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food Seuwny in nd1q

Wita the fauturs on whieh foo d seurity depends
ansFood Setunty depends on the blte üblie
Distrioutho Sustem (POS)
gv@rnment viqtan ee and actian atfims. N1n_ihe
seturity is hr eatene d.
Explain.ans three ways thraugh whith 0d seurityca be
Howisood seuutty. ensUYed in a. cauntry
ns:)Food Seuurity means.ANallabilitu, actesSlbiity and
tD allpople atall time..
aHpxdability Deod
Food Seurits is en`ured ina LDUn Only if=
i) EnovghtHod is.av ailableDr allperSon.S
Axailäbilituot o0d means
nod pIndu clion w ithin the countz4, hod
uear's stockstured in q0YOTn m ena
impors and pxevtou.s
iheroisno barrir on oactess tp nodA.ccessibilitymeans
wIhin rLath ofztth 0ad S
2vY peYS0n.
n.)All perSonhaNeHne_capasits o bu eood
Aturdability implies that an in dividual has knovgh able qualtty.-
maney to buy
SUiLent,safeandnuheitious abd tp meetone's_diefars
hepon1hcukeiol needs.
ds areMore yuln era ble when &YLr
Th EXe it apsoblem.o pradu chion ordishih
Fuod Seai depends on the Public DistTth ution System[0fodd.crops.
Vlance. and c i on at imts w hen the eúaLs SeurittyiS
3) Mention the dimen Si.ons 0F
fodd sSaturity-
"*rood se0stity availabability ,aicessibilihy. and affor dabilify
o food h all me people ut all Himes.
Food secwrits has followinq dimensions
a AVAILABILITY OF FOOD-1f me ans todd production wJthn
the countmy, food imporks
and tne pre vioVs y earS stock government qranaries, Enough foodis available
or all perSons.
bAcESS18T) OF FOo0D means food is within reach oever
person. There is no barrier on atess o food
C)AFFORDABILLTY OF fboD- 1A implkes.tmaf an Individual has enoyh
|b buy
suffiient, sata_and nutridious ood to meet.cne's
dietar nLeds.Al peIsOns haveihe oPauy to
buy food.or
aceeptable quality.- - *****************

4Descrihe.any thre tutkons responsible or foad prolalem in Indiq.

ans) The factors Yesponsible_coz Dod problems in Ind'1a.
olovs are as

)he paor&sT sachion othe s0uiehy miqht be 0od

most ot
thehimes while persons_abave the paverts lne. mlahf
alsohe Dodinseura
whenthe Lountryrale s °a. national
disa ster OT Calamitu Ke
drovght lood, tunami, widespread
ulura o urops causing tamine et.
d) 1he soual commpositi an along w' th the inabil1ty tD
buu tood
Aso ploys a role. in pod insetwriby, Ihe 3ts, STs and so me
Sechona of the 0BC Who have either
Poor lah dbase
OYVery low level land prodvcriv ity avL prone to fvod insew ritu
TMe other majov aTea or concern is the marked ine#elhv ene ss
t the pulblie. distribvtion syátem
What it
hufger? Di torenuate between 6easona.l and thronic hunqer.
Its a attuotiom vihon pooplo have no
{ood tu eat ayd indi cat es tuod
SetwTiu 11 has chfonic and 9easonal dimensiohs.

Seas onol hunger Is related to 2ChTonic hvng er
ydes t fud q owing and diehs
is a
conseqvente ot
persis-tently in ad equate
in tarms
Santt nal Yiinger is. whe o quorh ty o
qual iby.
po ple a e u nable t get
roper od in Turms ot quontit
0nd quabty
1 pridileqed imf
prevetant. )Ptot
Iv.urai urau hat0V&e of s00 Lonal theirsufter trom chronie hunger
autuft ot
of Very lovw hunqr income
ogriltural athvihies and int turn mbility to buy fo0d
and i th.t urhan a r s
ke taute of the evenor urvnal. This is
mastly seen
im ruralareas
1 tLurs in a tommity 01
ut tniy
touety,)Jt occurs wihen ptople lack the
u tain Hmes tf the year.
tD earn
enough money
he pahern of this unger tD meet their loaSle needs.
per ais,This hunger continues for long
and leas o death.
measu1es Adoped tatain, sel- Suficien in

