Development and Use of Vehicle Dynamics Simulation Software As Support For Road Vehicles Theory Teaching

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Development and Use

of Vehicle Dynamics
Simulation Software as
Support for Road Vehicles
Theory Teaching
University Institute for Automobile Research, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Received 17 December 2007; accepted 4 February 2008

ABSTRACT: This article describes the use of a custom-made vehicle dynamics simulation
program throughout 5 years as a support for teaching the subject of ‘‘Road Vehicles Theory.’’ A
complete three-dimensional model was developed. A deeper understanding of vehicle
dynamics concepts has been achieved and valuable help has been provided to solve complex
problems. ß 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Comput Appl Eng Educ 17: 467478, 2009; Published online in
Wiley InterScience (; DOI 10.1002/cae.20245

Keywords: educational software; vehicle dynamics; mathematical model

INTRODUCTION Due to the complexity of global vehicle behavior

equations, individual movements (longitudinal, lateral
The subject of ‘‘Road Vehicles Theory’’ deals with the and vertical dynamics) are considered [15]. Then,
global dynamic behavior of vehicles. The main goal analytical expressions are derived. However, it is quite
of the subject is to study the movement of the vehicle difficult to find references about transient response
and its dynamic behavior resulting from the driver’s and combined maneuvers in these kinds of publica-
actions while taking account of how the vehicle tions. Table 1 shows the main units of the subject of
interacts with the road and the environment. Fur- ‘‘Road Vehicles Theory’’ [5].
thermore, students are expected to understand how the Obviously, this approach has the disadvantage that
different parameters of the systems influence global combined efforts, such as braking maneuver when
vehicle response. driving along a curve, cannot be studied in an easy way
with simple tools. This fact motivated the development
and programming of a three-dimensional vehicle
Correspondence to F. Jiménez ( dynamics software for automobile behavior teaching,
ß 2009 Wiley Periodicals Inc. because previous simplifications could be avoided and


a more realistic and complete view could be provided On the other hand, custom-made software has
for the students. some advantages over commercial models. Some of
these reasons are set out below:

— They fit the list of topics in the subject, so

SIMULATION PROGRAM OBJECTIVES correlations between theory, practice and
simulations can be easily established.
Several surveys have shown the usefulness of — They can focus on the most important or
computers for teaching in university studies. For difficult aspects of the subject.
example, some reasons are quoted in Refs. [6,7]. — Output variables can be presented in such a
Among them, the following ones can be highlighted: way that students can be forced to analyze the
aspects that the teacher considers more relevant.
— Enhanced student motivation when solving real
problems. Furthermore, general purpose commercial soft-
— Facilitation of learning. ware involves having a great number of parameters
— Possibility of solving certain problems that cannot that are not easy to obtain, so students would have to
be tackled without the help of a computer. spend too much time on estimating them before
— More flexibility and adaptation to students starting with the first simulations [14]. All these
necessities. reasons justify custom-made software being more
— Learning material in a more meaningful way. positive for teaching purposes.
Considering that ‘‘Road Vehicles Theory’’ con-
Simulation software is a powerful tool for cepts are closely related to real problems, and in order
teaching due to the positive predisposition and to closely adapt it to the subject’s objectives, in 2001,
motivation of students towards it and the possibility a vehicle dynamics simulation program was devel-
of dealing with complex problems with a high degree oped by the University Institute for Automobile
of realism [8]. Regarding this subject, in Ref. [9] some Research, and its use in Madrid Polytechnic Univer-
advantages of simulation programs are cited, such as sity began in 2002. Its main goals were the following
greater efficiency of the teaching process, better ones:
knowledge assimilation and quicker information
access. However, if some restrictions are not taken (1) To reinforce theoretical and practical concepts
into account, learning may not be improved [10]. One of the subject by simulating maneuvers and
of the most important requirements before any action learning to interpret results.
is to set the goals and draw up a detailed schedule for
all the activities. — To justify vehicle behavior by using what was
There are several vehicle simulation programs: taught in lectures.
Carsim [11] (, accessed November — To carry out estimations and approximate
2007), its truck version called Trucksim (www. calculations and compare results with the, accessed November 2007), Adams Car program output variables.
module ( (2) To introduce other aspects that were not
bundles/adams_car.cfm, accessed November 2007), specifically included in the subject, but were
VDMS simulation model (www.millikenresearch. closely related to vehicle dynamics analysis.
com/vdms.html, accessed November 2007), veDYNA
software (¼544, accessed — To acquire general knowledge about dynamic
November 2007), etc. They offer different degrees of models and the equations that describe them.
accuracy and it is possible to obtain conclusions that — To familiarize the students with simulation
fit the true behavior of the vehicle quite well if correct software.
data are known. Some of these programs offer an — To identify model input variables (and the way
educational version [12], but too simple models are to obtain them) and main output variables
used. So little possibilities are available. Other when simulating different types of maneuvers.
software developed for educational purposes only — To get to know standardized maneuvers that are
covers small areas of vehicle dynamics. An example is used for vehicle dynamics characterization.
shown in Ref. [13], where the software AUTOMATH — To carry out sensibility analysis of input
is only focused on longitudinal dynamics for perform- parameters and to justify the effects using
ance analysis. theoretical concepts.

