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Experimental and Theoretical Study of a New Plant

Derived Surfactant Adsorption on Quartz Surface:
Kinetic and Isotherm Methods
a b
Mohammad Ali Ahmadi & Seyed Shadizadeh
Department of Petroleum Engineering , Ahwaz Faculty of Petroleum Engineering,
Petroleum University of Technology (PUT) , Ahwaz , Iran
Faculty of Petroleum Engineering Department , Petroleum University of Technology ,
Abadan , Iran
Published online: 17 Oct 2014.

To cite this article: Mohammad Ali Ahmadi & Seyed Shadizadeh (2015) Experimental and Theoretical Study of a New
Plant Derived Surfactant Adsorption on Quartz Surface: Kinetic and Isotherm Methods, Journal of Dispersion Science and
Technology, 36:3, 441-452, DOI: 10.1080/01932691.2013.860035

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Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 36:441–452, 2015
Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0193-2691 print=1532-2351 online
DOI: 10.1080/01932691.2013.860035

Experimental and Theoretical Study of a New Plant

Derived Surfactant Adsorption on Quartz Surface:
Kinetic and Isotherm Methods
Mohammad Ali Ahmadi1 and Seyed Shadizadeh2
Department of Petroleum Engineering, Ahwaz Faculty of Petroleum Engineering, Petroleum
University of Technology (PUT), Ahwaz, Iran
Faculty of Petroleum Engineering Department, Petroleum University of Technology, Abadan, Iran

Downloaded by [University of Southern Queensland] at 06:53 18 October 2014

Nowadays, the use of surfactants through petroleum reservoirs to raise oil production in the
subset of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) schemes has received much attention from scholars.
Throughout their use, surfactants’ adsorption onto the porous media surfaces is a crucial aspect
of chemical EOR: The robustness and efficiency of the surfactant solution in regard to interfacial
tension reduction between the oil and water phases and the wettability alteration of the reservoir
rock surfaces toward more water is highly depend on the surfactant content of the aqueous
solution while adsorption onto the rock surface reduced surfactant content through the referred
solution. In light of this, in the current research, huge efforts have been made to monitor the
adsorption behavior of the new plant-based surfactant as a proven EOR agent onto quartz rock
samples in terms of adsorption isotherm and kinetic models which plays a crucial role in designing
chemical stimulation through petroleum sandstone reservoirs. In addition, the adsorption fates of
surfactant onto reservoir rock versus surfactant cost are major concerns of feasibility of chemical
flooding through the porous medium. To achieve the main goal of the current study, batch adsorp-
tion approaches were utilized. Adsorption of the mentioned natural surfactant onto quartz
samples was recorded versus time to describe the adsorption kinetic behavior experimentally,
while the obtained kinetic results compared with four robust kinetic approaches. To achieve
the adsorption outcomes, the Freundlich approach was found to be superior to other isotherm
models in estimating the adsorption density of the new surfactant onto quartz surface. Moreover,
pseudo-second-order model outputs followed the actual adsorption data with a high level of
precision and integrity thanks to the value of correlation coefficient (R2).
Keywords Adsorption equilibrium, conductivity, isotherm, kinetics, natural surfactant,
quartz surface

Received 7 October 2013; accepted 24 October 2013.

Address correspondence to Mohammad Ali Ahmadi, Department of Petroleum Engineering, Ahwaz Faculty of Petroleum
Engineering, Petroleum University of Technology (PUT), P.O. Box 63431, Ahwaz, Iran. E-mail:
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at


1. INTRODUCTION adsorption behavior for both isotherm and kinetic aspects,

Adsorption of surface active agents onto reservoir rock the obtained data was evaluated with four generally used iso-
solid surface may yield the fate onto rock face and therms and kinetic approaches and the required model para-
reduction of their concentrations through aqueous solu- meters were determined for each type.
tions, which may render them less well run or ineffectual
in feasible implications of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
approaches. Surfactants are also widely utilized through
different industrial applications for their favorable physico- 2.1. Surfactant
chemical attributes like as detergency, foaming, emulsifi- As reported in previous research, the concentration of
cation, dispersion, and solubilization effects.[1–4] Owing to saponins in ZSC is high while the plant is a tree commonly
an extreme faculty of surfactant to reduce interfacial tension found in Jordan, Iran, Iraq, and Egypt.[24] (Saponin is a
(IFT) between oil and water phases, surfactants’ materials biosurfactant is derived from the leaves of ZSC.) It is worth
have significant effects through the application of chemical mentioning that the utilized leaves of ZSC were collected
flooding for EOR schemes. Feasibility of the surfactant flood- from south of Iran and the saponin produced by the spray
ing is highly dependent on surfactant cost, environmental dryer method. The total derived powder contains saponin
Downloaded by [University of Southern Queensland] at 06:53 18 October 2014

