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3 An alternative approach to the checklist.

(6 pages) 21PCME07/ (a Threat Analysis
S.No. 700 21PCZE07/ (b) Event Analysis
onwards) (c) Operability Study
(For the candidates admitted from (d) Minimum Level Analysis
EXAMINATION, channel in India
M.Com./M.Com. (CA) DEGREE 4 is still the leading
NOVEMBER 2023 products.
Tor distributing insurance
Fourth Semester (a Brokers (b) Agency
MANAGEMENT (c) Insurance market (d)
National market
Maximum:75 marks 5 An insurance agent represents alan
Time:Three hours
(a) Insurance company
PART A- (15 x 1= 15 marks)
(b) Sub-agent
Answer ALLquestions (c) Co-agent
1 The Insurance is a (d) Broker

(b) Uncertainty 6. IRDA stands for:

(a) Contract
(d) Hazard (a) Indian Regulatory Development Authority
(c) Peril
Regulatory Development
(b) Insurance
or Authority
2 Losses arising due to a risk exposure retained
assured are known as (C) Investment in the Insurance Regulatory
Development Authority
(a) Risk Reduction (b) Risk Financing None of These

(c) Risk Retention (d) Risk Sharing

2 S.No. 700

All of the following are components of internal

Which among the following is not a pure risk?
control except
(a) Personal risk
(a) Management Reports
(b) Property risk Risk Assessment Process
Loss of income risk
(c) (c) Monitoring
(d) Strategicrisk (d) The Information System

Variability in the rate of return is known as 13. A marine insurance is a contract of

(a) Return (b) Risk (a) Increment (b) Indemnity

(e) Interest (d) Volatility (c) Maturity (d) Claim

diversification to The period for the fire insurance policy is

9. The portfolio theory articulates 14.

reduce which of the following risks? (a) one year (b) two years
Market risk (b) Financial risk (d) four years
(a (c) three years
Unsystematic risk (d) Business risk
(c) 15. The Life Insurance contract is expressed in a
responsibility of document known as
10 Risk management 19 the
(a) Premiumn (b) Policy
(b) Investor Indemnity (d) None of these
(a) Customer (c)
(c) Developer (d) Project team PART B (2 x 5 = 10 marks)

11. A risk response which involves eliminating a Answer any TWO questions
threat is called
16. Write briefly on the role of insurance.
(a) Mitigation (b) Deflection
Transfer (d) (b) and (c) 17. Write a note on SOA and its
3 S.No. 700 S.No. 700
18. Write the various principles of risk 24. (a) What are the tools for controlling risk?
19. Write a note on risk management by individuals.
20. Discuss the fire insurance policy.
the Various methods of risk
(b) Explain
PART C- (5 x 10 = 50 marks) management control.

Answer ALL questions 25. (a) Describe the principles of Life insurance.
21. (a) List out in detail the principles of insurance.

Or (b) Explain the various policies of marine

Differentiate between reinsurance with
double insurance.

22. (a) Enumerate the functions of IRDA for



(b) Describe the qualities of an insrance agent.

23. (a) Explain the various types of risk in


(b) List out the objectives of risk management.

S.No. 700 6 S.No. 700

(6 pages) 3 may be described as a 8ocial devico
S.No. 489 19PCME07/ to reduce or eliminate risk of loss to life and
For the candidates admitted from 2019-2020 onwards) (a) investment (b) saving
M.Com./M.Com (CA) DEGREE EXAMINATION, (d) loan
JUNE 2022. (c) insurance
Fourth Semester 4 Kisk nanagement is one of the most
(a) client
Time: Three hours Maximum: 75 marks
(b) investor
PART A-(15 x l=15 marks) (C) production team

Answer ALL questions. (d) project manager

Choose the correct answer :
5 is the last step in risk management
1 Insurante works on the principle of process.
(a) sharing of losses insurance (b) revieW
(b) probabilities loss prevention
(c) risk evaluation (d)
(C) randomness
(d) all of these 6 The term risk refers to the possibility of
2 Insurance helps to (a) loss
(a) prevent adverse situations form occurring
(b injury
(b reduce the financial consequences of adverse
situations (c) both (a) and (b)
(c) make assets continuously productive (d none of these
all of these S.No. 489

The factors causing risks in investment are

12. insurance is useful to protect the life
7. of human beings.
(b) interest
(a) price life fire
none of these (a) (b)
(C both (a) and (b) (d)
(c marine (a) all of these
Fluctuations in sales is an example of
risks 13. LIC Act was passed in the year
(a) 1932 (b) 1956
(a) internal business
external business (C) 1961 (d) none of these
(c) both (a) and (b) 14. For protection of policy holders, Act
none of these was passed
(a) IRDA (b SEBI
External business riskS arise out of
(C) LIC (d) all of these
(a) demographic 15. Insurance helps to
(b) business cycle (a increase savings habit
(C) government policies (b reduce tax burden
(d) all of these (c) protect our life

10. Nationalisation is the result of risk, (d) all of these

(a) political (b) management PART B (2 × 5 = 10 marks)
(c) marketability (a) finance
Answer any TWO questions.
11. insurance is meant for perils in sea.
16 Differentiate re-insurance fromn double insurance.
(a life (b) fire
(C marine (d) all of these
17. Mention the private players to Indian Insurance
Market. S.No. 489
S.No. 489 (P.T.0.]
18. What are the objectives of risk management? 25. (a) Discuss the types of marine insurance
19. List down the tools for controlling risk.
20. State the characteristics of life insurance. (6) Make out a note on risk coverage in five
PART C-(5 x 10 = 50 marks) ingurance.
Answer ALL questions.
21. (a) What are the principles of insurance?
(b) Mention the importance of IT in insurance.
22. (a) What are the objectives of IRDA Act?
(b) Explain the SOA certification.
23. (a) Enumerate the types of risks.
(b) Point out the process of risk management.
24. (a) Examine the methods of risk management.
(b) State the purpose of a control in risk

5 S.No. 489 6 S.No. 489

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