VEHICLE DYNAMICS MODEL Vehicle Model Description

The selected model is based on a 14-degree of
Several vehicle dynamics models can be found in the
freedom model that reproduces the general geometry
technical literature (e.g., [1517]). When developing
of the vehicle and contains all the main subsystems of
a teaching-oriented vehicle dynamics simulation
the vehicle: sprung mass, unsprung mass, suspension,
program, the complexity of the model that is included
tires, engine, transmission, brakes and steering
should be carefully discussed. Very simple models get
systems. The degrees of freedom are three linear
around certain important effects, so the results are not
displacements and three rotations of the sprung mass,
completely realistic. On the other hand, very complex
vertical displacements of the four unsprung masses
models consider a lot of parameters, which are not
and the four wheel rotations. In order to obtain more
sometimes easily obtainable.
accurate results, the classical suspension system
Taking into account previous considerations and
model is replaced by a modified one. In this, a spring
the fact that every topic of Table 1 should be observed
and a damper transmit vertical movement and forces
by the software, the following set of basic specifica-
between sprung and unsprung masses. Furthermore,
tions is fixed:
longitudinal and transversal bars connect both masses
in order to achieve a better control of roll and pitch
— The model should reproduce the three-dimensional
movements. Finally, according to Ref. [18], the
movement of the vehicle and take into account
consideration of the anti-roll bar provides significant
the particular behavior of each tire.
improvement to the model results and the computa-
— It should be a modular and parametric model.
tional cost of this additional operation is quite low.
— The amount of unknown parameters should be
This bar transmits forces to the sprung and unsprung
small, so the majority of input variables could
masses. These forces are proportional to the roll angle
be obtained from manufacturers’ information,
and have the opposite direction, so the final effect is
simple components tests or rough estimations.
an additional rolling stiffness.
— Simulations should be carried out in a short
Figure 1 shows a schematic view of the vehicle
— A driver model should be included, so trajectory
and speed can be controlled in closed-loop
Vehicle Model Equations
— The model should be able to ‘‘travel’’ along an Dynamic Equations of Sprung Mass Move-
electronic road map that contains Cartesian ments. Model equations have been written
coordinates and superelevation and slope considering the Cartesian coordinates system fixed
angles. to the sprung mass that Figure 2 shows.

Table 1 Main Units of the Subject of ‘‘Road Vehicles Theory’’

1. Tires Rolling resistance
Longitudinal forces
Lateral forces
2. Aerodynamics
3. Longitudinal performance Performance diagram
Engine and transmission characteristics
Performance calculation (maximum speed, maximum slope,
4. Braking process General vehicle behavior
Ideal braking conditions curve and braking forces distribution
Tires lock effect
ABS effect
5. Lateral dynamics Skid and turn over limits
Directional vehicle behavior
Effects of parameters modifications
6. Vertical dynamics Simplified models
Predesign of the suspension system