effects, and amount of surfactant adsorption from aqueous and flavonoids, while the powder has light brown color
solutions onto porous media. Adsorption loss is an underly- and is soluble in water and alcohol. Properties of the novel
ing problem in EOR projects by means of surfactant flooding surfactant are summarized in Table 1.[20–23]
from petroleum reservoirs because surfactant loss dedicated
to adsorption on the reservoir rocks impairs the robustness 2.2. Adsorbent
and performance of the injected chemical solution in lowering Crushed quartz purchased from Mojalali Company
the IFT of oil–water and may change into the method econ- (Iran) with 99.9% purification. The powdered or crushed
omically inapplicable.[5–8] Due to these crucial facts, adsorp- rock was prepared by crushing the corresponding solid
tion of surfactants onto rock and surfactant solution core with a maximum size determined by passing the
interface has been investigated over many years. Much crushed quartz through a standard Number 50-70 sieve.
research has been carried out on the adsorption of ionic
and nonionic surfactants onto reservoir rocks.[8,9–21] 2.3. Preparation of Surfactant Solution
Knowledge regarding the adsorption process of surfactant The stock solution of proposed natural surfactant with
onto rock porous media has been dedicated to the equilibrium concentrations of between 1000 mg=L and 80000 mg=L
isotherm and kinetics of the process while equilibrium were prepared by dissolving 0.10–8 g of the surfactant in
adsorption data has been detailed for the final condition of 100 mL double distilled water in a container. These solu-
an adsorption mechanism and kinetic data provides a good tions were then diluted to get standard solutions containing
view about the rate of changes through the adsorption pro- 1000, 5000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 40000, 50000, 60000,
cess. Through our current study, equilibrium adsorption 70000, and 80000 mg=L of the derived natural and biode-
and the associated kinetics of newly proposed raw surfactant gradable surfactant.[20–23]
onto quartz rock surface is investigated. Recall that there is
little to no information about the adsorption process of the TABLE 1
suggested natural surfactant onto quartz porous media in Properties of derived raw surfactant from leaves
literature surveys. As previously noted in Ahmadi and Shadi- of Zyziphus spina-christi[20–23]
zadeh[20,22–23] the robust advantages of the extracted biode-
gradable surfactant are a very low cost, availability in Product Total extract powder of Zyziphus
Middle East and Africa, and environmentally friendly charac- spina-christi
teristics contrasted with other commercial and industrial sur- Used part Leaves
factants utilized through petroleum upstream. The depletion Preparation Spray dryer
solution approach was examined to determine the adsorption Description Fine powder
trend of the extracted natural surfactant from leaves of Zyzi- Color Brown
phus spina-choursisti (ZSC). Through the above- Solubility in cold Soluble
mentioned approach, the conductivity method was used to water
determine surfactant concentration in aqueous solutions. It Solubility in Soluble
is worth bearing in mind that adsorption kinetics were alcohol
experimentally carried out at atmospheric conditions, record- pH value 5.9–6.0
ing the concentration changes of the above-mentioned raw (10% solution)
surfactant as a function of adsorption time. To determine Applications Medicine Enhanced oil recovery (EOR)

2.3.1. CMC Measurement

Owing to previous research, the robust approach for
determining critical micelle concentration (CMC) of the
extracted raw surfactant from leaves of ZSC was done by
the conductivity method, which uses the conductivity curve
of surfactant solutions versus corresponding surfactant con-
centration. Through the conductivity plot, the turning point
represents the CMC of the implemented surfactant. The
procedure of CMC measurement by using the conductivity
technique has been demonstrated previously by Ahmadi and
Shadizadeh.[20–23] The outcomes of the above experiments
are shown in Figure 1, which illustrates the conductivity of
aqueous solution versus relevant surfactant concentration.

