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that man has so much potential, from the experience ive had working with him ill

try to explain it in terms of mathematics. basically, i think he is like old me, he

lacks experience. At times he goes boom and just decides to do his things on his
own, but he is somewhat lazy, when we were starting the year, i enjoyed brain
storming with him our thoughts aligned and most of the times it was wrong but it
used to correct sometimes. By then i started to enjoy mathematics he did too, but
he stayed in the vacinity of the set book he used to practice alot of that near
exams etc. But i was a rebel i never did hw instead i would just randomly question
everything untill i reached the ends of my capability, he did the same questions
multiple times while i was looking at mathematical anomalies for our level. Nearing
the first term he had lost his sparks, the things he wanted to try, i knew it was
wrong instantly, idk i cant explain but m not a special being ig, anyone with
experience could do it, give upashi my experience she would solve that equational
geometry shit instantly. Kreetan nearing the beginning of 1st term exams had lost
all interest, obviously he had interest in the thing, but it didnt near his prime,
at this point i adopted you, 1st term exams. i was bored so i diagramatically
showed you everything i understood of a single topic and you grasped it instantly
and you would never have problems with such questions ever again, you had gained

A few months go along he still stays the same, but obviously if its a new topic he
understands the concept and just it by the time we reach this stage, that teacher
introduces us to question book that isnt an anomaly but still somewhat different
from what we had learned, i believe this is also why it was such a good book and it
was effective just because you gained experience of new questions in a faster way
than before. Those who just stuck by the normal question improved linearly, those
who solved the hardest questions improved exponentially, this will be later
discovered in the last few weeks of the preparations, the concept of pattern
recognition (a product of experience) was introduced, we were in the library
teaching you geometry, you were struggling somewhat with the normal questions i
suggested starting with the hardest questions and i believe that you were able to
understand the questions that you couldnt do before.

bruh thinking about this now maths is just experience, but how i solved that
geometry question using equations is sdiojfoidjf, if i were someone else i would
happily lick my feet, now back to the time we got the 55 sets, i think it helped so
much for those who looked at hardest questions and retained information, that
experience was enough to completely solo a chapter like literally. Now there is
also a time where i failed to recognize this. Trigonometry the only thing i couldnt
grasp the concept perhaps i just didnt, but you worked on it slowly gained
experience and managed to somewhat be proficeint on it. The loophole that could be
used in every other chapter was not functioning, that bitch wanted us to
methodically do it, we couldnt solve the hardest questions without the experience
of the easiest ones, this was probably a reason why i didnt do trigonometry, the
main reason imo will be listed later

Now,onto vector and geometry theorems, i didnt even try to do look at these, what I
did was i gained exp through normal questions which translated to the theorems, now
onto a main reason why m considered smart right now, i was fooling around doing
calculus gaining new experience and learning how to solve problems in a speed that
old me definetly deemed impossible, you were helping me, you gave me a 2x exp
boost, you were asking me questions, i was solidifying old material why learning
something else, i was gaining experience at double the rate one should be expected
of, if it werent for you i wouldnt be half as proficient right now, if i hadnt
taken you in the 1st term i definetly wouldnt have lasted the year, if you hadnt
taken me in 2 years ago ig and forced your beliefs in me untill i considered god, i
wouldnt be BRUH UR SO AMAZING FUCK YOU, umm but yes because of you i was able to
learn at double the rate.
A term we used a few times throughout the year was "character development", it
basically defined the pheonomenon where you do a hard question and go back to the
easy question you couldnt do and solo it instantly, look back at it now, its so
obvious that it was experience that helped us solve those questions, the miraculous
character development was finally defined.