dr dp
MZ ¼ IZ  ðIX  IY Þpq þ IZX qr 
dt dt
 IXY ðp2  q2 Þ  IYZ rp þ
where FX, FY, and FZ are the external forces, MX, MY,
and MZ are external momentums, u, v, and w are linear
velocities, p, q, and r are angular velocities around the
three axes of the reference system, m the vehicle mass,
IX, IY, and IZ are moments of inertia of the vehicle
around the three axes of the reference system, and IZX,
IXY, and IYZ are moments of inertia of the vehicle.
Figure 1 Sketch of the 14 degree of freedom vehicle
model. Engine, Transmission, Steering and Braking
Systems. Engine, transmission, steering and braking
Linear and angular movement equations are systems are modeled following expressions contained
found. It should be noted that a non-inertial in Ref. [5], which is the reference book of the subject
coordinates system is used, so inertial forces appear. of ‘‘Road Vehicles Theory’’ at Madrid Polytechnic
External forces include aerodynamic, tire and sus- University. More complex models are not necessary
pension forces. because an appropriate accuracy is obtained with
Linear movements: these simple ones.
du Tire Model. Finally, several studies tackle different
FX ¼ m þ qw  rv ð1Þ
dt tires models. Some examples are the models
developed by Dugoff et al. [19] and Bayle et al.
dv [20]. When combined forces appear, one of the most
FX ¼ m þ ru  pw ð2Þ commonly used models is the ‘‘magic formula’’ of
Pacejka and coworkers [21]. This formula has
  changed throughout the years and is based on the
FX ¼ m þ pv  qu ð3Þ curve fitting of experimental results. If Y denotes a
force (longitudinal or lateral) or a momentum and X
Angular movements denotes the longitudinal slip coefficient or the sideslip
  angle, then
dp dq
MX ¼ IX  ðIY  IZ Þqr þ IXY rp  Y ¼ DsenðCa tanðBFÞÞ ð7Þ
dt dt
dr where
 IYZ ðq2  r 2 Þ  IZX pq þ
  F ¼ ð1  EÞX þ a tanðBðXÞÞ ð8Þ
dq dr B
MY ¼ IY  ðIZ  IX Þrp þ IYZ pq 
dt dt
  ð5Þ D ¼ a1 Fz2 þ a2 Fz ð9Þ
 IZX ðr 2  p2 Þ  IXY qr þ
dt lateral force expression (Fy):
a3 senða4 a tanða5 Fz ÞÞ
B¼ ð10Þ
longitudinal force and self-aligning momentum
expressions (Fx and Mz):
a3 Fz2 þ a4 Fz
B¼ ð11Þ
CDea5 Fz

Figure 2 Non-inertial coordinates system. Degrees of

E ¼ a6 Fz2 þ a7 Fz þ a8 ð12Þ
freedom of the sprung mass (u, v, and w are linear
velocities; p, q, and r are angular velocities). Fz is the vertical load on the tire

The greatest problem of this model is that it is vehicle is almost completely stationary, due to the
necessary to know a set of parameters which instability of the differential equations solution when
characterize each tire and can only be obtained by rotation speed is near zero. Finally, it is worth
means of quite expensive tests. Finally, considering remarking that model accuracy is significantly better
the advantages and drawbacks of these tire models, in smooth and moderate maneuvers, and results are
the developed vehicle model allows the user to choose more than satisfactory in normal driving.
between the following ones: Dugoff’s (due to its
simplicity) or Pacejka’s (due to its widespread use in

Driver Model Equations The educational software was programmed in MAT-

LAB, mainly because students are typically familiar
The trajectory following model is based on a
with it [23]. It should be noted that the final purpose is
predictive function model [22]. This model considers
not to learn new software, but to analyze vehicle
the distance between the position the vehicle will behavior under different conditions, using the theo-
reach in the future and the desired position on the
retical knowledge that students have received pre-
trajectory at that moment. The following expression
viously. The simulation program is divided into five
controls the steering wheel actions:
modules and Table 2 shows this structure.
ddðtÞ yðtÞ
t þ dðtÞ ¼ Kd cðtÞ  c1 ðtÞ þ ð13Þ
dt L
where d(t) is the steering wheel angle, t the response Table 2 Simulation Program Modules
delay, Kd a gain factor, C(t) the yaw angle, y(t) the Input vehicle data
lateral deviation, and L the prediction distance. General data
The speed control is based on the idea proposed Suspension
in Ref. [22]. At each moment, necessary tire forces are Tire
estimated in order to achieve the desired acceleration Steering
or deceleration levels and reach the objective velocity.
This estimation considers movement resistances Brakes
(rolling resistance, aerodynamic resistance, etc.) and Resistances
inertial forces. The gear box is also controlled. Input signals
Driver (open-loop maneuvers)
Steering wheel angle
Model Validation Accelerator pedal
It is essential for students to find model results Brake pedal
reasonable. Should the program provide unrealistic Road surface profile
Closed-loop maneuvers controla
results, no learning can be achieved because output
variables cannot be justified. For this reason, exper- Speed
imental validation of the model and comparisons with Gearbox
other software results were carried out. Sprung mass Controllers characteristics
movements, accelerations, tire forces and suspension Execution data
deformations were analyzed. Initial speed
This validation process showed that there is a Initial gear
good correspondence in roll and pitch angles between Simulation time
tests and simulation, even when aggressive maneuvers Integration step
are carried out. Peaks are correctly estimated by the Output variables
model, but certain experimental oscillations some- Vehicle movement
times cannot be explained completely. There is also a
high accuracy in the estimation of longitudinal Engine-transmission-brakes
acceleration, but worse results are found when Steering
analyzing lateral acceleration in aggressive maneu- Unsprung mass
vers. Furthermore, the tire model provides good
results of longitudinal and lateral forces, but some The closed-loop maneuvers control module was
differences can be found in the first case when the included in the second version of the software in 2003.