2.4. Adsorption Experiment

Downloaded by [University of Southern Queensland] at 06:53 18 October 2014

The depletion solution approach was utilized by FIG. 2. Adsorption density versus equilibrium surfactant concentration.
implementing an accurately weighted amount of suggested
natural surfactant to obtain equilibrium conditions with
crushed quartz solutions of different initial surfactant q ¼ loss of surfactant on quartz surface, mg=g-rock;
concentrations lying in the span of 1000–80000 ppm. Fixed mtot.solution ¼ total mass of solution in original bulk
weights of crushed quartz rock samples (8 g) were added to solution, g;
a 40 mL solution of the mentioned raw surfactant while the Co ¼ concentration of surfactant throughout initial sol-
containers were shaken under a controlled set room ution prior to equilibration with quartz
temperature. Owing to the described procedure, the gained C ¼ concentration of surfactant throughout aqueous sol-
adsorption density versus equilibrium surfactant concen- ution following equilibration with quartz, ppm; and
tration is shown in Figure 2. Mquartz ¼ total mass of crushed quartz, g.
It is worth bearing in mind that conductivity of surfac-
tant solution was utilized for determining surfactant
concentration before and after adsorption onto quartz rock 3. ADSORPTION MODELS
surfaces. After that, by putting the determined surfactant This section demonstrates the four adsorption isotherms:
concentration before and after adsorption process into Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin, and linear approaches;
the following equation, the adsorption of the tested surfac- restrictions and advantages of each adsorption model are
tant concentration was determined[19–21,23]: also discussed.

mtot:solution  ðC o  C Þ
q¼  103 ½1 3.1. Langmuir Isotherm
The Langmuir isotherm evolved was dedicated to the
in which
main assumption that the adsorption takes place at specific
homogeneous sites in the adsorbent like as quartz sur-
face.[25,26] Moreover, when a location is engaged by a
solute-like surfactant, no further adsorption can occur at
that location while the rate of adsorption process to the
surface is corresponding to a driving force and adsorption
area.[25,26] Keep in mind that the driving force is referred to
the concentration in the surfactant solution, and the area is
referred to the amount of nude quartz surface. The Lang-
muir equation corresponding to the solid-phase surfactant
concentration qe to the equilibrium surfactant concen-
tration at a desired controlled temperature. The Langmuir
approach can be formulated as following equation which
evolved by Irving Langmuir (1916)[19–21,23,25,26]:

qo Kad Ce
[20–23] qe ¼ : ½2
FIG. 1. Conductivity versus surfactant concentration. . 1 þ Kad Ce

Thus, to determine Langmuir parameters such as qo and

Kad, a graph of 1=qe against 1=Ce should plotted and the
slop of fitted straight line denotes the (1=qe(Kad) and
intercept 1=qo. The examination of the surfactant adsorp-
tion data with the Langmuir approach is demonstrated
through Figure 3.

3.2. Freundlich Isotherm

The main assumption through evolving the Freundlich
adsorption isotherm in 1906 is that the adsorbent (rock
surface in this study) has a heterogeneous surface consist-
ing of various types of adsorption spots. Freundlich
illustrated that the ratio of the amount of adsorbed solute
(surfactant) onto a given mass of a rock samples to the con-
centration of the solute through the aqueous solution is not
FIG. 4. Freundlich isotherm model.
Downloaded by [University of Southern Queensland] at 06:53 18 October 2014

unchanged by varying the surfactant concentration. Fitting

of experimental adsorption data certified that the multi-
layer nature of adsorption process onto the surface.[26,27] cases with an increase in scoop. The following represen-
The Freundlich adsorption isotherm presumes that the tation is the linear form of Temkin isotherm[19–21,23,26,28,29]:
value of Ce1=n=qe keeps consistent at a desired temperature
if the concentration of the surfactant through the aqueous qe ¼ BlnKt þ BlnCe ; ½4
solution at equilibrium condition, Ce, is raised to the power
of 1=n, the value of the adsorbed surfactant onto rock face where B and Kt represent the Temkin constant and equilib-
denotes by qe. The Freundlich adsorption isotherm is for- rium binding constant, respectively. This approach consid-
mulated as[19–21,23,26,27]: ers indirect surfactant–quartz rock faces interactions on
adsorption isotherms. To calculate the addressed para-
qe ¼ Kf Ce1=n ; ½3 meters of the Temkin approach a graph of qe versus ln(Ce)
should plotted and the isotherm constants B and Kt deter-
where 1=n and Kf represent the Freundlich constants. mined from the slope and intercept of the fitted straight line
Figure 4 demonstrates the evaluation of the obtained through referred plot.[19–21,23] Analysis of the gained adsorp-
experimental with the Freundlich approach. tion data of the mentioned raw surfactant with the Temkin
approach is demonstrated in Figure 5.
3.3. Temkin Isotherm
3.4. Linear Isotherm
Dedicated to several experimental investigations, Temkin
showed that the heat of adsorption would be lower in most If it is assumed that the adsorption isotherm for the sur-
factant is linear, the chromatographic approach turns into

FIG. 3. Langmuir adsorption model. FIG. 5. Temkin isotherm model.


investigation was conducted at room temperature (25 C) by

recording the rate of changes of the surfactant as a function
of time as illustrated through Figure 7.