Inaayund rte. food q1ains slnce

roa ett, rdinpoiica makers adopted all
measores tv achiz ve
ueny m d arars
adp rad ne trate qy in aaritulture,

which resulte d in Green

heprbduction ofWheat and rice.
Rexoluhionespa.cially in
Lroppnq and mode.rn farm ing
)This stateqy.inclu.ded using mutiple
methods such as the vse o HVALedi,
and improve d jrrlgafifon_me--hod9more
tarm auhput
ujeY SADuKAhe meant
The gavernment hai mada sMa_pYnNis Ion_o
as and amonq the
tp dishribuke faod qrainsin defecif_are
ppoIer sata ot SOUey at prita lowe tnan the mar ket p
This alsohelps res olve the proble m aF shortage ot fobd during
adveYse weather conditions 07 durinq the periodso alamiky.

me qouernment has made provlsipn D Public Distr ibution Syste m[PDS

This ls_me.cant Aor di&tributio Dtnod qrains among Me poorer
6echionsot me s0uoty hrovgh government requla Fed shops KnOwn

LOsratoh shopspr tairprce shops

Thegonemment hasalsoinitiated other nod interven-ton prog rammes
Xe Tnteqzatad child Dexolopment Service10Bs),Food or WoIK
toramme, kvrol.Wage employment pragramme, EmplDumenr.
GU7Ontee dchema, Soampurna Grameen Rojgar 1ojana, Aid day Meal

What is buHter stock? whyis it_creared by the qovernmenf?

Uns Buter stock is_astockO Aood qrains nomely wieh_and
e poed by.govermment hio ugh Food Corporation of
India Fer) Buter Stock is treated bu the qovemnenttor
disfribution ot fdod qrain in a tme defeut a reas an d
mong tnepo0rer stake stata ot he Soiery Ta prIC
0Wernan the marK@tor'Ce. So aS to 1es0
shortage.of topd durinqndyers weatner ondihons or
during the pariod
8)What is Support Price2
The Minimym Support Price MSP) 1s AD piIeanno un Ced
erice tor
ne crops mat I declared by the government
everu ye'ar Beture
the sowing Stason to
províde incen hyes to theärmerS tor
rsing the pro ducion ot his Lrops. L.

9 Define ssue Price.

Cs:) Issue Price is a Príceloner han the market prfLe to0d1
arains that is
dis iburd tp he e def2ut ataa and among
he poorer strata otfhe SOLey by
raion shops
theaoveTn ment hmud
ora1t prite shops
10) Describe the tunchon ot_ Poblic DistTibutton
ans:) The tood. prbiwred by_FCI is dis ribute d Ssstem i-SStem
29vlated raion Snops ataprice_ow thanhrough aov emmenk
tne mdrtek prie
a rmon g ne
poorerSecidn_ot 3otiety. his is called Public
Distriution eoup-Sys hem. LPDS
Ration snops arano presenf în
Dwns and. mastlocalli hes,yi laqes-
cihas. Mere are about 5:5jakh mtion shop ad
the wunT y. all ove
Kaion shops are also Known as tair price shops that
T fo0d grains, sugar, kerosene oil Keeps sotk.
nsiims arè sold t
or cookin4
peaple ata.priLe low2rtnan he
pfite. Any.amiy with_a iahon card can
snpulared amount ot theseitems every monh buyA
nea by rotionshop. from ha-
e PDs has provad to bo
tomost_eteuive insvmnl
Vailable policies în Sta alizir hnrces and maknG-fD d
to consumers at dHortable
in Tndia? Explain
ensure od sevriy
11) Howdoes PDS SystemfoLuSës Dn Svbsid is ed dismibution
qns)PblicDistibution todse faîr
otbasic uammodihes D poorhouseholds_at the
price shop. ent
secured by the FCI. is gthrovgh yovern m
he Food
&@Ction 0F me s0Utdy
requlated rahon shapsamongthe por
oraprice lower than the_market price
Any tomily wifh a tahon tard can bwy shpulated. ration
o oodardins,Keroseme oil, sugay ek. rom
Inihially, thewverageot PD wos universal nim no
distuimina.hon the poor and non-pooT. Uver the ye ars
MEYO have been cevisions in Ahe policies related fo
PDS o make it more etictentandtargered.
n 1992, taaa kevasnedPbs-Revamed Public Dis trt bv ion
utem (R PDS) was launch ed, that provideas PDS fauili ies
to remote and backward areas.
In 1912, tazge tted Public Distribution System[TP DS) WaJ
infrodyced that adop 3 the prini pal o argeHng
PoOT in all areas
In &000, tvO
speciol sthemes were lavnched which NeTe
Ltnted wlth tme ex istina PDS.
a Antos Antyod aya/Hana Yojana (AAY)arewith special targef
toup o poorest/ot the
nnapurna Suheme (APS) po0r.
with Special +aT e TOuP
digent Senior cih>ens.
2 What ts a svbsidy2
lhSiduis..a p a y m e n T n 0 a g 0 v e r h n e h L m a k e S
SUpplemenf he maikelpnceoratommo
aitydubsidisS can_kee
whlemaintainiha ahighex_inta mo