Table 3 Vehicle Parameters That the Model Takes Into edge, common sense and simple physics relationships,
Account many students encounter various problems in success-
Vehicle fully completing the task.
General dimensions (wheelbase, track)
Center of gravity position (l1, l2, h) Input Signals and Closed-Loop Maneuvers
Roll axis height Control Modules
Moments and products of inertia (IX, IY, IZ, IXY, IXZ, IYZ)
Suspension (different configurations are available at each Driver and road inputs can be taken into account. The
wheel) program distinguishes between open-loop maneuvers
Spring stiffness (Km) (steering and pedal inputs are defined vs. time) and
Damper characteristic curve closed-loop maneuvers (trajectory and speed profile
Position of longitudinal bar (hlb, xb) are defined and the automatic control module
Position of transversal bar (htb, yt) calculates which steering angle and which accelerator
Anti-roll bar parameters (lb, Lb, G, I0) and brake pedal positions are appropriate to fulfill
Tire (different configurations are available at each wheel) these requirements). Furthermore, a set of standard
Adherence (m) maneuvers are defined based on Refs. [2528], so the
Nominal and charged radii (r, rc)
user need only introduce their characteristic values.
Vertical stiffness (Kz)
Longitudinal and lateral stiffness (Ki, Ka)
Wheel mass and inertial moment (mr, Ir) Output Variables Module
Steering demultiplication Model outputs include more than 40 variables, whose
Steering geometry (dedi curve) evolution along the simulation time is presented on a
Engine graph and numerical values are stored. The program
Maximum momentum curve (M m n m curve and 4th also provides other results such as the performance
order polynomial fit) diagram, braking forces distribution or final trajectory.
Minimum momentum curve (Mmnm curve and lineal fit)
Gearbox parameters (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) Software Interface
Conic group (xc)
Transmission efficiency (Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5) Finally, in order to achieve high learning efficiency,
Traction type (front, rear, total) the software interface should be user friendly
Brakes [9,29,30]. Figure 3 shows an example of a data input
Brakes distribution curve (FftFfd) window. The program was tested by students and
ABS actuation neither technical nor practical problems were found.
Resistances Furthermore, the program includes a help module
Aerodynamic resistance (r, Af, CX) and a complete user manual was written and given out
Rolling resistance (f0, fv) [31]. This manual explains every command and
presents solved and commented real examples.

Vehicle Data Module
The complete characterization of the vehicle includes Since the 20022003 academic course, the program
more than 100 parameters. Some of them are defined has been used by Mechanical Engineering students
by nonlinear curves. Table 3 contains a detailed and students on an automotive postgraduate course at
account of them. Madrid Polytechnic University. It has been distributed
Every parameter has been studied in the subject, and tutorial examples have been explained. After the
so students should be able to make rough estimations introductory sessions, a long calculation and simu-
of those variables that are not included in usual lation exercise that tackles every important concept of
characteristics tables. However, experience has shown the subject (see Table 1) is proposed. This exercise
that these estimations are usually difficult for students, includes:
because they are used to having every piece of data to
solve a problem. This idea is supported by Shakerin — Numerical problems to be solved without the
[24] who points out that, although preliminary simulation program (including comparison
estimations can be obtained using previous knowl- with simulation results when possible).

Figure 3 User interface example (vehicle technical data input window).