4.1. Pseudo-First-order Rate Equation

Pseudo-first-order rate approach was firstly evolved
by Lagergren (1898) to determine the kinetic process of
liquid-solid phase adsorption of oxalic acid and malonic
acid onto charcoal. The main characteristic of this
approach is the Pseudo-first-order approach corresponding
to the adsorption rate on the basis of the adsorption
capacity. The pseudo-first-order equation in terms of
differential form is illustrated as follows[19–21,23,29–32]:

Downloaded by [University of Southern Queensland] at 06:53 18 October 2014

FIG. 6. Linear isotherm model. ¼ K1 ðqe  qt Þ; ½6


where qe and qt (mg=g) stand for the adsorption capacities

at equilibrium and time t (min), correspondingly. k1 (min 
straightforward form, which is illustrated by the Henry
1) denotes the pseudo-first-order rate constant for the
kinetics approach. Dedicated to integrating Equation (6)
with the boundary conditions of qt ¼ 0 at t ¼ 0 and qt ¼ qt
qe ¼ KH Ce ½5 at t ¼ t, following formulation was developed:

where qe denotes the amount adsorbed surfactant

lnðqe  qt Þ ¼ lnðK1 qe Þ  K1 t: ½7
onto rock faces, Ce stands for the equilibrium surfactant
concentration, and KH represents a constant in units
of L=m2.
4.2. Pseudo-Second-order Kinetics Model
The linear behavior of the adsorption isotherm is limited
The differential expression of the pseudo-second-order
the specific surfactant concentration, which mostly lies on
approach is formulated as[29–32]:
the low concentration range, while at greater surfactant
concentrations, the adsorption isotherm closes to nonlinear
trend.[19–21,23] Evaluation of the adsorption data from the dqt
¼ K2 ðqe  qt Þ2 ½8
current study with the linear isotherm model is depicted dt
through Figure 6.

As noted previously, another crucial aspect of the
adsorption process is kinetic evaluation of the adsorption
system, which depends on the system condition and surfac-
tant–quartz surface interaction for the current study. Raw
surfactant concentration change rate indicates the settle
time spend for finalizing the adsorption process and can
be elaborated from kinetics analysis implementing various
kinetics approaches. Owing to this fact, huge efforts
have been put forth to evolve a general formulation to rep-
resent the kinetic behavior of adsorption on solid surfaces
for the liquid–solid adsorption system. In the current
investigation, pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order
kinetics, intradiffusion, and Elovich models[29–32] were
implemented to determine the rate of adsorption of the
extracted raw surfactant from leaves of ZSC onto quartz FIG. 7. Adsorption of surfactant versus time for different surfactant
rock surfaces. As mentioned earlier, the adsorption kinetics concentrations.

To gain linear form of the pseudo-second-order

approach, integrating of Equation (8) should be performed
and rearranged. The obtained linear form of the approach
developed as Equation (9), which is generally implemented
for solid–liquid adsorption systems.[29–32]

t 1 t
¼ þ ; ½9
qt K2 q2e qe

where K2 represents the pseudo-second-order adsorption

rate constant (g=mg min); and other model parameters
such as qe and qt are same as in pseudo-first-order kinetics
approach. If kinetic adsorption data follow the linear form
of pseudo-second-order approach, the estimated equilib-
rium adsorption amount qe,cal and K2 could be determined
Downloaded by [University of Southern Queensland] at 06:53 18 October 2014

from the slope and intercept of the linear plot. It should be

noted that the pseudo-second-order approach is mostly
demonstrated to forecast the kinetic trend through the
entire range of the adsorption process.[29–32] The initial
adsorption rate (h) and half-adsorption time (t1=2) can be
determined by implementing Equations (10) and (11),

h ¼ K2 q2e ½10

t1=2 ¼ 1=Kqe ½11

It should be stressed here that the above-mentioned

pseudo-second-order rate approach has been actually imple-
FIG. 8. Intraparticle diffusion plot for surfactant adsorption
mented to the adsorption of metal ions, dyes, herbicides, onto quartz rock with different surfactant concentrations (a) wt%
oils, and organic materials from aqueous solutions.[33–36] [0.1,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0]; (b) wt% [4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0].

