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We saw him dancing.

We saw him dance.

Note:- Use bare infinitive after these verbs-

Let, Bid, Make, See, Notice, Feel, Hear, Smell,

have, Watch, Help etc.

We saw him to cross the road with his father.
They watched him to perform dangerous stunts.

We observed him carefully to collect evidence against him

My father won’t let me to go to Delhi alone.

I helped him cross the road.

I helped him to cross the road.

I helped him in crossing the road.

Causative verb:- Causative verb का use तब ककया जाता है जब कोई काम ककसी
दु सरे से करवाना हो, इसमें Agent ( जो कोई काम करवाता है ) के किए get/have/make
etc verbs का use ककया जाता है ..

1.The chairs have broken ( कुकसियाां टू ट चुकी है )

2.I have broken the chairs. ( मैंने कुकसियाां तोड़ दी है )

3.I have a broken chair. ( मेरे पास एक टू टी हुई कुसी है )

4.I have a chair broken. ( मैंने एक कुसी तुडवा दी है )

➢ 4th sentence में ‘I’ agent है और इसने कुसी तुडवाने का काम ककसी और से करवाया है.
इस sentence में ‘broken’ causative verb है
My mother made me clean the room

Sub + make/have + object + bare inf + obj of Bare inf

(agent) (real doer) (obj comp.)

Sub + get/have + object + past participle + by + real doer

(agent) (receiver) (obj comp.)

They got their car repaired

Rajat had the mechanic (a)/ to repair the car because his car (b)/
had started acting up in the middle of the journey.(c)/ne(d)

The principal (a)/ made the peon to ring (b)/ the bell.(c) /ne(d)

The principal (a)/ got the bell to ring (b)/ by the peon.(c) /ne(d)

Animals should (a)/have their teeth (b)/ to fill like humans.(c)/ne(d)

We got the (a)/ letters to deliver (b)/ to our relatives.(c) /ne(d)

Mahima told me (a)/that she had the (b)/equipment ship yesterday.(c)/ne

The coach made (a)/ the players to practise (b)/ very hard.(c)/ne(d)

Rajat will have (a)/ his son to admit in (b)/ one of the top colleges.(c)/ne
The players were made (a)/ practised hard (b)/ by the coach.(c)/ne(d)

He was (a)/ made apologise (b)/ for his mistake.(c)/ne(d)

He got (a)/ his friends invest (b)/ in his company.(c)/ne(d)

She got her (a)/ husband buy (b)/ a new bag for her.(c)/ne(d)
He claims (a)/ to find a cure (b)/ for Zika virus .(c)/ne(d)

He repented …………….. the hen.

(a) to kill (b) to be killing
(c) to have killed (d) killed

I never remember (a)/ to have met a more intelligent man in my life

This machine (a)/ needs to repair (b)/ as soon as possible(c). ne (d)

Our kitchen needs ……………...

(a) to paint (b) painting

(c) to be painted (d) painted

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