— Maneuvers simulation and main output variables conventional methods are insufficient. Some exam-
justification (including comparison with analytical ples are shown below, in which the technical data of a
results when possible). real passenger car are used.
— Sensibility analysis of vehicle parameters on
general vehicle behavior. Comparison Between Analytical and Simulation
These tasks are divided into three main units and Example 1: Estimate the time that a vehicle requires
the results of each of these parts have to be submitted to decelerate from 90 to 70 km/h when driving along a
to the teacher by a deadline using a b-learning horizontal surface and brakes are not applied.
platform [32,33]. Comments are sent back to the
students, who should then upload a revised version of
(a) Analytical Solution
their work, which is finally assessed.
In this simple one-dimensional problem, the
longitudinal movement equation establishes that the
Some Proposed Exercises vehicle deceleration is due to aerodynamic Fa and
rolling Fr resistances, so the following expression can
As stated in previous sections, analytical equations are
be stated:
only possible for simple situations and combined  
movements are not tackled in depth in the subject due dv 1 2 2
m ¼ ðFa þ Fr Þ ¼  rCX Af v þ ðf0 þ fv v Þmg
to their complexity. However, students should be dt 2
prepared to interpret the results of complex maneu- ð14Þ
vers. This fact increases the potential of the developed
software, because it can be used both to check where m is the vehicle mass, r the air density, CX the
analytical results and to provide results where aerodynamic drag coefficient, Af the vehicle frontal

Table 4 Characteristic Points of the Braking Distribution

Point Front Rear

A 3948.0 N 1779.9 N
B 14789.5 N 2497.8 N

are horizontal distances between the center of gravity

and front and rear axles, h is the center of gravity
height and a is the acceleration.
Considering the points where the pressure valve
acts and the braking distribution curve intersects
the ideal conditions curve, the braking forces can be
calculated (Table 4).
(b) Simulation Program Solution
Figure 4 Speed change due to resistance forces.
The braking systems input data module allows us
to obtain the braking forces distribution. Points A and
B are placed in the diagram and the numerical results
area, and f0 and fv are parameters that characterize agree with the results obtained by analytical methods
rolling resistance. (Fig. 5).
Integrating the previous expression, the required
time is computed: Analysis of the Effect of Vehicle Parameters
Zvi Simulation programs have the advantage that it is
T¼ 1  ¼ 19:9 s ð15Þ possible to analyze multiple conditions and obtain
2 rCX Af v2 þ ðf0 þ fv v2 Þmg
vf results in a very short time [34]. This is quite
important in sensibility analysis. Although analytical
(b) Simulation Program Solution solutions give us a qualitative idea of what should be
The simulation run is carried out considering the expected when modifying a vehicle parameter,
initial speed of 90 km/h. Accelerator and brake pedal quantitative and accurate results are sometimes
are not pressed. The output figure (speed vs. time) difficult to obtain.
shows that the time the vehicle needs to reach the final For example, when dealing with lateral and
speed of 70 km/h is 19.8 s (Fig. 4). vertical dynamics, suspension vertical stiffness is a
Example 2: Determine the braking forces dis- key parameter to achieve stability and comfort. Using
tribution curve, considering that the vehicle includes a the software, it is possible to analyze the influence of
pressure proportioning valve which operates when
deceleration is above 0.4g (point A). Furthermore, it is
known that this actual braking forces distribution
curve intersects the ideal braking conditions curve
when deceleration is 1.2g (point B). Find both
characteristic points.

(a) Analytical Solution

The parametric expressions of the ideal braking
conditions curve are:
Pl2 a Ph a
Fbf ¼ þ ð16Þ
l1 þ l2 g l1 þ l2 g
Pl1 a Ph a
Fbr ¼  ð17Þ
l1 þ l2 g l1 þ l2 g
where Fbf and Fbr are braking forces on front and rear Figure 5 Braking distribution curve calculated by the
wheels, respectively, P is the vehicle weight, l1 and l2 software.