4.3. Intraparticle Diffusion Model

In order to determine the diffusion mechanism in the 4.4. Elovich’s Equation
adsorption of the surfactant onto quartz rock sam- Zeldowitsch (1934) evolved the kinetic expression of
ples[26,29–32] throughout the current study, intraparticle dif- chemisorptions process and implemented the developed
fusion approach (Equation (12)) was used to indicate the approach to demonstrate the adsorption rate of carbon
diffusion mechanism and to determine the intraparticle dif- monoxide on manganese dioxide that declines exponen-
fusion rate constant (Ki) by fitting straight line through tially with a raise in the amount of adsorbed gas.[26,30–32]
plot of qt versus t1=2. In the plot, the slope of linear line The developed model is called Elovich equation as below
represents the intraparticle diffusion rate constant (Ki). formula[19–21,23,26]:
The evolved equation of the intraparticle diffusion
approach is expressed as follows[19–21,23]: dqt
¼ aebqt ; ½13
qt ¼ K i  t : ½12
where qt (mg=g) stands for the adsorption capacity at
The evaluated gained results with the Intraparticle dif- desired time t, a (mg=g.min) represents the initial adsorp-
fusion approach are depicted through Figure 8, which tion rate, and b (mg=g.min) denotes the adsorption
demonstrates rate of surfactant adsorption versus adsorp- constant through adsorption experiment. It should be
tion time squared. Obeying obtained adsorption data with mentioned here that the Elovich approach is widespread
the intraparticle diffusion approach demonstrates that the performed to determine the kinetics of chemi-sorption of
nature of adsorption of the natural derived surfactant on gases onto solid heterogeneous systems.[26] If assumed that
the quartz surface follows multilinearity behavior. the ba t> > 1, Equation (14) is evolved by implementing

mechanism of a liquid phase and a solid phase in a specific

case explicated in this research work.
Figure 2 demonstrates the effects of initial raw surfac-
tant concentration on the amount of adsorption. As clear
be seen from Figure 2, raising the surfactant concentration
in the aqueous solution results increasing the adsorption
capacity of the mentioned surfactant onto quartz rock
faces. The increase in the concentration gradient between
the bulk and the surface of the crushed quartz rocks with
the increase in initial surfactant concentration through
aqueous solution is the main reason for this. It is worth
mentioning that, the adsorption density of the extracted
natural surfactant onto quartz rock samples is very lower
than that reported by Ahmadi and Shadizadeh[20–21,23]
for carbonate rock samples. This is due to to the negative
Downloaded by [University of Southern Queensland] at 06:53 18 October 2014

charges of the quartz surface, which prevents adsorption

of the surfactant by means of electrostatic repulsion forces
between hydroxyl groups of surfactant and negative
charges of rock faces.
With the aim of determining the rate of the surfactant
adsorption, the effect of contact time on robustness of
the extracted raw surfactant adsorption on quartz rock sur-
face is carried out. The implemented surfactant concentra-
tions to gain the referred goal lie on the ranges of 0.1 to
8.0 wt% while rate of the mentioned surfactant adsorption
onto quartz samples as a function of adsorption time is
determined as depicted in Figure 7. As is clearly demon-
strated in Figure 7, the initial surfactant concentrations
the maximum adsorption rates are gained almost in the 4
FIG. 9. Elovich model plot for surfactant adsorption onto quartz sur- days for lower bound of surfactant concentrations and 6
face with different surfactant concentrations (a) wt% [0.1,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0]; days for higher surfactant concentration than 6 wt%. The
(b) wt% [4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0].
rate of adsorption is greater in the onset points due to a lar-
ger surface area of the quartz rock samples, which is access-
the boundary conditions of q ¼ 0 at t ¼ 0 and q ¼ qt at t ¼ t ible for surfactant molecules. The rate of adsorption
to result the following correlation[19–21,23,26]: declines in final phases conceivably due to the slow pore
diffusion of the surfactant molecules into the bulk surfaces
1 lnðabÞ lnðtÞ of the quartz rock samples.
¼ þ qt : ½14
qt b b
5.2. Equilibrium Adsorption Models
Therefore, by fitting the linear form of the above
equation and adsorption data through a plot of qt versus Keep in mind that the investigation of surfactant
ln (t), the constants of the Elovich approach a and b can adsorption equilibrium plays an important role for feasi-
be determined from the slope and intercept of the fitted bility study in both technical and economical aspects of
linear line as demonstrated in Figure 9. the surfactant flooding through petroleum porous media,
which indicates the maximum amount adsorbed surfactant
per unit area or mass of the rock samples and provides an
5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION adsorption isotherm of the study. The adsorption isotherm
Adsorption equilibrium and kinetics of aqueous is defined as a graph of the amount of adsorbed surfactant
solutions of raw derived surfactant from ZSC leaves onto per unit mass or unit area of the quartz rock by changing
the quartz rock surface is explicated here through this section. the surfactant concentration through aqueous solution
against corresponding equilibrium surfactant concen-
5.1. Important Parameters in Adsorption Process tration at the surfactant–rock interface.
Main parameters affecting extracted natural surfactant The gained experimental adsorption data were fitted
adsorption onto quartz porous media are considered with the four adsorption approaches discussed in this
through the current study to carry out the interaction article. Experimental isotherm approaches were conducted