domexhL producers.

5 Mention some menti and demerik 0t PDS.

ans) Meris:
PDShas_prOVed to be he moS1 eecivo insBrument ot qo Vam menE
policy over fhe uears in Stabilising prices.
)helps in making ood Available fp_tonsumerS at_0ordabla prices.
)It heps in AVertinq wides pread hunger_and amina by Supplying-
ood dton surplus reaions to deecit ones.
I has wntibuted to_an ncrLoke in cood qrain_ produch on and.
prOVided tncome securiy o farmers.
Thepfi Ces hayo b.een und er povsion_ in foy.OuT fho poorL

)n stantes Of hunger are prayalantin certain areaS espiEe
OVYHowing aranayies
rei godow hs are
Ond some
OVertowing wih_grains with some roting AWay
baing eaten oy.rats.
the stotk
otood asains remain onsistently_high er than the
DU noms. Ther tis a genera consens us
DUr stot otoodaTains is vary
Hat high leral 0f
WOstaul undesirable and Can e
e massivetDnd. Stotks has
harr4 ing cost, tin addition o w been_ respON 10
astage. and detoria Hon th
0.i ooli y.
)Incroed iroduthon heot inLertu
n920eyiror mni de24ragahion_ang i n
dlbpment in Pr oseoyLOS

Who os the oihczm tare4 oy nonhoniag

Vrder the PDS in
Fllowin g o1L he ptchiem4 in he nigning 2DST
Soyme imes PDs daal ars_orL_uns hdul2edin.blau
mo.T Kenng oDod oroins
1Theysell' bód auali orains at hgher priLes in e DL
rmoTketond aupply ls ualiy a1ains i ptot at ha rahon
Sometimis me dealers ote ung inALr InPEin4 Thi
ronon shops.
iseommonlyund thgr.he rahoh shopsnave unsald
sDcXsot 2101 Quolihy groinslLt.
VThe t0milies bACve e povetyne uh ver
disOunt ar h e raion syop npriE r em s
Os high D Dpan marke pICe So Pmer is almost
iHle cenn re
Ar erm o bu, D00ra1nS Am TmL 1D0n
V)Whun rotion shd ps ft unable samos iv
ood gro.ins i0 UD W M_E 0nd oes StAl
Tk o

ome eybmps
gligeare ar Ianre.2c
Ans: he
codpenative so - -

i) n me ot the eties. SeB
shops up
PShops to ssll lowW priced goods

Tamil Na du, 0vtooperativs.are
being ron by the ot ollar price/gh.ops_run nin4,aroundAl-
) In Dehi,
Mothe Dainycooperahives.
is su pply in and vagatables to_na.
oLsat at tontcnl,tSSupPplymg
contcolled rate img milk
ii Amul ss deuded
aredeud ed by
by the aovornmenk
gov of Deinla-

roductsjom tuiaxa.
ot coopexative deäling_in_milk and milk
1H has deu Revolu ton inf n g
COunh bcbuant_about
bfouaht about 'tha
n Maha1asthra hcademy st
DvaLnpment Sciene LAD
LLTrd the netw otk o4
NLOs tor sething
up qrain_banKs in aife
1O1s. ADS organises_ordinin4 and capacity building pOTnS
00d secuty 0Y. NG0s._
* ' **


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