Figure 6 Effect of the suspension vertical stiffness on roll angle (steady-state circular

the suspension vertical stiffness on the roll angle when curve. Students are asked for these qualitative
the vehicle describes a circular trajectory at constant comments that justify simulation results using
speed. Considering that the nominal stiffness is Km, theoretical concepts.
simulations are carried out changing that parameter,
which adopts the following values: 0.5 Km, 0.75 Km,
Students’ Evaluation of the Software
1.25 Km, and 1.5 Km. The input variable is the steering
wheel angle and the output variable is the steady state After using the simulation program and completing
roll angle. The tendency to diminish roll angle when the exercises, students were asked to write down their
increasing suspension stiffness, shown by Figure 6, opinions about the software. The questionnaires were
can be explained using theoretical concepts. However, anonymous and items such as software usefulness,
quantification using analytical tools is much more positive and negative aspects and aspects that should
complicated and involves certain simplifications that be changed in the future were tackled.
limit the validity of results because other factors such The main conclusions of the students’ answers
as suspension geometry and anti-roll bar effect, are listed below:
among others, have a relevant influence on the output
variable. — Students have not used any simulation software
before so, considering that it is a very important
Analysis of Combined Maneuvers tool for different purposes, this first approximation
Finally, the three-dimensional model is able to to it is appreciated as positive. It should be
simulate combined maneuvers, whose mathematical noted that, when teaching future professionals,
formulation is quite complex and hence they are not it is necessary to revise what is taught and how
explicitly tackled in the subject of ‘‘Road Vehicles it is taught, taking into account new methods
Theory.’’ However, their importance in traffic safety with the introduction of computers [29].
cannot be forgotten and the concept of friction ellipse — Students find positive the fact that many vehicle
should be understood. The most classical combined parameters can be modified and effects on
maneuver is the one where the driver brakes when output variables easily studied.
cornering. Then, tire forces should be analyzed, paying — They also find the large set of output variables
attention to the transient response. Figure 7 shows input interesting as well as the information that the
and output variables (tire forces). As can be seen, first of program provides.
all, a constant steering wheel angle is introduced. After — They find very useful the possibility of comparing
that, without changing their position, the brakes are theoretical and practical results of the subject
pressed. Output variables show how load transference with the program calculations.
between tires occurs and tires with less dynamic vertical — As mentioned above, students do not find it
force quite soon lose their capacity for transmitting easy to estimate input variables (see Ref. [24]).
combined forces. In that case, longitudinal forces In order to solve this problem, they asked for a
prevail and the vehicle is not able to manage the vehicle data library. Many commercial programs

Figure 7 Input variables (steering wheel and brake pedal positions) and output variables
(tire forces) in a combined maneuver.

include these useful libraries for research However, although the results concerning learning
activities, but whether they should be adapted and satisfaction have been positive, it would be an
for teaching purposes is not clear because unforgivable mistake to attribute all this success to the
students may rely on these data without any software, because the final effects are due to the whole
critical judgment. learning environment [10]. For this reason, teachers should
— The first students in using the program (2002 carefully schedule simulations to support other classroom
2003 academic year) asked for the possibility activities in order to achieve previously stated goals.
of considering closed-loop maneuvers. This
possibility was included in the second software
version available from the beginning of the REFERENCES
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Francisco Aparicio obtained his Industrial Master’s Degree in Physical Science from the National University
Engineering PhD degree in 1978 at the of Distance Education of Spain and his PhD in Mechanical
Polytechnic University of Madrid. Since Engineering from the UPM in 2001, 2005, and 2006, respectively.
1981 he is Professor of Vehicle Engineering Currently, he is associate professor at the UPM. He has been
and Transports at that University. Since 1993, involved in several research projects and innovative education
he is the Director of the University Institute programs and has developed engineering studies for relevant
for Automobile Research. He is the Spanish national firms. His fields of interest are the automotive industry,
representative in Working Groups on General vehicle safety, mechanical design, educational software and the
Safety of the European Commission and he application of new educational approaches in university studies.
is involved in the European Enhanced Vehicle-Safety Steering
Committee. He is Chairman of the Spanish Association of Javier Sánchez graduated in Mechanical
Automotive Professionals, and Vice-chairman of the Spanish- Engineering in 1997 and obtained his PhD
American Federation of Mechanical Engineering. He has been main degree in 2005 at the Polytechnic University
researcher of several research projects and author of technical books of Madrid. Since 1997 he is a partial time
and papers in the field of the automobile, traffic safety, trans- Associate Professor of Projects engineering
portation and education. at that University, as well as he has held
different positions in some automotive com-
Felipe Jiménez obtained his Master’s panies. Since 2003 he is head of the
Degree in Industrial Engineering from the Education Division at the University Institute
Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), his for Automotive Research. He has specialized in vehicle design.

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