Parameters determined for different adsorption models used in this study
Isotherm Correlation Parameters

Langmuir 1=qe ¼ 0.671=Ce þ 0.5051 R2 qo Kad

Freundlich qe ¼ 0.7181(Ce)0.7141 R2 1=n Kf
0.9815 0.7141 0.7181
Temkin qe ¼ 0.6359ln (Ce) þ 1.126 R2 Kt B
0.8827 5.875 0.6359
Linear qe ¼ 0.3544Ce þ 0.377 R2 KH C
0.9561 0.3544 0.377

at an equilibrium time for different concentration of raw as a well-known empirical equation followed very well the
Downloaded by [University of Southern Queensland] at 06:53 18 October 2014

surfactant. Figures 3–6 show the obtained adsorption data experimental data for the quartz surface.
of the derived raw surfactant from leaves of ZSC onto the
quartz surface with the four isotherm models discussed 5.3. Adsorption Kinetics Models
herein, while calculated parameters and correlation As demonstrated in Figure 7, the gained experimental
coefficient of each isotherm approach are summarized in kinetics data of adsorption process indicate that the
Table 2. adsorption of the surfactant was very quick at the onset
As previously noted, the Langmuir constants qo and Kad and then decreased until the equilibrium condition was
correspond to the adsorption capacity and the energy of reached. As earlier discussed, the adsorption kinetic models
adsorption, correspondingly. Table 2 presents the calcu- were connected with the surfactant adsorption rate.
lated Langmuir constants Kad and qo values. Following Choosing an appropriate kinetic approach plays a vital role
the experimental adsorption isotherm data, the Freundlich to forecast surfactant loss rate and designing of surfactant-
approach certified that the quartz rock surface is hetero- based EOR process through petroleum reservoirs. As noted
geneous.[26–27,29] As demonstrated earlier, by fitting the in Section 4, the employed kinetic models are: pseudo-first-
experimental adsorption isotherm with the Frendlich equa- order equation, pseudo-second-order equation, intraparti-
tion, the required parameters can be determined and are cle diffusion, and the Elovich equation, which were utilized
reported in Table 2 as are the calculated values of the to determine the elite approach for extracted raw surfactant
model parameters for Temkin and linear approaches. adsorption onto quartz surface. Details of the calculated
Owing to the correlation coefficient (R2) values for the parameters of each adsorption kinetic approaches are sum-
adsorption isotherm approaches, it is inferred that nearly marized in Tables 3–6.
all the referred approaches can forecast the equilibrium The fitting of the experimental kinetic adsorption data
adsorption trend of the proposed natural surfactant on with pseudo-first-order model is shown in Figure 10. In
quartz surface, whereas the Freundlich isotherm approach addition the determined kinetic model parameters are

Kinetics rate of surfactant with different concentrations on the absorbent based on the pseudo first-order
Surfactant concentration, wt% Correlation Correlation coefficient (R2)

0.5 ln(qe-qt) ¼ 0.074t  1.1379 R2 ¼ 1

1.0 ln(qe-qt) ¼ 0.0263t  0.4892 R ¼ 0.9953
1.5 ln(qe-qt) ¼ 0.0448t  1.7843 R2 ¼ 0.9851
2.0 ln(qe-qt) ¼ 0.0331t þ 0.5036 R2 ¼ 0.9015
4.0 ln(qe-qt) ¼ 0.014t þ 0.4322 R2 ¼ 0.9794
5.0 ln(qe-qt) ¼ 0.0181t þ 0.5107 R2 ¼ 0.9514
6.0 ln(qe-qt) ¼ 0.0306t þ 0.5529 R2 ¼ 0.9221
7.0 ln(qe-qt) ¼ 0.0156t þ 0.6947 R2 ¼ 0.8922
8.0 ln(qe-qt) ¼ 0.0215t þ 1.0687 R2 ¼ 0.8858