Now another reason would be desire, if i hadnt been complimented the first time,
just like kreetan i would have lost my sparks, the desire to be considered smart
had me observing every little bit of every question, i wanted to be complimented,
this slowly led to the batlle of sequence and series, i was trying to fucking
develop a formula, not a formula from scratch but just a direct formula (direct
fomula as in npc formula of doing mensuration etc). By then sir had gone tired of
me and i didnt get complimented for a long time, this is also a reason why i think
i became weak in sequence and series and a few chapters from them like limit and
inequality. 60 days untill SEE LOL WE WERE SO HYPE, by then i had given up on
everything about that chapter, a small timeskip, we doing exam on VS and that
sequence and serreis question i had finally discovered a loophole i did what old me
couldnt, when the results came my long awaited complement never existed my work of
a few months, the answer was correct, but the guy who checked my copy asked a
simple question "why 2?", the before work that seemed perfect in reality was
flawed, i couldnt answer it logically, the fact that my work depended on nothing
but luck destroyed me, meh thats fine ill just show it to you and gain that
complement, that day srijana and you berated me on how you guys didnt understand my
teachings, my long awaited complement never came. I vowed to take revenge that day
i started planning my final attack. (LOL WHY IS THIS PARAGRAPH DRAMATIC FOR NO
REASON, I SAID ALL THIS SHIT FOR NO REASON, basically imo desire plays an important
role in learning ), okay the day of my final attack his here, the question that i
deemed impossible was shattered by one notification, "Do you remember the question
you said not to try and even sir couldnt solve, i did it first try", i was on utter
shock, i tried my best to find a flaw in your answer, tbh i found it instantly it
wasnt difficult at all, the difficult part was trying to explain it to you, i was
scared of you getting angry at me because i realized that what you are experiencing
was smth very similar to my own i had to find the "Why 2?" of ur senario to cool
you off , Upashi saved me, she made the same mistake and made fun of her instead
and explained that the theorem was faulty. Now we kept discussing something came
into me, "okay, i can do it now brb", being so sure i said that, infact i had no
idea what to do, i had the desire to not make a fool of myself, i was doing
everything, i had a revelation of using equations 1st try i did it and did it a few
tikes but why is the ans not 60, bitch you had lied the ans was actually 40 fuck
you. I then became the most egotistical person on planet earth for a few hours.

Now, the final discoveries, basically experience is the main factor to mathematical
capabilities, m not smart i dont have a gift that others dont have, i just had the
perfect environment to want to gain experience, you know that thing they say, smth
along the lines of you try for the first time the next time becomes alot easier, it
seems so true right now, back to mathematics, now what kreetan didnt have, what you
or me didnt have to be as intellectual as the worlds greatest isnt the difference
in IQ but experience, yes IQ plays a part on how fast you learn but it comes at the
cost of social skills, those with social skills can do stuff like me who took help
from you to gain double the experience, no one really is at a disadvantage,
everyone just need exp, one thing people need in the beginnings is adaptability,
but adaptability can also be gained by experience, you dont have a math brain you
just have the desire to learn, its not special at all, oh ye the main reason i
didnt do trigonometry, form my experiences i believe that i dont just understand
concepts thats kinda boring, idk i think i kinda build on my concepts
independently, i discover stuff myself, my desire to learn keeps me from just
understanding what i need to, the time where we did eqn of circle sir had given
time to simplify it, obviously the desire in it was to fulfill his expectations,
but i had remembered building concepts by experimenting since the circle
transformation days how everything is a perfect square that was then simplifyed to
have only one constant, thats the only reason i managed to understand what needed
to be done the first time, anyways i just had this revelation while looking at my
experiences with kreetan and why he isnt more like me because we started on the
same line, he understood the concepts while i built on it, while he did asignments
i was fooling around and was gaining exp as a pocket math solver, while he
understood it he didnt have to experience and that kinda decreased his desire to
finally build on concepts, while i had the perfect environment to grow, btw this
kinda fun, because rn i believe that I am nothing special and have no gifts m just
a average human who gained experience, bruh idk its so crazy thinking that
experience is jsdlkfjdslk, uk rajesh sir said you wont outsmart me untill you have
more experience than me, i was like pfft ill boom you, but its kinda crazy that exp
doesnt come by age but how you learn. bro m so sorry i spat more than i needed to
looking at it now its kinda shit and you probably know this shit and wont find it
interesting but here take a brief experience of my maths journey ig lol so cringe
idk any other way to word it, idk how a talk about kreetan reached here but ye
kreetan, me, you everyone is wasting their maximum potential by not gaining exp
that my view, but even in terms outside mathematics, think about it exp matters in
everything i just used maths to explain it.

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