and by-products in your home. Document your task and make a narrative report out of the
accomplished activity/ies. Attach the pictures in your narrative report showing the process/es of
proper storing of poultry meat and by-products at home and the submit your output as instructed
by your teacher.


Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer that will be appropriate to each statement. Write
the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Karla will cook “Tinolang Manok” as lunch of her family. She prepared all the ingredients and
bought a kilo of whole chicken meat. There are left-overs after their lunch which can be eaten for
dinner. Which of the following can she do to avoid its spoilage for the remaining hours before
A. Freeze it C. Cooled quickly as quickly as possible
B. Transfer into bowl and cover D. Let it in the pot at room temperature
2. If food poisoning outbreak occurs due to mishandling or poor storage procedures, what can
possibly happen to consumers, those involved in production and in marketing the poultry and its
A. Price increases C. Increase of customers and sales
B. There’s cheaper legal and court costs D. Illness and even deaths of consumers
3. This is considered the safest temperature to hold any poultry meats and could maintain flavor
and moisture.
A. 32°F to 35.6°F C. 35°F to 50°F
B. 3°C to 5°C D. 5°C to 7°C
4. How long could you store cooked poultry dishes in a freezer?
A. 1-2 days C. 4-6 months
B. 2-4 days D. 9 months
5. When handling and storing any poultry meat and game dishes or even any food, the following
are the basic guidelines that one needs to follow, EXCEPT…
A. Don't cross-contaminate. C. Cook properly and refrigerate promptly
B. Wash hands and surfaces often. D. Use scented liquid chlorine bleach for sanitizing tools
6. This may be done by anyone in proper handling and storing any poultry meat and by-products.
A. disaster to health C. malpractices in handling and storing.
B. Wash hands properly. D. Use refrigerator to store poultry and game dishes.
7. Poultry meat can be sold in different forms. The following can be observed in the market that
can be purchased for creating any poultry and game dishes, EXCEPT…
A. fresh whole chicken C. cold poultry meat cuts
B. spoiled poultry meat D. packed frozen whole chicken
8. Shane bought a frozen chicken meat from Agora’s Market. Her mother asked her to cook it
later for their dinner. What would be the BEST way in preparing this frozen chicken meat for
A. Store directly in the freezer. C. Remove the packaging and place it on the table.
B. Place it on the basin with water. D. Thaw the frozen chicken meat in the refrigerator.
9. When storing any fresh whole poultry meat, which of the following will you recommend to save
space in storing equipment?
A. Cut into halves. C. Remove bones.
B. Cut into pieces. D. Cover it with waxed paper.
10. Poultry products should be stored properly. If these products will be sold in supermarkets,
which of the following may do BEST if storing it for long?
A. Be it in original form C. Use food grade containers and store in fridge
B. Chill the poultry products D. Vacuum packing the poultry products then freeze

10. D 8. A 6. C 4. C 2. B 8. D 10. D 6. C 4. C 2. D
9. C 7. D 5. D 3. D 1. C 7. B 9. C 5. D 3. A 1. C

Pre-Test Post-Test

Cutter, Catherine Nettles and Bucknavage, Martin, “Let's Preserve: Meat and Poultry”,
Published September 3, 2019,, Meat-
and-Poultry.pdf: 1-4.
Learning Outcome 4, Store Poultry And Game Bird, LM_T.L.E. 10_Cookery.pdf (May 2017): 320-
BCCampus,”Meat Handling and Storage Procedures”, Accessed January 10, 2021

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Cecilia P. Herrera

Layout Artist: Grace R. Nieves
Content Editors: Gliceria S. Alvarez
Language Editor: Juliene Joy M. Cabungcal
Management Team: Malcolm S. Garma, Regional Director – NCR
Alejandro G. Ibañez,CESO VI, OIC- Schools Division Superintendent
Genia V. Santos, CLMD Chief – NCR
Loida O. Balasa, CID Chief SDO Navotas City
James A. Roldan, EPP-TLE-TVL – NCR
Dennis M. Mendoza, LR EPS - NCR
Grace R. Nieves, LR/EPP-TLE-TVL, EPS SDO Navotas City
Nancy C. Mabunga, Librarian – NCR
Vergel Junior C. Eusebio, PDO II LRMS
Shirley Eva Marie V. Mangaluz, Librarian II LRMS


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