Correlations for kinetics rate of surfactant with different concentrations on the absorbent based on
the pseudo second-order reaction
Surfactant concentration, wt% Correlation Correlation coefficient (R2)

0.1 t=qt ¼ 16.237t R2 ¼ 1

0.5 t=qt ¼ 3.0972t þ 4.1597 R ¼ 0.9997
1.0 t=qt ¼ 1.4998t þ 17.005 R2 ¼ 0.9905
1.5 t=qt ¼ 0.8587t þ 11.47 R2 ¼ 0.9868
2.0 t=qt ¼ 0.6628t þ 12.155 R2 ¼ 0.9803
4.0 t=qt ¼ 0.5126t þ 19.051 R2 ¼ 0.957
5.0 t=qt ¼ 0.4695t þ 9.2111 R2 ¼ 0.9843
6.0 t=qt ¼ 0.4164t þ 2.8491 R2 ¼ 0.9981
7.0 t=qt ¼ 0.3573t þ 6.8513 R2 ¼ 0.9833
8.0 t=qt ¼ 0.3185t þ 7.8057 R2 ¼ 0.9783
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Correlations obtained for the kinetics rate of surfactant with different concentrations on the
absorbent based on the intraparticle-diffusion model
Surfactant concentration, wt% Correlation Correlation coefficient (R2)

0.1 q ¼ 0.0028(t0.5) þ 0.0278 R2 ¼ 0.5039

0.5 q ¼ 0.0159(t0.5) þ 0.1269 R2 ¼ 0.5979
1.0 q ¼ 0.0385(t0.5) þ 0.1415 R2 ¼ 0.7923
1.5 q ¼ 0.068(t0.5) þ 0.2239 R2 ¼ 0.8017
2.0 q ¼ 0.0897(t0.5) þ 0.2244 R2 ¼ 0.8396
4.0 q ¼ 0.114(t0.5) þ 0.1107 R2 ¼ 0.9593
5.0 q ¼ 0.1227(t0.5) þ 0.3337 R2 ¼ 0.8938
6.0 q ¼ 0.1302(t0.5) þ 0.686 R2 ¼ 0.7508
7.0 q ¼ 0.1593(t0.5) þ 0.4687 R2 ¼ 0.8873
8.0 q ¼ 0.182(t0.5) þ 0.3893 R2 ¼ 0.9248

correlations for kinetics rate of surfactant with different concentrations on the absorbent based on
the Elovich model
Surfactant concentration, wt% Correlation Correlation coefficient (R2)

0.1 q ¼ 0.0106 ln(t) þ 0.0109 R2 ¼ 0.8052

0.5 q ¼ 0.0574 ln(t) þ 0.0417 R2 ¼ 0.8805
1.0 q ¼ 0.1243 ln(t) – 0.0028 R2 ¼ 0.9361
1.5 q ¼ 0.2169 ln(t) – 0.0202 R2 ¼ 0.9263
2.0 q ¼ 0.2791 ln(t) – 0.0679 R2 ¼ 0.9236
4.0 q ¼ 0.3323 ln(t) – 0.165 R2 ¼ 0.9257
5.0 q ¼ 0.3792 ln(t) – 0.0546 R2 ¼ 0.9692
6.0 q ¼ 0.4368 ln(t) þ 0.1269 R2 ¼ 0.9599
7.0 q ¼ 0.4944 ln(t) – 0.0446 R2 ¼ 0.9707
8.0 q ¼ 0.5514 ln(t) – 0.1394 R2 ¼ 0.9637
Downloaded by [University of Southern Queensland] at 06:53 18 October 2014

FIG. 11. Pseudo-second-order plot for surfactant adsorption onto

quartz surface with different surfactant concentrations (a) wt%
FIG. 10. Pseudo-first-order plot for surfactant adsorption onto [0.1,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0], (b) wt% [4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0].
quartz surface with different surfactant concentrations (a) wt%
[0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0], (b) wt% [4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0].

depicted through Figure 8. The determined parameters

reported in Table 3. The obtained experimental data from the experimental kinetics data of this new plant-based
utilizing pseudo-second-order approach are illustrated in surfactant onto quartz surface dedicated to intraparticle
Figure 11, and the calculated parameters of pseudo-second- diffusion kinetic approach is illustrated in Table 5. By the
order method are demonstrated in Table 4. As can be seen determined values of R2, it can be inferred that the intrapar-
from both Figure 11 and Table 4, the pseudo-second-order ticle diffusion approach is not a suitable adsorption kinetic
approach provides a very brilliant agreement between the model for the introduced raw surfactant in the current
all of the experimental data and corresponding kinetic study because the correlation coefficients for the evaluated
model outcomes. Due to the calculated adsorption capaci- actual adsorption data were found very low and unaccept-
ties by the pseudo-second-order method are very close to able (R2 < < 1).
those of real adsorption measurements, and the deviations Figure 9 demonstrates the fitting of the adsorption kin-
are less than 8%. Equation (12) was used to determine the etic data and Elovich equation. Through this approach, a
possibility of intraparticle transport in the current work. linear relationship was determined between amount of
If q versus t1=2 follows the linear line, then intraparticle adsorbed raw surfactant, qt, and ln(t) over the whole
diffusion happens, and the other side of the intraparticle adsorption process time with unacceptable value of corre-
diffusion was the sole mechanism controlling the surfactant lation coefficients (R2 < < 1) for all the fitted lines as illu-
adsorption process onto rock surface then the linear plot strated in Figure 9 and Table 6. Table 6 demonstrates the
will pass through the origin.[19–21,23,26,27,29] The evaluation parameters of the Elovich kinetic adsorption approach.
of intraparticle diffusion approach for adsorption process Figure 9 and Table 6 depict a weak relationship between
of the extracted natural surfactant from leaves of ZSC is the gained adsorption data and the outcomes forecasted

by the Elovich approach as determined by Equation (13). Ce equilibrium concentration (mg=L)

As can be seen from the Figure 9, the Elovich approach Co surfactant concentration in initial solution
cannot explain the kinetics of adsorption of suggested before equilibrium (ppm)
natural surfactant onto quartz rock faces. Thus, a suitable h initial kinetics rate (mg=g)
kinetics reaction approach is needed to spell out the Kf Freundlich constant
kinetics of the derived raw surfactant onto quartz rock Kt equilibrium binding constant correspond-
surface. ing to the maximum binding energy
KH constant in linear model (L=m2)
6. CONCLUSIONS K1 Pseudo-first-order rate constant
The adsorption of plant-based surfactant extracted from K2 Pseudo-second-order adsorption rate con-
leaves of ZSC onto quartz surface from aqueous solutions stant (g=mg min)
was scientifically investigated. Experimental studies were Mquartz total mass of crushed quartz (g)
conducted to diagnose the adsorption equilibrium and mtot.solution total mass of solution in original bulk sol-
kinetics behaviors of the natural surfactant onto quartz ution (g)
Downloaded by [University of Southern Queensland] at 06:53 18 October 2014

rock faces. Owing to the obtained adsorption results, the n Freundlich constant
following conclusions can be drawn: q adsorption capacity (mg=g-rock)
1. Adsorption variables for the Freundlich, Langmuir, qe equilibrium adsorption (mg=g-rock)
Temkin, and linear approaches were determined by fitting qo adsorption capacity in Langmuir model
the approaches with measured adsorption data. Owing to (mg=g-rock)
the correlation coefficient of the outcomes of the studied R universal gas constant (J=mol.K)
models for both isotherm and kinetic approaches, results T Temperature (K)
were best demonstrated by the Freundlich model and t time (hours)
pseudo-second-order approach, respectively. t1=2 half-adsorption time (hours)
2. The Freundlich equilibrium adsorption exhibited a bril- Greek Letters
liant agreement between the obtained measured adsorp- a initial adsorption rate for Elovich model
tion data of the surfactant onto quartz particles and (mg=g.min)
Freundlich outcomes with R2 ¼ 0.9815. Furthermore, b adsorption constant for Elovich model
the pseudo-second-order kinetics approach provided (mg=g.min)
acceptable forecasts of the kinetics of surfactant adsorp- C surfactant adsorption on rock surface
tion on the quartz rock samples (R2 ¼ 0.98583). (mg=g-rock)
3. In light of the the obtained adsorption data with Freun- Subscripts
dlich isotherm model, the adsorption of the derived ad adsorption
natural surfactant onto quartz rock samples has hetero- e equilibrium
geneous and multilayer behavior. f Freundlich
4. The main mechanism proposed by the current study due o maximum capacity of adsorption
to the structure of the rock phase and surfactant is hydro-
gen bonding between hydrogen and the oxygen of the sil-
ica groups. Extracted saponin has many hydroxyl
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